THE CLERK's TUTOR for Writing.

Dom Year of Apr Sep Jun Nov Aug May Jan * *
Letter our Lord July Dec * Feb * * Oct * *
AG F 1660 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 5 D C
E D 2 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 P A G
CB A 4 5 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 8 9 F E
G F 6 7 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1680 1 DC B
E D C 8 9 29 30 31 * * * * 2 3 A G
B A 1670 1 G F E D C B A. 4 5 F E D
G F E 2 3 S M T W T F S 6 1687 C B
A perpetuall Almanack

London Printed for Io: Streater. Ia. Flesher. and Hen: Twyford. Sold in Vine Court Middle Temple. 1667.

Written & Engraven by Edw Cocker.

Your book, arme, pen, right forward place.
Your breast from board, yo (ur). head vpright.
Your fingers strait, minde every grace.
Move your pen freely, beare it light
Full, small, height, depth, & distance mark
These, with proportions, make a Clerk.







To the Reader.

HOw profitable it is to observe those Forms which the Law approves, daily experience doth sufficiently demonstrate; for that hereby all assuran­ces are rendred plain and manifest to every capacity, and fortified against all exceptions. And surely the captious age wherein we live, that so busily examines and eagerly pursues all advantages and shifts what­soever, will certainly drive every man to his just defence, and soe make this Book as welcome, as is it undoubtedly necessary.

Here is presented to thy hand a faithful Collecti­on of Presidents of all sorts, which for the variety, will fit every mans occasions; and for the clearness will be useful to any understanding, who may at all times readily find here sound Instructions; if ei­ther the distance of his aboad, the hast of his business, or any other cause do withhold him from further advice: for those Instruments which are usually drawn in Latine, here you shall find the proper Cases both for the Names of the Persons, their Additions, the Sums of Money, with the day of the date, only observing this throughout the Work; if A. be bound to B. then is A. the Obligor, and B. the Obligee: and if A. acknowledge a Recog­ [...]isance to B. then is A. the Conufor, and B. the Conusee.

And in this Impression, to compleat the [Page] Design that was intended by this Book, are added the best Presidents of all manner of Concords of Fines, and Directions how to sue out a Fine, with many remarkable Observations therein will appear; also directions of Writs of Habeas Corpus, Writs of Error, &c. To the inferiour Courts in the several Cities, Burroughs, Hundreds, and Bailywicks of England; and the re­spective Mayors, Bailiffs, and Governours there­of; for default whereof, and Error wherein, so many nonsuits do daily happen, and Writs of Error are afterwards brought to the endangering of the whole Cause, and perplexity and vexation of the Client, which all ingenious Practisers as they desire, so here are rightly instructed how to avoid. There is also a Supplement to the Names both of Men and Women, with their several Trades and Employments rendred into Latine; so that nothing is wanting to answer every occurrence or emergent occasion whatsoever of this Nature.

Hereby it will not be easie to mistake, and chea­per then this no man can purchase greater quiet and security. Farewel.


  • ATtornment of Tenants, to be endorst on a Deed, Pag. 88
  • An Affidavit, that a man is seized in Fee free of all Incumbrances, ibid.
  • Acquittance for the consideration of money in an In­denture; and a Release of the Estate, Pag. 89
  • An Assignment of an Annuity for years, granted out of a Lease for years, Pag. 95
  • Attornment of Tenants, Pag. 105
  • Another of the same, ibid.
  • An Acquittance for receipt of money upon a Sale, Pag. 109
  • Articles of Agreement, for enjoyment of a quiet Lease as Tenants in Common, Pag. 68
  • An Acquittance, for the Redemption of a Mort­gage, Pag. 75
  • —For Rent, Pag. 76
  • —For a Legacy for money received to pay to another, Pag. 77
  • An Assignment of a Lease by Indorsement, Pag. 118
  • [Page]An Assignment of a Mortgage by Indorsment by a Friend in Trust, for one that purchased the same to keep it in force. Pag. 117
  • An Acquittance and Receipt for a Legacy given by Will to the Executor thereof, Pag. 118
  • An Affidavit that Lands are free from all Incum­brances, Pag. 119
  • An Assignment of a Bond, with a Letter of Attor­ney verbatim, as in the Bond, Pag. 120
  • An Acquittance for part of a Debt, Pag. 140
  • An Affidavit the form, Pag. 144
  • BIshopricks in order, Pag. 170
  • A Bond to the King, Pag. 135
  • A Bill of sale of Goods to be void, upon payment of a sum of Money with Interest, Pag. 37
  • —Single without a penalty, Pag. 39
  • A single penal Bill, ibid.
  • A Condition from one to one, to pay a sum of money at several payments; with a Clause, if any payment be unpaid, the Bond to be forfeit­ed, Pag. 20
  • A Condition of a Bond of Arbitration, from two to two, without an Umpire, Pag. 22
  • A Condition of a single Bond of Arbitration, with­out an Umpire, Pag. 23
  • —Of a double Bond to pay a sum of money at several payments; with a Clause, if any payment [Page] be behind, the Bond to be forfeited, Pag. 25
  • —Of a single Bond to pay a sum of money at a place certain, Pag. 26
  • —Of a single Bond to pay a sum of money without a place certain, Pag. 27
  • —Of a treble Bond to pay a sum of money at one payment, Pag. 28
  • —Of a double Bond to pay a sum of money at a place certain, Pag. 29
  • —Of a Counter-Bond, from two to a third person, who was bound with them, Pag. 30
  • —Of a Counter-Bond from one to one, Pag. 31
  • —To perform Covenants in Articles of Agree­ment, Pag. 33
  • —To perform the Covenants in an Indenture, Pag. 34
  • —To stand by the Award of Arbitrators, with an Vmpire certain nominated, Pag. 40
    • A Charter-part of a Fraight, Pag. 63
  • A Covenant from an Infant, to engage him to exe­cute a Conveyance at Age, Pag. 82
  • A Condition of a Recognizance to pay Costs in Chan­cery, Pag. 112
  • A Recognizance to seal a Deed by a certain day▪ and perform the Covenants therein, Pag. 78
  • A Recognizance that the Heir shall enter into Bond at his full Age to pay another, Pag. 79
  • —That the Administrator not present shall seal a Deed, Pag. 80
  • [Page]A Declaration of an Obligee, that his name is used in trust, Pag. 129
  • A Codicill to a Will, Pag. 143
  • Cities, Pag. 274
  • Counties, Pag. 276
  • DEed of Guift, Pag. 42
  • Defeazance of a Statute for performance of Covenants. Pag. 86
  • A Declaration that money lent in one mans name is the proper moneys of another, Pag. 91
  • A discharge of a Bill, the Bill being lost, Pag. 107
  • A Defeazance upon a Iudgment with a Release of Errors, Pag. 115
  • A Defeazance upon a Statute Staple for payment of money, Pag. 123
  • A Discharge of money decreed in Chancery, Pag. 134
  • —To Trustees for money by them received, Pag. 136
  • A Deed of Feoffment upon a Sale, Pag. 139
  • A Deed to declare that the name of the Obligee in an Obligation is used in trust for another, Pag. 141
  • The several dates for Bonds, Pag. 279
  • Directions for suing out of Fines, and making the Concords thereof, with several necessary Notes thereupon. Pag. 145
  • Directions for Writs, Pag. 303
  • AN Exchange by Indenture of bargain and Sale, with Livery and Seizin, Pag. 113
  • THe form of a Will, pa. 142
  • A Fine from one to one of a Messuage and Garden, Pag. 147
  • A Fine from a man and his Wife to one Cognisee, of two Messuages, one Yard or Backside, &c. Pag. 148
  • A Fine for two Cognisees and the wife of one of them to two Cognisees, of Messuages, Barns, Gardens, Orchards, Lands, Meadows, Pasture, Common of Pasture for all manner of Cattell, Pag. 149
  • A Fine by a Knight and his Wife, to an Arch­bishop, and another of their Manors, Messua­ges, &c. the Advowson of a Church, and view of Frank-pledge with Generall War­ranty, Pag. 151
  • A Fine by one and his wife to one, of one Manor, Messuages, &c. And the Advowson of a Church by turns, Pag. 153
  • A Fine of a Rent, by an Earl and his wife, Pag. 154
  • A Fine of a third part of a Rent, Pag. 155
  • A Fine of a Parsonage, excepting the Advow­son of the Vicarage of the same Parsonage, Pag. 156
  • A Fine of one Messuage, one Barn, Land, Mea­dow, Pasture, and 5 s. Rent the Parsonage of B. and the Advowson of the Vicarage of B. Pag. 157
  • [Page]A Fine by an Earl and his wife, of a Mannor, Advowson, Liberty of Foldage, free Warren, and free Fishing, &c. Pag. 158
  • A Fine from three and their Wifes, to one, with se­veral Warranties, Pag. 160
  • A Fine of nine Messuages, nine Gardens, &c. and the moiety of one Water-Mill, one Dove-house, &c. Pag. 167
  • A Fine by a husband and a wife, and another to one who grants and renders the same again to one of the Conusors for 21 years, to begin at a time to come, reserving a Rent with Clause of Distress; and afterwards the Conusee grants the Reversion to the husband and Wife Conusors, and the heirs of the husband. Pag. 163
  • AN Indenture being a Defeazance of an Assignment of a Bond, pag. 130
  • EVery Kings Reign, with the Year of our Lord annexed to the year of their Reign, p. 228
  • A Letter of Attorney to receive a sum of money, very usual, pag. 44
  • —To receive money due upon Bond, Pag. 51
  • A Letter of Attorney to receive money due upon several Bonds, allowing the Attorney reasonable Charges out of the money he shall receive, &c. Pag. 55
  • A Generall Letter of Attorney to let, set, and [Page] dispose, &c. Pag. 58
  • A Letter of Attorney to recover Livery and Seisin according to the Feoffment, Pag. 84
  • A Lease of Ejectment, Pag. 85
  • Livery and Seisin to be Indors'd on a Deed, Pag. 94
  • A Letter of Attorney from the husband to the wife upon his Voyage, Pag. 100
  • A Letter of Attorney to be added to the end of a Sale, to give power for the Vendor to another to deliver possession and seizin to the Vendee, Pag. 106
  • A Letter of Attorney to receive seizin of Land, Pag. 128
  • —To receive money decreed in Chancery, Pag. 133
  • A Lease of a house, Pag. 173
  • A Mortgage of a house, pag. 124
  • A Mortgagee's Assignment of his Mortgage to the Mortgagor, to be Indorsed on the Deed, Pag. 138
  • THe Names of Officers in order, Pag. 269
  • The Names of Moneys, Pag. 281
  • The proper Names of Men in Latin and English in the same cases as they are to stand in the Re­cognizance and Obligation, Pag. 210
  • AN Obligation from one to one, page 1
  • An Obligation from one to two, Pag. 2
  • An Obligation from one to three, Pag. 2
  • —Two to one, Pag. 3
  • [Page]—Two to two, Pag. 4
  • —Two to three, Pag. 5
  • —Three to one, Pag. 6
  • —Three to two, ibid.
  • —Three to three, Pag. 7
  • A Recognizance from one to one, Pag. 8
  • —One to two, Pag. 10
  • —One to three, Pag. 11
  • —Two to one, Pag. 12
  • —Two to two, Pag. 13
  • —Two to three, Pag. 15
  • —Three to one, Pag. 16
  • —Three to two, Pag. 17
  • —Three to three, Pag. 19
  • A Generall Release from two to two, Pag. 35
  • A Generall Release from one to one, Pag. 36
  • A Release of Errors upon a Iudgment in the Com­mon Bench, Pag. 49
  • —In the Kings Bench, Pag. 50
  • A Release of personal Actions, Pag. 83
  • —of a Ward to his Guardian when he is at Age, Pag. 93
  • A Release from the Father to one that bought the son's Land, Pag. 103
  • The Returns of the Four Terms, Pag. 182, 183
  • A Surrender of a Lease, pag. 108
  • A Surrender of the Lessee's Tearm, to be Indorsed on the Lease, Pag. 132
  • [Page]A Schedule to a Will, Pag. 143
  • The several Sums of money. Pag. 283
  • TRades and Professions of Men and Women in their proper case to fill up the Bonds and Re­cognizances, Pag. 264
  • The Titles of Men and Women, Pag. 272
  • AN Umpirage, Pag. 73
  • A Warrant of Attorney to confess a Iudgment in the Kings Bench, Pag. 45
  • —To acknowledg satisfaction upon Record for a Iudgment recovered formerly, Pag. 47
  • A Warrant of Attorney to appear for one in the Kings Bench, Pag. 53
  • The same in the Common Pleas, ibid.
  • A Warrant to confess a Iudgment upon a Bond, if the money be not paid on the day, Pag. 54
  • A Warrant to a Proctor by the Son, to permit a stranger to administer upon his Fathers Estate Pag. 110
  • A Warrant to an Executor, Pag. 111,
  • A Warrant of Attorney to confess Iudgment in Chancery for priviledged persons, Pag. 137
  • A Will, Pag. 142
  • A Writ of Covenant for the King, of Tythe Corn, Pag. 157

The Explanation of the Almanack.

HAving on the upper part the Moneths, and under them the Figures for the dayes of the Moneth, from 1 till 31. under them your Dominical Letters; and in the lower part the Letters for the dayes of the Week, from Sunday to Saturday, on each side you have the year of our Lord from 1660. till 1687. on each side of them are your Dominical Letters. Now to know your day; first, find out your Year, next your Dominical Letter against that year, which Letter find in the lower part of your Almanack, and the Letter under that is the day of the Week, for your Observation for the whole year. Only every Leap-year you have two Dominical Letters, which you must observe,, the first for Ianuary and February, and the next for all the year after.

IN the Year. 1660. you find the Letters A. G. A. di­rects you to Saturday for January and February, and G. to Sunday for all the year after: so that you find the first Saturday in January is the seventh day, and under that Satur­dayes for that Month, and under February 4, which are Saturdayes for that Moneth: But in March you must observe G. which directs you to Sunday; so that the first Sunday in March is the fourth day, and so you reckon forward. April and July, the first Sunday is the first day of the Moneth, and so of the rest. In the year 1661. you find your Dominical Letter F. which directs you to Monday, which is your observation for that year, and so you find the rest: and when you are at 1687. you may begin again.


A Letter of Attorney to receive Money due upon a Bond.

KNow all men by these Presents, That I R. Belsey of Colchester, in the County of Essex Gent. have Assigned and Ordained, and made, and in my stead and place, by these Pre­sents put and constituted my Trusty and well-beloved Friend Iohn Edmunds of London Gent. my true and lawful Attorney for me, and in my stead and Name, and to the use and behoof of him the said Iohn Edmunds, to ask, recover, re­ceive of Iohn Cole of High-Gate, in the County of Middlesex Gent. Thomas Lee, and Iohn Plodwel of Hammer-Smith, in the same County, Esquires, the Sum of five hundred pounds due unto me for non-payment of two hundred and fifty pounds of like Money, on the 28 th day of May, 1662. last past before the date of these Presents, as by one Obligation, with Con­dition thereunder written, bearing Date the 12 th of May, 1661. in the thirteenth year of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord King Charles [Page 52] the Second, &c. more plainly appeareth, giving, and by these Presents granting unto my said Attorney, my full power and lawful Authority in the Premisses, to do, say, perform, and finish for me and in my Name, as aforesaid, all and every such Act and Acts, Thing and Things, De­vise and Devises in the Law, whatsoever, for the Recovery of all the Debts aforesaid, as fully, largely, and amply, in every respect, as I my self might or could do, if I were personally present; and upon the Receipt thereof, Acquit­tances or other Discharges for me, and in my Name to make, seal and deliver; Ratifying, al­lowing, holding firm, and stable, all and what­soever my said Attorney shall lawfully do, or cause to be done, in or about the Execution of the Premisses, by vertue of these Presents. In Witness, &c.

A Condition to seal a Deed by a certain day, and perform the Covenants therein.

THe Condition, &c. That whereas in and by one Indenture, bearing date &c. made or mentioned to be made between the above-bounden A. B. C. D. and E. F. of the one part, and the above-named G. H. of the other part, It is mentioned, that for the considerations therein expressed, the said A.B. C.D. and E.F. have granted, bargained, sold, and demised, unto the said G. H. the Mannor, &c. and other Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, in the said Indenture mentioned, in the said County of &c. for one thousand years, from the making thereof, at a Pepper-Corn Rent, and with and under the Proviso, Conditions, and Agree­ments therein contained; as by the same In­denture may at large appear; which Indenture is onely signed, sealed, and delivered, by the said A. B. and C. D. and not by the said E. F. Now if the said A. B. his Heirs, Executors, or Administrators, do procure the said E. F. on or before &c. to sign, seal, and deliver, as his Act [Page 79] and Deed, the before recited Indenture; And do also from time to time, and at all times, well and truly hold, observe, perform, and keep all and every the Covenants, Grants, Provi­soes, Conditions, and Agreements, which on his and their parts and behalfs are and ought to be held, observed, performed, and kept, compri­zed and contained in the before recited Inden­ture; and that in all things, according to the purport, true intent, and meaning of the same Indenture: Then this, &c.

A Condition that the Heir shall enter into Bond at his full age, to pay another.

THe Condition, &c. That if the above-bounden G. H. procure R. H. his Son and Heir apparent, within one Moneth after he shall have attained the age of 21 years, to enter into one Obligation, together with the said G. H. wherein the said G. H. and R. H. shall be joyntly and severally bound unto the above-named L. M. in the penal sum of &c. conditio­ned for the true payment of the same, &c. unto the said L. M. his Executors or Assigns, on the &c. at or in &c. And if the said G. H. his [Page 80] Heirs, Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, or any of them, do well and truly pay, or cause to be paid unto the said L. M. his Heirs, Exe­cutors, Administrators, or Assigns, the said sum of &c. on &c. at the place aforesaid: Then, &c.

Condition, That an Administrator not present, shall seal a Deed.

THe Condition &c. That whereas in and by one Indenture, bearing even date with these presents, made between &c. mention is made, that G. F. Administrator of the Goods and Chattels of H. P. at and by the request and appointment of the said W. G. for the consi­deration of the sum of &c. therein mentioned, to be paid to the said W. G. by T.B. hath grant­ed and assigned unto the said T. B. for the term of years therein mentioned, the Mannor, &c. as thereby appeareth. And whereas the said G. F. hath not yet sealed or delivered the said Indenture, and by reason of his employment, &c. it will be some time before he can be pro­cured to seal: If therefore the said G. F. shall [Page 81] at any time hereafter, within the space of &c. seal and deliver the said Indenture as his Act and Deed; or if he happen to dye, or his Admi­nistration to be repealed, before such sealing and delivery of the said Indenture: If thed some other Administrator of the Goods and Chattels of the said H. P. not administred by the said G.F. do and shall within the said space of &c. well and sufficiently grant and assign to the said T.B. his Executors or Assigns, the said &c. in manner as the same is mentioned to be assigned by the said Indenture, and according to the purport and effect thereof. And if the said Assignment so sealed and delivered, shall be within the said space of &c. delivered into the hands and custody of the said T. B. unaltered and undefaced. And if the said T.B. his Exe­cutors and Administrators, shall in the mean time, quietly and peacefully have, hold, enjoy, perceive and take the annual Rent of the said Mannor and Premisses aforesaid, without any let or interruption of or by the said G. F. and the said W. G. or either of them, or any other person or persons, claiming by, or under them, or either of them, or the said H. P. deceased. Then &c.

A Covenant from an Infant, to engage him to execute a Conveyance at Age.

KNow all men, &c. That I A. B. of &c. in pursuance of the intentions of &c. expressed in his last Will and Testament, bearing date, &c. as otherwise, do hereby promise and en­gage my self to C.D. that I shall and will at any time or times, after I shall attain the Age of 21 years, upon the request, and at the costs and charges of the said C.D. his Heirs, Executors, or Administrators, make and execute such Con­veyances and Assurances, for the setling, con­veying, & assuring unto, and upon the said C.D. his Heirs Exec. and Assigns, all that &c. where­of or wherein I have any Estate, Right, Trust, or Equity whatsoever, as by the said C. D. his Heirs or Assigns, shall be reasonably devised, or advised and required; and that the same, at the time of such Conveyances or Assurances, shall be free and clear, of and from all Estates or Incum­brances made, or wittingly and willingly suffer­ed by me the said A. B. In Witness, &c.

A Release of Personal Actions.

TO all &c. A. B. sendeth greeting; Know ye, That the said A.B. hath remised, relea­sed, and quit-claimed; And by these presents for him, his Heirs, Executors, and Administra­tors, and every of them, doth remise, release, and for ever quit-claim unto C.D. of &c. his Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, and every of them, their and every of their Lands, Tene­ments, Goods and Chattels, all and all manner of personal Actions, Suits, Debts, Duties, Reck­onings, Accompts, Sum and Sums of Money, and Demands personal whatsoever, from the begin­ning of the World, untill the day of the date hereof. In Witness, &c.

A Letter of Attorney, to receive Livery and Seisin, according to the Feoffment.

TO all &c. A. B. and C. D. of &c. send greeting; Know ye, That the said A. B. and C. D. for divers good Causes and Consi­derations, them thereunto moving, have made, constituted, and in their place put G.F. of &c. and H. P. of &c. and either of them joyntly and severally, our true and lawful Attorney and Attornies, to enter into the Mannor of &c. and other the Lands, Tenements, and Heredita­ments, mentioned in one Indenture, bearing date &c. and mentioned to be made between R.G. and G.W. of &c. of the one part, and Us the said A.B. and C.D. of the other part, pur­porting a Feoffment of the said Mannor and Premisses, to Us and our Heirs, or into any part of the said Premisses, and Possession and Seisin thereof, for Us, and to our uses, from them the said R.G. and G.W. or their Attorney or At­torneys in that behalf, to take, receive, and keep, [Page 85] according to the tenour, form, and effect of the said Indenture; Ratifying, and by these pre­sents confirming, all and whatsoever our said Attorneys, or either of them, shall do, or cause to be done in the Premisses, as fully and effe­ctually as we could do, if we were personally present. In witness, &c.

A Lease of Ejectment.

THis Indenture, &c. witnesseth, That the said A. B. for good considerations him hereunto moving, hath leased, set, and Ferm let; and by these presents doth lease, set, and to Ferm let unto the said C.D. all that &c. To have and to hold the said &c. unto the said C. D. his Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, from the Feast of &c. for and during the tearm of &c. from thence next ensuing, fully to be compleat and ended, yielding and paying therefore yearly, the Rent of one Pepper-Corn at the Feast of &c. onely, if the same be deman­ded. Provided always, That if the said A. B. his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, or any of them, do and shall at any time hereafter, [Page 86] pay or tender, or cause to be paid or tendred, un­to the said C. D. his Heirs, Executors, Admini­strators, or Assigns, or to any other person or per­sons, to his or their use, the sum of 12 d. of lawful money of England, to the intent to make void this present Indenture; that then and at all times from thenceforth, this present Indenture, and the Lease hereby made, shall cease, determine, and be void; any thing herein before contained to the contrary notwithstanding. In Witness, &c.

Defeazance of a Statute, for performance of a Covenant.

THis Indenture, &c. Between A. B. of the one part, and C. D. of the other part; Whereas in and by one Recognizance, in the nature of a Statute-Staple, bearing even date with these presents, taken and acknowledged before &c. the said C. D. is and standeth bound unto the said A.B. in the sum of &c. payable, as by the said Recognizance may at large appear. Now this Indenture witnesseth, That it is ne­vertheless covenanted, conditioned, and agreed, by and between the said parties, to these pre­sents. And the said A.B. for him and his Heirs, [Page 87] Executors, and Administrators, doth covenant, conclude, and agree, to and with the said C. D. his Heirs and Assigns, by these presents, That if the said C.D. his Heirs, Executors, and Admi­nistrators, and every of them, do and shall well and truly pay, perform, observe, fulfill, and keep all and every the Payments, Covenants, Condi­tions, and Agreements, which on his and their parts and behalfs, are and ought to be paid, ob­served, performed, fulfilled, and kept, contained in one Indenture, bearing date, &c. and made, or mentioned to be made, between the said A.B. of the one part, and the said C. D. of the other part; and that in all things, according to the true intent and meaning of the same Indenture; then and at all times from thenceforth the said Recognizance or Statute-Staple, shall be void and of none effect, and shall be delivered up, to be at the costs and charges of the said C. D. his Heirs or Assigns, vacated on Record. In Wit­ness, &c.

Attornment of Tenants, to be endorsed on a Deed.

WEE whose Names are hereunder sub­scribed, being the present Tenants of the within mentioned Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, understanding the effect of the within written Grant thereof made unto the within named H. P. do assent and agree unto the same Grant in every respect, as the same is within written; and do thereunto attorn. And in testimony of such Attornment, each and eve­ry of Us have hereunto subscribed our Names, the day, &c.

Affidavit that a man is seized in Fee, free from Incumbrances.

A. B. of &c. maketh Oath, that he is seized of and in the Mannors &c. contained and specified in one Indenture, or Writing indent­ed, bearing date &c. made between &c. and thereby demised, or mentioned to be demised, to the said C. D. for the tearm of &c. under the [Page 89] Conditions, and Agreements therein contained, of a good and indefeazable Title, and lawfull Estate, to him and the Heirs of the said A. B. in Fee-simple, as he conceiveth; and that the Premisses are called or known by the Names and Descriptions in the said Indenture of De­mise expressed, and are of the full and clear yearly value of &c. above all Reprizes; and free and clear of and from all manner of former Estates, Titles, Rents, and Arrearages of Rents, Judgments, Recognizances, Statutes, and other Incumbrances, except the Rents and Services to the Lord or Lords of the Fee, &c.

Acquittance for the consideration of Money in an Indenture, and a Release of the Estate.

TO all, &c. A. B. sendeth greeting; Know ye, That the said A.B. doth here­by acknowledge, to have, before the seal­ing and delivery of these presents, had and received of and from D. E. of &c. the sum of &c. which said sum of &c. is the same sum, which in and by one Indenture, bearing date, [Page 90] &c. made between the said A. B. of the first part, and the said D. E. of the other part, is mentioned to be paid to the said A. B. and to be the consideration for the Purchase of the Mannors, Lands, Tenements, and Heredita­ments therein mentioned to be thereby grant­ed unto the said D.E. and his Heirs; of which said sum of &c. the said A.B. doth hereby ac­knowledg himself fully satisfied, and doth there­of, and of every part and parcel thereof, acquit, release, and discharge the said D. E. his Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, and every of them by these presents. And further in consi­deration thereof, the said A. B. doth by these presents remise, release, and for ever quit-claim unto the said D. E. and his Heirs, all the Estate Right, Title, Interest, Claim, and Demand whatsoever, of him the said A.B. of, in, and in­to all and singular the Mannors, Messuages, Closes, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, to the said D. E. granted, or mentioned to be granted, in and by the before mentioned Inden­ture; and of, in, and to every part and parcel thereof. In witness, &c.

A Declaration, that Money lent in one mans name, is the proper Moneys of another.

THis Indenture Tripartite, &c. Between A. B. of the first part, C.D. of the second part, and E.F. of the third part. Whereas by Inden­ture Tripartite, bearing date &c. made between I.F. of the first part, the said A.B. of the second part, and the said C. D. of the third part; It is mentioned, that the said I. F. in consideration of 4500 l. therein mentioned, to be paid unto him by the said A.B. and C. D. Hath demised, granted, bargained, and sold unto the said A. B. and C.D. all that, &c. and other Lands, Tene­nements, and Hereditaments, in the said Inden­ture mentioned, for the tearm of years therein mentioned, at a Pepper-Corn Rent, redeemable nevertheless, and to be redeemed by the re­payment of the said 4500 l. with Interest, in manner as therein is expressed; as by the said recited Indenture may at large appear. Now this Indenture witnesseth, That it is declared and acknowledged by the said parties to these pre­sents, That the said principal sum of 4500 l. was [Page 92] the proper moneys of the said E. F. and was paid by him, and not by the said A. B. and C.D. or either of them. And therefore it is further declared, That the said A.B. and C. D. their Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, shall and will stand and be possessed and interessed of, and in the said Mannor and Premisses, and all other Securities made or given, for securing of the said 4500 l. And as to and concerning the said 4500 l. and the Interest and Proceed of the same upon Trust; and for the benefit of such person or persons, as the said E. F. by any Writing or Writings, under his Hand and Seal shall appoint. And in default thereof, upon Trust, and for the benefit of the said E. F. his Executors, and Administrators. In Witness, &c.

Release of a Ward to his Guardian, when he is at Age.

TO all, &c. A. B. sendeth greeting; Know ye, That the said A. B. for good causes and considerations him thereunto moving, hath remised, released, and for ever quit-claimed, and by these presents, doth remise, release, and for ever quit-claim unto T. F. his Executors, and Administrators, all and all manner of Acti­ons, Suits, Debts, Duties, Reckonings, Ac­compts, and Demands whatsoever, which he the said A. B. now hath, or at any time hereafter shall or may have against the said T.F. his Exe­cutors, or Administrators, for, touching, or con­cerning any the Rents received, and Profits of any the Mannors, Lands, Tenements, or Heredi­taments of the said A. B. or touching or con­cerning any Wood-sales, upon or out of the said Mannors and Premisses, or any of them, or for any other matter, cause, or thing whatsoever, made, committed, or done, or for any Receipts or Payments, of or touching the said Mannors [Page 94] and Premisses, or any of them, during the mino­rity of the said A.B. or at any time sithence, un­till the day of the date of these Presents. In wit­ness, &c.

Livery and Seizin to be endorsed on a Deed.

MEmorandum, That peaceable and quiet Possession and Seisin, of the Lands and Hereditaments within mentioned to be grant­ed, was had and taken by the within named A. B. the Attorney within mentioned, and by him was delivered to the within named M. G. the Bargainee in his own proper person, To hold to him the said M.G. and his heirs, to the use of him the said M.G. and of his Heirs and Assigns for ever, according to the tenour, form, and ef­fect of the within written Deed, in the presence of Us.

A Letter of Attorney, to be added to the end of a Sale, to give power for the Vendor to another to deliver Possession and Seizin to the Vendee.

ANd moreover, E.B. hath made, ordained, and constituted and appointed, and in his stead put, and by these Presents doth make, ordain, constitute, and in his stead put T.C. of &c. and I. F. of &c. his true and lawful Attorneys, joyntly and severally, for him, and in his name and stead, to enter into the aforesaid pieces or parcels of Land and Premisses, or any part thereof, in name of the whole; and in his name and stead, to expell and put out all other per­son and persons, and full and peaceable possessi­on and seizin of the Premisses, for him, and in his name and stead to take; and after such pos­session and seizin so thereof had and taken, full and peaceable possession and seizin of the Pre­misses, for him, and in his name and stead to deliver over unto the said R.O. and his Heirs, or to his certain Attorney, To hold to him and his Heirs, to the onely use of him and his Heirs for ever, according to the true intent and meaning of these Presents; Ratifying and allowing [Page 107] whatsoever may said Attorneys, or either of them shall do in the Premisses. In Witness, &c.

An Exchange by Indenture of Bargain and Sale, with Livery of Seizin.

THis Indenture made &c. Between &c. wit­nesseth, That the said A. B. hath granted, [Page 114] bargained and sold, and by these Presents doth grant, bargain, and sell unto the said C.D. all that Acre of Land, &c. To have and to hold unto the said C. D. his Heirs and Assigns for ever, to be holden of the chief Lord or Lords of the Fee or Fees thereof, &c. And the said C.D. in consi­deration thereof, hath granted, bargained, and sold; and by these presents doth grant, bargain, and sell unto the said A.B. &c. all that Acre of Land, &c. To have and to hold, &c. to be hol­den of &c. a Covenant from each party, that they have power to sell, and are seized in Fee, &c. a Proviso, That if either party shall be law­fully evicted, of either of the said Acres, by any former Sale; Then this Deed of Bargain and Sale, and Exchange, to be void; And that then it shall be lawful to re-enter, and the same to have again, &c.

A Letter of Attorney, to receive Seizin of Lands.

TO all Christian People, to whom this present Writing shall come, We R. O. and T. T. send greeting in our Lord God everlasting: Know ye, That we the said R. O. and T. T. have made, ordained, con­stituted, and in our steads and places put and deputed; And by these Presents do make, or­dain, constitute, and in our steads and places put and depute N. D. of &c. our true and lawful Attorney, for Us, and in our Names, full and peaceable Possession and Seisin of all that Messuage or Tenement, &c. which by Inden­ture, bearing date the &c. was granted, bar­gained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed, or confirmed; or mentioned to be granted, enfeoffed, and con­firmed unto us the said R.O. and T. T. and our Heirs and Assigns, to the use of Us and our Heirs, by R.Y. of &c. to take and receive to and for our own use, of the aforesaid R. Y. or of his certain Attorney in this behalf; Ratifying and confirming all that, and whatsoever our [Page 129] said Attorney shall lawfully do, or cause to be done in our Names concerning the Premisses, In witness, &c.

A Letter of Attorney to receive Money decreed in Chancery.

KNow all men by these Presents, That I H. P. of &c. for divers good causes and consi­derations me thereunto moving, Have made, constituted, and appointed; and by these Pre­sents do make, constitute, and appoint G.F. of &c. my true and lawful Attorney, for me, and in my Name, and for my use, to ask, demand, and receive of I.B. of &c. all that sum of 1000 pounds of lawful Money of England, which by a Decree made in the High-Court of Chance­ry, in a Cause there depending between me the said H.P. Complainant, and the said I. B. De­fendant, bearing date, &c. he the said I.B. is to pay unto me; And upon receipt of the said sum of 1000 l. to give and deliver unto him the said I. B. one Acquittance or Release, bearing date the day of the date hereof, made, sealed, and delivered to me to their use, testify­ing the Receipt thereof, and in full of all De­mands touching the same: Giving, and by these Presents granting unto the said G.F. full Power and lawful Authority for me, and in my name, [Page 134] stead, and place, to do, or cause to be done all and every such other Act and Acts, Thing and Things, as shall be requisite or needful to be done in the Premisses, in as full and ample manner, as if I my self were at the doing there­of personally present; Ratifying and con­firming all and whatsoever my said Attorney shall lawfully do, or cause to be done, in or a­bout the Premisses. In witness, &c.

An exact Table, shewing how many Years Pur­chase a Lease or Annuity, to endure for a term of years under 33, is worth presently at Interest upon Interest, at six in the hundred; and shewing plainly how to discount any Lease in being, and the true value of the Reversion after any number of Years.

The use and explanation of this Table.
Years of a Lease. Years. Moneths. dec. parts. The first Colume, towards the left hand, sheweth the years of a Lease or Annui­ty, and right against each year, is the years, moneths, and decimal parts of a Moneths Purchase, That such a Lease or Annuity is worth. Example.
Suppose a Lease or An­nuity to continue ten years, and you would know how many Years Purchase it is worth in present mony, look into the Table for ten years of a Lease to the left hand; and against the same, you shall find 7, 4, 3, which sheweth such a Lease to be worth 7 years, 4 moneths, and three tenth parts of a Moneth Purchase.
1 0 11 0
2 1 9 9
3 2 8 1
4 3 5 9
5 4 2 5
6 4 11 0
7 5 7 0
8 6 2 5
9 6 9 6
10 7 4 3
11 7 10 7
12 8 4 6
13 8 10 3
14 9 3 6
15 9 8 5
16 10 1 8
Years of a Lease. Years. Moneths. Dec. parts.
17 10 5 8
18 10 9 9
19 11 1 3
20 11 5 7
21 11 9 3
22 12 0 5
23 12 3 6
24 12 6 6
25 12 9 4
26 13 0 0
27 13 2 5
28 13 4 9
29 13 7 1
30 13 9 2
31 13 11  
32 14 1 0
33 14 3 0

Again, you are to take or buy the Reversion of any Lease or Annuity.

WOrk thus; Suppose the Lease to be 30 years in all, you find in the second Table, and right hand against it 13 years, 9 Moneths, and two tenth parts of a Moneths Purchase; This it were worth, were it in present possession: But suppose there be a Lease of five years (more or less) before yours commence, look in the Table against the five years, and there you find four years, two Moneths, and five tenth parts, half a Moneths Purchase: Take this out of the sum against 30, which is 13, 9, 2, 4, 2, 5; the remainder is 9 years, 6 months, 7 tenth parts of a moneth, and so much in the Reversion after 5 years, worth the Remainder of 30 years; this is useful, and very easie.

The four Terms, with their Returns.

  • Hillary Term beginneth Jan. 23. and endeth Feb. the 12.
    IN 8 days of St. Hillary, Ian. 20. Ian. 21, 22, 23.
    From the day of St. Hillary in 15 days, Ian. 27. Ianuary 28, 29, 30.
    In the morrow of the Puri­cation of the Blessed Mary, Feb. 3. Feb. 4, 5, 6.
    In 8 days of the Purifica­tion of the Blessed Ma­ry, Feb. 10. Feb. 10, 11, 12.
  • Easter Term begins 17 dayes after Easter, and Ends and Returns.
    • FRom the day of Easter, in 15 Days.
    • From the day of Easter in three Weeks.
    • From the day of Easter in one Moneth.
    • From the day of Easter in three Weeks.
  • [Page 183] Trinity Term begins the Friday seven-night after Whitesunday.
    • ON the morrow of the Holy Trinity.
    • In 8 days of the Holy Trinity.
    • From the day of the Holy Trinity in 15 days.
    • From the day of the Holy Trinity in 3 Weeks.
  • Michaelmas Term begins the 23. of October, and endeth the 28 of November.
    1 FRom the day of St. Michael in 3 Weeks, Octob. 20. Octob. 21, 22, 23.
    2 From the day of St. Michael, in one Moneth, Octob. 27. Octob. 28, 29, 30.
    3 On the morrow of All-Souls, Novem. 3. Novem. 4, 5, 6.
    4 On the morrow of St. Martin, Nov. 12.. Nov. 13, 14, 15.
    5 In eight days of St. Martin, Nov. 18. Nov. 19, 20, 24.
    6 From the day of St. Martin, in 15 days, Nov. 25. Nov. 26, 27, 28.

A plain and easie Table, showing the true Interest due upon any sum of Money, from 5 s. to 100 li. for a Year, or un­der, after the rate of 6 l. in the hundred.

    1 Mo. 3 Mo. 6 Mo. 9 Mo. a Year.
    sh. p. q. sh. p. q. sh. p. q. sh. p. q. sh. p. q.
Shil. 5 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 1 3 0 2 2 0 3 2
10 0 0 2 0 1 3 0 3 2 0 5 2 0 7 0
15 0 0 3 0 2 2 0 5 1 0 8 0 0 10 2
pounds. 1 0 1 0 0 3 2 0 7 0 0 1 02 1 2 1
2 0 2 1 0 7 0 1 2 1 1 9 1 2 4 2
3 0 3 2 0 10 2 2 9 1 2 7 3 3 6 3
4 0 4 3 1 2 1 2 4 2 3 6 3 4 9 0
5 0 5 0 1 6 0 3 0 0 4 6 0 6 0 0
6 0 7 0 1 9 2 3 7 0 5 4 2 7 2 1
7 0 8 1 2 1 0 4 2 1 6 3 1 8 4 2
8 0 9 2 2 4 2 4 9 1 7 1 3 9 6 3
9 0 10 3 2 8 1 5 4 2 8 0 3 0 9 0
    p. sh. p. p. sh. p. p. sh. p. p. sh. p. p. sh▪ p.
Ten of pounds. 10 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 0 12 0
20 0 2 0 0 6 0 0 12 0 0 18 0 1 4 0
30 0 3 0 0 9 0 0 18 0 1 7 0 1 16 0
40 0 4 0 0 12 0 1 4 0 1 16 0 2 8 0
50 0 5 0 0 15 0 1 10 0 2 5 0 3 0 0
60 0 6 0 0 18 0 1 16 0 2 14 0 3 12 0
70 0 7 0 1 1 0 2 2 0 3 3 8 4 4 0
80 0 8 0 1 4 0 2 8 0 3 12 0 4 16 0
90 0 9 0 1 7 0 2 14 0 4 1 0 5 8 0
100 0 10 0 1 10 0 3 00 0 4 10 0 6 0 0

Here followeth the Names of Men and Women, with their Trades and Titles. As also the Dayes of the Moneth. Together with the several Sums of Money in La­tin, in their proper Cases, as they stand in the Obligation, or Recognizance.

AAron AAron AAron AAroni
Abel, see Habel Abel Abelem Abeli
Abiah Abias Abiam Abiae
Abiam Abiam Abiam Abiam
Abiathar Abiathar Abiathar Abiathar
Abiel Abiel Abiel Abiel
Abiezer Abiezer Abiezer Abiezer
Abihu Abihu Abihu Abihu
Abijah Abijah Abijah Abijah
Abimelech Abimelech Abimelech Abimelech
Abinadab Abinadab Abinadab Abinadab
Abinoam Abinoas Abinoam Abinoae
Abner Abner Abnerem Abneri
Abraham Abrahamus Abrahamum Abrahamo
Absalom Absalon Absalonem Absaloni
Adam Adamus Adamum Adamo
Adelard, see Ethelard, Ethelardus Ethelardum Ethelardo
Adolph, see Eudolph, Eudolphus Eudolphum Eudolpho
Adoniah Adonia Adoniam Adoniae
Adrian, see Hadrian Adrianus Adrianum Adriano
Aelfred Aelfredus Aelfredum Aelfredo
Aeneas Aeneas Aenean vel Aeneam Aeneae
Agabus Agabus Agabum Agabo
Agrippa Agrippa Agrippam Agrippae
Ahab Ahab Ahab Ahab
Ahaz Ahaz Ahaz Ahaz
Ahaziah Ahazias Ahaziam Ahaziae
Ahiah Ahias Ahiam Ahiae
Aan Alanus Alanum Alano
Alban Albanus Albanum Albano
Alberic see Averie Albericus Albericum Alberico
Albert Albertus Albertum Alberto
Aldred Aldredus Aldredum Aldredo
Aleward, see Ethel­ward Ethelwardus Ethelwardum Ethelwardo
Alexander Alexander Alexandrum Alexandro
Algernon Algernon Algernon Algernon
Alphonse Alphonsus Alphonsum Alphonso
Alvin Alvinus Alvinum Alvino
Ambrose Ambrosius Ambrosium Ambrosio
Amerie Americus Americum Americo
Amias Amadeus Amadeum Amadeo
Aminadab Aminadab Aminadab Aminadab
Amnon Amnon Amnon Amnon
Amos Amos Amos Amos
Amon Amon Amonem Amoni
Ananiah Ananias Ananiam Ananiae
Ananias Ananias Ananiam Ananiae
Anarand Honoratus Honoratum Honorato
Andrew Andreas Andream Andreae
Angel Angelus Angelum Angelo
Anselme Anselmus Anselmum Anselmo
Anthony Antonius Antonium Antonio
Antiochus Antiochus Antiochum Antiocho
Apelles Apelles Apellem Apelli
Apollo Apollo Apollinem Apollini
Apolonius Apolonius Apolonium Apolonio
Aquilla Aquilla Aquillam Aquillae
Archelaus Archelaus Archelaum Archelao
Archibald Archibaldus Archibaldum Archibaldo
Aretas Aretas Aretam Aretae
Arfast Arfastus Arfastum Arfasto
Arias Arias Ariam Ariae
Aristarchus Aristarchus Aristarchum Aristarcho
Arnold Arnoldus Arnoldum Arnoldo
Arthur Arthurus Arthurum Arthuro
Averie Albericus Albericum Alberico
Augustine Augustinus Augustinum Augustino
Augustus Augustus Augustum Augusto
Azariah Azarias Azariam Azariae
Azariel Azariel Azariel Azariel
BAldwyn BAldwinus BAldwinum BAlwino
Balthazar for Bal­shazzar Belshazzar Belshazzarem Belshazzari
Bamfield Bamfieldus Bamfieldum Bamfieldo
Baptist Baptista Baptistam Baptistae
Bardulph Bardulphus Bardulphum Bardulpho
Barnaby for Barnabas Barnabas Barnabam Barnabae
Bartholomew Bartholomeus Bartholomeum Bartholomeo
Baruch Baruchus Baruchum Barucho
Barnaby Barnabius Barnabium Barnabio
Barnham Barnham Barnham Barnham
Basil Basilius Basilium Basilio
Beauchamp Beauchampus Beuchampum Beuchampo
Bede Beda Bedam Bedae
Benet Benedictus Benedictum Benedicto
Benjamin Benjaminus Benjaminum Benjamino
Bernard Bernardus Bernardum Bernardo
Bertram Bertranus Bertranum Bertrano
Bevil Bevil Bevil Bevil
Bevis Bevis Bevis Bevis
Bevis Bogo vel Bellonesus Bogonem vel Bello­nesum Bogoni vel Belloneso
Bonham Bonhamus Bonhamum Bonhamo
Bonaventure Bonaventura Bonaventuram Bonaventurae
Boniface Bonifacius Bonifacium Bonifacio
Botolph Botolphus Botolphum Botolpho
Blase Blasius Blasium Blasio
Bryan Brianus Brianum Briano
Bullen Bullen Bullen Bullen
Butts Buttus Buttum Butto
CAdwaller CAdwalladerus CAdwalladerum CAdwalladero
Caesar Caesar Caesarem Caesari
Caius Caius Caium Caio
Caleb Caleb Calebem Calebi
Calisthenes Calisthenes Calisthenem Calistheni
Capel Capellus Capellum Capello
Cephas Cephas Cepham Cephae
Charles Carolus Carolum Carolo
Christopher Christophorus Christophorum Christophoro
Chrysostome Chrysostomus Chrysostomum Chrysostomo
Cirenius Cirenius Cirenium Cirenio
Cirill Cirillus Cirillum Cirillo
Claudius Claudius Claudium Claudio
Clement Clemens Clementem Clementi
Collen Collenus Collenum Colleno
Conrade Conradus Conradum Conrado
Constantine Constantinus Constantinum Constantino
Cornelius Cornelius Cornelium Cornelio
Crescens Crescens Crescentem Crescenti
Crispus Crispus Crispum Crispo
Custans see Constan­tine      
Cuthbert Cuthbertus Cuthbertum Cuthberto
Cyprian Cyprianus Cyprianum Cypriano
DAniel DAniel DAnielem DAnieli
Dannet Dannettus Danettum Dannetto
Darius Darius Darium Dario
David David Davidem Davidi
Demophoon Demophoon Demophoonta vel em: Demophoonti
Demetrius Demetrius Demetrium Demetrio
Denis Dyonisius Dionysium Dionysio
Densell Denzillus Denzillum Denzillo
Deodat Deodatus Deodatum Deodato
Deric see Theodoric Theodoricus Theodoricum Theodorico
Dru Drugo Drugonem Drugoni
Dudley Dudleius Dudleium Dudleio
Duncan Duncanus Duncanum Duncano
Dunstan Dunstanus Dunstanum Dunstano
Dutton Dutton Dutton Dutton
EAdgar for Eadigar EAdgarus EAdgarum EAdgaro
Eadulph Eadulphus Eadulphum Eadulpho
Eadwyn Eadwinus Edwinum Edwino
Ealdred Ealdredus Eldredum Eldredo
Ealred Ealredus Elredum Elredo
Edmund Edmundus Edmundum Edmundo
Edward Edvardus vel Edwar­dus Edvardum Edwardum Edvardo Edwardo
Egbert or Ecbert Egbertus Egbertum Egberto
Eleazer Eleazar Eleazarem Eleazari
Elisha Elisha Elisham Elishae
Elias or Eliah Elias Eliam Eliae
Ellis Elizeus Elizeum Elizeo
Elmer Elmerus Elmerum Elmero
Elnathan Elnathanus Elnathanum Elnathano
Ely Elius Elium Elio
Emery see Amerie      
Emanuel Emanuel Emanuelem Emanueli
Emon Emon Emonem Emoni
Engelbert Engelbertus Engelbertum Engelberto
Ephraim Ephraim Ephraimum Ephraimo
Erasmus Erasmus Erasmum Erasmo
Erchenbald Erchenbaldus Erchenbaldum Erchenbaldo
Ernest Ernestus Ernestum Ernesto
Esay for Isaiah Isaias Isaiam Isaiae
Ethelbald Ethelbaldus Ethelbaldum Ethelbaldo
Ethelbert Ethelbertus Ethelbertum Ethelberto
Ethelard Ethelardus Ethelardum Ethelardo
Ethelred Ethelredus Ethelredum Ethelredo
Ethelstan Ethelstanus Ethelstanum Ethelstano
Ethelward Ethelwardus Ethelwardum Ethelwardo
Ethelwold Ethelwoldus Ethelwoldum Ethelwoldo
Ethelwolph Ethelwolphus Ethelwolphum Ethelwolpho
Evan Evanus Evanum Evano
Eubulus see Euball Ybel Euballus Euballum Euballo
Everard Everardus Everardum Everardo
Eusebius Eusebius Eusebium Eusebio
Eustace Eustachius Eustachium Eustachio
Eutropius Eutropius Eutropium Eutropio
Ezechia Ezechias Ezekiam Ezechiae
Ezechiel Ezechiel Ezekielem Ezekieli
FAbian FAbianus FAbianum FAbiano
Felix Felix Felicem Felici
Ferdinando Ferdinandus Ferdinandum Ferdinando
Festus Festus Festum Festo
Fieg Fiegus Fiegum Fiego
Florence Florentius Florentium Florentio
Fortunatus Fortunatus Fortunatum Fortunato
Fowler Fowlerus Fowlerum Fowlero
Francis Franciscus Franciscum Francisco
Frederic Fredericus Fredericum Frederico
Fremund Fremundus Fremundum Fremundo
Fulbert Fulbertus Fulbertum Fulberto
Fulcher Fulcherus Fulcherum Fulchero
Fulk or Foulk Fulco Fulconem Fulconi
GAbriel GAbriel GAbrielem GAbrieli
Gaius Gaius Gaium Gaio
Gamaliel Gamaliel Gamalielem Gamalieli
Garret see Gerrard      
Gawyn for Walwyn Gawinus Gawinum Gawino
Gedaliah Gedalias Gedaliam Gedaliae
Geffrey Galfridus Galfridum Galfrido
George Georgius Georgium Georgio
Gerald for Gerard Geraldus Geraldum Geraldo
Gerard Gerardus Gerardum Gerardo
German Germanus Germanum Germano
Gervas for Gerfast Gervasius Gervasium Gervasio
Gideon Walgamus Walgamum Walgamo
Gifford Giffordus Giffordum Giffordo
Gilbert Gilbertus Gilbertum Gilberto
Giles Egidius Egidium Egidio
Godard Godardus Godardum Godardo
Godfrey Godfridus Godfridum Godfrido
Godrich Godricus Godricum Godrico
Godwyn Godwynus Godwinum Godwino
Gravely Gravelius Gravelium Gravelio
Gregory Gregorius Gregorium Gregorio
Grey Gregus Gregum Grego
Griffith Griffithus Griffithium Griffithio
Grimbald for Grimoald Grimoaldus Grimoaldum Grimoaldo
Gruffin Gruffinus Gruffinum Gruffino
Guy Guido Guidonem Guidoni
Guischard see Wischard Guischardus Guischardum Guischardo
H H    
HAbel IDem cum Abel    
Hadrian Idem cum Adrian    
Hannibal Hannibal Hannibalem Hannibali
Harbottel Harbottellus Harbottellum Harbottello
Hardolph Hardolphus Hardolphum Hardolpho
Harble Harblus Harblum Harblo
Harold Haroldus Haroldum Haroldo
Harman Hermanus vel Armi­nius Hermanum vel Armi­nium Hermano vel Arminio
Hawton Hauton Hauton Hauton
Hector Hector Hectorem Hectori
Helias Helias Heliam Heliae
Heman Hemanus Hemanum Hemano
Henoch Henos Henos Henos
Hengist Hengistus Hengistum Hengisto
Henry Henricus Henricum Henrico
Herbert Herbertus Herbertum Herberto
Hercules Hercules Herculem Herculi
Herwin Herwinus Herwinum Herwino
Hermes Hermes Hermetem Hermeti
Hierome Hieronymus Hieronymum Hieronymo
Hilarie Hillarius Hillarium Hillario
Hildebert Hildebertus Hildebertum Hildeberto
Homer Homerus Homerum Homero
Horace Horatius Horatium Horatio
Hosea Hosea Hoseam Hoseae
Howel Hoelius vel Howelius Hoelium Hoelio
Hubert Hubertus Hubertum Huberto
Hugh Hugo Hugonem Hugoni
Humphrey Humphridus Humphridum Humphrido
JAcob IAcob JAcob IAcob
James Iacobus Jacobum Iacobo
Jason Iason Jasonem Iasoni
Jasper Gasparus Gasparum Gasparo
Jeconias Ieconias Jeconiam Ieconiae
Jeffery Galfridus Galfridum Galfrido
Jenico Ienico Jenico Ienico
Jenkin Ienkinus Jenkinum Ienkino
Jeremy for Jeremiah Ieremias Jeremiam Ieremiae
Jerome see Hierome Ieronimus Jeronimum Ieronimo
Ignatius Ignatius Ignatium Ignatio
Inglebert see Englebert Ingelbertus Ingelbertum Ingelberto
Ingram Engelramus Engelramum Engelramo
Joab Ioab Joabum Ioabo
Joachin Ioachin Joachimem Ioachimi
Joel Ioel Joelem Ioeli
Job Iob Jobum Iobo
John Iohannes Johannem Iohanni
Jonas or Jonah Ionas Jonam Ionae
Jonathan Ionathan Jonathanem Ionathani
Joscelin Ioscelinus, Iustulus vel Iudocus Joscelinum Ioscelino
Josias or Iosiah Iosias Josiam Iosiae
Joseph Iosephus Josephum Iosepho
Josuah Iosuah Josuam Iosuae
Isaac Isaacus Isaacum Isaaco
Israel Israel Israelem Israeli
Juda Iudas Judam Iudae
Jude Iuda Judam Iudae
Julius Iulius Julium Iulio
KEllam KElhamus KElhamum KElhamo
Kenhelm Kenhelmus Kenhelmum Kenhelmo
Kenard Kenardus Kenardum Kenardo
LAmbert LAmbertus LAmbertum LAmberto
Lancelot Lancelottus Lancelottum Lancelotto
Laurence Laurentius Laurentium Laurentio
Lazarus Lazarus Lazarum Lazaro
Legar for Leodegar Leodegarus Leodegarum Leodegaro
Leonel Leonellus Leonellum Leonello
Leopold Leopoldus Leopoldum Leopoldo
Leostan Leostanus Leostanum Leostano
Leofwyn Leofwinus Leofwinum Leofwino
Leonard Leonardus Leonardum Leonardo
Lewis Ludovicus Ludovicum Ludovico
Leolin Leolinus Leolinum Leolino
Lewellin Lionellus Lionellum Lionello
Livin Livinus Livinum Livino
Lodowick Lodovicus Lodovicum Lodovico
Lomeley Lomleius Lomleium Lomleio
Luke Lucas Lucam Lucae
MAdock MAdock MAdocum MAdoco
Malachie Malachias Malachiam Malachiae
Mallet for Marcellus      
Manasseh Manasseh Manasseh Manasseh
Manasses Manasses Manassem Manassi
Marcellus Marcellus Marcellum Marcello
Mark Marcus Marcum Marco
Marmaduke Marmaducus Marmaducum Marmaduco
Martel for Marcellus      
Martin Martinus Martinum Martino
Marvin Marvinus Marvinum Marvino
Matthew Mattheus Mattheum Mattheo
Matthias Matthias Matthiam Matthiae
Maugre Malgerius Malgerium Malgerio
Maurice Mauritius Mauritium Mauritio
Maximilian Maximilianus Maximilianum Maximiliano
Maximus Maximus Maximum Maximo
Melchisedeck Melchisedech Melchisedech Melchisedech
Merven Mervenus Mervenum Merveno
Mercury Mercurius Mercurium Mercurio
Meredith Mereducius Mereducium Mereducio
Merick Mericus Mericum Merico
Michael Michael Michaelem Michaeli
Miles Milo Milonem Miloni
Mildmay Mildmaius Mildmaium Mildmaio
Morrogh Morroghus Morroghum Morrogho
Morgan Morganus Morganum Morgano
Moses Moses Mosem Mosi
Mountague Mountague Mountague Mountague
Mountjoy Mountjoy Mountjoy Mountjoy
NAthan NAthan NAthanem Nathani
Nathaniel Nathaniel Nathanielem Nathanieli
Neal Nigellus Nigellum Nigello
Nehemiah Nehemias Nehemiam Nehemiae
Nicanor Nichanor Nichanor Nichanor
Nicodemus Nichodemus Nichodemum Nichodemo
Nicholas Nicholaus Nicholaum Nicholao
Noah Noah Noam Noae
Noel Noelius Noelium Noelio
Norman Normanus Normanum Normano
OBadiah OBadia OBadiam OBadiae
Obed Obed Obed Obed
Odan see Otho      
Oliver Oliverus Oliverum Olivero
Olimpas Olimpas Olimpam Olimpae
Onesiphorus Onesiphorus Onesiphorum Onesiphoro
Origen Origines Originem Origeni
Osbern Osbernus Osbernum Osberno
Osbert Osbertus Osbertum Osberto
Osea see Hosea      
Osmund Osmundus Osmundum Osmundo
Oswold Oswoldus Oswoldum Oswaldo
Othes see Otho      
Otho Otho Othonem Othoni
Otwey and Oswel, from Otho      
Owen Ogdoenus vel Audoenus Ogdoenum Ogdoeno
PArmenas PArmenas PArmenam PArmenae
Paschal Paschalis Paschalem Paschali
Patrick Patricius Patricium Patricio
Patrobas Patrobas Patrobam Patrobae
Patroclus Patroclus Patroclum Patroclo
Paulet Pauletus Pauletum Pauleto
Paul Paulus Paulum Paulo
Paulin Paulinus Paulinum Paulino
Percival Percivallus Peircivallum Peircivallo
Peregrine Peregrinus Peregrinum Peregrino
Peter Petrus Petrum Petro
Peirce Peircius Peircium Peircio
Philebert Philebertus Philebertum Phileberto
Philip Philippus Philippum Philippo
Phineas Phineas Phineam Phineae
Philemon Philemon Philemonem Philemoni
Posthumus Posthumus Posthumum Posthumo
Poynings Poynings Poynings Poynings
QUintin QUintinus QUintinum QUintino
Quintilian Quintilianus Quintilianum Quintiliano
RAndol or Renulph RAnulphus RAnulphum RAnulpho
Ralph Radulphus Radulphum Radulpho
Raphael Raphael Raphaelem Raphaeli
Raymund Raymundus Raymundum Raymundo
Reynfred Reynfredus Reynfredum Reynfredo
Reynold Reginaldus vel Reynol­dus Reginaldum
Reuben Reuben Reubenem Reubeni
Rhese Rhesus Rhesum Rheso
Rice Riceus Riceum Riceo
Richard Richardus Richardum Richardo
Robert Robertus Robertum Roberto
Roger Rogerus Rogerum Rogero
Roman Romanus Romanum Romano
Rowland Rolandus Rowlandum Rolando
SAbcot SAbcotus SAbcotum SAbcoto
Sackvil Sackvil Sackvil Sackvil
Saint John Saint Iohn Saint John Saint Iohn
Sampson Sampson Sampsonem Sampsoni
Samuel Samuel Samuelem Samueli
Saul Saulus Saulum Saulo
Sebastian Sebastianus Sebastianum Sebastiano
Sigismund Sigismundus Sigismundum Sigismundo
Silvanus Silvanus Silvanum Silvano
Silvester Silvester Silvestrem Silvestri
Silvius Silvius Silvium Silvio
Simeon Simeon Simeonem Simeoni
Simon Simon Simonem Simoni
Spencer Spencerus Spencerum Spencero
Stephanas Stephanas Stephanam Stephanae
Stephen Stephanus Stephanum Stephano
Swithin Swythinus Swythinum Swythino
Sydney Sydneius Sydneium Sydneio
TAlbott TAlbottus TAlbottum TAlbotto
Theobald Theobaldus Theobaldum Theobaldo
Theodore Theodorus Theodorum Theodoro
Theodorick Theodoricus Theodoricum Theodorico
Theodosius Theodosius Theodosium Theodosio
Theophilus Theophilus Theophilum Theophilo
Thomas Thomas Thomam Thomae
Tieg Tiegus Tiegum Tiego
Timothy Timotheus Timotheum Timotheo
Titus Titus Titum Tito
Tychicus Tychicus Tychicum Tychico
Tobie, Tobias, or To­biah Tobias Tobiam Tobiae
Trinian Trinianus Trinianum Triniano
Tristram Tristramus Tristramum Tristramo
Trophimus Trophimus Trophimum Trophimo
Turstan for Trustan Turstanus Turstanum Turstano
VAlter VAlter VAlterum VAltero
Valens Valens Valentem Valenti
Valentine Valentinus Valentinum Valentino
Uchtred Uchtredus Uchtredum Uchtredo
Villam Villamus Villamum Villamo
Vincent Vincentius Vincentium Vincentio
Vital Vitalis Vitalem Vitali
Vivian Vivianus Vivianum Viviano
Urban Urbanus Urbanum Urbano
Urian Urianus Urianum Uriano
Uriah Urias Uriam Uriae
WAlter WAlterus WAlterum WAltero
Walwin Walgamus Walgamum Walgamo
Warin Guarinus Guarinum Guarino
Warren Warren Warren Warren
William Gulielmus vel Williel­mus Willielmum vel Guli­elmum Willielmo vel Gulielmo
Wilfrid Wilfridus Wilfridum Wilfrido
Willibald Willibaldus Willibaldum Willibaldo
Wimund Wimundus Wimundum Wimundo
Wischard Guischardus Guischardum Guischardo
Wulpher Wulpherus Wulpherum Wulphero
Wulstan Wulstanus Wolstanum Wolstano Wulstano
YBel EUbulus EUbulum EUbulo
Ythel Euthalius Uthalium Euthalio
ZAcheus ZAcheus ZAcheum ZAcheo
Zachary or Za­charias Zacharias Zachariam Zacharia
Zephany Zephanias Zephaniam Zephaniae


ABigal ABigail ABigailam ABigailae
Adelin Adelina Adelinam Adelinae
Agatha Agatha Agatham Agathae
Agnes Agnes Agnetem Agneti
Aletheia Aletheia Aletheiam Aletheiae
Alice Alicia Aliciam Aliciae
Amie Amicia vel Amata Amiciam Amiciae
Anchorett Anchoretta Anchorettam Anchoretta
Angellett Angeletta Angelettam Angelettae
Arne Anna Annam Annae
Annis Agnes Agnetem Agneti
Anastate Anastatia Anastatiam Anastatiae
Arbella Arbella Arbellam Arbellae
Audrie Audria Audriam Audriae
Avice Avisia vel Hawisia Avisiam Avisiae
Aureola Aureola Aureolam Aureolae
Austice Austicia Austiciam Austiciae
BArbara BArbara BArbaram BArbarae
Bathsheba Bathsheba Bathshebam Bathshebae
Beatrice Beatrix Beatricem Beatrici
Benet Benedicta Benedictam Benedictae
Benigna Benigna Benignam Benignae
Bertha Bertha Bertham Berthae
Blanch Blanchia Blanchiam Blanchiae
Bona Bona Bonam Bonae
Bridget Brigitta Brigittam Brigittae
CAssandra CAssandra CAssandram CAssandrae
Chara Chara Charam Charae
Charity Charitas Charitatem Charitati
Christian Christiana Christianam Christianae
Cicely Cecilia Ceciliam Ceciliae
Clare Clara Claram Clarae
Constance Constaniia Constantiam Constantiae
DEborah DEborah DEboram DEborae
Denis or Dionis, or Dionysia Dionisia Dionysiam Dionysiae
Diana Diana Dianam Dianae
Dido Dido Didonem Didoni
Dorcas Dorcas Dorcadem Dorcadi
Dorothy Dorothea Dorotheam Dorotheae
Dousabel Dulcibella Dulcibellam Dulcibellae
Douse Dulcia Dulciam Dulciae
Dinah Dina Dinam Dinae
Duella Duella Duellam Duellae
EAde EUda, Ida, Ada, vel Idonea EUdam, Idam, Adam &c. EUdae, Idae, Adae, &c.
Edith Editha Editham Edithae
Elcana Elcana Elcanam Elcanae
Elianor Elianora Elianoram Elianorae
Elhena Elhena Elhenam Elhenae
Eliza Eliza Elizam Elizae
Elizabeth Elizabetha Elizabetham Elizabethae
Emme Emma vel Elgiva Emmam vel Elgivam Emmae vel Elgivae
Emmet Emmetta Emmettam Emmettae
Esther Esthera Estheram Estherae
Ethelburg Ethelburga Ethelburgam Ethelburgae
Etheldred for Ethel­red Etheldreda Etheldredam Etheldredae
Evah see Hevah Eva Evam Evae
Euadne Euadne Euadnen Euadne
FAith FIdes FIdem FIdei
Florence Florentia Florentiam Florentiae
Felix Felicia Feliciam Feliciae
Fileda Fileda Filedam Filedae
Fortune Fortuna Fortunam Fortunae
Frances Francesca Francescam Francescae
Frydeswid Fridiswida Fridiswidam Fridiswidae
GErtrude GErtrudis GErtrudem GErtrudi
Gillian for Juli­an Iuliana Julianam Iulianae
Gillet Iulietta vel Egidia Juliettam vel Egidiam Iuliettae vel Egidiae
Gladuce Gladusa vel Claudia Gladusam vel Claudi­am Gladusae vel Claudiae
Godly Godly Godly Godly
Grace Gratia Graitam Gratiae
Grissil Grishilda Grishildam Grishildae
Guinfrida Gainfrida Guinfridam Guinfridae
HAgar HAgar HAgar HAgar
Hannah Hanna Hannam Hannae
Hawis for Avice Havisia Havisiam Havisiae
Hellen Helena Helenam Helenae
Hester Hestera Hesteram Hesterae
Hevah Heva Hevam Hevae
JAcomena IAcomena JAcomenam IAcomenae
Jane Iana Janam Ianae
Jennet Iohannula Johannulam Iohannulae
Joyce Iocosa Jocosam Iocosae
Joan Iohanna Johannam Iohannae
Isabel Isabella Isabellam Isabellae
Judith Iuditha Juditham Iudithae
Julian Iulia Juliam Iuliae
KAtharine KAtharina KAtharinam KAtharinae
Kinburg Kinburga Kinburgam Kinburgae
Kinulph Kinulpha Kinulpham Kinulphae
LEah LEa LEam LEae
Lettice Laeticia Laetitiam Laetitia
Lydia Lydia Lydiam Lydiae
Lora Lora Loram Lorae
Love Amorea Amoream Amoreae
Luce Lucia Luciam Luciae
Lucrece Lucretia Lucretiam Lucretiae
MAbel Mabella
Mabillia Ama­bilia
MAbellam, &c. MAbellae vel A­mabiliae
Magdalen Magdalena Magdalenam] Magdalenae
Margaret Margareta Margaretam Margaretae
Margery Margeria Margeriam Margeriae
Mary Maria Mariam Mariae
Marian Marian Marian Marian
Martha Martha Martham Marthae
Mawd, Mawdin, see Magdalen Matilda, Matildis vel Mathildis Matildam Matildae
Mercy Misericordia Misericordiam Misericordiae
Milecent Milecentia Milecentiam Milecentiae
Merawd Meranda Merandam Merandae
Mildred Mildreda Mildredam Mildredae
Muriel Muriela Murielam Murielae
NIchola NIchola NIcholam NIchola
Nicia Nicia Niciam Niciae
OLive OLiva OLivam OLivae
Olympia Olympia Olympiam Lympiae
Orabilis Orabilis Orabilem Orabili
PAtience PAtientia PAtientiam PAtientiae
Parnel Petronilla Petronillam Petronillae
Penelope Penelope Penelopen Penelope
Philadelphia Philadelhia Philadelphiam Philadelphiae
Philip Philippa Philippam Philippae
Phillis Phillis Phillidem Phillidi
Phillida Phillida Phillidam Phillidae
Phebe Phoebe Phoeben Phoebe
Polixena Polixena Polixenam Polyxenae
Prisca Prisca Priscam Priscae
Priscilla Priscilla Priscillam Priscillae
Prudence Prudentia Prudentiam Prudentiae
RAchel RAchel RAchelam RAchelae
Radigund Radegunda Radegundam Radegundae
Rebecca Rebecca Rebeccam Rebeccae
Rosamund Rosamunda Rosamundam Rosamundae
Rose Rosa Rosam Rosae
Rosacleer Rosaclera Rosacleram Rosaclerae
SAbina SAbina SAbinam SAbinae
Sanchia Sanchia Sanchiam Sanchiae
Sarah Sara Saram Sarae
Scholastica Scholastica Scholasticam Scholasticae
Sibil Sibilla Sibillam Sibillae
Sophia Sophia Sophiam Sophiae
Sophronia Sophronia Sophroniam Sophroniae
Susan or Susanna Susanna Susannam Susannae
TAbitha TAbitha TAbitham TAbithae
Tace Taca Tacam Tacae
Tamer Tamera Tameram Tamerae
Taphaes Taphnes Taphnem Taphni
Temperance Temperantia Temperantiam Temperantiae
Thamer Thamera Thameram Thamerae
Theodosia Theodosia Theodosiam Theodosiae
Tomasin or Thomasin Thomasina Thomasinam Thomasinae
VENus VEnus VEnerem VEneri
Ursley or Ursula Ursula Ursulam Ursulae
Virtue Virtus Virtutem Virtuti
WAlburg or War­burg WAlburga WAlburgam WAlburgae
Winifrid Winifrida Winifridam Winifridae

Note, There be many words that be not de­clined, and the Conusor, Obligor, Co­nusee and Obligee, are all alike, as before you may observe in reading them.

Trades and Professions of Men and Women in the same Case, to fill up Bonds and Re­cognizances.

Bricklayer, Brickmaker
Lanius vel Lanio
See Clockmaker
Talorum factor
Auri-Faber vel Auri­fex
Faber Bombardicus
Mercator Scissor
[Page 268]Potter
Serricarius Textor
Faber Argentarius
Faber Ferrarius
vide Mason
CAndelarius Sevosus
VIde Clockmaker
Telarius & Textor
Doliarius Vinarius

The Names of Officers in order.

Chamberlain of L.
Chancellor of a Church
Tribunus Militum
[Page 270] Counsellor
Serjeant at Law
Serviens ad Legem
Ballivus ad Aquam.
Bishopricks Episcopatus
BAth & Wells BAthon & We [...] lens
Canterbury Cantuariensis
Chester Cestrensis
Chichester Cicestrensis
Durham Dunelmensis
Ely Eliensis
Exceter Exoniensis
Gloucester Gloucestriensis
Hereford Herefordiensis
Lincoln Lincolniensis
Lichfield & Co­ventry Lichfield. & Co­ventriensis
Norwich Norvicensis
Oxford Oxoniensis
Rochester Roffensis
Salisbury Salopiensis
Winchester Wincestriensis


DUke DUx DUcem DUci
Marquess Marchio Marchionem Marchioni
Earl Comes Comitem Comiti
Vicount Vicecomes Vicecomitem Vicecomiti
Baron Baro Baronem Baroni
Knight of the Garter Praenobilis ordinis Pe­riscelidis    
Knight Baronet Miles Baronettus    
Baronet Baronettus Baronettum Baronetto
Knight of the Bath Eques Balnei Equitem de Balneo Equiti de Balneo
Knight Batchelor Miles, Eques Auratus Militem, Equitem Au­ratum Militi, Equiti Aurato
Esquire Armiger Armigerum Armigero
Yeoman Yeoman    
Gentleman Generosus Generosum Generoso
Doctor of the Civil Law Legum Doctor Legum Doctorem Legum Doctori
Doctor of Divinity Theologiae Professor Theologiae Professorem Theologiae Professori
Doctor of Physick Medicinae Doctor Medicinae Doctorem Medicinae Doctori
Batchelor of Divinity Theologiae Baccalaureus Theolog. Baccalaureum Theologiae Baccalaureo
Master of Arts Magister Artium Magistrum Artium Magistro Artium
Batchelor of Arts Baccalaureus Artium Baccalaureum Artium Baccalaureo Artium
Parson Clericus Clericum Clerico
Batchelor of Law Legum Baccalaureus Legum Baccalaureum Legum Baccalaureo
Merchant Mercator Mercator Mercatori
DUtchess DUcissa DUcissam DUcissae
Marchioness Marchionissa Marchionissam Marchionissae
Countess Comitissa Comitissam Comitissae
Vicountess Vicecomitissa Vicecomitissam [...]icecomitissae
Baroness Baronissa Baronissam Baronissae
Lady Domina Dominam Dominae
Widow Vidua Viduam Viduae
Gentlewoman Generosa Generosam Generosae
Spinster Spinster Spinster Spinster
Cities. De Civitate Cities. De Civitatis
BAth BAthoniae LOndon LOndini
Bristol Bristoliae Norwich Norwici
Canterbury Cantuariae Oxford Oxoniae & Oxoni
Chichester Cicestriae Rochester Roffae
Gloucester Gloucestriae York Eboraci
Hereford Herefordiae Winchester Wintoniae
Lichfleld Lichfieldiae Exeter Exoniae
Lincoln Lincolniae Worcester Wigorniae
Forty shillings Quadraginta solidos
Fifty shillings Quinquaginta solidos
Three pounds Tres libras
Forty shillings Quadraginta solidos
Fifty shillings Quinquaginta solidis
Three pounds Tribus Libris
In Comitatu
Oxoniae, vel ii
[Page 278] Shropshire
  • Dat̄ PRimo die
  • Dat̄ Secundo die
  • Dat̄ Tertio die
  • Dat̄ Quarto die
  • Dat̄ Quinto die
  • Dat̄ Sexto die
  • Dat̄ Septimo die
  • Dat̄ Octavo die
  • Dat̄ Nono die
  • Dat̄ Decimo die
  • Dat̄ Undecimo die
  • Dat̄ Duodecimo die
  • Dat̄ Tertio decimo die
  • Dat̄ Quarto decimo die
  • Dat̄ Quinto decimo die
  • Dat̄ Sexto decimo die
  • Dat̄ Decimo septimo die
  • Dat̄ Decimo octavo die
  • Dat̄ Decimo nono die
  • Dat̄ Vicesimo die
  • Dat̄ Vicesimo primo die
  • Dat̄ Vicesimo secundo die
  • Dat̄ Vicesimo tertio die
  • Dat̄ Vicesimo quarto die
  • Dat̄ Vicesimo quinto die
  • Dat̄ Vicesimo sexto die
  • Dat̄ Vicesimo septimo die
  • [Page 280]Dat̄ Vicesimo octavo die
  • Dat̄ Vicesimo nono die
  • Dat̄ Tricesimo die
  • Dat̄ Tricesimo primo die
  • Ianuarii
  • Februarii
  • Martii
  • Aprilis
  • Maii
  • Iunii
  • Iulii
  • Augusti
  • Septembris
  • Octobris
  • Novembris
  • Decembris

Millesimo sexcentesimo sexagesimo

  • Anno Dom. 1662 secundo
  • Anno Dom. 1663 tertio
  • Anno Dom. 1664 quarto
  • Anno Dom. 1665 quinto
  • Anno Dom. 1666 sexto
  • Anno Dom. 1667 septimo
  • Anno Dom. 1668 octavo
  • Anno Dom. 1669 nono
  • Anno Dom. 1670 septuagesimo
  • Anno Dom. 1671 primo
  • Anno Dom. 1672, &c. secundo, &c.
  • Anno Dom. 1680 octogesimo
  • Anno Dom. 1690 nonagesimo
  • Anno Dom. 1700 Millesimo septingentesimo, &c.

[Page 281]

Nomina Mensium.
JAnuary Ianurrius. rii.
February Februarius. rii.
March Martius. tii.
April Aprilis. lis
May Maius. ii.
June Iunius. ii.
July Iulius. ii.
August Augustus. sti.
September September. bris.
October October. bris.
November November. bris.
December December. bris.
FIrst day
PRimus dies
Second day
Secundus dies
Third day
Tertius dies
Fourth day
Quartus dies
Fifth day
Quintus dies
Sixth day
Sextus dies
Seventh day
Septimus dies
Eighth day
Octavus dies
[Page 282] Ninth day
Nonus dies
Tenth day
Decimus dies
Eleventh day
Undecimus dies
Twelfth day
Duodecimus dies
Thirteenth day
Tertiusdecimus dies
Fourteenth day
Quartusdecimus dies
Fifteenth day
Quintus decimus dies
Sixteenth day
Sextus decimus dies
Seventeenth day
Decimus septimus dies
Eighteenth day
Decimus octavus dies
Nineteenth day
Decimus nonus dies
Twentieth day
Vicesimus dies
One and Twentieth day
Vicesimus primus dies
Two and Twentieth day
Vicesimus secundus dies
Three and Twentieth day
Vicesimus tertius dies
Four and Twentieth day
Vicesimus quartus dies
Five and Twentieth day
Vicesimus quintus dies
Six and Twentieth day
Vicesimus sextus dies
Seven and Twentieth day
Vicesimus septimus dies
Eight and Twentieth day
Vicesimus octavus dies
[Page 283] Nine and Twentieth day
Vicesimus nonus dies
Thirtieth day
Tricesimus dies
One and Thirtieth day
Tricesimus primus dies
One shilling
Unus solidus
Two shillings
Duo solidi
Three shillings
Tres solidi
Four shillings
Quatuor solidi
Five shillings
Quinque solidi
Six shillings
Sex solidi
Seven shillings
Septem solidi
Eight shillings
Octo solidi
Nine shillings
Novem solidi
Ten shillings
Decem solidi
Eleven shillings
Undecem solidi
Twelve shillings
Duodecem solidi
Thirteen shillings
Tredecem solidi
Fourteen shillings
Quatuordecem solidi
Fifteen shillings
Quindecim solidi
Sixteen shillings
Sexdecim solidi
Seventeen shillings
Septendecim solidi
Eighteen shillings
Octodecim solidi
Nineteen shillings
Novendecem solidi
Twenty shillings
Viginti solidi
Thirty shillings
Triginta solidi
Forty shillings
Quadraginta solidi
[Page 284] Fifty shillings
Quinquaginta solidi
Three pounds
Tres librae
Four pounds
Quatuor librae
Five pounds
Quinque librae
Six pounds
Sex librae
Seven pounds
Septem librae
Eight pounds
Octo librae
Nine pounds
Novem librae
Ten pounds
Decem librae
Twenty pounds
Viginti librae
Thirty pounds
Triginta librae
Forty pounds
Quadraginta librae
Fifty pounds
Quinquaginta librae
Sixty pounds
Sexaginta librae
Seventy pounds
Septuaginta librae
Eighty pounds
Octoginta librae
Ninety pounds
Nonaginta librae
One hundred pounds
Centum librae
Two hundred pounds
Ducentae librae
Three hundred pounds
Trescentae librae
Four hundred pounds
Quadringentae librae
Five hundred pounds
Quingentae librae
Six hundred pounds
Sexcentae librae
Seven hundred pounds
Septingentae librae
[Page 285] Eight hundred
Octingentae librae
Nine hundred
Noningentae librae
One thousand Pounds
Mille Librarum
Two thousand Pounds
Duo mille Librarum
Three thousand Pounds
Tres mille Librarum
Four thousand Pounds
Quatuor mille Librarum
Five thousand Pounds
Quinque mille Librarum
Six thousand Pounds
Sex mille Librarum
Seven thousand Pounds
Septem mille Librarum
Eight thousand Pounds
Octo mille Librarum
Nine thousand Pounds
Nove mmille Librarum
Ten thousand Pounds
Decem mille Librarum

And so forwards, as cause shall require.

FOur Pounds
Quatuor Libras
Five Pounds
Quinque Libras
Six Pounds
Sex Libras
Seven Pounds
Septem Libras
Eight Pounds
Octo Libras
Nine Pounds
Novem Libras
Ten Pounds
Decem Libras
Eleven Pounds
Undecem Libras
Twelve Pounds
Duodecem Libras
Thirteen Pounds
Tredecem Libras
Fourteen Pounds
Quatuordecem Libras
Fifteen Pounds
Quindecem Libras
Sixteen Pounds
Sexdecem Libras
Seventeen Pounds
Septemdecem Libras
Eighteen Pounds
Octodecem Libras
Nineteen Pounds
Novendecem Libras
Twenty Pounds
Viginti Libras
Thirty Pounds
Triginta Libras
Forty Pounds
Quadraginta Libras
Fifty Pounds
Quinquaginta Libras
Sixty Pounds
Sexaginta Libras
Seventy Pounds
Septuaginta Libras
Eighty Pounds
Octoginta Libras
Ninety Pounds
Nonaginta Libras
[Page 287] One hundred Pounds
Centum Libras
Two hundred Pounds
Ducentas Libras
Three hundred Pounds
Trescentas Libras
Four hundred Pounds
Quadringentas Libras
Five hundred Pounds
Quingentas Libras
Six hundred Pounds
Sexcentas Libras
Seven hundred Pounds
Septingentas Libras
Eight hundred Pounds
Octingentas Libras
Nine hundred Pounds
Nongentas Libras
One thousand Pounds
Mille Librarum
Two thousand Pounds
Duas mille vel bis mille Librarum
Three thousand Pounds
Tres mille Librarum
l. In
100 Centum Libris.
200 Ducentis Libris.
300 Trecentis Libris.
400 Quadringentis Libris.
500 Quingentis Libris.
600 Sexcentis Libris.
700 Septingentis Libris.
800 Octingentis Libris.
900 Nongentis Libris.
1000 Mille Libris.
2000 Duabus mille Libris.
3000 Tribus mille Libris.
4000 Quatuor mille Libris.

A TABLE shewing the beginning of every KING's Reign from the Conquest, to­gether with the Year of CHRIST, an­swering to every Year of each King's Reign; the Years beginning at the 25 of March.

William the Conqueror began his Reign the 15 of Octob. 1066. and therefore had Reigned one Year compleat, Octob. 15. 1067.

AN. Reg. AN. Dom.
1 1067
2 1068
3 1069
4 1070
5 1071
6 1072
7 1073
8 1074
9 1075
10 1076
11 1077
12 1078
13 1079
14 1080
15 1081
16 1082
17 1083
18 1084
19 1085
20 1086

10 Moneths, 21 Days.

His Reign ended the 9. of Sept. 1087.

William Rufus began his Reign Sept. 9. 1087.

An. Reg. An. Dom.
1 1088
2 1089
3 1090
4 1091
5 1092
6 1093
7 1094
8 1095
9 1096
10 1097
11 1098
12 1099

11 Months, 18 Days.

Hen. 1. Aug. 1. 1100.

An. Reg. An. Dom.
1 1101
2 1102
3 1103
4 1104
5 1105
6 1106
7 1107
8 1108
9 1109
10 1110
11 1111
12 1112
13 1113
14 1114
15 1115
16 1116
17 1117
18 1118
19 1119
20 1120
21 1121
22 1122
23 1123
24 1124
25 1125
26 1126
27 1127
28 1128
29 1129
30 1130
31 1131
32 1132
33 1133
34 1131
35 1135

4 Moneths, 12 Days.

Steph. Decem. 2. 1135.

An. Reg. An. Dom.
1 1136
2 1137
3 1138
4 1139
5 1140
6 1141
7 1142
8 1143
9 1144
10 1145
11 1146
12 1147
13 1148
14 1149
15 1150
16 1151
17 1152
18 1153

11 Moneths, 20 Days.

Hen. 2. Octob. 1554.

An. Reg. An. Dom.
1 1155
2 1156
3 1757
4 1158
5 1159
6 1160
7 1161
8 1162
9 1163
10 1164
11 1165
12 1166
13 1167
14 1168
15 1169
16 1170
17 1171
18 1172
19 1173
20 1174
21 1175
22 1176
23 1177
24 1178
25 1179
26 1180
27 1181
28 1182
29 1183
30 1184
31 1185
32 1186
33 1187
34 1188

9 Moneths, 5 Days.

R. 1. July 9. 1189.

An. Reg. An. Dom.
1 1190
2 1191
3 1192
4 1193
5 1194
6 1195
7 1196
8 1197
9 1198

9 Moneths, 19 Days.

John, April 6. 1199.

An. Reg. An. Dom.
1 1200
2 1201
3 1202
4 1203
5 1204
6 1205
7 1206
8 1207
9 1208
10 1209
11 1210
12 1211
13 1212
14 1213
15 1214
16 1215
17 1216

7 Moneths, 0 Days.

Hen. 3. Oct. 29. 1216.

An. Reg. An. Dom.
1 1217
2 1218
3 1219
4 1220
5 1221
6 1222
7 1223
8 1224
9 1225
10 1226
11 1227
12 1228
13 1229
14 1230
15 1231
16 1232
17 1233
18 1234
19 1235
20 1236
21 1237
22 1238
23 1239
24 1240
25 1241
26 1242
27 1243
28 1244
29 1245
30 1246
31 1247
32 1248
33 1249
34 1250
35 1251
36 1252
37 1253
38 1254
39 1255
40 1256
41 1257
42 1258
43 1259
44 1260
45 1261
46 1262
47 1263
48 1264
49 1265
50 1266
51 1267
52 1268
53 1269
54 1270
55 1271
56 1272

1 Moneth, 0 Days.

Edw. 1. Nov. 16. 1272.

An. Reg. An. Dom.
1 1273
2 1274
3 1275
4 1376
5 1277
6 1278
7 1279
8 1280
9 1281
10 1282
11 1283
12 1284
13 1285
14 1286
15 1287
16 1288
17 1289
18 1290
19 1291
20 1292
21 1293
22 1294
23 1295
24 1296
25 1297
26 1298
27 1299
28 1300
29 1301
30 1302
31 1303
32 1304
33 1305
34 1306

8 Moneths, 9 Days.

Edw. 2. July 7. 1307.

An. Reg. An. Dom.
1 1308
2 1309
3 1310
4 1311
5 1312
6 1313
7 1314
8 1315
9 1316
10 1317
11 1318
12 1319
13 1320
14 1321
15 1322
16 1323
17 1324
18 1325
19 1326

7 Moneths, 9 Days.

Ed. 3. Jan. 25. 1326.

An. Reg. An. Dom.
1 1327
2 1328
3 1329
4 1330
5 1331
6 1332
7 1333
8 1334
9 1335
10 1336
11 1337
12 1338
13 1339
14 1340
15 1341
16 1342
17 1343
18 1344
19 1345
20 1346
21 1347
22 1348
23 1349
24 1350
25 1351
26 1352
27 1353
28 1354
29 1355
30 1356
31 1357
32 1358
33 1359
34 1360
35 1361
36 1362
37 1363
38 1364
39 1365
40 1366
41 1367
42 1368
43 1369
44 1370
45 1371
46 1372
47 1373
48 1374
49 1375
50 1376

1 Moneth, 7 Days.

R. 2. June 21. 1377.

An. Reg. An. Dom.
1 1378
2 1379
3 1380
4 1381
5 1382
6 1383
7 1384
8 1385
9 1386
10 1387
11 1388
12 1389
13 1390
14 1391
15 1392
16 1393
17 1394
18 1395
19 1396
20 1397
21 1398
22 1399

3 Moneths, 14 Days.

H. 4. Sept. 29. 1399.

An. Reg. An. Dom.
1 1400
2 1401
3 1402
4 1403
5 1404
6 1405
7 1406
8 1407
9 1408
10 1409
11 1410
12 1411
13 1412

6 Moneths, 3 Days.

H. 5. March 20. 1412.

An. Reg. An. Dom.
1 1413
2 1414
3 1415
4 1416
5 1417
6 1418
7 1419
8 1420
9 1421

5 Moneths, 24 Days.

H. 6. Aug. 31. 1422.

An. Reg. An. Dom.
1 1423
2 1424
3 1425
4 1426
5 1427
6 1428
7 1429
8 1430
9 1431
10 1432
11 1433
12 1434
13 1435
14 1436
15 1437
16 1438
17 1439
18 1440
19 1441
20 1442
21 1443
22 1444
23 1445
24 1446
25 1447
26 1448
27 1449
28 1450
29 1451
30 1452
31 1453
32 1454
33 1455
34 1456
35 1457
36 1458
37 1456
38 1460

6 Moneths, 16 Days.

[Edw. 4. Mar. 4. 1460.]

An. Reg. An. Dom.
1 1461
2 1462
3 1463
4 1464
5 1465
6 1466
7 1467
8 1468
9 1469
10 1470
11 1471
12 1472
13 1473
14 1474
15 1475
16 1476
17 1477
18 1478
19 1479
20 1480
21 1481
22 1482

1 Moneth, 8 Days.

R. 3. June 22. 1483.

An. Reg. An. Dom.
1 1484
2 1485

2 Moneths, 5 Days.

H. 7. Aug. 22. 1485.

An. Reg. An. Dom.
1 1486
2 1487
3 1488
4 1489
5 1490
6 1491
7 1492
8 1493
9 1494
10 1495
11 1496
12 1497
13 1498
14 1499
15 1500
16 1501
17 1502
18 1503
19 1504
20 1505
21 1506
22 1507
23 1508

8 Moneths, 19 Days.

H. 8. April 22. 1509.

An. Reg. An. Dom.
1 1510
2 1511
3 1512
4 1513
5 1514
6 1515
7 1516
8 1517
9 1518
10 1519
11 1520
12 1521
13 1522
14 1523
15 1524
16 1525
17 1526
18 1527
19 1528
20 1529
21 1530
22 1531
23 1532
24 1533
25 1534
26 1535
27 1536
28 1537
29 1538
30 1539
31 1540
32 1541
33 1542
34 1543
35 1544
36 1545
37 1546

10 Moneths, 1 Day.

Edw. 6. Jan. 28. 1546.

An. Reg. An. Dom.
1 1547
2 1548
3 1549
4 1550
5 1551
6 1552

5 Moneths, 19 Days.

Mar. Jul. 6. 1553.

An. Reg. An. Dom..
1 1554
2 1555
3 1556
4 1557
5 1558

4 Moneths, 22 Days.

Eliz. Nov. 17. 1558.

An. Reg. An. Dom.
1 1559
2 1560
3 1561
4 1562
5 1563
6 1564
7 1565
8 1566
9 1567
10 1568
11 1569
12 1570
13 1571
14 1572
15 1573
16 1574
17 1575
18 1576
19 1577
20 1578
21 1579
22 1580
23 1581
24 1582
25 1583
26 1584
27 1585
28 1586
29 1587
30 1588
31 1589
32 1590
33 1591
34 1592
35 1593
36 1594
37 1595
38 1596
39 1597
40 1598
41 1599
42 1600
33 1601
44 1602

4 Moneths, 15 Days.

Jac. Mar. 24. 1603.

An. Reg. An. Dom.
1 1603
2 1604
3 1605
4 1606
5 1607
6 1608
7 1609
8 1610
9 1611
10 1612
11 1613
12 1614
13 1615
14 1616
15 1617
16 1618
17 1619
18 1620
19 1612
20 1622
21 1623
22 1624

0 Moneths, 3 Days.

Car. 1. Mar. 27. 1625.

An. Reg. An. Dom.
1 1625
2 1626
3 1627
4 1628
5 1629
6 1630
7 1631
8 1632
9 1633
10 1634
11 1635
12 1636
13 1637
14 1638
15 1639
16 1640
17 1641
18 1642
19 1643
20 1644
21 1645
22 1646
23 1647
24 1648

11 Moneths, 3 Days.

Car. 2. Jan. 30. 1648.

An. Reg. An. Dom.
1 1649
2 1650
3 1651
4 1652
5 1653
6 1654
7 1655
8 1656
9 1657
10 1658
11 1659
12 1660
13 1661
14 1662
15 1663
16 1664
17 1665
18 1666

The manner of direction of any Writ, for remo­ving of any Body or Cause, or certifying of any Record, &c. to any the greater Courts at West­minster, from other inferiour Courts, accord­ing to the several Stiles of their Cities, Towns, or Bodies Corporate or enabled to hold Plea, for the certain Information of such as shall have occasion of this nature, and for preven­tion of the great and manifold Inconvenien­cies which may daily happen by the mistaking of such Stiles.


  • St. Alban in Com. Hertf. SEnescallo Cur. de Record. Burgi nostr. Sancti Albani in Com. Hertf.
  • Aliter. Majori & Burgens. ac Senes­callo Curiae nostrae de Record. ipso Senescallo infra Burgi Sancti Albani in Com. Hertf. & eorum cuilibet salutem.
  • Aldborough. Ballivis Villae de Aldborough.
  • [Page 304] Cur. Admi­ralitatis. I. B. Supremae Curiae Admira­litatis Angl. Mar. ejusve deputa­tis legitimis ibidem.
  • Abbington Vill. Majori Ballivis & Burgens. Burgi sui de Abbington & eorum cuilibet salutem.
  • St. Albans in Com. Hertf. Preclarissimo C. H. magno Admirallo nostro Angliae sive e­jus locum-tenenti, aut deputat. Senescallo de Record. tenent. infra Burgum Sancti Albani in Com. Hertf.
  • Abendon. Majori & Ballivis Villae de Abendon & eorum cuilibet.
  • Adven. Majori & Ballivis Villae nostrae de Adven. & eorum cuilibet.
  • Aburgaven­ny in Com. Senescallo & Ballivis Henrici Nevil, Milit. Dom. Aburgavenny, Villae suae de Aburgavenny.
  • Mon. Aldburges. Senescallo Manerii nostri de Aldburges in Com. Eborac. Salu­tem.
  • Allerton. Ad Curiam Thomae Com. Ex­on. Manerii & Libertatis suae de Allerton in Com.
  • Appulbie. Majori Burgi sui de Appulby in Com. Westmerl. Salutem.
  • [Page 305] Alesbury. Ballivis Villae suae de Alesbu­ry in Com. Bucks. salutem.
  • Arundel. Majori & Burgens. Burgi sui de Arundel in Com. Sussex salu­tem.
  • Andover. Ballivo & Burgens. Burgi sui de Andover in Com. Southampt. salutem.
  • Avendon. Majori & Ballivis Villae nostrae de Avendon in Com.


  • Civitat. Bristol. Bridgewater. MAjori Aldermannis ac vic. Civitatis sive Vill. Bristol ac Majori & Constabular. Stapu­lae ejusdem Civitatis sive Villae necnon Ballivis Majori Commu­nitat. ejusdem Civitatis sive vill. Curiae suae tol. ac Ballivis Dict. Majoris & Communitat. ejusdem Civitat. sive Villae Curiae pedis­pulverizat. & eorum cuilibet salu­tem.
  • Majori & Ball. villae suae de Bridgwater salutem.
  • [Page 306] Beverley. Majori & gubernatoribus Villae nostr. de Beverley in Com. E­bor.
  • Redford. Majori, Aldermanis, Burgens. & Recordator. Burgi sive Vill. de Bedford.
  • Boston in Com. Linc. Majori & Burgens. Burgi nostri de Boston in Com. Lin­coln.
  • Bridgenorth Salop. Ballivis & Burgens. Villae no­strae de Bridgenorth & eorum cui­libet.
  • Burgus de Bewdley. Ballivo & Burgens. Burgi nostri de Bewdley in Wigorn.
  • Barnstable. Majori Aldermannis & Bur­gens. Burgi sive Villae de Barn­stable alias Barstable.
  • Banbury in Com. Oxon. Majori aut ejus deputat. uno Aldermanno Recordatori vel ejus deputat. duobus Capitalib. Bur­gens. Burgi de Banbury in Com. Oxon. vel trib. eorum salutem.
  • Banbury. Ballivis Lanceloti Episc. Lin­coln. Cur. suae de Banbury.
  • Bath. Majori Aldermannis & Recor­dat. & Justic. Civitat. nostrae Bath.
  • [Page 307] Berwick. Majori Villae Berwick super Twedam.
  • Battel. Senescallo & Ballivis A. Brown Milit. Dom. Vic. Montague Liber­tat. suae de Battel in Com. Sus­sex.
  • Bury Sanct. Edmundi. Alderm. Recordator & Capi­tal. Burgens. Burgi nostri de Bury Sancti Edmundi in Com. nostro Suff.
  • Burton super Trent. Ballivis & Senescal. T. Paget. Dom. Paget. Burgi sui de Burton super Trent. & eorum cuili­bet.
  • Bridewel. Majori & Communitat. ac omnibus Civibus Civitat. Lon­don necnon Gubernator. posses­sion. Bridewel & Sanct. Thomae Apost.
  • Beverley. Majori Gubernatori & Bur­gens. Villae suae de Beverley & eorum cuilibet.
  • Bodmyn. Majori & Com. clerico Burgi nostri de Bodmyn.
  • Beverlacy. Majori Recordator. & Guber­natoribus Vill. Beverlacey.
  • Bathon Ci­vitas. Majori Recordatori Alder­mannis & Justiciariis Civitatis [Page 308] Bathon. in com. Sommers. & eo­rum cuilibet salutem.
  • Aliter. Majori Justic. ac Recordatori Civitatis Bathon. salutem.
  • Bathon Epis­copo. Senescallo sive Ballivo Curiae suae de placitis ad reverendum in Christo Patrem Dom. N, per­missione divina Bathon: & Wel­len: Episcop. pertinen. sive Concess: tent. apud Guild-hall infra Burgum & Villam nostram de Welles in com. Sommers. sa­lutem.
  • Bidyford. Majori, Aldermannis, Burgen­sibus & Recordatori villae suae de Bidyford in com. Devon. salu­tem.
  • Brownshal. Ad hundred. Johannis D. Ma­nerii sui de Brownshal in com.
  • Badbury. Ad Hundred. Mountjoy Blunt Dom. Mountjoy de Badbury in com.
  • Blandford forum. Ballivo & Constabulariis Burgi sui de Blanford Forum in com. Dorset salutem.
  • Aliter. Ballivis & Constabulariis Burgi sui de Blandford▪ Forum in com. [Page 309] Dorset. parcel. Ducatus sui Lan­cast. salutem.
  • Blechlinlie. Burgensibus Burgi sui de Blec­linly in com. Surrey salutem.
  • Bromchard. Ad Curiam F. Ep. de Brom­chard Forren. in com.
  • Brighouse. Ad Curiam M. E. de Brig­house in com.
  • Barnsley. Ad Curiam Manerii nostri de Barnsley in com.
  • Burrowbrige. Senescallo Burgi nostri de Burrowbridge in com. Eborac. parcel. Ducat. nostri Lancastr. salutem.
  • Brustwick. Ad curiam H, C, Militis ma­nerii sui de Brustwick. in com.
  • Barnsley cum Dadworth. Ad curiam manerii de Barn­sley cum Dadworth in com.
  • Berealston. Majori & Burgensibus Burgi sui de Berealston in com. Devon. salutem.
  • Bridport. Ballivis & Burgensibus burgi sui de Bridport in com. Dorset. salutem.
  • Bedwyn magna. Portgreve. Ballivo & Burgens­burgi sui de Bedwyn magna in com.
  • [Page 310] Buckingham. Ballivis & Burgens. Villae suae de Buck. in Com. Bucks. salu­tem.
  • Brackley. Majori & Burgens. Burgi sui de Brackley in Com. Northampt. salutem.
  • Bewdley. Ballivo & Burgens. Burgi sui de Bewdley in Com. Salop.
  • Bossyn. in Com. Cornub.


  • Cantuar. C. Cur. Palatii Archiepisc. in Cantuar. MAjori Civitat. Cantuar. Senescallo Libertat. Gil­berti Dom. Archiepiscopi Can­tuar. Cur' Palatii sui infra Civitat. Cantuar.
  • Cicester C. Majori Aldermannis ac Civi­bus Civitat. Cicestr' salutem.
  • Colchester. Ballivis Villae de Colchester.
  • Cestr. C. Carolo Principi Walliae, Duci Cornub. & Ebor. Comiti Cestr. filio suo Clarissimo sive ejus Ca­merario Civitatis Palatini Cestr. vel ejus locum-tenenti ibid.
  • Cantabr. Majori & Ballivis Villae Can­tabr.
  • [Page 311] Coventr. C. Majori & Ballivis Civitatis suae Coventr.
  • Cheping Wy­combe. Majori Ballivis & Burgens. de Cheping Wycombe.
  • Carlyon. Majori & Ballivis villae de Car­lyon. & eorum cuilibet.
  • Cheltenham. Capitali Senescallo Ballivo & sectatoribus Manerii Burgi sive Villae de Cheltenham necnon Custod. Gaolae nostrae ib.
  • Custod. Bre­vium in Com. muni Banco. Dilecto & fideli nostr. J.L. cu­stod. Brevium nostr. de Communi Banco.
  • C. Cantuar. Senescallo Cur. Palacii Dom. Archiepisc. Cant. in Com. Kan­cii.
  • Clay juxta Mare in Com. Nor. Senescallo C. H. Cur. suae por­tae de Clay juxta Mare.
  • Chiping-hamden. Ballivis & Burgens. Burgi no­stri de Chiping-hamden in Com. Glouc.
  • Castle Rising Majori Villae suae de Castle Ri­sing.
  • Cin (que) Ports. Dilecto & fideli consiliar. nostr. E. Z. St. Maurc. & Can­telupe Castri nostr. Dover Cu­stod. Cancellario & Admirallo [Page 312] Cin (que) Portuum nostror. & mem­bror. eorundem. sive ejus locum­tenenti vel deputat. ibidem sa­lutem.
  • Clinck. Senescallo Cur. Libertatis Re­verendi in Christ. Patr. Dom. Thomae Episc. Winton. Manerii sui de Southwark.
  • C. Carlick. Majori & Ballivis Civitatis Carlick.
  • Cheney Ballivis Reverendi in Christ.
  • Court. Patris T. Episc. C. Cur. suae de le Cheney Court.
  • Cantuar. Senescallo Cur. Palatii Dom. Archiepisc. Cant.
  • Pal. Cestr. Camerario Com. Palantini nostri Cestr. seu ejus locum-te­nen. ibidem salutem.
  • Cantabr. Universitas. Procancellario Universatis Cantabr. salutem.
  • Carleil. Majori & Ballivis Villae de Carleil in Com. Cumb. & eo­rum cuilibet salutem.
  • Carlick Ci­vitas. Majori & Ballivis Civitatis Carlick in Com.
  • Coldfield Sutton. Gardiano & societati Villae nostrae de Sutton. Coldfield in Com. War.
  • [Page 513] Calue. Constabulario & Burgen­sibus Burgi sui de Calue in Com.
  • Cricklade. Ballivo & Burgensibus Burgi sui de Cricklade in Com. Wilts salutem.
  • Carisbrook. Clarissimo consanguineo suo H. comiti Southampt. Constabu­lario castri sui de Caresbrook in com. Southampt. vel ejus locum-tenent. Ac portatori sive ejus Deputat. ibid.
  • Chagford Stannar. Praecharissimo consanguineo suo W. comiti Pembrook Came­rario hospitii sui, praeclari ordinis Garterii Milit. Custodi Stannar. in com. Devon. & Cornub. Ca­pitali Senescallo totius Ducat. Vic. Subsenesc. Deputat. sive e­jus locum-tenenti Curiae Stan­nar. de Chagford in com. Devon. salutem.
  • Clitheroe. Ballivo burgi sui de Clitheroe in com. Lancastr. salutem.
  • Commissario Curiae Ar­chiep. A. B. Auditori causarum ve­nerabilis in Christo patris G. Archiepisc. Cant. totius [Page 314] Angliae primat. causar. & nego­tior. cur. & Audientiae suae.
  • Commissario Curiae Lon­don. Aliter. A.B. Commissario Generali R. Episcopi London. Curiae suae Chri­stianitatis apud tenend. vel ejus locum­tenenti.
  • Chipping-Norton. Ballivis Senescallo sive com­muni clerico vel Deputat. ejus burgi sive Villae de Chipping-Norton in Com. Oxon. salu­tem.
  • Chesthunt. Senescallo curiae L. militis manerii sui de Chest­hunt in Com. Hartf.
  • Christ-Church. Majori & Burgensibus burgi sui de Christ-Church in Com. Southampt.
  • Cancellario Angliae. Praedilecto & fideli suo A. B. Cancellario suo Angliae.
  • Custodi Si­gilli magni. Praedilecto & fideli suo J. W. Episcopo Lincoln & Custodi magni Sigilli sui Angliae.
  • Custodi pri­vati Sigilli. E. Comiti Wigorn & custodi privati Sigilli sui.
  • Cirographa­rio de Banco. A. C. Armigero Cirographa­rio curiae nostrae de Banco salu­tem.
  • [Page 315] Cullenbeck. Senescallo curiae suae de Cullen­beck in Com.
  • Carnanton. Senescallo & Ballivo Manerii sui de Carnanton in Com. Cor­nub. salutem.
  • Carvion. Majori & B [...]llivis Villae de Carvion in Com.
  • Cramborn. Ad hundred Cur. W. Comitis Sarum. Manerii sui de Cramborn in com.
  • Chepstow Villa. Senescallo & Ballivis Villae de Chepstowe in Com. Mon­mouth.
  • Chepstow. Admiralitat. Senescallo Curiae Admiralita­tis in Chepstowe in Com. Mon­mouth salutem.
  • Carlion. Ad curiam W. Comitis Pem­brook de Carlion in Com.
  • Corf castrum Majori & Senescallo de Corf-Castle in Com. Dorset.
  • Christi Ec­clesiae Cantu­arien. Senescallo altae curiae Decani & Capituli Ecclesiae Christi Can­tuar.
  • Camelford. Majori & Burgensibus Burgi sui de Camelford in Com. Cor­nub.
  • Carlington. Majori & Burgensibus Burgi sui de Carlington. in Com.
  • [Page 316] Castri Episc. Villa in Com. Salop. Ballivo & Burgensibus Villae Castri Episcopens. in com. Salop. salutem.
  • Clifton Dartmouth Hardnes. Majori Ballivo & burgensibus Burgi sui de Clift. Dartmouth, Hardnes in com. Devon. salu­tem.
  • Castri Novi subtus Li­nam. Majori & burgensibus burgi sui novi Castri subtus Linam. in com. Staff. salutem.
  • Castri Novi sup. Tinam. Majori & Villae Castri novi sup. Tinam. in com▪ Northumber.
  • This was lately made a County Palatine (unde quaere.)
  • Clunsland Stai. Stan­nar. Gardiano Stannar, Devon. & Cornub. & Capitali Senescallo Ducat. sui Cornub. aut suo De­putat. ibid. Et praecipue sibi aut suo Deputat. Senescallo infra Manerium de Stan. Clunsland parcell. Ducat. Cornub. praed. infra Can. Cornub. &c.
  • Cantuarien. Provinciae Supremis Commission. Reverendissimo in Christo Patri G. providen [...]ia divina Can­tuar. Archiepisc. P [...]imat. & Me­tropolitano. [Page 317] Ac aliis supremis Commissionar. Reg. ad causas Ecclesiasticas inter alias sub magno sigillo Angliae legitime & sufficient. authoritat.


  • Dartmouth. MAjori Ballivis &c. Burgi sui de Clifton. Dartmouth Hardnes.
  • Devises. Majori Ballivis & Burgens. burgi nostri de Devises.
  • Dunelm. Reverendo in Christo Patri W.D. unel. Episcop. sive ejus locum-tenenti ibidem salut.
  • Derby. Ballivis Recordatori & Bur­gens. Villae sive burgi Villae de Derby salutem.
  • Denbigh. Ballivis & Recordatori burgi sive Villae de Denbigh salu­tem.
  • Doncaster. Majori & Recordatori Villae de Doncaster & eorum cuili­bet.
  • Donwich. Ball. Villae sive burgi de Don­wich in com. Suff.
  • [Page 318] Dover. Constabular. nostris Castri no­stri de Dover infra libertat. quin­que Portuum in Com. nostro Canc. sive deputat. ejus ib. seu eorum alteri.
  • Downhevit. Majori Aldermannis & Re­cordat. Burgi de Downhevit. alias Launceston.
  • Derbiae. Ballivis & Burgen. burgi nostr. Derb.
  • Sede va­cante. T. C. Armigero Cancellario Com. Palentini Dunelm. sede E­piscopali ibid. Jam vacante.
  • Aliter in alio libro. Custodi Spiritualitatis Episco­patus Dunelm. sede Episcopali vacante.
  • Danx. Ballivo A, D, M, manerii sui de Danx in Com. Ebor.
  • Downton. Constabulario & Burgensi­bus burgi sui. de Downton. in Com.
  • Dorchester. Ballivo & Recordatori burgi sui de Dorchester in Com. Dor­set.
  • Droitwich. Ballivis & Burgensibus burgi sui de Droitwich in Com.
  • [Page 319] Downhevit alias Laun­ceston. Majori Aldermannis Recor­datori Burgi sui de Downhevit, alias Launceston. in Com. Cor­nub.
  • Daventry. Ballivo Burgensibus & com­munitati de burgo de Daventry in Com. Northampt. salutem.


  • C. Eborac. MAjori Aldermannis & Vic. Civitatis Eborac.
  • C. Exon. Majori & Ballivis Civitatis suae Exon. ac Ball. Cur. pro vestr. e­jusdem Civitatis & eorum cuili­libet in Com. Devon.
  • Sancti Petri Ebor. Senescallo cur. libertat. Decani & capituli Ecclesiae Cathed. Sancti Petri Ebor.
  • Estretford. Ballivis Villae suae de Estret­ford. in Com. North.
  • E [...]e. Ballivis nostris Villae & Burgi de Eye salutem.
  • Escaetori. A, B, Armig. Escaetori nostro Com. nostri Salop. ac. vic. ejus­dem. Com. Necnon omnibus B [...]llivis & singulis minist ris nostr. com. praedict. tam infra [Page 320] Libertates quam extra, salu­tem.
  • Evesham, commonly Esom in the Vale. Majori & Burgensibus Burgi sui de Evesham in Com. Wi­gorn, &c.
  • Edlogom. Ad curiam E, M, Armig. ma­nerii sui de Edlogom. in com.
  • Elye. Justic. Episcop. Elien. ad placita infra insulam. tenend. Ac Senescallo ejusdem Episcopi in­fra libertatem insulae praed. & eo­rum cuilibet salutem.
  • Eborac. beati Petri. Senescallo Curiae libertatis Decani & Capituli Ecclesiae & Metropolitic. beati Petri Eborac. in com. Ebor.
  • Episcopens. castrum Com. Ballivo & Burgensibus Villae castri Episcopensis in com. Sa­lop.
  • Salop. East-lowe. Majori & burgensibus burgi sui de East-low in com. Cornub.
  • East-Green­sted. Ballivo & burgensibus burgi sui de Bast-Greensted in com. Sussex salutem.
  • Evermouth. Majori & burgensibus Villae suae de Evermouth in com. South­hampt.


  • Forien. juxta Salop. SEnescallo & Ball. Libertat. Forien. oriental. juxta vill. Salop.
  • Fleet. Gardian. Prisonae nostrae de le Fleet seu ejus locum-tenenti ibidem.
  • Le Fleet. Gardiano Prisonae nostrae de le Fleet sive ejus locum-tenenti ibidem salutem.
  • Farnham. Ballivis Burgi & vill. de Farn­ham in com. Surry.
  • Aliter. Senescallo Curiae Castri Re­verendi in Christo Patri Dom. L. Winton. Episcopi Manerii sui de Farnham. in. com. Surry.
  • Fordington. Ad Curiam Caroli Principis Walliae, Ducis Cornubiae & E­borac. & Comitis Cestr. Manerii sui de Fordington. in com. Dor­set.
  • Foway. Praepositis & Burgens burgi sui de Foway in com. Cornub. salutem.


  • Gipvicus. BAllivis Villae suae Gip. in com. Suff. salutem.
  • C. Glouc. Majori Aldermannis & Vic. Civitatis nostrae Glouc.
  • Guilford. Majori & probis hominibus Villae nostrae de Guilford.
  • Gravesend. & Milton. Plaeposit. Jur. & capital. In­habitant. villarum & Paroch. de Gravesend, & Milton in Com. Canc.
  • Greensted. Ballivo & Burgens. Burgi sui de East-Greensted in com. Sus­sex salutem.
  • East Gipwicum, or Ipswich. Ballivis Villae suae de Gipwici in com. Suff. salutem.
  • Gate-house Westminster. Custodi nostro de le Gate-house infra. Westmonasterium.
  • Gillingham. Senescallo curiae suae de Gil­lingham. in Hundred. de Gil­lingham. in Com. Dorset. hac vice sede Archiepisc. Cantuar. jam vacante, seu ejus deputat. ibid. salutem.
  • [Page 323] Glastonbury. Curiae Libertatis Dom. Regis de Glastonbury in Com. Somer­set.
  • Aliter. Curiae Dom. Regis xij. Hi­dari de Glaston. Libertatis in Com. Somers.
  • Goodrich. Ballivis W, M, Armig. & B. H. Gen. Manerii sive Dom. sui de Goodrich in Com.
  • Grampount, or Cram­pound. Majori & Burgensibus burgi sui de Crampound in Com. Cor­nub.
  • Grimsbie. Majori & Burgensibus Villae suae Magni Grymsbie in Com. Lincoln.
  • Grantham. Aldermano & Burgensibus Villae suae de Grantham. in com. Lincoln. salutem.
  • Gatton. Burgens. burgi sui de Gatton in Com. Surry.


  • Havering at Bower. SEnescallo & sectatoribus cur. Manerii nostri de Havering. at Bower.
  • [Page 324] Havering Bower. Senescallo & sectatoribus do­minae Annae Reginae Angl. con­sortis suae praecharissimae.
  • Heston. Majori & Ballivis burgi nostri de Heston in Com. Cornub.
  • Heref. C. Majori, Aldermannis & Ci­vibus Civitatis nostrae Heref.
  • Harwich. Majori & Senescallo burgi Herewici.
  • Higham Ferrers. Majori & Aldermannis Villae nostrae de Higham-Ferrers & eorum cuilibet.
  • Hunt. Ballivis villae nostrae Hunt.
  • Henley super Thames. Ballivis, Gardian. Pontinario­rium burgensium & civitatis vill. de Henley super Thames.
  • Hertf. Vill. Majori & capital. burgens. burgi nostri de Hertf. necnon Senes­callo Cur. nostrae de Record. ibi­dem.
  • Hexham. Senescallo Curiae suae de Hex­ham in Com. Westmerl.
  • Aliter. Senescallo Manerii nostri de Hexham in Com. Westm.
  • Harbill. Ad Wapentagium nostrum de Harbill. in Com.
  • [Page 325] Hartpool. Majori & Burgensibus Burgi sui de Hartpool infra Episcopa­tum Dunelm.
  • Heydon in Holdernes. Majori & Ballivis Villae suae de Heydon in Holdernes in com. Ebor.
  • Hunnington burgus in Com. South. hampt. Hatfield. Ad Curiam manerii nostri de Hatfield in Com.
  • Helston. Majori & Burgensibus Burgi nostri de Helston in Com. Cor­nub.
  • Heref. Hal. Episcop. Ad Curiam S. Episc. Hereford Palatii Heref.
  • Henley super Thamesin. Ballivis, Gardian. Burgensibus & communitat. Villae de Henley super Thamesin. in Com. Berks. salutem.
  • Haselmere. Burgensibus Burgi sui de Ha­selmere in Com. Surrey.
  • Horsham. Majori & Burgensibus Burgi sui de Horsham. in Com. Sussex salutem.
  • [Page 326] Heytesbury. Ballivo & Burgensibus Burgi sui de Heitesbury in com. Wilts. salutem.


  • Insul. Elien. JUstic. nostr. ad placita infra in­sul. Elien. in Com. Cantabr. te­nend. assign.
  • Iernemouth. Ball. Villae sive burgi & liber­tat. villae sive burgi magnae Jern­mouth ( alit.) ballivis villae nostr. magni Jernm. salutem.
  • Iusticiariis ad placita. Jacobo Ley militi Capital. Justic. nostro ad placita coram nobis tenend. assignat.
  • Iustic. de Banco. H, H, Militi & Baronetto ca­pitali Justic. nostro de Banco.
  • St. Iohannis Beverlacie. Senescallo Curiae Libertatis Ante placitorum Sancti Johannis Beverlacie in Com. Ebor. salu­tem.
  • St. Ives. Praeposit. & Burgensibus Burgi sui de St. Ives in com. Cornub.
  • St. Iermyns. Praeposit. & Senescallo Burgi de St. Jermins in Com. Cornub.


  • Kingston su­per Hull. Kingston su­per Thames. MAjori & Vic. Villae nostrae de Kingston super Hull. Ballivis & Senescal. Cur. villae nostrae de Kingston super Thames & in absenc. dicti senescall. ball. & Recordator. ejusdem vill. sive duobus eorum.
  • S. Katherins ss. Senescall. Magistr. sive custod. Hospital. sive liberae capellae S. Katherinae prope Turrim. Lon­don. in Com. Midd. seu ejus lo­cum-tenen. ibidem.
  • Aliter. Senescall. Libertat. Magistr. fratrum & sororum & capell. in Ecclesia Hospitalis Sanct. Kathe­rinae Virginis & Martyris prope Turrim London. Curiae nostrae ibidem necnon Ballivo ejus­dem.
  • Kerby Ken­dal. Aldermanno Recordatori & Burgens. burgi de Kirby.
  • Kings-Nor­ton. Senescallo Ballivo ac secta­ [...]ribus Curiae Manerii de Kings-Norton [Page 328] in com. Wigorn. & eo­rum cuilibet salutem.
  • This was the late Queens, and before her death it was stiled accordingly.
  • Kendal. Ballivis manerii nostri de Ken­dal in com. Westmerl.
  • Knaresbo­rough. Senescallo Curiae Honoris de Knaresborough in com. Ebor. parcel. Ducat. nostri Lancastr.
  • Kellington burgu [...]. in com. Cornub.


  • Lyn Regis in Norf. MAjori & Recordatori Vill. sive Burgi de Lyn Regis in com. Norf. & eorum utrique.
  • London. Majori Alderman. & Vic Lon­don salutem.
  • Lyn Epi. Majori Villae de Lyn Episcop.
  • Litchfield ss. Ball. Libertat. Litchfield. Un. Vic. in com. Staff.
  • Lincoln. Majori Vic. & Civibus Civi­tat. suae Lincoln▪
  • [Page 329] Lydiford. Majori & Burgensibus Burgi de Lydiford.
  • Lanceston, al. Downhevet. Majori & communitat. Burgi de Lanceston alias Downhe­vet.
  • Ludlow. Ballivis Villae de Ludlow.
  • Lyn Regis in Dors. Majori villae nostrae de Lyn-Regis in Com. Dors.
  • Liscared al. Liskerd. Majori & Burgens. Burgi de Liscared alias Liskerd.
  • Lincoln. Ball. Decani & Capitul. Ec­clesiae Cathedr. Beatae Mariae Lin­coln. cur. suae Gaolae infra clau­sum ibidem.
  • Leicest. Majori, Ballivis & Burgens. Burgi sui Leic.
  • Lancastr. Cancellar. nostro Com. Pala­tini nostri Lancastr. vel ejus lo­cum-tenen. ibidem vobis man­damus quod per breve nostrum sub sigillo Com. Palatin. nostri praed. debit. conficiend. mand. fac. vic. com. praed. quod, &c.
  • London Counters. Majori, Aldermannis ac vic. London. & eorum cuilibet salu­tem.
  • Leicestr. Majori, & Burgensibus Villae Leicestr.
  • [Page 330] Leoni. Ballivo & Burgensibus de Le­oni in com.
  • Ledbury. Ballivo suo burgi sui de Led­bury in Com.
  • Necnon judicibus cur. ejus­dem Burgi salutem.
  • Lugharnes. Ad curiam R.H. Armig. de Lugharnes in Com.
  • Lugwarden. Ballivis T. B. Armig. Manerii sui de Lugwarden in Com.
  • Leomynster, which I take for Lempster. Ballivis & Burgensibus burgi sui de Lempster in Com. Heref. salutem.
  • Lugbargh. Ad hundred de H.B. Milit. & Baronetto de Lugburgh in Com.
  • Lostwich. Majori & Burgensibus burgi sui de Lostwich in Com. Cornub. salutem.
  • Lancaster, burgus. Majori & Ballivo Burgi sui Lancastr. in Com. Lancastr.
  • Leverpool. Majori & Aldermanno Villae suae de Leverpool in Com. Lan­castr. salutem.
  • Lewes. Constabulario & Burgensibus Burgi sui de Lewes in Com. Sus­sex salutem.
  • [Page 331] Ludgershal. Burgensibus burgi sui de Lud­gershal in Com. Wilts salu­tem.
  • Lymington. Majori & Burgens. burgi sui de Lymington in Com. South­hampt. salutem.


  • Maidstone. MAjori Villae sive Parochiae de Maidstone.
  • Marleberge. Majori & Burgens. Burgi & Villae de Marleberge in Com. Wilts.
  • Maldon. Ballivis Villae suae de Maldon in Com. Essex.
  • Maidenhead. Gardiano Potentiariis Burgens. & Communitat. Villae de Mai­denhead in Com. Berks.
  • Melcomb-Regis. Majori villae suae de Melcomb Regis.
  • Weymouth & Melcomb-Regium. Majori, Aldermanis, Ballivis Burgens. & Communitat. Villae de Weymouth & Melcomb Re­gis in Com. Dors.
  • Mynehead. Praeposit. & Burgens. Burgi de Mynehead in Com. Somers.
  • Monmouth. Majori & Ballivis Villae suae de Monmouth.
  • [Page 332] Marr. Ma­res. Marr. Mares. nostrae in curia no­stra coram nobis.
  • Mar. hospic. nova Cur. Senescallo Curiae Marescal. Hospitii nostri ac Marr. nostro ejusdem Hospitii necnon Judi­cibus Cur. virgae Hospitii praed. & eorum deputat. ibidem.
  • St. Martins le Grand London. Senescallo Decani & Capituli Ecclesiae Collegiat. Beati Petri Westm. Cur. libertatis suae sive praecinct. Sanct. Martini le Grand London. & Constabular. ibidem salutem.
  • Mar. hospic. Judicibus curiae virgae hospicii nostri vel ejus deputat. ibidem salutem.
  • Mandeville. Senescallo & Ballivo honoris de Mandevile parcell. Ducat. Lancastr. salutem.
  • Midhurst. Ballivo & Burgensibus Burgi sui de Midhurst in Com. Sussex salutem.
  • Malton. Marden. in com. Ebor Ballivis suis manerii de Mar­den, alias Mawrden, alias Ma­warthyn in Com.
  • [Page 333] Magor & Redwick. Ad Curiam E. comitis Wi­gorn. de Magor. & Redwick in Com.
  • Malmsbury. Aldermannis & Burgensibus burgi sui de Malmesbury in com. Wilts salutem. Morpeth. Ballivis & Burgensibus Burgi sui de Morpeth in Com. Nor­thumb.
  • Michael. Praeposit. & communitatibus burgi sui Michaelis in com. Cor­nub. salutem.
  • St. Mawes, alias St. Maries. Majori Villae suae St. Mawes alias St. Maries in com. Cornub. salutem.


  • Newport. MAjori & Ballivis villae sive Burgi de Newport.
  • Novum Castr. super Tinam. Majori Alderman. & Vic. Villae novi Castri super Tinam.
  • Northton. Majori & Ball. villae nostrae de Northton.
  • Newark su­per Trent. Alderman. & assisten. Inhabi­tant. Villae & Parochiae de New­ark super Trent. in Com. Nott.
  • [Page 334] Norwici. Majori & Vicecomitibus civi­tat. Norwici vic. Com. Norff.
  • Nott. Majori Aldermannis & vic. Villae Nott. (2. vic.)
  • Newberry. Majori Aldermannis & Bur­gens. Burgi de Newberry in com. Berks.
  • Civitas Nor­wici. Majori Vic. & Aldermannis Civitat. nostrae Norwici & eo­rum cuilibet.
  • Novi castri sulter Line. Majori & Burgensibus Burgi sui Novi castri subter Linam in Com. Staff.
  • Newton. Ballivo & Burgensibus Burgi sui de Newton in Com. Lan­castr.


  • Oswestry. BAllivis & Burgens. Villae de Oswestr.
  • Oxon. Majori & Ballivis Civitatis Oxon.
  • Orford. Majori & Portmannis Villae de Orford.
  • Oxon Uni­versita [...]. Vice-Cancellario Academiae Oxon.


  • Pool. MAjori Villae de Pool & seniori ballivorum ejus­dem villae.
  • Plymton Morris. Majori Ballivis & Burgens. burgi sui de Plymton Morris.
  • Peterborough Senescallo Cuiae Decani & Capituli Ecclesiae Cathedral. Ci­vitatis de Burgo Sancti Petri & Burgens. ejusdem Civitatis & eorum cuilibet.
  • Plymouth. Majori & Communitati Burgi sui de Plymouth.
  • Pawnton. Senescallo & Ballivis Manerii sui Villae de Pawnton.
  • Portsmouth. Majori Aldermannis, & Bur­gens. Villae de Portsmouth.
  • Curia Palla­tii. Judicibus curiae Pallatii nostri Westm. & eorum cuilibet.
  • Pevensey. Ballivo Libertatis Ducat. sui Lancastr. infra ripam suam de Pevensey in Com.
  • Penwith. Senescallo & Ballivo hundred. & libertatis suae de Penwith in Com. Cornub.
  • [Page 336] Padstow, alias Petrockstow. Majori & burgensibus burgi nostri de Padstowe in Com. Cor­nub.
  • Portland. Ad Curiam Manerii sui de Portland in Com. Dorset.
  • Portpigham or Parthighsam alias West­lowe. Majori & burgensibus burgi sui de Portpigham alias West­lowe in Com. Cornub. salu­tem.
  • Pymbern. Ad hundred▪ Willielm. Co­mitis Sarum de Pymbern in Com.
  • Preston An­dernes. Majori & Ballivis Villae sive burgi sui de Preston in An­dernes in Com. Lancastr.
  • Pembrig. Ballivo & Senescallo Villae sive burgi de Pembrig▪ in com.
  • Petersfield. Majori & Communitatibus Burgi sui de Petersfield. in Com. Southampt. salutem.
  • Park. Senescallo R. W. Armig. Ma­nerii sui de Park Lettys alias Parte Lettys in Com.
  • Pontfract. Majori Villae suae Pontfract. in Com. Ebor. parcel. Ducat. sui Lancastr.
  • [Page 337] Pickering. Ballivis & sectatoribus curiae nostrae de Pickering in Com. Ebor.


  • Quinborough MAjori & Burgens. Burgi sui de Quinborough in Com. Canc. salutem.


  • Ryalton. SEnescallo & Ball. Cur. Ma­nerii de Ryalton.
  • Reading. Majori, Aldermannis & Bur­gens. Burgi de Reading.
  • Rillaton. Senescallo, Decemar. & prae­posit. ac liberis Tenentibus Ma­nerii sui de Rillaton parcel. Du­cat. sui Cornub.
  • Richmond in Com. Ebor. Aldermannis, Recordatori & Burgens. Burgi nostri de Rich­mond in Com. Ebor.
  • Roffen C. Majori & civibus civitatis no­strae Roffen.
  • Pallatum Roffen. Senescallo Reverend. in Chri­sto Patris Jo: Epis: Roffen: Cur: Palacii sui Roffen: salutem.
  • [Page 338] Rumney Marsh. Ball. & Jurat. de Rumney-Marsh. in Com. Canc.
  • Rippon. Senescallo & Ballivis libertat. Cur: Canon nuper Canonicorum & capituli Ecclesiae Collegiat: de Rippon: in com. (Ebor.) par­cel. Ducat. nostri Lanc. ( Inquire if more Rippons.)
  • Rye-gate. Ballivo & Burgensibus Burgi sui de Rye-gate in Com. Surrey.


  • Salop. BAllivis Villae nostrae Salop. salutem.
  • Le Strand. Ballivo Libertat. Ducat. Lan­castr. in le Strand in com. Midd.
  • Saltash. Majori & liberis Burgens. sui de Saltash.
  • Southold. Ballivis Villae nostrae de Sou­thould aliter Ballivis & Burgens. libertat. villae de Southold.
  • Southmoulton Majori & Capitul. Burgens. villae suae Southmoulton.
  • C. Novae Sar. Ball. Libertat. Episc. Sar. Ci­vitat. Novae Sar.
  • [Page 339] Staff. Ball. & Burgensibus Burgi de Staff.
  • Sudbury. Majori Aldermannis burgens▪ & Senescallo Burgi sive Villae de Sudbury et eorum cuilibet.
  • Manerium de Southwark. Senescallo Curiae libertat. Re­verendi in Christo patris B. Winton Episc. Manerii sui de Southwark in Com. Surry.
  • Compter in Southwark. Senescallo Curiae libertat. Ma­joris, Communitat. ac Civ. Civi­tatis London Burgi sui de South­wark.
  • Scarborough. Ballivis Villae nostr. Scarbo­rough.
  • Southon Vill. Majori & Ball: Villae South­ton.
  • Aliter. Majori & Ball: Villae nostrae Southton Curiae suae pedis-pul­verizat. ibidem necnon Custod. Gaolae nostrae infra eandem vil­lam ejusdem deputat. ibidem & eorum cuilibet.
  • Aliter. Vic. Southt. necnon custod. Gaolae nostri castri Winton. ac Civit. nostrae Winton.
  • [Page 340] Shafton. Majori Recordatori & Bur­gens. Burgi de Shafton in Com. Devon.
  • Stoke Cluns­land. (Tali Dom.) Gardiano Stan­nar. Devon. & Cornub. & capi­tal. senesc. ducatus sui Cornub. aut suo deputat. ibidem & prae­cipue, sibi aut suo deputat. sene­scallo infra Maner. de Stoke Clunsland parcel ducat. Cornub. praed. infra com. Cornub. praed. sa­lutem.
  • Supremis Commissio­nariis Can­tuarien. pro­vintiae. Reverendissimo in Christo Pa­tri G. providentia Divina Cantu­ar. Archiepiscop. Primat. & Me­tropolitano ac aliis supremis Commissionar. Regis ad causas Ecclesiasticas internal. sub magno sigillo Angliae legitime & suffi­cient. authoritat.
  • Steford East or East-Stretford. Ballivis villae suae de East-Stretford in Com. Nott.
  • Slaughter. Senescallo Ballivo & liberis sectatoribus libertatis hundredi nostri de Slaughter in com Gloc. salutem.
  • [Page 341] Le Savoy ex­tra Temple-Bar. Ballivo libertatis Dom. Regis ducat sui Lanc. in com. Midd. salutem.
  • Spiritualis curiam. J. S. Legum Doctori ac Au­dientiae Reverendissimi in Chri­sto patris G. Archiepisco Can­tuar. totius Angliae primat. & Apostolicae sedis legalis causa­rum & negotiarum auditori.
  • Sherborn. Ad curiam hundred. de Sher­born in Com. Dorset.
  • Stebunheath. Senescallo praenobilis T. W. Manerii sui de Stebunheath.
  • Stepleton. Senescallo curiae T. C. militis manerii sui de Stepleton in Com. ()
  • Snaith. Ad curiam nostram de Snaith in Com. ()
  • Aliter. Ballivis & sectatoribus curiae manerii nostri de Snaith parcel. Ducat. Lanc.
  • Sheffield. Ad curiam C. comitis Salop de Sheffield in com.
  • St. Iermins. Praeposit. & senescallo Burgi de St. Jermins in Com. Cornub.
  • [Page 342] Stamford. Aldermannis & Burgensibus Villae suae le Stamford in Com. Lincoln.
  • Stockbridge. Ballivo & Burgensibus Burgi sui de Stockbridge in com. South­ton.
  • Stayning. Constabulario & Burgensibus Burgi sui de Steyning in Com. ()
  • Shoreham. Constabulario & Burgensibus Burgi sui de Shoreham in Com. Lanc.
  • Sarum vetus Burgensibus burgi sui veteris Sarum in Com. Wilts.
  • Shaftsbury. Majori & Burgensibus Burgi sui de Shaftsbury in Com. Dor­set.
  • Vide an sit Shafton in Shafts­bury.


  • Turris Lon­don. WIllielmo Ward Militi Constabul. seu locum­tenen. Turris London necnon Senescallo Curiae ejusdem & eo­rum utrique.
  • [Page 343] Torrington magna. Majori Aldermannis & Bur­gens. Burgi sive Villae de Tor­rington. magna.
  • Aliter. Majori Aldermannis Capital. Burgens. et Senescallo Burgi sive Villae de Torrington magna in Com. Devon.
  • Tavestock. Senescallo sive Ballivo F. co­mit. Bedf. Libertatis suae de Ta­vestock.
  • Thacksteed Majori Ballivis & Communi­tat. Burg. de Thacksteed et eo­rum cuilibet salutem.
  • Thetford. T, C, Comit: S, Capitali Se­nescallo Villae nostrae de Thet­ford parcel: Ducat: nostri Lan­castr: vel ejus Deputat: ibi­dem.
  • Toll-Booth. Ball: de le Toll-Booth Villae de Lyn Episc.
  • Aliter. Ball: Bur: de le Tolbooth: vill. de Venner Episc.
  • Totnes. Majori de Burgens. Burgi de Totnes: et eorum cuilibet.
  • Taunton. Ballivo Reverendi in Christo Patr. T. Episcopi Winton liber­tat. suae de Taunton et Taunton-Dean.
  • [Page 344] Tewksburgh. Ball. Burgens. & Communitat. Burgi sui de Tewksburgh.
  • Thetford. Majori & Recordatori Burgi nostri de Thetford in Com. Norf.
  • Tamworth. Ballivis villae nostr. de Tam­worth.
  • Thremalton. E. H. Praeclari Ordinis Gar­terii Militi dom. Hasting de Loughborough Capital. senescal­lo nostro ducat. nostri Cornub. necnon feod. & Manerii de Thremalton sive ejus deputat. ibidem salutem.
  • Trebenin alias Bossiny Majori Burgensibus Burgi sui de Trebenin alias Bossiny incom. Cornub.
  • Truro. Majori & Burgensibus Burgi sui de Truro in Com. Cornub.
  • Tregoni. Senescallo & Ballivo H. P. Manerii sui de Tregoni P. in Com. Cornub.
  • Trellock. Majori & Ballivis W. comitis Pembrook villae suae de Trelleck in Com. Cornub.
  • Tregony. Ad curiam A. W. Arm. de Tregony in Com. Co nub.
  • [Page 345] Tickhill. Ad curiam nostram honoris nostri de Tickhil in Com. Ebor. parcel. Ducat. sui Lanc.
  • Turman-Hall. Ad curiam W. Manerii sui de Turman-hall in Com. ()
  • Trennaton. Charissimo consanguineo ac praedilecto & fideli consilia [...]io nostro Willielmo comiti Pem­brook Domino camerario hospi­tii nostri, praenobilis ordinis Gar­terii milit. capital. senescallo Du­cat. nostri Cornub. Nec [...]on feod. & manerii de Trennaton in com. Cornub. sive ejus deputat. salu­tem.


  • Uske. PRaepositis & Ballivis Villae sive Burgi de Usk.


  • C. Westm. BAllivo libertat. Decani & Capitali Ecclesiae Collegiat. beati Petri Westm.
  • [Page 346] Wallingford. Majori, Alderm. & Recorda­tori Burgi sive villae de Walling­ford.
  • Wenlock. Ball: et Senesc: villae et liber­tat: de Wenlock magna.
  • Warwick. Ball: et Recordator: Burgi no­stri Warwici.
  • Wenlow. Ball: Villae de Wenlow.
  • Wye. Senescallo et Ball: H, C, No­bil: ordinis Garterii Mil: Dom: Hounsdon Reg: Maner: de Wye in com. Canc. et eorum cuilibet.
  • Wygorn. C. Ballivis Alderm: et Camerar: Civitatis nostrae Wigorn.
  • Wigmore. Senescallo et Ballivo villae sive Burgi de Wigmore.
  • Nova Wind­sor. Majori Ball: ac Burgens: Villae sive burgi nostri de Nova Wind­sor in Com: Berks.
  • Aliter. Majori, Alderm: Ballivis & subsenescallo Burgi de Nova Windsor.
  • Castrum Wind. T, C, Constabular: Honoris & Castri sui de Windsor ac Custod: Forrest: ejusdem aut ejus locum-tenen: seu ejus deputat: ibidem.
  • [Page 347] C. Winton. Majori Recordatori vel ejus deputat: & Ball: Civitat: nostrae Winton et eorum cuilibet.
  • Woodstock. Majori Villae suae de Nova Woodstock.
  • Aliter. Majori et Communitat: Burgi Novae Woodstock.
  • Cur. Waittel. Ballivis & sectatoribus Curiae suae de Waittel.
  • Castr. Windsor. Carolo Comiti Nottingham Baron: Howard de Effingham praeclari Ordinis Garterii Mi­lit: magno Admirallo Angliae Constabulario honorum Castri Domini Regis de Windsor ac Custod: totius Forestae ibidem Janitori extr. portum dicti Castri salutem.
  • Westmon. Dean and Chapter. Ballivo libertat. Decani & Capituli Ecclesiae Collegiat: beati Petri Westm.
  • Wellen. curia Episcop. Senescallo sive Ballivo Curiae Reverendi in Christo Patris J, Bathon: et Wellen: Episcopi.
  • [Page 348] Wellen. burgus. Senescallo sive Ballivo Curiae nostrae de placit. ad reverend. in Christo Patrem Dom. J. per­missione Divina Bathon. & Wel­len. Episc. pertin. sive concess. tent. apud Guild-hall infra Bur­gum & Villam nostram de Wel­les in Com. nostro Somerset.
  • Wotton-Bas­set. Majori & Burgensibus Burgi de Wotton-Basset in Com. Wilts & eorum cuilibet.
  • Wike Regis. Ad curiam Dom. Regis Ma­nerii sui de Wike Regis in com. ()
  • Worham. Majori & Burgensibus Burgi sui de Worham in Com. Dor­set.
  • Wormlowe. Ballivis A. Dom. Chandos & E. B. arm. Manerii five hundred. de Wormlowe in Com.
  • Wickome. Ball. () VVickcom in com. Buckingham. Inquire Chipping-Wickom be­fore.
  • [Page 349] Wilton super Wian. Ballivis A. B. arm. manerii sive Dom. de Wilton super Wian in Com.
  • Wentworth Li [...]erty near London. Ballivo Libertatis Thomae Dom. Wentworth in com. Midd. Inquire if they be distinct under the same stile, lying in eodem Com.
  • Walsal. Ballivis Manerii sui de Wal­sal in com. () salutem.
  • Whitchurch. Majori & Communitatibus Burgi sui de Whitchurch in com. Sou­tham.
  • Westbury. Majori & Burgensibus Burgi sui de Westbury in com. salutem.

Speciales Directiones.

  • Monmouth. Escaetori. ss. EScaetori ac vic: Mon­mouth necnon Ballivis singulisque ministris nostris tam infra Libertates quam extra & eorum cuilibet.
  • Iustic. insul. Elien. ss. Justic: Epi: Elien ad pla­cita infra insul: Elien tenend. Ac Senes: Epi: infra libertatem in­sulae praedict: & eorum cuili­bet.
  • Custod. pacis infra liber­tatem. ss. Custos pacis suae infra Li­bertatem Villae Sancti Albani in Com: Hertf.
  • Iustic. ad Gaol delib. ss. Justic: nostris ad Goalam nostram Castri Lincoln: de priso­nariis in ea existen: deliberand: Assign: salutem.
  • Vic. & Cu­stod. Goal. ss. Vic: Lincoln: & Custod: Goalae Castri nostri Lincoln: sive ejus locum-tenen: aut deputat: ibidem & eorum cuilibet.
  • Iustic. Fo­rest. ss. Dilect. & fidel: suo W, Comiti C, Justic: suo omnium Forestarum suarum citra Trent: [Page 351] vel ejus locum-tenenti infra Fo­restam suam de Walton.
  • Iustic. ad Assizas Cu­stod. pacis ac Vic. ss. Justic: suis ad Assizas in Com: W, ac Custod: pacis in eo­dem Com: necnon vic. ejusdem Com: & eorum cuilibet.
  • Iustic. ad Assizas & Iustic. ad Goal. delib. ss. Justic. suis ad Assizas in Com: S, & Justic. nostris ad Goal. nostram Castri-nostri de L, delib. Assign.
  • Custod. pacis infra liber­tatem. ss. Custod: pacis Thomae Ar­chiep. Ebor. infra libertatem su­am de Rippon.
  • Custod. bre. ss. Dil. & fideli nostro T, L, A, Custod: Brevium nostrorum de Com: Banco.
  • Custod. Gaol. ss. Custod: Gaol: Castri sui Ebor: aut ejus deputat: & eorum utrique salutem.
  • Majori Lon­don. ac Iustic. ad Newgate & vic. ss. Dil. et fidelibus nostris A, B, Majori Civitat: London, So­ciis suis Justic: nostris ad Gao­lam nostram de Newgate de Pri­sonar. in eadem existen. delib. Assign. ac vic. ejusdem Civitat. et eorum cuilibet salutem.
  • Escaetori & Vic. ss. Escaetor. nostro ac vic. ejusdem Com. necnon omnibus [Page 352] Ballivis singulis-que ministris Com: praedicti tam infra liber­tat: quam extra & eorum cuili­bet salutem.
  • Majori Al­deris & vic. London ac deputat. Alderorum et Constabula­rior. &c. ss. Majori, Alderman. & vic. London ac omnibus & singulis deputat. Aldermanorum Consta­bularior. et aliis ministris nostris infra libertates Civitatis London & eorum cuilibet salutem.
  • Locum-te­nent. Com. & Capitaneis. ss. Deputat. locum-tenentis Com. nostri Suff. ac omnibus & singulis Capitaneis in eodem Com. Assign. & eorum cuilibet salutem.
  • Omnibus Iu­stic. majori­bus Ballivis ac al. officia­riis. ss. Universis & singulis Justic. majoribus, ballivis, vic. comitibus Constabulariis, officiariis, mini­stris & fidelibus et quibuscunque tam infram libertates quam extra ad quos praesentes pervenerint salutem.
  • Custod. pacis vic. & omni­bus sene­schallis & al. in Com. Lincoln. ss. Custod. pacis ac Justic. nostris ad diversas felonias trans­gressiones & alia malefacta in Com. nostro Lincoln. perpetrat. audiend. & terminand. Assign. [Page 353] Ac vic. Lincoln. Ac omnibus Se­neschallis & Secretaribus curia­rum & eorum cuilibet.
  • Epo. Sarum. ss. Johanni eadem gra. Epo. Sarum salutem.
  • Custod. spe­cialis. ss. I. A. Custod▪ spiritualita­tis Episc. Sarum sede Episcopali jam vacante, salutem.
  • Pleg. Iustic. Cestr. ss. Justic. suis Cestr. vel ejus locum-tenenti salutem.
  • Iustic. ad As­sizas Regis. ss. Dil. & fidelibus suis W.M. militi & T. Justic. dom. E. nu­per Regis Angl. quarti post Conqu. Ad Assizas in Son. ca­piend. assign. salutem.
  • Vic. majori­bus· Burgens. Sen. & aliis officiar. ss. Vic. Com. nostri B. nec­non omnibus majoribus Burgen­sibus Seneschalis Ballivis, ac omnibus aliis ministris tam infra libertates quam extra in Com. B. & eorum cuilibet.
  • Custod. pacis Iustic. ad Assizas & vic. ss. Custod. pacis suae in Com. Exon. ac Justic. suis ad diversas Felonias transgressiones & al. malefacta eodem Com. Audiend. & terminand. Assign. ac Justic. suis ad Assizas in Com. praedicto capiend. assign. necnon Justic. [Page 354] suis ad Gaolam Castri Exon. de Prisonar. in eadem existen. deli­berand. Assign. ac vic. ejusdem Com. & eorum cuilibet.
  • Majori Ad­mirallae Southamton. ss. Majori villae suae Southam­ton ac Admirallo infra Castras maris eidem villae ab antiquo partim.
  • Aldermano Warde & Collectoribus. ss. Aldermano Wardae Turris London infra Civitatem nostram London ac collectoribus & Sub­collectoribus xxxv. nobis plegiis Regni nostri Angl. concess. in Civitate praedict. & eorum cuili­bea.
  • Iustic. Fore­stae citra Trentam. ss. Charissimo Consanguineo suo H. B. Comiti Essex Custod: Forestae nostri citra Trentam vel ejus locum-tenenti in Foresta nostra de Windsor.
  • Aliter. ss. Charissimo Consanguineo suo H.B. Comiti Essex Justic. Itinerant. omnium Forestarum, Parcorum, Chasearum & VVar­renarum nostrorum citra Tren­tam vel ejus locum-tenenti in Foresta nostra de VVindsor.
  • [Page 355] Recordator et parochianis. ss. Recordatori & parochianis Ecclesiae Sancti Andreae Hol­born in Suburbiis London.
  • Custod. pacis & vic. ss. Custod. pacis suae in com. Som. ac vic. ejusdem Com. & eo­rum cuilibet.
  • Thesaur. & Bar. Scac. ss. Thesaurario & Baronibus suis de Scaccario.
  • Prolotutori Parliamenti & unius Bar. Scac. ss. Dil. et fidelibus suis Hena­gio Finch militi servien. ad legem prolocutori Parliamenti nostri & Recordatori London, Thomae Trevor militi unius Baronum de Scaccatio nostro & Johanni Hobart milit. & Baronetto Exe­cutoribus, Testamenti Henr. Ho­bart Militis & Baronetti nuper Capitalis Justic. de Banco salu­tem.
  • Iustic. magne Sessione wallia. ss. Justic. nostris magnae Ses­sionis nostrae in com. Brecon.
Tituli domorum Rel giosorum & Collegiorum.
  • Eaton. ss. PRaepositus Collegii Rega­lis Beatae Mariae de Eaton in Com: Buck: Windsor & iidem Collegae.
  • [Page 356] Exon. ss. Decanis & Capitl. Eccle­siae Cathedralis beati Petri Exon·
  • Emanuel. Cantabr. ss. Magr. Sociis & Scholar-Collegii Emanuelis infra Uni­versitat. Cantabr.
  • Corpus Chri­sti in Oxon. ss. Praefec. & Scholar. Collegii Corporis Christi infra Universi­tatem Oxon: in com. Oxon.
  • Magdalen Oxon. ss. Praesident. Collegii San­ctae Mariae Magdalen in Univer­sitate Oxon & Scholar: ejusdem Collegii.
  • St. Iohn de Ierusalem. ss. Cuidam W.W. Milit nuper Priori Sancti Johannis Jerusa­lem in Anglia & ejusdem nuper Hospitalis conf. nuper fuerunt Seisit.
  • Baliol. Oxon. ss. Magistro & Scholar. Col­legii de Baliol. in Universitate Oxon.
  • Heref. ss. Decano & Capitul. Ec­clesiae Cathedralis Heref.
  • All-Souls Oxon. ss. Gardianis et Sociis Collegii Animarum omnium fidelium & defunctorum de Universitate Oxon.
  • [Page 357] Wigorn. ss. Decano & Capitul. Ec­clesiae Cathedralis Christi & Beatae Mariae Virginis Wigorn.
  • Christum Oxon. ss. Decano & Capitul. Ec­clesiae Cathedralis Christi in Oxon. Ex fundatione Regis Hen. octavi.
  • Windsor. ss. Decano liberae—Capellae Regiae Sancti Georgii infra Ca­strum sui de Windsor & Cano­nicis ejusdem Capellae.
  • Corpus Christi Col­ledge. ss. Magistro sive Custod. Col­legii Corporis Christi & Beatae Mariae Virginis vulgariter nun­cupat. Bennet Colledge in Uni­versitate Cantabr. ac Sociis & Scholar. ejusdem Collegii Hill. 10 Car. primi MDCXLVI.
Communitat. Societat. & Frater­nitat. Civitat. Burgorum & Villarum.
  • [Page 358] Gardiani London. ss. MAgistro, Gardianis assi­stan. & Communitat. Gard. Civitatis London.
  • Sarum. ss. Majori & Communitat. Civitatis Sarum.
  • Grocer Lon­don. ss. Ad Respondend. Custod. & Commun. Magistro. Grocer. Civitat. London. Mich. 43 Car. Rott. 440.
  • Maior & Communitas London. ss. Ad Respondend. Majori & Communitat. ac Civibus Civitat. London. M. 3. Car. Rott. 1331.
Parochiae & Wardae in London.
  • Cheapside. ss. IN Parochia libert. Mariae de Arcubus in War. de Cheap.
  • Lumbard­street. ss. In Parochia omnium Sancto­rum in Lumbardstreet in Warda de Bishopsgate.
  • Sepulchres. ss. In Parochia Sancti Sepulchri in Warda de Farringdon extra.
  • Dunstans West. ss. In Parochia Sancti Dunstani [Page 359] in occiden▪ in Warda de Far­ringdon extra.
  • Woodstreet. ss. In Parochia Sancti Michaelis in Woodstreet in Warda de Cripplegate.
  • St. Martins. ss. In Parochia Sanct. Martin. in Warda de Farringdon extra.
  • Fanchurch-street. ss. In Parochia Sancti Dionisii in Fanchurch-street in Warda de Langborn.
  • Queenhithe. ss. In Parochia Sancti Michaelis apud Queenhithe in Warda de Queenhithe London.
  • St. Olaves. ss. In Parochia Sancti Nicholai Olave in War. de Queenhithe.
  • St. Faiths. ss. In Paroch. Sanct. Fidelis in Warda de Farringdon infra.
  • Little S. Bar­tholomews prope le Re­gal. Excam­bium. Apud le Northgate Regalis excambii in Par. Sanct. Barthol. parvi prope Regale excambium in Ward. de Broadstreet, Hill. 20 Car. primi Rott. 383.
  • St. Lawrence old Iury. ss. Inquisitio Capt. apud Guild­hall Civitatis London scituat. & exist. in Par. Sanct. Laurencii in veteri Jury in Ward. de Cheap London.
  • St. Pauls. ss. Apud Ecclesiam Cathedra­lem [Page 360] Divi Pauli London in War. de Farringdon infra.
  • St. Magnes. ss. In Par. Sanct. Magnetis in Warda de Bridgeward London, Pasch. 3 Car. Rott. 1205.
  • St. Anne. Devisum Sanctae Annae in Warda de Farringdon infra.
Civitat. & Villae habentes Vic. Videlicet.
  • Civitas Bristol. duo vic.
  • Civitas Coventri. duo.
  • Civitas Cantuar. un.
  • Civitas Ebor. duo.
  • Civitas Exon. duo.
  • Civitas Glouc. duo.
  • Civitas Lichfield. un.
  • Civitas Lincoln. duo.
  • Civitas London. duo.
  • Civitas Norwic. duo.
  • Civitas Wigorn. un.
  • Villa De Kingst. super Hull. un.
  • Villa Southampton. un.
  • Villa Nottingham. duo.
  • Villa De Pool. un.
  • Villa Nov. cast. sup. Tinam. un.

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