THE City of London's PLEA TO THE Quo Warranto, (An Information) brought against their CHARTER In Michaelmas Term, 1681. WHEREIN It will Appear, That the Liberties, Priviledges, and Customs of the said City cannot be Forfeited, or Lost by the Misdemeanor of any Officer or Magistrate thereof. Nor their CHARTER be Seized into the King's Hands for any Mis-usage or Abu­sage of their Liberties and Priviledges, they being Confirmed by divers Ancient Records and Acts of Parliament made be­fore and since MAGNA CHARTA. ALSO, How far the Commons of the said City have Power of Chusing and Removing their SHERIFFS. Published Both in English and Latin.

London, Printed in the Year 1682. And Published by Randal Taylor.

The Courteous Reader is desired to pardon the small Faults of the Press.

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