SEVERAL TESTIMONIES Given forth by Jeffery Bullock, Against that Evil Spirit by which he had been led to oppose the Truth and People of God, both by Word, Writing, and Printed Books, for several Years last past.

WHereas in an Hour of Darkness and Temptation, I have been drawn forth by the Enemy of my Soul, that hath led me out in envy, enmity, and great wilfulness, through my departing from the Holy Light and pure Witness of God in my own Conscience; to Write and cause to be Printed and Published di­vers Books and Papers, which were unsound, pernicious, and con­trary to Truth, in reproach of God's Truth and People, and their holy way and order, (into which Truth hath led and setled them;) and not only so, but have also defamed the Children of Truth, and enviously opposed them, not only by writing, but publickly in meet­ings, and by retaining the council of the Adversary of my Soul, was carried on further so that ungodly act in Wilfulness and Stubborness, to break that Holy Command of Christ, who saith, Swear not [...] all. Yet contradictory to the Witness of God in my own Conscience, I did Swear; and now after all this my wicked doings the pure Wit­ness of God is risen, and hath set all these my Sins in order before [Page 2] me, and Sin now is my Souls burthen: Wherefore, that my Soul may find case and favour and forgiveness of God, in Humility of Heart, and Contriteness of Soul, do condemn all these my wicked works, and that it may be clearly and particularly evidenced, I con­demn by name all my said Books, viz. My Book Intituled, Anti­christ's Transformations within, discovered by the Light within. My Book Intituled, One Blow more against Anti-Christs Ministers, &c. Be­ing a reply to Giles Barnardiston's answer to my first Book. Also my Book Intituled, A Testimony against the Sixty Six Judges, called Qua­kers, that wrote an Epistle against John Story, and John Wilkinson. Also my Book called Gross Errors detected, or many of the Doctrines of the leading Quakers disowned. All which Books are for Judgment. Moreover, I desire that all such that have read any or all of the said Books, that you take heed to your selves, that nothing in them do you hurt, for certainly it was the dark and evil Spirit that guided me therein, to write and publish them, by which I did dispite to the Spi­rit of Grace therein, and I desire that all that have any of the said Books, that you destroy them as I have done them in my own pos­session, that they may all be oblitterated, and that they may never be spoken of, or remembred any more.

The hand of the Lord lieth heavy upon me for these things, there­fore let all take warning by me, that you may be kept out of the snares and baits of the Devil, but as every one keeps to the Light, and are obedient to God's Witness, and Holy Grace placed in their hearts, it will preserve them in way of Truth and Uprightness for ever.

Subscribed with my own hand, the day and year above-written.

Jeffery Bullock.


WHatever I have spoken, or caused to be Printed against George Fox, or the Order that is amongst those called Quakers, I do disown it.

And as to what I have held forth, that the Soul is mortal, and that [Page 3] there is no future state. I do utterly disown the same, believing it came from the same Power of Darkness, that brought forth the fruits above-mentioned that I have testified against.

Jeffery Bullock.

Subscribed above and here, in the presence of us.

  • Mary Bullock his Wife.
  • Johannah Kemp.
  • John Baker.
  • Thomas Clark.
  • Francis Waldegrave.
  • Ezek. Sheldrick.
  • Arthur Cotten.
  • John Furly.

The contents of this Paper, and his Name written with his own hand, was owned since, before Anne Bullock his Daughter.

This to be delivered to the Court.

In my coming unto the Hall and Swearing, I grieved the Spirit of God, and did despite to Christ the Light, and sinn'd against the Spirit of Grace, and I would have come my self and a borne my Testimony against the things, but the day of God's Vengeance is upon me, and I have lost my natural strength, that I fall in going about the House, from me,

Jeffery Bullock.
  • Jacob Lea.
  • John Fowler.
  • Andrew Bates.
  • John Baker.
  • Jonathan Christmass.
  • Israel Robards.
  • Ezekiel Sheldrick.

And to be at Unity with the Light within, is more to be valued than Ten Thousands Worlds;


THough I have condemned my self for the act of Swearing, it be­ing contrary to the command of Christ, yet deny not my Al­legiance to the King, but do own the same.

J. B.

Jeffery Bullock having sent these Papers to us, and desired they might be made publick for the easing his troubled Conscience, and clearing Friends and Truth, we have permitted them accordingly to be Print­ed; and though he hath thus far cleared the Truth, the hand of the Lord remains still heavy upon him, and how the Lord will deal with him we know not, but must leave the issue to God, desiring if it be his will, he may find forgiveness of his sin, and may lay down his head in peace with the Lord.


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