The Charge of Subduing the Irish-Rebellion in 1641.

An Account of what subduing the Rebellion of Ireland, begun the 23d of October, 1641. hath cost, and what Damage the Prote­stants there have sustained thereby, and what Lands have been forfeited and disposed of to Adventurers, Souldiers, and other English, and what to the Irish, and now in their possession: Abstracted out of the Accounts of Moneys in the Exchequer, during such time as any regular Accounts were made up, and by probable and rational Estimates, for the time in which no Accounts were kept, by reason of the general Rebellion and Confusion, and out of the Surveys, Deccrees, and Settlements, made by His Majesty 's Commissioners, for executing the Acts of Settlement and Explanation in Ireland.

  l. s. d. l. s. d. l. s. d.
I. MOneys receiv'd and issued from the 6th of July 1649, to the 1st of November 1656, being 7 years and 4 Months, according to an Account thereof, remaining as a Record in the Auditor-General's Office in Ireland. Transmitted out of England, in specie 1566848 13 4 3509396 17 0 ½ 22191258 3 0 ½
Assessments in Ireland 1309695 14 11 ½
Rents of forfeited and sequestered Houses, Lands, Fishings, &c. 161598 8 7 ¾
Tythes sequestered 135524 3 2 ½
Customs and Excise 252474 18 10 ¾
Preys of Cows, Horses, and other Goods, taken from the Rebels, and for other casual Revenue 083258 18  
Money issued in England towards transporting Armies, raising Recruits, buying and sending over Provisions of all sorts for the Army, and other Moneys issued by Warrant from the then Council, or the Committee of the Army in England, which was not accounted for in Ireland, the Warrants and Accounts being never transmitted thither, of which there is a Reference in the account of Record, in the Exchequer above mentioned, which is estimated to be as much, if not more, than the above sum of 3509396 l. 17 s. 0 ½ d. In that all Cloths, Linnen and Woollen, Stockings, Shoes, Boots, Horses, Saddles, Arms, Ammunition, Tents, Bread, Cheese, and other eating Provisions, were sent from England, and the Price thereof deducted from the weekly Pay of the Army, and not brought to Account, and so estimated as above   3509396 17  
The Charges of the Armies in the several Provinces of Ireland, from the 23d of October 1641, the time the Re­bellion broke out, to the 6th of July 1649, from whence the Accounts is stated, as above, being about 7 Years and 9 Months, when no regular Accounts were or could be kept, by reason of the Confusion in which the kingdom was by the Rebellion, there may be by probable Estimate added, without any Allowance, for Provision of all sorts after the Rate of what was paid the Army after the 6th of July 1649, when Provisions were deducted   3760068    
The Loss of Rents for 14 Years, from October 1641 until the Year 1655, reckoning the Land but at 12 d. an Acre yearly, is 7608264 l. 6 s. and reckoning all the Corporations, Houses and Tythes, but at a Moiety thereof, comes to   11412396 9  

Besides the Loss by the Devastation of Houses, Orchards, Gardens, Improvements, Houshold-stuff, Corn, Cattel, and the impairing the value of Land unto that time, not to be estimated, but in reason to be accounted, as much as before is computed for all others Charges, Losses and Expences, if not much more, the same extending to the whole kingdom.

II. By the Surveys of Ireland, there is in Ireland, as forfeited by the Rebellion, and belonging to Protestants not forfeited, of Plantation-Acres, accounting 21 Foot to the Perch, and 160 Perches to the Acre, in the respective Provinces, the quantity of Land hereafter mentioned.

  Acres Acres
Leinster 2603520 10868949
Munster 3255874
Ʋlster 2777875
Connaght 2231680

The which Lands are divided and distributed, as by the Surveys and Records of the Records of the Court of Claims will appear, as followeth:

To the Portestants, and others, that proved their constant good affection, including the Bogs, Loughs and Mountains in Ireland,   6110292 10868949
To Adventures 396054 2717549
To the Officers and Souldiers 1442839
To the Officers that served his Majesty against the Rebels in Ireland, before the Year 1649 278041
To his Royal Highness the Duke of York, as Regicides Lands 111015
To Protestants, on Provisoes by the Acts of Settlement and Explanation 383975
To the Bishops for their Augmentations, of which some have possession 118041
Reserved to His Majesty as un-disposed, upon the account of Lewis Dyke and Thomas Conyngham, being set out on frau­dulent Adventures 14006
Left of course Lands un-disposed, the Title to the greatest part whereof was doubtful 73578
Restored unto the Irish upon Decrees of Innocency 965270 2041108
Restored to them by special Provisoes in the Acts of Settlement and Explanation 408083
Set out upon their Transplantations of Connaght and Clare, over and above what is confirmed to English Protestants, who purchased Interests there from the Irish 667755

So that the Irish, notwithstanding the Rebellion, and their great complaints of losing all their Lands, are restored unto, and possessed of, almost one half of all the Lands formerly accounted forfeited by the Rebellion. Besides, that the 2717549 Acres granted to the English, hath cost as before (besides the loss of Hundreds of thousands of Men murthered by, and killed in subduing the said Rebels) the sum of 22191258 l. 3 s. 0 ½ d. And accounting the said 2717549 Acres to be worth 12 d. per Acre, one Acre with the other yearly, they will come to 135876 l. 9 s. which for the Purchase thereof, at 10 years Purchase comes to 1358764 l. 10 s. After which Rate the Lands, granted to the English and Protestants are not the 15th part of what the Money expended in subduing the said Rebellion would have bought, accounting the Devastations and loss of many Thousands of Mens Lives for nothing.


☞ The History of the Execrable IRISH-REBELLION, Trac'd from many preceding Acts to the grand Eruption the 23d of October 1641, and thence pursued to the Act of Settlement 1662. Printed for Robert Clavell at the Peacock, and Charles Brome at the Gun near the West-end of S. Pauls.

London, Printed for R. Clavel and Ch. Brome, at the West-end of S. Pauls, 1689.

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