THE COCK-CROWING AT THE Approach of a Free-Parliament OR

Good newes in a Ballat
More sweete to your Palat
Then Figge, Raison, or stewed Prune is.
A Countrey wit made it
Who ne'r got by th' trade yet.
And Mad Tom of Bedlam the Tune is.
MOre Wine Boy; To be sober
Is sottish, in my opinion,
When so ne [...]e we doe see
The day that will free
Three Kingdomes and a Dominion.
Then of with your Pots,
English, Irish, and Scots,
And loyall Cambro-Brittains,
From Lobster like jump
And the Head-playing Rump
You'l some have an acquittance.
Though Monck's minde ly's not open
To ev'ry eye that's busy,
A free Parliament
Is in his intent
No Noll, nor Lambert is he.
Then of with, &c.
A Parliament untainted,
(Away with secluded Members:
New flames it might make,
Then of with, &c.
A Parliament of Members
That in bloud and estate are no small Boyes;
The divellish Rump-elves
Are for none but themselves,
Those will be (like God) for us all boyes.
Then of with, &c.
Such a Parliament more happy
Then Fishes will create you,
Though no trade you do drive
But to tipple and swive,
You'l be plump in flesh and estate too.
Then of with, &c.
No Canaan to old England,
Were it rid of the Red-coate Philistian
Good Wine and a Cunny
Exceed Milk and Honey
In the sence of Cavalier Christian.
Then of with, &c.
A Hound and a Hawk no longer
Shall be tokens of a Disaffection,
A Cock-fight shall cease
To be breach of the Peace,
And a Horse race an Insurrection.
Then of with, &c.
The Stages to their freedom
Shall be restor'd soon after,
And Poets like Lictors
Shall scurge our Afflictors
And make our old suffrings our Laughter,
Then of with, &c.
Will, Pryn shall be the Master
O' th' Revells (for's contrition,)
His Histrio-mastyx
Was one of his rash-tricks
E'r his earely circumcision.
Then of with, &c.
Wee'l preach and pray 'th out canting
In a language heau'n know's better
Then Ah Lord repeating
And Hum and Ha bleating
With Calves of the Lips in the Letter.
Then of with, &c.
Wee'l no more to enslave us
Weare Chaines, but to boast our Riches,
Wee Lobsters will eate,
And not be their meate,
When the right Rump weare's the Breeches.
Then of with, &c.
All Nations shall adore us▪
[...] [...]ble,
The Dutch-men shall feare us,
And all to Mi [...] here us;
And the French cry votre tres-humble.
Then of with, &c.
The Cittizens shall flourish,
Lord Mayors, when th' office expires,
Shall a Knight-hood obtaine,
If they're not of the straine
Of Excise, nor Church-land Buyers.
Then of with, &c.
This London had effected
E'r now, and honour had got so,
But for Knaves Ireton
And Tichburn were known,
When the Drugster's Son was not so.
Then of with, &c.
Each Yeare shall bring a Harvest
To th' Plough-man, who was vext ill
When but e'ry fourth yeare
By the Tax-Calendar
It came like the Bissextile.
Then of with, &c.
His Rent he shall pay duly,
Nor to spend shall he want his groat e'r.
His Landlord shall be
Of his beere to him free,
And of's flesh to his Wife and his Daughter.
Then of with, &c.
But now my serious fancyes,
A project is concocting,
When God shall have sent
A true Parliament,
What a Rope we shall doe with this mock­thing
Then of with, &c.
Like Mare with dock to th' Manger,
To shew it no cheat at all is.
It like one doth appeare,
But it is none and where
The Head should have been the Taile is,
Then of with, &c.
Or we'l send for the God of Lorrell,
Who cook't so neatly the Peak-feast,
And Hell Carbonado
It with little a-doe
To make the Devill a break-fast

Cho. Then of with, &c.

We read of a Rump in Saint Austin
Which (before this of ours) out-went all;
It sounds did let fly
As articularly
As it had had in it a Lenthall,
Then of with, &c.
But ne'r poor Rum was firked
Like this by wits, and by no wits.
Nor ever was game
So fit as this same
To enter and flesh young Poets.
Then of with, &c.
More good things I could utter
But now I find by a token,
That the Play will begin,
And good fortune come in
E'r the Prologue be quite spoken.
Then of with, &c.
Charles Waine's ore the new Chimnie,
The Sun's neare our Horizon,
The Fowles of the night
Are taking their flight,
E'r Cheshire Prey they seiz on.
Then of with, &c.
We'l drink and pray no longer
For the King in misticall fashions
But with Trumpet's sound
His health shall go round,
And our Prayers be Proclamations.
Then of with, &c.
Now Jockey, Teag, and Shenkin,
Pray no more to St. Andrew
To Patrick, or Davie,
But St. George, who, to save 'ee,
'Gainst Dragon Rump like a man-drew.
Then of with your pots
English, Irish, and Scots
And loyall Cambro-brittaines,
From Lobster-like Jump,
And the head-playing Rump
You'l soon have an acquittance.

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