SIR FRANCIS BACON HIS APOLOGIE, In certaine Imputations concern­ing the late Earle of ESSEX.

WRITTEN To the Right Honourable His very Good LORD, the Earle of DEVON-SHIRE, LORD LIVETENANT OF IRELAND.

London Printed, 1642.

TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE His Very good Lord the Earle of Devon­shire, Lord Lievtenant of Ireland.

IT may please Your good Lordship: I cannot be ignorant, and ought to bee sensible of the wrong which I sustaine in common speech, as if I had beene false, or unthankfull to that Noble, but un­fortunate Earle the Earle of Essex: and for satis­fying the vulgar sort, I doe not so much regard it; though I love a good name, but yet as an hand maid and atten­dant of honesty and vertue. For I am of his opinion that said plea­santly, That it was a shame to him that was a suter to the Mistresse, to make love to the waiting woman; and therefore to woo or Court common fame otherwise than it followeth upon honest courses, I for my part, finde not my selfe fit nor disposed. But on the other­side, there is no worldly thing that concerneth my selfe, which I hold more deare, then the good opinion of certaine persons; amongst which there is none I would more willingly give satisfa­ction unto, then to your Lordship. First, because you loved my Lord of Essex, and therefore will not bee partiall towards mee, which is part of that I desire, next, because it hath ever pleased you to shew your selfe to me an honourable friend; and so no base­nesse in me to seeke to satifie you: and lastly, because I know your Lordship is excellently grounded in the true rules and habits of duties and moralities; which must be they which shall decide this [Page 2]matter: wherein (my Lord) my defence needeth to be but sim­ple and briefe: namely, that whatsoever I did concerning that action and proceeding, was done in my duty and service to the Queene and the State; in which I would not shew my selfe false­hearted nor faint hearted for any mans sake living. For every ho­nest man, that hath his heart well planted, will forsake his King rather than forsake God, and forsake his friend rather than forsake his King; and yet will forsake any earthly commodity, yea and his owne life in some cases, rather than forsake his friend. I hope the world hath not forgotten these degrees, else the heathen say­ing: Amicus usque adaras, shall judge them. And if any man shall say, that I did officiously intrude my selfe in that businesse, be­cause I had no ordinary place; the like may be said of all the busi­nesse in effects that passed the hand of the learned counsel, either of State or Revenues these many Yeares wherein I was continually used. For as your Lordship may remember, the Queene knew her strength so well as she looked her word should be a warrant; and after the manner of the choisest Princes before her, did not al­wayes tye her trust to place, but did sometime devide private fa­vour from office. And I for my part, though I was not so unseene in the world, but I knew the condition was subject to envie and perill; yet because I knew againe shee was constant in her favours, and made an end where she began, and specially, because she up­held mee with extraordinary accesse, and other demonstrations of confidence and grace, I resolved to endure it, in expectation of better. But my scope and desire is, that Your Lordship would bee pleased to have the Honourable patience, to know the truth in some particularity of all that passed in this cause, wherein I had any part, that you may perceive how honest a heart I ever bare to my Soveraigne and to my Country, and to that Nobleman, who had so well deserved of me, and so well accepted of my deservings; whose fortune I cannot remember without much griefe. But for any action of mine towards him, there is nothing that passed me in my life time, that commeth to my remembrance with more clearenesse and lesse checke of Conscience: for it will appeare to your Lordship, that I was not onely not opposite to my Lord of Essex, but that I did occupy the utmost of my wit, and adventure my fortune with the Queene to have reintegrated his, and so con­tinued [Page 3]faithfully and industriously till his last fatall impatience, (for so I will call it) after which day there was not time to worke for him, though the same my assection when it could not worke upon the subject proper, went to the next, with no ill effect towards some others, who I thinke doe rather not know it, then not ac­knowledge it. And this I will assure your Lordship, I will leave nothing untold that is truth for any enemy that I have to adde; and on the other side, I must reserve much which makes for mee, upon many respects of duty, which I esteeme above my credit: and what I have here set downe to your Lordship, I protest, as I hope to have any part in Gods favour, is true.

It is well knowne, how I did many yeares since dedicate my travels and studies to the use and (as I may terme it) service of my Lord of Essex which I protest before God, I did not making election of him as the likeliest meane of mine owne advancement, but out of the humor of a man, that ever, from the time I had any use of reason (whether it were reading upon good bookes, or up­on the example of a good father, or by nature) I loved my Coun­trie more than was answerable to my fortune, and I held at that time, my Lord to be the fitter instrument to doe good to the State: and therefore I applied my selfe to him, in a manner which I think happeneth rarely amongst men: for I did not onely labour care­fully and industriously in that he set me about, whether it were matter of advice or otherwise, but neglecting the Queenes ser­vice, mine owne fortune, and in a sort my vocation, I did nothing but advise and ruminate with my selfe to the best of my understan­ding, propositions and memorials, of any thing that might con­cerne his Lordships honour, fortune, or service. And when not long after I entred into this course, my brother Master Anthony Bacon came from beyond the Seas, being a Gentleman whose abi­litie the world taketh knowledge of for matters of State, special­ly forreigne; I did likewise knit his service to be at my Lords dis­posing. And on the other side, I must and will ever acknowledge my Lords love, trust, and favour towards me, last of all his liberality, having infeoffed me of Land which I sold for 18. hundred pounds to Master Reynold Nicholas, and I think was more worth, and that at such a time and with so kinde and noble circumstances, as the manner was as much as the matter: which though it be but an [Page 4]idle digression, yet because I am not willing to bee short in com­memoration of his benefits, I will presume to trouble your Lord­ship with the relating to you the manner of it, after the Queene had denied mee the Sollicitors place for the which his Lordship had been a long and earnest sutor on my behalfe, it pleased him to come to mee from Richmond to Twicknam Parke, and brake with me and said Master Bacon, the Queene hath denied me you place for you, and hath placed another; I know you are the least part of your owne matter, but, you fare ill because you have chosen me for your meane and dependance: you have spent your time & thoughts in my matters; I die (these were his very words) if I doe not somewhat towards your fortune: you shall not deny to accept a peece of Land, which I will bestow upon you. My answer I re­member was, that for my fortune it was no great matter: but that his Lordships offer made me call to minde what was wont to bee said when I was in France of the Duke of Guise, that he was the greatest Vsurer in France because he had turned all his estate into Obligations; meaning that he had left himselfe nothing, but only had bound numbers of persons to him. Now my Lord (said I) I would not have you immitate his course, nor turne your state thus by great gifts into obligations, for you will finde many bad debters. He bad me take no care for that, and pressed it: where­upon I said My Lord, I see I must be your homager, and hold land of your gift: but doe you know the manner of doing homage in Law? alwayes it is with a saving of his faith to the King and his other Lords, and therefore my Lord (said I) I can bee no more yours then I was, and it may be with the ancient savings: and if I grow to be a rich man, you will give me leave to give it backe to some of your un [...]ewarded followers. But to returne, sure I am (though I can arrogate nothing to my selfe, but that I was a faith­full remembrance to his Lordship) that while I had most credit with him, his fortune went on best. And yet in two maine points wee alwayes directly and contradictorily differed; which I will mention to your Lordship, because it giveth light to all that fol­lowed. The one was, I ever set this down, that the only course to be held with the Queene, was by obsequiousnesse and observance; and I remember I would usually gage confidently, that if he would take that course constantly, and with choise of good particulars to [Page 5]expresse it, the Queen would be brought in time to Assuerus que­stion, to aske, What should be done to the man; that the King would honour: meaning, that her goodnesse was without limit, where there was a true concurrence, which I knew in her nature to bee true. My Lord on the other side had a setled opinion, that the Queene could be brought to nothing, but by a kinde of necessitie and authority; and I will remember, when by violent courses at any time he had got his will he would aske me: Now Sir, whose principles be true? and I would againe say to him: My Lord these courses be like to hot waters, they will help at a pang: but if you use them, you shal spoile the stomack, & you shal be faine stil to make them stronger and stronger, and in the end they will lesse their operation: with much other variety, wherewith I used to touch that string. Another point was, I alwayes vehemently disswaded him from seeking greatnes by a military dependance, or by a popular depen­dance, as that w ch would breed in the Queen jealousie, in himselfe presumption, and in the State perturbation: And I did usually com­pare them to Iearus two wings which were joyned on with wax, and would make him venture to soare too high, and then faile him at the height. And I would further say unto him: My Lord, stand upon two feet, and flie not upon two wings. The two feet, are the two kinds of Justice, Commutative and Distributive: use your greatnesse for advancing of merit and vertue, and relieving wrongs and burdens, you shall need no other art or finenesse: but hee would tell mee, that opinion came not from my minde, but from my robe, But it is very true, that I, that never meant to in-thrall my selfe to my Lord of Essex, nor any other man, more than stood with the publike good, did (though I could little prevaile) divert him by all meanes possible from courses of the Warres and popu­laritie: for I saw plainely the Queene must either live or die; if she lived, then the times would bee as in the declination of an old Prince, if shee died, the times would bee as in the beginning of a new: and that if his Lordship did rise too fast in these courses, the times might be dangerous for him, and he for them: Nay, I re­member I was thus plaine with him upon his voyage to the Ilands, when I saw every spring put forth such actions of Charge and pro­vocation, that I said to him: My Lord, when I came first unto you, I tooke you for a Physitian that desired to cure the diseases of the [Page 7]State; but now I doubt you will bee like those Physitians, which can bee content to keepe their patients low, because they would alwayes be in request: which plainesse he neverthelesse took very well, as he had an excellent care, and was patientissimus veri, and assured mee the case of the Realme required it: and I thinke this speech of mine, and the like renewed afterwards, pricked him to write that Apologie which is in many mens hands.

But this difference in two points so maine and materiall, bred in processe of time a discontinuance of privatenes (as it is the manner of men seldome to communicate where they thinke their courses not approved) betweene his Lordship and my selfe; so as I was not called nor advised with, for some yeere and a halfe before his Lordships going into Ireland as in former time: yet neverthelesse touching his going into Ireland, it pleased him expresly and in a set manner to desire mine opinion and counsell. At which time I did not onely disswade, but protest against his going, telling him with as much vehemency and asseveration as I could, that absence in that kind would exulcerate the Queens mind whereby it would not be possible for him to carry himselfe so, as to give her suffici­ent contentment: nor for her to carry her selfe so, as to give him sufficient countenance, which would be ill for her, ill for him, and ill for the State. And because I would omit no argument, I re­member I stood also upon the difficulty of the action; setting be­fore him out of Histories, that the Irish was such an enemy as the ancient Gaules or Britons, or Germaines were, and that wee saw how the Romans, who had such discipline to governe their Soul­diers, and such donatives to encourage them, and the whole world in a manner to leavie them; yet when they came to deale with enemies which placed their felicity only in liberty, and the sharp­nesse of their sword, and had the naturall and elementall advanta­ges of woods, and bogges, and hardnesse of bodies, they ever found they had their hands full of them: and therefore concluded that going over with such ex [...]ectation as he did, and through the churlishnesse of the enterprise not like to answer it, would mighti­ly diminish his reputation; and many other reasons I used so as I am sure I never in any thing in my life time dealt with him in like earnestnesse by speech, by writing, and by all the meanes I could devise. For I did as plainely see his overthrow chained as it were [Page 6]by destinie to that journey, as it is possible for any man to ground a judgement upon future contingents. But my Lord, howsoever his eare was open, yet his heart and resolution was shut against that advise, whereby his ruine might have been prevented. After my Lords going I saw how true a Prophet I was, in regard of the evident alteration which naturally succeeded in the Queens mind; and thereupon I was still in watch to find the best occasion that in the weakenesse of my power I could either take or minister, to pull him out of the fire if it had beene possible: and not long af­ter, me thought I saw some overture thereof, which I apprehen­ded readily; a particularity I thinke be knowne to very few, and the which I doe the rather relate to your Lordship, because I heare it should be talked, that while my Lord was in Ireland, I revealed some matter against him or I cannot tell what, which if it were not a meere slander as the rest is, but had any though never so lit­tle colour, was surely upon this occasion. The Queene one day at Nonesuch, a little (as I remember) before Cuffes comming over, I attending her, shewed a passionate distate of my Lords proceed­ings in Ireland, as if they were unfortunate, without judgement, contemptuous, and not without some private end of his own and all that might bee, and was pleased as she spake of it to many that she trusted least, so to fall into the like speech with me; whereup­on I who was still awake, and true to my grounds which I thought surest for my Lords good, said to this effect: Madam, I know not the particulars of Estate, and I know this, that Princes actions must have no abrupt periods or conclusions, but otherwise I would thinke, that if you had my Lord of Essex here with a white staffe in his hand, as my Lord of Leic [...]ster had, and continued him still about you for society to your selfe, and for an honour and Orna­ment to your attendance and Court in the eyes of your people, and in the eyes of forraigne Embassadors, then were he in his right ele­ment: for, to discontent him as you doe, and yet to put armes and power into his hands, may be a kinde of temptation to make him prove cumbersome and unruly.

And therefore if you would imponere bonam clausulam, and send for him, and satisfie him with honour here neare you, if your affaires which (as I have said) I am not acquainted with, will per­mit it, I think were the best way.

Which course your Lordship knoweth, if it had been taken, then all had been well, and no contempt in my Lords comming over, nor continuance of these jealousies, which that employment of Ireland bred, and my Lord here in his former greatnesse. Well, the next newes that I heard, was, that my Lord was come over, and that he was committed to his Chamber for leaving Ireland without the Queenes licence: this was at Nonesuch, where (as my duty was) I came to his Lordship, and tal [...]ed with him privately about a quar­ter of any houre, and hee asked mine opinion of the course was ta­ken with him; I told him: My Lord, Nubecula est, cito transi­bit: It is but a mist: but shall I tell your Lordship, it is as mists are, if it goe upwards, it may haps cause a showre, if downwards, it will cleare up. And therefore good my Lord carrie it so, as you take away by all meanes all ombrages and distasts from the Queen, and especially if I were worthy to advise you, (as I have bin by your selfe thought, and now your question imports the continuance of that opinion) observe three points: First, make not this cessation or peace which is concluded with Tyrone, as a service wherein you glorie, but as a shuffling up of a prosecution which was not very fortunate. Next, represent not to the Queene any necessitie of estate, whereby as by a coercion or wrench, she should thinke her selfe inforced to send you backe into Ireland but leave it to her. Thirdly, seeke accesse importune, opportune, seriously, sportingly every way. I remember my Lord was willing to heare mee, but sake very few words, and shaked his head sometimes, as if hee thought I was in the wrong, but sure I am, hee did just contrary, in every one of these three points. After this, during the while since my Lord was committed to my Lord Keepers, I came divers ti [...]es to the Queene, as I had used to doe, about causes of her re­venue and Law businesse, as is well knowne: by reason of which accesses, according to the ordinary charities of Court, it was gi­ven out, that I was one of them that incensed the Queene against my Lord of Essex. These speeches I cannot tell, nor I will not think that they grew any way from her Majesties own speeches, whose memory I will ever honour: if they did, she is with God, and miserum est ab illis laedi, de quibus non possis queri. But I must give this testimony to my Lord Cecill, that one time in his house at he Savoy he dealt with me directly, and said to me, Cousin, I heare [Page 9]it, but I beleeve it not, that you should do some ill office to my Lord of Essex: for my part I am meerely passive and not active in this action, and I follow the Queen and that heavily, and I lead her not; my Lord of Essex is one that in nature I could consent with as well as with any one living; the Queene indeed is my Soveraigne, and I am her creature, I may not leese her, and the same course I would wish you to take: whereupon I satisfied him how farre I was from any such mi [...]d. And as some imes it commeth to passe, that mens inclinations are opened more in a toy, then in a serious matter: A little before that time, being about the middle of Mich­dmasse Terme, Her Majestie had a purpose to dine at my lodge at Twicknam Parke, at which time I had (though I professe not be a Poet) prepared a Sonnet directly tending and alluding to draw on Her Majesties reconcilement to my Lord, which I remember also I shewed to a great person, and one of my Lords nearest friends, who commended it: this though it be (is I said) but a toy, yee it shewed plainely in what spirit I proceeded, and that I was ready not onely to doe my Lord good offices, but to publish and declare my selfe for him; and never was so ambitious of any thing in my life time, as I was to have carried some token or favour from her Majestie to my Lord, using all the art I had, both to procure her Majestie to send, and my selfe to bee the messenger: for as to the former, I feared not to alleadge to her, that this proceeding to­ward my Lord, was a thing towards the people very implausible, and therefore wished her Majestie howsoever shee did, yet to dis­charge her selfe of it; and to lay it upon others, and therefore that she should intermixe h [...]r proceeding with some immediate graces from her selfe, that the world might take knowledge of her Prin­cely nature and goodnesse lest it should alienate the hearts of her people from her. Which I did stand upon, knowing very well, that if shee once relented to send or visite, those demonstrations would prove matter of substance for my Lords good. And to draw that employment upon my selfe, I advised her Majestie, that when­soever God should move her to turne the light of her favours to­wards my Lord, to make signification to him thereof: that her Majestie if she did it not in person, would at the least use some such meane as might not intitle themselves to any part of the thankes, as persons that were thought mightie with her, to worke her, or [Page 10]to bring her about; but to use some such as could not be thought but a meere conduct of her owne goodnesse: but I could never pre­vaile with her, though I am perswaded shee saw plainely whereat I levelled: but thee had me in jealousie, that I was not hers intirely, but still had inward and deepe respects towards my Lord, more than stood at that time with her will and pleasure. About the same time I remember an answer of mine in a matter which had some affini­tie with my Lords cause, which though it grew from me, went af­ter about in others names. For her Majestie being mightily incen­sed with that booke which was dedicated to my Lord of Essex, being a story of the first yeare of King Henry the fourth, thinking it a seditious prelude to put into the peoples heads boldnesse and fa­ction, said, she had good opinion, that there was treason in it, and ask­ed me if I could not find any places in it that might be drawn with­in case of treason: whereto I answered; for treason surely I found none, but for fellony very many. And when her Majesty hastily ask­ed me wherein; I told her, the Author had committed very appa­rent theft, for he had taken most of the sentences of Cornelius Ta­citus, and translated them into English, and put them into his text. And another time when the Queene would not be perswaded, that it was his writing whose name was to it, but that it had some more mischievous Author, and said with great indignation, that shee would have him racked to produce his Author, I replyed, Nay Ma­dam, he is a Doctor, never racke his person, but racke his stile; let him have pen inke, and paper, and help of books, and be enjoyned to continue the story wherein it breaketh off, and I will undertake, by collecting the stiles, to judge whether he were the Author or no. But for the maine matter, sure I am, when the Queene at that time asked mine opinion of my Lords case, I ever in one tenor, said un­to her: that they were faults which the Law might tearme Con­tempts, because they were the transgression of her particular dire­ctions and instructions: but then what defence might be made of them, in regard of the great interest the person had in her Majesties favour, in regard of the greatnesse of his place, and the amplenesse of his Commission; in regard of the nature of the businesse being action of War, which in common cases cannot be tyed to strictnesse of instructions, in regard of the distance of the place, having also a Sea between, that demands and commands, must be subject to wind [Page 11]and weather; in regard of a counsell of State in Ireland which he had at his backe to avow his actions upon, and lastly in regard of a good intention that he would alleage for himselfe, which I told her in some religions was held to bee a sufficient dispensation for Gods Commandements, much more for Princes. In all these regards, I besought her Majestie to be advised again & again, how she brought the cau [...]e into any publike question: Nay, I went further, for I told her, my Lord was an eloquent and well spoken man, and besides his eloquence of nature or art, he had an eloquence of accident which passed them both, which was the pittie and benevolence of his hea­rers; and therefore that when he should come to his answer for him­selfe, I doubted his words would have so unequall passage above theirs that should charge him, as would not be for her Majesties ho­nour; and therefore wished the conclusion might bee, that they might wrap it up privately between themselves, and that she would restore my Lord to his former attendance, with some addition of her our to take away discontent. But this I will never deny, that I did shew no approbation generally of his being sent backe againe into Ireland, both because it would have carried a repugnancy with my former discourse, and because I was in mine owne heart fully perswaded, that it was not good neither for the Queene, nor for the State, nor for himselfe: and yet I did not disswade it neither, but left it ever as locus lubricus. For this particularitie I doe well re­member, that after your Lordship was named for the place in Ire­land, and not long before your going, it pleased her Majestie at White Hall to speake to me of that nomination: at which time I said to her: Surely Madam, if you meane not to imploy my Lord of Essex thither againe, your Majestie cannot make a better choise, and was going on to shew some reason; and her Majestie interrup­ted me with great passion: Essex! (said she) whensoever I send Essex back againe into Ireland, I will marrie you, claime it of me: whereunto I said; Well Madam, I will release that contract if his going be for the good of your State. Immediately after the Queene had thought of a course (which was also executed) to have some­what published in the Starre-Chamber, for the satisfaction of the world touching my Lord of Essex his restraint, and my Lord of Es­sex not to be called to it, but occasion to be taken by reason of some Libels then dispersed; which when her Majestie propounded unto [Page 12]mee, I was utterly against it; and told her plainely, that the peo­ple would say, that my Lord was wounded upon his backe, and that Justice had her ballance taken from her, which ever consisted of an accusation and defence, with many other quicke and significant tearmes to that purpose: in so much that I remember I said, that my Lord in foro famae was too hard for her; and therefore wished h [...]r as I had done before, to wrap it up privately. And certainly I offen­ded her at that time, which was rare with me: For I call to minde that both the Christmasse, Lent, and Easter term following, though I came diverse times to her upon Law businesses, yet me thought her face and manner was not so cleare and open to me, as it was at the first. And she did directly charge me, that I was absent that day at the Star-Chamber, which was very true but I alleadged some indis­position of body to excuse it: and during all the time foresaid, there was altum silentium from her to mee touching my Lord of Essex causes. But towards the end of Easter tearme, her Majestie brake with me, and told me that she had found my words true, for that the proceeding in the Star-Chamber had done no good, but rather kindled factious bruits (as she tearmed them) then quenched them, and therefore that shee was determined now for the satisfaction of the world, to proceed against my Lord in the Star-Chamber by an information ore tenus, and to have my Lord brought to his answer: howbeit she said she would assure me that whatsoever she did, shold be towards my Lord ad castigationem, & non ad destructionem, as indeed she had often repeated the same phrase before: whereunto I said (to the end utterly to divert her:) Madam if you will have me to speake to you as Frier Bacons head spake, that said first, Time is, and then, Time was, and, time would never be; for certainly (said I) it is now far to late, the matter is cold and hath taken too much winde; whereat she seemed againe offended and rose from me, and that resolution for a while continued; and after, in the beginning of Midsomer tearme, I attending her, and finding her setled in that resolution (which I heard of also otherwise) thee falling upon the like speech, it is true, that seeing no other remedy, I said to her slightly, Why Madam, if you will needs have a proceeding, you were best have it in some such sort as Ovid spake of his Mistris, Est aliquid luce patente minus, to make a councel table matter of it, and there an end; which speech she seem'd to take in ill part but yet I [Page 13]think it did good at that time; and hope to divert that course of procee­ding by information in the Star-Chamber. Neverthelesse, it pleased her to make a more solemne matter of the proceeding, and some few dayes after when order was given that the matter should bee heard at Yorke house, before an assembly of Councellors, Peerns, and Judges, and some audience of men of qualitie to be admitted: and then did some princi­pall Counsellors send for us of the Learned Counsell, and notifie her Majesties pleasure unto us, save that it was said to mee openly by one of them, that her Majesty was not yet resolved whether she would have me forborne into businesse or no. And hereupon might arise that other sini­ster and untrue speech that I heare is raised of me, how I was a futer to be used against my Lord of Essex at that time: for it is very true, that I that knew well what hath passed betweene the Queene and mee, and what occasion I had given her both of distast and distrust, in crossing her disposition, by standing stedfastly for my Lord of Essex, and suspecting it also to be a stratagem arising from some particular emulation, I write to her two or three words of complement, signifying to her Majestie, that if she would be pleased to spare me in my Lord of Essex cause, out of the consideration she took of my obligation towards him, I should reck­on it for owne of her highest favours; but otherwise desiring her Maje­stie to thinke that I knew the degrees of duties, and that no particular obligation whatsoever to any subject could supplant or weaken that en­tirenesse of duty that I did owe and beare to her and her services; and this was the goodly sute I made, being a respect no man that had his wits could have omitted: but neverthelesse I had a further reach in it, for I judged that dayes worke would be a full period of any bitternesse or harshnesse betweene the Queene and my Lord, and therefore if I decla­red my selfe fully according to her mind at that time, which could not doe my Lord any manner of prejudice, I should keep my credit with her ever after, whereby to do my Lord service. Hereupon the next newes that I heard, was, that we were all sent for againe, and that her Maje­sties pleasure was, we al should have parts in the businesse; and the Lords falling into distribution of our parts, it was allotted to me, that I should set forth some undutifull carriage of my Lord, in giving occasion and countenance to a seditious Pamphet, as it was tearmed, which was dedi­cated unto him, which was the booke before mentioned of King Henry the fourth. Whereupon I replyed to that allotment; and said to their Lordships, that it was an old matter, and had no manner of coherence with the rest of the charge, being matters of Ireland, and therefore that I having beene wronged by bruits before, this would expose me to them [Page 14]more; and it would be said, I gave in evidence mine owne tales. It was answered againe with good shew, that because it was considered how I stood tyed to my Lord of Essex, therefore that part was thought fittest for me which did him least hurt: for that, whereas all the rest was matter of charge and accusation, this only was but matter of caveat and admonition. Wherewith though I was in mine one mind little satis­fied, because I knew well a man were better to bee charged with some faults, then admonished of some others: yet the conclusion binding up­on the Queenes pleasure directly, volens nolens, I could not avoyd that part that was laid upon me; which part if in the delivery I did handle not tenderly (though no man before me did in so cleare tearms free my Lord from all disloyalty as I did) that your Lordship knoweth, must be ascribed to the superior duty I did owe to the Queenes fame and ho­nour in a publike proceeding, and partly to the intention I had to up­hold my selfe in credit and strength with the Queene, the better to be able to doe my Lord good offices afterwards: for as soone as this day was past, I lost no time, but the very next day following (as I remem­ber) I attended her Majesty, fully resolved to try and put in ure my ut­most indevour (so far as in my weaknes could give furtherance) to bring my Lord againe speedily into Court and into favour, and knowing (as I supposed at least) how the Queen was to be used, I thought that to make her conceive that the matter went well then, was the way to make her leave off there; and I remember well, I said to her, you have now Ma­dam obtained victory over two things which the greatest Princes in the world cannot at their wills subdue: the one is over Fame, the other is over a great minde: for surely the world is now (I hope) reasonably well satisfied; and for my Lord, he did shew that humiliation towards your Majestie, as I am perswaded he was never in his life time more fit for your favour then he is now: therefore your Majestie will not marre it by lingring, but give over at the best, and now you have made so good a full point receive him again with tendernesse, I shall then think that all that is past, is for the best. Whereat I remember she took excee­ding great contentment, and did often iterate and put me in mind, that she hath ever said, that her proceedings should be ad reparationem, and not ad ruinam, as who saith, that now was the time I should well per­ceive, that that saying of hers should prove true. And further shee wil­led mee to set downe in writing all that passed that day. I obeyed her commandement, and within some few dayes brought her againe the narration, which I did read unto her at two severall after noones: and when I came to that part that set forth my Lords owne answer (which [Page 15]was my principall care) I do well beare in my mind, that she was extra­ordinarily moved with it, in kindnes & relenting towards my Lord, and told me afterwards (speaking how wel I had expressed my Lords part) thats he perceived old love would not easily be forgotten: whereto I an­swered suddenly, that I hoped she meant that by her selfe. But in con­clusion, I did advise her, that now she had taken a representation of the matter to her selfe, that she would let it go no further: for Madam (said I) the fire blazeth well already, what should you tumble it: and besides it may please you to keep a convenience with your selfe in this case: for since you expresse direction was, there should be no Register nor Cleark to take this sentence, nor no record or memoriall made up of the pro­ceeding, why should you now do that popularly, which you would not admit to be done judicially? Wherupon she did agree, that that writing shold be suppressed, and I think there were not 5. persons that ever saw it. But from this time forth during the whole latter end of that Sum­mer, while the court was at Nonesuch & Otlands, I made it my taske to take & give occasions for my Lords reintegration in his fortune: w •h my Intention did also signifie to my Lord, as soone as ever he was at his li­berty; wherby I might without perill of the Queens indignation write to him, and having received from his Lordship a courteous and loving acceptation of my good will and indeavours, I did apply it in all my ac­cesses to the Queen which were very many at that time, and purposely sought and wrought upon other variable pretences, but only and chief­ly for that purpose. And on the other side, I did not forbeare to give my Lord from time to time faithfull advertisement what I found, and what I wished. And I drew for him by his appointment some letters to her Majesty. which though I knew well his Lorships gift and stile was farre better than mine owne, yet because he required it alleadging that by his long restraint he was grown almost a stranger to the Queens present conceipts, I was ready to performe it: and sure I am for the space of sixe weeks, or two moneths it prospered so well, as I expected continually his restoring to his attendance. And I was never better welcom to the Queen, nor more made of, then when I spake fullest and boldest for him: in which kind the particulars were exceeding many, wherof for an example I will remember to your Lordship one or two; as at one time I call to mind, her Majestie was speaking of a fellow that undertooke to cure, or at least, to ease my brother of his Goute, and asked me how it went forwards; and I told her Majestie, that at the first hee received good by it, but after in the course of his cure hee found himselfe at a stay or rather worse: the QVEENE said [Page 16]again, I will tell you Bacon the error of it, the manner of these Phisitions and especially these Empericks is to bontinue one kinde of medicine, which at the first is proper, being to draw out the ill humor, but after they have not the discretion to change their medicine, but apply still drawing medicines, when they should rather intend to cure and corroborate the part. Good Lord Madam (said I) how wisely and aptly can you speak and discerne of Physicke ministred to the body, and consider not that there is the like occasion of Physick ministred to the mind: as now in case of my Lord of Essex, your Princely word ever was, that you intended ever to reforme his mind, and not ruine his fortune: I know well you cannot but think that you have drawne the humor sufficiently, and therefore it were more than time, and it were but for doubt of mortifying or exulce­rating, that you did apply and minister strength and comfort unto him: for these same gradations of yours are fitter to corrupt then correct any mind of greatnes. And an other time I remember she told me for news, that my LORD had written unto her some very dutifull letters, and that she had bin moved by them, and when she took it to be but a prepara­tive to a suite for the renuing of his farme of sweet wines: whereunto I replyed; O Madam, how doth your Majestie conster of these things, as if these two could not stand well together, which indeed nature hath planted in all creatures. For there are but two sympathies, the one to­wards perfection, the other towards Preservation. That to perfection, as the iron contendeth to the Loadstone: that to Preservation, as the vine will creepe towards a stake or prop that stands by it, not for any love to the stake, but to uphold it selfe. And therefore Madam, you must distin­guish my Lords desire to do you service, is as to his perfection that which he thinkes himselfe to bee borne for: whereas his desire to obtaine this thing of you, is but for a sustentation. And not to trouble your Lord­ship with many other particulars like unto these, it was at the selfe same time that I did draw with my Lords privitie, and by his appointment, two letters, the one written as from my brother, the other as an answer returned from my Lord, both to bee by mee in secret manner shewed to the Queene, which it pleased my Lord very strangely to mention at the barre: the scope of which we [...]e but to represent and picture forth unto her Majesty my Lords mind to be such, as I knew her Majesty would fai­nest have had it, which letters whosoever shal see, (for they cannot now be retracted or altered, being by reason of my brothers, or his Lordships servants delivery, long since comming into diverse hands) let him judg, specially if he knew the Queene, and do remember those times, whether they were not the labours of one that sought to bring the Queene about for my Lord of Essex his good. The troth is, that the issue of all his dea­ling [Page 17]grew to this, that the Queen by some slacknesse of my Lords, as I imagine, liked him worse and worse, and grew more incensed towards him. Then, she remembring belike the continuall, and incessant, and confident speeches and courses that I had held on my Lords side, becam utterly alienated from me, and for the space of (at least) three monthe, which was betweene Michaelmasse and New-yeares tide following, would not as much as look on me, but turned away from mee with ex­presse and purpose-like discountenance wheresoever she saw me: and at such time as I desired to speake with her about Law businesse, over sent me forth very slight refusals, insomuch as it is most true, that im­mediately after New-yeares tide I desired to speak with her; and being admitted to her, I dealt with her plainely and said: Madam I see you withdraw your favour from me, and now I have lost many friends for your sake, I shall leese you too: you have put me like one of those that the Frenchmen call Enfans perdus, that serve on foot before horsmen, so have you put mee into matters of envie without place, or without strength: and I know at Chesse a pawne before the King, is ever much plaid upon: a great many love me not, because they thinke I have been against my Lord of Essex; and you love mee not, because you know I have been for him: yet will I never repent me, that I have dealt in sim­plicitie of heart towards you both, without respect of cautions to my selfe: and therefore vivus vidensque pereo. If I doe breake my necke, I shall doe it in a manner as Mr. Dorrington did it, which walked on the battlements of the Church many dayes, and tooke a view and survey where he should fall: and so Madam (said I) I am not simple, but that I take a prospect of mine overthrow, only I thought I would tell you so much, that you may know that it was faith, and not folly that brought me into it, and so I will pray for you. Vpon which speeches of mine uttered with some passion, it is true her Majestie was exceedingly mo­ved, and accumulated a number of kinde and gratious words upon me, and willed mee to rest upon this, Gratia mea sufficit, and a number of other sensible and tender words and demonstrations, such as more could not be; but as touching my Lord of Essex, ne verbum quidem. Where­upon I departed, resting then determined to meddle no more in the matter; that, that I saw would overthrow mee, and not be able to doe him any good. And thus I made mine own peace with mine own con­fidence at that time; and this was the last time I saw her Majesty, be­fore the 8. of February, which was the day of my Lord of Essex his misfortune, after which time, for that I performed at the barre in my publike service, your Lordship knoweth by the rules of duty, that I was [Page 18]to doe it honestly, and without any prevarication: but for any putting my selfe into it, I protest before God, I never moved neither the Queen, nor any person living concerning my being used in the service, either of evidence or examination: but it was meerly laid upon me with the rest of my fellowes. And for the time which passed I meane between the ar­raignement and my Lords suffering, I will remember I was but once with the Queen: at what time though I durst not deale directly formy LORD as things then stood; yet generally I did both commend her Majesties mercie, tearming it to her as an excellent balme that did con­tinually distill from her Soveraigne hands, and made an excellent odour in the senses of her people: and not only so, but I took hardinesse to ex­tenuate, not the fact; for that I durst not, but the danger, telling her that if some base or cruell minded persons had entred into such an action, it might have caused much bloud and combustion: but it appeared well they were such as knew not how to play the malefactors, and some o­ther words which I now omit. And for the rest of the carriage of my selfe in that service, I have many honourable witnesses that can tell, that the next day after my Lords arraignment, by my diligence and informa­tion touching the quality and nature of the offendors, 6. of 9. were stayed, which otherwise had bin attainted, I bringing their Lordships let­ter for their stay, after the Jury was sworn to passe upon them; so neare it went: and how carefull I was, and made it my part, that whosoever was in trouble about that matter, assoone as ever his case was sufficiently knowne and defined of, might not continue in restraint, but bee set at li­berty: and many other parts, which I am well assured stood with the du­ty of an honest man. But indeed I will not deny for the case of S. Tho­mas Smith of London, the Queene demanding my opinion of it, I told her, I thought it was as hard as many of the rest; but what was the rea­son; because at that time I had seene only his accusation, & had never bin present at any examination of his: and the matter so standing. I had bin very untrue to my service, if I had not delivered that opinion. But after­wards upon a reexamination of some that charged him, who weakned their own testimony; and especially hearing himselfe viva voce, I went instantly to the Queen out of the soundnesse of my conscience, and not not regarding what opinion I had formerly delivered, told her Majesty, I was satified and resolved in my conscience, that for the reputation of the action, the plot was to countenance the action further by him in re­spect of his place, then they had indeed any interest or intelligence with him. It is very true also, about that time her Majesty taking a liking of my pen, upon that which I had done before concerning the proceeding [Page 19]at Yorke-house, and likewise upon some other declarations, which in for­mer time by her appointment I put in writing, commanded me to penne that book, which was published for the better satisfaction of the world: which I did, but so, as never Secretary had more particular, and expresse directions, and instructions in every point how to guide my hand in it: and not only so, but after that I had made a first draught thereof and pro­pounded it to certaine principall Councellers, by her Majesties appoint­ment, it was perused, weighed, censured, altered, and made almost anew, writing according to their Lordships better consideration, wherein their Lordships and my selfe both were as religious and curious of truth, as de­sirous of satisfaction: and my selfe indeed gave only words and form of stile in pursuing their direction. And after it had passed their allowance, it was again exactly perused by the Queen her selfe, and some alteratio­ons made again by her appointment: nay, and after it was set to print, the Queen, who as your Lordship knoweth, as she was excellent in great ma­ters, so she was exquisite in small: and noted that I could not forget my ancient respect to my Lord of Essex, in terming him ever My Lord of Essex my Lord of Essex, in almost every page of the booke, which shee thought not fit, but would have it made, Essex, or the late Earle of Es­sex: whereupon of force it was printed de novo, and the first copies sup­pressed by her peremptory commandement. And this my good Lord, to my furthest remembrance, is all that passed wherein I had part, which I have set downe as neare as I could in the very words and speeches that were used, not because they are worthy the repetition, I meane those of mine own; but to the end your Lordship may lively and plainly discerne between the face of truth, and a smooth tale. And the rather also because in things that passed a good while since, the very words and phrases did sometimes bring to my remembrance the matters, wherein I report me to your Honourable judgments, whether you do not see the traces of an honest man: and had I bin as well believed either by the Queene or by my Lord, as I was well heard by them both, my Lord had bin fortunate, and so lead my selfe in his fortune.

To conclude therefore, I humbly pray your Lordship to pardon me for troubling you with this long Narration, and that you will vouchsafe to hold me in your good opinion, till you know I have deserved, or finde that I shall deserve the contrary; and even so I continue.

At Your Lordships honourable commandements very humbly.

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