The Second Volume.

By SYMON PATRICK, D. D. Dean of PETERBƲRGH, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His MAJESTY.

LONDON, Printed by M. Flesher, for R. Royston, Book­seller to His most Sacred MAJESTY, An. Dom. MDCLXXX.

TO The Right Honourable HENEAGE Lord FINCH, Baron of DAVENTRY, Lord High CHANCELLOUR OF ENGLAND, And one of His MAJESTY'S most Honourable Privy Council.


IT is so unusual in this Age, to confer Benefits unsought, especially such as your Lord­ship was pleased lately to think me worthy of; that I ought to have [Page]the higher esteem, not merely of your Lordship's singular kindness to me, but chiefly of that noble principle of Vertue in your mind from whence it purely flowed. Which will excuse, I hope, the presumption of this De­dication; to which I am prompted by nothing, but onely an eager desire, publickly to testifie my gratitude to your Lordship, as soon as it was possible. Which made me lay hold upon the very first opportunity, that presented it self: and chuse rather to prefix your Lordship's great Name, to the remainder of this Work (part of which was published some months ago) then let any thing appear in the world under my name, which did not carry along with it a thank­full acknowledgment of my obliga­tions [Page]to your Lordship. To whose Judgment knowing persons attribute so much; that as it is a very great honour to receive any mark of your Lordship's good opinion, so it is a preferment to which, whether I will or no, your Lordship hath advanced me.

I will endeavour not to fall from it by forgetfulness of your Lordship's favours; but preserve such a re­membrance of them, as is sutable to the present sense I have of them: which is as much beyond what I can express, as they are beyond what I could deserve.

The best expression I can make of it will be in my prayers to God, that, as the King hath made you the su­preme Dispenser of his Justice to his [Page]People, and his Divine Majesty hath made you a great Pattern of Piety and Devotion, as well as other exemplary Vertues; so, He would be pleased to give you wise­dom and prudence to conduct your self with such dexterity as well as integrity in the management of all the publick Business, with the care of which you are intrusted, that you may continue (as you are) a sup­porter of the Government, a Patron of Religion, a Friend of good Men, and, in a word, a Blessing, not onely to your own vertuous Family but, to the whole Nation. For, though there are some so imperfect, that they will allow no such words to be said of any, but those that please them in every thing; yet, the most [Page]of good Men, or at least the best, will thankfully acknowledge the hap­piness we enjoy in the Authority your Lordship hath, and will joyn in those Prayers with,

Your Lordship's most humble and most obliged Servant, S. Patrick.


The Third Book.



Here begins a new Collection of XVII. Psalms, most of them very disconsolate and full of sad Complaints, which make up the Third Book of this Volume, as the Hebrews divide it. They were most of them composed by Asaph (and but one of them by David) though who he was, is not resolved by In­terpreters: who suspect indeed there might be another Authour of some of these Psalms; but have no other Asaph to name, but Asaph the Singer, who was famous in the days of David, 1 Chron. VI. 39. XVI. 5. 2 Chr. V. 12. And accordingly Apollinarius thus [Page 2]descants upon the Title, The Divine inven­tion of David failing in the composing of Songs, Asaph arose and by the Divine Spi­rit resounded this Hymn. But it seems to me that there is another person of this name mentioned in the holy Books (who may be more probably intituled to this Work) called Asaph the Seer (see Psal. L.) who lived in the days of Hezekiah, 2 Chron. XXIX. 30. and whose Son, I suppose, was then Recor­der, 2 King. XVIII. 37. XXXVI. Isa. 3. Some of them indeed (as I shall take notice in due place) may be thought rather to be­long to another Asaph in after times: but for the present Psalm (and most of the rest) I can find no person so likely to whom it may be intituled, as him now named: who composed it, I conceive, either when he saw the miserable havock which Strangers made among them in the days of Ahaz, 2 Chron. XXVIII. 17, 18, 19. XXIX. 8, 9. or when Senacherib invaded them, notwith­standing the reformation which Hezekiah had made: or, which is most probable, upon the occasion that David wrote the XXXVII. Psalm, to comfort himself and good men, when they saw the lewder sort among them thrive and prosper; and the pious sometimes sorely afflicted: quite contrary to the Sanc­tions of their Law, which promised all good things to those that observed it; and threat­ned the evil to those that broke it. This [Page 3]extreamly afflicted his Spirit, and staggered his Faith, till he considered the matter more deeply; and then he broke out into this Me­ditation, saying,

1. TRƲLY God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart.

1. I Will never hereafter, whatsoever Confusi­ons I behold, questi­on the justice of God's Pro­vidence; but constantly af­firm that He is not merely Just, but very Good; yea hath a most singular love to his faithfull people; who notwithstanding the evils they indure, will never con­sent to do any evil.

2. But as for me, my feet were almost gone: my steps had well-nigh slipt.

2. Time was indeed, when I, even I, who have had such long experience of his care over me, began to doubt and stagger in my Faith: nay, was in danger to tum­ble headlong into unbelief.

3. For I was envious at the foo­lish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.

3. The reason was, that having a just indignation against the folly, or rather madness of wicked men, it first vext me to see them, notwithstanding their ill deservings, in a very flouri­shing condition; and then [Page 4]tempted me to think it very hard that sober men should not equal, if not exceed them, in such happiness: especially when I saw no likelihood that it would end, but that they continue in their prosperity.

4. For there are no bands in their death: but their strength is firm.

4. For as they carry on all their designs smoothly and meet with no rub in their way, nor are in any danger (so great is their power) to be bound over by humane justice to answer for their crimes, how many soever they commit: so they are not afflicted with sore diseases by the hand of God, nor brought to their graves with pains and torment; but after a long life, in firm and vigorous health, depart easily out of the world.

5. They are not in trouble as other men: neither are they plagued like other men.

5. Their life is nothing so laborious and toilsome as that of many honest, but poor and wretched men: and they escape untouch'd, or are little hurt, by such calamities as are common to all mankind.

6. Therefore pride compasseth them about as a chain: violence covereth them as a garment.

6. Which makes them so unsufferably proud, and vainly conceited of them­selves, that they not onely tyrannize over their neigh­bours; but openly boast of the power they have to do them mischief: and glory in all the violence and cru­elty, whereby they main­tain and increase their pom­pous greatness.

7. Their eyes stand out with fatness: they have more then heart could wish.

7. In which they pamper themselves to such an excess, that in their very counte­nance they express the haughty swelling of their minds and hearts: which are strangely puffed up, by their being raised (not one­ly beyond the expectation of all other men; but) far above all that they them­selves at first imagined or could design.

8. They are corrupt and speak wickedly concer­ning oppression: they speak loftily.

8. They mock at all those who scrupulously tie them­selves to the Rules of Ju­stice, or tell them of the danger they run by their violation: for they threaten to undo all those that op­pose [Page 6]them; and publickly declare in the height of their arrogance, that they will not be bound by any Laws.

9. They set their mouth against the heavens; and their tongue walketh through the earth.

9. No, not those of God himself, who (with all the invisible Powers of which men talk) they say is but a Name; which they do not dread: and therefore no wonder, if such blasphe­mers of His Majesty spare neither high nor low, but let their tongues loose, to abuse and calumniate whomsoever they please upon earth.

10. Therefore his people return hither: and wa­ters of a full cup are wrung out to them.

10. And yet, as bad as they are, there is none of them but hath his followers and admirers; whom he first invites and then re­tains, like beasts, by filling their bellies: which abun­dantly contents them, though others be squeezed and oppressed, to give them this poor satisfaction.

11. And they say, How doth God know? and is there knowledge in the most High?

11. Nay, they drink in their opinions, and join with them in their impiety, [Page 7]saying, How can God know what we do here? or if He do, why should we think that He, who is so high, troubles Himself about our affairs?

12. Behold, these are the ungodly, who prosper in the world, they in­crease in riches.

12. For behold, there are none that contemn Him more then these men; and yet He is so far from inflic­ting any punishment on them, that none enjoy such a continued course of pro­sperity as they; whose wealth and power increa­ses every day.

13. Verily I have cleansed my heart in vain, and washed my hands in innocency.

13. And verily, if these men discourse aright, I have taken a great deal of pains to little purpose; while I have studiously endeavou­red to keep my heart pure from so much as ill designs, as well as to refrain the do­ing of any evil actions; from the charge of which I can safely purge my self.

14. For all the day long have I been plagued, and chastened every morning.

14. And yet I am pla­gued perpetually by the restless malice of these wic­ked doers; which as con­stantly as the Sun rises falls [Page 8]on me, a deal sooner then on other men.

15. If I say, I will speak thus: behold, I should offend against the generation of thy children.

15. But, whatsoever con­fused and foolish thoughts came on a sudden into my mind, I concluded upon more mature deliberation, that if I said as these men do, I should basely betray the cause of all them, who are truly dear unto Thee.

16. When I thought to know this, it was too painfull for me.

16. And therefore resol­ved with my self, before I pronounced my sentence, to study this point more se­riously; which at first sight appeared so hard, that it grievously perplexed me.

17. Ʋntill I went into the sanctuary of God; then understood I their end.

17. And retiring my self into the holy places to con­sult with Thee, and with those to whom Thou com­municatest thy Secrets, I was presently sensible how short their felicity is; unto which death having put an utter end, it is followed with a dismal after-recko­ning in another world.

18. Surely thou didst set them in slippery places: thou castedst them down into destruc­tion.

18. And next I conside­red, that all of them do not stand so firm as they imagin, [Page 9]but merely flatter them­selves with vain hopes of continuing in their station to the end of their days: for being raised to the high­est preferments, they find them to be very slippery places; from whence, to the amazement of them­selves and of all spectatours, they come tumbling down into a most horrible ruin.

19. How are they brought into desolation, as in a moment! they are utterly consumed with terrours.

19. Oh what an astoni­shing change is this! which is the more frightfull, when on a sudden the Divine ven­geance seises on them; and, when they least expect it, an end is put to their great­ness: nay, they are quite destroyed, in a most terrible manner, as if they had ne­ver been.

20. As a dream when one awa­keth; so, O LORD, when thou awa­kest, thou shalt despise their i­mage.

20. So that it is but a dream of happiness where­in they live, and they pride themselves in a mere imagi­nary glory; which not onely vanishes away, when Thou, O Lord, dost arise to judge them, but becomes as contemptible, in that [Page 10]very City where they ap­peared in all their pomp and splendour, as the fine things, which a man sees in his sleep, are when he awa­keth.

21. Thus my heart was grieved, and I was pricked in my reins.

21. And therefore when my spirit boiled with vexa­tion, and grew sour at the sight of their prosperity; (Ver. 2, 3.) when I was so vehemently provoked to passionate complaints, fee­ling the sharpest touches of grief and anger;

22. So foolish was I, and igno­rant: I was as a beast before thee.

22. I now ingenuously acknowledg, it was for want of such manly and religious thoughts as these; which should have been in my mind, when I thought of thy Administrations, if I had not been dull and stu­pid; as void of sense as the beasts, which look onely at things before their eyes, and have no regard to what is to come, or is not seen.

23. Neverthe­less, I am conti­nually with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand.

23. For if I had looked beyond my senses, I might have seen that I am under the care of thy good Pro­vidence, [Page 11]and that Thou hast been my guide and my sup­porter, even when I had these bruitish thoughts, and didst not suffer these wicked men to destroy me.

24. Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and af­terward receive me to glory.

24. And therefore I ought in all reason still to con­clude, That Thou wilt di­rect me to behave my self so wisely, that I shall never fall into their snares: but, after I have suffered a while, be preferred to those digni­ties from whence they fall; and, which is more, be so graciously accepted by Thee, as to continue in them unto immortal glory.

25. Whom have I in heaven, but thee? and there is none upon earth, that I desire be­sides thee.

25. This I expect from thy Almighty Goodness, who art the solest object of my hope: For thou knowest there is none in Heaven, whom I depend upon for help and protec­tion but Thee alone; none upon Earth whose favour I seek, but onely thine, which shall perfectly content me.

26. My flesh, and my heart fai­leth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my por­tion for ever.

26. It is possible I may still be pressed with such [Page 12]sore afflictions, that not one­ly my bodily strength, but also my courage may begin again to fail me; but then I will recover my self, and fortifie my Soul by flying unto Thee, O God, for safety: in whose love I will alway think my self happy, and enjoy everlasting satis­faction.

27. For lo, they that are far from thee, shall perish: thou hast destroy­ed all them that go a whoring from thee.

27. For there is nothing more certain or more re­markable then this; that they who, by forsaking Thee, have put themselves far from under thy care, will never be able, by any other means, to save them­selves from perishing: For Thou hast already made such men a terrible Exam­ple of thy displeasure; and utterly destroyed those, who, quitting thy service, have devoted themselves to the worship of other Gods, 2 Chron. XXVIII. 6, 18, 19. XXIX. 7, 8, 9.

28. But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all thy works.

28. And therefore I will learn by their miscarriages, that it is the best and safest [Page 13]course for me, to adhere to my good God; and to make my humble addresses to Him alone. I have done so hitherto, and no danger shall tempt me hereafter to quit this hold, and to con­fide in any thing, but one­ly in the Sovereign of the World, who never fails those that depend upon Him, and will, I hope, be so gracious unto me, that I shall have abundant cause to publish and proclaim to all others the Works of his Providence; in preserving the Good, and in throwing the wicked down, at last, to the ground.

Maschil of Asaph.


The desolation of Jerusalem and of the Temple, as well as the rest of the Country, made by Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon, was the sad occasion of this Psalm. For it is altogether improbable, that it hath respect to the days of Antiochus Epiphanes, as some fancy; because, as Theodoret perrinently notes (to omit all other reasons) we reade nothing in any History of his burning the Temple, or so much as of his laying the City waste; which are both here most sorrowfully bewailed by Asaph. Who was not therefore that Asaph in David's time (unless we should grant him to have written by the spi­rit of Prophecy, and predicted what should be in after-times, as a great many think) because there was no such Temple in those days, nor had been, as is here described: Nor was it Asaph the Seer in Hezekiah's days (of whom see Argument of the fore­going Psalm) who saw no such desolation made by Senacherib (for he did not take Jerusalem, nor shoot so much as an arrow into it) nor, in all likelihood, prophesied of the destruction here spoken of; because [Page 15]the description of it in this Psalm is so plain, that we may most reasonably think the Au­thour of it had it before his eyes, and did not merely see it by the spirit of Prophecy; which is not wont to foretell things in so clear a manner, but more obscurely and darkly.

I conclude therefore it was some other Asaph who composed this Psalm, in the time of the Captivity, and in the middle, or rather toward the conclusion of it; because he complains, Ver. 9. that they had no Pro­phet (as there was in the beginning of the Captivity, particularly Jeremiah) to tell them how long it should last. And conside­ring that in the second Verse he speaks of himself as one that dwelt still in the Land of Israel, pointing to Mount Sion as a place near to him; I take him to have been some pious man of the posterity of Asaph, who was suffered to remain there with the Chal­daeans.

And if it were fit to suppose him to have written this Psalm very young, and to have lived to a great age, when I have no proof of either; I should guess him to be Asaph the Keeper of the King's Forrest, in the days of Nehemiah: who desired Artaxerxes to write to him, to furnish him with Timber out of Lebanon, for the rebuilding some of those places, which the Psalmist here com­plains were destroyed. Among which, the [Page 16]Porch of the Court of the Sanctuary remai­ned unbuilt even unto those times.

Howsoever from the mention of Mount Sion in the second Verse, it is manifest Grotius forgot himself, when, in his Notes upon Ver. 6. he applies this Psalm to the de­struction of Shiloh; which he supposes A­saph to have here bewailed. For Mount Sion had then never been in their possession, as it was afterward, and had lain so long waste (Ver. 3.) when Asaph wrote this Psalm, that it look'd like a perpetual deso­lation. Besides the Tabernacle was not burnt when Shiloh was destroyed, but re­mained, though without the Ark, till the days of Solomon, 2 Chron. I. 3. see Psalm LXVIII. And of the meaning of Maschil, see Psalm XXXII.

1. O God, why hast thou cast us off for e­ver? why doth thine anger smoke against the sheep of thy pasture?

1. O God, the Sove­reign Judge of the world, who hast justly ex­pelled us out of our Land, and continued our banish­ment so long, that little hope appears of our being restored to it again; be­hold the anguish of our Souls, wherein we cry un­to Thee for mercy: For we are confounded to see Thee so highly incensed against [Page 17]those, who were once un­der thy most indulgent care; as if Thou wert re­solved never to be recon­ciled to us any more.

2. Remember thy congregation which thou hast purchased of old: the rod of thine inheritance which thou hast redee­med, this mount Sion, wherein thou hast dwelt.

2. Thou hast not forgot­ten, we know, though it be very long ago, with the expence of how many Mi­racles Thou didst make our Ancestours thy peculiar people: For which reason, though we be exceedingly underserving, we beseech Thee to let all the world see, Thou wilt not utterly abandon the poor remain­ders of that Nation, which Thou didst acquire at so great a price; that King­dom which Thou didst re­scue out of the most mise­rable slavery, to be thy own possession; and this Mount Sion, wherein (af­ter Thou hadst by many wonders brought us into Canaan, and routed out the old Inhabitants) Thou wast pleased at last, to settle thy abode among us.

3. Lift up thy feet unto the per­petual desolations: even all that the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary.

3. Make haste, good Lord, to come and visit the ruins of our Countrey and City, which have la­sted exceeding long, and will never be repaired with­out thy powerfull help: which we implore against the Authours of them; who, to all the other mis­chiefs they have done, have with a peculiar spite, not onely defaced but, utterly destroyed thy dwelling-place.

4. Thine ene­mies roar in the midst of thy con­gregations: they set up their en­signs for signs.

4. They are thy Enemies therefore as well as ours, whose fury and rage so transports them that they roar rather then shout; whilst they triumph in those places where thy people were wont to meet to praise thy Name: There they have set up their Banners in to­ken of their Victory; and bragg, as if their Gods were superiour unto Thee.

5. A man was famous, according as he had lifted up axes upon the thick trees.

5. Every one of them laid about him, and bestir­red himself with all his might; as if he hoped to [Page 19]get renown by the mischief he did: which was com­mitted with no more re­morse, then if they had been lopping off boughs in the thickets of a Forrest, where they may be spared.

6. But now they break down the carved work there­of at once with axes and ham­mers.

6. Just so methinks I see (as if it were now a doing) how they hacked and hew­ed with Axes, and knocked down with Hammers, the curious carved Work of the Temple: whose elegance would have moved any but Barbarians, to have preser­ved it with as great a zeal, as they imployed to beat it in pieces.

7. They have cast fire into thy sanctuary, they have defiled by casting down the dwelling-place of thy name to the ground.

7. But, so mad was their rage, it was not satisfied with this; but set fire un­to thy holy place: And what that did not consume, they pull'd down; till they had utterly profaned the habitation consecrated to thy Majesty, by laying it level with the ground.

8. They said in their hearts, Let us destroy them to­gether: they have burnt up all the synagogues of God in the land.

8. Nor did all this give a stop unto their fury; but they rather grew the more [Page 20]outragious: For designing quite to destroy our Reli­gion, both in this and in future Generations, they left not so much as one place, wherein we might meet to say our Prayers, or hear the Law, throughout the Land.

9. We see not our signs, there is no more any pro­phet, neither is there among us any that knoweth how long.

9. And, which is the saddest thing of all, Thou seemest to have left us too; and we see no token of thy Divine presence with us: So far we are from behol­ding any miraculous works, as our Fathers did, for our deliverance; that there is not so much as a Prophet to be found, to give us any advice, or speak a word of comfort to us: not a man among us, that can tell when these calamities will have an end.

10. O God, how long shall the ad­versary reproach? shall the enemy blaspheme thy name for ever?

10. What a reproach is this, O God? which hath quite tired our patience; and makes us cry unto Thee to make haste, to avenge thy self of these in­sulting Enemies: Stop their blasphemous mouths, O [Page 21]God; and let them not say any more, as they have done too long, that Thou art not able to deliver us.

11. Why with­drawest thou thy hand, even thy right hand? pluck it out of thy bo­som.

11. For we are confoun­ded and know not what to say, while Thou thus with­drawest thy powerfull pre­sence from us; that mighty power which was wont to do such wonders for us: exert it again we beseech Thee, and stretch it out for the destruction of those, who have spoken of it so contemptuously.

12. For God is my King of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth.

12. Why should I de­spair of it? since the great God, whom they deride, hath many Ages ago under­taken the Government and Protection of us: working for us such deliverances in this Land which now lyes waste, as astonished all the world.

13. Thou didst divide the Sea by thy strength: thou brakest the heads of the dragons in the waters.

13. Thou art that God, to whose power the raging Sea is subject; which at thy command retired, and opened a way for us to pass thorough; but came back [Page 22]again, with its wonted vio­lence, and overwhelmed the Egyptians; who, like so many Sea-monsters, thought to have devoured us.

14. Thou bra­kest the heads of leviathan in pie­ces, and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabi­ting the wilder­ness.

14. Pharaoh, that fierce Tyrant, as terrible as the vastest Whales, Thou didst utterly destroy there; with all his stern Captains and Commanders: whom the Sea spewed up (XIX. Exod. 30.) to find their Tombs in the bellies of the wild Beasts, and Birds; which people the neighbouring Wilderness.

15. Thou didst cleave the foun­tain and the floud: thou driedst up mighty rivers.

15. Where, when our Fathers wanted drink, Thou madest water to gush out of a Rock; (XVII. Exod. 6. XX. Numb. 9.) which fol­lowed them in a full stream, till they came to the bor­ders of Canaan: And then Thou driedst up the waters of Jordan, at a time when they ran violently, and (as if many Rivers had been joined in one) it overflow­ed all its Banks, III. Josh. 15, 17.

16. The day is thine, the night also is thine: thou hast prepared the light and the sun.

16. And still there are such instances of thy pow­er, which the whole world, if they would but mind, have alway before their eyes. For as Thou didst sometimes change the dry Land into a River, and a River into dry Land; so Thou dost continually change the Day into Night, and the Night into Day: having settled the Moon to govern the one, and the Sun to govern the other, in their turns.

17. Thou hast set all the borders of the earth: thou hast made summer and winter.

17. By thy Almighty wisedom also it is, that the motion of the Sun not onely makes the days and nights; but the different climates of the Earth, and the seasons of the year: which are sometimes hot, and sometimes cold; some­times flourishing, as we see in the Summer, with all manner of fruit; and some­times stript, as we see in the Winter, of all its orna­ments, that afterward it may be the more fruitfull.

18. Remember this, that the e­nemy hath reproa­ched, O LORD, and that the foo­lish people have blasphemed thy name.

18. And we sure have indured a very tedious win­ter; wherein all things have lookt most ruefully. May it please Thee now to return, like the Sun, unto us, and let thy Enemies know Thou hast not for­gotten how they have re­proached Thee, O Lord; (whom they ought to have honoured as the mighty Creatour of all things) but wilt vindicate thy glory, by punishing these insolent people, who, foolishly puft up with their Victories, have despised and derided thy omnipotent Majesty.

19. O deliver not the soul of thy turtle-dove unto the multitude of the wicked, for­get not the con­gregation of thy poor for ever.

19. Deliver, we beseech Thee, thy Church, which like a Turtle-dove can do nothing but meekly mourn, and make her silent com­plaints unto Thee, from those violent men, who, like Birds of prey, seek ut­terly to destroy her: Let them not take away its life and being; but, though we be at present deserted by Thee yet, hear our crys, [Page 25]and at last relieve a poor helpless company, who flee unto Thee, and depend up­on Thee alone for safety.

20. Have re­spect unto the co­venant: for the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty.

20. Though we are un­worthy to be regarded by Thee, yet have regard un­to thy own promises; wherein Thou hast enga­ged thy self unto our Fa­thers, to give to them and their posterity the Land of Canaan: which is so far from being now inhabited by thy people, that every blind corner of it is a den of thieves and murtherers; who have filled it with ra­pine and cruelty.

21. O let not the oppressed re­turn ashamed: let the poor and needy praise thy name.

21. O let not thy poor afflicted servant, who im­plores thy aid against these barbarous oppressours, be denied his suit; and go a­way ashamed to see him­self disappointed of his hope: but let him, and all the rest of thy miserable people, who were never in greater need of thy help, be restored to praise thy goodness in their ancient [Page 26]possessions; from whence they have been thus long banished.

22. Arise, O God, plead thine own cause: re­member how the foolish man reproa­cheth thee daily.

22. Appear, O God, in our behalf; and thereby vindicate thy self from re­proach: let me again be­seech Thee, to shew that Thou art not unmindfull of all the scoffs, which pro­sperous fools belch out against Thee, every day.

23. Forget not the voice of thine enemies: the tu­mult of those that rise up against thee, increaseth continually.

23. It is time to punish all the insulting language of thy Enemies: for the insolent braggs, and furious threats of those that op­pose Thee, increase still more and more; and rise up to a greater height of audacious impiety.

To the chief Musician, Al-taschith. A Psalm or Song of Asaph.


I take this Psalm to have been made by Asaph the Seer, mentioned 2 Chron. XXIX. 30. (see Psal. LXXIII.) after the great delive­rance, which, by the strange destruction of Senacherib's Army, God gave the good King Hezekiah. For whose use Asaph composed this Psalm, and delivered it to the chief Master of the Musick in the Taber­nacle; that he might therein make his pub­lick profession of his obligations to Almighty God, and his resolution to serve Him and to depend upon Him: as he advises all men else to do; if they would not be undone; or if they hoped for any good, of which He is the sole and absolute Dispenser.

If Al-taschith be more then a note that this Psalm was to be sung like to the LVII. and those that follow; it may signifie as much, as thou shalt not, or wilt not de­stroy. And be applied either to Senache­rib, who, the Prophet told them, should not accomplish his design of destroying them, as he had done other Nations (2 King. XIX. 17. 2 Chron. XXVII. 14.) or to God, [Page 28]who had not given him Commission, as he pretended, to destroy Jerusalem (2 King. XVIII. 25.) but would defend it (2 King. XIX. 34.) and not suffer it to be laid de­solate.

Symmachus gives a more spiritual sense of the word, and calls this a triumphal Song concerning Immortality. Because it contains, as Theodoret explains it, a pre­diction of the righteous judgment of God in the destruction of the wicked, and re­warding the lovers of vertue: which should admonish us, not to suffer any godly thoughts, we have in our mind, to perish; but to pre­serve them whole and intire, that we may inherit immortality.

What is to be understood by a Psalm-Song, see in the Argument of Psalm LXVII.

1. UNto thee, O God, do we give thanks, unto thee do we give thanks: for that thy name is near, thy wondrous works declare.

1. UNTO Thee, O God, the righte­ous Judge, who art the sole Authour of this great deli­verance, do I and all my people give most solemn thanks: Nor can we ever thank Thee enough, but we must again and again renew our acknowledg­ments unto Thee; whose Almighty Power is still ready at hand, we clearly [Page 29]see by the wonders Thou hast done, to succour all those, who gratefully com­memorate thy benefits.

2. When I shall receive the congre­gation, I will judge uprightly.

2. And I will not con­tent my self with these ver­bal praises alone; but as soon as I shall meet with a fit opportunity, and we can have our solemn Assemblies again (which by this inva­sion have been interrupted, 2 Chron. XXXII. 1.) I will perfect the Reformation which I have begun: and see that equal Justice be done to all my people; as well as that they be pre­served in thy true Reli­gion.

3. The earth and all the inha­bitants thereof are dissolved: I bear up the pillars of it. Selah.

3. The whole Country hath been in a miserable confusion; while their hearts melted with fear of an utter desolation: But as then I supported their spirits, and incouraged the Great men and the Officers to doe their duty (2 Chron. XXXII. 6, 7, 8.) So I will hereafter establish such Ma­gistrates and Judges, as shall [Page 30]bring all into better order.

4. I said unto the fools, Deal not foolishly; and to the wicked, Lift not up the horn.

4. I have told them my mind already, and do still solemnly proclaim and de­clare, that I will proceed with the utmost severity against the contemners of thy Laws; and therefore I advise them not to be so madly rude and insolent: For the proudest of them all shall know, that it is safest for them to be more modest, then to glory, as they do, in their impiety; or to boast of the power they have to be injurious to their neighbours.

5. Lift not up your horn on high: speak not with a stiff neck.

5. Do not vaunt of this, I once more advise you, nor bear your selves high, as if you would out-brave Heaven it self: be not re­fractory and stubborn, nor arrogantly say, that you will have your way, and that none shall curb you.

6. For promo­tion cometh nei­ther from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.

6. For which way soever you turn your selves, whe­ther to the East, or to the West, or to the mountai­nous Desarts that lie on the [Page 31]North and South of us; in vain do you think to escape the righteous judgment of God.

7. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up a­nother.

7. Who being the So­vereign Lord and Gover­nour of the world, easily lays those low that proudly exalt themselves against his Authority; and lifts up those that humbly submit themselves unto Him.

8. For in the hand of the LORD there is a cup, and the wine is red: it is full of mix­ture, and he pou­reth out of the same: but the dregs thereof all the wicked of the earth shall wring them out, and drink them

8. For he never wants power to inflict the most dreadfull punishments; which (like an intoxica­ting Wine full of stupify­ing ingredients, that loosens the very joints, and takes away all a man's strength to resist) never fail to have their effect: And the god­ly may taste of them, nay suffer sorely for a time; but the heaviest and most grievous punishments (like the dregs at the bottom of such Wine) shall fall to the share of all the wicked of the Land; who shall be forced to indure the utmost expressions of the Divine [Page 30] [...] [Page 31] [...] [Page 32]vengeance upon their sins.

9. But I will declare for ever; I will sing praises to the God of Ja­cob.

9. And this I, who am His Minister to execute his judgments, will not cease to declare as long as I live; that none may pretend ig­norance for their excuse: And I will sing praises un­to God (who delivered Ja­cob from all evil) not onely for his late miraculous pre­servation of us, by his vengeance on Senacherib (whom he hath made an Example of his wrath to all proud contemners of Him) but for making me the In­strument of so happy a Re­formation.

10. All the horns of the wic­ked also will I cut off; but the horns of the righteous shall be exalted.

10. For this is my reso­lution, not merely, as I said, to praise Him; but to pull down the haughty spirit, and cut short all the power of the wicked, that they shall not be able to doe such mischief as they desire: and to raise the righteous into such Authority, that they shall not fear what their most insolent enemies can doe unto them.

To the chief Musician on Neginoth. A Psalm or Song of Asaph.


It is visible to every eye that the Psalmist here commemorates some notable Victory, over very powerfull Enemies: whereby God delivered (when it was in great danger) the whole Country; particularly Jerusalem. Which is called here Salem, Ver. 2. by an usual form of speech among the Hebrews, who are wont in names of places, to cut off the former part: instead of Abel-Sittim, saying onely Sittim; and Nimrim for Beth-Nimrim; Lechi for Ramath-Lechi; Sheba for Beer-Sheba, and many such like; as Bochartus hath shewn in the Second Book of his Pha­leg, chap. 24. and in the First part of his Work concerning the Animals named in Scripture, Book 2. ch. 25.

And there is as little reason to doubt that the particular deliverance here aimed at, is that from Senacherib's Army; which Asaph the Seer, mentioned 2 Chr. XXIX. 30. (see Psal. LXXIII.) was not content to celebrate in the former Hymn, which he made for the use of the King; but added this also, for his own use, and all other pious [Page 34]persons. Who he hoped would join in it; especially when it was sung in the Temple, as he directed the Master of the Musick, after the same manner as Psal. IV.

Some of the Greeks seem to have percei­ved something of this: For, though there be no such Title in the ancient Hexaplus of Origen; yet in after times Theodoret tells us, he found in some Copies this Inscription, which still continues; An Ode against the Assyrian: which Apollinarius follows.

Of a Psalm-Song, see Psalm LXVII.

1. IN Judah is God known: his Name is great in Israel.

1. GOD hath so illustri­ously demonstrated himself among us (in this unexpected and terrible ex­ecution) to be the Sove­reign Ruler and Judge of the World; that he must shut his eyes that doth not see it: His Power and all his other glorious perfecti­ons, which are conspicuous every where, are in no Country so magnified as they are in Israel.

2. In Salem also is his Taber­nacle, and his dwelling-place in Sion.

2. Our Enemies them­selves, who reviled Him (2 Chron. XXXII. 17, 19.) and despised Jerusalem ( Ib. Verse 10.) are now sure [Page 35]convinced, that there this Mighty Lord maketh his abode: in the top of that Mountain where he hath chosen to fix his dwelling-place.

3. There brake he the arrows of the bow, the shield, and the sword, and the battel. Selah.

3. Before the Walls of which He hath slain with an invisible Dart, the fiery Archers (who have not shot so much as one Arrow into it, 2 King. XIX. 32.) and made the Shields, and Swords, and the rest of their military preparations, alto­gether useless and unprofi­table.

4. Thou art more glorious and excellent then the mountains of prey.

4. Whereby thou, O Sion, art become more glo­rious then all the Moun­tains, where the fiercest Beasts of prey, or the most desperate Robbers, have their resort: who never made such slaughters.

5. The stout-hearted are spoi­led, they have slept their sleep: and none of the men of might have found their hands.

5. For they, whose cou­rage made them fear no danger, but confidently promised themselves the spoil of Jerusalem, are gi­ven unto us for a spoil: They lay down to sleep, [Page 36]but never awaked; 2 King. XIX 35.) not a man, a­mong the most mighty of them, was able to strike a stroke; or do any thing to defend himself against that hand, which cut them off.

6. At thy re­buke, O God of Jacob, both the chariot and horse are cast into a dead sleep.

6. But the most experi­enced Horsemen, as well as they that rode in Chariots, sunk down dead, at the sudden check, the severe rebuke; which they re­ceived from Thee, O God of Jacob, whom they re­proached, 2 King. XIX. 22, 23.

7. Thou, even thou art to be fea­red, and who may stand in thy sight when once thou art angry?

7. Thou, and none but Thou, art to be dreaded: And what King is he, that is able, for so short a time as a moment, to resist thy power? which in an in­stant can destroy all those, who incur thy heavy dis­pleasure.

8. Thou didst cause judgement to be heard from heaven; the earth feared and was still,

8. We have an Example of it before our eyes; for when we made our solemn appeal to Thee (2 King. XIX. 3, 4, 15, 16.) Thou wast pleased to pronounce [Page 37]a sentence of condemnation from heaven upon our ene­mies: which struck such terrour into those that sur­vived, that they who be­fore were full of rage and made a tumultuous noise (Ver. 27, 28.) were as still as Lambs; and durst not stir a foot, but onely to re­turn from whence they came, Ver. 28, 36.

9. When God arose to judgment, to save all the meek of the earth. Selah.

9. They were afraid to continue their attempts a­gainst us, when God, who had long suffered their in­solence, sent an Angel to chastise it, and to do exe­cution upon them: and thereby delivered the help­less people of this Land; who had patiently born their horrible oppression.

10. Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee: the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain.

10. Which may well be a warning to all fell Ty­rants, not to be so fierce and outragious, which will onely present Thee with the fairer opportunity to glorifie thy self, and raise thy praise to a greater height; as Thou hast now [Page 38]done, by suppressing the Assyrians fury: who if they have any reliques of wrath, which may boil up again in their hearts; Thou shalt chain it up, and not suffer it to break forth to our further disturbance.

11. Vow, and pay unto the LORD your God; let all that are round about him bring presents un­to him that ought to be feared.

11. And let this excite you all, who are thus mar­vellously delivered, to make more liberal promises of gratefull Sacrifices; as well as to perform those, which you have already vowed, to the great Lord your most gracious God: who so far excells all others, that the Nations round about us, who hear the fame of this, shall reproach you (if you be forgetfull of his benefits) by the presents which they shall make to Him; (2 Chr. XXXII. 23.) who ought to be feared by all his Friends, and is most terrible to his Enemies.

12. He shall cut off the spirit of princes: he is terrible to the kings of the earth.

12. For he can easily, with a sudden stroke, not onely take down the proud stomach, but take away the [Page 39]life, of the fiercest Captains and Commanders: (2 Chr. XXXII. 21.) yea, make the greatest Monarchs (who keep the world in awe) quake and tremble at his dreadfull executions.

To the chief Musician, to Jeduthun. A Psalm of Asaph.


A Psalm composed by Asaph, and sent by him to that Song-Master, who was over the Chil­dren of Jeduthun: in which I imagined, at first sight, that he represented the sad condition of Hezekiah, and the motions of his heart towards God, in his sickness, 2 Chron. XXXII. 24. XXXVIII. Isa. 1. But, upon further consideration, it appears from the latter part of it, that he bewails the calamity of all the Nation: either when Senacherib over-ran the Country; or else in the Captivity of Babylon. If we refer it to the latter, then it was not Asaph the Seer, whom I mentioned before Psalm LXXIII. that made this Psalm; but some other in after times (see Psal. LXXIV.) [Page 40]who laments the long continuance of their Captivity: which looked like an utter forsa­king by God; but he comforts himself at last with the remembrance of what God had done formerly for them, when he delivered them out of the Egyptian bondage.

1. I Cried unto God with my voice: even unto God with my voice, and he gave ear unto me.

1. I Have incessantly made my prayer to God, and I will still most earnestly in­treat his favour: To Him who hath justly afflicted us, and can alone relieve us, have I again and again re­newed my importunate suit; which I hope will at last prevail with Him for deli­verance.

2. In the day of my trouble I sought the LORD; my sore ran in the night, and ceased not: my soul re­fused to be com­forted.

2. I have not negligent­ly discharged this Duty; but as the distress is great wherein we are, so I have restlesly implored help from the Lord: In the night, when men are wont to bu­ry their troubles in sleep, I have with unwearied di­ligence, spread out my hands unto Him (in token that all my dependence is upon His power alone) re­solving to admit of no con­solation, [Page 41]till I obtained a gracious Answer from Him.

3. I remem­bred God, and was troubled: I complained, and my spirit was over­whelmed. Selah.

3. I remembred indeed, how kind God had been unto us in former times; but this onely gave me the greater trouble, when I compared it with our pre­sent miseries: and the more I mused on it, the more my spirit was disturbed, and miserably afflicted.

4. Thou holdest mine eyes waking: I am so troubled that I cannot speak.

4. Insomuch that I could not close my eyes, to take a wink of sleep; nor open my mouth (such was my perturbation and astonish­ment) to express the hea­viness of my grief.

5. I have con­sidered the days of old, the years of aucient times.

5. All that I could doe, was to recount thy merci­full Providences over our Forefathers in times past; and ponder seriously what wonders Thou didst for them, many ages agone.

6. I call to re­membrance my song in the night: I commune with mine own heart, and my spirit made diligent search.

6. I called to mind all the Songs I had indited, to celebrate the memory of those ancient benefits: and spent whole nights in silent meditations, and diligent [Page 42]inquiries, which I revolved to and fro in my mind; why He who had taken such care of our Ancestours, had so long rejected us?

7. Will the LORD cast off for ever? and will he be favourable no more?

7. Will the Lord, thought I, abandon us for ever? Is He so incensed against us, that He will never be recon­ciled, nor intend to shew us any more favour?

8. Is his mercy clean gone for e­ver? doth his pro­mise fail for ever­more?

8. Is his infinite mercy, which is the fountain of all his benefits, quite exhau­sted? and will He never hereafter speak a word of comfort to us?

9. Hath God forgotten to be gracious? hath he in anger shut up his tender mercies? Selah.

9. Hath God, whose property it is to shew mer­cy, quite laid aside all thoughts of exercising his clemency towards us? or have we so highly provo­ked Him to anger, that He hath no regard at all unto our miseries?

10. And I said, This is my infir­mity: but I will remember the years of the right hand of the most High.

10. But having thus complained, and said with­in my self, This is the thing which sorely afflicts me, to see such alterations in the proceedings of the most [Page 43]High, that the same hand which formerly protected us, now severely scourges us;

11. I will re­member the works of the LORD: surely I will re­member thy won­ders of old.

11. I presently conside­red that there might be a change again: and resolved to comfort my self with the remembrance of the former works of the Lord; and to go back as far as the Miracle Thou didst for us (in bring­ing us up out of the Land of Egypt) when our deserts were as small as in these days.

12. I will me­ditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings.

12. Of all the ensuing wonders I will think, ra­ther then on our present miseries: I will not omit one of them; but, instead of these complaints, make them the constant subject of my discourse.

13. Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary: who is so great a God as our God?

13. From which I can­not but conclude that the method of thy Providence, O God, is not onely per­fectly holy and just; but quite out of our reach: nor is thy Power inferiour; but, as Thou dost not pro­ceed in the common way of [Page 44]our thoughts, so none can resist what thy incompa­rable Majesty thinks fit to effect.

14. Thou art the God that doest wonders; thou hast declared thy strength among the people.

14. For Thou art the mighty God, who canst doe miracles, as easily as the most ordinary works: and hast made all the world sensible, that thy power exceeds, both the strength and the opinion of all Creatures.

15. Thou hast with thine arm redeemed thy peo­ple the sons of Jacob and Joseph. Selah.

15. Having delivered thy people, descended from Jacob and miraculously pre­served by Joseph, from the Egyptian bondage; by a long series of stupendious judgments upon Pharaoh and his Servants, VI. Exod. 6. VI. Deut. 21, 22. VII. 8.

16. The waters saw thee, O God, the waters saw thee: they were afraid; the depths also were troubled.

16. Which were follow­ed presently with a greater wonder, when the waters of the Red Sea felt thy Power, O God: They felt thy power to the very bot­tom of them; which so disturbed them, that they retreated, as if they had been affrighted at thy pre­sence; [Page 45]and left a plain way for thy people to march through, upon dry ground.

17. The clouds poured out water, the skies sent out a sound: thine arrows also went abroad.

17. But returned again upon the Egyptians (who pursued after us) accompa­nied with a terrible storm of rain, and thunder, and hailstones; which flew a­bout their ears, and brake the very Wheels of their Chariots, XIV. Exod. 24, 25.

18. The voice of thy thunder was in the hea­ven: the light­nings lightned the world, the earth trembled and shook.

18. The noise of this thunder filled all the air thereabout; and so did the lightning that flashed in their faces: which, toge­ther with a dreadfull Earth­quake, made the very in­habitants of Canaan tremble, II. Josh. 10, 11.

19. Thy way is in the sea, and thy path in the great waters, and thy foot-steps are not known.

19. We might well say then, that thy way is quite out of our reach; (Ver. 13.) who madest a passage through the Sea, a broad path through the boiste­rous waters: which as none ever trod before or after, so they cannot trace the footsteps; which the wa­ters [Page 46]have overflown and obliterated, XIV. Exod. 26, 27.

20. Thou led­dest thy people like a flock, by the hand of Moses and Aaron.

20. Nor did thy care o­ver thy people end there, but by the ministry of thy servants Moses and Aaron, Thou didst conduct them with the same tenderness that a good Shepherd doth his Sheep; through a hor­rid Wilderness; in which Thou feddest them, till they came to Canaan [And thither the same Power can, and the same Good­ness will, I hope, restore us: though now we seem neglected by Thee, as our Fathers were, for a time, in the Land of Egypt.]

Maschil of Asaph.


When God gave his Law to the Israelites, He commanded them, not onely to be carefull to study it themselves but, to inculcate it upon their Children (as the Psalmist here remembers, Ver. 5.) that they might propa­gate the knowledge of it to all future genera­tions, IV. Deut. 9. VI. 7, 8, &c XI. 18, 19, &c And particularly to instruct them in the reason of their Feasts; which were appointed for the commemoration of several benefits, which he would not have forgotten, XIII. Exod. 8, 14. In prosecution of which end, as Theodoret well observes, this Psalm was indited, by the Prophetical grace; (as his words are) that they and all their poste­rity, might preserve in mind the wonderfull works of God. An Epitome of which (for the help of their memory) He here presents them withall; from the time of their coming out of Egypt, till David's promotion to the Throne.

Where this Narration concluding, it makes it probable this Psalm was composed by that Asaph, so often mentioned, as one of the principal Singers in those days: who, setting [Page 48]before the peoples eyes, as in a Table, the benefits their Fathers had received, with their shamefull ingratitude, and the punish­ments inflicted upon them for it, teaches and instructs them who succeeded (for which reason some will have it called Mas­chil: see Psal. XXXII.) to learn greater gratitude and fidelity to their Benefactour: for fear they should incur his higher displea­sure, if they did not beware by such sad Examples.

1. GIve ear, O my people, to my law: in­cline your ears to the words of my mouth.

1. ATtend reverently, O my Country­men, for whom I have a particular affection, unto the Admonition, which now I intend to give you: listen diligently I beseech you to the following instruction.

2. I will open my mouth in a pa­rable: I will utter dark sayings of old:

2. It is no vulgar lesson, which I would have you learn; nor will I be sparing in my instruction: but I will abundantly inform you in the most remarkable pas­sages of God's Providence in former times; which are more worthy your knowledge then the skill of resolving the darkest Riddles.

3. Which we have heard and known, and our fathers have told us.

3. And I will not re­port uncertain or doubtfull things to you; or things done in another Nation: But such as are of unque­stionable credit; which you have heard and know to be recorded in your ho­ly Books; and our Fore­fathers, who were eye­witnesses of them, have faithfully registred and transmitted unto us.

4. We will not hide them from their children, shewing to the ge­neration to come the praises of the LORD; and his strength, and his wonderfull works that he hath done.

4. Who will not be so treacherous, as to lose the memory of them in our days; but diligently pro­pagate them to posterity: endeavouring that all fu­ture generations may un­derstand, how much the Lord deserves to be praised, for the mighty and stupen­dious works, which He hath done in former Ages.

5. For he esta­blished a testimony in Jacob, and ap­pointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers that they should make them known to their children.

5. And indeed, when God gave us the Law, He strictly charged our Fore­fathers, and made a parti­cular injunction about it, which He frequently re­peated ( Deut. IV. VI. XI. [Page 50] see the Argument;) that they should be carefull to leave the knowledge of these things as a sacred le­gacy, or inheritance unto their Children.

6. That the ge­neration to come might know them, even the children which should be born: who should arise and declare them to their chil­dren:

6. In order to the con­veying them, by their hands, to the next genera­tion; who were then un­born: who should be taught also when they were grown up, to deliver them with the same diligence to their descendants; and so preserve the memory of them to all succeeding ge­nerations.

7. That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God: but keep his com­mandments:

7. To the end, that they might learn by such won­derfull instances of his powerfull goodness, to ad­here unto Him, and confide in Him alone; and by the constant commemoration of his benefits, be provoked religiously to observe his Precepts.

8. And might not be as their fa­thers, a stubborn and rebellious ge­neration; a gene­ration that set not their heart aright: and whose spirit was not stedfast with God.

8. And take warning by the punishments inflicted on them, not to imitate the ingratitude of their Fore­fathers; [Page 51]who were not one­ly a refractory generation, but so fickle, that they fell off from God to the wor­ship of Idols, presently af­ter they came out of Egypt: For they did not lay to heart what He had done for them, and so were ne­ver rightly disposed to his service; or if, in a good fit, they were inclined to it, they soon revolted from Him.

9. The children of Ephraim being armed, and carry­ing bows, turned back in the day of battel.

9. What could be more shamefull, then their base refusal to go and ingage the Canaanites, when they were so well appointed for the fight? and were com­manded by God, in whose power they had no confi­dence, to go up and take possession of the Land? (I. Deut. 26.) unless it were their foul cowardise when they did ingage them against his command; (I. Deut. 43, 44.) and the Ephraimites themselves, though a valiant Tribe and excellent Archers, ran [Page 52]away, and were chased in a shamefull manner by their enemies.

10. They kept not the covenant of God, and refu­sed to walk in his law:

10. For they brake their word with God; (who therefore would not be with them, XIV. Numb. 43.) and would not be gover­ned by his will, but by their own.

11. And forgat his works, and his wonders that he had shewed them.

11. Never thinking of the illustrious works, which their eyes had seen; and so distrusting his power, not­withstanding all the Mi­racles, whereby He had de­monstrated the greatness of it to them.

12. Marvellous things did he in the sight of their fathers, in the land of Egypt, in the field of Zoan.

12. Nor were the next Generation any better; though the memory was then fresh of that heap of wonders, which their Fa­thers saw him doe publick­ly: not in a corner, but in all the Land of Egypt: yea, in and about the principal City of the Kingdom.

13. He divided the sea, and cau­sed them to pass through, and he made the waters to stand as an heap.

13. From whence when He had delivered them, and they were in great distress at the red Sea; He made it [Page 53]give way to them, that they might walk through it on dry ground: the fluid waters swelling into little hills (XV. Exod. 8.) which stood like a solid wall on either hand, to secure them in that dangerous passage (XIV. Exod. 22.)

14. In the day-time also he led them with a cloud, and all the night with a light of fire.

14. Through which He conducted them, as He did at all other times, by a glorious Cloud: whose dark side served also in the day-time, for a shadow from the scorching rays of the Sun; and its bright side in the night, for a torch to guide them when they travelled; or if they rested, to light them in their Tents.

15. He clave the rocks in the wilderness, and gave them drink as out of the great depths.

15. And when they wan­ted water in the wilderness, He brought it out of the Rocks (which He comman­ded Moses to smite more then once, first at Rephidim (XVII. Exod. 6.) and then in Kadesh, XX. Numb. 8, 11.) And they had it in such plenty, both for them­selves [Page 54]and their cattel; as if it had been a great pond or lake.

16. He brought streams also out of the rock, and cau­sed waters to run down like rivers.

16. And yet it was no standing, but a flowing wa­ter; which ran continually out of the dry Rock, as out of its Fountain, in se­veral streams: or rather, like unto Rivers; which followed them in their tra­vels.

17. And they sinned yet more against him, by provoking the most High in the wil­derness.

17. But all these mira­culous works, did not al­ter their depraved Nature; which broke out into new and greater provocations; in that very place, where, without the singular Pro­vidence of their most high Benefactour, they had all been starved.

18. And they tempted God in their heart, by asking meat for their lust.

18. For they were not content with the bountifull provision which he had made for them; (XVI. Exod.) but muttered within themselves against Him: And wisht, if He was so powerfull and kind as was pretended, that He would give them a new proof of [Page 55]it; by sending them meat to satisfie their wanton ap­petite.

19. Yea, they spake against God: they said, Can God furnish a ta­ble in the wilder­ness?

19. And at last, they openly declared that dis­trust of his power, which was in their hearts; saying, Is God able to make us a feast here in this barren wilderness? XI. Numb. 4, 5, &c.

20. Behold, he smote the rock that the waters gushed out, and the streams overflow­ed; can he give bread also? can he provide flesh for his people?

20. It is true He hath brought water out of a Rock for us in great abun­dance; (which perhaps was lodged there before in the caverns of it, and might have flowed out of it self) but can he give us more substantial bread? (not such light stuff as this Manna is, which He also hath sent us, XI. Numb. 6.) here where no corn grows? and make an ample provision for all this multitude, of such flesh as this place doth not af­ford?

21. Therefore the LORD heard this, and was wroth, so a fire was kindled a­gainst Jacob, and anger also came up against Israel;

21. Which rude and in­solent language highly in­censed the Divine displea­sure; so that He sent light­ning [Page 56]from heaven (XI. Numb. 1.) to consume those, whom He had be­fore cherished: and He re­solved also to punish them more severely, before He had done with them (Ver. 33.)

22. Because they believed not in God, and tru­sted not in his sal­vation:

22. Because they had so mean an opinion of Him, that they durst not confide in Him, and commend themselves to his good pro­vidence; to preserve and conduct them safe to Ca­naan.

23. Though he had commanded the clouds from above, and opened the doors of hea­ven,

23. No, not after such extraordinary benefits, as they had received from Him: for He had under­taken in a miraculous man­ner (as is fit to be more particularly remembred) to dispense food to them, from above; and to make the clouds their granary, whose doors he opened to them.

24. And had rained down man­na upon them to eat, and had gi­ven them of the corn of heaven.

24. And, instead of rain (to make the earth with long labour become fruit­full) to send showers of [Page 57]Manna out of the air (XVI. Exod. 4.) which was a kind of Corn ready prepared for them, XI. Numb. 8, 9.

25. Man did eat angels food: he sent them meat to the full.

25. There was not a man among that vast multitude, but was fed with that strong and hearty, or rather princely food; brought to them from the habitation, and by the ministry of An­gels: This was their daily entertainment, as long as their travels in the wilder­ness lasted; and they had it in such abundance, that none of them could pretend they were not sufficed, XVI. Exod. 16, 17, 35.

26. He caused an east-wind to blow in the hea­ven: and by his power he brought in the south-wind.

26. And therefore it was not to satisfie their hunger, but to reprove their unbe­lief, that He was pleased to comply with their desires; and, when the wind blew violently out of the East, turned it by his power into the South:

27. He rained flesh also upon them as dust, and feathered fowls like as the sand of the sea.

27. Which brought a great Cloud of Quails (a deli­cious Bird) from the coasts about the red Sea: which [Page 58](either tired with long flight, or beaten down with the wind) came pou­ring down like showres of rain; and lay on the ground, as thick as the dust or the sand on the Sea shore, from whence they came, XI. Numb. 31.

28. And he let it fall in the midst of their camp, round about their habitations.

28. There was no need of labour, or of any art to catch them; neither nee­ded they go far to take them up: for they dropt down in the midst of their Camp; and lay also many miles round it in such heaps, that they, who would, might fetch enough to serve them for a whole month, XI. Numb. 20, 31.

29. So they did eat, and were well filled: for he gave them their own desire;

29. So they had not one­ly a taste of his liberality; but were glutted and cram­med with them: for He sa­tisfied their longings to the full.

30. They were not estranged from their lust: but while the meat was yet in their mouths,

30. And they were not hindred from eating as much as they pleased; nor was this diet become at all nauseous to them: but they [Page 59]greedily feasted on these Birds to the end of the month; and at that very time had these sweet mor­sels in their mouths, (XI. Numb. 33.)

31. The wrath of God came upon them, and slew the fattest of them, and smote down the chosen men of Israel.

31. When the Divine vengeance seised on them, by a very great pestilence: (XI. Numb. 33.) which swept away the strongest and goodliest persons that were in Israel

32. For all this they sinned still: and believed not for his wondrous works.

32. But these punish­ments wrought no more change in their hearts, then his benefits: for they ad­ded new sins to all the for­mer; and were not moved by any of his wonderfull works, to believe that He was able to bring them in­to the Land of promise, XIV. Numb. 2, 3, 4.

33. Therefore their days did he consume in vanity, and their years in trouble.

33. For which cause He resolved they should never come thither, but be con­sumed in the wilderness: (XIV. Numb. 28, 33, &c.) Where, though they tra­velled up and down very much and long, yet it was [Page 60]to no purpose; for they were never the nearer to their journeys end; nor were ever free from one plague or other, till they were utterly destroyed.

34. When he slew them, then they sought him: and they returned and enquired ear­ly after God.

34. They relented in­deed sometime; and when God cut off some of them, the rest began to deprecate his displeasure: (XIV. Numb. 39, 40.) and, by promising amendment, most earnestly sought to recover his favour.

35. And they remembred that God was their rock, and the high God their redee­mer.

35. And professed that they would trust in God hereafter for safety and de­liverance: who they ac­knowledged was superiour to all other Gods, and had been their mighty Redee­mer.

36. Neverthe­less they did flat­ter him with their mouth, and they lied unto him with their tongues.

36. But all this was little more then speaking him fair, while they lay under his correcting hand: and they did not sincerely in­tend to doe as they promi­sed, when it was removed.

37. For their heart was not right with him, neither were they stedfast in his co­venant.

37. For their hearts were not rightly disposed, nor [Page 61]firmly resolved to adhere unto Him; as appears by their frequent revolts from their engagements: which they never faithfully obser­ved; but as constantly broke, as they renewed their Covenant with Him, XVI. Numb. 3. XX. 3, 4. XXI. 5, 7. XXV. 1, 2, &c.

38. But he be­ing full of compas­sion, forgave their iniquity, and de­stroyed them not; yea, many a time turned he his an­ger away, and did not stir up all his wrath.

38. Yet He was so full of compassion, that, after He had threatned utterly to destroy them, (XIV. Numb. 11, 12.) He remit­ted very much of the seve­rity of the sentence: and did not cut them off at once, ( Ib. Ver. 15, 17, 18.) but very often spared them when they deserved to be punished; or, when He punished them, did it less then their deserts.

39. For he re­membred that they were but flesh; a wind that pas­seth away and co­meth not again.

39. For He considered how frail they were, and that they could not con­tinue long (though He did not snatch them away) but would moulder of them­selves into dust; and vanish like a blast of wind, which [Page 62]makes a bustle and noise for a little time, and then is dispersed and heard of no more.

40. How oft did they provoke him in the wilder­ness, and grieve him in the desert?

40. How many times, before this terrible threat­ning, did they provoke Him to anger in the wil­derness? (XIV. Numb. 22.) and afterward, did things exceeding offensive to Him, in other parts of the desert? Numb. XVI. XX. XXI. XXV.

41. Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the holy One of Israel.

41. Being so vilely un­gratefull, as to talk of re­turning into Egypt; (XIV. Numb. 4.) or requiring, upon every occasion, new proofs of his power: Nay, questioning whether it could doe all things, though He had wrought so many wonders; and ap­pointing Him, who had so often shewn Himself to be incomparably greater then all other Gods, what He should doe (as I said before Ver. 19, 20.) if He inten­ded to have them believe on Him.

42. They re­membred not his hand, nor the day when he delivered them from the e­nemy.

42. For they quite for­got (this was the reason of their naughtiness, Ver. 11, 12. which is fit again to be repeated) or never laid to heart, the mighty things He had done for them: especially that memorable time, when He, by his power alone, delivered them from the tyranny of Pharaoh, who most misera­bly oppressed them.

43. How he had wrought his signs in Egypt, and his wonders in the field of Zoan:

43. They did not seri­ously ponder the evident demonstration He gave of his uncontroulable power, in the miraculous judgments which He sent upon the Egyptians; even upon the Court of Pharaoh, and the principal City of the King­dom.

44. And had turned their ri­vers into bloud; and their flouds, that they could not drink.

44. When, for instance, He left them no water to quench their thirst; by turning the River Nile (VII. Exod. 17, 19, 20.) with all the streams that were derived from it, and all their Ponds and Pools of water, into bloud.

45. He sent di­vers sorts of flies among them, which devoured them; and frogs, which destroyed them.

45. And sent an infinite swarm of the most pestilent (and to them the most odi­ous) sort of Flyes (VIII. Exod. 21, 22.) which bit the Egyptians, as they used to do their Dogs: As not long before He had sent such an army of Frogs to invade all places (VIII. Exod. 3, 8, 9, &c.) and so to spoil their meat and drink, and every thing else; that if this plague had la­sted, they must have left their Country, or not have lived.

46. He gave al­so their increase unto the caterpil­ler, and their la­bour unto the lo­cust.

46. After which He ex­posed the Fruits of the Earth, for which they had taken long pains, to be de­voured by various kinds of Locusts; with which the whole Country was so o­verspread, that nothing else, but they, were to be seen upon the face of the earth (X. Exod. 5.)

47. He destroy­ed their vines with hail, and their sycomore­trees with frost.

47. Which had been mi­serably harassed before, by storms of Hail, both small and great: whereby not [Page 65]onely the Grapes and such like Fruit, were smitten down; but the Trees them­selves (for instance, the Vines, and the wild Fig­trees) quite killed, and corrupted at the very root, IX. Exod. 18, 19, 25.

48. He gave up their cattel al­so to the hail, and their flocks to hot thunderbolts.

48. For there was a dreadfull Thunder and Lightning mixt together with it: which let no li­ving Creature escape, but destroyed even the Cattel and the Flocks, which were left abroad in the Field, IX. Exod. 22, 23, &c.

49. He cast up­on them the fierce­ness of his anger, wrath, and indig­nation, and trou­ble, by sending evil angels among them.

49. Many other ways He plagued them, which were tokens of his severest displeasure; by a grievous murrain, by fiery boils, by a most dismall darkness, (IX. Exod. 10.) till at length He sent evil An­gels (who had frighted them in that darkness XVII. Wisd. 3.) as the Ministers of his heavy wrath.

50. He made a way to his anger, he spared not their soul from death: but gave their life over to the pesti­lence.

50. Which irresistibly and speedily seised on them, wheresoever He found [Page 66]them; and spared not their lives: but took away the First-born of all their Cat­tel by a pestilential disease, XXI. Exod. 30.

51. And smote all the first-born in Egypt: the chief of their strength in the tabernacles of Ham:

51. As well as the First­born of all their Children, (the prop of their Families, in whom the hope of fu­ture succession was princi­pally laid) throughout the dwellings of the posterity of Cham, the Father of the Egyptians, (X. Gen. 6. XII. Exod. 30.)

52. But made his oron people to go forth like sheep: and guided them in the wilderness like a flock.

52. And by that means brought forth his people from among them, (XII. Exod. 31.) as peaceably as a Shepherd doth his Sheep out of their Folds (not so much as a Dog moving his tongue against them, XI. Exod. 7.) and then directed them the way they should go in the wilderness (XIII. Exod. 18, 21.) where He graciously provided for them.

53. And he led them on safely, so that they feared not: but the sea overwhelmed their enemies.

53. He conducted them securely even through the red Sea, without any ap­prehension [Page 67]of danger, (XIV. Exod. 19, 22.) but over­whelmed Pharaoh and his followers, in that very path where they travelled in safety.

54. And he brought them to the border of his Sanctuary, even to this mountain which his right hand had pur­chased.

54. And never ceased his care over them (notwith­standing all their provoca­tions) till He brought them into his holy Land; and (in the issue) to this Mount Sion: which, not their prowess but, his mighty power, by the hand of Da­vid, won for them, 2 Sam. V. 6, &c.

55. He cast out the heathen also before them, and divided them an inheritance by line: and made the tribes of Israel to dwell in their tents.

55. And, after He had expelled the old inhabi­tants, who were not able to stand before them (XII. Josh.) He distributed by lot, to every Tribe their portion of Land, which they should inherit (XIV. Josh.) and settled them in a quiet possession of it, XXI. Josh. 43, 44.

56. Yet they tempted and pro­voked the most high God: and kept not his testi­monies:

56. Yet, after so many and so great benefits, they behaved themselves no bet­ter, in that good Land; [Page 68]then they had done in the Wilderness: but as soon as Joshua and the Elders were dead (II. Judg. 7, 10.) they disbelieved the threatnings of their Law, and would make a trial whether they were true or no; provo­king the great Lord of all the world, by slighting his Commandments, which He had so strictly injoined them to observe.

57. But turned back, and dealt unfaithfully like their fathers: they were turned aside like a deceitfull bow.

57. They imitated their Fore-fathers, both in their frequent apostasies from God, and in their falseness to their promises, when they pretended to repent of them, (II. Judg. 13, 18, 19. III. 7, &c.) having de­praved minds and hearts, which (like an ill made Bow, that never tends the Arrow to the mark) would turn aside into crooked ways, and not be directed according to the will of God.

58. For they provoked him to anger with their high places: and moved him to jea­lousie with their graven images.

58. For they highly in­censed Him, by their Altars and Images, (VI. Judg. 25.) [Page 69]which they built after the manner of the heathen (XXII. Numb. 41.) in the high places: where they worshipped a number of false Gods, (X. Judg. 6.) to his great offence and dis­honour.

59. When God heard this, he was wroth and greatly abhorred Israel:

59. Which was so noto­rious, that the Judge of the world could not but take notice of it, and severely punish it; by abandoning that people, for whom He had done such wonders, into the hands of the Sy­rians, the Moabites, the Midianites, Philistines, and the Children of Ammon, (see the Book of Judges) who made them as contemptible unto others, as they were loathsome unto Him.

60. So that he forsook the taber­nacle of Shiloh, the tent which he placed among men:

60. Insomuch that at last He quite forsook the City of Shiloh, where, in his Ta­bernacle, He had been gra­ciously pleased to be present with them, (1 Sam. IV. 3, 4.) and would never return un­to it any more, (VII. Jer, 12. and see Arg. of LXVIII. Ps.)

61. And deli­vered his strength into captivity, and his glory into the enemies hand.

61. Nay, He let the Ark of the Covenant, the spe­cial token of his presence with them, from whence his power was wont to ap­pear most gloriously for them, not onely fall into their hands; but be car­ried away captive by the Philistines (1 Sam. IV. 11, 22. V. 1.).

62. He gave his people over also to the sword: and was wroth with his inheritance.

62. Whose Sword slew a great number of his peo­ple; (1 Sam. IV. 10.) so exceeding angry was He with those, whom He had formerly taken into his spe­cial care above all other Nations; XXXII. Deut. 8, 9.

63. The fire consumed their young men: and their maidens were not given to mar­riage.

63. For it was by his Di­vine vengeance, more then the Philistines valour, that they lost abundance of brave young men; the ve­ry flower of their Army: by which means many of their Virgins were constrai­ned to remain unmarried; and they that found Hus­bands, were fain to omit all tokens of joy, in a time of publick sorrow.

64. Their priests fell by the sword: and their widows made no lamenta­tion.

64. For some of their Priests, who were peculiar­ly consecrated to God's service, were slain in this Battel, (1 Sam. IV. 11.) and their Wives, oppressed with grief, did not long survive, to make any pub­lick Funeral for them; 1 Sam. IV. 20.

65. Then the LORD awaked as one out of sleep, and like a mighty man that shouteth by reason of wine.

65. The Lord Himself also (who was wont to sight for us) seemed no more concerned in all these calamities, which befell both us and our Religion; then a mighty Commander is at that, which is done to his Army when he is asleep, or overcome with Wine: Till at last, like such a great Warriour (who be­ing awaked calls for his arms, and charges the ene­my with greater fury) He vindicated his honour in a terrible manner, and made a very great destruction a­mong them, 1 Sam. V. 9, 11.

66. And he smote his enemies in the hinder parts: he put them to a perpe­tual reproach.

66. For besides the fall of Dagon before the Ark, [Page 72]He smote several Cities of the Philistines, with a grie­vous sort of Haemorrhoids; whereof many died, and the rest languished under most miserable torments: (1 Sam. V. 6, 9, 12.) the monuments of which they themselves were forced to make, and send back with the Ark; to his great glo­ry, and their eternal re­proach, 1 Sam. VI. 3, 4, 9.

67. Moreover he refused the ta­bernacle of Joseph: and chose not the tribe of Ephraim.

67. Yet he would not return to Shiloh again (which was in the Tribe of Ephraim, the Son of Jo­seph) nor have the Ark of his presence placed there any more:

68. But chose the tribe of Ju­dah, the mount Sion which he lo­ved.

68. But first it was brought to Kiriathaim, (1 Sam. VI. 21.) a City of the Tribe of Judah, XV. Josh. 6. where He resolved hereafter to have his spe­cial residence: and so from thence (after a short stay at the House of Obed-Edom) unto Mount Sion (1 Chron. XIII. 6. XVI. 1, 3, 29.) which He preferred before [Page 73]the Hill of Kiriathaim (1 Sam. VII. 1.) or any other place in all the Country.

69. And he built his sanctua­ry like high pala­ces, like the earth which he hath e­stablished for ever.

69. There Solomon built Him a stately Temple, which, as it was a high and lofty Fabrick, so was not moveable, like his former habitation; but remained perpetually fixed, like the earth on which it stood.

70. He chose David also his servant, and took him from the sheepfolds:

70. For as He had rejec­ted Shiloh, and chosen Sion for the place of his dwell­ing; so He had likewise rejected Saul, and chosen David (the Father of Solo­mon) to be the King of his people: A man who ser­ved Him as faithfully in that Office, as he had done his Father in keeping of his Sheep.

71. From fol­lowing the ews great with young, he brought him to feed Jacob his people, and Israel his inheritance.

71. From that mean im­ployment He took him, and raised him to the highest charge and dignity: that the care he had imployed in looking after the Ews, and their Lambs when they should fall, he might exer­cise in governing his people; [Page 74]and endeavouring that they, whom He had chosen for his own peculiar inheritance, did no way miscarry.

72. So he fed them according to the integrity of his heart: and gui­ded them by the skilfulness of his hands.

72. And he did not de­ceive His expectation; but governed them with equal integrity and prudence: never designing any thing but their good; and dex­trously accomplishing what­soever he designed.

A Psalm of Asaph.


This Psalm was penned, in all probability, upon the same occasion with the LXXIX. viz. The destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnez­zar: see what I have said there, in the Ar­gument of that Psalm; and it will appear altogether unlikely, that this should have re­spect to the times of Antiochus Epiphanes: as many imagin, and among the rest Theo­doret: which is the more strange, because the same reason he gives there, why the LXXIV. Psalm doth not belong to those times (which he repeats again upon LXXX. [Page 75] Psal. 17.) lies as strongly against the appli­cation of this Psalm to the fury and rage, wherewith that Prince fell upon the Jewish Nation. Whose miserable calamity under Nebuchadnezzar we find bewailed by Je­remiah, who then lived (X. Jer. 25.) in the very words of the sixth and seventh verses of this Psalm: which is some indica­tion that they both belong to the same mat­ter: but whether Jeremiah took them from Asaph, or Asaph from him, I cannot cer­tainly determin. The latter is most likely; because this Psalm seems to have been writ­ten, after that desolation had for some time continued.

We reade indeed in the Book of Macca­bees (1. VII. 16, 17.) two other verses of this Psalm ( viz. 2, 3.) applied to the slaugh­ter of threescore of the devouter sort of Jews; presently after Antiochus his death. But that Authour quotes them, it is plain, as words which had been written in former days; and by him onely made use of to his purpose: which was to shew that the same cruelties were, in great part, acted over again, which their Fathers had seen at the destruction of Jerusalem.

1. O God, the heathen are come into thine inheritance, thy holy temple have they defiled: they have laid Jerusa­lem on heaps.

1. O God, the supreme Judge of the world, Thou art not ignorant, we know, of our calamity, for [Page 74] [...] [Page 75] [...] [Page 76]it comes by thy order; but give us leave to represent unto thy Majesty, the sad condition of the people and place, which was once very dear unto Thee; for pro­phane Nations have not onely invaded our (or rather thy) Country, to which Thou hast a peculiar Title; but polluted thy own House, which was se­parated to thy service a­lone; and laid it, together with Jerusalem, in ruinous heaps.

2. The dead bodies of thy ser­vants have they given to be meat unto the fowls of the heaven, the flesh of thy saints unto the beasts of the earth.

2. Under which thy ser­vants the Priests, and o­ther holy men, whom they have slain, could not have the honour to be buried; nor obtain the common ci­vility of a Grave: but the dead Bodies of those whom Thou lovest, they have bar­barously disposed to be de­voured by ravenous Beasts and Birds.

3. Their bloud have they shed like water round about Jerusalem: and there was none to bury them.

3. For they valued the shedding of their bloud, no more then the pouring out of water: which flowed in [Page 77]such abundance about Je­rusalem; that they left not men enow alive, to take care of the Interment of the dead.

4. We are be­come a reproach to our neighbours: a scorn and derision to them that are round about us.

4. And we, that remain, lead a most despicable life; being not onely scorned, and abused, but openly de­rided, and made the sport of the Edomites and other Nations, which formerly stood in awe of us.

5. How long, LORD? wilt thou be angry for ever? shall thy jealousie burn like fire?

5. And which is saddest of all, we have long com­plained of this, and find no relief; but onely in our most passionate cries to Thee, O Lord: the effects of whose just anger and jealousie, we groan under (because we have forsaken Thee, and been unfaithfull to our Covenant with Thee) but hope it will not always last; nor proceed to make an utter end of us.

6. Pour out thy wrath upon the heathen that have not known thee, and upon the king­doms that have not called upon thy name.

6. Pour it out rather (in as full a measure, and with as little pity, as they did our bloud, Ver. 3.) up­on the Babylonians: who, [Page 78]though they have conque­red many Kingdoms, do not acknowledge Thee at all, nor ascribe their successes to thy Power; but to their Idols, whom they serve, and honour with that wor­ship which is due to Thee alone.

7. For they have devoured Jacob, and laid wast his dwelling-place.

7. They have been the Instruments indeed of thy vengeance, but have exe­cuted it with such cruelty; that, not content with the conquest of us, they have sought our total extirpati­on: having depopulated our Country, and made that pleasant Land a Wil­derness; which Thou ga­vest to Jacob and his Seed for their habitation.

8. O Remember not against us for­mer iniquities: let thy tender mercies speedily prevent us: for we are brought very low.

8. O let not his vertue, and the Covenant Thou madest with him, be for­gotten; when Thou recko­nest with us for the sins of our Fore-fathers; the pu­nishment of which we be­seech Thee, that we may bear no longer: speed our deliverance, Good Lord; [Page 79]and how unworthy soever we be, let thy tender com­passion prevail with Thee, to save us from utter ruin; which is very near, so few, so broken and spent we are, unless seasonably prevented by thy mercy.

9. Help us, O God of our salva­tion, for the glory of thy name: and deliver us, and purge away our sins for thy names sake.

9. Send us that seaso­nable help, O God, from whom alone we expect it, and have heretofore very often received it; for it will tend much to the ho­nour of thy almighty Good­ness (which in former times was much celebrated, but of late hath been excee­dingly disparaged) to save us now, when none is able to preserve us: upon that account be pleased to pass by our sins, and to inter­pose for our deliverance; lest Thou suffer together with us:

10. Wherefore should the heathen say, Where is their God? let him be known among the heathen in our sight, by the re­venging of the bloud of thy ser­vants which is shed.

10. While the Idolatrous Nations utter this insolent language (which is excee­ding grievous, nay insup­portable to us) If their God be so great in Himself, [Page 80]and so kind to them, as they pretend; why doth He not take their part, and appear for their delive­rance? O that Thou wouldst put them to si­lence, by taking such an open, and remarkable ven­geance on these blasphe­mous Nations, for the bloud they have shed; that, not onely we but, all the world may see, Thou hast a care of us thy Servants.

11. Let the sighing of the pri­soner come before thee, according to the greatness of thy power: pre­serve thou those that are appointed to die.

11. Let the sighs and groans of those who lie in prison, be as prevalent with Thee, as thee prayers: and magnifie thy power, by preserving the lives of those, whom they have condemned to die.

12. And render unto our neigh­bours seven fold into their bosom, their reproach wherewith they have reproached thee, O LORD.

12. And when Thou hast done with the Baby­lonians, reckon with our neighbours also, who have insulted over us, and deri­ded us: or rather, have spoken so reproachfully of Thee, O God, that they justly deserve, not onely [Page 81]to be paid home in their kind; but to be made se­ven times more contemp­tible then we have been.

13. So we thy people, and sheep of thy pasture, will give thee thanks for ever: we will shew forth thy praise to all gene­rations.

13. So we thy people, being conducted again to our Land, and happily re­stored to live under thy Government there; will never cease to give thanks unto Thee, for thy bene­fits bestowed upon us: And be carefull to trans­mit the memory of them, to those, who shall come after us; that all future Generations may perpe­tuate thy praises.

To the chief-Musician, upon Shoshannim Eduth. A Psalm of Asaph.


This Psalm is something of kin to the former; deprecating the displeasure of the Almighty in a time of great calamity. Which, as all that I have met withall think, was either in [Page 82]the captivity of Judah and Benjamin by Nebuchadnezzar; or of the Ten Tribes, by Salmanassar. But it seems to me rather to have been penned between these two, in the time of Hezekiah: who had wrote a Letter you find (2 Chron. XXXI. 6.) to the rem­nant that were escaped out of the hand of the King of Assyria; especially to Ephraim and Manasseh, the Tribes nearest to them, that they would come to the House of the Lord at Jerusalem, and keep the Passover with them: which summons, several of them obeyed, Ver. 11. 18. and kept the Feast as long again as they were wont, Ver. 23. And when this was finished, they all went through the Coun­try, and threw down all the High places and Altars that they found: not onely in Judah; but in Benjamin also, Ephraim and Manas­seh, 2 Chron. XXXI. 1.

But after this happy settlement you reade there, XXXII. 1. that the Land was inva­ded by Senacherib, and sorely distressed; to the great discouragement no doubt of those, who had joined in the Reformation: which moved Asaph (mentioned 2 Chron. XXIX. 30. see the Argument of LXXIII. Psal.) most earnestly to beseech God (Ver. 2. of this Psalm) that he would be pleased to stir up Himself before Ephraim, and Manasseh, as well as Benjamin (who was so linkt to Ju­dah, that part of Jerusalem and of the Temple stood in that Tribe) and let them see, by a [Page 83]remarkable deliverance, that their zeal for the purity of their Religion, was acceptable to Him.

Another reason indeed there may be given (which I have not omitted in my Paraphrase) why these three are joined together, rather then any other, because they were the Tribes (as we reade in the second of Numbers) who, when they were in the Wilderness, al­ways marched behind the Tabernacle, when it moved; and had that part, where the Propitiatory was, from whence God sent his Oracles, and the tokens of his power; just before them. But then there is this to be added, to make it probable that this Psalm was not penned in the time of the Captivity; because, as then there was no Ark; nor did God sit between the Cherubins (concer­ning which phrase the learned Reader may see Lud. de Dieu, upon 1 Sam. IV. 4.) as He is said here to do; nor were Ephraim and Manasseh then mixed with them, that we reade of: so, first of all, it is too full of elegancies for that time of utter desolation; and secondly the Greek expresly calls it, A Psalm concerning the Assyrian (who is the wild Boar I suppose that broke into God's Vineyard, mentioned Ver. 13.) and lastly, Hezekiah, I observe, applies himself to God (in the time of that distress by the King of Assyria) in the very language of the Psal­mist; and begins his Prayer, just as Asaph [Page 84]doth here, to Him that sits between the Cherubins, desiring Him to incline his ear to his requests, 2 King. XIX. 15, 16. XXXVII. Isa. 16, 17.

It was delivered to the chief Master of Musick to be sung as the LX. Psalm, upon the Instruments of six strings: which were wont to be used in solemn Thanksgivings (see the Argument of that Psalm) for he nothing doubted God would hear their Pray­ers, and destroy Senacherib: Or perhaps it was ordered afterward to be sung in that manner.

1. GIve ear, O shepherd of Israel, thou that leadest Joseph like a flock, thou that dwellest between the cherubims, shine forth.

1. O Thou, who art the Ruler and Protec­tour of thy people Israel, who didst long ago give a famous instance of thy pow­er; in preserving Joseph, when he fell, like an inno­cent Lamb, among a com­pany of Wolves, (XXXVII. Gen. 18, &c.) and conduc­ting him to the highest preferment; reject not our humble petitions, which we put up unto Thee, in the like distress: but shew that Thou favourest us, by some illustrious token of thy presence among us, in [Page 85]thy Holy place; from whence Thou canst send Angels to defend and deli­ver us, 2 King. XIX. 35.

2. Before E­phraim, and Ben­jamin, and Ma­nasseh, stir up thy strength, and come and save us.

2. Let the posterity of Joseph, who beheld here­tofore so many enemies fall before Thee, when they attended upon the Ark of thy presence in the Wilder­ness, (II. Numb. 18, 20, 22.) and have lately been very zealous in thy service, (2 Chr. XXX. 1. XXXI. 1.) see thy power to be as great as ever: (though for some time it hath not ap­peared at all for us) and that Thou art as forward, in due time, to grant us a glorious deliverance.

3. Turn us a­gain, O God: and cause thy face to shine, and we shall be saved.

3. Restore us, O God, to our former happiness; and for that end restore us into thy favour: and then there will soon be an end of our calamities.

4. O LORD God of hosts, how long wilt thou be angry against the prayer of thy peo­ple?

4. For what can the greatest Armies (2 King. XVIII. 17.) doe against Thee, who art the supreme Lord of all, the absolute [Page 86]Commander of the Hosts of Heaven? whose help we have most importunate­ly implored, and long wai­ted for, as men impatient to see our enemies so pre­valent; though hitherto Thou hast been so excee­ding angry with us, that Thou hast not heard the prayers of thy people.

5. Thou feedest them with the bread of tears: and givest them tears to drink in great measure.

5. But hast turned our joyfull Feasts unto fasting, and weeping; and our plenty, into scarcity of all things, but onely of tears: which we pour out in large measure; when we think of the danger we are in, to perish by famine and by thirst, 2 Chron. XXXII. 21.

6. Thou makest us a strife unto our neighbours: and our enemies laugh among them­selves.

6. Our neighbours, the Edomites and others, either pick quarrels with us, or strive among themselves who shall make the greatest booty of us: while our enemies, that besiege us, mock at our inability to help our selves; and at our confidence, which we place in Thee, 2 King. XVIII. [Page 87]22, 23. 2 Chron. XXXII. 15.

7. Turn us a­gain, O God of hosts, and cause thy face to shine, and we shall be saved.

7. Convince them, O Lord, that it is not vainly placed, by restoring us a­gain to our former happi­ness: which it is easie for Thee to doe, who hast all the Hosts of Heaven at thy command; if Thou wilt but be pleased to favour us (as we again beseech Thee, Thou wilt) and then no harm shall befall us.

8. Thou hast brought a vine out of Egypt: thou hast cast out the heathen, and plan­ted it.

8. We were once very dear unto Thee, when Thou didst transplant us, like a choice Vine, out of Egypt into this Country: from whence Thou didst drive out the ancient Inha­bitants; that we might be settled in their place.

9. Thou prepa­redst room before it, and didst cause it to take deep root, and it filled the land.

9. Thou preparedst the way for us, making our terrour fall upon them be­fore we came (II. Josh. 9, 10, 11.) so that we easily expelled them; and being there firmly established, like a Vine deeply rooted in a fruitfull soil, we increased [Page 88]and multiplied, till we peo­pled all the Land.

10. The hills were covered with the shadow of it, and the boughs thereof were like the goodly cedars.

10. And as a rich Vine covers the Hill, on the side of which it is planted; or overtops the lofty Ce­dars, which support it: so we obscured the splendour of the greatest Kingdoms; and made mighty Kings, become Tributaries to us, 1 King. IV. 24.

11. She sent out her boughs unto the sea, and her branches un­to the river.

11. For our Empire ex­tended it self (just like such a luxuriant Vine which spreads its branches every way) from the mid-land Sea, to the River Euphra­tes, 1 King. IV. 21. ( see LXXII. Psal. 8.)

12. Why hast thou then broken down her hedges, so that all they which pass by the way, do pluck her?

12. But now alas! Thou hast withdrawn thy pro­tection from us; and we are left like a Vineyard without its Hedges: All our strong Holds, and fen­ced Cities are taken, (2 King. XVIII. 3.) so that we lie open to be made a prey to every one that hath a mind to spoil us.

13. The Boar out of the wood doth waste it, and the wild beast of the field doth de­vour it.

13. The Assyrian King, like a wild Boar, that breaks into a Vineyard, treads down all under his feet, and seeks to root us up: There is no savage Beast can make greater havock among the Vines, then his barbarous Souldiers have done throughout all the Land; which they have eaten up, 2 King. XIX. 29.

14. Return, we heseech thee, O God of hosts: look down from hea­ven, and behold, and visit this vine;

14. Our onely hope is, that Thou, the great Lord of Hosts, on whom the event of Wars, as of all things else, depends, wilt be reconciled unto us; and drive him out again: deny us not this request, we be­seech Thee, but though we be destitute of all help on earth, yet send us some from heaven; and, though very unworthy, yet graciously take us into thy care, and repair the breaches which they have made.

15. And the vineyard which thy right hand hath planted, and the branch that thou madest strong for thy self.

15. Be favourable to the remnant of us, which, by thy powerfull preservation, is still left; like the root [Page 90]or stock of a Vine, which may sprout out again: (2 King. XIX. 30, 31.) and especially to our King, whom Thou hast endued with zeal and couragious resolution for they service, (2 Chron. XXX. 32.) and for our defence, 2 Chron. XXXII. 5, 6, 7, 8.

16. It is burnt with fire, it is out down: they perish at the rebuke of thy countenance.

16. Great numbers of us are destroyed already; and may be compared to the numerous branches of that remaining stock, which, be­ing cut off, are burnt with fire: and all the rest of us must perish; if Thou wilt not be reconciled unto us, but still persevere in thy anger towards us.

17. Let thy hand be upon the man of thy right hand, upon the son of man whom thou madest strong for thy self.

17. Which we beseech Thee turn away; and be the mighty Helper of our Sovereign, who is dearly beloved by Thee; of that excellent Prince, whom Thou hast endued with zeal and couragious resolu­tion, for thy service and for our defence and preser­vation, (Ver. 15.)

18. So will not we go back from thee: quicken us, and we will call upon thy name.

18. Which shall be an everlasting obligation upon us, never to revolt from Thee to our former Idola­try: Do but free us from these deadly enemies, and we will worship Thee a­lone; and never cease to praise Thee, and acknow­ledge that we owe our ve­ry lives to thy almighty Goodness.

19. Turn us a­gain, O LORD God of hosts: cause thy face to shine, and we shall be sa­ved.

19. Hear us, O great Lord, who hast all the An­gels in Heaven at thy com­mand; hear us, we once more beseech Thee, and restore us perfectly to our former happiness: and in order to it, restore us to thy favour; and let there be a speedy end of all these calamities.

To the chief Musician upon Gittith. A Psalm of Asaph.


There was a special command of God, as the Psalmist here takes notice Ver. 4. for the making a joyfull sound with Trumpets, upon all their solemn days, especially their New Moons. (X. Numb. 10.) But more parti­cularly upon the first day of the seventh Month; which is called by this peculiar Name, above all other days, a day of blow­ing the Trumpets, i. e from Morning un­to Evening, XXIX. Numb. 1. and a me­morial of blowing Trumpets, XXIII. Lev. 24. For this solemn day I suppose this Psalm was composed; and the reason is apparent why they were to blow with Trum­pets longer on this day then any other, be­cause it was the first New Moon in the Year, (for according to their old computation be­fore they came out of Egypt, their Year be­gan on this Day, as appears from XXIII. Exod. 16. XXXIV. 22. where the Feast of ingathering their Fruits, is said to be in the revolution or the end of the year) and God intended, it is possible, to awaken them (as Maimonides conjectures) to prepare [Page 93]themselves, by strict inquiry into their lives, and by hearty repentance, for the great day of Attonement, which was the tenth of this Month.

But of what this blowing Trumpets or Cornets was a memorial is not easie to re­solve: the Hebrews themselves being at such a loss about it, that they are fain to go as far back as the deliverance of Isaac and the offering a Ram in his stead, for the reason of it. The clearest account of which, it seems to me, may be fetcht from this Psalm; which plainly intimates that the blowing with Trumpets at that time, related to something which ensued upon their happy deliverance out of Egypt Which though it began upon the first day of the first Month, according to their new Computation (which took its ori­ginal from that deliverance, in memory of which God ordained the Feast of the Passe­over, to begin on that day, XXIII. Lev. 6.) yet they had not a compleat body of Laws de­livered to them by Moses till the first day of the seventh Month, which was the Feast of blowing Trumpets.

Moses received indeed several Laws in the third Month, XIX. Exod. 1, 3, &c. on the third day whereof (Ver. 11, 16, 19, 20.) God himself appeared on the top of Mount Sinai, with the sound of a Trumpet exceeding loud and prolonged (to which I believe this Feast hath respect) and spake [Page 94]the Ten Commandments; after which Mo­ses delivered them a body of civil Laws, Exod. XXI. XXII. XXIII. But they did not know the manner of the Divine Ser­vice, for which they came out of Egypt in­to the Wilderness, till Moses had been twice forty days, one after the other, in the Mount; and likewise (as several of the Jews un­derstand those passages in IX. Deut. rela­ting to this matter) had forty days more bewailed their sin, in making the golden Calf. Which sixscore days, if we add to the time between their coming out of Egypt, and the giving of the Law on Mount Sinai, and to the six days, which passed before Moses was called up into the Cloud, it will fall out exactly to be the first day of the seventh month, when he began to give or­ders for the building of the Tabernacle, and making all things belonging to God's House; according to the direction he had received in the Mount. I am sure this was the pre­cise time of their setting up the Altar and beginning to offer burnt Offerings, after their return from the Captivity of Babylon; before the foundation of the Temple was laid. For you reade III. Ezra 1, 6. it was upon the first day of the seventh month; in the middle of which they also kept the Feast of Tabernacles, as Moses had appointed; in memory of their dwelling in Booths in the Wilderness, under the Government of the [Page 95]Almighty. The same day also was kept holy by Nehemiah with great solemnity, VIII. 1, 8, 9, 10. where you find how the Book of the Law was distinctly read to the people on this day, and the sense of it explained: so that they came the next day again for further instruction, Ver. 13.

Now that they might be more mindfull of those Divine Benefits, which in this Month they commemorated, more then in any other Month in the Year, Asaph (in the days of David it is likely) composed this Psalm, and directed it to the Master of Musick to be sung (as the VIII. Psalm upon Gittith) in the beginning of it, upon the Feast of Trumpets. And he introduces God Himself (before whom they were summoned, as I said, by these Trumpets to appear) instructing them in the end of this Solemnity; and complaining of their forgetfulness of his bene­fits, in giving them so great a deliverance out of the Egyptian slavery; and of their hard heartedness, in preferring their own Inventions, and the miseries they brought thereby upon themselves, before his Counsels, and the happiness He intended for them. Which happiness is expressed, in the last Verse, by satisfying them with honey out of the rock: concerning which the learned may consult Bochartus de Sacris Animal. Part. II. L. IV. c. 12.

1. SIng aloud unto God our strength: make a joyfull noise un­to the God of Ja­cob.

1. SIng praises aloud unto God; to whose migh­ty power alone we owe the Deliverance which we now Commemorate: shout with the voice of triumph, in honour of Him; who was so good unto your Fore­fathers.

2. Take a psalm, and bring hither the timbrel, the pleasant harp with the psaltery.

2. Offer to Him your chearfull Hymns; and, to compleat the melody, and express the greatness of your joy, let some with Timbrils, others with the pleasant Harp, and others with the Psaltery, celebrate the memory of his mercies.

3. Blow up the trumpet in the new-moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast-day.

3. And let the Priests especially (X. Numb. 8.) take care to blow with the Trumpets, at this sacred So­lemnity; on the first day of the seventh month, the principal New Moon in the year: that all the people may call to mind the Trump of God (XIX. Exod. 16, 19.) which our Fathers heard; at his dreadfull ap­pearance on Mount Sinai, to give his Law unto them.

4. For this was a statute for Isra­el, and a law of the God of Jacob.

4. For thus hath the Lord decreed in that Law; where the God of our Fa­ther Jacob requires this service of us, XXIII. Lev. 24, &c.

5. This he or­dained in Joseph for a testimony, when he went out through the land of Egypt: where I heard a language that I understood not.

5. This He appointed unto the Children of Jo­seph, as well as the rest of the Tribes of Israel; for a perpetual memorial of his benefits: when He going out over all the Land of Egypt, (XI. Exod. 4. XII. 23, 29.) and destroying all their First-born, forced them to let us depart into the Wilderness; where we heard to our great astonish­ment (for we were never before acquainted with it) the voice of God.

6. I removed his shoulder from the burthen: his hands were deli­vered from the pots.

6. Who, considering with Himself what a title He had to our service (having ta­ken off the heavy burthens which the Egyptians laid upon our backs, and rid our hands of those sordid and dirty Imployments, wherein they made us la­bour)

7. Thou calledst in trouble, and I delivered thee; I answered thee in the secret place of thunder: I proved thee at the waters of Meribah. Se­lah.

7. Admonished us to this effect, saying; You cryed to me by reason of your cruel servitude under Pha­raoh's Task-masters (II. Ex­odus 23.) and I delivered you out of it (III. 8.) and again answered your pray­ers, when you cried unto me in a new distress, at the red Sea, (XIV. Exod. 10, 13.) but confounded the Egyptians, with Thunder and Lightning out of the cloudy Pillar (XIV. Exo. 24, 25. LXXVII. Psalm 18.) After all which I might well expect you should depend upon me: but presently found you full of distrust and infidelity at the waters of strife; (XVII. Exod. 7.) where I gave you a new proof of my power.

8. Hear, O my people, and I will testifie unto thee: O Israel, if thou wilt hearken unto me;

8. Of which if you will still enjoy the benefit, then give ear, O my people, and I will solemnly declare my will; and give a severe charge unto you, O ye Israelites, if you resolve to be obedient to my admoni­tions.

9. There shall no strange god be in thee: neither shalt thou worship any strange god.

9. Then this is the prin­cipal thing upon which all the rest depends, you shall not suffer any other Gods to be acknowledged among you, but onely me, (XX. Exod. 3. 23.) nor shall you worship the Gods of other Nations, XXIII. Exod. 13, 24, 32.

10. I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.

10. For I and I alone am the living Lord, the eternal God, who gave a Being to all things; and who am your peculiar Be­nefactour; having brought you out of the Egyptian Bondage: (XIX. Exod. 4. XX. 2.) And if you will be faithfull and obedient to me, inlarge your desires as far as you please, and I will satisfie them; for all the world is mine, XIX. Exod. 5. XXIII. 25.

11. But my people would not hearken to my voice: and Israel would none of me.

11. But notwithstanding their seeming compliance with Him, and the fair pro­mises they made Him (XIX. Exod. 8. XX. 19. XXIV. 3, 7.) He presently com­plained, (XXXII. Exod. 7, [Page 100]8, 9. as I hear Him still do at this day) my people would not be obedient to me; and Israel would not rest contented with me a­alone:

12. So I gave them up unto their own hearts lust: and they walked in their own coun­sels.

12. So, provoked by their long stubborness, I took no further care of them; but left them to do as they pleased: saying, let them follow their own in­ventions.

13. O that my people had hear­kened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways!

13. But it had been bet­ter for them to have adhe­red to me; who, out of my tender affection to their good, still wished, even when they were so refrac­tory, that my people Israel had been so wise, as to have followed my directions, and been led by my advice; and not their own foolish imagi­nations.

14. I should soon have subdued their enemies, and turned my hand against their ad­versaries.

14. Then I should, in a short time, have quelled all their enemies; and, by one Victory after another, have quite destroyed those ad­versaries: which (since I brought them into Canaan) [Page 101]have often miserably afflic­ted, and oppressed them, II. Judg. 2, 3, 14, 15, 19, 20. III. 1, &c. IV. 2.

15. The haters of the LORD should have sub­mitted themselves unto him: but their time should have endured for ever.

15. All that maligned their prosperity, and set themselves against the de­sign of the Lord to make them victorious over their enemies, should have been so daunted; that they should have dissembled their inward hatred, and been forced, at least, to a counterfeit submission: but his people should have seen blessed days, and injoyed a substantial and durable hap­piness without any inter­ruption.

16. He should have fed them al­so with the finest of the wheat: and with honey out of the rock should I have satisfied thee.

16. He should have made their Country exceeding fruitfull, and fed them with the richest Wheat: And I my self, saith the Lord, would have blessed Thee with such plenty, that in the Desarts thou shouldest have found the sweetest re­freshments; and without any care of thine, the Bees should have laboured honey [Page 102]for thee, in the Rocks, and holes of Trees, and such like places, XXXII. Deut. 13. XIV. Judg. 8. 1 Sam. XIV. 25, 26.

A Psalm of Asaph.


Though there had been a notable Reformation made by Jehosaphat, (2 Chron. XIX. 5, 6, &c.) of those corruptions, which had been growing in the supreme Court of Judicature at Jerusalem, as well as in the lesser in other Cities, ever since the times of David and Solomon (who took care to see Justice done, 1 Chron. XVIII. 14. 1 King. III. 9, 28.) yet it appears, by the frequent complaints of Isaiah, that when Hezekiah (in whose days that Prophet lived) came to the Crown, there was a general depravation again; and that notwithstanding the amendment he had made in matters of the Divine Worship (2 Chron. XXX. XXXI.) and his resolutions and indea­vours no question, to reform the abuses which were in their civil Judicatures, (as I have expounded Psal. LXXV. 2, 3.) they conti­nued [Page 103]still exceeding corrupt. Insomuch that Isaiah calls their Judges Rulers of Sodom, I. Isa. 10. (when he finds no fault with their religious Services, Ver. 11, 12, &c.) and says their Princes were rebellious, compa­nions of thieves, loving gifts, and follow­ing after rewards, Ver. 23.

Where it is evident he describes the Judges in the highest Court of all; who are called by the name of Princes in several places: particularly in Jeremiah: who being con­demned by the Priests and Prophets and People, as a man worthy to die, XXVI. Jer. 8, 9. was brought before the Princes Verse 10, 11. at whose Bar he cleared himself so well, that they acquitted him, Ver. 16.

And as there they are called Princes, with respect to their superiority over the people; so here in this Psalm they are called Elohim Gods, in respect to the fountain of their power, which was from the most High: who honoured them with his own Name; which is so frequent for those of the supreme Court, that some, not unreasonably, understand those words, IX. Judges 13. which we ren­der, Cheers the heart of God and man, in this manner, Wine alike cheers both Princes and People, Judges and Clients, the meaner persons (called in this Psalm Adam Man, Ver. 6, 7.) as well as the greatest, who in opposition to them are called Gods. Whom Asaph (who lived in the times of He­zekiah, [Page 104]2 Chron. XXIX. 30. see Psalm LXXIII.) admonishes to be more carefull in their duty; and to remember that God observed them, and would judge them.

1. GOD stan­deth in the congregation of the mighty: he judgeth among the gods.

1. REmember, O ye Judges, whose Mi­nisters you are, (2 Chron. XIX. 6.) and consider, that you are not so powerfull, but GOD who hath put you in his place, and ho­noured you with his Name, (XXII. Exod. 28.) is far greater: and as He is pre­sent in your Court to ob­serve what you do; so will call you to a strict account, and severely punish you, if you judge amiss.

2. How long will ye judge un­justly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah.

2. How dare you then pronounce an unrighteous Sentence? Is it not time to leave off your partiality? and no longer to favour a bad cause, because the man is rich and great; and can either give you a large bribe, if you will judge it for him; or doe you a mis­chief, if you give sentence against him.

3. Defend the poor and father­less: do justice to the afflicted and needy.

3. Your duty is, to doe equal justice to all men that come before you; and to take a particular care, that the poor and the fatherless do not suffer, because they have no money to give, nor any friend to solicit, for the defence of a righte­ous Cause: and that the men of low condition, and such as are reduced to very great want, be not condem­ned; when they are inju­riously prosecuted, by those who are above them.

4. Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.

4. See that you protect and deliver him, that is quite exhausted and mise­rably oppressed with pover­ty: let them not become a prey to violent men, who have no conscience; but put it out of their power to undoe them.

5. They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course.

5. These are the constant admonitions, which the men of God give the Judges; but alas! hitherto they have little prevailed. For they will not study the Laws of God; or if they [Page 106]do, will not think it their interest to be governed by them: but are blinded by bribes, or by their corrupt affections, to doe any thing that they would have them; insomuch that the Foun­dations of the Kingdom, which are Justice and Truth, are shaken; all things are in confusion, and in danger to come to utter ruin, V. Isa. 23, 24. X. 1, 2, 3.

6. I have said, Ye are gods: and all of you are chil­dren of the most High.

6. Hear therefore the sentence of God upon you, (whose words these are) I have put my Majesty upon you; and, though you be no more then other men in your selves, have by my constitution raised you to such a dignity on earth, as my celestial ministers have in heaven:

7. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.

7. Yet this shall not pri­vilege you in your unjust proceedings; but since you have no regard to me, nor to your Office, I will have as little regard to you: for you shall perish like one of the common men, without [Page 107]any respect to your ho­nour; and be thrown down from your seats, like the Tyrants and cruel Op­pressours that have been before you.

8. Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt in­herit all nations.

8. Let us see this sen­tence fulfilled, O God, the righteous Judg; and do not suffer the insolent iniquity of these men any longer: but redress all those evils wherewith such men have filled not onely this Nati­on, but all the world: which belongs to Thee, and Thou wilt one day sure vindicate mankind, as the just owner of them, from the tyranny of those impious Governours; who now abuse them, as if they had an absolute dominion over them.

A Song or Psalm of Asaph.


It is the common opinion, that the combination of powerfull enemies, against which they here implore the Divine assistance, was that men­tioned in the 2 Chron. XX. in the days of Jehosaphat. The reason is because the Chil­dren of Lot (Ver. 8.) viz. the Moabites and Ammonites (the ground of whose quar­rel with the Jews is set down in XI. Judg.) seem to have been the principal in this Con­federacy; and the other but assistants; as it is plain they were in that Invasion 2 Chr. XX. 1. And then the Authour of this Psalm, must be either Jehaziel one of A­saph's posterity (upon whom you reade there, Ver. 14. the spirit of the Lord then came) or some other in those days, whose proper name this was. Which is much more pro­bable then their conjecture, who think the Authour was Asaph in the days of David; who subdued indeed the Moabites and Edo­mites and other neighbouring Nations: but we do not reade of any Confederacy they made against him; much less that they sent as far as Assyria for help; or that they be­gan the War as the people here mentioned did.

[Page 109]The same may be said against the applica­tion of it, to the Conquests made in the days of Uzziah over several people here mentio­ned, 2 Chron. XXVI. 6, 7, 8. Or to the Invasion made by Senacherib King of As­syria: who did not join himself (as we reade here, Ver. 8.) with other Nations; but by the forces of his own Kingdom alone, as far as appears, came up against them.

There are those indeed that take in all the attempts made upon them, since that in Jehosaphat's days; by several Nations: the last of which was Assyria; whose King came to doe that which the rest had not been able to effect. And then the Authour is easily found to be the same, that I have named; in the Argument of the foregoing, and many other Psalms. And which way soever we are pleased to determin the matter, it is plain, in general, that many Nations both near and remote, who had a hatred to the Jews, set themselves together, when this Psalm was penned, to destroy them: assaul­ting them not onely severally, but conjunct­ly; entring into consultation also, and con­spiring together how to effect it. Which ha­tred continuing after their return to their own Land, from the Captivity of Babylon, gave occasion to Theodoret to say (both in his Preface to this Psalm, and upon the twelfth Verse of it) that the Psalmist here complains of the opposition, which several of [Page 110]their neighbours made to the rebuilding of the Temple, and of Jerusalem.

But this seems more improbable than all the rest, many of those Countries, here na­med, being before that time destroyed: and the Assyrians themselves (as he himself ob­serves upon Ver. 8.) being not then extant. Though whensoever this Confederacy happe­ned, there was very great reason for that so­licitous and vehement importunity wherewith this Psalm begins.

Why it was called a Song-Psalm see Psalm LXVII.

1. KEep not thou si­lence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God.

1. O God, the supreme Judge of the World, whose power is so great that the united forces of all men on earth, or An­gels in heaven, are not to be compared with it, (2 Chr. XX. 6, 12.) who with one word of thy mouth canst dissipate this great Army; do not refuse now to an­swer our prayers in this sore distress: O do not shut thy mercifull ears to our cries; nor quietly see us perish, most mighty God.

2. For lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lift up the head.

2. For we are surprised with a sudden Invasion of [Page 111]numerous Enemies (haters of Thee, and thy Worship, as much as of our Nation) who make a dreadfull noise, like the waves of the Sea (2 Chron. XX. 2.) and proudly promising them­selves a Victory, insult as if they had already won it.

3. They have taken crafty coun­sel against thy people, and con­sulted against thy hidden ones.

3. They have with e­qual malice and subtilty, carried on a close design against thy people: and with great secresie consul­ted how to destroy, not onely us, whom Thou hast hitherto wonderfully pro­tected as thy Jewels; but thy Temple also, and the secret place wherein Thou there dwellest.

4. They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a na­tion: that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.

4. Come, say they one to another, Let us agree and join all the power we have together; not merely to make a Conquest of them, but for their utter exstirpation, (2 Chron. XX. 11.) that there may be no mention hereafter in the world, of such a people as the Commonwealth of Is­rael.

5. For they have consulted to­gether with one consent: they are confederate a­gainst thee.

5. And accordingly, Ten several Nations are combi­ned heartily in this design; and how different soever their inclinations are upon other accounts, they have all entred into a solemn league, and made a covenant of mutual help, and of im­ploying their joint indea­vours, totally to subvert that Government and Re­ligion, which Thou hast established.

6. The Taber­nacles of Edom, and the Ishmae­lites: of Moah, and the Hagarens.

6. Those warlike Nati­ons the Edomites, and Ish­maelites, who dwell in Tents, are ingaged in this enterprise: and so are the Moabites, and others de­scended from Hagar, the Mother of Ishmael.

7. Gebal, and Ammon, and A­malek: the Phili­stines, with the inhabitants of Tyre.

7. With whom are uni­ted our neighbours the Giblites, (XIII. Josh. 5.) the Ammonites; our old e­nemies the Amalekites and Philistines; and they that dwell in and about the fa­mous City of Tyre.

8. Assur also is joined with them: they have holpen the children of Lot. Selah.

8. And to add to their strength they have called [Page 113]the powerfull Nation of the Assyrians, into their as­sociation: on whose assi­stance, the Moabites and Ammonites (the Authours of this War) do principal­ly rely.

9. Doe unto them as unto the Midianites: as to Sisera: as to Ja­bin, at the brook of Kison:

9. The greater need we have of thy assistance, and with the greater earnestness we beseech Thee to make them an example of humane weakness: by defeating them as Thou didst that vast Army of the Midia­nites and their Confede­rates, (VI. Judg. 5. VII. 12.) whom Gideon overthrew with no greater power then three hundred men, (VII. Judg. 21, 22. compared with 2 Chron. XX. 23.) and as Thou didst in former times to that famous Captain Si­sera (who fell by the hand of a Woman, IV. Judg. 21.) and to Jabin his King: who, together with his Ar­my, was swept away in the brook of Kishon, IV. Judg. 21, 24. V. 21.

10. Which pe­rished at Endor: they became as dung for the earth.

10. A great slaughter there was of them near En­dor (compare V. Judg. 19. with XVII. Josh. 11.) where their carkases lay, and rot­ted; and served instead of dung, to fatten and inrich the earth.

11. Make their nobles like Oreb, and like Zeeb: yea, all their Prin­ces as Zebah and as Zalmunna:

11. Let their Princes and Commanders fall like Oreb and Zeeb: (VII. Judg. 25.) and their Kings not be able to save themselves by flight; but be taken and slain, like Zebah, and Zalmunna, VIII. Judg. 12, 21.

12. Who said, Let us take to our selves the houses of God in posses­sion.

12. Who came with a design (VI. Judg. 3, 4, 5.) as these Nations do now (2 Chron. XX. 10, 11.) to possess themselves of that pleasant Land, wherein Thou dwellest among us, in thy holy habitation.

13. O my God, make them like a wheel: as the stubble before the wind.

13. O my God, whose goodness hath never failed us, in distress, let them not be able to stand their ground: but put them to flight, and make them run as swiftly, as a ball down a hill; disperse all their forces [Page 115]like the chaffe, when it is blown about with a furi­ous wind.

14. As the fire burneth the wood, and as the flame setteth the moun­tains on fire;

14. Blast and consume them utterly; as the light­ning, or the scorching rays of the Sun in a long drought do the leaves of the forrest trees, or the grass upon the mountains, (I. Joel 19.)

15. So perse­cute them with thy tempest, and make them afraid with thy storm.

15. Raise a dreadfull tempest to affright them; and pursue them so with thy vengeance, that they may be shattered and dri­ven away uncertainly, as in a whirlwind: put them into such a pannick fear, that they may not know which way to turn, but clash against one another, in a terrible confusion, 2 Chron. XX. 22, &c.

16. Fill their faces with shame: that they may seek thy name, O Lord.

16. And make those that escape so ashamed, at this disgracefull disappointment; that they may not be able to hold up their heads, nor deny thy Power to be su­periour to theirs: but hum­bly seek thy favour.

17. Let them be confounded and troubled for ever: yea, let them be put to shame and perish:

17. This is the worst we wish them, notwithstanding their enmity to us; that they may be so astonished and confounded at their defeat, as never to recover any courage to assault us: nay, together with their credit and their courage, quite lose their power to give us any further trouble.

18. That men may know that thou whose name alone is JEHO­VAH, art the most high over all the earth.

18. And thereby be con­vinced, which they would not believe before, that Thou art what Thou art called, the True and Onely God: who givest Being to all things; and art the su­preme Governour, not one­ly of us but, of all the Na­tions upon earth.

To the chief Musician upon Gittith. A Psalm for the Sons of Korah.


It is uncertain to what times this Psalm be­longs: They seem to have most reason on their side, who think it was composed upon the same occasion with the XLII. and XLIII. when David, forced from Jerusalem by the rebellion of his Son Absalom, most passio­nately long'd to be restor'd to the place of God's worship. But it may as well, or bet­ter, in my judgment, be thought to have been composed by some pious Levite, in the Country; when Senacherib's Army had blockt up the way to Jerusalem, and hin­dred them from waiting upon the service of God, at the Temple: where he judged the lowest Ministry, that of a Porter (as we reade Ver. 10.) to be far more honourable; then the highest preferment among Pagan Nations. And thus I shall take the liberty to expound it in my Paraphrase: pointing the Reader to such places, in the History of that sad time, as I think will explain some passages of this Psalm: which, after their freedom was restored, by the destruction of Senacherib's Army, the Authour of it deli­vered [Page 118]to the Master of Musick in the Temple, to be sung as the VIII. Psalm. See there.

1. HOW ami­able are thy tabernacles, O LORD of hosts!

1. IT is impossible to ex­press the affection I have to thy Dwelling-place, O Lord; who art attended there by the ministry of the heavenly host, (XXXVII. Isa. 16.) and needest none of our services:

2. My soul lon­geth, yea even fainteth for the courts of the LORD: my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God.

2. But we cannot live, with any satisfaction, while we are absent from Thee; for I am ready to faint away in ardent longings, to tread again in the Courts of the Lord's House: where my tongue, and my hands, as well as my mind, would gladly be imployed, in the praises of our God; who in this excells all other, (2 King. XIX. 4, 16, 18.) that He lives for ever.

3. Yea the spar­row hath found an house, and the swallow a nest for her self, where she may lay her young, even thine altars, O LORD of hosts, my King and my God.

3. It grieves me, O mighty Lord of all the hea­venly hosts, whose Subject I am, and infinitely enga­ged to Thee; to see the very Birds who know no­thing [Page 119]of Thee, injoy that liberty which is denied me: who am here lamenting my distance from Thee, when the Sparrows and the Ring­doves have their constant residence at thy House; and there live so undistur­bed, that they build their nests, and bring forth their young, in the rafters of it.

4. Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be still praising thee. Selah.

4. O how happy are they who partake of such a pri­vilege! who live so near thy House and frequent it so much, as if it were their own! Their delightfull imployment is, with never­ceasing praises, to pay their thankfull acknowledgments unto Thee.

5. Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee: in whose heart are the ways of them.

5. And happy also is that man (how mean soever his outward condition be) who relying upon thy Divine protection, (XXXIV. Ex­odus 24.) goes up three times a year to the solemn Feast at Jerusalem: or when he is debarred that liberty, as I now am, is one of those devout persons, whose hearts [Page 120]are more in the high-ways that lead thither; then at their own home.

6. Who passing through the valley of Baca, make it a well: the rain also filleth the pools.

6. Who travelling through the troublesome valley of Bacha, where there is no water, pass it as cheerfully, as if it abounded with plea­sant Springs: and, depen­ding on God as the Foun­tain of what they want, re­ceive from Him the blessing of plentifull and seasonable showres, to refresh them in their journey:

7. They go from strength to strength, every one of them in Zion appeareth before God.

7. So that the whole company, go from stage to stage, with an unwearied vigour; till they all present themselves before God, to receive his blessing in his Temple, upon the Hill of Sion

8. O LORD God of hosts, hear my prayer: give ear, O God of Ja­cob. Selah.

8. O mighty Lord, who commandest all the heaven­ly hosts, which attend in that holy place (and are far more numerous then the Armies that invade us, 2 Chron. XXXII. 7.) make me one of that happy num­ber: and restore me, O [Page 121]God, who deliveredst Jacob out of all his troubles, to the liberty of waiting upon Thee there.

9. Behold, O God our shield, and look upon the face of thine a­nointed.

9. Look graciously upon me, O God, who hast hi­therto been our protectour against the most powerfull enemies: and accept the prayer of our Sovereign, who petitions Thee still, to be our Defender, 2 King. XIX. 19.

10. For a day in thy courts is better then a thou­sand: I had ra­ther be a door­keeper in the house of my God, then to dwell in the tents of wickedness.

10. For one day spent in thy Courts is far more pleasant, than a thousand in any other place: and I had rather lie at the Gates of thy House, then live in the most splendid condition, in Idolatrous Countries.

11. For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.

11. For, though our happiness be sometimes clouded yet, the Lord, like the Sun, will dispell the darkness of affliction; and, having brought us out of a disconsolate condition, de­fend and secure us in a bet­ter: (2 King. XX. 6.) The Lord will give those fa­vour with others, and ad­vance [Page 122]them to great ho­nour, (2 Chron. XXXII. 22, 23.) He will never be sparing of his blessings, but heap them abundantly on those, who sincerely doe his will in all things, 2 King. XVIII. 5, 6. XX. 3.

12. O LORD of hosts, blessed is the man that tru­steth in thee.

12. O most mighty Lord, who commandest all the host of heaven, happy is that man, who by his in­tegrity, preserves this hope and confidence in Thee; though, for the present, he be restrained from the de­lightfull injoyment of Thee, in thy Temple.

To the chief Musician. A Psalm for the Sons of Korah.


It is thought by many that this Psalm was com­posed by some of the Sons of Korah, after David's banishment from Jerusalem by his Son Absalom (called a Captivity as we rea [...] [Page 123] Psal. XIV. ult.) and his happy restauration to his Kingdom; though not to such a settle­ment as they desired. But it may be as well, or better, applied to the miraculous provi­dence, which drove Senacherib out of the Land (who had taken many Captives V. Isa. 13.) and restored them to the happy liber­ty; whose loss they bewailed in the Psalm foregoing.

Which way soever we understand it, the composure is such; that it might be much better used by them after their return from the Captivity of Babylon, then at any other time: when they were infested with many enemies, who disturbed their peaceable in­joyment, of their Country and Religion. And therefore it is possible it might be re­viewed, if not made, in those days; and delivered to the chief Master of Musick in the Temple: to be sung presently after the Foundation of it was laid; (III. Ezr. 10, 11, &c.) but the Work hindred from procee­ding by the opposition of their enemies. And so I shall interpret it.

1. LORD, thou hast been favourable unto thy land: thou hast brought back the captivity of Jacob.

1. THou hast been ex­ceeding kind un­to us, O Lord; and we most thankfully acknow­ledge the favour Thou hast done us: in delivering us, the posterity of Jacob, out [Page 124]of our sad Captivity; and restoring us to the Land, in which Thou thy self hast chosen to dwell, I. Ezra.

2. Thou hast forgiven the ini­quity of thy people, thou hast covered all their sin. Selah.

2. Our sins kept us from it, in banishment, a long time; but now Thou hast graciously pardoned, both our Idolatry, and all the other crimes, for which we justly suffered.

3. Thou hast taken away all thy wrath: thou hast turned thy self from the fierceness of thine anger.

3. Thou hast put an end to the sore punishments, which in thy heavy dis­pleasure Thou inflictedst on us: and turned thy severi­ty, which, like sire, had almost consumed us; into great clemency and mercy toward us.

4. Turn us, O God of our salva­tion, and cause thine anger to­wards us to cease.

4. Compleat, good Lord, our deliverance, which Thou hast thus gra­ciously begun: and let not our ingratitude provoke Thee, to continue this new vexation and trouble that is befaln us, IV. Ezra 4, 5, 21, 23.

5. Wilt thou be angry with us for ever? wilt thou draw out thine anger to all generations?

5. Which forces us to sigh, and say, in the an­guish of our Souls, will [Page 125]there never be an end of our miseries? Is it not e­nough that the foregoing generation hath felt the sad effects of thine anger; but it must extend it self to us also, and our posterity?

6. Wilt thou not revive us a­gain: that thy people may rejoice in thee?

6. Will it not be more for thy honour, not onely to preserve this feeble life which Thou hast bestowed on us but, to give us a per­fect recovery? that thy people may have nothing to damp their joy, and in­tire satisfaction, in thy good­ness to them?

7. Shew us thy mercy, O LORD, and grant us thy salvation.

7. Make us so happy, good Lord; and, though we deserve indeed to be more miserable then we are yet, let thy mercy prevail with Thee, to grant us a compleat deliverance.

8. I will hear what God the LORD will speak: for he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints: but let them not turn a­gain to folly.

8. I will wait patiently upon the Lord, the Judge of the world, for a gracious Answer to these Prayers: hoping that He will not condemn us to further pu­nishment; but settle his people, who devoutly wor­ship [Page 126]Him, in a prosperous tranquillity; provided they return not again to their old Idolatry.

9. Surely his salvation is nigh them that fear him; that glory may dwell in our land.

9. He will be so far from deserting those, who fear to offend Him; that I am confident the time approa­ches, when He will finish what He hath begun to doe for us: in rebuilding our Temple, (V. Ezra 2, 8. VI. 7, 8, &c.) and resto­ring our Country to its an­cient dignity and splen­dour.

10. Mercy and truth are met to­gether: righteous­ness and peace have kissed each other.

10. For, methinks, I see goodness and fidelity, justice and concord (which are the principal glory of a Kingdom) meeting toge­ther, like ancient Friends, which have been long ab­sent, and embracing each other.

11. Truth shall spring out of the earth: and righ­teousness shall look down from hea­ven.

11. And as Truth and Honesty, with all other Vertues, shall grow and flourish among us (like Flowers and Herbs in the Spring, after a tedious Win­ter) so God shall faithfully [Page 127]fulfill his promises to us, and exercise a most gracious providence over us.

12. Yea, the LORD shall give that which is good: and our land shall yield her increase.

12. Yea, the Lord will doe us good beyond our expectation: and reward our fruitfulness in good works, with such a large and plentifull increase of the fruits of the earth; as shall demonstrate the boun­ty of heaven to us.

13. Righteous­ness shall go before him: and shall set us in the way of his steps.

13. He will govern us with great justice and mer­cy; having his faithfull promises always before his eyes; from that rule He will never swerve; but stedfastly proceed by it, as the constant method He will hold, in his Divine Administrations.

A Prayer of David.


The Title satisfies us that David was the Au­thour of this Psalm; which the Collectour of this third Book, found, I suppose, after the other two were made up and published; and so placed it here, among those which belong to the same subject. For though it was composed by David, when he was so persecuted, either by Saul or Absalom, that he was stript of all he had, and left in a most forlorn condition (Ver. 1.) yet Theo­doret thinks it was made with a prospect of the attempt, which the Assyrians made upon Jerusalem; and the hope which Hezekiah then placed in God, for deliverance. Which Notion, it is likely he had from the Jews; who say that this Prayer was made use of by Hezekiah, in the time of that sore di­stress: for the first words of this Psalm, are the same with his in 2 King. XIX. 16. and the eighth and ninth Verses may very fitly be accommodated to that History (as I have there observed) but the rest a great deal bet­ter to David.

1. BOW down thine ear, O LORD, hear me: for I am poor and needy.

1. THere cannot be a fitter object of thy Mercy, O Lord, then thy poor Supplicant, who beseeches Thee graciously to condescend to his re­quest: for else he is utter­ly undone, being quite de­stitute of all humane help.

2. Preserve my soul, for I am ho­ly: O thou my God, save thy ser­vant, that trusteth in thee.

2. And yet my life is in imminent danger, unless Thou dost preserve it; as many reasons make me hope Thou wilt: for, as Thou the righteous Judge hast been long my benefactour, and I am perfectly innocent of that my enemies charge me withal; so I my self have been a reliever of o­thers in their need; and besides, am a faithfull ser­vant of thine, who depends intirely upon Thee, and hath no confidence in any thing, but onely thy Al­mighty Goodness.

3. Be mercifull unto me, O Lord: for I cry unto thee daily.

3. Whose mercifull help I have also implored with most importunate and in­cessant prayers; which is another reason of my hope, [Page 130]that Thou wilt take com­passion upon me, O Lord:

4. Rejoice the soul of thy ser­vant: for unto thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul.

4. And turn the present sorrow of thy servant into joy and gladness: For I have placed my hope in­tirely in Thee, O Lord; and expect nothing but from Thee alone.

5. For thou Lord art good, and ready to for­give: and plente­ous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee.

5. Who art no less boun­tifull (which is another ex­ceeding great encourage­ment to me) then I am in­digent; ready also to pardon those that have offended Thee: yea to shew abun­dant kindness to every one of them, in their greatest distress; when with un­feigned devotion they call upon Thee.

6. Give ear, O LORD unto my prayer: and at­tend to the voice of my supplicati­ons.

6. As I now do, O Lord; most humbly beseeching Thee with repeated intrea­ties, to give a favourable answer to these prayers and supplications; whereby I deprecate thy displeasure, and sue unto Thee for fa­vour.

7. In the day of my trouble I will call upon thee: for thou wilt an­swer me.

7. Which I beseech Thee let me the rather obtain, [Page 131]because my distress is so great and so urgent; that thy power will now be the more magnified in deli­vering me: as heretofore Thou hast been wont to doe, upon such earnest pe­titions, as these are unto Thee.

8. Among the gods there is none like unto thee, O LORD, neither are there any works like unto thy works.

8. For nothing is too hard for Thee; nor art Thou unwilling to doe more kindnesses for us, be­cause Thou hast done so many already: But, as ap­pears by thy unparallel'd works, dost incomparably excell (whatsoever strangers think, 2 King. XVIII. 15.) all those that are worship­ped in the world as gods; who are not able so much as to help, and preserve themselves.

9. All nations whom thou hast made, shall come and worship before thee, O LORD: and shall glorifie thy name.

9. Which shall move all our neighbouring Nations (2 Chron. XXXII. 23.) as all the rest shall do in the days of that Great King which we expect, XV. Rom. 9.) to acknowledge Thee, O Lord, to be their [Page 132]Creatour; and with hum­ble veneration to submit themselves unto Thee, and to honour Thee with their highest praises.

10. For thou art great, and doest wondrous things: thou art God alone.

10. For they shall clear­ly see, by the magnificence of thy marvellous works, that Thou art infinitely su­periour, to all those Pow­ers whom they adore: And that, in truth, there is no God, but Thou thy self alone.

11. Teach me thy way, O LORD, I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name.

11. Which I so firmly believe, that I desire no­thing more, then to be per­fectly instructed in all thy will; which I will sincere­ly observe: knit my heart, O Lord, in such pious af­fections to Thee, that it may never in the least dis­sent from Thee; nor be disturbed with any vain cares, but intirely bent to study this alone, what is pleasing unto Thee.

12. I will praise thee, O LORD my God, with all my heart: and I will glorifie thy name for ever­more.

12. Whom I am bound to praise, both as the fu­preme Lord of all, and as my most bountifull Bene­factour, [Page 133]with all the pow­ers of my Soul: and accor­dingly, I do now most thankfully acknowledge Thee; and will never cease to honour Thee, and to doe Thee service, as long as I have any Being.

13. For great is thy mercy to­ward me: and thou hast delive­red my soul from the lowest hell.

13. For the benefits Thou hast bestowed on me, are as inestimable, as they are in­numerable: I owe my ve­ry life to Thee, which hath been often snatched out of the extreamest dangers; wherein I had inevitably perished, if Thou hadst not mercifully delivered me, 1 Sam. XXIII, &c.

14. O God, the proud are risen a­gainst me, and the assemblies of vio­lent men have sought after my soul: and have not set thee before them.

14. Behold, O God, a new opportunity to glorifie that mercy; for proud and ambitious men, (2 Sam. XV. 1, 2, &c.) have made an in­surrection against me, and raised a most formidable Army (2 Sam. XV. 12, 13.) to take away that life, which Thou hast so mira­culously preserved: having no regard to thy Provi­dence; nor refusing any [Page 134]means, whereby they may satisfie their unjust desires.

15. But thou, O LORD, art a God full of com­passion, and gra­cious: long-suffer­ing, and plente­ous in mercy and truth.

15. All our comfort is, that Thou, not they, dost govern the world: who art no less compassionate, then Thou art powerfull; readily forgiving offences, or bearing long before Thou punishest Them; chusing rather to heap thy benefits upon us, and never failing to perform thy faithfull pro­mises.

16. O turn un­to me, and have mercy upon me, give thy strength unto thy servant, and save the son of thine hand­maid.

16. In confidence of which I humbly beseech thy favour, and gracious pardon, though I have highly offended Thee: As­sist thy poor servant, by thy irresistible power, a­gainst those mighty forces, which are ready to assault me: O deliver me, who am here humbled in the lowest manner before Thee; looking upon my self as more absolutely thine, then any slave that is born in our house, can be ours.

17. Shew me a token for good, that they which hate me may see it, and be asha­med: because thou, LORD, hast holpen me, and comforted me.

17. Vouchsafe me now in this great distress, such [Page 135]manifest tokens of thy fa­vour towards me, that I may not onely be delive­red; but all may take no­tice of it: And good men thereby be encouraged to hope in Thee; but they that hate me, be utterly confounded; to see him whom they intended to de­stroy, not onely preserved but, blessed with comforts proportionable to the sor­row he hath indured.

A Psalm or Song, for the Sons of Korah.


It is as uncertain when this Psalm-Song (see LXVII.) was composed, as which of the Sons of Korah was the Authour of it. But it is manifest enough, that it was written in commendation of Jerusalem, situate in the holy Mountains; of Sion (where David built his Palace, and afterward settled the Ark) and of Moriah, where Solomon built the Temple. There are those that think it [Page 136]was composed upon the Anniversary of the Birth, or Coronation of some great Prince; such as Hezekiah: in whose days this City was made more famous; by the glorious de­liverance which God gave it, from the power of the King of Assyria's Army. But this is a mere conjecture; and I shall follow the vulgar opinion: according to which, the be­ginning of this Psalm must be lookt upon, as very abrupt; but expresses the greater rap­ture of joyfull admiration, wherein the Psal­mist was.

1. HIS foun­dations is in the holy moun­tains.

1. GReat is the strength and beauty of this place! which is founded by God in the high Moun­tains; which He hath pe­culiarly chosen for the seat of his Kingdom, and of his Priesthood.

2. The LORD loveth the gates of Sion, more then all the dwellings of Jacob.

2. Though the Lord loves all the habitations of his people; yet none are so dear unto Him, as those within the Gates of Jeru­salem: A principal part of which is Sion.

3. Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God. Selah.

3. There is no City in the world, of which such glorious things are foretold, or of which any thing can [Page 137]now be said, comparable to what we can truly boast of thee; that art the City, which God Himself hath se­parated for his own habi­tation.

4. I will make mention of Ra­hab, and Babylon, to them that know me; behold, Phi­listia, and Tyre, with Ethiopia: this man was born there.

4. I do not deny the due praises which belong to o­ther places and Countries; but rather am wont to make honourable mention, among my acquaintance and familiars, of Egypt and of Babylon; and of those who are nearer to us, the Philistines, Tyrians, and A­rabians: bidding them ob­serve, that such a notable person was born among them:

5. And of Si­on it shall be said, This and that man was born in her: and the Highest himself shall esta­blish her.

5. But what is this to Sion? of whom it shall be said in future times, that (not such a single person, but) this and that man; a great many Worthies, and far more eminent, both in Learning and in Arms, but especially in Piety, were born in her: for she hath no meaner instructour than the most high; who shall [Page 138]settle her in a flourishing estate, by educating and forming her inhabitants, to the most excellent quali­ties.

6. The LORD shall count when he writeth up the people, that this man was born there. Selah.

6. So that when He him­self, whose eyes nothing can escape, shall look over the register of those Nati­ons, and count the famous men they have produced; He shall find onely some one great man, and he compa­ratively of no great value, was born among them:

7. As well the singers as the players on instru­ments shall be there: all my springs are in thee.

7. But in thee, O City of God, He shall find mul­titudes of excellent persons, all eminent in their kind, even among those of lower rank, as well as in the high­er: And there shall be a constant succession of such; as there is of water from a spring.

A Song or Psalm for the Sons of Korah, to the chief Musician upon Mahalath Lean­noth. Maschil of Heman the Ezrahite.


Who this Heman was is uncertain. Not he who was the famous Singer in David's time; for he was of the Tribe of Levi (1 Chron. VI. 32. XV. 17.) whereas this was descen­ded from Zerah, who was one of the Sons of Judah, 1 Chron. II. 6. where we find indeed not onely Heman, but Ethan (to whom the next Psalm is ascribed) mentio­ned as two of Zerah's Sons: But we cannot reasonably think that they were, in those early times, the Authours of these two Psalms; because Ethan plainly makes mention of Da­vid, and the promise which God had passed to him of a perpetual Kingdom.

It remains therefore that these two here mentioned, were of the posterity of those Sons of Zerah (and thence called Ezrahites) and had the Names of their noble Ancestours gi­ven them, to perpetuate the memory of those, who were so famous for wisedom, 1 King. IV. 31.

But in what time they lived cannot be certainly determined. It is probable when [Page 140] Jechoniah, otherwise called Jehojachin (or after him Zedekiah) was taken, and car­ried captive to Babylon; together with abundance of the Nobility, and the principal Commanders and Artizans, 2 King. XXIV. 14, 15, 16. In some of which ranks I sup­pose this Heman was; who being cast into a dark prison (which hath made some fancy Jehojachin himself to have made it) Ver. 6, 8. or otherwise as miserably treated as if he had been in a dungeon; bewails his private calamity: as Ethan in the next Psalm doth the publick.

Why it is called a Song-Psalm see upon the Title of Psal. LXVII. It was to be sung by the Sons of Korah interchangeably which is the meaning of Leannoth) upon a Flute or Pipe (see Psal. LIII.) to the known tune of Maschil: see Psal. XXXII. Some passages in it may be applied to our Saviour's Death and Burial in his Grave, which the Prophet Isaiah compares to a Prison; and so is used by our Church upon Good Friday.

1. O LORD God of my salvation, I have cried day and night before thee.

1. O Mighty Lord, by whose gracious care and good providence, I have been hitherto pre­served, and on whom all my hopes of safety still de­pend; I have not failed in this sore affliction to im­plore [Page 141]thy mercy, with most earnest cries, without any intermission.

2. Let my prayer come be­fore thee: incline thine ear unto my cry.

2. Let them at last pre­vail I beseech Thee; and do not reject my petiti­on, accompanied with sad moans and dolefull lamen­tations: but vouchsafe a favourable answer to it.

3. For my soul is full of troubles: and my life draw­eth nigh unto the grave.

3. For my Soul is over­charged with great variety of long continued evils: which have brought me so low, that there is but a step between me and the grave.

4. I am coun­ted with them that go down in­to the pit: I am as a man that hath no strength.

4. All that know my condition look upon me, as utterly lost; and I have no reason to think other­wise: being quite spent, and having no power at all to help my self.

5. Free among the dead, like the slain that lie in the grave, whom thou remembrest no more: and they are cut off from thy hand.

5. I am no longer one of this world, from whose so­ciety I am quite separated: there is little difference be­tween me, and those, who being slain in a Battel, and cast all together into one common grave, are no fur­ther regarded; or those [Page 142]whose families are so wholly exstirpated, that there are none left to preserve their memory.

6. Thou hast laid me in the lowest pit, in darkness, in the deeps.

6. For Thou hast thrust me down into a deep and dismal Dungeon (which I can compare to nothing but a Grave;) wherein I lie neglected, and see no hope of being delivered.

7. Thy wrath lieth hard upon me, and thou hast afflicted me with all thy waves. Se­lah.

7. My spirit is ready to sink under the weight of thy displeasure: while my calamities fall upon me so fast, and so heavily (like the mountainous waves of the Sea) one after another; that it is impossible to ex­press the soreness of my af­fliction.

8. Thou hast put away mine acquaintance far from me: thou hast made me an abomination unto them: I am shut up, and I cannot come forth.

8. I am not allowed to have any familiarity with my friends or acquaintance; no more then if I were in another world: And as for other men, they abominate to come into such a loath­some place; where I am kept so close, that I have no means of getting out.

9. Mine eye mourneth by rea­son of affliction: LORD, I have called daily upon thee, I have stretched out my hands unto thee.

9. Nor can I doe any thing there but weep, till I am almost blind by reason of the miseries I endure: onely I cease not to look up unto Thee, O Lord, continually, who art my onely companion in this solitary and helpless condi­tion; imploring thy aid with fervent prayers, and longing expectations; say­ing,

10. Wilt thou shew wonders to the dead? shall the dead arise and praise thee? Se­lah.

10. Make haste, good Lord, to deliver me, if Thou intendest any kind­ness to me; otherwise I shall presently perish, and then, without the greatest Miracle, there is no help for me: For can I with any reason expect, that Thou shouldest doe won­ders for me among the dead, when Thou wouldest doe nothing for me, while I was alive? and raise me out of my grave, when Thou wouldest not bring me out of prison?

11. Shall thy loving-kindness be declared in the grave? or thy faithfulness in de­struction?

11. Now is the time to declare the love Thou bea­rest [Page 144]to me; and to perform the promise Thou hast made to them that faithfully serve Thee: For if Thou dost defer thy relief, I die; and what can I hope for, when I am rotten in my grave?

12. Shall thy wonders be known in the dark? and thy righteousness in the land of for­getfulness?

12. Shall thy power be apparent there, where no­thing is seen? And wilt Thou convince men how good and how just Thou art to thy servants, in the place where they are no more remembred?

13. But unto thee have I cried, O LORD, and in the morning shall my prayer prevent thee.

13. Thus, O Lord, I cry unto Thee in the an­guish of my soul: which keeps me awake to present my prayers unto Thee, be­fore the morning light.

14. LORD, why castest thou off my soul? why hidest thou thy face from me?

14. Though alas! they have no effect; but I see my self deserted, notwith­standing all my prayers, in these miserable straits: wherein I lie sighing to think what the reason should be, that Thou de­niest me thy help, and ta­kest no notice of me.

15. I am afflic­ted and ready to die from my youth up: while I suf­fer thy terrours, I am distracted.

15. Which is the more strange, because I faint a­way under my misery, which hath continued many years, and under the sad prospect I have before me, of more dreadfull calamities: which so astonish me, that I know not what to doe with my self.

16. Thy fierce wrath goeth over me, thy terrours have cut me off,

16. I onely bemoan o­ver again my forlorn estate, which grows still more de­plorable; I suffer not mere­ly the effects of thy anger (Ver. 7.) but of thy seve­rest and most terrible dis­pleasure: wherewith I am so overwhelmed and op­pressed, that I am scarce able to fetch my breath.

17. They came round about me daily like water, they compassed me about together.

17. Which way soever I turn my self, I find that I am inviron'd with them: and they increase conti­nually, like flouds of wa­ter, coming from several places, and at last meeting all together, to inclose and swallow me up.

18. Lover and friend hast thou put far from me, and mine acquain­tance into dark­ness.

18. And there is no Friend, no Neighbour [Page 146]comes near me, to give me the least consolation: But all they whose sweet socie­ty was wont to help to mi­tigate my sorrow, are ei­ther dead; or kept from my sight; or hide them­selves for fear of being thrust down together with me, into this dolefull place.

Maschil of Ethan the Ezrahite.


The Authour of this Psalm was near of kin to him that made the former (see the Argument there) and they lived I suppose in the same time. Onely Heman bewailed some private affliction, which was befallen himself; whereas Ethan (after a thankfull acknow­ledgment of the benefits God had bestowed upon them, and especially of his promise made to David by Samuel, and Nathan, of settling the Kingdom upon him and his posterity for ever) laments most sadly the publick calamity; by the subversion of the Royal Family and Government, in the days [Page 147]of Jehojachin or of Zedekiah Whose mi­serable fate seems in the conclusion of this Psalm, to be bewailed with the greater pas­sion; because it looked like a breach of God's promise to David: and gave the Babyloni­ans and other Nations, who assisted in their destruction, occasion to say; that notwith­standing all the promises they boasted of, and the fidelity of their God in the perfor­mance, there was now a period put to David's Family and Kingdom.

That's the clearest account I can give of the meaning of the last clause of the last verse but one: where we reade that they reproa­ched the foot-steps of his Anointed. The word we render foot-steps, signifies proper­ly the heel of a mans foot: and from thence is translated to signifie the end of any thing, as in Psal. CXIX. 33. Which notion of it, in my judgment, best suits with all that goes before in this Psalm; concerning the stabi­lity of David's Kingdom: which their ene­mies now boasted (as we would express it in our present language) they saw upon its last legs. And the truth is, it was never restored to that Family, till Christ the great Son of David came: to whom some passages in this Psalm are applied by the Jews them­selves; in both the Beresiths, and in other Books; to which Abenezra and R. Solo­mon consent.

[Page 148]Why this Psalm is called Maschil see Psal. XXXII. But why any should fancy, as some have done, that it was made by Jehojachin after he came out of Prison (2 King. XXV. 27, 28.) I cannot conceive: unless the first words moved them to think that he, who in the foregoing Psalm speaks of himself as in a Dungeon, gives God thanks here for his deliverance.

1. I Will sing of the mercies of the LORD for ever: with my mouth will I make known thy faith­fulness to all gene­rations.

1. THE innumerable calamities that are befaln us shall not blot out the memory of the innume­rable benefits, which the Lord hath formerly be­stowed on us: but I will sing of them without cea­sing; and indeavour to make all posterity believe, notwithstanding our pre­sent desolation, that Thou art faithfull and constant to thy word.

2. For I have said, Mercy shall be built up for e­ver: thy faithful­ness shalt thou e­stablish in the ve­ry heavens.

2. For I am confident thy Mercy, which is im­movable and indures for ever, will raise us out of these ruines: thy promises being as firm and stedfast as the heavens; in which we see an image of the un­changeableness [Page 149]of thy Na­ture, and of thy will.

3. I have made a convenant with my chosen, I have sworn unto Da­vid my servant.

3. Which Thou didst declare by thy Prophet, saying, (1 Sam. XVI. 13. 2 Sam. III. 9, 10. V. 2. VII. 15, 16, 28.) I have chosen David my faithfull Servant, to be the Gover­nour of my people; and have made a Covenant with him, confirmed by an Oath:

4. Thy seed will I establish for ever, and build up thy throne to all generations. Selah.

4. That not onely he, but his Children after him shall be settled in the Throne: which, though it totter sometime, or be thrown down, shall be raised again; and conti­nued throughout all suc­ceeding generations.

5. And the heavens shall praise thy won­ders, O LORD: thy faithfulness also in the congre­gation of the saints.

5. For which stupendi­ous kindness, if we should forget to praise Thee, or in this our calamitous con­dition distrust thy power and fidelity to make it good; the heavenly inha­bitants will not fail to doe it: but in their holy As­semblies confess them both, with their solemn praises.

6. For who in the heaven can be compared unto the LORD? who a­mong the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the LORD?

6. For there are none of the powers of the air they know (much less any upon earth) that can resist the Lord, and hinder the ful­filling of his will: The mightiest among themselves, they are sensible, are not to be compared with his Majesty, to whom they are but Ministers.

7. God is great­ly to be feared in the assembly of the saints: and to be had in reverence of all them that are about him.

7. And when they as­semble, in the greatest num­bers, and make the most glorious Court, stand in great fear and dread of Him: attending, with aw­full reverence, what com­mands He will be pleased to lay upon them.

8. O LORD God of hosts, who is a strong LORD like unto thee? or to thy faithfulness round about thee?

8. With whom I will join, O Lord the Comman­der of all these heavenly Hosts; and celebrate thy Name on earth, as they do in heaven, saying: Where is he among them all, that can equal Thee, O most powerfull Lord; whose Faithfulness is as rea­dy to fulfill thy Promises, as the Angels are to execute thy Commands.

9. Thou rulest the raging of the Sea: when the waves thereof a­rise, thou stillest them.

9. The Sea it self, which submits to no body else, is under thy Government: who, when it is a calm, makest it swell, as if it would overflow the earth; and reducest it, when it is in its greatest rage, to a perfect stilness again.

10. Thou hast broken Rahab in pieces, as one that is slain: thou hast scattered thine e­nemies with thy strong arm.

10. There the Egyptians, who had been wounded before with many other grievous plagues, were ut­terly overthrown: and with the like irresistible power the Canaanites were scatte­red; at the entrance of thy people, into the pro­mised Land.

11. The hea­vens are thine, the earth also is thine: as for the world, and the fulness thereof, thou hast founded them.

11. For Thou art the owner of things, both in heaven and earth, and hast the justest right to dispose of them, to whom Thou pleasest: because the world, and all the inhabitants of it, are thy Creatures.

12. The north and the south thou hast created them: Tabor and Her­mon shall rejoice in thy name.

12. Whether we cast our eyes to the Southern or Northern parts of the earth; to the West, towards Tabor, or Eastwards towards Her­mon: [Page 152]they all acknowledge Thee their Creatour; and rejoice in thy bountifull Providence, which inriches them with all things need­full for them.

13. Thou hast a mighty arm: strong is thy hand, and high is thy right hand.

13. And thy power ex­tending it self throughout the whole, always effects in every place, whatsoever Thou designest: whether it be to punish evil-doers, or to preserve and exalt them that doe well.

14. Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go be­fore thy face.

14. But none shall be able to say Thou doest them any wrong: Because Thou dost not rule the world merely by thy abso­lute power; but hast pla­ced thy principal glory in justice and equity, mercy and fidelity; from which Thou never swervest.

15. Blessed is the people that know the joyfull sound: they shall walk, O LORD, in the light of thy countenance.

15. Happy then are the people who live under thy righteous and mercifull Go­vernment; and hear the Trumpet sound, which sig­nifies the royal presence of thy Majesty among them, and calls them to attend [Page 153]upon Thee (X. Numb. 10.) They shall spend their days most chearfully, O Lord; being secure of thy favour, which will let them want nothing that is good for them.

16. In thy name shall they rejoice all the day: and in thy righ­teousness shall they be exalted.

16. They shall not bare­ly rejoice, but triumph, and that continually; in thy love to them, and thy power to defend them: and, walking in thy holy Laws, shall by thy good­ness be highly exalted, and made superiour to all their enemies.

17. For thou art the glory of their strength: and in thy favour our horn shall be exalted.

17. For they owe not their conquests to their own valour, or forces, though never so great; but it is Thou who givest illustrious Victories, to the smallest Armies: And therefore by thy favour we hope that our Empire, which is now broken, shall be raised a­gain to its former splen­dour.

18. For the LORD is our defence: and the holy One of Israel is our King.

18. For the Lord is still our Protectour, though our Prince be taken, and made [Page 154]unable to defend us: He whom Israel adores, and acknowledges infinitely to transcend all other Beings, is our King and Governour.

19. Then thou spakest in vision to the holy One, and saidest, I have laid help upon one that is mighty: I have exalted one cho­sen out of the people.

19. Who then didst re­veal thy mind, in a Vision, to the holy Prophet Sa­muel, (1 Sam. XVI. 1.) when the Philistines defied Israel, and grew terrible to them, (XVII. 10, 11, 24.) saying; I have provided myself a valiant Champion, (1 Sam. XVI. 18.) to be your deliverer, (2 Sam. III. 18.) I have designed a per­son of singular worth, from among the common people, (1 Sam. XVI. 11.) to be promoted to the Kingdom.

20. I have found David my servant: with my holy oil have I a­nointed him.

20. I have observed Da­vid (1 Sam. XVI. 1.) and find him a man that will faithfully serve me: Go, and anoint him with the holy Oil; for I intend him for the Governour of my people.

21. With whom my hand shall be established: mine arm also shall strengthen him.

21. With whom I will always be powerfully pre­sent, for his assistance [Page 155](1 Sam. XVII. 45, &c.) and never desert him, as I did Saul: (XVIII. 12, 24, 28.) But my mighty power shall extraordinarily strengthen him, in all his enterprises, 1 Sam. XXX. 6. 2 Sam. VIII. 6, 14.

22. The ene­my shall not exact upon him: nor the son of wickedness afflict him.

22. The subtilest of his enemies, shall not be able to circumvent him; nor the most malicious, how powerfull soever, oppress him.

23. And I will beat down his foes before his face, and plague them that hate him.

23. But after all their vain attempts I will not onely protect him, from their crafty violence; but subdue all his adversaries under him, and destroy those that hate him, 2 Sam. VII. 9.

24. But my faithfulness and my mercy shall be with him: and in my name shall his born be exalted.

24. He shall ever find me, not onely faithfull in my promise to him but, kind above his expectation: and, by my powerfull as­sistance, and his confidence in it, his authority shall be highly exalted, 1 Chron. XIV. 17. 2 Sam. VII. 9. VIII. 13.

25. I will set his hand also in the sea, and his right hand in the rivers.

25. On one hand he shall conquer the Phili­stines, and those that live upon the coast of the Sea, (2 Sam. VIII. 1.) and on the other hand the Syrians, as far as Tigris and Euphra­tes, (2 Sam. VIII. 9, &c. X. 16, 19.)

26. He shall cry unto me, Thou art my father, my God, and the rock of my salvation.

26. For he shall intirely depend on me in all his distresses, and fly to me for succour, as a Child to his Parent; saying, with more then usual love and confi­dence, Thou art my Father, as well as my omnipotent God, from whom alone I expect protection and deli­verance.

27. Also I will make him my first-born, higher then the kings of the earth.

27. Which I will never fail to afford him, till I raise him to the prime dignity, a­mong all those whom I call my Sons; and set him so high above all other Kings in the world, that he shall be a most eminent Type of my Son Christ, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords.

28. My mercy will I keep for him for evermore, and my covenant shall stand fast with him.

28. Nothing shall alter these kind intentions to­ward [Page 157]him; but I will al­ways have a love for him, and faithfully perform my Covenant with him.

29. His seed also will I make to endure for e­ver, and his throne as the days of hea­ven.

29. Which is, that his Family shall never be ex­tinct; but, notwithstan­ding the changes which all things are subject unto here below, have the royal pow­er continued in it, as long as the heavens endure, 2 Sam. VII. 16, 28, 29. I. Luke 32, 33.

30. If his chil­dren forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments;

30. If his Successours in­deed shall depart from the Law, which I have given you by my Servant Moses, and not judge my people righteously;

31. If they break my statutes, and keep not my commandments:

31. If they prophanely neglect, or corrupt my Re­ligion, and observe not the rest of the Rules of life, which I have enjoined them:

32. Then will I visit their trans­gression with the rod, and their ini­quity with stripes.

32. Then will I execute the threatnings which are in my Law, (XXVI. Levit.) upon them; and punish their transgressions with sore diseases, and their Ido­latries [Page 158]with several plagues, (2 Sam. VII. 14.)

33. Neverthe­less, my loving-kindness will I not utterly take from him, nor suffer my faithfulness to fail.

33. But I will not so chastise them, as never more to doe good to his Family; (2 Sam. VII. 25.) but will still have a kindness for it, and faithfully keep my pro­mise with it, 1 King. XI. 34, 36. XV. 4. 2 King. VIII. 19, &c.

34. My cove­nant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.

34. I will not violate the Covenant I have made with David (2 Chron. XXI. 7.) nor retract the promise, which I have solemnly pas­sed to his Family.

35. Once have I sworn by my ho­liness, that I will not lie unto Da­vid.

35. For I have unaltera­bly sworn by my own in­communicable excellencies, that I will as soon cease to be what I am, as deceive him.

36. His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne as the sun before me.

36. His Family (as I said Verse 29.) shall never be quite extinct; but always remain in my favour, and hold the royal dignity, as long as the Sun shineth.

37. It shall be established for ever as the moon, and as a faithfull wit­ness in heaven. Selah.

37. The Moon may as well fall from her Orb, as his Authority fall to the [Page 159]ground and rise no more: Let that be a witness of my fidelity, when you look upon it; (XXXIII. Jer. 20, 21.) and conclude, that af­ter all the changes and e­clipses his Kingdom may suf­fer, it shall stand as fast, as that and all the rest of the heavenly bodies.

38. But thou hast cast off and abhorred, thou hast been wroth with thine anointed.

38. But all these pro­mises, alas! so sacredly con­firmed, and oft repeated, have not secured it from a dismal subversion: For Thou hast rejected, with the greatest contempt and indignation, our Sovereign; one of the posterity of Da­vid, and his lawfull suc­cessour in the Kingdom, 2 King. XXIV. 20. XXV. 6, 7. IV. Lam. 20.

39. Thou hast made void the co­venant of thy ser­vant: thou hast prophaned his crown, by casting it to the ground.

39. Thou seemest not to regard the Covenant made with that thy faithfull Ser­vant (which Thou promi­sedst not to break, Ver. 34.) and instead of raising his Family higher then all other Kings (Ver. 27.) hast suffe­red it to lose all its Autho­rity; [Page 160]which, together with the royal Diadem, is vilely trodden under foot.

40. Thou hast broken down all his hedges, thou hast brought his strong holds to ruine.

40. Thou hast broken down all the walls of Je­rusalem, (2 King. XXV. 10.) and made all his for­tified places a mere desola­tion.

41. All that pass by the way spoil him: he is a reproach to his neighbours.

41. So that he hath no defence against those who have a mind to make a prey of him, (2 King. XXIV. 2.) and is now scor­ned and derided by those, who formerly dreaded him.

42. Thou hast set up the right hand of his ad­versaries: thou hast made all his enemies to rejoice.

42. Thou hast made his adversaries (whom Thou promisedst to depress, Ver. 23.) far stronger then him­self: they have executed all that they designed, and now triumph in his ruin.

43. Thou hast also turned the edge of his sword, and hast not made him to stand in the battel.

43. His forces have done him no service; but, being shamefully routed, durst never rally again, to make any opposition to their e­nemies.

44. Thou hast made his glory to cease, and cast his throne down to the ground.

44. Thou hast put out that splendour, which we thought should have been [Page 161]perpetual; (Ver. 37, 38.) and hast utterly overturned his Kingdom.

45. The days of his youth hast thou shortned: thou hast covered him with shame. Selah.

45. Thou hast made a speedy end of the reign of Jehojachin, who in his youth is made a slave: (2 King. XXIV. 8, &c.) and suffe­red Zedekiah to be most disgracefully condemned as a rebel, to lose his eyes, and remain a prisoner all the days of his life, 2 King. XXV. 6, 7.

46. How long, LORD, wilt thou hide thy self for ever? shall thy wrath burn like fire?

46. O what a sad condi­tion is this, in which Thou seemest wholly to neglect us! But, O Lord, wilt Thou never appear for us again, and put a period to our miseries? wilt Thou let thy anger burn, till we be utterly consumed?

47. Remember how short my time is: wherefore hast thou made all men in vain?

47. Our natural weak­ness pleads for some mercy; and imboldens us to beseech Thee, that, since we must not onely die unavoidably, but a short time will bring us to our graves, Thou wilt be pleased to let us spend that little time in [Page 160] [...] [Page 161] [...] [Page 162]more ease; and not live, as if we were made for no­thing else, but onely to be miserable and to die.

48. What man is he that liveth, and shall not see death? shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the grave? Selah.

48. For where is the man, whose constitution is so firm, that he shall not yield to death? For what ability have we, though our enemies should not thus destroy us, to defend our selves from the power of the grave?

49. LORD, where are thy for­mer loving-kind­nesses, which thou swarest unto David in thy truth?

49. Lord! what a diffe­rence is there between our times, and those, when Thou wast so exceeding good to David? And swarest, most faithfully to continue to him for ever thy loving-kindness? which we beseech Thee now re­store unto us.

50. Remember, LORD, the re­proach of thy ser­vants; how I do bear in my bosom the reproach of all the mighty people;

50. Shew, O Lord, that Thou dost not forget the scoffs and jeers; whereby our enemies augment the sufferings of thy servants: there is nothing I lay to heart so much, as all the reproaches of many and mighty Nations.

51. Wherewith thine enemies have reproached, O LORD; where­with they have re­proached the foot­steps of thine a­nointed.

51. Who are thy ene­mies as well as ours; and have blasphemed Thee, O Lord, and mockt at Thee: as if our slavery were the effect of thy inability to protect us; and as if there were an end of the Family and Kingdom of David, thine anointed, which Thou saidest should last for ever.

52. Blessed be the LORD for evermore. Amen, and amen.

52. But let them laugh on; neither their scoffs, nor our calamity, shall hinder us from praising the Lord, and speaking good of Him continually; in assured hope that He will at last deliver us. Let it be so, we beseech Thee; Let it be so, as we desire and hope: that we may ever praise Thee for our happy restauration.

The End of the THIRD Book of Psalms.


A Prayer of Moses, the man of God.


Here begins the FOƲRTH Book of Psalms: in this differing from the rest, that as those of the first Book are most of them ascribed to David, and those of the second, in great part to the Sons of Korah, and those of the third to Asaph; so there are few of these, whose Authour is certainly known: and therefore, I suppose, were all put together, in one and the same Collection. The first of them indeed being made by Moses, the Hebrews have entertained a conceit (which Saint Hierom and Saint Hilary also follow) that he was the Authour also of the Ten next immediately insuing. But, as there is no [Page 165]reason for that (it will appear in due place) so I can see no cause why we should fancy David, or some of the Children of Moses in his time, or a singer of that name (as Aben Ezra conjectures) to have composed this pre­sent Psalm: when not onely the Title ex­presly gives it to that Moses who was the Man of God (as their Law giver is called XXXIII. Deut. 1.) or that famous Pro­phet, by whom God spake to them; but the Chaldee Paraphrase, and the very matter of the Psalm sufficiently shew, that it was a Meditation of his, when the people offended so highly against God in the Wilderness (especially by murmuring at the Relation the Spies brought them of the good Land, XIV. Numb.) that He shortned their lives, to seventy or eighty years at the most; and suffered them not to arrive at the age of their Ancestours, or of Moses, Caleb and Joshua: whose lives he prolonged to an hundred and twenty years.

Which grievous punishment Moses prays God, they may lay to heart seriously, and so recover his favour, (Ver. 12, &c.) who is the eternal God, as he tells them (in the beginning of the Psalm) and had been, in a particular manner, kind to their Progeni­tours in former Generations.

This is the substance of the Psalm: which the Collectour of this Book, thought fit to place in the very beginning of it; because of [Page 166]the great antiquity of this Psalm, and the dignity of its Authour.

1. LORD, thou hast been our dwelling-place in all generations.

1. O Lord, who sustai­nest and governest the whole world, Thou hast been the constant Pro­tectour of our Nation for many Ages: having affor­ded all things necessary for the defence and security of our Forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; when they had no certain dwelling-place, but were strangers in the Land whither we are going: and supported us in the Land of Egypt; where, in a time of dearth, Thou madest an ample provision for us; as Thou hast also done hitherto, in this bar­ren desert.

2. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world: even from ever­lasting to everla­sting thou art God.

2. Where, though we have no Towns nor Houses, we ought to think our selves safe; and to trust in Thee, who art the same mighty God, Thou ever wast (not onely before we and our Forefathers were made, but before the mountains arose [Page 167]out of the waters, and Thou commandedst the rest of the earth, and this beautifull world to appear) and ever wilt be, whatever changes there be here, without any alteration.

3. Thou turnest man to destruction: and sayest, Return ye children of men.

3. We have highly of­fended Thee indeed, and so did our first Parents; who became thereby most wretched and miserable Creatures, and were doo­med by Thee to return to the dust, out of which they were formed: as all their posterity must do, when­soever Thou summonest them to obey that sentence, Thou hast passed upon them.

4. For a thou­sand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.

4. And should we have a reprieve for a longer time, then our first Father Adam, and some of his successours had, who lived near to a thousand years; we should be wretched still: especial­ly, when we compared our selves with Thee; in whose account the longest life is as inconsiderable as one [Page 168]day, and that when it is spent and gone; nay, as three or four hours, which pass away in sleep.

5. Thou carri­est them away as with a floud, they are as a sleep: in the morning they are like grass which groweth up.

5. But alas! in these a­ges Thou carriest men away suddenly; as a violent tor­rent doth those things, it meets withall in its passage: they vanish like a dream, when we awake; and are as grass, which in the mor­ning is grown higher and stronger then it was;

6. In the mor­ning it flourisheth, and groweth up; in the evening it is cut down and withereth.

6. But, how flourishing and fresh soever it then ap­pear, is cut down before night, and loses all its beau­ty: such is the frailty of man; who now is in vigo­rous health, and anon lan­guishes, and falls to the earth.

7. For we are consumed by thine anger, and by thy wrath are we trou­bled.

7. This, I am sure, is our condition; who have so provoked Thee to an­ger by our sins, that we perish in an instant, (XVI. Numb. 35, 46.) and are perpetually disturbed with dreadfull apprehensions of thy heaviest displeasure, XVII. Numb. 12, 13.

8. Thou hast set our iniquities before thee: our secret sins in the light of thy coun­tenance.

8. After many threat­nings, Thou hast procee­ded, as a righteous Judge, to call us to a severe account for all our foul crimes; though never so secretly committed: and makest it appear, by our punishments, to all the world (XIV. Numb. 20, &c.) that we are a perverse generation; though we pretend to thy service.

9. For all our days are passed a­way in thy wrath: we spend our years as a tale that is told.

9. For we constantly feel some effects or other of thine anger; whereby our lives decline exceeding fast, and many times, before we can say what's this, is at an end.

10. The days of our year are threescore years and ten, and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow: for it is soon cut off, and we flie away.

10. We fall short of the days of our Forefathers; being now all doomed to perish in the Wilderness, and not to exceed, com­monly, the age of LXX. or (if men be of a vigorous constitution) at most of LXXX. years: the best part of which also, is spent in toilsome travels (XX. Num. 14. XXI. 4. XXXI. 11. [Page 170]II. Deut. 1, 3, &c.) and much sorrow and vexation; to see the strongest among us, cut down like grass in a moment, or at least ma­king great haste unto their graves.

11. Who know­eth the power of thine anger? e­ven according to thy fear, so is thy wrath.

11. And yet alas! who is there that seriously con­siders and lays to heart, the dreadfull effects of thy dis­pleasure; which irresistibly falls upon us? (XXV. Num. 1, 2, 3, &c.) or with such a pious fear, as it ought to excite, takes any care to prevent more terrible pu­nishments, then those we have felt already?

12. So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisedom.

12. Lord, do Thou touch us with a sense of thy judgments; that we may not presume thus foo­lishly to offend Thee, as our Fathers have done: but, making a just account of the shortness and uncer­tainty of our lives, may wisely apply our selves to make the best use we can of them, in repenting of our sins.

13. Return, O LORD, how long? and let it repent thee concerning thy servants.

13. And then be pleased to turn thy severity into kindness towards us: Let it suffice, good Lord, that we have indured so many and long punishments; and now at last revoke or mi­tigate the sentence Thou hast past upon us, who, though very disobedient, are thy servants.

14. O satisfie us early with thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.

14. O let us see some ap­pearance of thy love to us; which may satisfie and chear our languishing souls, like the morning light after a tedious night: and instead of sighs and groans, fill us with shouts of joy, all the remainder of our days.

15. Make us glad according to the days wherein thou hast afflicted us, and the years wherein we have seen evil.

15. Compensate our past troubles with future com­forts; and make our hap­piness to equal, if not ex­ceed, the misery we have suffered.

16. Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children.

16. Declare to all the world, that Thou hast not quite forsaken us thy ser­vants: but wilt still work wonders for us; and doe more glorious and magni­ficent [Page 172]things for our Chil­dren, though we have sin­ned against Thee, XX. Numb. 17, 18, &c. XXXI. 2. II. Deut. 25. III. 24.

17. And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us, yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.

17. Let them inherit, by the special favour of the Lord our God, that lovely and pleasant Land, (XLIX. Gen. 15. VIII. Deut. 7, 8, &c.) which He hath promised to give us: and, for that end, direct and prosper our arms; that what we shall attempt in vain, if we be left to our selves, may successfully be atchieved by thy assistence, (VIII. Deut. 17, 18, &c. XXXI. 6, 7, 8.) O prosper Thou our undertaking; and make our arms victo­rious.



The Authour of this Psalm is not known: but the occasion seems to have been some great Pesti­lence; in which the Psalmist commends an humble confidence in God, and ardent love to Him, as the best security both in that, and in all other dangers. Maimonides thinks (as other of the Rabbins also do) that the Psalmist hath a peculiar respect to the incursions of evil spirits, Ver. 5, 6. as in the following Verses, 7, 8. to those mischiefs which may come from the hand of evil men. And as far as those Spirits had any hand in the Pestilence here spoken of, his opinion is true; and his words in general are very significant, that the Psalmist here treats elegantly of that great Providence, which protects and keeps us from all evils, both universal and particular, &c. Thus he dis­courses in his More Nevochim Part III. Chap. 51. where we have the reason of that name which is given to this Psalm by the Talmudists; who call it A Song of evil Spirits. See Buxtorf Lex. Talmud. in the word [...].

Now there is no Pestilence so likely to have given occasion to this Psalm, as that in the latter end of David's Reign: [Page 174]who having numbred the people, and not made those acknowledgments to God which the Law in that case prescribed, (XXX. Ex­odus 12.) had this sad choice given him by the Prophet Gad, whether he would be pu­nished for his negligence by Famine, or by the Sword of his Enemies, or by Pestilence. And submitting to the last (which God sent a destroying Angel to inflict, 2 Sam. XXIV. 15, 16.) was taught, it is not unlikely, by that Prophet, called David's Seer, to re­commend himself to the Divine Protection, in the words of this Psalm. For that Da­vid himself was the Authour, as some con­ceive, is not so probable; because there is no such confession of his Sin, and depreca­tion of the Divine Displeasure in this Psalm, as we reade he made on that occasion, 2 Sam. XXIV. 1 Chron. XXI. unless we will ima­gine that he made this Psalm after that Plague; to direct and excite all others, to make God their refuge, as he had done, in such like calamities.

And this is far more probable, then that it should be made by Moses, as some of the He­brews fancy; for none of the plagues in his time were so great as that in Davids: and the most of them fell on those whom God had condemned to die in the Wilderness, (as he in the foregoing Psalm commemorates) and therefore he could not promise long life to them upon any terms; as the Psalmist [Page 175]here doth to the man that confides in God, Ver. last.

The ancient Interpreters by Schacal (which commonly signifies a Lion) do so unanimously understand some kind of Serpent, and not without reason (as Bochartus hath demon­strated) that I have followed them, in my Paraphrase of Verse 13. and made no men­tion of those Beasts of prey, but onely of venomous Creatures.

1. HE that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

1. IT is an undoubted truth, that he who always makes the Divine Providence his Sanctuary, and, commending himself to the protection of the most High, rests in that and troubles himself no further; need not fear any danger whatsoever: but think him­self safe and secure in his custody; who, as He is Almighty so, will never fail those that piously confide in Him.

2. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God, in him will I trust.

2. And therefore I will now incourage my soul, to flee unto the Lord for shel­ter, saying; I have no con­fidence in any thing but Him alone: He is a better [Page 176]defence then the most im­pregnable fortress; being the Sovereign of the world, and so good to me upon all occasions, that I will never distrust his kindness.

3. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler: and from the noisome pestilence.

3. I doubt not but He will deliver thee from all unseen dangers; particular­ly from this most destructive Pestilence: whose venom catches men as insensibly and suddenly; as the snare doth the Bird, when it is laid by a cunning Fowler.

4. He shall co­ver thee with his feathers, and un­der his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

4. He will affectionately defend thee, as a Hen doth her young ones under her wings: And therefore trust to his benign Providence, and depend upon his faith­full word; opposing that to all the dangers which threaten thee, as a Souldier doth his Shield and Buckler to the Darts and thrusts of his enemies.

5. Thou shalt not be afraid for the terrour by night: nor for the arrow that flieth by day:

5. Then thou needest not to be afraid, either of murtherers and robbers; whose sudden attempts in the night, make them more [Page 177]dreadfull: nor of insurrec­tions, and popular tumults, and the open assaults of any adversaries.

6. Nor for the pestilence that wal­keth in darkness: nor for the de­struction that wa­steth at noon-day.

6. No, nor of those in­fectious diseases, which arise from unknown causes: nor of those malignant fevers, which rage in the hottest season of the year.

7. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thou­sand at thy right hand: but it shall not come nigh thee.

7. Whereby though whole Towns and Coun­tries be depopulated, a thousand falling on the left hand, and ten thousand on the right hand of thee; thou shalt remain untou­ched in that mortality.

8. Onely with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.

8. And onely be a spec­tatour of the Divine ven­geance, in punishing wic­ked offenders so visibly; that thou canst not but ob­serve his righteous Judg­ments, 2 Sam. XXIV. 15, 16.

9. Because thou hast made the LORD which is my refuge, even the most High thy habitation:

9. Because I have placed my confidence and hope in Thee, O Lord; who art a sanctuary, to which no vio­lence can approach.

10. There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.

10. Therefore rest still assured, O my Soul, that He will suffer no mischief to befall thee: nor let this plague seize upon thy Fa­mily.

11. For he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways.

11. But give his Angels, who are always ready to obey his commands, a strict charge to take care of thee; and to preserve thee whi­ther soever thou goest.

12. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.

12. They shall as dili­gently attend thee, as a Nurse doth her Child: guiding, supporting and defending thee, with such a solicitous affection; that the least harm shall not be­fall thee.

13. Thou shalt tread upon the li­on and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.

13. No, shouldst thou come among Serpents, Asps and Dragons, with all the rest of those venemous sort of Creatures, they shall not be able to doe thee hurt: but thou shalt victoriously trample upon them, and triumph over them, X. Luk. 19. XVI. Mark 18.

14. Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.

14. For so hath the Lord declared his will and plea­sure [Page 179]to be, when He gave commission to his Angels concerning me, saying; Because he heartily loves Me, and delights in Me, therefore will I deliver him from all present danger, and raise him above the reach of all future: because he hath acknowledged Me, to be the onely safe refuge, and relied on My power for his protection;

15. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him, and honour him.

15. I will grant him all his petitions; especially when he is in any distress, I will be present with him, to afford him sutable com­fort: and not onely pre­serve him from perishing; but, after a happy delive­rance, make him great and illustrious.

16. With long life will I satisfie him, and shew him my salvation.

16. And more then that he shall have the satisfaction of injoying his honour to a great old Age: and when his strength fails him, I will not; but still give him evi­dent proofs of my care of him, and kindness towards him.


A Psalm or Song for the Sabbath-day.


If Adam had made this Psalm, presently after he was created in the evening of the Sabbath (which is a Rabbinical fancy, mentioned in the Midrash upon this place) sure it would have been set in this fourth Book of Psalms, before that of Moses: who may more pro­bably be conceived to have composed it; to raise the hearts of the Israelites to the proper business of the Sabbath-day: which was to praise God, when they meditated upon his wonderfull works, not onely of Creation but of Providence in the government of the world. Several instances of which, in re­warding the good, and punishing the wicked, they themselves had seen since they came out of Egypt: and were to see more when they came into the Land of Canaan; to keep their Sabbath or rest there, after their long tra­vels in the Deserts: with respect to which, some thing Moses might call this A Psalm for the Sabbath-day.

But there is no certainty of these things, or rather it is certain that neither of these conjectures are true. For as Adam in Pa­radise had no enemies to rise up against him, [Page 181]nor was troubled with any workers of ini­quity (such as we reade of Ver. 7, 11.) and there were no Psalteries, Harps and Instru­ments of Musick then made, which Moses himself tells us were found out by Jubal: so those Instruments were not imployed in the service of God till the days of David: who may therefore more reasonably be thought to have made this Psalm for the Sabbath, then either of the other; after God had gi­ven him such Rest round about from all his enemies, (2 Sam. VII. 1.) that he con­cluded he should be able to subdue those who should hereafter adventure to oppose him: such as those mentioned in the following Chapters, 2 Sam. VIII. X.

1. IT is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High:

1. NOW is the proper season to give thanks unto the Lord, for all the benefits we have re­ceived from Him: and it is no less delightfull, then it is profitable, to sing Hymns in the praise of the Divine perfections; which infinite­ly transcend all that can be said, or thought of them.

2. To shew forth thy loving-kind­ness in the mor­ning, and thy faithfulness every night;

2. This is the sweetest imployment in the mor­ning; and no entertain­ment equal to it at night: [Page 182]to commemorate and de­clare to all, how bountifull Thou art; and how faith­full in performing thy pro­mises to those, who depend on thy Almighty Good­ness.

3. Ʋpon an in­strument of ten strings, and upon the psaltery; upon the harp with a solemn sound.

3. Which ought to be celebrated, with a full Con­sort, not onely of our chear­full Voices but, of all the Instruments of Musick.

4. For thou LORD, hast made me glad through thy work: I will triumph in the works of thy hands.

4. For all are too little, O Lord, to express the joy I have in the acts of thy Providence; by whom, as the world was made so, it is still governed: it ravishes my spirit, and makes me shout for joy, to think how excellently Thou orderest and disposest all things.

5. O LORD, how great are thy works! and thy thoughts are very deep.

5. Whose administration, though I cannot fully com­prehend; yet, I admire and applaud the astonishing greatness of thy works: and reverence the unsear­chable depth of thy coun­sels and designs.

6. A bruitish man knoweth not: neither doth a fool understand this.

6. Of which a stupid man, who looks not be­yond [Page 183]his senses, is so whol­ly ignorant; that seeing himself, and other such like fools, prosper and thrive, while better men are in trouble and affliction; He presently concludes, Thou dost not meddle in our af­fairs; but leavest all to chance: For he doth not understand, so much as this secret;

7. When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all the wor­kers of iniquity do flourish: it is that they shall be de­stroyed for ever.

7. That when the lew­dest men grow rich, high and powerfull; and their interest is such, that by their means all the workers of iniquity, and few other men, are promoted; the reason is: because nothing in this world is of any great value, nor of any long con­tinuance; but after they have flourished a while in an empty glory, they shall be cut down like grass; and, which is more, never rise up again:

8. But thou, LORD, art most high for evermore.

8. And that, Thou, who rulest all things, though far out of their sight, canst as well punish or reward men [Page 184]hereafter, as at present; being the eternal Lord.

9. For lo, thine enemies, O LORD, for lo, thine ene­mies shall perish: all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered.

9. Who shewest Thou dost not intend to let the wicked escape, though now they flourish; for Thou hast begun already to give thy enemies, who have long prospered, a remarkable de­feat: they have received such a notable blow, that I am confident they shall perish; and all their par­takers, though never so nu­merous and strongly linkt together, be dispersed and utterly destroyed.

10. But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil.

10. But my power and authority Thou shalt raise to a formidable height: and crown that dignity with such undisturbed joy and pleasure; as shall prove, the pious are not always miserable:

11. Mine eye also shall see my desire on mine e­nemies: and mine ears shall hear my desire of the wick­ed that rise up against me.

11. Nor the wicked al­way prosperous. For to all other pleasures this shall be added, that I shall see those deprived of all power, who have long watched to doe me mischief: or certainly [Page 185]hear of the ruin of those malicious men, who set themselves with all their might to destroy me.

12. The righ­teous shall flourish like the palm-tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.

12. Which may be an in­couragement to every good man to hope in God, and not question the justice of his Providence; if at pre­sent he be afflicted: for as He shall overturn all his enemies at the last; so He will make the righteous flourish (not as the wicked do like the grass, Ver. 7. but) in a durable prosperi­ty, like the fruitfull Palm, and the stately Cedar in Lebanon.

13. Those that be planted in the house of the LORD, shall flou­rish in the courts of our God.

13. For they are under the care of the Lord our God; whose House they frequent: and there par­take of his Divine blessing, for the growth and increase of their happiness.

14. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age: they shall be fat and flourishing:

14. Which shall not de­cay, as the strength and freshness of those Trees will do with age; but the ol­der they grow, the more happy fruits shall their [Page 186]piety produce: and they shall abound in wealth and honour; as much as they do in that.

15. To shew that the LORD is upright: he is my rock, and there is no unrighteous­ness in him.

15. To demonstrate to all the world, that the Lord is a most impartial Gover­nour; whom I have found my firm unmoveable Friend: and, assure your selves, is so just and kind; that he will never let wickedness go un­punished, nor vertue be al­ways unrewarded.



There is no Title in the Hebrew to tell [...] us who was the Authour of this Psalm: Nor was there any in Origen's Hexaplus, or in Eu­sebius as Theodoret confesses: who found in the Greek Copy which he used, this Psalm called An Ode of David, in praise of God: To which hath been since added, in the day before the Sabbath, when the earth began to be inhabited. Which Musculus thinks was not rashly done by the Greeks: but su­spects they were moved to it; because they [Page 187]knew perhaps, that the Jews used this Psalm upon that day. As indeed they did; for the words of the Talmud, in the Title Ke­dishim confirm his suspicions: which are these (as I find them set down by de Dieu, upon the foregoing Psalm.) The Canticles which the Levites sung in the Sanctuary, were as follow; on the first day of the week, the XXIV. on the second the XLVIII. on the third the LXXXII. on the fourth the XCIV. on the fifth the LXXXI. on the sixth the XCIII. and on the seventh the XCII.

Nor is the matter of this Psalm more di­stant from the foregoing, then the sixth day is from the seventh; for it seems to me to have been composed, when some of those po­tent enemies began to take heart again, and threaten to disturb David's peace and tran­quillity: which, in the foregoing Psalm, he had said he was confident, they should never be able to overthrow. Though in the more sublime sense, it ought to be applied to the stability of Christ Kingdom: which seve­ral of the Jews acknowledge is prophesied of; in this, and in all the Psalms that fol­low unto the Hundredth.

1. THe LORD reigneth, he is cloathed with majesty, the LORD is cloathed with strength, where­with he hath gir­ded himself: the world also is sta­blished, that it cannot be moved.

1. LET the Nations boast of the power and splendour of their Kings, and trust to their [Page 188]military preparations; this is our glory and our confi­dence, that the LORD reigneth over us: whose royal ornaments are not gold and precious stones, but Majesty it self; and is not armed with sword and spear, but with almighty strength, which is ready to fight for us: who have this comfort also, that He who made the world, will sup­port that excellent order wherein we are settled; so that it shall not be in the power of man, to disturb what He hath established.

2. Thy throne is established of old: thou art from everlasting.

2. This we know, be­cause thy Kingdom O Lord is fixed, and immoveable: and did not begin now, when we were made thy peculiar people; but was, as Thou art, from everla­sting.

3. The flouds have lifted up, O Lord, the flouds have lifted up their voice: the flouds lift up their waves.

3. We will not be afraid therefore, though multi­tudes of combined enemies threaten to break in upon us like a floud: though they storm, and rage, and [Page 189]insolently vaunt, as if they were sure to overwhelm us:

4. The LORD on high is migh­tier then the noise of many waters, yea, then the mighty waves of the sea.

4. Though they roar terribly, and be as nume­rous as the waters of the Sea; swelling like its boi­sterous waves, in a furious tempest: the great Lord is above them all; and can instantly depress them, as low as He pleases.

5. Thy testimo­nies are very sure: holiness becometh thine house, O LORD, for ever.

5. And thy fidelity, in performing the promises, wherein Thou hast testified thy good will to us, is as unquestionable as thy pow­er: no age shall find it fail: for it becomes not Thee to start from thy word delivered to us, by thy Oracle; but it is thy glory to observe it sacred­ly for ever.



This Psalm also wants an inscription in the Hebrew, to tell us who was the Authour of it: but the later Greeks intitle David to it; and call it A Psalm of his for the fourth day of the week: which they had (as I shewed in the Argument of the foregoing Psalm) from the Hebrew Tradition in the Talmud: And he hath little acquaintance with the History of David, who doth not see that here is an exact description of the Court of Saul, who abused their Authority to all manner of oppression and violence (especially against David) without any fear of God, or thought that He would call them to any account for it; as he complains in several other Psalms; particularly LVII. LVIII. LIX.

But it might as well be penned by any other holy man, who lived in times of ge­neral corruption; when (as Theodoret expresses it) their Kings, and their Prin­ces ( i. e. Judges) loved not to be tied to the Law; but pronounced unjust sentences, and committed murthers; selling the bloud of innocents for bribes: of whom the Pro­phet Isaiah sadly complains, Ver. 21. of the first Chapter; where Ver. 10. he calls them [Page 191] Rulers of Sodom. Certain it is, the Psal­mist, whosoever he was, desires he may see justice done upon such Atheistical Oppres­sours; and desires good men not to be dis­couraged under their tyranny: but patiently expect an happy issue, of all the vexation which they gave them.

1. O LORD God, to whom vengeance belongeth: O God, to whom vengeance belongeth, shew thy self.

1. O Eternal Lord, the Sovereign of the world, in whose power it is to punish the highest of­fendors; and to whom a­lone it belongs, to take re­venge on those who oppress thy people, when they should protect them: make thy justice conspicuous in a severe vengeance upon them.

2. Lift up thy self, thou judge of the earth: render a reward to the proud.

2. Call them to an ac­count, O Thou righteous Judge of the whole earth: And, by making them suf­fer according to the wrong they have done, let those proud men, who have acted as if they thought none could controle them, know they have a Superiour.

3. LORD, how long shall the wicked, how long shall the wicked triumph?

3. We can scarce behold these wicked men without [Page 192]indignation: it tempts us to impatience, O Lord, to see how they prosper and triumph in their injurious proceedings;

4. How long shall they utter and speak hard things? and all the workers of iniquity boast themselves.

4. And to hear their in­solent, and provoking lan­guage; for they care not what they say; but as they intolerably abuse us, so they audaciously blaspheme Thee: the whole company of them, priding themselves in the mischief they doe; and scornfully deriding those, that tell them thy judgments will overtake them.

5. They break in pieces thy peo­ple, O LORD, and afflict thine heritage.

5. They have crushed thy people so, that they dare scarce complain of their tyranny: which cru­elly afflicts those who are dear unto Thee, with all manner of rapines and ex­tortions.

6. They slay the widow and the stranger, and mur­ther the fatherless.

6. They have no com­passion upon the widow or the stranger; but the rather spoil them, nay condemn them to die upon false ac­cusations (that they may [Page 193]possess themselves of their estates) because they have no Patron to defend them: and in the same manner they murther, for it is no better, the poor fatherless children; whom they ought to protect from violence.

7. Yet they say, The LORD shall not see: neither shall the God of Jacob regard it.

7. And to harden them­selves in their wickedness, they say; what do you tell us of the Lord? He knows not, or minds not, what we doe here: though there are such evident demonstra­tions of the Divine provi­dence over Jacob, and his posterity; yet, for all that, they fancy He doth not re­gard, nor will call them to any account for their do­ings.

8. Ʋnderstand, ye brutish among the people: and ye fools, when will ye be wise?

8. What stupid wretches are these? who think them­selves the wisest, but are in truth the most brutish of all mankind: whom I would advise, if they have not perfectly lost their reason, to consider this, (and sure they are not such fools, but they may soon understand it)

9. He that plan­ted the ear, shall he not hear? He that formed the eye, shall he not see?

9. Shall not He hear your blasphemies, who gave you the faculty of hearing? and shall not He see all you doe, who gave you the power of seeing? Is it possible He should give to others, what he wants Himself?

10. He that chastiseth the hea­then, shall not he correct? he that teacheth man knowledge, shall not he know?

10. He that taught all Nations his will, shall not He correct them when they transgress it? To what pur­pose did he make man to know the difference be­tween good and evil, but that he should observe it; and expect, if he did not, to suffer for it?

11. The LORD knoweth the thoughts of man, that they are va­nity.

11. Let them devise what ways they please, and flat­ter themselves with hopes to escape his vengeance: the Lord knows them all; and will make them see one day, that all such counsels and contrivances are but mere folly and vanity.

12. Blessed is the man whom thou chastenest, O LORD, and tea­chest him out of thy law:

12. And far better had it been for them to have been punished sooner: For not he that prospers in his [Page 195]wickedness is happy, but he whom Thou chastenest, O Lord, when he doth a­miss; and thereby teachest to study and obey thy Law with greater care and dili­gence.

13. That thou mayest give him rest from the days of adversity, untill the pit be digged for the wicked.

13. Which will quiet his mind under all his troubles, and at last procure the re­moval of them: when ab­solute destruction and ruin, mean time, is preparing for the ungodly.

14. For the LORD will not cast off his people, neither will he forsake his inheri­tance.

14. For the Lord will never abandon the care of his people; nor leave those whom He owns for his pe­culiar possession, to be ut­terly undone by the op­pressions, which for a time they may endure.

15. But judg­ment shall return unto righteous­ness: and all the upright in heart shall follow it.

15. But how much so­ever his judgments may seem to depart from the rules of righteousness, while the wicked flourish and the godly are afflicted; they shall at last return to such a perfect conformity with them: that all honest hear­ted men shall be incouraged [Page 196]thereby still to follow the Lord; and by no means to depart from their integrity, though all things look as if they were unequally car­ried.

16. Who will rise up for me a­gainst the evil do­ers? or who will stand up for me a­gainst the workers of iniquity?

16. Let them learn by my example not to despond; for who is it but He alone, from whom I have expec­ted, and still do expect to receive protection and help against these malicious men? who make no conscience of what they doe, and design my utter ruin.

17. Ʋnless the LORD had been my help, my soul had almost dwelt in silence.

17. Whose power also is so great, that if the Lord had not seasonably interpo­sed for my assistance and deliverance, I had not now been praying to Him; but laid in a silent grave.

18. When I said, My foot slip­peth: thy mercy, O LORD, held me up.

18. This was my con­stant support, if at any time my heart even failed me, and I was ready to con­clude, I cannot subsist any longer; then thy mercy, O Lord, sent me relief, and preserved me from the dan­ger, wherein I was afraid [Page 197]I should have unavoidably perished.

19. In the mul­titude of my thoughts within me, thy comforts delight my soul.

19. I have had innume­rable perplexed thoughts, and anxious cares, which have extreamly disquieted me: But as soon as ever I reflected on thy goodness, justice and truth, they all vanished; and I felt such consolation from thence, as revived my dejected soul:

20. Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee: which frameth mischief by a law?

20. And made me say, I will never imagin it pos­sible, that Thou shouldest favour the tyrannical pro­ceedings of these unrighte­ous Judges: who not one­ly oppress thy people, but doe it in a form of justice; and under the colour and pretext of law, make them miserable.

21. They ga­ther themselves together against the soul of the righteous: and condemn the in­nocent bloud.

21. They assemble them­selves together, and in full council combine to destroy the righteous: upon whom they pass a solemn sentence, though he be perfectly guilt­less, to lose his life.

22. But the LORD is my de­fence: and my God is the rock of my refuge.

22. But this doth not discourage me (whose case [Page 198]this is;) let them decree what they please, and be too hard for all laws: the Lord, who hates un­righteousness, will be my defence; He, who hath been long very gracious to me, I am confident will secure me from their vio­lence.

23. And he shall bring upon them their own iniquity, and shall cut them off in their own wicked­ness: yea, the LORD our God shall cut them off.

23. And more then that, retort it upon themselves; for the mischief they in­tended against me, shall fall upon their own head: He shall cut them off in their own wicked contri­vances; though it be not in our power, yet the Lord our God, who hath undertaken the patronage of those that confide in Him, shall cut them off.



This Psalm likewise is without any Title in the Hebrew, but the Greeks call it A Psalm of David; because the Apostle to the Hebrews cites a passage out of it, under his Name, IV. 7. Though that, it must be confessed, is no concluding Argument of its being com­posed by him; because it is usual to call the whole Five Books by the name of the Psalms of David; when it is certain he did not make them all, but onely the greater part.

Whoever was the Authour, it looks as if it were intended to be a [...] or solemn invitation of the people (when they were all assembled together on the Sabbath or some publick occasion) to praise the Lord their God, and hear instructions out of his Law: And is justly imployed still by the Church, in the entrance of our Morning Service for the very same purpose. For it plainly re­lates to the days of Christ, as the Jews con­fess, and the Apostle proves, III. IV. to the Hebrews: where he demonstrates to them of that Nation, that the Rest here spoken of could not be merely that in the Land of Canaan, which their Forefathers fell short of, by their disobedience to God in the Wil­derness: but another, far better, into which [Page 198] [...] [Page 199] [...] [Page 200]they in that day were to be brought, by the Messiah, a far greater Captain of Salvation then Joshua. And therefore it concerned them then, he shews, above all other times, to take care they did not harden their hearts against Him; when He came to invite them to a participation of the greatest blessedness: but entertain his holy Gospel, with a chear­full and joyfull obedience to it. Theodoret is of opinion that it was particularly designed for the times of Josiah; when he made that notable reformation (which we reade of 2 Chron. XXXIV. XXXV.) and called them from the worship of Idols, to the ser­vice of the true God. But it could never be more properly used by that Nation, then when the Lord Christ came to call them to repentance.

1. O Come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joy­full noise to the rock of our salva­tion.

1. OStir up your selves, all ye that are come hither to worship the Lord, and with united affections let us chearfully sing his praises: Let us lift up our voices and triumphantly laud the Authour of all the good we enjoy; and in whom we may safely con­fide for ever.

2. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyfull noise unto him with psalms.

2. Let us approach into his presence with thankfull [Page 201]hearts, to acknowledge the benefits we have received from Him: and devoutly proclaim with triumphant hymns, what a joy it is to us, that we may address our selves unto Him.

3. For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods.

3. For the Lord is infi­nitely powerfull, and hath a sovereign authority; not onely over all the Princes on the earth, but all the Angels and principalities in heaven.

4. In his hand are the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills is his also.

4. All those Treasures are in his possession, which lie in the deepest and most secret parts of the earth; whither none of our Mo­narchs can extend their power: and the loftiest hills, which none but the clouds can touch, are part of his dominion.

5. The sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry land.

5. The Sea also obeys Him alone; who hath an unquestionable title to it, and to all the rest of his wide Empire: for He made both it, and the dry Land; with all the things contai­ned therein.

6. O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker.

6. O be not backward then to comply with this renewed invitation; but let us all with the lowest prostrations devoutly adore his Majesty: Let it not suffice us to doe it once, but again let us, with hum­ble reverence, bow both our bodies and souls, in token of our subjection to Him: Let us fall on our knees, and submissively ac­knowledge the duty we owe, to the great Lord, who gave us our Being.

7. For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand: to day if ye will hear his voice,

7. Which we above all people have reason to doe, because He hath a peculiar relation to us, and kindness for us; providing for all our wants most liberally, and continually defending us from all dangers: O that you would therefore with­out delay listen to Him, and be obedient to the voice of your Creatour, Conserver and Benefactour, who calls upon you most graciously (by his own Son, III. Heb. 6, 7. IV. 7) saying;

8. Harden not your heart, as in the provocation, and as in the day of temptation in the wilderness:

8. Lay to heart what I have done for you, and be not so stupidly insensible, as your Fathers were; at that place, whose Name ( Meribah and Massah) pre­serves the memory of their provoking strife with Mo­ses, and temptation of God, in the Wilderness, XVII. Exod. 2, 7.

9. When your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my work.

9. When they doubted of my power, and deman­ded new proofs of my pre­sence among them (XVII. Exod. 7.) though they had seen my wonderfull works, in their late deliverance at the red Sea; and in making the bitter waters sweet; and sending them bread from heaven, Exod. XIV. XV. XVI.

10. Forty years long was I grieved with this genera­tion, and said, It is a people that do erre in their heart, and they have not known my ways.

10. Nor did they then cease their discontented murmurings, and distrust of me; but continued their stubborn infidelity, vexing, nay tiring my patience for the space of forty years: long before the end of which I conclu­ded [Page 204]that they were a peo­ple whose heart would ne­ver be stedfastly resolved to adhere unto me; for they did not mind what wonder­full things I did for them, nor what I commanded them to doe for me.

11. Ʋnto whom I sware in my wrath, that they should not enter into my rest.

11. Which so highly dis­pleased me, that I sware they should wander all their days, and die at last, in the Wilderness, (XIV. Numb. 28, &c.) and never enter into that good Land, where I intended to give them rest after all their travels, XII.



This Psalm also wants a Title in the Hebrew: but the Greeks are justified in the former part of their Inscription (which calls it An Ode of David's) by the 1 Chron. XVI. where we find, that at the bringing up the Ark from the house of Obed Edom, to the place he had prepared for it on Mount Sion; [Page 205] David delivered this Psalm (together with the CV.) into the hand of Asaph, to ex­press the joy he had in God's special presence among them: which, all their neighbours round about, he foretells, should be made sensible of, as well as themselves.

This Psalm indeed is not exactly the very same with that; but there is a difference in some expressions: ex. gr. it is called here A new Song, but not there; which shews it was afterward altered by some divine person, who accommodated it to other uses. And very probably by Ezra, when they came out of Babylon: which occasioned the Greeks to add, in the latter part of the Inscription of this Psalm, these words; when the house was built after the Captivity. Ezra, that is, made use of it to express their joy at the re-edification of the Temple.

But it never had a compleat fulfilling, answerable to the height of it, till the Mes­siah (who was indeed the Temple of God) came to dwell among us; to give eternal Salvation to us. Several of the Jewish Writers acknowledge that it belongs to His times: and accordingly we not onely may, but ought, to have Him in our minds, when we say Sing unto the Lord a new Song (for his new Grace, that is, in sending Him to give Salvation to all Nations) and the Lord reigneth, Ver. 10. and hath all things put under his feet. See Euseb. in his Demon­strat. Evangelica, L. 1. c. 4.

1. O Sing un­to the LORD a new song: sing unto the LORD, all the earth.

1. O Sing praises unto the Lord, for his new and extraordinary be­nefits, which He hath be­stowed upon us: Let all the earth join together with us, to sing his praises.

2. Sing unto the LORD, bless his name: shew forth his salvation from day to day.

2. We can never praise Him enough; and therefore cease not to bless his Name, and to spread the fame of his Almighty Goodness to­wards us: but publish eve­ry day, with joyfull hearts, the great deliverances He hath wrought for us.

3. Declare his glory among the heathen, his won­ders among all people.

3. Tell the Nations round about how He hath glori­fied Himself: let none of them be ignorant of the wonderfull things He hath done among us.

4. For the LORD is great, and greatly to be praised: he is to be feared above all gods.

4. For all our praises fall infinitely short of the great­ness of the Lord; who is worthy of the highest praise of the whole world: and hath shewn both to us (1 Chron. XIII. 10, 12. 1 Sam. VI. 20.) and to others (1 Sam. V. 3, 4, &c.) how dreadfull He is above [Page 207]all that are called Gods.

5. For all the gods of the nations are idols: but the LORD made the heavens.

5. For all the Gods of the Nations are nothing worth; being able to doe neither good nor harm: But the Lord not onely made the earth, but the heavens too; which abun­dantly declare the great­ness and the splendour of his Majesty.

6. Honour and majesty are before him: strength and beauty are in his sanctuary.

6. Whose heavenly Court infinitely out-shines all the state and pomp, wherein the greatest earthly Mo­narchs live, (1. Esther 4.) For all the words we have, are not able to express the brightness and magnificence, the power and comely or­der, of so much as his Mi­nisters: an image of which we have in his holy place; wherein He manifests Him­self among us.

7. Give unto the LORD, O ye kindreds of the people, give unto the LORD glory and strength.

7. Ascribe therefore un­to the Lord, O ye people, from whatsoever Family ye come; ascribe unto Him, that incomparable Majesty, and supreme Dominion and Authority; which you [Page 208]give to imaginary gods.

8. Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; bring an offering, and come into his courts.

8. And renounce them all; and acknowledging the Lord alone to be the omnipotent King of all the world, doe Him honour su­table to the excellency of his Majesty: bring Him an oblation, in token of your subjection to Him; and humbly worship Him in his Temple.

9. O worship the LORD in the beauty of ho­liness: fear before him all the earth.

9. O come and cast down your selves before the Lord in his Sanctuary; where He hath fixed his glorious residence among us: Adore his transcendent perfecti­ons; and let all the people approach into his presence, with a pious trembling and dread, to offend their So­vereign.

10. Say among the heathen, that the LORD reign­eth: the world also shall be esta­blished that it shall not be moved; he shall judge the people righteously.

10. Go ye, that are al­ready become Proselytes unto Him, and publish eve­ry where, in all Countries; that the Lord [ CHRIST] is the Sovereign of the World, who alone can make it happy: For He shall settle those in peace [Page 209]that submit unto his Go­vernment; and they shall not be so disturbed as they were wont, with wars and tumults: He shall admini­ster equal justice unto all; and neither suffer the good to be unrewarded, nor the evil to escape unpunished.

11. Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad: let the sea roar, and the fulness thereof.

11. Let the whole Uni­verse therefore be filled with joy, at this blessed news; which the Angels themselves shall gladly receive, (I. Luk. 30, 32.) much more ought all mankind, wheresoever they are dispersed, on the Earth, or on the Sea, and the Islands thereof, exceeding­ly rejoice; and fill all pla­ces with the loud sound of their joyfull praises.

12. Let the field be joyfull, and all that is therein: then shall all the trees of the wood rejoice.

12. Let the husbandmen, and the shepherds, and all that dwell in the fields, leap for joy: and the wood­men and foresters shout for joy, to see the happy day approaching; when all the Idols that are worshipped there, shall be thrown down together with their groves.

13. Before the LORD; for he cometh, for he co­meth to judge the earth: he shall judge the world with righteous­ness, and the peo­ple with his truth.

13. Let them welcome that day; and meet the Lord with forward affec­tion, who is coming to them: For he comes to re­form the earth, and will govern mankind by righ­teous and mercifull Laws; and faithfully keep his word with all those that truly observe them.



Some of the Hebrews conceive (as I observed upon Psalm XC.) that Moses was the Au­thour of this, as well as the rest of these Psalms which want an Inscription. And indeed he excelled in this faculty of compo­sing Hymns, as we learn from Exod. XV. and Deut. XXXII. and might upon some other occasion, as well as the overthrow of Pharaoh in the red Sea, make a Song of triumph, after some of those great victories which God gave them over their enemies. Which was a thing in use before his time, as it appears by the fragments of ancient Songs recorded in his Books: particularly [Page 211]that [...] made by some Poet among the Amorites, after Sihon had taken Heshbon from the Moabites, to whom it formerly be­longed; wherein they triumph over their God Chemosh, as unable to deliver his wor­shippers, XXI. Numb. 27, &c. And if we could be sure this Psalm was made by Moses, I should think it to have been composed af­ter the Israelites had conquered Sihon and his Land: over whom they triumphed as he had done over the former possessours of that Country. But the Psalm seems so plainly to have been composed, in pursuance of what was said in the foregoing Psalm, that the Lord reigneth, and is King, not onely over Israel, but all the earth; that one cannot but think they had the same Authour: who shews the truth of that, by the illustrious Victories, which God, as their King, had given them over all those that opposed them. For the eighth verse makes it manifest that this Psalm hath respect to some Conquests, they had lately made over the heathen: which, I suppose, were no other then those which David won over divers Nations; not long after (1 Chron. XVIII. 1.) he had brought the Ark to Sion, and delivered the foregoing Hymn to be sung, to put the Israe­lites in hope, and their enemies in fear, of the great things which would insue, upon this special presence of God among them.

Which moved the Greeks to call this A [Page 212] Psalm of David, after his Land was resto­red unto him: that is, after he was made Master of all those Countries, which God anciently designed to be the inheritance of Israel. For that it should relate to the re­storing his Kingdom to him, after Absaloms rebellion, is not probable; because the men­tion of Idolaters and of their gods, Ver. 7. seem to determine it to other Countries. In the subduing of which, God, it is likely, fought for them by some such tempest as we reade of (2 Sam. V. 20, 21, 24.) whereby their enemies Armies were shat [...]ered, and so terrified; that they not onely fled, but left their images behind them (such was their haste) and gave the Israelites an easie Victory over them.

But whatever was the carnal sense, it be­longs, in the diviner meaning, to Christ's triumph over the grave, and all the powers of darkness; at his Resurrection and Ascen­sion to his throne in heaven: as appears by those words, which the Apostle to the He­brews alledges out of the seventh verse, and applies to Christ's royal power and au­thority over Angels. Which the Hebrew Doctours themselves, as Kimchi confesses, take to be there intended: and may be fur­ther justified from that exposition, which we meet withall in Midrasch Tanchuma, of the words of the Prophet Isaiah LII. 13. Be­hold my servant shall prosper: He shall [Page 213] be exalted, and extolled, and be very high. This is the King Messiah, says that gloss; who shall be exalted above Abraham, and extolled above Moses, and be very high above the Angels of the Ministry.

1. THe LORD reigneth, let the earth re­joice: let the mul­titude of Isles be glad thereof

1. THE Lord, it is ma­nifest, is the Sove­reign of the world: under whose happy Government, not onely we, and they who are already become subject to Him in other places, ought to rejoice; but the most distant Coun­tries have the greatest rea­son to be glad thereof.

2. Clouds and darkness are round about him: righ­teousness and judgment are the habitation of his throne.

2. His Majesty is most dreadfull; and hath appea­red in great terrour against those that oppose Him: whom, as he will not wrong so, He will certainly pu­nish; for He maintains his Authority and supports his Government, by doing ex­act and equal justice.

3. A fire goeth before him, and burneth up his e­nemies round a­bout.

3. Let none therefore resist Him, for flames of fire proceed [...] from his pre­sence; which make the battel too hot for his ene­mies: [Page 214]who can turn no way but they feel them flashing in their faces.

4. His light­nings enlightned the world: the earth saw and trembled.

4. It was his thunder and lightning, the brightness of which the world lately saw; and were so amazed, that shivering pains took hold upon them, as upon a woman in her travail.

5. The hills melted like wax at the presence of the LORD: at the presence of the LORD of the whole earth.

5. The hearts of the stoutest Kings and Captains failed them; and melted, like wax before the fire, at this terrible appearance of the Lord: at the ap­pearance of Him, whose dominion extends over all the earth.

6. The heavens declare his righ­teousness: and all the people see his glory.

6. For He is the Lord of the heavens: which have declared by this dreadfull tempest (excited by his Angelical Ministers) his severity against his enemies; and made all the people sensible of the incomparable splendour of his Majesty.

7. Confounded be all they that serve graven ima­ges: that boast themselves of i­dols: worship him all ye gods.

7. Which may well make them all ashamed (and they shall be confounded by Him, if they will not re­nounce [Page 215]their errours) who worship graven Images (though of gold and silver) 2 Sam. V. 21. and boast themselves in vain gods who can doe nothing for them: Let all that are cal­led gods, whether Princes on earth, or Angels in hea­ven, bow down to Him, as the onely Saviour (1. Heb. 6.) and acknowledge his supreme authority over them all.

8. Sion heard, and was glad, and the daughters of Judah rejoiced; because of thy judgments, O LORD.

8. Jerusalem the mother City, hath received the news of thy Victories with a joyfull heart: after whose example, all the other Ci­ties of Judah are exceeding glad, O Lord; because Thou hast judged righteously, in destroying our idolatrous enemies, and defending thy faithfull servants.

9. For thou, LORD, art high above all the earth: thou art exalted far above all gods.

9. Whose hearts are fil­led with the greater joy; because Thou, O Lord, hast manifested thy self hereby, to be the supreme and one­ly Potentate: who rulest over all the earth, and art [Page 216]infinitely superiour to all that have the name of gods.

10. Ye that love the LORD, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints, he delive­reth them out of the hand of the wicked.

10. But do not content your selves merely with this passion of joy: if you tru­ly love the Lord, hate e­very thing which you know is displeasing to Him: so shall you have the Lord of all things for your continual keeper; who preserves the lives of sincerely pious men, and watches over them, with such a carefull provi­dence, that when they are in the power of the wicked, He will not suffer them to destroy them.

11. Light is sowe [...] for the righteous: and gladness for the upright in heart.

11. Be not discouraged, though the world should frown upon you; but rest assured that God designs you, in due time, more chearfull and happy days: which, if you continue faithfull and serve Him with upright hearts, shall as cer­tainly come; as the corn, at last, springs up, after it hath lain all winter in the ground.

12. Rejoice in the LORD, ye righteous: and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.

12. Let all truly good men rely on this, and re­joice in their worst estate; that they serve such a gra­cious Lord: Let them give thanks unto Him for his be­nefits, and gratefully com­memorate how kind and gracious He hath been un­to them; that it may be kept in perpetual remem­brance.

A Psalm.


There is no Title here but onely this, A Psalm: to which the Greeks add, of David: who it is very probable was the Authour; or if he was not, it was made by some holy man in imitation of what David saith in the XCVI. (of many of whose expressions this Psalm consists) upon occasion of some remar­kable deliverance, which God had newly granted to Israel: as an earnest of future blessings; especially of the coming of that great blessing, the Lord Christ, to give com­pleat Salvation to his people.

1. O Sing un­to the LORD a new song, for he hath done marvellous things: his right hand, and his ho­ly arm hath gotten him the victory.

1. O Let the new and extraordinary be­nefits, which the Lord hath bestowed upon us, provoke you to sing praises unto Him with fresh devotion: for He hath done stupendi­ous things, and by his Al­mighty goodness alone, and incomparable strength, hath wrought salvation for those; who were as unworthy to be helped by Him, as they were unable to help them­selves.

2. The LORD hath made known his salvation: his righteousness hath he openly shewed in the sight of the heathen.

2. The Lord hath decla­red by the wonders He hath done, how mighty He is to save and deliver: He made the Gentile world apparent­ly see, that He is the just rewarder of all those who piously obey Him; and will not let the wicked escape unpunished.

3. He hath re­membred his mer­cy and his truth toward the house of Israel: all the ends of the earth have seen the sal­vation of our God.

3. He hath not forgot his ancient Covenant with our Forefathers: but so faithfully performed, what his mere mercy moved Him to promise, (1. Luke 54, 72.) that all mankind have seen [Page 219]what our gracious God hath done, and partake of his Divine benefits.

4. Make a joy­full noise unto the LORD, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.

4. Let them all therefore shout for joy; let them cry aloud: and with strong and chearfull voices sing hymns of thanks and praise unto the Lord.

5. Sing unto the LORD with the harp; with the harp, and the voice of a psalm.

5. Let nothing be wan­ting to express your joyfull sense of the goodness of the Lord: but let the Harp ac­company your songs; let the sweet sound of the Harp, I say, and the sound of your voices be mixt together with your Psalms.

6. With trum­pets and sound of cornet make a joy­full noise before the LORD the King.

6. And let the Trumpet also, and Cornet proclaim with a louder sound, the exceeding greatness of your joy: while you shout with triumphant acclamations to Him, and acknowledge the Lord to be your King.

7. Let the sea roar, and the ful­ness thereof: the world, and they that dwell therein.

7. Let the noise of his praises be heard like thun­der, throughout all the ha­bitable world: both among those that live on the Sea, and those that are upon the Land.

8. Let the flouds clap their hands: let the hills be joyfull to­gether.

8. Let high, as well as low, applaud their happi­ness, and joyn together with one consent; to ex­press by all the tokens of joy, the singular pleasure and satisfaction they feel in their hearts.

9. Before the LORD; for he cometh to judge the earth: with righteousness shall he judge the world, and the people with equi­ty.

9. Let them meet the Lord with forward affecti­ons; who is coming to re­form the earth: and will govern mankind, by righ­teous and mercifull Laws; distributing to every man according to his works.



The Greeks intitle David to this Psalm: which seems to have been made upon the same occasion, and to the same end, with the three foregoing: onely with these two differences; First that from the considera­tion of the royal power of the Lord (who had manifested himself by some notable conquests over his enemies, to be the onely Monarch; whose Sovereignty extends over [Page 221]all the world) they should mix fear, and trembling together with that joy and exul­tation, to which in the former Psalm, he had excited them: And secondly, that he doth not so plainly, as in those Psalms, prophesie of the Kingdom of the Lord Christ.

But there are many passages, as Theo­doret observes, which may be applied to the appearing of our Saviour, and the infi­delity of the Jews. Saint Austin, and Saint Ambrose apply to him that passage, upon which the Roman Church builds the lawful­ness of worshipping Images, Ver. 5. where the vulgar Latin reading adorate scabellum pedum ejus, worship his footstool, those two Fathers think there is no way to recon­cile this, with that command, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him one­ly shalt thou serve: but by expounding this of the flesh of Christ; which is the foot­stool they say, which the Psalmist exhorts all men to worship (so far were those holy men from allowing adoration to any thing, that is not God, or hath not a personal union with Him) And indeed Christ was represented by the Ark; which was the Divine footstool (here spoken of,) but not to be adored, no more then the Hill on which it stood: concerning which the Psal­mist speaks, in the last Verse, just as he doth of the Ark in this; and therefore we [Page 222]ought to understand both passages alike (the particle in the Hebrew, being the very same before footstool, and before Hill) and translate them thus, worship at or before, or towards his footstool and holy Hill: as elsewhere he speaks of worshipping towards his Temple, V. 8. CXXXVIII. 2. And so Menochius very honestly here expounds this passage, in these words; worship in his Temple, turning your faces towards the Ark; on which is the propitiatory, which is his footstool; since he sits on the wings of the Cherubins.

1. THe LORD reigneth, let the people tremble: he sit­teth between the cherubims, let the earth be moved.

1. LET the people fret and be tumultuous, if they please; it will do them no service; for the Lord is the supreme Gover­nour of the world whether they will or no, and they had better with a pious fear submit themselves unto Him: Though the whole earth should be in an up­roar, we are safe and se­cure; for the Lord is at­tended with innumerable heavenly Ministers, who are a Guard to his faithfull worshippers.

2. The LORD is great in Sion, and he is high a­bove all people.

2. The Lord, whose Pa­lace is in Sion, is transcen­dently great: there is no power on earth able to op­pose Him; who infinitely surpasses the united strength of all people.

3. Let them praise thy great and terrible name: for it is holy.

3. Let them all therefore praise and reverently ac­knowledge thy mighty and dreadfull Majesty: for that alone is every way most ex­cellent, and hath no equal; and therefore worthy of all veneration.

4. The Kings strength also loveth judgment, thou dost establish equi­ty, thou executest judgment, and righteousness in Jacob.

4. For, though none can resist Him yet, He is not a King that uses his power to wrong or oppress his Subjects; but to do them right, and give them relief, in which He delights: This is thy character, O Lord, who hast established most equal Laws among us; and hitherto governed the seed of Jacob, with exact justice and singular mercy.

5. Exalt ye the LORD our God, and worship at his footstool: for he is holy.

5. Do you therefore, a­bove all other people, ex­toll the Lord our God, both in your thoughts, af­fections [Page 224]and words; and, turning your faces towards the Ark of his presence, prostrate your selves before his Majesty, in token of your absolute subjection to Him: For He is incompa­rably above all other Be­ings, and the proper object of your adoration.

6. Moses and Aaron among his priests, and Sa­muel among them that call upon his name: they called upon the LORD, and he answered them.

6. Thus did Moses and Aaron, two of his principal, and most famous Ministers, (XXXII. Exod. 11. XVI. Numb. 45, 46.) and thus did Samuel, one of his grea­test Prophets, that were wont to intercede for you, (1 Sam. VII. 5, 8, 9. VIII. 5. XII. 19.) These holy men fell down before Him, to make their humble sup­plications to Him; and He gave them what they de­sired.

7. He spake unto them in the cloudy pillar: they kept his testimo­nies, and the or­dinance that he gave them.

7. He spake to them in a familiar manner, telling them his mind, out of a pillar of cloud; where­in He appeared to them (XXXIII. Exod. 9, 10. XII. Numb. 5. XVI. 42. [Page 225]1 Sam. III. 10.) and they, like faithfull servants of his, conformed themselves to his precepts, by which He te­stified his will to them; and worshipped him after that manner, that He appointed them.

8. Thou an­sweredst them, O LORD our God: thou wast a God that forgavest them, though thou tookest vengeance of their inventi­ons.

8. Whereby they obtai­ned great favour with Thee, O Lord our God; for when they prayed to Thee, Thou fulfilledst their peti­tions: passing by, for their sakes, the sins of those who had highly offended Thee; but taking a most severe vengeance on all those, who contemned their au­thority, and were contri­ving how to depose them, XII. Numb. 2, 9, 10. XVI. 3, 31, 35. 1 Sam. VIII. 7, 8, 9, &c.

9. Exalt the LORD our God, and worship at his holy hill: for the LORD our God is holy.

9. Imitate therefore the piety of those admirable men; and raise your thoughts, and affections, and voices, to extoll and magnifie the Lord our God, as much as you are able; for you can never do it [Page 226]enough: And in token of your absolute subjection to Him, go and prostrate your selves before Him, at his house on the holy hill of Sion; for the Lord our God is incomparably above all other Beings, and alone worthy of your adoration.

A Psalm of Praise.


There is no other Psalm hath the like Title with this; which is called a Psalm of Praise: or rather of Thanksgiving, and acknow­ledgment, for Divine blessings; as the word is translated below, Verse 4. and in most other places. For which reason, I suppose, it is, that the Hebrews imagin (as the Chaldee Paraphrase, as well as other of their Authours, tells us) it was peculiarly ap­pointed to be sung, when their sacrifices of thanksgiving were offered; mentioned VII. Levit. 12, 13. The Companies also or Quires of them, who gave thanks to God, are called by this Name, XII. Nehem. 31, 38. Which [Page 227]makes it probable that the Levites sang this Song upon that occasion: which the Greeks think was made by David: who invites all the world to join with the Israelites, in the service of Him, who was kind and gracious to them beyond expression Ac­cordingly we Christians now properly use it, in acknowledgment of God's wonderfull love to us in Christ: by whom we offer up conti­nually spiritual sacrifices; for redeeming us by the sacrifice He made of himself, for making the world anew, and creating us again unto good works; according to his faithfull promises, which we may depend up­on for ever.

I do not know but the word [...] made Ver. 3. may be used here as it is, 1 Sam. XII. 6. for advancing, raising or preferring them (as He is there said to have done Moses and Aaron) making them to be what they then were, a famous people, in a good Land: which seems to agree best with the following words, and not we our selves (and therefore I have not omitted that sense) For to deny that we created our selves, is altogether needless; but that it is not to be ascribed to our industry or wit, that we are raised to a happy condition, is a proper expression of humility.

1. MAKE a joyfull noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.

1. LET all the people of the earth lift up their voices, in triumphant Songs to the honour of the Lord; who deserves all our praises.

2. Serve the LORD with glad­ness: come before his presence with singing.

2. Make the service of the Lord your delight, nay greatest pleasure; and when you approach into his Ta­bernacle, shout for joy that you are admitted into his blessed presence, to praise Him with your chearfull hymns.

3. Know ye that the LORD he is God, it is he that hath made us, and not we our selves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

3. Consider that the Lord, whom you worship, is the Creatour and the Gover­nour of the world; who gave us our Being, and all the good things we enjoy: His we are, and by his power and goodness, not our own, we are become so great and mighty a Na­tion; whom out of his own mere good will alone, He hath made his peculiar people, of whom He takes a tender care.

4. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankfull unto him, and bless his name.

4. When you enter there­fore into the gates of his [Page 229]Sanctuary, present Him, not merely with the sacri­fices of beasts but, with the most acceptable sacri­fice of hearty Thanksgi­ving; and, as you stand in his Courts, attending on Him, cease not to sing his praises: Thank Him, I say, for all his benefits, and praise his incomparable per­fections.

5. For the LORD is good; his mercy is ever­lasting: and his truth endureth to all generations.

5. For as his power is transcendent, so is his good­ness; as appears by his ne­ver-failing bounty towards us, and his stedfast faith­fulness to his word: for the mercy promised to our Forefathers He hath exactly fulfilled in our days; and will continue to all succee­ding generations.

A Psalm of David.


The Title tells us who made this Psalm; and the matter of it is so plain, that any body may see it is a pious resolution of David to govern first himself, and then his Court, and then his Kingdom, with so much care; that the good might expect all favour from him, but no wicked man, of any sort, have the least countenance or incouragement.

The onely difficulty is to know, when he composed it; whether before, or after he was settled in his Kingdom. The first words of it seem to countenance those, who think he was possessed of it; and newly en­tred upon the Government: which he thank­fully acknowledges. But the words that fol­low, verse 2. O when wilt Thou come un­to me, seem to justifie their opinion who think he was now under Saul's persecution: yet, having confidence in God's promises (which he long'd to see fulfilled) made this religious Vow, of being a good King; and proposed to himself an excellent form and manner of life, when God should be pleased to perform them. To reconcile both these, there is a middle way lies open to every ones [Page 231]view, that reads his history. For upon the death of Saul he was immediately promoted to the Kingdom; though not intirely: but resolved then with himself how well he would govern; when God should make him King over all Israel, as He had done over Judah. And so I shall order my Paraphrase, sup­posing him to reign now in Hebron, (2 Sam. II. 1, 2, 3, 4.) and expecting to reign in Jerusalem, (2 Sam V. 3, 4, 5.) which I presume he here calls the City of God, Ver. 8. because there he intended to settle the Ark, as well as to fix his Court; when he should be possessed of it.

That passage indeed hath induced some to think, that he composed this Psalm, after he had made an attempt to bring the Ark thither; but failing in it, (2 Sam. VI. 9, 10.) sighs here for its enjoyment. Which I shall not dispute; because I would not pro­long this preface unnecessarily. It is suffi­cient in my judgment to say; that it doth not seem likely, he would defer this resolu­tion so long after he was installed in his Kingdom. For it required time, to pre­pare a place for the reception of the Ark, sutable to the Majesty it represented.

1. I Will sing of mercy and judgment: unto thee, O LORD, will I sing.

1. I Will never forget, but celebrate with perpe­tual praises, that mercy which hath raised me from [Page 232]a low condition, unto the Throne; and that just pu­nishment, which I see in­flicted upon all my oppo­sers: both which I ascribe, O Lord, to Thee alone, and not to my vertue or valour; and therefore to Thee will I sing my grate­full Hymns.

2. I will behave my self wisely in a perfect way; O when wilt thou come unto me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.

2. Nor will I satifie my self merely with Songs of praise; but study, with all diligence, integrity of life, and purity of manners: O when wilt Thou perfect, what Thou hast begun for me? and settle me peace­ably in my Kingdom? Then I shall be able to live more regularly, then now in this state of war and confusion, (2 Sam. III. 1, 39.) and so I resolve to doe; sincerely indeavouring to make my self an absolute pattern of piety, and vertue to all my Court.

3. I will set no wicked thing be­fore mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn a­side, it shall not cleave to me.

3. No pretended reasons of state and politick ends, shall make me so much as project any thing against [Page 233]the Law; to which I will ever tie my self: For I ab­hor the practices of those, who decline that Rule, to pursue their own private desires; no such corrupt principles shall be entertai­ned in my mind.

4. A froward heart shall depart from me: I will not know a wicked person

4. I will turn him in­stantly out of my service, who shall dare to suggest to me any crooked coun­sels: I will have no fami­liarity with him, much less make him my favourite; who makes no conscience how he compasses his ends.

5. Whoso pri­vily slandereth his neighbour, him will I cut off: him that hath an high look, and a proud heart, will not I suffer.

5. I will be so far from listening to their private whispers, who, by secret calumnies and detractions, indeavour to supplant their fellow-servants; that I will severely punish, and banish them my Court: nor will I indure those, whose pride makes them overlook all o­thers, as if they were ano­ther sort of Creatures; or whose unsatiable covetous­ness and ambition, makes them study their own ad­vancement, [Page 234]more then the publick good.

6. Mine eyes shall be upon the faithfull of the land, that they may dwell with me: he that wal­keth in a perfect way, he shall serve me.

6. I will look out for trusty persons, men fearing God, and of clear integrity; and, in what part of the Country soever I find them, make them of my Privy Council: and no man shall bear any other Office in my Court, but he that lives unblameably.

7. He that wor­keth deceit shall not dwell within my house: he that telleth lies, shall not tarry in my sight.

7. No subtil knave, that is made up of shifts and tricks, or that devises cun­ning cheats to oppress my subjects, shall remain in my service: Though he have craftily got into it, under a guise of simplicity; yet no false informer, flatterer, or any other sort of Liar, shall continue in my favour.

8. I will early destroy all the wic­ked of the land: that I may cut off all wicked doers from the city of the LORD.

8. As soon as ever I am settled in my Throne, I will use my utmost diligence to reform the whole Nation; especially the place of thy peculiar residence, which ought to be an example to the rest of the Kingdom: taking care that all offen­ders [Page 235]be severely punished in the Courts of Justice; and, if there be no other remedy, cutting off those evil members, who have got an incurable habit of doing wickedly.

A Prayer of the afflicted, when he is over­whelmed, and poureth out his complaint before the Lord.


A Prayer composed by some pious person (to­ward the latter end of the Captivity of Ba­bylon, or rather presently after their return from thence, to their own Country (Ver. 13, 14.) who was extreamly afflicted, and even overwhelmed with grief, and trouble; to see the Temple still lie in its rubbish, and the rebuilding of it hindred by many enemies. This was the cause of those sad complaints and lamentations, wherein he takes the li­berty to represent their condition unto the Lord; and thereby give some ease to his oppressed spirit: which began to lift up it self in some comfortable hopes, when he con­sidered, [Page 236]both the faithfulness of God to his promises; and the honour it would be to Him, when the Nations round about should see their wonderfull restauration happily com­pleated, and thereby be invited to embrace their Religion. Which proved a lively em­blem of the coming of the Gentiles into the Church of Christ: the eternity of whose Kingdom is here prophesied of, in the con­clusion of the Psalm. Which, as Theodo­ret well expresses it, may serve for any mans use, who wrestles with any great calamity; and implores the Divine favour, for his help and deliverance. It may be applied also to his sad condition, who groans under the burthen of his sins; and cries for mer­cy: being the Fifth among those Seven which are called Penitential Psalms.

1. HEar my prayer, O LORD, and let my cry come unto thee.

1. REject not my humble supplication, O Lord; but graciously ad­mit the earnest request, which, with lamentable cries, I present unto thy Majesty.

2. Hide not thy face from me in the day when I am in trouble, in­cline thine ear unto me: in the day when I call, answer me spee­dily.

2. The distress wherein I am is exceeding great; which will move Thee, I hope, to moderate thy an­ger, and not absolutely re­fuse my petition: but ra­ther [Page 237]to grant me the more favourable audience, and to send me the speedier re­lief; when I implore it in a time of the sorest cala­mity.

3. For my days are consumed like smoak: and my bones are burnt as an hearth.

3. For my days are spent as dismally, as if I lived and breathed in smoak; and the anguish I suffer is so sharp that it penetrates to my very bones: and makes them as parcht and dry, as the fire doth the hearth.

4. My heart is smitten and wi­thered like grass: so that I forget to eat my bread.

4. My vital spirits are exhausted; and flag like the grass, when it is struck with a pestilent blast: For, together with my appetite, I have lost even the thoughts of my necessary food.

5. By reason of the voice of my groaning, my bones cleave to my skin.

5. Sadness hath seised on me to such a degree, that I do nothing but groan and sigh: which hath wasted me away to skin and bone.

6. I am like a pelican of the wil­derness: I am like an owl of the de­sart.

6. I take no delight in the company of my friends; but seek for lonesome pla­ces, like a Pelican in the wilderness: where I may [Page 238]bemoan my self, like the Bittern in the desart.

7. I watch, and am as a sparrow alone upon the house-top.

7. Grief and sorrow ba­nish sleep from mine eyes: and make me like those so­litary birds, which spend the night on the tops of houses, in dolefull shrieks and cries.

8. Mine ene­mies reproach me all the day: and they that are mad against me, are sworn against me.

8. This hath exposed me to the scorn of my enemies, who do nothing but up­braid me with my misery: and, not content therewith, are so furiously bent upon my ruin; that they have entred into a combination, and sworn they will destroy me.

9. For I have eaten ashes like bread, and min­gled my drink with weeping:

9. Which hath still more increased my affliction, and made me lie down in the ashes: where, while I mourn and weep, they mingle themselves with my bread; as tears do with my drink.

10. Because of thine indignation and thy wrath: for thou hast lifted me up, and cast me down.

10. Because thy anger still continues in great se­verity against us; for after Thou hadst lifted me up in glorious hopes (I. Ezra 5. [Page 239]II. Ezra 68. III. 10.) Thou hast dasht them all in pieces (IV. Ezra 4, 24.) and there­by given me the sorer fall.

11. My days are like a shadow that declineth: and I am withe­red like grass.

11. And whilst I wait for better times, my life declines apace; like a sha­dow, which being come near to its utmost length, is ready to vanish: For I have very little strength re­maining; but droop and languish, like the dried grass; which is ripe for the mowers hand.

12. But thou, O LORD, shalt endure for ever, and thy remem­brance unto all ge­nerations.

12. All my comfort is, that though I die, Thou abidest to all eternity; and canst hereafter remedy all these evils, which Thou dost not think fit to redress at present: and wilt, I am confident; for all genera­tions have transmitted down unto us, the memorial of thy faithfulness, and the glorious things Thou hast done for thy people.

13. Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Sion: for the time to fa­vour her, yea the set time is come.

13. It will not be long, before Thou dost take pity upon the desolations of Si­on, and raise her out of her [Page 240]ruins: For the time prefix­ed for her punishment be­ing expired, (XXIX. Jer. 10, 11.) it is the season now, the appointed season, for thy mercy in her restau­ration.

14. For thy servants take plea­sure in her stones, and favour the dust thereof.

14. For her scattered stones are far more dear to thy pious Worshippers, then the goodliest palaces in Ba­bylon: and therefore they cannot look upon her dust and rubbish, without the most sensible grief and com­miseration.

15. So the hea­then shall fear the name of the LORD: and all the kings of the earth thy glory.

15. Especially when they consider, how thy glory suffers thereby: whereas the Nations who now con­temn Thee, will stand in awe of Thee; O Lord, all their Kings and Princes will reverence thy glorious pow­er, the fame of which now seems to lie buried in her ruins;

16. When the LORD shall build up Sion, he shall appear in his glo­ry.

16. When they shall see Sion rebuilt (which the Lord alone can bring a­bout) and his glorious Majesty there worshipped [Page 241]with the ancient solemni­ties:

17. He will re­gard the prayer of the destitute, and not despise their prayer.

17. And the prayers of miserable captives, who were stripped of all, pre­vail with Him, not onely for their liberty; but for their intire restitution to their former splendour.

18. This shall be written for the generation to come: and the people which shall be created, shall praise the LORD.

18. This wonderfull de­liverance shall never be forgotten, but remain up­on record to the following generation: who shall trans­mit the memory of it to their posterity; that they may also look upon them­selves, as a people created a-new to praise the Lord.

19. For he hath looked down from the height of his sanctuary: from heaven did the LORD behold the earth:

19. Because, in much mercy, He hath been plea­sed to preserve a miserable Nation, from utter destruc­tion: and, though He be infinitely exalted above all our thoughts, yet the Lord hath graciously condescen­ded to mind the afflicted condition of this distressed Country:

20. To hear the groaning of the prisoner, to loose those that are ap­pointed to death;

20. And to be moved by our groans to deliver us [Page 242]out of a sad captivity: and to revive us, when we had reason to look upon our selves as dead and hope­less.

21. To declare the name of the LORD in Sion, and his praise in Jerusalem:

21. That we might go, and recount in his Temple the famous things which He hath done: and make the holy City sound with the praises of his power, good­ness and truth; which He hath declared in our restau­ration.

22. When the people are gathe­red together, and the kingdoms to serve the LORD.

22. When all the people shall be gathered together, there to worship the Divine Majesty: and other King­doms join with us unani­mously in his service.

23. He weake­ned my strength in the way; he shortned my days.

23. I had hopes to have lived to see this blessed time; and thought I had been in the way to it (III. Ezra 8, &c.) But He hath stopt our vigorous begin­nings, (IV. Ezra 4.) and thereby so sorely afflicted me, that I feel I am like to fall short of my expecta­tions.

24. I said, O my God, take me not away in the midst of my days: thy years are throughout all ge­nerations.

24. Though I prayed most earnestly to Him, and said; O my God, who hast so graciously begun our de­liverance, take me not a­way before it be compleat­ly finished; but let me see thy promise fulfilled, which, Thou who diest not (as we do) I am sure wilt not fail to make good:

25. Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands.

25. For it cannot be too hard for Thee, to raise Si­on out of her ruins; who hast, many ages ago, crea­ted this goodly fabrick of heaven and earth (by thy eternal Word, I. Heb. 10.)

26. They shall perish, but thou shalt endure: yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as a ve­sture shalt thou change them, and they shall be chan­ged.

26. And Thou dost nei­ther decay, nor alter, in process of time, as thy crea­tures do; some of which shall perish, but Thou shalt eternally subsist; and all of them shall grow old, like our garments with long wearing: even the heavens themselves, which now en­wrap the earth, as our cloaths do our bodies, shall be folded up, (I. Heb. 12.) and laid aside, like a tatte­red [Page 244]garment, when Thou shalt command that altera­tion.

27. But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end.

27. But Thou (and thy Word) art still the very same: and shalt always continue so, without any, the least, variation.

28. The chil­dren of thy ser­vants shall conti­nue, and their seed shall be established before thee.

28. Yet all that I con­clude from hence is onely this; that, though I do not live to see our perfect restauration yet, according to thy unalterable purpose, the Temple and Jerusalem shall be rebuilt; and the children of thy servants, who now are in great di­stress, be peaceably settled there: yea their posterity after them, remain unmo­vable in thy favour; and enjoy the tokens of thy Divine presence among them.

A Psalm of David.


The Title tells us this Psalm is one of Davids: and the third, fourth and fifth Verses may satisfie us, that he composed it, after his re­covery, from a dangerous sickness, to such a vigorous health; as the Eagles have, when they renew their plumes. To that he alludes Ver. 5. as Euthymius and Saint Hierom understand it. The latter of which says, upon XL. Isaiah, that he had often taught, the Eagles do no otherway return to youth­fulness, when they are old; but onely mu­tatione pennarum by change of their fea­thers. I have expressed this a little more largely then ordinary, in the Paraphrase (as I have done in the rest of the Psalm) to fit it the better to their use now, that have esca­ped the like danger: who should take occa­sion, when they thank God for such a bles­sing, to imitate David; in making a thank­full commemoration of the rest of his mer­cies: both to him and to others; both in the present and in past ages. And the more to excite devout souls to this, and that I might make their thankfulness the more af­fectionate (if they please to make use of this [Page 246]Hymn for that purpose) I have oft repeated the beginning of the Psalm, which I think re­fers to the whole: and likewise put it into a little different form (of a soul actually prai­sing God) without the least alteration of the sense.

1. BLess the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.

1. BLessed, for ever bles­sed, be the Lord of life and health, and all o­ther blessings; Blessed be his eternal power, wisedom and goodness: with my whole heart, do I bless Him; with my most ardent love, and the devoutest af­fections of my soul.

2. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his bene­fits.

2. Which shall be every day thus employed, and praise his name, with con­tinual pleasure: I will ne­ver forget (how shouldst thou prove so ungratefull, O my soul! as not) to ac­knowledge the inestimable benefits I have received from his bounty; which are more then thought can number.

3. Who forgi­veth all thine ini­quities: who hea­leth all thy dis­eases.

3. More particularly, I render Thee, O Lord, my most hearty thanks, for thy [Page 247]late mercies vouchsafed to me: Blessed be thy merci­full kindness, that after a short correction for my faults, Thou hast graciously pardoned them; and hea­led all the sores and grie­vous wounds, which they had made.

4. Who redee­meth thy life from destruction: who crowneth thee with loving kind­ness and tender mercies.

4. Blessed be God, who hath saved me from death; and not onely spared my life, but surrounded it most graciously with, I know not how, many benefits; which make it exceeding delightfull to me. (I owe my friends, lovers and ac­quaintance, my carefull at­tendants, my warm and quiet habitation, the plen­tifull estate Thou hast given me, the liberal provision Thou makest for me, with all the rest of thy mercies, to the bowels of thy ten­der compassions towards me.)

5. Who satisfi­eth thy mouth with good things: so that thy youth is renewed like the eagles.

5. Blessed be thy almigh­ty Goodness, that my, mouth (which lately disgusted all things, or was restrained [Page 248]from what is desired, or was prescribed that which was disgustfull to it) can now relish its food again; and is satisfied with many good things: I can never sufficiently bless thy Good­ness, who by this means dost restore my strength, and makest my youth and freshness return like the Eagles. (O that I may with fresh delight and joy be still praising Thee! and be lif­ted up to heaven, (as they are when they have renew­ed their plumes) in more vigorous love, and affectio­nate desires and indeavours; to imploy all my renewed strength in thy faithfull service.)

6. The LORD executeth righte­ousness and judg­ment for all that are oppressed.

6. Nor am I alone, obli­ged to my gracious Lord for his singular favour to me: but, blessed be his name, He relieves all those who suffer wrong; and doth justice upon their op­pressours, who are too mighty for them.

7. He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the chil­dren of Israel.

7. Moses and the rest of our Forefathers, are wit­nesses of this: whom the Lord delivered, in a stu­pendious manner, out of the house of bondage.

8. The LORD is mercifull and gracious, slow to anger, and plen­teous in mercy.

8. And by other me­thods of his Providence to­wards them, and dealings with them, declared how bountifull his blessed na­ture is; and how ready to forgive: forbearing long when men deserve to be punished; and soon relea­sing them from their pain, when they heartily repent of their folly.

9. He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger for ever.

9. He doth not love, blessed be his Name, to be always chastising us for our faults: And when He doth chastise us, He neither loves to prolong our miseries; nor to inflict them propor­tionable to our deserts.

10. He hath not dealt with us after our sins: nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.

10. No, Blessed be his holy Name, there is mercy even in our punishments: our sufferings are never so great as our sins; but we might justly suffer a great [Page 250]deal more, then we do, for our faults.

11. For as the heaven is high a­bove the earth: so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.

11. And were we never so obedient, there is not a greater disproportion be­tween the vast circumfe­rence of the heavens, and this little spot of earth; then there is between his mercies towards us, and our small services.

12. As far as the east is from the west: so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.

12. To those mercies a­lone it is to be ascribed, that we are not bemoaning our selves under innume­rable miseries: but He hath quite taken away his wrath from us; and, adored be his goodness, perfectly re­mitted the punishment due to our manifold offences.

13. Like as a father pitieth his children: so the LORD pitieth them that fear him.

13. O what bowels of mercy are these! No father can be more indulgent and tender-hearted, to his re­turning children; then the Lord, blessed be his Name, is to those who so reform by his chastisements, as to fear hereafter to offend Him.

14. For he know­eth our frame: he remembreth that we are dust.

14. He easily relents and takes compassion on them: considering how frail he hath made them; and how soon of themselves they will moulder into the dust, out of which He took them.

15. As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.

15. For what is man that the Almighty should con­tend with him? He looks fresh and fair; but alas! is as feeble as the grass, and as a flower in the field; whose beauty is far greater then its strength.

16. For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more.

16. Many accidents snatch him away, even in his prime: Just as the biting wind, to which the field flowers are exposed, blasts them on a sudden; and they spring up no more, in the place that was adorned with them.

17. But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to e­verlasting upon them that fear him: and his righteousness un­to childrens chil­dren:

17. O how much doth this magnifie the wonder­full mercy of our God! who designs to be everla­stingly kind (blessed be his Goodness) to such short-liv'd creatures as we are: rewarding the faithfull ser­vices [Page 252]of a few years, with eternal life to our selves; and with many blessings to our posterity, in future ge­nerations.

18. To such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his com­mandments to doe them.

18. There is no doubt of this; which hath been verified in those who have sincerely kept their faith with Him; and, not onely promised but, constantly performed the obedience they owed Him.

19. The LORD hath prepared his throne in the hea­vens: and his kingdom ruleth o­ver all.

19. For none can hinder Thee, O most mighty Lord, from being as kind as Thou pleasest: who art the uni­versal Monarch; the blessed and onely Potentate; to whom, not onely the grea­test men on earth but, the highest powers in heaven are subject.

20. Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excell in strength, that doe his command­ments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.

20. Let the Angels there­fore, who know his great­ness, power and gracious Providence, better then I, bless his holy Name: Let those mighty ones, whose strength surpasses all the powers on earth, and yet never dispute his sacred [Page 253]commands, give praise un­to Him, with all their might; and with the same chearfulness, wherewith they obey his word.

21. Bless ye the LORD, all ye his hosts, ye ministers of his that doe his pleasure.

21. Let the whole com­pany of heaven, all the se­veral hosts of those glori­ous creatures, who have been imployed by His Ma­jesty so many ways for our good, and understand how much we are beholden to his love; speak good of his Name, and bless his Mercy, both to themselves and unto us.

22. Bless the LORD, all his works in all places of his dominion: bless the LORD, O my soul.

22. Yea let every crea­ture throughout the wide world, proclaim as well as it is able, the loving kind­ness of the Lord: let none of them be silent, but all with one consent bless his holy Name: And thou, O my soul, be sure thou ne­ver forget to make one; O fail not to bear thy part in this joyfull quire, that dai­ly sing his praise.



The foregoing and the following Psalm being certainly composed by David, the Greeks, and from them several other ancient inter­preters, have ascribed this also to the same Authour. For which they had this further reason; that it begins (as Aben Ezra ob­serves) just as the foregoing Psalm ends: and celebrates the mighty power and good­ness of God, in the fabrick of the world; as the CIII. doth his benefits to himself, and to the rest of the children of men.

As for the occasion of it, we may look up­on it as a probable opinion, that when Da­vid thought of building a House for the Di­vine Service, and God sent Nathan to for­bid him; (2 Sam. VII. 5.) he fell not long after into the contemplation of the Majesty of God; who having built this great world, as his Temple, needed none of his erecting; though He would be pleased to accept one for the burning Sacrifice before Him, as Solo­mon afterward speaks 2 Chron. II. 6. To strengthen this conjecture of mine, it may be observed; that he begins this Psalm, with such an Admiration of God's most ex­cellent perfection, as we meet withall in David's prayer; immediately after God [Page 255]had certified him of his love towards him, though he would not let him build Him an House 2 Sam. VII. 22. Thou art great, O Lord, for there is none like unto Thee. In the same manner he saith here, O Lord my God, Thou art very great: as he pro­ceeds to demonstrate, from his wonderfull works. And first he begins with the Hea­vens, the Clouds and the Angels: and then comes down to the Earth, the Sea, the Mountains, Valleys, Fountains and other inferiour things: Which depend so much upon the Sun, the Moon and heavenly Bo­dies; that all of them together declare the most admirable wisedom of Him by whom they were composed: and should excite all mankind to his perpetual praises.

1. BLess the LORD, O my soul: O LORD my God, thou art very great, thou art cloathed with ho­nour and majesty.

1. STir up thy self, O my Soul, with all thy might to meditate the prai­ses of the Lord. For the highest of all our thoughts are infinitely below thy Greatness, O Lord, my most gracious God: who hast shewn in thy most ad­mirable works, the surpas­sing excellence of thy Ma­jesty; which we can never worthily celebrate with all our praises.

2. Who coverest thy self with light, as with a gar­ment: who stret­chest out the hea­vens like a cur­tain.

2. The light, which dazles our eyes with its splendour, is the royal robe, wherein thy invisible and incomprehensible bright­ness appears unto us: and the spacious heavens are the royal Pavilion, which thy Sovereign power hath extended, like a Canopy, for thy Majesty, in this great Palace of the world.

3. Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters, who ma­keth the clouds his chariot, who wal­keth upon the wings of the wind.

3. The floor of whose Chambers, which the Lord hath laid in the upper re­gion of the Air; O how highly is it advanced above the top of the stateliest piles that are raised by earthly Monarchs: whose pompous Chariots (whereof they boast) fall infinitely short of those glorious Clouds, wherein He makes Himself present to us; as their swiftest Horses are slow-paced, in comparison with the quick motion, more speedy then the wind, wherewith He visits every part of his Dominion.

4. Who maketh his angels spirits: his ministers a fla­ming fire.

4. Into which He sends his Angels (and what King is there that hath such noble Ministers?) sometimes in vehement winds, and some­time in lightning and thun­der; whereby they execute his royal pleasure.

5. Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be re­moved for ever.

5. Who hath settled the massy globe of earth, even in the liquid air, upon such firm foundations; that none of those storms and tempests, which beat upon it from without, nor any commo­tions from within, can ever stir it out of the place He hath fixed for it.

6. Thou cove­redst it with the deep, as with a garment: the wa­ters stood above the mountains.

6. It was all covered o­ver at the first with waters (I. Gen. 2.) which were so deep, that there was no appearance of the highest Mountains.

7. At thy re­buke they fled: at the voice of thy thunder they ha­sted away.

7. Till thy omnipotent word charged them to re­tire (I. Gen. 9.) at which they started back, and sud­denly shrunk away; as an affrighted Slave doth, when he hears the thunder of his Masters threatnings, if his [Page 258]commands be not obeyed.

8. They go up by the mountains: they go down by the valleys unto the place which thou hast founded for them.

8. Immediately the dry land was seen; part of which (by thy wonderfull contrivance, O Lord) rose up in lofty hills; and the rest sunk down in lowly valleys: where Thou hast cut channels, for the wa­ters to run into the main Ocean; the place Thou hast appointed for them.

9. Thou hast set a bound that they may not pass over: that they turn not again to cover the earth.

9. And there, though they restlesly toss and swell yet, they cannot get over the shores, wherein Thou hast inclosed them: nor shall they ever recover their former liberty, to overflow the earth again.

10. He sendeth the springs into the valleys, which run among the hills.

10. But still, such is the admirable Providence of the Lord, they climb, through the hollow places of the earth, up the steepest parts of it; and there break out in springs: which fall down into the valleys, to make brooks and rivers, that run between the hills; which, on either side, send into them fresh supplies to inlarge their streams.

11. They give drink to every beast of the field: the wild asses quench their thirst.

11. Which afford, not onely to us but to all the beasts of the earth such a­bundant refreshment, when they are dry; that even the dull Asses, who live in parched desarts, find them out to quench their thirst.

12. By them shall the fowls of the heaven have their habitation, which sing among the branches.

12. The birds of the air also delight to resort thi­ther: where, having wet their throats, they sit and chaunt their various notes; among the thick boughs of the trees, which grow upon the banks.

13. He wate­reth the hills from his chambers: the earth is satisfied with the fruit of thy works.

13. As for the hills, which constantly thus in­rich the lower grounds, He waters them from the regi­ons above: whence dews distill, and showres of rain come pouring down, by thy marvellous contrivance, O Lord, unto the satisfacti­on of them, and of all the rest of the earth.

14. He causeth the grass to grow for the cattel, and herb for the ser­vice of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth:

14. O bless the Lord, my Soul, who, by this means, provideth the beasts with grass and hay; and us with all variety of herbs, and [Page 260]roots, and fruit and pulse: which He causes to sprout out of the earth; that we may never want what is necessary for our food, or for our physick.

15. And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, an bread which strengtheneth mans heart.

15. But rather take our pleasure, and delight in the rich wines, which He pro­duces to chear the drooping spirits of miserable men: together with oil to anoint their heads; and bread to recruit their strength, when it is spent with toil and la­bour.

16. The trees of the LORD are full of sap: the cedars of Lebanon which he hath planted.

16. Blessed be the Lord, who by this means also sup­plies, with abundant nou­rishment, the largest trees; which are not planted by the art, nor watered by the care of men, but by his al­mighty Providence: who makes whole Forests of them grow, as the Cedars in Libanus do, even upon the most barren and stony Mountains.

17. Where the birds make their nests: as for the stork, the fir-trees are her house.

17. In these trees the birds both small and great, build themselves convenient [Page 261]habitations: and some of them (as the Stork, for in­stance, who seats her nest on the top of lofty Pines and Fir-trees) with admi­rable artifice.

18. The high hills are a refuge for the wild goats, and the rocks for the conies.

18. And with no less safety the wild Goats de­posite their young, in the top of those craggy Moun­tains; whither they can climb as easily, as the birds fly to the tops of trees: and other feeble creatures creep into the rocks; and there lie secure from the violence, that stronger beasts would offer to them.

19. He appoin­teth the moon for seasons; the sun knoweth his going down.

19. By his most wise contrivance, the Moon hath her full, and her wane: and the Sun doth not al­ways shine; but observes a constant time for its going down.

20. Thou ma­kest darkness, and it is night: where­in all the beasts of the forest do creep forth

20. And then darkness covering the face of the earth, and inviting us to rest, gives the wolves, and other wild beasts of the Forest (such is thy care, O Lord, of all creatures) [Page 262]who were afraid to venture abroad before, security and confidence; to come out of their lurking places, and seek their food.

21. The young lions roar after their prey, and seek their meat from God.

21. Which the ravening young Lions then meet withall; falling upon their prey with a horrible noise: whereby they express the eagerness of their hunger; which is not so sharp and devouring, but, by the Di­vine Providence, it finds full satisfaction before the morning.

22. The sun a­riseth, they gather themselves toge­ther, and lay them down in their dens.

22. When the Sun again appearing, and rouzing us out of our sleep, they all return with one consent; and lay themselves down in their several dens.

23. Man goeth forth to his work, and to his labour untill the evening.

23. And so man, refre­shed by the nights repose, goes forth, without any danger, about his business in the fields: and continues his labours, till the night call him to rest again.

24. O LORD, how manifold are thy works! in wisedom hast thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches.

24. O eternal Lord! how many and how great are thy works? and with [Page 263]what admirable wisedom hast Thou contrived them all? If we look no further then this Earth, what asto­nishing variety of good things do we behold, where­with Thy bounty hath in­riched it?

25. So is this great and wide sea, wherein are things creeping innumerable, both small and great beasts.

25. And this great and spacious Sea also, which seems to embrace the Earth in its arms, is no less full of thy wonderfull works: For there swim Fish with­out number; some of which astonish us, as much with the art Thou hast shewn in their small bodies, as others do with the prodigious greatness of their bulk.

26. There go the ships; there is that leviathan, whom thou hast made to play therein.

26. There the Ships sail as swiftly, as the Fishes swim; fetching us the ri­ches both of Sea and Land: and there that great Levia­than (in forming whom Thou hast shewn thy migh­ty power) finds room e­nough to tumble up and down; and sport himself, in his absolute dominion o­ver all that the Sea contains.

27. These wait all upon thee: that thou mayest give them their meat in due season.

27. O how liberal is thy Goodness, which provides convenient sustenance for such a vast world of crea­tures? Every one of which, though they know not their Benefactour, is duly and seasonably supplied, with the food they seek, by the care Thou takest of them.

28. That thou givest them, they gather: thou ope­nest thine hand, they are filled with good.

28. For they onely ga­ther what Thou, without any care of theirs, dispen­sest to them: And Thou art not sparing of thy bles­sings; but hast made a most plentifull provision, which Thou scatterest every where for them.

29. Thou hidest thy face, they are troubled; thou ta­kest away their breath, they die, and return to their dust.

29. If it fail at any time, by the suspense of thy hea­venly influences, all things look most ruefully: they grow weak, nay die; and are dissolved into the ele­ments out of which they were made.

30. Thou sen­dest forth thy spi­rit, they are crea­ted: and thou re­newest the face of the earth.

30. But then Thou sen­dest forth again thy quick­ning power; whereby new ones are produced, in the room of those that are dead: [Page 265]just as the earth, after a sharp winter hath made it bare, looks fresh and green again at the return of the spring.

31. The glory of the LORD shall endure for ever: the LORD shall rejoice in his works.

31. Thus the world is still as full, as ever it was; and all future ages shall praise, as well as we, the same power, and wisedom, and goodness of the Lord: which appears so gloriously in all his works, that He himself is still pleased, and delighted in the continu­ance of them; as He was at first in their contrivance, 1. Gen. 31.

32. He looketh on the earth, and it trembleth; he toucheth the hills, and they smoke.

32. Else they would all soon vanish, and come to nothing: for at his presence the very earth trembles; and the mountains, as our Fa­thers saw at mount Sinai, are full of fire and smoke.

33. I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live: I will sing praise un­to my God, while I have my being.

33. I will never cease therefore to sing the praises of the Lord; who as He created, so supports and maintains the whole fabrick of heaven and earth, and all the creatures contained [Page 264] [...] [Page 265] [...] [Page 266]in them: And I will never forget his particular kind­ness to me, among the rest; but acknowledge to my ve­ry last breath, the innume­rable benefits I have recei­ved from his bounty.

34. My medi­tation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD.

34. With such affection will I praise Him; that all my thankfull meditations and discourses, shall be, I hope, no less pleasing to Him, then they shall be to my self: who will take the highest satisfaction, in think­ing and speaking of the Goodness of the Lord; from whom I shall still re­ceive more abundant cause to rejoice in Him.

35. Let the sin­ners be consumed out of the earth, and let the wicked be no more: bless thou the LORD, O my soul. Praise ye the LORD.

35. But as for them, whose onely pleasure it is to satisfie their brutish lusts, and abuse the many good things they enjoy, (either denying, or never acknow­ledging Him who is the do­nor of them) they shall utterly perish; and be no longer the care of that Pro­vidence, to which they are so ungratefull; O my Soul [Page 267]never imitate their impiety, or negligence; but be ex­cited thereby to the grea­ter diligence, in praising thy great Creatour and Bene­factour. And let all those, who have any sense of Him, stir up themselves and join with me in his praises.



Though this Psalm have no Title, yet we are assured by what we reade in the 1 Chron. XVI. 8, &c. that the first part of it, at least (to the end of Ver. 15.) was made by David; and delivered by Him to Asaph and his Brethren, for the constant service of God in the Tabernacle: when, after se­veral Victories over the Philistins, (1 Chr. XIV.) he had settled the Ark of God in Sion. And it is most probable that he af­terward inlarged this Psalm (for who else would adventure to doe it?) that it might be a more compleat commemoration of all the mercies of God, towards their Nation; from the days of Abraham to their taking possession of the Land of Canaan. Into [Page 268]which he shews, their gracious Lord conduc­ted them by so many miraculous providences, in several ages (according to his faithfull promise, made to Abraham his faithfull Ser­vant) that it deserved their most hearty ac­knowledgments: to which he excites them, by ten several expressions, in the five first verses of the Psalm.

To which the Greeks praefix an Hallelujah (for they take the last word of the foregoing Psalm, and set it on the head of this) as a note how much they were obliged to praise the Lord, according to that exhortation; when they remembred, in this Psalm, the benefits, that He had bestowed upon their Forefathers: which were sufficient to excite and whet their minds, to the imitation of their vertue.

And it may serve to admonish the new people of God, (as Theodoret speaks) that is, us Christians, how much we ought to re­joice in God's goodness to us; and how dangerous it is to be ungratefull to Him: which provoked Him to deprive the Jews of that fatherly care which He had taken of their Ancestours.

1. O Give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the people.

1. STir up your selves, all ye that are here as­sembled, to make your most gratefull acknowledgments unto the great Lord; who [Page 269]is pleased to come, and dwell among you: never approach his presence to make your petitions to Him, but join his praises together with them; and proclaim to all the people round about, what great things He hath done for you, and for your Forefa­thers.

2. Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him: talk ye of all his wondrous works.

2. Sing his praise with a chearfull voice, and with all the Instruments of Mu­sick: and let the subject of your hymns, and of your ordinary discourse, be his many marvellous acts; of which let not one be forgotten.

3. Glory ye in his holy name: let the heart of them rejoice that seek the LORD.

3. For nothing can be so great an honour to you, as that you are the servants of such a mighty Lord; who infinitely transcends all other Beings: triumph therefore, and make your boast of this, as a greater happiness then all worldly goods; let it fill the hearts of all his faithfull worship­pers with the highest joy and gladness.

4. Seek the LORD and his strength: seek his face evermore.

4. Let it incourage them to address themselves unto Him, upon all occasions; and, prostrating themselves before the Ark of his pre­sence, (2 Chron. VI. 41.) commend themselves to his powerfull protection: let them unweariedly seek his favour, and implore his gra­cious assistance.

5. Remember his marvellous works that he hath done, his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth.

5. Which you may with the greater confidence ex­pect, if you call to mind, and thankfully commemo­rate the marvellous things He hath done for your de­liverance; and his terrible executions, (III. Exod. 20.) according to his just sen­tence passed, (VII. Exod. 4.) upon your enemies.

6. O ye seed of Abraham his ser­vant, ye children of Jacob his cho­sen.

6. The benefit of which you still enjoy, O ye who are the posterity of his ser­vant Abraham; (whose faith and obedience you ought to imitate) the chil­dren of Jacob, whom He chose (rejecting Esau) to inherit the promised bles­sing.

7. He is the LORD our God, his judgments are in all the earth.

7. He is still the same mighty Lord, and our most gracious God; who conti­nues to execute his judg­ments every where, upon our enemies, (2 Sam. V. 7, 10, 17, &c.) and therefore let us never cease to praise Him, and chearfully serve Him, and faithfully depend upon Him.)

8. He hath re­membred his cove­nant for ever, the word which he commanded to a thousand genera­tions.

8. For He is never un­mindfull of his ingagements to us; but punctually per­forms in all ages, what He hath promised in his Cove­nant.

9. Which co­venant he made with Abraham, and his oath unto Isaac:

9. Which He first so­lemnly made, (XV. Gen. 17, 18.) and then sware, (XXII. 16.) unto Abraham: and renewed with his Son Isaac; to whom He promi­sed to perform that Oath, which He sware unto Abra­ham, XXVI. Gen. 3.

10. And con­firmed the same unto Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an everlasting covenant:

10. And again confirmed it to Jacob, both when he went to Haran, (XXVIII. Gen. 13, &c.) and at his return, when He changed his name into Israel, (XXXV. [Page 272] Gen. 10, &c.) and at last passed it into a Law, in that Covenant which He made with their posterity, (XXIII. Exod. 22, 23, 31, 32.) never to be altered, if they keep their Covenant with Him.

11. Saying, Ʋnto thee will I give the land of Canaan, the lot of your inheritance.

11. The sum of which was this; I bestow upon thee, and will bring thee into that good Land, the Land of Canaan: which according to this faithfull Covenant, you now pos­sess; as by lot it was distri­buted to your several Tribes, for their inheritance, XIV. Josh. 1, 2.

12. When they were but a few men in number: yea, very few, and strangers in it.

12. This Covenant He began to make with your Forefathers, (and shew'd his intention to perform it, by his singular care over them) when their Family was very small, (XII. Gen. 1, 5.) and consequently so weak, that they might ea­sily have been destroyed in the Land, where they were strangers, (XXIII. Gen. 4.) and had no friends, nor al­lies to support them:

13. When they went from one na­tion to another, from one kingdom to another people.

13. Nor any settled ha­bitation; but were forced to wander to and fro, from one part of Canaan into a­nother, (XII. Gen. 6, 8, 9.) and then to sojourn in o­ther Kingdoms; sometimes in Egypt, (XII. Gen. 10.) sometimes in Gerar, (XX. Gen. 1. XXVI.) and some­times in the Eastern Coun­try from whence they came, XXIX. Gen. 1.

14. He suffered no man to doe them wrong: yea, he reproved kings for their sakes:

14. And wheresoever they sojourned, He took them into his protection, and suffered no man to doe them any injury, (XXXI. Gen. 24, 42.) but gave se­vere checks, even to the King of Egypt, (XII. Gen. 16.) and the King of Ge­rar, (XX. 3, &c.) to pre­vent the mischief, which they were designing to them.

15. Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and doe my prophets no harm.

15. For He told them, these were sacred persons, whom He designed to make greater men then them­selves: and therefore char­ged them not to burt them; [Page 274]but to honour them, not merely as Princes, (XXIII. Gen. 6.) but as Prophets, (XX. 7.) by whose prayers they should receive great blessings, if they were kind to them.

16. Moreover, he called for a famine upon the land: he brake the whole staff of bread.

16. And when, in the days of Jacob, He punished the Land of Canaan, as well as other Countries, with such a dearth, (XLI. Gen. 54, &c.) that the earth brought forth no kind of grain, for the support of humane life;

17. He sent a man before them, even Joseph, who was sold for a ser­vant.

17. He took a special care, in a most wonderfull way, to provide both for him and for his family: for Joseph (whom his Brethren first conspired to destroy, but afterward were diver­ted from their purpose and onely sold for a slave) was brought into Egypt, by the secret Counsel of God, (XLV. Gen. 5, 7, &c.) to be the instrument of their preservation.

18. Whose feet they hurt with fetters: he was laid in iron.

18. He was oppressed indeed, for a long time, by [Page 275]a most grievous calumny: which was a sorer affliction to him, then the chains and fetters, that were, at first, laid upon him in prison.

19. Ʋntill the time that his word came: the word of the LORD tried him.

19. Till mention at last was made of him to Pha­raoh, by one of his Officers: who related how exactly Joseph predicted what had befaln him, and another of his Fellow-servants; as if he were a man inspired, XL. Gen. 21, 22. XLI. 12, 13.

20. The king sent and loosed him: even the ruler of the peo­ple, and let him go free.

20. Whereupon the King presently sent for him, (XLI. Gen. 14.) that great Prince, whose Dominion extended over many Provinces, com­manded him to be set at liberty.

21. He made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his substance:

21. And received such satisfaction from him, about his dream, which none of his Wise men could inter­pret; that he not onely wholly discharged him from his imprisonment, but made him the chief Officer in the Court: and, under himself, the supreme Governour of [Page 276]his whole Kingdom, XLI. Gen. 40, 41.

22. To bind his princes at his plea­sure: and teach his senatours wise­dom.

22. Yea intrusted him with an absolute power, to command all the Rulers of his several Provinces, what he pleased; and to punish their disobedience according to his discretion: The most ancient and wisest Counsel­lours in the Realm, were or­dered to repair to him; and to doe nothing without his Instructions, XLI. Gen. 44.

23. Israel also came into Egypt: and Jacob sojour­ned in the land of Ham.

23. By which great Au­thority he procured not onely the leave, but the in­vitation of Pharaoh, (XLV. Gen. 16, 17, &c.) to his Fa­ther, to come and bring all his Family with him in­to Egypt: and accordingly he came, and dwelt in the best part of all the Country, XLVI. Gen. 26, 28.

24. And he in­creased his people greatly: and made them stronger then their enemies.

24. Where, according to his promise, when He bad Jacob accept that invitation, (XLVI. Gen. 3, 4.) the Lord multiplied them exceeding­ly, (I. Exod. 7.) and made them mightier then the E­gyptians, [Page 277](I. Exod. 9.) who, of Friends, were now be­come their Enemies.

25. He turned their heart to hate his people, to deal subtilly with his servants.

25. For the kinder God was to the Israelites, and the more He increased their Numbers, the greater jea­lousie it begat in the heart of the Egyptians; which turned at last into an abso­lute hatred of them: and provoked their malice to invent the cruellest ways, first to diminish, (I. Exod. 10, 11, &c.) and then to destroy them, (Ver. 15, 16.)

26. He sent Moses his servant, and Aaron whom he had chosen.

26. This moved the Di­vine compassion, when He saw their oppression grew intolerable, to give com­mission to Moses, whom He had in an extraordinary manner preserved from pe­rishing, (III. Exod. 10.) and to Aaron, whom He chose to be his Assistant, (IV. Exod. 15.) to go and demand their liberty of Pharaoh, IV. Exod. 23. V. 1.

27. They shew­ed his signs among them, and wonders in the land of Ham.

27. And, he disputing their Commission, (and re­fusing to let Israel go) they [Page 278]proved it, and perswaded him to obey it, by many miraculous works: which God commanded them to doe, as tokens that He had sent them.

28. He sent darkness, and made it dark: and they rebelled not against his word.

28. Among which the pitchy darkness, which o­verspread the whole Land three days (except onely where the Israelites dwelt) was a very remarkable pu­nishment of Pharaoh's blind­ness: who would not see the hand of God in all those other plagues, which Moses and Aaron, not fearing his displeasure, but pursuing their orders, had inflicted on him.

29. He turned their waters into bloud, and slew their fish.

29. As first of all, the Lord commanded them to stretch their hand upon all the waters of Egypt; which He turned into bloud: and made them so putrid, that the fish which was in the river died, VII. Exod. 20, 21.

30. Their land brought forth frogs in abun­dance, in the chambers of their kings.

30. And, at the next stroke, produced such a vast number of frogs out of the stinking waters and [Page 279]mudd; that not onely the whole earth was covered with them, but no house, no room in their houses; no, not the Cabinets of their King and his Princes, were free from their annoy­ance, VIII. Exod. 3, 6.

31. He spake, and there came divers sorts of flies, and lice in all their coasts.

31. And then followed an infinite swarm of the most pestilent sort of flies, (see Psal. LXXVIII. 45.) after a troublesome and fil­thy plague of lice, which had infested all the Coun­try, VIII. Exod. 17, 24.

32. He gave them hail for rain: and flaming fire in their land.

32. Which was succee­ded (after a murrain upon their Cattel, and a fiery ul­cer on their own bodies) by a dreadfull storm of hail, (when fruitfull showrs of rain were most desirable) together with such light­ning, as was never seen: for it ran upon the ground, and burnt up all that was not destroyed by the hail, IX. Exod. 23, 24, &c.

33. He smote their vines also, and their fig-trees: and brake the trees of their coasts.

33. Which not onely struck down the grapes, and the figgs: but shattered [Page 280]the vines and fig-trees themselves; together with many other fruit-trees in the Land.

34. He spake, and the locusts came: and cater­pillers, and that without number,

34. And whatsoever e­scaped this tempestuous storm (for some things were not then grown up, IX. Exod. 31.) was, not long after, devoured by an innumerable army of vari­ous sorts of locusts, X. Exod. 5, 12, &c.

35. And did eat up all the herbs in their land: and devoured the fruit of their ground.

35. Which, by his com­mand, came and covered the whole face of the Coun­try: eating up the very leaves of the trees, as well as all the grass and herbs upon the ground, X. Exod. 15.

36. He smote also all the first-born in their land: the chief of all their strength.

36. And at last He fini­shed these plagues, in the slaughter of all the first-born, both of man and beast: the Angel of the Lord killing, in one and the same night, (XII. Exod. 29.) the principal prop of every Family; and the best of all their flocks and their herds.

37. He brought them forth also with silver and gold: and there was not one feeble person among their tribes.

37. Which terrible de­struction so affrighted them, that they not onely let Is­rael go; but were forward to thrust them out of Egypt, and that loaded with silver and gold, (XII. Exod. 31, 35.) And, which is very wonderfull, among so many thousand persons, (Ver. 37.) there was not one, at that time, so feeble, as to be unable to travel.

38. Egypt was glad when they departed: for the fear of them fell upon them.

38. And great was the joy at their departure; not onely among the Israelites, but among the Egyptians: who thought themselves not safe till the Israelites had their liberty; but were in dread of another plague, which they thought might kill them, as the former had done their children, XII. Exod. 33.

39. He spread a cloud for a cove­ring: and fire to give light in the night.

39. Nor did the Divine providence desert our Fa­thers after it had brought them out of Egypt; but lest they should suffer any prejudice by the exceeding great heats, or mistake their [Page 282]way, in a desolate wilder­ness, He defended them in the day, from the scorching rays of the Sun, by a cloud: which it self gave them light to comfort, and (if need were) to guide them in the night, XIII. Exod. 21, 22.

40. The people asked, and he brought quails: and satisfied them with the bread of heaven.

40. He provided also a delicate food, for that vast multitude; even when they were so ungratefull as to murmur against Him: (XVI. Exod. 12, &c.) sending them, in the evening, such flights of quails, and, in the mor­ning, such showrs of corn, out of the clouds; as abun­dantly satisfied every one of them.

41. He opened the rock, and the waters gushed out: they ran in the dry places like a river,

41. And when they mur­mured again for want of drink, (XVII. Exod. 2, 6.) He was so kind as to stop their complaints, by making water to spring out of a rock: from whence it gusht so constantly, and in such abundance, that it made a stream; which followed them in all the parched grounds, through which they marched.

42. For he re­membred his holy promise, and A­braham his ser­vant.

42. For the Lord was resolved punctually to per­form his promise, passed in former ages, (XV. Gen. 18. II. Exod. 24.) which made Him reward the fidelity of his servant Abraham even upon his incredulous po­sterity; at that very time which He had prefixed for it, XV. Gen. 13. XII. Exod. 41.

43. And he brought forth his people with joy, and his chosen with gladness.

43. When, with much mirth and joy, He brought his people out of the Egyp­tian bondage; and made them shout to see the diffe­rence He made between them and the Egyptians: who were drowned in the red Sea; while they were conducted safe through it on dry Land, XV. Exod. 1, 13, 19.

44. And gave them the lands of the heathen: and they inherited the labour of the peo­ple:

44. And, in conclusion, He cast out seven Nations, to make room for them in the Land of Canaan: where their posterity took posses­sion of Cities and Towns, Fields and Vineyards; which the labour of others had [Page 284]built and planted for them, VI. Deut. 10, 11. XXIV. Josh. 13.

45. That they might observe his statutes, and keep his laws. Praise ye the LORD.

45. That they might have the more leisure, to purge the Country of all its ancient superstition, and filthiness: and set them­selves heartily to worship God, after that manner that He prescribed; in a strict observance of all the rest of his holy Laws.

For which, and all other his benefits, excite your selves to praise the Lord.

Hallelujah, i. e. Praise the Lord.


There is little doubt to be made, but this is the Title of the Psalm, as it is of many other, (CXI, &c.) whereby the Authour excites them to acknowledge God's bounty to their ungratefull Forefathers. For as in the foregoing Psalm (they are the words of Theodoret) the Divine Benefits are com­memorated; [Page 285]so in this the Psalmist both commemorates them, and also upbraids the ingratitude of those that received them. Which magnified the mercies of God the more; in being so very kind to those wicked people, that when He punished them, He did not utterly destroy them.

The opinion of that Father is, that the Psalm was composed in the person of the more pious sort of people; who bewail the common calamities, and implore the Divine indulgence. And most Interpreters, that I have met withall, imagin it to have been made in the time of the Captivity of Baby­lon: but the proof of it is very weak. For the last verse but one, upon which they ground that conjecture, may have another construc­tion; and mean no more but this: that God would be pleased when the Nation, or any part of it, should be carried captive, to take pity upon them; and restore them again to their Country. Or rather, in my opinion, it refers to those who, in the days of Saul, or before, were taken prisoners by the Phi­listines, and other Nations: whom David prays God to gather to their own Land again; that they might worship Him in that place, which He had prepared for the Ark of his presence. For it seems plain enough, that this was one of the Psalms, which he delivered then to Asaph: the first verse and the two last being set down in the [Page 286]1 Chron. XVI. 36, 37, as the beginning and ending of another Psalm, (which can be none but this) which he then gave in with the other two there mentioned, (XCVI. and CV.) to praise the Lord withall.

1. PRaise ye the LORD, O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good, for his mercy endureth for ever.

1. O Make your thank­full acknowledg­ments, to the great Lord of all the World; who was exceeding gracious to your Forefathers, and will con­tinue his kindness, you may hope, unto all succee­ding ages.

2. Who can ut­ter the mighty acts of the LORD? who can shew forth all his praise?

2. Praise Him with all your might; for when you have done your best, you must acknowledge that it is impossible to express your obligations to his omnipo­tent Goodness. For who is able to tell how miracu­lous that power was, which wrought such wonders for us in Egypt; and in the Wilderness, and in the Land of Canaan? where shall we find a man, that can set forth, as they deserve, all the praise-worthy acts of the Lord?

3. Blessed are they that keep judgment: and he that doeth righteousness at all times.

3. Which are so great and many, that they are most happy men, who by faithfull obedience to all his precepts, (not onely when they have newly received his benefits, but throughout the whole course of their lives) pre­serve themselves in the fa­vour of so gracious a Lord and Master (which our Fore­fathers foolishly lost, by re­volting presently from their mercifull Deliverer.)

4. Remember me, O LORD, with the favour that thou bearest unto thy people: O visit me with thy salvation:

4. Make me, good Lord, one of this happy number; and let me partake of the favour Thou still designest for thy people; and find Thee ready at hand, in all dangers, to preserve and deliver me (1 Chron. XVIII. 6, 13, 14.)

5. That I may see the good of thy chosen, that I may rejoice in the glad­ness of thy nation: that I may glory with thine inheri­tance.

5. That I may live to see thy chosen people Isra­el, settled in a peaceable enjoyment of all thy bles­sings, (1 Chron. XXII. 18.) and have my share in their joy and felicity, (1 Chron. XXIX. 9.) nay triumph to­gether [Page 288]with them, in the highest praises of thy boun­ty towards thy own Nati­on, and peculiar inheritance, 1 Chron. XXIX. 10, 11, 12, 13, &c.

6. We have sin­ned with our fa­thers; we have committed iniqui­ty, we have done wickedly.

6. Our sins indeed may hinder these blessings from us; for we are no better then our Forefathers, but have offended after their example; by which we ought to have been amen­ded: we are guilty of ma­ny iniquities against one another, and much impiety against Thee.

7. Our fathers understood not thy wonders in Egypt, they remembred not the multitude of thy mercies, but provoked him at the sea, even at the Red sea.

7. We are the wicked offspring of those, who were so stupid, as not to be affected with the prodi­gious Works Thou didst in Egypt; or presently to for­get that long series of mi­raculous preservations and deliverances, by which they were brought from thence: But in the very next strait into which they fell (at the borders of the Sea, that remarkable place, the red Sea) distrusted his power; [Page 289]and wisht He had left them in that cruel servitude, of which before they so hea­vily complained, XIV. Ex­odus 11, 12.

8. Nevertheless, he saved them for his names sake: that he might make his mighty power to be known.

8. And yet (such was his stupendious Goodness) He would not let them perish in their ingratitude; but to preserve the name He had gotten of their mighty Saviour, gave them a new deliverance: that the world might not imagin He wan­ted power, to compleat what He had begun to doe for them.

9. He rebuked the Red sea also, and it was dried up: so he led them through the depths as through the wil­derness.

9. On this consideration, He checkt the course of that Sea by so strong a wind, that He made a path in the midst of it: and led them through those depths on as hard and dry ground, as they trod upon in their march, through the parched desarts, XIV. Exod. 21, 22.

10. And he sa­ved them from the hand of him that hated them: and redeemed them from the hand of the enemy.

10. By which means He saved them from Pharaoh's Army; which pressed hard upon their backs, as the Sea was before their face, [Page 290](XIV. Exod. 9, 10.) He re­scued them from the power of those implacable enemies, whose hatred carried them, to pursue them eagerly even into the Sea, (XIV. Exod. 23.)

11. And the waters covered their enemies; there was not one of them left.

11. Where they were drowned, every man of them; the Sea, which had stood fixed as a wall to save the Israelites, returning back with a mighty violence to overwhelm their adversa­ries.

12. Then be­lieved they his words, they sang his praise.

12. Which was so evi­dent a token of his power and goodness, that they were perswaded by it, at that present, to believe God's promises, (XIV. Exod. 31.) and to sing a Song of praise to Him, for this mi­raculous deliverance, XV. Exod. 1, &c.

13. They soon forgat his works, they waited not for his counsel:

13. But within three days they grew impatient again, (XV. Exod. 22, 24.) and forgetting the great and many pledges they had received of his Divine power, quarrelled with his [Page 291]Servants; and would not expect till He shewed, what way He intended to relieve them.

14. But lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desart.

14. But not long after this, murmured again; (XVI. Exod.) And though, instead of punishing them for it, He satisfied them with bread from heaven, and gave them several other demonstrations of his Divine presence among them, in the wilderness, ( Exod. XVI. XX. XXIV, &c.) yet, to please their wanton appe­tite, they mutined another time, and cried out vehe­mently for flesh to eat, (XI. Numb. 4, 5, &c.) and desired new proofs of his power to supply them.

15. And he gave them their request, but sent leanness into their soul.

15. Which He was plea­sed to grant in such abun­dance, that they surfeited of the Quails, which He sent them: and, instead of being nourished, fell into a grievous disease, where­by great numbers of them were wasted and consumed, XI. Numb. 31, 32, &c.

16. They en­vied Moses also in the camp, and Aaron the saint of the LORD.

16. And they that esca­ped were not cured of their rebellious humour; but se­ditiously disputed the Au­thority of Moses: And ac­cused both him and Aaron, whom the Lord had conse­crated for the service of his Altar, as ambitious men, that took too much upon them, XVI. Numb. 3.

17. The earth opened and swal­lowed up Dathan, and covered the company of Abi­ram.

17. Which moved the Divine Justice to punish their presumption, with a most terrible vengeance: for the earth opened, and buried alive Dathan and Abiram, and the faction that adhered to them, XVI. Numb. 32, 33.

18. And a fire was kindled in their company; the flame burnt up the wicked.

18. And the other com­pany raised by Korah, were smitten with lightning from heaven; which burnt up those impious men, who were so bold as to invade the Office of the Priests of the Lord, XVI. Numb. 35.

19. They made a calf in Horeb, and worshipped the molten image.

19. Whose anger they began very early to incense; for even at that very place where the Lord had newly [Page 293]appeared to them, in asto­nishing thunder and light­ning and clouds, (XX. Ex­odus 18.) and had spoken to them with an audible voice, and at the second word He spake had charged them not to make any gra­ven image, (XX. Exod. 4.) and had called Moses up in­to the Mount to receive the rest of his Laws (which He had begun in a most dreadfull manner to deli­ver to them) they stupidly made a golden Calf, and prostrated themselves be­fore the work of their own hands:

20. Thus they changed their glo­ry into the simili­tude of an ox that cateth grass.

20. Slighting that Glo­rious presence of the Maje­sty of God, (XXIV. Exod. 16, 17.) which, appearing in the Cloud, had done many wonders for them: and chusing rathe to com­mend themselves to the pro­tection of an Image, in which they saw no glory; the Image of a dull Ox, a creature without reason, a servant of man, that is sup­ported [Page 294]it self, by so weak a thing as hay, XXXII. Ex­odus 14.

21. They for­gat God their sa­viour, which had done great things in Egypt:

21. The root of which sottish Apostasie was, that they did not keep in mind what deliverances God had granted them, under the con­duct of Moses; whom they now despised: (XXXII. Exod. 1.) But forgat his great works in the Land of Egypt, where they never saw any similitude of Him.

22. Wondrous works in the land of Ham, and ter­rible things by the Red sea.

22. Miraculous works; which filled the whole Country with wonder and astonishment; and conclu­ded at last in the fearfull overthrow of Pharaoh and all his host in the red Sea, through which they passed safely.

23. Therefore he said that he would destroy them, had not Moses his chosen stood before him in the breach: to turn away his wrath, lest he should de­stroy them.

23. Which provoked the Divine displeasure so high­ly, that He resolved to de­stroy them, (XXXII. Exod. 9, 10.) and had done it, if Moses, for whom He had a great respect, had not, by his earnest intercessi­on, made up this breach; [Page 295]and reconciled Him so far to them, that He did not proceed then to take such vengeance on them, XXXII. Exod. 11, 12, 14, 35.

24. Yea, they despised the plea­sant land: they believed not his word:

24. But when after this they despised (XIII. Numb. 32.) that goodly Country, to the borders of which He had brought them, (I. Deut. 19, 20.) which the Spies themselves confessed was rich and desirable: (XIII. Numb. 27. XIV. 32.) and would not believe that God intended, or was able to perform his promise to them, XIII. Numb. 37:

25. But mur­mured in their tents, and hear­kened not unto the voice of the LORD.

25. But murmured a­gainst Moses and Aaron in their Tents, as if they had deluded them, (XIV. Numb. 1, 2, &c.) refusing to march, when the Lord commanded them to go up, and take possession of it, I. Deut. 21, 26, 32:

26. Therefore he lifted up his hand against them, to overthrow them in the wilderness:

26. Then he solemnly sware, that not one of that wicked generation, who had so often rebelled against Him, should ever come there; [Page 296]but all perish in the wilder­ness, XIV. Numb. 21, 22, 35. I. Deut. 34:

27. To over­throw their seed also among the na­tions, and to scat­ter them in the lands.

27. And some of them be overthrown by the hea­then, whom the Lord would have delivered up into their hand, (XIV. Numb. 45.) and others dispersed in se­veral parts of that Country, which they despised, XXI. Numb. 1.

28. They joined themselves also unto Baal-peor, and ate the sacri­fices of the dead.

28. Nor did they grow much better, by these dread­full threatnings and execu­tions; but, not onely most shamefully committed whoredom with the daugh­ters of Moah but, embraced their Religion: devoting themselves to the vile ser­vice of Baal, whose Temple stood upon Mount Peor; and partaking with them, in the Sacrifices which they offered to dead men, XXV. Numb. 1, 2, 3.

29. Thus they provoked him to anger with their inventions: and the plague brake in upon them.

29. Which abominable wickedness incensed the Divine displeasure to such a degree; that He com­manded the Offenders to [Page 297]be kill'd and hang'd up, in the face of the Sun: and also sent a grievous plague among the people, XXV. Numb. 4, 5, 9.

30. Then stood up Phinehas, and executed judg­ment: and so the plague was stayed.

30. Which raged in the Camp, till Phinehas, in a holy zeal, went as boldly to punish, as others did to commit their crimes: and thrust through the body, one of the Princes of the people, whom the Judges feared to meddle withall; and then the plague ceased, XXV. Numb. 5, 6, 7, 8.

31. And that was counted unto him for righteous­ness, unto all ge­nerations for ever­more.

31. Which seasonable piece of Justice, the Lord, not onely approved as a praise-worthy Act but, re­warded also with the pro­mise of the Priesthood: which He intailed upon his posterity, throughout all generations, XXV. Numb. 12, 13.

32. They angred him also at the waters of strife, so that it went ill with Moses for their sakes;

32. And, before this, they had been so unbelie­ving and rebellious, as, ha­ving had long experience of God's power and goodness in providing for them, to [Page 298]murmur for want of water; at that place, which took its name from their quarrel with Moses, (XX. Numb. 3, 13.) who sadly suffered upon their account, XX. Numb. 12.

33. Because they provoked his spirit, so that he spake unadvisedly with his lips.

33. For, being exaspera­ted by their frequent mu­tinies, he let fall some pas­sionate words; which ex­pressed such distrust and impatience, as did not be­come so great a Minister of God, (XX. Numb. 12.) who thereupon resolved, he should not have the ho­nour to accomplish his pro­mise, of bringing them to their rest, XXVII. Numb. 24. I. Deut. 37.

34. They did not destroy the na­tions, concerning whom the LORD commanded them:

34. In which, being set­tled, they did not destroy those seven Nations, (I. Judg. 21, 27, 29, &c.) whose abo­minations were so foul; that the Lord gave them a strict charge, not to suffer them to live there any longer, XXIII. Exod. 30, 33. VII. Deut. 2.

35. But were mingled among the heathen, and lear­ned their works.

35. But, quite contrary, they not onely let them live but, against Gods ex­press commandment (XXIII. Josh. 7, 12.) entred into fa­miliarity, and made a Co­venant and League with them, (II. Judg. 1, 2.) and so at last learnt to doe as they did, and imitated their evil manners.

36. And they served their idols: which were a snare unto them.

36. For they forsook the Lord who had brought them thither; and wor­shipped the Gods of those people, whom they had conquered, (II. Judg. 11, 12. III. 5, 6.) which pro­ved their utter ruin, and destruction, VII. Deut. 16, 26. II. Judg. 3.

37. Yea, they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils,

37. For they were so be­sotted with their Idolatry, as to imitate their most bar­barous Rites: sacrificing to infernal spirits, not onely their beasts, but (as the cu­stom of that Country was, XII. Deut. 30, 31.) their sons and their daughters.

38. And shed innocent bloud, even the bloud of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacri­ficed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was pol­luted with bloud.

38. Whom they did not merely consecrate to the [Page 300]service of Devils; but of­fered their bloud, the bloud of innocent babes, even of their own sons and daugh­ters (as I said) upon the Altars of the Idols of Cana­an: prophaning thereby the holy Land, with the most impious and unnatural Mur­thers.

39. Thus were they defiled with their own works, and went a who­ring with their own inventions.

39. Besides other abomi­nable works wherewith they defiled themselves; such as Whoredom, and all manner of beastly lusts: which were the filthy vices of those Nations, whom God cast out before them, XVIII. Lev. 24, 25, 27, 28, &c.

40. Therefore was the wrath of the LORD kin­dled against his people, insomuch that he abhorred his own inheri­tance.

40. And so contrary to nature as well as his Law, that the Lord was excee­ding angry with them, (II. Judg. 14, 20.) and the more, because He had made them his people: whom He now abominated, as im­pure and unclean; though once they had been very dear unto Him.

41. And he gave them into the hand of the hea­then; and they that hated them, ruled over them.

41. And thereupon de­livered them up to the power of those impious Nations; with whom they contracted friendship, when they should have destroyed them, (III. Judg. 3, 5. IV. 2. XIII. 1.) who retaining still their ancient hatred, exercised a rigorous tyran­ny over them, IV. Judg. 3.

42. Their ene­mies also oppressed them, and they were brought into subjection under their hand.

42. And so did many other of their neighbouring enemies, the Mesopotamians and Moabites, (III. Judg. 8, 12.) the Midianites and A­malekites, (VI. 2, 3, &c.) and such like, (X. 7, 8.) who not onely grievously afflicted them; but deser­vedly made those their sub­jects, nay slaves, who would not serve their gracious God.

43. Many times did he deliver them, but they provoked him with their counsel, and were brought low for their iniquity.

43. Who still continued so kind to them, that upon the first sign of their repen­tance, He constantly raised up the spirit of some great Man or other; to rescue them from every one of these Oppressours: though [Page 302]they as constantly provo­ked Him again, by relap­sing to their former Idola­try; which in the issue brought them exceeding low, X. Judg. 8, 9.

44. Neverthe­less, he regarded their affliction, when he heard their cry.

44. And yet, such was his tender compassion to­wards them, He did not absolutely refuse to help even these base revolters, (X. Judg. 14, 15, 16.) when, in their distress, they made a lamentable moan and promised amendment.

45. And he re­membred for them his covenant, and repented according to the multitude of his mercies.

45. For He was not un­mindfull of the Covenant He had made with their Forefathers, (XXVI. Levit. 42, 44, 45. XXX. Deut. 1, 2, 3.) but let them reap the benefit of it: in ceasing to punish them; and, when they deserved to be utterly destroyed, bestowing many and exceeding great bles­sings on them.

46. He made them also to be pi­tied of all those that carried them captives.

46. For He inclined the hearts, even of those who had subdued, and implaca­bly hated them, unto some compassion towards them: [Page 303]so that they did not indea­vour their total extirpati­on, XIII. Judg. 1. XIV. 2. XV. 9, 10, &c.

47. Save us, O LORD our God, and gather us from among the heathen, to give thanks unto thy holy name, and to triumph in thy praise.

47. And therefore we humbly hope still in the same great mercies; and beseech Thee, O most migh­ty Lord, who hast been wont to doe our Nation good, to deliver us, how unworthy soever, from all our present enemies: and to restore such of us as are faln into their hands, unto their own Country; that they may join with us in giving thanks to thy in­comparable goodness, and setting forth thy praises with the greatest joy and triumph, saying;

48. Blessed be the LORD God of Israel from e­verlasting to ever­lasting: and let all the people say, A­men. Praise ye the LORD,

48. Let the great Lord of all the world, who hath been so gracious unto Is­rael, as to chuse them for his own peculiar people, be most heartily blessed and praised: Let all gene­rations bless Him, as long as the world shall last, and unto all eternity: and let [Page 304]all his people concur in these desires, and wish it may be so; let them all praise the Lord, and desire He may be ever praised.

The End of the FOƲRTH Book of Psalms.




The Fifth Book of Psalms (which consists most of Praises and Thanksgivings) begins here; with an exhortation to those whom God (according to the Prayer foregoing CVI. 47.) had delivered from Pagan servitude, to acknowledge that singular benefit with their hearty Thanksgivings: and thence to take occasion to magnifie his mercifull Pro­vidence over all other men, not onely of that but of all Nations, when they addressed themselves unto Him in their distresses. For instance, Travellers in the desart who have lost their way, Prisoners, Sick people, Mariners, Husbandmen, even whole Coun­tries the Psalmist shews are made strangely prosperous, if they have a regard to God; [Page 306]and on the other side fall into great misery, if they neglect Him. It had been endless to enumerate all other cases; but by these any man may understand, if he please (as he observes in the conclusion) how good the Lord is, and ready to help those who fly un­to Him for succour, whatsoever their con­dition be.

The Authour of the Psalm is unknown; but if I have guessed aright at the connexion of this with the foregoing Psalm, it is most probable it was composed by David: who having in the CV. put them in mind (as Theodoret observes) of the promises made to the Patriarchs, and of the blessings be­stowed on their posterity; and in the CVI. of their horrid ingratitude for such benefits, and the punishments, for that cause, inflic­ted upon them: declares in this Psalm the inexplicable kindness of God, in their free­dom from slavery; and in his carefull Pro­vidence, as I said, over all mankind: which might give them the greater incouragement to hope in Him, if they served Him faith­fully, who had taken them for his peculiar people.

1. O Give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.

1. O Make your grate­full acknowledg­ments to the great Lord of the world; of whose Good­ness you and your Forefa­thers [Page 307]have had such long experience, that you may conclude his loving kind­ness will extend it self to all succeeding ages.

2. Let the re­deemed of the LORD say so, whom he hath re­deemed from the hand of the ene­my:

2. Let them especially call upon one another to give thanks unto his Good­ness, whom the Lord hath graciously redeemed from a sad Captivity; into which they were reduced by their prevailing enemies:

3. And gathe­red them out of the lands, from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south.

3. And hath brought them back to their own Country again; from all the Lands, on every side, into which they were dis­persed.

4. They wan­dred in the wil­derness in a soli­tary way, they found no city to dwell in.

4. And they also, who, travelling through vast wil­dernesses and sandy desarts, lost their way, and could find no tract to lead them to a City inhabited;

5. Hungry and thirsty, their soul fainted in them.

5. But, in this perplexi­ty, wandred up and down so long, that all their Pro­vision was spent, and they were ready to dye with hunger and thirst:

6. Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses.

6. Yet then recommen­ding themselves to the Lord, and earnestly implo­ring his help in this mise­rable strait; He mercifully delivered them out of it, and freed them from all their anxieties:

7. And he led them forth by the right way, that they might go to a city of habitation.

7. Directing them, when they were in a Maze, into the right path again; which brought them to a place in­habited, where they found relief for their necessities.

8. Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderfull works to the chil­dren of men!

8. O that such men would never forget to make their thankfull acknowledgments to the Lord, for this singu­lar kindness; but every where proclaim his won­derfull works.

9. For he sa­tisfieth the long­ing soul, and fil­leth the hungry soul with good­ness.

9. Who thus seasonably preserved them from star­ving, by providing, in this languishing condition, drink to quench their thirst, and plenty of good things to sa­tisfie their hungry appetite.

10. Such as sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death, being bound in affliction and iron:

10. They also who have no other dwelling but a dark prison, nay a horrible dungeon; where, to add [Page 309]to their affliction, they are loaded with iron manacles or fetters;

11. Because they rebelled a­gainst the words of God, and con­temned the coun­sel of the most High:

11. As a just punishment for the crimes they had re­belliously committed, a­gainst the express commands of God, and the plain dic­tates and frequent checks of their own consciences; which were the voice of the most High, giving them wholsome counsel; though they contemned and despi­sed it:

12. Therefore he brought down their heart with labour, they fell down, and there was none to help.

12. And thereby provo­ked Him to throw them into that miserable condi­tion, to humble their proud hearts by the hardship of a tedious and painfull impri­sonment; in which they lay so dejected and help­less, that they saw no hu­mane means whereby they should be delivered.

13. Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he saved them out of their distresses.

13. Yet they then ma­king their addresses to the Lord, and earnestly besee­ching Him to take pity up­on their wretched estate; He was pleased mercifully [Page 310]to hear their prayers, and free them from those mise­rable straits:

14. He brought them out of dark­ness, and the sha­dow of dea [...]h, and brake their bands in sunder.

14. Bringing them out of their sad confinement in that dismall dungeon; and setting their hands and feet at liberty, from the chains wherewith they were bound.

15. Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderfull works to the chil­dren of men!

15. O that such men would never forget to make their thankfull acknowledg­ments to the Lord, for his singular kindness; but eve­ry where proclaim his won­derfull works:

16. For he hath broken the gates of brass, and cut the bars of iron in sunder.

16. Who when their case was desperate, removed the greatest obstacles; and made even brasen gates, and iron bars give way to their e­scape.

17. Fools be­cause of their transgression, and because of their iniquities, are af­flicted.

17. In like manner we see others, who forgetting God, and sottishly giving themselves up to all kind of debauchery, in an irre­gular way of living, fall in­to grievous diseases:

18. Their soul abhorreth all man­ner of meat, and they draw near unto the gates of death.

18. Which not onely quite take away their ap­petite, [Page 311]but make them nau­seate all manner of food, which they formerly abu­sed; and thereby lay them so low, that they are at the very brink of the grave:

19. Then they cry unto the LORD in their trouble, he saveth them out of their distresses.

19. Yet even these men, when they make their ad­dresses unto the Lord, and in the weak estate into which they have brought themselves pray earnestly to Him, are wont to find relief from Him; when no Medicines whatsoever will avail them.

20. He sent his word and healed them, and deli­vered them from their destruction.

20. He orders their re­covery, when all the pre­scriptions of Physicians prove ineffectual: nay, when they are left for dead, raises them up to life and health again.

21. Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderfull works to the chil­dren of men!

21. O that these men would be so gratefull to the Lord, as never to for­get his singular kindness to them; but every where proclaim such wonderfull works as these.

22. And let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanks­giving, and declare his works with re­joicing.

22. And not content themselves with the Sacri­fices [Page 312]of beasts (which in their sickness they were apt to vow unto Him) but of­fer those far more accep­table sacrifices of a grate­full heart: acknowledging his Goodness, and telling every body they meet with­all, in such a manner as may express how much they are affected with it, what great things the Lord hath done for them.

23. They that go down to the sea in ships, that doe business in great waters:

23. Who shews no less kindness to those that have occasion to be much upon the Sea; to fish, or to traf­fique, upon the main O­cean.

24. These see the works of the LORD, and his wonders in the deep.

24. Where they behold remarkable acts of Divine Providence; in the won­derfull alterations which He makes in that vast col­lection of waters.

25. For he com­mandeth, and rai­seth the stormy wind, which lif­teth up the waves thereof.

25. For when they are smooth and still, a sudden tempest arises by his com­mand; which puts them into such a rage, that they are turned into swelling waves and billows.

26. They mount up to the heaven, they go down a­gain to the depths, their soul is melted because of trouble.

26. On which the ships are sometimes mounted up as high, as if they would touch the clouds; and then sink down as low, as if they would be buried in the bottom of the Sea: to the great astonishment of the passengers, who are rea­dy to die with fear.

27. They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wits end.

27. For they are so tos­sed and whirled about, that as they are not able to stand upon the decks; so the most skilfull Mariners do not know which way to steer; or what course to take, to save themselves from perishing.

28. Then they cry unto the LORD in their trouble, and he bringeth them out of their distresses.

28. And yet, when in the midst of this great strait they make their addresses to the Lord, with earnest prayers for his protection, He is graciously pleased to hear their cry; and to free them from that anguish of mind, which sorely oppres­ses them.

29. He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still.

29. For He silences the blustring wind, and makes so great a calm; that the [Page 314]swelling waves lie quiet and still.

30. Then are they glad because they be quiet; so he bringeth them unto their desired haven.

30. Which happy change turns their fear into joy; when they see, not onely the storm appeased but, gentle gales arising to car­ry them directly to the port, for which they are bound.

31. Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderfull works to the chil­dren of men!

31. O that they who are thus unexpectedly preser­ved, would never forget to make their thankfull ac­knowledgments to the Lord, for this singular kindness! But every where proclaim what wonders He hath done for them.

32. Let them exalt him also in the congregation of the people, and praise him in the assembly of the el­ders.

32. Let them magnifie his power and goodness in the greatest assemblies of the people; especially in his Temple: Let them praise Him in the supreme Court of the Kingdom; that the Judges and Gover­nours may be excited, to make Him their trust and confidence.

33. He turneth rivers into a wil­derness, and the water-springs into dry ground:

33. Who turns well wa­tered Countries into a mere [Page 315]wilderness, and makes moist and fertil soils become dry and barren ground:

34. A fruitfull land into barren­ness, for the wic­kedness of them that dwell therein.

34. Where none of those fruits will grow which be­fore it plentifully yielded; because of the ill dispositi­on of the inhabitants, who produce nothing but all manner of vice and wicked­ness.

35. He turneth the wilderness in­to a standing wa­ter, and dry ground into wa­ter-springs,

35. And on the other side He turns a barren de­sart (for none of these things come by chance) in­to rich and fruitfull pa­stures: and sends such plen­ty of water into dry and sandy grounds;

36. And there he maketh the hungry to dwell, that they may pre­pare a city for ha­bitation;

36. That there they, who lived wretchedly before, find a comfortable habita­tion: and are invited to build Towns and Cities in those formerly desolate pla­ces.

37. And sow the fields, and plant vineyards, which may yield fruits of increase.

37. Where they sow all manner of grain, and plant vineyards: which recom­pense their pains, with a plentifull harvest and a joy­full vintage.

38. He blesseth them also, so that they are multipli­ed greatly, and suffereth not their cattel to decrease.

38. His blessing also makes the inhabitants fruit­full, as well as their ground: they grow exceeding popu­lous, together with their flocks and their herds; which by the increase of people are not diminished.

39. Again they are minished and brought low through oppressi­on, affliction, and sorrow.

39. But when they prove ungratefull to Him, He quite alters the course of his Providence; and on a sudden sends some grievous pestilence, which lessens their numbers: or lays them low by tyrannical oppressours, (into whose hands He delivers them) by dearth, and other cala­mities, which make them pine away in grief and sor­row.

40. He poureth contempt upon princes, and cau­seth them to wan­der in the wilder­ness, where there is no way.

40. Their Princes and the most eminent persons in their Country, are not able to preserve themselves from contempt and scorn: To which they are so open­ly exposed, that they who had troops of followers and attendants, are utterly de­serted; and forced to walk [Page 317]in solitary places to hide their shame; without any means, that they can see, to recover their thrones out of which they are disgrace­fully thrown.

41. Yet setteth he the poor on high from afflicti­on, and maketh him families like a flock.

41. Which he bestows upon some poor despicable person, whom, from a low condition, He raises to the highest dignity; and gives him a very numerous istue, to maintain and continue the honour He hath con­ferred on him.

42. The righ­teous shall see it, and rejoice; and all iniquity shall stop her mouth.

42. Which is a great in­couragement to the righte­ous; who herein behold with joy the wise and just providence of Almighty God: But gives the wicked (who under those bad Prin­ces were insolent, and full of proud boasts) such a re­buke; that they hang down their heads, and are con­four dedly put to silence.

43. Whoso is wise, and will ob­serve those things, even they shall un­derstand the loving kindness of the LORD.

43. And therefore, who­soever will be truly wise, ought to mark and ponder such passages as these in the Divine Government: that [Page 318]they may make others, who are less considerate, under­stand how very kind and gracious the Lord is; to those who study to please Him, and to obtain his fa­vour by dutifull obedience and humble submission to Him.

A Song or Psalm of David.


The Title tells us this Song-Psalm (see the reason of this name upon Psal. LXVII.) was made by David: and was placed here, as I conjecture, because now he was in a hopefull way to perfect some Victories, which he had begun to win; whereby some of those Cap­tives in strange Lands (mentioned Ver. 2. and 3. of the foregoing Psalm) were rescued and set at liberty. What those Nations were, over whom he was about to triumph, see in the Title of Psalm LX: For the lat­ter part of this Psalm from Ver. 6. to the end, is the very same (with some light va­riations) with the eight last Verses of that; [Page 319]As the former part of it, is very little dif­ferent from the five last Verses of Psalm LVII. Which the Psalmist I suppose here placed instead of those, wherewith the LX. begins (though he retains all the latter end of it) because now, as I said, he had made some progress in those Wars, which he was but entring upon, when he made that LX. Psalm And therefore here he begins with thanks to God for his mercy, as there he laments the ill condition, wherein he found the affairs of the Kingdom, when he came to the Crown.

1. O God, my heart is fixed, I will sing and give praise, even with my glo­ry.

1. MY heart is ready, O most gracious God; it is firmly resolved to give Thee most solemn thanks: My tongue also, wherewith I ought to glo­rifie Thee, shall sing of thy Goodness; and, with all the expressions of joy, set forth thy praise.

2. Awake psal­tery and harp: I my self will awake early.

2. Nor shall any of the instruments of Musick be silent, but accompany my Hymns: which I will sing unto Thee so early, that I will prevent the rising of the Sun.

3. I will praise thee, O LORD, among the people: and I will sing praises unto thee among the nations.

3. Nor will I merely make Thee my private ac­knowledgments; but pub­lish thy praise in the greatest assemblies of thy people, among whom this Song shall be sung: yea, other Nations shall reade therein, how thankfull I am for what Thou hast begun to doe for us.

4. For thy mer­cy is great above the heavens: and thy truth reacheth unto the clouds.

4. For it is fit my thank­fulness should be as bound­less as thy mercy: which infinitely transcends all my expressions; and hath no­thing equal to it, but thy faithfulness and truth.

5. Be thou ex­alted, O God a­bove the heavens: and thy glory a­bove all the earth;

5. Be Thou more and more exalted in these, O God; and raise to thy self thereby the highest praises: spread the fame of them every where, that Thou mayest be glorified through­out the world.

6. That thy be­loved may be deli­vered: save with thy right hand, and answer me.

6. Especially now, I be­seech Thee, to grant my humble petitions, that by thy mighty power accompa­nying my Arms, I may be an instrument of delivering [Page 321]thy beloved people from their Oppressours.

7. God hath spoken in his ho­liness, I will re­joice, I will divide Shechem, and mete out the valley of Succoth.

7. Why should I doubt of it, and not rather re­joice in assured hope of a perfect Victory? since God who is most holy and can­not lie, hath said He will deliver them by my hand; (2 Sam. III. 18.) and hath already put me in possessi­on, (as He also promised, Ver. 2.) of all the Country about Samaria; which I will distribute under such Officers, as I think fit to set over them.

8. Gilead is mine, Manasseh is mine, Ephraim al­so is the strength of mine head, Ju­dah is my lawgi­ver.

8. Gilead also and Ma­nasseh, who were lately un­der another King, (2 Sam. II. 9.) have submitted them­selves to me; and so hath the of Ephraim, which is a main support of my Au­thority: These, and all the rest of the Tribes of Israel, are united to the royal Tribe of Judah; which (according to the prophecy of our Forefather, XLIX. Gen. 10.) supplies me with wise and able men to ad­minister [Page 322]the Laws, and or­der the affairs of my King­dom.

9. Moab is my washpot, over E­dom will I cast out my shoe: over Phi­listia will I tri­umph.

9. Which shall now ex­tend it self beyond the bounds of this Country; for I will tread the Moa­bites under my feet, and reduce them to the vilest servitude; (2 Sam. VIII. 2.) I will trample also upon the Edomites, and make them my slaves: ( Ib. Verse 14.) the Philistines also, whom I have begun to smite, (2 Sam. V. 17, &c. 22.) shall add to my Tri­umphs, and be forced to submit unto me, as their conquering Lord, (2 Sam. VIII. 1.)

10. Who will bring me into the strong city? who will lead me into Edom?

10. These are difficult things indeed, and I may well ask, when I consider how potent these Nations are, by what power or force I shall be able to en­ter that strongly fenced Ci­ty, in the frontiers of their Country? Who is it that will conduct me into Idu­maea, and make me Master of it?

11. Wilt not thou, O God, who hast cast us off? and wilt not thou, O God, go forth with our hosts?

11. But I can soon an­swer my self: For why should I despair of thy pre­sence with us, O God of all power and might? who formerly indeed didst re­ject us, and forsake the conduct of our Armies, (1 Sam. XXXI. 1, 7.) but now, I hope, wilt graci­ously aid us, and make us victorious.

12. Give us help from trouble: for vain is the help of man.

12. Do not frustrate these hopes; but afford us thy help against the Syrians al­so (2 Sam. VIII. 5.) now that they distress us: for no humane force is able to deliver us; nor have we any confidence in it, but in Thee alone.

13. Through God we shall doe valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies.

13. By whose assistance we will behave our selves couragiously, and doe va­liant Acts: For God will utterly rout our Enemies; and tread them down, like the mire in the streets.

To the chief Musician. A Psalm of David.


Most Interpreters consent to the opinion of Aben Ezra, and D. Kimchi, that David (to whom the Title ascribes this Psalm) hath respect here, in the first place, to the grievous persecution which he suffered by Saul, and some of his Court: who would let him enjoy no rest, but having driven him from his own house, pursued him so close, wheresoever they heard he was; that he could have no certain dwelling: but be­came like a Locust (as he speaks Verse 23.) which having no nest (as Bochartus observes, P. II. L. IV. de Animal. sac. cap. 2.) leaps or flies from hedge to hedge; as he did from place to place. To provoke Saul to this rage against him, as they all loaded him with many calumnies; (which made David curse them, to Saul's face, 1 Sam. XXVI. 10.) so one especially among the rest, who is ge­nerally thought to be Doeg the Edomite, was notoriously guilty of this wickedness: whom, by a prophetical Spirit, he here most solemnly curses, in a direfull manner; and pronounces the heaviest judgment upon him and his Family: his inhumane villany [Page 325]being so great, that it made him an exact picture of the Traitour Judas, to whom the Apostle Saint Peter, I. Act. 20. applies the eighth Verse of this Psalm. The rest of which is spent in Prayer to God, against such false accusers; and in vows of the Praises he would give Him, when he was delivered from the mischief, which thereby they designed to him. Accordingly, when he was settled in his Throne, he sent this Psalm among others, unto the Master of Musick in the Tabernacle; to perpetuate the memory of God's mercy to him.

Concerning such Imprecations, as we here meet withall, see the Argument of Psalm XXXV. which is of the same nature with this.

1. HOld not thy peace, O God of my praise.

1. O God, the supreme Judge of the world, who, as Thou hast given me hitherto continual cause to praise Thee so, I hope wilt still vindicate my ho­nour; I appeal unto thy Majesty: beseeching Thee to declare thy self on my side; and make it appear that I am innocent.

2. For the mouth of the wicked, and the mouth of the de­ceitfull are opened against me: they have spoken a­gainst me with a lying tongue.

2. For men of no con­science, have taken the li­berty to invent the most [Page 326]mischievous lies of me; whereby, though they al­ways spake me fair to my face, they have wickedly traduced me to Saul, be­hind my back.

3. They com­passed me about also with words of hatred: and fought against me without a cause.

3. And spread those false reports so diligently, that I find they have made me odious every where: and thereupon, without any provocation from me, have levied war against me, to take away my life, 1 Sam. XXIII. 8, 25.

4. For my love they are my ad­versaries: but I give my self unto prayer.

4. Who have been so far from doing them any harm, that I have deserved well of them: (1 Sam. XIX. 4, 5.) and even now, when they requite my kindness with indeavours to destroy me, do nothing but recom­mend my self by prayer to thy protection; refusing to make use of the opportuni­ty I had to revenge my self upon them, 1 Sam. XXIV. 9, 10, &c.

5. And they have rewarded me evil for good, and hatred for my love.

5. And yet this will not mollifie them; but still they are so extreamly un­gratefull, [Page 327]as to repay my kindness, with new attempts to doe me mischief, (1 Sam. XXVI. 2.) And the more affection I express, with the greater hatred am I prose­cuted.

6. Set thou a wicked man over him: and let Sa­tan stand at his right hand.

6. So implacable is his malice, who is the principal Authour of the calumnies wherewith I am loaded, (1 Sam. XXII. 9, 11.) a­gainst whom therefore I implore thy justice, O most righteous Judge of the world: Let the worst man that can be found, be appointed to hear his cause when he is accused; and his most malicious Adver­sary plead against him.

7. When he shall be judged, let him be condem­ned, and let his prayer become sin.

7. When sentence is gi­ven, let him be condemned to be as guilty, as really he is: and if he petition for a pardon, let it not onely be rejected, but prove an ag­gravation of his crimes.

8. Let his days be few, and let another take his office.

8. Let him (and the false Traitour, who in future times will use the Messiah, as now they do me) be cut [Page 328]off before his time: and his Office, (1 Sam. XXI. 7. XXII. 9.) wherein he be­haves himself with such insufferable insolence and falshood, be transferred to a better man.

9. Let his chil­dren be fatherless, and his wife a wi­dow.

9. Let not his Fatherless Children succeed him, in any thing that he hath: nor his Widow, have any thing left to maintain her.

10. Let his children be conti­nually vagabonds, and beg: let them seek their bread also out of their desolate places.

10. Let them not have so much as an house, where­in to put their heads: but be perpetual Vagabonds, supporting a miserable life by begging an Alms; and seeking where to lodge, because their own dwel­lings are laid waste and de­solate.

11. Let the ex­tortioner catch all that he hath: and let the stranger spoil his labour.

11. Let his Creditour (pretending a judgment) seize on all his estate: and a stranger, by that means, reap the fruit of all his care and labour.

12. Let there be none to extend mercy unto him: neither let there be any to favour his fatherless children.

12. Let no man shew the least kindness to his memory; or upon that account bestow an Alms [Page 329]upon his Fatherless Chil­dren.

13. Let his po­sterity be cut off, and in the genera­tion following let their name be blot­ted out.

13. Let them rather be odious for his sake, and the sooner destroyed: so that they be the last of the name; and, in the next ge­neration, not one of that family be found.

14. Let the ini­quity of his fathers be remembred with the LORD: and let not the sin of his mother be blot­ted out.

14. But, according to the just sentence of thy Law, (XX. Exod. 5.) let the punishments (which were due long ago, but thy patience moved Thee to forbear) fall all upon him: let him suffer for the sins of his progenitours on both side; in whose wic­ked steps he would not cease to tread.

15. Let them be before the LORD continually, that he may cut off the me­mory of them from the earth.

15. Let it be seen that their wickedness is not for­gotten, though committed many years ago: but pro­secute it with a continued vengeance; till no body remember, that there were such people in the world.

16. Because that he remembred not to shew mercy, but persecuted the poor and needy man, that he might even slay the broken in heart.

16. This will be but a deserved recompense of all his cruelties: For as he let [Page 330]all benefits slip out of his mind, and was ungratefull to those, who had obliged him: so he had no sense of that common compassion, which is due to the cala­mitous; but when he saw me in a necessitous condi­tion, destitute of Friends, and dejected in spirit, made no other use of it but to persecute me to the death.

17. As he lo­ved cursing, so let it come unto him: as he delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him.

17. What can be more just, then that the mischief, in which he delighted, and both wished and designed to others, should fall upon himself? and that he should never meet with the bles­sing of those righteous cour­ses, which he always hated and avoided?

18. As he clo­thed himself with cursing, like as with his garment: so let it come into his bowels like water, and like oyl into his bones.

18. His very business was to slander others every where; taking a pride in the mischievous effects of his cursed lies: and there­fore let him feel the mise­rable fruit of this wicked­ness, spreading himself, like the water he drinks, into every vein of him; and [Page 331]sticking as close to him, as oyl unto the bones.

19. Let it be unto him as the garment which covereth him, and for a girdle where­with he is girded continually.

19. Let him be involved in perpetual misfortunes and miseries; and never be able to shake them off: Let him be hampered in straits and difficulties; with­out any possibility of get­ting out.

20. Let this be the reward of mine adversaries from the LORD, and of them that speak evil against my soul.

20. This shall most cer­tainly be the reward, which the righteous Lord will give to my malicious adversaries; for all the pains they have taken, by slanderous reports and calumnies, to take away my life.

21. But do thou for me, O GOD the Lord, for thy names sake: be­cause thy mercy is good, deliver thou me.

21. Which I commend to thy protection, O Lord, the Governour of all things; beseeching Thee to take my part, and appear for me: though not for my honour, yet for thy own; whose kindness is so exceeding bountifull unto all, that for that reason I am incou­raged to hope Thou wilt deliver me; to whom Thou hast engaged thy self, by many promises of mercy.

22. For I am poor and needy, and my heart is wounded within me.

22. Which I never nee­ded more then now: for I am so poor, and forsaken of all my friends, (1 Sam. XXV. 8, &c.) that I am ready to faint away with grief and sorrow, like one that is wounded at the very heart.

23. I am gone like the shadow when it declineth: I am tossed up and down as the locust.

23. The evening shadow doth not vanish sooner then I, from the place of my pre­sent abode, (1 Sam. XXII. 1, 3, 5. XXIII. 13, 14.) which I am forced to quit on a sudden; and to wan­der like the Locust, which flies, or is driven, with the wind, uncertainly from place to place.

24. My knees are weak through fasting: and my flesh faileth of fat­ness.

24. And for want of food in those desart places, I am sometimes scarce able to re­move: for my body, which heretofore was plump and fat, (1 Sam. XVI. 12.) is now grown lank and thin; like one of those miserable lean Creatures.

25. I became also a reproach unto them: when they looked upon me, they shaked their heads.

25. Which, instead of moving their pity, hath ex­posed me to such contempt [Page 333]and scorn; that when I am seen by any of them, they deride and scoff at me as an undone wretch, that vainly hopes to escape their hands.

26. Help me, O LORD my God: O save me according to thy mercy.

26. But my hope is, that Thou, O Lord, who hast hitherto been my most gra­cious God, wilt seasonably interpose for my relief: and deliver me, out of that tender mercy, which is wont to extend it self to those who have nothing else to depend upon.

27. That they may know that this is thy hand: that thou LORD hast done it.

27. Whereby they them­selves may be convinced, and forced to acknowledge; that, not by chance, no more then by my small for­ces, but by thy Almighty power alone, and thy care of me, O Lord, I am deli­vered.

28. Let them curse, but bless thou: when they arise, let them be ashamed: but let thy servant rejoice.

28. Thy blessing and pro­tection I implore; which if Thou wilt vouchsafe me, let them go on to curse and slander me as long as they please; it shall not hurt me: nay, let them assault [Page 334]me with armed force, they shall onely be confounded at their vain attempt; and give thy servant the grea­ter cause, to rejoice at their disappointment.

29. Let mine adversaries be clo­thed with shame: and let them cover themselves with their own confu­sion, as with a mantle.

29. Which shall so in­crease the confusion of my malicious adversaries; that they shall not be able to bear the disgrace: but wish they could hide themselves from the sight of their shame, which their own wickedness hath brought upon them.

30. I will greatly praise the LORD with my mouth: yea, I will praise him among the multitude.

30. In hope of which defeat, I now beforehand to the Lord the best expres­sions of my gratitude, that I am able to make: not onely in private, but in the greatest Assemblies; where I will not cease to praise his Almighty love.

31. For he shall stand at the right hand of the poor, to save him from those that condemn his soul.

31. And bid them trust in God; who hath pleaded my cause, and rescued me from death: and will ever be the Advocate of him that hath no helper; but depends on his goodness, to [Page 335]deliver him from the hands of those Judges, who pro­secute the unjust sentence, they have passed upon him to lose his life.

A Psalm of David.


There is the same reason to think this Psalm was composed by David (not by some other concerning David) that there is to con­clude all the rest to be so, which have the same Title. And then, as it is very plain he speaks of some person much greater then himself, whom he calls his Lord, so it can be no other, but the Lord Christ, of whom he here prophesies. Not, as he is wont to doe elsewhere, with respect to himself in the first place, as His type and figure; but in plain words, which can belong to none but Christ alone. For no other King but He, can be said, in any sense, to sit at God's right hand: nor was there any Priest of the order of Melchisedek, that could be a shadow of him.

David indeed seems once to have exer­cised [Page 336]the Office of a Priest, when he blessed the people, at the bringing of the Ark to Sion, (2 Sam. VI. 18.) and so to have been then both King and Priest, in one person, as Melchifedek was: but not a Priest for ever, on whom the Office was perpetually established, and that by an Oath; as it was on the Priest here mentioned.

And therefore it is in vain, to endeavour to accommodate any part of this Psalm to David; who conquered many of the neigh­bouring Countries, smote their Kings, made them bring him tributes, and at last smote the head of the Country of Rabbah (as some render the last words of the sixth verse of this Psalm) that is, the King of the Chil­dren of Ammon: But still we are to seek, how the rest can be applied to him; who ne­ver had any pretence to such an authority as is here described; nor can in any sense call himself, my Lord; but as our Lord Christ hath demonstrated spake concerning Him, (XXII. Matt. 43, &c.) and his Exaltation, after his Resurrection from the dead, (as Saint Peter and Saint Paul also shew, II. Act. 34, 35. 1 Cor XV. 25. IV. Hebr. 1, 13. V. 6.) when He set up another Priest­hood, and abolished that of Moses: which change is here predicted.

And though the Jews have taken a great deal of pains, to wrest this Psalm to another sense; yet they are so divided in their opi­nions [Page 337]about it, (speaking inconsistent things, like drunken men, as Saint Chrysostom's words are, or rather, says he, like men in the dark, running against one another) that from thence alone we may be satisfied they are in the wrong, and have their eyes blin­ded: else they would not have embraced such interpretations, as those which may be seen in them, that have written upon this Psalm. Which some of the Jews themselves (such as R. Moses Hadarsan, Saadias Gaon, and divers others whom I might mention) have been forced to acknowledge belongs to Christ: and is a very plain prediction of his Divi­nity, his royal Dignity, his Priesthood, and his victories and triumphs; which the Psal­mist sets forth as follows.

1. THe LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, untill I make thine enemies thy foot­stool.

1. THis is the decree of the eternal LORD, that the great person, whom we expect, and whom I ho­nour as my Lord and Ma­ster, shall be advanced (af­ter his sufferings) to the highest dignity (1 King. II. 19.) in the heavens: and reign with Him, as the King of all the world; till He have perfectly subdued (X. Josh. 24.) the most powerfull opposers of his [Page 338]Kingdom; and overcome death it self, by whom all mankind are conquered, 1 Cor. XV. 25, 26.

2. The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Sion: rule thou in the mids of thine enemies.

2. The eternal Lord, w [...] hath thus decreed to ho­nour Thee, O most mighty Prince, will make Sion, first of all, to feel how power­full thy Scepter is, (I. Act. 8. II. 34, 37.) and thence extend thy Empire over all the Earth: where I wish Thou mayest, and foretell Thou wilt, prevail over all Infidelity, Idolatry, Super­stition and Impiety; which will set themselves against thy Authority.

3. Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holi­ness from the womb of the mor­ning: thou hast the dew of thy youth.

3. For in the day when thy forces, (2 Tim. II. 3.) compleatly armed with a Divine power, (IV. Act. 33.) shall march forth to subdue the world, unto thy obedi­ence; they that are fit for thy Kingdom (IX. Luk. 62. XIII. Act. 48.) shall chear­fully submit themselves, and present Thee with free-will Offerings, in token of their absolute subjection to Thee: [Page 339](II. Act. 45. IV. 34.) And great shall be the number of chosen men, (1 Joh. II. 13.) who, glad to see the night of Ignorance gone, shall at thy first appearance, by the celestial blessing, fall unto Thee, as thick as the morning dew.

4. The LORD hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever, after the order of Melchise­dek.

4. And happy are they who live under thy Govern­ment; for the Lord hath unchangeably resolved, that Thou shalt be a Priest as well as a King; with full power to bless all thy Sub­jects, not onely in that, but in all future Ages, even to all Eternity: For Thou shalt not be a Priest like those after Aaron's order, who die to make room for others; but, like that great King and Priest Melchisedek, shalt neither have any Pre­decessour, nor Successour in thine Office; but continue a royal Priest for evermore. Hebr. VII.

5. The Lord at thy right hand shall strike through kings in the day of his wrath.

5. Who, as he will be most compassionate to all those, that heartily acknow­ledge [Page 340]Him for their Lord, and submit unto His Go­vernment; so will break in pieces the greatest powers on earth that provoke his displeasure, by obstinate opposal of his Authority at thy right hand.

6. He shall judg among the hea­then, he shall fill the places with the dead bodies: he shall wound the heads over many countries.

6. From whence He shall demonstrate Himself to all the heathen world, to be their Law-giver and their Judge: taking a severe ven­geance on those that per­secute his Subjects; and destroying, at last, even that mighty Empire, which shall then rule over many Coun­tries.

7. He shall drink of the brook in the way: therefore shall he lift up the head.

7. But before all this, He shall first humble Him­self to the meanest condi­tion; not living in the state of a King here in this world, but of a way-faring man, (IX. Luk. 56.) who is con­tent with such provision as he meets withall: For which cause, after the enduring many hardships, even death it self, He shall be highly exalted to his Royal and [Page 341]Priestly dignity in the Hea­vens; from whence He shall never fall.

Hallelujah, i. e. Praise the Lord.


It is certain this is the Title of the Psalm: which consists of as many short Metres as there are Letters in the Hebrew Alphabet; and therefore cannot begin with Hallelujah, whose first Letter is the fifth, not the first Letter in that Alphabet. In which order it proceeds for the better help of the memory: being composed thus artificially, that every one, as well as the singers (to whom the Hallelujah perhaps is particularly directed) might have in their minds a brief form of thanking God (especially upon festival days) for the wonderfull things He had done for that Nation.

It was a meditation which the Authour had in time of peace and quiet; for in di­stress, or immediately after a great delive­rance, mens spirits are not at liberty to use such art and curiosity in their composures, as there is in this Psalm: being full, at [Page 342]those seasons, of such passions, as make them neglect it, even when they are inclined to use it. (see Psalm XXV.) For which rea­son I think Theodoret's opinion hath no ground; that the Psalmist hath respect to the great Victory obtained by Jehoshaphat over the Ammonites and other Nations, who invaded his Kingdom: for which they gave thanks to God, presently after, 2 Chr. XX. It is more likely that David who com­posed those larger forms of commemoration, Psalm CV. and CVI. made this (as I said) for a compendious remembrance of what is there more largely delivered. And that He might not exceed the number of the Ten Commandments (as some give the reason of it) in the Verses of this Psalm, the Metres of the two last are so short; that they have, each of them, three Letters of the Alphabet in them, whereas all the former have but two.

1. PRaise ye the LORD. I will praise the LORD with my whole heart, in the assembly of the upright, and in the congregation.

1. I Will make my thank­full acknowledgments to the Lord, not onely with my lips, or with some slight affections of my mind; but with all my heart and soul: And that not onely in the private society of those good [...]en, whom I am more in­ [...]mately acquainted with­all; [Page 343]but in the publick con­gregation of all his people.

2. The works of the LORD are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein.

2. Who ought to join together to praise the Lord, for his mighty and wonder­full works; which it will not cost them much labour to understand; for they are easily found out by all those, who take any plea­sure in such inquiries.

3. His work is honourable and glorious: and his righteousness en­dureth for ever.

3. And there is not one of them but is full of ma­jesty and splendour; and the fruit of his infinite boun­ty, and faithfulness to his promise: which He still expresses towards us; and will doe so for ever.

4. He hath made his wonder­full works to be remembred: the LORD is gracious and full of compas­sion.

4. And, such is his Good­ness, lest we should forget his Benefits, He hath insti­tuted solemn times for the commemoration of the won­ders He hath done for us, (XII. Exod. 14. XIII. 3, 9, &c.) which are everla­sting testimonies, that we serve a most gracious and compassionate Lord.

5. He hath gi­ven meat unto them that fear him: he will ever be mindfull of his covenant.

5. Who gave our Fore­fathers (whom by his won­derfull [Page 344]works He possessed with the fear of Him, XIV. Exod. 31.) the spoil of the Egyptians, (XII. Exod. 35, 36.) and afterward fed them with Manna in the wilderness, (XVI. Exod.) according to his Covenant, which He had made long before, (XV. Gen. 14.) and will never forget in future Ages.

6. He hath shewed his people the power of his works, that he may give them the heritage of the heathen.

6. He hath evidently de­monstrated to his people the greatness of his power, in destroying Sihon the A­morite, (II. Deut. 24, 25.) and Og the King of Bashan, (III. Deut. 21, 24.) with the rest of the Amorites and other Nations, in the Land of Canaan: (X. Josh. 6, 11, 12, &c.) which He took from the ancient Inhabi­tants, that He might give it us for our possession.

7. The works of his hands are verity and judg­ment; all his com­mandments are sure.

7. In which He did them no wrong; but was exactly just in fulfilling his promise to us, and in executing his judgments upon those wic­ked wretches: (IX. Deut. 5. [Page 345]XV. Gen. 16.) For all his orders of either kind, are in pursuance of most righteous decrees.

8. They stand fast for ever and ever, and are done in truth and up­rightness.

8. Which He doth not alter and change at plea­sure; but hath settled as eternal Rules: because there is no partiality, or iniquity in them; but they were enacted with a sincere re­spect to all mens good and happiness.

9. He sent re­demption unto his people, he hath commanded his co­venant for ever: holy and reverend is his name.

9. And it was in confor­mity to these that He at first sent Moses and Aaron, to bring our Fathers out of Egypt, (VI. Exod. 6.) and then exercised his supreme authority over them, in giving them a Law, which He tied them by a Cove­nant perpetually to observe; (XIX. Exod. 4, 5. XXIV. 8.) Appearing in such Majesty to them, (XX. Exod. 18. XXIV. 10, 11.) as might possess them with an awfull regard to Him; and make them for ever dread, by any profaneness, to offend Him, who infinitely excells all other Beings.

10. The fear of the Lord is the be­ginning of wise­dom: a good un­derstanding have all they that doe his command­ments: his praise endureth for ever.

10. And indeed, it is the first and principal point of wisedom to fear the Lord, and carefully observe his Commandments: the prac­tice of which give, men a better understanding of what is good for them, then any politick maximes can infuse into them. Therefore let the Lord be for ever praised, who hath given us these good and wholsome Laws; and thereby shewn us the way to eternal ho­nour and praise.



This Psalm is composed after the very same manner with the former; and seems to be intended for a short Commentary upon the last Verse of it: shewing how well and wise­ly they consult their own good and happiness, who observe God's Commandments; espe­cially those about Charity, or doing good to others. Of which that they might be always mindfull the Psalm is contrived, for the help [Page 347]of their memories, into as many short Ver­sicles, as there are Letters in the Hebrew Alphabet. Hallelujah therefore is no part of them, but the Title prefixt to the Psalm, (see upon Psalm CXI.) to excite them to praise the Lord; who had made it their present interest to be religious.

1. PRaise ye the LORD. Blessed is the man that feareth the LORD, that de­lighteth greatly in his command­ments.

1. HAppy is that man whose chiefest care it is to please the Lord; by observing his Command­ments: which will yield, in the issue, the highest pleasure and satisfaction of mind to himself.

2. His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the gene­ration of the up­right shall be bles­sed,

2. And procure a bles­sing also upon all belonging to him: first, upon his Children, and those that shall descend from them in future times; who shall fare the better, and be more powerfull and prosperous, for the sincere vertue of their pious Forefathers.

3. Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and his righteousness endureth for ever.

3. And next on his E­state: which shall not one­ly be rich and plentifull, but so firmly settled and intailed on his posterity; that they shall reap the per­petual [Page 348]fruit of his justice and charity.

4. Ʋnto the up­right there ariseth light in the dark­ness: he is graci­ous, and full of compassion, and righteous.

4. Or if any affliction come, it will be so far from making him unhappy; that, besides the Divine comforts imparted to him for his sup­port, it will make the ver­tue of upright men the more illustrious: while one exercises meekness and sweetness to those that pro­voke him; another forgives offences, and pities the in­struments of his trouble; and a third exercises the greater justice or mercy, and will not be tempted to doe any dishonest or cruel thing for his own delive­rance.

5. A good man sheweth favour, and lendeth; he will guide his af­fairs with discre­tion.

5. But, above all other men, he leads the most com­fortable life, who is so kind, that he supplies the needs of others; giving to one, and lending to another, as occasion serves: and yet ordering all his affairs so judiciously, that he doth not impair, but rather main­tain, the good estate of his own family.

6. Surely he shall not be moved for ever: the righ­teous shall be in everlasting remem­brance.

6. Sure, it will not be in the power of the most mighty and malicious ene­mies (though they may dis­turb him) quite to over­throw him: and, when they are forgotten, or mentio­ned with contempt, the worthy actions of this sort of righteous men, shall be celebrated with never-cea­sing praises.

7. He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the LORD.

7. He is not affrighted and discomposed at the false reports that are raised of him; nor at the rumour of dangers which threaten him: being prepared for such things as these, by a settled trust and hope in God; that He will take care of him, who hath been as kind as he could to others in their distresses.

8. His heart is established, he shall not be afraid, un­till he see his de­sire upon his ene­mies.

8. This confidence is the prop and support of his soul; which will not let him be dismaied: but makes him expect the time, when he shall be able securely to look upon all his ene­mies.

9. He hath dis­persed, he hath gi­ven to the poor; his righteousness endureth for ever; his born shall be exalted with ho­nour.

9. He doth not merely heap up riches for himself; but dispenses them to others, dispenses them to others, especially to the poor and needy, with a liberal hand: Nor is he weary of well­doing, but ever producing some new fruit of his cha­rity; which shall gain him the greatest honour, and raise him to an illustrious degree of power and au­thority.

10. The wicked shall see it, and be grieved; he shall gnash with his teeth, and melt away: the desire of the wicked shall perish.

10. At the sight of which the wicked (who shall not be able not to observe it) shall be extreamly vexed; or rather furiously inraged: he shall pine away with grief, envy and impatience, to see himself, and his com­panions, disappointed in all that they wished; either of good to themselves, or evil to the righteous.



This Psalm, with the Five next which follow, the Hebrews call by the name of Hallel, or Hymn: which they recited at their Table (as in the New Moons, and other Feasts so) in the Paschal Night, after they had eaten the Lamb; concluding it with Halle­lujah: which is the Title of this Psalm (as of the two foregoing) to excite all God's people, especially those that constantly atten­ded in the Tabernacle, to the praises of Gods good Providence; which extends it self, as far as this Earth where we live: several in­stances of which the Psalmist here mentions.

1. PRaise ye the LORD. Praise, O ye ser­vants of the LORD, praise the name of the LORD.

1. O Ye Ministers of the Lord, and whosoever you are that love his Service, praise his eternal Majesty: be not re­miss in this heavenly im­ployment; but, with your best affections, praise the power, wisedom and good­ness of his eternal Provi­dence.

2. Blessed be the name of the LORD, from this time forth and for evermore.

2. Praise him now in this present Age; and wish [Page 352]that those incomparable perfections of his, may be celebrated with the praises of those, that live in future times as long as the world shall last.

3. From the ri­sing of the sun un­to the going down of the same, the LORD's name is to be praised.

3. And not onely here in this little spot of earth; but wheresoever the Sun shines, and lets men see how splendid and glorious his Majesty is.

4. The LORD is high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens.

4. For all the Nations of the earth are his; and but a little parcel of his su­preme Dominion: which extends far beyond the Sun, and Moon, and Stars; whose light is but a dim resem­blance of the brightness of his glory.

5. Who is like unto the LORD our God, who dwelleth on high?

5. Do not think that any of them (though wor­shipped by other Nations as gods) is comparable to that great Lord, and our most gracious God, whom we adore: for the very place where his glorious Majesty resides, is far higher then they.

6. Who hum­bleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven and in the earth?

6. And it is a great con­descension in him, that He will have any respect to the most illustrious of those ce­lestial bodies: though He be so gracious also, as to extend his kind and care­full Providence, even to us who dwell upon this earth.

7. He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lif­teth the needy out of the dunghill:

7. Where, among other manifest tokens of his stu­pendious goodness, He is pleased to take special no­tice of those, whom the world despises: and to raise them out of a mean, nay sordid, condition, to such a pitch of honour and dig­nity;

8. That he may set him with prin­ces, even with the princes of his peo­ple.

8. That at last they are advanced to sit upon a Throne; and made the Governours of his own people: (1 Sam. II. 8. 2 Sam. VII. 8, 9. compared with 1. XXIV. 14.)

9. He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyfull mo­ther of children. Praise ye the LORD.

9. And, which is still more strange, He opens the barren womb, (which ac­cording to the course of na­ture would have brought [Page 354]forth nothing) and makes a numerous Family spring from thence; to the great joy of her that bears them, 1 Sam. I. 20. II. 21. Praise the Lord in these, and such like wonderfull works of his.



As the foregoing Psalm puts them in mind of several works of the Divine Providence, about particular persons: so this makes a brief narration of some miraculous works; wherein the Lord declared his power, when He brought the whole Jewish Nation out of the Egyptian bondage.

1. WHen Is­rael went out of Egypt, the house of Jacob from a people of strange language;

1. WHen our Forefa­thers, with their whole Family were brought out of Egypt; and not one of them left behind among that barbarous people who had long oppressed them:

2. Judah was his sanctuary, and Israel his domi­nion.

2. There was a most glo­rious appearance of God [Page 355]among them; by that bright cloud, the token of his pre­sence: which then had no other peculiar place for its sanctuary; but stood over the whole Camp of Israel, (XIII. Exod. 21. XIV. Numb. 14.) whom He then took for his peculiar Kingdom, (XIX. Exod. 6.)

3. The sea saw it, and fled; For­dan was driven back.

3. At which appearance the red Sea forsook its chan­nel, and left a dry path for them to march through: (XIV. Exod. 21, 24.) and so did Jordan also after­wards; to make way for their easie entrance into Ca­naan, III. Josh. 15, 16.

4. The moun­tains skipped like rams, and the little hills like lambs.

4. All the Mountains great and small, which ad­joined unto Sinai, trembled and leaped, like so many affrighted rams, or little lambs; before the same most dreadfull Majesty, (XIX. Exod. 18.)

5. What ailed thee, O thou sea, that thou fleddest? thou Jordan, that thou wast driven back?

5. To what else shall we ascribe that sudden ebb of the Sea? and that, no less strange, retreat of Jordan, when it overflowed all its banks?

6. Ye moun­tains, that ye skip­ped like rams; and ye little hills like lambs?

6. What made the moun­tains and hills leap up, like affrighted rams or lambs? as if they would run away from the place, where they were so firmly fixed?

7. Tremble thou earth at the pre­sence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob,

7. But onely the glori­ous presence of the Divine Majesty, who was then bringing his people to the rest He had promised to give them. And let the whole earth be afraid and tremble before that great Lord; who hath honoured us so far, as peculiarly to be our God:

8. Which tur­ned the tock into a standing water, the flint into a fountain of wa­ters.

8. And was so kind as to supply the necessities of our Forefathers, even when they murmured against Him, by a new Miracle: bringing out of hard rocks, as hard as flint, such plenty of wa­ter; as if they had been dissolved into lakes or rivers, XVII. Exod. 8. XX. Numb. 11.



There is great reason to think, that this Psalm was made in some time of sore distress; when their Pagan Enemies began to boast and brag, as if their gods were too hard for the God of Israel. But by whom it was made, or on what particular occasion, there are so many conjectures; that it will be no presumption to interpose mine: which is this. That when Jehoshaphat saw that vast Army (which we reade of 2 Chron. XX. 2.) com­posed of several Nations, coming against him; and after his prayer to God for deliverance, was incouraged by a Prophet to hope for it; (Ver. 14, 15.) and had by the Levites gi­ven Him thanks for this hope; he, or that Prophet, composed this Hymn, to quicken and confirm their faith in God: unto which you reade he exhorted them, Ver. 20. And it is likely that this was the Hymn, which by common consent the Singers were appointed to use, when they went out to en­counter those Enemies: saying not onely those words, which we reade there, Ver. 21. Praise the Lord, for his mercy endureth for ever; but these, Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy Name give glo­ry; for thy mercy, and for thy truths sake, &c.

1. NOT unto us, O LORD, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy, and for thy truths sake.

1. PRosper our arms, O Lord, and give us the victory over these ene­mies that invade us: not that we may grow more fa­mous; (no, we have no thoughts of the glory that will accrue to our selves thereby) but that thy Di­vine Majesty may be ho­noured, and thy goodness and faithfulness to thy pro­mises be made the more il­lustrious.

2. Wherefore should the heathen say, Where is now their God?

2. What a sad thing will it be, to hear the Nations that surround us insult, not so much over us as, over Thee; saying, what is be­come of their God, in whom they trusted? If He be so powerfull as they boast, why doth He not deliver them?

3. But our God is in the heavens, he hath done what­soever he pleased.

3. Let them know that Thou art infinitely superi­our to them, and all their gods; being the possessour of the heavens, as well as the earth, (2 Chron. XX. 6.) whom no power of theirs can hurt, or so much as re­strain; [Page 359]but art able to doe whatsoever Thou pleasest, for their confusion and for our deliverance.

4. Their idols are silver and gold, the work of mens hands.

4. Their Idols cannot hinder it in the least: who are of no more value, then the silver and gold of which they are made: and are so far from being the makers of things, that they them­selves are the work of those that adore them.

5. They have mouths, but they speak not; eyes have they, but they see not.

5. They are mere lifeless Images; that have mouths, but cannot give a word of advice, or of incourage­ment and comfort to their supplicants: and eyes also, but cannot see the devotion wherewith they look up unto them, or prostrate themselves before them.

6. They have ears, but they hear not; noses have they, but they smell not.

6. Let their worshippers cry to them never so loud­ly, they cannot hear a word: All the Frankincense and sweet Odours which they burn to them, are merely lost; for they cannot smell them.

7. They have hands, but they handle not; feet have they, but they walk not; neither speak they through their throat.

7. Though they have thunderbolts in their hands, they feel them not; nor are able to doe either good or harm: They cannot stir a foot from the place where they stand, unless they be carried; nor make so much noise as a fly; being utter­ly void of breath, as well as of sense and reason.

8. They that make them are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth in them.

8. To what then, but to those Idols, shall we com­pare the makers of them, and such as confide in them? who are mere Images of men: having eyes, but do not see that the brutes are more excellent then such gods; and that the least help is not to be expected from them.

9. O Israel, trust thou in the LORD: he is their help and their shield.

9. O ye Israelites, who by the Divine Favour are better instructed, repose that confidence in the eternal Lord, which they do in those Vanities: And He will not onely protect and defend you, against all the assaults of your enemies; but help you to overcome [Page 361]them, 2 Chron. XX. 9.

10. O house of Aaron, trust in the LORD: he is their help and their shield.

10. O ye Priests and Levites, do you above all others rely upon that eter­nal Lord; whose praise you sing, and to whom you of­fer continual Sacrifice: For He will never fail, not one­ly to protect but, to assist all such as piously confide in Him.

11. Ye that fear the LORD, trust in the LORD: he is their help and their shield.

11. And let all that fear the Lord and devoutly wor­ship Him, (of whatsoever Nation they be) place the like confidence in his Al­mighty Goodness: For He will never forsake those that depend on Him alone, (though they be not of the seed of Abraham) but de­fend them also in all dan­gers, and aid them against all their enemies.

12. The LORD hath been mind­full of us, he will bless us, he will bless the house of Israel, he will bless the house of Aaron.

12. We have had abun­dant experience of his care over us in all ages; and therefore, though now for the present, our enemies afflict us yet, let us believe that the Lord will doe us good, and bless us with a [Page 362]glorious deliverance: All the house of Israel shall see how kind He is; especially they that minister unto Him in his holy Temple.

13. He will bless them that fear the LORD, both small and great.

13. And He will not for­get those pious Proselytes, that are come to worship Him there, as the onely God; but, without any respect of persons, give them his blessing also: which shall not be denied, either to old or young, to rich or poor.

14. The LORD shall increase you more and more, you and your chil­dren.

14. Nor will He grant you onely a single blessing, by sending a present deli­verance: but heap his be­nefits, and multiply his mer­cies upon you; and upon all those that shall succeed you.

15. You are bles­sed of the LORD, which made hea­ven and earth.

15. Ye are a happy peo­ple, who live under the care, and love, and bene­diction, of that mighty Lord; whose power no­thing can confine: for He is not made (like the Gen­tile gods) but Himself crea­ted both the Heaven and the Earth.

16. The heaven, even the heavens are the LORD's: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.

16. In which He cannot be comprehended neither; for his Empire extends fur­ther then you can see; to the heavens, which are a­bove these visible heavens: from whence his Providence reaches down, even to us the children of men; whom He hath placed upon this earth, to admire and praise his infinite Majesty.

17. The dead praise not the LORD, neither any that go down into silence.

17. And therefore will not suffer us to be rooted out, as our enemies design, (2 Chron. XX. 11.) for then the earth would have none in it, to sing his praises: which the dead, who dwell in the silent grave, cannot celebrate:

18. But we will bless the LORD, from this time forth and for ever­more. Praise the LORD.

18. But will continue us still alive, that we may praise the Lord, and speak good of his Name, as we do at this time, (2 Chron. XX. 21, 22.) and leave those to succeed us, who shall continue his praises in all future generations, to the worlds end. Hallelujah, Praise the Lord.



I do not understand the reason why Theodoret applies this Psalm to the times of Antiochus Epiphanes, when it agrees so exactly to the condition of David in his flight from his Son Absalom, (which seems to be mentioned Ver. 11.) when Ahitophel and others pro­ved very false to him; and he had little or nothing to depend upon, but onely the Good­ness of the Almighty; who was pleased to plead his cause, and deliver him. For which he resolved to be very thankfull, and to call all his Friends to rejoice with him, as I have expressed it Ver. 13. where the first words sufficiently declare the sense; but I have added more to explain the phrase, which is borrowed from the custom of those days: about which the Reader may consult Mr. Mede, p. 483. last Edit. In this re­solution he was so serious, that he repeats it again in the conclusion; and saith he will pay his vows in the midst of Jerusalem: from whence the History tells us he was for­ced to fly in great haste, to save his life, 2 Sam. XV. 14, &c.

This seems to be the occasion of the Psalm, which may very well befit any other persons, that receive any great deliverance from God; [Page 365]and accordingly I will order the Paraphrase, and fit it for the expressing of their devout affections.

1. I Love the LORD, because he hath heard my veice, and my supplica­tions.

1. O How I love the Lord! He knows that I love Him exceeding­ly: and there is the grea­test reason for it; because He hath so graciously heard my prayer, when in my di­stress I cried unto Him.

2. Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, there­fore will I call upon him as long as I live.

2. I cannot chuse but mention again this love of his, in granting so readily my desires: which incoura­ges, and ingages me, on all such occasions, to address my self, with thankfull ac­knowledgments, unto Him; and, to the last breath of my life, to expect delive­rance from Him.

3. The sorrows of death compassed me, and the pains of hell gat hold up­on me: I found trouble and sor­row.

3. Great was my misery; exceeding great: Death it self, and the grave were ready to seize on me; and I saw no way to escape: nay, I my self, in the an­guish of my Soul, incon­siderately cast my self into danger.

4. Then called I upon the name of the LORD; O LORD, I be­seech thee, deliver my soul.

4. Yet I did not despond in these straits; but made the mighty, wise and good Providence of God my re­fuge; to whom I cryed, saying; O Lord, who wast before all things, and com­mandest them as Thou plea­sest; rescue me, I most humbly beseech Thee, from those dangers, which threa­ten my destruction.

5. Gracious is the LORD, and righteous: yea, our God is merci­full.

5. And it was not in vain that I cryed unto Him; for the Lord hath shewn me how ready He is to doe good, and how faithfull in his promises: and withall how gentle in his punish­ments, and inclinable to pardon our faults; which demonstrates that no people serve such a gracious Ma­ster, as our mercifull God.

6. The LORD preserveth the sim­ple: I was brought low, and he helped me.

6. I had perished, I am sure, if I had relied onely on my own Wisedom, or the skill and policy of o­thers: But the Lord was my hope, who preserves the most simple and incau­tious Souls, when they com­mit [Page 367]themselves to Him, and wholly depend on his Pro­vidence. I ought to say so; who was reduced to a most forlorn estate, and then, by his assistance, in a wonder­full manner delivered.

7. Return unto thy rest, O my soul, for the LORD hath dealt boun­tifully with thee.

7. What hast Thou then to doe, O my Soul, who hast been so tempestuously tossed, but to settle thy self again in peace and tranquil­lity? loving and praising the Lord, who hath very many ways expressed his bounty most liberally to thee.

8. For thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling.

8. For when the dangers of death surrounded me, Thou, O my God, didst deliver me: when ever any sadness seized on me, Thou hast been my Comforter: and when I have been in danger of hurts, maims, or bruises (or of falling into the hands of my enemies) Thou still hast been my Protectour.

9. I will walk before the LORD in the land of the living.

9. I ought therefore, and I am resolved to imploy all that health and chearfulness, [Page 368]that soundness of body and mind, that peace and safety, which Thou hast thus gra­ciously bestowed on me, in doing Thee (to whom as my Sovereign Lord I owe) all faithfull service; as long as I stay in this world.

10. I believed, therefore have I spoken: I was greatly afflicted.

10. I had nothing, I will thankfully remember, to depend upon, but onely thy kind Providence: In this I placed my trust; in this I placed my trust; in this I gloried to others, when I was in my greatest straits: for the truth is I was extreamly miserable;

11. I said in my haste, All men are liars.

11. Pressed on all sides with dangers; from which when I fled as fast as I was able, (2 Sam. XV. 14. XVII. 16. 22.) I conclu­ded it was vain to rely on the friendship and help of men: For they in whom I trusted proved so false and treacherous, (2 Sam. XV. 31.) that I had reason to think the rest would de­ceive and fail my expecta­tion; when I was in the greatest need of them.

12. What shall I render unto the LORD for all his benefits towards me?

12. O the greatness of thy love! who even then didst interpose and deliver me, by the assistance of some faithfull Friends, who still stuck to me! (2 Sam. XVII. 13, &c.) What shall I render unto the Lord, who heard my prayer? (2 Sam. XV. 31.) How shall I shew my self grate­full to Him, for this, and for all other his benefits, which He hath heaped up­on me?

13. I will take the cup of salva­tion, and call upon the name of the LORD.

13. All that I can doe, cannot make Him more happy: But, as my duty binds me, I will praise the Lord, and speak good of his Name, and give Him thanks, in the best and most solemn manner I am able: I will call all my Friends together to rejoice with me, and taking the Cup, which we call the Cup of Deliverance, (because when blessed and set apart, we are wont to commemorate the blessings we have received) I will magnifie the Power, [Page 370]Goodness and Faithfulness of God my Saviour before all the company; and will drink my self, and then give it to them, that they may praise his Name together with me.

14. I will pay my vows unto the LORD, now in the presence of all his people.

14. And whatsoever I have promised Thee, O Lord, in the time of my distress, I will faithfully ingage my self to perform before them all: They shall see I am not forgetfull of Thee, who wast so mindfull of me in my trouble.

15. Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.

15. As indeed Thou art of all good men, whose lives Thou preservest as a precious Jewel: and wilt not give them up to the pleasure of their enemies; nor suffer them to be lost, but by thy special Provi­dence.

16. Oh LORD, truly I am thy ser­vant, I am thy ser­vant, and the son of thy handmaid: thou hast loosed my bonds.

16. Accept, good Lord, of these my resolutions; for I am sensible that I am thy servant; every way thy servant, and intirely obliged to be faithfull to Thee: both by my Birth, and by [Page 371]my Education; and by this marvellous Deliverance, whereby Thou hast rescued me from the power of death, which had, in a manner, ta­ken hold of me.

17. I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the LORD.

17. I can never sure prove ungratefull to Thee, unto whom I am tied by so many bonds; But will al­ways be making Thee my most thankfull, solemn ac­knowledgments, for the be­nefits I have received: And together with those praises, and thanksgivings, wait up­on thy Goodness, for the like mercies in time to come.

18. I will pay my vows unto the LORD, now in the presence of all his people:

18. I resolve again, reli­giously to make good these, and all other my vows, wherein I stand ingaged to the Lord: and that not onely in private; but here at this solemnity, in the face of all his people:

19. In the courts of the LORD's house in the midst of thee O Jerusa­lem. Praise ye the LORD.

19. When they are ga­thered together at his House, in the midst of the holy Ci­ty of our God; where they meet to worship Him, and [Page 372]to doe Him honour. There let them all join with me, to bless and praise the great Creatour and Preser­ver of all things.



This Psalm (like the CX.) seems to be alto­gether Prophetical, of the joy that all the world should conceive, at the coming of the Messiah: to give Salvation, first to the Jews, and then to all other Nations; accor­ding to his faithfull promise. Saint Paul applies the first words of it to this business, Rom. XV. 11. and some of the Hebrews justifie his application; confessing that this Psalm belongs to that matter. The brevity of it makes it the more remarkable; and easier to be remembred both by Jews and Gentiles.

1. O Praise the LORD, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people.

1. LET not the praises, which are due to the great Lord of all, be confi­ned to our Nation; but let all people upon the face of the earth praise Him: Let [Page 373]all mankind sing thankfull hymns unto Him.

2. For his mer­cifull kindness is great towards us: and the truth of the LORD en­dureth for ever. Praise ye the LORD.

2. For they are all con­cerned in his transcendent kindness; which hath done mighty things for us: and the Lord, who changes not, will never fail to perform his faithfull promises to the worlds end. Therefore let us all join our praises, to our common Benefactour.



There is nothing more probable then that David composed this Psalm, after God had settled him upon the Throne of Israel as well as Ju­dah; and also subdued the Philistines (who hoped to have crusht him before he grew too powerfull, 2 Sam. V. 17.) together with other enemies round about him, who, though they are not mentioned yet, in all likelihood joy­ned with them; as we may gather from Ver. 10, 11. of this Psalm, compared with 2 Sam. VII. 1. For that it was written after he had brought the Ark to Jerusalem, (men­tioned there Chap. VI.) and placed it in the [Page 374]House he had prepared for it; seems very plain from Ver. 19. of this Psalm: Where he begins to praise God in such words, as had not their compleat fulfilling till the Lord's Christ, (whom the Jews rejected, and said, He shall not reign over us) was made King of the World. For to Him R. Solomon himself acknowledges those words, The stone which the builders refu­sed, &c. are to be applied.

And as the latter part of the Psalm is a Prophecy of Christ, in David his Type; so the former part may be accommodated to all Christians: who, being persecuted (as Theo­doret speaks) and tormented, and disgrace­fully treated, by many Princes and their people, by Kings and Governours; got a glorious Victory over them all, after they had indured a thousand deaths.

It seems also to have been pronounced, at first, in some solemn assembly of all the people, met together to praise the Lord for his bene­fits. And, it is the common opinion of most Interpreters, that they all had a part in this Psalm. The greatest part of which was spo­ken by David; who begins with a declara­tion how much he was indebted to God, desiring all to assist him in his praises: And then coming in a solemn procession, I suppose, to the Gates of the Tabernacle, calls upon the Porters, Verse 19. to open them to him; that he might praise God in his Sanctuary: [Page 375]which he doth in the very entrance, Ver. 20; and then in the Courts of his House Ver. 21. After which all the people shout, and mag­nifie the Divine Goodness; in making him, who was banished from his Country, their King, Ver. 22, &c. And then the Priests come forth, and bless both the King and people in the Name of the Lord, Ver. 26; and exhort them to be thankfull, Ver. 27: And then David seems to take the words out of their mouth, and to declare that he will never be unmindfull of God's benefits; de­siring all the people also to remember them, Ver. 28, 29. According to which account of the Psalm, I have ordered the Para­phrase.

1. O Give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever.

1. O Make your thank­full acknowledg­ments to the great Lord of all the world: who, as He is the Authour of all good, and hath been ex­ceeding bountifull unto us; so will continue his kind­ness to all succeeding gene­rations.

2. Let Israel now say, that his mercy endureth for ever.

2. Let the Children of Israel who have had such long experience of his love, and now see his promises fulfilled; let them confess [Page 376]and thankfully acknow­ledge, that his kindness continues to all genera­tions.

3. Let the house of Aaron now say, that his mercy en­dureth for ever.

3. Let the Priests and the Levites, whose business it is to attend upon His service, confess now and thankfully acknowledge; that his kindness extends unto all ages.

4. Let them now that fear the LORD, say, that his mercy endu­reth for ever.

4. And let all the de­vout Worshippers of the Lord, of whatsoever Nati­on they be, join together with us, (for there is one Lord of all, who dispenses various benefits to every one of us) and confess now most thankfully, that there is no end of his kindness.

5. I called up­on the LORD in distress: the LORD answered me, and set me in a large place.

5. You may see an ex­ample of it in me, who was in grievous straits and dan­gers, (1 Sam. XXIII. 26. XXVII. 1.) but then im­ploring the Divine Protec­tion, the Lord not onely delivered me; but placed me in a secure estate, free from all such molestation, 2 Sam. V. 3. VII. 1.

6. The LORD is on my side, I will not fear: what can man doe unto me?

6. For the Lord, it is e­vident, takes my part; and therefore, though I have many enemies, I am not a­fraid of them: for, when He is for me, what distur­bance can men, be they never so powerfull, give me?

7. The LORD taketh my part with them that help me: there­fore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me.

7. It is sufficient that the Lord, who hath done great things for me by weak in­struments, is still aiding to me: therefore I dare look the most malicious enemies in the face; and doubt not to see them turn their backs upon me, (2 Sam. VIII.)

8. It is better to trust in the LORD, then to put confidence in man.

8. This is my hope; and long experience hath taught me, that it is much safer to relie upon Him, then upon the most numerous Armies.

9. It is better to trust in the LORD, then to put confidence in princes.

9. Far more safe to de­pend upon his help and protection, (who as He can doe what He pleases, and is constant to his word, so never dies) then to confide in the aid of the greatest Princes; whose mind may change, or their forces fail, [Page 378]or they themselves, on a sudden, leave the world.

10. All nations compassed me a­bout: but in the name of the LORD will I destroy them.

10. All the neighbou­ring Nations, round about (2 Sam. V. 17, &c. VII. 1.) combined with the Phili­stines to inviron me: but, by the Almighty power of the Lord, I was consident, that I should hew them in pieces.

11. They com­passed me about, yea, they compas­sed me about: but in the name of the LORD I will de­stroy them.

11. Again they made a new invasion, and beset me with stronger forces; (2 Sam. V. 22, &c.) but still, by the Almighty power of the Lord, I doubted not, that I should cut them off, and utterly defeat them.

12. They com­passed me about like bees, they are quenched as the fire of thorns: for in the name of the LORD I will de­stroy them.

12. Though they were exceeding numerous, swar­ming about me like angry bees, and flaming with such rage and fury, as if they would presently consume me: yet it was but like the blaze of fire among thorns, for, by the Almighty pow­er of the Lord, I was con­fident I should destroy them.

13. Thou hast thrust sore at me, that I might fall: but the LORD helped me.

13. They pressed me ex­ceeding hard, and, as one man, conspired with all their might to throw me down from the Throne, to which I was advanced: But, though they shaked it and it was ready to fall yet, by the help of the Lord it was supported.

14. The LORD is my strength and song, and is become my salvation.

14. To Him alone I a­scribe my present happiness, saying with our Forefathers in their triumphant Song, (XV. Exod. 2.) the Lord hath armed me with invin­cible strength; He, and He alone, is to be praised, who hath given me a most glo­rious deliverance.

15. The voice of rejoycing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous: the right hand of the LORD doeth vali­antly.

15. Which comforts the hearts of all righteous men; whose houses sound with such joyfull shouts of praise, for my deliverance, as these; The mighty power of the Lord hath done most stupendious things:

16. The right hand of the LORD is exalted: the right hand of the LORD doeth va­liantly.

16. He hath made his mighty power appear to be superiour to all other; for not by man, but by that [Page 380] power we have, again and again, obtained illustrious victories over our enemies, 2 Sam. XIX. 9.

17. I shall not die but live, and declare the works of the LORD.

17. From whence I con­clude, that I shall not fall into the hands of those, that would take away my life; but still prolong it, to declare what wonderfull works the Lord hath done for me.

18. The LORD hath chastened me sore: but he hath not given me over unto death.

18. Who hath let my enemies have power to af­flict me very sorely; but not to proceed so far, as to destroy me.

19. Open to me the gates of righ­teousness: I will go in to them, and I will praise the LORD:

19. No, instead of that He hath brought me to his own House again, from which I was banished, (1 Sam. XXVI. 19.) where I will return thanks unto Him: And therefore, O ye that minister in the Tabernacle, open the Gates at which the righteous enter into the Courts of the Lord; that I may go in, and make Him my acknowledgments, for bringing me from a most forlorn condition to a [...].

20. This gate of the LORD, into which the righteous shall en­ter.

20. This is the Gate (which I behold and ap­proach with joy) that leads to the Courts of the Lord: at which the righteous shall enter together with me, and hear me say;

21. I will praise thee, for thou hast heard me, and art become my salva­tion.

21. I will never cease to praise and acknowledge Thy goodness, O Lord: who hast graciously heard my prayer, when I implored thy help; and delivered me out of all my distresses.

22. The stone which the buil­ders refused, is become the head stone of the cor­ner.

22. And let them bear a part with me in this my Psalm of praise, saying; He whom the great men and Rulers of the people rejected, (1 Sam. XXVI. 19.) as the builders of a house do a stone unfit to be employed in it; is now become our King, to whom we must all join our selves, if we hope for safety, (in whom we see a figure of that glorious King, who shall hereafter be in like manner refused, (XIX. Luke 14. XX. 17.) and then by God exalted to be the Lord of all the world, and the foun­dation [Page 382] of all mens happiness, IV. Act. 11, 12.)

23. This is the LORD's doing, it is marvellous in our eyes.

23. This is the sole work of the Lord, (not the effect of humane counsels, who op­posed and obstructed it) which surprises us with the greatest admiration; to see a despised person become on a sudden so renowned.

24. This is the day which the LORD hath made, we will re­joice and be glad in it.

24. This is the happy day, which the Lord himself hath made illustrious by this mar­vellous work; and which it becomes us to celebrate with joyfull hearts, and with all outward expressions of glad­ness for so great a benefit:

25. Save now, I beseech thee, O LORD: O LORD, I beseech thee, send now prosperity.

25. Most humbly beseech­ing Thee, O Lord, to pre­serve our King, and to ad­vance and perpetuate his Kingdom: (especially the Kingdom of Christ, which shall be welcom'd into the world with these words, XXI. Matt. 9, &c.) It be­gins most gloriously; be plea­sed now, O Lord, to give it answerable success and pro­sperity.

26. Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the LORD: we have blessed you out of the house of the LORD.

26. Which acclamations of the people, let the Priests of the Lord meet with their approbation, saying; Bles­sed be the King, which is set over us by the Divine ap­pointment; and Blessed be all the people, who live un­der his happy Government: we, whose Office it is to mi­nister to the Lord, give you his Blessing from the holy place; into which you are come to worship Him.

27. God is the LORD, which hath shewed us light; bind the sa­crifice with cords, even unto the horns of the al­tar.

27. Who is the omnipotent Lord, most faithfull to his promise; who hath put an end to our troubles, and made peace among us: O be not ungratefull to Him, but solemnize this day with fe­stival joys; bind your sacri­fices with cords, and bring them to the corners of the Altar, to be offered, as testi­monies of your love and thankfulness, unto Him.

28. Thou art my God, and I wi [...] [...]ise thee; th [...] [...] my God, I will exalt thee.

28. And so, for my part, I am resolved; who must own Thee to be my most gracious God, and almigh­ty Deliverer; to whom [Page 384]therefore I will make con­tinually my most thankfull acknowledgments: to thy almighty Goodness alone I owe this greatness to which I am promoted; and there­fore I will never cease, to speak the highest things I am able in thy praise,

29. O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endu­reth for ever.

29. And let all good men join together with me, and make their thankfull acknowledgments to the great Lord of the world: who as He is the Authour of all good, and hath been exceeding bountifull unto us; so will continue his kindness unto all succee­ding generations.



This Psalm is contrived so artificially, that one would think, at first sight, it was made after the foregoing: when God had subdued the rest of David's enemies, (2 Sam. VIII. X.) and given him leisure for such curious composures. For it is divided into as many Parts as there are Letters in the Hebrew Alphabet; each Part containing eight Ver­ses; and every one of those verses begin­ning with that Letter, wherewith that Part begins. The Verses, for instance, of the First Part all begin with Aleph, or A; and all of the Second with Beth, or B, &c. And thence this Psalm is called in the Masora, the great Alphabet: which is an indica­tion that David was now in a very sedate condition, under no extraordinary motions, when he penned this Psalm: but quietly con­sidered things, as they were represented to his remembrance.

But when we observe how frequently he mentions his affliction as lying actually upon him, now w [...] he wrote these Meditations; it forces u [...] [...] [...]onclude that it was penned during Sa [...]s persecution. In which there were, I suppose, some quiet intervals; (see Verse 54.) either between the time that [Page 384] [...] [Page 385] [...] [Page 386] Saul, (having his life given him by David) resolved to persecute him no more, 1 Sam. XXIV; and his renewed attempts to de­stroy him, upon the information the Ziphites again gave him, 1 Sam. XXVI: or after David's fresh demonstration of his loyalty to him, before he went to Gath: or while he was in that City: where he had liberty to meditate on the excellence of God's Laws, and the happiness of those that kept them; and the comfort they were to him in his afflic­tion: which he found to be so sweet and so great, that he begs of God little else, but that he might be more and more in love with them: which were already so much his de­light, that he mentions them, under one name or other, in every Verse of this Psalm: none excepted, but one Ver. 122; or two at the most Ver. 90: where he celebrating God's Faithfulness, which relates to the stedfast­ness of his promise, (called in this Psalm his word) it may well be thought to be no exception, to that observation.

I shall not be so curious as to examine the nice difference which is made by some, be­tween Laws, Statutes, Testimonies, Judg­ments, Precepts, &c. because they seem here to be used promiscuously: or if there be any peculiar meaning in some Verses, I shall en­deavour to express it plainly in the Para­phrase.

Theodoret hath a conjecture concerning [Page 387] David's design in this Psalm, (both in his preface to it, and upon Ver. 157.) which I shall mention, that the Reader may take his choice. David, it is well known, had great varieties in his condition; for he both fled from enemies, and chased them; lived some­times very melancholy, and again most plea­santly; ran in God's ways, and stumbled, and rose again to run that good course. Now all these things, says he (and it is not improbable) David afterward collected into this one Psalm; connecting all the Prayers ‘"which He had made to God, at several times and on several occasions, and put­ting them together in this admirable Me­ditation, divided into XXII. Parts: which propound one and the same most profitable lesson to all men; and teaches them how it is possible to live vertuously in the worst condition. Nor doth he neg­lect dogmatical instruction, as he speaks; but adds it to the other: so that this Psalm is sufficient to perfect those that study exquisite vertue; and to stir up the diligence of those that are lazy; to com­fort those that are sad; to correct the neg­ligent, and in one word to afford all man­ner of medicines for the cure of the vari­ous diseases of mankind.’ And if it would not have made this Book too big, I should have taken the pains to shew the design of every Part, in an Argument before it.


1. BLessed are the unde­filed in the way, who walk in the law of the LORD.

1. HAppy, more happy then can be ex­pressed, are those men, who do not take the liberty to live as they list: but, ma­king the Law of the Lord their Rule, order their life in an exact conformity therewith.

2. Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart.

2. The stricter they keep unto that Rule, (wherein He hath testified his will unto us) most heartily stu­dying to please Him; in­tirely devoting themselves to seek his favour, in this way alone; the Happier still they are.

3. They also doe no iniquity: they walk in his ways.

3. Especially when they will not be tempted to doe an evil action, though it were to gain the greatest good in this world: but constantly adhere to Him, in the way which He hath prescribed them.

4. Thou hast commanded us to keep thy precepts diligently.

4. We are infinitely be­holden to Thee therefore, O Lord, that Thou hast [Page 389]obliged us to be so happy: by requiring us to use our utmost diligence to observe thy Precepts, (which we our selves know to be good for us) with all care, and exactness.

5. O that my ways were direc­ted to keep thy sta­tutes!

5. O that I may ever be one of those happy men! I have no greater wish then this; that all the actions of my life, may be ordered and governed according to thy Will.

6. Then shall I not be ashamed, when I have re­spect unto all thy commandments.

6. Then shall I never be disappointed of my hopes, nor blush at the crimes which are laid to my charge: when my own conscience tells me, that there is not one of thy Commandments, but is e­ver before my eyes, as the rule of my actions:

7. I will praise thee with upright­ness of heart, when I shall have learned thy righteous judg­ments.

7. And is so dear unto me; that nothing can give me such a joy, as to have learnt effectually, how just and how good they all are: for which I will most sin­cerely thank Thee, as the greatest benefit.

8. I will keep thy statutes: O forsake me not ut­terly.

8. Deal with me, accor­ding to the uprightness of my heart in this resolution; that I will observe even those Statutes, for which I see no other reason, but onely thy will: O do not abandon me too far; (1 Sam. XXVII. 1.) but stick to me, as I purpose to do to thy Statutes.


9. Wherewith shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word.

9. But how shall a young man, such as I am, (1 Sam. XVII. 33. 2. V. 4.) in an age that is prone to evil, be able to doe as he re­solves? keeping himself so pure in all his ways, that they maintain an exact con­formity unto thy Word?

10. With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy com­mandments.

10. First, I implore, with all my Soul, thy gracious assistence: beseeching Thee to afford me such a measure of it; that, for want of those heavenly supplies, I may not be drawn aside at any time, from thy Com­mandments.

11. Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee.

11. Next, I have laid up thy Word in my heart, as the most precious treasure: hoping that will be a secu­rity to me, and preserve me from offending Thee, whose promises are no less comfor­table, then thy threatnings are dreadfull.

12. Blessed art thou, O LORD: teach me thy sta­tutes.

12. And I know also, that Thou, O Lord, art kind, and dost not envy thy favours to any of us; but wilt for ever be praised for thy bounty towards us: and therefore I expect that Thou wilt hear my prayer, and inable me effectually to learn thy Statutes.

13. With my lips have I decla­red all the judg­ments of thy mouth.

13. On which I have so much set my heart; that I have not spared to declare to others, the great regard I have to every thing, which Thou hast pronoun­ced just, or condemned as unrighteous.

14. I have re­joyced in the way of thy testimonies, as much as in all riches.

14. I can safely say like­wise, that I have taken more satisfaction, now that I am poor, in doing that which Thou hast testified [Page 392]to be acceptable to Thee: then I should in all the wealth of the world, were it heaped on me.

15. I will me­ditate in thy pre­cepts, and have respect unto thy ways.

15. I will ruminate also often on thy Precepts, (which will be another means I trust to preserve me undefiled:) and never doe any thing, but consider beforehand; how it agrees with the Rules which Thou hast prescribed me.

16. I will de­light my self in thy statutes: I will not forget thy word.

16. The study of thy Statutes (see Ver. 8.) shall be my delight: and I will not let slip any word of thine; but preserve it in faithfull remembrance.


17. Deal boun­tifully with thy servant, that I may live, and keep thy word.

17. Let these reasons move Thee to deal graci­ously with me, who am devoted to thy service: Render to me according to my integrity; and let not my enemies take away my life, which I intend to im­ploy in doing whatsoever Thou hast commanded.

18. Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold won­drous things out of thy law.

18. For which end, I beseech Thee to illuminate the eyes of my mind: that I may clearly discern the admirable wisedom, which discovers it self in thy Law.

19. I am a stranger in the earth, hide not thy command­ments from me.

19. I am no better then a stranger in the Land, wandring from place to place, (1 Sam. XXIII. 13.) and having no possessions: But do not let me want the knowledge of thy Will; and then I shall not think my self destitute of an in­heritance.

20. My soul breaketh for the longing that it hath unto thy judgments at all times.

20. For which my Soul longs so vehemently, that I am not more broken with the hardships of my banish­ment; then with my con­tinual labour, and earnest application of my mind, to have a full understanding of thy Judgments.

21. Thou hast rebuked the proud that are cursed, which do err from thy command­ments.

21. According to which, Thou hast already given a severe rebuke to those haughty men, who, with­out any respect to right or wrong, persecute and abuse thy servant: (1 Sam. XXIV. [Page 394]II, &c. XXV. 10, 37.) And the curse which Thou hast pronounced (XXVII. Deut. 26.) shall light on all such men, as take the boldness to transgress those bounds, which Thou hast set them.

22. Remove from me reproach and contempt, for I have kept thy te­stimonies.

22. And thereby remove from me that disgrace and shame, unto which they expose me; as a Traitour to my King and Country: For I am not guilty of any such wickedness; but care­fully observe thy Testimo­nies, (Ver. 14.) 1 Chron. XII. 17.

23. Princes also did sit and speak against me: but thy servant did meditate in thy statutes.

23. Though the Rulers and principal Senatours of the Kingdom, sate in con­sultation how to ruin me; declaring me guilty of the greatest crimes: the onely care of thy servant hath been to study how to be­have himself unblameably according to thy Statutes.

24. Thy testi­monies also are my delight, and my counsellers.

24. Of which I have not been weary; but made the study of thy Testimonies my recreation: and never [Page 395]took advice of any other counsellers.


25. My soul eleaveth unto the dust: quicken thou me according to thy word.

25. Consider therefore the forlorn condition where­in I lie, struggling for life and utterly unable to help my self: and be pleased to revive and raise me out of it, according to thy pro­mise, 1 Sam. XVI. 12.

26. I have de­clared my ways, and thou heardest me: teach me thy statutes.

26. Thou knowest both my manner of life, and all the dangers to which I am exposed; for I have ever laid them both before Thee, and found Thee ready on all occasions to assist and re­lieve me: And therefore I hope Thou wilt not now leave me; but more per­fectly instruct me in my Du­ty, as the surest way to safety.

27. Make me to understand the way of thy pre­cepts: so shall I talk of thy won­drous works.

27. Give me such a right understanding, that I may ever be preserved in the way of thy Precepts: then shall I escape the snares of my enemies; and my or­dinary [Page 396]discourse shall be, what wonderfull delive­rances Thou hast given me.

28. My soul melteth for hea­viness: strengthen thou me according unto thy word.

28. Pity my sad condi­tion; and now that my heart sinks under the weight of my affliction, support and strengthen me according to thy promise; that I may never take any undue course for ease and relief.

29. Remove from me the way of lying: and grant me thy law graci­ously.

29. Far be all fraud and falshood from me, whereby my enemies contrive to undo me: I desire not to learn any of their wicked Arts; but onely beseech Thee to give me grace to observe thy Laws con­stantly.

30. I have cho­sen the way of truth: thy judg­ments have I laid before me.

30. That's the way I have resolved upon, to deal truly and sincerely: squa­ring all my actions accor­ding to thy judgments; which I have laid before me, as the most equal Rule of my life.

31. I have stuck unto thy testimo­nies: O LORD, put me not to shame.

31. And hitherto I have kept my resolution, and never started from thy Te­stimonies: Preserve me, [Page 397]good Lord, that I may not hereafter disgrace my self, by doing any thing contra­ry to them; nor be disap­pointed of my hope, by falling into the hands of those that seek my ruin.

32. I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart.

32. And when Thou shalt have filled my heart with joy, by freeing me from these grievous straits, I will doe Thee better ser­vice; and be more forward chearfully to execute all thy Commandments.

HE. V.

33. Teach me, O LORD, the way of thy sta­tutes, and I shall keep it unto the end.

33. Instruct me there­fore, good Lord, more and more in the right way of serving Thee; and I will shew my self most thank­full for it, by keeping ex­actly to it all the days of my life.

34. Give me un­derstanding, and I shall keep thy law, yea, I shall observe it with my whole heart.

34. Illuminate my mind to understand the excel­lence of thy Law: and then I shall not onely ob­serve it; but set my self to doe it, with a watchfull, [Page 398]impartial and most affectio­nate diligence.

35. Make me to go in the path of thy command­ments, for therein do I delight.

35. Be Thou my Leader and Guide; that I may not stray from the path of thy Commandments: wherein I find the greatest satisfac­tion.

36. Incline my heart unto thy te­stimonies, and not to covetousness.

36. Incline my heart al­ways to seek its content­ment, in thy testimonies: and suffer it not to be drawn away, by the desire of worldly goods; which, having no measure, is ne­ver satisfied.

37. Turn away mine eyes from be­holding vanity: and quicken thou me in thy way.

37. Help me to over­look those empty honours, and fading beauties; which we are apt to behold with too much admiration: and with lively affections and vigorous indeavours, to persist in the pursuit of thy favour, in the way Thou hast set before me.

38. Stablish thy word unto thy ser­vant, who is de­voted to thy fear.

38. And at last make good thy promise to thy servant, (2 Sam. V. 2.) who fears to doe any thing to offend Thee; though there­by he might win a Crown.

39. Turn away my reproach which I fear: for thy judgments are good.

39. Turn from me that disgrace, of which I can­not but be sometime afraid, (1 Sam. XXVII. 1.) and must certainly suffer, if I fall into my enemies hands: for Thou wilt proceed I know, according to thy own judgments; which are all equitable, mercifull and gracious.

40. Behold, I have longed after thy precepts: quicken me in thy righteousness.

40. I appeal to Thee, whether I have not a great zeal for thy Precepts; un­to which I desire above all things to be conform'd: let me not perish therefore in these troubles; but in much mercy, revive me, accor­ding to thy faithfull pro­mise.


41. Let thy mercies come al­so unto me, O LORD; even thy salvation ac­cording to thy word.

41. To those infinite mer­cies of thine, which moved Thee to make me such gra­cious promises, I betake my self: and beseech Thee to let me feel the happy ef­fects of both in my delive­rance.

42. So shall I have wherewith to answer him that reproacheth me: for I trust in thy word.

42. So shall I be able to put to silence, those that reproach me for my confi­dence in Thee: which they call a vain presumption; but is a humble reliance on thy own gracious promises to me.

43. And take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth; for I have hoped in thy judgments.

43. Which till Thou art pleased to fulfill, do not so far abandon me, as to let me be disheartned in asser­ting their truth and faith­fulness, (which I am wont to oppose to all the threats of my enemies) for my whole dependance is on this, that Thou wilt not fail me; but pronounce a righteous sentence for me.

44. So shall I keep thy law con­tinually, for ever and ever.

44. And I for my part promise, when Thou shalt be so gracious to me, not to suffer my self to grow more negligent in thy ser­vice: but to be more care­full then ever in the obser­vance of thy Laws, to the very end of my days.

45. And I will walk at liberty: for I seek thy pre­cepts.

45. For then I shall have no such incumbrances on me, as I now have in these [Page 401]straits and difficulties; from which when Thou freest me, I will doe my duty with the greater chearful­ness and joy: for it is not liberty, no, nor a Kingdom that I seek, so much as bet­ter advantages to fulfill thy Precepts.

46. I will speak of thy testimonies also before kings, and will not be a­shamed.

46. Which I will not be ashamed to justifie before the greatest persons in the world, to be the most ex­cellent Rule of life, and the best testimony of thy love to us: and will doe it with such reasons, that they shall never be able to dis­prove me.

47. And I will delight my self in thy command­ments which I have loved.

47. Nor will I confute my self, by leading a vo­luptuous life; when I have liberty to doe as I list: but as I have hitherto preferred thy Commandments before all other things, so then will I take the highest plea­sure in them:

48. My hands also will I lift up unto thy com­mandments which I have loved: and I will meditate in thy statutes.

48. Not onely in their study; but shew the truth of my love to them, by a diligent and zealous prac­tice [Page 402]of them: which shall be the end of my medita­tion in them.


49. Remember the word unto thy servant, upon which thou hast caused me to hope.

49. Be pleased therefore in due time, to perform the promise, which Thou hast long ago made unto thy servant, (2 Sam. V. 2.) and, when I thought of no such thing, given me an assured hope of it, (1 Sam. XVI. 11, 12, 13.)

50. This is my comfort in my af­fliction: for thy word hath quick­ned me.

50. Which as it hath been the occasion of many and great troubles to me, so hath comforted me under them all: and, even when I despaired of safety, revi­ved my spirit, and restored my courage to life again.

51. The proud have had me greatly in derisi­on; yet have I not declined from thy law.

51. Though my insulting enemies mocked exceeding­ly at my hope, and, in the pride of their hearts, at­tempted by the most un­just means to destroy me; it never moved me to imi­tate them, by taking any unlawfull method for my preservation.

52. I remem­bred thy judg­ments of old, O LORD; and have comforted my self.

52. But I called to mind, O Lord, how, in all fore­going ages, Thou hast suf­fered good men to fall into great calamities; thereby to render them, at last, the more illustrious: and with this consideration also I comforted my self.

53. Horrour hath taken hold upon me, because of the wicked that forsake thy law.

53. I have been seised indeed sometime with an horrible fear, when I thought what sort of men were my persecutours: who stuck at nothing, which would serve their ends; having no regard to right or wrong;

54. Thy statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage.

54. Yet in all my wan­drings up and down, (1 Sam. XXII. 1, 2, 5. XXIII. 13.) I never tarried long in any place; but I passed the time delightfully, in com­posing some such Song as this in praise of thy Sta­tutes.

55. I have remembred thy name, O LORD, in the night, and have kept thy law.

55. When others were asleep, I was calling to mind, how good, how powerfull, and how faith­full Thou art: and resol­ving [Page 404]with my self still to observe thy Laws.

56. This I had, because I kept thy precepts.

56. Which make those so happy that obey them; that I ascribe this sweet composure of mind, and chearfulness of spirit, under all my grievous afflictions, to my strict observance of them.


57. Thou art my portion, O LORD: I have said that I would keep thy words.

57. I have no possessions in this world, (I Sam. XXVI. 19.) which I see others gree­dily sharing among them: But I do not think my self poor, as long as I have an interest in thy love, and in thy promises, O Lord; whose words I have resol­ved to keep as the greatest treasure.

58. I intreated thy favour with my whole heart: be mercifull unto me according to thy word.

58. For there is nothing comparable to thy favour; which I have besought with the heartiest affection, and the most importunate pray­ers: and do again beseech Thee, to deal mercifully with me, according to thy [Page 405]repeated promises unto me.

59. I thought on my ways, and turned my feet unto thy testimo­nies.

59. For upon serious de­liberation, what course of life it was best to take; I rejected all other, which with specious shews of worldly advantages would have seduced me: and deter­mined to be guided whol­ly by thy Testimonies.

60. I made haste, and delayed not to keep thy commandments.

60. And being thus re­solved, I admitted no fur­ther debate about it; but instantly, without any de­lay, set my self to the strict observance of thy Com­mandments.

61. The bands of the wicked have robbed me: but I have not forgotten thy law.

61. Nor hath any thing been able to remove me from this resolution; but, though I have been beset with troops of wicked men, who stript me of all I had, (1 Sam. XXIII. 26.) it did not make me forget my du­ty; nor put me upon any unlawfull means of being revenged of them: (1 Sam. XXIV. 6, 7.)

62. At mid­night I will rise to give thanks un­to thee: because of thy righteous judgments.

62. But have blessed Thee, both night and day, and arose at midnight to [Page 406]give Thee thanks; for those just and good Laws, which Thou hast taught me to observe.

63. I am a companion of all them that fear thee, and of them that keep thy pre­cepts.

63. Associating my self willingly, with none but such, as fear to offend Thee; and do religiously observe thy Precepts: who are all truly dear unto me.

64. The earth, O LORD, is full of thy mercy: teach me thy statutes.

64. And no other thing do I desire of Thee, O Lord, whose kindness is so great that it dispenses its blessings plentifully throughout all the earth, but that Thou wilt instruct me still to serve Thee as I ought.


65. Thou hast dealt well with thy servant, O LORD, according unto thy word.

65. Many other benefits, I will thankfull acknow­ledge, O Lord, Thou hast bestowed upon thy servant: with whom Thou hast faith­fully kept thy Word.

66. Teach me good judgment and knowledge: for I have believed thy commandments.

66. And I am not igno­rant of thy Commandments, which, by thy grace, I have believed to be the onely way to happiness: but still I need [Page 407]thy further assistance, to give me a delightfull taste and thorough sense of what I know; which I beseech Thee add to the rest of the benefits I have received from Thee.

67. Before I was afflicted, I went astray: but now have I kept thy word.

67. And if it be neces­sary for this end, to deprive me still of all other delights, I submit unto it: for I must confess I committed many errours before I was thus afflicted; which since I have corrected, and grown more strictly observant of thy Word.

68. Thou art good, and doest good; teach me thy statutes.

68. Thou art in thy own nature kind and good; and nothing else can proceed from Thee, who designest our good even when Thou afflictest us: Take what methods Thou pleasest with me; onely teach me effec­tually, to doe as Thou wouldst have me.

69. The proud have forged a lie against me: but I will keep thy precepts with my whole heart.

69. They that disdain to be tied to the common and plain rules of honesty, have taken a great deal of pains to invent a lie against me: [Page 408](1 Sam. XXIV. 9.) but as I am hitherto conscious of no such guilt, so I will al­ways confute them by an impartial and most hearty observance of thy Precepts.

70. Their heart is as far as grease, but I delight in thy law.

70. Which give me infi­nitely greater satisfaction in a poor starved condition; then all the dull delights of sense, which they enjoy in the fullest plenty of worldly prosperity.

71. It is good for me that I have been afflicted: that I might learn thy statutes.

71. This they stupidly imagin is the onely happi­ness; but I can truly say, it was more happy for me that I was afflicted: for thereby I learnt to apply my self more seriously to thy Statutes.

72. The law of thy mouth is bet­ter unto me then thousands of gold and silver.

72. Whereby thy will is declared unto us by a voice from heaven: (XX. Exod. 1.) which I prefer before all the gold and silver in the Kingdom.


73. Thy hands have made me, and fashioned me: give me understanding, that I may learn thy command­ments.

73. Desert me not then, who am thine own work­manship; [Page 409]that neither hath nor hopeth for any thing but thy almighty Power: and desires above all things, to comprehend fully what thy will is, that he may obey it.

74. They that fear thee will be glad when they see me: because I have hoped in thy word.

74. It will be a very great comfort and incou­ragement to all good men, when they see me delivered out of all these troubles: For thereby they will be confirmed in their belief, of thy faithfulness to thy promises; on which, it will appear, I have not vainly depended, though I stay long for the performance.

75. I know, O LORD, that thy judgements are right, and that thou in faithful­ness hast afflicted me.

75. And I am satisfied, O Lord, that while Thou makest me wait for the per­formance, Thou doest no­thing contrary to thy ju­stice, or to thy fidelity: but that all these cross dis­pensations of thy Provi­dence, in the heavy afflic­tions which have befaln me, are perfectly righteous: and will onely make thy truth and faithfulness, at last, the more illustrious.

76. Let, I pray thee, thy mercifull kindness be for my comfort, according to thy word unto thy servant.

76. O hasten that happy time; when I shall see thy loving kindness, turning this disconsolate into a more comfortable condition: ac­cording to the promises which Thou hast made un­to thy servant, 1 Sam. XVI. 12, 13.

77. Let thy ten­der mercies come unto me, that I may live: for thy law is my delight.

77. Let me feel the spee­dy effects of thy compassio­nate mercy; rescuing me from those that seek my life, and raising me out of this forlorn estate, (1 Sam. XXIV. 14.) For howsoever I am represented, my high­est satisfaction is in obedi­ence to thy Law.

78. Let the proud be ashamed, for they dealt per­versly with me without a cause; but I will meditate in thy precepts.

78. Confound all those proud contemners of it, who, making no conscience of what they say, have op­pressed and overthrown me with lies and calumnies; as if I studied to disturb the Kingdom, when my onely study is to observe thy Pre­cepts.

79. Let those that fear thee, turn unto me, and those that have known thy testi­monies.

79. Let all pious men, who have a due regard to thy testimonies, be convin­ced [Page 411]of this: and be no lon­ger abused by these slanders; but turn to my side, and become my Friends.

80. Let my heart be sound in thy statutes; that I be not ashamed.

80. And in order to it preserve me so blameless be­fore Thee, in such integri­ty of heart as well as life; that I may not be ashamed of the hope I have, that Thou and all good men will take my part.


81. My soul fainteth for thy salvation: but I hope in thy word.

81. For which blessing I have now attended so many years, that I am rea­dy sometime to faint away with vehement desire; to see thy long expected pro­mise fulfilled, of deliverance from all my enemies.

82. Mine eyes fail for thy word, saying, When wilt thou comfort me?

82. That joyfull sight I have looked for, till I am in danger to be weary with expectation; saying, When will the time come, of my deliverance from this dis­consolate condition?

83. For I am become like a bottle in the smoke: yet do I not forget thy statutes.

83. I hope it will not be long delayed; for I am [Page 412]worn away, and my skin, (like an empty leathern bag that hath hung a great while in the smoke) is shrivelled up with toil and grief: and yet I have never taken any unlawfull course, to rid my self of all this misery.

84. How many are the days of thy servant? when wilt thou execute judgment on them that persecute me?

84. I leave that to Thee, O Lord; beseeching Thee to consider how my days spend apace in trouble and sorrow: which force me to sigh and say; How long must thy poor servant still lie in this calamitous condi­tion? O when wilt Thou doe me right against my persecutours?

85. The proud have digged pits for me, which are not after thy law.

85. Who proudly con­trive, by all manner of frauds and treachery, to take away my life: directly contrary to thy Law; to which they are as injurious as unto me.

86. All thy com­mandments are faithfull: they per­secute me wrong­fully; help thou me.

86. For all thy Com­mandments teach us to be just and true; being as faithfull, as those men are false and perfidious: there­fore [Page 413]make good thy pro­mises to me; and deliver me from those who perse­cute me with lies and for­geries.

87. They had almost consumed me upon earth: but I forsook not thy precepts.

87. Which they have imployed so successfully, that I escaped very hardly with my life, when I was in the Land of Judah; (1 Sam. XXIII. 26.) and yet for all this I stuck to thy Precepts; and would not take away the life of him that sought mine; when I could have easily done it, 1 Sam. XXIV. 6, 7.

88. Quicken me after thy loving kindness, so shall I keep the testimony of thy mouth.

88. Deal as kindly with me, O Lord; and not one­ly spare my life, but raise me out of this forlorn e­state, wherein I lie, like a man that is dead; (1 Sam. XXIV. 14.) and I will in­deavour the more carefully to observe the Testimonies, which Thou hast solemnly (Verse 72.) given us in charge.



89. For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.

89. Thou art eternal, O Lord, and changest not; and thy promises are like thy self, fixed and settled in the heavens: which are a lively emblem of their constancy, and unvariable truth.

90. Thy faith­fulness is unto all generations: thou hast established the earth, and it abi­deth.

90. One generation goes, and another comes; but thy fidelity is still the same to all: and alters no more then the earth; which Thou hast firmly and immoveably established, while all those creatures that live upon it, pass away and perish.

91. They con­tinue this day ac­cording to thine ordinances: for all are thy servants.

91. All things remain to this day in the order at first appointed; and never vary from the Laws which Thou hast set them: for they are intirely subject to thy will and pleasure.

92. Ʋnless thy law had been my delights, I should then have perished in mine affliction.

92. Which was a most comfortable Meditation in my afflicted condition: when my heart would have failed me, and I should have [Page 415]been undone; if thy Laws (which stand as fast as hea­ven and earth) had not given me constant consola­tion.

93. I will never forget thy pre­cepts: for with them thou hast quickened me.

93. I will never there­fore be guilty of neglecting thy Precepts: which have revived me, (by the faith­full promises Thou hast an­nexed to the observance of them) when I looked upon my self, as a dead man, that could not escape the hands of those that sought to de­stroy me.

94. I am thine, save me: for I have sought thy precepts.

94. And be Thou plea­sed still to deliver me from falling into their hands: For, though they have dri­ven me from thy inheritance (1 Sam. XXVI. 19.) I still continue thine, and serve no other God; but have diligently inquired, in my greatest dangers, what would be most pleasing to Thee, as most advantagious to my self.

95. The wicked have waited for me to destroy me: but I will consider thy testimonies.

95. Those wicked men, who are combined to de­stroy me, have long watched [Page 416]for an opportunity; which they confidently expect to meet withall: but it doth not discourage my study of thy Testimonies; as the best defence against their bloudy attempts.

96. I have seen an end of all per­fection, but thy commandment is exceeding broad.

96. For had I greater forces then my enemies, alas! I never yet saw any thing so compleat, but as it had its bounds and limits, so it is exceeding frail; and when it is arrived at per­fection, comes to a speedy end: whereas the wisedom which Thou hast revealed to us, hath infinite satisfac­tion in it, durable and la­sting satisfaction; which never fails those that de­pend upon it.


97. O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day.

97. It is impossible to express the love I have to thy Law: which entertains my Meditation, or inables me to entertain others, with admirable variety, whole days together.

98. Thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser then mine enemies: for they are ever with me.

98. My enemies are very crafty, and use many arti­fices to destroy me: But, by observing thy Com­mandments, I have defea­ted all their subtil devices; and confounded them, even by refusing (because thy Commandments, which are ever before my eyes restrai­ned me) to be avenged on them, I Sam. XXIV. 17, 18, &c. XXVI. 21.

99. I have more understan­ding then all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation.

99. I have outstripped all the Doctours of the Law, of whom I formerly learnt; and understand more per­fectly then they, the best means of securing my self: because my mind is still im­ployed in thy Testimonies, as the Rule of all my de­signs and undertakings.

100. I under­stand more then the ancients: be­cause I keep thy precepts.

100. Though I am but young, yet I have more understanding in things, then the Judges and grave privy Counsellours: be­cause my Maxime is, strict­ly to observe thy Precepts.

101. I have re­frained my feet from every evil way: that I might keep thy word.

101. Whatsoever advan­tage it promised me, I have [Page 418]never proceeded in any evil course to obtain my end: but refused the seeming gain; that I might not of­fend against thy Word.

102. I have not departed from thy judgments: for thou hast taught me.

102. My respect to Thee, hath hindred me from do­ing any injury unto others: because I know Thou art the Authour of those Laws which forbid it; and in the observance of them, I have learnt, consists my happi­ness.

103. How sweet are thy words un­to my taste! yea, sweeter then hony to my mouth.

103. And a happiness it is, I feel already, incompa­rably above all other: the pleasure I take in every word of thine, is inexpres­sibly far to be preferred, before all the delights of sense; though never so sweet and luscious.

104. Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.

104. And by thy Pre­cepts I am so fully instruc­ted how to behave my self; that I need not to betake my self to any dishonest ways, which I utterly ab­hor.


105. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

105. Thy word is my onely Guide; whose direc­tions I follow in all the dark and difficult passages of my life.

106. I have sworn, and I will perform it, that I will keep thy righ­teous judgments.

106. I have solemnly re­solved, and bound my self by the most sacred ties, which I will never break but do now confirm; that I will carefully observe thy Decrees, which I find to be both just and good.

107. I am af­flicted very much: quicken me, O LORD, according unto thy word.

107. I have suffered ve­ry much upon that account, and am still sorely afflicted: But I comfort my self, O Lord, with thy promise; according to which I beseech Thee to deliver me from those that seek to destroy me; and raise me out of this forlorn condition, wherein I can scarce be said to live.

108. Accept, I beseech thee, the free-will-offerings of my mouth, O LORD, and teach me thy judgments.

108. I have no other sa­crifices that I am able in this exile to offer to Thee, but these of Prayer, and [Page 420]thankful acknowledgments, and vows of sincere and chearfull obedience; with which I do most freely and heartily present Thee, O Lord: beseeching Thee to teach me still more effectu­ally thy Judgments; that I may never fail to be confor­med to thy will.

109. My soul is continually in my hand: yet do I not forget thy law.

109. To which I have hitherto so closely adhered, that, though I go in con­tinual danger of my life, (XII. Judg. 3.) it doth not move me in the least (what­soever shifts I am forced to make) to save my self by forsaking thy Law.

110. The wic­ked have laid a snare for me: yet I erred not from thy precepts.

110. They that make no conscience of their actions, have contrived a subtil plot to ruin me: But I have never stepped out of the way of thy Precepts, to avoid the snares they have laid for me.

111. Thy testi­monies have I ta­ken as an heritage for ever: for they are the rejoicing of my heart.

111. I had rather alway continue as poor as I am, then doe any thing a­gainst thy Testimonies; which I hold to be my [Page 421]chiefest good, and surest possession: out of which none can expell me; and which always yield me that inward satisfaction and joy, which none can take from me.

112. I have in­clined mine heart to perform thy sta­tutes alway, even unto the end.

112. This infinitely out­weighs all other considera­tions; and hath inclined my heart to resolve, to doe alway as Thou biddest me, (whatsoever I may lose by it) to the very end of my days.


113. I hate vain thoughts: but thy law do I love.

113. I hate all double dealing, and crafty devices, that are not warranted by thy Law: to which I have resolved to stick with hear­ty affection.

114. Thou art my hiding-place, and my shield: I hope in thy word.

114. In that way I will trust to Thee for safety, and protection: having a firm hope, that Thou wilt be as good unto me as thy Word.

115. Depart from me, ye evil doers; for I will keep the command­ments of my God.

115. Do not perswade me any longer, O ye evil [Page 422]doers, to join with you; but get you gone from me: for I will follow none of your counsels; but strictly observe the Commandments of my God, who hath hither­to most graciously delivered me.

116. Ʋphold me according unto thy word, that I may live: and let me not be ashamed of my hope.

116. And on whom I still depend, that Thou wilt support me, O Lord, accor­ding to thy promise, against all the assaults of my ene­mies that seek my life: and not let me be ashamed of the hope and expectation I have, that Thou wilt de­fend and deliver me.

117. Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe: and I will have respect unto thy statutes conti­nually.

117. Be Thou my sup­port in this weak conditi­on, I humbly again beseech Thee: and then they shall not be able to throw me down; but, in safety and security, I shall make thy Statutes my perpetual study.

118. Thou hast troden down all them that ere from thy statutes: for their deceit is falshood.

118. They shall fall to the ground, and not I; for Thou art wont, I observe, to abase and lay as low as the mire in the streets, all thsoe that presume to go [Page 423]out of the plain way of thy Statutes: for all their crafty tricks, and crooked arts, on which they rely, at last prove false unto them and deceive them.

119. Thou put­test away all the wicked of the earth like dross: therefore I love thy testimonies.

119. Thou castest all such wicked men out of the Land like dross, that is good for nothing: which makes me addict my self, with the greater love unto thy Te­stimonies:

120. My flesh trembleth for fear of thee, and I am afraid of thy judg­ments.

120. Trembling all over with fear lest I should, by any disobedience to Thee, incurr thy severe displea­sure; and dreading, above all things, thy judgments: which are threatned in the Law, and which I see exe­cuted upon the contemners of it.


121. I have done judgment and justice: leave me not to mine op­pressours.

121. This pious fear laid such a restraint upon me, that I never did any wrong to them, nor so much as dealt hardly with them, that now injure me: there­fore [Page 424]suffer me not to fall into the hands of those, who oppress me with their calumnies.

122. Be surety to thy servant for good: let not the proud oppress me.

122. Their pride is great, and, having power equal to their malice, they hope to prevail over me: but do Thou graciously undertake my protection, and be my security, against the mischief they design me; that in­stead of being my ruin, their calumnies may turn to my greater good and advan­tage.

123. Mine eyes fail for thy salva­tion, and for the word of thy righ­teousness.

123. I believe they will; but I have looked so long for that happy time, when Thou wilt deliver me (and yet am still in apparent danger to fall into the hands of my enemies) that I am almost tired with expectance of thy promise: though I know it is faithfull and true; and shall certainly be per­formed.

124. Deal with thy servant accor­ding unto thy mer­cy, and teach me thy statutes.

124. Pity my infirmity, and, in much mercy, send speedy relief unto thy ser­vant: and in the mean time [Page 425]instruct me more perfectly in thy Statutes; that I may make the better use of that deliverance.

125. I am thy servant, give me understanding, that I may know by testimonies.

125. I am devoted to thy service, and designed by Thee to a high imploy­ment: inlighten my under­standing therefore, that I may fully know my duty.

126. It is time for thee, LORD, to work: for they have made void thy law.

126. For now is the time to doe all I can for the Lord (who may be pleased then to take this opportunity to perform his promise) when wicked men not onely trans­gress; but are so prophane, that they reject, and would wholly lay aside thy Law.

127. Therefore I love thy com­mandments above gold, yea, above fine gold.

127. This inflames my zeal, and heightens my love to thy Commandments: which I value far more then all the riches in the world; which shall not tempt me to violate one of them, or suffer them, if I can help it, to be contemned by others.

128. Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concer­ning all things to be right; and I hate every false way.

128. For the more I con­sider them, the more I ap­prove every one of them, (as the exactest and best [Page 426]Rule whereby I square all my actions) and abhor all those base and dishonest ways, whereby others stu­dy to advance themselves to riches and honours.


129. Thy resti­monies are won­derfull: therefore doth my soul keep them.

129. I cannot sufficient­ly admire and extoll the ex­cellent wisedom also of thy Laws; whereby Thou hast testified thy will unto us: which makes me the more carefull faithfully to observe them.

130. The en­trance of thy words giveth light: it giveth understan­ding unto the sim­ple.

130. When a man doth but begin to be acquainted with thy Word, he finds his mind marvellously in­lightned with such clear and usefull knowledge; as directs the most simple peo­ple how to live happily.

131. I opened my mouth, and panted: for I lon­ged for thy com­mandments.

131. Which hath excited me to the most eager pur­suit of this most excellent Wisedom: for I longed to have a perfect understand­ing of thy Commandments; which at first sight afford [Page 427]such abundant satisfaction.

132. Look thou upon me, and be mercifull unto me, as thou usest to do unto those that love thy name.

132. Favour my desires, I most humbly beseech Thee; and vouchsafe me the same grace, which Thou art wont to bestow on those that sincerely love Thee; and study, as I do, thy ho­nour and glory.

133. Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have do­minion over me.

133. And first of all in­able me to walk steadily, according to the rule of thy Word; that I may not be a slave to any sin whatso­ever:

134. Deliver me from the op­pression of man: so will I keep thy pre­cepts.

134. And then deliver me from the oppression of him (1 Sam. XXVI. 24.) who unjustly seeks to de­stroy me; that I may have the greater liberty to study and observe thy Precepts.

135. Make thy face to shine upon thy servant: and teach me thy sta­tutes.

135. Put an end to the troubles of thy servant: who is devoted to thy obe­dience; and for this reason, above all others, desires to see better days, that he may have better opportunities to learn thy Statutes;

136. Rivers of waters run down mine eyes: be­cause they keep not thy law.

136. Which it is a very great grief to me, to behold [Page 428]so universally neglected: and hath cost me many a tear; when I consider, not merely the persecution which I suffer, but how thereby my enemies violate thy Law.


137. Righteous art thou, O LORD, and upright are thy judgments.

137. I leave it to Thee, O Lord, to redress these evils: who art both just and good; and governest all things with an unerring equity.

138. Thy testi­monies that thou hast commanded, are righteous, and very faithfull.

138. For as all the Laws Thou hast given us are per­fectly righteous: so Thou dost exactly and most faith­fully fulfill all the promises or threatnings; which Thou hast made to the observers, or against the breakers of them.

139. My zeal hath consumed me: because mine ene­mies have forgot­ten thy words.

139. The consideration of which moves my indig­nation to such a degree; that I am tormented to see my enemies so forgetfull of their own interest, as not to regard thy words.

140. Thy word is very pure: there­fore thy servant loveth it.

140. Which I know to be infallibly true, and per­fectly free from all falshood and deceit: which is the reason of that ardent affec­tion thy servant hath unto them.

141. I am small and despised: yet do not I forget thy precepts.

141. Which will not suf­fer me, though I am mean and contemptible, in the eyes of my enemies (who are honourable and mighty) to be guilty of neglecting any of thy Precepts.

142. Thy righ­teousness is an e­verlasting righte­ousness, and thy law is the truth.

142. For still I think with my self that thy ju­stice, goodness and fideli­ty are unchangeable; and whatsoever Thou hast said in thy Law is the very truth: upon which we may certainly depend, and never be deceived.

143. Trouble and anguish have taken hold on me: yet thy command­ments are my de­lights.

143. And therefore, though I am unexpectedly (1 Sam. XX. 3.) involved in very sore straits and dif­ficulties; yet I do not for­sake, but find great conso­lation in the study of thy Commandments.

144. The righ­teousness of thy te­stimonies is ever­lasting: give me understanding, and I shall live.

144. Especially in this consideration, (which comes often into my mind, Verse 140, 142.) that all the de­clarations Thou hast made of thy will to us, are so just and true; that they will never fail our expectation: O give me wisedom to or­der my life according to them; and then it shall not be in the power of my ene­mies, to make me miserable.


145. I cried with my whole heart, hear me, O LORD: I will keep thy statutes.

145. I have besought thy favour, in this sorrow­full and distressed conditi­on, with most vehement cries and hearty affection: Be pleased to rescue me out of it, O Lord, and I pro­mise with the greater care to observe thy Statutes.

146. I cried unto thee, save me, and I shall keep thy testimo­nies.

146. I have made it my constant business to cry un­to Thee for help; from whom alone I seek it: de­liver me, I again beseech Thee, and I will not fail to make good my promise of [Page 431]observing thy Testimonies.

147. I preven­ted the dawning of the morning, and cried: I hoped in thy word.

147. I have sent up early cries unto Thee, before the morning light appeared: constantly expecting the performance of thy promise to me.

148. Mine eyes prevent the night watches, that I might meditate in thy word.

148. Nor have I been less forward in the stu­dy of my duty, then in the imploring of thy mer­cy: but have awaked, be­fore all the watches were set, to meditate in thy word.

149. Hear my voice, according unto thy loving kindness: O LORD, quicken me according to thy judgment.

149. Let my prayer pre­vail with Thee, O Lord, for that favour and kind­ness, which I have oft ex­perienced: and preserve my life, as Thou hast done hitherto, by such means as Thou judgest best for me.

150. They draw nigh that follow after mischief: they are far from thy law.

150. I am closely beset Thou seest, and in danger to be seized (1 Sam. XXIII. 26.) by those, who as they persecute me and seek my ruin, so care not by what wicked arts they compass their design: for they have no regard at all to thy Law.

151. Thou art near, O LORD: and all thy com­mandments are truth.

151. My onely comfort is, that they cannot ap­proach so near to hurt me, as Thou, O Lord, art to defend and preserve me: and that all thy promises annexed to thy Command­ments (still I think of that Ver. 142.) shall faithfully be fulfilled.

152. Concer­ning thy testimo­nies, I have known of old, that thou hast founded them for ever.

152. This hath ever been my support, long before I fell into these troubles; that whatsoever Thou hast testified to be thy will and pleasure is firm and stedfast; and shall never fail those that depend upon it, Verse 144.


153. Consider mine affliction, and deliver me: for I do not forget thy law.

153. Shew then that Thou dost not neglect me; but art as mindfull of me, as I am of thy Law in this af­flicted condition: out of which I beseech Thee to deliver me; for none of the evils that have befaln me, have made me forget my duty to Thee.

153. Consider mine affliction, and deliver me: for I do not forget thy law.

154. I appeal to Thee, whether I have not a righ­teous cause; beseeching Thee to doe me justice up­on my enemies, (1 Sam. XXIV. 15.) and rescue me from their persecutions: for I am in great danger of pe­rishing; but depend upon thy promise for my safety.

155. Salvation is far from the wicked: for they seek not thy sta­tutes.

155. Far be it from Thee to afford any help to the wicked: for they have no regard to thy Statutes; but seek onely how they may satisfie their own lewd, and cruel desires.

156. Great are thy tender mercies, O LORD: quic­ken me according to thy judgments.

156. To which I oppose the bowels of thy compas­sion, O Lord; whose ten­der mercies are many and great: and will preserve my life, I hope, according to thy wonted care over me, and kindness to me, Ver. 149.

157. Many are my persecutours, and mine enemies: yet do I not de­cline from thy te­stimonies.

157. I am not discoura­ged, either by the number or the strength (which are both very great) of those that persecute me, with a deadly enmity: which doth [Page 434]not move me in the least to depart from thy Testi­monies (XIX. Lev. 18.) by seeking their destruction, as they do mine, 1 Sam. XXIV. XXVI.

158. I beheld the transgressours, and was grieved: because they kept not thy word.

158. It onely provokes my sorrow, to see that there is no faith, nor truth, nor gratitude in them, (1 Sam. XXIV. 17, &c. XXVI. 2.) and troubles me beyond measure, that they have no regard to what Thou commandest, or forbiddest.

159. Consider how I love thy pre­cepts: quicken me, O LORD, accor­ding to thy loving kindness.

159. Such is the love I have to thy Precepts; which, I beseech Thee, let the world see Thou dost observe: and both preserve my life, O Lord, and, ac­cording to the exceeding greatness of thy goodness, deliver me out of this sad condition.

160. Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judge­ments endureth for ever.

160. As I doubt not Thou wilt; for none of thy promises have ever fai­led: but the very first of them which Thou madest to our Forefather Abraham (XII. Gen. 2.) hath been [Page 435]faithfully fulfilled; and so shall every thing else, which Thou hast resolved and de­clared to be thy will, be punctually performed to the end of the world.


161. Princes have persecuted me without a cause: but my heart standeth in awe of thy word.

161. The Rulers, and prime Counsellours of the Kingdom persecute me, for pretended crimes: of which as I am not guilty; so I do not fear so much what they can doe against me, as lest I should doe any thing, in my own vindication, against thy word, 1 Sam. XXIV. 6. XXVI. 9.

162. I rejoice at thy word, as one that findeth great spoil.

162. I would not pur­chase my liberty, my peace, or the honour they enjoy, by any unlawfull actions: for I take far more joy in doing thy will, and in what Thou hast promised to doe for me; then in the compleatest Victory o­ver all my enemies.

163. I hate and abhor lying: but thy law do I love.

163. I hate all fraud and deceit; even to the degree [Page 436]of abhorrence and abomi­nation: but most heartily love those honest courses, to which thy Law directs me.

164. Seven times a day do I praise thee: be­cause of thy righ­teous judgments.

164. It is the subject of my perpetual thanks and praise; that I have the hap­piness to be acquainted with the justice and good­ness of those Laws, where­by Thou governest us.

165. Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.

165. The observance of which gives such inward sa­tisfaction, and brings so ma­ny and great blessings to those who truly love them: that they take all things which befall them in good part; and nothing will tempt them to turn aside, and leave those vertuous paths wherein they lead them.

166. LORD, I have hoped for thy salvation, and done thy com­mandments.

166. I have met with the most grievous discou­ragements: But, Lord, in the midst of the greatest straits I have expected de­liverance onely from Thee; and never done any thing, for my preservation, con­trary [Page 437]to thy Command­ments.

167. My soul hath kept thy te­stimonies: and I love them excee­dingly.

167. All my care hath been, still most heartily to observe thy Testimonies: which I prefer infinitely before all earthly injoy­ments.

168. I have kept thy precepts and thy testimo­nies: for all my ways are before thee.

168. There is not one of thy Laws, of any sort, but I have carefully observed; even then when I might have privily broken them, and been a gainer by it: (1 Sam. XXIV. 4, &c.) for I knew that nothing can be done so secretly, but Thou art perfectly acquainted with it.


169. Let my cry come near be­fore thee, O LORD: give me understanding ac­cording to thy word.

169. As Thou art also with my most earnest pe­titions; to which I beseech Thee, O Lord, vouchsafe a gracious answer: and in the first place teach me, ac­cording as Thou hast pro­mised, to walk, not onely innocently, but prudently, in the midst of all the [Page 438]snares that are laid for me.

170. Let my supplication come before thee: deli­ver me according to thy word.

170. Do not deny ad­mittance to this humble suit; but in due time grant this further request: that I may, according to the same promise, be perfectly deli­vered from this long perse­cution.

171. My lips shall utter praise, when thou hast taught me thy statutes.

171. Then will I praise Thee without ceasing: first for instructing me how to please Thee in all things:

172. My tongue shall speak of thy word: for all thy commandments are righteousness.

172. And next for ful­filling thy promise to me: which I will loudly pro­claim, with my thankfull acknowledgments; that whatsoever Thou hast said is truly and faithfully per­formed.

173. Let thine hand help me: for I have chosen thy precepts.

173. Let thy Divine power therefore succour me, in this weak and di­stressed condition wherein I am: for I relie on that alone; having resolved to be guided wholly by thy Precepts.

174. I have longed for thy sal­vation, O LORD: and thy law is my delight.

174. And I have long expected, with most ardent desires, thy help, O Lord, [Page 439]for my deliverance: deligh­ting my self, in the mean time, in thy Laws; while Thou art pleased to de­lay it.

175. Let my soul live, and it shall praise thee: and let thy judg­ments help me.

175. O let me not perish in these straits, wherein I am involved; but spare my life, according to thy won­ted kindness, and I will spend it in thy praises: Send me relief, by executing the judgments, Thou hast de­creed against my enemies.

176. I have gone astray like a lost sheep, seek thy servant: for I do not forget thy com­mandments.

176. Who have so cha­sed me from place to place, during this tedious banish­ment; that like a wandring sheep, which hath lost its way, I know not whither to betake my self for safe­ty: But be Thou pleased, like a carefull shepherd, to look after me, and to put thy servant into the right way of escaping all the dan­gers to which I am exposed, and of recovering my liber­ty, rest and peace again: For, how hard soever my condition hath been (I can still seriously profess it) I [Page 440]have not been careless in the observance of thy Com­mandments.

A Song of degrees.


There can no certain account be given, why this and XIV. other Psalms, which follow, are called Songs of degrees, or ascents. Their conjecture seems to me most probable, who think this Title denotes, either the ele­vation of the voice in the singing these Songs; or the excellence of the composure, or of the Musick to which they were set; or the high esteem they had of them upon some account or other: particularly because they were so fit for their use (though most of them composed in former times) at and af­ter their return from the Captivity of Baby­lon. Then, some think, this Title was gi­ven to them; because they sung them, as they went up to their own Country again.

But this present Psalm seems to have been made by David, when the calumnies of Doeg, and others forced him to flee his Country; and to go as far as the Kedarens [Page 441]or Arabians (Ver. 6.) whose company was very irksome to him. We do not reade in­deed in his History, that he was there: but we may well think he sought for safety, in more places then are particularly mentioned; and might as well be there, as among the Moabites, and in the wilderness of Paran, (1 Sam. XXV. 1.) which was not far from them. As for Mesech, I take that to sig­nifie not a place, but the length of time, which he staid there, before he durst stir from thence; or, which he was forced to spend in exile: as all the ancient Interpre­ters, except one, understand it. See Bochart in his Phaleg. L. III. Cap. 12.

1. IN my distress I cried unto the LORD, and he heard me.

1. I Have had frequent experience of the goodness of the Lord; who, when I have earnestly im­plored his help in my straits and difficulties, hath con­stantly relieved me.

2. Deliver my soul, O LORD, from lying lips, and from a deceit­full tongue.

2. May it please Thee, O Lord, still to continue thy mercy toward me: and now that men strike at my life, by calumnies, and cun­ningly devised lies, (1 Sam. XXII. 9. XXIV. 9.) to pre­serve me from the danger, into which they have thrown me.

3. What shall be given unto thee? or what shall be done unto thee, thou false tongue?

3. O thou false accuser! what dost Thou hope to get by these specious tales which thou hast forged? what will They add to that heap of wealth, which thou treasurest up? (LII. Psal. 7.)

4. Sharp arrows of the almighty, with coals of juni­per.

4. They shall be so far from turning to thy advan­tage, that they shall prove thy undoing: for the migh­ty Lord (whom none can resist) shall take a sharp and a swift vengeance on thee; which shall never cease, till it hath utterly consumed thee.

5. Wo is me that I sojourn in Mesech, that I dwell in the tents of Kedar.

5. For it is but fit thou shouldst smart for the mis­chief thou hast done; un­der which I groan most sadly: not onely in a te­dious banishment from my own Country; but in that I am forced to seek for shel­ter, among the barbarous Arabs.

6. My soul hath long dwelt with him that hateth peace.

6. Where my mind can­not but perpetually reflect upon the implacable spirit of my enemies: whose bit­ter hatred will not suffer [Page 443]them, to come to any terms of agreement.

7. I am for peace: but when I speak, they are for war.

7. As I never gave them the least offence; so there is nothing that I more ve­hemently desire, then peace and reconciliation: but when I make a motion for it, they are the more exa­sperated; and, as if I dis­trusted my cause, or crafti­ly sought advantage by a treaty, betake themselves more fiercely and resolutely to their arms.

A Song of degrees.


If David was the Authour of this Psalm (and to whom can we with so much likelihood ascribe it?) it is an expression of the high trust and confidence, which he reposed in God; when he was in great straits, and saw no hope of humane help: being either inviron'd by Saul's Forces, or pursued by his Son Absalom. It is hard to say, to which [Page 444]it belongs; but if by hills, in the first Verse, we understand Sion, and Moriah, where David's Palace and the Ark of God were placed; then it must be referred to the lat­ter: for Sion was not theirs, during Saul's persecution.

There are those indeed, who, following Kimchi, take the first Verse to be a military form of speech; and suppose David to have looked round about him, as a Captain in danger doth; to see if he could spie any as­sistance coming to him, down the neighbour­ing hills wherewith he was encompassed. But the other sense seems to me more simple; which therefore I have followed: though, if we should adhere to that conjecture, still it will best agree to the distress into which Absalom had reduced him. For then he might well look to see if any of his Subjects, continuing their fidelity to him, would appear to defend him. Why called A Song of de­grees, see, CXX.

1. I Will lift up mine eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help.

1. THough I am dri­ven, not onely from my own Palace, but from God's Dwelling place, (2 Sam. XV. 14, 25.) yet my eyes shall be ever di­rected thitherward: from whence I expect a power­full aid against those nume­rous [Page 445]enemies that are com­bined to destroy me.

2. My help co­meth from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.

2. I have no dependance on any other help, but wait for deliverance wholly from the presence of the Lord: to whom all Creatures are subject, and who hath An­gels at his command, to send to the succour of his servants; for he made the heaven, as well as the earth.

3. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.

3. And me thinks I hear his Ministers calling to me out of his holy place, and saying; Fear not; since Thou hast placed thy con­fidence in the Lord alone, He will not let thee be subverted: thou hast a stronger guard, then the most valiant Army would be to thee; for they may be tired and fall asleep, but He that hath thee in his custody will exercise a most unwearied care over thee.

4. Behold, he that keepeth Isra­el, shall neither slumber nor sleep.

4. Be confident of it; He that is the protectour of all good men, will never in the least neglect thee; much less abandon the care of [Page 446]thee: but, by a most watch­full providence, keep thee in safety.

5. The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.

5. The omnipotent Lord of the world is thy Guardi­an: the very same Lord that covered your Forefa­thers with a glorious cloud (XIII. Exod. 21.) is always present with thee; to de­fend and assist thee, against all the enemies that assault thee.

6. The sun shall not smite thee by day; nor the moon by night.

6. Be not troubled that thou art forced to take up thy quarters in the open field: for the Sun shall doe thee no hurt, by its vehe­ment heat in the day; nor the Moon by its cold and moisture in the night, (2 Sam. XVII. 1, 6, 22.)

7. The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.

7. The Lord shall pre­serve thee from all manner of harm: He will preserve thy life; and not suffer thee to fall into the hands of those, that contrive to take it away, (2 Sam. XVII. 1, 2, 14.)

8. The LORD shall preserve thy going out, and thy coming in, from this time forth and even for ever­more.

8. The Lord shall secure thee, whithersoever thou [Page 447]marchest; and prosper thee all along, in all thy under­takings, either abroad or within doors: not onely now; but in all future times, to the end of thy days.

A Song of degrees of David.


The Title satisfies us that David was the Au­thour of this Psalm: who having settled the Ark (which before had no certain place) at Jerusalem, and being, at this time, upon some occasion in the Country; heard the good people there speak one to another, as some of them did to him, of going to worship God; at some of the three solemn Feasts. Which devotion of theirs, as it rejoiced his heart, so it moved him, I conjecture, to com­pose this Psalm for their use; at such times.

If the Talmudists may be believed, they were wont to sing the first Verse of this Psalm, as they went out of the Country towards Je­rusalem, carrying their first-fruits to the House of the Lord; as the Law (XXVI. [Page 448] Deut. 2.) directed them. And when they entred within the Gates of the City, they sang the second Verse. There they were met by some of the Citizens; who, if this be true, sang the rest of the Psalm, it is likely, together with them; as they went toward the Temple. Of this custom Mr. Selden treats L. III. de Synedr. Cap. 13. Of A Song of degrees, see CXX.

1. I Was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.

1. I Was exceedingly plea­sed with the chearfull devotion of those, who came unto me, before the approaching Feast, and said; Let us go and pay our thankfull acknowledgments to the Lord, in the place where He dwells, and makes Himself present among us.

2. Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusa­lem.

2. Which motion ought to be the more readily em­braced, because now He hath fixed his habitation: and we need not travel fur­ther then Jerusalem, to en­quire after the Ark of his presence.

3. Jerusalem is builded as a city, that is com­pact together:

3. To Jerusalem, I say, that fair and beautifull Ci­ty; whose buildings do not now lie scattered and di­vided: [Page 449]but are all compac­ted, and united together (as we ought to be) in a goodly order, 1 Sam. V. 9. 1 Chron. XI. 8.

4. Whither the tribes go up, the tribes of the LORD, unto the testimony of Israel, to give thanks un­to the name of the LORD.

4. Thither all the XII. Tribes of Israel, who own the great LORD for their God, go up from all the parts of the Country, by his special Commandment: (XXIII. Exod. 17.) to ac­knowledge before the Ark of his Testimony, (XXV. Exod. 21, 22.) all the be­nefits they have received from his almighty Good­ness; and this above the rest, that He thereby testi­fies his singular care and providence over them.

5. For there are set thrones of judgment: the thrones of the house of David.

5. Thither also they re­pair for Justice; for the supreme Judicatory of the Kingdom sits there, (2 Chr. XIX. 8.) and there is the seat of the Royal Family (where David and his Sons have their residence, and govern the people, 2 Sam. VIII. 15, 18.)

6. Pray for the peace of Jerusa­lem: they shall prosper that love thee.

6. O let this be part of your devout prayers, when you come there; that God would preserve Jerusalem in peace: Happy shall they be, who out of love to the Religion and Justice which is administred in thee, (O beloved City) contribute their indeavours, as well as their prayers, for thy safety and prosperity.

7. Peace be with­in thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.

7. Let no enemy (this shall be my constant prayer) approach so much as to thy out-works to disturb thee: and let plenty of all good things abound within thy Palaces.

8. For my bre­thren and com­panions sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee.

8. The kindness I have for my kindred, and my neighbours and friends, whe­ther in the City, or the Country, will not let me cease my earnest prayers to God; that He will confer his blessings on thee.

9. Because of the house of the LORD our God, I will seek thy good.

9. But above all, the love I have to the Lord our God, whose house is here, (whither all his de­vout servants resort to wor­ship [Page 451]Him and celebrate his Name) shall excite not onely my prayers, but my study to promote thy wel­fare.

A Song of degrees.


This Psalm, it is certain, was composed in a time of great distress; when they were ex­treamly afflicted by some haughty and inso­lent enemies, Ver. 3, 4. who those enemies were, there are several conjectures; And I will add mine: that this short form of prayer was made by some pious person, when the King of Assyria (whose pride the Prophet Isaiah describes VIII. 7. and many other places) sent Rabshakeh and other of his Captains, to besiege Jerusalem: where they poured out most contemptuous, nay blasphe­mous words, against God, and his people, 2 King. XVIII, XIX. It is probable, if this conjecture be admitted, that it was made by Isaiah, whom Hezekiah desired to lift up his prayer for the remnant that was left, 2 King. XIX. 4. XXXVII. Isa. 4. [Page 452]Accordingly we reade, (2 Chron. XXXII. 20.) both he and Hezekiah cried unto the Lord: and we may suppose lift up his eyes to heaven, and said these words.

1. UNto thee lift I up mine eyes, O thou that dwellest in the heavens.

1. THough all humane help fail us in this sore distress; yet I do not despair of relief from Thee, O Lord: whose Majesty and Power, incomparably excells all earthly Mo­narchs.

2. Behold, as the eyes of ser­vants look unto the hand of their masters, and as the eyes of a mai­den unto the hand of her mistress: so our eyes wait up­on the LORD our God, untill that he have mercy upon us.

2. Behold, how, not onely I, but the rest of thy faithfull people wait upon Thee: submitting our selves to this severe punishment, as poor slaves do to the stroke of their offended Master or Mistress; and re­solving to bear it patiently, till Thou our LORD who doest inflict it, wilt be plea­sed to shew thy self our most gracious God; and in much pity towards us re­move it.

3. Have mercy upon us, O LORD, have mercy upon us: for we are ex­ceedingly filled with contempt.

3. O be gracious unto us, good Lord, be gracious unto us; and in much mer­cy take away this heavy [Page 453]scourge from us: for we are become so beyond all mea­sure contemptible, (2 King. XVIII. 23, 24. XIX. 34.) that we can scarce any lon­ger indure it.

4. Our soul is exceedingly filled with the scorning of those that are at ease, and with the contempt of the proud.

4. We have a long time groaned under the intolle­rable load of the derision and contempt of those; whose constant prosperity puffs them up with pride: nay, makes them insolently oppress all those, who are unable to resist them.

A Song of degrees of David.


If the Title had not told us that this is a Psalm of David's; I should have thought it had been composed by the Authour of the former; to acknowledge the wonderfull power and goodness of God in delivering them from Senacherib's Army; which came in like a floud, (LIX, Isa. 19.) and had over­flown all the Country as far as Jerusalem, [Page 454](VIII. Isa. 7, 8.) which might well make them be called proud waters (as the Psal­mist here speaks, Ver. 5.) because they fan­cied nothing could stand before them. Such it seems were, either the Philistines; upon whom, when they spread themselves in the valley of Rephaim, the Lord broke forth as a breach of waters, 2 Sam. V. 19: or the Ammonites and their Associates, 2 Sam. X. 6, 15, 16. Of A Song of degrees, see CXX.

1. IF it had not been the LORD who was on our side, now may Israel say:

1. IF we had not had such a mighty helper as the Lord; who took our part, may Israel now most thank­fully acknowledge,

2. If it had not been the LORD who was on our side, when men rose up against us:

2. If it had not been the Lord (whom none can resist) who took our part, when such numerous ene­mies united their forces, as one man, to make war up­on us;

3. Then they had swallowed us up quick, when their wrath was kindled against us,

3. They would then have made but one morsel of our small Army: and in the furious rage wherein they were, have immediate­ly devoured us; as mon­strous beasts doe their prey, which they greedily swal­low down alive.

4. Then the waters had over­whelmed us, the stream had gone over our soul.

4. Then they would have overrun all the Coun­try like a violent torrent: and we should have been buried in the floud.

5. Then the proud waters had gone over our soul.

5. Having once made a wide breach, by the over­throw of our Army; they would have poured in more numerous forces upon us: till, like an inundation of water, which swells more and more, they had wholly overwhelmed us.

6. Blessed be the LORD, who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth.

6. Thanks be to the Lord, to whose infinite mercies we ought to ascribe it; that He hath not per­mitted them to domineer over us, and execute their cruel intentions against us.

7. Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers; the snare is broken, and we are esca­ped.

7. They thought they had laid their design so strongly, that we could not escape; no more then a little bird, which a fowler hath taken in his snare: but, blessed be the Lord, who hath assisted our weakness; their plot is defeated, they are broken in pieces; and we thereby [Page 456]most wonderfully delive­red.

8. Our help is in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth.

8. This was not a work of our wit, no more then of our power; nor were we beholden to the help of any of our neighbours: but we owe it wholly to his almighty Goodness; who commands, because He made, all Creatures: in whom we ought to place our confi­dence for ever.

A Song of degrees.


We may well look upon this Psalm, as a pious Exhortation to the people to trust in God; when Senacherib's Army threatned to de­stroy Jerusalem. And perhaps these were some of the comfortable words, which we reade, (2 Chron. XXXII. 6, 7, 8.) Heze­kiah then spake to them; when God chasti­sed them by that rod of his anger, (as He calls Senacherib, X. Isa. 5.) which the Psalmist here foretold (Ver. 3.) should not [Page 457]long afflict them. Of A Song of degrees, see CXX.

1. THey that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Sion, which cannot be remo­ved, but abideth for ever.

1. THere are none so safe, as they that repose a pious confidence in the Lord: by which they shall both maintain them­selves in a settled peace and tranquillity; and remain for ever, as unmoveable, conspicuous and illustrious, as mount Sion.

2. As the moun­tains are round a­bout Jerusalem, so the LORD is round about his people, from hence­forth even for ever.

2. For as Jerusalem is surrounded with high hills, which make it not easily accessible by any enemies; so the Divine providence incompasses his people, who depend upon Him: to guard and defend them from all dangers; not one­ly now, but in all succee­ding ages, to the end of the world.

3. For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righte­ous: lest the righ­teous put forth their hands unto iniquity.

3. The power of wicked Tyrants indeed may heavi­ly afflict the righteous for a time: but they shall not always harrass their Coun­try, nor continue their op­pression so long; as quite [Page 458]to tire out the patience of the righteous, and tempt them to forsake their pious confidence in Him, and lay hold on any means, though never so unjust of obtai­ning deliverance.

4. Do good, O LORD, unto those that be good, and to them that are upright in their hearts.

4. To prevent so great an evil, be pleased now, good Lord, to deal well with those who are truly good: and reward their fi­delity; who notwithstan­ding all these calamities sin­cerely persist in thy ways, and preserve their integrity.

5. As for such as turn aside unto their crooked ways, the LORD shall lead them forth with the workers of iniquity: but peace shall be up­on Israel.

5. But as for those, who, instead of growing bettter by these oppressions, de­cline more and more from the ways of piety; unto the most perverse, and croo­ked courses: the Lord shall deliver them over to be pu­nished with their oppres­sours; when Israel, after all these sore afflictions, shall be settled again in peace and happiness.

A Song of degrees.


This Psalm is so universally thought to be a joyfull Song composed by Ezra, or some such good man, when they returned out of Baby­lon; that I shall seek for no other interpre­tation. But observe, with Theodoret; that when Cyrus gave them all leave to return to their own Land, some were so ill minded that they chose to continue where they were: But such as had any sense of the piety of their Forefathers, and desired to see the worship of God, according to the Law, restored, gladly embraced the opportunity of returning to their own Country. Where they thought themselves so happy in the liberty which they enjoyed, that they pray (Ver. 4.) all the rest of the Nation who remained still behind, would come and partake of it.

This is the most received sense; else I should have thought the deliverance from Senacherib might be here celebrated: who had carried many of them Captive, (V. Isa. 13. and other places) and when they were delivered from his oppression, they were in­deed like men that dreamed, as the Psal­mist here speaks. For awaking in the mor­ning [Page 460]and seeing his vast Army to be dead Corpses, (2 King. XIX. 35.) they could scarce believe, what they beheld with their eyes; it was so wonderfull.

And perhaps it was first made then, and afterward applied, with some alteration, to their return from Babylon. See CXXXIII.

1. WHen the LORD turned again the captivity of Sion, we were like them that dream.

1. TO the Lord alone must we ascribe this wonderfull change; (which is like the sudden recovery of health, out of a tedious and desperate sick­ness) For when the procla­mation unexpectedly came forth, to give us liberty to return to our own Country, out of a long captivity, (I. Ezra 2, 3.) we could scarce believe it; but were apt to look upon our selves, as onely in a dream of so great a happiness.

2. Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The LORD hath done great things for them.

2. Which presently tur­ned our heaviness into such a heighth of joy, that it filled all places with our mirth; especially with chear­full hymns: in which the heathen themselves accom­panied us, saying; This [Page 461]truly is the Lord's work, who hath magnified his power in the strange deli­verance of this Nation.

3. The LORD hath done great things for us: whereof we are glad.

3. And truly so He hath (we should be very un­gratefull, if we should not thankfull, if we should not thankfully acknowledge the singular benefits, which strangers admire) the Lord hath not onely restored our liberty; but declared the greatness of his power in this deliverance; which justly fills us with joy and triumph.

4. Turn again our captivity, O LORD, as the streams in the south.

4. O that the Lord would be pleased to perfect what He hath begun! and bring back, in greater numbers, the rest of our brethren that still remain in Babylon: which would be as wel­come to this desolate Coun­try, as streams of water to the dry and thirsty grounds.

5. They that sow in tears, shall reap in joy.

5. Then this small hand­full of people, who are come to plant themselves here a­gain, and have laid the foundation of the Temple, with a great mixture of sad­ness [Page 462]and tears, (III. Ezra 12.) shall shout for joy, to see so great an increase, and this pious work, by their help, brought unto perfec­tion.

6. He that go­eth forth and wee­peth, bearing pre­cious seed, shall doubtless come a­gain with rejoy­cing, bringing his sheaves with him.

6. Just as we behold the poor husbandman, going to and fro with a little seed, which in a scarce year he throws with an heavy heart into the ground, returning again and again from the field, with songs of joy in his mouth; when the har­vest comes to reward his past labours, with a plen­tifull crop of corn.

A Song of degrees for Solomon. See CXX.


The Hebrew particle which here we translate for, is thought by our Interpreters, in most other places, to signifie of: and so they translate it a little before, in the Title of Psal. CXXIV. and a little after, in that of [Page 463]CXXXI. Therefore I shall look upon this Psalm as composed by Solomon; who, you reade, 1 King. IV. 32. made above three thousand Songs: though none of them (ex­cept that large Poem called the Song of Songs, and as some think Psal. CXXXII. and, as I suppose, the next to this) have been transmitted to posterity, but onely this: which is a commentary upon a pious Maxime of his, often repeated in the Book of his Proverbs; that it is in vain to attempt any thing, if the Lord do not prosper it. Teach­ing us therefore in all our ways to acknow­ledge Him, (III. Prov. 6. XVI. 3.) and not to presume, that it is in our power to direct our own way (that is, our designs, enterprises and actions) to what issue we please. For Though a man's heart deviseth his way, yet it is the Lord that directeth his steps, XVI. Prov. 9. XX. 24. XXI. 30, 31. A truth to be deeply pondered by all; especially by Princes: in whose affairs, this over-ruling Providence is most visible. Of A Song of degrees, see CXX.

1. EXcept the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: ex­cept the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.

1. THE success of all our undertakings depends so intirely upon the Lord's blessing, that it is in vain, by building Hou­ses and Cities, to enter into Societies; unless He prosper [Page 464]the design: and when they are framed, all the care of the Souldier and the Magi­strate is to no purpose; unless his good Providence be their guard.

2. It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep.

2. And as fruitless, un­less He favour it, is the toil and solicitude of you, the Artificers and Tradesmen in the City; who rise betime, and go to bed late, and fare hardly: when they whom He loves (because they own his Providence, and depend upon his Bles­sing, more then their own diligence) live securely, and want nothing that is fit for them; though they have no such strong guard of Souldiers to defend them; nor break their sleep with labour and care, to supply their necessities.

3. Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his re­ward.

3. Observe it also; it is not in the power of the strongest and most health­full persons (though nature designs above all things the propagation of mankind) to have Children when they [Page 465]please; to inherit the ri­ches they have got: but the Lord bestows them as freely, as Parents do their estates; and makes those women fruitfull, whose pious reliance upon Him, He thinks good to reward.

4. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man: so are children of the youth.

4. And yet there is no­thing of which we are more desirous, then a numerous issue; especially in the flower and vigour of our youth: for they will be no less defence to us in our age; then arrows or darts are in the hand of a vali­ant Champion, to beat off his Assailants.

5. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them, they shall not be ashamed: but they shall speake with the enemies in the gate.

5. Happy is that man who hath obtained so much favour of the Lord, as to have his house as full of them, as the Champions quiver is of arrows: they will undauntedly appear for him, to answer any challenge sent him by his Enemies See Theodoret.; or any accusa­tion put in against him be­fore the Judges.

A Song of degrees.


It is not unlikely, that this Psalm was compo­sed by the same Authour that made the for­mer; to excite men to be truly Religious, as the onely way to obtain the blessings there mentioned of the Lord. Which as he there shews we must have from his free gift, and not think to acquire merely by our own in­dustry: so here he shews the Lord is wont to bestow on those; who, fearing to offend Him, sincerely keep his Commandments.

Some think this was a form prescribed to be used at the blessing of their Marriages: when they wished the new married couple all manner of happiness; especially a long life in peaceable times, Vers. 5, 6. Of A Song of degrees, see CXX.

1. BLessed is every one that feareth the LORD: that walketh in his ways.

1. WHosoever thou art that desirest to be happy, be sure to add unto the devout Worship of the Lord, the practice of Justice and Charity, and all other Vertues: and thou shalt never miss of it,

2. For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: hap­py shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee.

2. For then He will pro­sper thy honest labours; and give thee an heart also to enjoy the fruit of them: yea, this will seem no small part of thy happiness; that thou art able to live of thy self, and not be beholden unto others.

3. Thy wife shall be as a fruitfull vine by the sides of thine house, thy chil­dren like olive plants: round a­bout thy Table.

3. He will bless thee al­so in thy Wife; and make her as fruitfull as the Vine, which spreads it self, laden with full clusters, over all the sides of thy House: and in thy hopefull Chil­dren too; who shall grow up and flourish like the young Olive plants, that are set in thy Arbour, round about thy Table.

4. Behold, that thus shall the man be blessed: that feareth the LORD.

4. Observe it, that this shall be the comfortable portion of the Man that religiously serveth the Lord: who alone can bless our labours; and continue the product of them in our Families.

5. The LORD shall bless thee out of Zion: and thou shalt see the good of Jerusalem, all the days of thy life.

5. Address thy self unto Him in his holy place; and the Lord shall bestow [Page 468]on thee, whatsoever bles­sings thou askest of Him: yea, maist thou be so hap­py, as to see Jerusalem, the Seat of Justice and Religi­on, in a flourishing condi­tion, all thy life long.

6. Yea, thou shalt see thy chil­drens children: and peace upon Israel.

6. And long maist thou live, to such a good old age, as to see thy Chil­drens Children: and the whole Nation, all the time, in a prosperous tranquillity.

A Song of degrees. See CXX.


This Psalm was made when some new Ca­lamity threatned them: either by Senache­rib, or as Theodoret thinks, by those Nations which combined to destroy the Jews, as soon as they returned from the Captivity of Babylon. When they were taught by Ezra, or some such holy man, to recount what God had done for them, ever since they were a people; and to denounce the divine Vengeance against those, that now [Page 469]sought their ruine. The former conjecture seems the truer; because as yet, he saith vers. 2. their Enemies had not prevailed against them: unless we expound that phrase, as I have done in the Paraphrase (according to the received interpretation of the Psalm) that they had not quite de­stroyed them, and made them cease to be a Nation.

1. MAny a time have they afflicted me from my youth: may Israel now say.

1. OUR Adversaries, may Israel now upon this occasion say, have very often, and very sorely distressed us; ever since we began to be a People.

2. Many a time have they afflicted me from my youth: yet they have not prevailed against me.

2. It is hard to number how oft, or to tell into how great straits they have reduced us; ever since we began to be a Nation: and yet, by the special favour of God, they have not been able to compass their desire, of our utter extir­pation.

3. The plowers plowed upon my back: they made long their fur­rows.

3. They have laid us sometimes exceeding low: and not onely scourged us so severely, that the marks of it might be seen as plain­ly, [Page 470]as the furrows are which the Plough makes in the ground; but long conti­nued also our vexation and torment.

4. The LORD is righteous: he hath cut asunder the cords of the wicked.

4. But the Lord, at last, in much mercy hath made good his faithfull Promises, and broken in pieces the power of wicked Oppres­sours: that they might not always hold us under their yoke, and thus miserably tyrannize over us.

5. Let them all be confounded and turned back, that hate Zion.

5. And may all those that still hate us and our Religion, never have bet­ter success: but be shame­fully defeated; and forced to desist in all their at­tempts upon us.

6. Let them be as the grass upon the house tops: which withereth afore it groweth up:

6. Let none of their de­signs ever come to maturi­ty; but be blasted like the grass upon the house-top: which having no root, wi­thers of it self; and needs no bodies hand to pluck it up.

7. Wherewith the mower filleth not his hand: nor he that bindeth sheaves, his bo­some.

7. And as it lies unre­garded by those that reap or that carry in the fruits [Page 471]of the Earth; so let these men and all their enterpri­ses become contemptible, and be looked upon as good for nothing.

8. Neither do they which goe by, say, The blessing of the LORD be upon you: we bless you in the Name of the LORD.

8. Let all their hopes so speedily vanish, that there be none to favour them; nor so much as to wish prosperity to them: No more then there are gathe­thers of such withered grass appear, to whom the Pas­singers (after the usual form, II. Ruth 4.) should say; The Lord give you a good harvest; We pray God you may reape the fruit of your labours.

A Song of degrees. See CXX.


Some think David made this Prayer, after he had plunged himself into a very deep guilt, by his sin with Bathsheba. I rather think, when he was persecuted by Saul, [Page 472]and reduced to so low a condition; that his heart began to sink within him. For the flouds of ungodly men (as he speaks XVIII. Psal. 4.) made him afraid, that he should one day perish in them, (1 Sam. XXIX. 1.) and he complains elsewhere, that he sunk in the mire, where there was no standing, &c. LXIX. Psal. 2, 14, 15.

In this condition he implores the divine Mercy with great earnestness: and besee­ches him to pardon his sins, and the sins of all the people: which made them deserve that ill government, under Saul and his Flatterers.

It is the last but one, of the VII. peni­tential Psalms.

1. OƲT of the depths have I cried unto thee, O LORD.

1. IN the greatest straits, when I can see no bottom, no end of my troubles, but I still sink lower and lower into them; I never despair of thy mercy, O Lord: but cry unto Thee most ear­nestly to deliver me.

2. LORD here my voice; let thi [...] ears be at­t [...] to the voice of my sup­plications.

2. Vouchsafe, good Lord, the Governour of all things, to grant my Pe­tition: Do not reject it, I humbly beseech Thee; but [Page 473]give me a favourable an­swer, when I deprecate thy displeasure.

3. If thou, LORD, shouldest mark iniquities: O Lord, who shall stand?

3. I do not plead any merits of mine, but rather accuse my self before Thee: knowing that if I were the most innocent person in the world, yet if Thou, Lord, shouldest strictly ex­amine my life, and proceed against me, according to my deserts (Lord, what would become of me?) I should certainly be con­demned.

4. But there is forgiveness with thee: that thou maist be feared.

4. But Thou most gra­ciously invitest us unto thy service, by thy readiness to pardon all those that are truly penitent: without the hope of which, we could not so much as think of becoming religious.

5. I wait for the LORD, my soul doth wait: and in his word do I hope.

5. This incourages me to wait and expect, when the Lord will deliver me: my Soul is earnestly bent to expect this happy time: which I believe will come; because I have his Promise for it, on which I depend.

6. My soul waiteth for the Lord, more then they that watch for the morning: I say, more then they that watch for the morning.

6. I direct my thoughts to the Lord alone for safe­ty and relief; which I im­plore incessantly with my early Prayers: For they that watch in the Temple for the break of day; I say the Priests that watch in the Temple for the break of day; are not more for­ward then I, to offer up their morning Sacrifice to the Lord.

7. Let Israel hope in the LORD, for with the LORD there is mercy: and with him is plen­teous redemption.

7. In whom let all his People place their trust and confidence: for the Lord is very ready to doe good; and hath more ways then we can imagine, to rescue those that hope in Him out of the sorest distresses.

8. And he shall redeem Israel, from all his ini­quities.

8. And He will at last free them from all those troubles; which He hath inflicted on them, as a pu­nishment for their iniqui­ties.

A Song of degrees of David. See CXX.


Though David could not purge himself from all manner of guilt (as he confesses in the foregoing Psalm vers. 3.) yet in that mat­ter, which he was charged withall by his Enemies (of affecting the Kingdome) he could safely protest he was as innocent as a little Child. Which he doth in this Psalm particularly; and in several parts of other Psalms.

1. LORD, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exer­cise my self in great matters, or in things too high for me.

1. O Lord, I am accu­sed of traiterous designs against my Sove­reign, and of aspiring to the Throne wherein Thou hast placed him: But Thou, who searchest the hearts, knowest that I harbour no such ambitious thoughts; nor hath my behaviour be­trayed any such intentions: For I never looked upon any man superciliously; nor medled with affairs of State; or any thing else, [Page 476]that is above my place and calling.

2. Surely I have behaved and quie­ted my self as a child that is wea­ned of his mother: my soul is even as a weaned child.

2. But have levelled my mind (else let me perish) to an equality with my condition; and resolved to acquiesce in the present state of things: committing my self unto thy care, and depending on thy Provi­dence, as a Child that is newly weaned, doth upon its Mother: just so, do I silence my natural desires; and am content to be dis­posed of, as Thou pleasest.

3. Let Israel hope in the LORD, from henceforth and for ever.

3. And let all good men, in like manner, modestly place their confidence and hope in the Lord, as long as they live: and choose rather to be depressed, then by any undue means raise themselves to greatness and honour.

A Song of degrees. See CXX.


This Psalm seems to have been composed by some holy man; after God had given com­mandment to David, by Gad the Seer, to build an Altar in the threshing-floor of Arau­nah the Jebusite; (where the destroying An­gel stood) and the Lord had answered him by fire upon that Altar, 1 Chron. XXI. 18, 26. whereby David knew, what he had till now been ignorant of, that this was the place where God would be worshipped and have his Temple built, XXII. 1. Accordingly we reade expresly, that Solomon therefore built the Temple in this place; because God here appeared to David his father, and Da­vid designed and prepared this place for it: (2 Chron. III. 1.) that there God's habi­tation might be fixed; and not removed, from place to place, uncertainly, as it had been in former times. For the Tabernacle, which the Hebrews call Mischkan, had been in an unsettled condition, except one period of time, ever since they came into the Land of Canaan. It was first pitched in Gilgal, and staid there 24. years. Then it was re­moved to Shiloh, where it remained, to the [Page 478]death of Eli, 369. years. After his death, Shiloh being laid waste, it was translated to Nob: where it remained, they say, 13. years: (but was now no better then a Cabinet with­out its Jewel; the Ark being in another place and never restored to it, after that de­solation of Shiloh; see Psal. LXVIII.) And then it was carried to Gibeon, where Solomon found it, and from thence fetcht it, when he had finished the Temple. Which the Hebrews therefore call Beth Olamim, the eternal House; because it was fixed to a place, and out of it the Ark never depar­ted, as it had done out of the Tabernacle: but there (as the Psalmist here speaks Verse 14.) the Lord took up his rest for ever: Never to depart, that is, to any other place, till the Messiah came; who was the Temple of God, in whom the fulness of the God­head dwelt bodily.

There are those that think Solomon pen­ned this Psalm; because (in the 2 Chron. VI. the two last Verses) he concludes his prayer, at the consecration of the Temple, with some part of it, viz. Ver. 8, 9, 10. And truly, since he speaks as if the Priests were just taking up the Ark to carry it into this resting place, and there begs that God would not, for David's sake, turn away the face of his Anointed, ( i.e. refuse to hear his prayer) it is not an improbable conjecture: which I shall follow in my Paraphrase. And con­nect [Page 479]also this Psalm with the former; to which it seems to have respect: if we render the last word of the first Verse, as the an­cient Interpreters doe; not affliction, but humility, meekness or modesty. Yet I have not forgot to take notice of the other signifi­cation: and in like manner, have expoun­ded that phrase the mighty God of Jacob, two several ways, Ver. 2. and 5.

1. LORD, re­member David, and all his afflictions:

1. LET it appear, O Lord, that Thou art not unmindfull of the pious humility of my Father David (CXXXI. 1.) who chose to endure many af­flictions; rather then by unlawfull means to prefer himself to a Kingdom.

2. How he sware unto the LORD, and vowed unto the mighty God of Jacob.

2. Which when he en­joyed, his principal care was to provide a settled place for the worship of God: for he bound himself with a solemn Oath unto the Lord, and vowed unto the mighty One, who had preserved him as He did Ja­cob, in all his troubles:

3. Surely I will not come into the tabernacle of my house, nor go up into my bed:

3. Saying, I am resolved, as I hope to prosper, that I will not come into the [Page 480]new Palace, which I have built for my self, (1 Chron. XIV. 1.) much less go to dwell, and take up my lodging there;

4. I will not give sleep to mine eyes, or slumber to mine eye-lids,

4. Nay, I will not lay my self down to rest, nor take a wink of sleep;

5. Ʋntill I find out a place for the LORD, an ha­bitation for the mighty God of Jacob.

5. Untill I have found out a convenient place for the Ark of the Lord, (1 Chr. XV. 1. XVI. 1, 43.) an habitation for that mighty One; who there makes Himself present to his peo­ple, the posterity of Jacob.

6. Lo, we heard of it at Ephratah: we found it in the fields of the wood.

6. And now, behold, the Lord Himself, to our great joy, hath told us the very place; where He will fix his habitation, (1 Chron. XXI. 18, 26.) in the ter­ritory of Bethlem Ephrata, (XXXV. Gen. 16, 19.) in the fields of that Forest, where the Angel stood; and directed David to build an Altar unto the Lord, 1 Chron. XXI. 18. XXII.

7. We will go into his taberna­cles: we will wor­ship at his footstool.

7. Let us go therefore into his Tabernacles; and prostrating our selves before [Page 481]his Majesty, let us take up the Ark, on which his Glo­ry stands, (1 Chron. XXVIII. 2.) with humble reverence: and bring it into the Temple, which is now built for it, 2 Chron. V. 2, 3, 4, &c.

8. Arise, O LORD, into thy rest: thou, and the Ark of thy strength.

8. And be pleased, O Lord, together with the Ark, the token of thy pow­erfull presence among us, to translate thy Divine Glo­ry thither: (2 Chron. V. 13, 14. VII. 1, 2, 3.) there to settle it self, and stir from thence no more for ever.

9. Let thy priests be cloathed with righteousness: and let thy saints shout for joy.

9. Guard also thy Priests, who minister unto Thee here, and incompass them with thy Goodness: (2 Chr. VI. 41.) that they may pro­cure thy blessings for others; and make all thy pious Wor­shippers, who are dear unto Thee, triumph in thy kind­ness to them.

10. For thy ser­vant David's sake, turn not away the face of thine a­nointed.

10. I beseech Thee, have a respect to the sincere pie­ty of my Father David, and thy gracious promise to him: (1 Chron. XXII. 2, 10, 14. XXVIII. 2, 6, &c.) [Page 482]and upon that account de­ny me not; but grant the petitions of thy servant, who by thy special appoint­ment, succeeds him in the government of thy people.

11. The LORD hath sworn in truth unto David, he will not turn from it, Of the the fruit of thy body will I set up­on thy throne.

11. According to that Oath, whereby the Lord secured the Kingdom to his Family; that faithfull Oath, which He will never break, saying; One of thy Sons will I advance to sit upon thy Throne, when thou shalt leave it, 1 Chron. XVII. 11. XXVIII. 5. 2 Chron. VI. 10.

12. If thy chil­dren will keep my covenant and my testimony, that I shall teach them; their children also shall sit upon thy throne for ever­more.

12. Yea, I will perpe­tuate this royal Dignity, to thy Children in all succee­ding generations, (and not take it from them, as I did from Saul, 2 Sam. VII. 15, 16.) if they prove faithfull and constant in their Reli­gion; and observe all the Commandments, whereby I will teach and instruct them, how my pleasure is, that they should worship and serve me, 1 King. II. 4. IX. 4, 5, 6.

13. For the LORD hath cho­sen Sion: he hath desired it for his habitation.

13. For the Lord hath such a love to Sion, the seat of the royal Family, (2 Sam. V. 7, 9.) that He hath chosen to place his own dwelling very near unto it, 2 Chron. III. 1. VII. 12.

14. This is my rest for ever: here will I dwell, for I have desired it.

14. Saying, this is the place where my Glory shall fix it self for ever (2 Chron. VII. 16.) I will remove no more; but here will I take up my abode: for I have pitched on this place; and declared that it is acceptable unto me, above all other, 1 Chron. XXI. 26. XXII. 2.

15. I will abun­dantly bless her provision: I will satisfie her poor with bread.

15. From whence I will dispense my blessings so abundantly; that Sion, (which is become the City of God, as well as of Da­vid) shall never be in any want: But I will make such liberal provision for it, by fruitfull years; that the poorest person there shall be satisfied with food, 2 Chr. VII. 13, 14.

16. I will also clothe her priests with salvation: and her saints shall shout aloud for joy,

16. I will also defend her Priests, and they shall [Page 484]be giving continual thanks and praise, for the blessings they shall procure for my pious Worshippers: who shall exceedingly triumph in my kindness towards them.

17. There will I make the horn of David to bud: I have ordained a lamp for mine a­nointed.

17. There will I make the Regal Power and Ma­jesty of David, to put forth it self afresh in his royal Successours: no sooner shall one be extinguished, but another shall shine (1 King. XI. 36. 2 Chron. XXI. 7.) in such splendour, as shall give a lustre to the name of that anointed Servant of mine; till the great Prince, the Messiah, appear.

18. His enemies will I clothe with shame: but upon himself shall his crown flourish.

18. And whosoever they be that go about to destroy this succession, they shall be so miserably defeated; that they shall not be able to shew their faces: while, with shame and confusion, they behold the regal Dig­nity in his Family (not­withstanding all their at­tempts against it) in an unfading glory.

A Song of degrees of David, see CXX.


When there was no other strife among all the Tribes of Israel, then who should be most forward in returning to their allegiance; and the Children of Judah also were incli­ned as one man to bring back David to his Kingdom, from which his Son Absalom had driven him, (2 Sam. XIX. 9, 14.) he fell into a rapturous admiration of that happy unity and concord: which he commended to them afterwards in this Psalm, as their best preservative and security in future ages. This seems to me more probable to be the occasion of it, then the concurrence of all the Tribes to make him King after Saul's death, (which is the common account that is given of it) for then Sion was not in his posses­sion: and it is not likely he would then have made such mention of it as he doth here, while it remained in the hands of the Je­busites. But whatsoever was the first occa­sion, it was aptly applied to their condition after the return of their Captivity from Ba­bylon; when, as Theodoret notes, the Tribes, which had been divided by the im­prudence of Rehoboam, were then again [Page 486]united: living under one and the same Go­vernment; and worshipping God in the same place, and the same manner, as the Law prescribed.

It was as fitly used by the first Christians, to express their joy for the blessed union of Jews and Gentiles; and may now serve the uses of all Christian Societies, whose happiness lies in holy peace and concord.

1. BEhold, how good and how pleasant it is, for brethren to dwell together in unity.

1. O Consider, how be­neficial and delight­full it is, beyond all expres­sion, for those that come from the same stock, and are of the same Religion; to have no differences one with another: but to live together in such a friendly agreement, as if they had but one Soul among them all.

2. It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aarons beard, that went down to the skirts of his garments.

2. I cannot resemble it to any thing better, then to that excellent ointment compounded of several spi­ces, (XXX. Exod. 21, &c.) which consecrated the high Priest to the Divine Service, (VIII. Levit. 12.) and was poured in such plenty, that running over all his face [Page 487]even to the collar of his gar­ment, (where he did bear the names of all the Tribes of Israel) it perfumed all the place with its fragrant odour: for just so doth this holy concord make you both dear to God, and procure you an excellent fame a­mong men; who cannot but be pleased to see such variety of humours and inclinations all conspiring with one accord, to pro­mote the common good of the whole Society.

3. As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that de­scended upon the mountains of Si­on; for there the LORD comman­ded the blessing, even life for ever­more.

3. The dew of heaven is not more necessary for the parched mountains, which though never so distant one from another, (as far as from Hermon to Sion) are refreshed with it, then this is for men of all ranks and conditions, who every where perceive the comfortable fruits of it: for to this the Divine fa­vour is immutably annexed, which will pour upon such Societies innumerable bles­sings; giving them an hap­py [Page 488]and long life, (an earnest of endless felicity) in a con­stant enjoyment of all man­ner of good things.

A Song of degrees.


It is uncertain by whom this Psalm was compo­sed, but it seems to have been made to be sung by some one or more of the Levites, at the shutting up of the Gates of the Temple: to excite the rest, whose turn it was to watch that night, to be diligent in their office of singing Psalms, and making devout prayers for the people. It is the last of those that have the Title of A Song of degrees, con­cerning which see CXX.

1. BEHOLD, bess ye the LORD, all ye servants of the LORD, which by night stand in the house of the LORD.

1. ATtend to your du­ty, O ye Ministers of the Lord; who not one­ly by day, but by night al­so reverently wait upon Him in his House: (1 Chron. IX. 33.) cease not to declare how great, and how good the Lord is.

2. Lift up your hands in the sanc­tuary: and bless the LORD.

2. Be fervent in your devotion; and, disclaiming all dependance on any thing else, praise the Lord in his Sanctuary with pure hearts and clean hands; and give thanks for all his benefits.

3. The LORD that made heaven and earth, bless thee out of Sion.

3. Pray also for his peo­ple Israel, and say; The great Lord, who, though He cannot be confined, be­ing the Creatour of all things yet, hath his special residence in this place, dis­pense his blessings both heavenly and earthly from hence, unto every one of you.



This perhaps was the morning Hymn, which the Praecentor (Ver. 4, 5.) called upon the Levites to sing, at the opening of the Gates of the Temple: as the former was sung at the shutting up of the Gates in the evening. It recounts several of the great works of the Lord; especially towards that Nation: [Page 490]whom it excites to stedfastness in their Re­ligion; and to contempt of Idols and Idola­ters. It both begins and concludes with an Exhortation to give praise to God; and so was intituled, as several other Psalms are, (CVI. CXI, &c.) Hallelujah, or Praise the Lord. That is, by this Hymn set forth the most excellent perfections, and works of the Lord.

There are those who conjecture, from what we reade Ver. 14. of this Psalm, that when it was composed they were (or rather, had been lately) infested by some of their idola­trous neighbours. Whose gods the Psalmist derides in the very same manner as he doth Psalm CXV. For the four following Ver­ses of this Psalm (15, 16, 17, 18.) differ very little from the 4, 5, 6, 8. of that: which it is certain was composed in a time of great distress; as this was, when it was over.

1. PRaise ye the LORD, praise ye the name of the LORD, praise him, O ye servants of the LORD.

1. LET all here present, praise the most wise and omnipotent goodness of the Lord: Let Him espe­cially be praised, by you his Priests, who minister unto his Majesty:

2. Ye that stand in the house of the LORD, in the courts of the house of. our God.

2. And by the Levites, who attend upon Him in his House: together with [Page 491]all the rest of his people, that frequent the Courts of God's House; who is our constant and most liberal benefactour.

3. Praise ye the LORD, for the LORD is good: sing praises unto his name, for it is pleasant.

3. Let this excite you all to praise the Lord: For as his Nature is most excellent, so He is the fountain of all the good we enjoy: and no imployment is so delight­full as to acknowledge his perfections, and commemo­rate the benefits we have received from Him; by singing Psalms and Hymns of praise and thanks unto Him.

4. For the LORD hath chosen Jacob unto himself, and Israel for his pecu­liar treasure.

4. I invite you above all other people to this hea­venly duty: both because the Lord had a peculiar kindness for Jacob your Forefather; and doth still exercise a special providence over you his Children, as far more dear and precious to Him, then the rest of mankind, who are under his care:

5. For I know that the LORD is great, and that our Lord is above all gods.

5. And because I am sen­sible that the Lord, under [Page 492]whose government we are, is so great and powerfull above all other Beings, though called by the name of gods; that you can ne­ver praise his Majesty e­nough.

6. Whatsoever the LORD plea­sed, that did he in heaven and in earth, in the seas and all deep places.

6. His own will alone gives bounds to his power: for, as none can act with­out his leave, so none can hinder Him from doing what pleases Himself; in the heavens as well as in the earth, and the seas, and other deep waters.

7. He causeth the vapours to a­scend from the ends of the earth, he maketh light­nings for the rain: he bringeth the wind out of his treasuries.

7. He raises vapours, for instance, from any quarter of the earth, and makes them go up into the air: where some of them break forth in flashes of lightning; and that (which is strange) is followed with great showres of rain: and, from unknown places and causes, strong and violent winds blow with such continu­ance; as if they came out of some Treasury, where He had gathered, and long lockt them up, till He had [Page 493]occasion to bring them forth.

8. Who smote the first-born of Egypt, both of man and beast.

8. He made the Egyptians feel how much superiour He was to all their gods; (XII. Exod. 12.) who could not defend them from his stroke: but He sent his Angel, and, in one night, slew all the first-born in the Country, both of man and beast, XII. Exod. 29.

9. Who sent tokens and won­ders into the midst of thee, O Egypt, upon Pharaoh, and upon all his ser­vants.

9. Before which terrible blow, He had given many other wonderfull demon­strations of his power, in several miraculous plagues; which He openly inflicted on thee, O Egypt; not one­ly on the meaner sort, but upon the King and all his Court, Exod. VII, VIII, IX, &c.

10. Who smote great nations, and slew mighty kings:

10. And after He had by these means brought you out of their bondage, He overthrew several great Na­tions, and slew potent Kings: who, presuming of their strength, opposed the ac­complishment of his promi­ses to you.

11. Sihon king of the Amorites, and Og king of Bashan, and all the kingdoms of Ca­naan:

11. First of all Sihon King of the Amorites, who were esteemed invincible, (XXI. Numb. 24. II. Amos 9.) and then Og, that giant­ly King of Bashan, (XXI. Numb. 33. III. Deut. II.) and at last all the Kingdoms and Kings of the Land of Canaan, XII. Josh. 7, 24.

12. And gave their land for an heritage, an heri­tage unto Israel his people.

12. Which He graciously bestowed upon us, the Chil­dren of Israel, as an inheri­tance we should hold of Him, by a Divine right: of which none, while we continue his obedient peo­ple, shall be able to dispos­sess us.

13. Thy name, O LORD, endu­reth for ever, and thy memorial, O LORD, through­out all generations.

13. O Lord, how astoni­shing is this thy omnipotent Goodness! the fame of which shall never be for­gotten: But an illustrious memory, O Lord, shall be continued of it, from gene­ration to generation.

14. For the LORD will judge his people, and he will repent himself concerning his ser­vants.

14. For though our ene­mies may sometimes oppress us, when we offend Him, yet the Lord at last will take the part of his people, [Page 495]and deliver them: and, be­ing reconciled unto his ser­vants, will turn his severi­ty into kindness towards them.

15. The idols of the heathen are silver and gold, the work of mens hands.

15. It is not in the power of the Idols, which the hea­then worship, to divert his kindness from us; for they are of no more value then the silver, and the gold of which they are made: and are so far from being able to doe any thing, that they themselves are made by those that adore them.

16. They have mouths, but they speak not; eyes have they, but they see not.

16. They are mere Ima­ges of things, without their life: having mouths; but cannot give a word of ad­vice, or comfort to their supplicants: and eyes also; but cannot see, much less prevent, any danger that doth approach them.

17. They have ears, but they hear not; neither is there any breath in their mouths.

17. Ears they have; but cannot hear a word that is said to them: and noses al­so; but they do not so much as breathe, much less can they smell the odours, that are offered to them.

18. They that make them are like unto them: so is every one that tru­steth in them.

18. They that make them therefore, or put any con­fidence in them, are as sense­less as themselves: having eyes, for instance, but do not see, that brutes are more excellent then such gods; and that no help is to be expected from them.

19. Bless the LORD, O house of Israel: bless the LORD, O house of Aaron.

19. O how much then are we all bound to bless the Lord, the Creatour of all! who hath freed us from this stupid blindness. Let the whole Nation of the Children of Israel, especial­ly the Priests of the Lord, praise Him and give thanks to Him; who hath better instructed them.

20. Bless the LORD, O house of Levi; ye that fear the LORD, bless the LORD,

20. Let all the Levites declare how gracious He is: yea, let all his pious Wor­shippers, of whatsoever Na­tion they be, join in this heavenly imployment, of speaking good of the Lord.

21. Blessed be the LORD out of Sion, which dwel­leth at Jerusalem. Praise ye the LORD.

21. Let them all say, with one accord, the Lord be ever praised in this holy place; who, though He be the owner of all the World, [Page 497]yet, makes his special resi­dence at Jerusalem.

The honour the heathens give to their lifeless Images, ought to excite you all, with the greater devotion, to praise the Lord of the World.



This Psalm, like the former, is a commemora­tion of the goodness of God, expressed in his wonderfull works: particularly those He had done for that Nation. And, it is like­ly, was composed to be sung upon the great Festivals; as every day I suppose they sung the foregoing: which is of the same strain with this, and contains much of the same matter: onely here, at every half Verse, one half of the Quire answers to the other in these words; For his mercy endureth for ever. A form of acknowledgment prescribed by David to be used continually in the Di­vine Service, 1 Chron. XVI. 41: and ac­cordingly followed by Solomon, 2. Chron. VII. 3, 6. when he dedicated the Temple; and by Jehoshaphat, when by the incourage­ment [Page 498]of a Prophet he went out to incounter a vast Army with small Forces, 2 Chron. XX. 21. and here is repeated six and twen­ty times, to make them the more sensible that they owed all they had to the mere bounty of God; and to excite them to depend intire­ly upon it; and rest assured it would never fail them if they did piously and most hear­tily acknowledge it. Such repetitions we use now in our earnest Prayers, when we say; Lord have mercy upon us, &c. which are no more vain then these. I have variously expressed the sense of this repeated acknowledgment, according as the other part of the several verses seemed to direct me.

1. O Give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mer­cy endureth for ever.

1. OFfer your thankfull Hymns unto the Lord of all; who is as good as He is great: and will continue his kindness (which hath been excee­ding abundant towards us) unto all succeeding gene­rations.

2. O give thanks unto the God of gods: for his mer­cy endureth for ever.

2. He is the Sovereign of all the heavenly Hosts; and therefore praise Him, and give thanks unto Him: for He can imploy them all for your help and protec­tion (as He hath in former [Page 499]times) and you need not doubt of his kindness, which continues unto all Ages.

3. O give thanks unto the Lord of lords: for his mercy endureth for ever.

3. All the Kings and Princes of the Earth are his Subjects; upon which account also, give Him praise and thanks: For his kindness endures through­out all Ages, to defend you, as He hath done hi­therto, from their tyranni­cal violence.

4. To him who alone doth great wonders: for his mercy endureth for ever.

4. He it is, and He alone whose Works are so great that they surprise all those who seriously consider them, with wonder and astonishment; and there­fore give Him praise and thanks: For his kindness will never fail, still to im­ploy his infinite Power for the good of those, who are truly gratefull to Him.

5. To him that by wisdome made the heavens: for his mercy endu­reth for ever.

5. Look upon the Hea­vens, and behold, with ad­miration and praise, the splendour and the order wherein his wisdome hath contrived and setled them: [Page 500]For his kindness is as large, and as firm and durable as they.

6. To him that stretched out the earth above the waters: for his mercy endureth for ever.

6. And then look down to the Earth, and thank­fully praise Him; who brought it out of the wa­ters, and preserves it, in its just extent, from being again overflowed by them: for his kindness is no less immoveable, and by length of time can never be im­paired.

7. To him that made great lights: for his mercy en­dureth for ever.

7. Witness those great Lights, which never go out; but always call upon us to praise, and give thanks to Him: who made them to illuminate the world; and to be the emblems of his kindness; which sends its benign influences conti­nually upon us, unto all generations.

8. The Sun to rule by day: for his mercy endu­reth for ever.

8. By day the Sun ex­erts his power to quicken all inferiour Beings; and excites us to praise Him, and be thankfull to Him: whose kindness thereby, perpetually administers to [Page 501]us all necessary things; and will do so, to the end of the world.

9. The Moon and Stars to rule by night: for his mercy endureth for ever.

9. And by night the Moon, or the Stars supply its place; and let us see how much we are bound to praise and thank Him: whose kindness is so con­stant, that, in the worst condition, it will never quite forsake us.

10. To him that smote Egypt in their first-born: for his mercy en­dureth for ever.

10. We must needs say so, and think our selves in­gaged above all others, to give Him thanks; if we call to mind that memo­rable night (XII. Exod. 29.) when He punished the Egyptians with the loss of all their first-born: For his kindness still continues, for ever to relieve those that are injured; and to punish their insolent Oppressours.

11. And brought out Israel from a­mong them: for his mercy endu­reth for ever.

11. Let us not forget how after that stroke, He brought our Forefathers out of the cruel Bondage, wherein they had long held them (XII. Exod. 41, 42.) but thankfully acknowledg [Page 502]that wonderfull deliverance: For it is an argument why we should never distrust his kindness, in the sorest straits that can befall us.

12. With a strong hand, and with a stretched out arm: for his mercy endureth for ever.

12. His Power, let us remember, is irresistible, which first by lesser, then by greater signs and won­ders delivered us out of their hands (VI. Exod. 5, 6. VII, VIII, &c.) to praise and magnify Him, whose kindness is stupendiously great, and will never cease to succour those who de­pend upon Him.

13. To him which divided the red Sea into parts: for his mercy en­dureth for ever.

13. Let us therefore give thanks to him; who when our Forefathers utterly de­spaired of safety (XIV. Exod. 10, 11.) commanded the red Sea to retire, and leave a broad way for them to pass, ( v. 21.) which plain­ly proves that his kindness is inexhausted, and alway ready to help us in the most dreadfull dangers.

14. And made Israel to pass tho­rough the midst of it: for his mercy endureth for ever.

14. For he led them safe­ly through the very midst of the Sea (which rose up like [Page 503]a wall on either hand of them, XIV. Exod. 22.) and will by his kindness eter­nally secure all those, that piously confide in Him.

15. But over­threw Pharaoh and his host in the red Sea: for his mercy endu­reth for ever.

15. But throw those that oppose Him, headlong into destruction, as He did Pha­raoh and his Host, in the very same place, where Is­rael was preserved; (XIV. Exod. 27, &c.) For his kindness loves to compleat his favours, and perfect what He hath begun for his people.

16. To him which led his peo­ple through the wilderness: for his mercy endu­reth for ever.

16. And accordingly, when He had thus delive­red them, He led his peo­ple by the direction of a glorious Cloud, through an untrodden Desert; and there (with our thankfull praises let it be remembred) made a miraculous provisi­on for them, ( Exod. XVI.) For his endless kindness, wheresoever they went, still with new Benefits pur­sued them.

17. To him which smote great Kings: for his mercy endureth for ever.

17. When potent Kings opposed their passage to the [Page 504]promised Land, He utterly discomfited them (to his praise be it thankfully ac­knowledged) For his kind­ness was not stopt by diffi­culties, but ever overcame them.

18. And slew famous kings: for his mercy endu­reth for ever.

18. Though they were Kings famous for their prowess; yet, such was his for ever to be praised kind­ness towards us, He gave us as easy and as absolute a victory over them; as He had done before over Pha­raoh and his Host.

19. Sihon king of the Amorites: for his mercy en­dureth for ever.

19. Over Sihon, King of that fierce Nation of the Amorites, who were thought invincible, (II. Amos 9.) For his kindness was mightier then they, and gave us this as an earnest of future conquests over our Enemies.

20. And Og the king of Ba­shan: for his mer­cy endureth for ever.

20. Over that huge Ty­rant Og the King of Bashan, (III. Deut. 11.) For his kindness added that, as a new pledge of what He in­tended to doe for us, when we came into Canaan.

21. And gave their land for an heritage: for his mercy endureth for ever.

21. And gave both their Countries to be held of Him, as a perpetual inhe­ritance: For his kindness doth not decay (nor loves to revoke his Favours) but continues to the latest Po­sterity.

22. Even an heritage unto Is­rael his servant: for his mercy en­dureth for ever.

22. An Inheritance they were, which he setled upon us the Children of Israel, as long as we continue his faithfull Servants: For his kindness hath no end; but delights to perpetuate his Mercies to those, who are worthy of them.

23. Who re­membred us in our low estate: for his mercy endu­reth for ever.

23. Nay, when for our Sins we were severely af­flicted, and in danger to be thrown out of this good Land into which at last He brought us; ( Judg. II, III, IV, &c.) He was pleased graciously to relieve us: For his kindness pardoned our ingratitude, and was as forward as ever, to be­stow fresh Benefits upon us.

24. And hath redeemed us from our enemies: for his mercy endu­reth for ever.

24. And rescued us, ma­ny a time, when we cryed [Page 506]unto Him, from the pow­er of those that tyrannized over us: For his kindness was not spent, by the fre­quent deliverances it had given us; but still granted new matter for our thanks­givings to Him.

25. Who giveth food to all flesh: for his mercy en­dureth for ever.

25. Whose Bounty is not confined to us alone, but supplies the wants of all mankind; yea, of all living Creatures: For his kindness hath no bounds; nor will ever cease to make a plentifull provision for them.

26. O give thanks unto the God of heaven: for his mercy en­dureth for ever.

26. O raise your hearts to give Him thanks with the highest praises; whose power extends it self be­yond this Earth, even unto the highest Heavens: For his kindness is so unweari­ed; that we may hope from thence to be ever receiving, more and more of his Bles­sings.



This is a mournfull Song, composed by some of the captive Levites in Babylon; when he reflected upon their sad parting with their dear Country, and the scorn wherewith their insulting Enemies treated them, in that strange land. Which he foresaw God would severely punish, by the hand of some other cruel People: who should shew them as little mercy, as they had shewed the Israelites.

The vulgar Latine ascribes this Psalm to Jeremiah: upon which Inscription, Theo­doret (who found it also in some Greek Copies in his time) passes this censure; that the bold Authour of it wanted wit, as the Inscription it self openly proclaims: for Jeremiah was not carried captive into Ba­bylon; but, when he had staid some time in Judea, was compelled by the disobedient Jews to go down with them into Egypt. Yet there are those, who to excuse this, would have us think that Jeremiah sent this Psalm to the Captives in Babylon: and that it is called a Psalm of David; (for so it is in the vulgar Latine also) because made after the example of his Psalms: As Virgil said he sung Ascroe­um carmen among the Romans; when he [Page 508]made his Georgicks in imitation of Hesiod.

In the Paraphrase of the first Verse I have followed a conjecture of Saint Chrysostom's: that the Captives were not suffered (at their first coming thither) to dwell within any of their Towns or Cities; but were dispersed all along several Rivers of the Country; where they built Tabernacles or Cottages for themselves: and perhaps were forced to drain those moist places, to make them whole­some.

1. BY the ri­vers of Ba­bylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we re­membred Sion.

1. WHen we were transported from our own Country into the Land of Babylon, and had the sides of Euphrates, and several of its Rivers (I. Ezek. 1.) assigned for our habita­tion, there we sate down in a sorrowfull posture; and could not refrain from tears, when we called to mind the happy days which we enjoyed in the holy Hill of Sion.

2. We hanged our harps upon the willows, in the midst thereof.

2. We brought our harps along with us, wherewith we were wont to praise the Lord: (1 Chron. XV. 16.) But, as our fruitfull vines and figtrees, under which [Page 509]we formerly sate, were tur­ned into barren willows and osiers; so all our mirth and joy was turned into such heaviness and sorrow of heart, that we let all our Instruments of Musick hang neglected, upon the boughs of those dolefull trees.

3. For there they that carried us away, captive, required of us a song; and they that wasted us, required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Sion.

3. For when our new Masters, who had carried us away captive, they that had laid Jerusalem on heaps, and had power to doe what they pleased with us, re­quired us (between jest and earnest) to entertain them with our Musick; and to let them hear one of those Songs, which were wont to be sung in the Temple;

4. How shall we sing the LORD's song in a strange land?

4. Neither fear nor fa­vour could extort this ser­vice from our Levites, but they resolutely answered; As those Songs were not made for pastime and sport, but in honour of the great Lord of the world; So how can you imagin that mise­rable slaves are disposed to sing? and to sing those [Page 510]Songs in the Land where we are exiles; which re­count the mercies of God unto us, in our once most flourishing Countrey?

5. If I forget thee, O Jerusa­lem, let my right hand forget her cunning

5. No (said I then with­in my self) if I forget thy desolations, O Jerusalem, (though never so far remo­ved from thee) so as to gra­tifie their desires, by pro­phaning thy Musick and thy Songs; then let my right hand be benummed, or quite lose its skill of tou­ching the harp any more.

6. If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I pre­fer not Jerusalem above my chief joy.

6. Let me be struck dumb, and never be able to move my tongue; if I be not so mindfull of thee, as never to sing again; till I see Jerusalem, and her ho­ly Solemnities restored.

7. Remember, O LORD, the children of Edom, in the day of Je­rusalem; who said, Rase it, rase it, even to the foun­dation thereof.

7. Which joyfull day I hope will come; when Thou, O Lord, wilt call our enemies to an account: And, first of all, reckon with the Edomites, (XLIX. Jer. 10. XXV. Ezek. 12.) who instead of pitying Je­rusalem, as became kind [Page 511]neighbours and relations, were glad to see the day of its desolations; and incou­raged our destroyers with their acclamations, saying; Lay it flat, lay it even with the ground upon which it stands.

8. O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed: happy shall he be that rewardeth thee, as thou hast served us.

8. And then shall your turns come, O ye Babylo­nians; who have laid waste so many Nations, but shall, one day, be made desolate your selves, (XIII. Isa. 19, &c.) And may that Prince and people prosper and be happy, (L. Jer. 9, 41.) who shall pay you in your kind; and use you as barbarously, as you used us, (LI. Jer. 24, 35, 49.)

9. Happy shall he be that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.

9. He shall be praised, and thought to have done a worthy work, who shall snatch your sucking chil­dren from their mothers breasts; and have no more mercy on them, then upon the whelps of wolves, or such like creatures: but shall dash out their brains, against the walls of your [Page 512]houses, or stones in the street, (XIII. Isa. 16.) that there may be no remains of such a cruel generation, LI. Jer. 62.

A Psalm of David.


This is one of David's Psalms, (as the Title assures us) wherein he thankfully acknow­ledges God's Goodness to him, in advancing him from a low and afflicted condition to the royal dignity: which remarkable change would invite, he thought, other Kings and Princes to have a very great regard to his Divine Majesty: who, he hoped therefore, would support and defend him, in his new-gotten Kingdom; by the same Almighty power, which raised him unto it.

1. I Will praise thee with my whole heart, before the gods will I sing praise unto thee.

1. I Will make Thee my thankfull acknow­ledgments, O Lord, with the devoutest affections of my heart: thy holy Angels shall be witnesses of my [Page 513]gratitude, which I will ex­press in Psalms and Hymns, in the presence of the great Assembly of the Judges, (XXII. Exod. 9. LXXXII. Psal. 1, 6.) that they may remember, to whom they owe their power and au­thority.

2. I will wor­ship towards thy holy temple, and praise thy name, for thy loving kind­ness, and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.

2. I will prostrate my self in the humblest adorations of Thee, toward the place where the Monument of thy Divine Presence is; and acknowledge how much I am indebted to thy almigh­ty Goodness: first for pro­mising me, out of thy mere grace and favour, the roy­al Dignity; and then for performing thy promise most faithfully: For Thou hast manifested thy most excellent power and good­ness to me in nothing so much, as in punctually ful­filling thy promise, (1 Sam. XVI. 13.) nowithstanding all the opposition which was made to it; nay in rai­sing me higher then I ex­pected.

3. In the day when I cried, thou answeredst me: and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul.

3. I had long ago faln short of this honour, to which I am advanced, hadst not Thou, during all the time of Saul's persecution, as readily relieved me, as I cried to Thee: and migh­tily supported my spirit, by a couragious faith and hope in Thee.

4. All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O LORD, when they hear the words of thy mouth.

4. Which will move, sure, all our neighbouring Kings, who have any know­ledge of my affairs, (2 Sam. V. 11, 12. VIII. 10.) to join with me, in praising Thee, O Lord: when they shall hear, by how many strange providences Thou hast brought to pass, that which Thou promisedst to me by thy Prophet.

5. Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the LORD: for great is the glory of the LORD.

5. The wonderfull ways, whereby the Lord brings things about, shall be the subject of their Songs; and they shall think it their greatest happiness to be guided and governed by Him: for they shall con­fess, that none can doe such glorious things, as the Lord hath wrought.

6. Though the LORD be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knoweth afar off.

6. Whose sublime great­ness doth not make Him neglect (as they see in me) the meanest persons; espe­cially when their minds are as humble as their con­ditions: but will not let Him stoop to the loftiest Princes (as they may see in Saul) whom He despises, when they are forgetfull of Him, and ungratefull to Him for his benefits.

7. Though I walk in the mids of trouble, thou wilt revive me, thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.

7. Which have been so great to me, that should I fall again into the same straits, wherein I was be­fore, and be incompassed with them; I should hope that Thou wouldst preserve me, and bring me safe out of them all: Thy power, I am confident, will repress the violent assaults of my enemies; and by thy al­mighty Goodness I shall be delivered from their wrath and fury, 2 Sam. V. 17, &c. VIII. 1, &c.

8. The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands.

8. The Lord who hath begun, will go on to finish his gracious intentions to­wards [Page 516]me: not for my me­rits (I know they are none at all) but for thy own mercy sake, O Lord; which as it was the sole motive to what Thou hast done for me, so will I hope (for it is still the same, and ever will be) incline Thee to preserve and settle me in that dignity; to which not my ambition, but thy own good will and pleasure hath promoted me.

To the chief Musician. A Psalm of David.


The two last Verses of this Psalm seem to me a sufficient indication that David (to whom the Title ascribes it) composed it, when he lay under the imputation of having evil de­signs upon Saul, 1. Sam. XXIV. 9. which as he protests against, in several parts of other Psalms, and calls God often to witness his integrity; so here he appeals unto Him in a set and solemn meditation, composed on pur­posed [Page 517]to represent before Him the clearness of his intentions: which never suffered such designs to enter into his thoughts. And who could believe that a man who seriously ac­knowledged, it was impossible to conceal any thing from God's all-seeing eye, who formes us in the womb; should be so impudent as to make this appeal unto Him; if he were con­scious to himself of any such guilt? And which is more, how could he be confident (as he declares he was Ver. 19.) that God would make his innocence evidently appear, by de­stroying his opposers; if he did not know they were calumniatours? whose vile aspersi­ons when God had effectually confuted, he delivered this Psalm to the Master of the Musick; as a lasting testimony of his since­rity all along before he came to the King­dom; and a constant admonishment to him­self and others, never to promote any designs for the future by sinister arts, though managed so secretly that they lay hid from the eyes of all the world: since God cannot but be privy to them; who loves righteousness, and hates all iniquity.

1. O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me.

1. I Am accused, O Lord, of grievous crimes; but my comfort is, Thou seest I am not guilty of them: For the exactest sur­vey cannot make any thing [Page 518]so well known to us, as I am to Thee; who art tho­roughly acquainted with me.

2. Thou know­est my down-sit­ting, and mine up­rising, thou under­standest my thought afar off.

2. Thou knowest what designs I have, when I sit musing at home; and what I go about when I stir a­broad: nay my inclinations are so perfectly understood by Thee; that before I have conceived any design, it is visible unto Thee.

3. Thou com­passest my path, and my lying down, and art ac­quainted with all my ways.

3. Nothing can be so narrowly sifted, as all the motions of my body and mind, both by day and by night, are scanned by thy all-penetrating eye: which comprehends, and is inti­mately privy, to all the ends which I pursue.

4. For there is not a word in my tongue, but lo, O LORD, thou knowest it altoge­ther.

4. When I am about to speak, Thou, O Lord (such is thy most admirable wise­dom) needest not to be informed what it is: but knowest before I open my mouth, every thing I intend to utter.

5. Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thine hand upon me.

5. Whatsoever I have done long ago, is as well [Page 519]known to Thee, as that which is lately past, or which I am about to doe: For I am so invironed, by Thee, and so absolutely in thy power; that I cannot possibly escape thy notice, nor so much as stir without thy leave.

6. Such know­ledge is too won­derfull for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it.

6. O amazing height of understanding! It is in vain to think I can hide any thing from it: which so far surpasses all I can say or conceive; that it excells even my admiration.

7. Whither shall I go from thy spi­rit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?

7. Into what world shall I go, where Thou art not as present as Thou art in this? It is impossible for me, should I make never so much haste, to get out of thy sight.

8. If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.

8. If I could get up into the highest part of heaven, I should not be out of thy reach: or go down and lie in the lowest depth of the earth, I should find Thee still as near unto me.

9. If I take the wings of the mor­ning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea:

9. If I could move as swiftly as the light of the [Page 520]rising Sun; and in an in­stant flie from hence, and take up my dwelling in the remotest parts of the world:

10. Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.

10. I should not be a jot the further from Thee; without whom as I could not get thither, so I should be still subject to thy Go­vernment, and beholden to thy Providence to support me there.

11. If I say, Surely the dark­ness shall cover me: even the night shall be light about me.

11. If I should have such a thought as this in my mind, that, though Thou art present every where yet, in the dark I may lie undis­covered by Thee; it would be very foolish: For when the Sun is gone down, all that is in me is as apparent unto Thee, as if it were noon day.

12. Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee.

12. The darkness cannot conceal any thing from Thee; who, being the Fountain of light, feest as well in the blackest night as in the brightest day: the night and the day, the most open and the most covert practices, are equally clear unto thy view.

13. For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mothers womb.

13. For my very thoughts (and what is there more ab­struse then they) my most retired thoughts and contri­vances, and my most secret desires, are apparent to Thee: whose I am, and by whom I was wrapt up in those skins, which inclosed me in my mothers womb; then which there is nothing more hid­den and dark.

14. I will praise thee, for I am fear­fully and wonder­fully made; mar­vellous are thy works, and that my soul knoweth right well.

14. Yet there (such is thy stupendious wisedom, which I will never cease to praise, and thankfully ac­knowledge) I was, I know not how, in such a wonder­full manner, formed; that the thoughts of it strike me with astonishment: thy o­perations in that work are most admirable; and of that I am exceeding sensible, but I can say no more; for they are incomprehensible.

15. My sub­stance was not hid from thee, when I was made in se­cret; and curi­ously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.

15. Though I was made in so secret a place, yet not the least joint in my body was concealed from thy eyes: but I received from Thee there (where no more [Page 522]light can come, then there doth into the lowest depths of the earth) such a comely distinction of parts, and va­riety of powers; that no embroidery can be so curi­ously wrought.

16. Thine eyes did see my sub­stance yet being unperfect, and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.

16. For when the matter out of which I was made, was without any form, it was visible to Thee how every muscle, vein and ar­tery, with all the rest of my body should be wrought; out of the pattern of them, which was in thy mind: and accordingly in time, when there was not so much as one of them, they were all fashioned, for the seve­ral uses to which they are designed; and not the smal­lest of them omitted, or left imperfect.

17. How pre­cious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!

17. How invaluable also, and incomprehensible (O God, I am not able to ex­press the high and gratefull sense I have of it) is thy tender care and providence, which Thou hast exercised over me ever since I was [Page 523]born! All the secret passa­ges of it amount to such a summe; that I am not able to give an account of them.

18. If I should count them, they are mo in number then the sand: when I wake, I am still with thee.

18. When I attempt to reckon how many they are, I find that I may as well un­dertake to number the sand: For, though I continue the whole day in this employ­ment, and, after a nights rest, begin again the next morning to think how nu­merous thy mercies are; I am still as far as ever from seeing any end of them.

19. Surely thou wilt slay the wic­ked, O God: de­part from me therefore ye blou­dy men.

19. Which makes me consident, O God, Thou wilt not now desert me; but rather destroy that wic­ked man, (CXL. 1.) who, forgetting thy allseeing eye, regards not by what means he plots my ruin: And therefore it will be best for you all, O ye men of bloud, who have slain the Priests of the Lord, (1 Sam. XXII. 18.) and now thirst after my life, to make your re­treat, and desist from per­secuting me any further.

20. For they speak against thee wickedly, and thine enemies take thy name in vain.

20. For it is not so much me that they persecute, as Vertue and Piety; to which, though they are not open yet, they are the most dan­gerous enemies, because they make it serve their wicked ends: having god­ly pretences for their doing mischief; and not sticking (so little belief have they of thy Omniscience) to call Thee to witness the truth of their lies and calum­nies.

21. Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?

21. And have I not rea­son then, O Lord, to hate those, who have such an inveterate hatred unto Thee? and to take the greatest distaste to them, that oppose themselves so industriously to thy holy Laws?

22. I hate them with perfect ha­tred: I count them mine enemies.

22. I detest them with all my heart; and as their impiety is the onely cause of it, so I cannot loathe them more then I do: but declare my self upon that account, to be their utter enemy.

23. Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts.

23. If I have any other ground of my enmity, or am guilty of so much as designing any evil to them, merely because they have done so much evil to me; I desire to find it out, and submit my self to the seve­rest trials, which may dis­cover to me any such thought that lurketh in my heart.

24. And see if there be any wic­ked way in me, and lead me in the way everla­sting.

24. For I would not continue in such a perni­cious course: But if in any thing I doe I intend them any hurt, or so much as to be grievous to them; my humble request is, either that I may not live, or live more exactly by the un­changeable rules of righte­ousness, sincerity and truth.

To the chief Musician. A Psalm of David.


There is no doubt (for the Title ascribes it to him) but this Psalm was made by David And it is little less undoubted that he com­posed it (as Theodoret well judges) when he was persecuted by Saul: who was instiga­ted thereunto by the calumnies of Doeg, and the information of the Ziphites: whose falseness, and pestilent malice he here de­scribes; beseeching God to preserve him from the mischief they intended him, and to turn it upon themselves: as he rests assu­red He would. When he came to his King­dom, and had settled the service of God in that manner, which we reade 1 Chron. XVI, XXIII, &c. he delivered it to the Master of the Musick; to be sung at certain times in the Tabernacle. But it was not found, I suppose (no more then the two foregoing, and the four following) till some time after the other Books of Psalms were published; and so were placed here all together, by him that collected this Book.

1. DEliver me, O LORD, from the evil man: preserve me from the violent man.

1. DEfeat, O Lord, the wicked designs of that naughty man, (1 Sam. XXII. 9, &c.) who makes no conscience of what he saith or doeth, to compass his ends: and let me not fall into the hands of that injurious Prince, (XXIII. 7.) whom I have never wronged; but done him faithfull service.

2. Which ima­gine mischiefs in their hearts; con­tinually are they gathered together for war.

2. They are zealously bent to doe me all the mis­chief they are able: which they studiously plot, and doe nothing all the day but contrive how to op­press me with armed force; which in several places they have laid to intercept me.

3. They have sharpened their tongues like a ser­pent; adders poi­son is under their lips. Selah.

3. And they have so tra­duced me by their calum­nies, and false accusations, that they have already gi­ven my reputation a deadly wound: for the tongue of the Serpent, or the teeth of the Adder or Viper, doth not more effectually con­vey their poison into mens bodies; then they have in­fused [Page 528]these venomous slan­ders into the peoples minds.

4. Keep me, O LORD, from the hands of the wic­ked, preserve me from the violent man, who have purposed to over­throw my goings.

4. And therefore I most humbly again beseech Thee, O Lord, to keep me from falling into the power of that naughty man, (Ver. 1.) who instigates his Prince to the most injurious procee­dings against me: Be Thou my preserver, O Lord; for otherwise I shall never e­scape the trains they have devised and laid, to sup­plant and utterly undoe me.

5. The proud have hid a snare for me, and cords, they have spread a net by the way­side: they have set grins for me. Selah.

5. There is no hunter or fowler, more industrious and cunning, in laying snares and toils, in sprea­ding nets or setting gins and traps, for the beasts or the birds in the places which they are wont to fre­quent; then they are to trace me in all my motions, (1 Sam. XXIII. 23.) and to invent all manner of wiles and subtle arts, to surprise me: which they proudly presume will have their desired success.

6. I said unto the LORD, Thou art my God: hear the voice of my supplications, O LORD.

6. To which I have nei­ther cunning, nor power of my own to oppose, no Friend whose aid I can im­plore; but onely commend my self unto the Lord, saying; I have always ow­ned Thee for my Protee­tour, and Thou hast hither­to owned me, and been my mercifull deliverer: Do not now, O Lord of all power and might, deny my earnest request; who de­pend on Thee alone for succour.

7. O GOD the Lord, the strength of my salvation; thou hast covered my head in the day of battel.

7. O most mighty Lord, whom no Creature what­soever can withstand; O Thou who disposest of all events; I again profess that I look for safety from thy almighty Power alone: by which I was protected (ha­ving no other helmet or armour, but onely that 1 Sam. XVII. 39, 40, 50.) in the day when I fought with Goliath.

8. Grant not, O LORD, the desires of the wic­ked, further not his wicked device, lest they exalt themselves. Selah.

8. Suffer not him, O most mighty Lord, who now seeks my destruction, [Page 530]to effect his desire; let him not succeed in any of his mischievous designs and pro­jects against me: lest he and his partakers grow so inso­lent; as to dare to attempt all manner of violence a­gainst other innocents.

9. As for the head of those that compass me about, let the mischief of their own lips eo­ver them.

9. Let the poisonous and pernicious calumnies, of those that now beset me round, retort upon them­selves: and let them be o­verwhelmed by those very devices, which, with labo­rious lies, they have con­trived for my ruin.

10. Let burning coals fall upon them, let them be cast into the fire; into deep pits, that they rise not up again.

10. Let their slanders (which I can compare to nothing better then bur­ning coals, that are not ea­sily quenched) be the in­struments of their own de­struction: let them perish in the flames, which they themselves have kindled; and be irrecoverably thrown headlong into those dangers and mischiefs, which, like dreadfully deep pits, they prepared for my destruc­tion.

11. Let not an evil speaker be e­stablished in the earth: evil shall hunt the violent man to overthrow him.

11. This I am confident shall be their portion; for, though a false Informer may for a time be believed, and thrive by his lies and slan­ders yet, Truth will at last prevail; and not suffer him to establish his great­ness by such base and wic­ked practices: And as little shall violence and injustice avail him, that relies upon it; but bring upon him one evil after another: which shall pursue him to his ruin; as the hounds do the wild beast, which, af­ter all its windings and turnings, becomes a prey unto them.

12. I know that the LORD will maintain the cause of the afflicted, and the right of the poor.

12. For I am sure the Lord, who is stronger then all, will assert the cause of the Oppressed: and doe right to those who are de­stitute of humane help; by punishing all that are in­jurious to them.

13. Surely the righteous shall give thanks unto thy name, the upright shall dwell in thy presence.

13. Let the righteous re­ly on this, as an undoubted truth, that they shall give thanks to thy almighty [Page 532]Goodness, for appearing in their vindication: and, when these false and vio­lent men shall be extinct, they that are sincerely ho­nest shall remain in thy favour; and receive the marks of it, in thy con­stant care and providence over them.

A Psalm of David.


If the Title had not told us that David was the Authour of this Psalm, the matter of it would have led our minds to think of him, and of his many sufferings; during the per­secution of Saul. Which he prays to God (as Theodoret observes upon the third and fourth Verses) he may be able to bear so patiently; that it may not exasperate his spirit to speak irreverently of Saul; much less to doe him any mischief: but leave it unto God, to take his enemies in the snare they had laid for him.

[Page 533]No body need wonder, that there are so many prayers found upon the same Subject; for that persecution endured long, and they were made upon different occasions, or to different purposes: and if they had been all to the same purpose, it would not have been strange to him that considers the pious dispo­sition of David; who loved to spend his time in such devout Meditations. And this seems to have been composed about the time of the offering of the evening Sacrifice, Ver. 2: when his afflictions also pressed him sorely, that they tempted him to speak some thing, which was [...] (as Theodoret's phrase is) unbecoming God's Anointed (Saul) and the profession he made of duty to him.

1. LORD, I cry unto thee, make haste unto me; give ear un­to my voice, when I cry unto thee.

1. THE danger where­in I am, O Lord, is exceeding great, (1 Sam. XXIII. 25. or XXIV. 1, 2.) which makes me double my cries, and beseech Thee, the more importunately, speedily to succour me (when my distresses call for it) with seasonable relief.

2. Let my pray­er be set forth be­fore thee as in­cense; and the lifting up of my hands, as the e­vening sacrifice.

2. Though I am now in a Wilderness, and thereby disabled from offering Thee any other Sacrifice but my [Page 534]Prayers; yet they shall be as acceptable to Thee, as if they were accompanied with the sweetest Odours: and my fervent devotion in them, with intire depen­dance on Thee alone for help, be as prevalent; as if I could now present Thee, at the Tabernacle, with an evening Oblation.

3. Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth, keep the door of my lips.

3. And, in the first place, I humbly desire Thee, O Lord, to lay such restraints upon my tongue, and to enable me so vigilantly to observe all the motions of it; that none of the trou­bles I endure, though ne­ver so grievous, may make me burst out into any in­temperate speeches: which may give a just offence un­to them that persecute me.

4. Incline not my heart to any evil thing, to prac­tise wicked works with men that work iniquity: and let me not eat of their dain­ties.

4. Yea, govern all the motions of my will so stea­dily, that I may not listen to evil counsels, (1 Sam. XXIV. 4, 6, 7.) much less ingage with men, who have no regard to right and ju­stice, in any evil practices: [Page 535]but alway refuse to partake in their designs; though invited with the specious promises of the greatest fe­licity.

5. Let the righ­teous smite me, it shall be a kind­ness; and let him reprove me, it shall be an excellent oyl, which shall not break my head: for yet my prayer also shall be in their calamities.

5. I had rather much that a righteous man should give me a severe rebuke, then be inticed by evil doers to accompany them in their sins: For it will do me a real kindness, and be so far from giving me any vexa­tion, that it will be as ac­ceptable to me as the most excellent ointments are un­to the head; and onely make me continue my pray­ers with the greater ear­nestness, that I may not run into those mischievous cour­ses, from which I am deter­red by their pious reproofs and admonitions.

6. When their judges are over­thrown in stony places, they shall hear my words, for they are sweet.

6. The effect of which their greatest Rulers have seen when, being left by their Master on the sides of the Rock, (1 Sam. XXIV. 2, 3.) while he went into a hole of it to uncover his feet, they heard that I spake [Page 536]not a reviling word (much less did I stretch out my hand against him) but in the mildest, and most duti­full language addressed my self unto him, 1 Sam. XXIV. 8, 9, &c.

7. Our bones are scattered at the graves mouth, as when one cut­teth and cleaveth wood upon the earth.

7. And yet this gentle­ness hath been so far from mollifying their hearts; that they still persecute me, and the small body of men that follow me: (1 Sam. XXVI. 2. XXVII. 1.) whom they have reduced to such extre­mities, that like the earth, when it is ploughed up, we break in pieces; and are ready to disperse, and flee for our lives, with little hope of safety.

8. But mine eyes are unto thee, O GOD the Lord: in thee is my trust, leave not my soul destitute.

8. But in this sore distress, I fix my thoughts on Thee, O mighty Lord, the Gover­nour of all things; in whom I repose an assured confi­dence, that Thou wilt not abandon me to the malice of those, that seek to take away my life from me.

9. Keep me from the snare which they have laid for me, and the grins of the workers of iniquities.

9. Preserve me, I beseech Thee, from all the subtle [Page 537]plots, which they have laid to destroy me: and though they stick at no­thing (though never so unjust) and have various arts to blind the world and hide their perfidious de­signs; suffer me not to be insnared by them.

10. Let the wicked fall into their own nets: whilst that I with­all escape.

10. But let all the con­trivances of such wicked men prove pernicious to themselves; and bring up­on them the evils which they intended me: whilst I, and they that are with me, by thy care of us, es­cape untouched by any of them.

Maschil of David. A Prayer when he was in the Cave.


When David hid himself for fear of Saul, in the Cave of Adullam, (1 Sam. XXII. 1.) or as others think, more probably, in the Cave of Engaddi, (1 Sam. XXIV. 1, 2, 3.) this was the meditation he had in that dis­consolate place; before Saul came thither to uncover his feet, in it. Which was set af­terward to the tune of Maschil, (See Psal. XXXII.) or called by that name, because it admirably instructs Posterity, in the most forlorn, nay desperate condition, to recom­mend themselves to God, and to depend on Him with a resolved Faith. Who, by an unexpected means granted the desire of Da­vid, which he makes in the conclusion of this Psalm (vers. 7.) and brought him out of those straits wherein he was imprisoned. I say, resolved Faith; because in the He­brew, the words of the first and second ver­ses run thus; I will cry unto the Lord; I will make my supplication; I will pour out my complaint before Him, &c.

1. I Cried unto the LORD with my voice: with my voice un­to the LORD did I make my suppli­cation.

1. THough I am desti­tute of humane help, I will not despair of safety: but with the more fervent cryes, implore the divine Succour; and with vehement sighs and groans, deprecate the Lords dis­pleasure.

2. I poured out my complaint be­fore him: I shew­ed before him my trouble.

2. I will lay before Him at large, all the sad thoughts which perplex my heart: and representing the inex­tricable straits and difficul­ties wherein I am, expose my self unto Him; as an object of his pity.

3. When my spirit was over­whelmed within me, then thou knewest my path: in the may where­in I walked, have they privily laid a snare for me.

3. Now that I am utter­ly at a loss, and ready to faint away in a confusion of thoughts, Thou knowest very well a way for my es­cape: though by the intel­ligence they hold with my Enemies, (1 Sam. XXIV. 1.) they have blockt up all the Passages, which I am ac­quainted withall; and laid Ambushes for me in every Rode.

4. I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me, refuge failed me: no man cared for my soul.

4. Look about thee, O my Soul, and see if thou [Page 540]canst spy any hope of relief from thy best and most powerfull Friends: there are none of them that dare own thee; nor do I know whither to fly for safety, if any of them would be so kind as to invent a means, and open a way, for my deliverance from the pre­sent danger.

5. I cried unto thee, O LORD, I said, Thou art my refuge, and my portion in the land of the living.

5. All that I can doe, is to recommend my self to Thee, O Lord, by fervent Prayers, saying; I trust my self with thy Almighty Goodness, as in a sure Sanctuary: I have nothing else in the world to depend upon, but Thee alone; by whom I will hope to be protected and provided for, as long as I live.

6. Attend un­to my cry, for I am brought very low, deliver me from my persecu­tors: for they are stronger then I.

6. O let my importunate cry prevail for some relief; which will come most sea­sonably, in this exceeding great necessity: rescue me now, that I may not fall into the hands of my Per­secutours; who are every way (except in these cries [Page 541]unto, and confidence in Thee) much too strong for me.

7. Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise thy Name: the righteous shall com­pass me about; for thou shalt deal bountifully with me.

7. Bring me, with life and liberty, out of this dis­mal cave, wherein I am pent up; that I may make my thankfull acknowledgments to thy Almighty Goodness: which shall attract the admi­ration of all good men, and provoke them unanimously to joyn together with me, in praising Thee; when they see that Thou art the most righteous Judge, and bountifull Benefactour of those, that commit them­selves unto Thee.

A Psalm of David.


To the Title of A Psalm of David, Theodo­ret says he found, in some Greek Copies, these words added (to explain the time of its composition) when Absalom his Son [Page 542] persecuted him. Which he confesses was not then in the Hebrew (no more then it is now) nor in other Interpreters of the Psalms: but agrees well enough, he thinks, with the truth of the story. So he that was the Authour of the vulgar Latine thought also: though there are some passages in the Psalm, which sound as if it had been made during the persecution of Saul; at some time, when he was in the like distress with that described in the foregoing. For v. 3, 4. he uses some of the same expressions, which we find there; and represents himself as in danger to be buried, in some such Cave as that mentioned in the last verse of Psalm CVLII; where he begs, as he doth here, for a speedy deliverance. Yet, for all this, there are other passages which will incline us to adhere to the forenamed Addition; and apply the Psalm, to his flight from Absalom. For then it was he had most reason to fear, lest God should deal with him according to his sins: which he deprecates (v. 2.) with such a deep sense of his unworthiness, that it hath made this to be numbred among the penitential Psalms; and is the last of them. The memory of also of God's former deliveran­ces of him, a great while before (v. 5.) may well refer to what He had done for him not onely against Saul, but before he knew him: which as he doth not forget, so he ho­ped the Lord would now remember; and [Page 543]grant him the like again, when he was in the like distresses.

1. HEar my prayer, O LORD, give ear to my suppli­cations: in thy faithfulness an­swer me, and in thy righteousness.

1. I Renew my requests, and my earnest sup­plications unto Thee, O Lord, for some relief, in these new straits and diffi­culties into which I am faln: hoping, though I am very unworthy, yet in thy abundant mercy, Thou wilt faithfully fulfil the promises Thou hast made to me.

2. And enter not into judgment with thy servant: for in thy sight shall no man li­ving be justified.

2. My sins indeed (2 Sam. XII. 9, 10, 11.) have just­ly brought these troubles upon me; but I humbly beseech Thee to own me still for thy Servant, and not to call me unto a se­vere account for what I have done amiss, but to deal favourably with me: For if thou shouldest pro­ceed according to the ri­gour of the Law, the best man living (much less so great a Sinner as I) will not be acquitted at thy Tri­bunal.

3. For the ene­my hath persecu­ted my soul, he hath smitten my life down to the ground: he hath made me to dwell in darkness, as those that have been long dead.

3. And I am not so bad, but my Enemy that per­secutes me is far worse: who without any provoca­tion seeks my life, and hath already utterly despoiled me of all the comforts of it, (2 Sam. XV. 30.) and for­ced me to seek my safety in holes and obscure places, in the Wilderness (XVII. 16.) where I seem to be buried alive, without any hope of a resurrection.

4. Therefore is my spirit over­whelmed within me: my heart within me is de­solate.

4. Which, as it calls to mind the distress wherein I was, when in my flight from Saul I hid my self in Caves (see CXLII. 3.) so it hath the same effect up­on me: for I am ready to swoun away in this great perplexity; which hath struck me with such asto­nishment, that I have no strength remaining in me.

5. I remember the days of old, I meditate on all thy works: I muse on the work of thy hands.

5. Till I call to mind, withall, not onely what Thou didst for me in that former persecution; but long before in my younger days; when I was delive­red [Page 545]by Thee from the greatest dangers (1 Sam. XVII. 34, &c.) on these wonderfull works I medi­tate; and consider with my self, that not by my own strength, but by thy stu­pendious power I was then preserved.

6. I stretch forth my hands unto thee: my soul thirsteth after thee as a thirsty land. Selah

6. And then I feel my fainting Spirits return a­gain; and though I despair of humane help, I make my prayer unto Thee, with a cherefull confidence, for thy relief: which I long for and expect with as ea­ger desire, as the parched ground gasps for a refresh­ing showre.

7. Hear me spee­dily, O LORD, my spirit faileth, hide not thy face from me: lest I be like unto them that goe down in­to the pit.

7. Do not delay it, O Lord, I most earnestly be­seech Thee; for I am not able to hold out much lon­ger in this great extremity: deny not my humble re­quest, lest I be utterly lost (as I am in danger) with­out all hope of recovery, 2 Sam. XVII. 16.

8. Cause me to hear thy loving kindness in the morning, for in thee do I trust, cause me to know the way wherein I should walk: for I lift up my soul unto thee.

8. Though this night be very sad, yet let me hear [Page 546](according to the confi­dence I repose in thy mer­cy) better news, and see my Affairs in a more com­fortable posture in the mor­ning, (2 Sam. XVII. 22, 23.) shew me which way I shall direct my course, and provide for my safety, (v. 24, 27.) for I depend intirely upon Thee.

9. Deliver me, O LORD, from mine enemies: I flee unto thee to hide me.

9. Let me not fall into the hand of my Enemies; from whom I am now fly­ing: but know not whi­ther to go, but onely to Thee, for shelter and pro­tection.

10. Teach me to doe thy will, for thou art my God, thy Spirit is good: lead me into the land of upright­ness.

10. Whose guidance I beseech, as well as defence, that I may doe nothing (no not for my preservation) but what is perfectly agreea­ble to thy Laws; for thy favour is my security, which I know is not otherways to be obtained: and therefore I desire the conduct of thy good Spirit (which is rea­dy to assist those that seek it) as well to lead me in the plain path of justice [Page 547]and piety, as to suggest to me the way and means of escaping the snares of my Enemies; and of coming into an honest Country, where I may be free from the fear of being betrayed to them.

11. Quicken me, O LORD, for thy Names sake: for thy righteousness sake bring my soul out of trouble.

11. I have nothing to move Thee to it, but one­ly the honour it will be un­to thy Majesty; in respect to which I hope, O Lord, Thou wilt preserve me from perishing, and restore me again to my Kingdome: For though my straits are so great, that my life is in extream danger; yet no­thing can hinder the per­formance of thy just and faithfull promise to me.

12. And of thy mercy cut off mine enemies, and de­stroy all them that afflict my soul: for I am thy servant.

12. Thy mercy also sur­passes all the malice of my Enemies; whom I trust Thou wilt cut off, and de­stroy, rather then let me continue in these hazzards: for I am thy Minister, and though never so unworthy, am appointed by Thee to govern thy people; in [Page 548]which office, I will doe Thee all faithfull service.

A Psalm of David.


The Inscription will not let us doubt, that David was the Authour of this Psalm: but that it was a Triumph after his victory over Goliath (as the vulgar Latine hath it) is asserted without ground. For though some Greek Copies have such an addition to the Inscription; yet Theodoret says, that as he could find it in the Hebrew, so it was not to be met withall in any other In­terpreters; no not in the LXX. in the Hexaplus. And it plainly appears by the second Verse that it was composed after he came to the Kingdome: and not then, till he had got some victories over those that op­posed him. Nay, there are so many ex­pressions here, like to those we meet withall in the XVIII. Psalm; that it hath incli­ned some to think, it was made at the same time, and for the same purpose with that: of which it looks like a compendium, and might be intended for a short form of [Page 549]thanksgiving, for his deliverance from all his Enemies. But if the expressions be carefully examined, their opinion will ap­pear to be truer, who think it was composed, not after God had given him rest from all his Enemies; but after those two victories over the Philistines, mentioned 2 Sam. V. if not before them: For as he still men­tions more opposers, who were unsubdued, v. 7, 11; so he doth not say, as in the XVIII. Psalm, that God had cast forth lightnings, and shot his arrows against them, &c. but desires Him here (v. 5, 6.) that He would appear in that manner for him: acknowledging that not onely his Kingdome, but his Courage, his Victories, and Successes were all to be ascribed unto God.

1. BLessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.

1. PRaised be the Lord, by me and by all men else; by whom I have been kept in safety, as in an impregnable fortress: and who hath given me both strength and skill to handle my Arms; whensoe­ver I ingaged, either in sin­gle combate or in battles.

2. My goodness and my fortress, my high tower, and my deliverer, my shield, and he in whom I trust, who subdueth my under me.

2. I ever found Him ve­ry mercifull unto me, when I was in any danger; for [Page 550]He still preserved me as in a strong hold; nay set me out of the reach of the most po­tent Enemies; either making a way for my escape when they surrounded me, or pro­tecting me in their most fu­rious assaults upon me: and as I reposed a constant trust in Him, so He hath never failed my expectation; but after long contests, made all Israel submit themselves unto my Empire, 2 Sam. V. 1, &c.

3. LORD, what is man, that thou takest know­ledge of him? or the son of man, that thou makest account of him?

3. I am astonished, O Lord, at this thy wonder­full Goodness; and know not what to say, but onely admire that Thou shouldst take such care of so poor a thing as man is, at the best: especially of me, a misera­ble wretch: whom Thou hast honoured with most glorious Successes.

4. Man is like to vanity: his days are as a sha­dow that passeth away.

4. Man, alas! is but a breath, which presently va­nishes: what a marvel is it then, that I should have strength to atchieve such things? his life is excee­ding [Page 551]short and uncertain; and yet, such is thy stupen­dious Goodness, I am not onely alive, notwithstan­ding all the hazzards through which I have run; but in a little time have performed such memorable acts, that the same of them will last for ever.

5. Bow they hea­vens, O LORD, and come down: touch the moun­tains, and they shall smoke.

5. Proceed, O Lord, to perfect my conquest, and now that new Enemies are combined against me, (2 Sam. VIII.) let thy Ma­jesty appear as it hath done formerly (see Psal. XVIII. 9.) for my assistance and defence: and as soon as the proudest opposers feel that Thou art present, they will vanish away like smoak.

6. Cast forth lightning and scat­ter them: shoot out thine arrows and destroy them.

6. Let them be dispersed by flashes of Lightning in their faces: and so terrified with Thunder and Hail, that they may not be able to recollect their Forces.

7. Send thine hand from above, rid me, and deli­ver me out of great waters: from the hand of strange children,

7. Send powerfull aid unto me from Heaven (XVIII. Psal. 16.) for I [Page 552]rely upon nothing on Earth: relieve me in all my straits; and deliver me out of these great and ma­nifold dangers, wherewith I am threatned, by a for­reign power of Idolatrous people, which now invade me:

8. Whose mouth speaketh vanity: and their right hand is a right hand of falshood.

8. Who, as they have been wont to brag of more then they doe, so promise more then they will ever perform: For whatsoever treaties of peace and leagues of friendship I make with them, they break them all; and falsify so shamefully both their words and their oaths, that there is no trust to be given to them, (v. 11.)

9. I will sing a new song unto thee, O God: up­on a psaltery, and an instrument of ten strings will I sing praises unto thee.

9. I will never prove ungratefull to Thee, for so great a benefit: but here solemnly vow to compose, with my best skill, new Hymns of thanks unto Thee, O God; and with the usual instruments of Musick sing thy Praises, saying;

10. It is he that giveth salva­tion to kings, who delivereth David his servant from the hurtfull sword.

10. It is not merely by the conduct, and valour of our Captains and Soul­diers that we have over­come; but the most pow­erfull Kings owe their safe­ty, and their victories un­to the Lord: To whom I am more particularly bound; first for the high honour He hath done me, in making me his Mini­ster; and now for this deliverance form these mighty Armies, which threaten my destruction, 2 Sam. VIII.

11. Rid me, and deliver me from the hand of strange children, whose mouth spea­keth vanity: and their right hand is a right hand of falshood.

11. Grant my renewed requests therefore, I be­seech Thee (v. 7, 8.) and send me seasonable relief and deliverance from this forreign invasion of an I­dolatrous people: who have no faith nor hone­sty; but shamefully falsify both their words and their oaths; and when they shake hands with others, as if they were their Friends, intend thereby to deceive them.

12. That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth, that our daugh­ters may be as corner stones, po­lished after the si­militude of a pa­lace:

12. Let not our Coun­try be overrun by such barbarians; but be so pre­served by Thee in peace and tranquillity, that our hopefull Sons may grow up like young flourishing Trees, till they attain their full strength and stature; and our Daughters be tall and beautifull, like those polished Pillars, which are the ornaments of a royal Palace.

13. That our garners may be full, affording all manner of store, that our sheep may bring forth thou­sands, and ten thousands in our streets.

13. Our Granaries also and Store-houses being as full as they can hold, may afford us all sorts of Pro­vision from year to year: and our flocks of Sheep bring forth thousands; which may multiply into ten thousands, in their walks.

14. That our oxen may be strong to labour, that there be no breaking in, nor going out: that there be no com­plaining in our streets.

14. Our Cows also, be­ing great with young, may neither be driven away by the irruption of our Ene­mies; nor cast their Calves at home: but we may be free from this, and all o­ther causes of crying, [Page 555]or complaining in our streets.

15. Happy is that, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.

15. Happy is that Na­tion, which is setled in such a prosperous condi­tion! That is, happy is that Nation, which truly worships the great Lord of the World; who hath promised ( Deut. XXVIII.) to bless his faithfull ser­vants, with these, and all other, fruits of his love.

David's Psalm of Praise.


After David had obtained these favours of God for himself and for the Nation, which he begs in the foregoing Psalm; he compo­sed (according to his promise there Ver. 9.) this admirable Hymn: which is contrived with such Art, that, it is manifest from thence, he made it when he was much at leasure; and God had given him rest from all his enemies: (2 Sam. VII. 1.) For every Verse begins with a new Letter of the Alphabet in order: which are all here, except the Letter Nun; which is wanting, Verse 13. I sup­pose it was lost, when this Psalm came to the hands of the Collectour of this Book: and he would not adventure to supply it, with one of his own inventing. The Greek in­deed (that is, the present Greek Copies; for Theodotion, and Aquila, and the an­cient LXX. had it not) and Latin and Arabick (which in effect are but one and the same) have another Verse, which we may well think, if it ever were in the He­brew, began with that Letter Nun: But it differs so little from the seventeenth Verse (when there is no repetition, in any other part [Page 557]of the Psalm) that it doth not, in my opi­nion, look like the true original Verse. And it may be doubted, whether there ever was any such Verse in that place (where we sup­pose one wanting) for the Psalmist might be carried (see Psalm XXV.) by the strength of the inspiration, which was upon him, out of the method he had at first proposed to himself.

Certain it is, this Psalm was always estee­med so excellent, that the Title of the whole Book of Psalms, is taken from this: which is wholly spent in praising God, with such admirable devotion; that the ancient He­brews were wont to say (as Valentine Schindler hath long ago observed) He could not fail to be a child of the world to come, who would say this Psalm three times every day. And for that reason per­haps it was composed Alphabetically; that so usefull a Psalm might be the more easily learnt, and remembred by every body.

1. I Will extoll thee, my God, O King, and I will bless thy name for ever and ever.

1. I Will proclaime to all the world, O my God, the supreme Governour of heaven and earth, how ex­cellent thy Majesty is; in­finitely surpassing the high­est of our thoughts: and will never cease to express the delightfull sense I have [Page 558]of all thy glorious Attri­butes; whereby Thou art made known unto us.

2. Every day will I bless thee, and I will praise thy name for ever and ever.

2. This shall be my daily imployment; and I will sing joyfull Hymns in praise of thy glorious perfections, without any end.

3. Great is the LORD, and great­ly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable.

3. For the Lord is im­mensely great, in power and dominion, and all other ways; and therefore to be honoured with our highest, and with our endless prai­ses: But when we have said all we can, our best praise of Him will be, to confess that his transcendent excel­lencies cannot be compre­hended.

4. One genera­tion shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts.

4. For there are none of thy works, which we see, that we are able to under­stand; but, though this Age transmit its observati­ons to the next, and that recommend the study of them to posterity yet, still we are ignorant and cannot praise them enough: no, nor sufficiently declare the prodigious acts of thy mi­raculous [Page 559]Providence, for the preservation of thy people, which shall be perpetually commemorated.

5. I will speak of the glorious ho­nour of thy maje­sty, and of thy wondrous works.

5. It shall be my business, in this present age, to speak of the dazling splendour and beauty of thy Majesty: which I want words to ex­press, but appears in thy stupendious works.

6. And men shall speak of the might of thy ter­rible acts: and I will declare thy greatness,

6. Which they that come after shall rehearse; and, from the narratives that I shall make of thy magnifi­cent greatness, declare to their posterity, what dread­full things were done by thy irresistable power, for the subversion of our ene­mies.

7. They shall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodness, and shall sing of thy righteousness.

7. And with the same diligence shall they con­tinue the constant memory of thy numerous benefits to us: which they shall no more cease to celebrate with their praises, then a spring doth to pour out water; but publish, in their per­petual Hymns, how just and faithfull Thou art to thy word.

8. The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger and of great mercy.

8. For the Lord (this shall be the subject of their, and of my Song) is excee­ding propense to doe us good; and very indulgent when we doe amiss: which makes Him that He doth not presently punish, but rather chuses to bestow new and greater benefits upon us; if we repent of our faults.

9. The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works.

9. Nor is his goodness confined unto us; but ex­tends it self in various acts of bounty to all mankind: who need not doubt of his kindness; when they see He takes so tender a care of all his Creatures,

10. All thy works shall praise thee, O LORD, and thy saints shall bless thee.

10. Who all in their se­veral kinds declare, O Lord, throughout all generations, how great, how wise, how powerfull and provident Thou art: which such as we, who are particularly bound unto Thee for spe­cial favours bestowed upon us, ought most sensibly to acknowledge with thank­full praises.

11. They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power.

11. It is their duty to discourse of the incompa­rable wisedom, and good­ness, and care, which Thou exercisest in the government of the whole world; espe­cially of us: and to re­count the memorable acts of thy invincible power among us.

12. To make known to the sons of men his mighty acts, and the glo­rious majesty of his kingdom.

12. That all mankind, who regard not such things so much as they ought, may be made sensible how migh­ty the Lord is: and adore the amazing splendour of his illustrious works; and the admirable order He ob­serves in his government of all things.

13. Thy king­dom is an everla­sting kingdom, and thy dominion en­dureth throughout all generations.

13. Which as they are all intirely subject to Him, so his Empire over them is immoveable; and neither ends nor decays: but, when earthly Kingdoms fail and are transferred from one to another, his dominion is still the same throughout all successions.

14. The LORD upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all those that be bowed down.

14. In which He doth not neglect any of his sub­jects [Page 562]that depend upon Him (as mortal Princes too fre­quently doe) but supports and comforts the meanest of them, that are oppressed with grievous afflictions: and gives them a seasonable deliverance; when they are in danger to sink and perish under the heavy weight of their burthens.

15. The eyes of all wait upon thee, and thou givest them their meat in due season.

15. He makes a constant provision also for them: which every Creature, when their necessities call for sup­ply, daily receive from Thee, O Lord; in the proper sea­son for it.

16. Thou ope­nest thy hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing.

16. And Thou art not sparing of thy blessings; but dispensest them with such a bountifull hand, that there are none of them live without satisfaction: but have all their appetites fil­led; by thy liberality to the smallest of them.

17. The LORD is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works.

17. And therefore let us not doubt, but thankfully ac­knowledge, that the Lord is not onely just in all the dis­pensations of his Providence [Page 563]to us; (though perhaps we do not apprehend it) but exceeding mercifull, and kind, in every thing that befalls us.

18. The LORD is nigh unto all them that call up­on him, to all that call upon him in truth.

18. We need doe no more but piously commend our selves to Him, and He will take care of us: for He is ready on all occasions, to relieve every one that addresses himself unto Him; with a sincere heart, truly disposed to be faithfull to Him.

19. He will ful­fill the desire of them that fear him: he also will hear their cry, and will save them.

19. He that satisfies the appetite of all Creatures, (Ver. 16.) will not fail, we may be confident, to grati­fie in their desires, such re­ligious persons as fear to offend Him: But though He let them fall into trou­bles and straits, in due time will be moved, by their importunate prayers, to send them a seasonable delive­rance.

20. The LORD preserveth all them that love him: but all the wicked will he destroy.

20. For since they love Him so well, that they had rather suffer any thing, then disobey Him; the Lord un­doubtedly [Page 564]will preserve them: and destroy all those impious men, who have no regard to his Laws; nor make any scruple to abuse and oppress such vertuous persons.

21. My mouth shall speak the praise of the LORD: and let all flesh bless his holy name for e­ver and ever.

21. For which, and all the rest of his benefits, I will never cease to sing Hymns of praise unto the Lord: and let all mankind (remembring how weak and frail they are) join to­gether with me in this im­ployment, (as the greatest support, and comfort, and security they have) to bless his incomparable Goodness, and Power, and carefull Providence, for ever and ever.



This Psalm and the other four, which follow, both begin and conclude, with the word Hal­lelujah, i. e. Praise ye the Lord. And there­fore might, if the Jews had pleased, have been called The great Hallelujah: being all of them exhortations and incitements to the people; to stir up themselves unto that hea­venly imployment: which this Psalm re­commends to them, from the consideration of several of the Divine Excellencies: which make Him the proper object of our confidence in all conditions. The vulgar Latin, and the present Greek intitle it to Haggai and Zachariah: but there is no such thing in the Hebrew, nor in other ancient Interpre­ters, nor in the LXX. in the Hexaplus, as Theodoret tells us. And we might rather think it not unlikely, to have been composed by David; when Saul, who at first had a great kindness for him, afterward turned his most bitter enemy: were it not for one word, viz. the mention of Sion; which was not then in David's possession. This it is possible inclined those that made the fore­going Title, to think it was not composed [Page 566]till after-times; and they could find none so likely as that after the Captivity: when they soon found it was in vain to rely upon the favour of Princes; some of which hin­dred the building of the Temple, as much as Cyrus at the first had furthered it. I shall not trouble the Reader with any other conjectures: but onely note that the eighth Verse was most exactly and literally fulfilled in our Lord Christ; when he came to give Salvation to us.

1. PRaise ye the LORD. Praise the LORD, O my soul.

1. STir up thy self, O my Soul, to give the Lord, who gave Being to all things, those affectionate praises which are due unto Him.

2. While I live will I praise the LORD: I will sing praises unto my God, while I have any being.

2. The best resolution Thou canst make is this; I will praise the Lord all my life long: and never cease to give thanks unto my God, who never ceases to bestow his benefits on me.

3. Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.

3. And let all mankind, if they would be happy, preserve his favour, by be­ing gratefull to Him; and not (with the neglect of his service) court the fa­vour [Page 567]of Princes, and settle upon them their depen­dance: For the greatest King on earth, though ne­ver so just, never so boun­tifull, as well as rich and powerfull, is still but a man; who cannot be pre­sent every where when we are in danger, nor be able always to help us in our greatest needs.

4. His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth: in that ve­ry day his thoughts perish.

4. For there is a time when he cannot help him­self, nor by the whole pow­er of his Empire keep his soul from leaving his body: nay a small accident may carry him away suddenly; and then a clod of earth can do as much as he, and whatsoever designs and pro­jects he had laid, (for any mans preferment, suppose) they all die together with him.

5. Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God:

5. He, and he alone, is the truly happy man, who expects help from the migh­ty God, by whom Jacob was fed all his life long, (XLVIII. Gen. 15.) who [Page 568]trusts to Him that is Lord of the World; and hath made Him his Friend so much, that he can call Him his God.

6. Which made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that therein is: which keepeth truth for ever:

6. For, as He never dies so, there can be no defect in his power, nor want of his presence in every place; the heavens, the earth and the sea, and all that is in them, being his own works: and, as nothing can hinder Him from doing what He pleases so, He will never alter his mind, nor go back with his word; but faith­fully keep his promises for ever, with those that rely upon them.

7. Which exe­cuteth judgment for the oppressed, which giveth food to the hungry: the LORD looseth the prisoners.

7. There are innume­rable instances of the care­full Providence of this great King; who doth not slight or forget the cries of his grieved Subjects; but in due time asserts the right of those who are oppressed, and can find no relief in other Courts of Judgment: He supplies also the needs of poor hungry wretches, [Page 569]who are ready to famish: and is so gracious a Lord, that He sets them at liber­ty, who by unjust or piti­less men have been held in miserable Captivity.

8. The LORD openeth the eyes of the blind: the LORD raiseth them that are bowed down: the LORD loveth the righteous.

8. The Lord sends help, when there are no hopes of humane cure: for He re­stores sight to the blind, (as we shall see most re­markably when the Lord Christ appears) and lifts up those who are bowed to­gether, by tedious weak­nesses, (XIII. Luke 11.) or crusht under other insup­portable burthens: and a­bove all the Lord delights to doe good to them, who have done good to others.

9. The LORD preserveth the strangers; he re­lieveth the father­less and widow: but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down.

9. The friendless strangers are preserved by the Lord, from those injuries which men are apt to doe them; when they commit them­selves to his protection: And so do the disconsolate Widows and Fatherless Chil­dren find support and re­lief from Him, against the injustice and violence of [Page 570]their wicked oppressours; whose designs and practices He utterly confoundeth.

10. The LORD shall reign for e­ver, even thy God, O Sion, unto all generations. Praise ye the LORD.

10. Be of good comfort then, O ye inhabitants of Sion, who sincerely worship this great Lord, that doeth all these wondrous things: For his power and autho­rity never fails; but from age to age will ever succour those pious souls, who are destitute of humane help: therefore praise perpetually this everlasting King.

Hallelujah. See CXLVI.


Saint Chrysostome and Theodoret think this Psalm hath respect to the return of the Jew­ish Nation from the Captivity of Babylon; and the instauration of Jerusalem, which followed upon it. And the second and thir­teenth Verses, may well incline us to be of the opinion, that it was made by some holy man at that time, ( Haggai or Zachariah [Page 571]some ancient Interpreters imagin; or rather Nehemiah, who built the Walls and set up the Gates) especially if we observe that there are some phrases in it, which savour of the Chaldaean language. And though this can be no more then a conjecture; yet it is very certain and evident that in that deliverance, God gave such illustrious proofs of his power, wisedom, mercy and justice, as the Psalmist here exhorts the people to celebrate with their thankfull praises. I shall follow it therefore in my Paraphrase; it being reasonable to suppose that devout persons would be as for­ward to acknowledge the wonderfull Provi­dence of God in their restauration, as they were to bewail (which they do Ps. CXXXVII.) the ruin of their Country; and that posterity would be no less carefull to preserve what was composed in memory of the one, then they had been to continue the memory of the other: And there is no Hymn, we can find, so sutable to that occasion as this.

1. PRaise ye the LORD: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant, and praise is comely.

1. LET all the Nations praise the Lord; who will send us new be­nefits, when we are truly thankfull to Him our great Benefactour, for the old: For it is a thing highly ac­ceptable to Him, as well as delightfull to those who are [Page 572]imployed therein; and best becomes us of all other things, there being nothing so decent as to see men gratefull to Him that hath obliged them.

2. The LORD doth build up Je­rusalem: he ga­thereth together the outcasts of Is­rael.

2. To which we stand bound above all other men; for the Lord hath not one­ly delivered us out of a sad Captivity; but, in spite of all the opposition our ene­mies have made to it, (IV. Ezra 12.) hath raised Je­rusalem out of its ruines: whereby He invites the rest of our Brethren, who re­main behind, to return to their own Country from whence they are expelled.

3. He healeth the broken in heart, and bin­deth up their wounds.

3. He comforts us after our long sorrows, which had in a manner broken our heart with grief and sadness: and hath in some measure repaired our brea­ches, which like a festering wound, indangered the life of our Nation.

4. He telleth the number of the stars: he calleth them all by their names.

4. Whom He knows how to gather, out of all their dispersions, and to find every [Page 573]one of them wheresoever they are, though as nume­rous as the stars of heaven: (XV. Gen. 5.) which He as distinctly and exactly un­derstands (how confusedly soever they seem to us, to be scattered in the skie) as we do those things, which we call by their proper names.

5. Great is our Lord, and of great power: his under­standing is infinite.

5. Let us not despair of it; for nothing is impossible with our Lord and Gover­nour: who is not like earthly Kings, that rule o­ver a few petty Provinces; but the great Sovereign of the whole world; whose power and wisedom are so unlimited, that He is able to doe whatsoever He plea­ses, and knows how to com­pass whatsoever He designs.

6. The LORD lifteth up the meek: he casteth the wicked down to the ground.

6. And doth not, because He is so great, despise the afflicted: but, if they meek­ly commit themselves to his care, will raise them up to a better condition; and throw down the mightiest Princes that proudly oppress them, [Page 574]as low as the very ground.

7. Sing unto the LORD with thanksgiving: sing praise upon the harp unto our God.

7. Celebrate therefore with your thankfull Songs (you cannot make a less re­turn unto Him) this infinite Power, and Wisedom, and Goodness: Begin now, with the usual Instruments of Mu­sick, to sing Hymns of praise unto our God, for all his benefits.

8. Who cove­reth the heaven with clouds, who prepareth rain for the earth, who maketh grass to grow upon the mountains.

8. Particularly for the great plenty He hath given us by his almighty Good­ness; (II. Haggai 1.) which shews it self, first in raising vapours from the earth; and then turning them into clouds, wherewith He co­vers the face of heaven; and then bringing forth rain out of those clouds: which He sends back to the earth again; and makes not onely the green pastures, but the parched mountains and desart places, become fruitfull.

9. He giveth to the beast his food, and to the young ravens which cry.

9. By which wonderfull Providence He provides food, even for the wild goats and suck like beasts; [Page 575]that live upon the top of craggy rocks: For He neg­lects not the vilest creatures, but satisfies the hunger of the young ravens; though it be so ravenous, that they are continually crying for new supplies.

10. He deligh­teth not in the strength of the horse: he taketh not pleasure in the legs of a man.

10. Let us not doubt then, but He that takes care of crows, will much more take care of us; and not be afraid, though we are of little force, (IV. Nehem. 3, 4. VII. 4.) and have no armies of horse and foot to defend us: For the Lord (who fights for us, IV. Nehem. 20.) hath no need of these; and will not take part with our enemies, because they are superiour to us in the strength of their horses, and the nimbleness of their souldiers.

11. The LORD taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in those that hope in his mercy.

11. But delights to give those his assistance and pro­tection, who, worshipping Him devoutly, fear to of­fend Him: and, having no help in themselves, nor any earthly refuge to fly unto, [Page 576]depend notwithstanding with a stedfast faith on his infinite mercy.

12. Praise the LORD, O Jeru­salem: praise thy God, O Sion.

12. Praise the Lord, O ye inhabitants of Jerusalem; sing joyfull Hymns unto your God, O ye people of Sion, (XII. Nehem. 27, 31, 40, 43.) who have seen this truth abundantly de­monstrated in your days.

13. For he hath strengthened the bars of thy gates: he hath blessed thy children within thee.

13. For He hath made this City, which was lately without Walls and Gates, so strong a place; that no enemy dare assualt it, (VI. Nehem. 15, 16.) and hath increased the number of thy Citizens which were but few, (VII. Nehem. 4. XI. 1, 2.) by the manifold blessings He hath poured on them.

14. He maketh peace in thy bor­ders, and filleth thee with the finest of the wheat.

14. Which are not con­fined within the Walls of that City, but He hath settled all the Country in peace: no enemy appea­ring to infest thy borders, and to disturb the husband­men in their labours; which have produced so rich a [Page 577]crop, that plentifull provi­sion is made for all our sa­tisfaction.

15. He sendeth forth his com­mandment upon earth: his word runneth very swiftly.

15. This we ought to ascribe to his mercifull Pro­vidence, who shews by the fruitfull seasons He sends, after all things seem to be killed by a hard winter, that He doth not intend by our affliction to destroy us; and that He can easily bring all our Brethren hither, who remain still in Captivity: For when He would have any alteration made in the earth, it is done as speedily as we can speak.

16. He giveth snow like wooll: he scattereth the hoar frost like a­shes.

16. He sends, for instance, a sudden cold: which some­times turns the moist va­pours, in the air, into flakes of snow, to cover the earth as with a fleece of wool, and defend the corn from the biting winds; and some­times into hoary frost, which He gently scatters and straws, like ashes, up­on the earth.

17. He casteth forth his ice like morsels: who can stand before his cold?

17. And sometimes con­geals them into ice; which [Page 578]He breaks into bits, and throws down in violent hail: accompanied with such extremity of cold, that neither man nor beast nor the fishes in the ponds and rivers are able long to en­dure it.

18. He sendeth out his word, and melteth them: he causeth his wind to blow, and the waters flow.

18. But then, to prevent the hurt that might insue by its continuance, He is­sues forth another com­mand, which as suddenly (Ver. 15.) makes a thaw; and, by the warm breath of softer winds, loosens the waters which were bound up; and causes them to flow again.

19. He sheweth his word unto Ja­cob, his statutes and his judgments unto Israel.

19. In such things as these the whole world see how powerfull, and how good He is: But we have more peculiar reasons to depend upon Him for a happy return of our Na­tion; whom He doth not teach merely by the snow, the hoar frost, and the ice; but by another sort of word then that which sends them upon the earth: (Ver. 15.) [Page 579]even by His Ten Command­ments delivered from hea­ven (XX. Exod. 1.) in a most glorious and astoni­shing manner, (Ver. 18.) and by Laws of all sorts, which He hath given us for the government of our life.

20. He hath not dealt so with any nation: and as for his judg­ments, they have not known them. Praise ye the LORD.

20. This is a privilege which no other Nation in the world enjoys, (IV. Deut. 32, 33.) For, though they all receive the showres and snow out of the clouds yet, Laws from thence they have no acquaintance with­all. Therefore let not us dishonour Him so much, as to distrust his Providence; but continually praise the Lord, and acknowledge his bounty to us.

Hallelujah. See CXLVI.


It doth not appear who was the Authour of this Hymn, nor upon what occasion it was com­posed. But the last Verse sufficiently shews the Nation was then in a very flourishing condition; and therefore probably it was made by David; when God had given him rest from all his Enemies: which filled his heart with such love to God, that it tran­sported him into this rapture. Wherein, finding how short his own praises were, he wishes all Creatures in heaven and earth would conspire in a sweet symphony, as The­odoret speaks, of singing Hymns unto Him. And first he calls upon the world above, and all that is therein from the first Verse to the seventh: where he descends to the world here below; and calls upon all things on the earth to praise the Lord: concluding (v. 13.) that as there is one Maker of both; so all that they can say of Him, when they have joyned all their powers together in one Quire, falls infinitely short of his most excellent Majesty. Who hath set forth his most transcendent wisdome, power, and mu­nificence, in such variety of stupendious [Page 581]work, that there is not the smallest of them, but ministers such matter of praise, nay admiration, to those that attentively consider them; that they cannot but wish with the Psalmish here, that every one of them were able to tell us, how much skill, and kindness He hath shown in their contrivance: or that we were able to find it out, and comprehend it. Thus He is to be understood when he calls upon all Creatures to praise the Lord: or it is as if he had said, The Lord is to be praised by or in all these things, as long as the world lasts.

This I take to be the true account of this Psalm, which I refer to the times of David, because the two following seem to have been then made; and there is no other we can so well fix upon: unless we will conceive that it was a Meditation, when they were per­fectly settled in a peaceable enjoyment of their Religion, after the Captivity; of which there is not the least intimation in the Psalm.

1. PRaise ye the LORD, praise ye the LORD from the heavens: praise him in the heights.

1. LET all Creatures praise the Lord. First, let the Celestial Quire begin, and sing their thank­full Hymns to Him: who hath raised them so high above us in power and might, as well as in dignity and place.

2. Praise ye him, all his An­gels, praise ye him all his hosts.

2. Praise Him all ye An­gels, who have the honour to be the prime Ministers of his most excellent Majesty: O let their several Hosts and Companies, in whatsoever rank or order they stand, praise Him; whose Sove­reign Authority commands them all.

3. Praise ye him Sun and Moon: praise him all ye stars of light.

3. Praise Him ye Sun and Moon, who are his greatest visible Ministers, and unwearied in his ser­vice: Praise Him all the rest of the shining Stars; and declare to all future generations, as ye have done for so many Ages past, how glorious He is.

4. Praise him ye heavens of heavens: and ye waters that be a­bove the heavens.

4. Let all the heavenly Regions praise Him: parti­cularly the Clouds; which hang in the Aire, and dis­still in fruitfull showres to inrich the Earth.

5. Let them praise the Name of the LORD, for he comman­ded, and they were created.

5. Let all these set forth the adorable wisdome, and power, and goodness of the Lord: For by his omnipo­tent word, these, whom the mistaken world calls Gods, [Page 583]were created; not to be worshipped, but perpetu­ally to proclaim his praise.

6. He hath al­so established them for ever and ever: he hath made a decree, which shall not pass.

6. who hath made them not onely illustrious, but everlasting monuments of his splendour and glory: having fixt and settled them in an admirable order, which they constantly observe; and prescribed them Laws, which they never transgress.

7. Praise the LORD from the earth, ye dragons, and all deeps.

7. O Let all Creatures here below accompany those celestial hosts, in their prai­ses of the Lord: whose power the vast Whales in their several kinds, and all that moves in the profound depth of the Sea, abundant­ly declare.

8. Fire and hail, snow and vapour: stormy wind fulfilling his word.

8. Let the Lightnings, Thunder, and Hail; the Snow, hoary Frost, and Ice; the Winds, Storms, and Tempests; all make a part of this Song: for they constantly execute his So­vereign Will, and serve his wise Designs.

9. Mountains and all hills: fruitfull trees, and all cedars.

9. The lofty Mountains also, and the lesser Hills; [Page 584]the Fruit-bearing Trees, with the stately Cedars; the Pines, the firrs, and all the rest (which He hath created for several ends and uses) let them all be called upon to tell, how great, and how bountiful He is.

10. Beasts and all cattel: creep­ing things, and flying fowl.

10. The wild Beasts also of the Forest, and all the Cattel that feed in the Fields; whatsoever creeps upon the Earth, or swims in the Sea, or flies in the Aire; let it joyn in this Hymn of praise to Him: who hath shown his mani­fold wisdome, and diffu­sive goodness in them all.

11. Kings of the earth, and all people: Princes, and all Judges of the earth.

11. But especially let Mankind praise Him; who (after He had made these things) brought them into the world, last of all, to contemplate his wonderfull works: And first let Kings (who here on Earth resem­ble the Angels or the Sun in Heaven) and then let their Ministers of State and Lieutenants in their several Provinces; and next, all [Page 585]the Judges of the Earth (who are like the Moon and the Stars) give a good example unto all the Sub­jects; and stir them up, to meditate his praise.

12. Both young men and maidens: old men and chil­dren.

12. Let no Sex, no Age think themselves exempted from this heavenly imploy­ment: But let the Young men praise Him for their strength, and the Virgins for their beauty; they that are going out of the world, for all that they have seen and heard of Him; and they that are newly come into it, for all the goodly spectacles that are before them.

13. Let them praise the Name of the LORD, for his Name alone is excellent: and his glory is above the earth and heaven.

13. Let them praise the incomparable Wisedom, Goodness, and Power of the Lord: For how great soever any other Beings are, there is no other God but He; whose most excellent Majesty, infinitely surpas­ses, all that the Earth or the Heavens can tell us of Him.

14. He also ex­alteth the horn of his people, the praise of all his Saints, even of the children of Israel, a people near who him. Praise ye the LORD.

14. And yet so great is his condescention unto us (who are bound therefore [Page 586]more particularly to praise Him) He takes a peculiar care of us; and hath set over us a powerfull Prince, for the defence and safety of his People, (LXXXIX. Psal. 19.) Whose fame He hath thereby raised to the highest pitch of honour; having obliged the Children of Israel by many peculiar benefits, especially this; that they are a people more nearly related to Him, then any other whatsoever: for He dwells among them, in his holy place, where they approach to Him. O praise Him there, for this singular favour.

Hallelujah. See CXLVI.


Theodoret thinks this Psalm was made for them, that, after their return from Captivi­ty, had many opposers; but, by the Divine Assistance overcame them: And that it is a praediction of those great things, which were done by the Maccabees. Certain it is, that some signal Victory was the occasion of it; and thence Saint Chrysostome hath here given us a full account, I think, of the mea­ning of A new Song: which, according to the use of the word new in other places, (when they would express a thing very won­derfull, such as hath not been seen or heard of before, XVI. Numb. 30. XXXI. Jer. 22.) he takes to denote An illustrious and famous Hymn, made for Victories, for great At­chievements and Trophies. Which were never more remarkable in this Nation, then in the days of David; and therefore this Psalm may very well relate to his reign: who subdued several Kingdoms; which had stood out, and would not submit to Israel till his time, though God had promised to give their Countries to them, XV. Gen. 18. XXIII. Exod. 31. 2. Sam. VIII. 1, 2, &c. X. 19.

[Page 588]The interpretation which I have given of the sixth Verse, need not seem strange to any one; who considers that it hath been, and is the custom of all Nations, to stir up them­selves to fight by the sound of some musical Instrument or other. ‘"The ancient inhabi­tants of Etruria, saith Clemens Alex­andrinus (in the second Book of his Pae­dagogus, chap. 4.) used the Trumpet for this purpose; the Arcadians the Whistle; the Sicilians an Instrument called Pectids; the Cretians the Harp; the Lacedaemo­nians the Pipe; the Thracians the Cornet; the Egyptians the Drum; the Arabians the Cymball:’ But it was proper to the Israelites to go forth against their Enemies, singing Psalms of Praise to God, (as we reade, 2 Chron. XX. 21, 22.) who had gi­ven great Victories to their Ancestours, and had promised never to forsake their Poste­rity; while they served Him onely, and pi­ously confided in Him.

1. PRaise ye the LORD: Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise in the congregati­on of saint [...].

1. SIng a new Hymn un­to the Lord, for the fresh and singular benefits He hath bestowed upon us: Let Him be praised not onely in private, but in the publick assemblies of those, who have received special marks of his favour to them.

2. Let Israel rejoice in him that made him: let the children of Sion be joyfull in their king.

2. Let all the Israelites rejoice in Him, that made them his peculiar people; and hath now raised them to great splendour among the Nations of the world: let the inhabitants of Sion, more particularly, be excee­ding glad, that the Lord, who is our King, hath there settled his royal Throne, 2 Sam. V. 9. VI. 12.

3. Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the tim­brel and harp.

3. Let them leap for joy, and unanimously praise his most excellent Majesty, in their Dances to the Flute: (2 Sam. VI. 16.) let them testifie their gratitude to Him, by singing Psalms, with the Timbrel and the Harp.

4. For the LORD taketh pleasure in his people: he will beautifie the meek with salvation.

4. For the Lord taketh pleasure in doing good un­to his people: and will not onely deliver them after they have been oppressed many years; but, if they meekly depend upon Him, make them as great and il­lustrious, as they have been contemptible and mean, 1 Chron. XIV. 2.

5. Let the saints be joyfull in glory: let them sing aloud upon their beds.

5. Which shall fill the hearts of good men (who are dear to Him) with the highest triumph, in the ho­nour that He hath done them: and make them shout for joy, in the security and peace He shall bestow upon them.

6. Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand;

6. Which they shall not doubt to maintain against all opposers; for in assured hope of Victory they shall go to War, with Psalms, and Hymns in their mouths, concerning the great acts of the Lord: which they shall couragiously sing with a loud voice, when they fall upon their enemies; and prefer to the two edged sword wich they carry in their hand.

7. To execute vengeance upon the heathen, and punishments upon the people;

7. Wherewith they shall take a just revenge upon the heathen, for all the in­juries they have done us: and so chastise the insolence of the people, that they shall fear again to molest us, 1 Chron. XIV. 17.

8. To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron;

8. For their Victories shall be so compleat, that they shall not onely rout their enemies and put them to flight; but lead away their Kings captive in chains; and take their great Captains and Com­manders prisoners, and keep them fast in fetters of iron.

9. To execute upon them the judgment written: this honour have all his saints. Praise ye the LORD.

9. In order to the exe­cuting upon them the judg­ment, which God hath long ago decreed, and is recor­ded in his Law, VII. Deut. 24. XXXII. 41, 42, 43. This is the honour which all Israel shall have, when they are in favour with God; and such shall be their glorious Victories, and such Hymns and melo­dious Songs shall they sing, saying; Hallelujah, praise the Lord, by whose power and might we have done all this.

Hallelujah. See CXLVI.


Theodoret takes this also to be [...], a Song of Triumph after some Victo­ry: and the mention of the mighty acts of the Lord Ver. 2. seems to countenance this conjecture: which consists well enough with what others conceive; that it was at first particularly directed to the Levites, (by David I suppose) whose office it was to praise the Lord with musical Instruments, (1 Chron. XVI. 4, 5.) and excite others to his praises, not onely for Victory; but for all other his benefits. For if the Tradition of the Jews be true, which we reade at large in Maimo­nides, (in a Treatise on that subject) when the people of any place brought up their first fruits to present them to the Lord at Jeru­salem (according to the Law, XXVI. Deut.) with a pipe going before them; as soon as they came to the mountain of the Temple, every one took his basket into his hand, and sung this whole Psalm: till they came to the courts of the Lord's house; where the Le­vites met them singing the XXX. Psalm.

And indeed it might well be used upon occasion of any exceeding great joy; for it [Page 593]seems to be intended (by the repetition of these words praise the Lord, or praise Him; thirteen times; and by the calling for no less then ten Instruments of Musick) to express the height and fulness of their joy, and thankfulness to God for his benefits: nor can Musick be so well imployed to any other use, as this Divine and heavenly exercise of praising God, by Hymns, and Psalms, and spiritual Songs: to which the Psalmist seems to me to excite all Creatures, in heaven and in earth; from the highest to the lowest. And with this the Collectour of these five Books of Psalms, thought good to conclude the whole; and not unfitly: For in whatsoever condition we be (as there are Psalms adapted to several purposes) we should never forget to praise the Lord; but after we have prayed, or complained, &c. still end with thankfull acknowledgments to God for his goodness to us.

Here are several sorts of musical Instru­ments mentioned; which I have not adven­tured to explain: because the Hebrews themselves acknowledge they do not under­stand them. We have no way (saith Aben Ezra upon those words Ver. 5. which we translate loud Cymbals) to know what these musical Instruments were: there be­ing many found in the Country of the Is­maelites (i. e. Mahometans) which are not among the men of Edom (i. e. Christians) [Page 594]and others among them, which the wise men of Ishmael never heard of.

1. PRaise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firma­ment of his power.

1. PRaise the mighty God, ye Angelical Ministers that attend upon Him in his celestial Sanctua­ry: Praise Him all ye inha­bitants of heaven, where you see the brightest de­monstrations (and most la­sting monuments) of his power.

2. Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.

2. Praise Him all ye Mi­nisters of his upon earth; for the miraculous things which He hath done, for our deliverance and exalta­tion: let your praises bear some proportion to the ex­cellence of his Majesty, and the multitude of those great and magnificent acts of mercy towards us.

3. Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psal­tery and harp.

3. Let the Priests of the Lord (X. Numb. 8.) praise Him with the sound of the Trumpet: and let the Le­vites (1 Chron. XXV. 6.) praise Him with Psalteries and Harps.

4. Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments, and organs.

4. Let some praise Him with the Timbrel and the Flute; and others praise Him with the stringed In­struments and Organs.

5. Praise him upon the loud cym­bals: praise him upon the high-sounding cymbals.

5. Let all sort of Cym­bals accompany their Psalms and Hymns in his praise: both those of daily use, and those that are wont to be imployed in times of the highest joy and triumph.

6. Let every thing that hath breath, praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.

6. Finally, Let every man living join himself to this sacred Quire; and at every breath praise the Lord, the giver of life and of all good things. To Him let all the world, with one consent, give perpetual praise.


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