THE CHURCH's REQUEST To all her Faithful SONS AND CHILDREN, That they would now pray for her, and stand by her, and help her what they can; and not for­sake her in her desolate condition, and the dark Time of Popery that is coming upon her.

Written by Digby Bull M. A. and late Rector of Sheldon in Warwick-shire.

LONDON, Printed for the Author; And are to be Sold by J. Whitlock near Stationers-Hall. 1695.


Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem: They shall prosper that love thee.

THE Royal and Devout Psalmist King David, who was the Composer of this Psalm (as the Title of it decla­reth) doth shew, that he was not a Man wholly in­tent upon his own private Concerns and Interest, and wholly taken up with his own Pleasures and Profit and Advance­ment, as too many now are; but that he was a Man of a pub­lick Spirit, and greatly concerned for his own Land and Nation, and the Good and Prosperity thereof. And in an especial man­ner was he concerned for the pure Worship of Almighty God, be­ing not lukewarm herein, but very fervent and zealous for the true Religion, and for the Honour and Service of the true and only God. That he was tender of the common good and welfare of his People he sheweth in many instances, and particularly in bewailing the loss of them by the Plague that God sent upon them, and desiring that they might be spared, and that the Hand of God might be against him and his Father's House. 2 Sam. 24.17. And David spake unto the Lord, when he saw the Angel that smote the People, and said; Lo, I have sinned, and I have done wickedly: but these sheep, what have they done? Let thine hand, I pray thee, be against me, and against my Father's house. So much doth he shew himself concerned for the common good, and so much trou­bled for the loss of so many of his People by the Plague that God sent upon them. And in an extraordinary manner doth he shew himself zealous in all Matters of Religion, and for the pure Wor­ship and Service of Almighty God, composing Psalms for that [Page 2] purpose, and ordering the courses of the Priests, and taking great care that they duely executed their Offices and Functions to the Glory and Honour of Almighty God. And he sought out a place for his sacred Temple, and intended to build it out of hand, if God had not prevented him, and told him, that he should leave that work to his Son Solomon; because he had been a Man of War and shed much blood. Lord (saith he, Ps. 132.1.—) remem­ber David and all his afflictions: How he sware unto the Lord, and vowed unto the mighty God of Jacob. Surely I will not come into the tabernacle of my house, nor go up into my bed; I will not give sleep to mine eyes, or slumber to mine eye-lids, until I find out a place for the Lord, an habitation for the mighty God of Jacob.

So zealous and intent was he upon this matter, and likewise towards all other matters of Religion. And for his Zeal especi­ally towards the Worship and Service of Almighty God, it is, as we may conceive, that he is so highly commended and renown­ed in the Word of God, for being a Man after Gods own heart, Acts 13.22.

And he is not only zealous herein himself for the preserving and promoting of the pure and sincere Worship of Almighty God, and the good and prosperity of his Church and People; but doth earnestly exhort all others to be so too, and to pray for the Peace and Prosperity of them; assuring them that those that should do so, that should bear true love towards them, and seek their Peace and Welfare, should be well rewarded for all their care and pains herein. And this he doth here in the Text. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.

In which words we have these two parts:

  • I. An exhortation or command to pray for the Peace of Jeru­salem. And
  • II. A promise and assurance of a Blessing upon such as should bear true love thereto, and seek the Peace thereof. They shall prosper that love thee.

I. The Exhortation and Precept, wherein we have, first, the Duty that he exhorts others to, and that is Prayer; secondly, the subject matter of this Prayer, and that is for Peace; and thirdly, the place for which he solicits their Prayers, and that is for Jerusalem: Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

First, In exhorting and enjoining them to pray for Jerusalem, we may conclude that he requires them to use their utmost en­deavours in all lawful ways for the good and happiness of that place, and what he means thereby. And in exhorting and per­suading of them to pray for it, he doth thereby mind them, that this was the best help and assistance that they could yield towards it; that all humane endeavours are but vain and fruitless without the divine Help and Assistance and Protection of Almighty God; and that it must be he alone that must protect and advance it. And so the Psalmist hath more fully taught us, that all the endeavours of Man are to no purpose without the divine Succours and Help of Almighty God. Psal. 127.1. Except the Lord build the House (saith he) they labor in vain that build it: Except the Lord keep the City, the watch­man waketh but in vain. All proves but vain and lost labor without his Almighty Aid and Defence. And saith the Psalmist, Psal. 124.8. Our help is in the Name of the Lord, who made Heaven and Earth. And the Psalmist affirmeth him to be the builder of Jerusalem; Psal. 147.2. The Lord doth build up Jerusalem; he gathereth together the Out-casts of Israel. And he it is that effecteth and worketh this peace that the Psalmist exhorts others to pray for, as we may see, Psal. 147.12.— Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem; praise thy God, O Zion; for he hath strengthened the bars of thy gates; he hath blessed thy Children within thee: He maketh peace in thy borders, and filleth thee with the finest of the wheat. He it was that thus blessed and preserved Jerusalem; and while Judgment and Righteousness were therein, he gave assurance that he would defend and protect it in a mighty manner; Is. 31.4.— It was Almighty God that did defend and preserve this beloved City of the Jews, and that did fill it with Peace and Plenty, and made it to flourish in all kinds of prosperity: And to supplicate his divine Goodness in behalf of it in a due and de­vout manner, was the greatest service and assistance that they could yield towards the Good and Welfare thereof. But we may con­clude, that in exhorting and enjoyning them to pray for it, he doth also exhort and enjoyn them to give all the help and assistance that they were able towards the Good and Prosperity thereof in all re­spects: That they should not let their helping hand be wanting in any good deed that they were able to do for it.

Secondly, We have here the subject matter of the prayer, what he exhorts them to pray for, and that is the Peace of Jerusalem. And here we have a great deal of matter comprehended and wrapt up in one word. For hereby he seems to intend, that they should pray for all kinds of Peace and Prosperity and Happiness to this City; that Jerusalem might be no ways wanting herein, but freed from all dis­quiet and evil, and prosperous and happy in every respect. This he shews in the ver. following the Text, v. 7. Peace be within thy Walls, and Prosperity within thy Palaces. This is his own prayer for it; and we may reasonably conclude that there is as much intended in his exhor­tation to others. And we may see that the word Peace is used for all kinds of prosperity and happiness in the Sacred Scriptures. Deut. 29.19, saith Moses there of him whose heart should turn from the Lord: And it come to pass when he heareth the words of this Curse, that he bless himself in his heart, saying, I shall have peace, tho I walk in the imagination of mine heart, to add drunkenness to thirst; hereby meaning, that he should escape the curse, and yet do well and prosper. And saith Solomon, 1 Kings 2.33. But upon David, and upon his Seed, and upon his House, and upon his Throne shall there be Peace for ever from the Lord; hereby meaning much the same that he hath expressed, vers. 45. And King Solomon shall be blessed, and the Throne of David shall be established before the Lord for ever. And saith Jezebel to Jehu, 2 Kings 9.31. Had Zimri Peace, who slew his Master? Hereby intending as much as if she had said, Did Zimri do well and prosper, who slew the King his Lord and Master? And saith the Prophet Micaiah to Ahab, when he went to Ramoth-Gilead to War, 1 Kings 22.28. If thou return at all in peace, the Lord hath not spoken by me; thereby intending as much as if he had said, If thou return in safety, and well, and with good success. And this was a common Sa­lutation among the Jews, to wish, or pray God to give them Peace, that is, all Joy and Happiness. And this our Lord order­ed his Disciples to use, when he sent them forth: Luke 10.5. And into whatsoever house ye enter, first say; Peace be to this house. By these and many more such like places we may see, that this word Peace, is used in a general way, for all Prosperity and Hap­piness in every respect; For freedom from all Disquiet and Mise­ry; and for a Prosperous Condition, flourishing in all Joy and [Page 5] Happiness. And indeed Peace seems to be the very Foundati­on and Ground work of all Prosperity and Happiness, and with­out it there can be no true Happiness, nor solid joy and comfort to any one.

In praying then for the Peace of Jerusalem, we may conclude. That the Devout and Royal Psalmist doth exhort and enjoyn them to make supplication to Almighty God for the good and welfare of it of all kinds; That Jerusalem might become a Praise, and the Glo­ry of the whole Earth; that it might become a quiet Habitation, and enjoy all kind of Peace and Tranquility: That it might enjoy all outward Peace, and be free from the Invasions and Assaults of all forreign and outward Enemies; That it might be so sheltered under the wings of Divine Providence, that no Foe nor Adversary might come to cast up a Bank, or to shoot an Arrow against it; And that it might be terrified and disquieted with no fear nor ap­prehension of Danger from without.

We may conclude also, that he willeth and requireth them to pray for all inward Peace and Quiet among themselves. This he sheweth in his own Petition, Ver. 7, saying, Peace be within thy Walls. Hereby then were they obliged to pray, that Jerusalem might be free from all intestine Broils and Jars among themselves; That there might be no Factions and Divisions therein to rent and tear it to pieces, and to do more mischief than a Forreign Enemy; That there might be no restless Sons of Belial therein to interrupt and disturb the blessed Peace of their Mother, and to play the Viper, and gnaw thro' and destroy the Womb that bare them; That there might be no secret Grudges and disguised Malice and Heart-burnings among them any ways to threaten and annoy the happy Peace thereof; But that Jerusalem might be, (as he saith Vers. 3.) builded as a City that is compact together; That it might be firmly united together with true Love and hearty Good-will, which are the strongest Cement and Band of all; That in Jerusalem there might be the firmest Concord and Agreement imaginable, and that all things therein might be carried on with the sweetest Harmony that could be.

We may also suppose, that he intends that they should pray for all inward Peace and Satisfaction to every one's Heart and Mind; That there might be no sorrow and grief of heart and discontent [Page 6] within Men's Breasts to gaul their Bowels within; but that all might be calm and clear there, and that every Man's heart might be set at rest as much as could be. This is the sweetest Peace, and most of all to be valued, and that which must crown and compleat all other kinds of Peace; and therefore we may reasonably sup­pose, that it is to be comprehended in their Prayers that they were to make for Jerusalem. We may conceive that he requires them to pray for the Peace thereof in all these three respects, and for the good and welfare thereof of every kind; That it might be pro­sperous and happy upon all accounts, and might flourish and abound in all plenty and store, and in every thing that is truly good and desirable: That they should pray after his own form of Prayer, Psal. 144.12; That their Sons might be as Plants grown up in their youth; That their Daughters might be as Corner-stones, polished after the similitude of a Palace; That their Garners might be full, affor­ding all manner of Store; That their Sheep might bring forth thousands, and ten thousands in their Streets; That their Oxen might be strong to labour, that there might be no breaking in, nor going out; And that there might be no complaining in their Streets: That they should pray that such a blessing as God promised by the Prophet Jeremiah, might be accomplished and fulfilled to them; Jer. 33.10, 11; That there might be heard therein, the voice of joy, and the voice of gladness; The voice of the Bridegroom, and the voice of the Bride; The voice of them that should say, praise the Lord of Hosts, for the Lord is good, for his Mercy endureth for ever; and of them that should bring the Sacrifice of Praise into the House of the Lord. By praying for the peace hereof; we may conclude, that he requires and enjoyns them to pray in such a full manner as this.

Thirdly, We have here the place for which he requires their Pray­ers and that is for Jerusalem. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

This was the great Metropolis and Royal City of the whole Land of Judea at that time, and in the days of King Solomon; and al­ways afterward was the Royal City of the Kingdom of Judah, till they were carried into Captivity, for their great Sin and Wicked­ness. And here in Jerusalem the House and Posterity of King David Reigned, and had their Royal Throne; and God himself doth signifie that they should Reign here, and that the People should be prosperous and happy under their Government, if they [Page 7] would hearken to his voice, and keep his sacred Commandments. This was the Supreme Seat of Judgment among them, where the highest Courts of Judicature were kept, and where true and im­partial Justice was to be Administred, whereby every one was to be protected and defended in his just Rights and Liberties: And by the Regal Power thereof, were they to be preserved from the invasion and annoyance of all Forreign Enemies: And upon the Peace and Prosperity hereof did their own Peace and Prosperity depend, and could not well subsist without it. In this City did God declare that his Servant David should have a Light before him. 1 Kings 11.36. And unto his Son (that is Solomon's Son) will I give one tribe, that David my Servant may have a light always before me in Jerusalem, the City which I have chosen me, to put my Name there. For Solomon's sin in departing from the Lord and following of Idols; and for the wickedness of the Peo­ple, did God declare that he would rend part of the Kingdom from his Sons and posterity, and give it to Jeroboam; but yet he would let them have a part for David's sake, that he might have a Light before the Lord in Jerusalem, that is, a Son and Heir of his Family to reign there in Jerusalem. And although Abijam de­served to have his Posterity deprived thereof; yet God would have David to have a Lamp there still, and have Jerusalem esta­blished with the Royal Throne of King David. 1 Kings. 15.4. Nevertheless for David's sake did the Lord his God give him a lamp in Jerusalem, to set up his Son after him, and to establish Jerusalem. And this is one reason why the Lord would defend this City from the King of Assyria, because it was the Royal City of the House of his Servant David: 2 Kings 19.34. And when God was about to deliver them to be spoiled by their Enemies, he declares to them, that if they would repent and keep his Commandments, and sanctifie his Sabbaths, he would still grant to them this bles­sing, that they should have the Kings hereof over them ruling in great prosperity; and that they should still be happy under their Government. Jer. 17.25. Then shall there enter into the gates of this City Kings and Princes sitting upon the Throne of David, ri­ding in Chariots and on Horses, they and their Princes, the Men of Judah and the Inhabitants of Jerusalem; and this City shall remain for ever. And so Jer. 22.3. And the Psalmist here in this Psalm [Page 8] doth mention, as a part of the Prerogatives of this City of Jeru­salem, that the Seats of Judgment, and the Throne of the King­dom was there; and doth hereby intimate, that this was one reason why they should pray for the Peace and Happiness of it: ver. 5, the Verse before the Text: For there are set Thrones of judgment; the Thrones of the House of David. And vers. 8. For my Brethren and Companions sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee. We may see that it was upon publick respects, that he en­joyns them to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem: And we may conceive that this was one reason why he requires them to pray for it, because it was the Regent City, and the Royal Throne of the Kingdom was fixed there, and it was the chief place where Justice and Judgment were to be executed.

In praying then for Jerusalem, we may conceive that he in­tends no less than that they should pray that this City might be advanced and set up on high, and that the Throne of David might be therein continued, and that he might not want a Man to sit thereon after him, to sway the Scepter thereof in Truth and Righteousness: That the Kings hereof might prosper and be Mighty, and that they might protect and save the People from all their Enemies: That true Justice and Judgment might be ad­ministred from hence, and every one defended in his just Rights and Liberties: That they should seek and pray for the Peace of Jerusalem their head City; because in the Peace thereof they all should enjoy great Peace and Prosperity; as God ordered them afterwards to Pray for the Peace of Babylon upon the like ac­count, when he sent them into Captivity. Jer. 29.7. And seek the Peace of the City whether I have caused you to be carried away Captives, and pray unto the Lord for it: For in the Peace thereof shall ye have Peace: And much more then might they expect Peace and Prosperity in the Peace of their own City Jerusalem in the days of David and Solomon and the succeeding Kings thereof. In praying then for the Peace of Jerusalem he doth in effect require them to pray for their whole Polity and Govern­ment, and for the Good and Welfare of their whole Land and Nation, that depended hereupon, and was made happy in the Peace and Prosperity of this City, and the Throne therein esta­blished.

But farther, Jerusalem was the Renowned City of all the World, that had none like it upon the face of the whole Earth: for this was the City of the great King the Lord of Hosts; the City that he had chosen above all others to place his sacred Name there, and to be the place of his more peculiar Residence here amongst us Mortals; and here was a Temple then to be built for his Honor and Service, according to his own direction and appointment, which was to be a House of Prayer to all Na­tions; and here had he commanded them to perform his more solemn Worship and Service; and here he vouchsafed more of his divine Presence than he did in any City besides. And upon this account especially it is that the Royal Psalmist exhorts and enjoyns them to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. God did de­clare by his servant Moses that he would choose a place to cause his Name to dwell there, and that they should resort to that place to perform there more solemn Worship and Service to him there, long before David's time. Deut. 12.10—. But when ye go over Jordan (saith Moses) and dwell in the Land which the Lord your God giveth you to inherit, and when he giveth you rest from all your Enemies round about, so that you dwell in safety: then shall there be a place which the Lord your God shall chuse to cause his Name to dwell there; thither shall ye bring all that I command you, your burnt-offerings, and your sacrifices, your tythes, and the heave-of­ferings of your hand, and all your choice vows, which ye vow unto the Lord. By this and other places in Deut, it is plain that God would chuse a place for his sacred Name, and that they were to resort thither to perform their more solemn Worship and Ser­vice to him there. And here at this place were all their Males to appear three times in the year; Deut. 16.16. Three times in a year shall all thy Males appear before the Lord thy God, in the place which he shall choose, in the feast of unleavened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of tabernacles—.

And the Lord did signify to David that he had chosen Jerusa­lem for this place where he would put his holy Name. And so he saith, Psal. 132.13—. For the Lord hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his Habitation. This is my rest for ever, here will I dwell; for I have desired it. And Zion was a part of Jerusalem, and seems to be put for the whole. And unto Jerusalem had [Page 10] David brought the Ark of God, and put it in the Tent which he had there made for it, until the Temple was builded; 2 Chr. 1.4. And here had he prepared a place for the Temple of the Lord, and did intend to build it; but God would have Solomon his Son to build it, and he builded it in the place that David had prepared. 2 Chr. 3.1. Then Solomon began to build the house of the Lord at Jerusalem in mount Moriah, where the Lord appeared unto David his Father, in the place that David had prepared in the threshing-floor of Ornan the Jebusite. And not only the City and the place, but the very draught of this house of God was shew­ed to David, and God himself seems to order the fashion of it, as he did of the Tabernacle in the wilderness, and David de­livered the pattern thereof to his son Solomon; 1 Chr. 28.11. And according to these divine Instructions did Solomon build this extraordinary Temple of the Lord; and as soon as it was finish­ed, the glory of the Lord appeared in it; 1 Kings 8.10—. And here was he to be more solemnly worshiped than any where else, a great part of his Worship and Service being appropriated to this peculiar Temple of his. In Zion it was that praise waited for him; and in Jerusalem was the vow to be performed to him; Psal. 65.1. and 116.18, 19. And saith the Psalmist, Psal. 48.2. Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole Earth is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the City of the great King. The Temple here was God's peculiar house, and to be an house of Prayer to all people; Is. 56.7. And upon this account of Religion, and of God's Worship and Service it is that Jerusalem is called the holy City, the City of God, the City of the great King, and God said to love it above all others. Matt. 4.5. and 5.35. And Psal. 87.2. The Lord loveth the gates of Zion, more than all the dwel­lings of Jacob. Glorious things are spoken of thee, O City of God.

Upon this account especially it is, that the Royal Psalmist re­quires them to pray for Jerusalem, because it was the capital City of Religion, the City of the Lord of hosts, that he had e­spoused to himself above all others; and his great Temple of Worship was to be here: for upon this house of God had the devout Psalmist set his heart and affections, though it was not then built, as he sheweth, 1 Chr. 29.3. Moreover because I have set my affection to the house of my God (saith he) I have of mine [Page 11] own proper good—. And upon this account it is, that he is so much concerned for Jerusalem. And this he declareth himself in this psalm, 122.9. Because of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek thy good. This is the great reason why he would seek the good of Jerusalem, and doth exhort others to pray for it; because God's House and solemn Worship was to be here, and his heart was set upon them.

In praying then for Jerusalem, he doth exhort and require them to pray for the good and welfare of the Church of God, that it might enjoy all Peace and Quiet; and that his Worship and Ser­vice might here at Jerusalem be performed in a due and pub­lick manner to his great Honour and Glory; and to the real be­nefit and comfort of his Worshippers and Servants: That his San­ctuary and holy Place there, might not be polluted and profa­ned by Heathens and unhallowed Persons, and his Worship and Service corrupted or quite neglected and cast off, and Religion driven to hide her head; but that Jerusalem might be as a City upon an hill, taken notice of and admired by all the World, for the solemn Worship of Almighty God that should there be performed: That they might unanimously Serve and Worship God there, and that all Nations might flock thither to his Solemnities, and to join in his Worship and Service: That many Nations might come and say (as it is Mic. 4.2.) Come and let us go up to the Mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths. That God's Ordinances and Worship should there be duely celebrated and kept where they ought; and with that purity and devotion and splendor that they ought too: That true Religion might be ad­vanced and in esteem among them, and that God's Honour and Service might be set up and exalted above all, and that it might be joy and gladness of heart to them to see it so.

In praying for the Peace of Jerusalem, he seems to do no less than require and enjoin them to pray for the good and welfare of their whole Nation, which depended hereupon; and especial­ly that they should pray for the Good and Prosperity of the Church, that it might flourish and enjoy all manner of Peace among them, and that God might be duely served at his Temple, the place that he himself had chosen.

And now from this Text we may see, that it is our duty to be much concerned and to pray for our Jerusalem in this manner: That we should bear hearty good-will to our own Land and Nation, and the Israel of God among us; and especially to our own Church, and that pure Religion among us: That we should be very zealous in our Prayers for them, and endeavour to pre­serve them, and to do them all the good we can in a lawful way. This we are taught by this Text: For the Psalmist spake by the Spirit of God, and what he hath said here, is to be an Instruction to us, as well as it was to the Jews. Rom. 15.4. For whatsoever things were written aforetime (saith the Apostle) were written for our learning. And we may see, that under the names of Jerusalem and Zion the Christian Church seems often to be meant, or at the least to be included therein. Jer. 33.15—. In those days, and at that time will I cause the Branch of Righ­teousness to grow up unto David, and he shall execute Judgment and Righteousness in the Land. In those days shall Judah be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell safely; and this is his Name whereby he shall be cal­led, The Lord our Righteousness. And by this Branch of Righteousness, is meant our blessed Saviour, and therefore under Jerusalem, is comprehended the Christian Church. And saith the Prophet Isaiah 2.2; And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the Mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the Mountains, and shall be exalted above the Hills, and all Na­tions shall flow unto it. And this seems to be a prediction of the times of the Gospel, and this Mountain of the Lord's house, to be the Christian Church. And saith the Prophet Micah 4.7. And the Lord shall Reign over them in mount Zion, from henceforth even for ever. But this cannot well be understood of any other Reigning over them than in the Christian Church: For there is no appearance of God's Reigning over them now in Mount Zion, taking it literally for that place in the Land of Judea. And that this Legal and Temple-worship of the Jews at Jerusalem was to cease, and that God was then to be worshiped after a Spiri­tual manner, even our Blessed Lord sheweth: Jo. 4.21. Jesus saith unto her, Woman believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in th [...]s Mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem worship the Father. And Ver. 23. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true Wor­shippers [Page 13] shall Worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth, for the Father seeketh such to Worship him. The Jewish way of Worship at the Temple was then to cease; and Jerusalem literally taken was no longer to be God's peculiar place of Worship above all others, after the Gospel was published and after the death of our Saviour: Nor is it that City litterally taken, that we are now obliged to pray for above all others: But it is the Christian Church which is now to be accounted the true Israel of God, and to come in place thereof and is oft comprehended in the name of Jerusalem, and meant by it; and for this are we now to pray. And we may see that Jerusalem is used in a figurative manner for the Church of Christ. Gal. 4.26, Saith the Apostle; But Jerusalem which is above, is free, which is the Mother of us all. And saith the Apostle speaking of the Christian state of the Church, Heb. 12.22; But ye are come unto mount Zion, and unto the City of the living God, the Heaven­ly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of Angels, to the ge­neral Assembly and Church of the First-born, which are written in Heaven. The Christian Church, which is in Society with the Saints and Angels above, is the Jerusalem that we are now to be so much concerned for, and especially for that part of it among us.

By this exhortation and precept then of the devout Psalmist, (though it doth primarily respect the Jews) are we also taught to seek and pray for the Peace and Prosperity of the true Church of God, especially of that part of it that is amongst us; and for the Good and Welfare of our own Kingdom and Nation, upon which our own Peace and Happiness do depend; and to do all the good Offices for them that we can: For in such a general sense are we to understand the exhortation and precept here in the Text, as I have shewed. And

First, We ought to have a great care that we do no injury and harm to them, and no ways disturb the Peace of them. In being required and enjoyned to pray for our Jerusalem, for the Church of God, and for the good of our own Nation and Peo­ple, we are hereby plainly forbid to do any Injury and Wrong to them. And it is our Saviour's command, that we should be harmless and innocent in all respects. Mat. 10.16. Behold (saith he) I send you forth as sheep in the midst of Wolves; be ye [Page 14] therefore wise as Serpents, and harmless as Doves. And herein especially are we to be so, in committing no publick Offences and Crimes against the Church, or good of the Nation. We are to be very cautious and circumspect, that we do not wilfully offend against the common Good and Welfare of the Church or State; and to have a great care that we commit no wilful Acts of Violence and Wrong against them; and that we lend no helping hand to destroy and overthrow th [...] Protestant Church, and our Good Laws and well-establisht Go [...]m [...]t. There is no doubt to me, but that the Protestant Church of England is a true and eminent part of the Church of Christ; and therefore every Man ought to have a very great care that he doth not any ways help to destroy and pull it down, and to introduce Popery in the room of it. The Protestant Religion is agree­able to the pure Word of God; but Popery is flat contrary to that sacred Word in a multitude of places, as you may see in the Protestant's Letter, and the Book called, the Contrariety of Popery to the blessed Word of God; and every good Pro­testant then ought to chuse rather to die at the Stake, than to help to make this change in Religion. And those that do so, may justly expect the Woe and Curse of God to come upon them for helping to destroy such an eminent part of his Church. And we are to have a care that we offer no Wrong and Vio­lence to any of the Members thereof; that we no ways an­noy and injure the very meanest of them. Nor must we help to overthrow our laudable and good Laws and well Establisht Government, and to bring the Kingdom under the Popish Yoke and Bondage again. If we bear that good will that we ought to our Jerusalem, and would observe this precept of the Devout and Royal Psalmist, we must refrain from the doing of any of these things; and offer no Violence nor Injury to our beloved City, or any of the Members of it. And to deter us the more from doing any Acts of Violence and Wrong to the Church, or any of the faithful Members thereof, we may see that Woe and Misery is threatned to such, and like to come upon them. Our Saviour pronounceth a Woe against the Pharisees for ob­structing the Kingdom of Heaven, and hindering the progress of the Gospel. Mat. 23.13. But woe unto you Scribes and Pharisees [Page 15] Hypocrites (saith he) for ye shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against Men: For ye neither go in your selves; neither suffer ye them that are entring, to go in. And saith he, Luc. 11.52. Wo unto you Lawyers; for ye have taken away the key of knowledge; ye entred not in your selves; and them that were entring in, ye hindred. This wo is de­nounced against them, for opposing the Kingdom of Heaven, and hindering the increase and advancement of the Church of God: And all those that shall now help to destroy the true Church of Christ, or to do any wrong to any part thereof, may justly expect to fall under the lash of such a Woe and Curse. And our Lord de­nounces a Woe against all such as offend against his Church, or any of the smallest Members of it, and offer them any injury and wrong. Matth. 18.6—. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones (saith he) which believe in me; It were better for him that a milstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the Sea. Wo unto the world because of offences; for it must needs be that offences come: but wo to that man, by whom the offence cometh. And to this purpose, Mar. 9.42. and Luk. 17.1. The Church is the Spouse of Christ, and all the true and faithful Members thereof are dear to Almighty God; and whosoever offereth any injury and violence to them, will fire the wrath of Almighty God against himself, and bring a Woe and Curse upon his own head. When Saul breathed out threatnings and slaughter against the Church and Disciples of our blessed Saviour, and went to Damascus to bring them bound from thence to Jerusalem, to have them imprisoned and punished; our Saviour told him, that in so doing he persecuted him; and let him know, that he should find sharp service in so doing, Acts 9.3—. And as he journeyed, he came near to Damascus, and suddenly there shi­ned round about him a light from Heaven. And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? And he said, who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus, whom thou persecutest: It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. This was the persecuting of Christ himself, as we see it was resented; and in such high provocations we must expect to bring the wrath of God upon our selves. And saith St. Paul to the Galatians concer­ning those that troubled their Church, Gal. 5.12; I would they were even cut off, which trouble you. This heavy wish doth he utter against such as troubled and molested the Church of the Galatians. [Page 16] And saith he to the Thessalonians, 2 Thess. 1.6; Seeing it is a righ­teous thing with God to recompence Tribulation to them that trouble you. This is like to be their Doom, that trouble the Church and are Enemies to it, and do any violence to it, or the faithful Mem­bers thereof. And we may see that Elymas the Sorcerer was struck with blindness, for withstanding the Apostles, and seeking to turn away the Deputy of Paphos from the faith, Acts 13.8—. By these and such places we may see what a sinful and evil thing it is to do any injury and harm to the Church of God, or to any of the faith­ful Servants of God: And what sharp punishment they are to ex­pect that do so. And according to our great Wickedness must we now expect to be punished, if we help to destroy the Protestant Church and to set up Popery, or join with those that do so, and give encouragement to such an unrighteous and hellish work. And we are not to expect to go unpunished in our follies and sinful ways if we go about to overthrow the good Government of our Kingdom, or any ways to disturb the Peace and Quiet of it. All such offences are of a publick and high nature; and those that are guilty thereof, must expect to be dealt with accordingly.

And we are also to have a great care that we do not disturb the Peace of our Jerusalem by making any causless Divisions and Schisms in the Church to rent and tear it to pieces, and to destroy all the Peace and Quiet thereof. And we are to make no Factions and Par­ties in the Kingdom, to make any confusion and disorder therein. All causless Divisions in the Church are very sinful, and strictly for­bidden in several places in the Word of God. Rom. 16.17, saith the Apostle there; Now I beseech you brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned, and avoid them. With great earnestness doth he dissuade them from following all such as make any causless Divisions among them. And saith St. James 3.14—, But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lye not against the Truth. This wisdom descen­deth not from above, but is earthly sensual devilish. For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. Envying and strife and divisions are productive of nothing that is good; but of all con­fusion and disorder, and destroy all the Peace and Happiness of the Church and Kingdom. And these bring ruin and destruction in the end, as our blessed Lord hath taught us. Mat. 12.25. And Jesus [Page 17] knew their thoughts, and said unto them; every Kingdom divided against it self, is brought to desolation: and every city or house divided against it self, shall not stand. Hence we see a Land and Kingdom is like to be brought to desolation and ruin. If we would study and seek the Peace of our Jerusalem, our Church and Kingdom, we must create and promote no Divisions and Factions therein.

And that we may be wholly innocent herein, and not instrumen­tal in overthrowing and disturbing the Peace and Happiness of our Church and Nation, we are to have a care that we do not help to bring down the judgments of God upon them by our own sins and wickedness: That we do not hereby help to cause the Light of the Gospel to be taken away from us; and justly cause the Lord to visit our Nation with the Sword or Pestilence, or some other sore and ter­rible judgment.

If we bear true Love to our Jerusalem, to our own Church and Kingdom, and would seek the Good and Welfare of them, we are then to take great care that we our selves do no injury and harm to them, and no ways disturb their Peace and Quiet: That we help not to destroy and overthrow them, and to bring in Popery and the Ro­mish Yoke into this Nation: That we help not to bring disquiet and misery upon them, by creating and promoting of Divisions and Fa­ctions therein: And that we help not to pull down the heavy judg­ments of God upon them by our sins and wickedness.

If we are true Lovers of our Zion, we are carefully, in the first place, to avoid the doing of any injury and wrong thereto.

Secondly, We are to be highly concerned for our Jerusalem, and to endeavour to prevent, and to keep off all the evil and harm that may befal our Church and Kingdom at any time, what we can in a good and lawful way; but things unlawful must not be attempted, such as the taking up of Arms against Authority. That little Power that we have, we are to use to a good end, and to stand up for the good of the Church and Nation, to oppose all the violence and inju­ries that may be offered to them, what we can; and when we can do no more, to shew our dislike of such things as are evil and hurt­ful to them, and to have no hand in such. Every one in his own Place and Station should oppose, and withstand all Corruptions and sinful Innovations, and all things that tend any ways to the Ruin, or to disturb the Peace and Weal of the Church and Kingdom; And [Page 18] especially are we all to oppose and withstand the Errors and Corru­ptions of the Church of Rome what we can, and to give no way for the introducing of them and the Popish Religion: For that Religion I apprehend now to be coming upon us; and we Protestants shall be notoriously sinful, if we help to bring it in, and do not in a mild way oppose it. For the Faith and Truth of the Gospel, and for the Constitutions and Liturgy of our own Church, and for our Laws and Government, so far as they are good and agreeable to the bles­sed Word of God, (by which we are all to be guided) are we to strive and contend, and willingly to give way to nothing that shall tend ro the overthrowing of them. This the Apostle sheweth, that we are to strive for the Faith of the Gospel and the pure Word of God. Phil. 1.27—, That ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith of the Gospel; And in nothing terrified by your adversaries—. By no Terror of our Adversaries are we to be moved to depart from the Faith of the Gospel and the blessed Word of God. And saith St. Jude, ver. 3—, Beloved, when I gave all dili­gence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you, That ye should earnestly contend for the Faith, which was once d [...]livered to the Saints. For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condem­nation, ungodly men, turning the Grace of God into lasciviousness—. And such there are now like to be, whose errors and corruptions are to be opposed and withstood by all good and pious Men. And we may see that the Church of Pergamos is commended for standing for the truth of the Gospel, and not giving way to be seduced to Apo­stacy, though it were in a time of great danger. Rev. 2.13. I know thy works and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is, and thou holdest fast my Name, and hast not denyed my faith, even in those days, wherein Antipas was my faithful Martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth. For the pure Word of God, and the Truth of the Gospel are we at all times to strive and contend what we can, and to stand against all errors and corruptions that are contrary thereto, though it should be with great hazard of our Lives. And for the good Constitutions and Orders of our own Church, and for our own Laws and Government which are agreeable to the blessed Word of God, are we to shew some care and zeal, and not willing­ly to give way to have them subverted and overthrown, but mildly [Page 19] to oppose all alterations therein, that may be destructive to them, and to our Peace and Happiness therein. The Rechabites are com­mended for obeying the commandments of Jonadab their Fore-father, who had set them certain Laws and Commands; and because they would not depart from them; Jer. 35.6. And much more then ought we to be zealous for the good Orders and Constitutions of our own Church, and the Laws and Government of our own Nation; and in a good Christian way to stand up for them; and to oppose all attempts that are made to overthrow them.

And that we may be the more serviceable to our Church and King­dom, and endeavour to prevent all the evil that may befal them; we are to oppose the great sins and iniquity of the times what we can, that hereby we may endeavour to prevent the Judg­ments of God from coming upon them: For Iniquity, when it is grown ripe, will be sure to bring some Judgment or other. We are to stop the current of all wickedness what we can, and to endeavour to reclaim and draw all sinners from their evil ways. This we are to do, both out of Christian compassion to their own Souls, that we might help to save them, if it may be; and also to prevent such evil and misery as they will help to bring upon a place by their wickedness. By all good and lawful ways are we to endeavour to prevent and keep off all evil and mise­ry that may now, or at any time befal our Church and Nation.

Thirdly, We are to be grieved and to mourn for all the mise­ries and calamities that befal our Jerusalem, our Church and Kingdom. The true Protestant Church among us are we now to esteem as our Jerusalem, and to account it as dear to us as our very Lives; and for all the evils that befal it are we to be much troubled and perplexed. This should be matter of great mourning and lamentation and weeping to us, to see our Church brought low and under a cloud, and in a desolate and forsaken condition: To see the blessed Peace thereof to be removed and ta­ken away, and her Enemies triumphing over her, this should be sorrow and grief of heart to all her faithful children. And now is the time come that all good Protestants are to fall to bitter mourning and weeping; For now is the time at hand, that the Gentiles are to tread under foot rhe holy City forty and two months; Rev. 11.2. Now is the time drawing near, that [Page 20] the Beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless Pit, will make war against the witnesses of God, and overcome them; Rev. 11.7: Now I apprehend the time to be at hand, that Popery shall prevail over the Protestant Church for three years and an half; and this should call us all to great mourning and lamentation. Nor is it with dry eyes that I have drawn up these lines. And we are to know, that our sins are the cause of this misery that is coming upon us; and therefere we have the greater reason to mourn. We may see that the Jews wept in their Capti­vity, when they thought of the desolate condition of their Jerusalem, Psal. 137.1. By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea we wept when we remembred Zion. And the Prophets did much bewail the miseries that befel the Church and People of God. Is. 22.4—. saith the Prophet; Therefore said I, look away from me, I will weep bitterly, labor not to comfort me, because of the spoiling of the daughter of my people: For it is a day of trouble, and of treading down, and of perplexity by the Lord God of Hosts in the valley of vision, breaking down the walls, and crying to the moun­tains. And saith the Prophet Jeremiah 4.7, 8; The lyon is come up from his thicket, and the destroyer of the Gentiles is on his way; he is gone forth from his place to make the land desolate, and the cities shall be laid wast without an inhabitant. For this gird you with sackcloth, lament and howl: For the fierce anger of the Lord is not turned back from us. And Jer. 6.26, saith he; O daughter of my people, gird thee with sackcloth and wallow thy s [...]lf in ashes; make thee mourning, as for an only son, most bitter lamentation; for the spoiler shall suddenly come upon us. To mourning doth he call them upon the sight of the evil that he saw coming upon them. And for the great wickedness of his people, and the Judgments of God that came upon them for it, doth the Pro­phet lament sore. Jer. 9.1. Oh (saith he) that my head were wa­ters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people. O that I had in the wilderness a lodging place of wayfaring men, that I might leave my people, and go from them: For they be all adulterers, an as­sembly of treacherous men. And saith he, Jer. 13.16—; Give glory to the Lord your God, before he cause darkness, and before your feet stum­ble upon the dark mountains, and while ye look for light, he turn it [Page 21] into the shadow of death, and make it gross darkness. But if ye will not hear it, my soul shall weep in secret places for your pride, and mine eyes shall weep sore, and run down with tears, because the Lord's flock is carried away captive. While there remained some time to provide for their peace and good, he exhorts them to a reformation and to give glory to God, before the time of dark­ness came fully upon them: But if they would not hear, he tells them that he would sorely bewail their folly and the ca­lamity and misery that would come upon them. And this God ordered, that they should mourn and weep for the misery that was coming upon them. Jer. 9.17—. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, consider ye, and call for the mourning women, that they may come, and let them make hast, and take up a wailing for us, that our eyes may run down with tears, and our eye-lids gush out with waters. And ver. 21. For death is come up into our windows, and is entered into our palaces, to cut off the children from without, and the young men from the streets. And saith God to him, Jer. 14.17—. Therefore thou shalt say this word unto them; let mine eyes run down with tears night and day, and let them not cease; for the virgin daughter of my people is broken with a great breach, with a very grievous blow. If I go forth into the field, then behold the slain with the sword; and if I enter into the city, then behold them that are sick with famine, yea both the prophet and the priest go about into a land that they know not. Thus was he to weep before them for their miseries. And the Prophet sheweth how Jerusalem wept for the miseries and sorrows that were come upon her. Lam. 1.2. She weepeth sore in the night, and her tears are on her cheeks; among all her lovers she hath none to comfort her; all her friends have dealt treacherously with her; they are become her enemies. And I wish that the Sons of the Protestant Church would not now so deal with her, and become her enemies. And ver. 15—. The Lord hath troden under foot all my mighty men in the midst of me; he hath called an assembly against me to crush my young men. The Lord hath troden the virgin, the daughter of Judah, as in a wine press. For these things I weep, mine eye, mine eye runneth down with water, because the comforter that should relieve my soul, is far from me: my children are desolate, because the enemy prevaileth. Zion spread­eth forth her hands, and there is none to comfort her; the Lord hath [Page 22] commanded concerning Jacob, that his adversaries should be round about him; Jerusalem is as a menstruous woman among them. Thus doth he bring in Jerusalem bewailing her self, and doth much lament her desolate condition. And saith he, Lam. 2.11; Mine eyes do fail with tears; my bowels are troubled, my liver is poured upon the earth, for the destruction of the daughter of my people; be­cause the children and the sucklings swoon in the streets of the city. In this extraordinary manner was he troubled, and did sorely weep for the great misery that came upon them and their be­loved Jerusalem. And the Prophet Amos rebukes it as a crime in some of them, that they were not grieved for the affliction of the People of God. Amos, 6.1. Wo to them that are at ease in Zion; And ver. 6. That drink wine in bowls, and anoint them­selves with the chief ointments: But tbey are not grieved for the af­fliction of Joseph. And our blessed Lord himself wept over Jeru­salem, for the misery and destruction that was coming upon it. Lu. 19.41—. And when he was come near, he behold the city, and wept over it, saying, if thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy Peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes. For the days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side, and shall lay thee even with the ground. Thus sorrowful did our blessed Lord shew himself for the great misery and destruction that was coming upon this City, for the great wickedness thereof; and did most earnestly desire that they would amend, and mind the things that belonged to their Peace before it was too late; and was greatly troubled at their carnal security, that they were so unconcerned in this weighty matter. By these and such places we see, that it is our duty to be trou­bled, and to mourn and weep for all the publick Calamities and Miseries that befal our Church and Nation. To see men to grow cold in their Zeal and Devotion towards Almighty G [...]d, and to have little or no heart towards their duty and se [...]vice towards him; To see the house of God to be deserted and forsaken, and his Ordinances and Worship to be slighted and neglected; To see the Church rent and torn to pieces with schisms and divisions, and to see mens zeal all spent a wrong way in heats against one another; To understand that Popery is like to prevail over the [Page 23] Protestant Church for three years and an half, and that the Po­pish Gentiles are like to tread under foot the holy City the true Church of Christ for forty and two months; To see wicked­ness and impiety to abound every where in the Nation, and Love and Goodness to be withdrawn; to see the Kingdom divi­ded into Factions and Parties, and to know, as our Lord hath told us, that a Kingdom so divided cannot stand; To see that our sins and iniquities are grown great, and to know that wrath and judgments will be sure to be the issue and consequence of them; These things must needs be matter of sorrow and grief to all good men, and call them to lamentation and mourning, to see the Peace of our Church and Kingdom in such a manner to lie a bleeding, and no likelihood that the wounds thereof should be healed. And at this time the Church of Christ, and our Na­tion give us too great a cause of sorrow in this respect.

Fourthly, We are to endeavour to procure all the good we can to our Jerusalem, our Church and Kingdom in a lawful and Chri­stian way. We are to promote the peace and prosperity there­of, of all kinds, as much as in us lies: For it would be but vain to call upon God for his help and succour for our Jerusalem, if we are so little concerned for it, that we will not vouchsafe it our own help and assistance, so far as we have power. And the devout Psalmist here doth resolve upon this, that he would do what good he could to Jerusalem. Ps. 122.9. Because of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek thy good. And the Apostle exhorteth us to seek the good of others: 1 Cor. 10.24. Let no man seek his own; but every man another's wealth: And much more then ought we to seek the good and welfare of the Church and Kingdom, which are of such a general concern; and not to think much to bestow both labor and cost for the benefit of them. And it is our Lord's command that we should seek the Kingdom of God, and seek it in the first place. Matt. 6.33. But seek ye first the Kingdom of God (saith he) and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. The promoting of God's King­dom and Righteousness among men, is to be our first and chief­est [...]are; and to such endeavours a blessing of earthly things is promised. And to promote the Gospel, and the pure Religion thereof, is to promote the Kingdom of God, as St. Paul shew­eth; [Page 24] Col. 4.11. These onely are my fellow workers unto the King­dom of God. But not only the outward profession of the Gospel, but chiefly the inward reception of it, and the hearty belief of the Gospel which produces obedience and makes a life confor­mable thereto, is the true Kingdom of God: And so our Saviour hath told us that the Kingdom of God is within us; Lu. 17.21. And not only the outward profession of the Gospel, but especi­ally the inward and hearty embracing thereof should we endea­vor to promote and advance what we can. And the Peace and Prosperity of our Church and Kingdom should we advance as much as we can, that the Gospel and Kingdom of God may be promoted therein as much as may be; and that God may be duely worshipped and honoured therein, and that his worshippers and servants may receive true benefit and comfort thereby. We are to endeavour by all mild and gentle ways to heal the brea­ches and divisions that are in the Church, and to allay all bit­terness and animosities that are among us, and to draw all to union and concord, and to promote love and goodness among all, if it may be. And by all other lawful means should we seek the good and welfare of our Church and Kingdom.

And herein especially are we to be assisting to the prosperity and happiness of our Church and Nation, by leading of ha [...]m­less and righteous and holy lives. Hereby shall we do the Church and Kingdom the greatest service of all. This will adorn our Church and Religion the most of all, when all that are of other persuasions shall take notice what innocent and pious lives the Sons of our Church lead, and how just and upright they are in all their ways. And hereby shall we help to procure the Bles­sing of Almighty God upon us, which is that which must com­plete and crown all our Peace and Happiness in every respect, and make it firm and lasting, or else it will never be done. They are our sins which withhold good things from us, and hinder the advancem [...]nt of our Peace and Happiness, which we must remove, before we can procure good to our selves. This the Prophet shewe h, Jer. 5.25—; Your iniquities have turned away these things, and your sins have withholden good things from you. For amon my people are found wicked men—. And King David doth shew, that the keeping of the Commandments of God was the way to enjoy [Page 25] the peaceable possession of the Land of Canaan, and to leave it for an Inheritance to their Children. 1 Chr. 28.8.— Keep and seek for all the commandments of the Lord your God, that ye may possess this good land, and leave it for an inheritance for your chil­dren after you for ever. And this must we do, if we would enjoy the Blessing of Peace our selves, and leave it for an inheritance to our Children after us. And saith the Prophet Jeremiah 22.3—, Thus saith the Lord, execute ye judgment and righteousness, and de­liver the spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor; and do no wrong, do no violence to the stranger, the fatherless, nor the widow; neither shed innocent blood in this place. For if ye do this thing indeed, then shall there enter in by the gates of this house Kings sitting upon the throne of David—. But if ye will not hear these words, I swear by my self, saith the Lord, that this house shall become a desolation: And so it is like to be with our Jerusalem. The doing of the works of righteousness is the way to procure Peace and Happi­ness to our selves; and herein also shall we be instrumental in procuring of Peace and Good to our Church and Nation.

Fifthly, We are to pray unto Almighty God for the Peace and Good of our Jerusalem in every respect. This we are taught by the Text, and what hath been said upon it. All our own endea­vours will be but vain and fruitless without the divine help of Almighty God; and therefore we must address our selves unto him in earnest prayer, that he would be pleased to grant to us this blessing of Peace, who is the onely giver of it. For the peace and welfare of the whole Church of Christ upon earth are we to pray; That God would preserve and keep it in perfect peace, that it might be no ways annoyed, and that the Gates of Hell (as our Saviour hath promised, Matt. 16.18.) might not prevail against it; but that the Kingdom of God might come (as our Lord hath taught us to pray) and might every where prevail, and be firmly rooted in men's hearts: That God would enlarge the Kingdom of his dear Son, and give him the Heathen for his inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for his possession, ac­cording to that promise, Psal. 2.8.

But more especially are we to pray for the good and wel­fare of our Church and Kingdom, that they may enjoy all man­ner of Peace and Happiness. We are to make supplication to [Page 26] Almighty God for the preventing of all judgments and calami­ties that may at any time befal them; and to pray according to Solomon's form, 1 Kings 8.29; That his eyes may be open day and night upon them, and that he would watch over them, and pre­serve them from all dangers and miseries that threaten them, and us therein: That he would look down from Heaven (Psal. 80.14.) and behold and visit this vine, and the vineyard which his right hand hath planted; that it may not be cut down, and burnt up with fire: That he would set watchmen upon the walls of our Je­rusalem (Is. 62.6.) which should never hold their peace day nor night; but always give warning at the approach of any evil, that it might be prevented; and to make supplication to the Lord, that he would defend our beloved City therefrom. And now are we earnestly to pray unto Almighty God for the preventing, as much as may be, such judgments and calamities as do now hang over our heads, and which we have justly deserved: That our Can­dlestick may not be totally removed, and that God may not send such a famine upon us, as he threatens by the Prophet; Amos 8.11; Behold the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hear­ing the words of the Lord: Such a spiritual famine of the word of God are we to pray to be delivered from; and that God would preserve his pure Religion to us, and keep us from all idolatrous practices, and sinful errors in Religion: That we may be de­livered from the devouring Sword, and that our Land may not be turned into a field of blood, and a valley of slaughter: That we may not hear the sound of the Trumpet and Alarm of war, and be commanded (as it is Joel 3.10.) to beat our plowshares into swords, and our pruning hooks into spears: That our corn may not be given to be meat for our enemies; and the Sons of the stranger may not drink our wine, for which we have labored; but that they that have gathered it may eat it, and praise the Lord; Is. 62.8—: That we may not (as it is Is. 65.22—) build, and another inhabit; and plant, and another eat the fruit there­of; and that we may not labor in vain, and bring forth for trou­ble: That violence may not be heard in our Land (Is. 60.18.) wasting nor destruction within our borders; but that our walls might truly be called Salvation, and our gates Praise. To God [Page 27] are we to make supplication that he would not cause the Pesti­lence to cleave unto us, nor smite us with any consuming sick­ness and disease: That he would not send a famine upon us, and cause us to be smitten with blasting and mildew, and make the Heaven that is over our head as brass, and the Earth that is under our feet as Iron; nor give our substance and labor to be consumed by the locusts and caterpillers and such Armies of his: That our Church and Kingdom may be preserved from these, and from all other Plagues and Judgments, that we have justly deserved, are we to make supplication to Almighty God, that we may endeavour to prevent them as much as may be.

We are also to make our humble and hearty prayers to Al­mighty God for the removing and taking away of such Calami­ties and Evils as our Church and Kingdom now do, or at any time hereafter shall ly under: That he who is the God and Father of mercies would at all times look down in mercy upon them, and in his good time deliver them from all their distress and misery: That there may not be such a time, when the children shall be come to the birth, and there shall not be strength to bring forth, (2 Kings 19.3.) when we shall call upon God for succour and help, and he will not hear us; but that (ac­cording to Solomon's prayer 1 Kings 8.52.) his eyes may be open unto the supplication of his servants, and of his people, to hearken unto them in all that they call for unto him: That his Church and Faithful Servants may be preserved in this, and in all other fiery Tryals that shall befal them, and from falling away from him; and that they may not be swallowed up with overmuch sorrow and misery; but may find help and comfort from above, when they can meet with none here below: That God would remove from us all spiritual blindness and carnal security, that we may know and mind the things which belong to our Peace, before they are quite removed from our eyes, and it be too late: That we may not be like the Church of the Laodiceans, of whom it is said, Rev. 3.17, Thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not, that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked; that we may not be in such an insensible and miserable condition as this; [Page 28] but may see what great need we have to repent and amend: That God would do good, in his good pleasure unto our Zion (Psal. 51.18.) and build the walls of our Jerusalem: That he would heal all our dismal Breaches and Divisions, and reconcile all our Dissensions, which so much disturb our Peace, and threa­ten us with farther misery: That he would not prepare more work for the greedy and devouring Sword; but that we may all study and practise his Gospel of Peace and Love, and that every man may dwell safely under his vine, and under his Fig-tree, as it is said that Judah and Israel did all the days of King Solo­mon, 1 Kings 4.25. For the removing of these, and all other afflictions and miseries that we are sensible that our Church and Kingdom do now, or hereafter may ly under, are we to make supplication to Almighty God, and to intreat him that he would look down in mercy upon them, and heal all their wounds and maladies in his good time. And these things we are to pray for according to the Prophet's form, Jer. 14.7: O Lord, tho' our iniquities testify against us, do thou it for thy Name's sake; for our back-slidings are many, we have sinned against thee: And not for our own sakes, but for his great mercy's [...]ake, and for his dear Son Christ Jesus's sake, are we to intreat him for the pre­venting of Judgments, and for the removing of such miseries and and sufferings as do at any time befal our Church and Kingdom.

We are also to supplicate the divine Goodness of Almighty God for our Church and Kingdom that he would be pleased to continue to them such Mercies as they enjoy; and that he would grant to them such Blessings and good things as they want and stand in need off; That our Church and Kingdom may enjoy all manner of Peace and Prosperity in such a full manner as I have before described: That God would make good to the Christian Church that in the Prophet Isaiah, 62.1—, That for Zion's sake he would not hold his peace, and for Jerusalem's sake he would not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth: That the Gentiles might see the righteousness thereof, and all Kings it's glory: That it may be a Crown of Glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of our God: That as a young man marrieth a Virgin, so her Sons might marry her; and as a Bride­groom [Page 29] rejoyceth over the Bride, so her God might rejoyce over her: That God would create our Jerusalem a rejoycing, and her people a joy; Is. 65.18—: That he would rejoyce in our Jerusalem, and joy in his People; that the voice of weeping may no more be heard in her, nor the voice of crying: That (ver. 25.) the Wolf and the Lamb may feed together; and the Lion eat straw like the Bullock, and dust may be the Serpent's meat; that they may not hurt, nor destroy in all this holy Moun­tain: That such universal Peace and Love may every where pre­vail, that men of the most perverse spirits may be overcome by them, and lay aside all their malignity: That the Lord of Hosts ( Zac. 1.14.) would be jealous for our Jerusalem, and for our Zion with a great jealousie: That God would be gracious to our Land, and cause the Gospel to flourish amongst us, and to take deep rooting in our hearts: That God would cloath the Priests of our Zion with Salvation (Psal. 132.16.) and make her Saints to shout aloud for joy: That the mountain of the Lords house (Is. 2.2—.) might be established in the top of the mountains, and be ex­alted above the hills: and that all nations may flow unto it: That there may be such an universal willingness and readiness in all to know and practise their duty, that they shall say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob, and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: That our Ministers and Pastors may be orthodox and sound in the Faith; true and faithful in the discharge of their offices; and of an upright life and conversation, and so adorn the Gospel of the blessed Jesus and that holy Religion which we profess: That God would abundantly bless the provision of our Zion (Psal. 132.15.) and would satisfy her poor w [...]h bread; and give us all kind of plenty and store in our Land: That there may enter in by the gates of our City Kings sitting upon the throne of their Ance­stors ( Jer. 17.25.) and riding in Chariots and on Horses; and Ru­ling in justice righteousness and mercy: That he would fill our hearts with food and gladness, and grant us health and prospe­rity in our Land: That God would make our Zion an eternal excellency (Is. 60.15.) a joy of many generations: That our People also (ver. 21.) might be all righteous, and inherit the Land for ever, and that in all Peace and Quiet: That there may be heard [Page 30] in our Land (Jer. 33.11.) the voice of joy, and the voice of glad­ness; the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride; the voice of them that shall say, praise the Lord of Hosts, for the Lord is good, for his mercy endureth for ever; and of them that shall bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord: That our Land may be blessed with all manner of blessings; and that we may not be unmindful to return Almighty God, his due Laud and Praise for the same. Such promises have been made to, and such petitions have been put up for Jerusalem; and by such may we be instruct­ed how we are at all times to address our selves to Almighty God in prayer for our Jerusalem, for the Church of Christ in ge­neral, and more particularly for our own Church and Kingdom. But at this time we have great reason to make our earnest prayers to Almighty God for the Protestant Church, especially that part of it with us; and for our own Nation, that they may be pre­served from such judgments and miseries as now threaten them and us, and we have justly deserved for our great wickedness and abuse of mercies.

Sixthly, We are to rejoyce, and to take great pleasure in the Peace and Prosperity of our Jerusalem, when there is just cause for it; and to praise and magnify Almighty God for the mercies and benefits that he hath granted to her. The good and welfare of the whole Church, and especially of our own Church and Kingdom should be matter of great joy and gladness of heart to us; and stir us up to return God his due Laud and Praise for the same. And this is the Prophets exhortation. Is. 66.10. Re­joyce ye with Jerusalem, and be glad with her, all ye that love her, rejoyce for joy with her, all ye that mourned for her: That ye may suck, and be satisfied with the breasts of her consolations; that ye may milk out, and be delighted with the abundance of her glory. And with our Jerusalem the true Protestant Church should we rejoyce, when she hath cause to do so; which when the days of darkness are over, I hope she will have. And saith the Psalmist, Psal. 106.4—, Remember me, O Lord, with the favour that thou bearest unto thy people; O visit me with thy salvation: That I may see the good of thy chosen; that I may rejoyce in the gladness of thy nation; that I may glory with thine inheritance. Like fellow-feeling members are we both to suffer, and to rejoyce with the Church, and all the [Page 31] true and faithful Members thereof. And saith the Psalmist. Psal. 126.1—, When the Lord turned again the Captivity of Zion, were like them t [...]at dream: Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing. And Psal. 137.6, saith the Psalmist there; If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy. And at every thing that tended toward the good of Jerusalem, and the pure worship and service of Almighty God, did the Royal Psal­mist King David greatly rejoyce, as he sheweth here. Psal. 122.1. I was glad when they sa d unto me let us go into the house of the Lord. Every advancement of God's Church and Worship did much delight and please him; and so it should do us. And for all the Mercies and Blessings that Almighty God shall at any time vouchsafe to our Church and Nation are we to be truely thankful, and to make our hearty return of praise to him for the same. This the Psalmist doth most passionately wish, and sheweth that men are too negligent herein. Psal. 107.8. O that men would praise the Lord for his goodness (saith he) and for his wonderful works to the children of men! And this the Psalmist exhorteth Jerusalem to do, to make a due return of praise for the Blessings that she had received. Psal. 147.12—. Praise the Lord O Jerusalem (saith he) praise thy God, O Zion. For he hath strengthened the bars of thy gates; he hath blessed thy chil­dren within thee. He maketh Peace in thy borders, and filleth thee with the finest of the wheat. And this St. John sheweth in that vision of the Elders, that we are to praise and magnify Almighty God for all the mercies and deliverances that he vouchsafeth to his Church. Rev. 11.16, 17. And the four and twenty Elders (saith he) which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God, saying, we give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great Power, and hast Reigned: That is, because in a wonder­ful and miraculous manner thou hast preserved and delivered thy Church and Servants, and defeated and destroyed their Enemies. For all the mercies and blessings that are vouchsafed to the christian Church in general, or to that part of it wherein we are more nearly concerned, or to our own Land and Nation are we to be rruly thankful to Almighty God, and to Laud and Praise him for them. All the good that befals the Protestant Church and our Land and Nation is to be matter of thanksgiving and rejoycing to us. To see the Christian Church enlar­ged and exalted on high, and what the Prophet saith of it fulfilled in an eminent manner; Mic. 4.1—: To see the Christian Church thus exalted above all, and the Heathen world thus a flocking to it: To see an incli­nation and willingness in all men to become obedient to the Gospel, and [Page 32] to practise the things that it requires: To see Kings to become the nur­sing-Fathers of the Christian Church (Is. 49.23.) and their Queens the nursing Mothers thereof, and to bow down to her with their faces towards the earth, and to bring their riches and treasures to her: To see the Light of God's countenance to shine upon the true Protestant Church, and to see that completed, which our Lord saith, Rev. 3.9, Behold I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lye; behold I will make them to come, and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee: To see the Protestant Church blest in such a manner, and all the Enemies thereof ashamed and confounded in all their enterprizes and designs against it; and instead of triumphing over it, to come and bow down before it: To see our Kingdom a peaceable and quiet Habitation, and disturbed with no apprehensions of dangers from without, nor with any contentions or divisions within: To see Truth and Righteousness to flourish therein; and to see it blest with health and plenty: To see all men to study Love and Peace; and to see us so happy as to be all joyned together in one Worship and Communi­on, that, as St. Paul saith, Rom. 15.6, That we may with one mind, and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ: To see these things fulfilled should be great joy and gladness of heart to us, and fill our mouths with Songs of thanksgiving to Almighty God for the same. These things should be our earnest desires, and the subject of our hearty prayers to God; and it should be great pleasure and delight to us to see them in some good measure accomplished and fulfilled, That God may have his due Honour and Praise unanimously returned him every where throughout the whole Christian Church.

Seventhly and lastly, We are to suffer for the Good of our Jerusalem the Christian Church, when God shall require it of us, and call us thereto by his divine Providence, that ordereth all things, and over-ruleth all that is done here below. Though our blessed Lord hath suffered for us, and there is no need of any more Sacrifice to purge away our Sins, as if there were any insufficiency in that; For (saith the Apostle Heb. 10.14) by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified: Yet there remained something of the sufferings of Christ behind, which were to be undergone by the Apostles and pious Men afterwards for the sake of the Church, in conformity to what our Blessed Lord had suffered for it. This the Apostle sheweth, Col. 1.24; Who now rejoyce (saith he) in my suffe­rings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh, for his body's sake which is the Church—. For the sake of the mystical Body of Christ the Church doth he shew that he suffered. And saith he [Page 33] to the Corinthians, 2 Cor. 1.6; And whether we be afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effectual in the enduring of the same suffe­rings which we also suffer—. And saith he to Timothy, 2 Tim. 2.10; There­fore I endure all things for the elects sake, that they may also obtain the salva­tion which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. And he sheweth that he did not know but that he might be offered upon the service of the Church of the Philippians. Phil. 2 17. Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith (saith he) I joy and rejoyce with you all. So highly could he suffer for them, and do it too with joy and rejoycing. And he exhorts Timothy to be ready to undergo sufferings for the sake of the Gospel and Church of God. 2 Tim. 1.8. Be not thou therefore asha­med of the testimony of our Lord (saith he) nor of me his prisoner; but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the Gospel according to the power of God. And St. John tells us plainly, that seeing Christ hath laid down his Life for us, we ought also to lay down our Lives for the good of others, as Christ hath done for us, though not for an expiatory Sacrifice like his. 1 Jo. 3.16. Hereby (saith he) perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. This great act of love and mercy to us, is to be an example to us, to teach us to shew such to others, and to lay down our Lives for the good of others and of the Church of Christ, when it will be beneficial to them, and God shall require this service at our hands. By these and such pla­ces we may see that we are to suffer for our Jerusalem the Church of Christ, when our sufferings will be beneficial to it, if we will not be wan­ting in our love and duty towards it. The words of the Text do not ful­ly declare this, but yet we see that other places of the Scriptures do.

If our hearts are so fully set upon our Jerusalem the true Protestant Church as they should; and if we do earnestly desire the Peace and Good and Welfare thereof, as we ought; Then are we to give what assistance we can towards them by these and such lawful ways as these; And likewise towards the Peace and Prosperity of our Kingdom and Nation.

II. We have here in the Text a promise and assurance of a blessing of Prosperity to them that truely loved Jerusalam: They shall prosper that love thee. All those that did bear true love and hearty good-will to Jeru­salem the City of the great King, where his magnificent Temple was, and shewed a pious Zeal for it, and were ready to do all the good offices for it that they could; they were assured from hence that the blessing of Prosperity should come upon them, and that they should be well re­warded for all the good acts that they should do for it. And the Royal Psalmist King David himself is an eminent Instance of this: For he was [Page 34] inflamed with a very great love towards this place which God had cho­sen to record his Sacred Name there; and for the true Worship and Ser­vice of Almighty God; and for the promoting of true Religion among men; And we see that he was abundantly rewarded with prosperity and good for all the acts of piety that he shewed herein, procuring here­by the blessing of God both upon himself, and upon his Posterity too. And we may see that others also have been prosperous and happy, that have had great Love and Zeal for the true Religion and pure Worship and Service of Almighty God. And ftom hence may we be assured that the Blessing of God will come upon all those now that love our Jerusa­lem, and seek the Peace and Good thereof: That they shall be sure to be well rewarded that have hearty Love and a pious Zeal for the Prote­stant Church, and seek the Peace and Welfare thereof, and of our King­dom and Nation. From these words of the Text we may be assured that a blessed reward doth await all such as shew a pious care, and do any good deeds towards the Church of Christ; and in the word of God we have more promises to this effect, assuring us of a reward both in this life, and that which is to come. And the true Christian Church be­ing the Heavenly Jerusalem, and the City of God, and the Spouse of Christ, the Bride the Lamb's wife, Rev. 21.9; We may be sure from hence, that all the pious acts that are done towards it, will not go unre­warded: For God (saith the Apostle Heb. 6.10.) is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which ye have shewed towards his Name, in that ye have ministred to the Saints, and do minister. All acts of piety and love shewed towards the Saints and Servants of God, or any other ways towards his Name, will not be forgotten, but be surely and abun­dantly rewarded. Our Lord doth assure us, that such as seek the King­dom of God, shall have a good portion of the good things of this life. Matth. 6.33. But seek ye first the Kingdom of God (saith he) and his righ­teousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Such as seek the Kingdom of God, and yield any succour and help to it, are like to have no want of earthly comforts and enjoyments, but are assured of them, so far as shall be good for them. And those that suffer upon the ac­count of the Gospel, our Lord tells us, are like to be rewarded both here, and hereafter too. Mar. 10.29— And Jesus answered and said, verily I say unto you, there is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands for my sake and the Gospel's; But he shall receive an hundred fold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions, and in the world to come eternal Life. The parting with any thing for the sake of [Page 35] Christ and the Gospel will be abundantly recompensed both here and hereafter too. And so saith our Lord concerning those that part with any thing for the sake of the Kingdom of God. Lu. 18.29— And he said unto them, verily I say unto you, there is no man that hath left house, or parents, or brethren, or w [...]fe, or children for the Kingdom of God's sake, who shall not receive manifold more in this present time, and in the world to come Life everlasting. And saith he, Mar. 8.35, But whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the G [...]spel s, the same shall save it. These places do shew that what is done and suffered for the sake of the Gospel, shall be well rewarded: and so is all like to be that is done for the Protestant Church wherein the pure Religion and Worship of God are preserved. And our Lord doth shew that he will account all the pious acts, that are done to his disciples, as done to himself, and accordingly will reward them at the day of Judgment, Matth. 25.34—. And saith he, Matth. 10.41—, He that receiveth a Prophet in the name of a Prophet, shall receive a Prophet's re­ward; and he that receiveth a righteous man, in the name of a righteous man, shall receive a righteous man's reward. And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only, in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward. And so, Mar. 9.41; For whosoever shall give y [...]u a cup of water to drink in my Name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward. This assu­rance doth our blessed Lord give that those shall be well rewarded, that shew kindness to his disciples in all their wants and distressed con­ditions. And from these and such places we may be sure, that all acts tending any ways to the good of Christ's Church, or to any part or member thereof, shall be well taken, and abundantly rewarded.

And a good and praise-worthy thing it is to do good in a righteous way towards the Peace and Welfare of one's Kingdom and Nation, and will not wholly lose it's reward. The blessing of him that was ready to pe­rish came upon me, saith Job, 29.13: And the blessing of a Kingdom and Nation is like to come upon such as do good thereto in a lawful way, and seek to preserve the Peace thereof, and offer up their hearty prayers to Almighty God for it. The Jews became advocates to our blessed Lord for the Centurion that had deserved well of their Nation, and besought him to heal his servant, and our Lord hearkened to their request. Lu. 7.4—. And when they came to Jesus, they besought him instantly, saying, that he was worthy for whom he should do this; For he loveth our nation, and he hath built us a Synagogue. Then Jesus went with them—. The praying for, and shew­ing of love and piety towards the Christian Jerusalem is like to be abun­dantly rewarded: And in doing of pious acts towards the Protestant [Page 36] Church of England, we may be sure that we shall do so towards an emi­nent part of Christ's Church, and shall be sharers in the great rewards of all such acts of piety towards the Church of Christ.

But as a blessing is like to come upon such as love, and do good to the Christian Jerusalem; So, on the other hand, we may see that great judg­ments and miseries are like to befal all those that have evil will thereto, and offer it any Injury and Wrong. This the Psalmist hath not asserted here in the Text; but it is shewed by several other places in the sacred Scriptures. Evil was like to befal all such as were enemies to the anti­ent Jerusalem of the Jews, as we may see. A heavy imprecation doth the Psalmist utter against such; Psal. 129.5—; Let them all be confounded and turned back (saith he) that hate Zion: Let them be as the grass upon the house tops, which withereth before it groweth up—. And such imprecations are not to be looked upon as private wishes only, but as dictates of the Spirit of God. And saith the Psalmist, Ps. 137.7—, Remember O Lord, the children of Edom, in the day of Jerusalem; who said, Rase, rase it, even to the foundation thereof. O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee, as thou hast served us. Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones. Destruction was like to be to them, though God suffered them a while to afflict his people for their sins and wickedness. And saith the Prophet Isaiah, 29.8; It shall even be as when a hungry man dreameth, and behold he eateth; but he awaketh, and his soul is empty: or as when a thirsty man dreameth, and be­hold he drinketh; but he awaketh, and behold he is faint, and his soul hath ap­petite: So shall the multitude of all Nations be, that fight against mount Zion. And saith God by the Prophet Zechariah 12.9, And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the Nations that came against Jeru­salem. And Zec. 14.12. And this shall be the plague (saith the Prophet) where­with the Lord will smite all the people, that have fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet; and their eyes shall consume away in their holes; and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth. Such destruction and misery was like to come upon the enemies of Jerusalem. And from these places we may be assured, that Wo and Misery is like to befal all such as do any injury and wrong to the Chri­stian Jerusalem. And we read in the Revelation of fire coming down from God, and devouring those that compassed the Camp of the Saints, and the beloved City about. Rev. 20.8, 9. And shall go out (that is Satan shall go out) to deceive the Nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battel; the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up on the breadth of the earth, [Page 37] and compassed the Camp of the Saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. Destruction is like to be the reward of all such as seek to destroy the beloved City and Church of God. And our blessed Saviour told St. Paul, that in persecu­ting the Church he persecuted him; and let him know, that in so doing he should meet with sharp service; and has let us know, what a heavy doom is like to light upon such as offend and wrong any of his little ones, that believe in him; as I have shewed before. And from these and such places we may fully conclude, that wo and misery is like to be their re­ward now, that do any injury and wrong to the Church of Christ, or to any of his true and faithful Servants. A most blessed thing it is to love, and to do good to the christian Jerusalem, the true Church of Christ; and will be sure to be well taken, and well rewarded: But the contrary, to do wrong and injury thereto, is very offensive to Almighty God; and is like to be most severely punished by him.

And now, to draw to a conclusion, Seeing it will be such accepable Service to God, to seek the Good and Welfare of the Church, and to pray for it, and to do what good we can thereto; and he will be sure a­bundantly to recompence all such service; But that he will be highly dis­pleased with all such as do any injury and harm to his Church and Ser­vants, and doth shew that he will most severely punish them; Let us from hence be warned not to offend herein, and have a great care that we help not to pull down and destroy the Protestant Church; for those that do so, must expect the Curse of God to come upon them, and that the dreadful Wo which is at hand will sweep them away: Let us have a care that we put not our hand, nor our heart to any thing that shall be prejudicial thereto; That we no ways disturb the Peace of our Church, and do no hurt thereto, nor to any of the true Servants of God: But let us shew all the acts of love and kindness thereto that we can; Let us now shew our selves faithful Children of the Protestant Church, and resolve by God's blessed help to live and dy with her, though it should be at the Stake. Let us now make earnest supplication to Almighty God for the Peace and Good of our Jerusalem, the Protestant Church, that it may now and at all times be defended from the Enemies thereof; and that they may not now so far prevail over it, as to root it out and destroy it; but that his watchful Providence and the Light of his Countenance may now in an extraordinary manner attend our Church, and all the faith­ful Members thereof, in this sad and dark time that is coming upon them, And (as the Prophet exhorteth the faithful Is. 62.7.) let us g [...]ve [...]im no rest, till he establish, and till he make our Jerusalem a praise in the earth: [Page 38] Let us do all the good offices thereto that we can, and give all the assi­stance and help to it in a righteous way that may be; and think all our care and pains well bestowed about it, and to our own advantage too. And let us not be unmindful to pray for all the distressed Mem­bers of the Church of Christ, whensoever and wheresoever we un­derstand that they are in any afflicted and suffering condition; That he, who is the Father of Mercies, would be gracious to them, and send them help and comfort, and make his face to shine upon them. It is the Apostle's exhortation ( Eph. 6.18.) that we should make suppli­cation for all Saints; and especially then should we make supplication for all such as shall at any time be in distress. And according to our ability we are to communicate to, and relieve all the distressed Mem­bers of the Church at all times, especially of Persecution, and when their needs call the most of all for our help, and it is in our power to suc­cour and help them. This is abundantly shewed in the new Testament; and those that do so, shall be highly rewarded, as I have shewed before. And we may see that good Obadiah took an hundred of the Lord's Pro­phets, and fed them by fifty in a cave, where he had hid them, that Jezebel might not put them to death, when she sought the Life of the true Servants of God and persecuted them; 1 Kings 18.13. And here­by are we taught to do all such like pious acts to any of the Members of Christ's Church, and of the true Servants of God; and let us not be wanting herein, whensoever we shall see any such opportunities of doing good to any distressed Members of the Church of God. Let us have our hearts bent towards the Christian Jerusalem and the Prote­stant Church among us, and do all the pious acts for it that we can; and then we may hope that the blessing of God will come upon us, and that we shall be well rewarded for so doing: Then we may call upon God with good Nehemiah, 5.19, and say as he doth; Think upon me, my God, for good, according to all that I have done for this people; and then we may confidently expect that he will hear our voice, and grant our de­sires, and abundantly recompence all that we shall have done herein.


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