The Earl of Strafford and his Agents having renounced all his Titles to Shelelah, and challeng'd it only by an Act of Parliament, and Letters Pattents from His Majesty, as by their Plea upon Oath doth appear. And it is clear, that Shelelah was never any plantation Land, as will appear by these Arguments following, viz.

1. For two years before the Act of Parliament and Pattent was granted, there was an Inquisition legally taken, that Mr. Chambre was possessed of Shelelah as an Estate in Fee, and that he had lett a Lease for 200 years, because of the profuseness of his Son, to pre­serve the profits to the use of his Will.

2. By an Order from His late Majesty and Councel to the Earl of Strafford, That he should cause a Decree in Chancery in Ireland to be made for the preservation of the Estate according to the intent of old Chambre aforesaid.

3. Which Order was a year before the Act of Parliament and Pattent, and the Earl of Strafford, and his Councel, made an Order upon the King and Councels Order, that there should be a Decree in Chancery for the preservation of the Inheritance.

4. But his avidous desire made him falsifie both these Orders, and kept Chambre in Prison till he was almost starved to death, to force him to sell the Reversion of the Estate to him.

5. That after Chambres's death they hatched a Nuncupative Will, and grounded many false Deeds thereupon, the better thereby to secure the Estate to the Earl of Strafford; which deceit they had no need to have used, if it had been plantation Lands.

6. And they would have had no occasion to have forced the Trustees to sell the right of the Lease upon the false Deeds aforesaid, to them for 13200 l. conditionally to be laid out in Lands for the use of Chambre aforesaid, which was never done; because shortly after the real Will was discovered, and the Nuncupative Will was thrown out of Court, and all the false Deeds grounded thereupon void.

7. If it had been plantation Lands, (as the Earl of Strafford would have it by the Act) they had no need to appeal to the Court of Claims in Ireland since His Majesties Restaura­tion, to have had it settled upon the Earl of Strafford as Traytors Land; but the Commis­sioners finding it was an Estate in Fee, and no forfeited Land by any former Rebellion; and Eyres being then a Prisoner, and unconvicted, the Commissioners of the Court of Claims would not meddle with it.

By these Arguments it is clearly seen, that Strafford has no right to it but by the Act of Parliament aforesaid, which Act is out of doors, as to Shelelah; for the Parliament when the Act was granted, fearing they might be mis-informed, says in the Act, It shall be in­vested in the Crown if it be plantation Lands; and being none, His late Majesty was abu­sed in His Grant, which is hoped His now Majesty, and Parliament, will rectifie.

And he further demonstrates to His Gracious Majesty, and the most Honourable Houses of Parliament, that there was an Act of Parliament made upon the late Earl of Straf­fords Attainder, in which there is salvo (that extenuates and takes away what right this present Earl can or may challenge by the former Acts of Parliament made in Ireland; for the Act saith, That no Lands should be invested in the King, but what was really the Earl of Straffords own Estate; and not any Lands that he had gained into his hand upon paper Petitions, and Imprisonment of Men; it being well known to many yet living, what cruelty and duress of Imprisonment was used by the instigation of the late Earl of Strafford to enjoyn and enforce Chambres to grant the Reversion of the said Estate of Shelelah to him, your Suppliant hopes, and humbly expects, that His most Gracious Majesty, and the most Honourable Houses of Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, well weighing, and duely considering the injustice and wrong by which the said Estate was obtained by the late Earl, and still is detained from your Suppliant, by the now Earl and his Agents, your Suppliant doubts not but your most Gracious Majesty, and the most Honourable Houses of Parliament, will in your most Soveraign Justice and Mercy, cause your Sup­pliant to be restored to his said Estate, after his so many years of oppression and


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