THE Complaining Testimony of some (though weak, and of the least) of Sions Children in this day of their sore Calamity; occasioned at their Meet­ing to seek the Lord at Abingdon in Barkeshire, the second day of the eighth MONTH, 1656.

Being a short NARRATIVE Of the inhumane dealings of some OFFICERS and SOULDIERS, who said, They had Order from their LORD for so doing.

Mal. 3. 15, 16. And now we call the proud happy; yea, they that work wicked­ness are set up; yea, they that tempt God are delivered. Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkned, and heard, and a book of remembrance was written for them that feared the Lord, and thought upon his Name.
Act. 7. 34. I have seen, I have seen the afflictions of my people; I have heard their groanings, and am come down to deliver them.

LONDON: Printed for Livewel Chapman, at the Crown in Popes-head-Alley, 1656.

To the faithful Remnant of the Womans seed, who keep the Commandments of God, and the Testimony of Jesus: together with every Impartial Reader.

WHen the Lord did first engage our hearts to wait upon him ac­cording to the ensuing Relation, it was much upon some of our spirits, that we should see the glory of God, though we could not apprehend the manner of his appearance; much less could we in the least suppose his answer would be as after was manifest. But the onely-wise God, who knoweth how to order all things for his glory, can make the wrath of man praise him, and the remainder thereof rest [...]ain: upon which account, the ensu­ing Relation being thought necessary to be published, is presented to your pe­rusal; hoping, that as experience of his goodness hath been some refreshment unto us, (who have subscribed the same, being all of us personally present, some at the one part, others at the other part of the transactions therein men­tioned, and sufferers in some degree or other in the same) it will administer some refreshment unto you also; that we may be thereby united with on [...] heart in one common Cause, though contemned, despised, and reproached, by those who did formerly walk with us hand in hand therein, from which they have so openly Apostatized; and also, what you and we must expect from them, unless the Lord should leave us to betray him with a kiss, as they have done: But we trust, that relying upon his grace, he will keep us by his migh­ty power through faith unto the day of salvation, when we shall with rejoy­cing say, Lo, this is our God, we have waited for him: we will be glad and re­joyce in his salvation.

Your poor unworthy brethren, desirous to be found faithful in this day of Zions tribulation:
  • Of the Ch. at Abi.
    • John Tomkins,
    • Iohn Combes,
    • Simon Mayo,
    • Edw. Stennet,
    • Plalip Lockton,
    • William White,
    • Rich. Green,
    • Rich. Terrel,
    • Simon Peck.
  • Of the Ch. at Oxf.
    • Rich. Tidmarsh,
    • Rich. Quelch.
  • Of Hull.
    • Thom. Cann,
    • Pet. Tindal.
  • Of London.
    • Iohn Pugh,
    • Iohn Green,
    • Fran. Walton,
    • Ioseph Neat,
    • Tho. Buttivan,
    • Ric. Parnham,
    • Iohn Rye,
    • Rich. Denton,
    • Tho. Whe [...]ler,
    • Iohn Tusucl,
    • Ioh. Portmans,
    • Iohn Clark,
    • Iohn Armiger,
    • Iohn Woodly,
    • Fran: Young,
    • David Parry,
    • Iohn Clements.
    • Iohn Iones [...]
    • Iohn Waters,
    • Hen. Forty of Tatnes, Churches
    • Rich. Steed of Dartmouth, Churches
    • George Allom of Exeter, Churches
  • Of Northwalsham [...]
    • Hen. Simmons
    • Thomas Ruddock,
    • Tho. Hide, Tho. Helsden.
    • William Wainsord, of Norwich.
    • Fran: Langden of Cornwal,
    • Hen. Preston.

A Word to such of the Army, especially those of [...] Troops as are in any measure sensible of the [...] this DAY, and mourning for the same.

IT was, and is still upon our hearts, that the Lo [...] grieved for the great transgressions of the Sodomitish generation among whom they live, might be delivered, before the judgements of the Lord break forth: for, if his wrath be kindled (yea) but a little, blessed are all they that trust in him: and therefore for your sakes was this short Epi­stle penned, to the end, that, if the Lord so please, you might be no longer deceived with vain words, by those from whom you do suppose that the great things you first engaged for on the behalf of Christ and his people might be attained, and that they might return from whence they are fallen, and do their first works; though the bottom upon which they now stand, seems to us to give little ground of hopes for any such thing: for men do not ga­ther grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles. Besides, they persecute that Spirit appearing in any of those who are but enquiring the way to Zion, with their faces thitherward: witness the many prisoners now suffering for the Cause of our Lord Jesus, besides the cruel usage of others mention­ed in this ensuing Relation. This therefore we desire to leave with you, in the fear of the Lord, That you would flee out from the midst of them, and de­liver every man his soul, that you may escape the judgments of God, and be free from the blood of your brethren; which you will unavoidably be invol­ved in, so far as we can discern, if you continue in your present station, as some have been already in these last transactions: and if so, as you partake of their sins, you will partake of their plagues. Thus leaving you to the pe­rusal of this Relation, hoping that it may be of some use, either to convince, or else to leave this further Testimony, That if you perish, your blood will be upon your own heads: though it be otherwise longed for, and prayed for, by

Your unworthy brethren, mourning with you, and praying for your return:
  • Of Northwalsham.
    • Hen. Simons.
    • Thomas Ruddock.
    • Robert Hide.
    • Tho. Helsden.
  • Of Norwich.
    • Will. Waynford.
  • Of Cornwal,
    • Fran: Langden.
  • Of Hull,
    • Tho. Cann,
    • Peter Tindal.
  • Of London,
    • John Pugh,
    • John Green.
    • Fran: Walton.
    • Jos. Neat.
    • Tho. Buttivant.
    • Rich: Parnham.
    • John Rye.
    • Rich: De [...].
    • Tho: Whce [...]
    • John Tu [...]d.
    • John Portmans.
    • John Clarke.
    • John Armiger.
    • John Woodly.
    • David [...]

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