SOME OBSERVATIONS ON Thomas Curtis; With Three Queries to T. C. and the Other Quakers in Communion with him.

I. THomas Curtis is to be blamed for what he acted and did at Kings-Heath-Meeting, October the 4th. 1696. or he is not to be blamed, the Printed Narrative gives an Account of the most Material Things that passed in Discourse.

II. If he be to blamed for maintaining such Erronious Do­ctrine, and also in publick, Whether all those that are his Friends, or pretend so to be, and take his part, ought not to disown him, (till he hath made a publick Confession and Acknow­ledgment under his Hand, that what he there maintained and Challenged five Thousand to meet half way between his Dwel­ling and mine, to maintain, are damnable Heresies) otherwise to be deemed equally guilty with T. C. and to hold such Errors as T. C. dos, or are Connivers and Cloakers of them?

III. It appears from his Letter under his Hand, that he acted contrary to it.

IV. He never gave a Meeting to his last Challenge, October the 4th. 1696. tho desired, and urged to do it by two Letters, the second he never answered.

V. He promised the People oftentimes, He would never leave them as long as he was able to come, and if not able to come, be said he would send one; And then at last came and told them, he would pay the Rent no longer then to Michaelmas post, con­trary to what I heard him tell the Landlord, that when he was [Page 2] minded to leave it, he should have half a Years warning; or if he was minded T. C. should hold it no longer, he should give half a Years warning; and yet contrary to all, he threw it up, October the 4th. 1696.

VI. In that Meeting, the 4th. of October, he said none was against his Doctrine but W. C. And then J. R. spoke, then he said none but he and I. See what a Shepherd this is, to leave a Flock as he said, because two opposed his Gross Antichristian Errors.

VII. He kept not to his former Challenges, nor to his latter, nor to his Letter, and yet we do not find that either the Reading-Quakers belonging to Sun-lane, nor some of the N [...]wberry-Quakers have disowned him, but rather cloak and connive at it.

VIII. Whether any holding such Gross Antichristian Errors and damnable Heresies, ought not as much to be disowned, as a Man charged with Adultery?

IX. Whether such of T. C.'s Communion, that do not disown him, are not equally Guilty with himself? and how can any Christian People ever think they are sincere, until they disown him for a Preacher, or that he makes a publick and sincere re­tracting of those Gross Errors T. C. publickly maintained at Kings-Heath Meeting, October the 4th.

X. Whether that be not a great Cheat, that T. C.'s Name should be to a Printed Sheet, wherein many of those things he main­tained at Kings-Heath, he contradicts, and yet hath not re­tracted those gross Errors he not only the 4th. of October main­tained, but many of them at divers Meetings before at the same place, as many can testifie to the Truth of.

XI. T. C. said to the People, October the 4th. 1696. He was not Angry, nor in a Passion, but said. he had cleared his Mind. Which is the more to be noted, that these gross Errors were firm­ly believed by him, and long and deeply rooted in him for many Years; for now he said, Some say we keep our Meanings hid; But, said T. C. I declare openly. And after the Confe­rence was over some considerable time, one of the Meeting said to T. C. Sure thou wast in a Passion? No, said T. C. I was not. All which confirms his firm belief in these Sadducean and Gross Antichristian Errors, mentioned in our One Blow more, &c.

XII. What ground had T. C. to have challenged me to stand [...] if he had not opposed those great Fundamental Doctrines I [...]d writ to him about, near six Months before; and it is evident [...]is was their difference at Reading about some of these Funda­mental Points, as may be seen in a Printed Sheet, by W. P. R. S. [...]. J. containing Twelve Queries, with their Answer to their [...]eri [...]s, and also by a Printed Letter to Thomas Curtis, W. S. [...]. C. &c. wherein their Hypocrisie is laid open, and discovered; [...]nd in my Narrative, entituled One Blow more, &c.

XIII. T. C. did usually tells us, before the 4th. of October. 1696. [...]hat he knew no other Jesus, but a Spiritual Jesus, whom the Heaven [...] Heavens could not contain. And also did use to tells us, he could [...]ke no distinction of the Godhead and Manhood. And not only [...]e 4th. of October, 1696. he said, he could not tell whether it [...] the Godhead or Manhood that suffered. But I heard T. C. maintain the same, and in the same Words, long before at Reading [...] Ben. Coals Chamber, to G. K. my self, and others.

1st. Query. What did Thomas Curtis and the Reading-Quakers [...]blish that for, they call The Reading-Quakers vindicated. &c? Did you do it, that the World should know you had changed our Principles, and that you did now believe otherwise then [...]merly? Or did you do it, to make your Hearers and the World believe you had changed your Faith, and yet had not, [...]t did it only to delude the People, and continued to believe [...]e same Principles Thomas Curtis maintained at Kings-Heath [...]eeting, and challenged 5000 to maintain it, by disputing with [...]em?

2d. Query. Whether it doth not appear your Printed Vin­ [...]cation, is but a meer Cheat, and no sincere Confession of [...]hat you believe, and T. C's Name to it, is the more to be no­ [...]d, and remarkable? And whether B. C. is not a great Hypo­ [...]e, who had some time before printed that Faith in Christ's [...]eath and Sufferings. Resurrection and Ascention, is absolutely necessary to every Man and Woman. But when afterward he [...]me to oppose us, he Answered, That what he had printed in [Page 4] that Book was not his Faith, and that he had done it only [...] please George Keith?

3d. Query. Whether T. C. did keep his Word according to hi [...] Letter dated April the 29th. 1696. to W. C. printed at the end o [...] One Blow more, &c. Secondly, Whether he hath not broke hi [...] Word as much in his publick Challenge at Kings-Heath-Mee­ting, to meet 5000 to dispute and maintain his Principles then asserted: And W. C. urged him with two Letters to perform his Challenge, which he never did. Whether he ought not to be disowned for a Preacher, till he make a publick and sincere acknow­ledgment, and Retracting of those Gross Errors there maintained▪ And whether you that be his Hearers, and still keep in Commu­nion with him, and have not disowned him for a Preacher, be not equally guilty with him, and believe the same, he maintaine [...] at Kings-Heath; or are Cloakers and Connivers at it? And whether you must not be so deemed, till you disown him for [...] Preacher, or he make a publick acknowledgment he hath chan­ged his Faith, and confess he is not of the same Principles he maintained at Kings-Heath, the 4th. of October, 1696. and di­vers time before at the Place, many of them, which many can testi [...]ie?

Answer directly to these Queries, (and do not as T. C. did at Kings-Heath-Meeting, who to [...]d W. C. Those great Funda­mentals in W. C. 's Letter were Quibbles) that the World may know what Faith you profess.

W. C.

London, Printed by J. Bradford in New-street without Bishopsgate, 1697.

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