THE CONFESSION AND EXECUTION Of the Eight Prisoners suffering at TYBURN On Wednesday the 30th of August, 1676.

  • Tho. Moore,
  • Charles Godfry,
  • Roger Withers,
  • Richard Cooke,
  • Matth. Walkenden,
  • Martha Harman,
  • John Evans, and
  • James Parker.

Giving a full and satisfactory Account of their Crimes, Behaviours, Discourses in Prison, and last Words (as neer as could be taken) at the place of Execution.

Published for a Warning to all that read it, to avoid the like wicked Courses, which brought these poor people to this shameful End.

With Allowance,

Roger L'Estrange.

London: Printed for D. M. 1676.

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