Scarronnides: OR, VIRGILE Travestie.

A Mock-Poem.

In imitation of the Fourth Book of Virgils Aeneis in English, Burlesque.

Stultissimum credo ad imitandum non optima quaeque pr [...]pon [...]re. Plin. Epist. 5. lib. 1.


Roger L'estrange.

LONDON, Printed by E. Cotes for Henry Brome at the Gun in Ivy-lane. 1665.

UPON VIRGILE Travestie, the Fourth BOOK.

TEll us how he by her command
Insandum Regina, jubes. lib. 2.
Told stories which should be infand.
Which neither Faith nor Troth would hold,
If not by Jones or him been told;
Yet this must needs obtain more credit
And be believ'd by those that read it;
Whilest Jones by th' arm of flesh did doot,
This man had all the Gods to boot,
Which since hath taught some folks to say as
He us'd to say, Sum pius Anaeas.
Self-commendations seem but odly,
When themselves call themselves the Godly:
For my part they may save their labours,
'Tis a sign they live by ill Neighbours:
By others hands they may be painted
Devils, who by their own are Sainted.
But oh, In's sleep, Mercury chid him
From that loose company, and bid him
Haste for a Kingdom for Iülus,
Whose children might hereafter rule us,
By Revelating Spirits thus we see
Obtained was the
For Aeneas di­ed some 100 of years be­fore Dido built Car­thage.
Fourth Monarchy:
Harrison and Vane ventured a lift
By the same Spirit for a Fift.
Nor had Anaeas fared better,
Had Dido ever seen the Traytour
The Roman.
Chast Queen to be abus'd by story,
Virgil's infamy, as Virgil's glory.
But let's proceed (though all must know it
A story false) along with Poet.
Look into the Cave at all his bravity,
And shewing tricks of hid concavity.
For what did he there, pray! with Dido,
No more then either you or Ide do:
What! His thick Runn—stretched Dido,
Her omicron into a wide [...]:
Then let's not make't nor worse nor better,
He only circumflext a letter.
Thus having got his will, he must
Into the Sea make's second thrust:
Nor can her threatnings nor beseeches,
Make him once more let down his br—
But he'l away, so the advice is,
First by Mercury, then by Anchises:
Nay to move still i'th' godly fashion,
The zealot pleades
Fata obstant; sequimur te Sancte Deorum, Quisquis es.
Let Nan, Right Reason urgent be,
Yet with our Quakers, Hees not free;
Fleshy Religion plain treachery,
To make the Gods pimp to their lechery.
But to go on, what's next lets see,
Hanging or wedding's destinie;
Thou tells us how th' forsaken else,
To save her cloths did hang her self:
Where if some small she then bepist her,
Yet they were made sweet for her sister
With little Soap; for th' yellow water,
Of which folks talk, makes so much matter,
As if great store run down her legg,
Was not so much would sweet an Egg.
Thus Euphues the rope did prove,
Defil'd his breeches for clean love:
For if pure love (as people write)
At first begins with shittle come sh—
Hers ending so was purely right.
But oh! How did her Sister fare,
Finding her dead as Moss did's Mare:
VVringing her hands, crying Eleza
One would have thought should been as wise a
Nother? what hast thou done oh Dido!
Rather be hang'd then bear a by-blow:
Then thumpt her breast and tore her hair,
Cry'd Dido, Dido in her ear,
Speak I beseech thee, prethee speak,
Not one poor word for Sisters sake!
But she'd laid speech, her time was come,
And thus did Di-Do-end in Dum-Dum:
And left her Sister a great fortune,
Sir John Presbyter to importune.

The Fourth Book.

AT Regina gravi jamdudum saucia cura,
Vulnus alit venis, & caeco carpitur igni.
Multa viri virtus animo, multus (que) recursat
Gentis honos, haerent infixi pectore vultus.
Verba (que) nec placidam membris dat cura quietens.
IN this Fourth Book we find it written,
That Dido Queen was deeply smitten;
Much taken with the Trojan's person,
Than which a properer was scarce one:
Much of his breeding did she reckon,
But more of what I'am loath to speak on,
For which she did so scald and burn
That none but he could serve her turn.
Postea Phoebea lustrabat lampade terras,
Humentem (que) Aurora polo dimovcrat umbram;
Cum sic unanimem all [...]quitur male sana sororem.
The Sun, that spruce light-headed fellow
With frizled locks of sanded yellow,
The windows crept by radiation,
Like son begot in fornication,
When Dido mad for want of Man,
Ev'n thus bespake her Sister Nan.
Annaso [...] or, quae me suspensam insomnia terrent?
I've been all night (quoth she) my Nancy
So strangely troubled in my fancy,
I could not rest till morning peep,
Odd Dreams have so disturb'd my sleep.
Quis novus hic nostris successit sedibus hospes?
Quem sese ore ferens! quam forti pectore & armis!
What a stout stripling's this Aeneas,
That thus has crost the Seas to see us!
I do believe, nay dare swear for him,
No mortal woman ever bore him:
Credo equidem (nec vana fides) genus esse Deorum.
Degeneres animos timer arguit.
But some great Lady in the skie,
That nurst him up with Furmitie!
I hate a base cowardly drone,
Worse then a Rigil ten to One:
But this bold Trojan I delight in;
——Heu! quibus il [...]e
Jactatus fatis! Quae bella exhausta canebat!
How bravely does he talke of Fighting!
I tell thee Nancy, wer't not that
Folks would be apt to talk and prate,
Should I so soon, new Suitors have,
Ne cui me viaclo possum sociare jugali,
Postquam Primus amor, &c.
Si non pertaesum thalami tedae (que) fuisset,
Huic uni for san potui succumbere culpae.
My Husband yet scarce cold in's grave;
And were I not with my first honey
Half tyr'd as't' were with Matrimony,
I could with this same youngster tall,
Find in my heart to try a fall.
Anna (fatebor enim) miseri post fata Sychaei
Conjugis, & sparsos fraterna caede penates,
Solus hic inflexit sensus, animum (que) labantem
Impulit: agnosco veteris vestigia flammae.
I must confess since that sad season,
Pigmalion cut my Husbands weazen;
This only (not to mince the matter)
Is he has made my mouth to water.
Sed mibi vel tellus optem prius ima dehiscat,
Aut pater omni potens adig at me——
But may I first Jove implore,
Sinck thorow this my Chamber floor,
Down quick into the Cellar's bottom,
'Ere I commit the thing you wot on;
Or any thing by lust's suggestion,
Anti pudor quam te violem aut tua jura resolvam.
That my good name may bring in question.
Sic effata, sinum lachrymis implevit obortis.
Which said, she wept in manner ampler,
Than Girle new whipt for loosing Sampler.
Nan in her Answer was not long,
For nimble baggage of her tongue
She was, (as some would say that knew her,
As was in that or next Town to her.)
Anna refert———
——O luce magis dilecta sorori,
O Sister to me dearer farre
Than Sunshine dayes in harvest are:
Solanè perpetuâ m [...]rens carpere juventa?
Nec dulces natos Veneris nec praemia noris?
Wilt thou (quoth she) O woman wood,
Still stop the current of thy blood,
And loose the time by vain pretences
Of making pretty Boyes and Wenches?
Wilt thou cut faces evermore
For Husband dead, as naile in door?
Dost thou believe, thou puling thing,
Id cinerem aut manes credis curare sepultos?
That dead folks care for whimpering?
Esto; aegram nulli quondam flexere mariti;
Yield and be naught at last; y'ave plaid
The fool too long, here be it said,
And stood too much in your own light,
Or long enough ago, you might
Non Libyae; non ante Tyro despectus Iarbas, Ductoresque alii quos Africa terr a triumphis
Dives alit, &c.
Have match't your self, and that well too,
Torich and proper men enow.
What though you have said many nay,
Yea, and burnt day-light, as we say,
Goodman Iarbas here hard by,
And others of good Yeomanry
That might have past; because forsooth
They could not please your dainty tooth.
—Placitone etiam pugnabis a mori?
Non venit in mentem, quorum conseder is arvis?
Hinc Getulae urbes, genus insuperabile bello,
Et Numidae infraeni cingunt, & inhospita Syrtis
Must you still mince it at this rate
With that you would so fain be at?
You nere consider what a throng
Of saucy Knaves you live among.
Base ill-bred cheating surly currs,
Rascals as false, as Moor-Landers.
Such fellows as I greatly doubt me,
If you no better look about ye,
And leave this foolish twittle twattle,
To match with one may tent your cattle,
Will in a short space not leave a Goose,
Turky, or Hen about the house:
Germani (que) minas?——
Your Brother too, he swears and curses
About his Money baggs and purses.
Diis equidem auspicibus reor, & Junone secunda
Huc cursum Iliacas vento tenuisse carinas.
I do believe that Jove and Juno,
(Whom all the world, and I, and you know
Have ever been your faithful friends)
For some most secret courteous ends.
Overblew Neptunes bouncing Ferries,
Have hither sent these Trojan Wherries.
Oh were these Trojans marry'd to us,
What good such bonny Lads might do us!
Quam tu urbem soror hanc cernes! quae surgere regna
Coajugio tali! Teucrum comitantibus arm's
Punicase tantis attollet Gloria rebus!
What a fine Town would ours be then
How bravely stor'd with lusty Men!
Then without any more ado,
Sister say Grace, and so fall to:
They in good manners ten to one,
Will make an offer to be gone;
And rather trust their rotten Barges,
Than stay to put you to more charges:
Tu modo————
Indulge hospitio causasque innecte morandi,
But you may make 'um at command,
As easily stay as kiss your hand.
Dum pelago desaevit hyems, & aquosus Orion,
Quass at aeque rates, nondum tractabile caelum.
Can you not tell 'um that the weather­
'S too cold, or hot (no matter whether)
Their Scullers torn, and shatter'd so,
That they must mend 'um ere they go;
And in conclusion with good reason
Wish 'um t' expect a better season.
His dictis incensum animum inflammavit amore,
Spemque dedit dubiae——
With such like documents as these are,
Which the young-slut knew best would please her,
Nancy so tickled up her Grace,
That Dido scarce knew where she was.
Nay some affirm a dangerous matter,
She'd much ado to hold her water:
And counsail'd in that tempting strain,
I wonder how she could contain:
But certain 'tis, that this advice
So wrought upon this Widow nice,
That she who Maid, Widow, and Wife,
Had priz'd her honour, 'bove her life;
—— Menti solvit (que) pudorem.
Now car'd no more, for her good Name
Than any common trading dame.
Principio Delubra adeunt, pacemque per aras
Exquir a [...]t.———
But to the Church (forsooth) anon,
That matters might go better on,
Like people oth' Phanatick fry
Who's sanctities hypocrisie
They must, and slipping on their Pattens
They went, as who should say to Mattens.
Thither now come, fair Dido squats
Her bum on bassock made of Mats:
For you must know, as story sayes,
Queens, like the godly in these dayes,
In manner insolent and slightly,
Disdain'd to kneel to God Almighty.
But Anna who was but a Spinster,
kneel'd low on stones as hard as flints are.
Their eyes they rowl'd and bow'd their bodies
To this, and t' other God and Goddess.
Legiferae Cereri, Phoeboque, patrique Lyaeo:
To Ceres, Phaebus, and Lyaeus
And twenty harder names than
A figure so new, that Mo­dern Au­thors have yet no name for't.
The' as.
Junoni ante omnes, cui vincla jugalia curae.
Ipsa tenens d [...]xtra pateram pulcherrima Dido, &c.
But Juno had most veneration,
As she was Queen of copulation.
Prayers being done, up Dido rose,
And to the Priest demurely goes;
She gently pulls him by the garment,
The reverend type of his preferment,
And with most gracious looks and speeches,
To borrow a word or two beseeches.
The Priest bow'd low in Aukward wise,
As 'tis you know Sir Roger's guise,
And in obsequious manner told her,
Her Grace with him might make much bolder.
This Priest was held a mighty Clark,
In mysteries profound and dark;
——Spirantia consulit exta.
Had skill in Physick, and was able
To tell folkes Fortunes by their Table.
Him she conjures, intreats, and prayes
With all the cunning that she has,
Greases his fist; nay more engages,
Thenceforth to mend his Quarters wages,
If he would but resolve the doubt
That she then came to him about.
But 't' had been vain, had he been wiser
Or to instruct, or to advise her,
Heu vatum ignare mentes [...] quid vota furentem,
Quid Delubra juvant? est mollis flamma medullas
Interea, & tacitum vivit sub pectore vulaus.
Alas! poor Priest! how fruitless is't
To judge by Physnomy or Fist,
Or what do Prophecies avail
When women have a whisk i'th' tayle?
Uritur insoelix Dido, toia (que) vagatur
Urbe furens.——
Dido for love in woful wife,
Bubbles, and boyls, and broyls, and fries,
And in her am'rous moods and tenses,
Even like one out of her senses,
About the Town she runs and reels,
VVith all the School-boys at her heels.
So have I seen in pastures fair,
VVhere Cattle educated are:
——Qualis conject a cerva sagitta,
Quam procul, &c.
An heifer young when she doth itch,
VVith Gad breeze sticking in her breech,
From shady brake on suddain rise,
And with her tail erect to skies,
—Illa fuga sylvas saltusque peragrat.
Run through the field with frisks and kicks
In various capreolls and tricks.
Some ease poor thing alass! to find;
—Haeret lateri lethalis arundo.
VVhen loe the sting sticks fast behind:
One while she takes her
Nunc media Aeneam secum per moenia ducit:
Sidoinasque osteatat opes, urbemque paratam.
lusty lover,
Meaning her passion to discover;
She leads him out from place to place,
And shows him all that ere she has;
Discloses all her secret wealth,
And sayes, if Jove send life and health,
That she (though simple there she stand)
VVill make that Living as good land,
If she continue but a while on't,
As any lies within five mile on't.
Then she
Incipit effari, mediaque in voce resistit.
begins to mump and smatter,
VVilling to break into the matter,
And ask the question when (alass!)
To see how things will come to pass!
VVhen she most fain her mind would break,
She rather could have broke her neck
Than speak a word, vertue forsooth,
And modesty, so stopt her mouth.
Nunc eadem labente die convivia quaerit:
Over and over then she treats
Him, and his Mates, with sundry meats,
VVhilest Trojans round besiege her boards,
Merry as Greeks, and drunk as Lords.
Iliacos (que) iterum demens audire labores
Exposcit, pendet (que) iterum narrantis ab ore.
And sure as ere they sit to Table,
She call's again to hear Troy's Fable:
Nay lov'd it so, that she 'tis said,
The Ballad then of Troy-town made.
VVe owe her for't, and let us pay't her;
VVho Englisht it, was her Translator.
Post ubi digressi, lumenq (que) obscura vicissim
Luna, premit, suadent (que) cadentia sydera somnos:
Now when with rakeing up the fire
Each one departs to Bedford-shire:
And pillows all securely snort on,
Like Organists of fain'd Hogs-Norton;
Sola domo moeret vacu [...], stratis (que) relictis
Incub at———
Dido, poor Queen, alone doth lie,
Dreaming on true-love's Physnomy:
And in that humour she the small
Aut gremio Ascanium, genitoris imagine capta
Detinct, infandum si fallere possit amorem.
Ascanius takes: Troy's Juvenall;
And in her lap on tuft of Sorrel,
Laying the little wanton Gorrel,
Oft would she sighing say, This Lad,
Oh that he were but like his Dad!
This life the wofull Dido led,
Eke at her board, and eke at bed,
Non coeptae assurgunt turres: non arma juventus
Exercet, portusve aut propugnacula bello
Tuta parant; Pendent opera interrupta, minae (que)
Murorum ingentes, aequata (que) machina coelo.
Qu [...] simul ac tali persensit peste teneri
Chdra Jovis conjux, nec famam obstare furori;
T [...]ibu [...] aggreditur Venerem Saturnia d [...]ctis:
Her housewifery no more regarding,
Neither her spinning, nor her carding;
But like a Dame of wits bereaven,
Let all things go at six and seaven.
Which when Queen Juno (for these two
Were Clove and Orange, you must know)
Perceiv'd, and that, then blind checks blinder,
She threw all care and shame behind her,
She Venus in these words accoasts,
Tu (que) puerque tuus: magnum & memorabile nome [...],
Una dolo divum si soemina victa duorum est.
You, and your son may make your boasts,
VVith shame enough, that God, and Goddess,
Like sublunary busie-bodies,
To make a woman light as feather
Do lay your learned heads together.
Nec me adeo fallit, veritam te moenia nostra
Suspectas habuisse domos Carthaginis altae.
'Twas not for nought that I was ever
Afraid of your two coming hither.
You, and your little blinking Urchin
Against this Town have still been lurking;
Sed quis erit modus? aut quo nunc certamine tanto?
But when shall we give o're this puther
And leave off vexing one another?
Be thou but nice, I'le be thy friend,
Quin potius pacem aeteraam, pactos (que) hymenaeos
Exercemus? habes tota quod mente petisti.
Ardet amans Dido, traxit (que) per [...]ssa furorem;
Communem hunc ergo popu [...]um paribus (que) regamus
Let's marry um, and there's an end.
Thou hast thy wish, thy little Archer
Has made our Dido mad as March-hare.
Then let us all old quarrels quitt,
Leave being such a peevish Titt:
—liceat Phrygio servire marito,
Dotales (que) tuae Tyrios permittere dextrae.
Troy Lads shall marry Tyrian Lasses,
And we will be as merry as passes.
Olli (sensit enim simulata mente locutam)
Venus who knew she did but glaver,
For all the fine smooth words she gave her,
And proffer'd love's not worth a Cow-turd,
(You know) if spoke but from teeth outward,
Sic contra est ingressa Venus—
Like cunning Quean in smiles array'd her.
And in her own coyn thus she pay'd her.
O Juno Queen, Jove's Bedfellow,
VVho here above, or who below,
——Quis talia demens
Ab [...]ua? aut tecum malit contendere bello?
VVith thee would quarrel or contend,
And not still rest thy loving friend?
I like the motion well, but that
Si modo quod memo as, factum fortuna sequatur;
Sed fatis incerta feror; Ni Jupiter unam
Esse velit——
There's one main thing I stumble at;
And that in downright truth is this,
( Jove pardon if I think amiss,)
I am afraid, (this doubt I put ye
In deed-law now is something smutty)
But I the scruple must not smother;
VVomen you know, to one another
May freely speak) I (here bee't said
'Twixt you and mee) am sore afraid,
My son's so boysterous, that he
Perchance may wrong her Majesty.
—Quam sic excaepit Regia Juno,
Mecum erit iste labor:——
At that Queen Juno smil'd, and said;
Of that (wench) never be afraid,
For if they once come one to'th t'other,
Shee'l scape as well as did her Mother:
If then that Dido; and thy son,
To do as other folks have done,
——Nunc qua ratione, quod instat
C [...]nfieri p [...]ssit, paucis (adverte) docebo.
Thou give consent: (mark) & in few words
VVich shal be friendly words & true words;
I'le tell thee how I've cast about,
And laid a plot to bring 'um to't.
Venatum Aeneas, unaque miserrima Dido
In nemus ire parant, ubi primos crastinus ortus
Extuleri [...] Titan, radiisque retexerit orbem.
To morrow ere the Sun (Heaven bless him)
Can see to rise, at least to dress him.
Aeneas and the Queen have made,
(The Queen and he I should have said)
A match to go, after her wonting,
Into the VVoods a Squirrel hunting:
Now I, whilst all on every side,
The thickets round are occupide:
And eagerly their Game are following,
As hunters use, whooping and hollowing:
His ego nigrantem commista grandine nimbu [...],
Dum [...]repidant alae, saltus (que) indagine cingunt,
Desuper infundam—
VVill cause big bellyed clouds to pow [...]
Upon their Coxcombs such a showre,
And will with rain, and hail so clout 'um,
They'st not have one dry thred about 'um.
——& toni [...]ru coelum omne ciebo.
Besides such thunder-claps shall burst out,
As some of um shall smell the worse for't.
Diffugient comites, & nocte tegen [...]ur opaca.
Trojans and Tyrians helter-skelter,
Will then all run to seek for shelter.
Then each one there will shift for one,
And leave the Queen and him alone.
Speluncam Dido, dux & Trojanus candem
D [...]veni [...]nt: adero, & tua si mihi certa voluntas,
Connubio jungam, &c.
Dido and Bilbo in this case,
Shall finde a Cave as fit a place
For such an use, so fine and dark,
That if Aeneas be a spark,
They there in spite of all foul weather,
May take a gentle touch together:
So each of other may have proof,
—stabili, propriam (que) dicabo;
Hic Hymenaeus erit.——
And marry after, time enough.
Venus who very well could fadom
The bottom of this subtle Maddam,
Soon smelt her practice, art and plott,
(For you must know the sent was hott)
Yet that she might her malice blind,
And fit the Lady in her kinde,
——Non adversata petenti
Annuit, at (que) dolis risit Cytheraea repertis.
She seems her free consent to give,
And trips it, laughing in her sleeve.
Oceanum interea surgens aurora reliquit:
It portis jubare exerto delecta juvent [...]:
Retia rara, plag [...]——
Mean while the Sun as it his course is,
Got up to dress and water's Horses;
VVhen out the merry Hunters come,
VVith them a fellow with a Drumme
A very necessary instrument in Squir­rel hun­ting.
Your Tyrian Squirrels will not budg else,
Well arm'd they were
—Lato venabula ferro,
with staves and cudgels,
Tykes too they had of all sorts,
———Et od [...]a canum vis.
Cuts, Spaniels, Water-dogs, and Land-dogs.
Reginam thalamo cunctantem, ad limina primi
Poe [...]orum expectant.
These for the Queen expecting tarry,
VVho longer lay than ordinary;
For she at night could take no ease,
She had been bit so sore with Fleas.
——Ostroque insignis & auro
[...]at sonipes, ac fraena ferox spumantia mandit.
Her Mare well trapt of her own spinning,
Ty'd to the pales stood likewise whinnying;
For why (as Poets sing the Fable)
Her foal was bolted up i'th' Stable.
Tandem progreditur.
At last she sallies from the House,
As fine and brisk as body louse.
Sid [...]niam picto chlamydem circumdata lymbo,
She Hood and Safeguard had bran new,
The lace was yellow, cloth was blew:
Fast to her girdle, ty'd with thong,
Cui pharetra ex auro——
[...]urea purpuream subnectit fibula vestem.
A bunch of Keyes compleatly hung:
For why well knew the thristy Queen,
That Servants still have slippery been:
Which made her carefull of her pelf
Evermore keep her Keyes her self.
——— et lae [...]us Jülus.
With her Jülus came, that stripling,
A youth een spoyl'd for want of whipping;
For's Father and his foolish Granam
Had ever made a wanton to him:
——ipse ante alios pulcherrimus omnes
Infert se socium Aeneas—
But when his Sire appear'd in play,
Mounted upon his Galloway,
'Tis said by some that better knew him,
The rest look't like Tooth-drawers to him:
Qualis ubi hybernam Lyciam, Xanthi (que) fluenta
Deserit, ac Delum maternum invisit Apollo,
Instaura [...] (que) choros:—
No sprightly Groom so trim and trick is,
That just upon preferments prick is,
——Mollique fluentem
Fronde premit crinem fingens atque implicat auro:
——Haud illo segnior ibat
Aeneas, tantum egregio decus enilet ore.
As was Aeneas, stories say,
When clad in cloaths of Holy-day.
His breeches sav'd from Troys combustion
Were Kendal, and his Doublet Fustian;
Pinck't with most admirable grace,
And richly laid with green-silk-lace.
Tela sonant humeris——
Athwart his brawny shoulders came
A Bauldrick made, and trim'd with' same;
Where Twibil hung with basket hilt,
Grown rusty now, but had been gilt:
Or guilty else of many a thwack,
With dudgeon Dagger at his back.
Upon his head, he wore a hat,
Instead of Sattin fac'd with fat,
Which being limber-grown, we find
Most swashingly pin'd up behind;
With brooch as gawdy, and as tall,
As very foremost horse of all.
In best apparel thus aray'd,
They now begin their Cavalcade
Towards the woods,
Postquam altos ventum in montes, atque iavia saxa,
E [...]ce serae saxi dejectae vertice—
where being ere long
Arriv'd (for 'twas not past a furlong
From Carthage, as the learned compute it,
And let who has been there confute it)
They every way disperse themselves,
To watch the little nimble Elves;
As who should say, Come this, or that way,
T'other, or any way, have at ye.
The Drummer now 'gan lay about him,
And all the people fall a shouting,
Such peals they gave of men, and boyes,
A man could hardly hear for noyse;
Nay Dido Queen, they swore that heard it,
Shouted as loud as any there did.
Decurrere jugis; alia de parte patentes
Transmittunt cu [...]su campos, atque agmina Sq (cervi) lls
Pulvetulenta suga, glomerant, montem (que) relinquunt.
The frighted Squirrel's stumps belabour
As they had danc't to Pipe and Tabour;
Skipping and leaping in their dances
From tree to tree, ore boughs and branches,
Now on the utmost top, and then,
At one leap at the root again.
At puer Ascanius mediis in vallibus acri
Gaudet equo; jamque hos cursu, jam praeterit ilbos:
Spumantemque dari (pecora inter in [...]r ia) vatis
Optat aprum, aut sulvum descendere monte l [...]onem.
But young Ascanius hops o'th' house,
Car'd not for Squirrelling a louse;
For he's, whilst they are at their chace,
Playing at hide and se [...]k, or Base,
Among his mates, and wishes rather,
(And so the Stripling told his Father,)
For naughty Vermine, that would bite him,
Or Throstle neast, though't did—
Intera magno misceri murmure coelwn
Mean while the clouds began to clatter,
And to poure down whole pailes of water,
The thunder quite outroar'd the drum,
Insequitur comm [...]sta grandine nimbus,
Et Tyrii comites passim, & Trojana juventus,
D [...]daniusque nepos Veneris, diversa per agros
Tecta metu petiere; ruunt de montibus amnes.
———sulsere ignes——
And hail stones bigger than ones thumb
Came pelting down. Then all to save 'um,
Ran as if twenty Devils drave 'um.
Whilst young Ascanius, and his mates,
Were washt and dasht like water-Rats.
Fair Dido then for all her whoops,
Bang'd her old Mare about the stoops,
And jogg'd her buttocks, though a Queen,
For fear of being wet to th' skin;
Nay even Aeneas self, forgetting
His reputation. shruncke i'th' wetting,
And ran, or would have done at least,
But that his Horse, a sober beast,
Proceeded slow, with motion grave,
And crav'd the spurre, in care to save
His Masters neck, as some suppose,
Though his care was to save his cloaths.
He spurr'd; nor yet was Dido idle,
For gingle, gingle went her bridle,
Speluucam Dido, dux & Trojanus eandem
Deveniunt; prima & Tellus & pronuba Juno
Dant signum——
Till Fortune, or Dame Juno rather,
Clapt 'um into a Cave together.
The Cave so darksome was, that I do
Think Joan had been as good as Dido:
But so it was, in that hole they
Grew intimate as one may say:
The Queen was blith as bird in tree,
And bill'd as wantonly, whilst hee
———Conscius aether
By hinlock seazing fast occasion,
Slipt into Dido's conversation:
And in that very place and season,
'Tis thought Aeneas did her reason,
Illa dies primus lethi, primusque malorum
cansa fuit.——
This sport of mischief much was cause,
For sweet-meat will have sowre sauce;
And there their time in Cave so spending,
Beginning was of Dido's ending.
Her Majesty now no more nice is;
—Neque enim speci [...] samave movetur,
Nec jam furtivum Dido meditatur amorem.
Nor seeks she now by fine devices,
To hide her shame, but leads a life,
As if they had been
Conjugium vocat, hoc praetexit nomine culpam.
man and wife.
Extemplo Lybiae magnas it fama per urbes:
At this a wench call'd Fame flew out
To all the good-Towns round about.
This Fame was daughter to a Cryer,
That whilome liv'd in Carthage-Shire,
Parva metu primo, mox sese attollit in auras:
Ingreditur (que) solo, & caput inter nubila condit.
Mobilitate viget, viresque acquirit euade.
A little prating slut, no higher,
When Dido first arriv'd at Tyre,
Than this—But in a few years space
Grown up a lusty strapping lass.
A long and lasie quean I ween
She was, brought up to sow, nor spin,
Nor any kind of Housewifery,
To get an honest living by;
—Pedibus celerem, & pernicibus alis:
Cui tot vigiles oculi———
Tot linguae, lotidem ora s [...]nant, tot, subrigit [...]ures.
But sauntred idely up and down,
From house to house, and town to town;
To spie and listen after news
Which she so mischievously brews;
That still what ere she sees or hears,
Sets folks together by the ears.
Monstrum horrendum, ingens—
This baggage that still took a pride to
Slander and back-bite poor Queen Dido;
Because the Queen once on detection,
Sent her to th' Mansion of Correction.
Haec tum multiplici populos sermone replebat,
Glad she had got this tale by th' end,
Runs me about to foe and friend;
Venisse Aeneam Trojano a sanguine cretum:
Cui se palchra viro dignetur jungere Dido.
Nunc hyemem inter se luxu, quam longa, fovere,
Regnorum imm [...]m [...]res, tu [...]pique cupidine captos.
And tells 'um that a fellow came
From Troy, or such a kind of Name,
To Tyre, about a fortnight since,
Whom Dido feasted like a Prince:
Was with her alwayes, day and night,
Nor could endure him from her sight,
And that 'twas thought she meant to marry him:
Haec passim deafaeda virum diffundit in ora.
At this rate talkt the foul-mouth'd car­rion!
Protinus ad regem cursus det [...]rquet Iarbam:
At last she does t' Iarbas goe,
Fama malum quo non aliud velocius ullum.
Hie Ammone sa [...]us.———
Cen [...]um aras posuit——
———Pecudumque cruore
Pingue solum & variis florentia limina sertis.
She never in such things was slow,
And tells him all. Now this Iarbas,
For Dido's love was in a hard-case,
And had been long. Oft did he woe her,
And did the best he could do to her:
But still in vain he broke his mind,
'Twas throwing stones against the wind;
For though she wise and wealthy knew him,
Dido had nothing to say to him.
'Tis true, the field he had great flocks on,
Sheep, Goats, and Cowes, Horses and Oxen;
With money store, and other riches;
But one fowl flaw he had in's breeches
That spoil'd all; For she had heard the thing,
One time, as she was Gossiping:
As in such matters, while you live,
Women will be inquisitive:
Which was that he (as story tells)
A Rupture had, or somewhat else:
But 'twas enough to make her hate him,
Nay even as 'twere abominate him.
When fame had told him of the Trojan,
Isque amens animi, & rumore accensus amaro.
Iarbas took it in such dudgeon,
Such high abuse, and evil part,
He almost could have found in's heart,
T'have tane his knife or else his Hanger,
But yet the man had wit in's anger:
And since to curse it was no boot,
He'd try if praying would not doo't;
Dicitur ante aras——
Multa Jovem manibus supplex orasse supinis:
And therefore thus in heavy chear,
Made his case known to Jupiter.
Jupiter omnipotens, cui nunc Maurusia pictis
Gens epulata toris Lenae um libat honorem,
Aspicis haec? an te genitor cum fulmina torques,
Nequicquam horremus?——
O Jupiter most great and able,
Whose health I every day at Table,
Drink once or twice! Dost thou (O where is
Thy sight!) not see, what doings here is!
——Caecique in nubibus ignes
Terrificant animos——
—Et inania murmura miscent?
Shall we when thou thunderst, dost think,
So as to sowre all our drink;
And when the clouds in stormes do burst,
Not care, but did thee do thy worst!
Foemina, quae nostris errans in finibus—
A Wandring woman that had scarce
A rag to hang upon her—
When she came hither first; and would
Have then been glad to work for food:
Is now forsooth, so proud (what else!)
And stands so on her pantables,
——Connubia nostra
R [...]ppulit, ac dominum Aeneam in r [...]gna recepit.
That she has said me nay most slightly,
And (on the very nonce to spite me)
Has marry'd a spruce youth they say,
(Whom some ill wind ble [...] that away)
One squire Aeneas, a great Kelf,
Some wandring hang-man like her self:
Et nunc ille Paris——
——Rapto potitur: nos munera templis
Quippe tuis ferimus, famamque sovennus inanem.
And now this Swabber, by the maskins,
Has Dido by the Gally-Gaskins,
VVhilst I (for still thou deafish art too't)
May pray, and pray, and pray my heart out.
Talibus orantem dictis, arasque tenentem
Audiit omnipotens; oculosque ad moe [...]ia torsit
Regia, & oblitos famae mclioris amantes.
Thus wofully Iarbas pray'd:
VVhilst Jove heard every word he said;
And turning straight his eyes to Tyre,
To look for Dido, and her squire,
All in a Chamber finely matted,
He very fairly spide 'um squatted.
At which as 'twere, somewhat in fury,
He calls his nimble youth Mercury,
And thus bespake him, Sirrha hear ye,
Put on the wings that use to bear ye,
Away to Carthage; there's a stranger,
A Trojan lies at rack and manger:
Non illum nobis genitrix pulcherrima talem.
Tell him from me that his smug Mother,
Did pass her word that he another
Manner of life and conversation
Should lead, and leave this occupation.
Tunc sic Mercurium alloquitur, ac talia mandat,
Vade, age, nate, voca Zephyros, & labere pennis
Da [...]daniumque ducem, Tyria Carthagine qui nunc
Alloquere, & celeres deser mea dicta per [...]u [...]as.
Graiumque ideo bis vindicat armis.
Or twice the Graecian Cavaleers
Had beaten's brains about his ears,
Ere this: and tell him more
Sed fore qui graviddm imperiis belloque frementem
Italiam regeret, genus alto a sanguine Teucri
Proderet, et totum sub leg [...]s mitteret orbem.
that he,
Who means to conquer Italy,
Must with his work goe through stitches,
And not run hunting after bitches:
Si nulla accendit tantarum gloria rerum,
Nec super ipse suâ molitur laude laborem,
But if he will not venture's pate.
A rap or too for an Estate,
As by his prancks it doth appear,
Ascanione pater Romanas invidit arces,
Nec prolem A [...]soniam, et Laviaia respicit arva?
Methinks though he might do'r for's heir.
Quid struit? aut qua spe inimica in gente moratur?
Ask what the Devil 'tis he means,
To spend his time thus among queans:
Not minding mischiefs, nor mishaps;
Nor fearing Dido's after-claps.
Naviget: haec summa est, hic nostri nuncius esto.
Bid him be trudging he were best;
If I come to him, I protest,
I'le send him packing else such new-wayes,
He shall remember me these two-dayes.
Dixcrat. Ille patris magni parere parabat
This said, Jove need not bid him twice,
Away he trips it in a trice,
To make him ready to be gone:
—Et primum pedibus talaria nectit
Aurea: quae sublimem alis sive aequora supra,
Seu terram, rapido pariter cum flamine portant.
And first his pumps he fastned on;
Which being neatly pinckt and cut,
And finely fitted to his foot:
Had wings tyde on with thongs of leather,
Or Taching ends, I know not whether.
Which he could flie withall as well,
As he'd been brought up too't from th' shell▪
Tum virgam capit; hac animas ille evocat Orco
Pallentes, alias sub tristia Tartara mittit,
Dat somnos adimitque, & lumina morte resignat.
Then in his hand he takes a thick Bat,
With which he us'd to play at Kit cat;
To beat mens Apples from their trees,
With twenty other rogueries;
Besides (as Rake-hells will abuse dayes)
To throw at Cocks upon Shrove-Tuesdayes.
Ill [...] sretus agit ventos, et turbida tranat
Thus dight he like a Partridge springs
Cutting the ayre with nimble wings:
'Twas well his care had tyde um fast,
Else ten to one hee'd flowne his last:
No Swallow could have overgone him,
He flew as if a Hawk had flowne him,
Untill he saw a very high-Hill,
A higher Hill by farre then my Hill;
—Jamque volans apicem, et latera ardua cernit
Atlantis duri,——
Attlas 'twas call'd; So high a one
That Pen-men-Maure's, a cherry-stone
Compar'd: you could not thrust a knife
'Twixt Heaven and it, to save your Life;
——Caelum qui vertice sulcit.
It props the skye, as Virgil marks,
Or else 'tis thought we should have larks:
Hic primum paribus nitens Cyllenius alis Constitit:
Here first did Mercury alight,
To bait, and rest him after's flight;
Where having prun'd his heeles a little
And smooth'd his Plumes with
Tis con­ceiv'd he did that before he bayted.
fasting spittle
—Huic toto praeceps se corpore ad undas Misit—;
From thence he took another freak
As if he meant to break his neck.
[...]vi similis quae circum littora circum
Piscosos scopulos humilis volat aequora juxta:
Haud aliter terras inter, caelumque volabat
Littus arenosum Lybiae, ventosque secabat.
Even as a Hawk her self doth carry
From kill-ducks place to stoope her quarry:
So Mercury to mortal view,
Himself from Atlas head-long threw.
Stones cast by fam'd Parisian slinger,
Compar'd to him, would seem to linger;
And Arrows loost from Gro [...]b-street bow
In Finsbury, to him are slow:
Nay Lightning darted from above,
With flaming tail from angry Jove,
Would in comparison appear,
To creep like lazie loyterer.
In primum alatis tetigit Magnalia plantis;
Aeneam fundantem arces, ac tecta novantem
The first place after this vagary,
He lighted on, was Dido's dayry;
Whence he Aeneas soon did spy,
Ord'ring her Highness husbandry:
He took upon him as her Spouse,
And vapour'd like the man o'th' house;
For all that time, as't came to pass,
In quarrel high engag'd he was,
And ready in his fumigation
(As Histories do make relation)
To fall to logger-heads, as't appears,
With a few saucy Carpenters:
Who building were a house of ease,
For Dido in Necessities:
They would not follow his advice
(As work-men still are over-wise)
VVhich made him foame, and flirt out spittle,
Because they made the holes too little.
Illi stellatus jaspide salva
Ensis erat———.
Down hanging by his side he had,
A dangerous bright-browne flashing blade,
'T had beene new furbusht up at Tyre,
A better never past the fire.
———Tyrioque ardebat murice Laena
Demissa ex humeris: Dives qnae munera Dido
Fecerat, et ten [...]i telas discreverat auro.
A Jacket on his back he wore,
Lin'd through, and through with Cony Fur,
Given as a present by the Queen:
It had indeed her Husband's been;
But neither by the Nap, nor tearing
Was it a pin the worse for wearing.
This (as of either Queene, or King
Vile people will be censuring)
Was given Aeneas for a charme,
And though the Queen might think no harm;
Yet some have giv'n a parlous hint,
Of a strange hidden vertue in't.
Ecquip't thus fine Mercury found him,
Continuo invadit: tu nunc Carthaginis altae
Fundamenta locas, pulchramque uxoribus urbem
Extruis, (heu!) regni rerumque oblite tuarum.
Ipse d [...]ûm tibi me claro demi [...]tit Olympo
Reg [...]ator coelum, & terras qui numine torquet.
And roundly in his ear thus round him.
Thou here thy self most busie makes,
In building for the Queen a Jakes;
But never think'st, such is thy wiseness,
What shall become of thy own business:
The thunder-thumper who by threaves,
Makes men to quake like Aspen-leaves;
Ipse haec ferre jubet celeres mandata per auras,
Quid struis? aut quâ spe Lybicis teris otia terris?
He whom the rest o'th' Gods do honour,
Has sent me from Olympus Mannor,
To ask thee what thou do'st intend,
Thy time thus wickedly to spend;
And loyter here like a Hum-drum,
Not caring what thou dost, nor whom.
Si te nulla movet tantarum gloria rerum
Nec super ipse tuâ—&c.—
He sayes, though fearful, as a stranger,
Thy cox-comb thou'lt not bring in danger
To mend thy state, nor get thy living
By any honest way of thriving:
Ascanium surgentem, & spes haeredis Jüli
Respice: cui regnum Italiae, Romana (que) tellus
He thinks though thou might'st take some care
Of him that is thy Son and Heir,
And not thrash here like Bore unworthy
VVhen he has made provision for thee.
—Tali Cyllenius ore locutus.
Mortales visus medio sermone reliqut,
Et procul in tenuem ex oculis evanuit auram.
Mercury vanisht having spoke as
Y'ave heard like any Hocus-Pocus,
And home-ward did forthwith aspire,
Nor ever stay'd to drink at Tyre.
At vero Aeneas aspectu obmutuit amens,
Arrectae (que) borrore comae, & vox saucibus haesit.
But Don Aeneas at the vision
VVas in a very sad condition;
He could not speak to Foe or Friend,
And eke his Hair did stand on end
So stiff, it thrust his Hat so far
Above his Head into the air,
That a great Turky might have flown,
Betwixt his Bonnet and his Crown.
Half frighted out on's little wit;
Ardet abire fuga———
He now had eggs (I faith) o'th' spit,
'Till he was gone:
Heu! quid agat?———
But how (alass!)
To break the matter to her Grace,
He knew no more, the bashful Groom,
Than did the furthest man of Rome:
——Quo nunc Reginam ambire furentem
Audeat affatu? & quae prima exordia sumat?
Atque animum nunc huc celerem, nunc dividit illuc,
In partesque rapit varias——
Nor could he frame him to begin,
T' appease that loving soul the Queen:
For nought more vexes Womens bloods,
Than to be left so in the suds.
In this quandary scratching's pate,
After a pensive long debate
He calls at last his fellow Rake-hells,
Classem aptent taciti, socios ad littora cogant,
Anna parent,———
And bid's um get their tools, and tackles,
Aboard their wherries, and be heedful,
To lay in all things that were needful,
Especially meat:
——Et quae sit rebus causa novandis,
Dissimulent: quando interca optima Dido
Ne [...]ciat.————
but stowe it,
So secretly that none might know it;
That on occasion in a trice Sir
They might be gone, and none the wiser;
And since he humbly did conceive,
To steale away, and take no leave,
VVould be uncivil, and enough
To tear a heart though made of Buffe:
He was resolv'd to take the Queen,
—Et quae mollissima fandi
Tempora, [...] modus.—
VVhen set upon some merry pin,
And tell her plain with vows most fervent,
He was her Graces humble Servant.
At Regina dolos (quis fallere possit amantem?)
But Dido Carthage Queen (for who
Can think to cheat a woman so?)
VVas soon, I warrant you, aware
O'th' slippery trick he meant to play her.
'Tis true she ever had been jealous
Of all such vagrant kind of fellows,
And kept her things safe under lock,
Ere since the stealing of her Smock:
But now to adde unto her fear,
She had it buzz'd into her ear
Praesensit, motus (que) excepit prima futuros,
Ownia tuta timens.——
By that mischievous prating VVhore,
Fame, that I told you of before;
——Eadem impia fama furenti
Not as they say out of good will,
But to be brewing mischief still,
That he for all his fair pretences
———Armari classem, cursum (que) parari.
Had greas'd his Boots and washt his Ben­ches,
And now was ready set on wheels,
To shew a nimble pair of heels.
Saevit inops animi; totam (que) incensa per urbem
This sudden news, I do assure yee,
Put Dido in a desp'rate fury,
And made her frisk about and gad,
That all her people thought her mad;
Whilst she from house to house did flie,
As she had run with hue and crie.
——Qualis commotis excita sacris
Thyas, ubi audilo stimulant Trieterica Baccho
Orgia, nocturnusque vocat clamore Cythaeren.
Even as a Philly never ridden,
When by the Jocky first bestridden,
If naughty boy do thrust a nettle
Under her Dock, to try her mettle,
Does rise and plunge, curvet and kick,
Enough to break her riders neck;
Even so Queen Dido at that tide,
Laying all Majesty aside,
Play'd such mad freaks, that well were they
Could furthest get out of her way.
Thus flinging round from place to place,
At last to make it short, her Grace
Finds me amongst a crew of Mad-Gaps,
Aeneas at one Mother Red-Caps.
Well overtane (quoth she) half weeping,
Tandem his Aeneam compellat vocibus ull [...] ▪;
Aeneas thour't a pretious Pepin,
To think to steal so slily from me,
When thou hast had thy foul will o' me.
Dissimulare etiam sper asti perfide, tantum
Posse [...]esas? tacitusque meâ decedere terrâ,
Nec te noster amor, [...]ee te data dextera quondant
Could not my Love (thou knave) have stay'd thee;
Nor yet the promise thou hast made mee;
Nor that thou knowst if thou wert gone
My work would all be left undone;
But that thou It slinck away thou Varlet,
And leave me like forsaken Harlot?
Quin etiam hyber no moliris sydere classem,
Et mediis properas Aquilonibus ire per altum:
In winter too, o're blustring Seas,
When it 'twixt two a bed doth freeze?
——Quid si non arva alicna, domosque
Ignotas peteres?———
Mene s [...]gis?——
What though thou hadst as thou hast none
A House to go to, of thine own,
Could'st find yet in thy heart to 'reave me
Of thy dear Company, and leave me?
———Per egohas lachrymas, dextramque tuam te,
Per Connu [...]ia nost [...]a, per incaeptos hymenaeos.
By this last Rhume thou seest that wets
My cheeks, and by thy hand that sweats,
I'me Brief, by the whole matters Carriage
And by the Earnest of our Marriage:
And by those sweet delights we stole,
When the rayne drave thee into th' hole;
Si be [...]e quid te merui, fuit aut tibi quicquam
Dulce meum, miserere domus labentis—
O [...] si quis adhuc precibus locus—
I fought there pleas'd thee, or since any
Other delights, as we have had many,
I do beseech thee Trojan fine,
Not to undo both me, and mine.
Te propter Lybicae gentes, Nomadumque Tyranni
Odere infensi Tyrii; te propter eundem
Extinctus pudo,——
For thy sweet sake the knavish Lydians,
The Tyrians, and the vile Namidians,
In midst of which is my abode,
Hate me, as one would hate a Toad.
For thee I first forewent all shame,
——Et quâ solâ sidera adibam,
Fama P [...] i [...].——
And that I liv'd by my good name,
And wilt thou having spent thy ardour,
And eat me out of house and harbour,
———Cui me moribundam deseris hospes.
So basely to my foes betray me,
And neither stay with me, nor pay me?
Quid moror? an mea Pygm lion dum maenia srater
Dest ua [...]? aut captam ducat Getulus Iarbas?
S [...]ltem siqua mihi de te suse pta suisset
An [...]e fugam soboles, siquis mihi parvulus aula
Luderet Aeneas———
Non equidem omnino capta, [...]ut deserta viderer.
No sooner shall thy back be turn'd
But all my building will be burn'd;
That Rogue Pygmalion will ha' me,
Or else Iarbas here will ta' me,
If (as we oft have ventur'd it,)
I had but a big belly yet,
A little Trojan comming on,
To play withal, when thou art gone,
Then let the Rogues do what they durst do,
I should have something yet to trust to.
Aeneas t'ane thus basely tardy,
——Ille immota tenebat
L [...]ina, et obnixus curam sub corde premebat.
Turnd pale; and like a stickt-pig star'd ye:
He could not stand upright but lean,
One might have fell'd him with a bean;
Nay he was struck so at her speeches,
Some say he did defile his breeches,
His bowels did so yearne upon her;
But being that may wound his honor,
I'le not affirme it; but proceed,
To tell you what he said, and did;
Much was he mov'd at Dido's words
Which stab'd him through and through like swords:
Much griev'd to see her weep, and sob so,
To throw about her snot, and throb so:
But Merc'ryes Message more prevailing
Then her collouging or her rayling,
After a many fine good-morrows,
Tandem pauca refert, Ego te, quae plurima sando
Enumerare vales, nunquam Regina negab [...]
He thus began to falve her sorrows.
Should I (quoth he) O Queen deny,
That thou'rt the flower of courtesie;
Or any slanders vile contrive,
I were the basest knave alive.
I must confesse that thou O Queene,
To mee, and to us all hast beene
More like a Mother, than a friend,
So much Ile say, and there's an end;
——Nec me meminisse pigebit Elizae,
D [...]m memor ipse m [...]i, dum spiritus hos reget artus.
And if I ever do forget ye,
Or fail to drink a Health to Betty,
Let me be hang'd as high, or higher
Then topp of Cartbage steeple spire:
Pro re p [...]uca loqu [...]r——:
Few words are best; if youl be civil,
I'le tell the truth, and shame the Devil.
——Nec ego hanc abscondere furto
Speravi (ne finge) sugam.——
———Nec ego hanc abscondere furto
Speravi (ne finge) sugam——
I nere had thought, much lesse desire
Basely to build a sconce at Tyre,
And steal away from thee my honey.
——Nec conjugis unquam
Praetendi taeda [...], [...]ut haec in saedera veni.
But for the thing call'd Matrimony,
Although I did the thing you wott,
Jove be my Judge I mean it not.
Indeed I took it for a kindnesse,
To be familiar with your Highnesse.
But if I ever thought of other,
Than one good turn requires another;
Or on such terms e're gave my fist,
I'me th' arrantst Rogue that ever pist.
Me si fata meis paterentur ducere vitam
Anspiciis, et sponte mea componere curas.
I must confess that if it lay,
In my own power, as one may say,
That I had some good bargain made
And bound my son here to a Trade,
Plac'd all my followers, and therefore
Had no one but my self to care for,
I would as willing match with you,
As any woman that I know:
Sed nunc Italiam magnam Gryneus Apollo,
Italiam Lyciae jussere capessere sortes,
Hic amor, haec p [...]tria est.——
But as things stand, I needs must follow
The councell of my friend Apollo,
Who sends me word I must convey me
To Lucia with all speed that may be,
Where by a dainty rivers side,
A farme lyes ready cut and dryd,
Will hold both me, and all my meany,
And cheap as fourty eggs a penny,
There then in downright truth doe I
Intend to live and occupy;
——Si te Carthaginis arces
Phaenissam, Lybicaeque aspectus detinet urbis,
Quae tandem Auso [...]ia Teucros co [...]sidere terra
Invidia est? et nos fas extera quaerere Regns.
And if so be that you who are sage,
Delight so in your Town of Carthage:
Why should it be in us so great sin,
Who have no House to thrust our heads in
To travel to a forreign Nation,
For some convenient habitation?
Me patris Anchisae, quoties humentibus umbris
Nox operit terras, quoties astra ignea surgunt,
Admonet in somnis, et turbida terret Imago;
Me puer Ascanius——
I can no sooner go anights
To Bed ( Jove bless us all from sprites)
But that ere I can frame to snore,
My Fathers Ghost comes through the dore
Though shut as sure as hands can make it,
And leads me such a fearful racket;
I stew all night in my own grease,
So that your mayds may, if they please,
Wring from the shirt wherein I wallow,
Each morning tyde, as much good tallow
As well would liquor all their sandals,
And make beside six pound of candles.
And all this is to have me gone,
And not stay heret' undoe my son;
Nunc etiam interpres divum Jove m [...]ssus ab ipso
———Celeres mandata per aur as
Besides, not past an hour ago,
Jove sent his Lackquay to me too;
I saw him fly, I'le
Testor u [...]rumque caput.——
———Ipse Deum manifesto in lumine vidi
Intraniem muros, vocemque his auribus hausi.
take my oath,
(And man has but his faith and troth)
As plainly ore your dairy top,
As ere I saw him on the rope:
And heard him speak as plain but ene now,
As I hear you, or you hear me now.
D [...]sine meque tuis incendere teque querelis;
Italiam non sponte sequor.
Then let me be so much beholding,
Unto your Grace to leave your scolding;
For I this voyage undertake,
Even like a Bear that's drawn to th' stake.
Talia dicentem jamdudum aversa tuetur,
Huc illuc, volvens oculos, totumque pererrat
Lunimibus tacitis, & sic accensa profatur.
This said, the Queen in wrathful wise,
Rowling about her goggle eyes,
As she would throw'um in his face,
Unto her fury thus gave place.
Stinkard (quoth she) now thy false heart
Show's what a cheating knave thou art:
The Symptomes of a Rogue thou hast all,
Thou a true Trojan, thou a Rascall!
Nec te diva parens, generis nec Daedanus author
Perfide: sed duris genuit te cautibus horrens
Caucasus, Hyrcanaeque admorunt ubera Tigres.
Nam quid dissimulo?——
No man or woman of good fashion,
Ere coupled for thy Procreation;
But whelpt thou wert of Tinkers bitch,
Under some hedge, or in some ditch:
Nay, I'le not balke you Sir; nor care,
For all you look so big and stare:
Let thy foul hide with malice burst,
I do defie thee, do thy worst.
Num fletu ingenuit nostro? num lumina fle [...]it?
Num lac [...]ymas victus d [...]dit? aut miseratus amantem est?
Instead of sighing in this case,
Full soure thou belchest in my face;
And thou so stubborn art and cankerd,
Thou shed'st no tears, but tears o'th' Tankerd.
Had'st thou but counterfeited passion,
To signifie commiseration,
Or offer'd but a sour face, it
Had been a sign of some small grace yet;
But like a logger-headed Lubber,
Thou grinning stand'st, and seest me blubber
——Jam jam nec maxima Juno,
Nec Saturnius haec oculis pater aspicit aequis.
And Jove nor Juno, for ought I see,
Will neither of 'um both chastise thee.
Nusquam [...]uta fides! ejectum littore egentem
There's no truth in this age we live in
A wandring beggar hither driven;
Who had when weak as he could crawl,
No cross to bless himself withal;
I have receiv'd to bed and board,
Feasted, and clad him like a Lord,
———Et regn demens in parte locavi:
——Nunc augur Apollo.
And (like a simple haire-brain'd jade)
This youth Haile-fellow with me made:
And now forsooth he cannot stay,
Apollo bids him run away.
Amissam classem, socios a monte reduxi.
Nay though I have in friendly wise
Cur'd his mens scabs and kill'd their lice:
Yet having now fall'n to his lot,
A good rich Farm lies piping hot:
Should he stay here, it would undo him,
And Jove has sent his footman to him;
Nunc Lyciae sortes, nunc & Jove missus ab ipso
Interpres divûm fert horrida juss a per auras;
Scilicet is superis labor est, [...]a cura quietos
As if the Deities were so
Concern'd, they'd nothing else to do,
But send their Lacquais, and their Pages
To him on how-dees and messages.
But I'le waste on thee no more breath,
For whom the wind that fumes beneath,
Is far too sweet: Avant thou slave!
Thou lying Cony-catching Knave,
Be moving, do as thou hast told me!
I sequere Italiam ventis,—
——Neque [...]e teneo—
No body here intends to hold thee!
——Pete regna per undas.
Spero equidem mediis———
Supplicia hausurum scopulis——
Go! seek thy Farm, I hope 'twill be
I'th' very bottom of the Sea:
But should'st thou scape, and not in Dike-ly,
Drown'd like a puppy as 'tis likely,
Since in the Proverb old 'tis found,
Whose born to hang will nere be drown'd:
Yet should'st thou not be much the nigher,
——Sequar atris ignibus absens:
I [...]t cum frigida mors anima reduxerit artus,
Ommibus umbra locis adero.—
I'le haunt thee like a going fire,
As soon as I can turn t'a Ghost,
Which will be in a week at most:
Then in the mid-night sleep I'le wake thee,
And ride thee worse than any Haokney.
I'le terrifie thee day and night;
Nay if thou do'st but go to—
There will I stand with flaming taper,
To Fizze thy tail instead of paper.
——Dabis improbe paenas.
I'le make thee rue the time that ere
Thou cam'st to play thy knaves tricks here.
His medium dictis sermonem abrumpit & auras
Aegra fugit,——
In middle of this wrathful speech
Down drops Queen Dido on her breech:
Her mouth was stopt, and on the ground
She silent lay in doleful swound:
Shut were her eyes; nor had she hearing▪
For what Aeneas was
Linquens multa metu cunctantem, & multa parantem
Upon this pitiful occasion,
To say in's own justification.
In haste the Trojans all advance
To 'wake her Grace out of her trance;
They try'd to raise her in such sort,
As when men cry, Le corps est mort:
But here the Charm would not prevail,
They could not raise her from her tail:
For though full light, when her own woman
Yet in this heavy dump was no man
Could raise her up, though nere so mighty,
Sorrow had made her bum so weighty.
—Suscipiunt famulae, collapsaque membra
M [...]rmore [...] referunt thalamo, stratisque reponunt.
At last a crew of strapping jades,
That were, or should have been her Maids,
Gath'ring her up away convey'd her,
And having in her own bed laid her,
With rugs they boulster'd her about,
To try if she could sweat it out.
At pius Aeneas, quanquam lenire dolentem
Solando cupit, & dictis avertere curas,
Multa gemens, magnoque animum labesactus amore:
Aeneas though 'twas his desire,
Something t' have said might pacifie her,
And though his heart did bleed within him,
To think of what had past between 'um,
Jussa tamen divûm exequitur——
Yet because Jove so loud did threaten,
He sooner durst his nails have eaten,
Having so terribly been chidden,
Than not t' have done as he was bidden.
Therefore in haste his hostess beck'ning,
To come, and bring 'um in a reck'ning:
Straight to the wharfe repayres the hot-shot,
——Classemque revisit
Tum vero T [...]u [...]ri incumbunt & littore celsas
Deducunt to [...]o naves:———
Without once calling for his shot-pot.
The Tojans now by his commission,
Lanch all their Boats with expedition;
You now upon the Ocean might see,
——Natat uncta carima:
Frondentesque feruat remos, & robora silvis
The new greas'd wherries swim most lightly,
They had new made 'um fine long poles,
New pitcht their oars, and made new thoules;
Though many things were left undone,
——Fugae studio.
They were so eager to be gone.
Migrantes cernas, [...]otaque ex urbe ru [...]tes.
Then might you see'um make their Sallies
From Carthage Town, through lanes and allies,
Stealing away with lewd intentions,
To cheat the Tyrians of their pensions,
Fearing their Landlad [...]es would brabble,
And dun 'um for their quarters table.
Ac veluti ingentem formicae farris acervum
Cum populant hyemis memores, tectoque reponunt.
—It campis agmen, praedamque per herbas
Co [...]vectant calle angusto, pars grandia trudunt
Obnixae f [...]umenta humeris, pars——
As Hedg-hogs when they go to th' wood,
To fetch a hoard of Winter food,
Return well laden with their vittles,
Fine yellow Crabs stuck round their prickles
Even so the Trojans with our doubt,
Were at this season hung about
With fardles, bundles, bags and wallets,
To cloath their backs, and feed their pallats.
Quis tibi tunc Dido cernenti talia seasus?
——Cum littora fervere late
P [...]ospiceres arce ex summa, totumque videres
M [...]sceri ante oculos tautis clamoribus aequor.
But what thought Dido in this case,
When thus she saw them slink their wayes,
From Garret-window saw 'um row,
And heard 'um crying East-ward Hoe!
Improbe AMOR, quid non mortalia pectora cogis?
To see how love makes folks do things,
Against the hair, against the shins!
For she though full of indignation,
To be forsaken in this fashion;
And had she known but how to get him,
Could doubtless without salt have eat him:
Yet n'ertheless, love over-ruling,
Ire iterum in lacrymas, iterum tentare precaudo
Nequid inexpertum frustra moritura relinquat.
She fell again to her old puling;
And once more meant to try if pitty
Would not recal him to the City.
Anna, vides toto properari lit [...]ore circum:
Look thee (quoth she) where he (my Nancy)
Whose able parts I do much fancy,
Has trustt up all his tools together,
To carry 'um the Lord knowes whither.
——Vocat jam ca [...]basus auras,
Puppibus & laethi nautae imposuere coronas.
Hark how his rabble gange do shout▪
And shove a stern to hasten out;
A rout of base unthankful peasants!
The Devil cut their yelping weazens:
The bawling Rascals egge him on,
And make him madder to be gon.
Had I once dreamt the Tearing Devil
Could ever have been so uncivil,
Thus like a jade to break his teather;
I should have kept my legs together:
Or have made bold t' have tide him faster,
To the due limits of his pasture:
——Soror miserae hoc tamen unum
Exequere Anna mihi; solam nam perfidus ille
Te c [...]lere, arcanos eliam tibi credere sensus.
Sola viri molles aditus, & tempora noras.
But since he holds me at this distance,
I beg thy sisterly assistance:
Thou knowest the temper of the block-head,
And to a hair canst fit his pocket:
Therefore (dear Nancy) I implore thee,
If ere thou'lt do any thing for mee,
I so [...]or atque hostem supplex affare superbum.
Run to the wharf with might and main,
And try to bring him back again:
I promise thee, and if I break
My word; pray Jove I break my neck.
Extremam hanc oro veniam (miserere Sororis)
Quam mihi cum dederis, cumulatam morte relinquam.
If thou canst bring him to my bow,
I'le give thee for thy pains a Cow.
Non ego cum Danais Trojanam exscindere gentem
Aulide juravi, classemve ad Pergama misi:
Nec patris Anchisae cineres, manesve revelli.
Cur mea dicta negat duras demittere in aures?
Tell him I ere had more discretion,
Then to joyn issues with the Graecian:
I neither did meddle nor make,
But as they brew'd, so let them bake:
Nor did I ere make skittle-pin-bones,
Or bobbins of Anchises shin-bones:
Why should he then without all sence,
Thus use me like a Kitchin-wench?
—Extremum hoc miserae det munus amanti.
I would but beg one kindness from him:
Non jam conjugium antiquum, quod prodidit, oro;
Tempus inane peto, requiem, spaciumque—
I will no more claim promise on him:
But only that he'l tarry here,
Half or a quarter of a year;
Whereby I may, before he go,
Dum mea me victam doceat fortuna dolere.
Wean my self from a Bed fellow:
Or (if my constitution can,
Not well subsist without a man)
Until I can my self supply,
With one to do my drudgery.
I'le ask no further obligation,
Nec pulchro ut Latio careat reg [...]umque reliaquat.
But let him to his Navigation;
He may to Latium then address,
And swim, or sink, all's one to Bess.
Talibus orabat, talesque mise [...]rima fletus
Fe [...]tque refertque soror——
Scarce had the woful Dido done,
When Nan prepar'd her to be gone,
She tacks her coats about her hanches,
And to the waters side advances:
She tript so neatly to the Pyre,
It would have done one good to see her:
One would have thought she'd gone in hast,
Midwife to fetch, she went so fast.
At last she came unto the place
Where Dido's dear Aeneas was;
She found him sit amongst his mates,
The rest o'th' Trojan runnagates,
Pufft like a foot-ball with vain glory,
Roaring and drinking tory lory;
Like one that knew a pot i'th' pate,
Would be a mile or two i'th' gate.
The Trojan had no sooner spide her,
But though he could not well abide her,
Yet cause he would part fairly with her,
He askt what wind had blown her thither.
She putting finger in the eye,
(As Women when they list can cry)
Told him in what a sad condition,
Her sister was: her last petition,
And pray'd him as he was a true man,
Not to undoe a proper Woman.
——Sed nullis ille movetur
Fletibus, aut voces ullas tractabilis audit.
——Lachryinae volvuntur inanes.
But she might een have sav'd her juice,
And kept her tears for better use.
Fata obstant, &c.
His resolution still opposes,
He would go spite of all their noses;
Ac veluti annosam valido cum robore quercum
Alpini Boreae nunc hinc nunc flatibus illinc
Erue [...]e inter se certant, &c.——
Ipsa lae [...]et scopulis, &c.——
Haud secus assiduts hinc, alque hinc vocibus heros
Mens immota manet——
And like to hemp, which, as I take it,
The more you twist, you stronger make it:
Even so, the more she try'd to [...]wind him,
She still more obstinate did find him.
Tum vero infelix fatis exterrita Dido.
The Dido madder grew and madder,
No friend she had could now perswade her;
She stamp'd, and star'd, as she were wood,
And in her melancholy mood,
Calling to minde in wofull wise,
Aeneas and his treacheries,
How often he had stab'd her Honor,
That men would now make Ballads on her;
She was resolv'd without delay,
Mo [...]tem orat: taedet coeli convexa tueri,
Quo magis inceptum perag at, lucemque relinquat.
Fairly to make her self away,
And meant to put her resolution
Into most tragick execution.
She had alass! too just incitement
Thus to prefer her own Indictment;
And reason good, by all relation,
Thus to proceed to condemnation:
For such portents, and dite presages,
As still have been disasters pages,
Foretold her overthrow so plainly,
She saw t' oppose it would in vain be.
Vidit, thuri [...]remis cum dona imponeret dris,
Horrendum dictu, latices nigrescere sacros,
Fusaque in obscoenum se vertere vina cru [...]rem.
Hoc visum nulli, non ipsi effata sorori.
She call'd to wash, and do you think,
The water turn'd as black as Ink;
And that by chance being cherning day,
Her cream most strangely turned to whay!
This Dido saw, but would by no means
Tell her own Sister of the omens.
But that which gave the most perswasion,
Unto her fell determination,
Was this: (t) she kept Sichaeus bones
In a great Coffer made o'th' nonce,
As sundry others have done the-like,
By way of Superstitious Relicke,
In a dark Cellar under ground,
Hinc exaudiri voces, & verba vocantis
Visa viri; nox cum terras obscura teneret.
From whence each night a dismal sound,
Pierc't Didos tender ear, and wisht her,
Nay like a husband admonisht her,
To fit her for her latter end,
For why he told her, as a friend,
That in a very short space, she
Should of this world, no woman be.
Solaque culminibus ferali carmine bubo
Saepe queri———
The Scrich-Owles too, were her molesters,
Who still were chanting out their vespers:
Multaque praeterea vatum praedicta priorum
Terribili monitu horrificant—
Besides she had her Fortune told her
When 'bout some dozen or so, no older,
That she should but one Husband have,
And after that a scurvy Knave,
Should steal her honour like a thief,
And make her hang her self for grief:
These sad portents falling so thick,
And pat on one anothers neck,
Put the poor Queen beside her senses,
As a just plague for her offences.
——Agit ipsc furentem
In somnis ferus Aeneas, semperque relinqui
Sola sibi, semper longam incomitata videtur
Ire viam——
She dreams Aeneas now is going,
Like a false friend to her undoing,
And that she must when Trojan goes,
For ever lose her play fellowes.
Which to a woman's cause sufficient,
Let her be ne're so well condition'd,
To raise her to extravagancies,
When she must part with what she fancies.
Eum [...]nidum veluti demens videt agmina Pentheus,
Aut Agamemnonius scenis agitatus Orestes,
Illa ita concepit furiis——
Even as a bitches fury up is,
When people come to steal her puppies:
So far'd the wrathful Queen that day
When Bilbo must be tane away:
She was so much concern'd about him,
She could not, would not live without him:
But in her desperate resolutions,
Decrevi [...]que mori, tempus secum ipsa modumque
Exigit, & moestam dictis aggressa sororem,
Consilium vultu tegit, ac spem fronte sernat.
would hang her self to try conclusions.
The time and manner she projected,
And that she might not be suspected,
She smug'd her visage up with smiles,
And thus her Sister Nan beguils.
Inveni germana viam (gratare so [...]ori)
Qua mihi reddat eum,——
——Vel co me solvat am [...]ntem.
Nancy (quoth she) I've found at last
A way, for all Aeneas hast;
If thou in the exploit wilt joyn,
Shall pay him back in his own coin,
And bring him back by our contriving,
Since he's so goodly, Dead, or living.
Seeing the Rogue my love disgraces,
I'le spoil his sport in other places.
Oceani finem juxta, solemque cadentem,
Ultimus Aethiopum locus est; ubi maximus Atlas
Ax [...]m humero torquet,——
A mile from hence, or such a space,
Down in a bottom lies a place,
Farr out of all high-wayes and roads,
Where nothing breeds, but Frogs and Toads,
Snakes, adders, and such wicked vermin,
That (can they catch 'um) will not spare men:
There in a Cave lies an old
Hinc mihi Masly lae gentis monstrata sacerdos,
Hesperidum templi custos; epulasque draconi
Quae dabat,————
Spargens humida m [...]lla, soporiferumque papaver.
An ugly rotten toothless witch,
So old that one would think she were,
The eldest Devils Grand-mother.
H [...]c se carminibus p [...]omitti [...] solvere mentes
Quas velit; ast aliis duras immittere curas:
Sistere aquam fluviis, & vertere sidera retro;
Nocturnosque ciet manes; mugire videbis
Sub pedibus terram, & descendere montibus ornos.
Now this old Beldame can do wonders,
If she but say the word it Thunders,
Lightens, or Rains, or Hails, or Snows,
Or any weather you'l suppose.
She'l make a Cowle-staffe, by her spelling,
Amble like any double Gelding;
And in the dead of night the base-hag
Can of a cudgel make a race-Nag:
A Walnut she to Sea can rig out,
And of an Egg-shell make a Friggot;
Nay in a thimble stemme the flood,
Provide the thimble be of wood.
She can, where she does owe a spite,
Spoil any Bride-groom's wedding-night,
And the Brides longing disappoint,
By vertue of a Cod-piece-point.
She can make people love or hate,
Ev'n whom she please, and at what rate;
And by her Magick, and her Spells,
Make folks, or hang, or drown themselves.
In short, there's nothing that has ill in't,
But she has admirable skill in't;
And does her mischiefs too as quick,
As any Jugler does a trick.
Testo [...] chara, deos, & [...]e germana, tuumque
Dulce ca [...]ut, magicas invitam accingier artes.
I take the Gods to witness Sister,
I'me led into this course sinister,
Out of no end men wicked call;
But only for revenge, that's all.
And since I am so basely crost,
I'le have this Hag, or it shall cost
More then I'le speak of; she perchance
May lead my Trojan such a dance,
Shall make him glad as fast as may be,
To come again, and cry peccavi;
Or make him hang himself at least,
For an example to the rest
O'th' tribe of false dissembling Yeomen,
That take a pride to ruin Women:
And by good luck she's now hard by here,
Come not an hour ago to Tyre,
Sent for it seems about no ill deed,
To bless a Sow that lies in Child-bed,
And I'le go fetch her by her favour
With a Sub-poena, but I'le have her.
Tu secreta pyram tecto interiore sub au [...]as
In the mean time; go thou and tie
Fast to the great beam, where I lie,
The best new halter thou canst choose,
And make a dainty running noose;
Like that fell to the fellow's share,
That made a Woman of a Mare.
——Et arma viri, thalamo quae fixa reliquit
Im [...]ius, exuviasque omnes, lectumque jugalem,
Quo perii, superimponas:——
Then take me out Aeneas rayment,
All I have left in part of payment:
His greasie doublet, and his trowses,
Where many a wandring Trojan louse is:
The treasure he has left behind him.
In the great standing Press, you'l find 'um:
Stuffe me 'um up with straw or litter,
The worse the stuffing is, the fitter:
And ramme the tatters with a vengeance,
As people use to ramme their Engines:
Make haste, and do as I have bid ye;
I'le hang the Rascal in Effigie:
So I'me advis'd to do, and so
——Abolere nefandi
Cuncta viri monumenta jubet monstra [...]que sacerdos.
I mean to serve him, if I blow;
Which, though I cannot wreak my teen, it
Will stay the stomach of my Spleen yet.
Haec effata silet; pallor simul occupat ora.
Thus having said, the Queen chang'd colour,
No Ghost cold e're look pittifuller.
One would have thought by her dejection,
And by her woful wan complexion,
She had been going just o'th' suddain,
To drop, and give the Crow a pudding.
Non tamen Anna novis p [...]aetexere funera sacris
Germanam credit: nec tantos meute surores
Co [...]cipit, aut graviora timet.——
Nancy (although she saw the Queen
Ready to burst her hoops for teen)
And well enough mark't how she look't too,
Yet by her fine pretence was rook't so,
She did no further on't consider,
Ergo justa Parat.——
But went about what she had bid her;
Dreaming no more, than her last Even,
Dido had been so lewdly given.
Away therefore my lass does trot,
And presently an halter got,
Made of the best strong hempen teere,
And ere a Cat could lick her eare,
Had tide it up with as much art,
As Donne himself could do for's heart:
The rope, and say't was got o'th' suddaine,
Did prove so prime a special good one,
That with fair usage it might come,
To hang up Carthage all and some.
The Trojans doublet she had fill'd so,
'Twas very strange the buttons held so;
And that the craming of his breeches
Had not quite broken out the stitches:
His very stockings, though they were
About the feet out of repair;
Yet she made shift to stuff each start-up,
And tie 'um to the rest on's wardrope:
Having thus brac'd him like a Drumme,
She laid him out in Dido's room;
(e) Display'd upon a fair long board,
Ready when Dido gave the word
——Exuvias, ensemque relictum,
Essigiemque toro locat,———
To be advanc't into the halter,
Without the benefit on's Psalter.
Scarce had she thus dispos'd her trinckums,
When up the staires behold the Queen comes,
Stant arae circum, & crines effusa facerdos.
Lading along th' old rotten Grammer,
Into her Highness matted Chamber.
When she was come, and saw the portly
Trophy in that most noble sort lye,
As she oft-times had seen the sinner
Lie gorg'd on benches after dinner:
She fell again into a passion
Caus'd by a sweet commemoration
Of past delights, seeing those breeches,
And humbly the old Gib beseeches
To shew her utmost skill and cunning,
To keep her Trojan dear from running.
The mumbling Witch bad her not fear,
But rest content, and of good chear,
And she should see she'd make him stay,
Or foul her Art should say her nay.
Ter centum tonat ore D [...]os, Erebumquo, Cha [...]sque,
Tergeminamque Hecaten, tria virg [...]nis ora Dianae.
With that the Hag began her charm,
You would have thought shee'd had a swarm▪
Of Wasps, or Hornets in her throat,
There came so strange a humming out:
And as she spoke, her hollow chaps
Bound up in two thin shrivell'd flaps
Of old abominable leather,
Like bellows heav'd and clapt together.
Her little eyes being fiery red,
Were sunk so far into her head,
They lookt, when most she star'd at full,
Like farthing Candles in a Scull.
Her nose hung like an arch between
Her wrinkled fore-head and her chin.
A craggy passage, and uncouth,
Over the dreadful gulf, her mouth,
And Elf-locks hung so, on each shoulder,
'Twould make one tremble to behold her.
This Witch a ribble-row rehearses,
Of scurvy names in scurvy verses,
Which by the manner of her mouthing,
Was certainly Burles (que) or nothing.
And in these rhythms as round she limps,
Calls her Familiars and her Imps,
Sparserat, & latices simulatos fontis Averni:
Sprinkling the Chamber in her motion
With a tepid brackish lotion,
For ought I know, of her own making,
By her much stirring, and pains taking.
Queritur & nascentis equi de fronte revulsu [...]
Et matri praereptus amor.———
A red-heart breaker next she mow'd off,
A wart that Dido was full proud of,
And burnt it for a strong purfume,
And pow'rful spell to make him come.
Then hand in hand to dance they fall,
A grave and solemn Magick brawl,
In such hard figures none could tread um,
But the old hobling hag that led um.
Poor Dido too alass! made one,
Although her dancing dayes were done.
And though opprest with woe, and care, cut
Capers, and Tricotee'd it
Unum exuta pedem vinclis——
Testaturque Deos.——
—Tum si quod non aequo soedere amant [...]s
Cura num [...]a habet, justumque m [...]o, que proca [...]u [...].
Imploring all the Deities,
At every step, both he's, and she's,
To turn Aeneas back, and make him
Follow the work he'd undertaken;
Or if he would not turn, t' afford
The Grace to turn him over-board.
Thus to her footing the poor Jade,
Out of all measure curst and pray'd.
Against her Love had so offended,
Till dance and charm together ended.
Nox erat & placidum carpeba [...]t fessa soporem
Corp [...]ra per terras, silvaque & saeva quierant
Cum tacet omnis ager, pecudes, pictaeque volucres,
Qu [...]que lacus late liquidos, qu [...]que aspera dumis
Rura tenent, somno positae sub nocte silenti
Lenibant curas.——
'Twas now the time when candles are
Repriv'd by the Extinguisher;
When every thing to sleep down lies,
Dogs in their Kennels, Hogs in Sties;
And men and women rest their heads
And heels, on flocks, or feather-beds.
Now men, and fishes, birds, and beast,
And every thing was laid to rest;
At non infelix animi Phoenissa: nec unquam
Solvitur in som [...]s, oculisque aut pectore noctem
All but the woful Queen (alass!)
Who now was brought unto that pass,
What with her love, and what with spight,
She could not sleep one wink all night.
Her stomach now was piping hot,
—Magnoque irarum fluctuat aestu.
It boyl'd and bubbled like a pot,
And did so strong a wambling keep,
She fitter was to spew then sleep.
Have you not seen an Animal
Yclep't an horse when in his stall,
The Botts, that terrible disease,
Doth on his tender bowels seize,
What groans he fetches, and what pranks
He rowling playes upon the planks:
So Dido crost in her amours,
Tumbled away her sleeping hours.
Now on her back, and in such fashion,
As if she lay for consolation,
Now on her belly, now her side,
All postures, and all wayes she tri'd;
But all in vain, nothing would do,
——Ingeminant curae, rursusque resu [...]gens
Saevit amor.——
Her heart was so opprest with wo,
And love within her did so rumble,
Shee could do nought but toss, and tumble.
At last in midst of agitation,
Sic ad [...]o i [...]sistit, secumque it a corde volutat,
E [...] quid agam?——
She thus brake out into a passion;
Which way poor Dido should thou turn thee
Whil'st cruel love, do's thus heart burn thee,
Thou hast of hope not one poor spark left,
Th' ast brought thy hogs to a fair Market.
Not one poor Dram of consolation,
O woman vile in desperation!
What shall I do in this condition,
To keep me from the Worlds derision?
—Rursusne procos i [...]risa priores
Experiar? Nomadumque petam con [...]ibia suppl [...]x,
Quos ego sum toties jam de dignita maritos?
Shall I invite to be my spouse,
Some one I have forbid my house?
Some saucie, proud New-Indian Jack,
And humbly beg of him to take
Iliacas igitur classes atqae ultima Teucrum
fuss a sequar?———
——Sola fuga nautas comitabor ovantes;
Aeneas leavings, or like Trull here,
Run away basely with this Sculler.
An Tyriis omnique manu stip ata meorum
Or shall I raise the Town in swarms,
And bring him back by force of arms!
Alass! I feat it is no boot!
Fowl means will never bring him to't.
Quin morere, ut merita es: serroque averte dolorem.
No, No, I'le die! this halter yet,
When all trades fail, shall do the feat.
——Tu prima surentem
His germana m [...]lis oneras,——
Ah, Sister, sister! had'st not thou,
Play'd Mistress Quicklies office so,
And sooth'd me up till I grew jolly,
I never had committed folly:
No, had I made the least resistance,
And kept the saucie Knave at distan [...],
I might have us'd him as my list,
And ne'r been brought to had I wist,
Tantos illa suo rum [...]e [...]at pectore quaestus.
Thus lay the wretched Queen debating,
Nan, Fortune, and her Lover rating.
Aeneas celsa in puppi——
carpebat somnos——
Whilest he Drum-ful with his Potation,
Ne'r dreaming on the doleful passion,
He had most vilely left his drab in,
Lay drunk and snoring in his Cabbin.
Huic s [...] sorma Dei——
Obtulit in somnis————
Omnia Mercurio similis——
But Merc'ry though he slept profoundly,
——rur susque ita visa monere es [...].
Nate Dea——
Made bold to beat up's Quarters roundly,
And thus 'gan rattle him: Thou lousie,
Mangie, careless, drunken, drowsie
Coxcomb; how oft must I be sent
Hither from Jove to complement
Your worship to a reverent care,
Of the young Bastard here, your their?
Whilest fast thouly'st tipled, or tipling;
Nor car'st what danger the poor stripling
Lies open to.
——potes hoc sub cas [...] ducere somnos?
Nec que circumstent te deind [...] pericula cernis
Illa dolos—in pectore versat.
Y'ad best snore on,
Some body will be here anon:
Take to 'ther nap! Do! till the Queen come,
She'l reckon with you for your in-come.
She'l rowse ye faith! And (Goodman Letcher)
Tis ten to one, with a good stretcher
About you ears: Therefore my loving
Acquaintance, you were best be
Non fugis hinc preceps dum p [...]aecipitare potestas
Eia age, rumpe mords.———
Upon my word th' advice is wholsom,
Stay not untill that angry soul come:
For if thou dost, mark what I say,
And be'st not gone before't be day,
Jam mare turbari trabibus, saevasque videbis
collucere facecs, &c———
site his at [...]igerit terris auroram ran [...]em.
If Carthage been't about your ears
As soon as ever day appears,
And do not thrash you back and side,
Far worse then Agamemnon did,
Those of your woman-stealing rabble.
Give me but six pence, if thou'rt able,
And here's my hand, I do not sport,
I'le give thee twenty shillings for't.
—Sic fatus nocti se immiscuit atrae.
Thus having said, away he flies,
Ere Toss-pot could unglew his eyes,
Which were so cemented in that case,
The Page was got as far as Atlas,
Back on his way e're he could free'um,
From gowl and matter, fit to see him:
But having streakt, and yawn'd a while,
Snorted, and kept the usual coil
That Drunkards use in such like cases,
And made some dozen Devils faces:
At last he got his eyes unglew'd
Into a pretty magnitude.
He star'd about to spie the Vision
Had giv'n that courteous admonition:
But 'twas so dark, as well it might,
Being 'twixt twelve and one at night;
That had the nimble Currier
In kindness staid his leisure there,
Though clad in Fallstaffs Kendal Green,
He coulc not possibly be seen.
Tum vero Aeneas subitis exterritus umbris
corripit è somno corpus, sociosque fatigat.
Aeneas troubled herewithal,
Seeing he could not see at all,
Starts from the tilt where he had layn,
And calls upon his mates amain.
Praecipites vigilate viri,—
Rise Sirs (quoth he) and look about ye,
——Deus aethere missus ab alto,
Fest [...]nare f [...]gam, tortosque incidire funes
Ecce iter [...]m stimulat:—
I've had from Jove another how-dee,
His man was here, and calls to go still,
His sweaty pumps are in my nose still.
He swears and offer'd to lay odds on't,
And if he say't, Ile lay my—on't.
That if we do not leave the Dock,
And get us hence by four a Clock,
We shall be murther'd if we were
Ten times as many as we are.
Therefore I think it not amiss for's
To lanch, for there are rods in piss for's.
Let us but ply our Oars like tall men,
Till we be got clear out of all ken,
Then if they have a mind to lace us,
Let Carthage if they can come trace us.
—Sequimur te sancte, deorum
Quisquis es.——
And thou (O Jove, top of my kin!)
Who hitherto so kind hast been,
Adsis, ô placidusque juves & sydera coelo
[...]extra seras!———
If now thou stick, and do not fail's,
Let Dido whistle in our tails.
Thus having spoken, and thus pray'd,
—Dixit, vaginaque eripit ensem
F [...]lmineum, strictoque ferit retinacula ferro.
Forthwith he drew his doughty blade,
And at one slash to all mens wonder,
Cut the Boats triple cord asunder.
Idem omnes simul ardor habet——
———rapiuntque ru [...]ntque,
Littora deseruere————
At which the Gang, spur'd by so ample,
So mighty and renown'd example,
Cut all the rest; nor staying brooks,
But let the Devil take the hooks,
And shipping Oars to work they fall,
Like men that row'd for good and all.
Had it been day, no doubt one might
Have then beheld a gallant sight.
Neptune's great whiskers had not been
So neatly
———& coerula verrunt.
brusht as they were then
Of many a year: Crabs that did nest
Full deep therein, could take no rest:
Adnixi torquent spumas.——
They lather'd him in the great Bason
So admirably well that Jason,
Although he shav'd the golden fleece,
Ne're washt him half so well as these.
Et jam prima novo spargebat lumine terras
Tithoni croceum linquens Aurora cubile.
Aurora now, who I must tell ye,
Was gript with dolours in her belly,
Starts from her couch, and o're her head
Slipping on petticoat of red,
Forth of the morning doors she goes,
In hasty wise, to pluck a Rose;
When Dido, who was broad awake,
Hearing the rusty hinges creak,
Ran to her
Regina è speculis ut primum albe scere lucem.
peeping hole to spy,
What was become o'th' Trojanry.
But out alass!
Vidit & aequatis [...]lassem procedere velis,
Littoraque & va [...]uos sensit sine remige portus.
The Devil a sail
Was left i'th' port; bare as my nail
The Dock was stript; whilst far from shore
They row'd, as they ne'r row'd before.
At which sad sight, in wrath (God bless us!)
(o) Tearing her dainty yellow tresses,
She sighing said, Was ever seen
So pitiful an undone Queen!
And shall this filthy Trojan Royster
Undo, as one would do an Oyster,
Poor Dido thus, and run away,
Maugre what I can do or say!
Flaventesque abscissa comas; Proh! Jupiter! ibit
Hic ait, & nostris illuserit advena regnis?
Hey, how the treach'rous wenching knave
Bounces, and vaults from wave to wave,
As he were making Ducks and Drakes,
With Wherries upon Neptunes lakes!
The Devil sure farts in his poop,
And puffs his kicking Sculler up;
Or else some durty Suburb drab
Has helpt the Rascal to a clap,
And sent a running-Nag to Sea,
He could not else make so much way.
Non arma expedient? tot [...]que ex urbe sequemur?
Ferte citi flammas, date vela, impellite remos.
Cannot I burn, nor sink their floats,
A lousie fleet of rotten boats!
Yes I'me a Queen, to see my people;
Let none remember he's a Cripple:
But run, and row, sound, and unsound,
And those you kill not, bring home bound!
Quid loquor? aut ubi sum? quae mentem insania mutat?
Infelix Dido?———
But tarry goody Magistrate,
Your big commands come now too late.
Poor Dido, sorrow makes thee giddy,
They'r got to Sea five Leagues already.
——Nunc te facta impia tangunt;
Tum decuit, cum sceptra dabas.——
Queen thou art mortal, and must die
A sacrifice to Letchery.
Time was thou migh'st have something done,
But now farewel Dominion.
——En dextra fidesque;
Quem secum patrios ajunt portare Penates,
Quem subiisse humer is consectum aetate parentem.
This was your huffing Trojan Captain,
That his fair Mothers smock was lapt in.
Of twenty Greeks, this was the Cob,
And brought his Gods away in's Phob,
And through the fire a pick a pack,
Bore the old sinner on his back,
Bed-rid Anchises; this was he
Made the brave voyage o're the sea.
This was your trusty Trojan, this:
Now he shows what a man he is!
Non potui abreptum divellere corpus, & undis
Whilst he was here, why did I not
Cut the false Rogues devouring throat;
——Non ipsum absumere ferro
Or of his bastard make a Pye,
And being bak'd in paste of Rye,
Patriisque epuland um apponere mensis?
Make the good trencher-man his nasty
Sire, eat his brat for Mutton-pasty!
Why did I not, ere this disgrace,
Kill him, and all his treacherous
——Natumque patremqu [...]
Com genere extinxem; memet super ipsa dedissem.
I then had dy'd reveng'd, where I
Shall now depart most sneakingly.
Sol, qui terrarum flammis opera om [...]ia lustras;
Thou Sol, who did'st in pimping sort,
Because thou would'st not spoil our sport,
Creep into clouds, that rainy weather:
And you that brought young folks together,
Tuque harum interpres curarum, & conscia Juno,
Nocturnisque Hecate———
[...]t dirae ult [...]ices, &c.———
Procuress Juno, Jove and all
Ye members of Olympus hall,
I charge ye, as y' are folks of fashion,
Grant this my latest
—— Nostras audite preces——
If nothing can this Rogue withstand,
But that he must get safe to
———Si tangere portus
Infandum caput, ac terris ad [...]re necesse est.
Let it be such a land as he
Had better farr upon the sea,
With all his com-rogues have been drown'd,
Than such a wretched place have found.
May he, where he expects his Leases,
Nere know what such a thing as Peace is;
——Bello audacis populi vexatus, & armis,
Finibus extorris———
But be drub'd dayly back and side
Till his bones rattle in his hide.
May he ne're sleep an hour in quiet,
But be disturb'd with rout and riot;
Black be his dayes, and may his nights
Swarm with Hob-Goblins, Ghosts, and Sprites:
May strangers daunt him with Bravado's
——Complexu avulsus lüli,
And Spirits son to the Barbado's:
May he at last fall worse then Sea-sick,
And find no Quack to give him Physick:
Auxilium imploret———
No help for money, or for love found;
But let him lie, and rot above ground.
May none give house-room to the Mungril;
But let him perish on some
——Videa [...]que suorum
—Mediaeque inhumatus arena.
And when his treach'rous soul's departed,
Let his foul Carcass be deserted,
As Traitors quarters, men expose.
To Hogs, and Dogs, and Kites, and Crows.
Haec precor; hanc vocem extremam—fundo.
This my last pray'r is, hear it then,
I shall ne're trouble you agen.
And be't your care ye Tyrian
Tum vos ô Tyrii, stirpem & genus omne fu [...]uru [...]
Exercete odi is, cinerique haec mittite nostro
To plague this wicked generation.
Kill 'um like rats, that I may have
Heapes of the Rogues pil'd o're my grave:
——Pugnent ipsique nepotes;
Exoriare aliquis nostris ex ossi [...]us idtor.
—Nullus amor populis, nec faedera sun [...]o.
And may those children that are yet
To bear, and those that are to get,
Torment them still by land and water,
And still may those that follow after,
Hate worse and worse, that so it fall,
The last may hate them worst of all.
Haec ait————
This said, she let a groan, and sigh'd
A doleful sigh, that prophecy'd
Her thred was spun, and that the Parcae
Would shortly cut it without mercy.
—Et Partes animum versahat in omnes,
Invisam quaerens quamprimum abrumpere lucem.
In mind she weigh'd, as she fat crying,
What kind of Death was best to die in.
Poyson she thought would not be quick,
And which was worse, would make her sick.
That being therefore wav'd, she thought,
That neatly cutting her own throat,
Might serve to do her business for her,
But that she thought upon with horror,
Because 'twould hurt her; neither could,
She well endure to fee her bloud.
The next came in her thoughts was drowning,
That way she thought 'twould be a done thing,
Soon, and with some delight; for why
Sorrow had made her Grace adry.
But then again she fell a thinking,
She should be something long a sinking,
Having been ever light of members,
And to disswade her more, remembers,
'Twould spoil the cloaths might do some one
Credit, when she was dead and gone.
On these mature deliberations,
Shee lik'd none of these dying fashions:
But looking up, and seeing the Rope
Ty'd to the beam i'th' Chamber top,
With neat alluring Noose, her sick-Grace
E'en long'd to wear it for a Neck-lace:
And in that circle in conclusion,
She prick'd the point of resolution.
Tum breviter Bareen nutricem affata Sichaei.
But an old woman being by her,
One of her chattels brought from Tyre,
An ancient heir-loom to the Queen,
'Cause she her husbands nurse had been:
She meant to send her first away,
On sleeveless errand (as we say,)
That she might have her swing alone,
To do her execution.
Annam cha [...]a mihi autrix huc siste sororem:
Dic corpus properet fluviali sparge [...]e lymp [...]a,
——Tuque ipsa pia t [...]ge tempora vitta.
Cicely (quoth she) go to my Sister,
Bid her tie up her head, and wish her
To wash her hands in Bran, or Flower,
And do you in like manner scoure
Your dirty Golls; for I intend to
Make a good Cheese, and for a friend too,
O'th' mornings milk; let it be her care
To take the great Brass-pan i'th' Larder,
And sile the milk into't: and hear ye,
Take you the large Cheese-fat i'th' Dayry,
And scoure it clean with sand; bid Jone too
Get on the pot, that she may come too,
And when the Cheese is come, but brake it,
And call: for I'le come help to make it.
—Illa gradum studio celerabat [...]nili.
The hobling Trot limps down the stairs,
And now the desp'rate Queen prepares;
Et tr [...]pida—& pallida morte sutura.
Although her woful heart did pantle,
To make her self a sad example.
Interiora domus irrumpit limina, & altos
Conscendit furibunda rogos———
——Paulum [...]ac [...]ymis & mente morata.
Towards the fatal string she moves
With tardy pace, as it behoves
Those who by Nicholas led astray,
Wilfully make themselves away.
When she came underneath the halter,
The colour in her face did alter;
Whilst down her cheeks round liquor rowls,
As if her eyes had been at Bowls.
First she beholds with trickling eies,
Hic postquam Iliacas vestes, notumque cubile
Aeneas his most dear disguise:
And as the Trowses she survey'd,
Reflecting how she' ad been betray'd:
Sighing cry'd out,
D [...]lces exuviae, dum fata, Deusque sinebant.
———Dixitque no [...]ssima verba.
Oh! thou who wert,
The joy and comfort of my heart,
Whilst casket to my dearest Jewel;
But since the Fates have been so cruel,
My grief, and shame, farewell for ever;
And here I prophesie, that never,
VVhoever may hereafter wear thee,
Shall mortal Bilbo ere come near thee.
Farewel, my latest leave I take,
And kiss the Case for Ho-boys sake.
Thus having said, she mounts the table,
Because though tall, she was not able
To reach the halter, that must tie
Her fast to doleful destinie:
And having like too apt a Scholler,
Thrust her plumpe neck into the coller,
As'tis, you know, the hanging fashion,
She thus began her last Oration:
VIXI, & quem dederat cursum fortuna, peregi.
That I have liv'd (quoth she) and how,
I doubt (alass!) too many know;
But that I now will die, is known
To no one but my self alone,
And if I Natures debt do pay,
And hang my self before my days,
The censuring world can say but this,
That I'me the better pay mistriss:
And though I die a death, they say,
Makes sufferers themselves bewray
And die uncleanly corps; yet I
Shall leave, although I purging die,
And go out strong as Candle-snuff,
A fame shall favour sweet enough.
Urbem praeclaram statui, mea moenia vidi;
Ulta virum Paenas iaim [...]co à srat. e recepi.
For murther'd spouse I've made amends yet
As far as stealing could revenge it,
And make Pygmalion that undid us,
Pay sauce for making people widows.
And at my proper cost and charges
A village built, which for its largness,
Felix, heu nimium selix, si littora tantum
Nunquam Darnaniae tetigissent nost, [...] carinae!
In a few years, might well have grown
To be a pretty Market-town,
Had not this Trojan varlet come
T'undo what all my care had done.
Then (going to turn off)
Sed moriamur ait; sic, sic juvat ire sub umbras.
But must
I go (quoth she) and is it just,
I die like Felon vile or Traytor?
Sans vengeance on this Fornicator.
Hauriat bune oculis ignem crudelis ab alto
Dardanus, & nostrae secum ferat omnia mortis.
And whilst the Stallion proudly stalks it,
Must I be thus han'g'd up for Hawks-meat?
Yes die, as 'twas foretold thee long since,
If but to trouble the knaves conscience:
Then 'cause she would to part the sweeter,
A portion of Hopkins meeter;
As people use at execution,
For the decorum of conclusion,
Being too sad to sing, she sayes
Which with a grace like his that pen'd i [...],
To her great comfort, being ended,
And ceremonies now compleat,
Proceeding to the final feat.
Thus, thus (quoth she) to shades of night
I go, and thus I take my flight.
Dixcrat▪ atque illam media inter talia.—
With that she from the table swong,
And happy 'twas the rope was strong
Enough, in such a swing to stop her,
Her Grace might else have broke her crupper.
Non aliter quam si immissis ruat hostibus omnis
So have I seen in Forrest tall,
From friendly cup the Acorn fall,
And Bully tumble from the tree,
As ripe for hanging; Down fell she.
She capr'd twice, or thrice, most finely;
But th' Rope imbrac'd her neck so kindly:
Till at the last, in mortal trance,
She did conclude the dismal dance.
A yellow aromatick matter
Dropt from her heels, commixt with water,
Which sinking through the Chamber floor,
——I [...] cl [...]mor ad alta
Atria; concussam bacchatur fama per urbem
Set all the house in sad uproar.
All at the first that they amiss thought,
Was that her Grace had mist the piss-pot:
But when the stairs they had ascended,
And saw her Majesty suspended,
The servants frighted past their senses,
Tumbled o're Buffets, Forms, and Benches,
And ran to all the near abidings,
With open cry to tell the tidings.
Lamentis, gemituque, & soemineo ululatu
Tecta fremunt, resonat magnis plangoribus aether:
Non aliter quam si, &c.——
Even like unto the dismal yowl,
When tristfull Dogs at midnight howl:
Or like the Dirges that through nose
Humme out to daunt their Pagan foes,
When holy Round-heads go to battle,
With such a yell did Carthage rattle.
Audiit ex [...]imis, trepidoque exterrita cursu,
U [...]g [...]ibus ora soror soedans, & pectora pugnis,
Per medi [...]s [...]uit.————
At the first news poor Nancy skreeks,
And tearing hair, and scratching cheeks,
Ran up the stairs, and like a fell-shrow,
Made all that stopt her, feel her elbow:
Till having jostled all opposers,
And thrust some twenty on thier noses;
At last the place she set her feet on,
Where Dido hung to dry, or sweeten.
Hoc illud germana suit?——
Was it for this ah! sister, sister!
That I was sent to Gaffer- Twister
To buy a Rope;
——Me fraude petcbas?
Hoc rogus iste mihi, hoc ignes araeque parabant?
was this (quoth she)
Your fine device to cozen me?
Could none a halter else prepare ye,
But I must be made accessary!
Why knew I not thy dire intent, as
I still thy chiefest confident was!
———Comitém [...]e sororem
Sprevisti moriens? eadem me ad sata vocasses:
Idem ambas ferro doler, &c.———
What didst thou know, but kindly I
Might e'en have hang'd for company:
But in thy ruin, I and all
Thy people suffer, great and small.
And in this wilful woman-slaughter,
Extinxti te, meque, soror, populumque, patresque
Sidonios, urbemque tuam; date vulnera lymphis,
Th'ast hang'd up Carthage, son & daughter.
But stay, methinks I am not hasty,
To close those eyes that stare so gastly.
——Sic fata, gradus evaserat altos,
Which said, her buttocks on the board
She sos'd, that all the Chamber roar'd.
And being active Lass and light,
At one jump more stood bolt upright.
Sem ani nemque sinu german [...]m amplexa fovebat
Cum gemitu, &c.——
Ter sese attollens———
Ter revoluta toro est—
Thrice in her arms did Nancy catch her,
Thrice thump't her bosome to dispatch her.
And thrice her latest breath did roar,
In hollow sound, at postern door.
Tum Juno——
Then Juno who had ever been
As 'twere sworn sister to the Queen:
Hearing the lamentable cryes,
That from her Village pierc'd the skies;
Down towards Carthage bent her looks,
Where seeing all things off the hooks,
And Dido in unseemly sort,
Hang dangling there, being sorry for't,
——longum miserata dolorem.
And loth a Queen in hempen tackle,
Should to Plebeians be spectacle;
She call'd a little Emissary,
That us'd her Embassies to carry,
One Mistriss Iris: A main pretty,
Nimble house-wife, yes and a witty,
One that if bidden once, would do't,
And had the length of Juno's foot
So right, that for her parts and feature,
She was become her Mistress creature.
This girle was born (as Poets hint to's,)
At a small Hamblet neer Olympus.
And though by birth a Dyers daughter,
Yet had her friends full well up-brought her,
And because Juno gave great wages,
Preferr'd her thither for a Pagess.
Her Juno call'd away from starching,
And big with tears, bid her be marching,
——— Irim demisit Olympo,
Quae luct intem [...]imam n [...]xosque resolveret artus.
Put on her wings, and swiftly clip it,
To cut down Dido from the Gibbet.
Iris when young, had learn'd to flie
(As youth is full of waggery)
Of a tame Jack-daw that she had,
And for her journeys, lately made
Fine party-colour'd wings to flie in,
No worse then of her Fathers Dying;
Who knowing that his daughter was
To be preferr'd to such a place,
And what she must b' imployed about,
Had spared no cost to set her out.
E [...]go Iris croc [...]s per coelum roscida pennis,
M [...]lle trahens varios adverso solo colo [...]es,
D [...]volat.———
At the command of Heaven's Goddess,
She ties these wings fast to her bodies,
Which waving, did adorn the skie,
With all the fair variety
Of colours, that the Rain-bow shows
When clad in her most gawdy cloths.
Full swift she flew, till coming near
Carthage, she made a Cancelleer,
And then a stoop, when having spy'd
Queen Dido's window staring wide;
(Set open you may well presume,
(As there was cause) to air the room,)
She nimbly, to all folks amazement,
Whips like a Swallow through the casement.
—Et supra caput astitit. Hunc ego Diti
Sacrum jussa fero; teque islo corpere solvo.
O're Dido's head, she took her stand,
And cry'd, whilst flourishing a brand,
Sent down from Juno Queen come I
Epilogue to this Tragedie.
And thus O Dido let thee loose,
From twitch of suffocating noose:
Sic ait——
Which said, and tossing high her blade
With great dexterity, the Maid
—Et dextra crinem see at: omnis & una
Dilapsus calor, atque in ventos vita recessit.
Oh wonderfull! even at one side-blow
Spoyl'd a good Rope, and down dropt Dido.

A List of some Choice Poems printed for Henry Brome at the Gun in lvy-lane.

  • SCarronnides, or Virgile Travestie, a Mock-Poem: being the First Book of Virgils Aeneis in English, Burlesque: by the same Author.
  • Poems
    • Lyrique, by Mr. Hen. Bold.
    • Macronique, by Mr. Hen. Bold.
    • Heroique, &c. by Mr. Hen. Bold.
  • Songs and Poems by Mr. A. Brome, the second Edition.
  • All the Songs and Poems on the Long Parlia­ment, from 1640, till 1661. by Persons of Quality.
  • Songs and Poems by the VVits of both Uni­versities.
  • The English More.
  • The Love sick Court.
  • The New Academy.
  • The VVeeding of Covent Garden.
  • The Royal Exchange.
  • The Jovial Crew, or The Merry Beggars.

All by Mr. Richard Brome.



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