The Advantages which will manifestly accrue to this Kingdom by abatement of interest from six to four per. Cent.

  • 1. It will inviolably Establish the Crown of England, By
    • The Advancement of his Majesties Customs
    • The Ease of his Majesties Subjects.
    • The making of lands w ch are in safe hands the over-ballancing Scale of Wealth and Power.
  • 2 It will accommodate his Majesty in his present wants even by a Land Tax if better Expedients be not offered▪) which the Owner may well afford to admit of (at least pro hâc vice) being eased a­nother way; The slie Usurer (who could never yet be met with) in Effect contributing as much as he.
  • 3. It willl in short time pay the debts of the whole Gentry, by timely sales, And yet leave them (one with another) richer than they are.
  • 4. It will make Money so Easie to be borrowed, That even the Lender will shortlie pay the Broker and Coveyancer, By
    • Diminishing the Number
    • Enlarging the Securitie
    Of Borrowers.
  • 5. It will speedilie double, if not treable, the Yearly Fruit, and Product of our Lands, (the only so­lid Basis of our Wealth and Trade) by enabling, encouraging, and even forcing improvements of all kinds, whereby we may afford to under-sell our Neighbours, who now under-sell us.
  • 6. It will revive our dying Manufacture, [...] making the stock of it cheap, and the Market quick.
  • 7. It will plentifully relieve the Poor, by setting all our Heads and Hands to work, in the Countrie, for improvement of Lands; In Cities and Towns by way of Manufacture.
  • 8. It only can preserve the utter destruction of our Timber.
  • 9. It only can re-build London speedily, as to the Publick, Profitably as to the Builder.

All which Assertions I am ready to prove to any Man, that Will discourse it with me fairly, closely, and methodically.

T. C.

LONDON Printed by T. L. for Christopher Wilkinson, at the Black-Boy over against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet. 1668.

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