THE CHARACTER OF A Modern Sham-Plotter.

HE is the Common Enemy of Honest Mankind: so pregnant with Venom, that his very sight (like a Basilisk) kills. A Wretch so Pestilent, that if (by Diabolical Insinuation) he can fasten a mo­ments privacy upon an Innocent man, he never leaves Swearing, till he has got him Hang'd, Drawn, and Quarter'd. A right Son of Belial; of the Progeny of Judas; Midwif'd by the Meal-Tub-Hag; Tutor'd by Old Nick, or by his Vicegerent, the Triple-Crown'd-Monster; and taught Pra­cticks by the Malignant Brats of Ignatiue.

A Beggarly Rascal, that lives by the Price of Blood; the very Incendiary of Nations, and the Compendium or Epitome of all Villany.

Damming, Sinking, Whoring, Roaring, Drunkenness, &c. are his private Recreations, and Devotion. His study is the destruction of Innocents, how to frame his damnable Projects (not in a Mathematical,) but in a Diabolical Symmetry. He Disgorges Oaths with greater ease then he Spues out the su­perfluity of his Intemperate Debauches.

He cannot want Invention, for the Father of Lies sets him his Copy; the Locusts of the Bottom less Pit guide his hand; and the Jesuits teach him to Con his Lesson.

His Forehead is so brazen'd with Impudence, that he Blasphemes the Di­vinity in the Face of the Sun; makes the Law Pimp to his wide-mouth'd Perjuries: and Sacrifices Lives with less Compassion than Cannibals eat Chri­stians.

He is an active Species of Vermine, that works under Ground, laying his Mines close, to blow up Lives and Estates; but if once detected, Proteus cannot shift himself into such a variety of shapes as this Varlet (this Rogue in Grain) has Methods to Sham his Plots, upon such whose Ruin he has be­fore contriv'd.

His Dexterity in Malice cannot be parallel'd, but by his Master the Devil, to whom there is nothing on Earth more like. The Sham-Plotters of old were Dunces to him: Silly Fools, dull at Contrivance, with one String to their Bow, and one Arrow in their Quiver, which (once missing the Mark) by the discovery of the Ambuscade, or the unskilfulness of the Archer, the Stratagem expir'd without a Resurrection; but this Modern Graduate in Bel­zebubs School, can either Sham off the Old, or Conceive, Form, and bring forth, a New Plot, in as little time as he can Belch out an Oath, [affronting [Page 21]that ineffable Majesty, whose tremendous Name he never uses but in that Dialect of horrible Volleys of God-dam-me's, yet expects to be believed as if he made Conscience of Swearing in his more Solemn and (therefore more) Abominable Perjuries.]

He Haunts the Apartments of Grandees and Magistrates, like an Evil Spi­rit. The leading men of the State he labours to seduce and frighten with Apparitions of horrid, Phanatick, Presbyterian Plots, (the Embrio's indeed, and Production of Jesuitical Brains.) The Burden of his Song is Forty, One, Forty One; impudently affronting His Majesty, who past an Act of In­dempnity, Enacting that no man should reproach another with his being concerned in that unhappy War, and Graciously Pardon'd the Delinquents, (except such as were executed) yet Old Towzer the Observator (as Venemous an Asp as ever spit Poyson) Heraclitus, (that egregious Buffoon) N. T. that impudent Sot, that cannot Write Sense, much [...] Truth, (but is beholden to the Mercenary Cabal of Sham-Plotters, and the Debauched Priests (Con­demned for Treason in Newgate) with the rest of that profligate Tribe to furnish him with Matter as well as Form for his Pamphlet) to Sham off their Trayterous Villanies, and to cover the shame of that Scarlet-Whore, their Anti-Spiritual Mother, must Weekly fill City and Country with Lying, Scur­rilous, Licentious Pamphlets, Obscene Rime-Doggrel, Drunken Ballads, &c. void of Sense, Poetry and Truth, &c. — Which is one goodly Stratagem of a Sham-Plotter, who,

(Whilst he tickles the Fancy of his Dam-ming Tribe by the Scurrillity of his Drunken Wit) forgets the Dismal IRISH MASSACRE, GƲN­POWDER TREASON, the present HORRID and Damnable Plot, &c, Which are (besides innumerable more Romish Treasons) so notorious to KING, PARLIAMENT, and PEOPLE, that the Barking of these Curs, the Shams of these Villans, the Roaring, Damming Oaths of TORIES, the Formidable Menaces from beyond the Water, nor the Damnable Intreagues of Devil, Pope, Shamplotters, Tories, Masqueraders, &c. shall never blind the Eyes of England, cut Protestants Throats, seize their Estates, Ruine their Religion, Destroy their King, &c. nor shall they in due time escape the Vengeance of the all seeing GOD, whose dreadful Scourage never fails to lash so Reprobate, so Malignant, so Diabolical a Generation as the Sham­plotters and their Abettors.

To Conclude, a Shamplotter is an Indigent Rascal, that would sell his Soul to the Devil for a Mornings Draught, or to a Whore for a Disease: Ex­tracted out of a Plebcan Dunghil; Educated in a Popish Seminary, (where he learnt the whole Mass of his Debauchery) or else one that by Romish Artifice was Decoyd by those Imps of Hell to do the Devils drudgery. A Creature hated by all good men, suspected and esteemed as a Devil In­carnate by his Associates and Employers; Infamous in the Superlative De­gree, whose beginning is base, whose Life is abominable, whose End is the Pox or the Gallows, and whose Eternal State (for he seldom Repents) is com­monly Damnation.

In a word no Dictionary affords a worse Epither for him than SHAM­PLOTTER, TORY, or MAN-CATCHER.


London: Printed for R. Janeway in Queens. H [...]ad-Ally in Pater-Noster-Row.

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