THE Blessed Effects Of True and Saving FAITH: With Good COUNSEL, VVholsome ADVICE; AND Also Encouragement to all Friends every where, that Suffer for Truth and Righteousness Sake.

Given forth by a Servant of the Lord, who is in a Travail for the Prospe­rity of Sion, and that Jerusalem may become the Praise of the whole Earth. known by the Name of JOHN BANCKES.

Let this Epistle be read in the fear of the Lord, in all the Meetings of Friends, both in Prison and at Liberty, thorough England, and where it may go or be sent elswhere.

Faith is the Gift of God, and it Purifieth the Heart.

Blessed are they that suffer for Truth and Righteousness Sake, for there's is the Kingdom of Heaven.

LONDON, Printed in the Year, 1684.

The Blessed Effects of True and Saving FAITH, &c.


THE great Work of God in the Sons and Daughters of Men, is to purifie the Heart, and make clean the inward, part which is through Faith in his Son; Faith is the Gift of God, and the work of it is to purifie the Heart, and cleanse the inside from dead workes, to serve him the true and living God, in the newness thereof; this is the great work of God in and through Faith in his Son, to work out the old Leaven, and mould into a new Lump, to make the Heart anew, the Mind heavenly, and the Soul living.

Oh! the blessed effects of True and Saving Faith; even that Faith which stands in the Power of God, which as Man and Woman comes truly to the knowledge of, with the Heart such comes truly to believe in God, and Confession with the Mouth is made to Salvation, and so gradually a casting off and forsaking every thing that is Evil, whereby a learning to do well (by the Teachings of the Grace thorough Faith) comes more and more to be known, this is the blessed Effects of true and saving Faith, which true faith thorough the power of it, works a true tender­ness in the Heart, instead of hardness, and brings to true openness those that have been shut up, and into a true nearness with the Lord, and one with another, even such that have been far seperated from him, and that by Wicked Workes; this is true Faith, that works in the Heart, to the overcoming of it, which is True and Saving Faith, saves them that were lost, quickens them that were dead, and brings them in and through the Strength and Power thereof, to serve the true and living God, in the new­ness of Life.

The blessed Effects of this true and saving Faith, is to make Clean, Pure and Holy, sanctifies throughout both in Body, Soul and Spirit; makes a new Creature, which brings to a true Knowledge, What it is to be in Christ Iesus, and so the Heart and Mind with the whole Affections, comes to be set on things that are Heavenly, Everlasting and Eternal: Oh! the pure change and blessed Alteration that comes to be known [Page 4] herein and hereby; Man that hath been unclean, is made clean, and Man and Women that hath been unholy and impure, is made holy and pure; and so in the Holy Life, Holy Men and Holy Women come to worship and serve the pure Holy God, in the Newness, Livingness and Tenderness thereof; and so according to measure, whether more or less, come with the Blessed Apostle, to say, by living experience; The Life that I now live, is by Faith in the Son of God. Here, Old things are past away, and behold all things are become new. the old words past away, the bad Actions and vain Conversation put off, which is for Judgment and Condemnation, which being put off, the Armour of Light, and true and saving Faith comes to be put on through the blessed Effects thereof.

So in and thorough this true and saving Faith, that stands in the Power of God, Gods people come to have their Armour on, whereby and be­cause of which, they are made more then Conquerors, made able to withstand all the Fiery D [...]rts of the Devil, and all his Instruments both within and without, are made able thorough this same Faith with the Pro­phet to leap over a Wall, run through a Troop, and to break that which is as a Bow of Steel Spiritually, that otherwise, to wit, out of the Faith, cannot be got over, run through, nor broken: Oh! what is too hard, for those that are of and in this true and saving Faith?

As the Author unto the Hebrews saith, the 11th Chap. Vers. 22th, having spoken largly of the Fruits and Effects of Faith, saith he, What shall I more say? for the time would fail me to tell of Gideon, and of Ba­riak, and of Sampson, and of Jephthar, of David, and also of Samuel, and of the Prophets; who through Faith subdued Kingdomes; wrought Righteousness; obtained Promises; stopped the Mouths of Lyons; quenched the violence of Fire; escaped the Edge of the Sword; out of weakness, were made strong; Women received their Dead raised to Life again; and others were tortured, not accepting of Deliverance, that they might obtain a bet­ter Resurrection; and others had Tryals of Cruel Mockings and Scourgings; yea, moreover of Bonds and Imprisonment; they were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were Tempted, were slain with the Sword, they wandered about in Sheep-Skins, and Goat-Skins, being distitute, afflicted, tormented, of whom the World was not worthy, they wandered in Desarts and in Moun­taines, and in Dens and Caves of the Earth, and these all have obtained a good report through Faith.

So Dear Friends, Brethren and Sisters, whereever this may come, un­to whom the Salutation of my Life reacheth; try your selves, prove your [Page 5] selves, for that end you may know whether you be in this Faith or not, whereby all these blessed Effects are wrought and brought to pass, and many more, to the making perfect throughout, and none to content or sa­tisfie your selves with the word Faith, or with the bare Profession of Faith; but carefully mind what Christ Jesus our Lord saith, If thou have Faith as a grain of Mustard seed, thou shalt say unto this Mountain, be thou removed, and it shall be so. If Faith in this small measure or degree, through the blessed effects of it, be thus able, or those whose Faith is no more, thus gain Victory, how much more Victory shall those obtain that keep it unto the end, for it's those that finish in that same Faith in which they have begun, that shall be saved, and that the Crown of Life and of Im­mortal Glory is laid up for.

But now some may say that are young in the Truth, and that the Ene­my may bear hard upon by Temptations, I thought I had had Faith in some Measure, however in the least degree, and yet those things stand in my way, like Mountaines, that I cannot get over as yet, and great Oppositions and Temptations I meet with, both within and without, that prevail with me.

Dear Friend, in much tenderness doth my Soul breath unto the Lord for thy Deliverance, and in order that thou may be delivered from that which so oppresses thee in Spirit, or stands in thy way, [mark well what I say unto thee] thou willest too much, and through thy willing thou would run too fast, and make too much haste through thy Will, striving to be out and over things, which is the great cause of hindering thee, or why thou comes sho [...]t of obtaining Victory through Faith; and that thou dost not come to know the blessed Effects or Work of it in thy Heart and inward part. Remember the Counsel given to Israel of old, Thy Strength oh Israel, is to stand still: So true Strength, Ability and Victo­ry thorough Faith, over and against Enemies both within and without, is in standing still, and being quiet and cool in thy mind; for as the Scriptures of Truth testifie, it is certainly true, It's not in him that wills nor runs, the Battle is not unto the Strong, nor the Race unto the Swift. And Christ saith, Which of you by taking thought can add one Cubit to your Stature? So to stand still and patiently wait to receive the true power that the Lord will give to all in his own time (though not in their's) that patiently wait for it, that so patience in thee may have its perfect work, that so true Experience thou may gain of Victory given unto thee, over all the Temp­tations of the Enemy through Faith in the Power of God, and so will [Page 6] all those things come to be removed out of thy way that thou stands questi­oning and reasoning about, and this is true Faith indeed, that gives Victory, and its known to be so by the blessed Effects of it, and as Christ said, This is that which gives Victory, even your Faith; and this is the way thorough Faith for all to come to know an Anchoring and Establish­ing upon the sure Rock, through Faith and Hope, that never makes a­shamed.

And now Dear Friends, unto all you whom God in and through Christ Jesus his Son, hath not only called to believe in his Name, but also to suffer for Truth and Righteousness sake; Blessed and Happy of the Lord are all you, and happy shall you be, if you continue unto the end, that hath a true Knowledge and right Understanding, that your Suffering is for Truth and Righteousness sake, (that is to say) whose Suffering is for Christs sake, as those that are his, that he hath Redeemed, and Saved, and Sanctified by his Blood, Death and Suffering, as those that are not your own, nor any thing you have or enjoy, (mark well and take good Notice, as those) that your Suffering may be for Christ your Redeemer, your Saviour, your Shepherd, Counsellor, King, Priest, and Law-giver, and so for Righteousness, as those, that because of the tenderness of your Consciences cannot do, nor consent to be done, that which is Un­righteous, Unjust, nor Lawful, according to the righteous Law of God, and tends to Oppression.

Blessed and Happy of the pure God are all you whose Suffering is on this wise and in this manner; for it is not only that any doth suffer, whether in Body or Goods, that will tend to bring the recompence of Re­ward home, to the comfort of the Heart, and joy of the Soul, as a con­firming encouragement in the Suffering; but also that you all know and be sensible for what you suffer (to wit) to be in the Name, in the Power, in the Truth, in the Seed Christ, for which you suffer; here is the true ease, the true peace, the true quietness in Spirit in Suffering this makes the Yoak easie, and the Burthen light, and the blessed Recompence of Reward from the Heavenly Hand of the Blessed God cometh, and is ex­tended unto all such of an Hundred fold in this Life, and also shall inhe­rit Life Everlasting, as Christ Jesus our Lord said unto Peter, Where there is a willingness to forsake Father or Mother, Wife or Children, Houses or Lands for his Name sake, this shall be their Reward. So Dear Friends, the Councel and Advice of my Life unto you all, in the Testimony of it is, that you all be truly careful what you suffer in and for, that none may [Page 7] have only a Name that you live, and be dead; but as those who have Faith in the just Principle, and are in a Spiritual Travail; for if any one suffer in Body or Goods, and not in the Truth, that will be a sad comfortless Suffering.

So Dear Friends, while as a great Mercy from God, you have yet Health and Liberty to meet together to Worship and serve him, be faith­ful in meeting often together, First day and Week day (Men & Womens Meetings) and when met, be diligent in waiting upon him, for to receive of his living power from day to day, and time to time, which is that which truly Fits, Furnishes and Prepares in every good Word, Work and Ser­vice; I say, make good use of time every one, in being truly careful how you spend it, for it's the ill use made of time, or the careless squander­ing away of it, that makes many unfit for a day and time of Tryal, when called thereunto; remember the ten Virgins they had all Lamps, but five wanted Oyl, and it's said their Lamps were gone out; it seems they once did shine, (mark) they were all called unto to prepare, but the five Fool­lish wanted wherewith, and so were left behind, and the door was shut against them, as to enter into rest, and pertake of Joy, because of their Unwatchfulness, and Sleepy Sluggardliness in the time they had given them▪ and although they came calling and crying afterward, it was to no purpose, the door was shut; it's plain there was a time the door was open, when the Wise, that had both the Lamps and Oyl entered in; so all be upon your watch continually, with a care to have Oyl in your Lamps, that an enter­ing into the Place of Rest, where you shall pertake of Joy unspeakable and full of Glory in your Suffering, as in a House and Habitation of Safe­ty, where none nor nothing can make afraid; that if the Storm or Tem­pestuous Tryal last long, you shall never want for Bread, but it will be sure, and your Water will never fail; for he for whose Name Sake ye suffer, will spread your Table, fill your Cup, and maintain your cause; where your Communion will be sweet with the Lord, and your Unity and Fellowship will be very comfortable, that you will have and feel, with all his Faithful Suffering People.

This is the Counsel and Advice of your Brother, in Bowels of tender Love, that all who do suffer in oppression for Truth and Righteousness sake, that it may be on this wise and in this manner, that so cause of great Encouragement you may all have in and under Suffering, whether in Bo­dy or Goods, which I can give in Truth by good experience, (to wit, Encouragement to all faithful Sufferers) who have had my own Goods [Page 8] spoiled, and my Body Imprisoned time after time, and now am a Priso­ner, because for Conscience I cannot uphold that great oppression of Tythes; and the same day and hour I was to go to Prison, were the Spoil­ers carrying away my Goods, for no greater Crime then Worshipping and Serving the Lord my God; and oh! the Ioy, Gladness, and Re­joycing that was in my Heart and Soul, that same hour and moment of time, being I was truly sinsible of the cause wherefore I suffered the same, being born up in my Understanding, my Joy was unutterable on this wise, and under this consideration, That the Lord my God should not only count me worthy to believe in his Name, but also to suffer for the same, and in that that Christ Iesus the Son of the Fathers love suffered all to save and redeem my Soul; and therefore should not I willingly offer up all I had and did enjoy, in answer to what God through Christ his Son had done for me? yea surely, I said in my Heart, Ile offer up all freely; I speak to his Praise and Glory, and the great Encouragement of all faithful willing Sufferers, whose Suffering on this wise will never be weary­some nor tedious unto you, no murmuring nor complaining will take place, or have room in any such a Heart, as to say or think, How shall I live? Or how shall my Wife and Children be maintained? Or my Business carry­ed on? (not to be void of an honest care in those things) yet not to mur­mur because of the Suffering.

What! is not God Almighty All-sufficient for the Soul? And must not he be relied upon, through Christ his Son our Lord, for the Salvati­on thereof? And is not he that is all-sufficient for the Soul, sufficient for the Body also? (yea assuredly, by living experience can my Soul say) and is not the Earth the Lord's, and the fulness thereof? And cannot he take and give according to his Good Will and Pleasure?

Let all remember the Patience of Iob, in his still retaining his Integrity, in his deep Affliction and Suffering, both in Goods and Body, whose Wife gave him bad Counsel, in saying, Wilt thou alwayes retain thine Integrity? Curse God, and Die: but he refused it, and reproved her; and suffered the loss of all his Thousands of Sheep and Camels, and Hundreds of Oxen; all his Children and Servants; yet the Lord restored him double, so that it's said, The latter end of Iob, was far more Happy and Blessed than the Beginning.

Oh! that the care of all called to suffer may be, to refuse all Evil Counsel, given either by Wife or Husband, Kinsfolk or Relations, that would perswade any to require the Lord Evil for Good, and desert their [Page 9] Testimony in Suffering, as such that would give Counsel on this wise. Oh! this is but a small matter, and the other is but a little thing; thou mayest do it well enough, or suffer another to do it f [...]r [...]: Oh! nay, (saith the honest-hearted and true to God) I must [...] be faithful in the little, and then my Lord and Master will make me Ruler over more; and that which I cannot for Conscience do my self, I cannot suffer [...]y co [...]nivingly to do it for me, for this is great Hypocrisie and Dissimulation.

Oh! what Encouragement hath all the Faithful in Suffering, to trust the Lord with all they have and do enjoy, rightly to consider, and mind the Patience of Iob; the Faithfulness of Daniel; and the Faith, Cou­rage and Nobility of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego; Daniel could not but open his Window, and Pray to his God, though a Decree made to the contrary, to cast him into the Den of Lyons, the Angel of whose Presence shut their Mouths, and preserved Daniel, the Servant of the Living God; as the King was made to call him, when he saw his Faith­fulness.

Oh! the great Encouragement that all the Faithful have in Suffering, for the Kings and Rulers of the Earth with many People, are made to confess, We are the People of God indeed; when they see us to stand faithful in our Testimony, as Nebuchadnezzer was made to call the three Servants of the Lord before named, Come forth ye Servants of the Most High God; although before as many now will, (threatned) that, If they would not fall down, and Worship the Image he had set up, they should be cast into the Fiery Furnace, seven times hotter then ever; and who is that God that shall be able to deliver out of my Hand? said he; yet as the Lord had then, so he hath a way now, to deliver all whose Trust and Confidence is in him▪ beyond the expectation of the Wickedest and Cruellest of Men, notwithstanding their Fury and Decrees made in their Wills; for Sha­drach, Meshach and Abednego said, Be it known unto thee O King, we will not serve thy Gods, for our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the Burning Fiery Furnace; and if not, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. And so because they could not bow to the Kings I­mage, at the sounding of several sorts of Instruments of Musick, they were bound, and cast into the Burning Fire, with their Coats, Hosen, and Hatts; and the Flame of the Furnace was so great, that those Men that cast them in, were slain thereby; but not so much as one Hair of the Head of the three Faithful Servants of the Lord singed, nor the smell of Fire found on their Cloaths.

[Page 10] Oh! what great Encouragement is here, for all that in any measure know God, to believe and trust in him in Suffering, whether in Body or Goods, though never so deep; for hereby it's evident and plain, that the Lords always had, and hath a true regard to his People, who by the Angel of [...]is Presence and Arm of his great Power, the more need they stood and stand of him, so accordingly he appears, and works their Deliverance, (according to that saying, The Rod of the Wicked shall not always ly upon the back of the Righteous) and not only so but brings Plagues and Judgments upon the Heads of the Persecutors and Afflictors of his faithful Ones; One Hair of whose Head, (saith Christ) shall not fall to the ground without your Fathers Providence.

And although Herod the King, the troubler of the Church, then killed Iames; and because it pleased the Iews, he took Peter also, and put him in Prison, intending to bring him forth to the People, with Wick­ed intents no doubt; but the same Night before he so intended, although Peter lay bound in Prison with two Chaines betwixt two Soldiers, an Angel from God came upon him, and loosed his Chains, and caused the Iron-gate to open of its own accord; and Paul and Silas they were put in the Inward Prison, after they had been beat and sore abused, and their Feet fastened in the Stocks, (mark, in the Inner Prison) where they Prayed and sang Praises unto God at Midnight; and such was the wonderful Appearance, of the great Power of the Mighty God, that caused the Prison Doors to open, that it's said, The Foundations of the Prison were shaken, and when the Jailer awaked, he thought to have kil­led himself, seeing the Doors open, supposing the Prisoners had been fled; but Paul said, Do thy self no harm, we are all here; and then he came trembling, when he perceived what was done, and said, What shall I do to be Saved? and Paul and Silas spoke unto him the Word of the Lord, and bid him, Believe in the Lord Iesus Christ, and he should be Saved; and he and all his House Believed.

Oh! what great Encouragement is here, for all faithful honest Hearted Friends, though in and under Suffering, or that yet may be called there­unto▪ to go on in all faithfulness, freely giving up Life and Liberty, and all into the Lords hand, willing to cast their care and put their Confidence in him, who hath all power in his own hand, to do and bring to pass what­soever seems good in his own Eyes; Oh! how the Wicked many times in the height of their Wickedness are frustrated, and Gods People, be­yond all expectation preserved and delivered, as you your selves have many times been made living Witnesses; hold it fast Dear Friends in your Remembrance.

[Page 11] And you may also see when there is a freely giving up to answer what the Lord requires, in the faithful performance of the same, thorough the Might of Gods Power, Peoples Hearts and Consciences are reached, to the causing of them to tremble, whereby good desires are begotten and raised, What Men shall do to be Saved; though before they have been Persecutors and Afflictors of Gods People, as you may see by the Goaler afore mentioned, and whose care it is thus to walk and shew forth a Godly Conversation and Example in doing or suffering, so as to reach to the Witness of God in Peoples Consciences, though in the Inner Prison, as Paul and Silas was, they have not only cause to bless and praise the Holy Name of the Pure God, for accompanying them by the Angel of his Presence, but also to Sing and make Melody unto him in their Hearts.

For now, Dear Friends, and Suffering Brethren, though the Lord our God see it good so to come to pass, for a tryal of your Faith and Pati­ence, to see how you will trust in him, in the hour of Temptation and time of Tryal, that Man shall be so far permitted, to take your Goods, and seperate you from your dearest and nearest Relations, your Dear Wives and Tender Children, and put you in Prison; now this is great­ly your Joy and Comfort, being sensible of the Cause wherefore you suffer, Man with all his Power and Strength, Fury and Rage, cannot sepe­rate you from the pure enjoyment of the presence of the Lord; but by it reacheth unto his Dear Suffering Lambs, though in a Dungeon; which if it were not so, above all People we were most Miserable; but now a­bove all People we are most Blessed and Happy; Blessed, and Praised, and Magnified for evermore be the Holy Name, and great Power of our God, by and thorough which he always did and doth carry through all his faithful Children and People; for he is for ever worthy of all Praise, Honour and Glory, unto him alone be it given, both now and for ever more, Amen.

And so Dear Friends put on Courage and Boldness, in the Name, Fear and Power of the Most High, as an Armour, faithfully to follow your Captain, the Lord Jesus Christ, that will never leave you nor forsake you, except you first leave him, who will lead in and through the good and bad report, the Fire and the Water, the sixt and in the seventh Trouble and Exercise, will also be your Preserver and Upholder, who upholds all his by his Word and Power: I say Dear Friends, all in faithfulness follow your Leader whithersoever he goes; for as you with [Page 12] diligence follow him he will bring you thorough; and bring you forth in his own time; [...] happy are they that patiently wait till it be▪ though as great a Tryal as ever any of his People suffered: Yet I say, if you be stedfast in the Faith▪ he will still bring you forth and thorough, more bright and more pure, Holy and Clean; for the fiery Tryal makes so, concerning▪ which as the Apostle Peter said, Marvel not concerning the Fiery Tryal, as though some strange thing had happened: for it's for no other end, but that you more and more may shine, as the Stars of Heaven in the Firmament of his Power; that so a True, Living and Faithful Testimony, whether in doing or suffering, Body or Goods, by you all, according to your several Measures, may be born unto the Truth, and for the pure God, and his Pure, Holy Worship, and against all Op­pression and Unrighteousness that is upheld in the World, that the same may stand, remain, and be left upon record to after Ages and Genera­tions, how faithful ye were to God in your day as a confirmation unto their Faith, and as may greatly tend to their Encouragement, as those faithful Witnesses that have already finished their course in the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, and are gone to their rest, doth greatly tend to strengthen the Faith, and encourage all those that yet remain, that are travelling on in the same way.

That so in that same love, Pure Life, and true tenderness, into which at first you were begotten, and raised to bear a faithful Testimony for the Lord, his Name, Truth and Glory, though but in little and small things when nothing in that day (all keep it in Mind) was too near or dear for you to part with, that you may all persevere and fi [...]ish in that in which you have begun, that that which was known to be the First, may care­fully be kept unto, to be knowa to be the Last; the Alpha, the Omega; the Beginning and the Ending; the same to Day, Yesterday and for­ever; who is from Everlasting to Everlasting, that so the Crown of Life and of Immortal Glory may be set upon your Heads, that is laid up in store for all that in faithfulness continue unto the end; unto which the Lord God of Life by and through the greatness and strength of his own Pow­er, keep and preserve you all Faithful in Life and unto Death, and in the end, Amen.

Printed by Iohn Bringhurst in Leaden-Hall.

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