THE CIVIL WARS OF BANTAM: OR, AN Impartial Relation OF ALL THE BATTELS, SIEGES, and other Remark­able TRANSACTIONS, REVOLUTI­ONS and ACCIDENTS that happened in the late Civil Wars BETWEEN THAT KING AND HIS ELDEST SON, COMMONLY CALLED BY THEM, The Young King, GIVING A Particular Account of the Circumstances and Manner of the Siege and taking of the City of Bantam, and the English Factory there, by the Young King, with the Help and Assistance of the Dutch; In several Letters from a Gentleman Residing for the East-India-Company at Bantam, to a Merchant in London.

LONDON, Printed by H. C. for Tho. Malthus at the Sign of the Sun in the Poultrey, MDCLXXXIII.


I. A Most Learned Treatise, Entituled, Fundamental Law the true Security of Sovereign Dignity, and the Peoples Liberty. By a Person of Honour. Octavo. Price, One Shilling six pence.

II. The Romish Mass-Book, faithfully Translated into English with Notes and Observati­ons thereupon plainly Demonstrating the Idolatry and Blasphemy thereof: Containing, 1. The Cautelae, or Cavears of the Mass. 2. The Canon of the Mass. 3. The History of the Mass; shewing when, how, and by whom it was patched together; with a Curious Copper Cut prefixed, representing the Priest saying Mass; with unanswerable Arguments proving it no Service of God: Published at this juncture to Prevent the Designs of those that are Endeavouring to Introduce Popery amongst us: Dedicated to the Right Reverend Father in God, Henry, Lord Bishop of London. Price One Shilling.

III. Vates Astrologicus, or Englands Astrological Prophet, Foretelling what is likely to befall Great Britain and Ireland, particularly the Great and Famous City of London, as also France, Holland, Spain, Germany, Poland, Italy, Sicily, Apulia, Bohemia, Turky, and indeed all Europe, but more especially the See of Rome, for twenty years together, beginning March 10. 1683. Ending March. 10. 1702. likewise Astrological Judgments of the Effects of that famous Triple Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, being thrice re­peated in that Regal sign Leo; the Great Dignities of the Sun and Jupiter: also some Remarks upon the Eclipses, and more especially upon that great and famous visible E­clipse of the Sun, July 2d. 1684 with twenty years Predictions from some of the most Eminent mutual Aspects of the Planets: and Eclipses of the Luminaries, and Annual Re­volutions of the Sun: with many Hieroglyphicks, representing the future State and Chang­es of the world: By Richard Kirby Student in Astrology. Price One Shilling.

All Sold by Thomas Malthus, at the Sign of the Sun in the Poultrey. 1683.

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