THE CATALOGUE OF THE FELLOWS and other MEMBERS of the Royal College of PHYSICIANS, London. Printed October 4. 1695.
With some necessary AMENDMENTS and ADVERTISEMENTS.

  • Denotes those who took their Degree by Mandate, under some Foreign Prince or Embassador, &c.
  • Signifies those who have taken the Degree of Doctor abroad, and are admitted to that Degree in one of our Ʋniversities.
  • Those who have this mark * are such Antient Members of the College who had taken their Degree of Doctor before the Year 1659. But We have not given the Title of Doctor, to those younger Members whose Names we find not Register'd for that Degree in either of our Ʋni­versities since that Year, because we have no Anthentick, proof of their taking that Degree, neither did the late Poll-Tax take notice of them as Doctors.
  • Notes those who are entered into the New Association, by Subscribing Fifty Pounds a-Man to stand by the President and Censors for promoting the good of the College, viz. Establishing a Monopoly for the Corruption of the practice of Physick, Tending to the De­struction of Mankind.
  • ♂ ♊ DR. Samuel Collins, President.
  • * Dr. Walter Charleton.
  • * Dr. George Rogers,
  • ♂ * Dr. Thomas Burwell; Elect. Cens.
  • * Dr. Peter Barwick.
  • Sir Thomas Millington. Kt. Elect.
  • Dr. John Lawson,Elect.
  • Dr. Edward Brown, Treasurer, Elect.
  • Dr. Josias Clark, Elect.
  • Dr. Richard Torlesse, Elect. Cens.
  • ♂ ☿ Dr. Samuel Morris.
  • Dr. Thomas Alvey.
  • ♂ ☿ Mr. Ed. Hulse, Elect. alias Dr. Halsius.
  • ♂ ☿ Dr. Richard Morton.
  • ♂ ☿ Dr. Charles Goodall.
  • Dr. Robert Brady,Prof. Med. Cant.
  • Dr. Phineas Fowke.
  • ♂ ♊ Dr. Walter Harris.
  • Dr. William Briggs.
  • Dr. Walter Mills.
  • Dr. Edward Tyson.
  • Dr. Charles Fraiser.
  • ♂ ♊ ☿ Dr. Frederick Slare. Palatino-Germ.
  • Dr. Richard Darnelli.
  • Dr. John Bateman.
  • Mr. William Johnston.
  • ♂ ♊ ☿ Dr. William Dawes, Cens.
  • ♂ ☿ Dr. Thomas Gill. Cens.Reg.
  • ♂ ☿ Dr. Richard Robinson.
  • Dr. Lancelot Harrison.
  • Dr. Martin Lister.
  • Dr. Robert Pit.
  • Dr. Richard Field.
  • *Dr. Edmund Dickenson.
  • Mr. William Stokeham.
  • ♂ ☿ Sir Edmund King, Kt.
  • Dr. Francis Bernard.
  • Mr. Christop. Love-Morley.
  • Mr. Edward Baynard.
  • ♂ ☿ Dr. Theodore Colladon.
  • Mr. Richard Blackburne.
  • Mr. Christian Harrel.
  • Dr. Simon Welman.
  • Mr. George How.
  • Mr. Nathaniel Johnston.
  • Dr. Robert Peirce.
  • Mr. Robert Gray.
  • ♂ ♊ Dr. Richard Smith.
  • Mr. Joshua de Feure.
  • Mr. Thomas Walsh.
  • Dr. John Ratcliff.
  • Dr. John Harrison.
  • Mr. Hans Sloane.
  • Mr. Richard Blackmore.
  • Dr. Tancred Robinson.
  • Dr. Richard Carr.
  • Mr. John Hutton.
  • Mr. James Welwood.
  • Dr. Peter Gelsthorp.
  • Dr. William Musgrave,
  • Dr. Humphrey Ridley.
  • Dr. William Gibbons.
  • Dr. William Gould.
  • Dr. John Hawys.
  • Dr. Robert Conny.
  • Dr. Samuel Garth.
  • Dr. Barnham Soame.
  • Dr. Hugh Chamberlen.
  • Dr. William Cole.
  • Dr. Salusbury Cade.
  • Dr. John Nicholson.
  • Dr. Thomas Hoy.
  • Dr. Thomas Sutton.
  • Dr. Joseph Gaylard.
  • Dr. Richard Adams.
  • Dr. Humphrey Brook.
  • Dr. William Coward.
  • Dr. Denton Nicholas.
  • SIr William Langham.
  • *Dr. Robert Fielding.
  • *Dr. John Windebank.
  • *Dr. John Yardley.
  • *Dr. Thomas More.
  • *Dr. William Burnet.
  • Mr. Henry Sampson.
  • Dr. Daniel Cox.
  • Mr. Nehemiah Grew.
  • Mr. Thomas Gibson.
  • Dr. Peter Alder.
  • Mr. John Feak.
  • Mr. Praise Watson.
  • Mr. Isaac Chauncy.
  • Mr. Christopher Crell.
  • Mr. John Martin.
  • Mr. Philip Guide.
  • Mr. John Groenvelt.
  • Mr. Joshua Palmer.
  • Mr. Henry Morelli.
  • Mr. John Peche.
  • Mr. Thomas Hobbs.
  • Mr. William Sydenham.
  • Dr. John Jones.
  • Mr. Charles Nichols.
  • Mr. Clopton Havers.
  • Mr. David Hamilton.
  • Mr. John Deffray.
  • Mr. William Grimbalston.
  • Mr. Caleb Coatsworth.
  • Mr. Sebastian le Feure:
  • Mr. John Tivil.
  • Mr. Francis Upton.
  • Mr. Thomas Botterell.
  • Mr. James Maucleer.
  • Mr. John Charles.
  • Mr. Philip Rose.
  • Mr. Thomas Rolfe
  • Mr. William Oliver.
  • Mr. Oliver Horseman.
  • Mr. Ralph Hickes.
  • Mr. Thomas Walker.
  • Dr. Judocus Crull.
  • Mr. Peter Silvestre.
  • Mr. Charles Morton.
  • Mr. George Fleming.
  • Dr. Stephen Hunt.
  • Mr. William Cockburn.
  • Mr. Thomas Turberville.
  • Mr. Edmund Devis.
  • Mr. John Crichton.

A short Account of the Institution and Nature, of the College of Phy­sicians, London.
Publish'd by themselves, 1688.

1. The FELLOWS ARE Doctors of Physick, chosen out of the Candidates, who have been always limited to a certain Number, and are now confined to the Number of Fourscore, by His present Majesty's (King James's) Graciouses Charter: Out of these are chosen the President, Elects, Censors, and other Officers of the College, who, with the rest of the Fellows, are solely con­cerned in the Governing Part of the College, and have a Voice in the making and rescind­ing any Statutes, Orders, or By-Laws, relating to Physick and the Practice thereof.

2. CANDIDATES Must be Doctors in Physick, admitted to that Degree in one of our Own Universities, must not be Foreigners, and ought to have practised Physick Four Years before they are admitted into that Order; out of these, as the Seminary, the Fellowships are filled up, as they become vacant, in a perpetual Succession.

3. HONORARY FELLOWS Are such Doctors in Physick, as by reason of their being Foreigners, or having taken their Degrees in some University beyond the Seas, are not incorporated into either of Ours; or, for some other reason (having not been Candidates) are not of the Number of those who have Votes in the Affairs of the College.

4. LICENTIATES Are such other Persons Skilled in Physick, who by reason of their being Foreigners, or their not being admitted Doctors in one of Our Universities. or for their not being Eminently Learned, or by reason of their too great Youth, or such like Causes, are not capable to be Elected into the Number of the Candidates; yet may, notwithstanding, be serviceable to the Publick, in taking Care of the Health of the King's Subjects, at least in some particular Diseases.

NOW, of all these several Ranks and Degrees of Practisers in Physick, none of them is confined to any certain Number but the Fellows and Candidates; so that the Rest being wholly unlimited; no Person can be excluded out of the College, or debarred from Practice, but such as are so wholly illiterate and unskilful, that they dare not adventure to submit themselves to the Examination and Judgment of the President and Censors of the College, either as to the Goodness of their Medicines, or their own Skill in all, or any Part of Physick; though the President and Censors be Men strictly sworn to do justice to all Persons, who shall present themselves, or their Medicines, to their Scrutiny and Examination.

From hence it manifestly follows, That the College of Physicians is very far from being a Monopoly, since it cannot reject any of the King's Subjects, who are duly qualified for the Exercuse of all, or any Part of Physick.

Dr. BADGER's QƲERIES to the Monopoly and Pretended College of PHYSICIANS.

  • I. WHether this present Medley of Physicians, who call themselves the College, hath not justly forfeited their Charter, having notoriously violated the Fundamental Statutes of their own Society? And whether the late King James's Gracious Charter, as they call it, by Virtue whereof they have hitherto acted, even under this Government, could if Recorded, justifie their Illegal and mad Proceedings?
  • II. Whether those who have taken the Degree of Doctor in foreign Ʋniversities, but were never Incorporated into one of ours, are capable of being Candidates by their Statute of Candi­dates, Chap. 11. P. 78. and whether those who are incapable of being Candidates can be chosen Fellows, Chap. 12. p. 93?
  • III. Whether any, who are once entred into Holy Orders, can be admitted into the College of Physicians by their Statute of Fellows, Chap. 12. p. 100. And whether it be decent for a Preacher to meddle with Womens Businesses and Diseases, ibid. p. 99. And whether it be a good Plea for a Sacrilegious Deserter of the Ministerial Function, being admitted into the College, to alledge, That Presbyterian Orders are no Orders?
  • IV. Whether the Sacrilegious Deserters of the Ministry, and others, who are not qualified to be Candidates, or Fellows of the College, according to the Statutes, are fit to be intrusted with the Power of governing and enacting New Statutes to exclude others, who are duly qualified; and secure themselves in their Ʋsurpation, to the Prejudice of our Ʋniversities, and the manifest Corruption of the Practice of Physick, tending to the Destruction of Mankind?
  • V. Whether it be not contrary to the Oath of the President, to admit those into the College, who have not taken the Degree of Doctor in one of our Ʋniversities; or, who have formerly entred into Holy Orders, since this Admission is plainly contrary to the Statutes which he is sworn to observe, Ch. 2. of the President, p. 15?
  • VI. Whether the President and Censors, who are strictly sworn to do Justice to all Men, be not manifestly guilty both of Injustice and Perjury, in denying Admission into the College to those who are duly qualified, according to the Laws of the Land and their own Statutes? And whether from hence it does not plainly follow (according to their own way of arguing, in the said short Ac­count of their Institution) That this pretended College of Physicians is a Monopoly, since they reject the King's Subjects, who are duly qualified for the Practice of Physick?
  • VII. Whether their dealing with Dr. John Badger be not a plain Instance of Injustice and Per­jury; who being examined (in 83.) three several times in Latin, according to their own Statutes, Chap. XVI. p. 119. and having since Regularly commenced Doctor of Physick in 1687, according to their Direction, and upon their solemn promise of granting his Admission into the College was ne­vertheless rejected and denied Admission, though the President, at the same time, did acknowledge that there was all the Reason and Justice in the World for it? And whether their Statute of Ex­clusion (New-Stat. No. 16) made three Months after he presented himself to them for his Admission, was not contrived on purpose against him, contrary to their Faith and Promise?

The Statutes of the College of Physicians, London, in Latin and English, are to be Sold at the Printing-Press, under the Royal-Exchange in Cornhill.

LONDON, Printed in the Year, MDCXCVI.

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