THE Compendious School-Master: Teaching the English-Tongue After a more easie & demonstrable Method than hath been hitherto Published or Taught.

Wherein are contained,

I. Facil and Familiar Directions for the True Sound of Letters.

II. Proper Pronunciation of Syllables and Words, according to their different Deriva­tions, Alphabetically Digested; with Exact Rules for the Right Division of Words from Two to Seven Syllables.

III. The Art of Fair and Fast Writing, with Cautious Copies to Write and Walk by, Al­phabetically Composed.

IV. Short Rules of Arithmetick easily at­tained by the meanest Capacity, and retained by the weakest Memory.

All these Adorned with variety of Copper Cuts; Together with Significant Comparisons, Proverbs, Sentences, Poems, Prayers, Graces.

By a LOVER of LEARNING, And a hearty Well-wisher to his beloved Country.

LICENSED, Nov. 29. 1687. ROB. MIDGLEY.

London: Printed for Samuel Lowndes, near Exeter-Ex­change in the Strand. MDCLXXXVIII.



THE Compendious Scholmaster

Learning makes a man

Learning advanceth men of mean degree To high attainments, wealth, and dignity.

To all Lovers of Religion, Loyalty & Learning: Health, Peace, and Prosperity.

Ingenious and Ingenuous READER,

IT was not the vain Itch of Ambi­tion to appear in Print, but a Zeal to serve my Generation accor­ding to the Will of God, promp­ted me to the Publication of the following Work. I know some will be ready to ac­cost me with that well-known Sentence, Facile est, inventis addere; It is easie to build where another hath laid the Foundation, and prepared meet Materials for carrying on of the Work, but to Propound and Contrive the Model, and advantageously manage the design, Hic labor, hoc opus est. Here lies the difficulty, and herein he ap­proves himself an expert and exquisite Ar­tist. I foresee it will be objected, that Sundry Learned Worthies have already La­boured in this Work. The Old Spelling Book and English Schoolmaster, were many [Page] Years since Published, and of late Mr. Hunt, Mr. Coles, Mr. Young, Mr. Lane, Mr. Clark and others, have Ingeniously of­fered their Pains this way: And what ne­cessity (will some say) of your now at­tempting that Work, which is effectually done already by other Hands.

To this I answer, that those Learned Men, before mentioned, designed and de­served Well, in their Generous Offers for a General Good. But it should be consider'd, that a most Wise God hath so distributed his Talents, that no one hath all, but every one hath something which the other wants, and it is possible for another to come after them, that may be preferred before them; for adding many Cubits to their Stature, by a further Progress and Proficiency than they attained, or pretended unto. It is one thing, imperfectly to prepare ordinary Materials in the Rough for a Building, and another, Cautiously and Curiously to pick and chuse only such as are useful among them, and supply what is wanting with a better choice, and place them Sprucely and Briskly in the Building, the peculiar Work of a Master Builder.

[Page]Memorable is the Modest, Ingenuous Answer, Judicious and Generous Gideon return'd, by way of Question or Expostula­tion, to the Angry and Envious Ephramites. Judges 8. 2. What have I done now in Com­parison of you? Is not the Gleaning of the Grapes of Ephraim, better than the Vintage of Abiezer? As there was great Humility in Gideons Commendable and Exemplary Condescension, wherewith he judiciously and dexterously disarm'd the hasty hot­headed Ephramites Indignation; so there was no less Verity and Ingenuity in that Meta­phorical Expression, by comparing the Fight and the Success of it to a Vintage, the Victory which himself and his Abiezerites had gained, to the first gathering of the Grapes, and the Ephramites Slaughtering the Midianites in their Flight, to the Glean­ing of the Vintage. The Work was happily begun, but not perfected, by Gideon, Ephraim like the Gleanings of the Vintage swept them away with the Besom of Destruction, and slew their Princes Oreb and Zeeb, which had passed Gideon's Victorious Arms. As many a fair Ear of Corn escapes the hasty Harvest-Mans Hand, that the Ingenious Gleaner gathers up: So those that esca­ped the Sword of Gideon, are Slain by the [Page] Sword of Ephraim, who effectually did that which the other had left undone. More­over, it cannot be denied that the Gleanings (for quality) may be preferred before the Vintage, because the fairest Fruit grows high, out of the Gatherers ready reach, and therefore the Gleanings of the Vintage may be the choicest Grapes, as well as the Glean­ings of the Harvest the purest Grain.

My unworthy self, tho' the Least of my Brethren, and the Meanest of my Mothers Sons, have, for some Years past, been very Studious and Curious in Gleaning Pearls of the English Eloquence, and by a diligent Search as for hid Treasure, have found and furbisht sundry choice ones that before lay hid, which are here courteously and can­didly offered to court the Ingenuous Accep­tance of the Judicious and Generous Reader, as an invincible demonstration of the Au­thors unfeigned and fervent affection to the English Nation; whose Eye hath been long fixt on the Mark, and his Will upon the Work, and he hopes his Hand hath now answered both, in Hitting the White he aimed at, by bidding fairer for an advanta­geous Conclusion, than those that left the Work very Imperfect.

[Page]I have observed Sundry Country School-Masters, that knew not how to give Letters nor Syllables, their true Sounds, being al­together in the Dark, as to their different Derivation and Pronunciation, and unable to render a reason, why the same Letter is pronounc'd with one Sound in one Word, with a different Sound in another, and not at all Sounded in a Third. I have likewise observed, that in long Words of Three, Four, Five, or Six Syllables, though some Petty School-Masters have sometimes luck­ily stumbled upon the right Sound of the Word, giving it its proper Name in the Lump, (more by Luck than Learning) but when for their Scholars better Instruction and Satisfaction, they were to take the long Word asunder, and particularly Pronounce each Syllable, apart by itself, they have been sadly puzled both in the proper Division, and true Pronounciation of them, to their Scholars manifest detriment and discou­ragement, and their own expressless preju­dice and disparagement. Which great Re­mora in the way of English Learning, I have, in this Work, fairly and effectually removed for rowling a way that Reproach.

As it is most absurd, for any Man to offer to build a House without a Foundation, so [Page] it is no less ridiculous to attempt the acqui­ring a proficiency in any Art, without pro­pounding such Rules, as have a direct ten­dency to the end propounded, as a Key to the Work, or clue to direct him through that Labyrinth, wherein he is in danger to lose himself and his design, without the in­genious conduct of such a Guide, the ef­fectual finding out this, hath not been the least part of the Authors Pains, in this his no less laborious than laudable enterprize, for removing and explaining the difficulties of the English Tongue, in such a plain, fa­miliar and demonstrative, Method, as may be most conducible to their advantage, for whom the Work was primarily and princi­pally intended.

I make no flourish of a Supernumerary Table of a Thousand Words more than others have, in a confused manner drawn up in a full body to look big upon the Reader, nor have I committed a Rape upon the En­glish Tongue, in forcing it beyond the due Limits of Modesty and Ingenuity, by pul­ling in by Head and Shoulders such Words as are never to be reconciled to Sense, for ma­king up that Number. I deliver my Words not by Tale, but by Weight, reducing them to Rules of Practice, ranking them in due [Page] Place and Order into such regular Squa­drons, and proper Divisions, as might most dexterously and effectually encounter and conquer the hitherto invincible difficulties of our native Dialect, which, I presume, is here done to the clear conviction and ample satisfaction of the Judicious Ingenuous Master, the ease, benefit and delight of the Studious Ingenious Scholar, and the dele­ctation and approbation of the solid, serious, sharp-sighted Reader.

Moreover, that nothing may be wanting for accomplishing my English Scholar. I have also prescribed some short and right Rules for Reading Readily and Gracefully, and a Singular Method of Fair Writing Two Spruce Dexterous Hands, without taking Pen from Paper in drawing any Let­ter, either Small or Capital, fairly Engra­ven on a Copper Plate, and Copies Alpha­betically composed to Write and Practice by, tending to Holyness and Happyness; with short and right Rules of Arithmetick, plainly demonstrated, and easily attained and retained by the meanest Capacity and weakest Memory.

Furthermore, I have here presented thee with Sundry Pertinent Comparisons, Pro­verbial sayings, and Select Sentences both [Page] Moral and Divine, Alphabetically digested, and English Elegancies pleasantly im­proved, and Alphabetically disposed in fa­miliar Discourses, for exercising the most Industrious and Ingenious: With some Raptures of Poetry on the Commandments, and on the Dolorous Ruins, and Glorious Resurrection of the most Renowned City of London, from the devouring Flames: With some serious and seasonable Poems on Time and Death, to whet the Readers Ingenuity with a delightful Variety, to bring on my hopeful Scholar, with the greater facility and dexterity, to affect and effect the noble Study of Good Letters, and the right Know­ledge of himself, by understanding Books and Men. Thus craving thy Candid ac­ceptance of this well-meant Work, which I earnestly Recommend to thy Christian Consideration, and thy self to the Divine Protection. Vale.

TO THE Judicious and Generous READER.

Candid Reader,

MY many Years intimate Acquaintance with the studious ingenious Author, hath introduc'd me into the knowledge of the Man, and his Communication, who some Weeks since was pleas'd to Communicate his Design, to publish the present Work for a general Good. And that he might not deceive himself with a partial Opinion of his own Performance, he requested me cautiously and candidly to peruse it, and give my Judgment of it, whether it were worthy to see the Light: Conjuring me by the Laws of Friendship, not to favour any Error in it, through Modesty or Civility as a Friend, but throughly and strictly scan it with the Eye of an Enemy, by noting every Fault in it, as a most severe, but ingenuous, Corrector. To which I readily condescended, and with great­est Dexterity and Integrity (according to my [Page] slender Ability) have performed. And now think my self further obliged to render the Reader this following Account of the Work and Workman. I must, as a Friend to Truth as well as Charity, declare, That the Work is well designed for the benefit both of Natives and Strangers, that desire to attain the Know­ledge of the English Tongue in the Latitude and Elegancy of it, which now appears as great as any Vulgar Speech or Language in the World, being indeed the Quintessence of all Languages, which, like so many Egyptian Jew­els, and Hebrew Handmaids, serve to adorn this Queen. But in respect of the singular Copiousness and Significancy of it, above all other Vulgar Dialects, it is not so reducible to Rules of Grammar as other inferior Lan­guages are, which renders it the most difficult of all others to be attained by Strangers. Wherefore the Author, who is a great Admi­rer and Observer of the Curious Criticizms of this Lofty Language, hath, to the just Com­mendation of his singular Industry and Inge­nuity, abundantly laboured in this Work, and reduced it to so facil and familiar a Method, that he that runs may read, and he that reads may understand, what before he was altogether a stranger to. Which taking Method will pleasantly charm Squirrel-pated Boys into a [Page] love of Learning, and commendable Emulati­on to excel each other in the Elegancies and Significancies of their Native Tongue, never before so plausibly, plainly and particularly, ex­pressed and explained, as in this present plea­sant Work of the worthy Author. I have al­so seriously perused Eight or Nine several Au­thors that have attempted to write on this Subject, and without Prejudice or Partiality I affirm, that they have all come short of what in their flourishing Fronts they (or some-body for them) so confidently pretended; wherein (upon due Examination) I observed many things superfluous, some things very imperti­nent, and the whole very imperfect. I must in­genuously acknowledge, that this Work far ex­ceeds all I ever yet saw, whose comprehensive Method, and ingenious Management of the Design, as far surmounted my Expectation, as the dull Contrivance of a Vulgar Apprehension. And to render this Work useful and accepta­ble not only to Boys, but Men, the Author, in the later part of his Book, liberally enter­tains the ingenious Reader with a rich variety of pleasant and profitable Matter, both in Cu­rious Prose and Lofty Verse, worthy the Rea­ders Caution and Practical Observation in the Course of his Conversation, to oblige both the present and future Generations to praise the [Page] Fountain of Goodness, for giving such Gifts unto Men, and a Will to improve them for a General Good.

The Good Lord prolong the Elaborate and Orthodox Author's Life, to finish those Ex­cellent Designs he hath now in Hand: And the Lord increase the Number of such Men. And let me advise thee, Reader, to buy whatsoever proceeds from this Authors Pen, whose Parts and Pains are not ordinary, his Style lovely, and his Design holy. Thus, wishing thee Health and Happiness, I cease to write, but not to remain,

The Author's Friend, and thy Servant, R. W.

THE COMPENDIOUS Schoolmaster, &c.

FIrst of Letters in general, and particularly of Vowels, Consonants, and Dipthongs.

A Letter is the least part of a Word, and to every Letter three things belong.

  • 1. Name, whereby it is called.
  • 2. Figure, whereby it is known.
  • 3. Force, whereby it is pronounced.

Of Letters are made Syllables, of Syllables Words, of Words a Speech, which is either Prose or Verse.

Letters are distinguished two ways, 1. By Shape. 2. By [...]ound. According to their Shape,

First, Into Great or Capital Letters, as

A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V U W X Y Z &c.

Secondly, Small, as

a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p q r s s t v u w x y z & &c.

Great Letters are to be written in the Front or Title of a Book, as,


[Page 2]Also in the Glorious Names of God, as, I AM JEHOVAH LORD, And such like.

Also to begin a Sentence, as, Go to the Ant, thou Sluggard, consider her ways, and be wise.

  • Proper Names of Men, Charles, James, &c.
  • Of Women, as Mary, Elizabeth, Patience.
  • Of Dignities, as Majesty, Highness, &c.
  • Of Arts, as Grammar, Logick, &c.
  • Of Trades, as Taylor, Barber, &c.
  • Of Countries, as England, Ireland, &c.
  • Of Cities, as London, Oxford, Bristol, &c.
  • Of Towns, as Bedford, Buckingham, &c.
  • Of Villages, as Newington, Kensington, &c.
  • Of Rivers, as Thames, Tine, and Tweed, &c.
  • Of Months, as January, February, &c.

To begin a Verse, as,

Falls have their Risings, Wainings have their Primes,
And desperate Sorrows wait their better Times.

Letters are also divided into Vowels, which are five, a e i o u and y sounding like i in the middle or end of a Syllable, is a Greek Vowel.

And Consonants which are 19, and thus pronounced: bee cee dee ef gee iee ca el em en b c d f g i k l m n pee cu ar es tee yu ex wi zed. p q r s t u x y z.

[Page 3]A Vowel hath a perfect sound by itself without any other Letter, as, (A) good Man (I) ought to prize. (O) that this Age abounded with such Worthies.

Consonants be so called, because they cannot be sounded without a Vowel, as Gd sv th Kng, which with their Vowels added to make up the Sense, is, God save the King.

Consonants are of two sorts, single and double.

Single Consonants are 19, as before expressed: b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v x y z.

Y being both a Vowel and a Consonant, as appears in sun­dry Examples, P. 18. &c.

Double Consonants are these seven, ct ff fl ss sl sh st.

A Dipthong is the sound of two Vowels in one Syllable; Dipthongs are proper, or improper.

The proper Dipthongs are eight, ai, ei, oi, au, eu, ee, oo, ou.

The improper Dipthongs are six, ay, ey, oy, aw, ew, ow.

They differ not much in sound, but differ very much in writing; for the proper Dipthongs are to be used in the be­ginning and middle of a word, as in Oister, fair, Air, either; but when you have the same sounds in the end of a word, you must write ay, ey, oy, as prey, may, joy.

Though Letters usually have the same sound, yet it should be considered, that some Letters are to be differently sounded according as they are placed; And Secondly, that some Let­ters in sundry words lose their sound, being not at all pro­nounced, [Page 4] as by many pertinent Examples of both kinds Al­phabetically considered, shall plainly appear to the ample satisfaction of the studious ingenious Reader.

First, some Letters are to be differently sounded, according as they are variously placed, as in these following Alphabeti­cal Examples.

A Is generally pronounced sharp, as in bat, cat, fat, hat, lat, sat, mat, &c. But when A comes before ll, it is pronounced after the French manner, as au in ball, call, fall, hall, shall, wall, gall, which we pronounce like gaul, &c.

C Before a, o, oo, u, always sounds like k, as cade, came, cane, can, cap, cart, cast, caught, cave, cavel, &c.

Also before o, oo and u, C hath ever the same sound, as Court, Cold, Cook, Custom, Curious, and the like.

Also C in the beginning of a word, having a Consonant following it, is ever like k, as claim, clean, clime, clown, clue, crave, cram, creed, cry, crown, croud, crue, &c.

C before e or i, in all Latin and English words, is ever pronounced like s, as Cedar, Cellar, City, Civil, and the like.

But all Hebrew and Greek words that have e following c in the beginning of the Syllable, c is to be pronounced like k, as Cedron, which is pronounced as Kedron; and Acel­dama, as Akeldama, &c. except Cephas and Cenchrea, where c sounds like s.

Ch in words purely English, have a peculiar sound with them both before and after Vowels.

Before Vowels, as Charles, church, charge, charity, chariot, cheer, cheat, child, chirp, charter, chapter, chace, chance, chant, cheap, cherry, cheese, chose, chuse, chine, chip, chop, chup, churl, and the like.

Also after a Vowel ch is pronounced as before a Vowel, as ach, reach, rich, roche, such, teach, preach, breach, &c.

But in words of a Hebrew or Greek derivation, Ch sounds like k, both before a Vowel in the beginning of a word, and [Page 5] after a Vowel in the middle or end of a word, as in these following Examples plainly appears.

In the beginning of a word, as in Chilion, Chim-ham, Che-dar-la-o-mer, Chios, Choos, Cher [...]th, Choler, &c. where Ch is pronounced like k, as if it were written Kilion, Kim-ham, Ke-dar-la-o-mer, Kios, Koos, Kerith, Koler.

Thus after a Vowel in the middle of a word, Ch is pro­nounced like k, as Achan, Achor, Achaiah, Archelaus, Mi­chol, Michmas, Michael, Nicholas, Bich [...]y, Machination, Pro­cherus, Eschol; as if these words were written Akan, Akor, Akaiah, Arkelaus, Mikol, Mickmash, Mikael, Nickolas, Bickey, Mack­ination, Prokerus, Eskol.

Ch is likewise pronounced like k in the end of a word, as in Adramelech, Abimelech, Ahimelech, Enoch, Lamech, Mesech, Molech, Monarch; as if these words were written Adrameleck, Abimeleck, Ahimeleck, Elimeleck, Enok, La­meck, Meseck, Moleck, Monark, &c.

But some few Hebrew and Greek words, custom (that controuls Grammar) hath exempted from this Rule, as Che­rubim, Tychicus, Antioch, and Rachel, which, by the same Rule, should be pronounced Rakel, but because that would be of a bad sound, we say Rachel.

As also words compounded of Arch, as Archer, Arches, Archi-tecture, Arch-Bishop, Arch-Deacon, Arch-Duke; but we pronounce Arch-Angel, as if written Ark-Angel, accord­ing to the former Examples, as is ever to be observed.

For pronouncing e at the end of a word, is not so inge­niously reduced to any special Rule in the English Tongue, the French more exactly observe an e masculin, and an e feminin; the e masculin they mark and pronounce sharp, like the Latin Adverb Maximè; the e feminin, without any thing over it, is almost swallowed up in the pronunciation.

But though e in the end of an English word generally loseth its sound, as in p more plainly and particularly appears; yet in the following words e is ever fully pronoun­ced, as in he, she, we, ye, be. As also in some other words for distinguishing both the sense and sound from words of the same Orthography or Spelling, as bate from bat, care from car, cate from cat, fate from fat, fare from far, mare from mar, pare from par, ware from war, fire from fir, made [Page 6] from mad, mile from mill, quite from quit, bide from bid, ride from rid, gate from gat, hate from hat, and such like, where it alters not more the sense than sound.

Also e at the end of an English word softens the sound of g coming next before e, as in age, cage, rage, stage, sage and singe, where g hath a much softer sound than in cag, rag, stag, sing, which is plain to the meanest Capacity.

FIs always pronounced like itself, but in words borrowed from the Greek ph is used for it, as Philip, Philemon, Phebe, Phenice, Phantasy, Physick, Phlebotomy, and the like.

G Before a, o, or u, is pronounced short and sharp, sound­ing like the Greek (γ) Gamma, as in these following Examples, Game, gone, gun, gaudy, godly, guilty, and such like.

But in Haggai, the first g is pronounc'd short, and the second g, though a follows it, sounds flat, like an j Consonant, as if it were written Hagjai.

G before e or i in English words, is somtimes pronoun­ced long or flat, like an j Consonant, as gill, gin, gipsy, gem, gender, giant, generation, genealogy, gentility, generosity, geometry, gesture; and some proper Names, as Gervase, George, Gerard, Germany, Gifford; but the last may be, without Censure, pronounced either way, and gill, the gill of a fish, is pronounc'd short and sharp, as in gild; and gill, a gill of wine is pronounc'd long or flat, as in giant.

In all Hebrew and Greek words which we find in the Bible, or other Writings, this Rule is without Exception, that e following g, ever sounds sharp like itself, as before a, o, or u, as Gebal, Geber, Gedaliah, Gerezim, Genazareth, Geshur, Gershom, Gethsemane, &c.

Also when i follows next after g, as in Gibeon, Gideon, Gihon, Gilead; and girl, gillary, with all Hebrew and Greek Names of Persons or Places; it is absurd to pronounce g like an j Consonant, according to the English and Latin pronunciation of it before noted.

[Page 7]G before a Consonant is ever pronounced sharp, as in Gre­gory, Grevile, Glanvile, Grantham, grave, greasy, grim, ground, grind, grace, great, grief, gruel, gravel, grain, grapes, glass, grass, grow, glow, glide, glen, green, groan, grown, glean, grim, graffe, griffon, grimston, griest, and the like.

Gh is sounded like ff in laugh, tough, cough, enough, but not at all pronounc'd in though, which is sounded tho.

H Hath a perfect found in the beginning of all English words, as Henry, Hicks, Hugh, Hunt, Herbert, Hil­dersham, Hambleton, Harrington, Harrison, Holbourn, hand, heart, house, have, &c.

Ph is somtimes sounded like f, as in Philip, Philemon, Phebe, &c.

As also in the middle of a word, as Orphan, Sulphur, So­phister, Sophisticate.

And also in the end of a word, as gulph, triumph, and the like. But if ph be in two Syllables, then they are other­ways pronounced, as in Shep-herd, Clap-ham, and the like.

Q Is always followed by u, though u add nothing to the sound of it, as in quaint, quail, quart, quarter, quarrel, quaker, queen, quill, &c.

Qu is pronounced like ck in Exchequer, Liquor, Ca­tholique, Apostolique, Authentique; which words may be in­differently written with ck or que, as also frantick and pe­dantick.

R When it comes single, and when it comes double in the same Syllable, it is sounded alike, as in bar, barre; far, or farre; mar, or marre; jar, or jarre; war, or warre; e in the end of a word always following a double r, softens the sound, as if it were written with a single r, the r and the e being superfluous, as also in conferre, referre, deferre, inferre, and the like, where single r is enough to express the proper sound of the Syllable.

[Page 8]S Is pronounced like z in some words, as in easy, bosom, lose, use, abuse, sins, sons, desire, as has, was, &c.

Single s and double s sound alike at the end of a word, as blesse, transgresse, helplesse, hopelesse, wantonnesse, wicked­nesse, righteousnesse, and the like, the single s being enough to express the sound, and therefore best written with a single s.

There is a long s, and a short s, and you must always write long s at the beginning and middle of words, as son, soul, save, sanctuary, sister, solid, sold, and the like; and write s short in the end of words, as in sisters, sons, mothers, husbands, lands, &c.

TI when it begins a word, it is always fully pronoun­ced, as in Tide, Tiber, Tiler, Tiburn, Titus, and the like.

Likewise in the middle of a word, when s comes imme­diately before ti, then ti retains its perfect sound, as A-na-bap-tis-ti-cal, Bum-bas-ti-cal, Rus-ti-cal, Ce-les-ti-al, Fan-tas-ti-cal, Com-bus-ti-on, Fus-ti-an, Ques-ti-on, Tes-ti-mo-ny, Jus-ti-fy, and such like.

When ti begins a Syllable in the middle of a word, though s comes not before it, ti is pronounced as after s, in these words prag-ma-ti-cal, sab-ba-ti-cal, cer-ti-fy, gra-ti-fy, for-ti-fy, for-ti-tude, gra-ti-fy, gra-ti-tude, sanc-ti-fy.

Also all words ending in ti or ty, they are to be pronoun­ced as before, as in the following Examples is ever to be observed.

  • ad-ver-si-ty
  • car-na-li-ty
  • ca-la-mi-ty
  • cer-tain-ty
  • de-for-mi-ty
  • e-nor-mi-ty
  • en-mi-ty
  • ex-tre-mi-ty
  • im-pi-e-ty
  • cru-el-ty
  • hos-pi-ta-li-ty
  • hos-ti-li-ty
  • in-fi-de-li-ty
  • ge-ne-ra-li-ty
  • ma-lig-ni-ty
  • mo-ro-sity
  • im-pu-ri-ty
  • im-mu-ni-ty.
  • le-vi-ty
  • li-be-ra-li-ty
  • im-pu-ni-ty
  • spe-ci-al-ly
  • sure-ty
  • se-cu-ri-ty
  • cer-tain-ty
  • per-plex-i-ty
  • in-dig-ni-ty
  • stu-pi-di-ty
  • cre-du-lity
  • cha-ri-ty
  • ci-vi-li-ty
  • hu-ma-ni-ty
  • se-ve-ri-ty
  • pro-spe-ri-ty

Which Reading will make familiar and pleasant to the se­rious ingenious Reader.

[Page 9]But ti in the middle of a word is generally pronounced like ci, or si, as in these following Examples plainly ap­pears.

  • a-du-la-ti-on
  • ab-di-ca-ti-on
  • ab-ju-ra-ti-on
  • a-bo-mi-na-ti-on
  • ce-le-bra-ti-on
  • com-bi-na-ti-on
  • com-mi-na-ti-on
  • com-mu-ni-ca-ti-on
  • con-fla-gra-ti-on
  • con-ster-na-ti-on
  • dis-si-mu-la-ti-on
  • de-po-pu-la-ti-on
  • de-pe-cu-la-tion
  • di-la-pi-da-ti-on
  • de-col-la-ti-on
  • de-ci-ma-ti-on
  • dis-lo-ca-ti-on
  • de-fec-ti-on
  • de-tec-ti-on
  • de-trac-ti-on
  • de-cep-ti-on
  • de-jec-ti-on
  • dis-pu-ta-ti-on
  • dis-sen-ti-on
  • dis-pro-por-ti-on
  • de-pra-va-ti-on
  • de-pri-va-ti-on
  • de-plo-ra-ti-on
  • de-por-ta-ti-on
  • de-fa-ma-ti-on
  • de-gra-da-ti-on
  • dis-trac-ti-on
  • de-so-la-ti-on
  • de-struc-ti-on
  • ex-pos-tu-la-ti-on
  • ex-as-pe-ra-ti-on
  • ex-al-ta-ti-on
  • era-di-ca-ti-on
  • ex-e-cu-ti-on
  • fac-ti-on
  • frac-ti-on
  • func-ti-on
  • fic-ti-on
  • hu-mi-li-a-ti-on
  • in-no-va-ti-on
  • in-fa-tu-a-ti-on
  • in-tox-i-ca-ti-on
  • in-si-nu-a-ti-on
  • in-sul-ta-ti-on
  • in-can-ta-ti-on
  • in-dig-na-ti-on
  • in-sur-rec-ti-on
  • ju-ris-dic-ti-on
  • la-men-ta-ti-on
  • os-ten-ta-ti-on
  • pre-va-ri-ca-ti-on
  • pa-ti-ence
  • pol-lu-ti-on
  • pre-sump-ti-on
  • pro-vo-ca-ti-on
  • pro-po-si-ti-on
  • re-can-ta-ti-on
  • re-cri-mi-na-ti-on
  • re-demp-ti-on
  • re-jec-ti-on
  • se-di-ti-on
  • se-duc-ti-on
  • se-pa-ra-ti-on
  • se-ques-tra-ti-on
  • sal-va-ti-on
  • sti-pu-la-ti-on
  • tem-ta-ti-on
  • tri-bu-la-ti-on
  • trans-la-ti-on
  • vex-a-ti-on
  • vi-o-la-ti-on
  • vi-si-ta-ti-on
  • vo-ca-ti-on
  • u-sur-pa-ti-on

And in many the like words, which custom and diligence in read­ing will make fami­liar and pleasant to the judicious Reader.

And these words,

  • con-sti-tu-ti-on
  • in-sti-tu-ti-on
  • res-ti-tu-ti-on
  • es-ti-ma-ti-on
  • su-per-sti-ti-on
  • jus-ti-fi-ca-ti-on
  • sanc-ti-fi-ca-ti-on

have the first ti pro­nounced, as in the be­ginning or end of a word, and the last ti to be pronounced like ci, or si, as is ever to be observed.

[Page 10] Note, That an j Consonant, and an v Consonant, as they differ in shape, so in sound from an i Vowel, and an u Vowel, as much as one Letter doth from another.

I When written as a Vowel in the beginning of a Word, is thus ever to be pronounced, as Ibleam, Iconium, Idu­mea, Iturea; if, ignorance, illuminate, illustrious, imprudent, impudent, irreverent, incoherent, inconvenient, injuricus, in­commodious, and the like.

An J Consonant is always pronounc'd like g, as in James, Jacob, Job, Joseph, Japhet, Jebus, Jesus, Jerusalem, Jury, Judah, July, Judicious, Justice, and in all other Words which begin with an j Consonant, as is ever to be ob­served.

U Is variously pronounced, as a Vowel when written u, and as a Consonant which is written v, as by sundry pertinent Examples shall more plainly and particularly ap­pear.

An u Vowel in the beginning of a Word having a Conso­nant following after, must be ever pronounced as in these following Words is ever to be observed.

Ʋriah, Ʋrania, Ʋrban, Ʋzziah, Ʋlisses, Ʋbiquity, Ʋti­lity, Ʋniversity, Ʋniversality, Ʋnity, Ʋnite, Ʋnderstand­ing, &c.

An u Vowel is commonly set in the midst of a Syllable, having a Vowel after it, as due, sue, continue, retinue, re­venue, value, Venus, Vertue, and such like, where it is pro­nounced flat, as in you.

V Consonant begins a Syllable with a Vowel after it, ha­ving a different sound from a u Vowel, being strongly pro­nounced, as in vain, vaunt, vile, vermin, vengeance, vice, voice, vulture, Venice, venison, value, vow, &c.

[Page 11]And it is further to be noted, that an J Consonant, nor an v Consonant never end a Syllable, but begin it.

An j Consonant begins a Syllable, as in these Examples plainly appears, ab-ject, ob-ject, ob-jure, ad-jure, ad-journ, ad-join, ad-judge, con-jure, con-join, dis-join, de-ject, enjoy, enjoin, Eli-jah, per-jur'd, so-journer, and such like, as you will find in Reading.

And thus an v Consonant begins a Syllable, as in these Examples following.

  • ad-vance
  • ad-vice
  • ad-vise
  • ad-vent
  • ad-verb
  • an-vil
  • be-vil
  • ca-vil
  • con-vent
  • con-verse
  • con-vert
  • con-vey
  • con-vince
  • con-vict
  • Da-vid
  • Dan-vers
  • De-vil
  • de-vour
  • de-vote
  • de-vout
  • de-vice
  • de-vise
  • di-verse
  • di-vide
  • di-vine
  • di-vorce
  • di-vulge
  • dri-ven
  • dri-ver
  • dri-ving
  • en-vy
  • e-ven
  • e-vent
  • e-ver
  • fa-vour
  • fer-vent
  • fla-vel
  • gra-vel
  • gra-ven
  • gra-ver
  • gra-ving
  • gra-vy
  • har-vest
  • ho-vel
  • in-vade
  • in-vent
  • in-vite
  • in-voke
  • kna-vish
  • li-ver
  • li-ved
  • li-ving
  • lo-ver
  • lo-ving
  • mar-vel
  • o-val
  • o-ven
  • o-ver
  • pa-ved
  • pa-ving
  • per-verse
  • per-vert
  • pre-vail
  • pre-vent
  • pri-vy
  • pro-ved
  • pro-ving
  • pro-verb
  • pro-vide
  • pro-vince
  • pro-voke
  • ra-ven
  • ra-vish
  • re-veal
  • re-venge
  • re-verse
  • re-view
  • re-vile
  • re-vise
  • re-vive
  • re-voke
  • re-volt
  • ro-vers
  • sa-ved
  • sa-ving
  • sa-vage
  • sa-voy
  • sa-vour
  • sa-vi-our
  • scur-vy
  • sel-vedge
  • ser-vice
  • ser-vile
  • ser-ving
  • shi-vers
  • sho-vel
  • star-ved
  • swer-ved
  • ta-vern
  • tra-vel
  • tra-verse
  • wa-ver
  • wea-ver
  • wo-ven

A v Con­sonant is sometimes placed in the middle of a Sylla­ble, having an e after it to end the word, as

  • brave
  • cave
  • crave
  • drave
  • drive
  • drove
  • dove
  • dive
  • five
  • gave
  • give
  • grieve
  • grave
  • grove
  • have
  • heave
  • hove
  • leave
  • live
  • love
  • move
  • pave
  • rave
  • rove
  • save
  • sieve
  • salve
  • wave
  • weave
  • wove

and the like.

[Page 12]Which foregoing Words of one Syllable, with divers others of the same kind, as knave, slave, shave, deceive, reave, cove, thrive, strive, &c. must never be written with an u Vowel, because it gives the Syllable a flat and a false sound, sounding like ew, as Hebrew, due, sue, &c. This is intended for a modest Rebuke to Scholars and Printers that frequent­ly, but corruptly write and print a u Vowel for a u Conso­nant, in sundry of the Examples before named, to the weak Reader's Prejudice, and the Penman and Printer's Re­proach.

X In the beginning of a Word is pronounced soft like z, as in Xocrates, Xenophon, X [...]tippe: But in the middle of a Syllable x is pronounced more sharply, as in Exit, Exodus, Xerxes, where the first x is pronounced soft, and the last sharp; and in Artaxerxes, where x in both places sounds briskly.

Y Before a Vowel in English is a Consonant, as in your, yonder, younger, yard, year, yesterday, yeoman, &c.

But y after a Consonant is a Vowel, as my, cry, dry, fry; and also after a Vowel in the end of a Syllable, is al­ways a Vowel, as bay, buy, boy, coy, key, lay, may, nay, pray, prey, say, way, and the like.

When j and y are Consonants, they are very differently pronounced, as jack, jet, joke, and yate, yet, yoke; and it is further to be observed, that y is never set before u, and never before i, but in yield.

Note that ic, and y, are promiscuously used in the end of a Word, as beautie, beauty; charitie, charity; civilitie, civility; dutie, duty; and many other Words, wherein ie or y may be indifferently used; but in many words, as bay, day, gay, bay, lay, may, coy, joy, and the like; Custom carries it with y, and I give my Vote for y to conclude the rest.

[Page 13]Thus having considered the proper sounds of Letters, and the several sounds of the same Letters variously pla­ced in the same Words, according to their different Deri­vations, I now proceed to a second Alphabetical Prospect, in pursuit of the Elegancy of the English Tongue, to shew that Letters which must be written in a Word, are not at all sounded in the proper pronunciation of those Words, with such plain and pertinent Examples, that he that runs may read, and he that reads may understand what many Coun­try Schoolmasters and Schooldames are ignorant of, as fol­loweth.

A In some Words loseth its sound: For Example, we write Pharaoh, but we read Pharo, where neither a nor h is pronounced. And likewise in Isaac, Balaam, and Canaan, where the later a in those three Words is not pro­nounced by the Learned in the English Tongue, as if they were written Isac, Balam, and Canan; but in Baal both are pronounced to lengthen the sound, like the bleating of a Sheep, Baa-lam, to distinguish Baal from bal, ball, and baul.

When ea come together, as in earth, wealth, beat, beauty; and oa, as boat, moat, abroad, &c. a in both is but little sounded, only draws the Syllable long to soften it, and sweeten the sound, like e in come, home, some, and the like.

B In the end of a Word is not pronounced, as in lamb, limb, dumb, numb, thumb, womb, as also in debt, doubt, and the like.

C Between a Vowel and k is not pronounced, as in back, black, check, jack, lick, lock, suck, truck, dick, duck, buck, muck, luck, and the like.

C after s is not pronounced, as in descent, conscience, ascent, disciple, and the like.

[Page 14]D Is not pronounced in badge, drudge, bridge, hedge, judge, lodge, trudge, friendship, handmaid, wed­nesday, &c.

E Is usually written, but not pronounced in these Words, honey, money, moneth, trueth; as also at the end of Words, as sue, due, heare, teare, feare, neare, deare, and the like, as if they were written hony, mony, month, truth, su, du, hear, tear, fear, near, dear, in which Words (ex­cept sue and due) the e is left out in writing.

But you must ever except some Words of a Foreign deri­vation, as Jesse, Jubilee, Epitome, &c. where e at the end sounds strongly, as in the Latin Adverb certè, where e, like the French e Masculin, is ever briskly pronounced.

G Is not pronounced in reign, sign, flegm, assign, design, and the like.

Gh in the middle of a Syllable are but softly pronounced, as in light, bright, might, night, right, as also in thought, straight, strength, slaughter; and in high, thigh, nigh, gh are not at all sounded.

H Is written, but not sounded in sundry Words, as Christ, Chrystal, Christopher, Thomas, John, Zachary, Achan, Achor, Anchor, Aristarchus, Shadrach, Mesech, Scholar, Eunuch, Myrrhe, Chronicle, Authority, Choler, Rhine, Rhenish, Rhetorick, Melancholy, Rheum, Scheme, and the like.

Also the sound of h is lost in the beginning of Words that are either in whole or in part borrowed from Hebrew: For Example, we should write Hierusalem, which we now pro­nounce, and Custom hath of late introduc'd the writing of it without an h, as Jerusalem, and h is almost swallowed up in Humphrey and humble.

But h beginning Words derived from the Greek, is pro­nounced, as Hierarchy, &c.

[Page 15]H also loseth its sound at the end of divers Words, as Micah, Micaiah, Hezekiah, Hannah, Hilkiah, Hananiah, Elkanah, Obadiah, Jonah, Jeddidiah, Josiah, Joshuah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jeconiah, Goliah, Gemariah, Ʋriah, Zerviah, Zechariah, Zedekiah, with many other names of Persons and Places mentioned in Holy Scripture. But in ah, oh, foh, h is pronounced.

I Is not sounded in adieu, suit, fruit, fashion, bruised, cousin, carriage, translation, and the like; and after e, as deceive, &c.

K Is very little sounded in back, beik, buck, deck, dick, duck, sack, sick, suck, rick, rack, wrack, ruck, pack, peck, pick, track, trick, truck; in all which, and the like Words, c takes off the sound from k, c being there pro­nounced like k.

L Loseth its sound in calf, half, stalk, salve, falcon, sal­mon, Lincoln, Bristol, Holbourn, Norfolk, Suffolk, &c.

N Is not sounded in solemn, condemn, contemn, column, autumn, hymn, and the like; yet n is written after m in the foregoing words, to shew their derivation from the Latin.

O Is not pronounced in bloud, courage, damosel, gaoler, jeopardy, people, nourish, flourish, pious, scourge, young, yeoman, and touch, which is pronounced like such, much, &c.

P Is not sounded in Psalm, Psalter, Psaltery, receipt, re­ceipt, redemption, Simpson, symptom, sumptuous, tempt, &c.

S Is not sounded, but always written in Isle, Viscount, Island, which are pronounced Ile, Vicount, Iland.

[Page 16]T Loseth its sound before c, as catch, hatch, latch, match, snatch, stretch, wretch, and the like.

U Vowel is not sounded in guard, guest, guide, guile, buy, build, built, guise, guilt, guilty, circuit, conduit, errour, horrour, mirrour, bury, busy, plague, plagued, tongue, prologue, epilogue, catalogue, rogue, vogue, and such like, where u is not pronounced.

VV After o is softly sounded in grow, slow, blow, yellow, shadow, widow, sorrow, shallow, borrow, fallow, follow; and in wrack, wrath, wroth, wretch, wrinckle, wranckle, wright, w is not at all pronounced.

Y Is not pronounced in chimney, journey, key, kidney, monkey, pulley, and such like.

And now Reader consider, that albeit the Learned have rendered a Reason why these superfluous Letters should be written in the words foregoing where they are not pronoun­ced, because they shew from whence the words are derived; yet it is much to be desired, and hath been by some of late ingeniously endeavoured to write Words as we speak them, which would make our Tongue abundantly more familiar and useful both to our selves and strangers. And it would tend no less to the Honour, than the Interest of our Nation, so far to decline the wordy frothy French, as to read as we write, and speak as we think.

Thus having shew'd not only the different sounds of Let­ters according as they are placed in a Word, with sundry per­tinent Alphabetical Examples; but also where Letters are written, and not at all pronounced in Reading, exactly and effectually to teach my Scholar the proper pronunciation of Words, according to their different Derivations, which is the Key of the Work: I now proceed to consider Syllables, of which Words are made, with some Examples of Words of One Syllable, which is the business of the Second Chapter.

Of Syllables, and Words of One Syllable.

A Syllable is the pronouncing one Letter or more with one breath, as, O Lord; and gives a perfect sound, con­sisting of one Letter or more of any Number under Nine, as in these following Examples.

I do see that brave Amazon brought strength.

Of Letters are made Syllables, and of Syllables Words.

Easie Syllables for Young Learners.
  • ab eb ib ob ub
  • ac ec ic oc uc
  • ad ed id od ud
  • af ef if of uf
  • ag eg ig og ug
  • ak ek ik ok uk
  • al el il ol ul
  • am em im om um
  • an en in on un
  • ap ep ip op up
  • ar er ir or ur
  • as es is os us
  • at et it ot ut
  • ba be bi bo bu by
  • ca ce ci co cu cy
  • da de di do du dy
  • fa fe fi fo fu fy
  • ga ge gi go gu gy
  • ka ke ki ko ku ky
  • la le li lo lu ly
  • ma me mi mo mu my
  • na ne ni no nu ny
  • pa pe pi po pu py
  • ra re ri ro ru ry
  • sa se si so su sy
  • ta te ti to tu ty
  • va ve vi vo vu vy
  • wa we wi wo [...] wy

Examples of Words of One Syllable.

  • Ace
  • add
  • age
  • ah
  • ale
  • ape
  • are
  • a [...]
  • aw
  • ax
  • ay
  • Babe
  • back
  • bake
  • bald
  • ba [...]
  • bark
  • bare
  • base
  • bath
  • bay
  • beg
  • beam
  • bears
  • beast
  • belch
  • Cage
  • cake
  • calf
  • calve
  • came
  • cane
  • can
  • canst
  • catch
  • cave
  • caught
  • change
  • chance
  • charge
  • Dare
  • date
  • dance
  • dawn
  • dead
  • deaf
  • deal
  • dealt
  • dear
  • dearn
  • delve
  • den
  • Each
  • ear
  • earth
  • ease
  • eat
  • edge
  • eigh
  • e'm
  • e [...]e
  • end
  • ere
  • err
  • ew
  • Face
  • fact
  • fade
  • fail
  • faint
  • fair
  • faith
  • false
  • fame
  • fare
  • fault
  • fear
  • feast
  • feed
  • Gain
  • gat
  • gate
  • gave
  • gay
  • gaze
  • ghost
  • give
  • g [...]ad
  • glass
  • g [...]ean
  • g [...]h
  • g [...]t
  • goat
  • Ha
  • had
  • hail
  • hair
  • hare
  • hast
  • hatch
  • hate
  • hath
  • haunt
  • hawk
  • here
  • hear
  • Jaw
  • jack
  • jot
  • joy
  • join
  • joint
  • judge
  • just
  • joyst
  • juyce
  • inne
  • ink
  • in
  • ice
  • i [...]
  • Keen
  • keep
  • kept
  • key
  • kick
  • kind
  • kine
  • kiss
  • kite
  • knee
  • kneel
  • knew
  • knife
  • knock
  • know
  • Lace
  • lack
  • lad
  • lade
  • lake
  • lamb
  • lame
  • lamp
  • lance
  • lanch
  • land
  • late
  • laud
  • loud
  • Made
  • maid
  • make
  • match
  • march
  • mark
  • mast
  • make
  • mate
  • meal
  • meat
  • meet
  • met
  • Nail
  • name
  • nag
  • naught
  • nay
  • neigh
  • nigh
  • new
  • next
  • night
  • nine
  • noon
  • noise
  • none
  • nurse
  • Oar
  • oath
  • odd
  • of
  • off
  • oft
  • oates
  • old
  • one
  • ounce
  • ought
  • our
  • out
  • own
  • oxe
  • Pace
  • pack
  • pad
  • page
  • peace
  • piece
  • pearl
  • price
  • pomp
  • pump
  • pond
  • pure
  • purge
  • purse
  • Quack
  • quaff
  • quail
  • quake
  • quart
  • queen
  • quench
  • quick
  • quill
  • quince
  • quit
  • quite
  • quote
  • quoit
  • [Page 19]Race
  • rack
  • rage
  • rail
  • rant
  • reach
  • read
  • realm
  • ream
  • reap
  • rich
  • ride
  • rob
  • robe
  • run
  • Sack
  • safe
  • said
  • seal
  • seek
  • seize
  • serve
  • sift
  • sight
  • sign
  • sold
  • some
  • soon
  • sun
  • Take
  • taste
  • taunt
  • the
  • thee
  • them
  • then
  • thigh
  • thin
  • thing
  • thine
  • took
  • tool
  • tooth
  • tun
  • Vail
  • vain
  • vale
  • vamp
  • veal
  • vein
  • vend
  • vent
  • vile
  • vine
  • vice
  • voice
  • void
  • us
  • Want
  • wade
  • waft
  • wail
  • wealth
  • wean
  • weave
  • whine
  • whip
  • whisk
  • win
  • wit
  • worm
  • worn
  • wrung
  • Yard
  • year
  • yea
  • ye
  • yarn
  • yearn
  • yield
  • yell
  • yew
  • you
  • your
  • yours
  • young
  • youth
  • Zeal
  • Zone

Sundry short exact Rules for dividing Words of Two Syllables, with a pleasant Variety of pertinent Ex­amples to each Rule, never to be forgotten.
The First Rule sheweth, That one Consonant in the middle of a Word between two Vowels, is usually joined to the later Vowel, as in the following Ex­amples is to be observed.

  • A-base
  • a-b [...]
  • a-bide
  • a-b [...]r [...]
  • a-bode
  • a-bove
  • a-bound
  • a-bout
  • a-buse
  • a-corn
  • a-cre
  • a-dieu
  • a-dopt
  • a- [...]
  • a-dorn
  • a-dore
  • a-far
  • a-fore
  • a-fraid
  • a-fresh
  • a-gain
  • a-gainst
  • a- [...]
  • a- [...]
  • a-gree
  • a-gue
  • a- [...]
  • a-lack
  • a-larm
  • a-las
  • a-lass
  • a-like
  • a-live
  • a-loft
  • a-lone
  • a-light
  • a-long
  • a-loof
  • a-loud
  • a-maze
  • a-mend
  • a-men
  • a- [...]
  • a-miss
  • a-mong
  • a-mongst
  • a- [...]
  • a- [...]
  • a-ny
  • a- [...]
  • a-part
  • a-piece
  • a-p [...]ill
  • a-pron
  • a- [...]
  • a-right
  • a-rise
  • a-rose
  • a-sleep
  • a-wake
  • a- [...]
  • a- [...]
  • a-way
  • a-wake
  • a-woke
  • au-gu [...]
  • Ba-con
  • ba- [...]
  • ba- [...]
  • ba-k [...]
  • ba-king
  • [Page 20]bare-foot
  • bare-leg
  • base-ness
  • [...]
  • [...]
  • ba-son
  • bay-salt
  • bea-ver
  • be-came
  • be-cause
  • be-come
  • be-fall
  • be-fell
  • be-fore
  • be-gan
  • be-g [...]t
  • be-g [...]
  • be-g [...]
  • be- [...]
  • be-gin
  • be-g [...]
  • be- [...]
  • be-half
  • be-have
  • be- [...]
  • be- [...]
  • be-hind
  • be-hold
  • be- [...]
  • be-lieve
  • be- [...]
  • be- [...]
  • be-low
  • be-long
  • be- [...]
  • be-neath
  • be- [...]
  • be- [...]
  • be- [...]
  • be- [...]
  • be-set
  • be-sides
  • be-som
  • be- [...]
  • be-s [...]ght
  • be- [...]
  • be-times
  • bi-teth
  • bla-med
  • bla-meth
  • blame-less
  • bla-zing
  • bla-zon
  • ble-mish
  • bo-dy
  • bo-dice
  • boo-by
  • boo-ty
  • bo-rough
  • bo-red
  • bo-rage
  • bo-som
  • bra-sen
  • bri-nish
  • bro-ken
  • bro-ker
  • brui-sed
  • bu-ry
  • bu-sy
  • Case-ment
  • ca-ses
  • cau-ses
  • cau-sing
  • ca-reer
  • cea-sing
  • ce-dar
  • ce-ment
  • cha-fing
  • cha-ces
  • cha-sing
  • chea-pen
  • chea-per
  • che-rish
  • chee-ses
  • chi-ding
  • choi-cest
  • cho-ler
  • choo-ser
  • chu-sing
  • choo-sen
  • cla-mor
  • cla-ret
  • cla-ry
  • clo-ses
  • clo-ser
  • clo-set
  • clou-dy
  • co-heirs
  • co-lour
  • come-ly
  • co-meth
  • co-ming
  • co-nies
  • co-py
  • co-ping
  • co-ral
  • cou-rage
  • cou-sin
  • cra-sy
  • cre-dit
  • crea-ture
  • cree-pers
  • cree-ping
  • cu-bit
  • cu-rat
  • cu-red
  • cu-pid
  • Dai-ry
  • da-mask
  • dai-ly
  • day-light
  • dea-con
  • de-base
  • de-bate
  • de-coy
  • de-cease
  • de-ceit
  • de-ceive
  • de-coct
  • de-cent
  • de-fame
  • de-face
  • de-feat
  • de-fend
  • de-fence
  • de-fer
  • de-file
  • de-form
  • de-fie
  • de-lay
  • de-light
  • de-lude
  • de-luge
  • de-mand
  • de-mean
  • de-mise
  • de-mur
  • de-mure
  • de-nounce
  • de-ny
  • de-pute
  • de-part
  • de-pend
  • de-pose
  • de-ride
  • de-sart
  • de-sert
  • de-sign
  • de-serve
  • de-sire
  • de-sist
  • de-tain
  • de-ter
  • de-test
  • di-ned
  • di-rect
  • dole-ful
  • dole-wood
  • do-ting
  • dove-house
  • do-zen
  • dra-gon
  • dra-per
  • du-ring
  • du-ty
  • du-ties
  • duke-dom
  • Ea-ger
  • ea-led
  • ea-sy
  • e-dict
  • e-gypt
  • e-ject
  • e-lect
  • e-nough
  • e-qual
  • e-rect
  • eu-nuch
  • eye-lids
  • eye-salve
  • eye-sight
  • eye-sore
  • Fa-ces
  • fa-cil
  • fa-deth
  • fa-ding
  • fa-got
  • fa-mous
  • false-ly
  • false-ness
  • fa-mine
  • fa-misht
  • fare-well
  • fe-lon
  • fe-male
  • fi-ling
  • fi-gure
  • fi-nal
  • fi-ner
  • fi-nest
  • fi-nish
  • flou-rish
  • fo-ling
  • fo-ming
  • fo-ment
  • foo-lish
  • fore-go
  • fore-head
  • fore-horse
  • fore-know
  • fore-man
  • fore-most
  • fore-part
  • fore-saw
  • fore-tell
  • fore-told
  • fore-warn
  • for-lorn
  • fra-med
  • free-dom
  • free-leave
  • free-ly
  • free-man
  • free-gift
  • fre-quent
  • free-will
  • fri-day
  • fro-ward
  • fro-zen
  • fu-ry
  • Ga-ped
  • ga-zer
  • ga-ping
  • ga-zing
  • gli-ding
  • gloo-my
  • glo-ry
  • glue-pot
  • gou-ty
  • gra-tor
  • grea-ter
  • gree-dy
  • grea-sy
  • gri-ping
  • gro-cer
  • gro-ping
  • gross-ly
  • gui-ded
  • Ha-bit
  • hai-ry
  • [Page 21]ha-ling
  • ha-sel
  • ha-ted
  • hate-ful
  • ha-ter
  • ha-ting
  • hea-dy
  • hei-fer
  • hei-nous
  • he-rald
  • he-roe
  • here-by
  • here-with
  • hi-ding
  • hi-red
  • hire-ling
  • hoa-ry
  • ho-cus
  • hoi-sed
  • ho-ly
  • ho-mage
  • home-born
  • home-ly
  • ho-nest
  • ho-nour
  • ho-ney
  • ho-ping
  • hope-ful
  • hope-less
  • horse-back
  • horse-man
  • horse-leech
  • hou-ses
  • house-wife
  • hu-man
  • hu-mour
  • hy-men
  • hy-sop
  • Ja-cint
  • ja-ded
  • jay-lor
  • i-dol
  • jea-lous
  • Je-sus
  • joy-ful
  • joy-ner
  • i-ron
  • i-tem
  • jui-cy
  • ju-ly
  • ju-ry
  • Ki-bed
  • knea-ding
  • knee-deep
  • kneel-ing
  • La-bour
  • la-ced
  • lace-man
  • la-den
  • la-ding
  • la-dy
  • la-dies
  • la-ment
  • la-ter
  • la-tin
  • late-ly
  • la-zy
  • le-per
  • lea-sing
  • lea-sure
  • le-gar
  • le-mon
  • lea-per
  • leo-pard
  • li-bel
  • li-cense
  • like-wise
  • like-ly
  • li-ning
  • live-ly
  • lo-cal
  • lo-cust
  • lo-ser
  • lo-sing
  • low-ly
  • ly-zard
  • Ma-dam
  • ma-dest
  • ma-gick
  • mai-den
  • ma-ker
  • ma-king
  • make-bate
  • ma-lice
  • ma-lign
  • ma-nure
  • ma-rine
  • ma-son
  • may-day
  • may-game
  • mea-dow
  • mea-ly
  • mea-sure
  • mee-ter
  • mi-ner
  • mi-nor
  • mi-ry
  • mo-dest
  • mo-del
  • mo-dern
  • mo-dish
  • mo-gul
  • mole-hil
  • mo-ment
  • mo-ney
  • mo-ping
  • mo-pus
  • mo-ted
  • mu-sing
  • mu-sick
  • my-ter
  • Na-ked
  • na-med
  • name-ly
  • na-tive
  • na-ture
  • nee-dy
  • neu-ter
  • nine-pence
  • nine-pound
  • nine-teen
  • nine-teenth
  • nine-ty
  • noi-som
  • noi-sed
  • no-ses
  • no-sing
  • no-ted
  • no-tice
  • no-ting
  • nou-rish
  • Oa-ten
  • o-bey
  • o-dors
  • o-live
  • o-men
  • o-mer
  • oi-ly
  • o-mit
  • o-nix
  • o-pen
  • o-range
  • Pa-ces
  • pa-cing
  • pa-ler
  • pale-ness
  • pa-lace
  • pa-late
  • pa-rents
  • pa-rish
  • pa-per
  • pa-ring
  • pay-day
  • pay-ment
  • pea-cock
  • pea-hen
  • pease-cod
  • pea-sant
  • pe-nal
  • pe-rish
  • pe-ril
  • phea-sant
  • phra-ses
  • pide-bull
  • pie-ces
  • Pi-lat
  • pi-lot
  • pi-ous
  • pi-ped
  • pi-ping
  • pla-ces
  • pla-cing
  • pla-gued
  • play-fair
  • play-foul
  • play-not
  • plea-der
  • plea-ding
  • plea-sant
  • plea-sing
  • plea-sure
  • plu-ral
  • poi-son
  • po-sy
  • po-sing
  • prai-ses
  • prai-sing
  • pra-ter
  • pra-ting
  • pre-cept
  • pre-cise
  • pre-cede
  • pre-dict
  • pre-fer
  • pre-face
  • pre-late
  • pre-lude
  • pre-pare
  • pre-sage
  • pre-sence
  • pre-sent
  • pre-sume
  • pre-tence
  • pre-tend
  • pri-son
  • pri-zes
  • pri-zers
  • pri-zing
  • pro-bate
  • pro-bing
  • pro-ceed
  • pro-cess
  • pro-cure
  • pro-duce
  • pro-duct
  • pro-fane
  • pro-fess
  • pro-phet
  • pro-fit
  • pro-found
  • pro-long
  • pro-mote
  • pro-mise
  • pro-nounce
  • pro-per
  • pro-tect
  • pro-logue
  • pro-pose
  • pro-pound
  • pro-rogue
  • pro-test
  • pru-dence
  • pru-dent
  • pru-ned
  • pru-ning
  • pu-mice
  • pure-ly
  • pure-ness
  • pye-meat
  • Qua-ked
  • [Page 22]qua-king
  • que-ry
  • quo-rum
  • quo-ted
  • Ra-cy
  • ra-dish
  • ra-ged
  • ra-ging
  • rai-ment
  • rai-ny
  • rai-sed
  • rai-sins
  • rea-sons
  • rake-hell
  • ra-pine
  • re-pine
  • rare-ly
  • ra-zor
  • rea-dy
  • rea-per
  • rea-ping
  • rea-son
  • re-bate
  • re-bel
  • re-build
  • re-built
  • re-buke
  • re-bound
  • re-ceit
  • re-cite
  • re-call
  • re-ceive
  • re-cant
  • re-ceipt
  • re-cess
  • re-cord
  • re-coil
  • re-count
  • re-dound
  • re-fer
  • re-fine
  • re-form
  • re-fuge
  • re-fuse
  • re-fute
  • re-gain
  • re-gard
  • re-hearse
  • re-late
  • re-lease
  • re-lief
  • re-lieve
  • re-lict
  • re-lish
  • re-ly
  • re-main
  • re-mand
  • re-mind
  • re-miss
  • re-mit
  • re-mark
  • re-morse
  • re-mote
  • re-move
  • re-new
  • re-nounce
  • re-nown
  • re-pair
  • re-past
  • re-pay
  • re-peal
  • re-pel
  • re-peat
  • re-pent
  • re-pine
  • re-ply
  • re-pose
  • re-port
  • re-pute
  • re-quire
  • re-quite
  • re-quest
  • re-serve
  • re-side
  • re-sist
  • re-sign
  • re-solve
  • re-sort
  • re-sult
  • re-tain
  • re-tard
  • re-tire
  • re-turn
  • re-ward
  • ri-der
  • ri-ding
  • ri-gor
  • ri-pen
  • ri-per
  • ri-sen
  • ri-sing
  • ro-man
  • rou-sing
  • ru-by
  • ru-ler
  • ru-ling
  • ru-mor
  • Safe-ly
  • safe-guard
  • safe-ty
  • sa-ges
  • sa-lute
  • sa-tan
  • sa-tyr
  • scho-lar
  • sco-ring
  • scou-ring
  • scra-ping
  • scrive-ner
  • sea-son
  • sea-ted
  • se-cond
  • se-cure
  • se-duce
  • sei-sed
  • se-lah
  • se-nate
  • sense-less
  • sea-led
  • sha-dow
  • sha-dy
  • sha-king
  • sha-med
  • shame-ful
  • sha-ped
  • sha-ring
  • shea-ring
  • she-kel
  • she-riff
  • shi-ning
  • sie-ges
  • si-lence
  • si-lent
  • si-der
  • sli-der
  • slu-ces
  • smi-ter
  • smo-test
  • sno-red
  • sno-ring
  • sna-ring
  • so-der
  • so-lace
  • so-lar
  • so-lemn
  • so-lid
  • soo-ner
  • sore-ly
  • sore-ness
  • so-rer
  • snea-king
  • spa-nish
  • spa-ring
  • spa-rib
  • spee-dy
  • spi-ces
  • spi-der
  • spi-rit
  • spite-ful
  • spo-ken
  • sta-ble
  • state-ly
  • sta-ture
  • sta-tutes
  • stea-dy
  • sti-pend
  • sto-ned
  • sto-ny
  • sto-ry
  • stri-king
  • stu-dy
  • su-gar
  • sure-ly
  • sure-ness
  • sure-ty
  • sy-nod
  • sy-rup
  • Ta-ber
  • tai-lor
  • ta-ken
  • ta-lent
  • ta-med
  • ta-per
  • there-by
  • there-fore
  • there-with
  • tho-row
  • thou-sand
  • three-fold
  • ti-dings
  • ti-ling
  • ti-ring
  • time-ly
  • tra-ding
  • to-ping
  • to-ries
  • to-tal
  • to-ward
  • tra-ded
  • tray-tor
  • trea-cle
  • trea-son
  • tre-ble
  • tre-foil
  • tri-bute
  • tri-bune
  • tri-dent
  • tru-ly
  • tu-lip
  • tu-mult
  • tu-tor
  • tu-mor
  • twi-light
  • ty-rant
  • ty-ler
  • Va-cant
  • va-lor
  • va-lue
  • va-nish
  • va-por
  • vi-car
  • vi-ces
  • vi-gils
  • vi-lest
  • vile-ness
  • vi-per
  • vi-sage
  • vi-sit
  • vo-mit
  • vo-ting
  • u-nite
  • u-rine
  • u-sage
  • u-sed
  • u-ses
  • use-less
  • use-ful
  • u-sing
  • u-surp
  • Wa-ding
  • wa-fer
  • wa-ger
  • wa-ges
  • wa-king
  • wa-ter
  • way-side
  • wea-ry
  • wea-ring
  • wea-sel
  • where-to
  • where-with
  • whining
  • [Page 23]whi-ting
  • white-ness
  • whoo-rish
  • who-so
  • wi-dow
  • wi-der
  • wi-ping
  • wi-ring
  • wise-ly
  • wi-ser
  • wo-ful
  • wo-man
  • wo-men
  • wri-ting
  • wri-ter
  • Yeo-man
  • yeo-men
  • yo-ked
  • Zea-lous
  • zea-lot
  • ze-nith

But as there is no General Rule but may be liable to some Exception, so the foregoing Rule is here contradicted in sundry Words wherein a Consonant placed in the middle of a Word between two Vowels is not always joined to the later Vowel, as in the former Examples, but sometimes to the former Vowel, as in the following Examples is to be observed.

  • Aid-ed
  • ail-ed
  • ail-eth
  • aim-ed
  • air-ed
  • arm-ed
  • ax-ed
  • Bear-er
  • bear-ing
  • beak-er
  • beat-en
  • beat-ing
  • bind-er
  • bind-ing
  • bleat-ing
  • blend-ing
  • blind-ed
  • bloom-ing
  • blow-eth
  • blow-ing
  • blush-ing
  • boast-ed
  • boil-ed
  • boil-ing
  • boot-ed
  • bow-ed
  • bow-els
  • bow-er
  • box-ing
  • break-er
  • break-ing
  • breed-er
  • breed-ing
  • brew-er
  • brief-er
  • broad-er
  • broad-est
  • broil-ed
  • broil-ing
  • Chain-ing
  • chain-ed
  • cheer-eth
  • cheat-ing
  • chew-ed
  • chew-ing
  • chief-est
  • choak-ed
  • ciel-ing
  • claim-ing
  • clasp-ing
  • claw-ing
  • clout-ed
  • coat-ed
  • coin-ing
  • cook-ing
  • cool-ing
  • coop-er
  • crook-ed
  • croud-ing
  • crow-ing
  • Daub-ing
  • deal-er
  • deal-ing
  • debt-or
  • dis-ease
  • draw-er
  • draw-ing
  • dream-ed
  • dream-er
  • dread-ing
  • drew-est
  • Ear-ed
  • ear-ing
  • eat-en
  • eat-ing
  • eat-er
  • end-ing
  • ew-er
  • ex-act
  • ex-alt
  • ex-ile
  • Fail-ed
  • fail-ing
  • faint-ed
  • fair-er
  • fair-ing
  • fear-ing
  • feel-ing
  • few-el
  • few-er
  • fix-ed
  • fix-ing
  • float-ing
  • fool-ing
  • foot-ing
  • foul-ed
  • foul-er
  • fox-es
  • freez-ing
  • Gain-ed
  • glean-ed
  • glean-ing
  • gnaw-ing
  • goat-ish
  • greet-ing
  • groan-ing
  • grow-ing
  • Hail-ed
  • [Page 24]head-ach
  • heal-ing
  • heal-er
  • heap-ing
  • hear-er
  • hear-ing
  • hew-ing
  • hog-ish
  • hook-ing
  • hoop-ing
  • hoot-ing
  • Jeer-ing
  • jew-el
  • jew-ish
  • join-ed
  • im-age
  • Keen-er
  • keep-er
  • keep-ing
  • knew-est
  • know-est
  • know-ing
  • knit-ting
  • Lead-er
  • lead-ing
  • leak-ing
  • lean-ing
  • leap-ing
  • lift-ed
  • lift-ing
  • load-en
  • low-der
  • low-er
  • Maim-ed
  • mean-ing
  • meet-ing
  • mix-ed
  • mix-ing
  • moan-ing
  • mop-ey'd
  • moor-ish
  • mow-ed
  • mow-er
  • mow-ing
  • Nail-ed
  • nail-ing
  • near-er
  • new-er
  • Ox-en
  • Pain-ed
  • paw-ing
  • plait-ing
  • plead-ing
  • plow-ed
  • plow-ing
  • pour-ed
  • pour-ing
  • pout-ing
  • pow-er
  • proud-er
  • prow-ess
  • pun-ish
  • Quoit-ed
  • quart-ale
  • Rail-ed
  • rail-ing
  • read-er
  • read-ing
  • rear-ing
  • roar-ed
  • roar-ing
  • root-ed
  • root-ing
  • row-ed
  • row-ing
  • row-ers
  • Said-est
  • sail-ers
  • sail-ing
  • scoul-ing
  • scorn-ing
  • seal-ed
  • sear-ed
  • sew-ed
  • seek-ing
  • shear-ing
  • shew-eth
  • shew-ing
  • shoot-ing
  • shout-ing
  • shread-ing
  • shrub-ing
  • sleep-ing
  • sneak-ing
  • sneez-ing
  • soar-ing
  • sow-er
  • sow-ing
  • speak-er
  • speak-ing
  • spew-ing
  • spread-ing
  • sprout-ing
  • stain-ing
  • steer-ing
  • stew-ard
  • stew-ing
  • stick-ing
  • stoop-ing
  • strain-ing
  • strawed
  • stream-ers
  • stroak-ing
  • sub-urbs
  • suck-ing
  • suit-ed
  • swear-ing
  • sweat-ing
  • sweep-ing
  • sweet-er
  • Tax-es
  • tax-ing
  • tear-ing
  • teem-ing
  • took-est
  • tow-el
  • tow-er
  • tow-ed
  • train-ing
  • tread-ing
  • troop-er
  • Vail-ed
  • view-ed
  • vow-ed
  • vow-el
  • Wain-ing
  • wait-ing
  • wax-ing
  • wax-ed
  • wax-eth
  • weed-ing
  • weep-ing
  • wheat-en
  • wheez-ing
  • wood-en
  • ward-er
  • ward-ing
  • walk-ed
  • walk-er
  • walk-ing
  • work-ing

Thirdly, When two like Consonants come together in the middle of a Word between two Vowels, they are to be divided, as in the following Examples is ever to be observed.

  • Ab-ba
  • ab-bot
  • ab-by
  • ac-cept
  • ac-cess
  • ac-cord
  • ac-count
  • ac-cuse
  • ac-curst
  • ad-ded
  • ad-der
  • ad-dict
  • af-fairs
  • af-fect
  • af-firm
  • af-ford
  • al-lay
  • al-ledge
  • al-lure
  • an-nex
  • an-nise
  • an-noy
  • ap-peal
  • ap-pear
  • ap-pease
  • ap-point
  • ar-raign
  • ar-rears
  • ar-rest
  • ar-rive
  • ar-row
  • as-sail
  • as-say
  • as-sent
  • as-sess
  • as-ses
  • as-sign
  • as-sist
  • as-soon
  • as-sure
  • at-tach
  • at-tack
  • at-tain
  • at-taint
  • at-tend
  • at-tempt
  • at-tire
  • Blad-der
  • bid-ding
  • beg-ging
  • beg-ged
  • beg-gar
  • bag-gage
  • bud-ding
  • buf-fet
  • buf-foon
  • bal-lance
  • bal-last
  • bel-low
  • bel-lows
  • bel-ly
  • bul-lock
  • bil-let
  • bit-ten
  • bit-ter
  • bit-tern
  • brim-mer
  • ban-ner
  • ban-ning
  • bar-red
  • bar-rel
  • bar-ren
  • bar-row
  • bor-row
  • bon-net
  • bon-ny
  • ber-ries
  • bles-sed
  • bles-sing
  • blos-som
  • bos-ses
  • blot-ting
  • blot-ted
  • bot-tom
  • but-ter
  • but-ting
  • but-tock
  • but-tocks
  • but-ton
  • Cab-bage
  • cab-bin
  • cof-fee
  • cof-fer
  • cof-fin
  • cog-ging
  • clog-ging
  • col-lar
  • col-ledge
  • col-lops
  • col-lumn
  • cuf-fing
  • com-mand
  • com-mend
  • com-mence
  • com-merce
  • com-mit
  • com-mon
  • com-mune
  • cum-min
  • chan-nel
  • con-nive
  • con-nex
  • cop-per
  • cop-pice
  • chap-pel
  • clap-per
  • clap-ped
  • car-reer
  • car-ry
  • cor-rect
  • cor-rode
  • cor-rupt
  • cur-rent
  • cur-rant
  • cur-ry
  • cot-tage
  • cut-ting
  • Dif-fer
  • dag-ger
  • dig-ger
  • dig-ged
  • dal-ly
  • dril-led
  • dril-ler
  • dril-ling
  • dal-ly
  • dam-mage
  • dip-ped
  • dip-per
  • dip-ping
  • drop-ping
  • droop-ping
  • dres-sing
  • dres-ser
  • dis-solve
  • Ef-fect
  • er-rand
  • er-rant
  • er-ror
  • ear-rings
  • es-say
  • es-sence
  • Fal-len
  • fal-ling
  • fel-led
  • fel-ling
  • fel-low
  • fol-low
  • fol-ly
  • ful-ler
  • fil-led
  • fil-let
  • fil-ling
  • fer-ret
  • fer-ry
  • for-reign
  • fur-row
  • fat-ted
  • flat-ter
  • flut-ter
  • fret-ting
  • fet-ters
  • fit-ting
  • fit-ted
  • God-dess
  • gid-dy
  • gal-lant
  • gal-ly
  • gal-led
  • gal-lows
  • gul-led
  • gul-let
  • gram-mar
  • gum-med
  • grin-ning
  • gun-ner
  • ghes-sing
  • glas-ses
  • glos-sy
  • [Page 26]gos-sip
  • got-ten
  • glit-ter
  • grit-ty
  • gut-ter
  • gut-ting
  • Hal-low
  • hol-low
  • ham-mock
  • hem-ming
  • hum-ming
  • har-pen
  • hap-py
  • hip-ped
  • har-rase
  • her-ring
  • hor-ror
  • hur-ry
  • his-sing
  • hat-ter
  • hot-ter
  • ham-mer
  • Jag-ged
  • jag-ger
  • j [...]b-ber
  • jol-ly
  • jel-ly
  • jog-ging
  • jar-ring
  • jet-ting
  • im-mense
  • in-ner
  • is-sue
  • Kil-ling
  • Kis-ses.
  • kis-sing
  • knot-ty
  • Lad-der
  • led-dest
  • lag-ging
  • lol-ling
  • lin-nen
  • lap-ping
  • lop-ping
  • lop-ped
  • las-ses
  • les-sen
  • les-son
  • les-ser
  • lat-ter
  • lat-tice
  • let-ter
  • let-ting
  • Mad-der
  • mid-day
  • mud-dy
  • mag-got
  • mug-gets
  • mal-lard
  • mal-lows
  • mel-lon
  • mel-low
  • mal-let
  • mil-ler
  • mil-led
  • mul-led
  • man-na
  • man-ned
  • man-ners
  • man-nage
  • man-nour
  • mar-red
  • mar-ring
  • mar-row
  • mar-ry
  • mer-ry
  • mur-rain
  • mur-rey
  • mas-sy
  • mes-sage
  • mes-ses
  • mis-sing
  • mor-row
  • mat-ter
  • mat-tock
  • met-tal
  • mit-tens
  • mut-ter
  • Nog-gin
  • nod-dy
  • nod-ding
  • nig-gard
  • nul-led
  • nul-ling
  • nap-ping
  • nar-row
  • new-wine
  • nut-ting
  • Oc-cur
  • of-fence
  • of-fend
  • of-sals
  • of-fer
  • of-fice
  • op-pose
  • op-pugn
  • o [...]-ris
  • ot-ter
  • Pad-der
  • pad-ding
  • pud-ding
  • puf-fing
  • peg-ging
  • pil-lage
  • pil-lar
  • pil-ling
  • pil-low
  • pul-let
  • pul-ling
  • pol-lish
  • pol-led
  • pol-lute
  • plum-mer
  • plum-met
  • pin-nace
  • pep-per
  • pip-pin
  • pas-sage
  • pas-sing
  • pres-sed
  • pres-sing
  • pis-sing
  • pos-set
  • pup-py
  • pop-ping
  • pat-tern
  • pat-tens
  • pat-tent
  • pet-tish
  • pet-ty
  • pret-ty
  • pit-ty
  • plat-ted
  • plat-ter
  • plot-ter
  • pot-tage
  • plot-ting
  • plot-ted
  • pot-ter
  • pot-ted
  • pot-ting
  • put-ting
  • Quaffing
  • quel-led
  • quil-led
  • quil-let
  • quar-rel
  • quar-ry
  • quit-tance
  • quit-ted
  • quit-ting
  • Rab-bet
  • rib-bond
  • rob-ber
  • rob-bing
  • rub-bing
  • rub-bish
  • red-dish
  • rid-dance
  • rid-den
  • rud-dy
  • rag-gad
  • rug-ged
  • rol-ling
  • rol-led
  • run-nest
  • run-ning
  • run-ner
  • rot-ten
  • rut-ting
  • rut-ter
  • Sab-bath
  • scab-bard
  • scab-by
  • shab-by
  • stab-bed
  • stub-born
  • sub-born
  • suc-ceed
  • suc-cess
  • suc-cour
  • sted-dy
  • stud-dy
  • stud-ded
  • slug-gard
  • shed-ding
  • sod-den
  • scof-fers
  • scof-fing
  • scof-fed
  • snuf-fers
  • snuf-fing
  • stuf-fing
  • suf-fer
  • suf-fice
  • scaf-fold
  • stag-ger
  • sug-gest
  • shal-low
  • shril-ler
  • sel-ler
  • sel-ling
  • smal-lest
  • skil-let
  • spel-ling
  • spil-ling
  • shil-ling
  • stal-led
  • stil-led
  • swal-low
  • swol-len
  • swel-ling
  • swil-ling
  • sum-med
  • sum-ming
  • sum-mer
  • stam-mer
  • sham-my
  • sin-ner
  • sin-ned
  • sin-ning
  • shun-ning
  • span-ning
  • spin-ning
  • spin-ner
  • sun-ny
  • ship-ped
  • ship-ping
  • [Page 27]skip-per
  • skip-ping
  • ship-ped
  • slip-pers
  • slip-ping
  • sop-ping
  • step-ping
  • stop-per
  • stop-ping
  • strap-ped
  • strip-ped
  • strip-ping
  • sup-ped
  • sup-per
  • sup-pose
  • sup-port
  • swap-ping
  • swap-ped
  • spar-row
  • star-ry
  • stir-ring
  • sor-rel
  • sor-row
  • sor-ry
  • stir-rup
  • smit-ten
  • spit-ting
  • spit-ted
  • sot-tish
  • set-ter
  • set-ting
  • scat-ter
  • squat-ting
  • Trod-den
  • tag-ged
  • tug-ged
  • tug-ging
  • traf-fick
  • tal-ler
  • tal-low
  • tal-ly
  • tel-ling
  • til-lage
  • til-ling
  • tur-ret
  • tram-mel
  • tam-my
  • thum-mim
  • thum-ming
  • trim-ming
  • tan-ning
  • tan-ned
  • tun-ned
  • tun-ning
  • trap-ping
  • trip-ping
  • tar-ras
  • tar-ry
  • tor-rent
  • tos-sed
  • tos-ting
  • tos-tings
  • Val-lens
  • vil-lage
  • vol-ley
  • vil-lain
  • vel-lum
  • up-per
  • vas-sal
  • ut-ter
  • Wed-ded
  • wed-ding
  • wag-ging
  • wag-gon
  • wal-led
  • wal-let
  • wal-low
  • wil-ling
  • wil-lows
  • win-ner
  • win-ning
  • win-now
  • wrap-ped
  • war-rant
  • war-red
  • war-ring
  • was-sel
  • whetting
  • whet-ter
  • wit-ty
  • writ-ten

* Note also that these like Conso­nants, thô they be placed be­tween a Vowel and a Conso­nant, are thus divi­ded as fol­loweth.

  • Ap-ple
  • ap-ply
  • ap-plaud
  • ap-plause
  • ap-prove
  • ap-proch
  • as-swage
  • bab-ble
  • bub-ble
  • brit-tle
  • chat-tle
  • crep-ple
  • dub-ble

and the like.

When two unlike Consonants come together in the middle of a Word between two Vowels, they are ever to be divided, as in the following Examples is plainly and particularly expressed.

  • Ab-hor
  • ab-sence
  • ab-sent
  • ab-solve
  • ab-surd
  • ac-quaint
  • ac-quit
  • ac-tive
  • ac-tor
  • ad-here
  • ad-mit
  • af-ter
  • al-so
  • al-tar
  • al-ter
  • al-way
  • am-ber
  • am-bush
  • an-gel
  • an-ger
  • an-guish
  • ar-bor
  • ar-gue
  • ar-my
  • ar-mor
  • as-cend
  • as-cent
  • as-perse
  • aug-ment
  • Bab-ler
  • bab-ling
  • bad-ger
  • bal-som
  • ban-ded
  • ban-dy
  • ban-quet
  • bap-tize
  • bap-tism
  • bap-tist
  • bar-bed
  • bar-ber
  • bar-gain
  • bar-ter
  • bas-ket
  • bas-tard
  • bec-kon
  • bil-boe
  • blan-ket
  • blis-ter
  • bod-kin
  • bon-dage
  • bor-der
  • bow-man
  • bow-ler
  • bow-ling
  • bran-dy
  • bran-dish
  • bran-disht
  • braw-ny
  • break-fast
  • break-neck
  • bug-bear
  • bul-rush
  • bul-wark
  • bur-den
  • bur-gess
  • bur-nish
  • bris-tol
  • but-ler
  • Com-bat
  • com-bine
  • com-fort
  • com-pact
  • com-pass
  • can-cel
  • can-ker
  • cap-tain
  • cap-tious
  • cap-tive
  • car-cass
  • car-man
  • car-ter
  • cam-pagn
  • car-nal
  • cen-ser
  • cen-sure
  • cham-bers
  • chan-cel
  • chan-gers
  • chan-ced
  • chan-ceth
  • chan-ter
  • chap-lets
  • chap-man
  • chap-lain
  • chap-ter
  • char-ming
  • char-ter
  • cheer-ful
  • chas-ten
  • ches-nut
  • chim-ney
  • chris-ten
  • chrys-tal
  • chur-lish
  • cir-cuit
  • cis-tern
  • clean-ly
  • clean-ser
  • clean-seth
  • clear-ly
  • clear-ness
  • clear-sight
  • clow-nish
  • cob-ler
  • clus-ter
  • cod-lings
  • com-pare
  • com-pose
  • com-port
  • com-pute
  • con-ceal
  • con-ceit
  • con-ceive
  • con-cise
  • con-cern
  • con-cord
  • con-course
  • con-coct
  • con-demn
  • con-dign
  • con-dole
  • con-duce
  • con-duct
  • con-fess
  • con-fer
  • con-firm
  • con-form
  • con-fide
  • con-found
  • con-fute
  • con-geal
  • con-gy
  • con-quer
  • con-quest
  • con-sent
  • con-sist
  • con-serve
  • con-sort
  • con-sult
  • con-sume
  • con-tain
  • con-temn
  • con-tend
  • con-tent
  • con-test
  • cool-ness
  • cor-ner
  • cor-net
  • coul-ter
  • coun-sel
  • coun-cil
  • coun-ter
  • coun-tess
  • coun-ty
  • cour-ses
  • craf-ty
  • crim-son
  • cros-bow
  • cros-ness
  • cros-way
  • cur-led
  • cuc-kow
  • cud-gel
  • cur-ses
  • cur-sing
  • cur-tain
  • cus-tom
  • cus-tard
  • cut-ler
  • cym-bal
  • cyn-der
  • Dain-ty
  • dam-ned
  • dam-sen
  • dan-ces
  • dan-cing
  • [Page 29]dan-ger
  • dar-ling
  • dead-ly
  • dead-ness
  • dear-ly
  • deep-ness
  • dis-cern
  • dis-course
  • dis-count
  • dis-card
  • dis-dain
  • dis-guise
  • dis-may
  • dis-miss
  • dis-pair
  • dis-patch
  • dis-pence
  • dis-perse
  • dis-pose
  • dis-pute
  • dis-taffe
  • dis-tance
  • dis-tant
  • dis-tinct
  • dis-til
  • dis-taste
  • dow-ry
  • drop-sy
  • drow-sy
  • dim-ness
  • drun-ken
  • drun-kard
  • dul-ness
  • doc-tor
  • Ear-ned
  • ear-nest
  • eas-ter
  • em-balm
  • em-pire
  • en-camp
  • en-dorse
  • en-dear
  • en-dow
  • en-due
  • en-duce
  • en-dure
  • en-force
  • en-gage
  • en-gine
  • en-hance
  • en-large
  • en-quire
  • en-rich
  • en-sign
  • en-sue
  • en-sure
  • en-ter
  • ex-ceed
  • ex-cel
  • ex-cept
  • ex-cess
  • ex-cize
  • ex-cuse
  • ex-haust
  • ex-hort
  • ex-pect
  • ex-pel
  • ex-pence
  • ex-pert
  • ex-pose
  • ex-port
  • ex-pound
  • ex-pire
  • ex-tant
  • ex-tend
  • ex-tinct
  • ex-tol
  • ex-tort
  • Fac-tor
  • fat-ness
  • fat-ning
  • faul-ty
  • faint-ing
  • fear-ful
  • fen-ced
  • fier-cer
  • fit-ly
  • foot-man
  • foot-pad
  • foot-way
  • for-bad
  • for-bear
  • for-bid
  • for-born
  • for-ced
  • for-ces
  • for-gat
  • for-get
  • for-gave
  • for-give
  • for-got
  • for-ged
  • for-ges
  • for-gers
  • for-ging
  • fif-teen
  • fif-teenth
  • fif-ty
  • fig-leaves
  • fin-ger
  • fingers
  • flood-gate
  • for-lorn
  • for-mal
  • for-sake
  • for-sook
  • for-sooth
  • for-ty
  • for-ward
  • foun-der
  • foun-tain
  • four-fold
  • four-teen
  • fow-ler
  • frag-ments
  • frin-ges
  • fruit-ful
  • ful-ness
  • fur-bish
  • fur-bush
  • fur-long
  • fur-nace
  • ful-som
  • fur-nish
  • Gar-den
  • gar-land
  • gar-lick
  • gar-ment
  • gar-ner
  • gar-nish
  • gen-der
  • gen-tile
  • ges-ture
  • gin-ger
  • glad-ly
  • glad-ness
  • glib-ly
  • glis-ter
  • gob-lets
  • gob-ling
  • god-head
  • god-ly
  • god-ward
  • gol-den
  • good-ness
  • gor-get
  • gos-ling
  • gos-hawk
  • gos-pel
  • gain-say
  • great-ness
  • guil-ty
  • graf-ted
  • griz-led
  • gun-room
  • Hag-ling
  • hag-ler
  • han-sel
  • han-dy
  • har-den
  • head-long
  • head-strong
  • hen-bane
  • hour-ly
  • has-tings
  • har-bour
  • har-lot
  • har-ness
  • har-per
  • has-ten
  • has-ty
  • hat-band
  • head-piece
  • hear-ty
  • hel-met
  • hem-lock
  • him-self
  • hin-der
  • hin-ges
  • hol-pen
  • hor-net
  • har-vest
  • hor-ses
  • how-ling
  • hun-ger
  • hun-ter
  • hur-led
  • hur-ling
  • hus-band
  • Jaw-bone
  • jaw-teeth
  • im-balm
  • im-barque
  • im-part
  • im-pede
  • im-port
  • im-pose
  • im-post
  • im-pute
  • in-fect
  • in-force
  • in-gage
  • in-tice
  • in-tail
  • in-tire
  • in-tomb
  • in-camp
  • in-cense
  • in-sert
  • in-cest
  • in-dear
  • in-due
  • in-dow
  • in-dure
  • in-quire
  • in-rage
  • in-debt
  • in-dent
  • in-dorse
  • in-duce
  • in-deed
  • in-dulge
  • in-come
  • in-fant
  • in-fer
  • in-form
  • in-hance
  • in-let
  • in-mate
  • in-mates
  • in-rol
  • in-cence
  • in-fide
  • in-tend
  • in-tent
  • in-ward
  • jour-ney
  • jour-nal
  • jud-ges
  • jug-ler
  • jug-ling
  • Ken-tish
  • ker-seys
  • ker-nel
  • kid-ney
  • kit-ling
  • know-ledg
  • [Page 30]Lan-ces
  • lan-cing
  • lan-guage
  • lan-guish
  • lan-tern
  • lap-wing
  • lap-sed
  • las-ting
  • law-ful
  • law-less
  • law-terms
  • leaf-gold
  • lear-ned
  • lear-ning
  • lec-ture
  • led-ges
  • len-tiles
  • lim-ner
  • lin-tel
  • lod-ger
  • log-wood
  • lof-ty
  • lon-ger
  • low-ly
  • lus-ty
  • Mad-man
  • mad-ness
  • mag-pye
  • main-tain
  • man-ger
  • man-gy
  • man-kind
  • man-ly
  • man-hood
  • mar-gin
  • mar-quess
  • mar-tin
  • mar-tyr
  • mas-ter
  • meal-tub
  • med-lar
  • med-ling
  • meek-ness
  • meer-ly
  • mem-ber
  • mer-cer
  • mer-cy
  • mer-cies
  • mer-maid
  • mid-lent
  • mid-night
  • mid-wife
  • mid-wives
  • mil-dew
  • min-ced
  • min-cing
  • mis-laid
  • mis-lead
  • mis-led
  • mis-hap
  • mis-like
  • mis-pend
  • mis-take
  • mix-ture
  • mois-ture
  • mol-ten
  • mon-key
  • moun-tain
  • moun-tains
  • mon-day
  • mor-ning
  • mor-gage
  • mor-sel
  • mor-tal
  • mor-tar
  • mor-ter
  • moul-dy
  • moul-ting
  • mul-sack
  • mur-der
  • mur-mur
  • mus-tang
  • mus-ter
  • Nap-kin
  • neat-ness
  • need-ful
  • need-less
  • nec-tar
  • neg-lect
  • net-led
  • net-work
  • new-ness
  • non-sence
  • non-suit
  • noon-day
  • noon-tyde
  • nor-man
  • num-ber
  • num-bers
  • nur-ses
  • nur-sing
  • nut-meg
  • nur-ture
  • Oat-cake
  • ob-lige
  • ob-serve
  • ob-tain
  • of-ten
  • of-ter
  • of-test
  • oi-ster
  • on-ly
  • on-set
  • or-dain
  • or-der
  • or-gans
  • out-cast
  • out-do
  • out-go
  • out-law
  • out-run
  • out- [...]e
  • out-ward
  • out-went
  • out-work
  • Pac-quet
  • pad-lock
  • pad-nag
  • pail-ful
  • pain-ful
  • pal-mer
  • pain-ter
  • pal-sy
  • pam-per
  • par-boil
  • par-cel
  • par-don
  • par-ley
  • par-lor
  • par-ty
  • par-ties
  • par-ting
  • pas-tor
  • pas-ture
  • pas-tures
  • pas-time
  • pas-ty
  • paw-ned
  • pear-main
  • ped-ler
  • ped-ling
  • pen-sive
  • per-ceive
  • per-due
  • per-fect
  • pid-ling
  • pew-ter
  • prac-tice
  • proud-ly
  • per-force
  • per-form
  • per-fume
  • per-haps
  • per-mit
  • per- [...]i [...]
  • per-son
  • pi [...]- [...]e
  • pi [...]- [...]er
  • pil-fer
  • pin-box
  • pin-case
  • pip-kin
  • pan-cake
  • pis-tol
  • pit-coal
  • pit-hole
  • plan-ter
  • plais-ter
  • pled-ges
  • plen-ty
  • plow-man
  • plun-ged
  • pon-der
  • pop-lar
  • por-ker
  • por-ter
  • pot-lid
  • pot-luck
  • pos-ture
  • poun-dage
  • poun-ding
  • pow-der
  • pran-cing
  • prin-ces
  • prin-cess
  • prin-ter
  • prin-ters
  • psal-mist
  • psal-ter
  • pub-lick
  • pub-lish
  • pul-pit
  • pur-ging
  • pur-ges
  • pur-ling
  • pur-loin
  • pur-pose
  • pur-ses
  • pur-sing
  • pur-sue
  • pur-ses
  • Quag-mire
  • quar-tern
  • quar-ter
  • quar-ters
  • quin-ces
  • quod-ling
  • Raf-ter
  • raf-ters
  • rag-man
  • rain-bow
  • ram-pant
  • ram-ping
  • ran-cour
  • ran-dan
  • ran-dom
  • ran-ging
  • ran-sack
  • ran-som
  • rain-bow
  • raw-bone
  • raw-ness
  • red-lead
  • red-ness
  • red-coat
  • red-cow
  • rem-nant
  • ren-der
  • ren-ding
  • rin-sed
  • rear-ward
  • res-pit
  • rup-ture
  • Sad-ler
  • sad-ness
  • so [...]-d [...]
  • s [...]n-dals
  • san-dy
  • s [...]n-g [...]
  • [...]
  • [Page 31]scar-let
  • scep-ter
  • sel-dom
  • sen-ses
  • sen-tence
  • ser-pent
  • ser-mon
  • shar-pen
  • sheep-coat
  • sex-ton
  • sheep-fold
  • sheep-giue
  • shel-ter
  • shep-herd
  • ship-bord
  • ship-man
  • shor-ten
  • shor-ter
  • shoul-der
  • shif-ted
  • shif-ting
  • sif-ted
  • sif-ting
  • sig-net
  • sin-cere
  • sin-ful
  • sin-ged
  • sin-ger
  • sis-ter
  • sim-per
  • six-teen
  • six-teenth
  • six-ty
  • skil-ful
  • slan-der
  • slan-ders
  • slin-ger
  • slow-ly
  • slum-ber
  • sof-ten
  • sof-ter
  • sor-did
  • spar-tan
  • spar-tans
  • speer-man
  • speer-men
  • spec-tors
  • spen-ding
  • spraw-ling
  • spot-less
  • squab-ling
  • squan-der
  • stan-dard
  • star-light
  • stool-ball
  • stor-my
  • stout-ly
  • stout-ness
  • strag-ling
  • stran-ger
  • strip-ling
  • strug-ling
  • strum-pet
  • stur-dy
  • stur-geon
  • sub-dean
  • sub-due
  • sub-lime
  • sub-mit
  • sub-mits
  • sub-sist
  • sub-til
  • sun-burnt
  • sun-day
  • sun-der
  • sur-fit
  • sur-ly
  • sur-mise
  • sur-mount
  • sur-name
  • sus-pect
  • sus-tain
  • swad-led
  • swad-ling
  • sweet-ly
  • sweet-ness
  • stil-ness
  • scrip-ture
  • scrip-tures
  • spik-nard
  • sides-man
  • sides-men
  • sym-bol
  • sym-nel
  • Tam-per
  • tan-kard
  • tan-sy
  • tap-lash
  • tar-dy
  • tar-get
  • tal-king
  • tat-ling
  • tem-per
  • tem-pest
  • ten-der
  • ten-pence
  • thir-teen
  • thir-teenth
  • thir-ty
  • thor-ny
  • threat-ning
  • thrif-ty
  • thun-der
  • tim-ber
  • tin-der
  • tin-sel
  • tip-ling
  • tom-boy
  • tor-ment
  • tor-toise
  • tor-ture
  • trap-ball
  • trap-door
  • tres-pass
  • trin-kets
  • troun-cing
  • trum-pet
  • trum-pets
  • thros-ter
  • toil-som
  • trus-ty
  • tub-man
  • tur-ky
  • tur-moil
  • twen-ty
  • Van-quish
  • var-nish
  • ven-ture
  • ver-duro
  • ver-ses
  • ves-pers
  • ver-tue
  • ves-ture
  • vic-tor
  • vin-tage
  • vir-gin
  • un-der
  • un-do
  • un-done
  • un-couth
  • un-fold
  • un-kind
  • un-lade
  • un-less
  • un-load
  • un-loose
  • um-ber
  • un-seen
  • un-serv'd
  • un-sent
  • un-sound
  • un-taught
  • un-til
  • un-wise
  • up-held
  • up-hold
  • up-right
  • up-rore
  • up-side
  • up-wards
  • ur-ged
  • ur-gent
  • ur-ging
  • vul-gar
  • vul-tures
  • Wal-nut
  • wal-nuts
  • wan-der
  • wan-ting
  • wan-ton
  • war-fare
  • weak-ning
  • weak-ness
  • wed-lock
  • wel-come
  • wel-done
  • wel-fare
  • wood-cock
  • wil-ful
  • whis-per
  • whol-som
  • win-dy
  • win-dow
  • win-ter
  • wis-dom
  • won-der
  • wor-ser
  • wrin-sed
  • wrin-sing
  • Year-ly
  • yon-der

Lastly, Note, That when three or four Consonants come together in the middle of a Word between two Vowels, they are so to be divided as may best express the proper sound of the Word, for which there is no particular Rule to be prescribed, but the Reader's own Observation must direct him, for whom I have muster'd up the following Ex­amples.

  • Ab-stract
  • al-pha
  • al-tho
  • am-ble
  • an-chor
  • an-gle
  • an-gred
  • an-gry
  • ar-cher
  • arm-strong
  • Back-parts
  • back-side
  • back-slide
  • back-ward
  • bank-rupt
  • beck-ned
  • bed-sted
  • birth-day
  • black-box
  • bond-man
  • bond-men
  • bond-slave
  • bon-grace
  • bound-less
  • breast-bone
  • breast-plate
  • breath-less
  • brick-wall
  • brim-stone
  • bum-kin
  • bun-dle
  • bur-glary
  • Cam-brick
  • cam-phire
  • cart-rope
  • cart-wheel
  • cart-horse
  • cas-tle
  • child-hood
  • child-less
  • chil-dren
  • christ-mas
  • church-porch
  • cold-ness
  • com-plain
  • com-plaint
  • com-pleat
  • con-clude
  • con-flict
  • con-front
  • con-stant
  • con-spire
  • con-strain
  • con-tract
  • con-trite
  • con-trive
  • corp-ses
  • cost-ly
  • crack-ling
  • crafts-man
  • crafts-men
  • crost-let
  • Dip-thong
  • dis-charge
  • dis-claim
  • dis-close
  • d [...]s-creet
  • dis-grace
  • dis-prove
  • dis-please
  • dis-praise
  • dis-play
  • dis-tress
  • dis-train
  • dis-trust
  • doc-trin
  • dooms-day
  • doubt-ful
  • doubt-less
  • down-bed
  • down-ward
  • dung-cart
  • dung-hil
  • dung-port
  • Earl-dom
  • earth-quake
  • east-ward
  • eigh-teen
  • eigh-teenth
  • emp-ty
  • Eng-land
  • eng-lish
  • en-trance
  • en-try
  • en-throne
  • en-thral
  • en-trust
  • [Page 33]ex-change
  • ex-claim
  • ex-clude
  • ex-plain
  • ex-ploit
  • ex-press
  • ex-tract
  • ex-tream
  • ex-treams
  • Fast-ned
  • faint-heart
  • faint-ness
  • faith-ful
  • faith-less
  • fals-hood
  • far-thing
  • fault-less
  • feast-day
  • fil-thy
  • first-ling
  • fir-tree
  • first-born
  • first-day
  • first-fruits
  • first-month
  • fish-gate
  • fish-hook
  • fish-pool
  • fish-pond
  • fish-spearl
  • flesh-hook
  • flesh-ly
  • flesh-pots
  • flint-glass
  • fond-ness
  • foot-cloth
  • foot-steps
  • foot-stool
  • for-swear
  • for-sworn
  • forth-with
  • four-square
  • four-score
  • friend-ly
  • friend-ship
  • front-lets
  • frost-work
  • frus-trate
  • fur-ther
  • Gam-ster
  • gan-grene
  • gen-tle
  • gen-tly
  • gen-try
  • ghost-ly
  • gold-smith
  • gold-watch
  • gras-plat
  • ground-less
  • guilt-less
  • Hack-ney
  • ham-lets
  • hail-stones
  • hand-ful
  • han-dle
  • han-dling
  • hand-maid
  • hand-saw
  • hand-som
  • hard-ned
  • hard-ness
  • hard-ly
  • harm-less
  • hars-let
  • hast-ned
  • head-strong
  • heark-ned
  • heads-man
  • herds-man
  • high-ness
  • hind-leg
  • hind-most
  • hind-part
  • high-way
  • hour-glass
  • hum-ble
  • hum-bled
  • hum-bly
  • hun-dred
  • hun-dredth
  • hunts-man
  • hunts-men
  • hur-dle
  • hurt-ful
  • hum-phrey
  • Jack-daw
  • jack-line
  • jack-straw
  • jack-weight
  • im-brace
  • im-plead
  • im-plore
  • im-ploy
  • im-prove
  • in-chant
  • in-cline
  • in-close
  • in-clude
  • in-flame
  • in-fringe
  • in-spect
  • in-spire
  • in-stant
  • in-struct
  • in-thral
  • in-trench
  • in-snare
  • joynt-heirs
  • joynt-stool
  • judg-ment
  • jus-tle
  • just-ly
  • Ker-tle
  • ker-chief
  • kin-dle
  • kind-ness
  • knuck-le
  • Lamb-py
  • lamb-skin
  • lamb-stones
  • land-lord
  • land-mark
  • lan-dress
  • laugh-ter
  • left-hand
  • left-leg
  • light-ness
  • lewd-ness
  • light-ning
  • light-som
  • ling-ring
  • list-ner
  • list-ning
  • lob-ster
  • lobs-pound
  • lord-ly
  • Main-prize
  • malt-ster
  • man-drake
  • man-child
  • man-tle
  • mar-ble
  • mar-bling
  • march-pane
  • mar-shal
  • migh-ty
  • milch-cow
  • milk-pail
  • milk-sop
  • mild-ness
  • mil-stone
  • [Page 34]mind-ful
  • min-gle
  • ming-ling
  • min-strel
  • mis-chief
  • mis-tress
  • mis-trust
  • moist-ning
  • month-ly
  • mon-ster
  • mon-strous
  • mourn-ful
  • mum-ble
  • mum-bling
  • myr-tle
  • Naugh-ty
  • nec-trel
  • neigh-bor
  • night-mare
  • night-shade
  • nim-ble
  • ninth-ly
  • north-gate
  • north-point
  • north-pole
  • north-port
  • north-side
  • north-ward
  • north-west
  • north-wind
  • nos-trils
  • Ob-scene
  • ob-scure
  • ob-struct
  • off-spring
  • oft-ner
  • old-cole
  • old-man
  • old-gold
  • old-friend
  • old-time
  • orch-ard
  • or-phan
  • os-trich
  • Pal-fry
  • pack-thred
  • pan-ther
  • pan-try
  • pan-sly
  • part-ners
  • par-tridge
  • pas-chal
  • past-bord
  • past-boul
  • past-brush
  • path-way
  • parch-ment
  • pear-main
  • pear-plumb
  • pear-tree
  • per-plex
  • per-swade
  • pes-tle
  • pick-le
  • pick-lock
  • pick-thank
  • pie-plate
  • pigs-head
  • pigs-ty
  • pil-chard
  • pil-grim
  • plow-share
  • plumb-line
  • plush-coat
  • pock-holes
  • pomp-kin
  • post-boy
  • post-horn
  • post-horse
  • post-house
  • post-stage
  • pos-tage
  • pot-sherd
  • poul-try
  • pour-tray
  • priest-hood
  • pur-blind
  • pur-chace
  • pur-ple
  • Quart-pot
  • quaint-ness
  • quar-tern
  • quar-ter
  • quest-men
  • quick-ly
  • quick-ness
  • quick-sands
  • Ran-cle
  • rash-ly
  • rash-ness
  • rats-bane
  • ren-dring
  • rich-ly
  • right-ly
  • rough-ly
  • rum-bling
  • Sack-butt
  • sack-cloth
  • salt-ness
  • sam-ple
  • sat-chel
  • scant-ling
  • scram-ble
  • scorn-ful
  • sem-ster
  • self-will
  • sham-bles
  • sharp-ness
  • sheep-skins
  • shew-bread
  • ship-wrack
  • ship-wright
  • sic-kle
  • sick-ly
  • sick-ness
  • sim-ple
  • sim-ply
  • sin-gle
  • slaugh-ter
  • sloth-ful
  • slum-ber
  • slum-bring
  • smooth-ness
  • soft-ly
  • soft-ness
  • sound-ness
  • south-ward
  • south-west
  • south-wind
  • sour-ly
  • spang-les
  • spark-les
  • spark-ling
  • speck-led
  • speech-less
  • spend-thrift
  • spin-dle
  • spin-ster
  • sprin-kle
  • star-tle
  • straight-ly
  • straight-ness
  • strang-ling
  • stum-bled
  • stumb-ling
  • sun-shine
  • swift-ness
  • symp-tom
  • Tem-pler
  • temp-ter
  • [Page 35]temp-ting
  • tenth-part
  • thank-ful
  • thick-ness
  • thim-ble
  • third-ly
  • thirs-ty
  • this-tle
  • through-ly
  • tim-brel
  • tinc-ture
  • tin-gle
  • tink-ling
  • tip-staff
  • tomb-stone
  • tos-pot
  • tough-ness
  • town-clark
  • town-bull
  • town-house
  • tram-ple
  • tran-scend
  • trans-form
  • trans-gress
  • trans-late
  • trans-plant
  • trans-pose
  • trans-port
  • trap-stick
  • trem-ble
  • trem-bling
  • tren-ches
  • tren-cher
  • tick-le
  • tick-ling
  • tum-bler
  • tumb-ling
  • turn-coat
  • twink-ling
  • Vest-ment
  • vest-ry
  • vint-ner
  • un-cle
  • un-clean
  • un-known
  • vouch-safe
  • up-braid
  • ur-chin
  • Ward-robe
  • wash-boul
  • wash-pot
  • wash-ball
  • wash-house
  • watch-ful
  • wast-ful
  • weal-thy
  • wednes-day
  • weigh-ty
  • wel-spring
  • west-ward
  • west-wind
  • whirl-pit
  • whirl-wind
  • witch-craft
  • with-draw
  • with-drew
  • with-held
  • with-hold
  • with-stand
  • with-stood
  • work-house
  • world-ly
  • worm-seed
  • wor-ship
  • wain-scot
  • wors-ted
  • worth-less
  • wor-thy
  • wrath-ful
  • wran-gle
  • wrink-le
  • wrong-ful
  • Young-man
  • youth-ful
  • young-ster

Words of Three Syllables divided.

  • A-ban-don
  • a-ba-sed
  • a-ba-ted
  • a-ba-sing
  • a-bi-ding
  • ab-hor-red
  • ab-hor-ring
  • ab-ju-red
  • ab-ju-ring
  • a-bo-lish
  • a-bor-tive
  • a-bun-dance
  • a-bun-dant
  • a-bound-ed
  • a-bound-ing
  • a-bu-sive
  • a-bu-sing
  • ab-sent-ed
  • ab-sent-ing
  • ab-sol-ving
  • ab-so-lute
  • ab-stain-ing
  • ab-sti-nence
  • ac-cep-tance
  • ac-cept-ing
  • ac-cept-ed
  • ac-ci-dent
  • ac-com-plish
  • ac-cord-ing
  • ac-cord-ed
  • ac-count-ed
  • ac-count-ing
  • ac-cu-sed
  • ac-cu-sing
  • ac-cur-sed
  • ac-cus-tom
  • ac-know-ledge
  • ac-quaint-ance
  • ac-quaint-ing
  • ac-quit-tance
  • ac-quit-ted
  • ac-qui-red
  • ac-tive-ness
  • ac-tu-al
  • ac-ti-on
  • a-da-mant
  • ad-dict-ed
  • ad-dres-sed
  • ad-dres-sing
  • ad-he-ring
  • a-dorn-ed
  • ad-joyn-ed
  • ad-joyn-ing
  • ad-journ-ed
  • ad-journ-ing
  • ad-judg-ing
  • ad-ju-ring
  • ad-mi-red
  • ad-mi-ring
  • ad-mit-tance
  • ad-mit-ted
  • ad-mo-nish
  • a-dopt-ed
  • a-dopt-ing
  • a-do-red
  • a-do-ring
  • ad-van-ced
  • ad-van-cing
  • ad-van-tage
  • ad-ven-ture
  • ad-ver-tise
  • ad-vi-sed
  • ad-vo-cate
  • af-fected
  • af-firm-ed
  • af-firm-ing
  • af-flict-ed
  • af-flict-ing
  • af-ford-ed
  • af-ford-ing
  • af-fright-ed
  • af-fright-ing
  • a-fore-hand
  • a-fore-time
  • af-ter-noon
  • af-ter-word
  • a-go-ny
  • a-gree-ing
  • a-gree-ment
  • al-layed
  • al-lay-ing
  • al-ledg-ed
  • al-ledg-ing
  • a-li-en
  • al-li-ed
  • al-low-ed
  • al-low-ing
  • al-low-ance
  • al-lu-red
  • al-lu-ring
  • al-ma-nack
  • al-mond-tree
  • al-migh-ty
  • a-ma-zed
  • a-maze-ment
  • an-di-ron
  • an-cle-bones
  • an-ci-ent
  • an-noy-ance
  • ap-pa-rent
  • ap-peal-ed
  • ap-proch-ing
  • ap-pro-ving
  • ar-ray-ed
  • ar-raign-ed
  • as-sault-ed
  • a-sha-med
  • a-scri-bed
  • aug-ment-ed
  • a-vouch-ed
  • a-wak-ed
  • Back-bi-ter
  • back-sli-der
  • back-ward-ly
  • ba-nish-ed
  • ban-quet-ing
  • bap-ti-zing
  • bar-ba-rous
  • bar-gain-ing
  • beau-ti-fy
  • be-guil-ed
  • be-head-ed
  • be-hold-ing
  • bed-cham-ber
  • bed-fel-low
  • be-fore-hand
  • be-gin-ning
  • be-ha-ved
  • be-li-ed
  • be-lie-ving
  • be-lo-ved
  • be-moan-ing
  • be-ne-fice
  • be-night-ed
  • be-quea-thed
  • be-rea-ved
  • be-seech-ing
  • be-seem-ing
  • [Page 37]be-tray-ed
  • be-troth-ed
  • be-wail-ed
  • be-witch-ed
  • be-wray-ed
  • bish-op-rick
  • blas-phe-mer
  • blind-fold-ed
  • blis-ter-ing
  • blood-thir-sty
  • boi-ste-rous
  • bond-ser-vant
  • bond-wo-man
  • bol-ster-ing
  • boun-ti-ful
  • bran-dish-ed
  • bram-ble-bush
  • bra-ve-ry
  • bre-vi-ty
  • bri-be-ry
  • bride-cham-ber
  • broi-der-ed
  • bro-ther-ly
  • buf-fet-ed
  • bul-rush-es
  • bur-den-som
  • bu-ri-al
  • bu-ry-ing
  • bur-nish-ed
  • bur-nish-ing
  • bu-si-ness
  • but-ler-ship
  • but-cher-ing
  • but-ter-ed
  • but-ton-ed
  • Cab-ba-ges
  • can-dle-mas
  • can-dle-stick
  • ca-bi-net
  • ca-len-dar
  • ca-lum-ny
  • can-ker-ed
  • can-ker-worm
  • can-cel-ed
  • ca-pa-ble
  • car-bun-cle
  • care-ful-ly
  • care-les-ly
  • ca-res-sing
  • car-nal-ly
  • car-pen-ter
  • car-ri-age
  • car-cas-ses
  • car-ry-ing
  • cast-a-way
  • ca-ta-logue
  • ca-te-chize
  • ca-te-chism
  • ca-tho-lick
  • ca-te-rer
  • ca-vel-ling
  • ce-le-brate
  • cer-tain-ly
  • cer-ti-fy
  • cen-su-red
  • chal-len-ged
  • cha-li-ces
  • cham-ber-ing
  • cham-ber-lain
  • cham-pi-on
  • chan-cel-lor
  • change-a-ble
  • cha-rac-ter
  • cha-riot
  • cha-ri-ty
  • cha-sten-ing
  • chea-pen-ing
  • chear-ful-ly
  • chees-mon-ger
  • che-ru-bims
  • child-ish-n [...]
  • chol-le-rick
  • chris-ti-an
  • chris-ten-dom
  • cir-cum-spect
  • cir-cum-stance
  • cir-cum-cise
  • cla-mo-rous
  • clean-li-ness
  • cle-men-cy
  • col-li-er
  • co-lo-nel
  • co-lo-ny
  • co-lour-ed
  • com-bat-ing
  • com-bi-ning
  • com-mand-ing
  • com-mit-ting
  • com-mo-ner
  • com-mon-ly
  • com-pa-ny
  • com-pa-ring
  • com-pas-sed
  • com-pel- [...]
  • com-plain-ing
  • com-pleat-ing
  • con-ceal-ing
  • con-ceit-ed
  • con-cern-ed
  • con-clu-ding
  • con-cu-bine
  • con-du-cing
  • con-duct-ing
  • co-part-ner
  • co-pi-ous
  • co-py-ing
  • cor-di-al
  • cor-mo-rant
  • co-ve-nant
  • co-ve-ring
  • co-ver-ed
  • cre-a-tor
  • cre-di-tor
  • cru-ci-fy
  • cru-el-ty
  • cun-ning-ly
  • cur-sed-ly
  • cum-ber-ing
  • cur-ry-comb
  • cus-to-mer
  • cus-to-dy
  • cus-tom-house
  • cur-rent-ly
  • cup-bear-er
  • cush-i-on
  • cu-ri-ous
  • Dal-ly-ing
  • dam-na-ble
  • dam-ma-ges
  • dam-ni-fy
  • dan-ge-rous
  • da-ring-ly
  • dar-ken-ed
  • de-ba-sing
  • de-ba-ting
  • de-cay-ing
  • de-cea-sed
  • de-ceit-ful
  • de-cei-ver
  • de-cen-cy
  • de-cent-ly
  • de-ci-ded
  • de-cla-red
  • de-cree-ing
  • de-cli-ning
  • de-di-cate
  • de-fa-cing
  • de-fa-ming
  • de-feat-ing
  • de-fend-ing
  • de-fy-ing
  • de-fi-ling
  • de-fraud-ing
  • de-fi-ning
  • de-fray-ing
  • de-gra-ding
  • de-ject-ed
  • de-lay-ing
  • de-li-cate
  • de-light-ful
  • de-lin-quent
  • de-li-ver
  • de-lu-ded
  • de-mand-ing
  • de-mean-or
  • de-me-rit
  • de-mi-sed
  • de-mo-lish
  • de-mur-ring
  • [Page 38]de-mure-ness
  • de-ni-al
  • de-noun-cing
  • de-part-ing
  • de-plo-red
  • de-po-sed
  • de-pra-ved
  • de-pri-ved
  • de-pu-ted
  • de-ri-ded
  • de-scri-bed
  • de-sign-ed
  • de-ser-ving
  • de-si-ring
  • de-test-ing
  • de-vi-sing
  • di-rect-ing
  • dis-a-gree
  • dis-ap-point
  • dis-ap-prove
  • di-vi-ding
  • di-vine-ly
  • di-vor-ced
  • di-vorce-ment
  • doc-tri-nal
  • do-mi-neer
  • drop-si-cal
  • du-ra-ble
  • drow-si-ness
  • drun-ken-ess
  • du-ti-ful
  • du-ra-ble
  • dul-ci-mer
  • do-lo-rous
  • dole-ful-ness
  • Ea-ger-ness
  • ear-li-er
  • ear-nest-ly
  • earth-li-ness
  • ea-si-ness
  • e-di-fy
  • e-du-cate
  • ef-fect-ed
  • e-ject-ment
  • e-le-gant
  • e-le-ment
  • e-le-phant
  • e-le-vate
  • e-le-ven
  • e-lo-quent
  • em-bas-sy
  • em-bol-den
  • e-mi-nent
  • em-pe-ror
  • en-camp-ed
  • en-coun-ter
  • en-com-pass
  • en-cou-rage
  • en-da-mage
  • en-dan-ger
  • en-dea-vour
  • en-dow-ment
  • en-du-reth
  • e-ne-my
  • en-ga-ged
  • en-fla-ming
  • in-for-ced
  • en-fran-chise
  • en-gage-ment
  • en-gra-ving
  • en-joy-ment
  • en-joyn-ing
  • en-large-ment
  • en-light-en
  • en-mi-ty
  • en-qui-ring
  • en-rich-ing
  • en-stal-ling
  • en-su-ing
  • en-tail-ed
  • en-tan-gle
  • en-ter-course
  • en-ter-prize
  • en-tomb-ed
  • en-vi-ron
  • en-tire-ly
  • e-pi-cure
  • e-pi-gram
  • e-pi-logue
  • e-qui-page
  • e-qui-ty
  • e-rect-ed
  • e-sca-ping
  • e-schew-ing
  • e-spy-ed
  • e-spou-sing
  • es-say-ing
  • e-sta-blish
  • e-steem-ed
  • es-ti-mate
  • e-strang-ing
  • e-ter-nal
  • e-ven-ing
  • e-ven-song
  • e-ven-tide
  • e-ver-more
  • e-ve-ry
  • e-vi-dence
  • e-vi-dent
  • ex-act-ing
  • ex-act-er
  • ex-act-ness
  • ex-alt-ed
  • ex-a-min
  • ex-am-ple
  • ex-ceed-ing
  • ex-cel-lent
  • ex-cept-ed
  • ex-ces-sive
  • ex-chang-ing
  • ex-clu-ded
  • ex-clu-sive
  • ex-che-quer
  • ex-cu-sing
  • ex-empt-ed
  • ex-er-cise
  • ex-e-crate
  • ex-claim-ing
  • ex-e-cute
  • ex-haust-ed
  • ex-pect-ing
  • ex-pen-ces
  • ex-pi-red
  • ex-plo-ded
  • Fa-bu-lous
  • fac-ti-ous
  • fa-cul-ty
  • fa-ding-ly
  • faint-heart-ed
  • faith-ful-ly
  • fal-la-cy
  • fa-mi-ly
  • fa-mish-ed
  • fan-ta-sie
  • fan-tas-tick
  • fa-shi-on
  • fas-ten-ed
  • fa-ther-less
  • fa-vour-ed
  • fa-vou-rite
  • fear-ful-ness
  • fea-ther-ed
  • feel-ing-ly
  • feign-ed-ly
  • fel-low-ship
  • fer-ven-cy
  • fer-vent-ly
  • fes-ti-val
  • fet-ter-ed
  • fil-thi-ness
  • fi-li-al
  • fi-nal-ly
  • fi-nish-er
  • fin-ger-ing
  • fir-ma-ment
  • fi-sher-man
  • fish-ing-nets
  • flat-ter-ing
  • fleg-ma-tick
  • flou-rish-ing
  • fol-low-ing
  • fool-ish-ness
  • for-bear-ing
  • for-bid-ding
  • for-feit-ing
  • fore-fa-thers
  • fore-know-ledg
  • fore-run-ner
  • fore-see-ing
  • for-swear-ing
  • for-ge-ry
  • fore-warn-ing
  • [Page 39]for-get-ful
  • for-get-ing
  • for-gi-ving
  • for-give-ness
  • fo-reign-er
  • for-mer-ly
  • for-sa-ken
  • frau-du-lent
  • fre-quent-ly
  • fro-ward-ly
  • fruc-ti-fy
  • frus-tra-ted
  • fu-gi-tive
  • ful-fil-led
  • fu-ne-ral
  • fu-ri-ous
  • fur-ni-shed
  • func-ti-on
  • fur-ni-ture
  • fur-ri-er
  • fur-ther-ance
  • fur-ther-end
  • fur-ther-side
  • fur-ther-more
  • fur-ther-off
  • fur-ther-on
  • fus-ti-an
  • fus-ti-tripes
  • Gab-ble-ing
  • gain-say-ers
  • gain-say-ing
  • gal-lan-try
  • gal-le-ry
  • gal-ley-slave
  • gar-di-ner
  • gar-ni-shed
  • gar-ri-son
  • ga-ther-ing
  • ga-zing-stock
  • ge-ne-ral
  • gen-tle-ness
  • gen-tle-man
  • gid-di-ness
  • gin-ger-bread
  • glis-ter-ing
  • glis-ter-pipe
  • glit-ter-ing
  • gloo-mi-ness
  • glo-ry-ing
  • glo-ri-fy
  • glo-ri-ous
  • glu-ten-ous
  • glut-ton-ous
  • glut-to-ny
  • god-li-ness
  • good-li-ness
  • gor-ge-ous
  • go-vern-ment
  • go-ver-nour
  • gos-sip-ing
  • gra-ci-ous
  • grand-chil-dren
  • grand-fa-ther
  • grand-mo-ther
  • grai-ne-ry
  • gra-ti-tude
  • gras-hop-per
  • gra-vel-ling
  • gra-vi-ty
  • gree-di-ness
  • grie-vous-ly
  • grid-i-ron
  • grudg-ing-ly
  • guar-di-an
  • gun-ners-mate
  • gun-pow-der
  • gut-ter-ing
  • guil-ti-ness
  • guile-ful-ly
  • guilt-les-ly
  • Ha-bi-ted
  • hal-low-ed
  • ham-per-ing
  • han-dy-craft
  • han-dy-work
  • hand-ker-chief
  • hand-mai-den
  • hand-wri-ting
  • han-dle-ing
  • hand-som-ness
  • hap-pen-ed
  • hap-pi-er
  • har-bour-ing
  • har-den-ed
  • har-mo-ny
  • har-ras-sing
  • har-vest-time
  • has-ti-ness
  • hate-ful-ly
  • hay-ma-king
  • haugh-ti-ness
  • hea-di-er
  • heal-thi-er
  • hear-ken-ed
  • hear-ti-er
  • hea-then-ish
  • hea-ven-ly
  • heed-les-ness
  • heed-ful-ness
  • here-af-ter
  • here-to-fore
  • he-re-tick
  • he-ri-tage
  • ho-li-ness
  • ho-nes-ty
  • hor-rib-ly
  • hor-rid-ly
  • hum-ble-ness
  • hus-band-ry
  • hy-po-crite
  • I-dle-ness
  • i-de-a
  • je-lou-sy
  • jeo-par-dy
  • jeer-ing-ly
  • je-su-it
  • jew-el-ler
  • jew-el-ling
  • ig-no-ble
  • ig-no-rance
  • ig-no-rant
  • il-le-gal
  • im-be-zil
  • im-balm-ing
  • im-a-ges
  • im-a-gine
  • im-bold-ned
  • im-mer-sed
  • im-mi-nent
  • im-mo-dest
  • im-mor-tal
  • im-part-ing
  • im-per-fect
  • im-pi-ous
  • im-plo-ring
  • im-ploy-ed
  • im-ploy-ment
  • im-port-ance
  • im-por-tune
  • im-po-sed
  • im-post-hume
  • im-pos-tour
  • im-pos-ture
  • im-po-tent
  • im-prove-ment
  • im-pro-per
  • im-pu-ted
  • im-pu-test
  • in-as-much
  • in-car-nate
  • in-cen-sed
  • in-chant-ed
  • in-chant-ment
  • in-sert-ed
  • in-cli-ning
  • in-clo-sed
  • in-clu-sive
  • in-con-stant
  • in-crea-sing
  • in-croach-ing
  • in-cul-cate
  • in-cum-bent
  • in-cum-brance
  • in-dear-ed
  • in-debt-ed
  • in-den-ture
  • in-dent-ed
  • [Page 40]in-di-ting
  • in-di-gent
  • in-di-rect
  • in-dis-creet
  • in-dor-sed
  • in-du-ced
  • in-dul-gence
  • in-dul-gent
  • in-fa-my
  • in-fa-mous
  • in-fan-cy
  • in-fan-try
  • in-fect-ed
  • in-fe-rence
  • in-fer-nal
  • in-fi-del
  • in-fi-nite
  • in-flict-ed
  • in-fla-ming
  • in-fold-ing
  • in-for-mer
  • in-for-ming
  • in-form-ing
  • in-form-ed
  • in-flu-ence
  • in-fring-ing
  • in-graft-ing
  • in-gage-ment
  • in-grate-ful
  • in-ha-bit
  • in-he-rent
  • in-he-rit
  • in-jus-tice
  • in-joyn-ing
  • inn-keep-er
  • in-ner-most
  • in-no-cent
  • in-rol-led
  • in-so-lent
  • in-spi-red
  • in-stant-ly
  • in-sti-tute
  • in-struct-ed
  • in-stru-ment
  • in-tan-gle
  • in-tend-ing
  • in-ter-cede
  • in-ter-cept
  • in-te-rest
  • in-ter-nal
  • in-ter-pose
  • in-ter-pret
  • in-ter-val
  • in-ter-vene
  • in-ti-mate
  • in-tire-ly
  • in-trea-ty
  • in-tru-ding
  • in-tro-duce
  • in-trust-ed
  • in-va-ding
  • in-veigh-ing
  • in-vei-gle
  • in-vent-ing
  • in-vi-ron
  • in-volv-ing
  • in-vi-ting
  • in-ward-ly
  • jour-ney-ing
  • i-vo-ry
  • joy-ful-ness
  • ju-bi-le
  • ir-ri-tate
  • is-su-ed
  • ju-da-ism
  • jus-ti-ces
  • [...]us-ti-fy
  • Ka-len-dar
  • kind-nes-ses
  • kil-der-kin
  • kins-wo-man
  • kis-sing-crust
  • know-ing-ly
  • knuc-kle-bone
  • knock-down-ale
  • La-bour-ing
  • la-byr-inth
  • la-dy-day
  • la-dy-ship
  • la-ment-ed
  • lan-guish-ing
  • lan-gua-ges
  • lat-ter-end
  • la-zi-ly
  • lea-ven-ed
  • lec-tu-rer
  • left-hand-ed
  • le-che-ry
  • le-ga-cy
  • le-gi-on
  • length-en-ed
  • le-o-pard
  • le-pro-sy
  • learn-ed-ly
  • les-sen-ing
  • let-ter-case
  • let-ti-ces
  • le-vel-ling
  • le-vi-ty
  • li-ber-tine
  • li-ber-ty
  • li-bel-ling
  • li-be-ral
  • light-en-ing
  • li-o-ness
  • lin-ger-ing
  • lis-ten-ing
  • live-ly-ness
  • loath-som-ness
  • lof-ti-ness
  • lone-som-ness
  • love-li-ness
  • low-li-ness
  • lon-don-bridge
  • low-er-most
  • luke-warm-ness
  • lu-na-tick
  • Ma-ca-roons
  • mac-ke-rel
  • ma-gi-strate
  • mag-ni-fy
  • mag-ni-tude
  • ma-ga-zine
  • maid-ser-vant
  • ma-je-sty
  • main-te-nance
  • main-tain-ed
  • male-chil-dren
  • ma-lig-nant
  • ma-nage-ment
  • ma-na-cles
  • ma-ho-met
  • ma-ni-fest
  • ma-ni-fold
  • man-si-on
  • ma-nu-ring
  • ma-nu-script
  • man-ser-vant
  • man-slay-er
  • man-slaugh-ter
  • mar-gi-nal
  • mar-ket-ing
  • mar-ket-cross
  • ma-ri-ner
  • mar-ri-age
  • mar-ry-ing
  • mar-ma-let
  • mar-ques-dom
  • mar-tyr-dom
  • mar-vel-lous
  • mas-cu-line
  • mas-sa-cre
  • mas-te-ry
  • match-ma-ker
  • mea-su-ring
  • me-di-cine
  • me-di-ate
  • me-di-tate
  • me-lo-dy
  • me-mo-ry
  • men-ti-on
  • men-plea-ser [...]
  • men-steal-ers
  • men-stru-ous
  • mer-chan-dise
  • mer-ci-ful
  • [Page 41]mer-cy-seat
  • mes-sen-ger
  • mes-si-as
  • mes-su-age
  • me-ta-phor
  • me-theg-lin
  • mid-dle-most
  • migh-ti-ness
  • milk-ing-pale
  • mil-li-ons
  • mi-ni-ster
  • mi-ne-rals
  • min-ish-ed
  • mi-ni-string
  • mind-ful-ness
  • mi-ra-cle
  • mis-cal-ling
  • mis-car-ry
  • mis-chie-vous
  • mis-lead-ing
  • mis-li-king
  • mis-ta-ken
  • mis-trust-ing
  • mis-pend-ing
  • mis-u-sing
  • mock-e-ry
  • mo-de-rate
  • mo-de-sty
  • mol-li-fy
  • mo-nar-chy
  • mo-ra-lize
  • mo-nu-ment
  • more-o-ver
  • mor-ti-fy
  • mo-ti-on
  • move-a-ble
  • moun-te-bank
  • mourn-ful-ly
  • mur-mur-ing
  • mul-ti-ply
  • mu-ta-ble
  • mul-ti-tude
  • mur-der-er
  • mu-si-cal
  • mu-tu-al
  • mus-tard-seed
  • mus-ter-ing
  • mut-ter-ing
  • mys-te-ry
  • Na-ked-ness
  • nar-row-ly
  • nar-ra-tive
  • nas-ti-ness
  • na-ti-on
  • na-tu-ral
  • naugh-ti-ness
  • neg-lect-ed
  • neg-li-gence
  • neigh-bor-hood
  • neigh-bor-ly
  • net-ma-ker
  • news-mon-ger
  • nib-ble-ing
  • nig-gard-ly
  • night-in-gale
  • nim-ble-ness
  • no-ble-ness
  • nip-ping-frost
  • noi-som-ness
  • non-suit-ed
  • no-ta-ble
  • no-ta-ry
  • north-bor-der
  • north-quar-ter
  • no-vel-ty
  • no-vem-ber
  • no-vi-ces
  • nou-rish-ment
  • nul-li-ty
  • num-ber-ing
  • num-ber-less
  • nur-se-ry
  • nu-tri-ment
  • O-bey-ed
  • o-bey-sance
  • o-bi-lisk
  • ob-ject-ed
  • ob-li-ged
  • ob-ser-ved
  • ob-ser-vant
  • ob-scure-ness
  • ob-sti-nate
  • ob-struct-ed
  • ob-tain-ed
  • ob-vi-ous
  • o-cu-list
  • oc-cur-rence
  • o-ce-an
  • oc-to-ber
  • o-di-ous
  • of-fen-ces
  • of-fend-ed
  • of-fen-sive
  • of-fer-ing
  • of-fi-cer
  • of-fi-ces
  • off-scour-ing
  • of-ten-times
  • o-live-tree
  • o-live-yard
  • oil-o-live
  • al-ler-ton
  • o-lym-pick
  • om-i-nous
  • o-ni-ons
  • o-pen-ed
  • o-pen-ing
  • o-pen-ly
  • op-po-ser
  • op-po-sing
  • op-po-site
  • op-pres-sed
  • op-pres-sor
  • o-ra-cle
  • o-ra-tor
  • or-dain-ed
  • or-dain-ing
  • or-der-ed
  • or-der-ing
  • or-der-ly
  • or-di-nance
  • o-ran-ges
  • o-range-trees
  • or-na-ment
  • os-trich-es
  • o-ther-wise
  • o-ver-wise
  • o-ver-all
  • o-ver-bid
  • o-ver-bake
  • o-ver-boots
  • o-ver-came
  • o-ver-cast
  • o-ver-did
  • o-ver-do
  • o-ver-drive
  • o-ver-flow
  • o-ver-match
  • o-ver-much
  • o-ver-throw
  • o-ver-turn
  • o-ver-whelm
  • out-bid-ding
  • out-stretch-ed
  • out-ward-ly
  • o-zi-ers
  • Pa-ci-fy
  • pack-sad-dle
  • pa-gan-ism
  • pain-ful-ness
  • pa-la-ces
  • pa-la-tine
  • pal-pa-ble
  • pa-ra-ble
  • palm-er-worm
  • pa-pa-cy
  • pa-per-mills
  • pa-ra-dise
  • pa-ra-mount
  • pa-ra-mour
  • par-don-ed
  • par-don-ing
  • par-ish-es
  • par-ta-kers
  • par-ti-al
  • par-tridg-es
  • [Page 42]pas-sa-ges
  • pas-sen-ger
  • pas-si-on
  • pass-o-ver
  • pas-to-ral
  • pas-tu-ring
  • pa-ti-ence
  • pa-ti-ent
  • pa-tri-arch
  • pau-ci-ty
  • peace-a-ble
  • pa-ter-nal
  • peace-ma-ker
  • pe-di-gree
  • pee-vish-ness
  • pe-li-can
  • pe-nal-ty
  • pe-ni-tent
  • pe-nu-ry
  • pen-ny-worth
  • pen-te-cost
  • pen-sive-ness
  • per-fect-ing
  • per-form-ance
  • per-fu-med
  • pe-ril-lous
  • per-ju-ry
  • pe-ra-wig
  • pe-rish-ed
  • per-mit-ted
  • per-se-cute
  • per-plex-ed
  • per-sist-ing
  • per-se-vere
  • per-so-nate
  • per-swa-ded
  • per-spect-ive
  • pes-ti-lence
  • per-tain-ing
  • per-vers-ness
  • per-vert-ing
  • pha-ri-see
  • phi-lis-tines
  • pi-e-ty
  • pil-gri-mage
  • pi-ous-ly
  • plea-sant-ness
  • plen-ti-ful
  • pleu-ri-sy
  • pli-a-ble
  • po-e-try
  • poi-son-ing
  • po-li-cy
  • po-lish-ed
  • po-li-ticks
  • pom-gra-nate
  • pon-der-ing
  • po-pe-ry
  • po-pu-lous
  • por-ti-on
  • pos-ses-sed
  • pos-si-ble
  • po-si-tive
  • post-mas-ter
  • po-ten-tate
  • po-ver-ty
  • pow-er-ful
  • prac-ti-cal
  • prac-ti-sed
  • pre-ce-dence
  • pre-ci-ous
  • pre-cise-ness
  • pre-fer-ment
  • pre-pa-red
  • pre-scri-bed
  • Qua-ker-ism
  • qua-li-fy
  • qua-li-ty
  • quan-da-ry
  • quan-ti-ty
  • quar-rel-ers
  • quar-rel-ing
  • quar-ter-ed
  • quar-ter-ing
  • quar-ter-ly
  • que-ri-ster
  • que-ru-lous
  • ques-ti-on
  • quick-en-eth
  • quick-en-ing
  • quick-sil-ver
  • qui-et-ness
  • qui-et-ly
  • qui-et-ing
  • quin-tes-sence
  • qua-ver-ing
  • qui-ver-ed
  • qui-ver-ing
  • quin-bo-rough
  • quib-ble-ing
  • Ra-di-cal
  • ra-dish-es
  • ra-di-ent
  • rag-ged-ness
  • ran-som-ed
  • ra-pi-er
  • ra-ri-ty
  • ras-ber-ries
  • ras-kal-ly
  • rat-tle-ing
  • ra-ven-ous
  • ra-vish-ing
  • rea-di-ness
  • rea-son-ing
  • re-bel-ling
  • re-bu-king
  • re-bu-ked
  • re-build-ed
  • re-cei-ver
  • re-cei-ving
  • reck-on-ing
  • re-claim-ing
  • re-com-mend
  • re-com-pence
  • re-con-cile
  • re-cord-ed
  • re-cord-er
  • re-count-ing
  • re-cre-ate
  • rec-ti-fy
  • re-deem-er
  • re-deem-ed
  • re-dres-sed
  • re-fe-rence
  • re-fi-ner
  • re-fi-ning
  • re-flect-ing
  • re-form-ed
  • re-strain-ing
  • re-fresh-ment
  • re-fu-sing
  • re-gain-ing
  • re-gard-ed
  • re-gard-ing
  • re-gi-ment
  • re-gi-on
  • re-gis-ter
  • re-gis-tred
  • re-gu-lar
  • re-hear-sal
  • re-hear-sing
  • re-ject-ed
  • re-joy-cing
  • re-laps-ed
  • re-la-ted
  • re-lea-sed
  • re-lent-ing
  • re-li-ed
  • re-lie-ving
  • re-lin-quish
  • re-lish-ed
  • re-mand-ed
  • re-main-ed
  • re-main-der
  • re-me-dy
  • re-mem-ber
  • re-mem-brance
  • re-mind-ed
  • re-mit-ted
  • re-miss-ness
  • re-mo-test
  • re-mo-ved
  • re-mo-ving
  • ren-der-ed
  • ren-de-vous
  • re-new-ed
  • re-noun-cing
  • re-pair-ed
  • re-pay-ed
  • re-peal-ed
  • [Page 43]re-peat-ed
  • re-pel-ling
  • re-pen-tance
  • re-pi-ning
  • re-plant-ing
  • re-ple-nish
  • re-ply-ing
  • re-port-ed
  • re-po-sed
  • re-pre-hend
  • re-pre-sent
  • re-print-ed
  • re-pro-bate
  • re-pro-ved
  • re-pug-nant
  • re-pul-sed
  • re-pu-ted
  • re-quest-ed
  • re-qui-red
  • re-qui-ted
  • re-qui-site
  • res-cu-ed
  • re-sem-ble
  • re-sent-ed
  • re-ser-ved
  • re-si-ding
  • re-sign-ed
  • re-si-due
  • re-sist-ed
  • re-sol-ved
  • re-so-lute
  • re-sort-ed
  • re-spect-ed
  • re-sto-red
  • re-strain-ed
  • Sa-cra-ment
  • sa-cri-fice
  • sa-cri-ledge
  • sa-cred-ness
  • sad-du-ces
  • sa-lu-ting
  • sanc-ti-fy
  • sa-ti-ate
  • sa-tis-fy
  • sa-vage-ness
  • sau-cy-ness
  • sau-sa-ges
  • sa-ving-ly
  • sa-vi-our
  • sa-vou-ry
  • scan-da-lous
  • scar-ci-ty
  • scat-ter-ed
  • sca-ven-ger
  • schis-ma-tick
  • school-mas-ter
  • school-mis-tress
  • scorn-ful-ness
  • scor-pi-on
  • scof-fing-ly
  • sot-tish-ness
  • scrip-tu-ral
  • scri-vi-ner
  • scru-pu-lous
  • scul-li-on
  • sea-son-ed
  • sec-ta-ry
  • se-cond-ly
  • se-cre-cy
  • se-cret-ly
  • se-cure-ly
  • se-cu-red
  • se-cu-lar
  • se-du-cer
  • se-du-cing
  • seem-ing-ly
  • se-na-tor
  • se-ni-or
  • sen-su-al
  • sen-si-ble
  • sense-les-ness
  • sen-ten-ces
  • sep-tem-ber
  • se-pa-rate
  • se-pul-chre
  • se-ques-tred
  • se-ri-ous
  • se-ra-phims
  • ser-pen-tine
  • ser-vi-tor
  • ser-vi-tude
  • ser-vant-maid
  • ser-ving-man
  • se-ven-fold
  • se-ven-score
  • se-ven-teen
  • se-ven-ty
  • se-ve-ral
  • se-ve-red
  • sha-dow-ing
  • shal-low-ness
  • shame-fa-ced
  • shame-les-ly
  • shame-ful-ly
  • shoo-ma-ker
  • shel-ter-ing
  • shep-herd-ess
  • shop-keep-er
  • sig-ni-fy
  • si-lent-ly
  • sil-ver-smith
  • sing-ing-man
  • sin-gle-man
  • sin-gu-lar
  • skil-ful-ness
  • sla-vish-ness
  • slan-der-ing
  • slaugh-ter-house
  • sin-cere-ly
  • sin-gle-ness
  • slip-pe-ry
  • sloth-ful-ness
  • slo-ven-ly
  • slug-gish-ness
  • slum-ber-ing
  • slut-tish-ness
  • so-ber-ly
  • so-ber-ness
  • so-journ-er
  • so-lem-nize
  • spa-ring-ly
  • spe-ci-ous
  • spec-ta-cle
  • spec-ta-tor
  • spee-di-ly
  • squan-der-ing
  • Tal-ka-tive
  • tam-per-ing
  • ta-pe-stry
  • tar-ras-walk
  • tar-ry-ing
  • task-mas-ters
  • taunt-ing-ly
  • te-di-ous
  • tem-po-rize
  • tem-pe-rance
  • tem-pe-red
  • tem-po-ral
  • ten-der-ness
  • ten-ter-hooks
  • tes-ta-ment
  • tes-ta-tor
  • tes-ti-fy
  • thank-ful-ness
  • thank-wor-thy
  • thanks-gi-ving
  • there-un-to
  • thrif-ti-ly
  • thrif-ti-ness
  • thun-der-bolt
  • thun-der-ing
  • tip-ple-ing
  • ti-ring-room
  • tire-wo-man
  • to-bac-co
  • to-ge-ther
  • to-ward-ly
  • tor-ment-ed
  • tor-men-tors
  • tor-tu-red
  • tor-toise-shel
  • tot-ter-ing
  • trac-ta-ble
  • tra-ge-dy
  • tra-gi-cal
  • trans-la-ting
  • trai-te-rous
  • trans-fer-red
  • trans-form-ed
  • [Page 44]trans-gres-sed
  • trans-pa-rent
  • trea-che-rous
  • trea-che-ry
  • trea-su-rer
  • trea-su-ry
  • tres-pas-ses
  • tri-bu-nal
  • tri-ni-ty
  • tri-vi-al
  • tri-um-phant
  • truce-break-ers
  • tur-bu-lent
  • tur-pen-tine
  • ty-ran-ny
  • ty-ran-nize
  • ty-thing-men
  • tri-umph-ing
  • tri-umph-ant
  • tra-vel-ler
  • Va-can-cy
  • va-ga-bond
  • va-len-tine
  • va-li-ant
  • va-lu-ed
  • va-nish-ed
  • va-ni-ty
  • van-quish-ed
  • va-pour-ing
  • va-ri-ance
  • va-ri-ous
  • ve-he-ment
  • ve-ne-mous
  • ver-tu-ous
  • ven-tu-rous
  • ve-ni-son
  • ve-ri-ly
  • ve-ri-ty
  • vi-car-age
  • vi-ci-ous
  • vic-to-ry
  • vic-tu-als
  • vi-gi-lant
  • vil-la-ges
  • vil-la-ny
  • vi-ne-gar
  • vin-to-ner
  • vi-o-late
  • vi-o-let
  • vi-o-lin
  • vir-gi-nals
  • vine-dres-sers
  • vi-o-lence
  • vi-o-lent
  • vi-si-on
  • vi-sit-ed
  • un-a-wares
  • un-be-lief
  • un-cer-tain
  • un-clea-ness
  • un-come-ly
  • un-con-cern'd
  • un-co-ver
  • un-daunt-ed
  • un-der-ling
  • un-der-mine
  • un-der-neath
  • un-der-stand
  • un-der-take
  • un-e-qual
  • un-e-ven
  • un-faith-ful
  • un-feign-ed
  • un-fruit-ful
  • un-fold-ed
  • un-gird-ed
  • un-god-ly
  • un-ho-ly
  • u-ni-corn
  • u-ni-form
  • u-ni-on
  • u-ni-verse
  • u-ni-ted
  • u-ni-ty
  • un-just-ly
  • un-kind-ness
  • un-la-ding
  • un-lap-ped
  • un-law-ful
  • un-learn-ed
  • un-load-ed
  • un-man-ly
  • un-mask-ed
  • un-mind-ful
  • un-qui-et
  • un-quench-ed
  • un-ready
  • un-ru-ly
  • un-seem-ly
  • un-skil-ful
  • un-spot-ted
  • un-stop-ped
  • un-ta-med
  • un-tap-ped
  • un-thank-ful
  • un-time-ly
  • un-tomb-ed
  • un-to-ward
  • un-vail-ed
  • un-wash-ed
  • un-wash-en
  • un-weigh-ed
  • un-wor-thy
  • un-weil-dy
  • un-wise-ly
  • un-whole-som
  • vo-lu-ble
  • vo-mit-ing
  • vo-ta-ry
  • voy-a-ges
  • Wag-gon-er
  • wa-ken-ed
  • wal-low-ing
  • wan-der-ing
  • wan-ton-ess
  • warm-ing-pan
  • war-rant-ed
  • watch-ful-ness
  • wa-ter-ed
  • wa-ter-brooks
  • wa-ter-course
  • wa-ver-ing
  • weal-thi-er
  • water-springs
  • way-fa-ring
  • wea-ri-some
  • wea-ri-ness
  • well-do-ing
  • well-pleased
  • well-plea-sing
  • whis-per-ing
  • whis-per-er
  • whore-mon-ger
  • wick-ed-ly
  • wick-ed-ness
  • wid-ow-er
  • wid-ow-hood
  • wil-der-ness
  • wil-ful-ly
  • wil-ling-ly
  • wil-low-tree
  • will-wor-ship
  • win-now-ed
  • win-ter-ed
  • wise-heart-ed
  • with-draw-ing
  • wi-ther-ed
  • with-hold-eth
  • wit-nes-sed
  • wit-nes-sing
  • wit-nes-ses
  • wit-ti-ly
  • wit-ting-ly
  • work-man-ship
  • wor-ship-ed
  • wor-ship-er
  • wor-ship-ful
  • won-der-ful
  • wo-man-ish
  • wor-thi-ness
  • wrong-ful-ly
  • wretch-ed-ness
  • Xe-no-phon
  • Xo-cra-tes
  • [Page 45]Youth-ful-ly
  • yes-ter-day
  • ye-ster-night
  • Ze-bo-im
  • zea-lous-ly

Of Words of Four Syllables.

  • A-ban-don-ed
  • a-bi-li-ty
  • a-bo-lish-ed
  • a-bo-mi-nate
  • ab-ro-ga-ted
  • ab-so-lure-ly
  • a-bun-dant-ly
  • a-bu-sive-ness
  • a-ca-de-my
  • ac-cep-ta-ble
  • ac-ces-sa-ry
  • ac-com-plish-ed
  • ac-com-plish-ment
  • ac-com-pa-ny
  • ac-ci-den-tal
  • ac-co-mo-date
  • ac-cor-ding-ly
  • ac-cu-rate-ly
  • ac-cur-sed-ly
  • ac-know-ledg-ment
  • ac-ti-vi-ty
  • a-da-man-tine
  • ad-di-ti-on
  • ad-mi-ni-ster
  • ad-mi-ra-ble
  • ad-mo-nish-ed
  • a-dop-ti-on
  • ad-van-ta-ges
  • ad-ven-tu-rous
  • ad-ver-sa-ry
  • ad-ver-si-ty
  • a-dul-te-ry
  • a-dul-te-rer
  • a-dul-ter-ess
  • a-dul-te-rous
  • af-fec-ti-on
  • af-fi-ni-ty
  • af-flic-ti-on
  • a-la-ba-ster
  • a-la-cri-ty
  • a-li-e-nate
  • al-le-gi-ance
  • al-le-go-ry
  • al-to-ge-ther
  • a-ma-zed-ly
  • am-bas-sa-dor
  • am-bi-gu-ous
  • am-bi-ti-on
  • a-mi-a-ble
  • a-mi-ca-ble
  • a-na-the-ma
  • a-na-to-my
  • an-nu-i-ty
  • an-swer-able
  • an-ta-go-nist
  • an-ti-qui-ty
  • an-ti-pa-thy
  • an-ti-ci-pate
  • an-ti-qua-ry
  • a-po-cri-phal
  • a-po-lo-gy
  • a-po-lo-gize
  • a-po-stle-ship
  • ap-per-tain-ing
  • a-po-sta-cy
  • a-po-sta-tize
  • a-pa-rel-led
  • ap-pa-rent-ly
  • ap-per-tain-ing
  • ap-pre-hend-ed
  • ap-pre-hen-sive
  • ap-pro-pri-ate
  • ap-pur-te-nance
  • ar-bi-tra-ry
  • arch-bish-op-rick
  • arch-dea-con-ship
  • ar-chi-tec-ture
  • ar-gu-ment-al
  • a-rith-me-tick
  • ar-rear-a-ges
  • ar-ro-gan-cy
  • ar-ti-fi-cer
  • ar-til-le-ry
  • as-per-si-on
  • as-so-ci-ate
  • a-sto-nish-ed
  • a-sto-nish-ment
  • a-stro-lo-ger
  • a-stro-lo-gy
  • a-stro-no-my
  • at-ten-tive-ly
  • at-ten-ti-on
  • au-tho-ri-ty
  • au-da-ci-ous
  • au-di-to-ry
  • au-then-ti-cal
  • au-tho-ri-zing
  • Ba-by-lo-nish
  • bar-ba-ri-an
  • bar-ba-ri-ty
  • bar-ba-rous-ly
  • be-a-ti-tudes
  • be-ha-vi-our
  • beau-ti-ful-ly
  • [Page 46]beau-ti-ful-ness
  • be-ne-fac-tors
  • be-ne-fi-cence
  • be-ne-vo-lence
  • be-nig-ni-ty
  • be-to-ken-eth
  • blas-phe-mous-ly
  • blood-guil-ti-ness
  • boi-ste-rous-ly
  • boi-ste-rous-ness
  • boun-ti-ful-ness
  • boun-ti-ful-ly
  • bur-den-som-ness
  • burnt-of-fer-ings
  • burnt-sa-cri-fice
  • bu-sy-bo-dy
  • Ca-la-mi-ty
  • ca-pa-ci-ty
  • ca-pa-ci-ous
  • ca-pri-ci-ous
  • cap-ti-va-ted
  • cap-ti-vi-ty
  • car-ri-a-ges
  • car-na-ti-on
  • car-na-li-ty
  • ca-tho-li-cal
  • ca-te-chi-sing
  • ca-ter-pil-lar
  • ce-le-ri-ty
  • ce-le-bra-ting
  • ce-les-ti-al
  • cen-tu-ri-on
  • ce-re-mo-ny
  • cer-ti-fy-ing
  • cer-ti-fyed
  • cer-ti-fi-cate
  • cha-rac-te-rize
  • cha-ri-ta-ble
  • cha-ri-ta-bly
  • cir-cum-ci-sed
  • cir-cum-spect-ly
  • chi-rur-ge-on
  • cir-cum-fe-rence
  • ci-vi-li-ty
  • cock-a-tri-ces
  • co-e-ter-nal
  • col-la-tion
  • col-la-te-ral
  • col-lec-ti-on
  • col-le-gi-ate
  • col-le-gi-ans
  • com-for-ta-ble
  • com-bus-ti-on
  • com-me-mo-rate
  • com-mi-se-rate
  • com-mis-si-on
  • com-mo-di-ous
  • com-mo-di-ty
  • com-mo-nal-ty
  • com-mo-ti-on
  • com-mu-ni-cant
  • com-mu-ni-cate
  • com-mu-ni-on
  • com-mu-ni-ty
  • com-pact-ed-ness
  • com-pa-ni-on
  • com-pas-si-on
  • com-pen-di-ous
  • com-pa-ra-ble
  • com-pa-ri-son
  • com-pla-cen-cy
  • com-ple-men-tal
  • com-plex-i-on
  • com-pre-hend-ed
  • co-me-di-ans
  • com-pul-si-on
  • com-punc-ti-on
  • com-pre-hen-sive
  • con-ca-vi-ty
  • con-cep-ti-on
  • con-ces-sion
  • con-ci-si-on
  • con-clu-si-on
  • con-cu-pis-cence
  • con-de-scend-ing
  • con-di-ti-on
  • con-fe-de-rate
  • con-fec-ti-on
  • con-fes-si-on
  • con-fi-dent-ly
  • con-for-ma-ble
  • con-for-mi-ty
  • con-fu-si-on
  • con-gra-tu-late
  • con-jec-tu-red
  • con-junc-ti-on
  • con-nex-i-on
  • con-sci-en-ces
  • con-sis-to-ry
  • con-se-cra-ted
  • con-sid-er-ed
  • con-sid-er-ing
  • con-spi-ra-cy
  • con-struc-ti-on
  • con-sump-ti-on
  • con-ta-gi-on
  • con-temp-ti-ble
  • con-temp-tu-ous
  • con-ten-ti-on
  • con-ti-nen-cy
  • con-ti-nu-al
  • con-ti-nent-ly
  • con-ti-nu-ance
  • con-tra-dict-ing
  • con-tra-dic-ti-on
  • con-tra-ry-wise
  • con-tri-bu-ted
  • con-tri-ti-on
  • con-tro-ver-sy
  • con-tro-ver-ted
  • con-tu-ma-cy
  • con-tu-me-ly
  • con-ve-ni-ent
  • con-ven-ti-on
  • con-ver-si-on
  • con-vic-ti-on
  • con-vul-si-on
  • co-o-pe-rate
  • co-pi-ous-ness
  • co-ri-an-der
  • cor-po-ral-ly
  • cor-po-ra-ted
  • cor-po-re-al
  • cor-rec-ti-on
  • cor-ro-bo-rate
  • cor-rup-ti-on
  • cor-rup-ti-ble
  • [Page 47]cos-ter-mon-ger
  • co-ve-nant-ed
  • coun-ter-vail-ing
  • coun-ter-feit-ed
  • co-ve-tous-ness
  • coun-te-nan-cing
  • cour-te-ous-ly
  • cre-a-ti-on
  • cru-ci-fi-ed
  • cu-ri-ous-ly
  • cus-to-ma-ry
  • Dam-na-ti-on
  • dam-ni-fi-ed
  • de-bi-li-tate
  • de-ceit-ful-ness
  • de-ci-si-on
  • de-coc-ti-on
  • de-di-ca-ted
  • de-fec-ti-on
  • de-fi-ci-ent
  • de-for-mi-ty
  • de-ge-ne-rate
  • de-jec-tion
  • de-jec-ted-ness
  • de-lec-ta-ble
  • de-li-be-rate
  • de-li-ca-cies
  • de-li-cate-ness
  • de-li-ci-ous
  • de-li-ne-ate
  • de-lin-quen-cy
  • de-li-ve-rance
  • de-li-ve-red
  • de-lu-si-on
  • de-mo-lish-ed
  • de-mon-stra-ted
  • de-no-mi-nate
  • de-plo-ra-ble
  • de-pres-si-on
  • de-ri-si-on
  • de-scrip-ti-on
  • de-ser-ti-on
  • de-sign-ed-ly
  • de-si-ra-ble
  • de-so-late-ly
  • des-pe-rate-ly
  • des-pi-ca-ble
  • de-spite-ful-ly
  • de-struc-ti-on
  • de-ter-mi-nate
  • de-ter-mi-ned
  • de-tes-ta-ble
  • de-vo-ti-on
  • dia-me-ter
  • dif-fer-en-ces
  • dif-fi-cul-ty
  • di-ges-ti-on
  • dig-ni-fi-ed
  • di-gres-si-on
  • di-li-gent-ly
  • di-mi-ni-shed
  • di-rec-ti-on
  • dis-al-low-ed
  • dis-a-nul-led
  • dis-ad-van-tage
  • dis-a-gree-ing
  • dis-ap-point-ed
  • dis-ap-pro-ving
  • dis-com-fit-ed
  • dis-com-po-sed
  • dis-con-tent-ed
  • dis-con-ti-nue
  • dis-con-so-late
  • dis-co-ver-ed
  • dis-coun-te-nance
  • dis-cou-ra-ged
  • dis-cour-te-sie
  • dis-cre-dit-ed
  • dis-cre-ti-on
  • dis-dain-ful-ly
  • dis-en-ga-ging
  • dis-fi-gu-ring
  • dis-hear-ten-ing
  • dis-ho-nes-ty
  • dis-ho-nour-ing
  • dis-in-he-rit
  • dis-junc-ti-on
  • dis-o-bey-ed
  • dis-ob-li-ging
  • dis-or-der-ly
  • dis-pa-rage-ment
  • dis-per-si-on
  • dis-pos-ses-sed
  • dis-pu-ta-ble
  • dis-qui-et-ness
  • dis-sen-ti-on
  • dis-se-ver-ed
  • dis-tem-per-ing
  • dis-tinc-ti-on
  • dis-tin-guish-ed
  • dis-trac-ti-on
  • dis-tri-bu-ting
  • di-ver-si-ties
  • di-ver-si-on
  • di-vi-ni-ty
  • di-vi-si-on
  • do-mi-neer-ing
  • do-mi-ni-on
  • dox-o-lo-gy
  • E-di-fy-ing
  • e-di-ti-on
  • e-du-ca-ted
  • ef-fec-tu-al
  • ef-fe-mi-nate
  • ef-fi-ca-cy
  • ef-fi-ci-ent
  • ef-fi-gi-es
  • ef-fu-si-on
  • e-gre-gi-ous
  • e-gyp-ti-an
  • e-lec-ti-on
  • e-le-gan-cy
  • e-le-gant-ly
  • e-le-va-ted
  • e-lo-quent-ly
  • em-bas-sa-dor
  • em-broi-der-ed
  • em-bol-den-ed
  • em-pha-ti-cal
  • e-na-mour-ed
  • en-com-pas-sing
  • en-coun-ter-ing
  • en-cou-ra-ging
  • [Page 48]en-cum-ber-ing
  • en-da-ma-ged
  • en-dan-ger-ing
  • en-dea-vour-ing
  • en-fran-chise-ment
  • en-ter-med-dle
  • en-ter-tain-ment
  • en-thu-si-asm
  • e-mi-nent-ly
  • e-nor-mi-ty
  • en-ter-pri-ses
  • en-ter-min-gle
  • en-vi-ron-ed
  • e-pis-co-pal
  • e-qua-li-ty
  • e-qui-ta-ble
  • e-qui-va-lent
  • e-qui-vo-cate
  • er-ro-ne-ous
  • es-sen-ti-al
  • e-sta-blish-ment
  • e-ter-nal-ly
  • e-ter-ni-ty
  • e-va-cu-ate
  • e-van-ge-list
  • e-ven-ing-tide
  • e-ver-last-ing
  • e-vi-den-ces
  • e-vi-dent-ly
  • ex-ac-ti-on
  • ex-a-mi-ned
  • ex-as-pe-rate
  • ex-ceed-ing-ly
  • ex-cel-len-cy
  • ex-cep-ti-on
  • ex-ces-sive-ly
  • ex-e-cu-ted
  • ex-e-cu-tors
  • ex-em-pla-ry
  • ex-emp-ti-on
  • ex-er-ci-ses
  • ex-hi-bit-ing
  • ex-pe-di-ent
  • ex-pe-ri-ence
  • ex-pe-ri-ment
  • ex-pi-a-ted
  • ex-po-si-tor
  • ex-pos-tu-late
  • ex-pres-si-on
  • ex-qui-site-ly
  • ex-tem-po-re
  • ex-te-nu-ate
  • ex-ter-nal-ly
  • ex-tin-guish-ed
  • ex-tor-ti-on
  • ex-tra-va-gant
  • ex-tre-mi-ty
  • Fa-bu-lous-ly
  • fa-ci-li-ty
  • fac-ti-ous-ly
  • fal-la-ci-ous
  • fal-si-fy-ing
  • fa-mi-li-ar
  • fan-tas-ti-cal
  • fa-vou-ra-ble
  • fe-bru-a-ry
  • fel-low-ser-vant
  • fi-de-li-ty
  • for-ma-li-ty
  • fore-or-dain-ed
  • for-get-ful-ness
  • for-give-nes-ses
  • for-ni-ca-tor
  • for-ti-fi-ed
  • foun-da-ti-on
  • frau-du-lent-ly
  • fru-i-ti-on
  • fun-da-men-tal
  • fu-ri-ous-ly
  • Ge-ne-ral-ly
  • ge-ne-rous-ly
  • ge-o-gra-pher
  • ge-o-gra-phy
  • ge-o-me-try
  • ge-o-man-cy
  • glo-ri-fi-ed
  • glo-ri-ous-ly
  • gor-ge-ous-ly
  • gra-ci-ous-ly
  • gra-du-al-ly
  • Ha-ber-dash-er
  • ha-ber-gi-on
  • ha-bi-ta-ble
  • hal-ber-dier
  • ha-le-lu-jah
  • he-re-ti-cal
  • he-ro-i-cal
  • he-te-ro-dox
  • hi-e-rar-chy
  • ho-nou-ra-ble
  • how-so-e-ver
  • hu-ma-ni-ty
  • hu-mi-li-ty
  • his-to-ri-an
  • hos-pi-ta-ble
  • hy-po-cri-sy
  • hun-ger-bit-ten
  • I-do-la-ter
  • i-do-la-try
  • ig-no-mi-ny
  • ig-no-rant-ly
  • il-le-gal-ly
  • il-li-te-rate
  • il-lu-mi-nate
  • il-lus-tri-ous
  • im-a-gi-ned
  • im-ma-cu-late
  • im-mo-de-rate
  • im-mo-des-ty
  • im-i-ta-ting
  • im-mu-ta-ble
  • im-me-di-ate
  • im-mi-nent-ly
  • im-par-ti-al
  • im-pa-ti-ence
  • [Page 49]im-pe-di-ment
  • im-pe-ni-tence
  • im-pe-ra-tive
  • im-pi-e-ty
  • im-pi-ous-ly
  • im-pla-ca-ble
  • im-por-tu-nate
  • im-pos-si-ble
  • im-po-ver-ish
  • im-pres-si-on
  • im-pri-son-ment
  • im-pro-ba-ble
  • im-pro-per-ly
  • im-pro-vi-dent
  • in-ca-pa-ble
  • in-ces-tu-ous
  • in-com-mo-date
  • in-com-pe-tent
  • in-con-gru-ous
  • in-con-sist-ent
  • in-con-stan-cy
  • in-con-ti-nent
  • in-cor-po-rate
  • in-coun-ter-ed
  • in-cou-ra-ged
  • in-cre-di-ble
  • in-cre-du-lous
  • in-cul-pa-ble
  • in-cu-ra-ble
  • in-de-fi-nite
  • in-dea-vour-ing
  • in-de-li-ble
  • in-de-pen-dent
  • in-dif-fer-ent
  • in-dig-ni-ty
  • in-di-rect-ly
  • in-dis-creet-ly
  • in-dis-po-sed
  • in-do-ci-ble
  • in-dul-gen-ces
  • in-ef-fa-ble
  • in-dus-tri-ous
  • in-fal-lib-ly
  • in-sec-ti-ous
  • in-fe-ri-or
  • in-fer-nal-ly
  • in-fi-nit-ly
  • in-flex-i-ble
  • in-for-tu-nate
  • in-fir-mi-ty
  • in-flu-en-ces
  • in-ha-bi-tant
  • in-cor-rupt-ed
  • in-ge-ni-ous
  • in-ge-nu-ous
  • in-gra-ti-tude
  • in-he-ri-tor
  • in-he-ri-tance
  • in-i-qui-ty
  • in-ju-ri-ous
  • in-ligh-ten-ed
  • in-no-cent-ly
  • in-or-di-nate
  • in-no-cen-cy
  • in-qui-si-tive
  • in-scrip-ti-on
  • in-sen-si-ble
  • in-se-pa-rate
  • in-si-nu-ate
  • in-so-lent-ly
  • in-spec-ti-on
  • in-sti-tu-ted
  • in-struc-ti-on
  • in-stru-men-tal
  • in-te-gri-ty
  • in-tel-li-gence
  • in-tem-pe-rance
  • in-ten-ti-on
  • in-ter-ces-sor
  • in-ter-cept-ing
  • in-ter-med-dle
  • in-ter-min-gle
  • in-ter-po-sing
  • in-ti-ma-ting
  • in-ter-pre-ter
  • in-ter-pre-ting
  • in-ter-rup-ting
  • in-ter-ve-ning
  • in-trac-ta-ble
  • in-tro-du-cing
  • in-va-si-on
  • in-ven-ti-on
  • in-ven-to-ry
  • in-vi-sible
  • in-vin-ci-ble
  • in-vi-ro-ned
  • ir-re-ve-rent
  • ju-di-ca-ture
  • ju-di-ci-al
  • ju-di-ci-ous
  • jus-ti-fi-ed
  • Knight-ba-ro-net
  • knip-per-do-ling
  • ken-tish-pip-pins
  • La-bo-ri-ous
  • la-men-table
  • las-ci-vi-ous
  • le-gi-ti-mate
  • li-be-ral-ly
  • le-vi-a-than
  • li-cen-ti-ous
  • le-vi-ti-cal
  • long-suf-fer-ing
  • look-ing-glas-ses
  • lo-ving-kind-ness
  • lux-u-ri-ous
  • le-vi-ti-cal
  • Ma-gi-ci-an
  • mag-ni-fi-cence
  • mag-ni-fi-cent
  • mag-ni-fi-cal
  • mag-ni-fi-cat
  • mag-ni-fy-ing
  • ma-ho-me-tan
  • ma-le-fac-tor
  • ma-le-vo-lent
  • ma-li-ci-ous
  • ma-lig-ni-ty
  • ma-ni-fest-ed
  • [Page 50]man-si-on-house
  • mar-ri-a-ges
  • mar-vel-lous-ly
  • mas-ter-buil-der
  • ma-te-ri-al
  • ma-the-ma-ticks
  • ma-tri-mo-ny
  • ma-tu-ri-ty
  • meat-of-fer-ing
  • me-di-a-tor
  • me-di-a-ting
  • me-di-ta-ting
  • me-lan-cho-ly
  • me-lo-di-ous
  • me-mo-ra-ble
  • me-mo-ri-al
  • men-ti-on-ing
  • mer-chan-di-zing
  • mer-ci-ful-ly
  • mes-su-a-ges
  • me-tro-po-lis
  • mi-no-ri-ty
  • mi-ra-cu-lous
  • mis-car-ri-age
  • mis-chie-vous-ness
  • mis-hap-pen-ed
  • mi-ti-ga-ting
  • mo-de-rate-ly
  • mo-nar-chi-cal
  • mo-ra-li-ty
  • mor-ta-li-ty
  • mo-ti-on-ed
  • mu-ni-ti-on
  • mol-li-fi-ed
  • mo-ny-chan-gers
  • mul-ber-ry-trees
  • mul-ti-ply-ing
  • mut-ton-mon-ger
  • mu-si-ti-an
  • Nar-ra-ti-on
  • na-tu-ra-lize
  • na-ti-on-al
  • na-ti-vi-ty
  • na-vi-ga-ble
  • na-tu-ral-ly
  • ne-ces-si-ty
  • neg-li-gent-ly
  • ne-cro-man-cer
  • ne-cro-man-cy
  • ne-ver-the-less
  • no-bi-li-ty
  • no-to-ri-ous
  • not-with-stand-ing
  • nu-me-rous-ly
  • nun-ne-ri-es
  • nur-se-ri-es
  • nu-me-ri-cal
  • O-be-di-ence
  • ob-jec-ti-on
  • ob-la-ti-on
  • ob-li-qui-ty
  • ob-li-vi-on
  • ob-sti-nate-ly
  • ob-struc-ti-on
  • ob-scu-ri-ty
  • oc-ca-si-on
  • oc-cur-ren-ces
  • o-di-ous-ly
  • of-fi-ci-ous
  • om-ni-po-sent
  • om-ni-pre-sent
  • om-ni-sci-ent
  • o-pe-ra-ting
  • o-pi-ni-on
  • op-por-tune-ly
  • op-pres-si-on
  • o-ra-ti-on
  • o-ra-to-ry
  • or-di-nan-ces
  • or-di-na-ry
  • o-ri-gi-nal
  • or-na-men-tal
  • o-ver-char-ged
  • o-ver-co-meth
  • o-ver-flow-ed
  • o-ver-lay-ing
  • o-ver-run-ning
  • o-ver-sha-dow
  • o-ver-ta-ken
  • o-ver-throw-eth
  • o-ver-turn-ed
  • o-ver-whelm-ed
  • out-ra-gi-ous
  • Pa-ci-fi-ed
  • pa-la-ta-ble
  • pa-pis-ti-cal
  • par-li-a-ment
  • par-ti-al-ly
  • par-ti-cu-lar
  • par-ti-ti-on
  • pa-ti-ent-ly
  • pas-si-on-ate
  • pa-tri-mo-ny
  • pa-vil-li-on
  • pe-cu-li-ar
  • pe-ni-tent-ly
  • pe-nu-ri-ous
  • per-ad-ven-ture
  • per-di-ti-on
  • per-fec-ti-on
  • per-fi-di-ous
  • per-ni-ci-ous
  • per-pe-tu-al
  • per-se-cu-ted
  • per-se-ve-rance
  • per-so-na-ble
  • per-mis-sion
  • per-plex-i-ty
  • per-se-cu-ted
  • per-swa-si-on
  • pe-ti-ti-on
  • phi-lo-so-pher
  • phi-lo-so-phy
  • phy-si-ti-an
  • plen-te-ous-ness
  • plu-ra-li-ty
  • po-e-ti-cal
  • po-li-ti-cal
  • pol-lu-ti-on
  • [Page 51]pos-ses-si-on
  • po-si-ti-on
  • po-ste-ri-ty
  • prac-ti-cal-ly
  • pre-ce-den-cy
  • pre-ci-ous-ness
  • pre-ci-si-an
  • pre-de-ces-sor
  • pre-des-ti-nate
  • pre-dic-ti-on
  • pre-fi-gu-red
  • pre-ju-di-ced
  • pre-la-ti-cal
  • pre-pa-ra-tive
  • pre-he-mi-nence
  • pre-pos-te-rous
  • pre-ro-ga-tive
  • pres-by-te-ry
  • pre-scrip-ti-on
  • pre-sump-ti-on
  • pre-sump-tu-ous
  • pre-ven-ti-on
  • prin-ci-pal-ly
  • pro-di-gal-ly
  • pro-di-gi-ous
  • pro-hi-bi-ting
  • pro-pa-gatted
  • pro-pri-e-ty
  • pro-phe-ti-cal
  • pro-por-ti-on
  • pro-se-cu-ted
  • pros-pe-ri-ty
  • pro-tec-ti-on
  • pro-fes-si-on
  • pre-me-di-tate
  • pro-fi-ta-ble
  • pro-ge-ni-tors
  • pro-mo-ti-on
  • pro-phe-sy-ing
  • pros-pe-rous-ly
  • pro-vi-si-on
  • pro-ver-bi-al
  • pro-vin-ci-al
  • pru-den-ti-al
  • pur-ga-to-ry
  • pu-ri-fi-ed
  • pur-ga-ti-on
  • Qua-li-fi-ed
  • qua-ter-ni-on
  • ques-ti-on-ed
  • quo-ti-di-an
  • que-ru-lous-ness
  • Ra-ti-o-nal
  • ra-ve-nous-ly
  • re-a-li-ty
  • rea-so-na-ble
  • re-bel-li-on
  • re-cep-ta-cle
  • re-cep-ti-on
  • re-com-mend-ed
  • re-com-pen-sed
  • re-con-ci-led
  • re-co-ve-red
  • re-cre-a-ted
  • rec-ti-fy-ing
  • re-demp-ti-on
  • re-fer-en-ces
  • re-flec-ti-on
  • re-frac-to-ry
  • re-gis-ter-ing
  • re-gu-lar-ly
  • re-jec-ti-on
  • re-la-ti-on
  • re-li-gi-on
  • re-lin-quish-ed
  • re-luc-tan-cy
  • re-mem-ber-ed
  • re-mis-si-on
  • re-mu-ne-rate
  • re-nu-me-rate
  • re-ple-nish-ed
  • re-pre-sent-ed
  • re-proch-ful-ly
  • re-so-lute-ly
  • re-spec-tive-ly
  • re-sp [...]- [...]i-ble
  • re-sto-ra-tive
  • re-ta-li-ate
  • re-ten-ti-on
  • re-ti-red-ly
  • re-ver-si-on
  • rhe-to-ri-cal
  • righ-te-ous-ness
  • ri-go-rous-ly
  • ri-ot-ous-ness
  • re-ve-ren-ced
  • Sa-cer-do-tal
  • sa-cra-men-tal
  • sa-cri-fi-cing
  • sa-cri-fi-cer
  • sa-ga-ci-ty
  • sal-va-ti-on
  • sanc-ti-fi-ed
  • sanc-tu-a-ry
  • scan-da-lous-ly
  • schis-ma-ti-cal
  • scru-pu-lous-ly
  • se-cre-ta-ry
  • se-cu-ri-ty
  • se-den-ta-ry
  • se-di-ti-on
  • sen-su-al-ly
  • sen-ten-ti-ous
  • se-ri-ous-ly
  • ser-vice-a-ble
  • se-ve-ral-ly
  • se-ve-ri-ty
  • shame-fa-ced-ness
  • sig-ni-fy-ing
  • si-mi-li-tude
  • sim-pli-ci-ty
  • sin-ce-ri-ty
  • sin-gu-lar-ly
  • so-bri-e-t [...]
  • so-ber-mind-ed
  • so-ci-a-ble
  • so-ci-e-ty
  • so-lem-ni-ty
  • so-lem-ni-zed
  • [Page 52]so-li-ci-tor
  • so-li-ci-tous
  • so-li-lo-quy
  • so-li-ta-ry
  • sor-row-ful-ness
  • so-ve-reign-ty
  • spe-ci-al-ly
  • spe-ci-ous-ly
  • spe-cu-la-tive
  • spi-ri-tu-al
  • slan-de-rous-ly
  • stu-di-ous-ly
  • stu-pi-di-ty
  • stu-pi-fy-ing
  • sub-jec-ti-on
  • sub-mis-si-on
  • sub-scrip-ti-on
  • sub-stan-ti-al
  • sub-trac-ti-on
  • sub-ver-si-on
  • suc-ces-si-on
  • suf-fi-ci-ent
  • suf-fo-ca-ted
  • sug-ges-ti-on
  • sum-ma-ri-ly
  • sump-tu-ous-ly
  • sta-bi-li-ty
  • su-per-flu-ous
  • su-per-la-tive
  • su-pre-ma-cy
  • sym-pa-thi-sing
  • Ta-ber-na-cle
  • te-di-ous-ness
  • tax-a-ti-on
  • tem-pes-tu-ous
  • tem-po-ri-sing
  • temp-ta-ti-on
  • ter-res-tri-al
  • tes-ti-mo-ny
  • ter-ri-fi-ed
  • tes-ti-fy-ing
  • to-le-ra-ble
  • to-le-ra-ted
  • tra-di-ti-on
  • trai-te-rous-ly
  • tran-quil-li-ty
  • trans-ac-ti-on
  • trans-fi-gu-red
  • trans-gres-si-on
  • tran-si-to-ry
  • trans-la-ti-on
  • trea-che-rous-ly
  • trea-so-na-ble
  • tri-bu-ta-ry
  • tu-i-ti-on
  • tu-mul-tu-ous
  • tur-bu-len-cy
  • Va-ca-ti-on
  • va-li-ant-ly
  • va-lo-rous-ly
  • va-lu-a-ble
  • va-ri-a-ble
  • va-ri-e-ty
  • ve-he-ment-ly
  • ve-ne-ra-ble
  • ve-ra-ci-ty
  • ver-mil-li-on
  • ver-tu-ous-ly
  • vex-a-ti-on
  • vi-cis-si-tude
  • vic-tu-al-ler
  • vi-gi-lan-cy
  • vi-o-lent-ly
  • vir-gi-ni-ty
  • un-ac-quaint-ed
  • un-ad-vi-sed
  • u-na-ni-mous
  • un-be-lie-ving
  • un-be-lie-vers
  • un-bla-ma-ble
  • un-ca-pa-ble
  • un-cer-tain-ty
  • un-change-a-ble
  • un-der-stand-ing
  • un-con-dem-ned
  • un-co-ver-ed
  • un-cor-rupt-ed
  • un-der-ta-king
  • un-de-ser-ving
  • un-doubt-ed-ly
  • un-faith-ful-ly
  • un-feign-ed-ly
  • un-for-tu-nate
  • un-fur-nish-ed
  • un-de-fi-led
  • un-god-li-ness
  • u-ni-ver-sal
  • un-law-ful-ly
  • un-learn-ed-ly
  • un-e-qual-ly
  • un-lea-ven-ed
  • un-lim-it-ed
  • un-mea-su-red
  • un-mer-ci-ful
  • un-mo-va-ble
  • un-mar-ri-ed
  • un-na-tu-ral
  • un-qui-et-ly
  • un-quench-a-ble
  • un-pre-pa-red
  • un-sa-vo-ry
  • un-search-a-ble
  • un-sea-son-ed
  • un-speak-a-ble
  • un-thank-ful-ness
  • un-wea-ri-ed
  • un-whol-som-ness
  • vo-lup-tu-ous
  • u-su-al-ly
  • un-tem-per-ed
  • un-wit-ting-ly
  • vo-ca-ti-on
  • vo-lun-ta-ry
  • Wa-ter-cour-ses
  • wa-ter-ing-tub
  • wel-be-lo-ved
  • what-so-e-ver
  • when-so-e-ver
  • where-so-e-ver
  • who-so-e-ver
  • whom-so-e-ver
  • whose-so-e-ver
  • won-der-ful-ly
  • won-der-ous-ly

Words of Five Syllables.

  • A-bo-mi-na-bly
  • a-ca-de-mi-cal
  • ab-so-lu-ti-on
  • ac-cep-ta-ti-on
  • ac-ci-den-tal-ly
  • ac-cla-ma-ti-on
  • ac-com-mo-da-ted
  • ac-cu-sa-ti-on
  • ad-mi-ra-ti-on
  • ad-mo-ni-ti-on
  • a-du-la-ti-on
  • ad-van-ta-gi-ous
  • al-ter-a-ti-on
  • Ba-by-lo-ni-ans
  • be-a-ti-fi-cal
  • be-ne-dic-ti-on
  • be-ne-fi-ci-al
  • be-ne-vo-lent-ly
  • burnt-sa-cri-fi-ces
  • Ca-te-chis-ti-cal
  • ce-re-mo-ni-al
  • chri-s-ti-a-ni-ty
  • cir-cum-ci-si-on
  • co-es-sen-ti-al
  • co-gi-ta-ti-on
  • com-bi-na-ti-on
  • cir-cum-spec-ti-on
  • com-men-da-ti-on
  • con-se-cra-ti-on
  • con-so-la-ti-on
  • con-ten-ta-ti-on
  • con-ver-sa-ti-on
  • cu-ri-o-si-ty
  • De-cei-va-ble-ness
  • de-di-ca-ti-on
  • de-cla-ra-ti-on
  • de-cla-ma-ti-on
  • de-fa-ma-ti-on
  • de-fi-ni-ti-on
  • de-so-la-ti-on
  • de-mon-stra-ti-on
  • di-a-bo-li-cal
  • dis-o-be-di-ent
  • dis-po-si-ti-on
  • dis-pro-por-ti-on
  • dis-so-lu-ti-on
  • E-du-ca-ti-on
  • ef-fec-tu-al-ly
  • ef-fi-ca-ci-ous
  • e-gre-gi-ous-ly
  • e-pis-co-pa-cy
  • ex-pec-ta-ti-on
  • ex-hor-ta-ti-on
  • ex-em-pli-fi-ed
  • ex-com-mu-ni-cate
  • ex-tor-ti-on-er
  • ex-pe-di-ti-on
  • ex-pi-a-ti-on
  • ex-pla-na-tion
  • ex-po-si-ti-on
  • Fa-ce-ti-ous-ly
  • fa-mi-li-ar-ly
  • fe-lo-ni-ous-ly
  • fa-vou-ra-ble-ness
  • fel-low-ci-ti-zen
  • fel-low-la-bou-rer
  • fel-low-pri-so-ner
  • for-men-ta-ti-on
  • for-ni-ca-ti-on
  • fun-da-men-tal-ly
  • Ge-ne-a-lo-gy
  • ge-ne-ra-ti-on
  • geo-gra-phi-cal
  • ge-o-me-tri-cal
  • Ha-bi-ta-ti-on
  • har-mo-ni-ous-ly
  • he-re-ti-cal-ly
  • he-ro-i-cal-ly
  • his-to-ri-cal-ly
  • hy-po-cri-ti-cal
  • hos-pi-ta-li-ty
  • Je-su-it-i-cal
  • ig-no-mi-ni-ous
  • il-le-ga-li-ty
  • il-le-gi-ti-mate
  • il-lu-mi-na-ted
  • il-lus-tri-ous-ly
  • im-be-ci-li-ty
  • im-me-di-at-ly
  • im-mo-de-rat-ly
  • im-mor-ta-li-ty
  • in-cen-di-a-ry
  • in-ces-tu-ous-ly
  • in-con-ti-nent-ly
  • in-spi-ra-ti-on
  • Ka-desh-bar-ne-a
  • ke-desh-nap-tha-ly
  • kib-roth-hat-taa-vah
  • La-bo-ri-ous-ness
  • la-men-ta-ti-on
  • las-ci-vi-ous-ness
  • li-be-ra-li-ty
  • li-cen-ti-ous-ness
  • li-mi-ta-ti-on
  • lux-u-ri-ous-ness
  • Ma-ho-me-ta-nism
  • ma-te-ri-al-ly
  • ma-the-ma-ti-cal
  • ma-tri-mo-ni-al
  • me-di-a-tor-ship
  • me-di-ta-ti-on
  • ma-di-o-cri-ty
  • ma-li-ci-ous-ly
  • [Page 54]ma-li-ci-ous-ness
  • mag-ni-fi-cent-ly
  • mag-na-ni-mous-ly
  • mis-con-struc-ti-on
  • mo-de-ra-ti-on
  • Na-vi-ga-ti-on
  • ne-ces-sa-ri-ly
  • no-to-ri-ous-ly
  • non-con-for-mi-ty
  • no-bi-li-ta-ting
  • nu-me-ra-ti-on
  • Ob-li-ga-ti-on
  • ob-ser-va-ti-on
  • oc-cu-pa-ti-on
  • of-fi-ci-ous-ly
  • om-ni-po-ten-cy
  • om-ni-sci-en-cy
  • o-pe-ra-ti-on
  • op-por-tu-ni-ty
  • op-po-si-ti-on
  • or-di-na-ti-on
  • o-ri-gi-nal-ly
  • or-na-men-tal-ly
  • os-ten-ta-ti-on
  • o-ver-sha-dow-ed
  • Par-ti-a-li-ty
  • par-ti-cu-lar-ly
  • pe-nu-ri-ous-ly
  • per-fi-di-ous-ly
  • per-ni-ci-ous-ly
  • per-pe-tu-al-ly
  • per-se-cu-ti-on
  • pro-se-cu-ti-on
  • pre-pa-ra-ti-on
  • pro-pa-ga-ti-on
  • pro-vo-ca-ti-on
  • pub-li-ca-ti-on
  • pu-ri-ta-ni-cal
  • Ques-ti-on-a-ble
  • Ra-ti-o-nal-ly
  • re-bel-li-ous-ly
  • re-cre-a-ti-on
  • re-for-ma-ti-on
  • re-no-va-ti-on
  • re-pa-ra-ti-on
  • re-pe-ti-ti-on
  • re-pre-hen-si-on
  • re-pro-ba-ti-on
  • re-pa-ta-ti-on
  • re-so-lu-ti-on
  • re-trac-ta-ti-on
  • re-ve-la-ti-on
  • re-vo-lu-ti-on
  • Sa-cra-men-tal-ly
  • sa-cri-le-gi-ous
  • sa-lu-ta-ti-on
  • sa-tis-fac-ti-on
  • se-di-ti-ous-ly
  • sen-su-a-li-ty
  • se-pa-ra-ti-on
  • se-que-stra-ti-on
  • sin-gu-la-ri-ty
  • si-tu-a-ti-on
  • so-li-ta-ri-ness
  • spe-cu-la-ti-on
  • suf-fi-ci-ent-ly
  • suf-fi-ci-en-cy
  • su-per-a-bound-ing
  • su-per-fi-ci-al
  • su-per-flu-ous-ly
  • su-per-la-tive-ly
  • su-per-na-tu-ral
  • su-per-scrip-ti-on
  • su-per-sti-ti-on
  • su-per-sti-ti-ous
  • sup-p [...]i- [...]-ti- [...]
  • sup-po- [...]-ti-on
  • sup-po- [...]-to- [...]y
  • sym-pa-the-ti-cal
  • T [...]p [...]s [...]ous-ly
  • te [...]p [...]y
  • [...]
  • [...]
  • tra-di-ti-o-nal
  • trans-for [...]a-ti-on
  • tri-bu- [...]
  • tu-mul-tu- [...]
  • ty-ran-ni-cal-ly
  • Va-ri-able-ness
  • ve-ne-ra-ti-on
  • vex-a-ti-ous-ly
  • vic-to-ri-ous-ly
  • vi-o-la-ti-on
  • vi-si-bi-li-ty
  • vi-si-ta-ti-on
  • un-ac-ces-si-ble
  • un-ac-cus-to-med
  • un-ad-vi-sed-ly
  • un-na-ni-mous-ly
  • un-cha-ri-ta-ble
  • un-de-ser-ved-ly
  • un-ex-cu-sa-ble
  • un-for-tu-nate-ly
  • u-ni-for-mi-ty
  • u-ni-ver-si-ty
  • un-mea-su-ra-ble
  • un-mer-ci-ful-ly
  • un-na-tu-ral-ly
  • un-ne-ces-sa-ry
  • un-righ-te-ous-ly
  • un-search-a-ble-ness
  • un-sea-son-a-ble
  • un-speak-a-ble-ness
  • un-wea-ri-ed-ness
  • vo-lup-tu-ous-ness
  • un-cir-cum-ci-sed
  • un-pro-fi-ta-ble
  • un-re-buke-a-ble
  • un-righ-te-ous-ness
  • un- [...]a-ti-a-ble
  • un-gra-ci-ous-ly
  • un-com-for-ta-ble
  • un-pre-pa-red-ness
  • un- [...]p [...]ra-ble
  • vo-lun-ta-ri-ly
  • Wh [...]ther-so-e-ver

Words of Six and Seven Syllables.

  • A-bo-mi-na-ti-on
  • a-bre-vi-a-ti-on
  • ac-com-mo-da-ti-on
  • ad-mi-ni-stra-ti-on
  • ad-di-ti-o-nal-ly
  • af-fec-tio-nate-ly
  • al-pha-be-ti-cal-ly
  • al-suf-fi-ci-en-cy
  • an-ti-chris-ti-an-ism
  • Cir-cum-lo-cu-ti-on
  • com-me-mo-ra-ti-on
  • com-mi-se-ra-ti-on
  • com-mu-ni-ca-ti-on
  • con-sci-en-ti-ous-ly
  • con-si-de-ra-ti-on
  • con-ti-nu-a-ti-on
  • con-sub- [...]- [...]i- [...]-on
  • De-ge-ne-ra-ti-on
  • de-li-be-ra-ti-on
  • de-no-mi-na-ti-on
  • de-ter-mi-na-ti-on
  • dis-ad-van-ta-ge-ous-ly
  • dis-con-ti-nu-a-ti-on
  • dis-pro-por-ti-o-na-ble
  • dis-pro-por-tio-na-ble-ness
  • Ec-cle-si-a-sti-cal
  • e-di-fi-ca-ti-on
  • ef-fi-ca-ci-ous-ly
  • en-thu-si-as-ti-cal
  • e-nu-me-ra-ti-on
  • e-ja-cu-la-ti-on
  • e [...]j [...]cu-la-to-ry
  • e-qui-vo-ca-ti-on
  • e-va-cu-a-ti-on
  • e-van-gel-li-cal-ly
  • ex-a-mi-na- [...]i-on
  • ex-as-pe [...]a-ti [...]on
  • ex-com-mu-ni-ca-ted
  • ex-com-mu-ni-ca-ti-on
  • ex-pos-tu-la-ti-on
  • ex-tra-or-di-na-ri-ly
  • Fa-mi-li-a-ri-ty
  • fruc-ti-fi-ca-ti-on
  • for-ti-si-ca-ti-ons
  • Ge-o-gra-phi-cal-ly
  • ge-o-me-tri-cal-ly
  • glo-ri-fi-ca-ti-on
  • gra-ti-fi-ca-ti-on
  • He-te-ro-dox-i-cal
  • hu-mi-li-a-ti-on
  • hy-po-cri-ti-cal-ly
  • he-te-ro-dox-i-cal-ly
  • Je-su-it-i-cal-ly
  • ig-no-mi-ni-ous-ly
  • im-par-ti-al-i-ty
  • im-pos-si-bi-li-ty
  • in-com-mu-ni-ca-ble
  • in-com-pre-hen-si-ble
  • in-con-ve-ni-ent-ly
  • in-cor-ri-gi-ble-ness
  • im-mu-ta-bi-li-ty
  • im-pro-ba-bi-li-ty
  • im-pro-pri-a-ti-on
  • in-de-fa-ti-ga-ble
  • in-dis-po-si-ti-on
  • in-di-vi-du-al-ly
  • in-ef-fec-tu-al-ly
  • in-fal-li-bi-li-ty
  • in-sa-ti-a-ble-ness
  • in-si-nu-a-ti-on
  • in-ter-pre-ta-ti-on
  • in-ter-ro-ga-ti-on
  • in-com-prehen-sible-ness
  • Ma-ni-fes-ta-ti [...]on
  • me-ri-to-ri-ous-ly
  • mor-ti-fi-ca-ti-on
  • mul-ti-pli-ca-ti-on
  • ma-the-ma-ti-cal-ly
  • ma-the-ma-ti-ci-an
  • O-be-di-en-ti-al
  • oc-ca-si-o-nal-ly
  • o-be-di-en-ti-al-ly
  • Pa-ci-fi-ca-ti-on
  • par-li-a-men- [...]- [...]y
  • pre-des-ti-na-ti-on
  • pre-va-ri-ca-ti-on
  • pro-cras-ti-na-ti-on
  • pro-nun-ci-a-ti-on
  • pro-pi-ti-a-ti-on
  • pro-pi-ti-a-to-ry
  • pro-por-ti-o-na-ble
  • phi-lo-so-phi-cal-ly
  • pu-ri-fi-ca-ti-on
  • pre-con-si-de-ra-ti-on
  • pro-por-ti-on-a-ble-ness
  • Qua-li-fi-ca-ti-on
  • Ra-ti-fi-ca-ti-on
  • re-ge-ne-ra-ti-on
  • re- [...]- [...]-ra-ti-on
  • re-nun-ci-a-ti-on
  • re-pre-sen-ta-ti-on
  • re- [...]-li- [...]-ti-on
  • re-con-ci-li-a-ti-on
  • Sanc-ti-fi-ca-ti-on
  • sa-tis-fac-to-ri-ly
  • sig-ni-fi-ca-ti-on
  • so [...]lem-ni-z [...]-ti-on
  • su-per-fi-ci-al-ly
  • [...] [Page 56]su-per na-tu-ral-ly
  • su-pe-ri-o-ri-ty
  • su-per-sti-ti-ous-ly
  • sur-rep-ti-ti-ous-ness
  • su-per-er-o-ga-ti-on
  • Trans-fi-gu-ra-ti-on
  • tra-di-ti-o-nal-ly
  • Un-ac-ces-si-ble-ness
  • un-cha-ri-ta-ble-ness
  • un-cir-cum-ci-si-on
  • un-con-sci-o-na-ble
  • un-con-si-de-rate-ly
  • un-com-pas-si-o-nate
  • un-ques-ti-o-na-ble
  • u-ni-ver-sa-li-ty
  • un-pro-fi-ta-ble-ness
  • un-rea-so-na-ble-ness
  • un-sea-so-nable-ness
  • un-con-sci-o-na-ble-ness
  • un-ques-ti-o-na-ble-ness

Proper Names of Three, Four, and Five Syllables.

  • A-bra-ham
  • Al-phe-us
  • A-bed-ne-go
  • A-bi-a-thar
  • A-do-ni-be-zek
  • A-do-ni-ze-dek
  • Bar-na-bas
  • Ba-rab-bas
  • Ba-ra-chi-ah
  • Bar-tho-lo-mew
  • Bar-ti-me-us
  • Bo-a-ner-ges
  • Clau-di-us
  • Cle-o-phas
  • Cor-ne-li-us
  • Cy-re-ni-us
  • Da-ni-el
  • Da-ri-us
  • De-me-tri-us
  • Di-o-tre-phes
  • Dy-o-ni-si-us
  • E-li-jah
  • E-li-sha
  • E-li-a-kim
  • E-li-za-beth
  • E-sar-had-don
  • For-tu-na-tus
  • Ge-ha-zi
  • Ga-bra-el
  • Ga-ma-li-el
  • Ge-da-li-ah
  • Ge-ma-ri-ah
  • Hab-ba-kuk
  • Ha-za-el
  • He-ze-ki-ah
  • He-ro-di-as
  • Jo-na-than
  • Jo-si-ah
  • Je-re-mi-ah
  • Je-ro-bo-am
  • Ig-da-li-ah
  • Ke-mu-el
  • Ke-tu-rah
  • Lu-ci-us
  • Leb-be-us
  • Ly-si-as
  • Ly-sa-ni-as
  • Mat-thi-as
  • Mi-cha-el
  • Mel-chi-se-dec
  • Me-phi-bo-sheth
  • Mer-cu-ri-us
  • Na-a-man
  • Naph-ta-li
  • Na-tha-na-el
  • Ne-he-mi-ah
  • Ne-bu-cad-nez-zar
  • Ne-bu-za-ra-dan
  • O-ba-di-ah
  • O-bed-e-dom
  • O-ne-si-mus
  • O-ne-si-pho-rus
  • Phi-le-mon
  • Pub-li-us
  • Po-ti-phar
  • Pris-cu-la
  • Rab-sha-keh
  • Re-be-kah
  • Sa-mu-el
  • So-lo-mon
  • Sa-la-thi-el
  • She-ma-ri-ah
  • Ta-bi-tha
  • Ti-mo-thy
  • Thad-de-us
  • To-bi-ah
  • Ti-me-us
  • Ty-chi-cus
  • U-ri-ah
  • Uz-zi-ah
  • Za-che-us
  • Ze-be-dee
  • Ze-bu-lun
  • Ze-lo-tes
  • Za-cha-ry
  • Ze-cha-ri-ah
  • Ze-de-ki-ah
  • Ze-pha-ni-ah
  • Zo-ro-ba-bel

[Page 57]I Pre-sume, some will be rea-dy to cen-sure this Work, as de-fi-ci-ent, for two things. First, be-cause I have not u-sed so ma-ny Words, as one Au-thor hath done be-fore me. And Se-cond-ly, for not wri-ting Words of se-ve-ral Syl-la-bles whole, as well as di-vi-ded, as se-ve-ral Au-thors have thought re-qui-site to do.

To the First Ob-jec-ti-on, That I have not as ma-ny Words, as one that hath writ be-fore me, I an-swer, That I pre-tend not to write a Dic-ti-o-na-ry of Words, but Rules of Di-rec-ti-on for the due re-gu-la-ti-on, dis-tinct di-vi-si-on, and pro-per pro-noun-ci-a-ti-on of them: And my Rules, both for di-vi-si-on, and pro-noun-ci-a-ti-on, are so per-ti-nent, and clear, that no-thing can be made more plain to an in-ge-ni-ous Read-er.

To the Se-cond Ob-jec-ti-on, That I have not writ the same Words whole, as well as di-vi-ded, I an-swer, That I Judge it su-per-flu-ous so to do, be-cause long Words are ea-si-ly read, when right-ly di-vi-ded. It is there-fore my hum-ble mo-ti-on to the Learn-ed, That the Psal-ter, and New Tes-ta-ment might be Print-ed with the Syl-la-bles di-vi-ded, ex-act-ly done, for the use of Chil-dren, which would tend much to the ad-vance-ment of Eng-lish Learn-ing, and the Ease and De-light both of Teach-er and Learn-er; which ad-van-ta-ge-ous Me-thod I have there-fore ob-ser-ved in this Book.

The LORD's Prayer.

OƲR Fa-ther, which art in Hea-ven, Hal-low-ed be thy Name, thy King-dom come, thy Will be done on Earth, as it is in Hea-ven; give us this day our dai-ly Bread; and for-give us our Tres-pas-ses, as we for-give them that tres-pass [Page 58] a-gainst us; and lead us not in-to temp-ta-ti-on; but de-li-ver us from e-vil, for thine is the King-dom, Pow-er and Glo-ry, for e-ver and e-ver, Amen.

The Apostolick Creed.

I Be-lieve in God the Fa-ther Al-migh-ty, Ma-ker of Hea-ven and Earth, and in Je-sus Christ his on-ly Son our Lord, who was con-cei-ved by the Ho-ly Ghost, born of the Vir-gin Ma-ry, suf-fer-ed un-der Pon-ti-us Pi-late, was cru-ci-fi-ed, dead and bu-ri-ed; he de-scend-ed in-to Hell, the third day he rose a-gain from the dead, he as-cend-ed in-to Hea-ven, and sit-teth on the Right hand of God the Fa-ther Al-migh-ty, from thence he shall come to judge both the quick and the dead; I be-lieve in the Ho-ly Ghost, the Ho-ly Ca-tho-lick Church, the Com-mu-ni-on of Saints, the For-give-ness of Sins, the Re-sur-rec-ti-on of the Bo-dy, and the Life e-ver-last-ing, Amen.

The Ten Commandments.

The Pre-face. AND God spake all these Words, say-ing, I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the Land of E-gypt, out of the House of Bon-dage.

I. Thou shalt have no o-ther Gods be-fore me.

II. Thou shalt not make un-to thee a-ny gra-ven I-mage, or a-ny like-ness of a-ny thing that is in Hea-ven a-bove, or [Page 59] that is in the Earth be-neath, or that is in the Wa-ter un-der the Earth; thou shalt not bow down thy self to them, nor serve them; for I the Lord thy God am a jea-lous God, vi-sit-ing the i-ni-qui-ty of the Fa-thers up-on the Chil-dren, un-to the third and fourth Ge-ne-ra-ti-on of them that hate me, and shew-ing Mer-cy un-to thou-sands of them that love me, and keep my com-mand-ments.

III. Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guilt-less that ta-keth his Name in vain.

IV. Re-mem-ber the Sab-bath day to keep it ho-ly, six days shalt thou la-bour and do all thy work, but the se-venth day is the Sab-bath of the Lord thy God, in it thou shalt not do a-ny Work, thou, nor thy Son, nor thy Daugh-ter, thy Man-ser-vant, nor thy Maid-ser-vant, nor thy Cat-tel, nor thy Stran-ger that is with-in thy Gates, for in six days the Lord made Hea-ven and Earth, the Sea, and all that in them is, and rest-ed the se-venth day; where-fore the Lord bles-sed the sab-bath day, and hal-lowed it.

V. Ho-nour thy Fa-ther and thy Mo-ther, that thy days may be long upon the Land which the Lord thy God gi-veth thee.

VI. Thou shalt not kill.

VII. Thou shalt not com-mit A-dul-te-ry.

VIII. Thou shalt not steal.

IX. Thou shalt not bear false Wit-ness a-gainst thy Neigh-bour.

X, Thou shalt not co-vet thy Neigh-bours House, thou shalt not co-vet thy Neigh-bours Wife, nor his Man-ser-vant, nor his Maid-ser-vant, nor his Ox, nor his Ass, nor a-ny thing that is thy Neigh-bours.

The First Chapter of St. Matthew.

THE Book of the Ge-ne-ra-ti-on of Je-sus Christ, the Son of D-avid, the Son of A-bra-ham.

2. A-bra-ham begat I-sac, and I-sac be-gat Ja-cob, and Ja-cob be-gat Ju-das and his Bre-thren.

3. And Ju-das be-gat Pha-rez and Za-ra, of Tha-mar, and Pha-rez be-gat Ez-rom, and Ez-rom be-gat A-ram.

4 And A-ram be-gat A-mi-na-dab, and A-mi-na-dab be-gat Na-as-son, and Na-as-son be-gat Sal-mon.

5. And Sal-mon be-gat Bo-az of Ra-chab, and Bo-az be-gat O-bed of Ruth, and O-bed be-gat Jes-se.

6. And Jes-se be-gat Da-vid the King, and Da-vid the King be-gat Sa-lo-mon of her that had been the Wife of Ʋ-ri-as.

7. And Sa-lo-mon be-gat Ro-bo-ham, and Ro-bo-ham be-gat A-bi-a, and A-bi-a be-gat A-sa.

8. And A-sa be-gat Jo-sa-phat, and Jo-sa-phat be-gat Jo-ram, and Jo-ram be-gat O-zi-as.

9. And O-zi-as be-gat Jo-a-tham, and Jo-a-tham be-gat A-chas, and A-chas be-gat E-ze-ki-as.

10. And E-ze-ki-as be-gat Ma-nas-ses, and Ma-nas-ses be-gat A-mon, and A-mon be-gat Jo-si-as.

11. And Jo-si-as be-gat Ja-kim, and J-akim be-gat Je-cho-ni-as and his Bre-thren, about the time they were car-ri-ed a-way to Ba-by-lon.

12. And af-ter they were car-ri-ed away in-to Ba-by-lon, Je-cho-ni-as be-gat Sa-la-thi-el, and Sa-la-thi-el be-gat Zo-ro-ba-bel.

13. And Zo-ro-ba-bel be-gat A-bi-ud, and A-bi-ud be-gat E-li-a-kim, and E-li-a-kim be-gat A-zor.

14. And A-zor be-gat Sa-doc, and Sadoc be-gat A-chim, and A-chim be-gat E-li-ud.

15. And E-li-ud be-gat E-li-a-zer, and E-li-a-zer be-gat Mat-than, and Mat-than be-gat Ja-cob.

16. And Ja-cob be-gat Jo-seph, the Husband of Ma-ry, of whom was born Je-sus, who is cal-led Christ.

[Page] [Page]

The X Commandments in X Distichs
The sum of Sinais sacred Law see here
A standing Rule how thou the Lord shalt fear:
Which Law shall not be null'd till y e last day
When Heaven, & Earth, & Time, shall pass away.


All other Gods disclaim, me only have;
Who am thy God, and thee alone can save.
Idols and Image worship still decline,
Else for that Sin I'le visit thee and thine.
Rash and false oaths, and imprecations fly,
Do not my Name dishonour, last thou dy.
My day of rest keep holy unto me,
Both thou, thy self, and all that dwell w th. thee.
Honour thy Parents to prolong thy dayes,
That thou mayst live, & prosper in thy wayes.
Fly wrath, rash anger, & malicious strife;
Be tender of thy owne, & neighbors life.
All lustfull Acts, & wanton dalliance fly,
Lasivious language, & leud company.
Thy neighbor no way wrong by craft or might,
Use no deceit to gull him of his right.
Do not thy neighbor any way defame,
To spoil him of a jewel, his good name.
Let not thy roving rambling thoughts aspire
Thy neighbors wife or wealth for to desire.
These pregnant Prcepts holy just and true,
My heart, O Lord, perswade still to persue.

before pag: 60.

[Page] [Page 61]17. So all the Ge-ne-ra-ti-ons from A-bra-ham to Da-vid are four-teen Ge-ne-ra-ti-ons; and from Da-vid to the car-ry-ing to Ba-by-lon, four-teen Ge-ne-ra-ti-ons: and from the car-ry-ing a-way in-to Ba-by-lon, un-to Christ, are four-teen Ge-ne-ra-ti-ons.

CHAP. I. Of Proper Christian Names.

THere is a three-fold use of Names, wor-thy my Read-ers Ob-ser-va-ti-on.

First, to di-stin-guish Men and Wo-men one from an-o-ther, by their Chri-sti-an Name, as one Fa-mi-ly from an-o-ther, by their Sir-names.

Se-cond-ly, That they might be stir-red up to ve-ri-fie the va-ri-ous sig-ni-fi-ca-ti-ons of their Names.

There-fore let e-ve-ry Al-fred be all for Peace, e-ve-ry Bar-na-bas, a Son of Con-so-la-ti-on; every Ben-ja-min, a Son of the Right hand; every Charles, (that love-ly name) whol-ly No-ble; e-ve-ry Con-stan-tine, con-stant; e-ve-ry Fran-cis, free and friend-ly; e-ve-ry Fe-lix, ho-ly and hap-py; e-ve-ry James, (that re-nown-ed Name) a Sup-plant-er of Er-ror, and a Main-tain-er of the Truth; e-ve-ry Jo-nah, a Dove; e-ve-ry John, gra-ci-ous; e-ve-ry Mark, re-mark-a-ble for good-ness; e-ve-ry O-ba-di-ah, a Ser-vant of God; e-ve-ry O-ne-si-mus, pro-fi-ta-ble; e-ve-ry Paul, lit-tle in his own eyes, and great in the eyes of good Men; e-ve-ry Pe-ter, a Rock im-preg-na-ble a-gainst Temp-ta-ti-on and Per-se-cu-ti-on; e-ve-ry Ro-ger, peace-a-ble; e-ve-ry Rich-ard, rich heart-ed, and li-be-ral hand-ed; e-ve-ry The-o-phi-lus, [Page 62] a lo-ver of God; e-ve-ry Ti-mo-thy, a true Wor-ship-per and Ho-nour-er of God; e-ve-ry Vin-cent, vic-to-ri-ous o-ver his own Lusts; e-ve-ry Ʋ-ri-ah, zea-lous for God; e-ve-ry Wil-li-am, a help and de-fence to ma-ny; and e-ve-ry Za-cha-ri-ah, mind-ful of the Lord.

Let not those that have good Names be-ly them in their Lives, like Ab-sa-lom, who was not the Fa-ther of Peace, (or his Fa-ther's Peace) as his Name speaks, but a Son of Se-di-ti-on, and un-na-tu-ral Re-bel-li-on; nor like Phi-le-tus, which sig-ni-fies a-mi-a-ble, who pro-ved a hate-ful A-pos-tate, de-ser-ved-ly o-di-ous to God and Man; or like Di-o-tre-phes, not nurs'd by God, as his Name im-ports, but puf­fed up by the De-vil to op-pose the pro-gress of the Gos­pel; or like our late O-li-ver (the peace bring-ing Olive, as his Name sounds, who was a fa-tal Thun-der-bolt of War, and a Fire-brand of Hell, to dis-turb and de-stroy our Peace with our in-com-pa-ra-ble Prince.)

Let e-ve-ry A-bi-gal be her Fa-ther's Joy; e-ve-ry Ann, mer-ci-ful; e-ve-ry A-my, love-ly and be-lo-ved; e-ve-ry Fran-ces, ge-ne-rous and in-ge-ni-ous; e-ve-ry Fi-de-li-a, faith-ful; e-ve-ry Grace, gra-ci-ous; e-ve-ry Phe-be, clear and bright, with-out spot; e-ve-ry Pa-ti-ence, meek and mute; e-ve-ry Pru-dence, dis-creet, and vir-tu-ous; e-ve-ry Ra-chel, a Sheep, not a Fix-on; and e-ve-ry Su-san-na, a Li-ly, and a Rose, in the Beau-ty and Fra-gran-cy of a good Life.

Third-ly, Names are gi-ven, to in-cite and in-vite us to i-mi-tate the Vir-tues of those wor-thy per-sons who have been bear-ers of them.

Let e-ve-ry A-bra-ham be faith-ful; e-ve-ry I-sac, quiet; e-ve-ry Ja-cob, pain-ful; e-ve-ry Jo-seph, chast; e-ve-ry Mo-ses, meek; e-ve-ry Job, pa-ti-ent; e-ve-ry Da-vid, de-vout; e-ve-ry Da-ni-el, re-li-gi-ous, and re-so-lute; e-ve-ry Na-tha-na-el, with-out guile; e-ve-ry Jo-si-ah, zea-lous; e-ve-ry Ha-na-ni-ah, a fear-er of God; e-ve-ry Ne-he-mi-ah, a be-ne-fac-tor to his Coun-try; e-ve-ry Sa-mu-el, sin-cere; e-ve-ry [Page 63] Ste-phen, con-stant, and cha-ri-ta-ble; and e-ve-ry So-lo-mon, be wise, and be-ware of Wo-men.

Let e-ve-ry Sa-rah be o-be-di-ent to her Hus-band; e-ve-ry Re-bec-ca, modest, and ju-di-ci-ous; e-ve-ry Han-nah, de­vout, cir-cum-spect, and re-li-gi-ous; e-ve-ry Dor-cas, a Do­ner to poor Wi-dows; e-ve-ry Ly-di-a, o-pen heart-ed, and hand-ed, to God and Good-ness; and e-ve-ry Pris-cil-la, zea­lous, and stu-di-ous in the best things.

Let them al-so care-ful-ly a-void those Sins, for which the Bear-ers of the Names stand brand-ed to Pos-te-ri-ty.

Let e-ve-ry Jo-nah be-ware of fro-ward-ness; Tho-mas, of dis-trust-ful-ness; Mar-tha, of world-li-ness; Ma-ry, of wan­tonness.

If there be two, of our Names, the one ex-ceed-ing-ly good, the o-ther no-to-ri-ous-ly e-vil; let us de-cline the Vi­ces of the one, and prac-tice the Vir-tues of the o-ther.

Let e-ve-ry Ju-das not fol-low Ju-das Is-ca-ri-ot, who be-tray-ed our Sa-vi-our, but Ju-das, the Bro-ther of James, the wri-ter of the ge-ne-ral E-pis-tle; each De-me-tri-us, not fol-low him in the Acts, who made Sil-ver Shrines for Di-a-na, whose gain was his chief-est god-li-ness, but De-me-tri-us in the third E-pis-tle of S. John, who had a good re-port of all men; e-ve-ry Ig-na-ti-us i-mi-tate the ve-ne-ra-ble Ig-na-ti-us, the wor-thy Mar-tyr of the Pri-mi-tive Church.

And if it should chance, through the In-dis-cre-ti-on of Pa-rents, and God-fa-thers, that a bad Name should be im-po-sed on any; because Na-bal is his Name, let not fol-ly be with him, but in such a case let them strive to fal-si-fie; dis­prove, and con-fute their Names: o-ther-wise, if they be good, they must an-swer them. And let not my Rea-der be of-fend-ed at my re-pre-sent-ing and re-pre-hend-ing three sorts of peo-ple, as wor-thy of re-proof, for their ill choice of Names; I ha-ving no de-sign to cast a-ny in-ju-ri-ous or dis-in-ge-nu-ous re-flec-ti-on on a-ny per-son, (high, or low) [Page 64] in the World; but faith-ful-ly to of-fer my o-pi-ni-on, as a can-did Chris-ti-an, for pre-vent-ing the like mis-takes, for the fu-ture Ge-ne-rations.

1. Those con-ceit-ed fan-tas-tick No-vi-ces that fix Ro-man-tick Names up-on their Chil-dren, ta-ken from the fond fic-ti-ons of Pa-gan Po-ets, and ri-di-cu-lous Ro-man-cers, names of no good sig-ni-fi-ca-ti-on, and names of Per-sons that ne­ver were, which sa-vours more of Ro-man-tick le-vi-ty, than of se-ri-ous Chris-ti-a-ni-ty.

2. They are (in my o-pi-ni-on) no less blame-wor-thy, that bring in Sir-names of great Fa-mi-lies (pos-sibly less e-mi-nent for good-ness than great-ness) to jus-tle out Chris­tian names; as if a de-baucht great one were more ho-nou-ra-ble than the high and ho-ly one of God, by e-steem-ing it a great-er ho-nour to be a Gen-tle-man than a Chris-ti-an, in pre-fer-ring him be-fore the Chris-ti-an. And some in-fe-ri-our per-sons, am-bi-ti-ous to i-mi-tate their Su-pe-ri-ors, to look great, in-stead of a Chris-ti-an name, will have a great Sir-name to stand be-fore their lit-tle one, to pass for no small ones a-mong their Neigh-bours; which pre-pos-te-rous piece of im-per-ti-nent pride must not pass with-out the de-ser-ved re-proof of an im-par-ti-al Pen.

3. They are ne-ver to be ex-cu-sed that make an ill choise of Scrip-ture names, such as ought not to be fixt on Chris-ti-an In-fants. Some will have their Son na-med Im-ma-nu-el, (which is by In-ter-pre-ta-ti-on God with us) a Name pe-cu-li-ar to the ho-ly one of God; and those Mi-nis-ters are blame-wor-thy, that bap-tize the sin-ful Son of a-ny sin-ful Man with that sa-cred Name, which, like that bles-sed Name, Je-sus, is on-ly ap-pli-ca-ble to the im-ma-cu-late Son of God, God the Son. An-o-ther Pre-ci-si-an will have one Son cal­led Praise-God, an-o-ther, Love-God; an-o-ther, Fear-God; an-o-ther, Thank-God. An-o-ther will bap-tize his Daugh­ter Pa-ti-ence till Pope be down: And I knew a cra-zy brain'd Sec-ta-ry, that (a-bove for-ty years since) would have his Son bap-ti-zed Pe-leg, which sig-ni-fies Di-vi-si-on, as if that Son had been born to ush-er in those dis-mal dis-trac-ti-ons [Page 65] in those do-lo-rous days of Eng-land's fa-tal in-fa-tu-a-ti-on, when, for the Divisions of Reu-ben, there were great thoughts of heart; a Name al-to-ge-ther un-wor-thy a Chris-ti-an, who is cal-led un-to Peace.

CHAP. II. Of Words of the same Orthography, and Sound, but different signification, Alpha­betically reduced to pleasant Discourses, for the Pleasure and Profit of the Studious In­genious Reader.

I Did after (ac-cord-ing to) my Mas-ter's di-rec-ti-ons, and went after (behind, not be-fore) him, but came (too late) af-ter he was gone.

Thou art a Mas-ter of Art.

I saw an Asp (or ve-ne-mous Newt) ly un-der an Asp Tree, whose Leaves, like Lambs Tails, and Wo-mens Tongues, are al-ways wag-ging.

I saw a Bay horse stand-ing by a Bay Tree, at the end of my new Bay of Build-ing, near the Bay or Ha-ven, where my Dog did Bay a Pheasant, and dis-turb a Dear at Bay.

The black Bull tost Good-man Bull up-on his Horns, when he had the Pope's Bull (Mandate) in his hand; and a Wo­man with a Bulls Fea-ther (Curls, or Towers) on her Fore-head, put a base Bull up-on her Hus-band, and threw him the Cuck-olds Horns for his Fortune.

[Page 66]Mr. Case sta-ted the case (or mat-ter,) but for want of a case (or cover) for his new Hat, it was in an ill case (or con-di-ti-on) by wearing it in a wet day.

I made a foo-lish con-tract, (or a-gree-ment,) and did thereby con-tract (draw upon me) great in-con-ve-ni-en-ces, which did soon con-tract (re-duce) my es-tate to a small scant-ling.

I did draw (drag or pull) the seene, and I did draw near (ap-proach high) the Cel-lar to draw some Beer, and did draw a Scam in my Coat; and I did draw (com-pose) a com-ple-men-tal E-pi-stle, and by that did draw in (per-swade and de-c [...]y) my Friend to be bound for me; which did draw (suck and drain) his Purse dry, to pay what I had drawn him to.

I [...]ood up-on e-ven (plain) ground, and I weigh-ed the Sil-ver in an e-ven (exact) ba-lance, and I was e-ven (al­most) at deaths door, and I will be e-ven (quit scores) with you.

It is sit (re-qui-site) that you should fit (fur-nish) your Cus-tom-ers with Shooes, to be fit (pre-pared, or ready) for a good Market; and let the Pair of Shooes I spake for, fit (be ex [...]ct and easie for) my Foot, or I shall fit (punish) your neglect, and put you in-to a trem-bling fit of an A-gue.

I will give (be-stow) my Alms to the Poor, and I will give (pay) the La-bour-ers their hire, and I will give (pawn or leave) a Pledge in your Hand for the pay-ment of what I owe you, and you shall give (re-store) me my Pledge or Pawn when I pay the Debt, and I will give (grant) you a War­rant to search for your Goods, and seize them where-ever you find them.

He was too hard (sub-til) for me, and sold me a hard bar­gain, (a pinch-ing penny-worth,) and he made me car-ry a hard (heavy) Load, put me in a hard (not soft) Bed, and gave me hard, tart, sowre Beer, that was not pleasant, and he made me tra-vel hard, (fast, a great pace,) and gave me a [Page 67] hard Les-son, (dif-fi-cult to learn,) and gave me hard Words, (bi-tings, Taunts and bitter Re-proa-ches,) and he gives me a hard Cha-rac-ter, (a scan-da-lous Name,) and he gave me hard Blows, (which were not ea-sie,) and it was my hard fate (cru-el for-tune) to fall in-to the Hands of such a hard hearted Wretch, so ob-du-rate and des-pe-rate, but hard by (near at hand) I have now met with a bet-ter Mas-ter.

Jack, wind up the Jack, and take the black Jack full of strong Beer to the Ringers, and attend the Gen-tle-men in-to the Bowl-ing-Green; and take the Jack which you hid, and throw it out on the Green, that the Game-sters may Bowle after it.

I bought a kind (a like-ly, thri-ving) Swine of my kind Neigh-bour Good-man Do-well.

Mr. Long, my old Gown is too short, but it will be long e-nough ere I get a new one. I long for the Ve-ni-son Pas- [...]y on your long Ta-ble, not the coun-ter-feit Pas-ties on the O-val Ta-ble, where the Mut-ton Pas-sies are set to co-sen the Co-ry-dons.

A lean Man that did lean on a Staff, did lead me to the Lead-Mine, which I call mine.

I shall, with my Bro-thers leave, (al-low-ance, or li-cence,) leave (or quit) my Con-cerns to my Son, and leave (be-queath) my Bro-ther a li-be-ral Le-ga-cy, and hope to have e-nough to leave (spare) to car-ry on my Sons bu-si-ness bri [...]k-ly.

I rose when it was light, (not dark,) and did light (kindle) the fire, and sad-led my light (met-tle-some) Horse, and I gave him some light (not sad) Bread, and I did light on (find) my Friend, and I did light (des-cend) from my Horse, and went in-to the Ale-house, where was one Man that had a light Heart, mer-ry; a-no-ther, light-head-ed, drunk; a-no-ther light wit-ted, mad; a-no-ther, light-hand-ed, (slight of hand) a Jug-ler; a-no-ther, light-fin-ger'd, (thie-vish:) And a Wo-man that was light heel'd, (who-rish,) who left me a light Purse, which [Page 68] is a hea-vy Curse, and I came a-way with a light re-pu-ta-ti-on, of mean es-ti-ma-ti-on, light-ly and slight-ly es-teem'd of for keep-ing such Com-pa-ny, and want-ing Mo-ney to pay the Reck-on-ing.

I took the List of the Cloth which was bought for the Sol-di-ers, and I read the List of their Names that were to wear it; but I list not to wear such Cloth, or to be a Sol-di-er.

Mark, you must mark (observe) your Mas-ters In-struc-ti-ons, to mark (brand and Ear-mark) the Sheep, but re-move not the an-ci-ent Land-mark, nor fail to hit the Mark you are now to shoot at for the Wa-ger.

I will make (com-pel) you to do your Task, and I will make you (take pains in in-struct-ing you to be) a Work-man; and I will make you a Man, ma-nage, ac-com-mo-date, and ac-com-plish you in your Cal-ling, for your pros-per-ous pro-gress in the way of Trade.

I went o-ver (cross) the way, and I o-ver-went my Bro-ther, (got be-fore him,) and I came o-ver (cir-cum-vent-ed) my Friend by a Wile, and I did o-ver-come (con-quer) mine E-ne-my by Strength and Po-li-cy.

He took great pains (hard la-bour) to get Money, and was much trou-bled at the pains (or penalties) of the Court, and his part-ing with so much Money there for no-thing, had like to have brought up-on him the pains of death.

I bought a par-cel of Quick-set, and bid my Man be quick in set-ting the Quick, and I call'd for a Glass of Ale (that was quick, not dead) for my Supper.

I will re-mem-ber (not forget) what you told me, and I will re-mem-ber ( [...]e-lieve) the Poor-man in want, and I will re-mem-ber (per-form my pro-mise to) my Friend, and I will re-mem-ber (re-quite) your for-mer kind-ness to me, and I will re-mem-ber (re-venge) the da-ring in-so-lence of my in-grate-ful E-ne-my.

[Page 69]I will sus-pend (de-fer, or delay) the de-cla-ring my judg-ment in this mat-ter, and will sus-pend (de-grade) the scan-da-lous Scho-lar of his De-grees, and cause the Bish-op to sus-pend (dis-charge) his fac-ti-ous Brother from his Li-ving, and I will sus-pend (hang up) the Tray-tor for hatch-ing Trea-son a-gainst his So-ver-aign.

I have a War-rant to take (at-tach) you, and I will take (re-ceive) you in-to my Fa-mi-ly, to de-fend you from fur-ther dan-ger; and I will take (chuse) you for my Ad-vo-cate to plead my cause in a weigh-ty con-cern, be-cause I take you (es-teem you) to be a Man of great A-bi-li-ty and In-te-gri-ty, and I will take (chal-lenge) you for one fall, and I will take (swear, sub-scribe, and observe) the Oaths of Su-pre-ma-cy and Al-le-gi-ance to my So-ver-aign, which the May-or of the Town takes up-on him (as-sumes the Au-tho-ri-ty) to ten-der me.

The Book you tear, shall cost a Tear, and you shall pay for the Flax Tear which you bought; and I will tire (at-tire) my Head, and tyre (wea-ry) my Horse in Hunt-ing, and I will serve the Prince of Tyre, and re-tire my self from such tire-some ex-er-cise.

CHAP. III. Of Words of the same sound, but dif-fer-ent sense and spel-ling, shew-ing the Sig-ni-fi-can-cy and E-le-gan-cy of the Eng-lish Tongue. Al-pha-be-ti-cal-ly di-gest-ed.

YOung A-bel is now a-ble to ring a Bell, who did al-ter the Work at the Al-tar, and he did as-sent that there should be an as-cent to the Al-tar of In-cense; and he would not in-cense the Work-men: There he smelt a sweet scent, and sent the com-pa-ny a-way.

The Chil-dren of Ba-bel did bab-ble, and plaid with a Bau-ble, and Good-man Ball kickt the Foot-ball, and plead-ed for Ba-al, and he gave bail for the Mo-ney due for the Bale of Pa-per which he bought.

A Tan-ner of Bark-shire brought his Barque (or Boat) here, to fetch a-way his Oak-Bark, and the Dogs did bark at him.

I did call for the Caul (or Fat) of the Sheep, and the Cawl of the Per-ri-wig, and I let off the Can-nons of the Cas-tle to de-fend the Ca-nons of the Church, and the Can-ons of the Bells from them that want the Rope; and Mr. Cal-lis went to Ca-lice, and took the Chal-lice to his own House.

My dear (in-dul-gent) Fa-ther, calls me his dear (not be-lo-ved, but cost-ly) Son, be-cause my Ex-tra-va-gan-cy hath cost him dear, for steal-ing the Kings Deer, who could ne-ver di-gest Ve-ni-son, that sau-sy Meat, since he paid For-ty Pound to save a pre-ci-ous Rogue from Lobbs Pownd.

[Page 71]He was of good descent, (or pe-di-gree,) and was ve-ry de­cent in ap-pa-rel, and did dis-sent from them that were a­gainst me; and when he had paid the shot, (or reck-on-ing) he shot a Dragon, and a Dra-goon at one shot; and when he had done, he mount-ed Dun to Dun his Mas-ter for Mo-ney due to the Spanish Don.

Doc-tor Ea-ton in-vi-ted me to E-ton Colledge to Dine with him; but he had eat-en his Din-ner be-fore I could get thi-ther.

I gave an Ear to your Dis-course which you whis-per-ed in my Ear, and ere (be-fore) we part, I will shew you a large Ear of Corn, which grew on that Land which I pur­pose to Ear (Plow, or Till) the next Year; And I will set a Hedge on the Edge of that Land to se-cure it, and Est-her shall stay till Eas-ter to look to my Con-cerns.

I saw a Ra-ven-ous Fowl (or Bird) fly at a Fly o-ver a foul (dirty) way; and I saw a Flow-er stick in the Wheat-Flour on the Plaister-Floor, and because I felt it did freeze, I went in-to the Sheep-cote, and put on my Frieze Coat lined with Furres, and fetcht some Furze to warm me that Fros-ty Morn­ing.

The Blood on my Sword with the Gilt Hilt, shews my Guilt in shed-ding my Bro-thers Blood, which the Gilt or Gelt Sow drank up.

It is ve-ry hard (un-rea-son-a-ble) that I can-not be heard (ob-ser-ved) by a rude Herd of in-cul-ti-va-ted Co-ry-dons, and ne-fa-ri-ous Ne-bu-lons, tho I live hard by, and was ne­ver hard, tart, or cru-el to them. I come here, but they will not hear Rea-son; and I did hire him that is the Heir, but he is now high-er than to work for me, or Mas-ter Eyre, who can-not live up-on the Air. I saw the young Spark last Ho-ly-day cut down a Hol-ly-Tree, and his Bro-ther Hugh did hew with the Col-li-ers, and made his Face of a strange hue, and was fol-low-ed with a Hue and Cry, and ta-ken for a Fe-lon that had swept a Chim-ney, and a Chest that was li-ned with Sil-ver.


[Page 72]My Neigh-bour Job did me a Jobb, I find the Man very in-ge-ni-ous, (an a-cute, ex-pert, and dex-te-rous Ar-tist,) and he was ve-ry in-ge-nu-ous (can-did and cour-te-ous) in his De-mands for what he did: Al-so he did in-cite (in-vite and stir me up) to get an in-sight in that Inn, that I might keep it, and live like a Man.

I ken that Man who is of my Kin, (or Kin-dred,) who is ve-ry keen a-gainst me, be-cause I did res-cue my Kine from him when he was dri-ving them to the Pin-fold; and he did bar-ba-rous-ly kill his own Bro-ther at the Kiln for tel-ling him of his un-kind-ness to his Kin-dred.

Mr. Li-man was wea-ry of his Le-man, and gave her a Lem-mon and an O-range to be rid of her, whom he did loathe (abhor) and was loth (un-wil-ling and a-sha-med) to be seen in her com-pa-ny, for he had lost a Limb, and did now learn to Limn for a Live-ly-hood.

Mat-thew Mar-tin caught a Bird cal-led a Mar-ten, and and made his Man Mau-rice dance the Mor-ris hard by the Moat, and pull out the Mote out of his Bro-thers Eye; and after his u-su-al man-ner went in-to the Man-nour Yard, and car-ry-ed a-way the Ma-nure for Ma-nu-ring the Land; and Mas-ter Man-nours took him in the man-ner, (act,) and told him he shew-ed no good Man-ners in do-ing that thing; and for a Mite, I might, if it were meet, mete with a Yard-Wand the Meat my Mate did eat in the Mea-dow, and get my Mate to make up the breach be-tween my Man and Mr. Man-nours.

My Niece was ve-ry nice, and af-front-ed Mas-ter Nye, who dwells nigh (near) this place, tho he did (ne'er) say her nay in what she de-si-red of him: But the Horse would not (neigh) she bought of him, being naught, good for nought, (for no-thing,) and there-fore proved a bad Bar-gain.

The Wa-ter-man took an O-ny-on to weep for his Friend Mr. Ʋn-win, and de-sires U-ni-on with his Neigh-bours; and he took his Oar, to help me o'er the Ferry, and told me of his Lead-Ore Delph in Dar-by-shire.

[Page 73]The Prin-ces of Ger-ma-ny in-vi-ted the Prin-cess of Au-range to a Treat, and pre-sent-ed her with a can-ded O-range, which she can-did-ly ac-cept-ed.

An Eng-lish and French Peer, met at the Peer of Do-ver, where they did dif-fer, and de-fer their mat-ter to a Com-peer, (or e-qual,) then walk-ing on the Rampier, (or Bul-wark,) who did Um-peer (or com-pose) the dif-fe-rence, and it did ap-pear, that all this con-test was a-bout a Pear.

He did pal-li-ate (or cloke) his kna-ve-ry un-der a pre-tence of cour-te-sie, and plea-sed his pa-late (or taste) with cost-ly cates at a no-ble Din-ner; and af-ter he had di-ned, he lay down on his pal-let (or couch) to rest him af-ter his sore la-bour, to ve-ri-fie the Old Pro-verb, When the Bel-ly is full, the Bones would be at rest.

I went to the Stone quar-ry, and saw the Hawk had her qua-ry, and I made a que-ry, whether the Hawk, if he should fly a-way were worth our en-qui-ry after, or bet-ter lost than found to de-vour the ow-ner: I there was of-fend-ed at a sau-sie Se-di-ti-ous Woman, and I sent a quoit on an an-gry er-rand to re-quite the quean, that a-bu-sed the Queen.

I did raise my cou-rage, when I saw the Rayes of the Sun, and be-fore I run my race, I took a rase of Gin-ger to com-fort my Sto-mach; but I had more rea-son to take a Rai-sin, and go to Mar-ket Rai-son, to raise one up-on his Legs, who is not a-ble to stand or rise with-out help, and that morn-ing I did Oyl the Rein of my New Bri-dle, to save it from the Rain, and it ser-ved me all the last Kings Reign, with-out rot-ting or breaking.

I went with a Gen-tle-man Sewer, (one that ush-ers up, and pla-ces the Dish-es of Meat on a No-ble-mans Ta-ble,) and af-ter din-ner wa [...] o-ver, we went up-on a com-mis-si-on of Sew-ers to view the Ri-ver, and I told my Friend, here will be pre-sent-ly a great Shour, and we shall be sure to be wet to the Skin, if we get not pre-sent-ly in-to some House hard by, [Page 74] to se-cure us from the Storm, a lit-tle de-lay will put it out of our pow-er to be kept dry, when the Rain will pour down up­on us like wa-ter out of a buck-et.

Here I will rest, and will hear the rest be-fore I go to Rest-Park, to ar-rest my bro-ther, and wrest the pow-er out of his Hand.

Mr. Cel-li-er, and Mr. Sel-ler, went in-to the Cel-lar, and both be-ing af-front-ed by an im-per-ti-nent Wo-man, a-greed to sell her for a shoul-der of Mut-ton, and there came in some Scul-lers to sea-son some Scho-lars with some nap-py Ox-ford Ale in a good sea-son, when Mas-ter Would-have-more was ta-king li-ve-ry and sei-sin (pos-ses-si-on) of the Land, he bought of Mr. Had-land, and Mr. Ne-ver-e-nough, ready to seize on the Goods and Cat-tel on the Ground, for the neg-lect of pay-ing three Months in-te-rest when he paid the prin-ci-pal in.

I sent a pair of Gloves, that had a good scent to my ab-sent Friend, who could not be pre-sent at this time, and I gave the poor Wo-man a safe-gard to ride in, and two Men for her safe-guard, to con-duct her safe-home-ward, the one is a Sing-er, and the o-ther a Sin-ger, the one brought up to sing Songs, and the o-ther to singe Swine, but let them that are for Sing-ing and Sin-ging take heed of Sin-ning and Swing-ing; this they both took for sage (wise) coun-sel, which went well down with a glass of good sage Ale, which I gave them.

Jack Jol-ly and I, we two did go to a Flax-mans Shop, and were too blame for hurt-ing the Shop keep-ers Toe, and for not pay-ing him for his Tow, and I was bar-ba-rous to throw a dart that pierc'd tho-row his body, but, through (or by) the fa-vour of a friend that came by, we got a way, a pri-vate way, and af-ter-ward took time to set the Thime in the Gar-den, which we bought of the Gar-den-er.

The Sowe did spoil what I did sow, which made the Sow-er look sowre to view his sore loss, and to see de-vour-ing Rooks and Jack-daws soar a-loft, that had done me much hurt, [Page 75] and I did sew my Coat, and sue my Ser-vant Su, for look-ing no bet-ter to the Sowe; and pre-sent-ly there came some Men for a Sum of Mo-ney, and I cal-led my Son to fetch it, but the Sun be-ing ve-ry hot, tho' the Lad was be-fore in Health, safe and sound, fell into a swound, and I had much a-do to save his Life.

I had ra-ther have this friend-ly Toast, and this con-ve-ni-ent quan-ti-ty of strong Beer, with this com-fort-a-ble mix-ture of Nut-meg and Su-gar in this Chim-ney Nook, near so good a Fire, than to be tost up-on the Sea, in a tat-te-red shat-ter-ed Ship, where there is more, but worse, li-quor, and less safe­ty, and I es-teem this pair of Tongs in my Hand, a-bove all the ly-ing Tongues in the World.

In the Va-ca-ti-on, I fol-low my Vo-ca-ti-on in ex-pec-ta-ti-on of a good cus-to-mer in good time, to take my ware off my Hand, be-fore I am a-ware, I last Night when I was wea-ry, took a Vi-al with Cor-di-al Wa-ter, and drank a lit-tle, and then took my Vi-ol, and play'd a Les-son, and my Fa-ther did lis-sen, and did not les-sen his kind-ness to me, but now I am bound for Ve-nice, an a-vow'd Vo-ta-ry of Ve-nus.

Mr. Wright did teach to write, and he did right in ob-ser-ving the Rite, the Sign of the Cross, which he was not Cross, or per-verse, to op-pose.

I wrote a Let-ter, which I have by Rote, and that Let-ter wrought good ef-fects on my Friend.

The Lord May-or of York ex-a-mi-ned the Trades-mens Weights and Mea-sures, whether they were right, and the poor Wid-ows pray'd for him, and the waits of the Ci-ty play'd be-fore him, and no ho-nest Man fear-ed hard mea-sure from him, who is a righ-teous (right-wise) Man, who al-ways doth right things.

I yield, that you should fell and sell the Yew-tree, and kill the Ewe that feeds in the close.

Right-hand-ed Com-pari-sons, wor-thy the Rea-ders Con-si-de-ra-ti-on.
  • [Page 76]AS bright as the Sun.
  • As clear as a Spa-nish Sky.
  • As righ-te-ous as Noah.
  • As just as Lot.
  • As faith-ful as A-bra-ham.
  • As mo-dest as I-sa-ac.
  • As chaste and ge-ne-rous as Jo-seph.
  • As meek as Mo-ses.
  • As ju-di-ci-ous as Je-thro.
  • As re-li-gi-ous as Jo-shu-a.
  • As strong as Samp-son.
  • As va-li-ant as Gideon.
  • As sin-cere as Sa-mu-el.
  • As de-vout as Da-vid.
  • As wise as So-lo-mon.
  • As beau-ti-ful as Absalom.
  • As du-ti-ful as the Re-cha-bites.
  • As love-ly as Jo-na-than.
  • As loy-al as Me-phi-bo-sheth.
  • As in-ge-nu-ous as Bo-az.
  • As boun-ti-ful as Bar-zil-lai.
  • As zea-lous as Jo-si-ah.
  • As pa-ti-ent as Job.
  • As pe-ni-tent as Pe-ter.
  • As wel-com as Flow-ers in May.
  • As wil-ling-ly as a want-ing Wo-man went to be mar-ry-ed.
  • With as good a will as e-ver I came from School.
Left-hand-ed Com-pa-ri-sons, worthy the Rea-ders Con-si-de-ra-ti-on.
  • [Page 77]AS an-gry as a Wasp.
  • As bold as a Bum-bai-liff.
  • As cold as Cha-ri-ty.
  • As crafty as A-chi-to-phel.
  • As cruel as Ne-ro.
  • As bru-tish as Ne-bu-chad-nez-zar.
  • As da-ring as Go-li-ah.
  • As dull as Dun in the mire.
  • As de-ceit-ful as De-li-lah.
  • As spight-ful as a Sa-ma-ri-tan.
  • As ma-li-ci-ous and jea-lous as a Jew.
  • As bar-ba-rous as a Turk.
  • As pre-cise as a Pu-ri-tan.
  • As faith-less as a Pha-ri-see.
  • As fickle as a French-Woman.
  • As false as a —
  • As fit as a Flawn for a —
  • As pre-sump-tu-ous and pertinacious as Pha-ra-oh.
  • As pu-sil-la-ni-mous and per-si-di-ous as Pilat.
  • As tray-tor-ous as Judas.
  • As im-pe-ri-ous as Pen-ni-nah.
  • As in-so-lent as Ish-ma-el.
  • As in-fa-mous as a Pub-li-can.
  • As proud as Lu-ci-fer.
  • As pro-fane as E-sau.
  • As ob-scene as So-lo-mons strange Wo-man.
  • As sub-til as a Ser-pent.
  • As frau-du-lent as a Fo-res-ter.
  • As mu-ta-ble as the Moon.
  • As in-con-stant as a Wo-man.
  • As light as a Wa-ter-Wag-tail.
  • As drun-ken as a Dutch-man.
  • As pert as a Pear-mon-ger.
  • [Page 78]As wanton as a Calf with two Dams.
  • As wild as a Buck.
  • As wi-ly as a Fox.
  • As le-che-rous as a Goat.
  • As ra-ve-nous as a Wolf.
  • As fierce as a Ty-ger.
  • As sur-ly as a Butch-ers Dog.
  • As chur-lish as Na-bal.
  • As kna-vish as La-ban.
  • As pie-vish as Xan-tip-pe.
  • As sea-son-a-ble as Snow in Sum-mer.
  • As wel-com as wa-ter in-to a Ship.
  • With as good a will as a Thief goes to the Gal-lows.

Pi-thy Pro-ver-bi-al Say-ings, col-lect-ed from the Au-then-tick Wri-tings of Lear-ned Wor-thies of se-ve-ral Na-ti-ons; with the Au-thors Am-pli-fi-ca-ti-on, wor-thy the Rea-ders Ob-ser-va-ti-on, Al-pha-be-ti-cal-ly di-gest-ed.

  • A Bad Cus-tom, like good Cake, is bet-ter bro-ken than kept.
  • A Bird in Hand is worth two in the Bush.
  • A Dumb Man can-not lye.
  • A Wo-man con-ceals what she knows not.
  • A Mans best or worst For-tune is a Wife.
  • A Wo-mans Mind, and a Win-ters Wind, change oft.
  • A proud Wife and a Back-door, oft make a Rich-man poor.
  • A Fat House-keep-er makes Lean Ex-e-cu-tors.
  • A fair Hos-tess makes a foul Reck-on-ing.
  • An ear-ly Man o-ver Night.
  • A Va-li-ant Man be-fore the Bat-tel.
  • [Page 79]All are not Thieves that Dogs bark at.
  • A Fools haste is no speed.
  • As a Man is be-friend-ed, his Mat-ter is end-ed.
  • A Friend in Court is worth a Pe-ny in a Mans Purse.
  • A hun-gry Hawk will seize on a dir-ty Prey.
  • A rough Cur ne-ver makes good Spa-ni-el.
  • A hea-vy Purse makes a light Heart.
  • An emp-ty Purse makes a bash-ful Mer-chant.
  • Al-most and hard by, saves ma-ny a Lye.
  • A lof-ty Ship car-ries great Sails.
  • A lit-tle Stream drives a light Mill.
  • A small Sum pays a short Reck-on-ing.
  • A short Horse is soon cur-ri-ed.
  • A Horse can-not e-va-cu-ate Oats that ne-ver eat them.
  • A good Lead-er makes a good Fol-low-er.
  • Aw makes Dun draw.
  • A Wool-sel-ler kens a Wool-buy-er.
  • All is well that ends well.
  • Be-fore thou mar-ry, be sure of a House where-in to tar-ry.
  • Bet-ter sit still, than rise and get a fall.
  • Bet-ter Rule than be Ru-led by the Rout.
  • Bet-ter learn by thy Neigh-bours loss than thy own.
  • Bet-ter give than take.
  • Bet-ter spare at the Brim than the Bot-tom.
  • Bet-ter leave than lack.
  • Bet-ter say here it is, than here it was.
  • Bet-ter be en-vy-ed than pi-ty-ed.
  • Bet-ter a lit-tle Fire that warms, than a mickle that burns.
  • Bet-ter be a-lone than in bad com-pa-ny.
  • Bet-ter Chil-dren cry, than the A-ged weep.
  • Brab-ling Curs ne-ver want sore Ears.
  • Cat af-ter kind.
  • Cut thy Coat ac-cord-ing to thy Cloth.
  • Count not thy Chick-ins be-fore they be hatcht.
  • Com-mend a fair Day at Night.
  • [Page 80]Con-fide not in an un-fixt fa-mi-li-ar.
  • Com-pa-ri-sons and Ex-am-ples are some-times o-di-ous.
  • Com-mit not the We-ther to the Wolfs tu-i-tion.
  • Death keeps no Ka-len-der.
  • De-sert and re-ward go not always together.
  • Drawn Wells have the sweet-est Wa-ter, and are sel-dom dry.
  • Drink not o-thers Healths, and for-get thy own.
  • Drink-ing, drab-bing and du-el-ling kill many.
  • Ea-ten Bread is soon for-got-ten.
  • Ear-ly to bed, and ear-ly to rise
  • Makes a Man heal-thy, weal-thy and wise.
  • E-ven-ing Orts are good morn-ings fod-der.
  • E-ve-ry Her-ring must hang by its own Gill.
  • E-ve-ry can-ker'd Cur snaps at a stran-ger.
  • E-ve-ry one is for a-do-ring the Ri-sing Sun.
  • E-ve-ry one bast-eth the fat Hog, while the lean one burn-eth.
  • Es-sex stiles, Kentish miles, Nor-folk wiles, ma-ny Men be-guiles.
  • Ex-pe-ri-ence makes Fools wise.
  • Fat-pan-ches make lean pates.
  • Flat-te-ry pro-cures Friend-ship, but truth ha-tred.
  • Fools make Feasts, and Wise-Men eat them.
  • Fools build Houses, and wise Men buy them.
  • Fools lade Wa-ter, and Wise Men catch the Fish.
  • Foul Wa-ter quench-eth Fire.
  • For-bear-ance is no ac-quit-tance.
  • Give to the poor, to increase thy store.
  • God, our Prince, our Pa-rents, our Mas-ter and our Mi-ni-ster, can ne-ver be re-qui-ted.
  • [Page 81]Good to be-gin well, bet-ten to end well.
  • Good Wine needs no Bush.
  • Good-will should be-taken in part of pay-ment.
  • Goods are theirs that use them.
  • Green Wood makes a hot Fire.
  • Grace will last, but fa-vour will blast.
  • Great Spen-ders are bad len-ders.
  • Half an Acre is good Land.
  • Hall Ben-ches are slip-pe-ry.
  • Hap-py is he, whose Friends were born be-fore him.
  • Has-ty climb-ers have sud-den falls.
  • Have ma-ny Friends, but one con-fi-ding fa-mi-li-ar.
  • He would fain fly, but wants fea-thers.
  • He hath a rea-dy mouth for a ripe Cher-ry.
  • He car-ries his screw al-ways with him.
  • He draws a strong Bow.
  • He shoots a sharp Ar-row.
  • He talks much, but speaks little.
  • He that speaks what he should not, hears what he would not
  • He plays well that wins.
  • He rides sure that ne-ver falls.
  • He that is wel-come, fares well.
  • He that comes un-call'd sits un-serv'd.
  • He is Meek that was ne-ver mo-ved.
  • He is Wise that can make a Friend of a Foe.
  • He that doth lend, shall lose his Friend.
  • He that buys a House rea-dy wrought
  • Hath ma-ny a pin, and nail for nought.
  • Hed-ges have Eyes, and Walls have Ears.
  • He shall ne-ver pur-chase good pe-ny-worth, that is a-fraid to ask the price.
  • He wants not much, that is con-tent with lit-tle.
  • He that hath most salt must not put too much in-to the pot.
  • He loves for little, that hates for no-thing.
  • He is his own E-ne-my, that is no Mans Friend.
  • He that hath but one Hog makes him Fat, and he that hath but one Son, makes him a fool.
  • He that can-not pay, let him pray.
  • He is poor that can pro-mise no-thing.
  • [Page 82]He pro-mi-seth like a Mer-chant, and pays like a Man of War.
  • He goes far that ne-ver turns.
  • He may free-ly re-ceive cour-te-sies, that knows how to re­quite them.
  • He gives twice, that gives in a trice.
  • Help thy self, and God will help thee.
  • He dwells from Neigh-bours, who hath no ones praise but his own.
  • His Heart is in his Hose.
  • He that winketh with one Eye, and looks with a-no-ther,
  • I will not trust him, tho' he were my bro-ther.
  • Ill Weeds need no sow-ing.
  • Ill-will ne-ver spake well.
  • Idle com-pa-ni-ons lack no ex-cu-ses.
  • In-dus-try is Fortunes right Hand, Fru-ga-li-ty her left.
  • In a thou-sand pound of Law, there is not an Ounce of Love.
  • In time of pros-pe-ri-ty Friends will be plenty,
  • In time of ad-ver-si-ty, not one a-mong twenty.
  • In Gol-go-tha, are Sculls of all Si-zes.
  • It's ea-sie rob-bing an Or-chard, when none keeps it.
  • It's a sad bur-den to car-ry a Dead Mans Child.
  • It's an ill Dog, that de-serves not a Crust.
  • It's un-safe wa-ding in an unknown water.
  • It's a run-ning plague to a Horse, when a has-ty Ass rides him.
  • It's a fil-thy Flock, where the Sow bears the Bell.
  • I like not a Fox, lick-ing a Lamb.
  • Keep good Com-pa-ny, and be of the Number.
  • Keep thy Tongue in Pri-son, to have thy Heels at li-ber-ty.
  • Keep thy Shop, and thy Shop will keep thee.
  • Keep some till fur-ther-more come.
  • Knot-ty Wood must have smooth wed-ges.
  • Life is half spent, be-fore we know what it is.
  • Lend thy Horse for a long Journey, and take the skin for thy re-com-pence.
  • Let thy Let-ter stay for the Post, not the Post for thy Letter.
  • Light gain and quick re-turn makes a hea-vy purse.
  • Like good, like Blood, and like Age, make the hap-py-est Mar-ri-age.
  • [Page 83]Long-looked for comes at last.
  • Lit-tle said is soon a-mend-ed.
  • Lit-tle strokes fell great Oaks.
  • Lit-tle for the Rake to get af-ter the Bee-som.
  • Love will find out the way.
  • Love will creep, where it can-not go.
  • Love lives in Cot-ta-ges as-well as in Kings Courts.
  • Little doth the pam-per'd Steed know, what the poor Pack­horse doth un-der-go.
  • Make Hay while the Sun shines.
  • Ma-ny Hands make light work.
  • Man pur-po-seth, but God dis-po-seth.
  • Ma-ny a good Cow, hath a bad Calf.
  • Man-ners makes a Man, said Wil-li-am of Wick-ham.
  • Mis-un-der-stand-ing brings mis-takes to Town.
  • Mis-reck-on-ing is no pay-ment.
  • My Mind to me a King-dom is.
  • Na-ture pas-seth nour-ture.
  • Ne-ces-si-ty hath no Law.
  • New Lords, new Laws.
  • Need makes the Old Wife Trot, and the young Man gal-lop.
  • No more haste than good speed.
  • No Sun-shine with-out some Sha-dow.
  • No body bears all the blame.
  • No Man loves his Fet-ters, tho' made of Gold.
  • Old Friends, old Wine, and old Gold are worth prizing.
  • Old Wood sets Green on Fire.
  • On paint-ing and fight-ing look a loof off.
  • One Flow-er makes no Gar-land.
  • One Swal-low makes no Som-mer, nor one Wood-Cock a Win-ter.
  • One Eye of the Master seeth more than ten of the Ser-vants.
  • Op-por-tu-ni-ty makes Thieves.
  • Pa-ti-ence, a Flow-er that grows not in e-ve-ry Gar-den.
  • Play, Wo-men and Wine, un-do Men laugh-ing.
  • Pe-ny and pe-ny, laid up will be ma-ny.
  • [Page 84]Praise the ford as you find it.
  • Prize an ap-pro-ved Friend, and keep his friend-ship to the end.
  • Po-ver-ty part-eth good Fellow-ship.
  • Prop and sit, build and flit.
  • Pud-dings and Pa-ra-mors, should be hot-ly hand-led.
  • Quar-rel not with a quon-dam Cro-ny.
  • Ques-ti-on not the fi-de-li-ty of a faith-ful Friend.
  • Quib-ble not with a cap-ti-ous Crit-ick.
  • Qui-et-ness a Je-wel worth pur-cha-sing.
  • Quick at Meat, quick at Work.
  • Rome was not built in a day.
  • Rowl-ing Stones gather no Moss.
  • Self-love a Mote in e-ve-ry Mans Eye.
  • Sell not the Bears skin, till the Bear be dead.
  • Sit in thy place, and none can make thee rise.
  • Soft Fire makes sweet Malt.
  • Soft and fair go-eth far.
  • Strike while the I-ron is hot.
  • Speak as in the pre-sence of an E-ne-my.
  • The ab-sent par-ty is still faul-ty.
  • The ear-ly bird catch-eth the Worm.
  • The least boy car-ry-eth the great-est Fid-dle.
  • The best Work-man makes the fewest chips.
  • The more No-ble, the more hum-ble.
  • The sweet-est Wine makes the sharp-est Vin-e-gar.
  • The sharp-est Vin-e-gar makes the sa-vo-rist Sauce.
  • The De-vils meal is half bran.
  • The Life of man is a Win-ters day, and a Win-ters way.
  • Three ills come from the North, cold Wind, shrinking cloth, and c—
  • The first point of Hawk-ing is hold fast.
  • The Pos-tern Door makes Thief and Whore.
  • The great-est Wealth is con-tent-ment with a lit-tle.
  • The great-est strokes makes not the best Mu-sick.
  • That is well spo-ken, that is well ta-ken.
  • The Gown's hers that wears, and the World his that enjoys it.
  • [Page 85]The fair-est Silk is soon-est stain'd.
  • The Old Mans Staff a Rap-per at Deaths Door.
  • They need much, whom-no-thing will con-tent.
  • They that can-not do as they will, must will as they may, and do as they can.
  • Time is the Ri-der, that breaks Youth.
  • Time and Tide stay for no Man.
  • Think no place with-out a wit-ness.
  • Try be-fore you trust.
  • Truth and Oil will be up-per-most.
  • Tythe well and thrive well.
  • Va-lour that par-lies is near yield-ing.
  • Ven-ture a small Fish to take a great one.
  • Use makes per-fect-ness.
  • War makes Thieves, and Peace hangs them.
  • When the Cup is ful-lest bear it e-ven-est.
  • White Sil-ver draws black Lines.
  • What thou seest a-miss in a-no-ther, mend in thy self.
  • Wel-com Death, quoth the Rat, when he fell in the Trap.
  • Where-e-ver you see your Kind-red, make much of your Friends.
  • Wil-lows are weak, yet bind o-ther Wood.
  • Wine in the Bot-tle doth not quench thirst.
  • Wo-mens Tongues, like Lambs Tails, will be wag-ging.
  • Young Lamb-Skins go as soon to the Mar-ket as old Sheep.
  • Young Men may die, Old Men must die.
  • Youth Rides well when Age holds the Reins.
  • Youth and White Pa-per take a-ny Im-pres-si-on.
  • You shall have as much fa-vour for a Box on the Ear at Bil­lings-gate.
  • You crip-ple the dex-te-ri-ty of a Draw-er by run-ning on the Score.

A-pho-risms, or Se-lect Sen-ten-ces Mo-ral and Di-vine, wor-thy of Ob-ser-va-ti-on.

  • A Good Name more to be de-si-red than a great.
  • A good Name is like a Sheep, e-ve-ry place is the bet-ter for him where he comes.
  • A wick-ed Man is like a Goat, e-ve-ry place where he comes is the worse for him, who leaves an un-sa-vo-ry smell be-hind him.
  • A wick-ed be-gin-ning is com-mon-ly at-tend-ed with a wretch-ed end-ing.
  • A clear Con-sci-ence, like a Mar-ble Stone, shi-vers the Shafts of Li-cen-ti-ous Tongues that are shot a-gainst him that hath it.
  • A clear Con-sci-ence need-eth no ex-cuse, nor fear-eth any Ac-cu-sa-ti-on.
  • A faun-ing glo-sing Tongue the In-dex of a frau-du-lent Heart.
  • A frown-ing Coun-te-nance a sus-pi-ci-ous sign of a gen-tle and ge-ne-rous Na-ture.
  • A frau-du-lent Man can ne-ver be a Friend to him-self, nor faith-ful to his con-fi-ding Fa-mi-li-ar.
  • A-chil-les ha-ted not the Gates of Hell so much as he did those that did not speak as they thought.
  • A false faun-ing flat-ter-ing Tongue is like Poi-son in a Gold-en Cup.
  • As Vir-tue is a Gar-ment of Ho-nour, so Wick-ed-ness is a Robe of In-fa-my.
  • As Kings have Ho-nour to coun-te-nance their Ac-ti-ons, so poor Men have Ho-nes-ty to com-mend their Con-ver-sa-ti-ons.
  • Ad-mo-nish thy Friend in pri-vate, com-mend him in pub-lick.
  • An-ger is soon bu-ri-ed in a Wise-mans Bo-som.
  • An Oath not fit to be ta-ken, ought to be bro-ken, be-cause an un-law-ful Oath ob-li-geth the Ta-ker to no more than re-pen-tance.
  • [Page 87]A qui-et com-pe-tent Living a Por-ti-on worth pri-zing.
  • A vi-gi-lant care and di-li-gent en-dea-vour to walk wor-thy thy Vo-ca-ti-on, is the in-dis-pens-a-ble Du-ty of a Chris-ti-an.
  • Be cau-ti-ous-ly cha-ri-ta-ble, and cha-ri-ta-bly cau-ti-ous.
  • Be cir-cum-spect in thy con-fe-rence, and cau-ti-ous in thy con-fi-dence.
  • Be not fond of fair Words, to pre-fer the Flow-ers of May be-fore the Fruits of Au-gust.
  • Be not proud, po-pu-lar, nor pre-cise, but pre-fer sin-gle-ness of Heart be-fore seem-ing Sanc-ti-ty or Sin-gu-la-ri-ty of O-pi-ni-on.
  • Be-ware of a Re-con-ci-led E-ne-my.
  • Be an Ar-bi-tra-tor as lit-tle as thou canst be-tween thy Friends, lest in at-tempt-ing to make them Friends, they for thy In-te-gri-ty and Cha-ri-ty be-come thine E-ne-mies.
  • Cae-sar had not been so ea-sie a prey to the tray-to-rous Se-nats Bar-ba-ri-ty, if he had not been de-coy'd by flat-te-ry in-to an o-ver cre-du-lous care-less Con-fi-dence of his own safe-ty.
  • Chri-sti-ans should en-ter-tain no o-ther sor-row for the Dead, than what is con-si-stent with the hope of the Re-sur-rec-ti-on.
  • Cu-ri-o-si-ty is a tur-bu-lent and im-per-ti-nent e-vil; sel-dom is a cha-ri-ta-ble Man cu-ri-ous, or a cu-ri-ous Man cha-ri-ta-ble.
  • Ca-pi-tal De-lin-quents some-times com-mit Crim-son Crimes with more ap-plause than a can-did con-sci-en-ti-ous Mi-ni-ster re-proves them; whilst the Re-pro-ver that dares be ho-nest in tel-ling Men faith-ful-ly of their Faults, must (with the mud-dy-brain'd Rab-ble) pass for a Rayl-er, and the cant-ing Cri-mi-nal ac-count-ed a sin-gu-lar Saint.
  • Cau-ti-on ought to be u-sed in cast-ing of Pearls.
  • Do not pros-ti-tute thy Soul for Gain.
  • E-ve-ry Ac-ti-on of Christ was for our In-struc-tion, but his Mo-ral Ac-ti-ons on-ly for our I-mi-ta-ti-on.
  • [Page 88]Faith doth jus-ti-fie us be-fore God, and good Works tes-ti-fie our Faith and Faith-ful-ness be-fore Men.
  • Forget the In-ju-ries, but not the Kind-ness, of an E-ne-my.
  • For-ti-tude in Tri-bu-la-ti-on an Ar-gu-ment of a gra-ci-ous and ge-ne-rous Dis-po-si-ti-on.
  • Fear not that which can-not be a-void-ed.
  • Grieve not for that which can-not be re-cal-led.
  • God hates an ob-sti-nate Sin-ner, but loves a re-lent-ing Pe-ni-tent.
  • Go as thou wouldst be met, sit as thou wouldst be found.
  • Good Wine needs no Bush, and he needs not be his own Trum­pet that re-al-ly is what he seems.
  • Great Im-ploy-ments call for great En-dow-ments: The high-est Pla-ces require the chief-est Gra-ces.
  • Have Peace with all Men, War with Vice.
  • Ho-nes-ty is the best Po-li-cy, and no-thing can be pros-pe-rous that is not in-ge-nu-ous.
  • He that would keep him-self from Wick-ed-ness, must ad-mit no fel-low-ship or fa-mi-li-a-ri-ty with wick-ed Per-sons.
  • He that will no e-vil do, must keep from all that tends there­to.
  • Have ma-ny Friends, but one con-fi-ding fa-mi-li-ar, in whose sig-nal a-bi-li-ty and fi-de-li-ty, thou may-est re-pose con-fi-dence with sa-tis-fac-ti-on and safe-ty.
  • Have Com-mu-ni-on with few, be in-ti-mate with one,
  • Deal just-ly with all, speak e-vil of none.
  • I des-pise B's ar-gu-ments, which are more wit-ty than weigh-ty, ha-ving more sub-til-ty than sub-stance, or sin-ce-ri-ty, in them, and I hate the pre-pos-te-rous pre-sump-ti-on of those that pro-mote per-verse dis-pu-ta-ti-on, for am-bi-ti-on and fac-ti-on, ra-ther than for con-vic-ti-on and sa-tis-fac-ti-on, whose fol-ly and fal-la-cy ap-pear in their par-ti-a-lity, who seek not Ve-ri-ty but Vic-to-ry.
  • In the midst of thy jol-li-ty, be mind-ful of thy Mor-ta-li-ty.
  • It is dan-ge-rous for a Man to Live in such a con-di-ti-on, where-in he is a-fraid to die.
  • [Page 89]It is the height of Im-pi-e-ty to be har-den-ed with Im-pe-ni-tency.
  • I de-test the vile Hy-po-cri-sie of those that com-mit Vil-la-ny un-der a Mask and Man-tle of Sanc-ti-ty.
  • It is re-qui-red that Mi-ni-sters should be Lo-vers of Hos-pi-ta-li-ty; and it were well if un-con-sci-on-a-ble Pa-trons and Op-pres-sive Im-pro-pri-a-tors would suf-fer them to shew Hos-pi-ta-li-ty as well as love it.
  • It is bet-ter to weep with Ma-ry Mag-da-len, than to laugh and quaff with Bel-shaz-zar.
  • It is com-mon with pro-fane Ma-ri-ners to pray in a storm at Sea, when the Dol-phins be-gin to play, and the Sea to prey up-on them, and to be seem-ing-ly ear-nest in their De-vo-ti-on, with so-lemn Vows of fu-ture re-for-ma-ti-on, for their pre-sent pre-ser-va-tion; but as soon as the Tem-pest is o-ver, and the Sea-men safe on the shore, their dan-ger and de-vo-ti-on are both for-got-ten.
  • If the Rude Rab-ble once get a Re-port by the end of some­thing ill done by their Prince, whe-ther the Re-port be true or false, it is in their Mouths like Wild-fire that can-not be quench-ed.
  • I have known the great-est Sin-ners, the great-est Sec-ta-ries; and the great-est Pro-fes-sors, the great-est Trans-gres-sors in the Nation.
  • Keep with-in com-pass.
  • Keep thine own coun-sel.
  • Know thy self.
  • Love and For-tune fa-vour the most Re-so-lute.
  • Love o-thers to be be-lo-ved thy self.
  • Love hath a large Man-tle to co-ver the In-fir-mi-ties, and a sweet and shrill Trum-pet to pro-claim the Ex-cel-len-cies of an in-jur'd, in-no-cent, and ab-sent Friend.
  • Let a-no-thers Woes make thee wise.
  • Let them teach us, that they may not touch us.
  • Look on the Vi-ces of o-thers as their shame, not thy ex-am-ple; with cau-ti-on and de-tes-ta-ti-on, not as thy Rule for I-mi-ta-ti-on.
  • [Page 90]Make not thy self a Fool to make o-thers mer-ry, nor jest so long till thou be-come one.
  • Name not a Rope in his House that hang'd him-self, or fell in­to the Hands of the Hang-man.
  • No-thing to be ac-count-ed pro-fit-a-ble but what is ho-nest.
  • No-thing could teach them, let them teach us.
  • Ob-sti-na-cy and Im-pe-ni-ten-cy ad-ded to Im-pi-e-ty, pro-voke the God of Re-com-pen-ces to sig-nal Se-ve-ri-ty.
  • The Sin-ners de-fence mul-ti-plies the of-fence to the high ag-gra-va-ti-on of the trans-gres-si-on, and the just vin-di-ca-ti-on of the Trans-gres-sors con-dem-na-ti-on.
  • Par-don ma-ny things to o-thers, but no-thing to thy self.
  • Pi-e-ty is the best Po-li-cy, and the cir-cum-spect Chris-ti-an the great-est Po-li-ti-ti-an.
  • Pass by with a si-lent care-less neg-lect those bark-ing Curs that can-not bite, but on-ly grin and shew their Teeth; let them a-lone, and they will be soon out of breath with bark­ing: But dex-te-rous-ly shun those si-lent sharp-bit-ten Dogs, that, like the Curs of Congo, bite, but bark not.
  • Pride se-ver-eth a Man from God, ha-tred from his Neigh-bour, an-ger from him-self.
  • Pre-ju-dice cast-eth a false co-lour on the most splen-did and can-did Ac-ti-ons of the most vir-tu-ous and in-ge-nu-ous.
  • Pro-spe-ri-ty pro-cu-reth, Ad-ver-si-ty pro-veth, Friends.
  • Prize an ap-pro-ved Friend as thy most pre-ci-ous Trea-sure.
  • Quench not the Spi-rit by smo-ther-ing those good Mo-ti-ons of the Ho-ly Ghost with-in thee, that striwe with thee to make thee ho-ly and hap-py.
  • Ren-der not e-vil for e-vil, nor rail-ing for rail-ing: If a Dog barks at a Sheep, a Sheep will not bark at a Dog,
  • Sin leaves a sting and a stain up-on the Con-sci-ence, to check and choke the wick-ed Mans mirth, who hath many a se­cret gripe with-in, e-ven then when his coun-te-nance coun-ter-feit-eth a smile with-out.
  • [Page 91]Shew can-dour and kind-ness in thy car-ri-age to-wards all Men, so shalt thou car-ry a good Con-sci-ence with thee, and leave a good Name be-hind thee.
  • The pu-rest Gold is most duc-til, and that is com-mon-ly a good Blade that bends well.
  • The an-ci-ent Ro-mans so pla-ced the Tem-ple of Ho-nour, that none could come at it, but through the Tem-ple of Virtue.
  • Think al-ways what thou speak-est, but speak not all that thou think-est.
  • Trust not a fa-ding Co-lour in the Coun-te-nance of thine E-ne-my.
  • True Friend-ship is on-ly a-mong good Men.
  • The love of feign-ed Friends is like the Win-ters Sun, which casts a good-ly Coun-te-nance when it shines, but af-fords very lit-tle warmth or com-fort, ha-ving less life than lu-stre in his beau-ti-ful Beams.
  • There is no af-fec-ti-on or de-tes-ta-ti-on like that of a Wo­man; These Pas-si-ons of love and ha-tred are strong-est in the weak-est Sex: Those whom they love, they love dear­ly; and those whom they hate, they hate dead-ly.
  • Truth seeks no cor-ners, nor fears no co-lours; she smiles be­fore the Judge, and is nei-ther a-fraid of the Ac-cu-sa-ti-ons of Men, nor the Frowns of Ty-rants.
  • The Judg-ment of Cha-ri-ty is not al-ways the Judg-ment of Ve-ri-ty.
  • The con-stan-cy of a Mans good be-ha-vi-our dis-coun-te-nan-ceth Ca-lum-ny, and makes the Ca-lum-ni-a-tor to be de-ser-ved-ly ab-hor-red.
  • The best means to get more than we have, is to be thank-ful for what we have al-rea-dy.
  • The Ce-re-mo-ni-al Law was the Gos-pel pro-mi-sed, and the Gos-pel is the Ce-re-mo-ni-al Law ful-fil-led.
  • The Mys-te-ries of Sal-va-ti-on were co-ver-ed un-der the Ce-re-mo-nies of the Law, but are now dis-co-ver-ed in the Do­ctrine of the Gos-pel.
  • The more thou i-mi-ta-test the Vir-tues of a Saint de-part-ed, the bet-ter thou ce-le-bra-test that Saints day. God is not pleas'd with sur-feit-ing for his sake, who with his fast-ing so of-ten plea-sed his God.
  • [Page 92]U-ti-li-ty a strong In-duce-ment to In-dus-try and In-ge-nu-i-ty.
  • U-ni-ty and A-mi-ty a-dorn Chris-ti-a-ni-ty. How a-mi-a-ble and ac-cept-a-ble, how love-ly and laud-a-ble, how come-ly and seem-ly, how de-cent and plea-sant a thing it is for Bre-thren to dwell to-ge-ther in U-ni-ty! It is like Aa-rons pre-ci-ous and fra-grant Oynt-ment, which ran down from his Head to the Skirt of his Garment; or like Her-mons Pear-ly Dew, that re-fresht and en-richt the pla-ces where it fell. Nor is Bro-ther-ly Con-cord more pro-fit-a-ble to Man, than plea-sing to God, who cau-seth Bles-sed-ness to set-tle there. As it were so-lemn-ly en-act-ing a Law, that U-ni-ty and Fe-li-ci-ty shall dwell to-ge-ther: For there the LORD com-mand-ed the Bles-sing, e-ven Life for e-ver-more.
  • Wise-ly prize and praise the sig-nal ar-den-cy and sin-ce-ri-ty of the ne-ver-fail-ing un-feign-ed and fer-vent af-fec-ti-on of thy firm, fa-mi-li-ar and faith-ful Friend.
  • Where Flat-te-ry bears sway, Fi-de-li-ty is thrust a-way.
  • Wor-thi-ly are they made Ex-am-ples, that will take none.

Rules for Grace-ful Reading.

HA-ving in the fore-go-ing Chap-ters, ful-ly shew-ed my Rea-der the pro-per pro-noun-ci-a-ti-on of Let-ters and Syl-la-bles, ac-cord-ing to their dif-fe-rent De-ri-va-ti-ons, and pre-sen-ted my Read-er with In-fal-li-ble Rules for the Re-gu-lar Di-vi-si-on of Syl-la-bles in long Words, il-lus-tra-ted with Five large Ta-bles of Al-pha-be-ti-cal Ex-am-ples; (a Ta-ble to each Rule.) And made a plea-sant im-prove-ment of the va-ri-ous Sig-ni-fi-ca-ti-ons and E-le-gan-cies of the Eng-lish Tongue, in Two In-ge-ni-ous Al-pha-be-ti-cal in-stan-ces, the like ne-ver be-fore Ex-tant.

1. Of Words of the same Or-tho-gra-phy, or Spel-ling, being ex-tend-ed to their ut-most Sense, as far as Gram-mar and Cu-stom have made them known to the Learn-ed, one Word ad-mit-ting of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. or more dif-fe-rent sig-ni-fi-ca-ti-ons, as they are fre-quent-ly u-sed in the Eng-lish Tongue.

2. Of words of the same Sound, (or near it,) but far dif-fe-rent Sense and Spel-ling, to ac-quaint my Read-er with the [Page 93] quaint Cri-ti-cizms, and cu-ri-ous Charm-ing Ele-gan-cies of the Eng-lish Tongue, for ac-com-plish-ing my Scho-lar with the Flow-ers of Rhe-to-ri-cal Sense, and Arm him a-gainst the per-ni-ci-ous Ser-pent-ine sub-til-ty of craf-ty cant-ing Cri-ticks, that stud-dy how to speak du-bi-ous-ly, like the De-vil, in the O-ra-cles of Old, Dark-Lan-thorn Lan-guage, in the cun-ning choice of such Words, as bear va-ri-ous coun-ter con-struc-ti-ons, to put the bet-ter co-lour on their de-sign-ed de-lu-si-ons; which are here dex-te-rous-ly dis-co-ver-ed, and plea-sant-ly ex-plain-ed and im-pro-ved. And to ren-der this Work wor-thy the ob-ser-va-ti-on both of Boys and Men, I have ta-ken no-tice of the pro-per sig-ni-fi-ca-ti-on of Chris-tian Names, with such ne-ces-sa-ry cau-ti-ons and in-struc-ti-ons, as ought to be pur-sued and ob-ser-ved by all Good Chris-ti-ans.

And be-cause Pro-verbs are the Wis-dom of a Na-ti-on, a-like plea-sant and pro-fi-ta-ble to speak them, wor-thy a Wise-mans ob-ser-va-ti-on. I have pre-sent-ed my Read-er with a rich va-ri-e-ty of the choi-cest Pro-verbs, care-ful-ly col-lect-ed from the most ju-di-ci-ous and in-ge-nu-ous Au-thors, with some of my own, ne-ver be-fore Print-ed, Al-pha-be-ti-cal-ly di-gest-ed. And to im-print good things in the Me-mo-ry of Youth, I have, with no small pains, pre-sent-ed my Read-er with sun-dry se-lect Sen-ten-ces, (in an Al-pha-be-ti-cal Order,) both Mo-ral and Di-vine, some of them bor-row-ed from wor-thy Au-thors, and some (not a few,) mine own; which are all a-bove the Read-ers con-tempt or con-troul.

My next bu-si-ness, is, to pre-scribe short Rules for Grace-ful Read-ing, the de-sign of the pre-sent Chap-ter, as fol-low-eth.

1. Let e-ve-ry Let-ter in a Syl-la-ble, and e-ve-ry Syl-la-ble in a Word, have their due Sound, ac-cord-ing to the Rules fore-go-ing, e-ver to be ob-ser-ved.

2. A-void Stam-mer-ing in your Speech, a na-tu-ral im-pe-di-ment in some, and an af-fect-ed fault in o-thers, which at first they took a Pride in, and got an ill ha-bit which they could not leave.

3. Speak not too broad or clown-ish-ly af-ter the rude Cu-stom of the Vul-gar in the re-mo-ter Nor-thern and Wes-tern Coun-ties of Eng-land.

[Page 94]4. A-void the con-tra-ry ex-tream, to mince your Words, nor speak fi-ni-cal-ly or af-fect-ed-ly, as ma-ny con-ceit-ed su-per-ci-li-ous No-vi-ces, that think it be-comes them to play the Fool in speak-ing ri-di-cu-lous-ly.

But pro-nounce your Words plain-ly and pro-per-ly, with-out ei-ther af-fec-ta-ti-on, nice-ness, or slo-ven-li-ness, as the Sound of the Syl-la-ble, or Word, will best bear and may be best un-der-stood.

And as you are to keep due time in Speak-ing, by giv-ing each Word its pro-per pro-noun-ci-a-ti-on, long or short, ac-cor-ding to Rule and Cu-stom, so you are to al-ter your Tone or Voice, (modestly, not af-fect-ed-ly,) when in Read-ing, the Read-er per-so-nates sun-dry Per-sons, ques-ti-on-ing and ans-wer-ing one a-no-ther; as God and A-dam, the Wo-man and the Ser-pent, Sa-mu-el, Saul, and the Witch of En-dor, Christ and the Temp-ter, and the like. I should now also shew how to pro-nounce an in-ter-ro-ga-ti-on point, or note of ad-mi-ra-ti-on, which is not so briskly to be done by the Pen of the learn-edst Au-thor, as by the more pow-er-ful and pre-va-lent in-struc-ti-on, ac-ti-on and de-mon-stra-ti-on of a Li-ving Tu-tor, to the am-ple sa-tis-fac-ti-on of the ob-ser-vant and di-li-gent Read-er. And for place-ing Pa-ren-the-sis, Pe-ri-ods, Com-ma's, Co-lons, &c. I judge those things too ear-ly to pro-pound to a young Read-ers con-si-de-ra-ti-on, and there-fore I de-sign-ed-ly re-serve them, with o-ther things for my next Book, if this well-meant Piece, (for my en-cou-rage-ment,) find ac-cep-tance with the ju-di-ci-ous and in-ge-nu-ous.


MY next Task is to Teach my Read-er how to write Spruce-ly and Dex-te-rous-ly, with-out ta-king Pen from Pa-per, ei-ther in ma-king Small or Ca-pi-tal Let-ters, for two Neat Hands, with Let-ters of the same Cut, and on-ly dif-fe-rent in their size and shape, the la-ter be-ing lar-ger and more O-val than the for-mer, with choice co-pies com-po-sed by the Au-thor, for the Read-er to learn and live by, as fol-low-eth.

Copies Alphabetically composed for the Instruction and Observation of Boys and Men.

These Copies scan, and follow seriously,
They are Right Lines to Learn and Practice by.
ADvance in Wit and Learning; grow in Grace,
And all good Motions let thy Soul imbrace.
Bear and forbear, Triumph in Troubles past;
Thy Faith and Patience shall be crown'd at last.
Count that day lost, whose low descending Sun,
Views from thy hand no Virtuous action done.
Disdain thou no Man; hate base Taunts and Brags:
Reverence the Hoary Head, tho' cloath'd in Rags.
Envy thou not the Oppressors prosperous days,
But be content and learn none of his ways.
Fear thou God and the King; The Laws still keep,
And thou shalt sing, when Rebel Rake-hells weep.
Give them that want of thy convenient Store.
And for thy Bounty God will give thee more.
Honour thou every Man in his Degree;
For in so doing, Men will Honour thee.
Improve thy precious Time and Talents well;
Detest dire Drunkenness, that Rode to Hell.
Know well thy self, and thy Relations own;
And prize that Friend, whose faithfulness is known.
Live every day as thou wouldst then be found
When Christ shall come, and the last Trump shall Sound.
Make use of Time, now wisely lay in Store
For Elder Years, when thou canst save no more.
No coupled Miseries so sadly greet,
As Age and Want, when they together meet.
Offer the Strength and Prime time of thy Youth;
And riper Age to serve thy God in Truth.
Prepare for Trying-Tottering Times, my Friend,
Be patient, prudent, constant to the end.
Quench follies flames, all Satans charms defie;
Avoid vile Vice and Vitious Company.
Render to God and Caesar, both their due;
Unto thy Soveraign, and thy Soul prove true.
Submit thy will always in every thing,
To what Gods Righteous providence shall bring.
Trust still the Living God, and well is thee;
In dark and gloomy days, thou Light shalt see.
Unto thy Parents, yield observance due;
That God may bless thee, and thy Age renew.
Weigh well the end, ere thou a work begin;
So shalt thou tremble at the thought of Sin.
Xantippe, that imperious peevish Wife,
Made patient Socrates not fond of Life.
Young Men be Sober, Serious, Chast and True,
Lest thy Gray Hairs thy Youthful follies rue.
Zealously learn to practice these things well;
And thou in Grace and Glory shalt excell.

Numeration Table.

C Millions. X Millions. Millions. C Thousands. X Thousands. Thousands. Hundreds. Tens. Units. The Right Hand.
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 The First Place.
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 987 Mill. 654 Thousand 321
  9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 98 Mill. 765 Thousand 432
    9 8 7 6 5 4 3 9 Mill. 876 Thousand 543
      9 8 7 6 5 4 987 Thousand—654
        9 8 7 6 5 98 Thousand—765
  The     9 8 7 6 9 Thousand—876
  Left       9 8 7 —987
  Hand.       9 8 —98
                9 —9

Numeration teacheth how to form the Numeral Figures as they must be writ, and to pronounce them with their various Significations as they must be read, as the foregoing Table and following Examples plainly demonstrate.

1. 11. 111. 1111. 2. 22. 222. 2222. Each Figure on the Left Hand being ten times the value of that on the Right.


ADdition teacheth you to add two or more Sums together, to make them one whole or total Sum.

Example: I delivered several Parcels of Sheep to my Shep­herd, and desire to know how many they are in all.

At one time 253
At another time 121
More 312
More 125
More 434
The whole 1245

For the working of this, and all others of this kind, you must begin with the first and highest Figure on the Right Hand, saying, 3 & 1 is 4, & 2 is 6, & 5 is 11, & 4 makes 15; then set down 5 directly under that Row, and carry 1 to the next place, saying, One 10 which I carry & 5 make 6, & 2 makes 8, & one 9 & 2 make 11, & 3 make 14; then write down 4 under the Row, and carry one to the next place, saying, 1 that I carry & 2 make 3, & 1 is 4, & 3 is 7, & 1 make 8, & 4 make 12; the 2 you are to set down under the Row, & 1 to the Left Hand; and your whole Number of Sheep is 1245.

A General Rule.

Observe to set down all that is above 10 or 10's under the Row cast up, and for every 10, carry 1 to the next place, un­til you come to the last place, which must always be set down, as in the former and following Examples plainly appear.

9 8 7 6
9 7 6 5
4 3 2 1
5 4 6 5
3 2 5 7
8 9 7 6
9 9 9 9
5 0 6 5 9

Addition of Money.

NOte, That 4 Farthings make a Peny, 12 Pence a Shil­ling, and 20 Shillings a Pound. Turn your Farthings into Pence, your Pence into Shillings, and your Shillings into Pounds, and the Work is done; but first get this Table by Heart, as followeth.

d.   s. d.
20 is 1 8
30 is 2 6
40 is 3 4
50 is 4 2
60 is 5 0
70 is 5 10
80 is 6 8
90 is 7 6
100 is 8 4
110 is 9 2
120 is 10 0

A Steward received several Sums of Mo­ney for his Lord, who desires to know how much he hath received in all.

l. s. d.
99 19 11⅓
33 00 00
45 15 06½
63 05 09
29 19 06¼
13 13 04
15 10 10
51 15 05
353 00 04½

For casting up this Sum, say, 3 Farthings & 2 is 5, & 1 is 6; set down a Half-peny, and carry a peny to the pence, say­ing, 1 & 1 is 2, & 6 is 8, & 9 is 17, & 6 is 23, & 4 is 27, & 5 is 32, & 10 is 42, & 10 is 52; set down 4 pence under the pence, and carry 4 shillings to the shillings, saying, 4 & 9 makes 13, & 5 18, & 5 23, & 9 32, & 3 35, & 5 40, & 6 10's make the 40 shillings 5 pounds; set down 2 Ciphers under the shil­lings, and carry 5 pound to the pounds, saying, 5 & 9 is 14, & 3 is 17, and 5 is 22, & 3 is 25, & 9 is 34, & 3 is 37, & 5 is 42, & 1 is 43; set down 3 & carry 4, saying, 4 that I carry & 9 is 13, & 3 is 16, & 4 is 20, & 6 is 26, & 2 is 28, & 1 is 29, & 1 is 30, & 5 is 35, which you are to set down as in the Example. And the Sum total is 353 l. 00. 04½.

To prove that it is right cast up, do it without the upper line, and then add the upper line to it, and if both makes up what it is cast up to, it is right, else not.


SUbtraction teacheth how to take any lesser Number out of a greater, and to know what remains, as in these Ex­amples:

I at several times took into my custody 1597 Sheep, and I delivered forth 1359. I would know how many yet remain with me.

Received 1597
Delivered 1359
Remains 0238
Proof 1597
Received 95459
Delivered 39569
Remains 55890
Proof 95459

If all the Figures of the smaller Sum, except the last Figure to the Left Hand, or any one of them be greater of the Sum to be subtracted, than those of the upper line you must subtract from, you must borrow ten, and add 1 to the upper Figure next to be considered, as in the foregoing Example.

Take 9 out of 7 you cannot, but 9 out of 17, and there re­mains 8; the 1 that I borrowed and 5 makes 6, take 6 out of 9 and there remains 3; take 3 out of 5, and there remains 2; take 1 out of 1, and there remains 0 nothing. For proof, if what you delivered, and what remains, make up the whole number received, it is right cast up, as in the foregoing Ex­ample plainly appears.

I received 1597
I delivered 1359
Remains 0238
Proof 1597

9 and 8 is 17, write down 7 and carry 1; then 1 and 5 is 6, and 3 is 9; 3 and 2 is 5, and 1 is 1, as in the Example.

Subtraction of Money.

THis Rule teacheth how to take any lesser sum out of a greater, and to know what Remains.

Note, that if some Figure or Figures be greater in the lesser or lower Sum than in the upper, borrow one from the next Denomination, as in Pence to borrow a Shilling, in Shillings you must borrow a Pound, and in Pounds you are to borrow Ten, as before in Addition, and in the following Examples more plainly appear.

  l. s. d.
Received 432 10 4
Paid 256 19 9
Remains 175 10 7
Proof 432 10 4

Which foregoing Sum is cast up thus, take 9 out of 4, that you cannot, but take 9 out of one Shilling 4 pence, and there remains 7, which you set down under the pence, and say, the Shilling that I borrowed to make 4 pence one Shilling 4 pence, must be paid to the 19 Shillings, saying, 19 and 1 that I bor­rowed makes 20, take 20 Shillings out of 10 Shillings I cannot, but take 20 Shillings out of one Pound 10 Shillings, and there remains 10, which is set down under the Shillings, then say 6 and 1 that I borrowed makes 7, take 7 out of 2 I cannot, but take 7 out of 12 and there remains 5. 1 that I borrowed and 5 make 6, take 6 out of 3 I cannot, but take 6 out of 13, and there remains 7, the one that I borrowed and 2 make 3, and take 3 out of 4, and there remains 1, which is to be proved as in the former Rule.

Multiplication Table.

2 times 2 is 4
3 6
4 8
5 10
6 12
7 14
8 16
9 18
3 times 3 is 9
4 12
5 15
6 18
7 21
8 24
9 27
4 times 4 is 16
5 20
6 24
7 28
8 32
9 36

5 times 5 is 25
6 30
7 35
8 40
9 45
6 times. 6 is 36
7 42
8 48
9 54
7 times 7 is 49
8 56
9 63
8 times 8 is 64
9 72
9 times 9 is 81
10 times 10 is 100


MUltiplication serveth in stead of many Additions, and teacheth of two Numbers given to increase the greater as often as are Units in the lesser.

Three things strictly to be observed, viz.

  • [Page 103]1. The Multiplicand, or Sum to be multiplied.
  • 2. The Multiplyer, or Sum you multiply by.
  • 3. The Product, or Sum produced from both.

Example: In 52 Weeks, which is a whole Year, I would know how many days are there: To do this, first, set down the greatest Number, and the lesser under it, beginning at the Right hand, thus.

52 Multiplicand.
7 Multiplier.
364 Product.

Come to the Multiplyer, and say, 7 times 2 is 14, then write 4 under 7, and carry 1 to the next place, saying, 7 times 5 is 35, and 1 I carried makes 36, which you are to set down, having no further place to carry them; and so it appears that there are in 52 Weeks, 364 Days.

A Second Example.

I Would know how many Farthings are in 712 Shillings: Note, that 48 Farthings make a Shilling; and to answer your question, first set down your Multiplicand, and under that the Multiplyer, thus:

712 Multiplicand.
48 Multiplyer.
5696 Product.

For the second Example of Farthings, after you have set down your Sum as you see, then say, 8 times 2 is 16, set down 6 and carry 10, as in Addition, and say, 8 times 1, and 1 I car­ried, makes 9, which you are to set down; then say, 8 times 7 is 56, which you must set down; then say, 4 times 2 is 8, which you are to set down; 4 times 1 is 4, which you set down, and 4 times 7 is 28, which you are to put down, and sum up the whole, and it appears that there are 34176 Fa [...] ­things in 712 Shillings.

A Compassionate Sigh for Londons dismal Conflagration, On the Authors amazing view of those devouring Flames, that laid London's Glory in the Dust, Sept. 4. 1666.

BEhold what Desolation's made by Sin,
In England's most Renowned Mother-City;
We to those furious Flames did fuel bring,
To th' spoiling Her, whose Ruins Challenge Pity.
Stay, wondering Passenger, let's now begin
To shew our Pity, and lament our Sin.
What Man so impious as to smile? Alas!
The Christian World for this hath cause to mourn;
'Twas England's Sin, brought London to this pass,
And made the Fire imperiously to burn:
Our want of Love did London thus inflame,
To many Thousands loss, and Englands shame.
God highly was displeas'd, when thus he brought
So much of that great City to the Dust;
And had he then consum'd us all to nought,
We must acknowledg'd, LORD, that thou are just.
Thou great Preserver, we thy Love admire,
In saving us, as Brands snatcht from the Fire.
O Happy Citizens, and English Nation,
If London's Flames refine us from our Dross;
If Plague and Fire produce a Reformation,
How great will be our gain by London's loss!
Then from her Ashes Phoenix-like shall fly
A Glorious City, fair and rich and high.
And let all Sons of Hell, that shall conspire
How on the rest they may Destruction bring,
Receive at Tyburn their deserved hire;
LORD, plead our cause, preserve us, and our King.
That we and ours, Love, Peace and Truth may nourish;
The Church may Prosper, and the Crown still flourish.

A Cordial Congratulation of London's Glori­ous Resurrection, from the late dreadful Conflagration, on the Authors view of the Superlative Splendor of that Famous City, May 29. 1683.

SEe England's Royal City shine in State;
London, that saddest spectacle of late,
Which almost totally subscrib'd to Fate.
Behold! A Phoenix from her Ashes rise,
In Sixty Six made a burnt Sacrifice,
Which now her self, and all the World out-vies!
Her splendid Structures, uniform you see:
O did her Citizens so well agree,
And manifest their joynt conformity
Then on this joyous City Heaven would smile,
And be intreated for this sinful Isle,
If, Dove-like, we liv'd without gaul and guile.
Let London now be Loyal, Chaste and Wise;
No Whores nor Traytors mischiefs here devise,
The fatal causes of our Miseries.
New Hearts new Houses would adorn full well:
May Faithfulness in these fair Mansions dwell,
And London's Glory all the World excel.
Farewel, fair City, I must still love thee,
For Quondam candid kindnesses to me,
Which make me long for thy Felicity.
Let lovely London live in Wealth and Bliss;
May Righteousness and Peace each other kiss
And all Incendiaries their purpose miss.
May neither Plague nor Flames, nor bloody Wars,
Foreign Invasions, nor Intestine Jars,
Come near to touch these stately Gates and Bars.
May Truth and Peace, LORD, here be ever found;
And Right and Left-hand blessings still abound,
And all her Foes Con-vert, or else confound.
May Court and City well accord alway,
And mutual dues still to each other pay;
And may the Scepter o're this Sword bear sway,
Till time shall be no more, till the last day.

The Scho-lars Pray-er for the Morn-ing.

MOst Gra-ci-ous God, and in Christ Je-sus my most Mer-ci-ful Fa-ther, I thy un-wor-thy Ser-vant, de-sire in all hu-mi-li-ty and sin-ce-ri-ty, to of-fer up my self, Soul and Bo-dy, a li-ving Sa-cri-fice, ho-ly and ac-cept-a-ble un-to Thee, which is but my rea-son-a-ble Ser-vice, which I be-seech Thee ac-cept for thy Sons sake, in whom thou art well plea-sed. I bless thy Name for thy pre-ser-va-ti-on of me this last Night, and bringing me to be-hold the Light of a chear-ful Morn-ing, cause thy Face to shine up-on me this Day, that I may walk in the Light of thy Coun-te-nance, quick-en my dul-ness to seek Thee, en-light-en my Dark-ness to know Thee, en-li-ven my dead-ness to serve Thee. Give me the Faith and Faith-ful-ness of A-bra-ham, the Fear and fi-li-al O-be-di-ence of I-sa-ac, the In-dus-try and In-te-gri-ty of Ja-cob, the Chas-ti-ty and Cha-ri-ty of Jo-seph, the Mag-na-ni-mi-ty and Meek-ness of Mo-ses, the De-vo-ti-on of Da-vid, the Re-so-lu-ti-on of Jo-shu-ah, the Pi-e-ty and Pa-ti-ence of Job, and the Pe-ni-ten-cy of Pe-ter. Di-rect me in thy Way, e-sta-blishe me in thy Truth, keep me in thy Fear, pro-tect me by thy Po-wer, sup-port me by thy Grace, and con-duct me to thy Glo-ry. Send thy Gos-pel, where it is not, and pros-per it where it is. Be Gra-ci-ous to these Church-es of Great Bri-tain, and Ire-land, and let the Chris-ti-an Re-li-gi-on, ac-cord-ing to the Pro-fes-si-on of the Church of Eng-land, flou-rish in these [Page 107] King-doms, so long as the Sun and the Moon en-dure. Bless the Kings Most Ex-cel-lent Ma-jes-ty, my Gra-ci-ous So-ve-raign; that he may Reign long to Thy Glo-ry here, and E-ter-nal-ly with Thee in Glo-ry here-af-ter: Bless him in his Roy-al Re-la-ti-ons, bless him in his Coun-sels, bless him in his Na-vies and Ar-mies, bless him in all his Sub-jects, and bless all his Sub-jects in him, that we may be all hap-py in the Love of our So-ve-raign, and our So-ve-raign hap-py in the Loy-al-ty of his Peo-ple. Bless my Dear Pa-rents, and near Re-la-ti-ons, my Guar-di-ans and Go-ver-nors, my Mas-ter and Mi-ni-ster set o-ver me in the LORD, with all my Chris-ti-an Friends and Ac-quaint-ance, and re-pay all their kind-nes-ses to me, an Hund-red Fold in-to their Bo-soms. Bless me in my Me-di-ta-ti-ons and Con-ver-sa-ti-on, that in both I may be ser-vice-a-ble to thy Glo-ry in my ap-poin-ted Sta-ti-on, by ser-ving my Ge-ne-ra-ti-on ac-cor-ding to the Will of God; give me a quick Ap-pre-hen-si-on, a right Ʋn-der-stand-ing, and a Faith-ful Me-mo-ry to re-tain and prac-tice what is Good, and suf-fer me ne-ver to dis-ho-nour Thee with the Mer-cies re-ceiv-ed from Thee. Sea-son my ten-der Years with thy Grace, that I may fly youth-ful Lusts, and cleanse my way by ta-king heed ac-cord-ing to thy Word, give me Wis-dom to dis-cern, Hu-mi-li-ty to Im-brace, and con-stan-cy to hold fast the Truths of the Gos-pel, give me a sin-cere love to thy Ser-vants, a de-light in thine Or-di-nan-ces, a Re-ve-rence to thy Sab-baths and Sanc-tu-a-ry, and a Zeal for thy Glo-ry, that I may bring forth Fruit un-to Ho-li-ness, and reach my much de-si-red end, e-ver-last-ing Life, and all for Je-sus Christs sake, the Son of thy dear-est Love, in whose most pre-ci-ous and pre-va-lent Name and Words, I con­clude my im-per-fect pe-ti-ti-ons, say-ing as he him-self hath taught us in his Ho-ly Gos-pel, Our Father, &c.

Pre-vent me, O LORD, in all my do-ings, with thy most Gra-ci-ous Fa-vour, and fur-ther me with thy con-ti-nu-al help, that in all my Works, be-gun, con-ti-nu-ed, and end-ed in Thee, I may glo-ri-fie thy Ho-ly Name, and fi-nal-ly, by thy Mer-cy, ob-tain E-ver-last-ing Life, through Je-sus Christ our LORD. Amen.

The Scho-lars E-ven-ing Pray-er.

MOst Glo-ri-ous and most Gra-ci-ous LORD God, who art the Fa-ther of Mer-cies, and the God of all Con-so-la-ti-on, the Au-thor of my be-ing and well-being, I beseech Thee for Je-sus Christs sake, ac-cept my E-ven-ing Sa-cri-fice of Praise and Thanks-gi-ving, for thy great Good-ness to me this Day, in pre-ser-ving me from the dan-gers of it, for rai-sing me up Friends, for sup-ply-ing my Wants, and pros-pe-ring my En-dea-vours. Par-don my Sins, O LORD, which ren-der me un-wor-thy the con-ti-nu-ance of thy Fa-vours, sub-due my Cor-rup-ti-ons, sanc-ti-fie my af-fec-ti-ons, and en-a-ble me to e-ve-ry good Word and Work. Af-fect my Heart with the L [...]ve of Thee, that I may ne-ver for-get the great things thou hast done for my Soul, that thy Pa-ti-ence, For-bear-ance and Lo-ving Kind-ness to-wards me, may lead me to Re-pen-tance, O-be-di-ence and Thank-ful-ness- Keep me from the Sin of Ʋn-cha-ri-ta-ble-ness, that my Soul may ne-ver be Im-bit-ter-ed with Ma-lice, nor my Hands de-fi-led with Blood, give me the Wis-dom from a-bove, which is first Pure and then Peace-a-ble, gen-tle and ea-sie to be in-treat-ed, full of good fruit with-out par-ti-a-li-ty and with-out Hy-po-cri-sie; A­dorn my Soul with that Ex-cel-lent Orn-a-ment of a meek and a qui-et Spi-rit, which is in thy sight of great price, that I may ne-ver be o-ver-come of E-vil, but may o-ver-come o-thers E-vil with my Good. Look down in Mer-cy up-on all Jews, Turks and In-fi-dels, bring them to the know-ledge and ac-know-ledg-ment of the Truth, as it is in Je-sus, that they may be a wil-ling Peo-ple in the day of Thy Pow-er. Re-move all im-pe-di-ments out of the way, that hin-der the com-ing of thy King-dom. Bl [...]ss all the Plan-ta-ti-ons of the Gos-pel be-yond the Seas, and per-pe-tu-ate the pros-pe-rous pro-gress of it in these Na-ti-ons. Bless the Kings Most Ex-cel-lent Ma-je-sty, the Queen and Roy-al Fa-mi-ly, the Coun-cil, the No-bles, the Judges, the Ma-gi-strates, the Mi-nis-ters, the Gen-try and Com-mons; his Ma-jes-ties N [...]-vies and Ar-mies, all Sorts and De-grees of Peo-ple. Par-don our Pro-vo-ca-ti-ons, [Page 109] u-nite our Di-strac-ti-ons, com-pose our un-hap-py dif-fer-ences, and made up our un-Chris-ti-an breach-es that Glo-ry may dwell in our Land. Bless the Roy-al City, let Truth and Loy-al-ty, Peace and Plen-ty be with-in her Walls, and Pi-e-ty and Pros-pe-ri-ty with-in her Pa-la-ces; That nei-ther the de-stroy-ing Sword, the dread-ful Pes-ti-lence, nor the de-vour-ing Flames, may ne-ver a-gain Tri-umph o-ver her Dwel-lings. Bless the Go-ver-nors and Go-vern-ment of it, that Of-fend-ers may be pun-ish-ed, Wick-ed-ness ban-ish-ed, Rude-ness re-strain-ed, Drunk-en-ness de-tect-ed, Swear-ing and Blas-phe-my se-vere-ly cen-su-red, Want-on-ness chas-ti-zed, Per-ju-ry stig-ma-tiz'd, Fac-ti-on curb-ed, Schism and He-re-sie re-bu-ked, Pride hum-bled, Hy-po-cri-sie un-mask-ed, the Na-ked clo-thed, the Hun-gry re-fresh-ed, the Fee-ble streng-then-ed, the Nee-dy re-lie-ved, the af-flic-ted com-for-ted, the Lan-guish-ing Soul sup-por-ted, the Hum-ble ex-alt-ed, the Vir-tu-ous re-ward-ed, Gods pure Word and Wor-ship main-tain-ed, his faith-ful Mi-ni-sters en-cou-rag-ed, Su-per-sti-ti-on and Pro-fane-ness dis-coun-te-nan-ced, and all the E-ne-mies of the Truth sup-pres-sed, the King-dom of Grace ad-van-ced, and the King-dom of Glo-ry has-ten-ed, and so come Lord Je-sus, come quick-ly. Bless my Dear Pa-rents, and en-a-ble thine un-wor-thy Ser-vant in some mea-sure to re-quite them for their Pa-ter-nal kind-nes-ses to me, and their ten-der care o-ver me, bless all my Re-la-ti-ons, Faith-ful Friends and good Neigh-bours. Let the bles-sings of both Worlds be their por-ti-on, for-give mine E-ne-mies, and suf-fer it not to be in the pow-er of their Hand to do me hurt, but in-cline their Hearts to do me good. Let my ways so please Thee, that mine E-ne-mies may be at Peace with me. Take me in-to thy Tu-i-ti-on this Night, suf-fer no E-vil to come nigh my Per-son or Ha-bi-ta-ti-on, light-on mine Eyes that I sleep not the sleep of Death, but raise me up in the Morn-ing, a-bund-ant-ly re-fresh-ed with thy Mer-cy, in-a-bled with chear-ful-ness to do Thee Ser-vice. And Grant that I may Live in thy Fear, and Die in Thy Fa-vour, and rest in thy Peace, and Rise in thy Pow-er, and Reign with Thee in Thy Glo-ry. And all for the sake of the Son of Thy Love, Je-sus Christ the Righ-te-ous, for whom I for e-ver de-sire to Bless Thee, and in whose most Bles-sed Name and Words, I fur-ther call up-on Thee, say-ing, Our Father, &c.

[Page 110]The Grace of our LORD Je-sus Christ, and the Love of God, and the Fel-low-ship of the Ho-ly Ghost be with us all e-ver-more. Amen.

A short Pray-er, or Grace be-fore Meat.

MOst Gra-ci-ous God, we be-seech thee com-mand a Bles-sing on these thy good Crea-tures pro-vi-ded for us. Give us Grace, to re-ceive them Thank-ful-ly, as from thy Hand, and to use them so-ber-ly, as in thy sight, through Je-sus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A Thanks-gi-ving af-ter Meat.

WE Bless thy Name, Most Boun-ti-ful God, for re-fresh-ing us at this time with Thy good Crea-tures. We hum-bly be-seech Thee, like-wise to re-ple-nish our Souls with thy Grace, and pre-pare us for thy Glo-ry.

Bless thy Ʋ-ni-ver-sal Church, our Gra-ci-ous King, the Queen, the Roy-al Fa-mi-ly, and these Realms, and give us Health, Peace and Life E-ver-last-ing, Through Je-sus Christ our LORD. Amen.

Be-fore Meat.

O LORD, we be-seech Thee, bless these thy good Crea-tures to us, which thou hast boun-ti-ful-ly be-stow-ed upon us. Give them strength to nou-rish us, and us grace in that strength to Glo-ri-fie Thee, Through Je-sus Christ our LORD, A-men.

Af-ter Meat.

BLes-sing, and Glo-ry and Praise, be gi-ven to Thee, most Gra-ci-ous God, for these and all other Thine in-es-ti-ma-ble Be-ne-fits to us, streng-then us by thy Grace, and fit us for thy Glo-ry, make us wise to prize and im-prove them to thy Glo-ry.

Bless thy Ʋ-ni-ver-sal Church, with Truth and Ʋ-ni-ty, the Kings Ma-jes-ty, the Queen and Roy-al Fa-mi-ly, with Tem-po-ral and E-ter-nal Fe-li-ci-ty, these Na-ti-ons with Peace, Plen-ty, and Pros-pe-ri-ty, and in-crease Bro-ther-ly Love and Cha-ri-ty, Through Je-sus Christ our LORD, Amen.


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