Yet a tender Visitation sounding forth to awaken all sorts of Professors in this Nati­on of England, (and Dominions thereof) who are scattered in the many by-wayes, Sects and O­pinions, crying, Lo here, and lo there, seeking the king­dom of God (which is not of this World) with outward observation.

More especially intended and directed unto those People who have separated themselves, who use to meet together at Stepney Synagogue, High Place, or Steeplehouse, and thereabouts, even to awaken them who are near, and hastening on to destruction; and is to do its service among any other separated people or Congregations; for it sounds forth into all the Earth, and may be useful to high and low, rich & poor, bond or free, learned or unlearned, who are hastning with greediness to their own destruction, in the broad way, where the great multitudes of Nations, Kinreds, Tongues, and people are, seeking the living God among the dead, with their back parts towards him, who is the Father of Lights; so that those whose eys are without them only, and so in unbelief, even to such all things are done in parables; it is the honest heart which layeth up treasure in heaven; and so abiding in the true Vine, beareth and bringeth forth good fruit; for an evil corrupt Tree cannot bring forth good fruit, as saith the Scripture.

A woman when she is in travel hath sorrow, because her hour is come, but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembreth no more the anguish, for joy that a man is born into the world. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witnesse unto the truth, every one that is of the truth heareth my voice, saith Christ, as it is written,

Joh. 16.21. & 18.37.

Given forth by a Souldier in the Army of the Lamb, who is in outward bonds in the Prison-house, called New-Prison, and known by Name. Daniel Baker, though by the scorners called Quaker.

LONDON, Printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth, near Aldersgate, 1658.

A Thundring Voice OUT OF SION.

THE bottomless Pit, the Lake is the portion both of the Beast and false Prophet; Mysterie-Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots, who hath made all Nations drink of the Wine of her Fornications; Rejoice over her thou Heaven, and ye holy Apostles and Prophets; for God hath avenged you on her; the false Prophet is not able to stand without the power of the Beast, when as perse­cution ariseth because of the Word and Testimony of Jesus the Rock of Ages.

Now are you not in Babylon, O ye who have separated your selves, having mens persons in admiration because of advantage; having not the spirit, your Weapons are carnal; not spiritual; for if they were spiritual, there would not be so much stocking, stoning, whipping, fighting, scorning, persecuting, and thrusting into holes and dungeons, and ha­ling the guiltless and innocent, even those whose consciences are exercised towards God, and so in love to all people, for which we are become the signs and wonders of this evil ge­neration, who persecute as aforementioned, and hale us be­fore Magistrates, and casting us into prisons, but we have a Cloud of Witnesses.

Oh thou Inhabitants of the Parish of Stepney! remember how that Jerusalem had a day; oh Stepney! Stepney! thy day (even of thy visitation) is near at an end; and this is the Word of the Lord, whose eternal Love, and long-suffering-patience hath been exceeding large to thee, who hast evil in­treated [Page 2] his Messengers from time to time, and thou art not able to clense thy self of this crime, which will stand upon thy head; yet while thou hast time, prize it, Come out from a­mong them, O my people, (saith the Lord) lest ye partake of her plagues; yea, come out from [...]mong them, and be ye separate, touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you, and will walk in you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Al­mighty.

Friends, in whom there is any tenderness left, or breath­ings after the pure, holy, living God of light and life, and his Worship, who is a spirit, holy, pure and eternal, dwel­ling in the light, (which no man can approach unto) in whom there is no iniquity, neither respecting of persons, nor ta­king of gifts and rewards; for he hath shaken his hand at dis­honest gain, yea, and despiseth the gain of oppression; Wickedness and Hypocrisie are both alike in the sight of the Lord, (even our God) and verily I say unto you, As he is, so is his Wosiship, (to the Witness of God in you I speak) which the blind World with all its Wisdom which is from be­neath, natural, earthly, sensual, and devillish, and so accur­sed, could never in any age or generation, know or find out, though their Babylonish Wisdom might reach up to Heaven, and so break forth into Sects and Opinions, divisions, and confusions, and cry, Lo here, and lo there is Christ, as at this day our eyes have seen, yea and do see; and our ears have heard, and do hear: glory to the living God for ever, in whose eternal light the Prince of darkness and his Ministers are discovered, seen and known, and comprehended, how the deceivers of this age, as their generation in former ages, who persecuted the life of God in his true holy Prophets and Ministers, which did bear their testimonies, and so were faithful Witnesses for God against them, as the Scripture sufficiently testifieth; even as the children of light, who are moved and guided by the same eternal spirit now in this mighty day of the Lords wonderful power, which is made manifest in his Saints, who are called and chosen in him be­fore the Foundation of the World, to place his eternal Name in, and to be conformed to the Image of his Son, who is [Page 3] the true light of the World, and so to know and feel the fel­lowship of his sufferings, and so become faithful and true Witnesses (in their generation) to, and for his Name, in the midst of a wicked, gainsaying, perverse generation, and against all false Wayes, Worships, and Traditions of men of corrupt minds, which hold the truth in unrighteousness, with whom the Lords controversie ever was, and is, even against the Hireling-Priests, which are Babylons Merchants, who have made a trade of the high Words of the Scriptures which the holy men of God spake forth freely, even as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, which they witnessed dwel­ling in them. 2 [...]m. 1.14. which cannot be bought or pur­chased, and sold for silver or gold; and they did not sell their Sermons and Prayers, nor receive money for burying the dead; neither did they sprinkle Infants and call it an Ordi­nance of God, and receive money for it; neither did they cause Davids Psalms to be turned into Rime and Meeter, and so give them forth to drunkards, lyars, swearers, cursed spea­kers, proud, high-minded, vain, covetous persons, who are Idolaters, Cozeners, Cheaters, Whoremongers, Back-biters, Slanderers, and all sorts of the Enemies of the living God, and bid them sing to the praise and glory of God, (calling it an Ordinance of God) for they knew (even as the Ser­vants of the Lord do now) as the Scripture saith, That the Sacrifice of the wicked is abomination to the Lord, and such cannot sing to his praise and glory, neither do any thing whatsoever to his praise, whilest the deeds of darknesse and works of wickednesse is standing, for the dead cannot praise the living God: I say, they who were able Ministers of the spirit of Life, did none of these things, (which is judged and condemned with the life of God; neither had they the up­permost seats to stand praying in the Synagogues, like the blind guides; neither loved to be called of men Master, nor the uppermost Rooms at Feasts, nor greetings in the Mar­kets; neither did they receive tythes, nor compel men by any Law (made by the will of man) to maintain them; neither were any imployed (as we read of in Scripture) to go from House to House to demand and receive money from the [Page 4] men of the World, which ever were, and are at enmity to the life of God, to maintain them; for Christ cryed woe a­gainst such, as afore-mentioned; and his Ministers (who were able Ministers of the spirit) witnessed against such, which persecuted and crucified them for their labour of Love, though it could not be seen, known, or received by the wise persecutors, who were ever blinded by the god of the world, with a pretended zeal for God, but not according to know­ledge; and so the Sword was laid upon the innocent, judge­ment turned backward, and equitie could not enter; and he that departed from evil, and rebuked sin in the gates, became a prey a signe and a wonder to the seed of the Serpent, the scornful generation; and as it was then, even so it is now. But why do the Heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? the Kings of the Earth set themselves, and the Rulers take counsel together against the Lord, and against his Annointed, saying, Let us break their bonds asunder and cast away their Cords from us, we will not have this light which enlightneth every man that cometh into the World, to reign over us; and the same spirit of envy is ruling in the hireling Priests and false Prophets of this age, as was in their generation which crucified the Lord of glory, who said he was a Deceiver; he is mad, why hear ye him? And say we not well, That thou art a Samaritan, and hast a Devil? and how that he cast out Devils by the Prince of Devils; And if we let him thus alone, all men will believe on him, and the Romams shall come and take away both our place and Nation. Wo, and dread, and terror to you, (O ye Rulers of England) vvho have turned Judgement backvvard, laying the Svvord vvhich should be upon the head of the transgressor, upon the inno­cent; vvhere vvill ye flye for help in the day of the Lord, vvhich is coming upon you (vvhen distresse & anguish com­eth upon you) as upon a VVoman in travel; the lofty looks of man shall be bowed down, and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day: Enter into the Rock, and hide thee in the Dust for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his Ma­jesty: VVhen he ariseth to shake terribly the Earth, wo, wo, wo, fear and dread, horror and confusion on the right [Page 5] hand, and on the left, unto you, O ye hireling Priests, blind guides, unruly vain talkers, who have taught things which you ought not, for filthy lucres sake, your mouths is to be stopt, who have kept people ever learning, and so not able to come to the knowledge of the truth whilest your hearts have gone a whoring after that which is the root of all evil; cove­tous practises, in the Way of your Father Balaam, the Son of Bezar; Wo be to you, a dreadful day is coming upon you, yea, the fierce anger of the Lord is kindled against you, the Cup of the indignation of the Lord God of Life is prepared for you, who shall drink the dregs thereof with trembling and astonishment: Wo is me, pangs hath taken hold on me as upon a Woman in travel, because of the Lords contro­versie with you, by whose eternal Spirit I am moved to warn every one of you to whom this shall come, to repent speedi­ly, and to bring forth Fruits meet for repentance, and so to prepare to meet the true Light of the World with which you are enlightned, even you, O ye Idol-shepherds and scornful professors of this age, who have wearied the Lord of Hosts with your Words, yea even the Most High, who inhabiteth Eternity, is wearied with your Words, who have ran when you have not been sent, and have said, He saith, when as the Lord never spake to you; who shall eat of the Fruit of your own doings, yea, and be filled with your own devices; and then shall you be made to confess how that you have had a Lye in your right hand, with which you have set up Images according to the Imaginations of your own brains, seeking your gain from your Quarters; but the Wisdom of the pure eternal living God of life, hath ever hid his secrets from the Wise and prudent and revealed them unto babes, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. He that hath an ear to hear, let him.

Now I say unto you who have been long seeking the living among the dead, and so have ran from Mountain to Hill in your own Wills and Times, to seek rest and peace, and yet are fallen short of the true Rest; Your condition I know, who are not come to the End, and so him not seen who is en­tred within the Vail, who is the very life and substance of all [Page 7] Ordinances, Types, Figures, Ceremonies, and Shadows, (of good things to come) which is under the first Covenant and Priesthood, which makes nothing perfect, and stands with­out, in the Letter, as in Tables of stone, and divers carnal Ordinances; so that he is not known, nor seen, loved, obey­ed, nor believed in by those whose eyes are without, crying, Lo here, and lo there, in outward observation, though such may highly profess they do believe; when as he which con­vinceth the World of sin, of righteousness, and of judge­ment, is within the Vail.

Now those who are come to the end, are come to the be­ginning of the Creation of God, who hath said, I am the light of the world, Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end; even such are under the second Covenant and Priesthood, which is unchangeable; the vail is rent, and the broken heart is known, with whom God dwells, and so him who is entred in within the Vail, is seen, loved, believed in, and obeyed, as he is made manifest, even him who is the end of the Law and the Prophets, the Light of the World, who is the Bread of Life which came down from Heaven, and gives life to his own Seed; the which Bread being not in outward shew was not onely hid from the Scribes and Pharisees, who had the Oracles of God outwardly, but also from them who profes­seth Christ without them onely; for there is a time wherein Christ is known after the flesh, or without; therefore saith Christ to his Disciples, Ye know him, for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you, Joh. 14.17. & 6.35.60, 63.

Now such who truly witness this, knows their true rest­ing-place, and the perfect peace which passeth all under­standing: But the minds of those which believe not, though such may highly profess they do believe, and have got Christs Words, the Prophets and Saints Words, and Apostles words in their vain earthly minds, who are out of the Saints life, doctrine and practice being blinded by the god of the world, minding earthly things, and so are found Enemies to the Cross of Christ, and self-denial, (except, and without which no Disciple) notwithstanding all the profession in Words, which will not cover when the Lord God comes (in the cool [Page 7] of the day) to ask such where they are, who have been found such busie, vain talkers, and yet strangers and enemies to that great Ordinance and Command of Christ Jesus (the true Light of the World) even of self-denial, which leads to the daylie Cross, which is to the wise Rabbies and Professors (even of this age) foolishness and madness, as it was to your generation of old a stumbling-block; are you not contend­ing and pleading for the liberty of your lusts, which war a­gainst your souls; yea, I know you are.

Oh my soul pittyes you; the Vail is remaining over your hearts, whilest your lusts are standing lively, and unmortified, (your tongues are yet your own, and so the Enemies of the Lord, are) reigning and ruling over the Seed of God in you, which is oppressed and slain often by those Enemies of the Lord; so that the cry of the poor and needy cannot be heard, which breaths after purity and holiness of life; for no­thing but the Bread of Life can satisfie.

Oh my Bowels! the sounding of my Bowels! What shall I say? For the redemption of the Seed, the Captive Exile hasteneth, that he may be loosed, and that he should not dye in the pit, nor that his Bread should fail. Isa. 51. This is the day of the Lords visitation, therefore wait ye upon me, saith the Lord, until the day that I rise up to the prey; for my determinati­on is, To gather the Nations, that I may assemble the Kingdoms, to pour upon them my indignation, even all my fierce anger; for al [...] the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousie. He that can receive it, let him; and whose readeth, let him understand, Matth. 24.15. For then will I turn to the people a pure Langu­age, that they may all call upon the Name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent, Zeph. 2.3. Yea, and the Lord will famish all the gods of the earth. Verily, there is Broad enough in my Fathers House.

Now in the fear of the living God consider where you are, and consult not with flesh and blood, and take heed of judging of the things of God in your fallen Wisdom and Reason which is from beneath, but rather join with the true and faithful Witness of God in your consciences, in which true judgement is placed; and let that which hath been in [Page 8] the transgression know the time of silence, before the time to speak; for it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God which worketh to will and to do of his good pleasure, (in his Saints) who is the same yesterday, to day, and for ever; and all the earth is to keep silence before him; All that ever came before me are Thieves and Robbers, saith Christ the Son of the living God, who is to be known and Worshipped in his holy Temple in spirit and in truth.

Oh foolish people, and unwise! How long will you feed upon Words, Wind, Ashes and Husks, without life and pow­er? Are ye not in a dream? Now know from the presence of the Lord. That this is the day of his mighty Power, who is risen, and arising daylie in his Majesty, and hath clad him­self with Zeal, as with a Cloak; and with Light, as with a Garment, to render vengeance upon all that know not God, nor obey the Gospel; yea, to make a true separation between the peecious and the vile; the clean from the unclean; even the light from the darkness by the Word of Seperation, which is the Word of his infinite power.

Oh how long will ye be feeding upon Words? Are ye not glutted with them many times? and judged with that of God in your consciences, for wearying the Lord of Hosts with your Words, without life and power? Did ever any people or Nation since the beginning of the Creation, make a high­er profession of Gods Worship, then the Professors of this Nation? Take heed that you be not found the greatest per­secutors. O England! England! how art thou defiled and polluted with hypocrisie and deceit? Thou hast stirred up the fire of thy Jealousie, O thou Most High, who inhabiteth E­ternity! Yea, for it is high time, for the Nations have made void thy Law, which is Light. And are ye not still calling, and crying and complaining, and groping in the dark for the power of God, upon whom you have turned your backs and not your faces, which is towards the World? to overcome sin, and the deeds of darkness, and love and live in them now, as formerly, (many of you) many years since, nay in a higher degree of sinning; and so it's become your Law, and you can plead for it; For now it's like you are re­solved, [Page 9] and its your general belief, that you cannot be freed from sin in this life, and so are found strenthening the hands of evil-doers, which is contrary to Christ and his Ministers Doctrine, and the Saints practice; and I am sure he who en­lightneth every man that cometh into the World, is not the Author of such an unclean Faith, who hath said, as it is writ­ten, I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darknesse, but shall have the light of life; even those that follow him, who said, That such should know the Truth, and the Truth should make them free, yea and it doth so; glory to him for ever. But this was a hard saying to the wise Jews of those times, who were the children of Abra­ham, and were never in bondage, (as they said) and knew not him which was before Abraham, (who rejoiced to see his day, and was glad, which was that which makes free) even as their generation of professors at this day: And are you not armed as your generation of old was, With the holy Prophets and Saints Words, with which ye are contending, fighting and persecuting against the life? Sure you are blind, (who profess you see, and therefore your sin remains) and in the dark, where God hath not promised his power, so long as the Prince of the power of the air, ruleth in his Dominion, even in the hearts of the children of disobedience, who are ta­ken captive by him at his Wil, (as saith the Scripture) who are fed with a Worship, the more to deceive; For that which leads into the Transgression, can Pray, and Preach, and Run, and Will, for his time is always ready, (take heed to your Spirits.)

Now know from the presence of the Lord God of Life, of whom I am moved to declare unto you, That the day is daw­ned, and the Day-star is risen, and the eternal Light is broke forth, which discovers and makes manifest what every man Worships; and be it known unto you, That none of any of the holy men of God received his Power even that Power of God) in the darkness, but in the light, where it is known of all the children of Light, and of the Day; For who are out of the Light, even they are out of the Power; in the Light, in the Power.

When will ye cease wearying the Lord with your Words, and turn every one of you from the evil of your doings, and forsake them? yea, and turn to the light of the Lord in you with the whole heart? Have ye not been long enough walk­ing in darkness, and the evil of your Waies, even to this day? And is it not high time to turn in, and come to that vvhich checks and reproves for sin, which is Gods Witness, vvhich first convinces of sin and evil, from which you are fallen, who have covered your selves vvith the holy Prophets, Christs, and his Apostles and Saints Words, without life, which can­not hide from that which makes manifest and reproves the evil doer in you.

I know you are alwaies confessing, but do you witness true peace and pardon? Is your sins blotted out? And is the times of refreshing come from the presence of the Lord? (take heed of feeding upon imaginations or false hopes) nay, nor never shall in your Way; For he that confesseth, and forsaketh, findeth mercy, as it is written And this you have been long professing in Words, without life; And he that committeth sin is the Servant of sin; And know you not whose servants you are to whom ye obey, whether of sin unto death, or o­bedience unto righteousness? And is there not something in you which is pure and righteous, which is grieved and op­pressed with your lustful transgressions? But if the Son make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

Therefore obey the truth in the inward parts, which cal­leth for purity and holiness of life, without which, none shall see the Lord; and come out of the Fashions, Customs, Friend­ships, Honors, and Glory of this World, VVorships, and Traditions, and defilements thereof, which passeth away; Ye Adulterers and Adulteresses, know ye not that the Friend­ship of the VVorld is enmity with God? and whosoever will be a Friend to the VVorld, is an enemy to God? not­withstanding all the profession of Religion of such; and they are the Enemies of the Cross of Christ, who mind earthly things, who [...]e god is their belly, and whose glory is their shame.

Be it known to you It is not all your high profession in words without life, that will hide or cover in the great day of the [Page 11] Lord, (which is coming upon you) when every idle VVord shall be given account for; and this is according to Scripture (which you profess so much to be your Rule) which doth sufficiently testifie against you.

Now take heed of counting me your Enemy (as hither­to) for dealing so plainly with you; Verily I am free (to de­clare) in the Lord in whom I speak the Truth, and lye not, how that I am free from prejudice, malice or enmity against any one mans person upon the Face of the whole earth, however I appear to deceitful spirits, it matters not; he who changeth not is near, (that justifieth) whom I serve with my spirit in the eternal Truth, in which I am made bold to call to every one of you, and all to whomsoever this shall come, to come out of the deceit, that ye may be made par­takers of the same love, life and glory, in the Fellowship of the eternal true Light, Glory to him in the Highest: A­men.

But let me tel you what I assuredly know & witness in my measure, how that the way vvhich leads to eternal life is strait and narrovv, yet it's safe and sure to those who walk in it; it's the same that ever it was, even the good old VVay; and they who were and are redeemed from the Earth, vvhich pass through many tribulations, vvalked, and do vvalk in this VVay; and such know that tvvo Masters cannot be ser­ved.

VVherefore O ye tall Cedars, Professors of the Saints Words, to the daylie Cross come, it's high time; come down to Gods Witness in you, and be faithful to it; know you not that Jesus Christ vvas a man of soberness? and did not he suffer without the gate? Come, let us go forth, bearing his reproaches; [to Gods Witness in you I speak] if we suffer with him, we shall also reign with him; and know you not that the Saints are called hereunto, to follow Christs steps, who was a perfect Example to us? Read Heb. 13.12, 13, 14. 1 Pet. 2.21. 2 Tim. 2.12.

Your VVorship and peace I know, however you may ima­gine you have true peace, there is that of God in you riseth up many times to condemn you and your false peace; [to [Page 12] that of God in you (vvhich is my VVitness) I speak] I say, It is not long since you know, I was one with you, and am not ignorant of your Idolatrous VVill-VVorship and Peace, and I judged I was safe sometimes in your VVay, as I know you do novv; now I declare plainly, That whilest I walked with you, the VVitness of the Lord in my conscience pursu­ed me, which I imagined to be a natural light, or a natural conscience, as I was taught, even as I know you are imagine­ing now: I say, The VVitness of God in me, to which I am joined, even to be guided by that which was often reproving, condemning, and witnessing against the abominations that was practised amongst us; and sometimes I looked upon that which judged me, as a temptation; and this I know, That of God in you will bear witness to the truth with me herein, if ever you come to stand single in the light and counsel of the Lord: As for instance; For entering into such solemn Cove­nants, which not any of us kept; when as I found written, yea, and it was often preach't among us from the Letter, Better is it that thou shouldest not vow, then that thou shouldest vow and not pay: And so breaking Bonds and Covenants, respecting of persons, committing of sin, and so were found trans­gressors of the royal Law, receiving and giving honor (even the honor of the VVorld) one to another, walking and li­ving in the Fashions, VVords, Customs, Jestures and Defile­ments that are evil in the sight of the Lord among men; and one with the World, differing onely in profession.

Strip you, make you bare you careless ones, who are at ease in the flesh, wo be to you, a dreadful day is coming upon you who have a Name to live, but are dead, and the dead cannot praise the living God; for now in the eternal light are you comprehended, and seen to be those who are worshipping you know not what, whilest your worship stands in your own will and time, which is always ready; and so are found limiting the Holy One. And your nakedness doth appear to the children of light, and of the day, how that your self-se­paration hath brought up an evil report of the good land a­mong the Nations & men of the world, & so have strength­ned the hands of evil-doers, even their hands to do wickedly, [Page 13] whose mouths have been opened wide (even as ye are now) calling light darkness, and darkness light; evil, good, and good evil; so blaspheming the Name of the eternal living God of life, by which ye are called; I say, In the eternal light of Christ Jesus you are comprehended and seen, verily your coverings are too narrow.

This is the Word of the Lord to you who be out of the life and practice of the Saints, even bowing down to the Friendships and Honors of this World, as before-mention­ed, and to one and others costly array, and the changeable suits of Apparel the gold and the silver, the round Attires, like the Moon, and the strange Apparel; Verily now the haughtiness of man shall be bowed down, and the Lord a­lone is to be, yea and shall be exalted and where will you flie for help? for judgement is begun at the House of God; and if it first begin at us, where shall the ungodly and sinner ap­pear? Enter into the Rock, and hide thee in the Dust, for fear of the eternal God, and for the glory of his Majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the Earth; and let all the Earth keep silence before him, yea and tremble at his pre­sence; and the time is now at hand, the Lord is come, and coming to search you with Candles; Kings Daughters are all glorious within; but how is it with you? the Scribes and Pha­risees clensed the outside onely, and doth your righteousness exceed theirs? Nay verily, it's the Word of the Lord to you; For if the inside were clean the outside would be clean also, and then no more pleading for the outward adorning of the old man.

Now let me advise you in the fear, Name, and Counsel of the Lord, to turn your minds in to the pure light of Christ Jesus within you, and be faithful to it, which doth and will search your hearts; and wait in it, which doth and will shew the deceitfulness of them, and will clense and purifie them, as it is waited in, loved, believed in, and obeyed; and see then if it will deceive you, or hath deceived us, who are the signs and Wonders of this scornful Age, even among you Pro­fessors.

Now take heed, least that therefore come upon you which is spoken of in the Prophets, saying, Behold you despisers, and wonder, and perish; I work a work in your dayes, which you shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you; and I say unto you, see if ye can find in any of you the inward a­dorning, which the eternal spirit calleth for, as the Scripture saith, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is acceptable with the Father, and is in the sight of his excellent glory, of great price.

And cease your complaining for ever, whilest the outward man, even the old man with his deeds, is not put off and de­nied; and let me advise you to take heed for the time to come, of charging God foolishly, for he will not be mocked; there­fore be not deceived, and know that his spirit will not always strive, as saith the Scripture. I say again, Take heed of char­ging God foolishly, how that you want power to overcome sin, and the defilements and pollutions of the World; know, That the power of God is nigh you; but have you received him? Nay verily; for if so, there would not be so much com­plaining for want of it, as that of God in you witnesseth with me; for to as many as received him, even to them pow­er was given to become the sons of God; [and as it was then, so it is now] glory to him for ever. Ah! but the Cross of Christ, which is the Power of God, it's a cross to your lusts; and so he calleth, but ye answer him not; he is nigh, and ye know him not, he passeth by, & ye see him not; he reproves, and ye despise him, and will none of his reproof: Wo be to you who are got above the Cross, and sit as Queens and La­dies that shall see no sorrow; down must you come, in the dust shall you abhor your selves: Therefore to the Cross come, and despise the shame; and while you have time, prise it, and take up the Cross, that Gods Witness might arise, and then his Enemies shall be scattered.

Soberly consider, Did not Gods witnesses ever lye under the cross? And is it not so even at this day? if you have an eye to see, or an ear to hear, ye may both see and hear; for it's high time to turn your eyes to within; for a mans E­nemies are those even of his own eyes.

Oh foolish people and unwise, why are you so besotted with the honors, glory, friendships and vanities of the world, which is at enmitie to God, perisheth and passeth a­way, and yet are makeing a great noise of God, Christ and his ordinances, and a high profession in the world, ve­rily, the hand of the Lord is against you, your coverings are too narrow; repent, know you not that they vvhich observe or love lyeing vanities forsakes their own mercies? oh my soul doth bewaile your estates! yea my bowels is troubled within me for the seeds sake, for which I suffer bonds, and assuredly I am not to be silent, but to lift up my voice like a Trumpet, yea I am even weary with holding in, and therefore am moved of the eternal spirit to write that I may be eased, whether you heare, or forbeare I shall be cleare of the blood of you all, even of you who professe the Scrip­tures to be your rule & are found out of the life of that which gave it forth, and of the new creature, which testifieth a­gainst you who are not come to the everlasting Priesthood, Christ Jesus, who is entred in within the vaile who is the life and substance of all ordinances, the begining and the end, whose light shines in darkness, who hath said, learn of me, I am meek and lowlie in heart, and such the blessing is to, such he guides in Judgement, such he teaches, and even such knoweth the bread of life, and such eat, and shall eat, and be satisfied, and such cannot bow to the God of the world, to his vvays, or vvorships, or traditions, to receive and give honnor one to another, because Christ hath said, how can ye believe which receive hon [...]or one of another, and seek not the honor that cometh from God only, I receive not hon [...]r from man, saith he (whose kingdom is not of this world) I honor my father and ye dishonor me, and this was spoke to the wise Jewes of those times; now its like you may object and say, if you were convinced in your conscience, as you say you are, that we were and are in such evil wayes, and lived in such abo­minations, why had you not dealt plainely with us, and ac­ted according to the rule, as you call it, If thy Brother tres­pass against thee, tel him his fault, &c. Why to that of God in you I speake to, which will answer me being my witness, [Page 16] how that I had such a wicked tenderness then as is amongst you now (even at this day) being afraid of giving offence, having respect to persons also, seeing the beame in my own eye in some measure, and so was not fit to reprove a­nother, which was not taken out the time I walked with you, neither could it in your way: A Witness for the Lord I am, and know vvhat I speake.

Novv knovv from the presence of the Lord, that herein my unfeigned love appears tovvards you, vvhich is vvithout dissimulation, vvhether you heare or forbeare, and cannot but deale truly vvith you in vvhat I have vvritten; vvas it not the love of Christ Jesus to the Jewes, Scribes, and Pharisees, vvhen he pronounced so many Woes against them, he cryed, Wo unto you Serpents, ye generation of Vipers, how can ye es­cape the Damnation of hell? and was it not the love of God in Paul when he spake to Elymas the Sorcerer, saying, O full of subtiltie and mischiefe, thou child of the Devil, thou enemie of all righteousnesse! wilt thou not cease to pervert the right way of the Lord? Acts 13, 10. and was it not the love of God in Steven, who witnessed against the Temple, and was accused before the counsel for a Blasphemer, by false witnesses, when he spake saying, ye Stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, do you alwayes resist the holy Ghost? &c.

Now what greater love can be shewed, to the Sons and Daughters of men, then to deale truly and faithfully vvith them, (as they are seen in the eternall light of the Lord) for they vvho do not so, love neither God nor them, vvhat­soever such may profess, as vvill be found true in the day of the Lord, vvhen the secrets of all hearts and the hidden things of darkness shall be brought to light, and if ever any of you come to stand single, and walk in the eternall light of the Lord God, (a measure of which is placed in your consciences) you will then see what spirit that is which would be flattered in his evil wayes, and wo be to those that speake peace to Gods enemies, for there is no peace to be spoken to the wicked (with whom God is angry yea every day) and he that spares mans wickednesse, hates Gods righ­teousnesse, and in the eternall light is seen, Gods love, and [Page 17] the Devils love, and each loves his own Work: Now this I would have you to know, as it is written, how that the manifestation of the spirit is given to every man to profit withall, and that which may be known of God, is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them, and I cannot deny but confess, and so beare my testimony to the truth, as it is in Jesus, how that I witnesse a measure of the eter­nal spirit which is pure, holy, innocent, unchangeable, which is seperate from sin and sinners, which is the condemnation of the unjust but the life of the just, unto which I am joyn­ed to in the feare and favour of God, who is my life; I say a measure of his spirit hath been neere me even from my child-hood, alwayes bearing its faithfull testimony against sin, evil doing, or speakeing never consenting to any of my transgressions, but hath been and is a true and faithful wit­ness, for the Lord God, in my conscience, against all unrighteousnesse which is darknesse, and proceeds from the Prince of darknesse, who is the God of the World, who hath his seat in the first nature (which the Wrath of God is to) under whose power even of darkness, I was long kept, being deceived, and so ignorantly believeing on him, whenas he transformed himselfe into an Angel of light, and so led me many times forth from the true and faithfull witnesse of the living God in me, which first convinced me of sin, checkt and reproved me frequently for vain, idle words, foolish jesting and laughter, which is madnesse and follie, and all evil deeds whatsoever. Oh the unsearchable riches of the long suffering mercy of the pure eternal God of life! who cut me not off from the Land of the living, and was not sent into utterdarkness in the midst of my sins; glory, glory, glory to the living God for ever, in whose eternal light, which first convinced me of sin, I now know, and truly witness, repentance unto life not to be repented of.

Oh all ye honest harted ones! who are wearied and bur­dened with your sinns, turn in to that which first shew­ed you your sin, and convinceth you that lying was a sin, or that swearing was a sin, or any other wickednesse was evil and sinful, and know that all manner of sin is darkness, [Page 18] and proceeds from the Prince of darknesse (whose seat is in the first nature) and God is light, and in him is no dark­nesse at all, and his ministers who were able ministers of the spirit, and witnessed Jesus Christ revealed in them, and so were endued with power from on high, and sent to turn people from darknesse to light; now the darkness is without, but the light is within, that which searches and reproves for sin is within, that which convinceth the world of sin, righteousness and of Judgement is within, and the kingdom of God which is light, and likened to a grain of Musterdseed is within, to which you all do well to take heed to, (for it is the sure word of Prophesie) as to a light that shines in a dark place till the day dawne; now the light shines in dark­nesse, and that is the free grace of God given to every man, to lead them out of the darknesse, out of the sins, and tres­passes, and defilements of the world, up to God who is light, the Father of lights, the God of truth, who hath sent his Son a light into the world (in man) that all men through him might believe, a measure of his pure light is in every conscience, which is the grace of God which hath appeared to all men: but are all men taught by it, to deny ungod­lyness and worldy lusts, and to live so berly and righteous­ly in this presnt evil world? nay verily they are but few, the rest love their Lusts and sinful darknesse better, and so hates the light with which they are enlightned; the which is their condemnation, and that which reproveth and condemneth for sin is within, and is able and sufficient to lead and guide out of sin, all as many as receive, love, and believe, and fol­low the light they are enlightned withall; and that is he who is the same that ever he was, the way, the truth, and the life; who saith, except ye believe that I am he ye shall dye in your Sins; and no man ever came or cometh to the Father but by me, saith he vvho is the resurrection and the life, vvho hath said, he that believeth in me, though he were dead yet shall he live, as it is vvritten, and his name is called the vvord of God, vvhich is the vvord of life, the vvord of truth, the vvord of faith vvhich is nigh the mouth and heart, the ingrafted vvord, and blessed are all they that hear this vvord and [Page 19] keep it, vvhich is able to save your souls and clense from all unrighteousnesse, and purifieth the hearts of every one, vvho receive vvith meekness and fear this vvord of separati­on, vvhich seperates the light from the darknesse, the preti­ous from the vile, the clean from the unclean, the Lambs from the Wolves, and this vvord is quick and povverful, sharper then any tvvo edged svvord; it devides assunder be­tvveen soule and spirit, it discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart, all things are naked and open before him, vvhom vve have to do vvith, and verily our God is a con­sumeing fire to all workers of iniquity, and all the children of light did ever know yea, and do know, and witnesse the word of the Lord, to be as a fire and as a hammer, to beat in peices the rocks, to cut downe and root up those ene­mies of the Lord, every plant which my heavenly Father hath not planted, and they witnessed the word of the Lord dwelling and abideing in them, even as the Servants of the Lord doth now, and such know the truth, and the truth makes free, and how can we that are dead to sin live any longer therein; now that which first convinced me of sin, was within me, to which I am now (through grace) united, but little notice was taken of it (for many years) by the first natures Wisdom, which is from beneath, and so ima­gined it to be a naturall light, or a naturall conscience (even as ye do now, but now I know without boasting that wisdom is justified of her children, and that the naturall man percei­veth not the things of the spirit of God, which strikes at the Root of bitternesse. I could talke of these things formerly, even as it is your daily practice, who are seen in the eter­nall light, to be out of the life of the good words you make a profession of, and so holds the truth in unrighteousnesse: Now I say the nature wherein Satan hath his seat, was led and guided by him which reigned over the seed of God, to seek the living amongst the dead, without me, that he might the more deceive, and so have his goods at peace within; reigning and ruleing over the seed of God, which long breathed after purity and holyness of life, and was often oppressed and slaine in me, but now is alive for evermore, [Page 20] glory glory eternal living prayses to the living God of life for ever. Amen.

I say, though by a secret power which I knew not, I was kept and guided in the wayes of truth, many times from many gross evils, or sins which holds the fire now, though I knew not my God so neare at hand, Who oft did lead me and kept me from many defilements of the World.

Now friends, out of tender bovvels of love (to your souls) yea out of the love which is seperate from sin and sinners, which thinks no evil, do I salute the seed of God in you all, the which I know is opprest, even as a Cart with sheaves; and oh my bovvels! what shall I say? this is a warning from the spirit of the Lord to every one of you, in the name and feare of the eternal God of life, to amend your lives, and to come out of deceit and be awakened, for the kingdom of God is at hand; put it not far from you, for now the Axe is laid to the root of the Tree, and an outside profession in words, which conformes to the world, cannot hide any longer, for I say unto you the Sword of the Lord is drawn, & laid, & to be laid upon the head of the transgressor; & now every Tree which bringeth not forth good fruit meet for re­pentance, shall be cut down and cast into unquenchable fire; and every Tree is known by its fruit, an evil Tree cannot bring forth good fruit, neither a good Tree evil fruit, (as saith the Scripture:) And now the Lord God of life is come, and comming to call his Son out of Egypt; and now wo un­to all the first born thereof, even unto Pharoah and all his Hoste, and wise Magicians, who have long oppressed and kept the seed of God in bondage, by hard labour, Sorce­ries, and inchantments: Now when the first born of Egypt was slain, the first born of the seed was sanctified; he that hath an eare to heare, let him heare.

Now once more in the feare and dread of the living God I beseech you (as one knowing the terror of the Lord) to repent, and perswade you to amend your lives, and minde the light of life, and give up to be guided by it in you, that even the life of Christ might be brought forth, and his Image every one of you in particular might beare, and so [Page 21] shine as lights in the World, watching against it continually, that so be might not be found in the defilements of the World, and pollutions thereof, to which the [...] of the Lord is, yea and this you are to know, that whilest any of you are found in the friendships honors vanities, worships, tra­ditions and Pollutions of the World, you cannot believe; notwithstanding all your profession; and I say therein all your prayers and Solemn assemblies are abomination in the sight of the eternal pure, holy, God of life.

Oh that there were such a heart in any one of you to con­sider where you are! and to turn your minds into the pure light of Christ within you, with which you are enlight­ned withall, which searcheth your hearts when you are still and quiet; and let me advise you therein to waite, even in that which searcheth your hearts, and judges for the vaine conversation, vaine idle Words, that ye may come to know that, yea, and witness that which judges the vaine life, and will bridle the tongue and reconcile to God; and this is that which is to be found and known within you, and let me ad­vise you to take heed, how you looke for that abroad which is to be found in your own house; be still & know that I am God, saith the Lord, and be silent oh all flesh before the Lord, (yea let all the earth keep silence, before him) who calleth come out from among them and be ye separate, & touch no unclean thing and I will receive you, 2. Cor. 6.17. that ye may witness the Lord in his ho­ly Temple according to his promise, Who hath long waited for your return, often crying Vanity of Vanities, all is Va­nity, and this is the voice of the true Preacher, the Word which is nigh thee even in the mouth and heart. I say, Who hath been long calling you out of the Worlds wayes, fashions Words, customes, jestures, Worships, and traditions, which perisheth & passeth away & stands in mans will, & time that ye may come to yea and nay in your communications, for whatsoever is more commeth of evil as it is written; and so to know the pure Worship of God, Who is a spirit, to Wor­ship him in spirit and in truth, for such he seeketh to Wor­ship him; now there is no other Worship that is owned or sought after by all the children of the light, and of the day, [Page 22] whose worship is now as formerly it was, counted errour, he­resie, witchery foolishness, & madness to the dark world, to the seed of the Serpent, yea its cross to it; now I say as it is written, while ye have the light believe in the light, that ye may be the children of the light: Againe, there is no other way to the father of lights, but by Christ Jesus who is the light of the World which lighteth very man that commeth into the World, that all men through him might believe, (who upholds all things by the Word of his power, by whom the World was made, and without him was not any thing made that was made) to lead them who receive and believe in him out of the darkness, out of the World, and so to fol­low him (whose kingdom is not of this World) and such shall not abide in darknesse, but shall have the light of life; I know what I speake I witness, which faith overcomes the World; now know that God is light and in him is no darkness at all, (as the Scripture saith) the word is light, the word is God, the God of truth, the word is truth, the word is Christ, the word of life, Who is the way, the truth, and the life, the word is nigh thee in thy mouth and heart, even the word of faith which we preach he that hath an eare to heare, read and understand, and search the Scriptures, Deut. 30 Rom 10.6. and so on: Now faith comes by hearing of this Word, which is sent from the Father into the World, and whosoever knoweth and believeth in this Word of life, the Word of faith, and have it abideing in them, even such finds it quick and powerful, as a fire and hammer to burn up, consume, kill, & dstroy the enemies of the Lord, e­ven the lusts which war against the soul; & I say such cannot plead for the liberty of any of those murderers, which slayes the just & murders the innocent, & this is life eternal to know the Lord to be the true God, and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent a light into the world, (and he that hath the Son hath life) and God hath set the World in mans heart (as saith the Scripture) he that can receive it let him; therefore in soberness and honesty read within, for to them that are without all things are done in Parables, read the 21. Chap. of Iohn, search the Scriptures and let your eye be single, & with it see what Christ frequently answered the Scribes and Phari­sees [Page 23] and wise Jewes of those times, and to the Woman ta­ken in adultery, and soberly examine with the light of Christ in you, & consider if the same persecuting spirit be not head-ruleing in you, as was in them, who were professing the good words, but out of, (and enemies) to the life, even as ye are at this day, opposeing the life of truth, many of you make­ing lyes your refuge, compassing your selves about with sparkes of your own kindling, but verily ye shall know a lie­ing down in sorrow, and witnesse a day of bitter lamentati­on, when it is come to pass you will remember my words: Now if a Servant of the Lord speake from the same power, and life as the holy men of God did; are ye not apposeing it, and cannot beare the report, if it comes not in your way, will, or time, saying its Bl [...]sphemy, Delusion, Witchery, Errour, away with him, to prison with him, VVhip him, pul him down, or saying thou bearest record of thy selfe; thy record is not true, as VV G. answered, opposeing me when I had been giving account of my faith, whenas I was before your Church, the 14 of the 9. Month, even with those words his generation answered the Lord of glory; Oh my soul how doth it travel and exceedingly pitye and bewaile your estates! yea with teares unfaigned, for verily you erre, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God; and let me tel you neither my selfe did, whilest I was walking with you, untill I turned to the light of the World, who enlightneth every man that commeth into the World; that all men through him might believe, & so come to witness Jesus Christ revealed in them who saves his people from their sins, & cleanseth from all unrighteousness.

Verily, even the Mystery which hath been hid from ages and generations, is now made manifest to the Saints, chil­dren of the light, and of the day, to whom God vvould make knovvn vvhat is the riches of the glory of this Mystery a­mong the Gentiles, as the Apostle told the Saints, and ho­ly Brethren (in Christ) at Collosus, Christ in you, the hope of glory, (minde) the Apostle, vvho vvas an able minister of the spirit, not made by the vvill of man, but of God, and so VVitnessed Jesus Christ revealed in him, and immediately [Page 24] he conferred not with flesh and blood, who renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, and commended his Doctrine, to every mans conscience, in the sight of God:) Now he directs this Epistle to the Saints, and faithful Brethren in Christ, at Collosu; whom we preach, (to wit) Christ in his Saints the hope of glory, warning every man, and teaching every man, in all Wisdom; I, but wherefore was and is every man to be warned and taught in all Wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus, so that he preach­ed Wisdom amongst them that were perfect together with the rest of the able Ministers of the spirit, Wisdom among them that were perfect? he that hath an eare to heare, and can receive it let him; and their care was then, even as it is the Ministers of the eternal word of life now, that their hear­ers faith should not stand in the Wisdom of mens words, but in the power of God, 1 Cor. 2. Christ Jesus, the Son of the liveing God, (who is the light and life of men) by whom the World was made; he preached to his Disciples, even the perfection of the Father, who said to Abraham, I am the Almighty God, walk before me, and be thou perfect; and the Scripture testifieth of many of the Servants of the Lord, who walked before him with a perfect heart, and such did not plead or preach up imperfection in this life, and that heart is not perfect which is polluted and defiled with sinful deceit, which is to be denyed, that so the heart might be purified and cleansed by the word of truth, which makes clean the heart, and perfects for ever them that are sanctified; and the true Ministery of Christ was, and is, for the perfecting of the Saints, for the edifying of the Body of Christ, that so they may stand perfect & compleat in all the will of God; & there were some which were come (yea and are come) unto mount Sion, the City of the living God, the Heavenly Jerusalem to the general assemblie and Church of the first-born, and to the spirits of just men made perfect; and this Epistle was not written to dead men, but unto living Saints who were alive unto God, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Glory to him for ever.

And to preach perfection, without pleading for imper­fection by looking back to Pauls sins, Peters sins, and David and Noah, and Solomons sins, and the rest of their sins who were out of the truth when they sinned; for he who is out of the truth, is of the Devil, who abode not in the truth; whether they be preaching, or praying, or plowing; all is a­bomination to the Lord God whilest they are out of the truth which the Devil abode not in; and this is an eternal truth to you. I say to preach perfection, which is to be at­tained to in this life, was, and is sound Doctrine, therefore come out of the VVorlds pollutions, and defilements, that ye may know (assuredly) what it is to stand perfect and com­pleat in all the will of God, and such are true and faithful witnesses for God, against the defilements, and pollutions, and traditions of the world, for there were some that were (yea and are come) to this state, and could truly vvitness & beare their true testimony, and say vvee are of God, and the vvhole VVorld lyeth in vvickedness, and that vvhich is of God is perfect, for he is perfect, and so are all his Works, glory to him in the highest; and to preach perfection, was, and is sound Doctrine, though the Pastors, Ministers, Priests and people of this age, even as in former ages, since the night of apostacy, are found such strangers, and so cannot in­dure sound Doctrine, whose faith is unclean, & so imperfect, and reprobate concerning the faith once deliver to the Saints, whose faith, union, and fellowship, stood in the word of faith, even the word of separation which separates the light from the darknesse; and who did, and doth witnesse this, did not (neither doth) plead to live in sin, or to remaine in the defilements of the world, and say or preach up they could not be freed from them, as the professors of this age do, who are found contending against, and hateing the light, (because their deeds are evil) who knows not that which makes a se­paration betwixt the pretious and the vile (within) and yet are professing the words without, and so the blind leads the blind (I know what I speake;) but is it possible such can escape the pitt (if they repent not spedily) any more then the blind guides, Scribes and Pharisees, which Christ cryed wo against, [Page 26] so often, even to them who crucified him, and rather chused the thief and a robber; and all that ever came before me are thieves and robbers, saith Christ, and the world loves his own, and will heare such, and fight for such; but the sheep did not (neither do) hear them.

Now O all you simple honest hearted ones, who are more desirous to receive the truth (in the love of it) then to con­tend against it; though you may ignorantly believe as Paul did, yea & my selfe did zealously persecute this way, (which you call error, heresie, blasphemy, delusion,) but oh the un­searchable riches of Gods eternal love, that I was not shut up in unbeliefe to all eternity! Rejoyce ye Heavens, & ye that dwell therein, ye Prophets & holy Apostles; & all ye Saints of the most high; shout for joy oh all ye upright in heart, ye children of the eternal light, and of the day, Glory, Glory, to the Lord God Omnipotent, Halelu ah to our King, who is Lord of Lords, and King of Kings.

Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea, for the Devil is come down unto you, having great Wrath because he knoweth he hath but a short time; verily its but a vain thing, for the Grashoppers and Potsheards of the earth, to contend or fight against the dreadful eternal God, strong and mighty, Who is our God, Who is a consumeing fire to all the vvorkers of iniquity and his dreadful povverful pre­sence (is vvith us and) goeth before us, and our lives, are not deare to us for the seeds sake.

Now we cannot spare but lift up our voices like trumpets, that all might come to us, and partake of the same life, love and peace, which passeth all understanding, which the world knowes not, neither can it give, nor take it away.

Novv I deale plainely with you, we bear witness to the truth, (of Christs words) Who said, strait is the way which leads to eternall life, and few there be that finde it; yet the spi­rit saith come, and the Bride saith come, and let him that hear­eth say come, & whosoever will, let him take the waters of life free­ [...]y; and let him that is a thirst com [...]; but let me advise you not to forget to deny self, leave self behind, and be sure you eep to your watch, and take up the daily cross and follow [Page 27] the light of the World, and such shall not, neither do abide in darkness, but shall have, yea and (do enjoy and) witness the light of life.

Now therefore let what is here written be a sure warning to you in the name & fear of the eternal God of ife, remember that you are warned in your life-time; and so far I have clea­red my conscience in tender love to your souls yea I call you, as you will answer in the dreadful day of the Lord, when Rocks and Mountains will not hide nor cover, to haste and come away, seek not the living among the dead any longer; Verily he is not there, but is risen with healing in his Wings, glory to him for ever.

I say, Haste and come away from under the Hireling-Priests and Deceivers, who have long stood praying in their Synagogues, and sold their Sermons and prayers; Babylons Merchants which you uphold; and this know assuredly, That of the eternal Spirit am I moved to warn you, whether you will hear or forbear; I know the pure holy God of life hath a controversie, and Judgements and Plagues is prepared for them, and they shall cease deceiving the Nations, and those who uphold them shall partake of their plagues & torments; And oh William Greenhill, Why wilt thou destroy thy self in slighting the day of thy Visitation? it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks: I know thou hast much to loose; call to mind thy former dayes, when thou didst in some measure suffer for the Seeds sake: Verily thou hast put thy hand to the Plough, and looked back, and art clothed with rags; be zealous and repent, and prepare to meet the true light of the World, who convinceth the World of sin, righteousness, and of judgement; and he is within, mind him; but he is vailed; and blessed shalt thou be if thou come to witness the Vail rent from the top to the bottom, and him revealed; While thou hast yet time, prise it.

Now Friends is it not high time to come from under the Hireling Priests and Deceivers, and their deceit and sorce­ry, when as they are made to preach and confess that the Spi­rit of God is departed from his Ordinances and do not they count their preaching in the uppermost seats in the Sy­angogues, an Ordinance of God?

Now let the sober-minded judge what spirit that is which leads them to preach and pray in their own will and time, whether it be not great folly and deceit, to heare, uphold or maintaine them, or any such, and so to seek God where he is not to be found; and this docttine, with a gret deal more confusion, was preached in the new high place Synagogue or Steeplehouse, at Ratcliff, the 22. of the 11. Month; where I was moved in the dread and name of the Lord to witness a­gainst his deceit, and did charge the people, as they would answer it at the dreadful day of Judgement to let him if he vvere a minister of Christ (vvhich I knevv he vvas not) to ansvver for himselfe, but I vvas hindred in the vvork of the Lord, and haled out of their Synagogue, and abused, but I have learned to pray for my enemies. Also Priest Mede, Who is so much admired among you all, stood up to vindi­cate damnable Doctrine; to wit, that God vvas the Author of all Apostacie in the World; and such like confusion, and damnable Doctrine, and blasphemy is commonly preached in your high places, by these filthy Dreamers, and yet they are makeing a great noise, crying take heed of errors, and delusions, as ever their generation of old did, vvho vvas in the errour, and in the greatest deceit and delusion, Woe be to them a dreadful day is comming upon them: Also upon the 24. of the 11. Month, I was moved to appear at Stepney Steeplehouse, or Synagogue, contrary to my own will, morning & evening; at which time immediately after I came into the Synagogue, Preist Mede, who had stolen those words in the 2. of the Revelation, and told the people, how that the Devil should have power to cast some of the Saints in prison, which Scripture I witnesse truly fulfilled on my part, as to the suffering, and the presecution is fulfilled on their part.

Now let the sober minded be faithful to Gods witnesse in them, and search the Scriptures, and compare their Doct­rine, Practice and Mantenance and conversation with the able Ministers of Christ in the Apostles time, or with the true Prophets.

Now therefore be ye all warned to repent, repent and bring forth fruits meet for repentance spedily, least your day be over, and you seek the blessing (with Esau) when it is too late; and Esau was a profane person, but Iacob was a plain man; and what is here written is in that tender perfect love (which thinks no evil) to you all, more especi­ally to the sober, simple, honest harted; and if ever any of you come to stand single in the light & counsell of the Lord, I say, there I shall be seen and known to be a friend to you; and therefore I matter not hovv I appear to you novv, not­vvithstanding the more I love, the less I am beloved; for I knovv in vvhom I have believed, for vvhose sake I suffer bonds, for he was a man of sorrowes, his face was marred more then any mans, and he was a perfect example to all his followers, for whose sake I am become a sign and a won­der, even to my Neighbors, Friends and familiar acquain­tance, who stand afarr off now; but I have a Cloud of wit­nesses, and my life and my all is not dear to me, for his sake who hath done so much for me, and suffer all things, who am with that which is the condemnation of the unjust, but the life of the just; known by the name of Daniel Baker, though by the Scorners called Quaker, and numbred a­mongst transgressors; but the Servant is not greater then his Lord, its enough to be as his Lord:

GOD spake the word, and it is done; verily the Lord hath spoken, who can but prophesie; yea the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah hath roared out of Sion, who will not feare, bow and tremble before him; the mighty day of Gods eternall and wonderfull power is come, yea the thunder of his power is heard in the earth, which keeps si­lence before him, who is to be known, and Worshipped in [Page 30] his holy temple, glory to him for ever. Now this is the Word of the Lord God, to all you, yea and to every one of you, who assemble together, on the first dayes of the Week, and other seasons, at Stepney (or any other) Synagogue or Steeplehouse; yea and to you also, O Inhabitants of Lime­house and Ratcliff; verily it is the word of the Lord God of life, to all you Professors in the Nations of England, Scotland and Ireland, in any forme, (Sect or opinion whatsoever) commonly known by reproachful names, which hath sprang up since the dark night of apostacy, with the many Sect, & o­pinions (out of the bottomless pit) whether Independant, Pres­biterian, Anabaptsts, 5. Monarkey, Seekers, Freewillers, Common­prayer people, or what other Sects.

Harken and heare O all ye Inhabitants of the earth; espe­cially to thy Inhabitants and Dominions, O England; harken and heare O all ye Rulers; who have turned Judgement backward; (being besotted with the honor and glory of the World, which passeth away) Priests and people, rich and poor, high and low, bond or free.

Novv thus saith the eternall spirit to every one of you, my fierce anger is kindled, even against you, O ye Idle, Sheepherds Hirelings, vvho have been long seeking your gain from your quarters, making merchandize of souls through covetousness, makeing a trade of the high vvords of the Scriptures, even my holy Prophets and my Sons Words, my holy Apostles, and Saints Words, which they spake forth freely, even as they were moved by my eternall spirit, which they had received freely, and so did abide in my Sons Doctrine; but ye are found, yea my eternal eye hath seen, and I have kept silence (long) but now will I arise to the prey for my eternall spirit hath comprehended you, who are found such strangers, and enemies to my Mini­sters life and Doctrine, and practice, as most of the Syna­gogues & prisons in your Dominions, shall Witnesse against you, who have long time been selling your long prayers and Sermons, and you have scattered my people, (who have been, and are destroyed for lack of knovvledge) into many divisions, Sects, and opinions, and so they are yet (there) [Page 31] seeking me, with their back parts towards me; lewdnesse hath gone out from you, (into all the earth) who have eat the fatt, and drunk the sweet, & have said in your hearts ha ha, so would we have it, and have ran greedily after the error of (your father) Balaam the Son of Bozor (Who loved the wages of iniquity) and every one of you in your severall forms and divisions, are pleading and contending for your Images which you have set up; which is of such an exceeding high Stature, that it is become (even as it doth appear, to all my children of light) a lying wonder to all the Nati­ons round about you, it is adorned with goodly ornaments, but you have stolen them.

Now this Image (which you have set up,) is in the form and fashion of a man; yet it is but an Image without life, and you are all like unto your Image, even all of you who are contending, and fighting; preaching and disputeing against, and persecuteing the light of my Son which is within every man that cometh into the World, that all men through him, might believe and follow him, out of darknesse, out of their sinns and trespasses, into the obedience of truth, sober­nesse, and righteousnesse, and so to be saved from the wrath to come; and this is my (unchangeable) love to the World that whosoever, receiveth, loveth, believeth, and follow­eth my Son, a measure of his light is in every conscience, (which is one in Male and Female) who is the Way, the truth and the life, to lead up to my selfe, Who am the same that ever I was the I am, and there is none besides me, the un­changeable, eternall, living, powerfull pure God of life, the father of lights, which made the World and all things there­in.

Now I say unto every one of you, who are contending, persecuting and striking against the light of my Son, within; and pleading for your Image without; Woe be unto you ye Heathens, King Nebuchadnezar his Queen, and Belsbazzer the King, who confessed, and vvhat vvas that in them vvhich made them confesse to the light, and understanding, and my holy spirit, which vvas in my holy Prophet Daniel, read Chap. 4.5. even they shal rise up in Judgement against [Page 32] you, and condem you, who make light of the day of your visitation, who are in the cursed ground; my Wrath and vengeance yea my fierce anger, which is kindled, yea the full vials of my Wrathful indignation, shall be powred out upon you, to the utmost, who have drunk deep of (mistery Baby­lon the great) the mother of Harlots cup, and have been drunk with the Wine of her Fornication, the Dreggs of the cup of my indignation is prepared for you, which you shall drink, and be astonished and confounded.

Now therefore I say unto you, Grashoppers and Pot­sheards of the earth; it is but a vain thing for you to con­tend with I am, and my name is dreadful among the Heathen; Where is he that is my fellovv? Or who will set the Briers and Thorns together against everlasting burnings, yea my eternall eye hath seen, and doth see, how you are setting your selves, and joyning with one consent against my Son, yet with a zelous Hypocrisy you seem to honor him, but your own you love better, and him you will not heare whom I have sent into the World (in man) which light is one in Male and Female, and with one shoulder you are uphold­ing your great Image of many mixtures.

Oh England England, behold and let all thy Hypocriti­call Professors, who are in the many divisions, and so out of the life of my Saints, know, and I say behold, I even I the Lord have commanded my stone which is cut out of the Mountaines without hands, to smite and break in peices this great Image; for great shall be the fall thereof; and many people shall be destroyed by it; let him that readeth understand; therefore come out from among them, O all you honest sober minded ones, who have been long seeking the living among the dead, and have been scattered from Mountain to Hill; crying loe here, and loe there; know that my kingdom is within, go not forth, turn to that which first convinced you of sin, which was, and is the eternall light of my Son, my free gift, and that is within you, alwayes bear­ing a faithful testimony for me, and against the evill of your wayes, words, thoughts, and actions, and as many as be­lieve, love and follow the light of my Son, with which every [Page 33] man is enlightned withall, if they be ten thousand times, ten thousand, even a numberless number (of all Nations, Kin­dreds tongues and People) even so many believe, love and fol­low Christ Jesus my beloved and only begotten Son, whom I have given an unchangeable covenant of light to lighten the Gentiles, and so to be the glory of my people Israel, and my salvation unto the ends of the earth, and in him shall the Gentiles trust, as it is written.

Now I say reioyce ye Heavens and all that dwell therein, ye Prophets and holy Apostles, and O all ye children of the light, ye Saints of the most high, and children of this migh­ty day of our King, the I am the light of the world (by whom the world was made) Who enlightneth every man that com­eth into the World, that all men through him might believe and so follow him, Who is the resurrection and the life, the Author of eternall salvation, even to those that obey him.

Shout for joy O all ye upright in heart, which tremble at the Word of the Lord, and are come to the Inheritance of the Saints in the eternall light; Hallaluiah; glory, dominion, power and eternall living prayses, to the invisible, unchan­geable, & only wise God of life, who is dwelling in the light (which no man can approach unto) for he is worthy who hath fulfilled & is fulfilling his promise, in this his mighty day, wherein he is establishing the Mountain of the Lords house on the top of the Mountains, which is exalted & is to be exalted a­bove the Hills, and all Nations shal flow unto it as it is writ­ten, and to us there is but one God, who is light (and in him is no darknesse at all) and the light is the same that e­ver it was unchangeable, which is but one, and the way is but one, which is strait and narrow, leading to eternall life; and the truth is but one, (which leads into all truth) the Baptism is but one, and the faith once delivered unto the Saints is but one, which purifieth the heart, & the spirit, & the word is but one.

Now be it known to you, and to all the inhabitants of the earth, that herein our fellowship, faith, and vnion stands, who are of one heart, minde and soul, and to us there is [Page 34] but one Lord who is above all, God blessed for ever: Amen, and Amen.

Come O all ye honest harted ones, who are Wearied and burdened with your sinns, will you be made clean and free, he is the same yesterday, to day and for ever; Who is Meek and Lowly in heart; Who saith come learn of me, and he is to be known within who makes free, where he teacheth his to be like himselfe, yea the children of the Lord are (and shall be) taught of the Lord: Come, O come away, why will ye turn aside after other lovers, into the many by-wayes, without, and so your destruction will be of your selves, and the turning away of the simple will slay you, for two masters cannot be served, but he that harkneth to me shall dwell safe­ly, and wickednesse is abomination to my lips, and he that hateth me loveth death, and he that sinneth against me vvrongeth his ovvn soul saith the Wisdom of God, the true light of the VVorld the Prince of peace; verily the stone vvhich is set at naught of you builders) he is become the head of the Corner: Return unto thy rest Oh my soul: hither­to am I clear of the blood of all men; and Oh all ye Inhabi­tants of Limehouse and Ratcliff, prize the day of your visita­tion, and Oh all ye Inhabitants of the earth, vvhile you have time and it is called to day, harden not your hearts through the deceitfullness of sin, and ye perish from the vvay, vvhilest you have time prize it, and I say repent and amend your lives and bring forth fruit meet for repentance.

D. B.

Nevertheless, among the Chief Rulers also, many beleived on him, but because of the Pharisees they did not confesse him; (least they shoud be put out of the Synagogue) for they loved the praise of men, more then the praise of God: John the 12.42.43.

He who formeth the spirit of man (within him) saith (as is vvritten,) Behold I will make Jerusalem, a Cup of trembling, unto all people round about, when they shall be in the Seege, both again: Judah and against Jerusalem.

And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people, all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pei [...]es, though all the people of the earth be gathered toge­ther against it.

I sent formerly, the second time you cast me into prison, a­bout Eleven sides of Paper Written, and directed to William Gray, Andrews, and Iohn Hoxton, which was to be read a­mongst those who were in fellowshp with them, and then to be delivered to the hand of William Grenhill. Now I do assuredly understand, how that it was not read according to my intent, in unfeigned love (to the simple harted amongst you) as it was directed, but is secretly shut up in darknesse, and the Woe is to them whose works are in the dark, and say who seeth us, and who knoweth us? verily there is no Wis­dom nor counsell shall stand against the Lord, Who is turn­ing the Wisdom of the wise backward, and the understanding of the Prudent shall be hid; the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. I wish that writing may not be laid to your charge, who neither enter your selves nor suffer others, be zealous and repent; while you have yet time prize it.

If the dreadful sentence depart ye cursed to those that vi­sited not Christs little ones in prison, and gave them no meat, nor clothed their nakednesse, what will be the portion of them who cast them into prisons, beat them, and rent and teare their clothes; and in prison they may lye and perish; for their enemies have not so loved or learned Christ, to keep his commands.

Oh England how doth Sion Travel and Groane in the midst of thee, under all thy filthynesse! How doe the Daughters of Jerusal [...]m lament, and mourn over thee, whil­est [Page 36] thou art filling up with greedinesse, the measure of thy mighty sinns, which cry aloud in the ears of the most high.

Daniel Baker.

FRiends, seeing you will in no wise heare my voice, and receive the truth, in the love of it; but rather resist and persecute (as did your fathers) who were stiff-necked, and uncircumcised in heart and eares, alwayes resisted the Ho­ly Ghost, because it came not in their way, will or time; even so it is with you, who have cast out my name as evil among men, because I cannot bow down to your Idolatry, now, as formerly; for that which did bow then to deceit, and could plead for it, having fine coverings (as ye have now) which was, and is too narrow, I say that which did lead Captive then (even to bow to deceit) is denyed now and Captivity is lead Captive; glory to the Lord God of life; and so I am not to bow down to any idolatry which stands in your way, will or time, which is alwayes ready; notwithstanding I have sundry times appeared in the fear and name of the Lord, a­mongst you, to bear my testimony for the truth, (as it is in Jesus, Who saves his people from their sinns) and against all false wayes, worships and traditions of men, as they are made manifest and seen in the eternall light.

Now I say unto you, who have cursed, and made lyes your refuge, your day (even the day of your visitation is neere at an end) and I know him who hath turned the curse into a blessing (glory to him for ever) yet out of tender love, see­ing you are dull of hearing, am I moved to write and freely [Page 37] give you some grounds and reasons, with some wholesome exhortations from a measure of the same spirit, which gave forth Scripture, wherefore I have denyed felloship and com­munion with you; notwith standing I have largely, and often, both by words and writing declared, which you can in no wise clear your selves for it will stand upon your heads, whether you hear or forbear.

1. Reason because I see in the eternall light, with which (even a measure thereof every man that cometh into the World is enlightned) how that you are found exercising the power of the beast amongst you who are upholding the false Prophet, who loves the wages of iniquity, and so hath exercised his heart with covetous practices, beguiling unstable souls, makeing Merchandize of them (and you love to have it so) preaching and praying for Hire, Divineing for money, seeking his gaine, and receiving gifts and re­wards from his quarters, receiving Tythes, Funerall Sermon-money, and money for sprinkling of Infants, and for bury­ing the dead, the work & wages being both alike, as it com­eth from the corrupt cursed Fountain; and these and such like practices, as I have sufficiently declared, which is contrary to Christ and his Apostles Doctrine, who were able Minist­ers of the Spirit, and so you are accursed; and therefore to be denyed and turned from.

2. Also you are found out of the life of Christ, (who was and is the perfect example to all his followers) and practice of the Saints; notwithstanding all your high profession in words, who are respecting of persons, committing of sin, re­ceiving and giving the honor of the world one to another, and out of the languge of the spirit of truth, being not come so far as to yea, and nay, in your communications, and so consenting not to wholesome words even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, (to Gods Witness in your consciences I speake) who hath said let your yea be yea, let your nay be nay, (whatsoever is more cometh of evil) and the Apostles exhorts their hearers, to whom they did write Epist­les; saying let your yea be yea, your nay nay, least you fall [Page 38] into condemnation, and let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouthes, but that which is good to the use of edifying, and so to administer grace to the hearers, and to abstain from all appearance of evil, and not to be proud; for even such consent not to wholesome words, (which the light condemneth;) now such who are in the foolish talking and jesting, laughter which is madnesse and folly, in the corrupt communication, vain idle words, which are unsa­vory, which cometh not from the pure Fountain, I say such are proud and knowes nothing; notwithstanding all their profession of religion, and he that knoweth not (and is not guided by that of God in himselfe) which bridleth the tongue all his religion is in vain.

Now foolish talking or jesting, vain light, idle words, or any corrupt communication whatsoever, is not to pro­ceed out of the mouthes of those, who are to walk in Christs doctrine & follow him, & as he is received so to walk in him, and not to be proud, for such knowes nothing; but doting about questions, and strife of words, whereof cometh envie, strife, rayling, evil surmiseings, perverse disputing of men of corrupt mindes and destitute of the truth, supposeing that gaine is godlynesse; from such withdraw thy selfe, as saith the Scripture; but godlynesse with contentment is great gaine, for we brought nothing into this World, it is cer­tain we can carry nothing out, and having food and ray­ment let us be therewith content; and was not these words spoke forth from the life of God, and was not he an able Minister of the spirit of life, which spake forth these words freely, or dare any say (as many do of the true words of the Scriptures) these words were spoke forth in vain, or, as that he did not mean as he spake.

When will you be ashamed and come out of these defile­ments, and pollutions and cease professing the name of God, Christ and his ordinances, so long as you are thus defiled and polluted and can plead for it.

O abominable deceit, it is time for thee to arise O Lord thou pure eternall God of life, for the professors of thy eternall name, and words, have made void thy law which is light, Pro. 6.23.

Now such who are found living in these and such like practices, which is not according to truth, even they are not members of the true Church in God, which is the Piller and ground of truth, but of Harlots and therefore to be denyed and turned from, as from the Synagogue of Satan a Cage full of unclean birds, for the eternall eye beholds you, so to be? come out from among them, O my people saith the holy spirit.

3. In the eternall light your worship is seen to stand in your own will and time, which is alway ready, and so are found limiting the holy one, the Father of lights; a measure of his light is (in every conscience) freely given, which is one in Male and Female.

Now suffer the word of exhortation in the feare and name of the Lord; according as it is written, and search the Scrip­ture which you professe so much to be your rule, who are out of the life of that which gave them forth; and let your eye be single; be sober, quiet, and still in your minds, and be faithfull to Gods witnesse in you, and know that the Apost­les Ministers and Saints of the Primitive times, who were of the true Church, observed order according to (truth) the God of order, to wit, that if any thing were revealed to another that sitteth by, the first was to hold his peace, and so the Spirits of the Prophets were subject to the Prophets; & the holy men of God were plain men, and they spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, which was dwelling in them, yea, whether Male or Female: Now if the Female be moved of the Lord to speake, are ye not wresting of the Scriptures in your fallen Wisdom, and reason, (which is from beneath) to fight against the life; It is a shame for a Woman to speake in the Church; yea it is so, and it is high time for the Woman to know the time of silence, before the time to speake, its time the Woman were put to silence, When will ye be ashamed? and if they wil learn any thing let them ask their Husbands at home. I! but what if they have wicked Husbands, how can they teach them? Be still and know that I am God, saith the Lord, be silent O all flesh, before the Lord, yea let all the earth keep silence before him, [Page 40] that he may be known, witnessed and worshiped in his holy Temple, for it is a shame for a Woman to speake in the Church; yea it is so, let your Women keep silence in the Churches, for it is not permitted unto them to speake, for they are commanded to be under obedience, (as also saith Law) but if ye be led by the spirit, ye are not under the Law; read and understand 1 Tim. 2.11. to the end, Eph 5.22. to the end of the Chapter; Wives submit your selves unto your own Husbands, as unto the Lord, for the Husband is the head of the Wife, even as Christ is the head of the Church, and he is the Saviour of the body, therefore as the Church is subject unto Christ, so let the Wives be to their own Husbands, in every thing: Husbands love your Wives even as Christ also loved the Chur h, and gave himselfe for it, that he might Sanc­tifie and cleanse it, with the washing of water by the word, that he might pr sent it to himselfe a glori us Church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blame, so ought men to love their Wives as their own bodyes, he that loveth his Wife loveth himselfe, for no man ever yet hated his own flesh, but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the Church, for we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bone; for this cause shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall be joyned unto his Wife, and they two shall be one flesh; this is a great Mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the Church; nevertheless, let every one of you in particular so love his Wife, even as himselfe, and the Wife see that shee reverence her Hushand; and did not the Apostle exhort the Corinthians, saying, if a­ny man think him [...]elfe to be a Prophet or spirituall, let him ac­knowledge that the things that I write unto you, are the command­ments of the Lord but if any man be ignorant, let him be igno­rant; wherefore my Brethren covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speake with tongues, and follow after charity and desire spirituall gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy; and did not Moses wish that all the Lords people were Prophets? there was an envi­ous generation then, as at this day, which would be limit­ing and are dispising the spirit of Prophesy, both in Male and Female, and had not Philip four Daughters Virgins [Page 41] which did Prophesy, Acts 21.9. now we do not read in the Scripture that the Apostles rebuked, or forbad them, or saying it was a shame for them to speake in the Church; al­so he desireth his true yoke fellow in his Epistle to the Philip­pians, to help those Women which labored, with him in the Gospel, in the power of God; and did not Helkiah the priest and they whom the King (even Josiah) appointed, go to Huldah the Prophetess, to enquire of the Lord concerning the words of the book of the Law? and did not the Prophet Joel speake forth that which the Apostles witnessed fulfil­led in their dayes, how that it should come to passe in the last dayes, saith God, that I will powre out my spirit upon all flesh, and your Sons and Daughters shall Prophesy, and your yong men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreames, and on my Servants and on my Handmaids. I will powre out in those dayes of my spirit, and they shall prophesy; yea and he is faithful, who hath and is fulfilling his promise, in these last dayes; witnessed by hundreds in this Nation; glory glory to the Lord God of life for ever.

Now O all ye high minded Professors of this Nation of England, who have a name to live and are dead, why will ye limit the holy one of Israel? your nakednesse appears to all the children of light, and of the day, it is manifest what strangers you are & have bin to the spirit of Prophesy, the testi­mony of Jesus, & how you have erred from that spirit, which was in Moses and the Prophets and Saints of the most high; quench not the spirit, despise not prophesying, prove all things and hold fast that which is good, abstain from all ap earance of evil; now be informed to whom this Epistle was written to, I charge you by the Lord that this Epistle be read to all the holy Brethren. 1. Thess. 5. latter end, and was not Apollo an eloquent and mighty man in the Scriptures? and was it not Aquilla and Prisilla, that took him unto them, and ex­pounded unto him the way of God more perfectly, and did not Paul greet them, Rom. 16. greet Prisilla and Aquilla my fellow helpers in Christ Jesus? and was not Mary greeted who bestowed much labor on the Saints? and what Church was that in Prisilla and Aquilla's house which Paul saluted, and [Page 42] in Nimphas house, Thess. 1.4. Answer according to the Law and the Prophets.

Again, did not the Apostles give forth a testimony of those who were come to Mount Sion, the Heavenly Jerusalem, the City of the Living God, and to the generall Assemblie, and Church of the first born, to an inumerable company of An­gels, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, Heb. 12.21. to the end, and this was not spoke to dead men but living unto saints, who were alive to God through Jesus Christ our Lord; & yet dead to the World, but not in trespasses and sins, and saying or preaching up that they could not cease, or be made free from sins, as the deceitful Priests and Professors of this age do, who are hale­ing the Sons and Daughters before Magistrates, casting of them into Prisons, revileing, stocking, stoning, whipping, persecuting and thrusting into holes and Dungeons, buffit­ing in your Synagogues, and casting them out, and taking the Sons and Daughters up as Vagrant persons & Vagabonds; and thus they who are the Servants of the Lord, who wit­ness the spirit of the Lord poured upon them, and keep the testimony of Jesus; I say, thus they are evil intreated of this evil and adulterous generation.

O England! England! thy time of tryall is come, the fire of the Lord is already kindled, let thy Hypocritycall Professors be awakened, And O London! thou mayest read the figure without the many fires which broke forth in divers places within thy Borders.

Be awakned, O all ye professors of the holy Prophets, Christ, and his Apostles and Saints words, and prepare (without delay) speedily to meet the true light of the world, a mea­sure of his light is in all consciences, to which every one doth well to take heed to, as unto a light that shines in a dark place, and while it is called to day, and every one hath time to prise it; for now the time is hastning, yea it is come, and coming, every ones work shall be tryed of what sort it is.

Wo be unto the Briers and Thorns, Wood Hay, and Stub­ble; verily our God the dreadful eternall God of life, which [Page 43] made the world, is risen with fury, and great zeal to be avenged on his enemies, for the oppression of the poor, and for the groanings of the prisoners of hope, the sighing of the needy, he will be cased of his Ad­versaries; it is tempestious round about him, terrible stormes are arise­ing; woe unto all Sandy foundations; blessed are all ye, O ye children of the light and of the day (whose God is the Lord the Rock of ages) keep low O ye Lambs in the fear and counsel of the true Prophet, touch no unclean thing, keep to the true watch, I know your Chambers, Cities of refuge and strong Tower; where neither floods, storms nor tempests; nor any destroyer can touch you, or shake your foundations; is you keep-lowe, abideing in that which (you know) is immoveable, unchangea, ble, hid from the world and prof ssors thereof; even so O eternall Fa­ther, for so it seemeth good in thy sight; to whom eternall glory, domini­on, power, pure living prayses belong, even so Amen & Amen.

The word of truth to you, oh ye Sons and Daughters of men, who pass under the name of fi [...]t Monarchy; there is a precious seed stiring in many of you, but verily it is hid in the earth, the deceit is exceeding high, the murtherer is got uppermost, and in this you are waiteing, though you cannot (in any wise) bear the report, or believe it; notwithstanding it hath been declared to many of you from the power of the Lord in his ser­vants, who have been moved thereby, to bear their testimonies against your deceit, who are waiteing an oportunity (as you confesse your selves) to take up the carnall Sword to begin an offensive war.

O ye blood-thursty ones, the sword of the Lord (of Hosts) is drawn, which proceeds out of the mouth of him (whose eyes is as a flame of fire) to cut you down, and all fruitlesse Trees (who are in the cursed ground) who are contending, disputing, with long prayers and solemn meet­ings, and so you are making a great stir, and noise in the world, with you eyes without you, in outward observation, of the visible kingdom of Christ and his personall reigne, whose kingdom cometh not with out­ward observation, as Christ told your generation (to wit) the wise Pha­risees which crucified the Lord of glory; I, but who is head within you? is it not the murtherer who is got above the seed of God, covered with Hypocrisy and deceit, and so hath his goods at peace, and therefore sends you forth to watch for iniquity, in your vain minds which he hath blinded, to destroy the creatures, the creation, rather then he should be disposest (of his kingdom) and turned out of his dark dominion, though shining (being transformed into) as an Angel of light, where he hath long ruled in you, who are waiteing in that which the Lord God will never prosper.

Oh ye people, take heed, least you be not given up to destroy each o­ther; the just power within calleth for Judgement, Vengeance, and the Sword, to be laid upon the head of the transgressor within, and it is he sends you forth, as before mentioned; verily in the dread of the eter­nall God, am I moved, to warn ye by this present writing; notwith­standing, I have sundry times bore my testimony (not in my own name [Page 44] will or time) against your deceit in this prison (where I am in outward bonds for the seeds sake) and there have I been burdened with the cor­rupt fruit you beare, which springs up plentifully from the cursed ground, you are yet in, to wit a multitude of vain idle words, foolish jesting and laughter which is madnesse and folly, nourishing your hearts as in a day of slaughter, not knowing the bridle to your tongues which are your own, and in the midest of all your vanity and excesse, praying and speaking of the things of God, as it is your practice in your vain polluted minds; the Lord God is comming to account with you, O ye who have a name to lived, but are dead, and so cannot praise the living God; for as sure as the Lord lives, for every idle word that men shall speake they shall give account in the day of Judgement.

Now whether you hear or forbear, I shall be clear, therefore be ye awakned, and come down and be faithful to Gods witnesse in you, and in it waite, which sheweth you the deceitfullnesse of your hearts, the which you are confessing and complaining of, in your vain minds, which are blinded by the God of the world, and he is within which leads Cap­tive, and defiles that which should be the temple of God, who is pure, and with him dwells no unclean thing.

Now therefore come out from amongst them, O all ye simple ones, why will you live in and love lying vanities, and so forsake your own mercy: I say come away and touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you saith the Lord Almighty, (as saith the Scripture) verily all your prayers, solemn meetings and assemblies are abomination in the sight of the pure eternall God of life, whilest you are bowing down to, and so conforming to the God of this present world, his wayes, words, fashions, worships, customs, friendships, honors, glory and defilements thereof, the traditions, precepts and unwholesome ordinances of men that shal dye; I know you have been long feeding upon the Tree of knowledge, garnished with the Saints, Prophets, Christ, and his Apostles words, yet strangers to their life, Doctrine and practice; the deceit is run up exceed­ing high, verily down must you come, who sit as Queens and Ladies that shall see no sorrow, and yet are at ease, saying, in your hearts I am and there is none besides me; ha ha so would we have it, set us eat, drink, and be mery, why should we be Melancholy, the earth is the Lords and the fullnesse thereof, and we are his people; and after this manner you are wresting the Scriptures, to cover your deceit and lusts, to your own destruction, who are nourishing your hearts as in a day of slaughter, con­demning the just who is oppressed, (within, even as a Cart with sheaves) & he doth not resist you; strip you make you bare, for down shall you come and in the dust shall you fit; the Famine and Sword shall you know, the Babe lyeth low in the Manger and the beasts feed over him, there is no roome for him in the Inn: Now turn your minds to within, to the pure light of Christ Jesus, and in it waite, for to them who are without all things are done in Parables; the light of the body is the eye, let your eye be single, & verily the body shall be full of light, and then true and [Page 45] sound Judgement, will be witnessed, to judge down the transgressor, the evil doer within, that the ministration of condemnation you may of a truth witnesse, for hereunto you are called as you will answer in the dreadul day of the Lord, to come out of deceit, and come to us whose vnion and fellowship stands in the eternall light of the Son of God, whose kingdom is not of this world (and so hid from it) neither any of his sub­jects who witnesse against the deceitfullness and defilements thereof, as ever the seed did, and where Christ reigns within, such cannot dishonor him without, though persecuted, reviled, and suffering all things, for it is the Lamb gets the victory, and vengeance is mine saith the Lord, (I will repay) to whom vengeance belongeth, Glory to him for e­ver.

Some of your fellowship declared to my face in this prison, and said the kingdom of Christ was a bloody kingdom; woe be to you blood­thirsty ones, who privily lye in waite to shed blood; you are of your Father the Devil, who was a murderer from the beginning, and his lust ye will obey: O Subtil Serpent how dost thou appeal (even as thou art to all the children of light, in this mighty day of our God, the father of lights, whose eternall eye seeth thee how thou hast transformed thy selfe into an Angel of light, covered with Hypocrisy and deceit, who art flying so high in the Ayre O thou King of pride, and Prince of darknesse that thou art not, neither any of thy nearest Subjects, at all ashamed to plead for, contending in their Airy polluted minds, which thou hast blinded; to make Christ the Lamb slain from the begining, a murtherer like unto thy selfe, and thy blood thirsty persecuting gene­ration, who have been slaying the just, persecuting and murthering the innocent from the foundation of the world even to this day: O thou transgressor, thou enemy of all righteousnesse, thou wise Subtil Ser­pent!

Now woe be to thy head, the Sword of the Lord the mighty God of Jacob is drawn; woe be to you, ye generation of Vipers, ye seed of the Serpent, how can ye escape the damnation of Hell? come out from a­mongst them O my people saith the holy Spirit, for they are lying in waite for blood, wresting the Scriptures to their own destruction; cry­ing out the Sword of the Lord and of Gidion, saying let the high prayses of God be in their mouthes, and a two edged sword in their hand, to bind their Kings with Chaines, and their Nobles with Fetters of Iron; and so you are wresting the Scriptures not knowing them nor the power of God; and this is the word of the Lord; to that of God in you I speake; now the holy spirit speakes (as it is written in the Revelations) of eating the flesh of Kings, and of Captains, and of mighty men, and of horses, and them that sit on them, and of men both free and bond, both small and great, who so shedeth mans blood by man shall his blood be shed, for in the Image of God made he man, let him that reads understand; if any man have an care to heare let him; he that leadeth into Captivity shall go into Captivity, he that killeth with the Sword must be killed [Page 46] with the sword; here is the faith and patience of the Saints, I came not to destroy mens lives, saith Christ the true light of the world, who is m [...]ek, and lowly in heart, and such he teacheth and guides in Judgement, even such who believe in, love and follow him (the Lamb of God) shall not abide in darknesse, but shall have the light of life saith he who is the resurrection and the life, the bright and morning star, who is now risen and ariseing daily to rule, yea and shall rule the nations with a Rod of Iron, & to dash his enemies in peices like a Potters Vessel: From whence came Warres and fightings? do you not read in the scriptures? are you so sottishly blinded, stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and cares resisting light, & not understanding the spirit which gave forth scripture; do ye not know that Warres & fightings come from hence, even of your lusts, that war in your members, ye lust and have not, ye kill and de­sire to have, and cannot obtain it, ye have not because you ask not; ye ask and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts; ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friend­ship of the world, is the enmity to God; whosoever therefore will be a friend to the world, is the enemy of God; clense your hands ye sinners, and purifie your hearts, ye double minded be afflicted and mourn and weep; let your laughter be turned into mourning, and your joy into heaviness; humble your selves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up; yea repent and abhor your selves in dust and ashes ye blood-thirsty ones, and let him whose right it is (I will overturn, overturn, overturn, untill he come) to reign in his kingdom: Now remember that you are warned in your life time, to come out of all deceit, into the living obedience of sobriety and truth, that your moderation may be known to all men who reigns within, and know, that the deceifull murderer with all his narrow fine Hypocritycal coverings cannot lye hid any longer from the eter­nall eye in this great and notable day of the Lord God of life, who hath long kept silence and at the time of ignorance winked, but now com­mands every man, every where to repent, and bring forth fruits meet for repentance, for every fruitlesse Tree is to be cut down for the un­quencheable fire, I am a friend a witnesse to, and for the truth, a lover of souls, known by the name of

Daniel Baker.


Pag. 2. line 2. for clense read clear; Pag. 11 line 25. for soberness read sorrowes; Pag. 21. line 2. for he, read ye, the same page line 3. for cause read curse, Pag: 41. line 16. for stall read shall. line 20. of the same Pag. for Naiton read Nation.

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