THE CONFESSION AND EXECUTION Of the Five Prisoners suffering at TYBURN On Fryday the 16th of March, 1676/7.

Thomas Sadler and William Johnson For a Burglary in the house of the Right Honourable the Lord High Chancellor of England, and stealing the Mace and two Purses.
Francis Webb For a Burglary, and stealing of Clothes to a great value.
Matthew Gammond and Anthony Richoake For a Burglary in Clarkenwel.

Together with their penitent Behaviour in Newgate, since their Condemnation, and last Speeches at the place of Execution.

With Allowance.

London: Printed for D. M. 1677.

The CONFESSION and EXECUTION of the Five Prisoners that died at TYBURN.

AT the last Sessions of Oyer and Termi­ne [...] and Jayl delivery of Newgate, there were no less than Fifteen Ma­lefactors, that is to say, Nine men and Six women, Condemned to die; but by the gracious interposition of Royal mer­cie Ten of these miserable wretches were Re­prieved; and 'tis hoped they will spend the re­mainder of their lives, so unexpectedly restored to them after they had forfeited them by their own demerits, in repenting of their former evil Courses, and avoiding the same for the future, lest, returning like senseless Swine to their vo­mit, they bring themselves again into the same Pit of Destruction, and there be none to deli­ver them.

Of these that now suffered, some had made themselves so infamously famous, as well by the multitude and daringness of their Crimes, as by [Page 4] their long continuance in them, and frequent e­scapes from Justice, that some Account cannot but be expected abroad, how they behav'd them­selves afer Condemnation, and at the place of Execution; wherein we shall endeavour briefly to satisfie the Readers curiosity, as follows.

Sadler, though during the time of his several Tryals (for he was arraigned on Three distinct Indictments this Sessions, and found guilty on two of them, and had been 14 times before this in Newgate) he carried himself very insolently; yet when brought to the Bar and ask'd what he had to say for himself, why Sentence of Death should not pass against him according to Law, in a much more modest and serious manner de­clared, That he look'd upon himself as a dead man; and therefore had nothing to say, save only to beg convenient time of the Court for preparing himself for Death; which he hoped their Charity would not deny to so sinful a Soul, &c.When Sentence of Death was pronounced on him, he seem'd to be in a strange kind of A­gony with the terrours of his condition, flinging his Hat one way and his Perriwig another, and wringing his hands in a lamentable manner.

At the same rate he continued for some time in Prison, raging like a Wilde beast caught in a Trap, and vainly shewing the greatness or stub­bornness of his Spirit, rather than symptoms of Remorse or Contrition for his Offences. On the Lord's day, besides the publick Exercises of Religion in the Chappel, he was visited by some [Page 5] Divines, whose Charity invited them to that trouble, and to take no small pains to convince him of the desperateness of his present estate, the wickedness of his past life, the shortness of his time, the necessity of speedy Repentance, the unspeakable and endless torments of Hell, &c. which Christian Exhortations were prest home with such pious Zeal and holy Ardour, that 'tis well hoped, by the Co-operating Grace and Workings of that blessed Spirit which blows where it listeth, and is pleased to call some even at the Eleventh hour, there was a deep sense and impression thereof made upon his Heart, to melt it down from that obdurateness to a more hum­ble and penitent frame; so that he could not re­strain the tears from over flowing his cheeks, and much bewailed his Condition, confessing what abundance of Robberies and Villanies he had been guilty of, never before discovered, &c.

His Companion Johnson was by Trade a Coach harness maker, a fellow well educated, of good understanding, and great natural parts: He had lived some time time in Holland, and spake both the Dutch and French Tongues: For some years past he has followed a loose way of living, and frequented ill Company, yet never was in Newgate before. He obstinately denid his being concern'd in the Burglary, or breaking open of my Lord Chancellor's house; and when the Jury brought him in guilty, fell down at the Bar in a Swoon. After Condemnation no [Page 6] man could be more penitent, spending almost all these few remaining moments of his life in Prayers and Tears. Before his Tryal, having an excellent fancie, and a hand no less happy at Limning, he had drawn most lively on the wall of his Chamber in Newgate, a pair of Scales, and in one balance the Mace, and in the other Ty­burn; the last much over weighing the first: But since his Condemnation, he drew in one Scale the Gallows, in the other a Crucifix; the first mounted up by the greater weight of the last, and these Lines under-written, as I have been informed.

My precious Lord, from all Transgressions free,
Was pleas'd, in tender pity unto me,
To undergo the Ignominious Tree.
I suffer justly; but his Sacrifice,
I trust, shall make my groveling Spirit rise,
And from the Gibbet mount the glorious Skies.

At the Sermons on Sunday he behav'd himself very reverently, save onely now and then, in the anguish of his Spirit, he was ready to interrupt the Preacher with the loudness of his sighs and groans.

The rest were for Burglaries, but had little re­markable to be observed in their behaviour.

[Page 7] On Munday, and the days following, several Ministers came to bestow their Christian offices of Instruction, Information, and Consolation to all the Condemned wretches. Some of them, taken more up with thoughts of getting Re­prieves and Pardons in this World, than making their Peace with God, or securing an Interest of Bliss in that which is to come, seem'd strangely negligent and unregardful of any thing that then could be said to them for the welfare of their Souls; others, though assur'd of unavoid­able Death, according to their Sentence, endea­voured several ways to lull themselves to sleep in a senseless stupidity, and put away all thoughts of that dreadful hour. 'Twas a sad thing to see these poor Creatures how amaz'd and terrified they appeared with the apprehen­sions of Death and a future state, which 'tis to be feared they had never before considered seri­ously of one hour in their Lives: Now their long sleeping Consciences awake with terrour, and set the sad Bead-roll of their multiplied Offences and Crimes before their faces, remem­bring each particular instance, and every ag­gravating Circumstance: They now finde the treachery and deceitfulness of Sin; that the Pleasures of the world are, at best, but fading Trifles, or gaudy Snares, that whilst they kiss they betray, and under pretence of delighting destroy us.

[Page 8] The day appointed for their Execution was Fryday the 16th of March, they being, in Chri­stian compassion, allow'd till that time to fit and prepare themselves for the great work of their Change; at which time there were Five that suffered. They spake very little at the place of Execution, but in general acknowledged the Justice of their Punishment, confessing what long and notorious Offenders they had been; and desired all that were present at, or should hear of their shameful and untimely end, to avoid those wicked Courses, and have a Care of Pride, Idleness, and Ill Company, which had been the great occasions that brought them to that de­struction: And so after the usual Prayers and Offices customary on such sad occasions, suffered according to their Sentence.


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