OR Assured comforts that her present miseries will end in unspeakable lasting mercies to the whole Nation.

First preached in Bengeo, and Hitchin in Hartfordshire, and now published for the common comfort of the Nation.

By IOHN BEVVICK, Minister of Bengeo, neere Hartford.

LONDON, Printed by I. D. for Andrew Crooke, and are to be sold at his shop at the Greene Dragon in Pauls Church-yard, 1644.

TO HIS Excellency ROBERT Earle of ESSEX, Viscount Hereford, Baron Ferrars of Chartley, Lord Bourchier and Lovain, one of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Councell, and Generall of the Army raised by the Parliament, in defence of the true Protestant Re­ligion, his Majesties person, the Lawes and Liberties of the Kingdome, and the Priviledges of Parliament.

IT is a lovely thing (saith the Philosopher) to [...]. Arist. benefit one, but to doe good to a nation, it is a thing divine. Your Excellencies love to Eng­land, in not counting your blood, your life deare to preserve it; the eminencyes in your person of vertue and valour, of courage and courtesie, of greatnesse and goodnesse, of mercy and meeknesse, of admirable prudence, and unwearied patience, the worthy deeds already done unto this Nation, by your providence; all these obligeth all true English hearts, to beare a part in the Natio­nal acknowledgment of your worth, and in accepting what is done by your Excellencie with all thankefulnesse. Your noble candor may be pleased then, to pardon this presumption of dedication, in a stranger to your knowledge, but an honourer of your ver­tues; the rather, because the obscurest clot upon the fallow, re­flects something of the sunne beames, as well as the mountaines, as the whole globe. These ensuing meditations are now mustered, to attend the Campe: and if the banner of your protection over­spread them, he shall be comforted, who by them desires princi­pally to comfort the Natio, yea the world. For if it be true as [Page] Saint Augustine writes, that if one drop of the joyes of heaven should fall into hell, it would swallow up all the bitternesse of it: Tanta est dul­cedo caeleslis gaudij, ut si una guttula difflueret in infernum totam amari­tudinem infer­ni absorberet, August Rom 5. 3. Rom. 8 37. Heb 10 35. Deut. 33. 26. 27. it may be hoped then, that a few drops of heavenly joyes, here presented [under your Excellencyes countenance] to my Coun­trymen, ingulphed in an hell of outward miseries, may availe to allay their bitternesse, and cleare their eye sight (as Ionathans was after his tasting honey) to see thorough an hell of horror, their heavenly recovery. It is Englands present duty, to rejoyce in tribulations, to triumph under terrors, to confide under con­flicts, to expect salvations, to veiw God by the eye of faith, as a refuge, as interwining us in his everlasting armes of preserva­tion, as healing our breaches, as stanching our wounds, as pre­paring all rankes among us, to enjoy a perpetuall unity, peace, amity, joy and jubilee, in despite of hell and Rome. All this God will do for us in righteousnes, but by terrible things. And during his pouring vialls of wrath upon the Antichristians, the English Church (with the other reformed) must stand on a sea of glasse mingled with fire. She shall apparantly see (as in a glasse) An­tichristian Rev. 15. 2. 3. tumults, rising like wave after wave, yet Christ cal­ming them, and causing all attempts ebbe into emptinesse, come to nothing. She shall stand on a sea mingled with fire: enduring hot service from inward contentions, and outward afflictions: these a while shall heat her, but not fire her; scorch her, but not rost her; bruise her heele perhaps, in some losses, but they shall not breake her, nor crumble her, into a totall desolation: for the ten King­domes must stand by an unalterable decree, to undo Antichrist, Rev. 17. from the 12, to the end. though they a while may seeme to favour and fight for him. And she shall stand with the harpes of God, singing the songs of Moses songs of judgement, praises; for every new judgement upon her troublers, and destroyers: and singing too, the song of the lamb, songs of mercie, prayses, for every new deliverance, vouchsafed her from on high. All blessings from the omnipotent Lambe (who warreth against Antichrist, and will conquer) are craved for your Excellency, by all the reall lovers of this Nation, among Minimorum minimus Ter­tul. ad Trallian. whom I rest the meanest of Christs ministers, and to

Your Excellencye most humbly devoted in all Christian service,


PSAL. 65. 5. ‘By terrible things in righteousnesse wilt thou answer us, oh God of our salvation: who art the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of them that are a farre off upon the sea.’

THis Psalme is Eucharisticall. It is a forme of thankesgiving penned by David for those mercies, which God bestowes on mankind. The first verse calls on the Church of God to Vers. 1. praise him, for the things afterward recited. Others will take no notice of them; or if they doe, yet they will not so freely acknowledge Gods kindnesse in them: and therfore the Saints, the children of Zion must doe it. The rest of the Psalme is spent in recounting the benefits, both spirituall and temporall which are conferred. The spirituall blessings which properly belong to the Church and faithfull people of God are foure. 1. Gods hearing of their prayers. In the want of defence, counsell, reliefe: in the midst of afflictions and troubles, when they are straitned, and upon the verge of any extremitie, he heareth their prayers: Oh thou that hearest prayers to thee shall all flesh come. 2. Remission of sinnes Vers. 2. is another blessing here recounted: though sinne hath raised the storme of afflictions, trouble, and adversaries; yet God will purge away sinne: and the cause of these stormes removed, there is a calme. As for our transgressions thou shalt purg them Vers. 3. [Page 2] away. 3. The collection of a Church is another blessing here re­hearsed. And 4. The saving and preserving this Church in a Vers. 4. wonderfull and admirable manner, so as others shall be driven to joyne themselves to the Church: this is another favour from God. And these are the blessings spirituall which this Psalme doth mention. The blessings temporall are common to the Saints with others: yet they are such, that none but Saints will take Vers. 5. notice to praise God for them: and therefore for these also, Praise waiteth for God in Zion. These blessings temporall are. 1. The erection of Kingdomes, and Governments in the world. It is from the mighty power of God, that Common wealths are set on their foundation. He by his strength set fast the moun­taines. Vers. 6. By mountaines, Common wealths are here to be under­stood, as they are in the latter part of the first verse of the second of Isaiah. It would be a terrible sight to see mountaines tumb­ling and rowling, ready to close and breake one another in pei­ces: and yet such are all the Common wealths in the world, they would totter and tumble and destroy one another, but that God hath fastened them: their bounds are set; and that is one bles­sing. 2. The repression of tumults, seditions, and conspiracies in Kingdomes, which would utterly ruine them; is another bles­sing Verse 7. which God grants, and for which he is to be praised. And this is amplified by the terror seising on the wicked and profane, when they shall see the power of God, curbing and crushing se­ditious men: when these are crost and crusht, then shall all o­thers in all places, beleive, and feare and tremble. The utter­most parts of the earth shall be afraid of thy tokens that is of thy judgements executed upon the rebellious, and upon the destroy­ers Verse 8. of people. 3. The restitution of peace and plenty to a people in a firmer and more established manner then they had before, is another blessing. Thou makest the out-goings of the morning, and evening to rejoyce. Men shall in the morning goe out to their la­bours with joy and in securitie; and at evening they shall have songs of joy and reioycing in the night: they shall have no more terror by night, nor feare and trembling in the day, as in the time of former troubles, by the tumults of such who sought to dissolve their Kingdomes and Common wealths: God will fill them full of peace and comfort, and make the Out-goings of the morning [Page 3] and evening to rejoyce. And then he will abundantly bleste with plenty, so as neither the Church, nor the world shall complaine of searcitie; when God hath wrought these great things for his people: as the rest of the Psalme sets out. This is the summe and From vers. 9. to the end. scope of the whole Psalme: being a Psalme of Thankesgiving for mercies, vouchsafed the Church both in spiritualls and in tempo­ralls.

The fift verse whereof conteines a description of the wonder­full manner, how God saves and preserves his Church. And here are three things remarkable.

  • 1. The meanes of its preservation. It is by things terrible.
  • 2. The manner of its preservation.
    • 1. In respect of God. It is in righte­ousnesse.
    • 2. In respect of the Church: By an­swering it.
  • 3. The Author therof, who is here described
    • 1. By what he is and hath done: he is the God of salvation.
    • 2. By what he is, and will be to his people in all places; The confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of those that are a farre off upon the sea.

These three parts affords us these five observations.

  • 1. Gods preserving his Church or people is by terrible things.
  • 2. Gods deliverance of his Church or people by terrible things is in righteousnesse.
  • 3. The deliverance of the Church by terrible things, is Gods answering his people.
  • 4. God is the Author of his peoples salvation.
  • 5. God is the confidence of all his people in all places.

1. Gods preserving his Church or people is by terrible things.

In handling this point we will consider.

  • 1. What these terrible things are by which God preserves his his people.
  • 2. Why he will by these preserve his people.
  • 3. What practicall conclusions may hence be deduced.

[Page 4] First. The word here rendred [terrible] signifies also things wonderfull and things reverend; and its signification gives a [...]. good light to understand that the things whereby God delivers his people are terrible. 1. In respect of the terror, which they worke in the adversaries of his people. 2. In respect of the won­der and amazement which they procure both in the adversaries and in others. And 3. Terrible in respect of the reverence and awfull regard which they worke or should worke in all sorts to­wards God. Of these in order.

First, God delivers by things which strikes terror and feare into adversaries: and these things may be reduced to seven heads.

1. God sometimes preserves his people by terrible imagina­tions, wrought in their adversaries: so he delivered Israel by filling all Aegypt with feare and terror. Aegypt was glad when they departed for the feare of them fell on them. And so Israel Psal 105. 38. was saved from the Midianites, the Lord put feare into the heart of their Army, when Gideon and his Souldiers blew the trum­pets. Iudg. 7. 20, 21.

2. God sometimes causeth the adversaries of his people to heare of some terrible, yet true and reall relation, what he hath already done for his: and that weakens them. Your terror (saith Rahab to the Spics) hath fallen on us, and all the inhabitants Iosh. 1. 9, 10, 11. faint because of you; for we have heard how the Lord dryed up the waters of the red sea for you, when you came out of Aegypt, &c. And as soone as we heard these things, our hearts did melt, neither did there remaine any more courage in any because of you.

3. God sometimes strikes terror into the adversaries, by some terrible machinations, which they heare is attempted against them: and by this meanes he sometimes saves and preserves his people. Thus when Philistines are against Philistines, it is terri­ble to them, because they cannot invade Israel. When the Phi­listines invaded the land, it was terrible to Saul, to be thereby tooke off from pursuing David. The Lord filled the heart of Ju­lian 1 Sam. 23. 27 28. (who was resolved to destroy all Christians in the Empire) with terror from the Persians: and therefore out he goes against Nazian. orat. 4. in Julian. them, and fell in battell: and so the Christians were delivered.

4. God oft delivers and preserves his Church, and people, by striking terror into their adversaries, through terrible frustrati­ons, [Page 5] or disappointments in all the adversaries agents and meanes, making them ineffectuall. Pharoh was hot in the pursuit of Isra­el, but the chariots wheeles were tooke off, and that was terrible Exod 24. 25. to the Aegyptians. When God shall drowne a Navie, an Arma­do, coming with full sayle to destroy: when he weakens at any time the strength, and infatuates Counsellers, and makes adver­saries to fall on wayes, and counsells destructive to themselves: these are things very terrible to them, and yet meanes of the Churches deliverance.

5. God sometimes raiseth up terrible oppositions against the adversaries, and that terrifies them, and stops their rage and fury from working bitterly against the Church: and the Church ther­by hath deliverance. Thus God called for an Angell, who de­stroyed Senacharibs Army. He called for a wind and split and 2 King. 19. 35. Psal. 48. 7, 8. sunke the ships of Tarshish. He called to lice, to frogs, to flyes, to haile, to locusts, to his sore and terrible judgements, and they devoured Aegypt. The least creature when God armes it against an adversary is very terrible: and by such terrible things many times God strikes feare and terror into the adversaries, and workes safetie for his people.

6. God sometimes preserves his Church and people by terri­ble revelations: when he discovers the closest plots and conspi­racies and counsells of their adversaries, when they carry on things subtilly, hoping that nothing shall be knowne: but a bird Eccles. 10. 20. of the ayre tells it; a letter reveales it: one thing or other brings all to light; and all mouthes are filled with talking of the hor­rible attempts. The plot of Haman for destroying all the Jewes. The plot of the Irish for massacring all the English. The plot of the Jesuites for rooting out all Protestants in all Kingdomes. These and many such being discovered, are terrible to the adver­saries: and yet by such terrible revelations God doth often pre­serve his people.

7. And so he doth sometimes by terrible destructions: when either God destroyes the adversary; or shewes his judgements on them, in some horrible manner, so as they shall never be able to lift up the heele, and kicke and spurne his people. When the Zach. 1. 21. Lord pleases to knock off all the hornes that pushed, it will bee very terrible: and yet thus he often times saves his Church. [Page 6] Pharaoh is drowned; Haman is hanged; and his people escape.

Thus the things by which God delivers his people are terrible, in respect of the terror which thereby befalls the adversaries.

Secondly; The things by which God preserves his Church are terrible in respect of the wonder and amazement, which they produce both in the adversaries, and in Gods people: filling them both full of astonishment and amazement when they are seriously considered. For;

1. It is wonderfull that the Lord oft saveth his people by weak meanes, God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to con­found the things which are mighty. It was a thing wonderfull, 1 Cor. 1. 7. that Sisera should be sold into the hands of a woman: That de­liverance should come by Esther: That Sampson should slay a thousand with the jaw-bone of an Asse: That a few Protestants in Ireland should yet remaine there, notwithstanding the whole Kingdome be full of Popish Rebells. It is wonderfull that true Christianitie, and the true reformed Religion, should get ground and winne upon the world, daily increasing and spreading, not­withstanding all opposition which it hath had from the beginning. Though Emperours, Kings, Princes, Nobles, great ones, and men of all sorts have combined against the puritie of Religion; yet that it should prevaile, and finde multitudes of Professours in all King­domes, this is wonderfull. It is very marveilous in our eyes, that the stone which the builders refused, should become the head­stone in the building: and so it is that Antichrist should be de­stroyed daily by the breath of the Lords mouth: that by the prea­ching of the word the Man of Sinne should be at length fully re­vealed. That a few Rammes-hornes should breake downe the walls of Ierico. These and a thousand such are wonderfull things: terrible in respect of the amazement, into which they may put all sorts.

2. It is terrible, that is, a thing wonderfull, causing astonish­ment, that God should save and deliver his Church under the un­likelihood of meanes: when all meanes & instruments of its helpe seeme to bee insufficient. Moses a weak man is sent to deliver Israel; and when he was sent their burdens were greatned: and yet Israell was then upon the point of deliverance. God many times is working deliverance for his people when the meanes of [Page 7] it is crost, seemes to bee frustrated, disappointed, to worke back­ward, and altogether unlikely: and this is to the amazement of the adversaries, and to the wonder of his owne people. It was a terrible, that is a thing wonderfull; that when all the European world was in a manner, filled in all places with agents for Anti­christ; Luther should arise, and carry on the cause of the Gospell against Leo the Pope, Charles the Emperour, against Cajetan the Cardinall: against Rome, Italy, Europe, the world, and Hell. This was a terrible astonishment to the Pontificians, and a wonder­full though comfortable amazement to Gods owne people, who had long groaned for a Reformation. And so when Germany Camiltons discovery. mourned under the pride and oppression of the Emperour, and house of Austria: and when the Jesuites (the Popes factours) had devised and contrived its utter ruine; yet then God raised up the Gustavus A­dolphus. King of Sweden, who landed in Germany, but with ten thou­sand men at most; and God made him an instrument to curbe the Imperialists; this was a terrible thing the amasement of the world. The Papists bragged, let us beat the Sweede, and then all Germa­ny is ours, but God made the Sweede a rod to whip, and lash So Til'y vido Swede Intel­ligeucer. the Pontifician Nation in those parts unto this day: this is so ter­rible to them that they gnaw their tongues for vexation of spirit. And so likewise who would have thought, that the troubles in Revel. 16. 10 the North, should have procured a pacification betweene the two Nations of England and Scotland, and give a light to the whole Island to looke to its security. And who would thinke, that. God is at this time bringing about the peace and security of England, though all the Agents, and instruments of it, should be slighted, contemned, and despised: but God is he who work­eth wonders, effecting by unlikely meanes the Salvation of his Church; and when this cometh to passe, it will be a terrible astonishment to all the enemies of the Land, and a wonder­full comfort to all Saints.

3. It is a thing terrible, that is wonderfull, causing asto­nishment, when God preserves his people without meanes, in a miraculous way and manner: this strikes terror into the adversaries, and wonder into his people. When the sea was made a passage for Isarell, and therin the Aegyptians troubled, they were afraid: when Jordane was dryed up for the people [Page 8] to passe over, the hearts of the Cananites melted in them. It was terrible when God rained downe stones on the Kings which Iosh [...]a 10. fought against his people: terrible, when he suddenly cut off ma­ny of the persecuting Emperors; & gave therby his Church rest, and a breathing time from trouble. And so when the Lord shall have effected miraculously (I beleeve he is now working it, though most think otherwise) the peace and security of Eng­land, though all the prime wits of Christendome (among the An­tichristians) have beene imployed to undoe it: I say when it shall be seen that all their labours are miraculously quasht: and Eng­lands feares are suddenly husht; and that Englands Troublers shall but trouble, and undoe themselues, in their attempts a­gainst her, and that their now warring against her peace, doth but lay ground worke for the utter ruining of the Papacy in all Europe: when the Lord (I say) shall miraculously effect all this, then shall the enemies be ashamed and confounded together: it will bee their terrible astonishment, and then shall all the righteous be wonderfully comforted. Thus the Church is delive­red by terrible things in respect of the terror wrought therby in the adversaries: and the wonder they worke in his servants.

Thirdly the things by which God preserves his Church, are terrible things in respect of the reverence, and awfull regard which they worke, or should worke in all sorts towards God. Therfore some translate the word here, reverend things: under­standing Tremellus. therby things which should cause us reverence, & dread that mighty God, who hath done them, and who is for them to be feared. Thus if God deliver by some actuall judgment, and vengeance she wed on the adversaries; this should make us feare and dread him. I am afraid of thy Judgments (saith David) Psal 119. 120. Isa 26 9 Psal. 21. 11. And when thy Judgments (as it is in the Prophet) are on the earth, the inhabitants therof will learne righteousnes. Or if the Lord deliver his Church by overthrowing only the plots and conspiracies of the wicked, disappointing them in bringing to passe their mischeife: yet this also is a thing Reverend, it should cause us to reverence him, because he is able to confound the wise, and to be-foole the wicked with the workes of their owne hands: or lastly, if the Lord releive his Church by small meanes, or by unlikely meanes, or by no meanes; yet all this [Page 9] should worke reverence in us, to feare that God, who doth so great things in so great, and wonderfull, and unexpressible man­ner; doing for his Church above all that we can imagine and thinke of.

Thus every way God delivers and preserves his Church by ter­rible things: we now see what these are.

Secondly that God will thus preserve his people by terrible things (that is) by things striking terror into adversaries, and working wonder in his children; and which workes, or should worke reverence towards him from all sorts, three reasons evince.

1. God delights to meete with his Churches adversaries in their owne way: he will out shoot them in their owne bow. They desire to appeare terrible and formidable to it: if they can but put men into feare, they thinke they shall have the day: they Neh. [...] 10, 11 12, 13. triumph if they can raise a terrour and feare in people: and ther­fore God will serve them, as they would serve others: he will meete with them in a way of terrout, searing them, and making Prov 28. 1. them slie when none pursues. Adoni-bezek confessed that seven­ty Iudg. 1. 7. Kings by him had their thumbes and great toes cut off: as I have done so God requited me, saith he. Haman prepares a gal­lowes for Mordecai; and the same gallowes hangs him. God will be terrible to those who delight to be terrible. The wicked have drawen out the sword, and have bent their bow, to cast Psal. 57. 14. downe the poore and needy, and to slay such as be of upright con­versation: their sword shall enter into their owne heart, and their bowes shall be broken. Cruell terrible men shalt be dealt with cruelly at one time or other. Ebedmelech shewed kindnesse to Jeremiah in prison, and therfore God preserved him. But the Ier. 38. 7, 8, 9 10, 11, 12, 13. Ie 39. 16, 17 18. other Princes (which had incensed the King against him) were given up into the hand of their adversaries. God will be ter­rible to those, who seeke to put his people into horror and a­mazement. Pashur smote Jeremiah, and put him into the stocks all night, he thought to have terrified the Prophet, but the Lord threatens him to be terrified. The Lord (saith Jeremiah from the Lord) hath not called thy name Pashur, but Magor­missabib: Ier. 20. 2. for thus saith the Lord, behold I will make thee a terror to thy selfe, and to all thy friends.

[Page 10] 2. God will save his people by terrible things: because he will shew to all the world, how terrible a God he is, whom his people so dreadfully and reverentially adore. All shall therby understand, that he is a God working wonderfully. Thou art great, and dost wondrous things, thou art God alone: saith the Psal. 86. 10. Psalmist. He himselfe challengeth his creatures to doe as he hath done: Where wast thou when I laid the foundation of the world Iob 38. 4. Iob 40 9. &c. Hast thou an arme like God, and canst thou thunder with his voice. The great ones of the earth, which cause others to trim­ble, and feare, are hurled up and downe as piles of dust, in a whirlewinde by the smoake of his nostrills. God will have the world to know, that he is more terrible, then any thing which the world accounts terrible. Wicked and sinfull men are many times a great terror; But who art thou (saith the Prophet) Isa. 51. 12, 13 that are afraid of man who shall dye, and of the sonne of man who shall be made as grasse, and forgets the Lord thy maker. They may destroy the body, but when they have done, they can doe no more: but feare God, who can destroy both body and Luk. 12. 4. 5. soule in hell fire. Againe death is the terrible of terribles, saith the Philosopher; adversaries of the Church are so terrible, be­cause they come as it were armed with death, and are ready to destroy: but yet God is more terrible, for he only can in­stict death. It is not the rage, fury, and malice of adversaries which can cause any to die: as God gives life, so he takes it away; he makes alive, and he kills. Now God will shew himselfe to be more terrible then they, though they come armed with death by turning their owne terror (death) upon themselves: He shall bring on them their owne iniquity and shall cut them off in their owne wickednesse: yea the Lord our God shall cut them Psal 94. 23. off: And

3. God will save his people by terrible things, that all the earth may stand in awe of him, and feare him, and know him only to be God: Who would not fear thee oh thou King of nati­ons Ier. 10. 7. and 10. verses. there is none like thee &c. (saith the Prophet) The Lord is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting King: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be Rom 9. 17. able to abide his indignation. God would be terrible to Pharoh in his judgments to get himselfe a name in all the world: and so [Page 11] he will be to the enemyes of his Church, that the world may know that he is a terrible God, and that the adversaryes may be Heb. 12, 28, 29. compelled to cry out, who is able to dwell with the everlasting burning: and likewise that his owne people may therby learne to serve him acceptably, with reverence and godly feare: be­cause our God is a consuming fire. Wicked enemies may kindle a fire to scare a Nation, and fill therby a Landfull of terror and trembling; but yet God can keepe his own, so as there shall not Isa 43. 1. passe the small of fire on them: for he will be with them when they passe through fire and water. How ever; the adversaries fire shall not be a destroying fire to Gods Church: for when he beginnes to shew himselfe terrible to them, he will be unto them a consuming fire: and will quench all the fires, which they have kindled, and so free the Land from all their feare: but yet all will be with a terrible destruction, to the most terrible ones, (continuing unrepentant) among the adversaries. Behold all yee that kindle a fire, that compasse your selves about with Isa. 50. 11. sparkes, walke in the light of your fire and in the sparkes that you have kindled, this yee shall have of mine hands, you shall lie downe in sorrow.

Thus the point is cleared: Because God will shew himselfe to be a God of terror, a God of vengeance, a God to befeared, re­spected, reverenced, and dreaded: therefore he will execute ter­rible things on the wicked; and thereby preserve his Church and people by terrible things.

Thirdly, We will now see what for practice may hence be learned; And briefely.

1. Seeing God will preserve his Church and people by terrible things; then surely the world must expect no other, but terrible things, before the quiet of it, and of the Kingdomes in it, can be established. If you should heare at any time of terrible battles, of terrible Sea-fights, of terrible conspiracies, of terrible treasons, of terrible persecutions, of terrible massacres; yet as our blessed Saviour said, so say I; Let not your hearts be troubled, Ioe I have told you all these: these things must come, but the end is not yet: these things must be expected, and so looked on, that we may see and perceive, how that by these and the like things, the Lord is working the peace of the world, and of all his Churches in it. We [Page 12] must therfore still looke for terrible things, and prepare for them; and a better preparation cannot be made, then to make God our feare and dread. Feare him, and not any terrible thing need to af­fright us; because he will not suffer those who feare him to mis­carry spiritually, thorough any trouble. If you would not then be affraid of evill tydings, get your hearts fixed, trusting in the Psal 112 7, 8 Lord.

2. If God will preserve the Church by terrible things: then the enemies of it may know, that they can expect nothing, but what is terrible. Indeed the Church her selfe must looke to heare, and perhaps to feele in some measure things terrible. A whale may swallow Ionah a-while, and afterwards restore him. Trou­bles may (for ought I know) swallow us deeper, though not for destruction, but for a better restitution: the Church must ex­pect to feele lesse or more things terrible; but her enemies must expect to feele the utmost destroying-smart of all things terrible. The cup of fury is begun to be drunk, and it must goe round a­bout the nations: It began at Hierusalem, and thence past on to I [...]r. 5. 15. &c. the Churches of God, in the primitive ages of the Gospell, who did drink of it under the Pagan and Arrian Persecutions: it past along to the faithfull servants of God, who did drink of it at sun­dry times under the tyranny of the Romane Antichrist; and it is now passing the reformed Churches, going from people to peo­ple, as we see at this day; It hath gone about Germany, Bohe­mia, Palatinate, the reformed parts of France; it is come into Ireland, and into England too: and it must about to other King­domes. And in their due time Spaine, and Italy, and other Na­tions, must also drink thereof; and by that time it hath gone tho­rough the Kingdomes, the Kings and Rulers of these people (whether the cup hath gone) will be all awaked to consider, Isa. 51. 25. how they and their people have beene made to drinke of the cup of trouble, and to reele againe with it: and out of indignation, they will cause the Seate of the Beast, and the Papacy, in all their Kingdomes (which was the cause of their bitter draughts) to drinke up the dregs of it: for the King of Sheshach (a type of Hieron in loc. Antichrist, as some averre) must drinke after them. The suf­ferings of Christs Church for the present, in their feares and un­settlements, and other molestations, are as the purest wine: bit­ter [Page 13] (I confesse) they are, because there is something of Gods frowne in them; and something of their sinnes to be discerned in them, as the cause of such sufferings: but yet these sufferings are nothing in comparison to the troubles, distresses, and per­plexities, which shall fall on the Nations which are Enemies to the Church: for such must drinke up dregs of wrath, which shall fill them with horror and astonishment, and make them reele and stagger, and no more keep footing to annoy, and trouble the Churches of the Saints, as they have done formerly. Enemies of God and his Church must therefore looke for no other, but terri­ble over-throwings of their plots, terrible revelations of their treacheries, terrible consumptions of their designes and persons: and they are to looke for a fearefull expectation of judgement, and for some terrible destruction whensoever they come once to be high enough to be destroyed, and Gods people low enough to be delivered. And all these temporall judgements, shall be but as a few drops, before the storme of terror; for God hath appointed a day, wherin the Church shall have a full deliverance, and the world a full riddance of all destroyers. In which day he will raine on such destroyers snares, fire, and brimstone, and Psal. 11. 6. an horrible tempest, this shall be the portion of their cup.

3. If God will preserve his Church by terrible things: then let us all feare this great and terrible God. Consider that he can avenge himselfe with terror on those, who feare him not. The Ier. 5. 21. 22. &c. Lord chides his people, for not considering what he hath done, can doe, and daily doth, that so they might be provoked to fear him. All of us are naturally prone to feare men, when they are terri­ble. We usually feare a man of power, who is able to doe us a shrewd turne, to molest our estate, spoile our goods; who can restraine us in our libertie, or imbitter any of our comforts: at the approach of such, men quake and tremble; Let us be much more ready to feare, and reverence the great God, who is able to doe terrible things, above all that the most terrible of men can doe: for men can doe no more then what he permitts, but Hee doth whatsoever he will in heaven and in earth. He can soone Psal. 115. 3. blow on thine estate, bring thee to povertie, lay on thee sicknes, exercise thee with paine, and fasten thee to a prison; he can scare thee with visions, and terrifie thee with dreames; he can awaken [Page 14] conscience, and smite the soule, and make a man a terror to him­selfe. Feare therefore this dreadfull God; and considering how terrible he hath already beene to Enemies, be perswaded the more to dread him. They have oft molested, and he hath as oft rescued his people; they have devised mischeife, but he hath de­feated it: they have rose in tumults, and he hath ever stilled the tumults, and the madnesse of the people; though they have been mighty, yet the Lord is more mighty: who will cut off the spi­rit of Princes, and who is terrible to the Kings of the earth. So Psal. 76. 12. terrible a God he is, that he ought to be reverenced, and there­fore the Psalmist having related what combinations there are a­gainst Christ and his people, (though Christ will breake them all in peeces like a Potters vessell) concludes with an exhortation to serve the Lord with feare, & to rejoyce with trembling. Kisse the Sonne least he be angry, and yee perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little, blessed are all they that put their trust in him. Let therefore all that heare of the Lords terror an­swerably Psal. 2. 12. feare him.

4. Seeing God preserves his Church by terrible things; then let us all be thankfull, when at any time by terrible things he hath preserved his Church. Shew your thankfulnesse by speaking of it, and by admiring his goodnesse in it; and by resolving to live in his feare: and as men knowing thereby the terror of the Lord, perswade your selves and others to be faithfull; this is true thankfulnesse. Blesse then God, for not suffering wicked plots, wicked stratagems, wicked designes to prosper and take effect. If God at any time curbes wicked insolencies, observe it. Hee sometimes breakes here, and sometimes there an arme, weake­ning thereby his Churches adversaries: and this is to them terri­ble, but to his servants comfortable; and so much the more com­fortable it will be, if it makes them trust and relye on him one­ly for helpe. True thankefulnesse will not trust on men, nor on the sonnes of men, for they are vaine. England perhaps may heareof so many thousand horse, and so many thousand foot, of such and such a great fleete of ships, which intend to have a-bout with her: but let us not be dismaied: for the Lord sure hath yet some terrible thing to shew on the adversaries of England; and he will come riding on the chariots of salvation to helpe and re­leive [Page 15] it. There are who confidently affirme, that by the Laodi­cean Church (spoke of in the Revelation) the luke-warm Church, Brightman in Apocalyps. the Lord meanes the English Church: though I will not peremp­torily affirme it, yet thereupon I dare boldly make this inference; That if the English Church be the Laodicean Church, then if it will, but heare the voyce of Christ, and open the doore to him, if it will become an obedient Church, and repent of its sinnes; and if its children would once cordially and seriously reforme their lives, then Christ will come in and suppe with it. And we are told what the supper is, which the great God hath provided; It is in breife, what may be read at large; the utter destruction in it of the beast and false Prophet, and of such who combine with them to set up the tyranny of the Roman Papacy. So ter­rible Revel. 19, 17. 18. God will be to such, that the very fore-thoughts of it, should cheere up our spirits, and fill us full of thankefull expecta­tions of helpe from on high, that though all nations should com­passe us about, (and it may be they will before all be done at­tempt it;) yet repentant England, shall in the name of the Lord destroy them all. Christ will come and suppe in it, and it shall suppe with him; He rejoycing at Englands amendment, and new obedience, and it enjoying his comforts and deliverances. The God of our Salvation will thus save and preserve by terri­ble things in righteousnesse, So much of the first observation. The Second is this. Gods deliverance of his Church and peo­ple by terrible things is in righteousnesse.

The meaning of the point is this. God in all the deliverances of his people by terrible things, doth therein manifest his righte­ousnesse. He doth therein nothing but what is righteous, accor­ding to righteousnes and justice. To cleare this, consider that there is a double righteousnes. The righteousnesse of his word; which is the righteousnesse of his faithfulnes: and the righteousnes of his works, or his just acts of righteousnesse. And God doth mani­fest both these in his deliverance of his people by terrible things.

First God in delivering his people by terrible things, doth it according to his righteous word. Now there is a double righte­ousnesse of God in his word. There is his righteousnesse of fulfil­ling his word of promise. And there is his righteousnesse of ac­complishing [Page 16] his word of threatning. And both are manifest in the Churches deliverance by terrible things.

1. Gods delivering his people by terrible things is in righte­ousnesse; that is, it is according to the word of his promise. He is faithfull to keepe covenant with his servants. Heaven and earth Math. 24. 35. Iob. 5 19. Psal 50. 15. Psal. 92. 14 15. 16. shall passe, but not a word of his promise shall fall in vaine. And God hath in many places promised to his people deliverance. The last of the quotations in the margent, is to be understood of Christ misticall: of Christ together with all his faithfull members. God delivered Israel out of Aegypt, and it was terrible, by over-throwing Pharoh and all his hoast; and yet in righteous­nesse too, according to his righteous word: as Moses shewes. The word of promise is fulfilled, when the deliverance is by ter­rible Deut. 7. 8 9. things, it is therefore in righteousnesse. And

2. Gods delivering by terrible things is in righteousnesse, that is, according to his word of threatning; that the word of his threatning might come on the adversaries, and be fulfilled. God in many places hath threatned them. He by Jeremiah gives a gra­cious promise to his Church, but a terrible threatning to the ene­mies of it. The words are these. All they that devoure thee shall be devoured; and all thine enemies every one of them shall goe in­to Ier. 30. 16. captivity, and they that spoyle thee, shall be spoyled; and all that prey on thee will I give for a prey: for I will restore health unto thee, and I will heale thee of thy wound, saith the Lord, be­cause they called thee an outcast, saying this is Zion, whom no man seekes after. And that the Lord will accomplish all this in the last day [...] (it may be in our times or a very little after us) the 23. and 24. verses shewes. So that when God delivers his people by terrible things, as by confounding and undoing their adversaries, and their forces; all is but a fulfilling his word of righteousnesse, his righteous threats. And thus Gods deliverance is said to be in righteousnesse, according to his righteous word.

Secondly, God in delivering by terrible things, doth it in righ­teousnesse; that is, he therein declares his righteous facts, that they are very righteous. There is a double act of Gods justice or righteousnesse manifest in it. 1. His righteousnesse in righting a wronged world. And 2. His righteousnesse in revenging it self up­on a wronging world; or on those adversaries of his people which wrong them.

[Page 17] 1. God by delivering his people by terrible things doth righ­teously right a wronged world he therby rights his oppressed wronged people, easing and releiving them. So the Prophet: As for my people children are their oppressors, and women rule over them: oh my people! they which lead thee, cause thee to erre, Esa. 3. 12. 13. and destroy the way of thy paths: the Lord standeth up to plead, and standeth to judge the people. &c. and so the Psalmist. For the oppression of the poore, for the sighing of the needy, now I will arise saith the Lord, and will set him in safety from him Psal. 12. 5. that passeth at him. An excellent description of a state wrong­ed Church, which is a tree shaken, the windes from all corners conspiring to blow it downe, it craks and shakes, and the ene­mies like winde puffes and blowes, and makes a bussell: but the Lord lookes from Heaven, he heares the groanes and sighes at last of his afflicted people; and at length stills these windes and scatters them, and so the Kingdome and Church stands, and is in safety. As when some honest traveller in his journey, falls a­mong theeves; they unstrip him and riffle him and are searching him, when suddenly (while the poore man is in perplexity) some noble man rides by, seeing his distresse, pitties him, and comes in with power, and sets him free from such violence, and beates and smites those who molested him, giving them according to their deserts. So it is; the poore Church is a traveller to Heaven, beset with enemies of all sorts, who thinke to riffle her, and leave her poore, naked, destitute and wounded: but then the Lord comes riding in his excellency to her help: and rescues his Church. Thus Deut. 33. 26. he rights a wronged world and thus he shewes his righteousnesse.

2. God by delivering his people by terrible things doth it in righteousnesse; because he doth therby avenge himselfe on the wronging world. It is a righteous thing with God to recom­pence tribulation to them that trouble you. It is indeede a very 2 Thes. [...]. 6. righteous thing for God to bring troubles on them. 1. It is a righteous thing to bring vengance on them, for their wronging himselfe; for they fight against him, who warre against the Acts 9. 4. Isa. 37. [...]9. Church, they persecute him, who persecute it: they rage against him, who rage against his people: and God will avenge the wrong done unto him by those, who attempt to roote out such, who keepe up his honour in the world. It is a righteous [Page 18] thing therfore to trouble such. And 2. so it is to take vengance on them for the wrong, which they do unto his people. The wicked and him that loveth violence his soule hates. The Lord will be avenged on unmercifull men: There shall be judgement Psal. 11. 5. without mercie on those that will shew no mercie. And therfore it is just with God, to render tribulation to those, who have Iames 2. 13. injured and unmercifully used his Church and people. Thus it is evident that the Churches deliverance is in righteousnesse: the righteousnesse both of his word of promise, and of his word of threatning, and the righteousnesse of his justice both in right­ing a wronged world, and in revenging himselfe on a wronging world, is therby made manifest.

This truth serves. 1. To vindicate Gods justice. 2. To terrifie the Churches adversaries. 3. To encourage all Gods faithfull people.

First let it serve to vindicate the Lords justice from any asper­sions. Men are ready (when things fall out otherwise then they would have them) to charge God foolishly, when they see terrible things falling out in the world [as terrible attempts, terrible massacres, terrible impoverishing of a nation, terrible executions of wrath] they are ready to say, that they see not how God should be just in punishing them, by these things, more then others, who deserves (in their apprehensions) as much yea more then they: but such murmurers should consider that God doth all in righteousnesse: he can and will do no other then that which is righteous. It becomes every holy man seeing things falling out otherwise then he would, to conclude with the Church: I will beare the indignation of the Lord, because I Mica. 7 9. have sinned against him. If God cull thee out to scare thee from thy sinnes by terrible things; say thou (when these things hap­pen) that God is righteous, and will deliver his people by ter­rible things in righteousnesse: for he brings terrible things upon the world, to keepe the inhabitants therof from sinning. When thy judgements (saith the Prophet) are on the earth, the inha­bitants Isa 26 9. Psal. 52. 5. 6. Isal. [...]9 5. 6. 7. &c. therof will learne righteousnesse. And the Lord doth so therby to worke also the world, to an awfull reverence of him and to stirre up his owne therby, to a greater fervency, and importunity in praying to him for deliverance: and therfore [Page 19] never charge God with any kinde of injustice in his saving and defending his people, or in ruinating his adversaries by terrible things, and by terrible meanes, but say as the Psalmist: I know Psal. 119. 75. oh Lord that thy judgements are right and that thou hast in faithfullnesse afflicted me.

Secondly. Gods delivering his Church and people by terrible things in righteousnes, sheweth unto us what the adversaries are to expect: namely no more (and that is enough) but that God should deale with them in righteousnesse, and recompence them according to their deedes. This Babylon of Caldea found, she spoiled, peeled, robbed, and subjected the nations, and God sent spoilers accordingly unto her, who dealt with her, as she had dealt with others: the Prophet gives the reason: for the Lord God of recompences shall surely requite. The westerne Romish Iere. 51. 36. Babylon must, & shall find the like: God will bring upon her slay­ers and destroyers, and such who will undoubtedly reward her, Revel. 18. 5. 6. 7. 8. as she hath served the Saints. Yea all enemies shall be recom­penced according to their dealings, with the Church, for God will deliver it by terrible things in righteousnesse. They may for a while plot, and project, and attempt, and some times seeme to thrive: but their plotting will in the end ruine themselves. For the Lord will be knowne by the Iudgment which he executeth: and that judgment is no more but this: the wicked is snared in the workes of his owne hands. Adversaries of the Church must Psal. 9. 16. looke for no other, then to eate the bread of their owne baking, and to drinke of their owne brewing. Their terriblenesse to the Church shall be measured out, in a full cup to them, in that which is terrible unto them; for God is righteous, and in his due time he will deliver his Church by terrible things in righte­ousnesse.

Thirdly Gods delivering his Church or people by terrible things in righteousnesse, should incourage all the followers after righteousnesse: such who seeke the Lord and delight to walke, and be found in a way of righteousnesse and holinesse. All things to the outward appearance may seeme to worke ruine, and goe crosse; but they shall undoubtedly worke in the end to the ruine of adversaries; for God will deliver but in righteousnesse. The Lord remembers the righteous cause of his servants; and [Page 20] though it may be a while oppressed, yet it shall never be sup­pressed, and destroyed; for he will againe bring on the cause of religion: and will maintaine in the world a people serving him, in despite of hell, and of Rome which he will destroy in righte­ousnesse. And though your owne Persons may be tooke away, yet still be incouraged to keepe faith, and a good conscience; be­cause the Lord will preserve a seede of worshippers, and will re­paire the losse of his Church, by a more plentifull increase of ter­ror Psal. 22. 30. 31. to the adversary, and of comfort to all those, who are faith­full in the land. And therefore let us all from this point be in­couraged.

1. To waite contentedly on God, till he worke for his people in righteousnesse: so the Church did. In the way of thy judgments have we waited for thee. Looke for him as coming to rescue and deliver, for he will doe so, when we are fully fitted for it. Isa 26. 8.

2. Be encouraged also to cry the more earnestly to God to come and save his people in righteousnesse: so did the Church. Oh that thou wouldest rend the heavens, that thou wouldest come downe, that the mountaines might flow downe at thy pre­sence Isa. 64. 1. 2. 3. &c. to make thy name knowne to thine adversaries, that the nations may tremble at thy presence when thou didest terrible things which we looked not for, &c.

3. Be incouraged to take notice of every particular act of Gods helping any wayes in righteousnesse: it is an excellent meanes to gaine comfort in discomfortable times. Thou meetest him that rejoyceth, and worketh righteousnesse, those that re­member thee in thy wayes. Isa. 64. 5.

4. Let us all be encouraged to put our selves into such a condi­tion, that we may be ready to be delivered in righteousnesse, when God will save and preserve us: and that is in few words: study righteousnesse, seeke righteousnesse, thirst after righteous­nesse, desire to be found in a way of righteousnesse. The more we looke after and apply our selves to the righteousnesse of san­ctification or holinesse, the fitter shall we be to be saved and de­livered in righteousnesse. Let it be your prime and principall care not to be found in your owne righteousnesse, (for that is very odious) but in Christs. Labour to be found in him; and when God comes to deliver in righteousnesse he will espy your con­sciences [Page 21] sprinkled by the blood of Christ, and thereby purged from dead workes: he will discerne that your hearts are quick­ned by the spirit of Christ, the spirit of righteousnesse, and that your lifes are conformable to the life of Christ who is the sonne of righteousnesse, and finding you thus, he will deliver you a­mong his faithfull people in righteousnesse, though he smites terribly the adversaries of his Saints: for by terrible things in righteousnesse he answers us the God of our salvation. And so much for the second observation.

The third is this. The deliverance of the Church by ter­rible things, is Gods answering his people.

Gods answering implyes some things done by the people of God, and some things done by him.

1. It implyes that his people prayed unto him for deliverance: and that he gives a gracious audience, and full-fillance of their prayer. I will looke (as it is in the Prophet) to the Lord, I will Micah. 7. 7. waite for the God of my salvation, my God shall heare me, the Church speakes in prayer, and God heares her in granting her prayers.

2. It implyes that his people expects mercies from him, and Gods answering them is his affording helpe, his reall contribu­ting succour unto them. They looked unto him (saith the Psal­mist) Psal. 34. 5, 6 and were lightned, and their faces were not ashamed, this poore man cryed, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles, his people expects mercy: and his answer, is the fulfilling of their expectation. I will (saith Habbakuk) Hab. 2. 1. stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me.

So then Gods deliverance of his people is an answering their prayers, and an answering their expectations. They pray for de­liverance and he gives it: they expect it from him, and answera­bly it comes to passe. Gods delivering of Israel out of Aegypt was an answering of their prayers: I have heard (saith God) Exod. 3. 7. 8. their cry, by reason of their taskemasters for I know their sor­rowes, and I am come downe to deliver them. When he delive­red them at the red sea, it was an answer to the prayer of his servant Moses: The Lord said then unto him, why cryest thou Exod. 14. 15. to me. When he gave Israell victory over Amaleck, he then [Page 22] answered the prayer of Moses on the mount while Joshua, and Israell fought in the valley. His deliverance of his people from Jabin, from the Midianites, yea from all their other enemies at any time, all was an answering of their prayers, and expectations. They prayed in faith for deliverance, and they waited in faith, untill God had given a full deliverance; and so deliverance was but Gods answering his people.

Because God usually giveth not unto his Church and People deliverance, till they have sought and sued to him earnestly for it. Thus saith the Lord God, I will yet for this be inquired of by the house of Israell, to do it for them; though he knowes that his Church doth need deliverance, yet he will have his Church to be Ezek. 36. 37 apprehensive and sensible of that her need: for he will have from it, the honour of his mercie towards it: and of his providence and care over it, as also of his wisdome, power, and justice in confounding all its adversaries by terrible things.

This point teaches. 1. To pray for deliverance that God with it may answer us: And 2. To observe Gods severall answers unto his people, by giving unto them the deliverances pray­ed for.

First. If deliverance be Gods answering his people: then surely it concernes all the people of God to put up prayers for deliverance. Prayer must preceed deliverance: and deliverance is the returne of prayer in a gracious answer of it. We must be praying men, and men expecting deliverance as an issue and consequent of prayer; and that our prayers may be answered, we are to put up no other then such, which God will answer: as namely,

1. Let our prayers be prayers of faith, coming from a belee­ving heart. Aske and doubt not; beleeve the promises of deli­verance, Mark. 1 [...]. [...]3 and confidently rely on Gods word to be accomplish­ed, and from assurance that God will fullfill his word, put up prayers. Both the cloud of promises, and the cloud of witnes­ses, persons, families, kingdomes, Churches, which from time to time have beene delivered, and the consideration that the Lords hand is not shortned, should prevaile with us not to doubt, but to pray for deliverance in faith: not doubting, but that God will answer us.

[Page 23] 2. Let our prayers be in humility. A broken, and a contrite heart God will not despise. He heares the prayers of the hum­ble Psal. 51. 17. destitute. Pray for deliverance in humilitie, and it shall be granted as an answer to an humble prayer. Humble your selves under the mighty hand of God that hee may exalt you in due time. 1 Pet. 5. 6.

3. Let our prayers be importunately earnest without faint­ing. I have saith the Psalmist waited long and sought the Lord: oh my Lord (saith he) I cry in the day time, but thou hearest not, and in the night season I am not silent. The Lord sometimes Psal. 22. 2. delayes deliverance, to make us importunately wrastle with him in prayer for it: and so it may be the answer of our earnest prayers.

4. Let our prayers be sanctifiedly performed: with hearts which are departed from iniquity. If I (saith the Psalmist) re­gard Psal. 66. 18. iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not heare me. Sinne causeth him hide his face that he will not heare. If we pray Isa. 59. 1, 2. for deliverance, let us pray lifting up pure hands from an holy heart: and then God will give deliverance as an answer to our prayers, which are thus prayers of faithfull, humble, importu­nate, sanctified petitioners.

Secondly if the deliverance of the Church by terrible things be Gods answering it: then let us observe Gods severall an­swers unto his people in his giving severall deliverances from time to time. Indeede we must not looke to see an answer to some of our requests at all in our owne time; we must not think to live to see the accomplishing of the number of Gods elect: or the putting an end to the dayes of sinne or the making of the Church and people of God compleatly glorious.

Again it may be, we may not live to see the answer, of many of our other petitions, which are put up, and for which we are to expect daily tydings, of some preparations, at least towards their accomplishment: as namely the calling of the Jewes: the spread­ing of the Gospell at once into all places: the joint profession of Christ publiquely and unanimously in all kingdomes, and a­mong all people: prayers for such things are put up by us (it may be) in our age, but the ages to come will see the fruites of them: only this know, that when the heart firmely beleeves [Page 24] the truth of these things, and that God will in his due time ac­complish these, then ther is some answer of our prayers: because the same spirit which inables a man to pray for these, workes beleefe, and carryes the eye of the soule, to looke beyond all difficulties, and all times, and by faith to see them as certainely, as if they were already come to passe. Thus Abraham by faith saw the day of Christ and rejoyced: and so we by faith see the answer of all the petitions, we have put up: and we should re­joyce Iohn 8. 56. therfore; knowing that when they shall be granted, the grant of them will be every way answerable to that which we formerly beleeved and prayed for.

But moreover ther are some things which it pleaseth God to bring to passe in our times: as perhaps some particular mercies, for our selves, or others, or for the whole Church: now after prayer, we must waite for an answer, therby shewing our de­pendency on God: so the Psalmist: As the eyes of servants looke unto the hand of their masters, and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mistresse, so our eyes waite upon the Lord Psal 113. 2. our God untill that he have mercie upon us. It may be God will not grant that very deliverance which hath been prayed for, but some other; yet then the prayer is answered, though not in the very particular which was desired.

A man perhaps prayeth that God would roote out and de­stroy all enemies: God pleaseth to cut off some, but he will not slay all, least his people forget it, and therfore he scatters them by his power and brings them downe. And though per­haps Psal. 19. 11. God give not a speedy deliverance: yet he answers the prayer for the present, when the heart is afterward more hum­ble; and more carefull to walke with God; and is more depen­dant on him; and is still more earnest to seeke and cry unto him: and is thankefull for any favour though never so little: for any deliverance, for any safety vouchsafed from time to time, and still continued. Likewise God heares our prayers, and for the present giveth an answer unto them, or rather assurance, that he will in due time answer them; when he filleth the heart with content to be denyed, and to magnifie him however. Thus let us pray, but with an expectation of an answer to our prayers. When God gives deliverance, it will be an answer to the pray­ers, [Page 25] desires, wishes, longings, and expectations of his people: by terrible things thou wilt answer oh God of our salvation. So much for the third observation.

The fourth is this. God is the Author of his peoples sal­vation or deliverance.

Salvation or the deliverance of Gods people is every wher a­scribed unto God in scripture. God is stiled the hope of Israell Ier. 14. 8. the Saviour therof in the time of trouble: and the Church is stiled a people saved by the Lord: as if the maine care of God Deut 33. 29. were to save and deliver his people. Salvation belongs to the Lord, and his blessing is upon his people: and he only workes Psal. 3. 8. salvation in the midst of the earth. I even I (saith he) am the Lord, and besides me ther is no Saviour. Psal. 74. 12. Isa. 43. 1.

For the better understanding of this title know: that there is a double salvation spoke of in scripture. 1. There is a spirituall salvation from sinne and Satan, and the power of both, and from Hell. And 2. There is a temporall salvation, which is Gods de­liverance of his people, from outward temporall afflictions, ca­lamities, and distresses under which they are. I take the tempo­rall is cheifely intended in this title of God, as it stands in the text; yet the other must not be excluded. A word or two of both.

First if we referre this title here given to God, to the spirituall salvation, then it may be very evident to us that he is the Au­thor of it.

1. Because he calls us to salvation. He did ordeine us to it, and 1 Thess. 5 9. he hath called us therunto. Our soules were running headlong to Hell and perdition but God called us back from the pit. We were as sheepe straying, but God hath called us by his word, and such who listen to it and obey it, returne from the way of destruction, and are saved. Besides Gods call to salvation.

2. He putteth men into it. The very entrance which any make into it is from him, Man is naturally averse therunto; he is un­willing to passe thorough so many difficulties, to undergoe so much mortification, selfe denyall, crucifying of the world: and to aspire to so much heavenly mindednesse as is requisite. It is the Lord only, who makes the heart, and soule overlooke all this and a great deale more. It is he only who raiseth up the [Page 26] spirit, to a resolution to go thorough all, to follow him in all. My soule (saith David) followeth hard after thee. As a child Psal 63. 8. doth what he can to keepe company with his father: so he still applyed himselfe what he could to imitate his heavenly father. God only brings the spirit to this, that though it hath many discouragements, doubts, and troubles, and hath spent much of its time in by, and sinfull thoughts, and wayes; yet now be­ing put into the way of salvation, it goes on in a way of ho­lines and righteousnes, and is sure to meete with perfected sal­vation at the last. We have a strong City, salvation will God Isa. [...]6. 1. 2. appoint for walls and bulwarks: open yee the gate that the rightous nation which keepeth the truth may enter.

3. The progresse and perfecting in the way of salvation is from God. The God of all grace, who hath called us into his eternall glory by Christ Iesus after that yee have suffered a 1 Pet. 5. 10. while, will make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, and settle you. God perfects, and God guides us to salvation: he guides with his eye, and after he will receive us up to glorie. It is his Psal. 32. 8. worke to make us persevere unto the end, and to bring his people to establishment, strength, settlement, and perfection in piety and goodnes, salvation is of God.

4. The crowning of his people with everlasting salvation is from God. God will give heavenly salvation to those who by Rom. 1. 7. patient continuance in well doing seeke for glory and honour, and immortality, eternall life.

Thus in respect of the spirituall salvation of his people, God may well be stiled the God of our salvation. But the text speaks most properly of such things, wherby we may more properly here ascribe unto him this title, as it hath reference to the tem­porall salvation, or deliverance of Gods people: though in the application we shall make use of it both wayes.

Secondly then this title (oh God of our salvation) relates to his temporall salvation, of his people wherof we will consider 1. The parts of it: 2. The reasons of it.

1. Temporall salvation hath severall parts: or rather it is re­presented to us severall wayes: and God is the Author of every one of them.

1. There is preventing salvation, when the Lord prevents his [Page 27] peoples meeting with a danger, then he saves them. If a man up­on the way in his journey were told that theeves did lie in waite for him, and therupon he turnes aside a little, and escapes them, this is a danger prevented. The Lord doth many thousand times thus save his people: thou preventest me (saith David) with thy Psal. 21. 3. goodnesse. God was then saving Iacob and his family, when he sent Ioseph into Aegypt: he then prevented their perishing in Gen. 50 20. Math. 2. 13. the famine. He prevented Herods slaying Christ by sending an Angell to forewarne the danger. Gods people are oft ignorant that evill is devised, contrived, prosecuted against them, but God prevents it, and saves them, and afterward they come to understand so much. I will say of the Lord he is my refuge, and my fortresse: my God in him will I trust: he shall deliver from Psal 91. 2. 3. the snare of the hunter, and from the noisome pestilence.

2. There is a preparing salvation which is from God. I call that preparing salvation wherby the Lord sits his people to meet with adversaries, dangers troubles and perplexites. The Lords preparing his people to it, is his saving them from it. Thou hast (saith David) girded me with strength unto the battle. Thus the Psal. 18. 43. Lords establishing the heart with grace to beare a trouble, and the Lords giving unto the spirit comfort and consolation in the midst of the thoughts within: and the Lords speaking peace to the soule, when all the world is in tumults, and the Lords feast­ing the soule and spirit within with joyes and expectations of comfort in himselfe in heaven; when the haile rattles on the tiles and there is no peace abroad: these & a thousand other wayes are part of the salvation which God workes for his people. It is his preparing salvation, or his preparing them for safety against the trouble which they incounter.

3. There is an upholding salvation, when any is kept from perishing in a danger or trouble: and this is also from the Lord. I was sore thrust at that I might fall, the Lord susteined Psal. 118. [...]3. me. And so the Lord saves, when he upholds from perishing. If we were let alone the trouble would overmaster; the waters are perhaps so deepe, they would drowne: the fire so raging, it would devoure. But if God upholds, holds us by the chinne that we sinke not: if he carrieth us through the fire and water, through all, and we be preserved; then he vouchsafes his up holding sal­vation, wherby we perish not.

[Page 28] 4. There is an establishing or confirming salvation: wher­by one is so strengthned, that no troubles, nor adversaries can out daunt them. My arme (as it is in the Psalmist) shall hold him up, and my arme shall strengthen him. When a man walkes in slippery dangerous wayes, and then is established that he Psal. 89. 21. treades confidently and slips not: here is salvation, troubles, crosses, afflictions, adversaries, are occasions of falling: but when the Lord notwithstanding this, keepeth up our feete that they slip not, it is his salvation and a deliverance, Thou hast delivered my feete (saith the Psalmist) from falling. The Church is described Psal. 116. 8. Cant. 8. 5. coming out from the wildernesse, leaning on her beloved. Gods people may be in many troubles and perplexities, in a wildernes, at a mase, not knowing what way to turne, but the Lord up­holds, and establishes them, and brings them out of all, but lean­ing on their beloved. The Church partakes of establishing sal­vation.

5. There is also another part or manifestation of salvation; which we may call rescuing salvation: when the Lord suffers his people to come into danger, and trouble, and to be as it were in the enemies hand, and yet then he snatches them out and re­scues them. As David did strike in, and take a lambe out of the mouth of the lion and of the beare: so the Lord strikes in to re­scue Psal. 44 4 his servants, commanding deliverances for his peeple. He suffers them sometimes to come to the mouth, but he gives them not up a prey to the teeth, but then delivers them.

6. There is a crowning salvation, or a compassing about with songs of deliverance: when God putteth his people into a state and condition of security, that no evill shall surprize them to their dammage. And this is the highest pitch of temporall salva­tion: and God is the author of it. God is my King of old work­ing salvation in the midst of the earth.

And thus from all these parts, or degrees rather of temporall Psal. 74. 22. salvation, it is plaine: that God is the God of our salvation. Thus of the parts of it.

2. The reason proving that God is the Author of his peoples deliverance is this in stead of many others. In him are to be found all those things, which are effectuall, to worke the salva­tion of his people out of troubles. For in the salvation, which [Page 29] he grants to his people are to be seene these footesteps of Gods glory.

1. His pitty and compassion towards his people. There is in him towards them the sounding of bowells; and he will surely Ier. 31. 20. have mercy on them. Out of his compassion he stands (as it were) deliberating what to doe: How shall I give thee up E­phraim? how shall I deliver thee Israell? how shall I make thee Hosea. 11. 8. as Admah? how shall I set thee as Zeboim? mine heart is turned within me, my repentings are kindled together &c. And we finde that when the people confessed there sinne saying doe to us what thou pleasest, only deliver us this once: then the soule Iudg. 10. 16 of God was greived for Israell, his pitty moves him to help.

2. God is omniscient: he only knowes how to deliver his, The Lord knowes how to deliver the godly out of temptation: he is only infinitely wise, and knowes all purposes, policyes, 2 Pet. 2. 9. engines, instruments, which attempt any thing against his people: he knowes what they can worke to the utmost: and he knowes how to defeate their working: to insnare them in their owne net. He sitts in heaven, and sees, and laughs the e­nemies Psal. 2. 4. of his Church to scorne. He suffers them a while to bu­sie and weary themselves in plotting and ruining his people; and then on the sudden he turnes all upon themselves: having them all in derision. As when a man overlookes a company of boyes busie in making clay walls and castles; and heares them talke that they will destroy hereby any who meddles with them: he laughs at them, and suddenly comes in, and breakes all their workes in peices, and sets them all on crying and la­menting, even so the Lord is wise to understand fully all the adversaries attempts: he laughs, at them, and suddenly breaks their power, and fills them with wailing.

3. God is all sufficient to rescue and save his people, and de­liver them out of all their troubles. He only is able to save. So he is described by the prophet: Who is this that cometh from Isa. 63. 1. Edom with died garments, from Bozra, this that is glorious in his apparell, travelling in the greatnesse of his strength, I that speake in righteousnesse mighty to save. Nothing can withstand his power, with a strong hand he brought his people out of Psal. 44. 4. Aegypt. Deliverances are at his command. Knowest thou not [Page 30] (said our blessed Saviour to Peter) that I can pray to my fa­ther, and he shall presently give me more then twelve legions Math. 26. 53. of Angells. All the Armyes in heaven, and earth are command­ed by him. He is able to raise up, and fit instruments to be de­liverers of his people from them, that spoile and distresse them. The Midianites thought to overbeare Israell with multitude, Psal. 47. 9. and mighty Armies; but the Lord raised up Gideon, and made him successefull, that the Midianites helped to slay one ano­ther, and so he utterly discomfited them.

4. God is very watchfull to do his people good, & to give deliverance. Behold he that keepeth Israell, shall neither slum­ber nor sleepe. He will let no opportunity slip to releive. The Psal. 121. 4. Lord standeth up to plead, and standeth to judge the people, the Lord will enter into judgement with the Ancients of his people, Isa 3. 13. 14. 15. and the Princes therof; for yee have eaten up the vineyards: the spoile of the poore is in your houses: what meane yee that yee beate my people to peices, and grind the faces of the poore saith the Lord.

These footsteps of Gods glory: his pitty, omnisciency, all sufficiency and watchfulnes doth evidence, that the sal­vation of Gods people comes from no other but God. He is the God of their salvation.

From this double salvation of the Church, wherof God is the Author, and therefore is stiled here the God of our sal­vation: we learne. 1. To ascribe both to him: 2. To seeke for both from him: and 3. To labour to have an interest in the salvation which he workes for his people.

First let us ascribe all the salvation which is wrought, to God only. According to the title here given unto him, say as the Psalmist. Not unto us oh Lord, not unto us, but to thy name give the glory. And this we should do both in respect of the spirituall, and of the temporall salvation, whereof he makes us Psal. 115. 1. partakers.

1. We are to ascribe our spirituall deliverance to God only. The foure beasts and twenty foure elders, fell downe before the lambe, saying: Thou art worthy, for thou wast slaine and Revel. 5. 8. 9. hast redeemed us to God by thy bloode out of every kindred, and tongue, and people and Nation, and hast made us unto our God [Page 31] Kings and Preists, and we shall reigne on earth. All the glory of mans salvation is only to be ascribed to God. He contrived the meanes of salvation by Christ, and he gave him to worke salvation, and to brin̄g his people to it: let him therefore have the glory of it. By grace (saith the Apostle) we are saved: and Ephe. 2. 5. as if he had not said enough, he addes: by grace yee are saved thorough faith, and that not of your selves, it is the gift of God, not of workes lest any should boast. It was prophesied that when the temple should be built by Zorobabell, the people of God should with on joynt cry say: Grace to it: and he shall bring Zach 4 7. forth the head stone thereof with shouting, crying Grace, Grace to it. It was a type of Gods building his spirituall temples, by working grace in their hearts, and fitting them to be come holy temples, an habitation of God through the spirit. Indeed there Ephes. 2. 21. 22. shall be mighty oppositions, many difficulties, mountaines to be removed. but the head stone shal be fetched out: Christ the cor­ner stone (w ch the builders once refused) should be laid in the heart, and they should all shout Grace, Grace to it. It is of free grace, that the worke is begunne, continued, and finished: the Lord must therefore have the praise of our salvation. He brings salvation into the heart, he causes it to persevere unto salvation: and he only will compleate our salvation: and therefore every gracious man must confesse that all of his salvation, is only from the God of his salvation. And so the Lord will count when he writes up the people, that this man was borne there, He will count that Christ was formed, and framed in the hearts of his Psal. 87. 6. people, living in this or that Kingdome: the Lord keepes as it were a record, of all his glorious salvations, which he hath wrought in any, and he will be glorified by his people for it. The glorie then of our spirituall salvation is only to be ascribed to God.

2. And so we must ascribe only to him our temporall salvation. If he at any time doth deliver, or preserve: let us say of this his salvation, as we did of the other: Not unto us oh Lord, not unto us, but to thy name give the glory. And with the Psalmist: They got not (this or that deliverance) by their owne sword: neither Psal 44. 3. did their right arme save them: but thy right hand, and thine arme, and the light of thy countenance, because thou hadst a fa­vour [Page 32] unto them. Say not it was the valour, and strength, and wisdome of such and such which hath done thus and thus for us: but acknowledge that God only was the Author, and the other his instruments of the mercies injoyed. Many a time Psal. 129. 1. 2 from my youth up have they afflicted me, may England now say yea many a time have they afflicted me from my youth, yet they have not prevailed against me: the plowers plowed on my back, and made long furrowes: but it was the righteous Lord that cut asunder the cords of the wicked. It would be a great worke to relate the bare heades of the mercies which from day to day God vouchsafes to his people; every day brings out new mercies, new kindnesses, new helps, new succours, new es­capements, sundry sorts of deliverances in on kinde or other. England had long before this have bin as Sodom and as Gomo­rah, unlesse the Lord had saved her: let us therefore ascribe her salvation unto God only: and when at any time the Lord saves any part of it, or our selves temporally: let this his kind­nesse lead us on to repentance. Let us looke to be partakers also of spirituall salvation, when he saves us temporally: o­therwise his temporall salvation will prove, but a reserving of us unto eternall destruction. Thus we ought to acknowledge that God indeede is the God of our salvation.

Secondly. Seeing God is the God of our salvation, then let all of us learne whether we are to flie for any succour in a time of neede: even unto this God, intitled the God of our salva­tion. Thus did David in every straite, giving unto God such Psal. 18. 1. 2 titles and names, which intimate, that God was all kinde of succour unto him. And this we must do in our neede of either of these salvations.

1. In our way spirituall to salvation. We desire to be freed from many of our lusts, passions, and disordered affections: for though perhaps God hath destroyed in his the dominion of sinne, that it raignes not: yet much corruption remaines, keep­ing them under, from thriving in godlinesse: and of this they would be rid: now in this case, we must do as Saint Paul did beseech God against the messenger of Satan: seeke to him for salvation, yea for any salvation spirituall. If Satan tempt: it is God who must tread downe Satan under your feete shortly, Rom. 16, 20. [Page 33] Satan is still a troubling, though a conquered enemy, seeking to espy all advantages: and therefore we must to God, who only inables us to resist, that he may flie from us. On perhaps com­plaines of an unruly, unbeleeving, yea dead heart: let him re­member that it is God that quickens it, & therfore seek to him resolving not to cease till he leave a blessing behind: the more unbeleeving, dead, dull, unruly melancholy, & dejected you find the heart, be the more importunate, doubling, trebling, yea mul­tiplying suites: for God at length will heare and free thee from an evill heart of unbeleife. He hath the hearts of Kings in his hand, and can turne them: he only can change the heart, and for this he will be sought, that such a deliverance and salvation may be only ascribed unto him. Another it may be is afraid, that he shall one day miscarry, yeelding to the temptations which daily assaults him: one day he doubts he shall fall back, giving out from his Christian profession: let such a man seeke to God, for he only establisheth, upholds, and strengthens in grace: he only guides his servants, making them persevere to the end, and after­ward he receives such, so guided up to glory. Thus we ought to seeke only to him for any thing needefull unto our spirituall salvation.

2. Let us only seeke unto him for any temporall deliverance or salvation. David, Asa, Iehosaphat, Hezekiah, yea all saints have done so, and so ought we to do, both for our selves, for others, and for the Churches of God. The Church needes much salvation: it was Davids prayer, and it should be ours; Redeeme Israell oh God out of all his troubles: not from one but from Psal. 25. 22. all: from its troubles from within, and from its troubles from without: yet seeke to God, call in his helpe, and his salvation unto her: Our helpe standeth in the name of the Lord who hath made Heaven and Earth: let us depend on him for it, in a praying way: so the Prophet. Oh Lord be gracious to us: we have waited for thee, be thou their arme every morning, our sal­vation Isa. 33. 2. also in the time of trouble. The Church hath (blessed be God for it) many to fight for her; but unlesse the Lord be their arme, every morning, strengthning them to fight, all will for a certaine miscarry: and though he do strengthen, yet she may come into trouble for all that: and then her duty is to pray [Page 34] that he may be her salvation in trouble. And thus God is to be sought unto, as to the Captaine of his peoples salvation both spirituall, and temporall.

Thirdly seeing God is the God of our salvation: let us his people labour to get assurance, that we have an interest, in the salvation which he workes. As his people have interest in him; so they have in his salvation. To get this assurance: let it be our care to have an interest in Iesus, the Author of eternall salvation and the founder of all temporall deliverances: for all, and all manner of salvation is ratified, and confirmed to Gods people in Christ. We may be assured that we have interest in Christ, and in the salvation which he hath wrought.

1. If we be lost in our selves and sensible of our neede of sal­vation. Christ was sent to the lost sheepe, to such who in their Math. [...]8. 11. owne apprehensions, are lost, being not righteous in their owne eyes. He came to call sinners to repentance: burdened sinners, such who call to Christ for helpe, least they perish: such he will save: come unto me all yee that are weary, and heavy laden and I will refresh you. Math. 11. 29.

2. If we yeeld obedience to him, from whom we expect sal­vation, it is evident that then we have interest in Christ and his salvation. For Christ is the Author of salvation, to all them that obey him. A saviour he is to such, to whom he is also a so­veraigne: Heb. 5. 9. for his saved people are saved to walke in holines. I. Ephe. 1. 4.

3. If we willingly heare and practise his word, it is a signe that we shall be saved: For God will have all to be saved, and 1 Tam. 2. 4. come to the knowledg of the truth, and salvation (saith the Psal­mist) is far from the wicked, because they seeke not thy stat [...]es, but I have longed for thy salvation, and thy law is my delight. Let Psal. 119 155. us make Gods word our delight, and God will make good to us this his title, that he is unto us, the God of our salvation. And so much for the fourth observation,

The fift is this. God is the confidence of all his people in all places.

The confidence of the earth: of the ends of the earth, yea of all the ends of the earth: and as if that were not enough: he is the confidence of those who are a farre of upon the sea. The confi­dence of those on sea, who are surrounded by sea, of Ilanders: [Page 35] and the confidence of those on land, in all lands, of the whole continent. In handling this we will consider. 1. How God can be called the confidence of all the world. 2. What this confi­dence is, which all his people every wher have. 3. Why God is their confidence: or what are their grounds of confiding in him. And 4. What use may be made of this title, given unto God: who is here called the confidence of all the world.

First how can God be called the confidence of all the world? This question may well be asked, that the doubts, which it af­fords may be removed. For if by the ends of the earth, be un­derstood the inhabitants of the earth: or the nations on it: people dwelling on the earth, and in the sea: it will then be said, that it doth not appeare that all these trust and confide in God. There are many nations which know him not. And there­fore how is God said to be the confidence of the ends of the earth.

To this we must answer, according to a double acception of these words, the ends of the earth. They may be taken either collectively or else distributively.

1. If we take these words collectively: for all nations in all places: then two things may be answered to the question.

1. Though many nations as yet know not God, yet in those nations there is sufficient meanes given from God, to let them know that he only should be their trust and confidence. In all nations there are such demonstrations of Gods power, such declarations of his goodnes, that he hath not left himself with­out witnes, and that he only is to be depended on for all their good, and to be trusted, and confided in. Two scriptures proves this. We (saith Saint Paul) preach to you, that you should turne to the living God, which made heaven and earth, and the sea, and all things that are therein, who in times past suffered all na­tions Acts 14 15. 16. 17. to walke in their owne wayes, notwithstanding he left not himselfe without witnesse; in that he did good, and gave us raine from heaven. And fruitfull seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladnesse. We see that God vouchsafed to all nations com­mon outward temporall mercies, that very heathens (if they would but observe and take notice of it) might thence have sufficient proofe, and witnesse that he only is to be trusted in. [Page 36] And so likewise Gods severity, and judgements in smiting na­tions (as yet not knowing him) these are proofes, that such nations ought to know, that God only is to be confided in. The wrath of God (saith the Apostle) is revealed from heaven against all ungodlinesse, and unrighteousnesse of men, who hold Rom. 1. 18, 19, 20. the truth in unrighteousnesse: because that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God hath shewed it to them: for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are cleerely seene, being understood by the things which are made, even his eternall power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. So then, though many nations, do not actually make God their confidence, yet God hath witnessed to them, that he is or should be their onely trust and confidence.

2. Though many nations do not as yet make God their con­fidence: yet all nations shall one day do so; and so for the present it is prophetically true, that God is the confidence of all the ends of the earth. David in spirit foresaw the great honour, and glory, which God should have in all nations: and therefore he being a prophet, and knowing what God would do in these later dayes, he seeing this before, spake of the universall adora­tion of God in all nations, and of their taking him, for their only God, in a confidentiall reposing themselves on him. And because of the certainty of the fulfillance of all this, in due time therefore David speakes of it, as if it were already come to passe, and here he calleth God the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of those who are a farre off upon the sea. This is not only implyed in this title here ascribed to God; but David hath so much in another place. Aske of me, and I will give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the Psal. 22. 27. earth for thy possession: And againe. All the ends of the world Psal. 2. 8. shall remember themselves, and turne to the Lord, and all the kindred of the nations shall worship before him. And againe. He Psal. 72. 8. 11. shall have dominion from sea to sea, and from the river to the end of the earth, all Kings shall fall downe before him all nations shall serve him.

Take then the words as prophetically spoken: of the time when God shall by terrible things shake the nations, being the desire of his people: and then it will appeare, that he hath bin [Page 37] the Saviour of his: from all their troubles and oppressions: and then all nations will come in, and choose him for their God and Lord: one nation after another, till all have made him their confidence: and so in time these words shall be fully accom­plished, that God is the confidence of all the world: of all the ends of the earth.

If the words were handled in this sense, according to this exposition: they would affoord much instruction, touching the expectations, which we are to have of the conversion of the nations of the world: and concerning directions, to pray for it: that the arme of the Lord may be revealed to all people: according to that of David. God be mercifull unto us and blesse Psal. 67. 1. 1. us, and cause his face to shine on us, that thy way may be known on earth, thy saving health among all nations. It is a blessing and mercy from God on his Church, that for the present it knows him: but it will be a new glimps of the light of his coun­tenance on it, when the nations come thoroughly to understand and praise him aright with it, as their only confidence. We should expect this, and pray for it; and desire the Lord to re­move all impediments of it: which for the present are very great. For every valley must be filled, and every mountaine and Luke. 3. 5. hill must be brought low, the crooked must be made straight, and the rough wayes made smooth. People of lower, and higher ranke in all places, must be filled with grace; after they are brought into a state of humiliation: and whatsoever is crooked among them, must be made straight, brought to the rule, be squared by the word: and the wayes which are rough, or of­fensive shall be smoothed: just offences, truly scrupling offen­ces shall all be tooke away: and then after this all flesh shall see the salvation of God: all nations shall then come to know that Christ is the Saviour, and salvation, which God hath set out to the world: There being no other name under heaven, by which Acts. 4. 12. men can saved. These things might be prosecuted with much instruction, and comfort to all Gods people, but I chuse to leave the Propheticall handling these words, to the ages to come, who shall experimentally finde the things (now spoken of) to be very true. Let it suffice us to know, that these words are pro­phetically true. God is the confidence of all nations, because he [Page 38] will be so, when all nations shall come, to acknowledge him for their God. And so wee may safely understand the words col­lectively: which so understood, they are a full answer to the question.

2. If we take the words distributively: for the severall coun­tryes of the world in parts: and therein more particularly for the severall inhabitants; for the particular persons, dwelling in the earth, and on the sea: yet then, the doubt remaines still: How God can be said to be the cōfidence of every particular man in the earth. It seemes otherwise: experience teacheth us, that there are very few who trust God and confide in him: how then is this true, that he is the confidence of the ends of the earth, and of those on the sea.

To this I answer. When it is said that God is the confidence of the ends of the earth: we must not understand these words, of every particular individuall person, or nation: but of some in all places, of some in all nations: and so it is very true, that his owne people (where ever they be) make him their confidence. They trust in him, relye on him, depend upon him. So that the meaning of these words (The confidence of the ends of the earth &c.) is: Gods people in all the earth, and on the sea: where ever they are, make God their confidence, though others do not. And so it proposes to us this doctrine.

God is every where the confidence of his people.

I say of his people: of those to whom he is the God of salva­tion, of those whom he answers: for whom he workes terrible things in the earth. This righteous holy people make God their confidence. And that God is the confidence of his people in all places, not only this scripture, but also others prove. Some saith the Psalmist trust in chariots, and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the Lord our God. And from the text let Psal. 20. 7. us take notice of the description of this sanctified considing peo­ple. 1. They are called the ends of the earth: the extremity of the earth, as if they were a people, shut up in a corner, a people dri­ven to the ends, or out skirts of the earth to serve God there. And moreover: 2. They are a people farre off on the sea. A peo­ple exposed to as great hazards and dangers, as can be imagined, Toto divisos [...]rbe Britan­nos, Virgil. as if they were a people cut off from others by the sea, and desti­nated [Page 39] to be a people afflicted, and continually to be tossed with waves and tempests. Yet this people in this condition as it were Isa. 54. 11. an outcast driven to all inconveniencies of earth and sea shall still trust in God: making him their confidence.

I know (as I said before) that this description aimes princi­pally, at the universality of the Church; which shall extend and spread it selfe, farre and neere in all places on the earth, to the utmost bounds both of sea and land. But yet withall it will im­ply this that I say, that though Gods people be a people, as it were shut out from the nations of the earth; not reckoned among them; though they were penned up in the utmost limits, not thought worthy to treade, and to live on the earth, and therefore contemned of all people, and exposed to a thousand miscarriages and hard usages: though they be tossed in name, in estate, in their persons: yet shall this godly people, this seede which serves the Lord: be accounted unto him for a generation. And they shall make the Lord their stay, and staffe, their hope, and confidence. So saith the text, He is the confidence of all the ends of the earth, Psal. 22. 30. and of all them that are a farre off upon the sea: all his people every where, in all places, in all busines, in all hazards, in all straites, for all comforts do still make the Lord their trust and confidence. And thus the first thing, the question purposed is resolved, how God is said to be the confidence of the ends of the earth &c.

Secondly consider what this confidence is which all his peo­ple every where make him: what doth it imply.

The word here signifying trust or confidence: is sometimes put for an hopefull security. Ye shall do my statutes and keepe my [...] judgements and do them, and yee shall dwell in the land in safe­ty: that is in an hopefull confidentiall security. Now this confi­dence Levit. 25. 8. is nothing else, but a secure resting on God, for all manner of succour, and security in the good, and comfort which we would have. God is said to be the confidence of his people in these respects.

1. In respect that they hope for all good from him. Confidence is not only an expectation of the full fruition of himselfe, as our portion; but also of all things else together with him, and of all things else which are good from him. The Lord is my portion [Page 40] saith my soule, therefore will I hope in him. The soule lookes on all its good, and comfort in heaven and earth, as from the Lord Lamen. 3. 24. who is its portion: and as to be supplied from him, as out of its portion. It expects from him life; and health, and outward comforts, friends, good name, foode, rayment, yea every thing: if these faile; it lookes to be supplied from the Lord, its portion; yea and for all its good spirituall, temporall and eternall. Not on­ly the pardon of sinne, and things spirituall and heavenly, but likewise protection, provision, and things earthly, are hoped for from God. Whom have I (saith the Psalmist) in heaven but thee and in earth there is none that I require besides thee. Psal. 73. 25.

2. God is said to be the confidence of his people in respect of their secure relying on him for security, and safety, and repulsing all evill from them. David to shew that he relied on him for all manner of safety, calls him, his rock, his for tresso his buckler, the Psal. 18. 1. 2 horne of his salvation, and his high tower. God was a rocke to him, in the seas and waves of his trouble, when afflictions like billowes came thick and threefold, he broke them, and secured him as on a rock. And God was a fortresse to him in a siege, a a sheild against a storme of darts: a shelter against a storme of in­conveniences: an horne of salvation to push away adversaries, and an high tower where he was safe. Making God our confi­dence is a secure relying on him for safety, and security against all the evill, which is feared, or which hath seised on us.

3. God is said to be his peoples confidence, in respect of their recumbency and dependency on him, in all businesses, and im­ployments thorough which they goe in this life. A contented acquiescence resting on God: relying on him, for the bringing to passe (according to his will) what we have to doe, is a true making God our confidence. So David, Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in him, and he shall bring it to passe. And so Psal. 37. 5. Solomon, Trust in the Lord, with all thine heart, and lean not to rhine owne understanding, in all thy waies acknowledge him, and Prov. 3. 5. 6. hee will direct thy paths. Now this confidentiall trusting to God, in all that we have to doe, is seen most eminently in one of these three particular acts.

1. When men make God their confidence, though they have most apparent meanes of effecting, or working what they are a­bout: [Page 41] yet they will not relie on those meanes, but on God & his blessing upon it. So the Psalmist, I will not trust in my bow, nei­ther Psal. 44. 6. shal my sword save me, but thou hast saved us from our ene­mies and hast put them to shame that hated us. And so men make God their confidence, when though they have happy successe in their undertakings, yet looke through all on God, as the donor and giver of it, and as the worker of all their workes for them and in them. A man who though he hath bread, and sits downe ther­to; yet knowing that he is not fed by bread alone, but by Gods blessing, by the word that proceedeth out of Gods mouth, ther­fore he trusts in God: and though he watcheth and buildeth, yet still he lookes to God, acknowledging that except the Lord keepe Psal. 127. 1. 2 the city, the watchmen waketh but in vaine: and except the Lord build the house, he labours in vain who buildeth it: and if he plow and tills his ground, yet confesses that it is God who gives him knowledge unto it, and that blesseth his labours: and therefore whilest he is about his ordinary imployments, yet he hopes and trusts in God, even in plowing there is hope: the man who doth thus; is one undoubtedly, who maketh God his confidence, and so also this is seene.

2. When men make God their confidence, though they have no apparent meanes of effecting what they are about or intend. Gideon saw no way wherby God would give deliverance by him, from the Midianites, yet he trusted on God, and relyed on him. David going out against the Philistine, onely with a staffe and a sling, yet trusted in God. The Lord that kept me out of the paw of the Lion, and out of the paw of the Beare, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. The Apostles and Disci­ples 1 Sam. 17. 37 which went on Christs message without money, and change of raiment, yet trusted on God for provision and lacked nothing. And so when men trust on God, for a blessing on their callings & labour, though they see no likelihood of their thriving therin: and so when a man (in the use of spirituall meanes) still trusts God, he will make use of the ordinances, he is attentive to the word, he reades, meditates, prayes, comes to the Sacrament, and it may be he finds little comfort in all, his soule is nothing more quick­ned, nor at all setled by them: and yet out of conscience to Gods commandements he useth these, depending not on them, but [Page 42] trusting to God, that at last he shall have comfort, settlement and peace by them, though for the present he find none.

3. When a man hath all meanes in appearance contrary to him: every thing seemes to work against him, yet he doth put his trust in God, that God will still make good his promise, shewing him­selfe gracious, and being still the preserver of his people. This is trusting in God, and making him our confidence, here beyond all hope, is a beleeving in hope, against hope, against all that is seene. Thus when a man seeth all the world band together against the Church: when Kings, Rulers, Nobles, great mighty, powerful, Psal. 2 1. wise, and subtill ones, yea people of all sorts, combine and con­spire to root out Christian profession, and to bring a licentious Li­bertinisme, and Atheisme, into the world: when he shall see the Church in distresses, and perplexities, as it were besieged on all sides; yet then to trust in God, and to bee able to see as Elisha, moe for the Church, then against it, this is a making God our con­fidence, it is a relying and trusting on him. So when in great pe­nury, in the want of food and sustenance, one yet relies on God, it is a great degree of confidence. Thus Eliah trusted to God for his feeding by Ravens, and afterward for his food from the meale in the barrell, and the oyle in the widdowes cruse. It was a great degree of confidence in the Prophet Habbakuk: that though the fig-tree should not blossome, nor fruit should be in the vine, Hab. 3. 17. 18. the labour of the Olive should faile, and the field should yeeld no meate: the flocks should bee cut off from the fold, and there should be no herd in the stalls, yet (he saith) he would rejoyce in the Lord, and would joy in the God of his salvation. It is an high degree of confidence, still to rely on God in the want of means and so it is to relie on him in the contrariety of meanes, so David trusted in God, when he seemed to be abandoned of all: if he hath a fa­vour to me (said he) I shall see both the Arke and this place. And 2 Sam. 15. 25. so in spiritualls, when all seemes contrary, yet then trust in God, the Law perhaps thunders out death, against the soule of a poore sinner; the Gospell yeelds no comfort: godly conference addes nothing, holy exercises leaves him still, as it found him comfort­lesse and troubled, yea perhaps more troubled, because we have u­sed them; yet it still doth trust in God, looking beyond sense, peeping within the vaile, and perceiving that God will at last, [Page 43] speake peace, and though hee slay, yet (with Iob) it will still trust in him: this is a very great exaltation of God, and making him our confidence.

These and many like cases may be ours, when the meanes ap­pointed to do us good seeme to worke contrary, and yet in con­clusion they will do us good: it is our duety (how ever they worke) to trust to God, making him our confidence. A man having a faithfull freind, whom he knowes to be trusty, and reall in any thing, which he undertakes for him, though he perceives that things go untowardly crosse, in his freinds managing some affaires for him, yet he relyes on him, and is confident, that he will do all to his advantage at the last: or as when a man hath a faithfull counseller to follow his cause, and plead it: he sees per­haps his counseller much crossed, and thwarted: yet knowing him to be cordiall and wise, and sollicitous in his undertaking, and very carefull to take any occasion, and to make use of any thing offered to promote his good: he will depend on him, for sollici­ting his cause to the utmost: such a thing is our trusting in God, though in a farre more eminent way: we trust him as a freind, to manage all for us: and though we apprehend that things prove otherwise, then wee expected; yet wee still depend on God; knowing that he will at last cause all things to work for our best. We trust him also as our counsellour who will thoroughly plead the cause of his people: and though they seeme a while to suffer yet he will at last give peace to the land, and disquiet the inhabi­tants Ier. 50. 34. of Babylon.

In these respects God is said to be the confidence of his people in all places.

Thirdly the reasons or grounds why Gods people so confide in him: or why God is thus their confidence, are these two, to name no more..

1. His people in all places, in all estates, in all conditions, de­sire to glorifie him above all: and this they do most by confiding and trusting in him. For.

1. They glorifie his providence: while they thus rely, depend, and stay themselves on him. Their trusting in him sheweth, that they are a people at his disposall, to do with them as he sees fit: either to bring them into straites, or to inlarge them: to make [Page 44] them vessells of honour, and comfort: or to be made broken vessells, a people for misery and destruction. This trusting in God exceedingly gloryfies his providence, and soveraignty over them, Confidence in him, is a gracious submission to be ordered, and desposed of, as he sees fit. It is a yeelding, that he may be glory­fied thorough us, whether he breake us, or build us, wound us, or heale us, save us, or destroy us, make us glorious or miserable. Confidence in him ever implyes in it an humble acknowledgment that we are but as clay in the hands of the potter: to be disposed of, as will best sute with his glory.

2. Confidence in God giveth unto him the glory of his truth: or the glory of his promises: it manifests our acknowledging of his faithfulnesse, and our depending upon the word of his truth. It is a great glory to God, that we account him faithfull, a God keeping promise with his people, and this is done, when we confide in him. David prayed Let thy mercy come also unto me, oh Lord even thy salvation, according to thy word: and he pro­fesses Psal. 119. 41. that his soule fainteth for his salvation, but I hope (saith he) in thy word. And againe: uphold me according to thy word, vers. 81. that I may live, and let me not bee ashamed of my hope. Thus God hath the glory of his truth: when we confide in him. vers 116.

3. Confidence in God gives him the glory of his goodnesse, it is a reall acknowledgement, that the Lord is good, and doth good, and that we therefore depend upon him, as children do on their Psal. 119. 68. parents for all our maintenance.

4. This our confidence in God, giveth unto him the glory of his Godhead. Wee then glorisie him, when we make him the master of our affections: as when we love, and feare and joy in him and the like: but when we hope and confide in God, we then gloryfie him above the glory, which we give unto him by our other affections. For though in them all the principall stream runs to Godward; yet there are rivelets and by currants of these affections, permitted to runne to other things. As for example: we love God, and gloryfie him by our love, when he only and cheifely is loved by us: but yet our love also runnes out to other things: to his children for his sake: and to our neighbours: and to men: and to other things subordinately. And so we gloryfie God, when he is primely and principally our feare and dread: [Page 45] but yet he alloweth us to feare the magistrates who beare the image of his majesty, and to feare our parents, and to feare and reverence others. And so we gloryfie him when he is cheifely and principally our delight, and joy, and when our soules cheare up themselves in his word: but yet he alloweth us to joy in other things: we may joy and delight in his saints, on the earth: and in outward mercies, blessings and deliverances: we may take pleasure in the creatures moderately. I might speake the like of all other affections. But now in confiding and hoping in God we only gloryfie him. The whole streame of our hope is to runne to Godward, and to him only. When we make him our confi­dence, we trust not in any thing else, but surrendring up to him all our hopes, we then make him fully, and wholy our God: and we thereby give him the sole interest and command in our affections: and so we hereby gloryfie him. Thus the people of God being every way desirous to do so, they therefore make him their confidence: for confiding in him honoreth him as God.

2. Gods people make him their confidence: because they see in God an all sufficiency, to supply their defects, to comfort them Reas. 2. in distresses, to releive them in their wants, and to furnish them with all things, which they can desire and would have. The sight of this alsufficiency in God, to do all this, is wrought in them, from one, or from all these considerations which are the ground of hope and confidence, as.

1. They know that God himselfe is very powerfull, able to helpe and save, and therfore they confide in him, they know that he is able to give all what they need, both in spirituals and tempo­ralls. He made and framed all, and all is at his disposall; and he can dispose of all for their good. This the Prophet acknowledges that he made heaven, and gives rain, and showers, and every comfort. Ier. 14. 22. Art not thou he oh Lord our God, therfore we will waite on thee, Lord thou hast made all these things. Gods people know that he hath power to save, & deliver them, out of trouble, and yet though he do not, they wil trust in him, because he can do it and none else. Shadrach Meseck and Abednego said so, Our God whom we serve Dan. 3, 17. [...] is able to deliver us from the fiery furnace, & he will free us, out of thy hand oh King, that we will not serve thy, Gods, nor wor­ship the image which thou hast set up. A man who hath a strong [Page 46] and powerfull convoy for his safety, thorough the dangerous country he travells in, will be the more confident, knowing that he who conducts him, is of power to raise the country, for his defence: so a Christian in his travell to heaven, hath cause to con [...]ide in God, for his convoy thither, seeing he knowes that God himselfe is powerfull, and likewise able to raise the country to call in all the creatures, both of heaven, and earth, for his safe conduct, and to make all worke together for his best.

2. His people know that Gods only care provides for them and all the world, seeing he hath taken on him the care of all things. The eyes of all waite on thee, and thou givest them their meate in due season, thou openest thy hand, and satisfies the de­sires of every living thing: and therefore they make him their Psal. [...]5. [...]5. confidence, knowing that they have no cause to distrust him. God takes care for oxen, much more for his servants, he hath (besides his generall care, in providing for all creatures) a speciall care over those of his owne family. He himselfe tells some men, that they are worse then infidells, because they provide not for their owne: he himselfe therefore will both thinke on, and re­leive 1. Tim. 5. 8. his owne, in due time, he provides both for their bodies, and for their soules: and he who gives to the body now a few crummes, will never deny unto the soule the crown prepared for it. When Gods people do seriously thinke on this, they see that they have just ground to confide and trust in God.

3. Gods people know, that he is so powerfull, that though for our good he often imploys instruments, and creatures, or secon­dary causes, bestowing on them strength, and ability, to worke for their good; yet that these can worke nothing except he con­curre with them: they are without his concurrance like broken cisternes, or as the brookes of Tema, affoording no comfort, but soone dryed up. The Lord can do with them, as he did with the Aegyptian chariots, if he take off the wheeles they stand. The Apostle tells us, that in him we live, and move, and have our being: the Saints considering this, make God their confidence. Acts. 17. 18. Not any creature can hurt or helpe, unlesse God concurre. A sword may be drawen and strike, but it wounds not, unlesse God doth give it a commission, and put strength into it. The Psalmist tells us, that God turnes the edge of the sword. It may [Page 47] smite but if God blunts its edge, there will be no harme. No­thing likewise helpes without him, cloathes could not warme, Psal. 89. 43. freinds could not helpe, or workes could not prospet, unlesse the Lord give a blessing. Consider your wayes saith the Lord, yee have sowne much, and bring in little, yee cate, but yee have not enough, yee drinke, but yee are not filled with drinke, yee Hag. 1. 5. 6. cloath yee, but their is no warme, and he that earneth wages, earneth wages, to put it into a bag with holes: yee have looked for much, and loe it came to little, and when yee brought it home Ver. 9. 10. I did blow upon it. The heavens over you is stayed from dew, and the earth is stayed from her fruits. Creatures are no further be­neficiall to us, then it pleases God to concurre. Paul plants, Apol­los waters, but yet God gives the increase. The Saints knowing this, do therefore see, that they have a sufficient ground, to make God their confidence.

4. Gods people know, that he is able to do alone whatsoever any secondary cause doth. God can do that thing, either with it or without it. And this makes them confide in God only. The streames depends on the fountaine, but the fountaine it selfe can send out its waters, some other way, by some other channells. The creatures depends on God, the great creatour, and if he but speake a word, it is done, what he wills, he can worke without his creatures, for his people, and will do so, if he see cause: and therefore his people see reason, to confide in him.

5. Gods people know that he hath ingaged himselfe by pro­mise, to those that trust in him, he is their father, and careth for them: and though a parent forsake their child, yet he will not his people. When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Psal. 37. 4. Lord will take me up. Indeed God [...] [...]eople may see there are many improbabilityes of their safety, yet seeing God hath pro­mised, Psal. 27. 10. they see no cause to distrust. Abraham knew that he had a dead body, yet beleeved, because his God was the living God. Sarah had a barren wombe, yet God was able to make it fruit­full. He can turne a wildernesse into a fruitefull feild. Though your hearts should be naughty, unbelieving, misgiving: yet hope in Gods promises: consider his infinite ability and his undoubted fidelity, in keeping promise with his servants, and you can­not chuse but trust in him, and make him your confidence.

[Page 48] Upon these grounds, or for these reasons, Gods people make him their confidence.

Fourthly: this title that God is the confidence of all his peo­ple, should make us trie our selves, whether we are such, to whom he is the only confidence. And here we will shew. 1. Such signes whereby every one good, and bad, may know it: and 2. Such whereby they who are truely Gods people, may certainly finde that they do so, in some peculiar acts or other.

1. The trialls whereby every on may guesse at their owne condition, in this respect are these.

1. He who truely maketh God his confidence, will above all things desire Gods favour: and will part with any thing for it. No man would be pulled from the hornes of the Altar, which while he holdes, he is in safety: we cannot perswade a company of naked men to forsake the fort, wherein they are safe, and to commit themselves to the open feild; they will desire to keepe where they have confidence: thus the man who maketh God his confidence will do any thing for him, and part with any thing for his favour. Moses forsakes all the treasures in Aegypt, and the glory in it for God. It is a signe that a man maketh God his confidence, when he renounces his sinnes and lusts; and is con­tent to be disgraced, nicknamed, and to suffer the losse of all things gladly for God. It is signe that he seeth more in God, then others, and more in God then he can lose, he findes that Christ is all in all. But surely they as yet have not made God their confidence, who sell God for the world, as Demas; Christ or the cause of Christ for gaine, as did Judas: who are content to let gospell, conscience, goodnesse, and all go, so they can there­by please such, on whom they depend. They never trusted God, who prizes their sinnes, lusts, and sinnefull pleasures before him: neither will they make him their confidence, if troubles should come.

2. He truely maketh God his confidence, who maketh him an universall confidence, and trusteth in him in all things, and for all things, He comitteth his whole wayes to him: his whole person, his whole businesse, his whole managing, he trusts in him in all places, at all times, in health, and sicknes, for provision and protection, in times of trouble, and any danger, for Children, and [Page 49] for a blessing in every thing. He trusts on him, for earth as well as for heaven, for grace: as well as for glory. But that man hath not made God his confidence, who doth not trust him in all things. Some will not trust him with their temporalls: they dare not beleive in him to provide for them, and theirs after them: they depend not on him, for their outward estate, others will trust him for temporalls, but not for spiritualls; they are loth to rest on him only, for full salvation, and pardon. They would have something of their owne to justifie them before God: And this is all the trouble of many: but God will be the sole confi­dence of his people: trust in him, for with him there is plentifull redemption. He who trusts in God will make him his universall confidence.

3. He who makes God his confidence will be industrious in the use of the meanes which brings a blessing on him, and which God hath appointed. Thus he who confides in God for salvation, will diligently search after the means of salvation, hearkning and listning after the word of salvation, he who confides in him for wordly things, will be industrious in an honest calling. They trust not God, who sit still, nor they, who set themselves into no good way. He trusts not God for salvation, who saith, if God hath predestinated me to life, I shall be saved, though I betake my selfe into no such wayes, as the Preacher speakes of: he con­siders not, that God hath predestinated as well to the meanes, as to the end, and to the end, by the meanes: and that he saves only such, who betake them to his appointed meanes. It is a delusion to thinke to come to heaven, without walking in the way to it: it is as if men expected to reape an harvest, and yet never sowed a graine of seede. So likewise he never trusts God, for outwards who doth not apply himselfe, to an industrious way of obteining them, why looke yee (said Jacob to his sonnes) one upon ano­ther: I have heard that there is corne in Aegypt, get yee downe Gen. 42. 1. 2. thither and buy for us from thence. A confidentiall man will be industrious in the use of meanes.

4. He who makes God his confidence, will not put forth his hands unto unlawfull means, for his helpe. David relied on God for the Kingdome of Saul, but would not use unlawfull meanes 1. Sam. 26. 10. to obteine it. Such never trusted God, who resolve to steale, [Page 50] oppresse, defraud, lie and flatter, and use wicked meanes to gain a penny. They trust not God, who take a pension from Mam­mon. Nor they, who (when they misse a thing, or when any thing is amisse with them) will consult with witches and wizards, as once Saul did with the witch of Endor, and Aba­ziah sent to the God of Eknon.

5. He who makes God his confidence, will be undaun­ted in any condition. Confidence in God makes the heart invin­cible. It is true: an holy confiding man when evill comes, can­not but see it; and be thereof sensible, and troubled at it: but though he be troubled on all sides (as the Apostle speakes) yet he is not in despaire: though he be sometimes afraid, yet with Psal. 17. 3. David he can say, in this will I be confident: in this he is confi­dent, that God is his refuge, his present helpe in trouble, his preserver from the hurt of evill. Though I walke (saith David) thorow the valley of the shadow of death, I will feare no evill for Psal. 23. 4. thou art with me. He may suspect his confidence; whose heart in troubles is wholy spiritles, and comfortles, drooping and dwining away, as Naballs did: he may feare, he is not yet re­solved to commit freely his soule into the hands of God, who is a faithfull creatour. The confiding man will not be heartlesse, though an universall death and desolation befall the land; be­cause he knowes that by death he shall be translated hence to see the goodnesse of the Lord. I had fainted (saith David) unlesse I had beleived to see the goodnesse of the Lord in the land of Psal. 27. 13. the living.

Thus every one good and bad may try whether they have made the Lord their confidence.

2. There are also some signes which may helpe all Gods truly faithfull people, to gaine assurance, that they have undoubtedly made him their confidence. Many of those (I know) complain of unbeleeving and despairing hearts, that they cannot confide and trust in God as they should. To whom for comfort, I an­swer that true beleevers may know that they have really made God their confidence, if ever the Lord please to bring them to one of these temptations.

1. When the promises made by God, seeme to be delayed, and there is no appearance of their fulfillance: then all such who have [Page 51] not made God their confidence will cease expecting and belee­ving the word of promise, like that prophane man: this evill is of the Lord, what should I waite for the Lord any longer. But 1 King. 6. 33. if notwithstanding Gods delayes: the heart keepe still to the word of truth; and is still confident that in time it will be ful­filled, it undoubtedly is then an heart confiding in God. A wai­ting heart is a confiding heart. So the Prophet: I will waite on Isa. 8. 17. the Lord, and looke upon him. A Merchant who rests on his factor, for the returne of some commodity, which he promised, finding that his factour deferres, yet will account him faithfull, knowing that he on weightier considerations, for his Masters greater profit, uses not to returne commodities so soone as he expected. So the soule (which rests on God, for the accomplish­ment of such and such promises) will yet wait on him as faithful, though they be not presently, or so soone performed, as wee desire: because it is perswaded that God delayes for some fur­ther advantage to the soule: to humble it, or to exalt it more; or to make his blessings more acceptable when they come. A soule confiding in the delay and unlikelines of the performance of pro­mises, that God can and will fulfill his word, when it shall be for the best, is a soule which hath made God its confidence.

2. If the Lord suffers you to be mocked by prophane men: if at any time they aske, wher is the promise of his comming, and 2 Pet. 3. 3. what advantage hath piety in these times: can your God save you out of the hands of murthering, destroying men, will you still re­taine your integrity: do not the most religious suffer, as much, if not worse then others: Now at this time, if notwithstanding all these scornes, and disheartnings, you are willing still to keepe close to God, and to passe through good report, and evill report, and are content to be yet more vile, before these men, for Gods sake; and in Gods cause: you have undoubtedly made God your confidence: Gods people thus proved that they had done so, as it is in the Psalmes: All this is come upon us, yet have we not Psal. 44. 17. forgotten thee: neither have we dealt falsely in thy Covenant.

3. If ever the Lord bring you into a state, that he seemes to be an enemy, by visiting the soule, wounding the spirit, giving it as it were a sight of hell, as if he would have no mercy: yet in this case, you shall know, that ye have made God your confidence [Page 52] if you still will waite on God, boldly and trustingly reasoning with him, as the Psalmist did: hath God forgotten to be gracious will he shut up his loving kindnesse in displeasure. A soule in the Psal. 77. 9. lack of mercy: being willing to stay it selfe on God, because he will shew mercy: being resolved however; to dye at the foote of majesty, to be crusht by his scepter: this is a soul which confides in God. And the Lord who knowes the anguish, and distresse of this confiding spirit, will heale, and restore it, to strength, and com­fort. It shall be established, when all the careles ones of the world, shall be terribly shaken, and shattered, in all their hopes. Consider what the Prophet writes. Why sayest thou, O Jacob, and speakest O Israell, my way is hid from the Lord, and my judgement is pas­sed over from my God &c. He giveth power to the faint, and to them that have no might, he increaseth strength: even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: but Isai. 40. 27, 29. 30. 31. they that waite upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with winges as Eagles, they shall runne, and not be weary, and they shall walke and not be faint.

Thus may every one try, and experimentally find, whither God is to them, as he is to others, the only confidence. For he is saith the Psalmist the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of those who are a farre off upon the sea. Let us therfore of these westerne ends of the earth, be still confident, though we see no­thing but things terrible: because by these the Lord worketh his Churches deliverance; manifests his owne righteousnesse: an­swereth his peoples desires, and expectations, and declareth him­selfe to be the God of all his servants salvation; and therefore worthy to be made the confidence of them all farre and neere, by land and sea, in all places.

Joseph Caryl.

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