THE COPIE OF A LETTER, Sent from divers Knights and Gentlemen of Nottingham­shire, to the Knights serving for that County in PARLIAMENT.

[...] 1 Iuly. 1642.

[Tudor rose]

[Scottish thistle]

[French fleur-de-lis]

[depiction of Irish harp]

YORK: Printed by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie: And by the Assignes of JOHN BILL. 1642.

To our much Honoured Friends, Sir Thomas Hutchinson Knight, and Robert Sutton Esq. Knights of the Shire, for the County of Nottingham.


FInding to our great grief (by divers printed Declarations) the unhappy differences be­twixt his Majestie and His Parliament, and from thence apprehending great fear of further distractions, we have thought fit to impart our hearts freely unto you as men chosen by us, and intrusted for us, to represent us, and our desires in Your Honourable House of Commons. Where, in the first place, upon all occasions, we desire you to tender the acknowledgement of our humble & hearty thanks for those many good Laws, which by their Care and Wis­dom, together with his Majesties Grace and Favour have been obtained for us, both for the securing us in the point of our Property, and also for the fre [...]ing us from the unlimi­ted power of Arbitrary government: And herein His Maje­stie having concurred with you in all that we could expect or can desire both for our Persons and Estates, & at severall times promised to joyn with his Parliament, for the reforming and reducing both the Doctrine and Discipline of the Church to the best and purest times since the Reformation; And if this were done, what others would expect we know not, we desire [...] [Page 4] him for the future. This is the cleer expression of our hearts; this is that we desire you to consent in for us. And we shall heartily pray that we might be an example to many others to make the like expressions: And then we should not doubt but this would bring a right Understanding betwixt the King and his people, and take away all fears and jealousies, and settle a firme peace amongst us. We should gladly, with all humility, have petitioned your Honourable House but still to this purpose. And we Understand some Countries have done so, which hath been displeasing unto them because contrary to their sense, and we, perhaps, through ignorance might fall into the same error. Yet we hope it will not be displeasing unto you, that we give you our sense freely, for you are us, and we hope you will not be unwilling to follow our sense, so far as you conceive it to be the sense of your County whose you are, and for whom you serve.

And so we rest your very loving Friends, and Countreymen.
  • JOhn Digby, High Sheriffe.
  • Iohn Byron.
  • Richard Parkyns.
  • VVilliam Apleton.
  • Robert Pilson.
  • George Lascells,
  • Matthew Palmer.
  • Roger Cooper.
  • Isham Parkyns.
  • Io. VVood.
  • G. Hollis.
  • Richard Byron.
  • Io Nevile.
  • Edmund Hastings.
  • Edward Andrews
  • Thomas Blackwall.
  • VViliam Sandes.
  • Tho. Longford.
  • Iervas Sanford.
  • Rich. Harper.
  • Gabriel Armestrong.
  • Acton Burnell.
  • Sam. Bolles.
  • Rowl. Pand.
  • Iohn Odingsells.
  • Anthony Gilby.
  • Robert Eyre.
  • Parke Cressy.
  • [Page 5] Thomas Houlder.
  • Robert Saunderson.
  • Iohn VValker,
  • Thomas Fox.
  • I. B [...]lles.
  • Gri. Dw [...]ll.
  • VVilliam Smyths.
  • Nich. St [...]yt.
  • Tho. Hollwell.
  • Rich. Draper,
  • Tho. Atkinson.
  • Launcellot Rolston.
  • Tho. Newton.
  • VVilliam VVild.
  • Herbert Leek.
  • Tho. Brown.
  • VVilliam Smythson.
  • Io. Gosling.
  • VVilliam Oglethorpe.
  • Geo. Lascells.
  • Iohn Clay.
  • Geo. Milford.
  • VVilliam Needham.
  • Rich. Brough
  • Iohn Butterworth.
  • Tho. Poole.
  • Iohn Lee.
  • Io. VVorsdale.
  • VVilliam Shipman.
  • Charles Leek.
  • VVilliam Apsley.
  • Francis Cavendish.
  • Charles North.
  • Matthew Palmer.
  • Rich. Holliwell.
  • Roger Iackson.
  • Iohn Leeke.
  • Rich. Simman.
  • Stephen Broome.
  • VVilliam Colby.
  • Iohn Newport.
  • Hen. Caldecott.
  • Hdw. Holland.
  • Hen. Broome.
  • VVilliam Hacker.
  • Iames Forbeny.
  • Iob Holden.
  • Rich. Boyer.
  • VVilliam Pocklington.
  • Hen. Green.
  • VValter Garrington.
  • Iohn Grundy.
  • G. Flower.

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