THE Charter of Londons ANSWER To A Scurilous LIBEL, INTITULED, Its Last Will and Testament, &c.

Mr. Babylonish-Bully,

THese are to Inform you that I— Philojuris— Loyal Charter of the City of London, (not yet so Blinded with the mist of Ignorance, but that I can discern between Hone­sty and Knavery, Wisdom and Folly) having the other day perused a Paper, (much to the Scandal of the English Nation, whose Metropolis I Grace) Intituled, My last Will and Testament, I could not but stand in Admiration that Impudence or rather Ignorance, should be so predominant in any Person, to Induce him to dispose of (as his Phranzy di­rected) my Priviledges, Imunities, Enfranchisements, and what not, without my Privity or any directions from the least of my Loyal Members; as who should say there is the Moon catch it, and take it, nay further, to proclaim me Mortus est to three Kingdoms, at a Juncture wherein my apparent vivacity declares my Body Politick, with all its Members, sound and Temperate, not Subject to any Heats or other disorders, that have formerly afficted me: But whilst I was musing, who this Scribe should be, one of my Children who had been Inquisitive in that matter, Informed me that it was drawn up by Mr. Babilonish-Bully one of his Holiness Pentioners, who has a long time gaped to devour me at a Morsel, and that it was contrived at a Consult of Bethlehemites, where Olivers Porter sate Chairman, which welcome discovery did not a little Calm my Anger, for if it be so, (said I) I rather pitty the Brain sick Rout, then cavel at their Simplicity, taking it for Granted, that it is only a Prodrome or Forerunner of the dismal effects of the next Midsummer Moon. Yet to let the World know that I am Alive, and in good Health, I shall not think it amiss, in Vindication of my self, and to wipe of the aspersions cast by this Infamous Tyburn Scribler, upon many of my Loyal and Obedient Children, to declare my mind.

Then be it known to all my Neighbour Citys, that I owe my Original to the many Roy­al Grants of the Kings of England, His Majesties, my now Dread Soveraigns Predecessors, concerned by Charters and divers Acts of Parliament, and that since I was first modelled into a Body Politick, consisting of Body and Members, as one Man to Plead or be Impleaded, I have frequently and in most urgent occasions, freely expose my Treasure, and hazzarded the Lives of my Children to the utmost, in supporting that Royal Dignity, from which I recei­ved my Life and Vigour to Act, and do whatsoever is Just and Lawful, ever acknowledging as in Allegiance I am Bound, all Submission and Obedience to my Lord and Maker, by whose Power I am Protected, and do Protect my Children from those that greedily gape for their Destruction, hoping so to continue firm and Inviolable, without any Lett or Alteration, or if I should fall (which Heaven avert) I doubt not but to rise by the Indulgence of the best of Kings, in greater Splendor then (ever though to the great Regret of those) that grow big with the expectation of my utter dissolution, As for the Halters and Newgates mentio­ned in my Pretended Last Will and Testament, had they been decently bestowed upon the Scribe, and those of his Confedracy, e're they with false Rumours, Idle Reports, needless [Page]Fears, and Evil Representations of things, &c. had divided my Children, so to work their per­nitious Ends, and bring about what otherwise was not in their Power, I had now rested in Peace, all had been Calm as the Halcyon-Seas, a right understanding amongst my Members had continued, and my Antient Luster had not in the least been Impaired, had the Wolves in Sheeps Cloathing been detected; the Folds had rested Secure, but as it is, I cannot per­swade my self, but what is past will be forgoten and forgiven, and that I and my dear Consort, Not yet a Widdow, Gay as at first, may many years walk Hand in Hand, and yet produce a numerous off-spring, whose Loyalty and Obedience to their Prince may raise their Envy higher, who would rejoyce in nothing more then my Anihilation, especially those who Viper like seek to destroy what's gave them, being whose understanding are so shallow, that like Quickset, they cannot discern the difference twixt a Windmill and an Armed Knight. These are the greatest cause of my Grief, these are my ungracious Children, which I could well spare, to Caper betwixt Heaven and Earth, yet to have access to neither but like Mahomet, be famed for Hanging in the Air.

As Touching my Children aspersed by the Scandalous Libeller, who would needs under­take to be my Scribe, though Indeed a very Pharisee or time Serving Hypocrite, it is apparent that his Gaul has overflowed upon them, not so much in hatred to their Persons, as for that they earnestly Laboured to support me in a time when nothing could more demonstrate their Gratitude for all the good things that I have heaped upon them, and therefore seeing the Mallice is altogether Levelled at me, I shall only say, that their well deservings shall stand Recorded to all Posterity, whose Candid Actions like Christial, will not long admit of stains, but self Purged shine bright, though never so many Vapours rise to Eclipse or dimm the Luster.

And now Mr. Babilonish-Bully, since in my Life time, nay, at a time when I was least apprehensive of any danger, you would needs procure my Will and Testament to Wrighting and exposed as portentious, freely distributing what was not your own; It will not be amiss if I settle and dispose of a few Legacies, with far more Justice then any thing you can pretend too.

Imprimus. To his Majesty; I tender all Loyalty and Submissive Obedience, as in Allegi­ance and Duty ought and am bound to do.

Item. I appoint all my Lands, Tennements, Goods, Chattels, Enfranchisements, Privi­lidges, Grants, Customs, Freedoms and Immunities, with all my Ensignes of Honour, to remain in the care of those that now possess them, till other Loyal Gentlemen are duly Authoriz'd to take upon them those great Trusts.

Item. To those that seek to set my Members at Variance, and to Stirr up Divisions, and Crease a wrong understanding amongst my Children, to prevert them from their Duty and Allegiance, I give Free-quarters in the Goal of New-Gate, and other such like Mansions within my Liberties, there to take their several Degrees till they come to be exalted on the Triple-tree.

Item. To those Time Servers, who like Cammelions can change their Colours to what they Fancy, and alter more frequent then Proteous their shapes, as best Suits to their present purpose, I give all the Weather-Cocks from New-Gate to Ald Gate, to make them Head pieces, that by those Marks they may be known.

Item. To Mr. Babilonish Bully and his Scribe, in point of Civillity, for the pains they took in writing and Publishing my Last Will and Testament, I bequeath all the Whiping-posts from the Stocks-Market to Temple Barr, to their peculiar uses, and strictly commanded my Beadles when ever they meet them, or either of them, within my Liberties, without delay to put them in possession of my Donation, and without Favour or Affection supply them with such Materials as thereto appertain, and for so doing, this shall be their sufficient Warrant.

Item. I lastly Order, that my Grave Council, Learned in the Law, by whose Wisdom I have hitherto been preserved in prefect health, be incouraged to proceed in what they have undertaken, for the performance of which, and the several particulars above men­tioned, I bind my self and my Members, in one Intire Body politick, in the Four Hun­dred Year of my Age, &c.

Entred According to Order.

LONDON, Printed for Langley Curtis, 1683.

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