HE is a Certain kind of Animall very Difficult to be Charracterized in all his Tropes and Figures, how­ever that you may know him, take this following Description. He is a Person whose Brains are too heavy for his Conscience, and yet one is as Ad­dle as a stinking-Egg, and t'other as rotten at Coare as a Peare. He is a meer-state Hocus Pocus, who can Play fast and loose at Pleasure. He will not allow it Lawful to Accept of Baile for Petty crimes, though never so sufficient, yet he can prove it Lawful for Impeachment of High-Treason when the Case lies at his own Door, If you are minded to put him in a Fustian-Fume, [Page 2]only talk [...] liument, and it makes him Stark- Raving-Mad. You had as good look a Needle in a Bottle of Hay as desire Justice at has Hands; but if you have a bad Cause on Foot, one Draught of [...] Potabile renders him your Humble Servant, he is a meer Cormorant, for 'tis thought he hath Devoured ten Thousand Guinies at a Break fast, though a Parliament Purga­tion will cause him either to Evacuate them or Pay his Head for a Reckoning. He is a Person will read in Polliticks, but cannot be [...]erswaded but the best Pollicy in the World, is, To E [...]a [...]her his own Nest First, let the World run how it will Staffords Head is the best Emblem of Mortality he ever Consul­ted, for he seldom thinks of that, but it puts him in mind to Se­cure his own. He is a Person very Defective in his Opticks, for he cannot disceen a Fair Cause from a Foule Cheat, except through a Gold Prospective Glass: and then he is as Cleer Sighted as a Ly [...]x in Favou of the Person, presents him with it. His Coach Wheels move as heavy as his Justice, except well Greased with Pocket Dust, and th [...]n Jeheu's Chariot is an Ass for Expedition. A Fat Pigg well stuff'd with Jaco­busses for Sauce, will make him a good Meale, and a hundred of Pippins with a Guiney in each Pippin, will serve for a good Concoction. He is a great Abhoror of Petitioning, yet thinks it no scorn to Petition for his own Life. In a Word, He is lately much troubled with the Palsey, for his very Head shakes and Totters on his Shoulders. He is so far from being a Romanist, that he Mortally hates The Weekly Pacquet of Advice from Rome, and hath Endeavoured as much as in him lay to Suppress it, until his Superiors gave him a Dose to take that Qualm off his Stomach. If you find a Person described by these Marks, bring him before his Superiors, and Possibly the Case may be so far Altered that he may Exchange a Velvet Cushion on the Bench for a more convenient Place at the Barr. However I reflect upon no Person but An Unjust Judge, and he which is so let him take it to himself.


London printed for T. VV. 1681.

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