HIS Highness the Prince of Orange having sent his Circular Letter to the Burrough of Buck­ingham to Elect Members to meet in the Convention on the 22th. of January 1688. By which Letter, notice for the said Election was directed to be published in the said Burrough, by the space of three days before such Election at the least. Notwithstanding which Order, the present Bailiff without giving such due notice, or making such publication as was required, did proceed privately to the Election, and returned Sir Richard Temple and Sir Ralph Verney Baronets, as chosen by the said Bailiff and Twelve principal Burgesses, which was done in prejudice to the rest of the Free­men, and Inhabitants of the said Burrough, who claim a Right of Electing their Burgesses to serve in Parlia­ment, and in wrong to Sir Peter Tyrrill Baronet, and Richard Atkins Esq who at the instance and request of divers of the Freemen of the said Burrough, would have been Candidates in the said Election, if due notice and publication had been thereof made.

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