SEVEN EXERCISES OR MEDITATIONS By which a MAN May be, in a short time, Established In the FEAR of GOD, And in a Good and Holy LIFE.

By Lewis Blosius, Abbot Of the Holy Order of St. Benedict.

With other Choice Col­lections out of the same Author.

London, Printed for M. Turner, at the Lamb in Holbourn, 1686.


IF thou wouldst be con­firmed in the Fear of God, and be esta­blished in a Good and holy Life, thou must fall upon the following Me­ditations with an humble and constant Mind, and accomplish them in order, although thy Nature seem to have some Repugnancy; which also thou must not lightly or negligently run over, but must ruminate them with leasure and di­ligence, [Page]and apply thy whole Soul, and inward endeavours to them, dili­gently examining and dis­cussing every particular point, and imprinting it deeply in thy Mind.

And indeed thou must stay in every Meditation at least three dayes; and every day (if it may con­veniently be done) thou must employ Or 2 or 3 half hours, ac­cording to thy leasure & De­votion. two or three Hours, or ra­ther more, in the Exer­cise of Meditation; leav­ing in the mean time other private and voluntary Ex­ercises.

Besides, throughout the [Page]whole day, whether thou walkest or sittest still, (un­less when thou oughtest to think of other things) thou must strive to have in thy memory, and to revolve in thy mind those things, which belong to the Medi­tation of that Day.

It is not necessary nor expedient, that in every hour deputed to the Exer­cise of Meditation, thou shouldst dispatch more Di­visions, but it shall suffice to take one Division, or two or three points to Me­titate on.

When thou shalt have ended the Meditations af­ter that manner, thou must repeat them again, persist­ing [Page]in every one of them at least two dayes, which repetition being compleated, thou must still continue these Exercises for two Months, or longer; but then thou mayest assume the first Meditation on Mondays; the second on Tuesdays; the third on Wednesdays; the fourth on Thursdays; the fifth on Fridays; the sixth on Saturdays; the seventh on Sundays: Afterwards thou must diligently exer­cise thy self in the Life and Passion of CHRIST, according to thy Devoti­on.

Throughout thy whole life thou must retain pious [Page]and congruous Exercises, which may nourish in thee thy good purpose, and true Devotion. But thou must take heed, lest at any time thou preferr these thy Ex­ercises before Obedience, or Fraternal Charity, or the Divine Will. For it is necessary that even in these thou learn to deny thy self.

If, in this Spiritual Study thou shalt feel thy self hard and dry, and shalt suffer grievous irk­somes of Mind, thou must not, for that, leave off thy profitable and wholsom Ex­ercise, but must humbly, to the Honor of God, do what is in thy power. Per­haps [Page]thou wilt often think thus with thy self: Why do I afflict my Spirit in these things, when I might much better, and more to my delight, be conversant in others: But neglecting such kind of thoughts, thou oughtest to persevere in what thou hast begun, and to believe that it is most acceptable to God, that thou shouldst be employed in them.

If God shall give thee the grace of Devotion and Tears, thou must not for this take complacence in thy self, nor esteem thy self to be any thing, nor despise others; but must alwayes contain thy self [Page]in holy Fear, and humility of Heart, judging thy self unworthy of all the gifts of God.

Thou mayest in thy Ex­ercise, by speaking to thy Soul, stir up thy self: As if thou shouldst say; O my Soul! Let us watch, and consider attentively, &c. Thou must also con­vert thy self sometimes to our Lord God, some­times to the Blessed Vir­gin Mary, the Mother of GOD, sometimes to other Citizens of Heaven, and ask those things which make for thy souls health.

But that thou mayest reap plentiful fruit out of these Exercises, thou must [Page]diligently abstain from immoderate joy, from dis­solution of heart, and from inordinate and vain laugh­ter. For such things dis­sipate and extinguish in­ward recollection, compunc­tion, and grace. Thou must shun also (as much as conveniently thou canst) much talking, and seek con­venient solitude.

Whilst thou art Medi­tating, thou mayest kneel, sit, or stand; observing that posture of Body, by which thou shalt perceive thy self to be most helped. Thou must chuse a secret quiet place, and fit for such Exercises.

Before thou beginnest [Page]thy Meditation, having made the sign of the Cross, thou shalt say this short Prayer: O most gracious Lord God, have mercy on me thy poor Creature calling upon thee; and grant that every inten­tion, thought, and acti­on of mine may be pure­ly ordained to the obser­vance and praise of thy divine Majesty,


The hour of Meditation being ended, Recite our Lord's Prayer, with the Angelical Salutation.

Meditation. I. Of Sins.

Divi­sion 1. COnsider how that thy Soul was made by GOD, most noble and most beautiful: But thou, by living wickedly and carelesly, hast most dis­honourably defiled it, and made it vile, sor­did, and abominable. For the deformity of sin, is greater than any visi­ble deformity.

And indeed, so great is the enormity of mor­tal Sin (which deserves eternal damnation) that by right we ought to depress our selves for one, even the least such Sin, all the dayes of our life, to the very dust, even under the brute Beasts.

2. Thou wast made to this end, that thou shouldst exhibit obser­vance and reverence to thy most high, most wor­thy, and most bounti­ful Creator, and that thou shouldst love and praise Him: but by sin­ning, thou hast averted thy self from Him, and [Page 3]converted thy self to the love of vain and perish­able Creatures, and so hast made thy self un­worthy of His favour; but worthy of eternal punishments.

Wherefore deserved­ly thou shouldst strive to bewail thy self, and lament the evils by which thou hast offended thy Lord God, with in­ward, or also with out­ward tears.

3. Wherefore call to mind, as well as thou canst, in the bitterness of thy Soul, all thy more grievous Sins, which thou hast committed from thy child-hood, to [Page 4]this very moment, by works, words, thoughts, and omissions, as if thou wert immediately to make an exact Confes­sion of them to a Priest.

Yet notwithstanding, thou must not stay long upon the Sins of the flesh, which thou hast com­mitted, lest such an ima­gination breed in thee some harmful delight.

Run over diligently year after year, or day after day, or time after time. Call to mind the places in which thou wast; the persons with whom thou livedst; and the state and office which thou hadst. Ponder how [Page 5]often thou hast repeated thy wicked wayes.

Make to thy self as it were a little bundle of all thy Sins, that, as often as thou shalt un­fold it, thou mayst ea­sily see the Crimes and Wickednesses of thy for­mer Life; and mayest therefore blush, be com­punct, and humbled.

4. Exaggerate and ag­gravate thy Sins, by which thou, a despica­ble and vile Man, hast dishonoured and despised the Creator of Heaven and Earth, and Lord of highest Majesty, and hast done Him an infinite af­front; and after a cer­tain [Page 6]manner hast Cruci­fied CHRIST again: Who, notwithstanding, has alwayes most boun­tifully done thee good, and preserved thee.

Pondering well this thy pride, perversness, and ingratitude; hum­ble, cast down, and put thy self beneath all the men in the world; yea, beneath all Creatures, e­steeming thy self the vi­lest of all, and unwor­thy, whom the earth should sustain; but wor­thy, whom hell should swallow up, unless the Mercy of God hinde­red.

5. Ponder, how much [Page 7]God detests and puni­shes Sins, so that by His terrible and just Judg­ment, He has damned eternally very many, for one single Mortal Sin; as is manifest in Lucifer, and in the Angels who consented to him.

It is manifest also, how much God was offended by one only Transgres­sion, which our First Parents Adam and Eve committed.

Now, What ought to have been done with thee, who hast so often offended the most holy King of Glory? Deeply considering these things, accuse and judge thy self, [Page 8]lest afterwards thou be judged by our Lord.

Admire greatly, that all the Elements, and all Creatures have not risen up against thee, to re­venge upon thee the In­jury of their Maker. Be astonished, that the Earth has not opened it self, to swallow thee up alive, and has not transmitted thee into Hell; how the holy Angels also have been able to endure thy iniquities.

6. Finally, grieving with thy very Soul, or desiring to have Grief, and eyeing attentively JESUS crucified, and His bloody Wounds, cry [Page 9]out from thy heart, and say these, or such like words; Alas! O most pittiful Lord Jesus Christ my Creator, Redeemer, and Benefactor, I most unhappy, have so and so offended Thee, and con­temned Thee; those and those Iniquities I have so often repeated; I have been so disobedient and ungrateful unto thee. But pardon me, I beseech thee, for thy immense Goodness and Charity, with which thou didst sustain for me thy most bitter Passion.

When thou shalt with humility have said these or such like words, by [Page 10]no means despair, but resuming a full and a­morous Confidence in God, purpose firmly, by his Grace, to mend thy self, and to avoid, as much as shall be in thy power, all Sins, not only Mortal, but also Venial, and the least.

Meditation. II. Of Death.

Divi­sion 1. TO think on Death before­hand, and diligently to prepare ones self for it, is true wisdom. And [Page 11]thou shalt be happy, if alwayes, and every where expecting the Hour of Death; thou shalt so watch, as thou permit­test nothing to reside in thy Conscience, which might cause thee anxi­ously to fear, although thou wert just now to dye.

It shall be well with thee, if, considering how vile thy Flesh shall be, thou art not proud, nor dost not follow Carnal delights. For, How mi­serable, I pray thee, is thy Flesh in this Life! How frail! how full of Filthes, which continu­ally flow with an intol­lerable [Page 12]stench through all the passages, although outwardly it appear fair and neat! So that thy Body at present may rightly be called a sack of dung, and all kind of filth; but shortly it shall be an abject, cor­rupted, and putrid Car­cass, and Worms meat.

2. Think therefore that thou must shortly dye, yea, perhaps to day, and must go hence into another unknown region; and must leave here riches, glory, ho­nours, pomps, pleasures, friends, vanities; and all other transitory and pe­rishable things, which [Page 13]thou inordinatly lovest, or in which thou art now delighted.

And indeed every day, every hour, and every moment thou approach­es near thy death, and the last hour of thy life. Therefore compose thy self as if thou wert now to dy. Think thy coun­tenance to wax pale, thy mouth to be contracted, thy sight to be darkned, thy breath to fail, and the sweat of death to be now present; which te­stifies nature to be over­come.

3. Think, I pray thee, how great a trem­bling and horror will [Page 14]then seize thee, and how much thou wilt grieve, if thou shalt be unprovi­ded, because thou hast not vigorously mended thy self.

O how short will the time of thy life seem to thee? For it will appear like a dream, and a sha­dow: when thou shalt reflect that eternity is at hand, which shall never end.

Perhaps thou wilt de­sire one little hour to correct thy self, but it is uncertain whether thou shalt obtain it.

What will thy pride profit thee? what will it profit thee, if thou shalt [Page 15]now have followed thy own will, and the viti­ous passions of thy mind.

O how sad wilt thou be, when thou shalt have lost thy precious time, or spent it unprofitably! How wilt thou be vexed that thou hast lived so wickedly, negligently & remissly! That thou wast so greedy to see, hear, and talk vain things! That thou hast not more manfully contemned the Allurements of thy Flesh and Senses, that thou hast been so slack to the mor­tification of thy self; and to follow true hu­mility and charity, and to gather together all [Page 16]spiritual good things!

Now therefore, whilst thou hast yet Time, a­mend thy self, and study to live better, and more holily.

4. Think, when thy Soul, galled with the sharp prickings of death, shall cease to see the light of this world, and shall begin with its in­ward eyes to behold the state of the other Life, and those things which before it would not be­lieve: Cruel Beasts, and horrible troops of De­vils will present them­selves, by divers means endeavouring to ensnare thy same Soul, and ex­specting [Page 17]it to make a prey of it, if it shall have departed here with­out true Repentance.

It is therefore good and healthful to Salva­tion, now to provide for ones self, to cut off bad and unprofitable de­sires; to leave vain and worldly things, and to convert ones self wholly to love and seek af­ter Celestial and Eternal Goods.

5. Consider, how that thy Soul being gone out of thy Body, it shall im­mediately be presented before the Tribunal of a Terrible Judge, who cannot judge thee other­wise [Page 16] [...] [Page 17] [...] [Page 18]than thy works de­serve, seeing that He is the Supreme and immu­table Justice.

In this particular Judg­ment thou must render a most exact Account of thy whole Life, of all thy Time spent unpro­fitably, of all thy Bad Works, of all the Good thou hast omitted, of all thy Idle Words, and of all thy Thoughts and in­ordinate Affections.

The Devils shall pro­pose all thy sins, and all thy negligences, which have not been blotted out by Repentance.

Finally, a Sentence shall be pronounced by [Page 19]the Just Judge, concer­ning thy Soul, which shall never be recalled for all eternity: For, where the Tree shall fall, whe­ther towards the South, or towards the North, there it shall for ever remain; and shall belong either to eternal Salva­tion or Damnation.

6. It is profitable for thee often to think on these things, that thou may'st with diligence Correct thy Life, and make thy Peace with God, before that thou shalt be called hence. This thou wilt do, if thou be'est wise.

For our Lord God is very merciful, and re­ceives [Page 20]most courteously all those who timely re­turn unto Him by true Repentance: Because He wills not the death of a sinner, but rather that the sinner should be Con­verted and Live. Ezek. c. 18. & 33.

Meditation. III. Of the Ʋniversal and Last Judgment.

Divi­sion 1. NOthing can be imagined more dreadful, than that strict and terrible Judg­ment, by which God will [Page 21]judge all men in the Last Day.

Very terrible Signs shall go before this Uni­versal Judgment, to wit, a stupendious violence of Winds, tumultuous Ri­sings of the Sea, unusu­al Workings of its Waves, vast Earth­quakes, Fallings of Buil­dings, knocking together of Mountains, breaking of Rocks, claps of Thun­der, obscuration of the Sun, Moon, and Stars; sad roaring and bellow­ing of Beasts, miserable withering of Men for fear, &c.

The Day of Judgment being now at hand, the [Page 22]world shall be set on Fire by the Divine Power, and so the Fire shall destroy and consume all brute Animals, and all Men which it shall find A­live.

But the Supreme Judge will come in His Majesty, and with intol­lerable Anger. That dreadful Judg shall come in the Clouds of Hea­ven, with the Elders of the People, and with thousands of Angels, with the whole Celestial Host.

Deservedly therefore the Prophet Sophonias, considering that great and bitter Day of our Lord, Sophon. 1. sayes, [Page 23] That Day is a Day of Anger, a Day of Tribu­lation and Straits, a Day of Calamity and Misery, a Day of Darkness and Gloominess, a Day of Clouds and Tempestuous­ness, a Day of a Trum­pet and Noise.

And blessed Hierom, sayes, Whether I eat or drink, or whatsoever else I do, the Noise of that dreadful Trumpet always sounds in the ears of my mind, Arise ye dead, come to Judgment.

2. Then all Men in a moment, having recei­ved their Bodies shall Rise again, and our Lord shall come down to Judge them.

And the Elect indeed agil, beautiful, strong, splendid, rejoycing, and secure, shall meet the Judge; and being Raised from the Earth, shall stand in the Air on his right hand: But the Re­probate shall stand upon the Earth, heavier than Lead, infirm, deformed, stinking, vile, obscure, and miserably trembling, and shall be on his left hand.

O! what horrid and unimaginable straits shall they sustain! With how unutterable a Terror and Fear shall they be struc­ken, when they shall see above them, an Angry [Page 25]and an Inflexible Judge, beneath them the Pit of Hell open, and gaping for them; about them the World on Fire, be­side them a multitude of Devils Accusing them, within them a guilty and gnawing Conscience.

All their Sins, and all the Secrets of their Hearts shall be manifest as well to Men as Angels.

The Wicked shall seek to turn away their Face from the angry Counte­nance of the Judge, but shall not be able.

Who also beholding the glory of the Just, Shall be troubled with a horrid fear, and sighing [Page 26]for anguish of Spirit, shall say, These are they whom sometimes we had in de­rision, we fools deemed their Life a madness, and their End without honour. Lo how they are reckoned a­mongst the Sons of God, and their Lot is amongst the Saints. Wised. 5.

3. Christ our Lord will show to all his Wounds shining with an ineffable Comliness, which truly shall bring to the Just a most sweet consolation, but to the Wicked a dreadful confusion.

Christ himself shall then terribly reproach to all the Reprobate and Un­grateful, the benefits of [Page 27]his Incarnation and Pas­sion: And they, with unconceivable grief shall acknowledge Him, whom they chose rather to slight and despise, than to fear and worship.

4. No Evil shall then remain undiscussed or unrevenged; but a strict Examen shall be made of all thy works, words, thoughts, and affecti­ons.

The Justice of the Judge is not less than his Mercy; both is in­finite. Wherefore thou must render an account of all the time granted to thee, of spiritual Gifts neglected, of temporal [Page 28]Goods ill expended, of Meat, Drink, and Alms, unworthily consumed.

Thou shalt render an Account, not only for thy self, but also for those, to whom thou hast at any time set a bad ex­ample, and hast given an occasion of doing ill.

As also, for all Sin­ners and Pagans, per­haps a grievous account shall be exacted of thee, for that thou hast not faithfully prayed for their Conversion.

But chiefly thou shalt give an account for those who were specially com­mitted to thy care.

Innumerable sins, which [Page 29]thou dost not take no­tice of, nor acknowledge, shall then break out a­gainst thee, as it were out of ambush, and shall be objected unto thee. The least thoughts, and very minute words, which thou slighted, and reputed as nothing, shall then be discussed. Hence the Psalmist prays, From my hidden faults cleanse me O Lord. Psal. 18.

Attend now that most hard and irrevocable Son­tence of the just and an­gry Judge. For when he shall have said to those who shall be on his right hand, Come ye blessed of my Father, &c. He shall [Page 30]say to those who shall be on his left hand, Go ye cursed into eternal fire. O sharp word! O word full of all horror and bitterness!

This Sentence of eter­nal Damnation being pro­nounced, immediately the Earth, with a terrible crack, shall swallow up the wicked; and that fire, with which the world shall burn, involving them with darkness, and with all the filth and stench of the whole world, shall thurst them down into Hell, there to be for e­ver tormented.

But these falling down into the depth of Hell, [Page 31]the Elect shall go up gloriously into Heaven, the same Reprobate be­holding that very thing, and, to their greater Ca­lamity and Misery, ne­ver forgetting it.

O Despisers of the Law of God! think se­riously, I beseech you, how sharp it will be, to be in this manner sepa­rated from the society of God, and the B. Vir­gin Mary, and all the Citizens of Heaven!

When Hell shall have received the wicked dam­ned Wretches, it shall be shut, and stopped at the top like a pot, and no Devil or Man shall [Page 32]ever come forth thence.

6. Thou therefore, that thou mayst be able to avoid this unexpres­sible misery, confusion, horror, and strait, whilst the time of Mercy lasts, study to appease God, and to please Him.

Bewail, and humbly, and sincerely confess thy Sins. Do not hide now from the Vicar of Christ, the Priest, what thou de­sirest should be hidden in that dreadful Judg­ment.

Correct thy Life with all thy forces. Depart from evil, and do good. Psal. 36. Spend thy time profita­bly: Fly vain and fool­ish [Page 33]joyes: Mortify, as much as thou canst, the vicious Passions and Af­fections of thy Mind.

Now wisely fear, that thou mayst be then hap­pily secure.

Meditation. IV. Of the Pains of Hell.

Divi­sion 1. AS the Happi­ness of the Saints in Heaven is un­utterable, so the Cala­mity of the Reprobate in Hell, is ineffable and incomprehensible.

Do thou now imagin [Page 34]a place under ground, and a horrible Gulf: Be­hold a vast Furnace, all on Fire with Sulphur and Pitch, terribly bur­ning, dark, smoking, stinking; full of men and devils.

There is everlasting Horror, and never end­ing Despair; there's Gnashing of Teeth, and great Howling, and per­petual Blaspheming; there the Damned, for the sharpness of their Pains, bite their Tongues, and Curse the King of Hea­ven.

2. Consider that there is such Fire and Heat, and such Cold, as all [Page 35]fire and heat, and all cold of this world, in comparison of that Heat and Cold, is nothing. There they are forced to pass from intolera­ble Heat, to intolerable Cold. There they are most cruelly boyled and roasted.

They feel most bitter Torments in every Sense, and in every Member: Their Sight continually beholds dreadful & hor­rid Faces of Devils. Their Hearing continu­ally perceives the La­mentations & sad Cryes of those, who continu­ally cry out, Wo, wo, wo! Why were we crea­ted [Page 36]and made? Cursed be God who made us. This is the sad Song which is there continually sung.

Imagin there to be Vessels full of all filthi­ness, to wit, Toads, Snakes, putrid Flesh of dead Carcasses, and the filth and dung of Jaques's mix'd together: And the Wicked to be drown­ed over head and ears in those Vessels, and against their will to smell, touch, eat, and drink that stink­ing Mixture. Thou canst imagin nothing so abo­minable and grievous, but there are there things more abominable & grie­vous.

There every one is punished most in those Members, by which he has most sinned.

3. There the Devils insult over those whom they torment, and whom they have, and shall for ever have for their com­panions, saying, Where are now your Riches, where your Honour, where your Glory, where your Plea­sure, where your Delights, where your Vanities?

Who is so hard and mad, as not to conceive a profitable Fear from the consideration of these things? And, as not to amend his wicked and negligent Life?

Assuredly whatsoever can torment, whatsoever can cause horror and a­bomination, shall for e­ver be seen, heard, and felt in Hell.

4. Consider moreover the inward punishment of the damned; for they shall be for all eternity deprived of the sight of God. They shall never see that blessed City, the celestial Jerusalem.

God has cast them a­way, and they are deli­vered to everlasting obli­vion; nor will He ever have mercy on them, Rom. 1. For they are vessels of wrath, in which the rigor and the seve­rity [Page 39]of the Divine Justice is manifested.

The Worm of their Conscience shall never dye, but shall without ceasing gnaw and accuse them, for that for so short a joy, and so mo­mentary a pleasure, they have lost eternal Hap­piness, and found ever­lasting Punishments.

O Ponder! ponder di­ligently this Eternity of Pains. After a thousand thousands of Years their End shall be no nearer, because they shall never end; but in Hell there shall be a perpetual pre­sence of all Evils, and a perpetual absence of all Comfort.

5. Lo such a Calami­ty is the Reward of those who fear not God, and continue in their Sins without true Repentance, until their Departure out of this Life. For there being in Mortal Sin an infinite enormity, by rea­son of the contempt of the immense God: Such a Sin (if it be not blot­ted out by Repentance) shall be punished with endless Pain.

But thou who art yet in the time of Grace, leaving thy Vices and Vanities, without delay return to the Lord thy God, and He will receive thee, cleanse and heal [Page 41]thee. Fear Him, serve Him, love Him with all thy heart. For so thou shalt escape those Tor­ments, which never are ended, never Intermit­ted, never diminished.

6. If thou art entred into Religion, thou must with all thy might tend to perfection, thou must lead an humble, pure, and signally Holy Life. But if thou hast a secular Heart and Religion, and livest negligently, and shall end thy life in such negligence, thou shalt be thrust down into Hell; or certainly shalt endure such sharp, horrid, and long pains in Purgatory, [Page 42]as if thou couldest now foresee them, thou wouldest dye for fear and horror of them.

Wherefore now, if thou beest wise, thou wilt take diligent care for the salvation of thy Soul.

Meditation. V. Of the Life and Passion of Christ.

Divi­sion 1. THe sin of the world could not have been taken a­way, unless the Creator of the world assuming [Page 43]human flesh, had abolish­ed it with his own blood.

Ponder therefore, how our Lord Jesus, the Son of the living God, the most high God, for the excessive love, with which he loved us, would be con­ceived by the holy Ghost, and be made man in the womb of the B. Virgin Mary: that thou load­ed with thine Iniquities mightest not descend down into Hell.

Thy God was made thy Brother. He was born a tender little In­fant, in a poor Stable. He was wrapped in vile clouts. He was laid in the Crib of Beasts. He [Page 44]lay upon hay and straw. He was suckled by the breasts of a very poor Mother.

He was Circumcised the eighth day, from his Nativity, and shed his Blood.

Then he fled into Ae­gypt.

And so in his sacred Infancy, and Childhood, he sustained very many necessities, and grievan­ces, with Mary and Jo­seph.

2. The sweet Jesus when he was about thir­ty years old, humbly re­ceived Baptism from his servant John.

He fasted, was temp­ted, [Page 45]watched, preached, was wearied with jour­neys and labours.

He endured with a most meek heart, three and thirty years, hunger, thirst, cold, heat, and innumerable grievances, and innumerable perse­cutions; and at length went to Hierusalem there to dy for thee.

3. The sweet Jesus, when upon his knees, he had humbly washed the feet of his Disciples, and had wiped them with a Towell, and had institu­ted the Venerable Sacra­ment of the Eucharist, he went unto Mount Oli­vet. O how grievous, [Page 46]how unworthy, how sharp things did he suffer for thee.

For he the Lord of highest Majesty, would tremble and be sad even unto death. He would be bathed in a sweat of blood, by reason of the vehemency of the angui­shes, with which he was oppressed.

He resused not to be kis't by the Traytor Ju­das, and as a Theif by wicked men, to be ig­nominiously apprehend­ed, bound, led away, dragged, pushed, smit­ten.

4. The sweet Jesus, the Lord of Lords, vouch­safed [Page 47]to receive a cruel buffet from a servant of the high-Priest.

He vouchsafed to be unjustly condemned, to be defiled with spit­tle, to be beaten with blows and buffets, to be reproachfully blinded, mocked, and scoffed.

The most meek Lamb, did not in the mean while complain, nor turn away his face, from those who spat on him: but teach­ing us patience, and ex­hibiting himself a pattern of patience, he was dumb and opened not his mouth. Isa. 53. He endured with silence, revilings, con­tumelies, disgraces, and many injuries.

5. Behold, sweet Je­sus, the Holy of Holies, bespatred with spittle, and bound, is lead to Pilate, and before him falsely accused, but he humbly holds his peace.

He is sent by Pilate to Herod, and is despi­sed by Herod, and clo­thed in a white and ridiculous coat, as a fool, and so is sent back to Pilate.

He is stripped in the Pretors Hall, and inhu­manely tyed to a Pillar, and most cruelly torn with whipps. His Vir­ginal and delicate flesh was all deformed with bruises and wounds, and [Page 49]out of it ran on all sides down upon the earth rivolets of his precious blood.

O what, and how sad a Spectacle was this! Truly he was wounded for our iniquities, he was bruised for our wicked­ness, and by his bruises we were healed. Isa. 53.

6. The sweet Jesus King of Kings, is Clo­thed in a Purple Cloak, to his greater re­proach is Crowned with Thornes, and Woun­ded. Hence his Pur­ple Blood flowed down plentifully upon his ami­able face, and neck.

A reed is put in his hand, and he is scof­fingly saluted and ado­red; he is stricken with a reed, again he is spit upon, and buf­feted.

He is exposed to be gazed upon by the peo­ple, with a Crown of Thorns upon his Head, and a Purple Vestment about his shoulders.

7. The Sweet Jesus, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, carrys his own Cross upon his bruised and hurt shoul­ders.

He tastes upon mount Calvary wine mixed with myrrhe and gall.

Again he is stripped, and his wounds are re­newed by the pulling off of his Garments.

He is unmerciful stret­ched out on the Cross, and his delicate hands, and undefiled feet are transfixed with hard Nailes, and the Joynts of his most Holy Limbs are miserably loosed.

Most Pure Blood Flows abundantly out of his sacred Wounds, as out of so many Foun­tains.

Go to, Ponder, and Me­ditate profoundly these things. Take notice of the Bloody and saving wounds of thy Redeem­er, [Page 52]Salute and Venerate them with a Devout Heart.

8. The Sweet Jesus endured most bitter Torments three Hours, Hanging on the Tree of the Cross betwixt two Thieves.

Lo, he is Mocked, and blasphemed! but he prays for his blasphe­mers, he prays for his Crucifiers.

He deeply Compas­sionates his Sorrowful, and Afflicted Mother standing by, and Cour­teously speaks to her.

Burning with a most grievous Thirst, Vinegar is given him to Drink.

And forthwith bow­ing his Venerable Head he gives up the Ghost. The good Pastor lays down his life, for his sheep. He who gives Life to all things dyes for thee.

Afterwards his Side is opened with a Spear, and thence Flows out Blood and Water.

Last of all, his Imma­culate Body being taken down from the Cross, is laid in a Tomb, and buryed.

9. Thou hast here a Spiritual bundle of Myrrhe. See thou lay it diligently between the breasts of thy Soul.

But whilst thou pon­derest these things, be­hold with thy inward Eyes thy beloved Je­sus Christ, not as a Pure Man, but Contemplate him as God and Man in all things, which he did and suffered.

Consider diligently his deep humility and pa­tience, his inestimable bounty, and most Ar­dent Charity. Admire! be amazed, imitate, com­passionate him, and re­turn love for love as thou art able.

Adore, praise and glorifie him, and give him thanks.

Consider, I beseech [Page 55]thee, whether it be fit­ting, that the Son of the most high, the Supream King of Glory, endu­ring for thee a most vile Caitiff, so great Ab­jection and Ignominy, and so great labours and torments, thou in the mean time, as if thou wert secure, shouldst give thy self to sports, and jests, to vanities and delights; little or no­thing thinking of him, and living negligently, nay, perhaps wickedly!

O! how ill at the last shall it go with those ungrateful and unhappy hearts, who little esteem so great [Page 56]benefits, such ensignes of love, and care not to ruminate the Passion of Christ! Far be it from thee.

Meditation VI. Of the Imitation of Christ.

Divi­sion 1. LO, the Cruel, base, and hor­rible Prince of dark­ness the Devil, says to thee, hear and follow me, be Proud: and neglecting God do thy own will, love the world, and those things which are in the world, that thou maist be Tor­mented with me in the [Page 57]horrible punishments of hell.

On the contrary side, the Mild, Gracious, and Amiable King of Glo­ry Christ, says to thee; Hear, and follow me; be humble, and despising the World, deny thy own proper will. Love God, and those things which are above, that thou maist rejoyce with me for ever in Heaven.

Here now enquire and weigh diligently with thy self, whether of the two thou oughtest to hear and follow. Assuredly, thy reason manifestly crys, and shews, that thou oughtest to follow [Page 58]the Lord Jesus, thy most sweet Creator, Redeemer, Lover, and Benefactor.

Which being so, do thou without delay joyn thy self to Christ, and say from thy heart: O Lord Jesus, I despising the Devil, from hence­forth purpose, thy grace assisting me, to follow, imitate, and love thee my King.

2. Wherefore as Je­sus Christ thy King, the most high God, humbled and emptied himself by assuming human flesh, and the form of a servant, by being born of a poor Virgin, by washing his Disciples feet, by most [Page 59]perfectly obeying his Fa­ther and Men: so thou must purpose hereafter to humble thy self under all things for his love.

Thou must willingly submit thy self to all men; willingly serve all.

Willingly take the lowest place, seeing thou art not worthy that the earth should support thee, by reason of thy sins and ingratitude.

Thou must willingly perform vile and abject works, although thou shouldest therefore suffer some shame before men.

Thou must willingly & readily obey men in law­ful and convenient things [Page 60]not only thy superiours, but also thy equalls, and moreover thy Inferiors.

3. Also, as thy King Christ was alwaies meek and humble of heart, so thou oughtest hereafter to endeavour, that all rough and vitious moti­ons of Anger be extin­guished in thee.

Thou must not be ob­stinate in thy own sense, nor adhere to thy own proper Judgement: but must wisely prefer the judgement and will of o­thers before thy own judgement and will.

Thou must from thy heart, repute thy self the most unworthy of all [Page 61]men, and renounce all vain glory and self com­placence, as much as thou canst: acknowledg­ing thy self of thy self, to be nothing, to be able to do nothing, and to have nothing but sins and de­fects.

Thou must therefore never usurp to thy self any thing of Gods gifts, but must attribute all good things to God, and purely refer them to him.

Thou must chuse and love rather not to be known and little esteem­ed by men, than to be known or praised.

4. Also as thy King [Page 62]Christ abstained from all vanity, pomp, curiosity, and superfluity in meat, drink, clothing, and o­ther necessaries for his life; yea and chose most abject poverty in his Na­tivity and Death: so al­so thou must purpose hereafter to use all things moderately, and to be content with simple meat and drink, and simple cloathing; removing from thee whatsoever is vain, proud, or altoge­ther superfluous.

5. Again, as thy King Christ did not follow sen­sual pleasures and the de­lights of the flesh, but even thirsting drunk Gall [Page 63]and Vinegar, and adhe­red inordinately to no­thing, and had most pleasing manners and be­haviour: so thou must purpose hereafter, to re­ject all impure and sensu­al delights, and impure pleasures.

Thou must restrain all thy senses, thy sight, hearing, tast, and touch­ing, and also thy tongue from all excess, vanity, and curiosity.

Thou must keep thy heart with all diligence, clean and free. Thou must not adhere by inor­dinate affection to any person, or to any perish­able thing.

Thou must shun immo­derate laughter, and all lightness of manners.

Thou must prudently decline noxious and su­perfluous conversations of worldly men, and oc­casions of sinning.

Thou must spend the remainder of thy life, profitably to the honor of God, and with Gods as­sistance, endeavour to live soberly, chastly, purely and piously.

6. Moreover, as thy King Christ endured un­just accusations of him­self, revilings, persecu­tions, and pains inflicted on him, most humbly, most patiently, most [Page 65]gently, and with a mind absolutely resigned: so thou hereafter must pur­pose, to endure patient­ly and gently reproof of thy self, injuries, re­proaches, contempt, do­lors, and all crosses for his love, taking all from his fatherly hand.

Thou must resign thy self wholly, as well as thou canst, to his most just judgement, and most acceptable good pleasure: Thou must I say, leave thy self absolutely to him, permitting him to do with thee, to send to thee, to take away from thee, whatsoever he will, and as he will. Thou [Page 66]must renounce all thy own will.

Thou must believe thy self to be worthy of all Tribulation, and that no creature can so much af­flict thee, as thou deserv­est to be afflicted, by reason of thy infinite ini­quities.

Thou must not lightly complain, that any injury is done thee; nor say that thou sufferest any thing unjustly: because thou wilt alwaies suffer less, than thou hast deserved.

7. Lastly, as Christ thy King, loving all men, and desiring the Salvati­on of all, prayed even for his enemies, and makes [Page 67]his sun to rise upon the good and bad: so thou must purpose hereafter sincerely to love all men, none excepted, desire the Salvation of all, and out of charity exhibit thy self, faithful, gra­cious, and sweet to all, especially to thy enemies.

Thou must grieve, that so many Souls, stamped with the most Noble Image of God, do perish. Thou must compassionate the afflict­ed; Thou must despise no body, Judge no body, for rash judgments great­ly hinder the grace of God.

8. Thou must diligent­ly [Page 68]ponder these things with thy self. Thou must consider attentively how true it is, when in the foregoing points, Christ is said to have done this or that.

Thou must wish from thy heart to be confor­mable to him, that the Disciple may be as his Master: and the most vile Servant must not be proud, the supream Em­peror shewing humility in all things.

Thou must examin thy self diligently in the particulars, and see whe­ther thou hast an abso­lute will to fulfil by work, with the Grace of God, [Page 69]that which thou readest. For thou oughtest to be ready to this, without any tergiversation.

If not withstanding thy nature repugning, thou perceivest thy self as yet less ready, thou must not therefore be too pu­sillanimous, but must do what is in thy power, and have a good will; renounce vices, and re­sign thy self as well as thou canst.

Thou must pray to God that he would strengthen thee, and give thee those things, which are necessary for thy sal­vation, and are pleasing to him.

If thou desire and en­deavour thus to imitate thy King, thou shalt without doubt come to his Heavenly Pallace, and shalt obtain everlasting Life and Glory, with all the Saints.

Meditation 7. Of the Glory of Heaven.

Divi­sion 1. THou must i­magin that Celestial Country, to be as it were a most splen­ded, glorious, and large City, built of most pure gold, and most pretious [Page 71]Or, if thou hadst rather imagin it to be a most spatious Country, and a­dorned with all the beau­ty of grass, flowers, and trees, and filled with all fragrant sweetness and delight: where there is ever a most pleasant spring and delightful summer. Where there is pleasantness, rest, qui­et, and peace surpassing all sense.

2. Thou wast created for the highest and infi­nite good, which is God. This good thou shalt have for the merit of the In­carnation and Passion of Christ, and shalt enjoy it for all eternity, if here [Page 72]thou shalt have worship­ed God purely and holily in fear and love.

Consider, that this most pleasant good contains in it self, superabundantly all nobleness, pulchri­tude, comeliness, ele­gancy, sweetness, delight, grace and perfection. This when thou shalt have obtained, thou shalt not be able to desire any thing more; for thou shalt find most fully in God, whatsoever may be desired.

It is manifest there­fore, that the Vision of God is most highly plea­sant, and incomparably excells all delight imagi­nable. [Page 73]For if naturally thou willingly beholdest that which is beautiful, what, and how great joy will it be to thee, clearly to contemplate the divine Essence, which is the Fountain whence all beau­ty flows, and which is infinitely splendid, fair, comely, sweet, and de­licious?

O what does he see, what does he hear, what does he smell, what does he taste, what does he feel, who is united to God in Heaven? Truly eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have the goods and joyes entred into the heart of mortal man, [Page 72] [...] [Page 73] [...] [Page 74]which God has prepared for his elect, 1 Cor. 2.

3. In seeing God, thou shalt see all things, and know all things which thou wouldest know. Thou shalt behold in God the order of the whole Universe and all truth.

Thou shalt enjoy the highest good, & shalt al­waies possess it, and thou shalt have in it whatso­ever is delightful.

Thou shalt be shined upon by the eternal wis­dom, and shalt most a­bundantly tast the sweet­ness of the divine Peace.

Thou shalt be wholly absorpt with the love of [Page 75]thy Creator, and shalt be transformed into him, and shalt alwaies embrace him according to thy de­sire, and shalt be perfect­ly united unto him.

Thou shalt see the bright & ever quiet Tri­nity, and thou shalt know how the Son is begotten by the Father, and how the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father and the Son; and how the Father loves the Son, and the Son the Father, and both the Holy Ghost. Also how the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost are One GOD.

Then thou shalt most perfectly praise God, and [Page 76]without any Irksomness or Labour. Thou shalt praise him with all the Blessed for ever and ever.

Now thou shalt never displease him more, but shalt please him in all things.

4. Thou shalt see the excellency, and beauty of the humanity of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. O! how wilt thou re­joyce, beholding the Amiable Jesus exalted, and Glorious in his Kingdom! Who once in the world was for thy sake poor, despised, and afflicted.

Thou shalt also see with ineffable joy, the [Page 77]Beauty and Glory of the most Sweet Mother of God the Virgin Ma­ry.

Thou shalt behold all the Orders of the An­gelical Spirits, and how thousands of thousands Minister to their Crea­tor, and that the Soul­diers of God are num­berless.

Thou shalt know most perfectly all the Citi­zens of Heaven; thou shall know their invio­lable peace, their most fervent Charity, their most Pleasant Society, their unshaken security, their Inenarrable Beau­ty, Splendor, and Glo­ry. [Page 78]And all the Bles­sed are illustrious and glorious Princes and Kings.

Thou shalt have most familiar, and perpetual society with Christ, and his most Lovely, and most Gracious Mother Mary, and with all the Blessed.

Assuredly all the joys of the world Compa­red with the least joy of Heaven are meer bitterness. The vast O­cean does not so much exceed in quantity one single drop of water, as the least pleasure of the Blessed does exceed all the delight and plea­sure, [Page 79]that ever was in the world.

And the joys of Hea­ven shall never be ended, nor ever be diminished: Nor be interrupted for one single moment for all eternity.

5. Besides, when thy Soul in the Resurrection shall have received thy glorious body, what joy shall it thence receive? For thy very body shall be most splendid, and much more bright than the Sun: it shall be most sound, most firm, most beautiful, most pure, odoriferous, incorrupti­ble, impassible, most sub­til, and very agil. [Page 80]Whence thy soul with its glorified body, can be wheresoever it will, in a very short space of time: nothing can hin­der it, nothing put a stop or impediment un­to it.

Thou shalt also (after the Resurrection) con­ceive exceeding great Joy from the happy re­novation of this visible World: which shall be of a far more elegant form than now it is.

For whatsoever is now in the World unclean, whatsoever is obscure and shady in the Earth, whatsoever is cold in the Waters, and whatsoever [Page 81]has power of burning in the Fire, all that shall go down into Hell.

The Sun, and Moon, and Starres, shall be se­ven times more bright than they are now. Henceforth there shall be no Clouds, nor Hail, nor Rain, nor Winds, nor Lightning, nor Thunder. Night shall cease to be, a per­petual Day and Clarity succeeding, as well on Earth, as in the Heavens. The Air shall have more light than it has now; the Water shall be purer than it is now. The Earth shall be fair as Gold, and pellucid as [Page 82]Crystal, and plain as the palm of your hand.

6. Such things God has prepared for those who love him. O how un­happy are they, who for the most base pleasures, delights, and vanities of this World, deprive themselves of so great joyes!

But thou who readest these things, aspire and make haste to that ne­ver-fading Glory.

Detest and fly all Sin, as much as thou canst: contemn all transitory things, love God, love all Men, and spend the time profitably which is allotted thee.

The Conclusion. Admonitions concerning the Practice of these Meditations.

1. HE who exercises himself in the foregoing Meditations, may, nay, ought in some of them, to wit, in those which are more fruitful, stay more than three daies: especially during the first Exercise, which Exercise precedes the re­petition of the same Meditations.

2. It will be profi­table, [Page 84]when he is to begin any Exercise our Meditation, that he read first the last division of the same Meditation, for in it commonly are put some things con­ducing to the right and profitable performance of the same Meditation.

3. If, whilst he is exercising himself he be overcharged with sleep; let him rise, and stand­ing or walking continue the Exercise. He must diligently weigh with himself all the points and members of the Divisions, and freely stay in them.

4. Moreover, when he [Page 85]shall perceive himself to be solicited or allu­red to follow his vitious passions, Concupiscences, and inclinations, if holy love do not restrain him from evil, he must forth­with call to mind death, judgment, and hell, that at least pro­fitable fear may restrain him.

5. He must very Care­fully contain and bridle his tongue and senses: for otherwise he will never make any progress in true vertues.

6. That he may more speedily attain to a con­tempt of himself, and true humility, (without [Page 86]which no Vertue is of any value) he must very often exercise himself in an attentive and amo­rous consideration of the greatness of God, and of his Fidelity and Cha­rity towards himself; and on the contrary, in the consideration of his own littleness, and of his unfaithfulness and ingra­titude towards God, he shall say to God these, or such like things.

O Lord who art thou? and who am I? Thou art the Lord of highest majesty, no­bility, and dignity; Thou art the Creator of Heaven and Earth; Thou art the Immense God, the Omnipo­potent [Page 87]God. But I am a most vile worme: I am un­worthy, whom the Earth should sustain; I am no­thing, I can do nothing. Thou hast been ever most faithful to me, loving me most purely, and bestowing upon me innumerable bene­fits; but I, alas! have been most unfaithful, and too ungrateful to thee, and am so still. He must per­form the foresaid exer­cise purely to the honour of God. He must in his heart prefer every man, how wicked soever, be­fore himself, and deem him better than himself.

7. He must accustom himself, frequently to re­call [Page 88]and elevate his mind to God; and he must do this even amidst conver­sation, and when he is exercised in external works; least his mind wandering and forgetful of his purpose, and too estranged from God, lose its inward purity, and antient grace. He must piously attend the amia­ble presence of God, knowing that he alwaies beholds all his thoughts, words, and actions. He must aspire after the spouse of his soul Jesus Christ, and maintain sweet colloquies of love with him. By this means he shall both pass this [Page 89]life with pleasure, and after the death of the body, he shall come to e­ternal joyes of immortal life.


A short Commemorati­on of the Life of Christ, divided into Articles

Article I.

THe sweet JESUS, the Son of the liv­ing God, the most high God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth; for the exceeding Charity [Page 90]wherewith he loved me, would be conceived by the Holy Ghost and in­carnate, in the most chast womb of the Blessed Vir­gin Mary; in which also he dwelt nine months. My God emptied him­self, and taking the form of a servant, was made my Brother; that he might reduce me to his Heavenly Kingdom. O Ineffable Piety and inesti­mable Favor! what shall I return to my Lord? I offer and resign my self wholly to his good plea­sure. To him be praise, honour, and glory, for ever and ever.


Article II.

THe sweet JESUS, the King of glory, the cause of my salvati­on, was born a Tender Infant in a poor stable, winter sharply raging. He was wrapp'd in clouts. He was reposed in the Crib of Beasts. He lay upon hay and straw. He was suckled by the breasts of a poor mother. The Son of God endured so great Poverty for my sake. To him be praise, honour, and glory, for ever.


Article III.

The sweet JESUS was circumcised on the eighth day from his [Page 92]Birth, his Mother sadly condoling with him. He was circumcised, and shed his most pure Blood for me a most vile wretch, and he would be called Jesus (that is a Saviour) for my comfort. Then he was revealed to the Gentiles, when the Sa­ges guided by a star to Bethlehem to adore the little Infant, and with joy and reverence offered to him gifts, gold, frank­incense, and myrrhe. To him be praise, ho­nour, and glory for ever.


Article IV.

THe sweet JESUS was presented in the [Page 93]Temple, and was redeem­ed with the sacrifice of the poor. He fled into Aegypt, and there endu­red the incommodities of Poverty with Mary and Joseph. He was subject and obedient to the same Mary and Joseph. In his sacred Infancy, Child­hood, and Youth, he suffered very many ne­cessities and tribulations for my salvation. To him be praise, honour, & glory for ever.


Article V.

THe sweet JESUS when he was thirty years old, humbly re­ceived Baptism from his servant John. He [Page 94]fasted forty daies and forty nights, dwelling with the Beasts in the desert. The maker of the World, the King of Angels, the Omnipotent God did not disdain to be tempted by the Devil, for my sake. To him be praise, honor, and glory for ever.


Article VI.

THe sweet JESUS was wearied with journeys, watchings, and labours for my salvation. He preached, wrought miracles, bestowed fa­vours. He suffered hun­ger and thirst, cold and heat. He endured with a most meek heart three [Page 95]and thirty years, innu­merable grievances, and innumerable persecuti­ons, and at length came to Jerusalem, that he might dy for me. To him be praise, honour, & glory for ever.


Article VII.

THe sweet JESUS, the King of Kings, and Lord of the highest majesty, girt about him a linnen cloath, and powred water into a Ba­sin, and kneeling down, humbly washed the feet of his Disciples, and wiped them with a tow­ell. O what an exam­ple did my Lord God [Page 96]give me? To him be praise, honor, and glory for ever.


Article VIII.

THe sweet JESUS, out of the immense Love with which he most tenderly loves us, institu­ted the venerable Sacra­ment of the Eucharist, by a stupendious libera­lity, and a most sweet charity, giving and lea­ving to us himself in it. To him be praise, honor, and glory for ever.


Article IX.

THe sweet JESUS coming into the Gar­den of Olivet, he began to fear, and to be sad: so that he said, My Soul is [Page 97]sad even unto death; he humbly bended his knees upon the ground, and falling upon his face, he prayed to his Father three times; for my sake being excessively af­flicted, he most fully re­sign'd himself to his Fa­ther, saying: Father, not my will, but thine be done. Out of the vehemency of the anguishes with which his most meek heart was oppressed, he swet Blood all over his Body, so that the drops ran down upon the earth. To him be praise, honor, and glory for ever.


Article X.

THe sweet JESUS bur­ning with an ear­nest desire of redeeming me, and suffering for me, went out to meet his Enemies, and most cour­teously spoke to them. He refused not to receive a kiss from the traytor Judas, and ignominiously to be apprehended and bound (as a thief) by wicked men, that I might be absolved from the Bonds of my Sins. To him be Praise, Honor, and Glory for ever.


Article XI.

THe sweet JESUS (bound as a Male­factor) [Page 99]was led with disgrace to the house of Annas, and thence to the house of Caiphas the high Priest. My gracious and sweet Lord was dragg'd, pushed on, beaten, and blasphem'd, by the Mi­nisters of the Devil; but he bore all those grievous and unworthy things most patiently, for the love of me. To him be Praise, Honor, and Glory for ever.


Article XII.

THe sweet JESUS, Lord of Lords, en­dured most modestly for my Salvation a reproach­ful and cruel box on the ear, most unjustly given [Page 100]by a servant of the High Priest. And how shall not I hereafter in return for his Love, patiently endure the affronts that are done me. I beg, I wish, I desire to be strengthened and confir­med by his Grace. To him be praise, honor, and glory for ever.


Article XIII.

THe sweet JESUS was falsly accused in the house of Caiphas; he was unjustly condem­ned; He was fowly spit upon, and received hor­rible blows and buffets; he was scornfully blind­folded, the wicked smi­ting him, and in scorn [Page 101]saying, Prophecy unto us, O Christ, who it was that struck thee. Ah! that royal and amiable face of his, for me was defi­led with filthy spittle; the most meek Lamb in the mean while did not complain: but teaching us Patience, he was dumb and opened not his mouth; he bore in si­lence for my sake revi­lings, contumelies, re­proaches, and all sorts of injuries. O how ill, and how unworthily was he handled that night! To him be praise, honor, and glory for ever.


Article XIV.

THe sweet JESUS, the Holy of Holys, and King of Angels, de­filed with spittle, and bound, in the morning was led to Pilate, and stood before him with a loving countenance, and his eyes down. And when he was falsly ac­cus'd by the Jewes, he humbly held his peace, answering nothing. To him be praise, honor, and glory for ever.


Article XV.

THe sweet JESUS (bound as a Thief) was sent from Pilate to Herod; who seeing him silent to his own idle [Page 103]questions, and to the false accusations of the Jewes, he despised him, and clothed him in a white and ridiculous Coat as a Fool, and so sent him back to Pilate. The amiable Lord, at the plea­sure of his Enemies, went backward and forward without contradiction, permitting them to do with him whatsoever they would. O how humble was the Obe­dience and Patience of the Eternal King! To him be praise, honor, and glory for ever.


Article XVI.

THe sweet JESUS was ignominiously [Page 104]stript in the Pretors Hall; he was inhumanly tyed to a Pillar; he was most cruelly torn with whips for me; his delicate and Virginall Flesh was all deformed with blewness and wounds: and out of it ran down on all sides upon the ground streams of precious Blood. O sharp dolours! O sad spectacle! Indeed he was wounded for my ini­quities, he was bruised for my sins: and by his wounds I was healed. To him be praise, honor, and glory for ever.


Article XVII.

THe sweet JESUS for his greater ig­nominy, [Page 105]was clothed with a Purple Cloak; a Crown of Thorns was pressed upon his venerable head: and so his head being grievously wounded, most pure Blood abundantly flowed down upon his face and neck. A Reed was put into his hand: and he was scoffingly sa­luted and adored by the wicked, deriding him, and saying, Hail King of the Jewes; he was smit­ten with a Reed: he was spit upon, and received cruel buffets for my sake. To him be praise, honor, and glory for ever.


Article XVIII.

THe sweet JESUS was brought forth by Pilate, and shown to the furious Jewes, wea­ring a Crown of Thorns and a Purple Vestment. But they ask'd with loud clamours, that he might be crucified. His head sur­rounded with thorns, his face stained with blood and defiled with spittle, his body cut with whips, his humble and pleasant Aspect did not move them to pitty: I pray God they may move me to a most inward Com­passion, and ardent Love of him. To him be praise, honor, and glory for ever.


Article XIX.

THe sweet JESUS was condemned to dye, by Pilate, and delive­red up to the will of the Jewes. Wherefore they forthwith laid hands on him, and loaded with the Beam of his Cross, they drew him out of the City. The sweet Lord carrying his Cross on his rent shoulders, was pushed forward, beaten, forced to make haste; the ami­able Redeemer made the reproach of men and dis­dain of the people, hum­bly went forwards to the place of Calvary. O how much did the weight of his Cross load and af­flict [Page 108]him, but more the weight of my sins! But he for my salvations sake willingly bore all Labour, and Dolor, and all Confu­sion. To him be praise, honor, and glory for ever.


Article XX.

THe sweet JESUS be­ing come weary and out of breath to Mount Calvary, he refused not to taste Wine mixed with Myrrhe and Gall, which was offered unto him, that by this bitter drink he might expiate the faults which I have con­tracted by eating and drinking intemperately. O what a kind of refecti­on [Page 109]was that of my Lord! To him be praise, honor, and glory for ever.


Article XXI.

THe sweet JESUS was disgracefully stript upon Mount Cal­vary: and by the pulling off of his Clothes his wounds were renewed; the mild and innocent Lamb of God was unmer­cifully stretched out upon the Cross by cruel men; his delicate hands and undefiled feet were cruel­ly bored through with bloody Nails; the joynts of his most holy Mem­bers were miserably loo­sed. Purple Blood abun­dantly flowed out of his [Page 110]sacred wounds, as out of so many Fountains. O how hard a bed had the Spouse of my soul, ex­tended on his Cross, and nailed to it for my sake. To him be praise, honor, and glory for ever.


Article XXII.

THe sweet JESUS hanging naked upon the ignominious Gibbet of his Cross, in the mid­dle, betwixt two Thieves, with his hands and feet transfixed, powred out most precious Blood, and suffered most bitter do­lours for my sake; he was scoffed at, he was reviled with Blasphe­mies: but in the mean [Page 111]time he prayed for those who blasphemed him; he prayed for his Crucifiers, saying, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. To him be praise, honor, and glory for ever.


Article XXIII.

THe sweet JESUS hanging upon the Cross, despised and wounded, graciously pro­mised Paradise to the penitent Thief; he ten­derly compassionated his Virgin-Mother, standing by the Cross transpierced with the sword of grief, and commended her to his Disciple St. John; and to the same St. John, [Page 112]and to us all, he gave her to be a Mother. To him be praise, honor, and glory for ever.


Article XXIV.

THe sweet JESUS, when he had for me endured immense tor­ments, for three hours, upon the Cross, and his sacred blood being pow­red out, was most vehe­mently a thirst: he had Vinegar given him to drink; which having tasted, he, the Author of Life to all things, com­mending himself to his Father, and bowing his venerable head, gave up the Ghost. To him be praise, honour, and glory for ever.


Article XXV.

THe sweet JESUS, as soon as he was dead upon the Cross, forthwith descended ac­cording to his soul, out of exceeding Charity in­to Hell, and delivered the Fathers detained in Lymbus; for they at the coming of his soul, in­stantly were filled with the Light of Glory, and saw the most Blessed Tri­nity, saw clearly the Di­vine Essence. And this was that spiritual Para­dise of which our Lord said to the Thief, To day thou shalt be with me in Paradise. To him be praise, honour, and glo­ry, [Page 114]for ever.


Article XXVI.

THe sweet JESUS, the good shepherd, laid down his life for his sheep. And the right side of his dead body was ope­ned with a Spear, whence did flow forth to us blood and water; his amorous heart was wounded for me. O may this most sweet heart, this pleasant treasury of happiness, be salvation and comfort to me in my death: that after death I may be uni­ted to Jesus, and contem­plate him for all Eternity. To him be praise, honour and glory for ever.


Article XXVII.

THe sweet JESUS dyed for me, whose immaculate body, when it was taken down from the Cross, his most bles­sed Mother received it into her Lap, kist it, and wept over it; then Jo­seph and Nicodemus wrap­ped it in a clean winding sheet, and laid it in a Se­pulchre; so that Jesus the immarcessible Flower of humane dignity, was buried for me. To him be praise, honour, and glory for ever.


Article XXVIII.

THe sweet JESUS com­ing the third day vic­torious out of his closed [Page 116]and sealed Sepulchre, by a noble triumph, arose from the dead: and the clarity of his most plea­sant countenance being restored, he first exhi­larated with a new joy his most dear Mother the Virgin Mary, then Mary Magdalen, and his other friends. To him be praise, honour, and glo­ry for ever.


Article XXIX.

THe sweet JESUS, on the Fourtieth day after his Resurrecti­on, in the presence of his Disciples, filled with in­effable joy, gloriously as­cended into Heaven: and afterwards sent them the [Page 117]Holy Ghost. He sits in Heaven at the right hand of his Father; and thence is to come in Majesty to Judge the living and the dead. To him be praise, honour, and glory for ever.


Thirteen short Precepts, necessary for one who aspires to a perfect Life.

Precept I.

FOr the love of Jesus Christ, who suffered very sharp things for thy sake, renounce the plea­sures of thy senses. When thou hast a mind, and de­sires [Page 118]to see, hear, smell, taste, touch, or speak any thing, remember that thou must not obey thy sensuality inciting of thee, but Reason and God speaking in thee. Yea, even be ready to want spiritual delights, accor­ding to Gods good plea­sure and ordination. And when thou art recreated with inward comfort and sweetness, have a care thou do not rest in it, nor abuse it to thy own proper pleasure.

Precept II.

KEep very diligently thy sight, hearing, and tongue, that they do not decline to unlawful, [Page 119]vain, and unprofitable things. It behoves thee to be vigilant and very wary in thy speech, that thou speak not more words, nor otherwise than is convenient. Let thy speech be succinct, plain, and quiet. Care­fully rule and contain in good order all the Parts of thy Body. Avoid im­moderate Laughter, and all lightness of behaviour.

Precept III.

DO not adhere to any Creature by inor­dinate affection, but dye to all perishable things, and keep thy heart free from them: for in such a death, and in such a [Page 120]liberty does lye hid the most true and most plea­sant life.

Precept IV.

BY an entire abnega­tion of thy self and resignation, diligently de­stroy in thee vitious pas­sions and affections, and thy own will and self-seeking. But love dearly and only the Divine will, and ever wish it, and sub­mit thy self wholly unto it; so that, whatsoever God wills, do thou also will. Every where seek rather the praise and ho­nour of God than thy own profit.

Precept V.

IN all things which happen, wisely re­gard the providence of God, and securely com­mit thy self and all thy concerns to the Almigh­ty; knowing that he has care of thee. Receive as from the hand of God, every adversity and tri­bulation (whether inter­nal or external;) be­lieving for certain that he has sent it for thy profit and salvation. 1. Then contentedly endure it to the very last; giv­ing thanks to our Lord, and praising him, by whose permission and or­der it happened. 2. And [Page 122]thou must not be trou­bled for injuries that are done thee, nor impati­ently complain to men of them. 3. But calling to mind thy own wicked­ness and ingratitude, think thy self worthy, whom all men should re­prehend, chide, con­temn, vex, deride, & even trample under their feet. 4. Wherefore art thou anxious, and dejected for the words of men, or for the temptations which thou sufferest? Let men think, and say of thee what they please, let the world rage against thee, let the devil rage against thee, (as much as God [Page 123]permits.) 5. Do thou in the mean time humbly and firmly repose upon the Almighty, and in si­lence conserve peace of mind. If thou duely weighest, how unworthy and sharp things, Jesus Christ thy Creator and Redeemer has suffered, thou wilt with a ready mind endure all things though never so grie­vous.

Precept VI.

DEpress and put thy self beneath every creature, considering thy own vileness, and thy own proper nothing. If thou thinkest thy self to be any thing, when thou [Page 124]art nothing; if thou foolishly within thy self magnifies thy own works or exercises, thou art indeed very Proud, and stinkest before God. Whatsoever good thou hast, it is Gods, not thine. Take heed therefore, lest thou usurp that to thyself which is Gods, see that thou do not thence fool­ishly boast, and please thy self, and for that indeed displease God. Judge thy self also un­worthy the very least gift of God.

Precept VII.

WIllingly do the will, and follow the Judgement of another in [Page 125]those things which are lawfull, denying thy own will, and forsaking thy own sentiment. Ever obey most readily; be­cause whatsoever is done by obedience, is very grateful to God: on the contrary, he abhorres whatsoever is done by disobedience.

Precept VIII.

BE content with a few and plain things, af­ter the example of our Lord Jesus, and Holy Mary his mother. Do not love vanity in thy apparrel, nor luxurious­ness in thy diet. And how ungrateful wouldest thou be, if thou shouldest [Page 126]murmur for thy meat or drinks being less savory or delicate, when for thy sake Christ drunk gall and vinegar! If even such things as seem necessary are wanting, praise God, confide in him, who cannot forsake his servants, although sometimes he may profi­tably permit them to be pinched with want.

Precept IX,

SIncerely love all men, as thy brothers and sisters, having stamped upon them the noble I­mage of God. Shew a loving and gracious coun­tenance, and speak kind words to all, and especi­ally [Page 127]to thy enemies and persecutors, by the sweet­ness of holy charity heal­ing and extinguishing in thee, all bitterness of heart. Be ready to help and comfort all. Com­passionate those that are afflicted, and those that sin. Rejoyce for the ver­tues of others, as for thy own, and repute the misery of others as thy own; deeming every one to be thy self.

Precept X.

DEspise no body. Ba­nish out of thy heart with great dili­gence rash judgements, and naughty suspitions. Accustom thy self to [Page 128]think well of all, With a simple heart, interpret the sayings and doings of others to the best. Heartily prefer all men before thy self. Believe thy self to be the most ungrateful and vilest of all mankind. Say to thy self, say to God, I am not worthy the earth should sustain me. O if thou wert wise, how willing­ly would'st thou for Gods sake do the most abject works! How cheerfully wouldest thou serve eve­ry body! For even Christ our Lord took the form of a servant, being made man, and washed the feet of his disciples.

Precept XI.

STudy to please God, and not men; and desire rather to be de­spised, than to be prais­ed or honoured.

Precept XII.

HAve pious and holy thoughts, and eve­ry where take notice of the presence of God, en­tertaining sweet collo­quies with him, whether thou feelest or feelest not devotion. To recollect thy spirit, and to consi­der reverently the pre­sence of God, these words often repeated may much help thee; O Lord thou God [Page 130]thou art alwaies present with me, thou dwellest in the Fund of my Soul.


Precept XIII.

WHatsoever is not God, do not greatly care for it, nor deem it much to concern thee; for so thou wilt be be able by a holy intro­version with a free mind vacantly to intend to God himself. And in­deed it is the one thing necessary; which to ob­tain thou oughtest al­waies to labour, strive, and do what is in thy power; yet so that thou [Page 131]wholly despair of thy self and thy own endea­vours, and place all thy hope in God alone, in his only Mercy and Good­ness, in the Sole Help of his Grace. For with­out God, thou canst do nothing but Sin.

The Penitent Sinners Con­fidence in God.

GOd never did de­spise, nor never will despise a contrite heart: He never did re­ject, nor ever will reject those who fly to him by true Repentance. If thou doest not cease to rise, he will not cease to re­ceive [Page 132]thee. Wherefore although thou shouldst fall a hundred times, yea a thousand times; as of­ten as thou fallest, so of­ten rise again with a Ho­ly Hope of Pardon; and rising again, give Thanks to our Lord, that he did not permit thee to fall more grievously, or to ly longer in thy Ruin.

Thou canst not more dishonour God, or do him a greater injury, than if for the multitude, long continuance, or e­normity of thy sins thou should'st despair of his Piety, Mercy and Good­ness.

Permissu Superiorum.

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