Examples of the Fundamental Rules of Drawing, and Directions for the assistants of young Practitioners in that most noble and ingenious ART.

Likewise: The Use of the necessary Instruments for Drawing, and how to make Artificial Pastiles to draw with, and other things Pertaining to the said Art.

Also Instructions for pasting, colouring or washing Maps, and Prints; and how to Dieper and Shadow them, that they may stand off, and to make, temper and order your Colours.

Lastly, Directions for preparing Mezotincto Prints in order fo [...] there being painted on Glass or other ways, and how the [...] lours are to be mixed for Faces, Hairs, Garments, Skies, Trees Grounds, &c

LONDON, Printed by W. Wilde, for Robert Walton, at the Globe on the backside of St. Pauls Church at the Corner Shop towards Ludgate

With Cockers, Pens Transcendency, and others of his Works, Bills, Bonds, Releases, Letters of Attorney, &c. And not only all sorts of small Maps: but large for Rooms and Chimney-Pieces, and painting for the same Use. Also he prints and sells not only all sorts of Round Ovals, Sto­ries, Landskips, Trees, Birds, Beasts, Flowers, Fish, Fruits, Fl [...]s and Insettes, But also that Book called the whole view of the Creation, Con­taining above six score half sheets of Fools Cap Paper. And likewise some Mezotincture prints which few else have. 1686.

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