The Ceremonies of the Vacant See.

THE Ceremonies OF THE VACANT SEE. Or a True RELATION Of what passes at ROME upon the POPE's Death.

With the Proceedings in the Conclave, for the Election of a New POPE; According to the Constitutions and Ceremonials.

As also The Coronation and Cavalcade.

Out of the French by J. DAVIES of Kidwelly.

LONDON, Printed by H. L. and R. B. for Tho. Basset at the George in Fleetstreet, near Cliffords- Inn. 1671.

TO My Worthy and much Honoured FRIEND, Mr. MICHAEL HALL OF DURHAM.


THE Obligations I had to your Worthy Brother JOHN HALL, somtime of Grey's Inne Esquire, are no less present to my thoughts, when I am at the greatest distance from his Relations, then they are during my long Residences at London, where I frequently converse with those, who, knowing his worth, take oc­casion to celebrate it, upon the least mention of his Name.

But the Account I receiv'd from you of [Page] Him not long since, and what you design'd to have done thereupon, rais'd in me a ge­neral reflection on the Excellencies of that Person, at least what was within the reach of my happy knowledge of him. Of this I gave the world what satisfaction I could, before his Translation of Hierocles upon the Golden Verses of the Pythagore­ans; that is, a short Collection of my own Observations, without communicating my design to any of his Friends. What Over­tures you have made in order to the com­pleating of it, I shall not here insist upon, further then to assure you, that my prose­cution of it, shall, what lies in my power, be answerable to your desires.

As to what is at present usher'd to you by this Dedicatory, be pleas'd, Sir, to take this short Character of it; That it is a particular account of that Action, which being of highest Importance in the Concerns of Christianity, occasions the discourse of all persons, during the process of it, as well of these, whose Principles induce them to a belief, as those, who stand upon the denial of a Supream Pastorship of the Christian Flock upon Earth. Whence [Page] ROME derives the Priviledge of being the Scene of this great Transaction, is not my business to enquire: yet I think it not amiss, to bring in here two Distichs of that worthy Author, Sir R. Stapylton, compre­hending, first, the Metropolism of that Ci­ty, upon the Gentile account, and then its loss of that super-intendency, and after­wards its retrival thereof upon the Chri­stian score!

Roma fuit quondam Terrae Regina Ma­risque;
At nunc nec Terras, nec Mare Roma regit.
Roma fuit quondam Terrae Regina Ma­risque.
Nunc Mare, nunc Terras, amplius Illa regit.

Thus as to the subject of the ensuing Treatise. The further Business of this Address, is, to acquaint you, that the Ma­nuscript left in my hands by one nearly re­lated to you, concerning your ancient Ca­thedral, will ere long appear in publick. What else I have to adde, is only the usual [Page] Complement made in the Infancy of the year; That is, my wishes to you, of Health, Prosperity, in Friends and Affairs; and, the greatest transient Happinesse, all the En­dearing Enjoyments of a Conjugal life; and all this, without any other design, but that of assuring you, how much, and how truly I am,

Your most Affectionate and most Humble Servant, J. DAVIES.

A CATALOGUE of the Names; Surnames and Dignities of the Cardinals at the E­lections of Clement IX. May 1667.

Names and Dignities. Countrys. Crtations
CARDINALS Bishops.    
1. FRancis Bishop of O­stium, D [...]a [...], or the must ancient Cardinal of the sacred Colledge, Cardi­nal Barberin Vice-Chan­cellor of the Roman Church and Summiste, Arch-Priest of the Church of St. Peter. AFloren­tine. Urban viii. Oct. 2. 1623.
2. Martio Bishop of Por­to Cardinal Ginetti, Vi­car to his H [...]liness. Of Velitra Urb. viij. Aug. 30. 1627.
3. Anthony Barberin B. of Palestrina Cardinal An­tonio, Chamberlain of the Roman Church, Pref [...]ct of the Signature of Fa [...]our and Briefs, Arch-Priest of St. Mary Major. A Roman. Urb. viij. Aug. 30. 1627.
4. Iohn Baptist B. of Fras­cati, Cardinal Palotta. Dela Mar­che d' An­cona. Urban viij. No. 29. 1629.
5. Francis Maria B. of Sa­bina, Cardinal Bran­caccio, B. of Viterbo. A Neapo­litane. Urb. viij. No. 28. 1663.
6. Ulderic B. of Albano, Cardinal Carpegna. Of Urbin Urb. viij. No. 28. 1633.
7. Ernest Adelbert of the title of S. Praxeda, chiefest of the Priests, Cardinal of H [...]rrach, Archbishop of Prague. A Ger­mane. Urb. viij. Jan 19. 1626.
8. Stephen of the title of S. Laurence in Lucina, Cardinal Durazzo. A Geno­ese. Urb. viij. No. 23. 1633.
9. Julius of the title of S Prisca, Cardinal Gabri­elli Bishop of Ascoli. A Roman Urb. viij. Dec. 16. 1641.
10. Virg [...]nio, of the title of S. Mary of the An­gels, Cardinal U [...]fino. A Roman Urb. viij. Dec. 16. 1641.
11. Caesar of the title of the Four Crowns. Car­dinal Faceh netti, B. [...]f Spoletum. A Bolo­nian. Urb. 8. July 13. 1643.
12. Hierome of the title of the Holy Trinity in Monte Pencio, Cardi­nal Grimaldi Arch-B. of Aix. A Genoese. Urb. viij. July 13. 1643.
13. Charles of the title of S. Silvester in Capite Card. Rosetti, B. of Fa­enza. Of Ferrara Urb. viij. July 13. 1643.
14. Nicholas, of the title of St. Marytrans Tibe­rim, Card. Ludovisio Grand Penitentiary. A Bolonian Innoc. x. Mar. 6. 1645.
15. Alderan, of the title of S. Pudentiana, Card. Cybo, B. Axinus, or Axinas. Of Masle Innoc. x. Mar. 6. 1645.
16. Frederic, of the title of S. Peter ad Vincula, Card. Sfortia. A Romane Innoc. x. Mar. 6. 1645.
17. Benedict, of the title of S. Onuphrius, Card. Odescalchi. Of Come. Innoc. x. Mar. 6. 1645.
18. Laurence, of the title of SS. Quiricia and Ju­litta, Card. Raggi. A Genoese. Innoc. x. Oct. 7. 1647.
19. John-Francis-Paul, de Gondy, of the title of St. Mary super Miner­vam, Card. de Retz. A French­man. Innoc. x. Feb. 19. 1652.
20. Louis of the title of S. Alexis, Card. Homodei. A Mila­ness. Inn. x. Feb. 19. 1652.
21. Peter, of the title of S. Mark, Card. Otthobono. A Venetian Inn. x. Feb. 19. 1652.
22. Laurence of th [...] title of S. Chrysogon, Cardin [...]l Imperiale. A Genoese. Innoc. x. Febr. 19. 1652.
23. Gilbert, of th [...] title of SS John and Paul, Car­di [...]al Borromeo. A Mila­ness. Innoe. x. Febr. 19. 1652.
24. Marcel, of the title of S Stephen in Monte Ce­lio Card. Sainte Croix B. of Tivoli. A Romane. Innoc. x. Febr. 19. 1652.
25 Jo. Baptist, Of the title of S. Marcel, Cardinal Spada. Of Lucca. Innoc. x. Mar. 2. 1654.
26. Francis, of the title of S. Mary in Via, Cardi­nal Albici. A Floren­tine. Innoc. x. Mar. 2. 1654.
27. Octavius, of the title of S. Cecily, Card. A­quaviva. A Neapo­litan. Innoc. x. Mar. 2. 1654.
28. Flavius, of the title of S. Mary del populo, Card. Ghisi, Arch-Priest of the Church of S. John Lateran, Libra­ry-Keeper of the Roman Church, and Legat of A­vignon, Prefect of the Signature of Justice. Of Sienna Alex. vij. Apr. 9. 1657.
29. Scipio, of the title of S. Sabina, Card Ilcio. Of Sienna. Al. vij. Ap. 9. 1657.
30. Hierom, of the title of S Agnes, Card. Farneze. A Romane. Al. vij. Ap. 9. 1657.
31. Julius, of the title of S. Sixtus, Card. Rospigliosi. Of Pistoya. Al. vij. Ap. 9. 1657.
32. Hierom of the title of S. Hierom of the Illyri­ans, Card. Bonvisi B. of Lucc. Of Lucca. Alex. vii. Apr. 9. 1657.
33. Anthony, of the title of S. Augustine, Card. Bichi B. of Osimo. Of Sienna. Alex. vii. Apr. 9. 1657.
34. Sforza, of the Society of Jesus, of the title of S. Saviours in Lauro, Car­dinal Palavicini. A Roman. Alex. vii. Apr. 9. 1657.
35. Volumnio, of the title of S. Martin, in Monti­bus, Card. Bandinelli. Of Sienna. Alex. vii. Apr. 9. 1658.
36. Peter, of the title of S. Calixtus, Card. Vidoni B. of Lodi. Of Cre­mona. Alex. vii. Apr. 5. 1660.
37. Gregory, of the title of S. Thomas in pari­one, Card. Barbarigo B. of Pavia. A Venetian Alex. vii. Apr. 5. 1660.
38. Paschal, of the title of S. Balbina, Card of A­ragon, Arch-bishop of Toledo: A Spaniard Alex. vii. Apr. 5. 1660.
39. Hierom, of the title of SS. Peter and Marcellin, Card. Boncompagno, Arch-bishop of Bolonian A Bolonia. Alex. vii. Jan. 14. 1664.
40. Alphonsus, of the title of the Holy Cross in Je­rusalem, Card. Litta Arch-bishop of Milan. A Mila­ness. Alex. vii. Jan. 14. 1664. Al. vii. Jan.
41. Nerio, of the title of SS. A Floren­tine. 14. 1664.
Nereus and Aquileius, Card. Corsino, Legat of Ferrara.    
42. Charles, of the title of S. Anastafia, Card. Bonelli. A Roman. Alex. vii. Jan. 14. 1664.
43. Caelio, of the title of S. Peter in monte Au­reo, Card. Piccolomini. Of Sienna. Alex. vii. Jan. 14. 1664.
44. Charles, of the title of S. Susan, Card. Caraffa, Legat of Bolonia. A Neapo­itane. Alex. vii. Jan. 14. 1664.
45. Palutio Palutio Al­bertonio, of the title of the Church of the 12 A­postles, Card. Palutio, B. of Montefiascone. A Romane. Alex. vii. Jan. 14. 1664.
46. Caesar, of the title of S. John ad portam Lati­nam, Card. Rasponi Legat of Urbin. Of Raven­na. Alex. vii. Jan. 14. 1664.
47. John Nicholas, of the title of S. Mary trans pontem, Card. de Co­mitibus B of Ancona. A Roman. Alex. vii. Jan. 14. 1664.
48. James, of the title of S. Mary of Peace, Card. Nini. Of Sienna. Alex. vii. Jan. 14. 1664.
49. Charles, of the title of—Card. Roberti. A Roman. Al. vii. Feb. 15. 1666.
50. Julius, of the title of—Card. Spinola. A Genoese. Al. vii. Fe. 15. 1666.
51. Vitalian, of the title of—Card. Visconti. A Mila­nes [...]. Al. vii. Fe. 15. 1666.
55. Innico, of the title of—Card. Caracciola, Arch B. of Naples. A Neapolitane. Alex. vii. Feb. 19. 1666.
53. John, of the title of—Card. Delphini, Patriarch of Aquileia. AVenetian Alex. vii. Mar. 7. 1667.
54. Guibald, of the title of—Card. de Thun, Arch-B. of Salsbourg. CARDINAL Deacons. A German Alex. vii. Mar. 7. 1667.
55. Raynald, of the title of St. Nicholas in carcere Tulliano, Principal Deacon, Card. d' Est. A Mode­nese. Urban viii. Dec. 16. 1641.
56. John Stephen, of the title of S. Agatha, Card. Donghi, B. of Ferrara. A Genoese. Urban viii. July. 13. 1643.
57. Paulus Emilius, of the title of S. Mary in Cos­medin, Card, Rondanini B. of Assisium. A Roman. Urban viii. Jul. 16. 1643.
58. Francis, of the title of S. Mary in Via lata, Card. Maldachini. Of Viterbo Innoc. x. Oct. 7. 1647.
59. Frederic, of the title of S. Caesarius, Card. of Affia. A German. Innoc. x. Febr. 19. 1652.
60. Charles Barberin, of the title of S. Angelo, in foro piscium, Card. Carlo. A Roman. Innoc. x. Jun. 13. 1653.
61. Charles, of the title of S. Eustace, Card. Pio. Of Ferrara. In. x. Mar. 2. 1654.
62. Charles, of the title of Of Orvie­to In. x. Ma. 2. 1654.
S. Pancrace, Card. Gual­tieri, Arch-B. of Ferme.    
63. Decio, of the title of S. Adrian, Card. Az­zolini. Of Ferme. Innoc. x, Mar. 2, 1654.
64. Odoard, of the title of SS. Cosmus and Dami­anus, Card. Vecchia­relli, B. of Reate. of Reate. Alex. vii. Apr. 9. 1658.
65. James of the title of S. Mary in Aquino, Card. Franconi. A Genoese. Alex. vii. Ap. 9. 1658.
66. Francis Maria, of the title of SS. Vitus & Mo­dostus, Card. Mancini. A. Roman. Alex. vii. Apr. 5. 1660
67. Angelus, of the title of S. George, Card. Celsi. A. Roman. Al. vii. Ja. 14. 1664.
68. Paul, of the title of S. Mary de Scala, Card. Sabelli Perretti, Legat of Romaniola. A. Roman. Al. vii. Ja. 14. 1664.
69. Lewis—Card. of Vendosme. A French­man. Alex. vii. Mar. 7. 1667.
70. Lewis—Card. of Moncada. A Sicilian. Alex. vii. Mar. 7. 1667.

In all LXX. Whereof Urban VIII. created VI. Bishops, VII. Priests, and III. Dea­cons. Innocent X. created XIV Priests and VI. Deacons. And Alexander VII. created XXVII. Priests, and VII. Deacons.


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