THE Converted Cavaliers CONFESSION OF THEIR DESIGNE When first we drew the King away from his PARLIAMENT.

As also (now our eyes are in some measure opened) that we see there was a deeper Plot and Designe in hand, at that time by the Papists; who made use of us, to accomplish their own Designe, which then lay hid from us, but now discovereth it selfe: With our Resolution to forsake the Papists.

Written by a converted Cavalier, for full satisfaction to all Neutralists.

LONDON. Printed by Bern: Alsop, according to Order. 1644.

THE CONVERTED CAVALIER HIS CONFESSION: Of their DESIGNE, When they drew the King away from his PARLIAMENT.

TO confesse the truth of our Designe, (of us I meane who are Protestants and in the Kings party) it was at the first) to accomplish these two things.

First, we perceived that the Parlia­ment would not suffer us in our Pat­tents which we had obtained of his Ma­jesty, and which had cost us deare; and were like to be [Page 2] very profitable to us; we therefore were loth to lay them downe, and forgetting the law of the land, wee thought that his Majesty might doe what he pleased, and there­fore wee conceived that if wee could draw his Majesty away from his Parliament, into some remote place, where we might incense and inrage him against them, by per­swading him that they did abridge him of his prerogative, and then promising him that to maintain his prerogative, we would assist him with mony, horses, and arms, thereby to awe the Parliament; we thought this being performed, that then we should enjoy still our unlawfull gaines by Pattents as we had done formerly, so that being too much leavened with the Earle of Straffords doctrine, we held that if the Parliament would not apply themselves to his Majesty, the King then was acquitted before God and man, and might make use of his prerogative, this is the first thing.

In the second place we perceived that the Parliament would indeavour to reform the Church government, and take away all superstitious worship out of it, and that they would amend (if not take away) the book of Com­mon Prayer, which thing seemed very grievous to us, be­cause we desired to serve God in a formall worship (it being more pleasing to the flesh) and obey him only with the outward man, for we thought that even that was plea­sing to God, and that we should now be urged and pressed to a more spirituall worship, which we thought was quite against the haire, likewise we thought it an high offence, (now after the book of Common Prayer had been re­ceived so many yeares) that we should goe to condemne our fore-fathers for the use of it, by taking it away; we [Page 3] likewise hoped that when by this Designe of drawing the King away, wee should by force effect for him that hee might by his prerogative doe what he pleased, and that we should have this book of Common Prayer set up (not dreaming all this while that the Papists had any plot in stirring us up, and likewise, our blind and superstitious Ministers to stand up for it, though indeed now we well remember that one said a year agoe that they would stirre us up to stand for the Common Prayer till they had effe­cted their owne ends, and then wee should have Popery set up, and such a Service Book as they would have im­posed on Scotland, (which now we may see is their plot) in despite of a Puritan Parliament, and all their Puritan adherents, and that we should have our Lord Bishops a­gaine, to curb those that did speak or doe any thing against it, as they did heretofore (esteeming that they which were such great Schollars were the only Church-men) and all that which they did to be divine, and that we ought to observe it; this was the second thing.

But now we see that they made use of us and our de­signes but for their owne ends, for they had a deeper plot and designe then in hand, then that wee were aware of, which we find now to be this, that they indeavour, to make a division betwixt us that are (as yet) but Prote­stants in name, and those that are Protestants in heart, that so we dashing our selves one against another, both parties might be consumed, and then (when wee are so weakned) they know it will be an easie matter for them to destroy both parties; that this is their Designe wee shall make appeare, by these reasons.

[Page 4] 1. Because these many yeares they have (by means of some near to the King) had familiar recourse to the Court, there to agitate and fur­ther any Design that they had, and likewise were much countenanced and favoured; as Mr. Prin in his late book at large setteth forth, that they had their Agents at Court consisting not only of Iesuits and Priests, but even of our own Bishops, which should have been fathers to up­hold our Religion, they have bin cheife Incen­diaries to set the Protestants together by the eares, and the Bishop of Canterbury by name hath imployed a Iesuit and a Papist to indeavour to bring us to the Romish Religion, as it is laid to his charge in his articles of impeachment; now it is evident that this was the Design that they prosecuted, because first they did (according as they durst) in words and writings, disgrace the profession and professors of the Protestant Religion, thereby to cause prophane people to hate, those that were more forward in Reli­gion then themselves.

2. Because they cannot indure any that are of the Protestant Religion, neither are they to [Page] keep faith with us (as their Religion teacheth them) who are Protestants, but they may mur­ther and destroy us, and for so doing they me­rit heaven, then sure it is very madnes and fol­ly in us to think that they will indeavour to establish the true Protestant Religion, which they call heresy, and howsoever although we can indure their Religion practiced by both great and small among us, yet if they prevaile, they will not leave one that beares the name of a Protestant alive in our Kingdom, witnes what they have done in Ireland to the Protestants there.

3. Because now their Plot doth discover it selfe, by bringing the Irish forces over; first the Protestant forces, that so they might not op­pose them there, but come over into England to waste themselves, and such Protestant forces as were here before: And now they bring (O you Malignants and all my fellow Cavaliers open your eyes) the Irish Rebels (that have killed so many thousand Protestants in Ireland) into England daily for to cut our throats, so that now we may see that whatsoever colour they put upon their designe, by perswading us that the King fought for the Protestant Reli­gion [Page] and his Prerogative, and that they that were Papists did but assist him for the accom­plishing of the same, against those which they and we call Puritans, yet they do indeed intend to bring us under the command of the Pope, and so to take away the Kings Prerogative, that he would be subject to him, and so al­though His Majestie do indeed intend the true Protestant Religion, yet (they prevailing) he shall not be able to establish it.

The Consideration of these things, is the true Cause why we do now forsake their Proceedings, and publish it to this intent, That others that still prosecute the designe that we did, may now take notice of the Papists, how they make use of us to our own destruction; and then I hope, you likewise will forsake them, as many already have done, who are different from us in their persons, but more in their affections; and let us now make use of what we see them do for our best advantage, and that is this; Whereas we see them encouraging and countenancing and helping them that are zealous in their false Religion, so let us now unite our selves to those that are zealous for the Protestant Religion, and as much countenance encou­rage and help them, both by our persons and prayers, and in particular this Parliament, which they have beene a meanes to cause us so much to oppose: For sure, had not God raised them up as Instruments to stand for this Na­tion, we had been all lost. And this is my perswasion, and my Resolution is to adhere to the Kings Forces no more.


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