The Controversie between Robin and Dolls House-keeping.

Doll would Marry, but Robin would not,
Because they have but little to put in the pot;
But in the Conclusion they agree very well,
And now she most bravely doth brew for to sell.
To the Tune of, I'le be Married to morrow.
RObin thou said'st thoud'st love me long,
Then let me speak unto thee,
Sure thou'rt minded to do me no wrong,
For this long time you have woo'd me.
And every day I have thought a year,
but now for to put me out of all fear,
Come let's go to Church and be married my dear,
and then I can cry have at it, have at it,
and then I can cry have at it.
The truth on't is Doll, I love thee well,
but yet I am loath to marry,
Because house-keeping is so chargeable,
therefore let's longer tarry.
Till Bed and bedding we do provide,
and a house wherein our heads to hide,
All these we must have ere thou art a bride.
or yet dare cry have at it, have at it,
or yet dare cry have it.
You'r a fool, quoth she, the Proverb runs so,
marry and get goods after,
And I'm sure 'twill make you smile I know,
to see a brave Son or a Daughter.
I have such whimsies in my brain,
that bravely my Robin I will maintain,
Thou shalt not go like a rogue in grain,
if I cou'd but once cry have at it, have at it,
if I cou'd; &c.
Thou knowest we liv'd in an Ale-house long,
then let reason rule thee, or perswading,
And have brew'd good liquor small and strong,
and knows what belongs to trading.
And now I will set up the sign o'th Bell,
and good fellows I mean to use so well,
That two quarts of Ale for a penny i'le sell,
but yet I will cry have at it, have at it,
but, &c.
But Doll in so doing you'l fall in a trap,
and Shooes over boots will be running,
And i'me very fearful you'l piss in the tap,
for all your craft and your cunning.
Tush, take you no care, none on you shall call,
for I will take in and deliver out all,
What if on my back I now and then fall,
with roaring boys that will have at it, have at it,
with, &c.
Thou dost not understand what a trade I can drive
when good fellows they do come about me,
Then prethee my dearest make me thy Wife,
or I promise thee i'le go without thee.
Then prethee sweet Robin as soon as you can,
let's appoint the day, for I know thou'rt a man,
We'l bid all our friends, with simpering Nan,
then a Tuesday next have at it, have at it,
then a Tuesday, &c.
By Dolly, thy tongue runs of too many things,
seeing we want Brass, Pewter, and Cloathing,
You know a Bird can't flye without wings,
and without money we can do nothing:
Thou talk'st like a Negit, for I have now got,
sixteen shillings to buy us a fat,
And I can borrow a kettle, what thinkest thou by that,
then a Tuesday next have at it, have at it,
then a Tuesday next have at it.
My mother has promised to do what she can,
to help me to bed and bedding,
My sister will give me a Frying-pan,
and will joyfully dance at our wedding.
Besides, some Houshold goods I have got,
moreover my honey, i'le tell thee what,
I have got a two-penny Chamber-pot,
then a Tuesday, &c.
Sweet Doll, I confess I love thee dear,
but this will be our vexation,
We can't build Castles in the air,
except we've a good foundation;
Nor with so few goods we can't begin;
we must have without doors as well as within,
Before we do cry, &c.
Fear not Robin, but we shall thrive,
I think you ne'r found me a Lyar,
What though a small trade at first we do drive,
by degrees we may rise higher:
Ile borrow of one another to pay,
with a Shilling or two i'le send him away,
If I but smile on him, i'le make him to stay,
then a Tuesday, &c.
You know new beginners do want things at first,
the which doth begin with a little,
And tho I say't, let the worst come to the worst,
I know where to have a brewing Kettle.
And as for Malt, I have it not to seek;
what though but a bushel we brew the first week,
Ile make it so strong, and as keen as a Leek,
then a Tuesday, &c.
Why now Doll I see thy wit is the best,
and thus much i'le speak unto thee,
Here is my hand, I vow and protest
never more to forgo thee:
Then make all things ready as fast as you can,
for I do not care how soon it is done,
And thou'st see i'le prove my self a man,
then a Tuesday, &c.
Now Doll she an Ale-wife is turn'd,
and I hope she'l prove a brave one,
And for to be one she long time has mourn'd,
her husband she don't make a slave on.
Now she brews good Ale, and good BeƩer for to sell,
and if you would see her, she lives at the Bell,
And if you want a bit, she will use you well:
Then, &c.

Printed for R.B. at the Horse-shooe, in Smithfield.

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