THE Compleat Solemnity Of St. GEORGES Day: Consisting in the MORNING PREPARATION, And MAGNIFICENT PROCEEDING, The Solemn CORONATION And Coronation Oath: WITH THE Solemnities of Serving The KINGS Table At the ROYAL Feast: And Ceremonies of the Challenge made by the Champion In Westminster-Hall.

All Described In a Perfect Narrative of the Coronation of his Late Sacred MAJESTY Charles the Second, On Saint Georges Day, April the 23th.

London, Printed by W. M. and Sold by Walter Davis in Amen Corner, 1685.



Sir, will you grant, and keep, and by your Oath confirm to the People of England the Laws and Customs to them granted by the Kings of England, Vid. Rushworths Col. part. 1. Fol. 200. your Lawful and Religious Predecessors, and namely the Laws, Customs and Franchises, granted to the Clergy by the Glo­rious King, St. Edward your Predecessor, according to the Laws of God, the true Profession of the Gospel established in this Kingdom agreeable to the Prerogative of the Kings thereof, and the Antient Customs of the Realm.


I grant and promise to keep them.


Sir, will you keep peace and godly agreement (according to your power) both to God, the Holy Church, the Clergy, and the People.


I will keep it.


Sir, will you to your power cause Law, Justice and Discretion in Mercy and Truth to be executed to your judgment.


I will.


Sir, will you grant to hold and keep the Laws and rightful Customs, which the Commonalty of this your Kingdom have, and will you defend and uphold them to the Honour of God as much as in you lies.


I grant and promise so to do.


THe four Triumphal Arches built by the City of London, for the entertainment of our late most gracious Soveraign Charles the second, in his Passage from the Tower to Whitehall on the 22th of April, 1661. being the day before his Coronation.

The Inside of Westminster-Abby, describing the Places of the Nobility and great Officers, with the manner of the Kings Coronation, on St. Georges day, proper to be ad­ded to this Book.

THe Compleat Map of the Survey of all London, Westminster and Southwark, with a Prospect of London and Westminster.

The Pocket Book of the Roads, with the computed and measured distance between each Village and Town.

Sheet Maps describing the several Roads, with the Towns, Churches, Houses, and other things remarkable in the Road, and on each side, with the turnings that lead to them and other distant places, both pleasant and useful for Travellers, the price 6 d. a sheet, or 10 d. each 100 Mile, fitted for a Pocket Book.

Sold by William Morgan, next the Blew Boar in Ludgate-street.

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