The Best & Plainest E [...] Book
The First Part.

Containing all the different Words, Syllables, & Let­ters, in the old English Character, of the three first Usual School-Books, (the Horn-Book, the A B C with the Catechism, & the Primer,) & more too.

The small English [...] or Letters.

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p qu r r s s t u v w x y z. & ct ff fl sh sl ss st &c.

Christ's Cross (commonly called the Criss-Cross,) being the very first thing taught Children, may shew them, that the Chief End of their Learning is to Know Jesus Christ, & him Crucified.

[...] q is never written without a u / & in the beginning of a syllable sounds like coo / as quick / & ending a syllable is like ck / as chequ╌er. &c

& stands for and. &c stand for and so forth / or and the like / or and the rest. or and so on.

[...] a e i o u / are [...] or Sounders, as in am / end / it / of / us / &c. Also w and y when have the same sounds as u and i. And i and u sometimes are [...] that is, sounding with Vowels, altering their shapes to j and v / & their Names to je and ve. or jod / & vau. Note, w is a Welch vowel, & y a Greek vowel. And j & v are Hebrew Consonants.

[...] The other Letters are always Consonants.

[...] j Consonant is always written when begins a Syllable with a Vowel next following, as in just / &c. Except when ie at the end of a word stand for y / as bod╌ie for bod╌y. Say ie / i. & y by it self, i.

VI v Consonant is always written when has a sound like f hard, as in ver / &c.

[...] w is never a vowel but when another vowel comes before it in the same syllable, as grew / &c.

[...] y is never a consonant but when it begins a syllable with a vowel after it, as in yet / &c.

[Page 2] VIII. The Vowels give sounds to the Consonants: for no word can be formed of Consonants, without adding one vowel, or more, to it.

Tittle. Read
ā. an or am
ē. en or em
ī. in or im
ō. on or om
ū. un or um

IX, The Tittle over a Vowel alwaies stands for n or m / & is put there, in Print, or in Writing, when (for want of Room, or through Haste,) either of those Letters is omitted. The sence will tell which of them you must read it for.

Syllables, or Compleat Sounds.

Rule 1. Vowels short. Rule 2. Vowels long.

All the Consonants their Proper Sounds.
  • ad ed id od ud.
  • adg edg idg odg udg. soft.
  • ang eng ing ong ung. hard.
    • af ef if of uf.
    • aph eph iph oph uph.
  • ag eg ig og ug. hard.
  • al el il ol ul.
  • ap ep ip op up.
  • ar er ir or ur.
  • ab eb ib ob ub.
  • as es is os us. soft.
  • az ez iz oz uz. hard.
    • au eu ou
    • aw ew ow
    • atch etch itch otch utch
    • ach ech ich och uch.
  • at et it ot ut.
  • ax ex ix ox ux.
    • ac ec ic oc uc.
    • ack eck ick ock uck.
    • aqu equ iqu oqu uqu
  • ank enk ink onk unk.
  • ath eth ith oth uth.
  • ba be bi bo bu.
  • da de di do du.
    • fa fe fi fo fu.
    • pha phe phi pho phu.
  • la li ly lie.
  • ga go gu. hard.
    • ge gi gy. soft.
    • je ji jy.
    • ca co cu.
    • ka ko ku.
  • sca sco scu.
    • se si sy
    • ce ci cy
    • sce sci scy
  • va ve vi vo vu.
  • qua que qui quo quu.
  • wa we wi wo wu.
  • ya ye yi yo yu.
  • cha che chi cho chu.

X. c alwaies comes between a vowel & k / if k ends that syllable.

XI. c never comes between a Consonant & k.

Monosyllables, or Words of one syllable to Rule 1.
  • apt
  • arm
  • at
  • ass
  • err
  • ill
  • art
  • not
  • but
  • will
  • for
  • God
  • Lord
  • born
  • from
  • church
  • which
  • and
  • hand
  • bed
  • nor
  • pit
  • rod
  • run
  • sat
  • set
  • sin
  • six
  • top
  • bit
  • bring
  • sun
  • ten
  • pass
  • rent
  • rest
  • rich
  • send
  • self
  • fed
  • led
  • fit
  • let
  • shed
  • far
  • back
  • born
  • blot
  • wring
  • spring
  • King
  • sing
  • long
  • song
  • songs
  • bonds
  • burnt
  • brand
  • bless
  • bliss
  • wash
  • what
  • cast
  • corn
  • cords
  • crafts
  • craft
  • clap
  • chaff
  • cross
  • did
  • didst
  • dish
  • frosts
  • frost
  • drink
  • dwell
  • ends
  • fast
  • fish
  • fill
  • folk
  • full
  • form
  • flesh
  • gift
  • gifts
  • gods
  • glad
  • grass
  • had
  • hast
  • hath
  • hands
  • harp
  • her
  • help
  • held
  • hell
  • hill
  • hills
  • him
  • horn
  • hurt
  • hurts
  • kings
  • kiss
  • lack
  • land
  • lands
  • left
  • lost
  • lusts
  • lift
  • lips
  • lords
  • mad
  • man
  • man's
  • men
  • men's
  • mark
  • midst
  • mock
  • much
  • must
  • part
  • parts
  • turn
  • pomps
  • lent
  • sent
  • sick
  • suck
  • such
  • scorn
  • tell
  • shut
  • sharp
  • shun
  • shrink
  • slept
  • slipt
  • stand
  • stars
  • still
  • strength
  • sworn
  • till
  • thank
  • trust
  • thanks
  • think
  • thing
  • things
  • want
  • wrath
  • dust
  • wast
  • watch
  • went
  • wells
  • wilt
  • with
  • worn
  • wax.

Rule 3. Some Letters not heard in Words to the 1st. Rule Viz. Vowels short, & Consonants proper.

  • bread dread health wealth learn the a not heard
  • dead death earth sweat the a not heard
  • else pledge selves serve the last e not sounded
  • come give live since love move prove horse purge judgethe e not heard
  • fierce neither of the e's pronounced c before e as s / & g before e soft, by Rule 2.
  • bloud flouds young the o not heard
  • build the u not heard
  • debt lamb. the b not heard.
  • gnash the g not heard

The Capital, or Great English Letters.

A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V V W X Y Z.

Monosyllables to Rule 2. Viz. The Vowels long, & Consonants their proper sounds.

A. a. I. O. The two last are always Capitals when stand alone for words.

  • go
  • lo
  • no
  • so
  • old
  • by
  • cry
  • dry
  • my
  • why
  • kind
  • mild
  • Christ
  • mind
  • minds
  • wind
  • winds
  • find
  • child
  • both
  • forth
  • cold
  • hold
  • lest
  • truth
  • most
  • whom.

[...] Words written with Letters not heard, to Rule 2.

a not sounded in

  • sea
  • teach
  • preach
  • lead
  • beasts
  • least
  • feast
  • eat
  • heat
  • deaf
  • leaf
  • speak
  • break
  • heal
  • steal
  • deal
  • dealt
  • clean
  • mean
  • means
  • meat
  • beat
  • great
  • seat
  • coach
  • cloak
  • oath.

e not sounded in

  • yea
  • bear
  • face
  • grace
  • place
  • age
  • scarce
  • made
  • rage
  • make
  • makes
  • whales
  • sake
  • take
  • came
  • lame
  • blame
  • name
  • names
  • same
  • spare
  • snares
  • haste
  • taste
  • waste
  • gates
  • hate
  • state
  • late
  • gave
  • save
  • have
  • ice
  • side
  • pride
  • hide
  • life
  • wife
  • like
  • while
  • time
  • times
  • mine
  • nine
  • pine
  • wine
  • wipe
  • fire
  • five
  • lives
  • wives
  • bone
  • foe
  • force
  • throne
  • none
  • whole
  • smoke
  • sore
  • store
  • more
  • use
  • due
  • true
  • mule
  • rule
  • pure
  • sure.
  • i not pronounced in air fruit fruits.
  • o not heard in you. The last o in door poor.
  • u not sounded in your mourn courts.
  • ue not sounded in guide guile plague.
  • a & the last e not sounded in cleave peace.
  • b not heard in womb.
  • g not heard in sign.
  • h not heard in Ghost.
  • gh not pronounced in high nigh night nights light might right sight.

Rule 5. Words with proper Diph╌thongs, or two Vowels sounded together, and Vowels sounding like diph╌thongs. Viz.

Ai / ap / aie for ay.

  • Aid
  • laid
  • maid
  • said
  • fail
  • frail
  • [Page 5]pain
  • rain
  • train
  • vain
  • faint
  • saint
  • faith
  • day
  • saith
  • days
  • lay
  • may
  • pray
  • say
  • slay
  • way
  • waies
  • saints

au. aw.

  • Paul
  • laud
  • jaws
  • law
  • laws
  • saw
  • shawms.
  • awe the e not heard.
  • taught the gh not heard,
  • faults / vault / the l not pronounced.


  • See
  • wee
  • yee
  • flee
  • free
  • tree
  • three.
  • So be
  • he
  • me
  • she
  • we
  • ye.
  • Deed
  • feed
  • heed
  • seed
  • cheek
  • meek
  • speed
  • need
  • needs
  • been
  • green.
  • Kneel knees the k not pronounced.
  • Queen
  • seen
  • deep
  • keep
  • sheep
  • sleep
  • teeth
  • fleeth
  • feet
  • meet
  • sweet
  • streets.
  • So Dear
  • ears
  • dearth
  • fear
  • clear
  • hear
  • chief
  • grief
  • priests
  • yeild.
  • Here the last e not sounded.

And i. ie. ey & y. being in many syllables short, must be sounded as ee / as in Cit╌ies / God╌li╌ly. mon╌ey. In spea­king at least, if not in spelling: and if the one, why not the other?Th [...] [...] R [...]e in [...] [...]i [...]g [...]me other Languag [...].

ei. ey.

  • eight the gh not sounded.
  • prey.
  • eye eyes the last e not sounded.

eu. ew.

  • dews
  • new
  • shew
  • Eu╌nuch the ch like k.

oi. oy.

  • voice the e not heard.
  • oyl
  • loyns
  • joy.


  • choose.
  • So whose / the e not heard.
  • too
  • moon
  • soon
  • fools
  • look.
  • So to
  • who
  • do
  • should
  • would.
  • through the gh not heard.
  • two the w not heard.

ou. ow.

  • hour the h not heard.
  • our
  • four
  • pour
  • proud
  • clouds
  • fourth
  • bound
  • found
  • round
  • wounds
  • mouth
  • now
  • owl
  • fowls
  • how
  • bow
  • vow
  • down
  • drown.
  • doubt the b not heard.
  • house showres the e not heard.
  • drought the gh not sounded.

Rule▪ [...]. Vowels, Diph╌thongs, & Consonants Improp­er; that is, differing in their sounds from the 1st., 2d., & 5th. Rules. Viz.

a broad, much like au / in

  • all
  • call
  • fall
  • shall
  • small
  • walls
  • walk
  • shalt
  • grant
  • last.
  • Change charge large are bare swarethe e not pronounced.
  • [Page 6]Psalm Psalms the p and the l not heard.

e broad, like a long,

  • were where there / the last e not heard.
  • their / the i not pronounced.

o broad, like oh long,

  • grow snow slow know known own / w not sounded.
  • bowe / we not heard.
  • soul souls / the u not heard.
  • though brought ought nought sought / the gh not pronounced.

e like i short, in yes. i. o. & oo. like u short, in

  • third
  • thirst.
  • dost
  • doth
  • son
  • word
  • words
  • world
  • worlds
  • worms.
  • blood
  • food
  • foot.
  • done / the e not sounded.

o like wo / in one once / e not heard.

u like e / in bur╌y. g soft, in get. gh like f / in laugh.

s hard, in

  • is
  • his
  • as
  • was
  • seas
  • sins.
  • cause
  • raise
  • please
  • praise
  • rise
  • rose
  • wise
  • noise
  • chuse
  • to use to muse / the e's not sounded.
  • bruise the i & the e not heard.
  • cleanse the a & the last e not heard.

t hard, in

  • the
  • thee
  • then
  • that
  • them
  • they
  • mouths
  • thy
  • thou
  • this
  • thus.
  • thine thence these those / e not heard.

Rule 7. When le / les / re / or res / with a Consonant going before, end a word, the e must be sounded as if it were before the l or r / but not so full as el & er / nor so shrill as il & ir / but between both, as tréb╌le / o╌pin╌i╌á╌tre / cír╌cles / á╌cres / the last c's sounding like k.

A Lesson to be read, & learnt by heart.

Dare to be True. Nóth╌ing can need a Lye:
A Fault that needs it most / grows Two there╌by.

The Right Etymology, or Derivation of the word Spel­ling, is from the old Saxon, for wording, or handling of Words: But I shall here restrain its meaning (as is now Customary,) to Truly Dividing Words into Syllables; And lay down This for another GENERAL, Unaltera­ble RULE, That

XII. All Words must be divided into just so many Syl­lables in True Spelling, as they have distinct Sounds in proper [Page 7] speaking; & ought so to be parted into Syllables, as are pronounced into Sounds; or as near it as possible:

And by Consequence, Particularly

Rule 8. ci / sci / si / or ti / before a Vowel is no Syllable of it self, but must be sounded like sh / as in án╌cient. so╌cia╌ble. cón╌science. con╌scién╌tious. A╌sia. suc╌cés╌sion. cáp╌tious. ác╌tion.

Except the words scí╌ence / Sí╌on / beaú╌ti╌ous / and a few others; & when s ends the syllable next before ti / as in Bás╌ti╌on. Fús╌ti╌an. &c.

Dissyllables, or Words of two syllables, to Rule 1. the Vowels short, & Consonants proper.

NB. Where this [l] Accent is, the Voice must be loudest.

  • As╌sist
  • áf╌ter
  • ab╌hór
  • árm╌ed
  • ac╌cépt
  • An╌gel
  • án╌guish
  • án╌swer
  • ac╌córd
  • án╌gels
  • Bét╌ters
  • bléss╌ing
  • bléss╌ed
  • bát╌tel
  • bréth╌ren
  • búr╌then
  • búl╌locks
  • bít╌ter
  • bás╌ket
  • báp╌tism
  • Bísh╌ops
  • Cháp╌ter
  • Cóm╌mons
  • chíl╌dren
  • Com╌mít
  • cóv╌et
  • cán╌not
  • cor╌réct
  • con╌féss
  • cór╌ners
  • cát╌tel
  • cón╌cord
  • con╌témpt
  • cóm╌ing
  • cóm╌fort
  • cóm╌mon
  • cóm╌eth
  • chás╌ten
  • cóm╌pass
  • cor╌rúpt
  • con╌tént
  • dán╌gers
  • dán╌ger
  • dwéll╌eth
  • Dárk╌ness
  • Dév╌il
  • dwéll╌ers
  • dis╌tréss
  • dám╌ned
  • dis╌pérst
  • En╌rich
  • ex╌cépt
  • év╌er
  • ér╌red
  • én╌ter
  • ex╌ténd
  • énd╌ed
  • Fást╌ing
  • fíll╌est
  • fíll╌ed
  • ful╌fíll
  • fór╌mer
  • Gós╌pel
  • gív╌eth
  • gív╌en
  • gív╌er
  • Gív╌est
  • gár╌ments
  • glád╌ness
  • góv╌ern
  • gráft╌ed
  • gót╌ten
  • gár╌ment
  • gásp╌eth
  • grúdg╌ing
  • gív╌ing
  • Him╌sélf
  • hárd╌en
  • hún╌dred
  • hárd╌ness
  • hólp╌en
  • hélp╌ing
  • húm╌bled
  • In╌fórm
  • ín╌fants
  • ín [...]ward
  • júdg╌ment
  • júdg╌ed
  • [Page 8]Kíng╌dom
  • kin╌dled
  • kíns╌men
  • kíng╌doms
  • Lív╌ing
  • líft╌er
  • lóv╌er
  • lát╌ter
  • lóv╌ing
  • lénd╌eth
  • lét╌test
  • lóv╌ers
  • Mém╌bers
  • móv╌ed
  • mém╌ber
  • Más╌ters
  • Már╌tyr
  • mán╌ner
  • móv╌eth
  • múr╌der
  • már╌vels
  • mér╌its
  • mórn╌ing
  • míng╌led
  • Núm╌bred
  • név╌er
  • núm╌ber
  • Op╌préss
  • ór╌der
  • óf╌fer
  • pánt╌eth
  • prés╌seth
  • pút╌teth
  • pás╌seth
  • Prín╌ces
  • pér╌ils
  • pún╌ish
  • pér╌fect
  • pót ters
  • píck╌ing
  • per╌fórm
  • pár╌don
  • próf╌it
  • próv╌ed
  • prós╌per
  • pér╌ish
  • Próph╌et
  • Próph╌ets
  • Prin╌céss
  • Quíck╌en
  • Rést╌ed
  • rénd╌er
  • Súp╌per
  • sín╌ful
  • Sít╌teth
  • sév╌enth
  • Sáb╌bath
  • sérv╌ant
  • sub╌mít
  • spír╌it
  • sín╌ned
  • sín╌ner
  • sín╌ners
  • scórn╌ful
  • shárp╌ness
  • sít╌test
  • Spír╌its
  • stánd╌eth
  • súd╌den
  • stréngth╌en
  • súf╌fer
  • síck╌ness
  • scórn ers
  • scórn╌ing
  • strétch╌ed
  • smít╌ten
  • stáb╌lish
  • shórt╌ned
  • stéd╌fast
  • sét╌ting
  • sérv╌ants
  • Súm╌mer
  • trés╌pass
  • ténd╌er
  • thánk╌ful
  • túrn╌eth
  • témpt╌ed
  • trúst╌ed
  • trúst╌ing
  • tém╌pest
  • tráv╌el
  • túrn╌ed
  • trúmp╌ets
  • Vp╌ón
  • ún╌der
  • Vés╌sel
  • ván╌quish
  • véx╌ed
  • vír╌gin
  • vír╌gins
  • Wíck╌ed
  • with╌ín
  • wít╌ness
  • wín╌ter
Dissyllables To [...] The Letters not sounded being here, & so throughout afterwards, in another Cha­racter.
  • Hón our
  • jéal╌ous
To [...] as in page the 4th.
  • Créa╌tures
To [...]
  • Be╌liéve
  • Be╌séech
  • Be╌líef
  • bóun╌ty
  • be╌cáuse
  • dái╌ly
  • déar╌ly
  • chíef╌ly
  • fóun╌tain
  • frée╌ly
  • fráil╌ty
  • móunt╌ain
  • móunt╌ains
  • main╌táin
  • méek╌ly
  • [Page 9]Pláin╌ly
  • through╌óut
  • thróugh╌ly
  • váin╌ly
To Rule 6▪ in page 5.
  • Al╌thóugh
  • Dis╌éase
To Ru. [...] [...]
  • Man╌kínd
  • Whírl╌wind
  • Vt╌most

Observe, That what Rule soever is first named, belongs to the first Syllable, & the second named, belongs to the second Syllable, Throughout.

To Rule [...] in pages 2 & 3.
  • Cón╌trite
  • Cáp╌tives
  • dóc╌trine
  • for╌gíve
  • fám╌ine
  • Gén╌tiles
  • júst╌ice
  • mál╌ice
  • óf╌fice
  • próm╌ise
  • pás╌tours
  • súc╌cour
  • sérv╌ice
To Rule [...] in page 2.
  • A╌ménd
  • A╌mén
  • a╌míss
  • a╌móng
  • bró╌ken
  • Blínd╌ness
  • Crí╌eth
  • crý╌ing
  • de╌párt
  • De╌fénd
  • de╌scénd
  • dí╌vers
  • E╌gypt
  • E╌léct
  • é╌ven
  • Grá╌ven
  • há╌tred
  • Há╌ted
  • há╌ving
  • Ié╌sus
  • í╌ron
  • Kínd╌ness
  • Lý╌ing
  • mínd╌ful
  • Má╌ker
  • Ná╌ked
  • O╌pen
  • ó╌ver
  • Pre╌vént
  • Rú╌ler
  • re╌pént
  • rú╌lers
  • re╌wárd
  • re╌quésts
  • re╌síst
  • re╌frésh
  • re╌quést
  • ró╌red
  • re╌túrn
  • re╌frésht
  • Sá╌tan
  • Só╌ber
  • smí╌test
  • spó╌ken
  • sá╌ved
  • sá╌ving
  • spá ring
  • tá╌keth
  • tá╌ken
  • Tá╌kest
  • tý╌dings
  • trí╌umph
  • Whí╌ter
To Ru [...]
  • Póor╌ly
  • Súre╌ly
  • Súre╌ties
  • beaú╌ty
  • gréat╌ly
  • live ly
  • sáfe╌ty
  • Ghóst╌ly
  • hígh╌ly
  • míght y
  • wéa╌ry
To Rule [...] in pages 3 & 2.
  • Dréad╌ful
  • guílt╌less
  • héav╌en
  • Heárk╌en
  • héalth╌ful
  • hýs╌sop
  • [...]ón [...]or
  • léarn╌ed
  • Léop╌ard
  • troúb╌led
  • thréat╌ning
  • wéath╌er
To Rule [...] & 4 in pa. 4.
  • Be╌néath
  • Be╌fóre
  • be╌tímes
  • móist╌ure
  • three╌scóre
  • vouch╌sáfe
To Rule [...] 3 in pages 2 & 3.
  • A╌bóve
  • de╌fénce
  • fá╌vour
  • lá╌bour
  • pre╌sérve
To Ru. 1 & 4.
  • As╌súre
  • As╌swáge
  • Ap╌péal
  • Blas╌phéme
  • bónd╌age
  • cóm╌mune
  • con╌súme
  • Cón╌course
  • en╌dúe
  • en╌dúre
  • ex╌tréme
  • For╌sáke
  • ím age
  • in╌créase
  • in╌clíne
  • Pás╌sage
  • pás╌ture
  • scríp╌ture
  • shád╌ow
  • Sór╌rows
  • spár╌row
  • vést╌ure
  • Wíd╌ows
To Rules 4 & 1. in pages 1 & 2.
  • Chéap╌ness
  • Déa╌cons
  • Déal╌ing
  • Eat╌en
  • Gróan╌ing
  • líke╌ness
  • líght╌en
  • líght╌ning
  • Hígh╌est
  • Hígh╌ness
  • líght nings
  • méan╌est
  • Móurn╌ing
  • móurn╌ings
  • púre╌ness
  • préach╌ing
  • Ríght╌ful
  • stéal╌ing
  • spéak╌ing
  • séal╌ed
  • Sigh╌íng
  • téach╌ers
  • wéan╌ed
  • wéak╌ness
To Rules the 1st. & 5th., in pages 2 & 4.
  • Ar my
  • As╌sáults
  • at╌táin
  • bód╌y
  • bód╌ies
  • Clér╌gy
  • Cáp╌tain
  • Cáp tains
  • con╌fóund
  • Cít╌y
  • com╌pláin
  • com╌pláint
  • én╌vy
  • En╌jóy
  • émp╌ty
  • fór╌ty
  • gód╌ly
  • Háp╌py
  • húm╌bly
  • in╌tó
  • in╌déed
  • Iúst╌ly
  • mis╌déeds
  • mér╌cy
  • mér╌cies
  • Mís╌chief
  • ón╌ly
  • ob╌táin
  • pít╌y
  • Plén╌ty
  • prív╌y
  • sún╌dry
  • ap╌péar
  • Sór╌ry
  • sus╌táin
  • un╌tó
  • vér╌y
  • sór╌y
  • án╌gry
  • with╌óut
  • with╌dráw
To Rules 3 & 2. in pages 3 & 2.
  • Hence╌fórth
To Rules 2 & 8.
  • Grá╌cious
  • Ná╌tion
  • Ná╌tions
  • pré╌cious
  • pá╌tience
  • spé╌cial
To Ru. 1 & 6.
  • An╌ger
  • Ar╌rows
  • Ash╌es
  • Com╌mánd
  • físh╌es
  • fól╌low
  • for╌gét
  • Hún╌ger
  • júdg╌es
  • múr╌ther
  • mór╌row
  • Pér╌son
  • pér╌sons
  • rích╌es
  • un╌dóne
To Rules 1 & 8.
  • Pón╌tius
  • Pás╌sion
To Rules 2 & 6, in pages 2 & 5.
  • A╌bróad
  • Chó╌sen
  • de╌sért
  • de╌sire
  • de╌síres
  • De╌spíse
  • plá╌ces
  • a╌ríse
  • a╌búse
To Ru. 5 & 1.
  • Bé╌ing
  • Be╌lóng
  • Be╌gán
  • Chéer╌ful
  • cóun╌sel
  • cóun╌sels
  • Coún╌cil
  • cráwl╌ing
  • dáy╌spring
  • dáught╌er
  • dó╌ing
  • Dó╌eth
  • dó╌ings
  • dráw╌eth
  • é╌vil
  • E╌víls
  • fáith╌ful
  • páin╌ful
  • féar╌eth
  • Féar╌ed
  • fáil╌ed
  • frée╌dom
  • gríev╌ed
  • Ióy╌ful
  • lóok╌ed
  • láw╌ful
  • lóok╌ing
  • Máy╌est
  • néed╌ful
  • óut╌ward
  • práy╌ers
  • Pów╌ers
  • práy╌er
  • pów╌er
  • Róy╌al
  • Sáy╌ing
  • stráy╌ed
  • sée╌ing
  • shéw╌ed
  • shów╌ers
  • Tów╌er
  • thóu╌sands
  • thóu╌sand
  • To╌wárds
  • tóok╌est
  • wóund╌ed
  • wéep╌ing
To Rules 6 & 1.
  • Al╌tar
  • Cáll╌ed
  • cáll╌ing
  • chám╌ber
  • ál╌ter
  • cháng╌ed
  • Fáth╌er
  • fáth╌ers
  • góod╌ness
  • gránt╌ing
  • Knów╌eth
  • knów╌est
  • léas╌ing
  • Móth╌er
  • Noth╌íng
  • óth╌er
  • pléas╌ant
  • prés╌ent
  • Plánt╌ed
  • ráth╌er
  • strán╌ger
  • there╌óf
  • There╌ín
  • tálk╌ed
  • vís╌it
  • where╌ín
  • Wát╌er
  • wór╌ship
  • where╌óf
  • whéth╌er
  • wálk╌ed
  • wíth╌er
  • wát╌ers
  • wís╌dom
  • wóm╌en
  • wórk╌eth
  • wórk╌est
  • where╌wíth
To Rules 1 & 7. in pages 2 & 6.
  • Cát╌tle
  • Kín╌dle
  • lít╌tle
  • sim╌ple
  • húm╌ble
To Ru. 6 & 2.
  • Al╌so
  • There╌bý
  • whére╌by
To Rules 2 & 4. in pages 2 & 4.
  • A╌líve
  • A╌bíde
  • a╌lóne
  • a╌báte
  • de╌céive
  • Cú╌rates
  • de╌cláre
  • de╌líght
  • de╌céit
  • De╌céits
  • di╌víne
  • e╌státe
  • ná╌ture
  • Ná╌tures
  • pro╌víde
  • pre╌páre
  • re╌céive
  • Pí╌late
  • re╌víle
  • re╌stóre
  • re╌búke
To Rules 5 & 2.
  • Be╌hóld
  • whó╌so
To Rules 2 & 7. in pages 2 & 6.
  • A╌ble
  • Brí╌dle
  • Nó╌ble
  • Fá╌ble
To Rules 3 & 7.
  • Troúb╌le
  • Troúb╌les
To Rules [...] & [...].
  • Péo╌ple
  • Fée╌ble
To Rule [...] [...] & [...]. in pages 4 & 3.
  • Zéa╌lous
To [...] [...] & [...].
  • Bloúd╌y
  • Déad╌ly
  • Feof╌fée
  • éar╌ly
  • héav╌y
  • joúr╌ney
To Rule [...] [...] & 3. in pages 4 & 3.
  • Au╌thour
  • Be╌cóme
  • gríev╌ous
  • néigh╌bour
  • néigh╌bours
To [...]
  • Knów╌ledge
  • Prés╌ence
  • Them╌sélves
To R [...] the [...] & 4. in pages 5 & 4.
  • Pléas╌ure
  • Pléas╌ures
  • thére╌fore
  • whére╌fore
To [...] & [...]
  • Héa╌then
  • líke╌wise
  • méa╌sure
  • Pléa╌sed
  • pléa╌seth
  • réa╌son
  • séa╌son
To Rule [...] 5 & 6 in pages 4 & 5.
  • Néi╌ther
  • Prái╌sing
  • píe╌ces
  • prái╌sed
  • rái╌sed
To Rules [...] & 9. in pages 5 & 4.
  • Al╌way
  • ál╌ways
  • ál╌waies
  • Fáls╌ly
  • lów╌ly
  • thírst╌y
  • thírd╌ly
  • wór╌thy
To Rules 3 & 4
  • A╌gáin
  • A╌ny
  • A╌wáy
  • a╌fraíd
  • a╌bóut
  • a╌lóud
  • a╌vóid
  • a╌váil
  • dú╌ty
  • de╌stróy
  • de╌créed
  • de╌vóut
  • gló╌ry
  • hó╌ly
  • kínd╌ly
  • o╌béy
  • pro╌céed
  • má╌ny
  • Má╌ry
  • pro╌nóunce
  • re╌nóunce
  • re╌héarse
  • re╌jóyce
  • re╌main
  • re╌proofs
  • re╌néw
  • re╌déem
  • re╌líef
  • a╌gáinst
  • trú╌ly

[...] to be read, & learnt by heart.

Epist Claud Sarrav. p. 196.
He is the best man / who hath féw╌est faults; for there is no bód╌y to be found with╌óut some.

Now let the scholar learn to apply each syllable of the following words to its Respective Rule. that is, To tell which it belongs to.

T [...]yllables, Or Words of three syllables.
  • Al╌míght╌y
  • Ad╌vo╌cáte
  • Ag╌o╌ny
  • as╌sém╌ble
  • a╌sún╌der
  • as╌scén╌ded
  • [Page 13]Ab╌sólv╌eth
  • ar╌tíc╌les
  • af╌fí╌ance
  • af╌féc╌tion
  • As╌scén╌tion
  • áf╌ter╌wards
  • a╌tóne╌ment
  • A╌bra╌ham
  • ap╌pá╌rent
  • a╌ri╌seth
  • An╌tí╌christ
  • ac╌córd╌ing
  • ap╌póint╌ed
  • Bóun╌ti╌ful
  • bap╌tí╌zed
  • bén╌e╌fits
  • bóun╌te╌ous
  • búr╌i╌al
  • bód╌i╌ly
  • be╌gót╌ten
  • Be╌séech╌ing
  • be╌lóng╌eth
  • be╌líev╌ers
  • búr╌i╌ed
  • be╌gín╌ning
  • be╌líev╌eth
  • bánqu╌et╌ing
  • Chrís╌ti╌an
  • com╌mánd╌ments
  • con╌tín╌ue
  • con╌céiv╌ed
  • chást╌it╌y
  • com╌mánd╌ed
  • Cáth╌o╌lick
  • Chár╌it╌y
  • cre╌á╌ted
  • A╌nóint╌ed
  • com╌mít╌ted
  • cóun╌te╌nance
  • con╌céiv╌ed
  • Chér╌ub╌in
  • con╌found╌ed
  • cóm╌fort╌ed
  • cóv╌e╌nant
  • com╌mánd╌ment
  • cón╌fi╌dence
  • clém╌en╌cy
  • cóm╌fort╌er
  • con╌fórm╌ed
  • cóm╌pas╌sed
  • con╌sú╌med
  • cóv╌er╌ed
  • com╌pláin╌ing
  • con╌vért╌ed
  • Cér╌tain╌ly
  • con╌sid╌er
  • cor╌rúp╌tion
  • com╌mít╌ting
  • cre╌á╌ting
  • cóm╌fort╌ing
  • Dów╌a╌ger
  • de╌scénd╌ed
  • díl╌i╌gent
  • de╌sí╌rest
  • dis╌sémble
  • de╌víces
  • de╌clá╌red
  • de╌sí╌reth
  • de╌rí╌sion
  • de╌fénd╌er
  • dis╌cí╌ples
  • dam╌ná╌tion
  • Ac╌knów╌ledge
  • de╌céiv╌ed
  • de╌spi╌sest
  • de╌liv╌er
  • dis╌pérs╌ed
  • de╌sérv╌ed
  • de╌stroy╌íng
  • dis╌cré╌tion
  • de╌strúc╌tion
  • de╌spi╌sed
  • de╌fénd╌ed
  • de╌líght╌est
  • dés╌ti╌tute
  • de╌spí╌seth
  • dés╌o╌late
  • dis╌pléas╌ure
  • Ex╌o╌dus
  • ex╌am╌íne
  • év╌er╌y
  • en╌tíre╌ly
  • én╌e╌mies
  • éx╌er╌cise
  • ex╌céed╌ing
  • en╌dú╌reth
  • E╌tér╌nal
  • év╌er╌more
  • éx╌e╌cute
  • équ╌it╌y
  • ex╌ált╌ed
  • em╌brá╌ceth
  • Fám╌il╌y
  • fá╌vour╌ers
  • fól╌low╌ed
  • fél╌low╌ship
  • fóre╌fath╌er
  • fóre╌fath╌ers
  • [Page 14]Fí╌nal╌ly
  • fáth╌er╌less
  • for╌gá╌vest
  • fóol╌ish╌ness
  • Fáth╌er╌ly
  • found╌á╌tion
  • fér╌vent╌ness
  • for╌gíve╌ness
  • Gód╌fath╌ers
  • Gód╌moth╌ers
  • góv╌ern╌ance
  • góv╌ern╌our
  • gló╌ri╌ous
  • Góv╌ern╌ours
  • Gáth╌er╌ed
  • gló╌ri╌fie
  • Hál╌low╌ed
  • heárt╌i╌ly
  • here╌áf╌ter
  • hér╌it╌age
  • hó╌li╌ness
  • hér╌is╌ie
  • héav╌i╌ness
  • Héav╌en╌ly
  • háp╌pi╌ness
  • hánd╌maid╌en
  • Is╌rael
  • ín╌fin╌ite
  • im╌á╌gine
  • in╌créas╌ed
  • in╌hér╌it
  • ín╌ward╌ly
  • im╌pú╌teth
  • im╌pló╌ring
  • Iéop╌ar╌dy
  • Ióy╌ful╌ly
  • Kínd╌ness╌es
  • Líb╌er╌ty
  • lá╌bour╌ing
  • lów╌li╌ness
  • láud╌a╌ble
  • Má╌jes╌ties
  • mér╌ci╌ful
  • mód╌er╌ate
  • mán╌i╌fold
  • Má╌jes╌ty
  • mág╌ni╌fie
  • múl╌ti╌tudes
  • Mín╌is╌ters
  • mýs╌ter╌y
  • múl╌ti╌ply
  • Má╌gis╌trates
  • már╌vel╌lous
  • mís╌er╌y
  • Mí╌sa╌el
  • múl╌ti╌tude
  • mán╌i╌fest
  • míght╌i╌ly
  • Of╌fénd╌ed
  • or╌dáin╌ed
  • ó╌pen╌est
  • o╌béy╌ed
  • of╌fénd╌ers
  • o╌ver╌cóme
  • ó╌pen╌ed
  • ór╌der╌ed
  • of╌fén╌ces
  • op╌préss╌ed
  • ób╌stin╌ate
  • ó╌pen╌ing
  • O╌pen╌ly
  • ob╌lá╌tions
  • ór╌na╌ments
  • Pró╌ge╌ny
  • próm╌is╌ed
  • par╌tá╌kers
  • púr╌po╌sing
  • pre╌sérv╌ed
  • pén╌it╌ent
  • próm╌is╌es
  • pár╌don╌eth
  • pre╌pá╌red
  • pos╌sés╌sion
  • péace╌ma╌kers
  • pér╌se╌cute
  • pro╌céed╌ing
  • pést╌il╌ence
  • prís╌on╌ers
  • prov╌í╌dence
  • pe╌tí╌tions
  • pro╌vó╌ked
  • Pél╌ic╌an
  • pún╌ish╌ing
  • pún╌ish╌ment
  • Quí╌et╌ness
  • Re╌déem╌er
  • re╌déem╌ed
  • re╌mém╌brance
  • re╌céiv╌ed
  • re╌frésh╌ing
  • re╌pént╌eth
  • re╌bél╌led
  • réqu╌is╌ite
  • re╌mís╌sion
  • re╌pént╌ance
  • Rév╌er╌ence
  • re╌bél╌ling
  • [Page 15]Re╌plén╌ish
  • re╌mém╌bring
  • re╌líev╌ed
  • ríght╌e╌ous
  • re╌déem╌ing
  • re╌mém╌breth
  • re╌néw╌ing
  • Re╌mém╌ber
  • re╌jói╌ced
  • re╌gárd╌ed
  • re╌máin╌eth
  • rév╌er╌end
  • re╌démp╌tion
  • Sá╌vi╌our
  • slán╌der╌ing
  • séc╌ond╌ly
  • só╌ber╌ness
  • stéd╌fast╌ly
  • sác╌ri╌fice
  • stréngth╌en╌ing
  • súf╌fer╌ing
  • Sal╌vá╌tion
  • sus╌táin╌ed
  • se╌dí╌tion
  • slán╌der╌ers
  • Sór╌row╌ful
  • Sác╌ra╌ment
  • súbt╌il╌ty
  • sús╌te╌nance
  • sé╌cret╌ly
  • scát╌ter╌ed
  • Scár╌cit╌y
  • só╌ber╌ly
  • sur╌feít╌ing
  • Sác╌ra╌ments
  • súc╌cour╌ing
  • Sóv╌e╌reign
  • súd╌den╌ly
  • Sér╌a╌phin
  • spéed╌i╌ly
  • súf╌fer╌ed
  • Twén╌ti╌eth
  • trés╌pas╌ses
  • tempt╌á╌tions
  • témp╌er╌ance
  • Trín╌it╌y
  • thanks╌gív╌ing
  • thanks╌gív╌ings
  • trans╌fórm╌ed
  • to╌géth╌er
  • Tér╌rib╌le
  • there╌áf╌ter
  • Tempt╌á╌tion
  • trans╌grés╌sions
  • Víc╌to╌ry
  • vén╌ge╌ance
  • vér╌i╌ly
  • vís╌it╌ed
  • vér╌i╌ty
  • vo╌cá╌tion
  • vouch╌sá╌fed
  • ván╌it╌y
  • Vp╌ríght╌ly
  • un╌gód╌ly
  • un╌wór╌thy
  • út╌ter╌eth
  • un╌der╌stánd
  • út╌ter╌ly
  • Wór╌ship╌ing
  • wór╌thi╌ly
  • wíck╌ed╌ness
  • wíl╌der╌ness
  • wróng╌ful╌ly
  • wíth╌er╌ed
  • Yés╌ter╌day
Tetrasyllables, Or Words of four syllables
  • An╌a╌ní╌as
  • au╌thór╌it╌y
  • a╌dúl╌ter╌y
  • ac╌cóm╌pa╌ny
  • Az╌a╌rí╌as
  • ab╌so╌lú╌tion
  • ad╌vers╌a╌ríes
  • ac╌cór╌ding╌ly
  • ad╌vérs╌it╌ies
  • ác╌cept╌a╌ble
  • ac╌cús╌tom╌ed
  • ev╌er╌lást╌ing
  • Ex╌pé╌di╌ent
  • in╌iqu╌it╌ies
  • íg╌no╌ran╌ces
  • Ie╌rú╌sa╌lem
  • just╌if╌í╌ed
  • in╌car╌ná╌tion.
  • In╌hér╌it╌ance
  • in╌fírm╌it╌ies
  • in╌hér╌it╌our
  • il╌lú╌min╌ate
  • im╌mód╌er╌ate
  • in╌dig╌ná╌tion
  • im╌á╌gin╌ed
  • o╌bé╌di╌ent
  • un╌féign╌ed╌ly
  • [Page 16]V╌ni╌vérs╌al
  • un╌der╌stánd╌ing
  • un╌spéak╌a╌ble
  • un╌search╌a╌ble
  • Díl╌i╌gent╌ly
  • de╌lív╌er╌ed
  • de╌lív╌er╌er
  • des╌o╌lá╌tion
  • de╌lív╌er╌ance
  • dis╌quí╌et╌ness
  • Gen╌er╌á╌tion
  • gén╌er╌al╌ly
  • gen╌er╌á╌tions
  • gló╌ri╌fi╌ed
  • hón╌our╌a╌ble
  • hyp╌óc╌ris╌ie
  • hu╌míl╌it╌y
  • Me╌di╌á╌tour
  • mís╌er╌a╌ble
  • mér╌ci╌ful╌ly
  • mág╌ni╌fi╌ed
  • Na╌tív╌it╌y
  • No╌bíl╌it╌y
  • né╌ces╌sa╌ry
  • ne╌cés╌sit╌y
  • nég╌li╌gen╌ces
  • ne╌cés╌sit╌ies
  • mág╌ni╌fy╌ing
  • Ma╌té╌ri╌al
  • mor╌tál╌it╌y
  • mul╌ti╌ply╌ing
  • Pít╌i╌ful╌ly
  • plén╌ti╌ful╌ly
  • prov╌o╌cá╌tion
  • pér╌se╌cu╌ted
  • pér╌se╌cu╌tours
  • per╌se╌cú╌tions
  • plén╌te╌ous╌ly
  • Trib╌u╌lá╌tion
  • trib╌u╌lá╌tions
  • when╌so╌év╌er
  • wíck╌ed╌ness╌es
  • Bloud╌guílt╌i╌ness.
  • what╌so╌év╌er.
  • crú╌ci╌fi╌ed.
  • burnt╌ó [...] fer╌ings.
  • cir╌cum╌cí╌sion.
  • ca╌lám╌it╌y.
  • Ce╌lés╌ti╌al.
  • congre╌gá╌tion.
  • con╌gre╌gá╌tions.
  • com╌mú╌ni╌on.
  • con╌tínu╌al.
  • cir╌cum╌cí╌sed.
  • con╌spír╌a╌cy.
  • cap╌tív╌it╌y.
  • for╌gívness╌es.
  • Fe╌lí╌cit╌y.
  • for╌ni╌cá╌tion.
  • fú╌ri╌ous╌ly.
  • Favour╌a╌ble.
  • res╌ur╌réc╌tion.
  • rév╌er╌ent╌ly.
  • Réa╌son╌a╌bl [...]
  • rev╌e╌lá╌tion.
  • ríght╌e╌ous╌ly.
  • ríght╌e╌ous╌ness.
  • sánc╌ti╌fieth.
  • sác╌ri╌fi╌ces.
  • sup╌pli╌cá╌tions.
  • sim╌plí╌cit╌y.
  • sánc╌tify╌ing.
Wo [...] of 4, 5 & 6 [...]y [...]ables.
  • Séa╌son╌a╌ble.
  • a╌bom╌i╌ná╌tion.
  • con╌tín╌u╌al╌ly.
  • sánc╌tifi╌ed.
  • ev╌er╌lást╌ing╌ly.
  • im╌a╌gin╌á╌tion.
  • síg╌ni╌fi╌ed.
  • unríght╌e╌ous╌ness.
  • spír╌it╌u╌al.
  • sát╌is╌fi╌ed.
  • re╌bél╌li╌on.
  • incon╌vé╌ni╌en╌ces.
  • un╌chár╌it╌a╌ble╌ness.

Gló╌ry be to the Fáth╌er / & to the Son / and to the Hó╌ly Ghost:

As it was in the Be╌gin╌ning / is Now / and Ev╌er shall be / World with╌out end. AMEN.

The [...]nd of the First Part.
The Second Part will be Pleasant.

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