BY the first Principles, of Mother Earth
An English man is noble, by his birth
Hath a fine body, and an Aspect Rare
Shines like the Stars in Northern Hemesphere,
He being of the purest matter made
As by the wise Phylosopher is said
Crowns him, in the Figure of his Manhood high,
As the sun is the Candle of the Sky
Nature and R [...]ason make him Rich and great,
And plant him in their Golden Chair of State;
So highly born, that from his Blood we hope
That he may rule, in Princedomes Horoscope:
He feareth God, and Honours high his King
Acting, and doing well in every thing;
His Ethicks are so high, and learning Rare,
Though he treads on the Earth, yet flies in Air,
And as Divinity doth Law excell,
So in him, doth true Perfection dwell;
Religious Reason is his sole delight,
And loves to see both Church and State go right:
To all he's Allamode, Iantee, and Neat,
Brisk, Complaisant, Endearing, and Compleat;
Having both Wisdom and good wit at will,
And can do all things, unless that of ill:
And for his Innocence and Conscience high,
He'1 duell with the Devils in the Sky?
Following the Dictates of his reall Nature,
Shewing that the reasonable Creature
Is not for to be forc'd, but gently led
By Governours, and by his dearest Head;
He takes his Princes part against the Devil,
And will not have him come to any evil;
And yet Resolves that he will be no slave,
Unless unto the Mighty, Good, and Brave;
He payes all just Devoires, where truly due,
And where it is Fictitious and not true,
Grows careless of the Justice of his breast,
And so leaves all to take his pleasant rest:
Shewing 'gainst Reason and Religion,
Nothing in humane interests is done;
Since 'tis a thing that mounts him to the Grove
Of Joy, and Peace, and Universal Love.
Where when the Feast is o're, and Banquet done,
Like th' Eagle he shall fly beyond the Sun:
[Page] Where he shall see such Prospects of delight,
As doth transcend all humane words and sight;
And there be rendred happy in loves Arms
With all Celestial and eternal Charms.
From Heaven we pass, and down to Earth again
To behold him in his curious Train?
His Air, and Voice, proclaim the Angelick nature,
Making him the Metropolis of the Creature:
And all his vertues do denote him high
To be the next a kin to the Divinity?
Their Speech is mean like to the Birds of th' Field,
Therefore a pleasant Conversation yield:
Shewing the variety of the World,
As differing Lights from the same Sun are hurl'd;
But in him the Indies of his love's laid out,
Which makes him turn the Giddy world about?
'Mong Beasts[?], the Lyon, Birds, the Eagle high,
So among men the English signifie,
Among Flowers the Rose exceeds the other,
Of the Pink, Tulip, and the Gilliflower;
Heaven shewing it self most unto its own,
Like a kind Parent to his belov'd Son;
In short he's the Flower of the Creation,
Still acting as best becomes his Station?
The Favourite both of Heaven and of Earth,
And blessed from his very Infant-birth,
He lives here[?] for a while to take his pleasure,
And when he comes into the Starry Treasure
The Powers above do treat him as a friend,
In glorious Mansions where there is no end.

The Picture.

See and behold the English, and draw nigh
Unto their noble Prince in Majesty,
So great he is that Greatness can't him raise
Cloath'd[?] with Majesty and Celestiall Rayes;
In every degree a happy Creature,
From the[?] perfections of his mind and Feature;
So mighty witty, and so rarely wise,
The joy of Heart, and wonder of our eyes?
At whom we still draw near to, and look on
Like Marygolds, when opening to the Sun;
And as Iove's happy with his Joyes above,
So England's King is in his Subjects love;
And when Nature failes that he must dye
He shall be Crown'd to all Eternity.

I have perused these Verses, and find them composed according to the Rules of Poetry, and therefore think them fitting to be Printed.

Nath. Lee.

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