THE Bloody Murtherer DISCOVERED: OR, A True Relation of the EXAMINATION and CONFESSION of JOHN RENDOR, late Butler to Esq; Bluck,

Before that most worthy Person Sir William Turner (one of his Majesties Justices of the Peace) about 12. of the Clock on Fryday Night, who Committed that great Robbery and Murther in the House of his Master Esquire Bluck in Holbourn, on the Fifth of this Instant August last past, with the manner of his Deportment before that worthy Person aforesaid, having been three hours upon Examination, before he would make any Confession.

Whereupon the Justice, (seeing he would not Confess) sent to search the House where he Lodged, where, upon the seach thereof, was found one Trunk of Plate and other Rich Commodities, which no sooner was brought in before the Justice, but he confest both the Robbery and that Blood-Murther, whereupon he was Committed to Newgate.

Printed for Henry Johnson, in the Year 1674.

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