Collected together for the most part Alphabetically, WITH The Doctrine and Vses compendiously explained, of all the chiefe Points therein conteyned.

TAKEN Out of the best Moderne Divines, both Reverend and Learned.

Here is the Pearle that Christ commandement gave,
All that men had to sell the same to Save.
MAT. 13.

Here is the Wisdome that will

  • Lead thee when thou walkest,
  • Watch for thee when thou Sleepest,
  • Talke with thee when thou Wakest.
Prov. Chap. 6. 22.

And will

  • Keepe thee in Floods from Drowning,
  • Preserve thee in Fire from Burning,
  • Bring thee in Fine from Hell to Heaven.
Isa. 43.

Why then

  • Forsake her Dye living,
  • Embrace her Live dying,
Prov. 8. 35, 36.
Blessed is the man then that heareth her, watching daily at her gates, and waiting at the postes of her doores,
PROV. 8. 34.
Who so seeketh her earnestly shall have no great travell, for hee shall find her sitting at his doores,
WISD. 6. 14.


Imprinted at London by G. M. for Andrew Crooke at the Signe of the Greene-Dragon in Paules Church-yard, M. DC. XLII.


ALbeit Davids Psal 53. 1. Foole hath said in his heart that there was no God: and the Psal. 10. 4. Atheist lives in life and conversa­tion as if there were no God. And although the proud man Exod. 5. 3. with Pharaoh questioneth who is the Lord? making ho­nour his Idoll, Eph 5. 5. the Covetous man his gold, Phil. 3. 19. the Volup­tuous man his Belly their gods, and the Heathen wor­ship Gal▪ 4. 8. 2 King. 21. 13. Eze. 8. 16. Zeph. 1. 5. the Sunne, th [...] Moone and such like in steed of God: And notwithstanding [...]re be some wicked persons, that thinke there are no Di [...]els, becaus [...] they never saw any of them, so others, that there is no God, because they cannot see him: Yet let all such Fooles, Atheists, Proud ones, Covetous and Voluptuous men, Heathens and wicked persons know, that they Math. 22. 29. Exod. 3 [...]. 20. erre and are deceived not knowing the Scriptures. No man can see God and live: Io [...]. 1. 18. No man indeed hath [...]eene God at any time with the bodily eye, (and yet there is a God) who as he will be Iob 4. 24. worshipped with the worship of the spirit spiritually, so will he be seene with the eyes of the spirit inwardly. Thou hast a Soule [...] Gen 1. 1. and yet thou seest it not, there is a winde, and yet thou perceivest it not. So there is a God though thou see him not The which to averre (contrary to the Fool [...]s sayin [...], Atheists living, Proud mans questioning, Covetous and Voluptuous mans making, Heathens▪ Worshipping, and wicked persons thinking) there are sixe things that doe manifestly and apparently prove that there is an Everlasting and Incomprehensible One, [...]o wit, Elohim, E [...], Ejeth, Shaddai, Psal 83 18 & 86. [...]0. Deu [...] 4. 3 [...]. Ch [...]p 6 4. 1 Cor. 8 6▪ Iab, Ieho [...]ah, God Psa. 68 4. alone in P [...]rsons three, but in Essence only one, 1 Io [...]. 5 7.

  • 1. Gods
    Psa. 1 [...]. 1. Rom. 1. 20.
    workes of Creation, Which is a long volume, and especially above all the rest, the soule of man breathed by God in him.
  • 2. The Word of the Lord, The holy Bible, being a briefe Compendium, wherein thou m [...]yest reade of Gods nature and being.
  • 3. The Incarnation of the Sonne of God, An ingraven Table, in which thou sh [...]lt see
    Heb. [...]. 16.
    God himselfe ma­nifested in the flesh of man.
  • 4. The Consent of all Nations who worship any God rather then no God.
  • 5. The Terrours of Conscience, Which maketh the most
    [...]xod▪ 8. 19. Rom 2 15. Dan 4. 4. Dan. 5. 6.
    ungodly miscreants, will they, nill they▪ to acknowledge him, and to tremble at his judgements sent upon them.
  • 6. His Power in susteyning,
    Prov. 16. 33.
    his Providence in mainteyning, his Love [...]n correcting, his Bounty in promising, his Faithfulnesse in performing, his Gra [...] in giving, and his Mercy in taking away, maketh the faithfull to confesse him, and in all his proceedings to justifie his Wisedome.

Now albeit no Creature can define what God is, (because he is incomprehensible, Psa 115 3. 1 Tim. 6. 16. dwelling in the Heavens that none can attaine unto) yet it hath pleased himselfe [...]n his word revealed unto us, to reveale himselfe so farre, as our weake capacitie c [...]n con­ceive him, and that by giving himselfe many Names, Titles and Attributes, to shew what a one he is, who being a most simple 1 Cor. 8. Essence void of all composition, not subject to any accident, or qualitie, useth in the Scriptures to entitle himselfe by many qualities, the which we must so understand, that whatsoever he is, whether Good, Wise, Power­full, [Page 2] &c. He is the same by Essence not by qualitie. Therefore describing himselfe to Moses what a God he is, He first calleth himselfe [...]xod 6. 3. Iehovah, noting thereby his simple Essence, after saith he is [...]xod. 34. 6. Strong, Mercifull, &c. Teaching thereby that he is such a God, not by reason of any qualitie, but by Essence.

Attributes given unto God are of two sorte [...]

  • Nominall, or
  • Reall.

Nominall Attributes are of 3. Sortes. Signifying

  • 1. Gods Essence, such is the Name Iehovah.
    Exod▪ 6. 3.
  • 2. The Persons in the Essence, such is the Name Elohim.
    Gen. 1. [...].
  • 3. Gods essentiall workes, such is the Name Omnipotent.
    Apoc. 19. 6.

Reall Attributes are of two sortes,

  • Absolute, or
  • Relative.
  • Absolute, Are they only that are proper unto God, shewing his Divine essence, such is,
    Deut 3 [...]. 27.
    Eternitie, Immensitie, &c.
  • Relative, Are such as may (though not in that sort as they are in God, yet in part, and by comparison) be given to the Creatures, as Wisdome, Iustice, &c.
  • In part, Because these are Ess [...]ntiall to God, and accident [...]ll to man, infinite in God, and finite [...]n man.
  • By Com­parison, Because we are made
    Collos. 3. 10.
    like unto him in righteousnesse and holynesse, and so shall be with him in the Heavens.

Now for the better understanding of the Names, Titles and Attribut [...]s, given by God to himselfe, as also by man u [...]to him; these things are to be observed following,

God is called

Exod 6. 3. Isa. [...]2. 8. Psal. 83▪ 18.
A name given by himselfe, thereby to poynt at and to shadow out unto us his Essence: for that no man can comprehend the same, being incompre­hensible.
  • Gen. 1. 1.
  • Mal. 1. 6.
  • Luk▪ 1. 35.
  • Act 2. 4.
    Holy Ghost,
To shew unto us thereby, the distinction that is to be made of the Persons in Trinitie.
  • Immortall,
  • Col. 1. 15.
    Invisible, and
  • Iam. 1. 17.
And they are negative names, that by them we may know what he is not.
  • Nehem. 9. 17.
  • Deut. 32. 4.
    Just, and
  • Gen 49 24.
And they are names appointed, to signifie unto us his Essen­tiall properties.
  • Isa. 40. 28.
  • Isa 6. 5.
    A King, and a
  • Psal. 2 [...] 1.
To shew unto us, that relation that it hath pleased him to have to his Creatures.
  • Psal. 27. 1.
  • Deut. 30. 20.
    Life, and
  • 1 Chro. [...]6. [...]5.
And they are names affirmed of him in the Abstract, to note his most simple Essence, and so Christ is called,
1 Cor. 1 30.
Wisedome, Righ­teousnesse, &c.
  • Iosh. 3. 10.
  • Ier. [...]4. 8.
  • Deut. 32. 4.
  • Rom. [...]. 24.
And they are names affirmed of him in the Concrete, that by them we might know that hee hath of himselfe a true substance.
  • 2 Sam. 22. [...].
    A Tower,
  • Psal▪ 115 11.
    A Shield, and
  • Deut 4 [...]
    Consuming fire,
And they are Attributes given unto him figuratively and by a similitude.

And so he is called.
  • A Buckler. That he is our defence in all dangers.
    Psal [...]8. 2.
  • Psal. 18 2. Psal. 90. 1. & 71. [...] & 18. 2.
    The Horne of Salvation. That he doth defend us as the hornes of the Beastes do desend themselves withall.
  • A Habitation and Rocke. That he is our safetie to trust unto, and him with whom to dwell is to dwell in safetie.

And he is said to have by an Anthropomors [...]sis.
  • God is said to have An Arme. By which is meant His Power, Strength and Fortitude.
    Gen 4 [...]. 24.
  • God is said to have Apple of the eye By which is meant That which is most dearest unto him.
    Deut▪ 32. 10.
  • God is said to have Eyes. By which is meant His Providence, knowledge and favour.
    2 Chron. 16. 9.
  • God is said to have Eye-lidds. By which is meant The incomprehensible Judgement of God.
    Psal. 1 [...]. 4.
  • [Page 3]God is said to have Backparts By which is meant An imperfect representation of him.
    Exod. 33. 23.
  • God is said to have [...]ares. By which is meant His willingnesse in hearing our prayers.
    Psal 31. 2.
  • God is said to have A Face. By which is meant His Presence and favourable kindnesse.
    Psal. 31. 16.
  • God is said to have His face hid. By which is meant That declareth his severity.
    Psal. 30. 7.
  • God is said to have Feete. By which is meant His Strength and presence to governe.
    Psal. 110 1.
  • God is said to have A finger. By which is meant His Spirit, Vertue and Efficacie.
    Exod. 31. 18.
  • God is said to have A fo [...]testoole. By which is meant His Authority over the ungodly.
    Isa 66. 1.
  • God is said to have A Head By which is meant The Essence of his Deitie and God▪ head▪
    Dan. 7. 9.
  • God is said to have A H [...]nd. By which is meant His Might, Protection and Justice.
    Iob [...]9. 21.
  • God is said to have A right hand. By which is meant His Authoritie and his Fortitude.
    Psal. 110. 1.
  • God is said to have A Heart. By which is meant His lively Essence and his Decree.
    Gen. 6. 6.
  • God is said to have A Mouth. By which is meant His Commandements given unto men▪
    Ier. 9. 12.
  • God is said to have Memory. By which is meant That he remembreth mercies.
    Psal. 25. 6▪
  • God is said to have A Nose. By which is meant His very Anger against sinners.
    Ier. [...]5. 32.
  • God is said to have Nostrills. His favourable acceptance of Sacrifices.
    Gen. 8 21.
  • God is said to have Oblivion. By which is meant That he imputeth not our sinnes unto us.
    Psal. 32. 2.
  • God is said to have Sences. By which is meant His Providence over his Creatures.
    Psal 14. 2.
  • God is said to have A Soule. By which is meant His Life together with his Essence.
    Isa 1. 14.
  • God is said to have A Shade. By which is meant His Protection over all his Creatures.
    Psal 121. 5.
  • God is said to have A Throne. By which is meant His Princely power and Majestie.
    Isa. 66. 1.
  • God is said to have A Way. By which is meant The course of all his Actions.
    Psal. 103. 7.
  • God is said to have Wings. By which is meant His defence in preserving the godly.
    Psal. 17. 8.

And he is said to
  • God is said to Breathe. By which is meant That he doth infuse the soule into the body.
    Gen. 2 7.
  • God is said to Heare. By which is meant That he accomplisheth mans request.
    Psal 5. 2.
  • God is said to See. By which is meant That he knoweth all things that are done.
    Psal. 11 4.
  • God is said to Smell. By which is meant His acceptation of mans doings.
    Gen 8. 21.
  • God is said to Sorrow. By which is meant The dislike of the things which causeth it.
    Gen. 6. 6.
  • God is said to Repent. By which is meant A change of the thing purposed on Mans repentance.
    Iob. 3. 10.
  • God is said to Rest. By which is meant That he ceaseth from Creating.
    Gen. 2. 2.
  • God is said to Sit. By which is meant That he playeth the part of a Judge.
    Psal. 2. 4.
  • God is said to Sleepe. By which is meant That he is flow in succouring.
    Psal. 44. 23.
  • God is said to Come unto us. By which is meant That he causeth us to feele his Grace.
    Psal. 6. 4.
  • God is said to Dwell in us. By which is meant That he confirmes us in the trust of his Grace.
    Ioh. 14 23.
  • God is said to Descend▪ By which is meant That he is not ignorant of the things on Earth.
    Gen. 11. 7.

And he is said to be by an Anthropopathei [...]
  • Angrie. By which is meant His Threatning of punishment.
    Ho [...]e▪ 11 [...].
  • Exalted. By which is meant That his Majestie is exalted.
    Psal. 57 11.
  • Iealous By which is meant His great Indignation against Idolatrie.
    Numb. 25. 11.
  • Iustified. By which is meant That he is justified being just and good.
    Luk 7. 2 [...].
  • Full. By which is meant That he is not delighted in a thing.
    Isa. 1. 14.
  • Silent. By which is meant That he heareth not our Prayers.
    Psal. 21. 1.
  • Weary. By which is meant That he cannot abide some thing.
    Isa. 1. 14. (2 K. 19. 31.
  • Zeal [...]us. By which is meant The love that he hath to his Church.
    Isa. 9 9.
  • Patient. By which is meant His willing forbearance to punish till sinnes be [...]ipened.
    2 Pet. 3. 9.

Iehovah whose knowledge is Rom. [...]1. 33. infallible, Providence inexplicable, Judgements inevitable, Wisd 8. 1 [...] Decree immutable, Iob. 10. 7. wrath terrible, and Love unspeakeable, whose Spirit doth▪ s [...]nctifie us, Pro. 2. 10. Wisedome teach us, Counsell guide us, Favour compassea Iam. 1. 17. b Rom. 1. 18. us, and Power governe us, the most High over all the Earth, wonderfull and great1 Ioh 4. 10. in Counsell, mighty and excellent in Workes, rich in Mercy, Exod. 15. 11. Joh. 1. 18. glorious in Holynesse, fearefull in praises. The regeneration of our nature, our defence in adversitie, per­severancec Ps. 5. 10. Ps. 83. 18 Isa. 28. 29. Jer▪ [...]2. 19. Eph. 2. 4. in the Faith, the life of them that beleeve, and in the end is eternall life is he that elected us to salvation, promising remission of sinnes by beleeving in Christ, being the first Person named in order, not in power nor time, existing of himselfe, and of no other is called Is [...]. 63. 16. Eph. 4 13, &c. Father, First in respect of his naturall Sonne Christ begotten from eternitie. Secondly in respect of the elect his Gal. 4. 5. Eph [...]. 5. c. 3 14. Adopted sonnes, who being not sonnes by nature, are made sonnes by grace.

God the Father is called
  • [Page 4]Alpha and Omega. Rev. 1. 8.
  • Abba Father. Mark. 14 36.
  • All sufficient. Gen. 17. 1.
  • Almighty. Rev. 1. 8.
  • The Arme of the godly. Isa 33 2.
  • An Assurance. Prov. 3. 26.
  • An Avenger. Psal [...]4. 1.
  • Author of Beauty. Wis [...]. 13. 3.
  • Author of Peace. 1 Cor. 14. 33.
  • Bountifull. 1 Pet. 2. 3.
  • A Builder. H [...]b 3. 4.
  • A Buckler Gen 15. 1.
  • A Captaine. 2 Chro. 13. 12.
  • A Castle. Psal. 31. 1.
  • A Compasser. Psal▪ 3 [...]. 7.
  • Christs Head. 1 Cor. 11 3▪
  • Consuming fire. Heb. 12. 29.
  • A Creatour. Isa 40. 28.
  • A Defender. [...]xod▪ 18. 4.
  • A Deliverer. Idem.
  • The Eare of Jealousi [...]. Wisd. 1. 10.
  • An Eye to the blinde. Prov. 15. 3.
  • An Elector Rom. 8. 33.
  • An Everlasting light. Isa. 66 19▪
  • An Everlasting strength. Isa 26. 4.
  • Excellent. Iob. 36. 26.
  • A Father. Mal 1. 6.
  • A Heavenly Father. Luk 6. 36.
  • A living Father. Io [...] 6▪ 57.
  • Father of Fatherlesse. Psal 68. 5.
  • Father of Glory. Eph. 1. 17.
  • Father of Israel Ier. 31. 9.
  • Father of Lightes. Iam. 1. 17.
  • Father of Mercies. 2 Cor. 1. 3.
  • Father of Spirits and lives. Heb. 12. 19.
  • Father of Christ▪ 2 Cor. 1. 3.
  • The Feare of Isaac. Gen. 31. 42.
  • The first and the last. Isa. 41. 4.
  • A Fortresse. Psal. 18. [...].
  • The Former of all things. Prov. 26. 10.
  • The Fountaine of Iacob. Deut. 33. 28.
  • The Fountaine of living Water▪ Ier. 2. 13.
  • God of Abraham. Gen. 28. 13.
  • God of All Flesh. Ier 32. 27.
  • God of All Comfort. 2 Cor. 1. 3.
  • God of All Grace. 2 Pet. 5. 10.
  • God of Bethel. Gen. 31. 13.
  • God of Consolation. Rom 15. 5.
  • God of Famil [...]es. Ier▪ 31▪ 1.
  • God of Glory. Act. 7. 2.
  • God of Gods. Deut. 10. [...]7.
  • God of Heaven. Dan. 2 19.
  • God of The Hebrewes. Exod 3. 18.
  • God of Hope. Rom. 15. 13.
  • God of Iesurim. Deut. 33. 26.
  • God of Jewes and Gentiles. Rom. 3. 29.
  • God of David. Isa. 38 5.
  • God of Isaac. Gen. 28. 13.
  • God of Israel. 2▪ Sam. 23. 3.
  • God of Judgement. Isa. 30. 18.
  • God of Knowledge. 1 Sam. 2. 3.
  • God of The Living. Mat. 22. 32.
  • God of Love. 2 Cor. 13. 11.
  • God of Mercies. Neh. 9. 17.
  • God of Patience. Rom. 15. 5.
  • God of Peace. Heb. 13. 20.
  • God of Pittie. Psal 26. 15.
  • God of Righteousnesse. Psal. 4. 1.
  • God of Sha [...]rach. Dan. 3. 10.
  • God of Shem. Gen 9. 26.
  • God of Spirits. Numb. 26. 1 [...].
  • God of Strength. Psal▪ 43. 2.
  • God of Truth. Ier. 10 10.
  • God of Vengeance. Psal 94 1.
  • God of The whole world▪ Isa 54. 5.
  • Almighty God. Exod. 6. 3.
  • A blessed God. 1 Tim. 1. 11.
  • A dreadfull God. Deut. 7. 21.
  • An everlasting God. Gen. 21. 33.
  • An Eternall God. Deut. 33. 27.
  • A favourable God. Psal. 99. 8.
  • A faithfull God. Deut. 7 9.
  • A good God. Psal. 25. 8.
  • A gratious God. Exod 34. 6.
  • A Great God. Psal. 86. 10.
  • A Holy God. Exod. 34. 14.
  • A Jealous God. Exod. 20. 5.
  • A Just God. Deut. 32. 4.
  • An Invisible God. Col 1. 15.
  • A Mercifull God. Exod. 34. 6.
  • A Mighty God. Gen. 49. [...]4.
  • A most High God. Gen 14. 20.
  • A living God. Iosh 3. 10.
  • A long-suffering God. Exod. 34. 6.
  • A Perfect God. Mat. 5 48.
  • A Pittifull God. Psal. 86. 15.
  • A Righteous God. Psal. 25. 8.
  • A Seeing God. Gen. 16. 13.
  • A Strong God. Nah. 1. 7.
  • A Terrible God. Deut. 10. [...]7.
  • A True God. Isa 65. 16.
  • An Uncorruptible God. Rom. 1. 23.
  • An Unvariable God. Iam. 1. 17.
  • An Unchangeable God. Iam. 1. 17.
  • An Upright God. Psal. 25. 8.
  • And a God only wise. 2 Tim. 1. 17.
  • The generation of the just. Psal▪ 14 5.
  • The guide of our youth. Ier 3. 4.
  • A guide in danger. Deut. 8. 15.
  • A great Reward. Gen. 15. [...].
  • A Governour. Psal. 8. 9.
  • A Habitation. Psal. 90. 1.
  • The Habitation of Justice. Ier. 50. 7.
  • A Helper. Psal. [...]0. 16.
  • Health of Israell. Ier. 3. 23.
  • The holy one. Iob 6. 10.
  • The holy one of Israel. Isa 1. 4..
  • Hope in Adversity. Ier. 17 17.
  • The Hope of his People. Ioel 3. 16.
  • The Hope of Israel. Ier. 14 8.
  • The Hope of All the ends of the World. Psal. 65 5.
  • The Head over all. 1 Chro. 29. 11.
  • The horne of Salvation. Psal. 18. 2.
  • A Householder. Mat 21. 33.
  • A Husband. Isa. 54. 5.
  • A Husbandman Ioh. 1 [...]. 1.
  • The Judge of The World. Gen. 18. 25.
  • The Judge of The Widdowes. Psal▪ 68. 5.
  • The Judge of All the Earth. Gen 18. 25.
  • A just Judge. Psal. 9 8.
  • [Page 5]I am that I am. Exod. 3. 14.
  • A Keep [...]r. Psal. 121. 5.
  • King of all the Earth. Psal 47. 7.
  • King of Glory. Psal. 24. 8.
  • King of Hostes. Isa. 6. 5.
  • King of Iacob. Isa 41. 21.
  • King of Israell. Isa 44. 6.
  • King of Kings 1 Tim. 6. 16.
  • King of N [...]tions. Rev 15. 3.
  • King of Saints. Idem.
  • An Eternall King. 1 Tim. 1. 17.
  • An Everlasting King. Ier. 10. 10.
  • An Invisible King. 1 Tim. 1. 17.
  • A Great King. Psal. 95 3.
  • A Leader. Deut. 32. 12
  • Lord: Lord God. Gen. 2. 8.
  • Lord of the Hebrewes. Exod. 7. 16.
  • Lord of Anger. Nah. 1. 2.
  • Lord of Glory. 1 Cor 2. 7.
  • Lord of the Harvest. Luk 10. 2.
  • Lord of Heaven, and Mat. 11. 25. &
  • Lord of Earth. Io. 1. 9.
  • Lord of Hostes. Isa. 14. 27.
  • Lord of Lords. Deut. 10 7.
  • Lord of Kings. Dan. 2. 47.
  • Lord of Salvation. Psal. 88. 1.
  • Lord of the Vineyard. Mat. 21. 40.
  • The life of Man. Deut 30. 20.
  • The light of Israell. Isa. 10. 17.
  • The lifter up of mans head. Psal. 3. 3.
  • Love. 1 Iob. 1. 8.
  • A Maker. Iob [...]2. 22.
  • A Master. Eph 6. 9.
  • A Man of Warre.. Exod. 15. 3.
  • A Mighty one. Isa. 1. 24.
  • A most High. Psal 83. 18.
  • Most Just. Iob [...]4 17.
  • Nature. Gal. 4. 8.
  • Onely wise. Rom. 16. 27.
  • A Nourisher. Isa. 1. 2.
  • A Preserver of men▪ Iob. 7. 20.
  • A Planter. Gen. 2. 8.
  • A Ponderer of the hearts. Prov 24. 12.
  • The portion of Iacob. Ier. 51. 19.
  • Possessour of Heaven, & [...]. Gen. 14. 19.
  • Praise. Exod. 15. 2.
  • Prince of Princes. Dan. 2. 25.
  • A Record. Iob 16. 19.
  • A Refuge for the oppressed. Psal. 9. 9.
  • A Rebuker. Hos 5. 2.
  • A Redeemer. Isa. 43. 1.
  • A Revealer of Secrets. Dan. 2. 47.
  • A Rewarder. Gen. 15. 1.
  • A Rocke. Psal. 18. 2.
  • The Rocke of Israell. 2 Sam 23. 3.
  • The Rocke of Salvation. Deut. 32. 15.
  • A strong Rocke. Psal. 71. 3.
  • The Ruler of the World. Isa. 16. 1.
  • A Saviour of Israell. Ier. 14. 8.
  • Salvation. 1 Cron. 16. 38.
  • A Sanctuarie. Isa. 8. 13.
  • A secret place. Psal. 32 7.
  • The searcher of the hearts. Rom. 8. 27.
  • A shadow. Isa. 25. 4.
  • A Shepheard. Psal. 23. 1.
  • A Shield. Psal. [...]15. 11.
  • A Spirit. Ioh 4. 24.
  • A stay in calamity. Psal. 18. 18.
  • The strength of the Heart. Psal. 73. 26.
  • The strength of Israell. 1 Sam. 15. 29.
  • The strength of Life and man▪ Ps. 27. 1. & 140. 7.
  • A strong hold. Nah. 1. 7.
  • A strong Man. Psal. 78. 65.
  • The Stone of Israell. Gen. [...]9. 24.
  • A Succourer. Psal. 22. 19.
  • A sure Trust. Psal. 71. 7.
  • The Trust of the Poore. Psal. 14. 6.
  • A Treasurer. Isa. 33. 6.
  • Truth. Deut. 32. 4.
  • A Witnesse. Ier. 29. 23.
  • Wonderfull. Iosh. 13. 8.
  • The Sword of Exc [...]llencie. Deut. 33▪ 29.


God the Father is compared unto
  • A righteous Father. Ioh. 17. 25.
  • A Righteous Lord. Psal. 7. 11.
  • A Strong Lord. Psal. 24. 8.
  • Almighty Lord.
  • The Lord mighty in battell.
  • A Song. Isa. 12. 2.
  • The Sunne. Psal. 84. 12.
  • A Lawgiver. Iam. 4 12.
  • A righteous Judge. Psal. 7. 12.
  • Strength. Psal. 31. 5.
  • A Judge. Psal. 50. 6.
  • An Adversarie. Lam. 2 4.
  • A Cart pressed downe. Amos 2. 13.
  • A Cryer. Ier 25. 30.
  • A Counseller. Psal. 16. 7.
  • A Crowne of Glory. Psal. 28. 5.
  • A Dew. Hos. 14. 5.
  • A Diadem of Beauty. Isa. 28. 5.
  • Fire and Flame. Isa▪ 10. 17.
  • A Friend. Luk. 11. 5.
  • A Gyant. Iob 16. 14.
  • A mighty Gyant. Ier. 20. 11.
  • A House of defence. Psal. 31. 2.
  • A lender. Luk. 7. 41.
  • A labouring Man▪ Ioh. 5. 17.
  • A mighty Man▪ Isa. 42. 13.
  • A Seedes Man▪ Mat▪ 13. 3.
  • A Man of Wa [...]re. Isa. 42. 13.
  • A Mother. Isa. 49. 15.
  • A Moth. Hos. 5. 12.
  • A Beare. Lam. 3. 10.
  • An Eagle. Deut. 32. 11.
  • A Leopard. Hos 13. 7.
  • A Lyon. Hos. 11. 10.
  • A Purifier of Gold and Silver
  • A Purger of Gold and Silver
    Mal. 3. 3.
  • A Refiner of Gold and Silver
  • Rottennesse. Hos. 5. 12.
  • A Potter. Rom. 9. 23.
  • A strong Rock. Psal. 31. 2.
  • The Mountaines. Psal. 125. 2.
  • A Woman travelling. Isa 42. 14.

Attributes of God the Sonne.

SHiloah Emanu [...]ll, Christ, the only Sonne of God, the brightnesse of his Glory, theH [...]b 1. 2, [...] Eph. 1. 22. Col. 1. 18. & 2. 3. 2 Pet. 1. 17. Rev. 5. 12. Psal. 2. 8. Psal. 72. 8. Eph 1. 20. Psal. 72. 17. Heb. 1. 4. &c. Phil. 2 9. expr [...]sse Image of his P [...]son, Heire of all things, mo [...]e excellent then the An­gels, havi [...]g Honour, Glory, Power, Strength, Prayse, Dignitie, Riches and Wise­dome, (yea all [...]reasures of knowledge and wisedome) The Heathen for his inheri­tance, the E [...]rth for his Possessions, and the Heavenly places for his seat, farre above all power, Mi [...]ht, Dominion and Principalities, with a Name given him above all names, ( [...]t which every [...]nee should bow, &c) Being the second Person in Trinitie, begotten of his Father from Eternitie, in one P [...]rson the Sonne of God, and very man; Gal. 4. 4. Man, (non excun [...]o quod habuit, sed induendo quod non habuit) not by loosing that he had, but by accepting wh [...]t he had not, our miserable nature, Conceived of a Vir­gin by the Holy Ghost, Called of his Father ever since the fall of Adam, to be a Me­diator betw [...]ene God and Man, desired of the Patriarches, p [...]efigured in the Law, foretold by the Prophets, accomplished in the time of Grace, 1 Tim [...] 16 manifested in the fl [...]sh, Justified in the Spirit, seene of Angels, preached unto the Gentiles, beleeved on in the world, and rece [...]ved up into glory: For man became a King to rule, a Prophet to teach, and a Priest to sacrifice.

And is called

God the Sonne is called
  • An Apostle. Heb. 3. 1.
  • An Advocate. [...] Ioh. [...]. 1.
  • Amen. Rev. 3. 14.
  • An Angell of the Lord▪ Zach. 1. 12.
  • Annoynted of the Lord. Heb. 3. 13.
  • Author of Peace. 1 Cor. 14. 33.
  • Author of Faith. Heb. 12. 2.
  • Author of S [...]lvation. Heb. 5. 9.
  • The Ancient of Dayes. Dan 7. 22.
  • A Babe. Luk 2. 16.
  • Gods Beloved▪ Mat. 12. 18.
  • The Beloved. Cant 5 6.
  • Wel beloved. Cant. 1. 13.
  • A Bridegroome. Mat. [...]. 15.
  • The Bread of life. [...]oh. 6 51.
  • Childrens bread. Mat. 15 26.
  • Branch of righteousnesse. Ier 33. 15.
  • A Branch of the roote of I [...]sse. Isa 11. 1.
  • A Captaine of the Lord. Hos 5. 15.
  • The Captaine of the Lord of Hostes. Iosh. 5. 15.
  • Captaine of Salvation. Heb 2. 10.
  • A Childe. Isa. 9. 6.
  • The Consolation of Israell Luk. [...]. 25.
  • The Holy one of Israell Act. [...]. 14.
  • A Ruler in Israell Mich. 5. 2.
  • The Glory of Israell Luk 2 32.
  • The Sceptor of Israell Numb 24. 17.
  • The strength of Israell 1 Sam 15. 29.
  • The Stone of Israell Gen. 49. 24.
  • The Cov [...]nant of the People. Isa 42. 6.
  • A Messenger of the Covenant. Mal 3. 1.
  • David. Ier. 30. 9.
  • The generation of David. Rev 22. 16.
  • Death for Man. Hos. 13. 14.
  • A Curse for Man. Gal. [...]. 13.
  • Sinne for Man. 2 Cor. 5. 21.
  • The Desire of all Nations. Hag. 2. [...].
  • A D [...]liv [...]rer. Rom. 11. 26.
  • A Doctor. Mat. 23. 8.
  • The Doore of the Sheepe. Ioh. 10. 7.
  • An everlasting Father. Isa. 9. 6.
  • A Feeder. Mat. 2 6.
  • The first Begotten. 1 Cor. 15. 20.
  • The first Fruites. Rev. 1. 5.
  • The first Borne of the Dead. Col. 1. 15.
  • The finisher of our F [...]th. Heb. 12. 2.
  • Flesh. Ioh. 1. 14.
  • A Foundation. Isa. 28. 16.
  • A Fountaine. Ca [...]t. 4. 15.
  • A Forerunner. Heb. 6. 28.
  • God, Iohn 1. 1.
  • The Elect of God. Isa. 41. 1.
  • The Gift of God. Iohn 4. 10.
  • The Image of God. Col. 1. 15.
  • The Lambe of God. Iohn 1. 29.
  • The Power of God. 1 Cor. 1. 24.
  • The Wisdome of God. Idem.
  • Gods Elect. Isa 42. 1.
  • Gods Servant.
  • Gods Sonne. Mat. 2. 15.
  • Gods Messenger. Mal. 3. 1.
  • A Golden Altar. Rev. 8 3.
  • A Governour. Mat. 2. 26.
  • The Head of all Power. Col. 2. 10.
  • The Head of [...]rincipalitie.
  • The Head of the Church. Eph. 5. 23.
  • The Head of every Man. 1 Cor. 1. 1. 3.
  • The Heire of all things. Heb. 1. 12.
  • The heire of the World Rom. 4. 13.
  • The Horne of Salvation. Luke 1. 69.
  • A Husband. 2 Cor. 11. 2.
  • The Judge of quick and dead. Acts 10. 42.
  • A Justifier. Rom. 3. 26.
  • A King. Zach. 9. 9.
  • King of Kings. Rev. 16. 19.
  • King of Glory. Psal. 24. 10.
  • King of the Earth. Zach. 14. 9.
  • King of the Jewes. Mat. 27.
  • King of Israell. Iohn 1. 49.
  • King of Saints. Rev. 15. 3.
  • The Law. Gal. 2. 4.
  • The End of the Law. Rom. 10. 4.
  • Light. Iohn 1. 9.
  • A great Light▪ Isa 9. 2.
  • The Light of the Gentiles. Isa. 49. 6.
  • The Light of the World Iohn 1. 7.
  • The Light of Men. Iohn 1. 4.
  • [Page 7]Life, Iohn 14. 6.
  • Eternall Life, Iohn 1. 4.
  • The Lyon of Iudah, Rev. 5. 5.
  • Lord of Quick and Dead, Rom. 14. 9.
  • Lord of Hostes, Isaiah 44. 6.
  • Lord of Glory, 1 Cor. 2. 8.
  • Lord of Life, Acts [...]. 15.
  • Lord of Lords, Rev. 19 6.
  • Lord of the Sabbath, Luke 6. 5.
  • Man, Romans 5. 15.
  • An innocent Man, Luke 23. 14.
  • The New Man, Ephes 4. 24.
  • A Master, Mat. 10. 24.
  • A Mediatour, Heb 9. 15.
  • A Messiah the Prince. Dan. 9. 25.
  • A Minister of the Tabernacle, Heb. 8. 2.
  • A Minister of Circumcision, Rom. 15. 8.
  • A Minister of the Sanctuary, Heb. 8. 2.
  • Michaell, Dan. 10. 13.
  • A Nazarite, Mat. 2. 23.
  • One, One Lord, Zech 14. 9.
  • A great One, Isaiah 19. 20.
  • A Just One, Acts 3. 14.
  • Oyntment, Cant. 1. 3.
  • A Passeover, 1 Cor. 5. 7.
  • The Prince of the Earth, Acts 3. 15.
  • The Prince of Life, Acts 3. 15.
  • The Prince of Kings, Rev. 1. 5.
  • The Prince of Salvation, Hebr [...]ws [...]. 10.
  • The Prince of Peace, Isaiah 9. 6.
  • The Messenger of Peace, Ephes. 2. 14.
  • A Physition, Mat. 9. 12.
  • A Plant of renowne, Ezech. 34. 29.
  • A polished Shaft, Isaiah 49. 2.
  • A Priest, Heb. 7. 17.
  • A High Priest, Heb. 4. 4.
  • A holy High Priest,
  • Harmelesse High Priest, Heb. 2. 17.
  • A Mercifull High Priest, Heb 7. 26.
  • A Faithfull High Priest,
  • An Undefiled High Priest,
  • A Prophet, Iohn 6. 4.
  • A purger of Sinnes, Heb. 1. 3.
  • A Ransome, 1 Tim 2. 6.
  • A Reaper, Rev 14. 15.
  • A Reconciliator, Rom 3. 25.
  • Redemption, Isaiah 59 24.
  • [...]abbi, Iohn 6. 25.
  • Righteousnesse, Ier 23. 6
  • Resurrection of the Dead, Iohn 11. 25.
  • A Rod and Staffe, Isaiah 11 1.
  • A Spirit,
  • An Eternall Spirit, Heb. 9. 4.
  • A Quickning Spirit, 1 Cor. 15 45.
  • The Spring of Lebanon, Cant. 4. 15.
  • Salvation, Luke 2. 30.
  • Sanctification, 1 Cor. 1. [...].
  • A Sanctuary, Isa 8. 14.
  • A Samaritane, Luke. 10. 33.
  • A Saviour, Ioh. 4. 42.
  • The Second Adam, 1 Cor. 15. 45.
  • The Seede of Abraham, Gal. 3. 10.
  • The Seede of the Woman, Gen. 3. 15.
  • A Servant, Isa. 42. 1.
  • Gods Servant, Math. 12. 18.
  • A Shephard, Ez [...]. 24 33. Iosh. 10. 11. Heb. 13. 20.
  • A righteous Servant, Isa 53. 11.
  • The Scepter of Israell, Numb. 24. 17.
  • A Ruler in Israell, Mich. 5. [...].
  • The strength of Israell, 1 Sam. 15. 29.
  • Glory of Israell, Luk. 2. 32.
  • The Sonne of Righteousnesse Mal. 9. 2.
  • The Sonne of Abraham, Mat. 1. 12.
  • The Sonne of David, Mat. 1. 12.
  • The Sonne of Ioseph, Iohn 1. 45.
  • The Sonne of God, Luk. 1. 35.
  • The Sonne of the most High, Luk 1. 32.
  • The Sonne of Man, Mat. 12 8.
  • The Sonne of a Virgin, Isa 7. 14.
  • A Deere Sonne, Col. 1. 13.
  • A Beloved Sonne, Mat. 3. 17.
  • The first Borne Sonne, Mat 1. 25.
  • The Starre of Iacob, Numb. [...]4 17.
  • A bright morning Starre, Rev. 22. 16.
  • A Stone to stumble at, 1 Pet. 2. 8.
  • A Corner Stone, Eph. [...]. 10.
  • An Elect Stone,
  • A pretious Stone, 1 Pet 2. 6.
  • Spirituall Rock, 1 Cor. 10. 4.
  • Spirituall Drinke, Rev. [...]. 7.
  • Spirituall Meate, 1 Cor. 10. [...]. & Ioh. 6. [...]3.
  • A Teacher, Ioh. 3. [...].
  • A greene Tree, Luke 23. 31.
  • A Vine, Ioh. 15. 1.
  • A Way, Ioh 14. 6.
  • Welbeloved, Cant. 1. 12.
  • A Well of Living water, Psal. 36. 9.
  • A Well of Life, Io [...]. 4. 14.
  • A Wedding garment, Mat. 22. 12.
  • Wonderfull, Isa. 9. 6.
  • A Witnesse,
  • A Faithfull witnesse, Rev. 1. 5.
  • A true Witnesse. Rev. 3. 7.


God the Sonne is compared unto
  • Shilo, Gen 49.
  • A Lambe undefiled, 1 Pet. 1. 19.
  • A Lambe without Spot 1 Pet. 1. 19.
  • An Armie with Banners, Cant. 6. 4.
  • An Apple Tree, Cant. 2. 3.
  • A Brasen Serpent, Numb. 21. 9.
  • A Bundle of Myrrh, Cant. 1. 13.
  • A Cluster of Camphire, Cant. 1. 14.
  • A Carcase, Mat. 24. 28.
  • Fullers Sope, Mal 3. 2.
  • Purging fire, Mal 3. 2.
  • A Goate, Lev. 16. 22.
  • A Henne, Mat. 23. [...]7.
  • A Ladder, Gen. 28. 12.
  • A Lillye, Cant 2. 3.
  • Lightning, Mat. 24. [...]7.
  • The Mercy Seate, Exod. 25. 17.
  • A Net, Isa. 8. 14.
  • A Snare, Idem.
  • A Theefe, Rev 3. [...].
  • Raine and Showers, Psal. 72 6.
  • The Paschall Lambe, Exod. 16. 6.
  • A Stone cut out of The Mountaine, Dan. 2. 45.
  • A Roe and Hart, Cant. 1. 9.
  • [Page 8]A Worme, Psal. 22. 6.
  • Ierushalem, Cant. 6. 3.
  • Mel [...]hisedec, Heb. 7. 3.
  • Moses, Acts 3. [...].
  • Solomon, Cant. 3. 11.
  • Tirzah. Cant. 6. 3.

And he may be called.

  • Our Eye, Because by him w [...] See the Father.
  • Our Mouth, Because by him w [...] [...]peake to the Father.
  • Our Hand, Because by him w [...] [...]ffer unto the Father.

And he is truly called

  • The Way without Wandring in our Peregrination, wher­by ou [...] Pathes are directed.
  • Truth without Shadowing in our Deliberation, wher­by ou [...] Errors are corrected.
  • Life without Ending in our Remuneration, wher­by ou [...] Mortalitie is eternized.

In that he is Eph. 1. 7. Rom. 3. 24. Col. 1.20 1 Pet. 1. 2. Hebr. 10. 9.

  • Our Righteousness to justifie [...]s.
  • Our Wisdome to teach [...]s.
  • Our Reconciliatiō to reconcile [...]s.
  • Our Holines to sanctifie us.
  • Our Redemption to free us.
  • Our Reward to glorifie us.

So that by himCol. 2. 3, 13. 1 Thes. 1. 10.

  • Our Sinnes are discharged, we Cleared, the Debt paid.
  • The Score is crossed, the Creditor satisfied, and the Debtor acquitted.

In that his

  • Condemnation is our Absolution and Passion our Payment.
  • Death is our Life and Blood our Purgation.
  • Sacrifice is our Satisfaction and Curse our Blessing.
  • Grave is our Mor [...]fication and Ascention our Glorification.

  • Who then forsake him dye living, who then imbrace him, live dying.
  • For in him whosoever abideth hath no Condemnation,
  • And from him whosoever [...]li [...]e [...]h hath no Consolation.

Attributes of GOD the HOLY GHOST.

TH [...] HOLY GHOST [...]s the Instructor which teacheth us, the Spirit of life which quickneth us, the Water w [...]h reneweth us, the Fire which inflames us, the Comfortor which helpes us, the Advocate which speakes for us, and the everla­sting Fountaine and Spirit of Truth, fro [...] whom all Rom. 8. 9. 1 Cor. 3. 16. Truth and Celestiall Riches doe flow unto us: And is called by the Name of Spirit, Ioh. 15. 26. proceeding from the Father and the Sonne, to shew the Essence and Nature that he is of: For as the spirit of Man must needes be truly of Mans n [...]ure; and is the most formall and Essentiall part of Man: So and much more it must b [...] thought of the Spirit of God, upon whom no Composition falle [...]h And [...]his i [...] Effect is the Apostles Argument, 1 Cor. 2. 11. Who of Men (saith he) knoweth the [...]hings of M [...]n, but the spirit of Man that is in him? So also none knoweth the things of God, but the Spirit of God who is in him, and of his owne Essence and Nature, as the opposition sheweth plainely.

God the Holy Ghost is called
  • The Spirit of Adoption, Rom. 8. 15.
  • The Spirit of Chr [...]st, Rom. 8. 9.
  • The Spirit of Supplication, Zach 12. 10.
  • The Spirit of Consolation, 2 Thes. 2. 16.
  • The Spirit of Counsell, Isa. 11. 2.
  • The Spirit of Eternitie, Heb. 9. 14.
  • The Spirit of the Father, Mat 18. 20.
  • The Spirit of God, Gen 1. 2.
  • The Spirit of the gr [...]ce of God, Acts 14. 26.
  • The Spirit of Holinesse, Rom. 1 4.
  • The Spirit of Interpretation, 1 Cor. 12. 10.
  • The Spirit of Knowledge; Isa 11. 2.
  • The Spirit of Prophesie, 1 Cor 12. 10.
  • The Spirit of the Lord, Isa. 11. 2.
  • The Spirit of Right, Iohn 14 27.
  • The Spirit of Sanctification, Rom. 1. 4.
  • The Spirit of the Sonne, Gal. 4. 6.
  • The Spirit of Revelation, Eph. 1. 17.
  • The Spirit of Wisdome, Isa. 11. 2.
  • The Spirit of Working 1 Cor. 12. 10.
  • The Spirit of Miracles, 1 Cor. 12. 10.
  • The Seven spirits of God, Rev 4 5.
  • The earnest of Gods Spirit, [...] Cor. 5. 5.
  • An Eternall Spirit, Heb 9. 14.
  • The Finger of God, Eph. 8. 19.
  • The Pledge of God, 2 Cor. 15. 5.
God the Holy Ghost, &c.
  • [Page 9]The Seale of God, 2 Cor. 1. 2 [...].
  • The Witnesse of God, Rom. 8. 16.
  • The Kisse of God, Cant. 1. 2.
  • A Comforter, Iohn 14. 16.
  • The Holy Ghost, Acts 2. 4.
  • The holy Spirit, Eph. 4. 30.
  • A Heavenly Gift, Heb. 6 4.
  • The Earnest of the Spirit, 2 Cor. 1. 22.
  • The Minde of Christ, 1 Cor. [...]. 16.
  • The Oyle of Gladnesse, Psal 45. 7.
  • The Power of the most High, Luke 1. 35.
  • S [...]ede of God, 1 Ioh. 3. 9.
  • The Teacher of the faithfull, Iohn 14. 26.
  • The Teacher of truth, Idem.
  • Water, Ioh 3. 5. & Ez. 16. 9.

And is compared unto

  • Cloven tongues like fire, Acts 2.
  • Fire, a mighty Winde, 1 Cor. 3 13.
  • A Dove, Mat. 3. 16.
  • Oyntment. 1 Ioh. 2. 27.

The Gifts of the Holy Ghost.

By the Holy Ghost
  • 1. The Word Of Wisdome, the word of Knowledge, Faith, gifts of Healing,
    1 Cor. 1 [...]. 6.
    working of Miracles, Prophecie, discerning of Spirits, divers kinds of Tongues, and the interpretation of tongues, &c. is given.
  • 2. The Godly Are Sanctified, and the very Reprobates have a taste of Heaven­ly
    Heb. 6. 4.
    gifts, and of the good Word of God, and of the Promises of the World to come.
  • 3. All Excellency In common
    [...]xod. 31. 3.
    gifts of Nature and Reason, as Strength and courage, Artes and Sciences, policy and governement is given unto man, yea
    * 1 Sam. 11. 6.
    unto many that never heard of our Saviour Christ.
  • 4. Influence Perpetuall, effectuall and vitall of saving Grace, from Christ the
    Iohn 6. 63. Iohn. 14. 17. 1 Pet. 1. 2.
    Head of every true Member is given to beleevers, in which sence the world cannot receive or know the same.
  • 5. Vertues Charitie, Constancie, benignitie, Faith, goodnesse, Joy, Longanimity, Mildnesse, Modestie, Love, P [...]tience and peace of Conscience are got­ [...]en, with seven other principall Vertues, (to wit) Wisdome, Under­standing, Counsell, Fortitude, Knowledge, Godlynesse and the feare of God, which worketh in a man rwo sortes of Mercy Corporall, and Spiritu [...]ll:
  • Corporall, to
    • Feed the Hungry,
    • Give drink to the thirstie,
    • Cloath the naked,
    • Ransome the Captive,
    • Harbour the Harberlesse,
    • Visit the Sicke,
    • Bury the Dead.
  • Spirituall, to
    • Correct the Sinner,
    • Instruct the ignorant,
    • Counsell the doubtfull,
    • Beare wrong patiently,
    • Forgive Injury,
    • Pray for all his Enemies,
    • Serve god truly.

Grieve not then the holy Spirit, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of Redemption.Ephes 4. 30. Reade Gal. 5. 6.

Attributes of the Trinity, with a description of the Unity.

THe Names and Titles that are common to the whole Trinity, are of foure sortes or orders.

  • 1. Some signifie their Essence, as Iehovah.
  • 2. Others their Persons in generall, as Elohim.
  • 3. Divers their Essentiall properties, as Almighty.
  • 4. Many are in generall affirmed of each Person, as they have relation to Creatures, and such is the Name, Creator, Redeemer, Sanctifier, &c.

Albeit the word Creator is given to the Father, Redeemer to the Sonne, and Sancti­fier Note to the Holy Ghost, yet in truth they are common to all the three Persons in one Essence.

Now a Person is a distinct subsisting of the whole God-head, and an individu [...]ll un­derstanding,Iohn 1. 1. Chap. 5. 31. Cha. 14. 5, 16. Col. 2. 9. and incommunicable Subsistence, living of it selfe, and [...]o [...] susteyned by another: So that the three Persons in the Trinity, are not three severall Substances, but three distinct Subsistences, or three diverse manner of being of one and the same Sub­stance and divine Essence.

The Divine Essence is one and the selfe same thing truly subsisting in the Three per­sons: Now the Essence doth not beget an Essence, but the Person of the Father be­gettethPsal. 2. 7. H [...]b. 1. 5. Iohn. 5. 26. the Person of the Sonne, and the Holy Ghost proceedeth from the Father and the Sonne by an eternall and incomprehensible Spiration. And thus the Three per­sons make all one Divine Essence, and one God, being in Nature Co [...]ssentiell, in Dignitie Coequall, in time Coeternall, in measure unmeasurable, in Majesty in­scrutable, in Nature incomprehensible, in Power irresistible, in Will unchangeable, [Page 10] in place not Circumscript, in Tim [...] indefinite, in love immutable, in favour unspea­ke [...]ble, and in Promise inviolable, Good without qualitie, Great without quantitie,August. Medic. cap. [...]2. Creatour without want, in Act without Motion, every where present without sight: The First and the last without time, making all things Mutable, without any passive Mutability in himselfe. In this Mistery of the Trinity, how in that most simple and single Essence of God, there be certaine Substances of God or Persons truly subsisting, Three in one, and One in three, differing but not divided, severall but not sund [...]ed, many and yet the same; All one for their Nature, all distinct for their Persons, is a Secret o [...] all Secrets, passing all reach and understanding of Man, rather reverently to be adored then too curiously to be searched into, for that Secret things belong un­to the Lord, and things revealed unto us. Saint Augustine walking by the Sea side,Deut. 29. 29. meditating of the Trinitie, looking aside, saw a Childe powring the waters of the Sea into a sh [...]ll, having a hole in the middest thereof, demanded of the Child what he was doing, I am putting (quoth he) all the Sea into this shell, the Father said, thou playest the Child, Can a Shell comprehend thinkest thou all this Sea? And so said the Child good Sir doe you, who would by Reason comprehend the Trinitie. The Child vanished, the Father was instructed, and he saw in the end that it was an Angell. Thus Augustine with all his deepe Divin [...]ty, was not able to di [...]e into this Mystery, much lesse can wee.

Simonides being demanded concerning the Essence of God, answered, that the more he thought of the s [...]me, the lesse he knew. To search then too farre is curiosity, toProv. 15 27. beleeve the word it is security, climbe not too high then for falling, dive [...]ot deepe for drowning; and soare not too high for dazeling: Labour to know so much as [...]s revealed in the Scriptures, which we are to search for all points, much more for this.

A remarkeable Note.

THe Name (GOD) is written with foure Letters in all Languages, in which we are to observe, that the word GOD, comming from the German is written with a double D. (to wit) GODD.

God is called in
  • Hebrew, [...] In Chalde and Eloho. In Dalmatian Orsi.
  • Iehovah. [...] In Syrian, Eloho. In or Orsi.
  • Greeke, [...]. In Arabian, Alla. In Illirian, Orsi.
  • Laten, Deu [...]. In Ethiopian, Abilah. In Turkish, Abgl.
  • Spanish, Dios. In Egyptian, Thouth. In New-found-Land. Zimi.
  • French, Dieu. In Assirian, Sure. In
  • Engl [...]sh, Godd. In Mag [...], Orsi. In

The Doctrine and use of Gods Attributes.

All Gods Attributes may be reduced to these 3. Heads

  • Power
  • Mercy
  • Justice

The use of all which is two fold.

  • 1. First by knowing of them we know what a God our God is, and by them discerne betwixt the [...]rue Iehovah and false gods.
  • 2. We learne both what we have received already from God, and what we may looke for hereafter to receive from him.
The Lord is called
To shew his Power: which is both profitable and necessary for us to know both in prosperity and adversity: in Prosperity to
Exod 6. 3.
keepe us from abusing his blessings, seeing he is of power to de­prive us: in Adversitie to keepe us from despaire, because he is able to helpe us.
A Judge
To expresse his Justice, this should bridle us from committing
Psal. 50▪ 6.
of sinne with greedinesse, in that though he suffer for a time, yet
Exod. 34. 7.
in the end he will punish severely, and will render to every man
Rom. 2. 6.
according to his deeds.
[Page 11]1. Mercifull
To set forth his Love and goodnesse unto us in his Mercies which are
Exod. 34. 6.
[...]ver all his workes, lasting for ever, extended towards us, let us not
Psal. 145. 9.
then be unmercifull to his, and seeing he is gratious to us, let us not [...]e gr [...]lesse to him, loving to us, let us not be unkind to him, and good [...]n mercy to all, let us be bad to none.
2. Father,
Let us then behave our selves as children towards him, not sell our
Psal. 103. 13.
inheritance▪ let us love hi [...] house, desire his presence, bewaile his ab­sence, love his children [...] bretheren, hate his enemies, seeke to honour him, and be sorry [...]f he be dishonored.
Let us imitate a good Sonne (who as a learned Divine observeth) is des [...]rous to know the Nature of his father, that so he may the better resemble his Father.
  • Hee will know His Pedigree, From whence he is descended.
  • Hee will know His Dignitie, How he is reputed.
  • Hee will know His Estate, At what he is valued.
  • Hee will know His Nature, How he is affected.
  • Hee will know His Love, How himselfe is favoured.
  • Hee desires to looke into His Will what he will leave him.
  • Hee desires to looke into His pleasure what he will have done by him.
  • Hee desires to looke into His purpose what he will doe with him.


  • If hee see him A [...]le Hee will Depend upon him.
  • If hee see him In Authoritie Hee will Beare himselfe upon him.
  • If hee see him Gratious Hee will Be thankfull unto him.
  • If hee see him Angry Hee will Seeke to please him.
  • If hee see him Righteous Hee will Feare to offend him.
  • If hee see him Mercifull Hee will Pray for pardon to him.
  • If hee see him Powerfull▪ Hee will Hope for protection from him.

The like may be said of the Knowledge of God, seeing he is able to doe all things for us, and is the only true God, and in Compassion a Father, willing to doe for us, let us [...]mbrace him and depend upon him: and in so doing we shall be thankfull in prosperity, patient in adversity, and joyfull in victory.

Of GODS Presence

THere are four [...] de [...]rees of Gods Presence, 1. An Universall. 2. A Speciall. 3. A more speciall. 4▪ A most speciall.

  • [...]er. 23. 24.
    Universall The Lord is present by his Essence In All places.
  • Speciall The Lord is present by his Glory In Heaven.
    Psal [...]39. 7.
  • More speciall The Lord is present by his Grace In His Saints.
    Psal. 19 6.
  • Most speciall The Lord is present by his Spirit In Christ.
    Psal. 19 1.

The Lord is every where by his Essence repletively, no where inclusively: Every1 Cor. 3. 16. where replenishing the place with his being, no where by circumscription and locallCol. 2 5. definition.

Hee is

Hee is in Christ Hypostaticall, in himselfe Alpha and Omega: in the World a Go­vernour: in Ang [...]lls as Be [...]u [...]y, in his Church as an Housholder in his Family: in the Soule as a B [...]degroome in his Marriage Chamber: in the Righteous as an Helper: in the Reprobate as Feare and horrour▪ in the Godly to defend them, in the wicked to punish them And therefore may well be compared to the Tree in the middest of the* Gen. 3. 3. garden of Eden: As also to the Tree spoken of by Saint Iohn in the Revelations: inRev. 2. 7. that he is in the midst of

God is in the middest of
Exod 3. 14. Deut. 23. 14. Zech. 2. 5. Isa. 1 [...]. 6. Isa. 37. 16. Psal. 8 [...]. 1. G [...]n. 9. 13. Exo. 19. 9. Exo. [...]4. 5. Exod. 40. 34. 1 King. 8. 10. Exod. 33. [...] 1. Num. 12. 5. Mat. 17. 5. Exo. 13. 21. Iob 32. 3 [...]. 2 C [...]o. 6. 1. Isa. 19. 1. A Bush,
Burning: of the Campe of the Israelites fighting,
The Citie▪
Ierusalem, and Sion to heare those that call on him,
The Cherubims,
Dw [...]l [...]ing: and in the Congregation of Men judging,
A Cloude:
Setting the Rainebow: giving the Law: Filling the Tabernacle and Temple with his glory: Speaking to Moses face to face, as a man spe [...]kes to his friend: calling Aaron and Miriam to answer their Mur­ [...]urings: proclayming Christ to be his welbeloved Sonne: going be­ [...]ore the Israelites in the Wildernesse: and covering the light with dark­nesse. So that he is said to dwell in the Clouds, to ride upon the Clouds, and to make the Clouds his Chariots,
Psal. 104. 9.
Working his wonders and Miracles among them,
Deut. 4. 12.
The Lord was present speaking
  • [Page 12]The Fire: Speaking to Israell: and in the Land dwelling with them▪
    Numb. 35. 34.
  • A whirlewind: Answering Iob, to the complaint made by him,
    Iob 38. 1.
  • The red Sea: To deliver The people of Israell from Drowning,
    Exod. 14.
  • The Furnace: To deliver The three Children from Burning,
    Dan. 3.
  • The Lions den: To deliver The Prophet Daniell from Devouting.
    Dan. 6.
  • The Godly: By has holy Spirit▪ alwayes dwelling in them,
    1 Cor. 3. 16.
  • Ʋse. Seeing God is omnipresent, see thou sinne not in secret,
    P [...]al 139. 7.
  • The Lord is said to be present seven severall wayes speaking,
    Heb. 4. 13.
  • 1. Face to Face unto Moses as a Man to his friend,
    Exod. 33. 11.
  • 2. Through the Clouds to the people of Israell often,
    Exod. 19. [...].
  • 3. In a dreame unto Samuell: calling Samuell,
    1 Sam. 3. 4.
  • 4. In a light and mild Ayre unto Elias with a still voice.
    1 King. 1 [...]. 1 [...].
  • 5. In Ʋrim and Thummim when he gave the Oracles,
    Exod [...]8. 30.
  • 6. To our Forefathers by divers Prophets and Seers,
    Heb 1. 1, 2.
  • 7. To us in the last dayes by Christ and the Apostles.
The Lord is also said to be present seven kind of wayes speaking in Prophesies and Visions.
  • 1. In Extasie or Trance: such was Peters seeing Heaven opened,
    Acts 10. 10.
  • 2. In a Vision: such was the Revelation to Isaiah shewed,
    Isa. 6. 1.
  • 3. In a Dreame: such was Iacobs of a ladder reaching to Heaven,
    Gen. 28▪ 12.
  • 4. By sensible things, as a Cloud, such he spake in to Moses,
    Exod. 29. 9.
  • 5. By an externall voice, such was Abrahams,
    Gen 22. 1.
  • 6. By a Parable, such was Baalams: A Starre shall come, &c.
    Num. 24. 17.
  • 7. By the filling of the Holy Ghost: such was the Apostles.
    Acts 2. 2.
The Lord spake unto
Before his Fall;
Gen, 2 17. G [...]n; 7.
admonishing after punishing him,
Gen. 12. 1.
Willing him to depart his Countrey, to doe as Sarah willed him,
[...] b and to offer his Sonne for a burnt offering.
2 Cha. 21. 12. [...]Cha. [...]. [...].
Reproving him: and unto David directing him,
Numb. 22. 9 2 Sam. 2. [...].
Comforting him: and to Iob in a Whi [...]le-winde,
1 K. 19. 5. Iob; 8. 1.
And Iacob: shewing them the Land they should dwell in,
Gen. 26. 2. Chap. 31. 3.
Encouraging him: and to Iohn proclayming his Sonne,
Iosh. 1. 2. Ma [...]. [...]. 17.
Admonishing him: and to Moses shewing what to have done,
Exod. 2.
Commanding him to make the Arke and to enter in,
Gen. 6.
Shewing what should of Elies posterity become,
1 Sam 3.
Giving him Wisdome above all that were before him.
1 Kings 3.
In a Vision God shewed
The returne of the Isralites from captivity,
[...]zekiel 7.
Nebuchadnezars dreames, and things to come extraordinary,
Dan 2. Chap. 7.
That he should not feare to go unto Ioseph his sonne,
Gen 46.
All the things that did concerne Ierusalem,
Isa 1. Chap. 21.
The Plagues that he had prepared for wicked men,
Habac 2.
The destruction that should come upon the Sirian,
Nah 1.
The miserable end that should befall Edom,
Obad, 1.
That he should not see death till Christ did come,
Luke 2. 26.
Seven golden Candlestickes: and spake to his holy One.
Zach. 7. Psal 99. 19.
Acts 18. 9.
The Lord will be knowne among his Prophets by Visions, and
[...]mb. 12. 6. Ps. 99 19.
& 23. 11. & 27. 23.
will speake unto them by Dreames.
H [...]ed 12. 10.

There are foure sortes of Being of Christs presence.

1. Anagogicall. 2. Allegoricall. 3. Corporall. 4. Morall.

  • Anagogicall Christ is present in the Church triumphant.
  • Allegoricall Christ is present in the Church militant.
  • Corporall Christ is present in the Wombe of a Virgin.
  • Morall Christ is present in the Heart of a Christian.

As a Father in his Family ordering: as a Pilate in a Shippe guiding: as a master in his Schoole teaching: as a Gardiner in his garden dres [...]ing: as a King in his Throne gracing: as the Sunne in the Firmament lightning: as a Prophet in the Church tea­ching: and as the Soule in the body enlivening: And is in the middest of

The Bosome
of his Father in the Trinitie before all time.
Iohn 1. 18
The Bowells
of his Mother the Virgin Mary in fullnesse of time.
Gal. 4. 4.
A Cratch
At his Birth: so the Shepheards found him layen,
Luke 27.
Christ is in the middest of
The Doctors
For I [...]struction: so his Par [...]nts found him sitting,
Luke 2. 46.
The Disciples
For H [...]m [...]li [...]tion: so he was amongst them serving,
Luke 22. 27.
The Israelites
For his Conversation, So he was among them standing,
Iohn 1. 26.
The Israelites
D [...]ing Mir [...]cles, So he was among them working,
Acts [...]. 22.
The Israelites
Teaching and Healing. So he was among them walking.
Luke 13: 22.
The twelve Tribes of Israell.
Conceived in Nazarel and Zebulon:
Mat. 2. 1.
borne in Bethlem
Mat. 2, 13.
going in­to Egypt, passed through Simeon:
John 7 14.
In the Temple taught in Ben­jamen:
John 2. 8.
Turn [...]d water into wine in Asher in Cana of Galile: Proved himselfe the Messi [...]h in
Ioh. 11. 54.
Ephraim: In Napthali
Iohn. 11. 44.
raised Lazarus: And going through the Tenne Tribes, was in Re [...]ben, Gad and part of Manasses.
Christ spiritually is in the middest of
Luk. 23. 33. Two Thieves,
Dying: in the bowells of the Earth, 3. dayes sleeping,
Luk. 24 36. His Disciples,
Oftentimes after his Resurrection appearing,
A Cloude
Mat 17. 5.
Shadowed: betweene Moses and Elias transfigured,
A Cloude
Acts 1. 9.
Taken up into Heaven, where S. Iohn saw him: Sitting on a Cloud: From whence he shall come againe in the Clouds to judge the quicke
Rev. 1. 7.
and the dead: at whose comming
1 Thes. 4. 7.
all shall be taken up in the
Mat. 26. 64.
Clowdes at the last to meete him: where till the day of his appearing he is in the midst of
God and Man,
Reconciling God to Man: so called a Mediatour One,
1 Tim. 2. 5.
The Building,
Coupling God to man: and so is called a Corner-stone,
Eph 2. 20.
The Streete,
Throne, Beasts and Elders, &c. so seene by S. Iohn.
Re. 2. C. 5. C. 7.
The Church,
As the Apple Tree among the Forrest Trees growing,
[...]ant. 2. 3.
The Church,
Declaring Gods Name to his Bretheren singing,
Heb. 2. 12.
Two or three:
Gath [...]ed together in his Name,
Psal. 22. 22.
The Godly:
Alway unto the end of the world guiding them,
Mat. 18. 20.
All His.
Working contraries by his Spirit in every of them.
Mat. 28. 20. Iohn 14. 16.

In that by whose Spirit

Infidelity is tur­ned into Faith. Our Thraldom into Freedome.
Poverty is tur­ned into Plenty. Our Barrennes into Fruitfulnesse.
Sorrow is tur­ned into Sol [...]ce. Our Darknesse into Light.
Misery is tur­ned into Mercy. Our Wearinesse into Strength.
Mourning is tur­ned into M [...]rth. Our Death into Life.
Affliction is tur­ned into Glorificatiō. Our Hell into Heaven.

As also

The Angells are replenished, Prophets inspired, Scr [...]bes are instructed, the Word [...] Cor. 12. is quickned, the Church sanctified, the hardnesse of Heart suppled, the weakenesseRom. 5. 5. of Faith cherished, the darknesse of the soule enlightned, and the mist of discomfortChap. 8. 26. dispersed, So that by his presence darknesse is expelled, and by his favour 1 Thes. 1. 10. soules from death and Hell are delivered.Eph. 4. 30.

Christs apparition after his Resurrection

Christ appeared unto
The Apostles,
Reproving them for not beleeving that hee was risen, as also tea­ching
Mark. 16. 18.
them what they should doe and observe after his departure
Luk 24.
from them.
Acts 1. 4.
And other women, and would not let them passe by without a God­speed,
Mat. 28.
and to comfort them, be not afraid.
The Emavits,
Talking with them, comforting them and making their hearts to
Luk 24.
[...]urne with Love of him.
By name that hee might not Despaire by denying,
Iohn 21. 1.
By name that hee might not Continue doubting.
Iohn 20. 24.
From Heaven At what time as the Jewes stoned him,
Acts 7.
From Heaven Going to Damascus to persecute the Christians,
Acts 9.
S. Iohn.
From Heaven Shewing him the Mistery of the Revelation.
Rev. 1.
In a vision unto
Paul, willing him to goe to Macedonia to preach him,
Acts 16.
In a vision unto
Peter, commanding him to kill and eate that he shewed him,
Acts 10.
In a vision unto
Cornelius, wishing him to send for Peter to direct him.

Of Gods Word.

THe Word of God is the Iam. 3. 17. Wisdome of God, concerning the truth which is accor­ding unto godlinesse, being 2 Tim. 3. 16. given by inspiration of God, the Ioh. 3. 27. originall being from Heaven, not from Earth, the Author thereof being 1 Cor. 2. 10. God not man: The Pen­men, the Prophets and Apostles: The matter being verity and piety, about which 2 Pet. 1 21. 1 Pet. 1. 18. Rom 10. 13. * Heb. 4. 12. Aug. de Ʋ [...]il. credend. cap 6. preaching is exercised, it being the field in which Preachers must conteyne themselves, because thereby we are begotten againe, not of corruptible seede, but of incorruptible Seede, the Word having such force in us when it is preached of such as have a lawfull calling thereunto. In which said Word there is (as S. Augustine faith) Truth and Doctrine most fit for the refreshing and renewing of mens minds, and truly so tem­pered that every man may draw from thence, that which is sufficient for him, if he come to draw with a devout and pious mind, as true Religion requireth.

Which Word is called▪

Gods Word is called
  • The arme of the Lord, Isa. 53. 1.
  • The Armour of God, Eph. 6. 13.
  • The Armour of Righteousnesse, 2 Cor. 6. 11.
  • The Armour of Light. Rom 13. 12.
  • A Blessing and a Curse, Deut. 11. 26.
  • Bread, Isa. 55. 2.
  • Bread of Sincerity, 1 Cor. 5. 8.
  • Bread of Truth,
  • The Booke of the Law, Iosh. 1. 8.
  • The Booke of the Lord, Isa. 34. 16.
  • The Booke of Life, 2 King. 22. 8.
  • A Buckler, Psal. 91. 4.
  • A Candle, Mark. 4. 21.
  • A Candlesticke, Rev. 2 5.
  • Christs Yoake, Mat. 11. 29.
  • Comfort, Psal. 119. 50.
  • The Commandement of God, Psal. 119. 98.
  • A Holy Commandement, 2 Pet. 2. 21.
  • A Lardg [...] Commandement, Psal. 119. 96.
  • A Pure Commandement, Psal. 19. 8.
  • A New Commandement, 1 Ioh. 2. 28.
  • The Covenant of the Lord, Deut. 29. 9.
  • The Tables of the Covenant, Deut 9. 9.
  • Counsell, Ier. 23. 22.
  • A Counsellour, Psal. 119. 24.
  • A Crowne, Eccles. 1. 21.
  • A Discerner of the thoughts, Heb 4. 12.
  • The Doctrine of the Apostles, Acts 2. 41.
  • The Doctrine of the Lord, Acts 13. 12.
  • The Doctrine of Christ, 2 Io [...]. 9.
  • Good Doctrine, Prov 4. 2.
  • Sound Doctrine, 2 Tim. 4. 3.
  • Wholsome Doctrine, Idem.
  • Divine inspiration, 1 Tim. 3. 16.
  • The Eyes of the Lord, Prov. 22. 12.
  • Eye-Salve, Rev. 3. 18.
  • Faith, Gal. 1. 23.
  • The Doore of Faith, Acts 14. 27.
  • A shield of Faith, Eph. 6. 16.
  • Faithfullnesse, Isa. 25. 1.
  • The Feare of the Lord, Prov 10. 27.
  • The Fountaine of Wisdome, Eccles. 1. 5.
  • The Fountaine of Life, Prov. 14. 27.
  • A Garment, Psal. 45. 8.
  • Glory, Prov. 22. 4.
  • A glorious Gospell, 1 Tim. 1. 11.
  • The Gospell of the Kingdom, Mat. 24. 14.
  • The Gospell of Christ, Rom 1. 16.
  • The Gospell of The Sonne, Rom. 1. 9.
  • The Gospell of Peace, Eph. 1. 16.
  • The Gospell of Gods grace, Acts 20. [...]4.
  • The Gospell of God, Rom. 1. 1.
  • The Arrowes Iob 6. 4.
  • The Answer Mich. [...]. 7.
  • The Bands Psal. 2. 3.
  • The Cordes
  • The Breath Iob [...]7. 10.
  • The Charge 1 King. 2. 3.
  • The Counsell Acts 20. 27.
  • The deep things 1 Cor. 2. 10.
  • The Faith Rom. 3. 3▪
  • The Finger Exod 31. 18.
  • The Fulnesse Eph. [...]. 19.
  • The Grace 1 Pet. 4. 10.
  • The Kingdome Mat. 21. 43.
  • The Mouth I [...]r. 9. 12.
  • The Oath Deut. 2 [...]. 12.
  • The Oracles Acts 7 38.
  • The Ordinances Deut. 4. 2.
  • The Protestation of God▪ Neh 9. 34.
  • The P [...]thes Mica. 6. 9.
  • The Power Rom. 1. 6.
  • The [...]recepts Psal. 119. 93.
  • The Purpose Ier 49. 20.
  • The Rod Psal. 23. 4.
  • The Staffe
  • The Steps Iob 23. 11.
  • The Secrets Psal. 25. 14.
  • The Statutes Psal. 19. 8.
  • The Testimonies Psal. 119. 99.
  • The Testament Heb. 8. 9.
  • The Truth Psal. 119. 160.
  • The Veritie Rom. 3. 7.
  • The Voice Psal [...]7. 2.
  • The Vision Numb. 24. 4.
  • The Will 1 Cor. 2. 7.
  • The Witnesse 1 Ioh. 5. 9.
  • The Writings Exod 32. 16.
  • The Workes
  • The Wisdome Prov. 8. 14.
  • The Breath of Gods Lips, Isa. 11. 1.
  • The Word of Gods Lips, Psal. 17. 4.
  • The Secrets of Gods Kingdō, Mat. 13. 11.
  • The Sound of Gods Voice, Iob. 37. 2.
  • The Wonders of Gods Law, Psal. 119 18.
  • The Breath of Gods Psal. 33. 6.
  • The Judgemēts of Gods Psal. 119. 13.
  • The Spirit of Gods Mouth Isa. 11 4.
  • [Page 15]The Sword of Gods Mouth [...]ev. 2. 16.
  • Testimonies of Gods Mouth Psal. 119. 88.
  • Gods Charge. Deut. 11. 1.
  • Gods Counsells of old, [...]sa. 25. 1.
  • Gods Comfort, Psal. 94 19.
  • Gods Doctrine, G [...]l. 1. [...]0.
  • Gods Face, Psal 27 8.
  • Gods Gate, Psal 118. 10
  • Gods Glory, Isa. 66. 19.
  • Gods Judgements, 1 King. 2. 3.
  • Gods Message, H [...]g [...]. 13.
  • Gods Speech, Deut 32 2.
  • Gods Secrets, Amos 5 3.
  • Gods Statutes, 1 King. 2. 3.
  • Gods Testimonies,
  • Gods Voice, Iosh. [...]4. 24.
  • Gods W [...]y, Psal. 27. 11.
  • Gods Word, Ier 1. 2.
  • Gods Yo [...]ke and band, Ier. 5. 5.
  • Good and Evill, Deut. 30. 15.
  • A good thing, Rom. 10. 15.
  • The Good part, Luke 10 42.
  • A princip [...]ll thing, Prov. 4. 7.
  • A H [...]mmer, Ier. 23 29.
  • Health, Prov. 3. 8.
  • S [...]ving Health, Psal. 67. 2.
  • A Healing Medicine, Ier. 30. 15.
  • [...]nces, Psal 78. 2.
  • [...] Knowledge, Eccles. 1. 16.
  • [...]g, Mat. [...]. 6.
  • [...]s, Prov. 4. 13.
  • [...]e Fathers i [...]structions, Prov. 1. 8.
  • [...] [...]e [...] of the Heart, Ier. 15. 16.
  • T [...] Ju [...]gements of the Lord, Psal. 119. 98.
  • Justice and equity, Prov. 1. 3.
  • The Key of Heaven, Mat 16. 19.
  • The Key of Gods Kingdome,
  • The Key of Knowledge, Luk. 11. 52.
  • Knowledge, Ier. 3. 15.
  • The Know­ledge of the Truth, H [...]b 10 26.
  • The Know­ledge of God, Prov. 2. 3.
  • The Know­ledge of Gods wayes, Iob. 21. 14.
  • A Lamp [...], Prov 6. 23.
  • A Lanthorne, Prov 6. 25.
  • The Law of God, Gen 26 5.
  • The Law of The Lord, Prov. [...]0 27.
  • The Law of Liberty, Iam 1 25.
  • The Law of Life, Ecclus 45. 5.
  • The Law of F [...]ith, Rom 3. 27.
  • The Law of Truth, Mal. 2. 6.
  • The Law of Mose [...], Iohn 8. 2.
  • The Law of The Spirit of life Rom 8. 2.
  • A perfect Law, Psal. 1 [...]. 7.
  • A Royall Law, Iam. [...]. 8.
  • The Language of Canaan, Isa. 19. 18.
  • A pure Language, Zeph. 3. 9.
  • The killing Letter, 2 Cor 3. 6.
  • Life and death, Prov 4. 22.
  • The life of God, Eph 4. 18.
  • The life of Lives, Deut 32. 47.
  • The life of Man, Prov. 20. 27.
  • The Pathes of life, Psal. 16. 11.
  • The Fountaine of life, Prov. 14. [...]7.
  • The Tree of life, Rev 2 7.
  • The Water of life, Iohn 6. 35.
  • The light of our Pathes, Psal 119. 105.
  • The light of the Lord, Prov. 20. 27.
  • The light of Gods coūtenance Psal [...]7. 1.
  • The light of Men, Ioh. 1. 4.
  • The light of the living, Iob 33. 3.
  • The Armour of Light, Rom. 13 12.
  • A Marvelous Light, 1 Pet. 2. 9.
  • A True Light, 1 Ioh. 2. 8.
  • Marrow, Prov. 3. 8.
  • Meate, Ioh. 6. 27.
  • A Portion, Luke 12. 42.
  • Strong Meate, Heb. 5. 1 [...].
  • Spirituall Meate▪ 1 Cor. 10. 3.
  • Milke, 1 Cor. 3. 2.
  • The Mini­stration of condemnation, 2 Cor. 3. 9.
  • The Mini­stration of righteousnesse,
  • The Mothers teaching, Prov. 1. 8.
  • The Mi­stery of the Kingdome of Heaven, Mat. 13. 11.
  • The Mi­stery of Godlinesse, 1 Tim. 3. 16.
  • The Mi­stery of God, Christ, the Father, Col. 2. 2.
  • The Mi­stery of the Faith, 1 Tim 3. 9.
  • A Message, 1 Io [...]. 5. [...].
  • A N [...]t, Hos. 7. 12.
  • Oyntment, Isa 1. 6.
  • An ornament of Grace, Prov 1. 9.
  • Pathes to walke in, Psa. 27. 11.
  • The old Pathes, Ier. 6. 16.
  • Right Pathes, Psal. 27. 11.
  • Pastures, Ioh. 10. 9.
  • Good pasture, Ezech. 34▪ 18.
  • Greene Pasture, Psal. 23. 2.
  • A Pearle, Mat. 7. 6.
  • Peace, Rom. 14. 17.
  • A pleasant garden, Ecclesia. 40. 27.
  • The Prophets Report, Isa 53. 1.
  • Profound deepenesse, Eccles▪ 7. 26.
  • Riches, Prov. 22. 4.
  • Unsearcheable Riches, Eph 3. 8.
  • Rest, Mat▪ 11. 24.
  • Refreshing rest, Isa. [...]8 12.
  • Strength, Psal [...]05 5.
  • Salvation, Acts 28. 28.
  • The Helmet of Salvation, Eph. 6. 17.
  • The Shield of Salvation, 2 Sam. 26. 36.
  • The Wells of Salvation, [...]sa. 12. 3.
  • A Sanctuary, Psal 7 [...]. 17.
  • Scripture, Acts 1. 16.
  • Scriptures of Truth, Dan [...]0. 11.
  • Scriptures of the Prophets, Rom. 16. 26.
  • Holy Scriptures, Rom. 1. 2.
  • The Secrets of the Kingdome, Mat. 13 11.
  • Seede, Luk 8 11.
  • Immortall Seede, 1 Pet. 1. 23.
  • The Savour of Life, 2 Cor. 2. 16.
  • The Savour of Death,
  • The Searcher of the Bow [...]lls, Prov. 20▪ 27.
  • A Shield▪ Psal. 91 4.
  • The Spirit, 2 Cor. [...]. 6.
  • Spirituall Giftes, Rom. 1. 11.
  • Spirituall Drinke 1 Cor 10. 3, 4, &c.
  • Spirituall Meate
  • Statutes of Life, Eze. 33. 4.
  • Statutes of the Lord, Psal 19. 8.
  • Statutes of Israel, Psal. 81. 4.
  • [Page 16]Right Statutes, Psal 19. 8.
  • The strength of all things, Wisd. 10. 12.
  • Assured strength, Prov. 14. 26.
  • A Song, * Deut. 31. 19.
  • A new Song, * Psal. 40. 3.
  • The Supper of the L [...]mb,
  • A Great Supper, Luke 14 16.
  • A Sword against Sathan, Heb 4. 12.
  • The Sword of the Spirit, Eph 6. 17.
  • A two edged Sword, Heb. 4. 12.
  • A Talent, Mat. 25. 15.
  • The treasure of Knowledge and Wisedome, Col. 2. 3.
  • Thunder, Iob 37. 5.
  • A Trumpet, Ier. 6. 17.
  • Tydings of Salvation, Luke 2 10.
  • Glad tydings of Peace, Isa. 52. 7.
  • Good tydings of Peace, Rom. 10. 15.
  • Good and glad tydings, Isa. 40. 9.
  • Understanding, Iob. 15. 16.
  • The way of God, Psal. [...]7. 11.
  • The way of Gods testimonies, Psal. 119. 14.
  • The way of Holinesse, Isa. 35. 8.
  • The way of Judgement, Prov. 6. 8.
  • The way of Life, Prov. 6. 23.
  • The way of Righteousnesse, Isa 58. 1.
  • The way of Peace, Luke 1. 79.
  • The way of Wisdome, Prov. 4. 11.
  • A Good Way, 1 Sam. 12. 23.
  • A Narrow Way, Mat. 7. 13.
  • A Perfect Way, Psal. 101. 2.
  • A Straight Way, Acts 13. 10.
  • An Uncorrupt Way, Psal. 18. 30.
  • Wisdome, Prov. 1. [...].
  • Sound Wisdome, Prov. 8. 14.
  • Weapons of a Christian, 2 Cor. 10. 4.
  • White Rayment, Rev. 3. 18.
  • The Word of the Covenant, Ier 11. 3.
  • The Word of Exhortation, Acts 13. 15.
  • The Word of Christ, Col. 3. 19.
  • The Word of good Doctrine, 1 Tim 4. 6.
  • The Word of Grace, Acts 20. 32.
  • The Word of Gods Mouth, Psal [...]8. 1.
  • The Word of Faith, Rom. 10. 8.
  • The Word of Knowledge. Prov. 1. 2.
  • The Word of Life, Phil. 2 16.
  • The Word of this L [...]fe, Acts 5. 20.
  • The Word of the Law, Deut 31. 24.
  • The Word of the Holy One; Iob 6. 10.
  • The Word of Me [...]k [...]n [...]sse, Psal. 45. 4.
  • The Word of Prophecy, Rev. 1 3.
  • The Word of the Prophets, Acts 3. 27.
  • The Word of Reconciliatiō, 2 Cor. 5. 9.
  • The Word of the Gospell, Acts 15. 7.
  • The Word of S [...]bern [...]sse, Acts 26. 25.
  • The Word of Truth,
  • The Word of God, Ier. 1. 2.
  • An engrossed Word, Iames 1. 21.
  • Gods Word, Eze 16. 1.
  • A comfortable Word, Zach. 1. 13.
  • A faithfull Word, Rev 22. 6.
  • A lively Word, Heb▪ 4 12.
  • A mighty Word, Heb. 1▪ 3.
  • A pleasant Word, [...]ccles. 12. 10.
  • A plaine Word, Prov. 8. 9.
  • A pretious Word, 1 Sam. 3. 1.
  • A powerfull Word, Heb 4 12.
  • A pure Word, Psal. 12 6.
  • A right Word, Psal [...]3. 4.
  • A straight Word, Prov. 8. 9.
  • A sure Word, 2 Pet. 1. 19.
  • A true Word, Rev. 2 [...] 6.
  • A Wholsome Word, Tit. 2. 8.
  • Chaines for the Necke, Prov 1. 9.
  • A Crowne of Glory, Prov. 4 9.
  • The Dew, Deut. 32. [...].
  • A Deepe great, Psal. [...]6. 6.
  • A Draw-Net, Mat 13. 47.
  • Fire burning, Ier. 20 9.
  • Figges, Mat. 7▪ [...]6.
  • Frontlets, Deut. [...]. 8.
  • Grapes, Mat. 7. 16.
  • A Glasse, Iam 1. 23.
  • Gold tryed in the fire, Psal. 19. 10.
  • Garments smelling of Mi [...]rh, Psal. 45. 8.
  • Alloes and Cassia▪
  • Hysop, Psal. 51 7.
  • Honey and hony combe, Psal. 19. 10.
  • An Heritage, Psal. 119. 111.
  • Leven hid in Meale, Mat. [...]3. 33.
  • The light of the World, Rom. 13. 12.
  • Light shining in Darknesse, 2 Pet 1. 19.
  • Marchandizes of silver, Prov. 3. 14.
  • Mighty Mountaines▪ Psal. 36 6.
  • New Cloath, Mat. 9. 16.
  • New Wine,
  • Oyle and Oyntment, Exod 30. 15.
  • The Poole Bethesda, Ioh 5. 2.
  • A Plough, Luk. [...]. 62.
  • Rayne and showers, Deut. 32 2
  • Silver tryed in the fire Psal. [...]2. 16.
  • A Sickle, Rev. 14. 15.
  • A Shield and Buckler, Psal 91. 4.
  • A Starre, Mat. 2. 2.
  • Treasures hidden, Luke 16. 11.
  • Waters still and deepe, Eze. 34 18.
  • Waters: and Wine, Isa 55. 1.
  • The Foure Windes of the Earth, Rev 7. 1.
  • A Pavourie of wholsome food against f [...]igned Traditions,
  • A Physitians Shoppe against poysoned Heresies,
    Basil in Psal­mum primum.
  • A Pandet of profitable Lawes against rebellious spirits,
  • A Treasurie of most costly Jewells against beggerly Rudiments.

And is

  • Wisdome without Folly to Direct [...]s▪ For that i [...] will
  • Riches without [...]verty to Honour [...]s▪ For that i [...] will
  • Strength without We [...]kenesse to Maynteyne [...]s▪ For that i [...] will

Instruct us in Life: Comfor [...] us in Death: and glorifie us in Heaven.

By Gods Word

2 Sam. 17 7. Hushai was made a wise Counsellor: 1 King. 3. 12. Salomon a wise King: Josh. 17. Ioshuah a wise Captaine: and 2 Tim. 3. 15. Timothy a wise Divine: Judg. 7. 5, 6. Gideon overcame the Midianites, 2 Sam 5. 19. David the Philistines, 2 Chr [...] [...]0. 2 [...]▪ 2 Chron. 14. Iehoshaphat the Amonites, Numb. [...]1. 3. The Israelites the Canaanites; * And all Godly men, [...]he Flesh, the Divell and the Worldes vanities: Prov. 8. 16. Kings Raigne, Prin­ces decree Justice: All things are governed: Psal. 33 6. The Foundations of the Earth were [...]aid; The Heavens established, Pr. 8. 21. Ro. 1. 17 Treasures and Substances are inherited: Man is blessed, his Faith is increased: Psal. 19. 7. His soule is converted, Psal. 19. 8. Psal. 19. 7 Rom. 1. 17. His heart cheared, and changed: H [...]s corruptions mortified: His understanding enlightned▪ His thoughts purged▪ His affections sanctified: His memory with good Lessons stored: His will to Gods will confirmed. His speech with Grace is seasoned: Deut. 32. 47. His dayes are prolon­ged: Prov. 9. 11. His yeares augmented, Prov. [...]. 24. His sleepe is secured: His eyes lightned, His walkings guided: And all his actions to Gods glory wholly dir [...]cted: Psal. 119. 13 [...]. 2 T [...]. 3. 15. [...] Eph. 5. 26. I [...]▪ 3. 36. Ioh. 17. 17. Ps. 119. 1 [...]. & 19. 7. 8. 1 Tim. 4. 5. Iam. 1. 21. Acts. 20. 32. The ignorant men are instructed: Disordered men reformed: The afflicted in Heavinesse comforted: The Dull in Memory quickned: The cold in Zeale enflamed: and the distressed in want releeved: The Righteousnesse of God is revealed: * The Church is sanctified: Truth is preached: Error convinced, Vice corrected, good life Directed: Death avoided and life eternall through Christ obteyned.

In keeping then of Gods Word there is great reward.Psal. 10. 11.

Blessed is he that heareth me, watching at my gates, and that giveth attendance at the postes of my doores, for he that seeketh me early shall finde me.Prov. 8. 34.

He that feareth me shall be rewarded: He that despiseth me shall be destroyed.Prov 8. 17.

Let the Word of God then dwell in you plentifully.Pro. 13. 13.

Reade: Deut. 6. 6▪ &c. Prov. 8. 17, &c. Psal 139▪ 6. Act. 20. 32. Eccles. 1. Chap. 7. Chap. 24.Col. 3. [...]6.

Of Gods Decree and Predestination.
Of Election and Reprobation.

AS it maketh neither for the Ornament, nor the use of an House to have all v [...]ssels of one sort, as 2 Tim. 2. 20. all of gold, or all of silver, but rather of divers and of sundry matter. And as in a mans body the manifold members thereof, are of greater both use and dignitie, then i [...] all were one member: So in the body of the Church, God would not have all elect, or all reprobate, but some Elect, some Reprobates, some good, others bad, because this would make most for Gods glory, as the other for the good of the whole body.

Gods Decree is that by which God hath necessarily, and yet freely from Isa. 46 10. all Eter­nitie determined all things. Howbeit the Decree of God is the first and principall cause of all things, yet it doth not take away freedome of will in Election, or the Nature and proper [...]ie of Eph. 1. 12. Mat. 10. 29. Rom 9. 21. Isa 46. 10. second causes, but brings them into a certaine order (th [...]t [...]s) it directeth them to the determinate end, whereupon the effect of things are contingent and necessary, as the nature of the second cause is.

Predestination is the Decree of God, in as much as it concernes Man, (being so cal­led) by which God hath ordeyned all men to a certaine and everlasting estate (that is) some [...] Thes. 5 9. to salvation in his Sonne, others to Rom 9. 22. Condemnation, for his owne glory and their sinne.

Election is a Decree in which God according to the good pleasure of his will hath certainely Eph. 1. 4, 5. chosen some men to life eternall in Christ, and that for the praise of the glory of his Grace.

Reprobation is Gods Decree, in the which because it so pleased him, he hath Prov. 16. 4. 2 Cor. 13. 5. pur­posed to refuse some men by means of Adams fall and their owne corruptions for the manifestation of his Justice.

Hath God made man to condemne him?Ob.

Nothing lesse: God is not the cause of condemnation, but man himselfe, accordingHose 13 9. An. to the Prophet Hosea saying: O Israel thy destruction is of thy selfe: God useth allIsa. 5. 4. Meaning his Vineyard. meanes to save soules according to Isaiah saying: What more could have beene done for it, then I have done?

God Eze 18. 23. Isa. 50. 1. Cha. 59. 2. Psal. 104. 35. Ps. 51. 4. Ps. 62. 4. Prov. 29. 6. Psal. 59. 12. will no [...] the death of a Sinner?Ob.

God willeth not simply and absolutely the Death of a Sinner, as it is the destructionAn. of▪ his Creature, but as it is a meanes to declare his Justice, and to set forth his glory: Now these which are ordeyned to just Damnation, are likewise ordeyned to be left to themselves in this world, in 2 Thes. 2. 11▪ blindenesse of minde, and hardnesse of heart, so as they shall not, nor will repent of their sinnes; So that their sinnes shall be thereby the cause of their condemnation, and God not the Author of the same. Sinnes are not the [Page 18] cause of rejection, yet they are the cause of Damnation, whereunto the Reprobate are ordeyned and destined.

If God predestinate every man to his end, how then can it be said that Adam fellOb. into sinne, without Gods ordination and predestination, seeing he gave him occasion to sinne whilst he made a Law, which he knew he would not keepe: Created the Serpent and Divell, whom he knew would tempt Eve, gave him Eve to wife, that would entice him, as also permitted him to abuse his owne Free-will, that was gi­ven him.

In the state of Mans innocency in Paradise, Good and bad was propounded to mansAn. will, and his will stood inclinable to that which the minde (or sences) first assented unto (for the minde conceiveth before the will subscribes freely) and the minde (or sences) then were enabled to judge and determine rightly, so that there was in man, helpe unto good, not infirmitie unto evill: Adam therefore sinned freely, and un­constrainedly. 1. In neglecting their Law and Calling. 2. In opening eare freely unto lewd counsell. 3. In eating the forbidden fruite. Now there were three things concurring to the fall of Adam. 1. Gods permitting. 2. Sathans tempting. 3. Mans yeelding. First, God permitting not by Iam. 1. 13. 1 Ioh. 2. 16. instilling into him any evill, or taking from him any ability unto good, but by suffering Sathan to tempt him. Secondly, By lea­ving man to the liberty and mutability of his owne Will, not hindring his fall by sup­ply of Grace, and by 2 Sam. 24. 1 1 Ch [...]o. 21. 1. Sathans tempting, who being himselfe fallen, envying Gods glory and mans happinesse, subtilly addressed himselfe into the Serpent. Thirdly, Mans yeelding, who being left to the mutability of their owne Will, Eccles. 7. 29. voluntar [...]lyGen. 3. 1. enclined unto that evill whereunto they were tempted. Howbeit we deny not, but that the will of God is the first and true cause why Adam fell, as also why he hath chosen some, and hated others, (for if God would simply not have had him sinned, he had not sinned, for that nothing can be done against his Will and Counsell) But we deny that it therefore followeth, that God can be accused of sinne or of any injustice, because his Will is Just, and the rule of all Justice, so that none iniquity can be found in him. Besides which there are many more just Reasons of the Judgements of God, in God himselfe, although they be unknowne and unsearcheable unto us wret­ches, that cannot of our selves neither see such Reasons, because we are blinded, nor know them by the Scriptures, because they are not revealed. Isa. 40. 28. There is no searching of Gods Wisdome, it cannot be comprehended: if the Creature could swallow up all the Reason of the Creator, God should be finite, and God no God. Iudg. 13. 18. An Angell bid Manoah not to enquire after his Name which was secret. Deut▪ 29. 29. Secret things belong unto God, revealed to man: Search not then for those things that are hidden, and Dive not too deepe for feare of Drowning.

Object. If God Decree every thing, why punisheth he any thing?

Answ. Punishment commeth from God by the just desert of the ranchor Lam. 3. 39. of mans sinne, Rom. 11. 5. Election of Gods free grace.

Object. Rom 9 19. Who hath resisted the Will of God? Why is he angry?

Answ. What art thou oh Man, which pleadest with God Iob 33. 13. who giveth not ac­count of his matters, Darest thou to expostulate with God thy Authour? Isa. 45. 9. Woe be to him, that contendeth with his Maker: S. Augustine handling this matter saith, Oh thou man that lookest for an Answer from me, let us both heare him which saith, Rom. 9. 20. oh man who art thou which reasonest with God? Faithfull ignorance is better then rash knowledge: Seeke for merits, thou shalt find nothing but punishment: O Altitude, Peter deny­eth, the Thiefe beleeveth O Altitude▪ askest thou the reason, I will admire, and be astonished at the Altitude, reason thou, I will marvell, dispute thou, I will beleeve: I see the Altitude, but I come not to the bottome; Paul rested because he found admiration: He calleth them Rom. 11 33. Gods inscru­table Judgements, and commest thou to search them? He calleth them wayes investigable, and seekest thou to finde them? And in another place,Cui hac re­sponsio non places & quae­ra [...] doctiores, sed caveat ne invenia [...] praesumptuo­res. speaking of the same matter (saith) if any man will binde us, and presseRom. 11. 33. us to search, and sound the profunditie, why one is perswaded, another is not, I have only two things to answer: Rom. 1 [...]. 33. Oh the depth of his Riches, &c. Cha. 9. 14. And is there iniquity with God? He that liketh not this Answer, let him seeke more learned Teachers, but let him looke that he finde not them that are more presumptuous.

If I be predestinated to eternall life I shall be saved how wickedly soever I live, I will therefore live as I list?

Answ. Men predestinated to the end, that is Glory and eternall life, are alsoa Th [...]s. 2. 13. Rom. 8. 30. Eph. 1 4. predestinated to the subordinate meanes whereby they come to eternall life, and they are Christ and his merits, as he was a Mediatour, an effectuall [Page 19] Calling, Faith, Regeneration, Sanctification, Repentance, &c. with a god­lyHeb. 11. 6. Ioh. 3. 6. life.

Seeing some are ordeyned to condemnation may we judge who they are?
Answ 1.
Wee cannot judge, because it is a secret reserved unto God,
Mat. 7. 1. Iam. 4. 12.
Iudge not saith Christ)
God is mercifull in forgiving, as he is miraculous in calling, making a
Acts 9 1.
Persecutor a Preacher, Saul a Paul.
Because the Godly have beene overgon in this matter: so was
1 K. 19. 10.
Elias saying, that he was onely left in all Israel that bowed not his knee to Baal,
1 Sam. 1. 13.
So was Eli in judging Hanna.

We must Ioh. 7. 24. not judge according to the appearance, saith Christ, 1 Cor. 4. 5. judge nothing be­fore the time, untill the Lord come, saith S. Paul.

To conclude this Poynt.

God from everlasting by his Decree appointed first to create all men, then to permit them to fall into sinne, and for sinne to be guilty of Death: And after by Christ to deliver some, but to leave others, and to punish them for their sinnes, and this appoy [...]t­ment is very [...]redestination, Election and Reprobation. Ob the Depth of the riches bothRom. 11. 33. of the Wisdome and knowledge of G [...]d, &c.

Who is wise and he shall understand these things, prudent and he shall know them:Hos 14. 9.

For the wayes of the Lord are right, and the just shall walke in them, but the trans­gressours shall fall therein.

God decreed that
Seede should serve foure hundred yeares a strange people,
Gen. 15. 13. Act. 7. 6 1 Sam. 17. 14.
Should be destroyed by his owne Counsell,
Should serve Iacob before he had done good or evill,
Mal. 1. 2. Rom. 9 1. Isa. 2. 6. Gal. 3. 8. Acts 13. 48.
The Gentiles,
Should be called to the knowledge of Christ, and that such should be­le [...]e as were ordayned to Salvation,
Herod & Pilate,
Should do that onely to Christ, which he in his counsell had deter­mined
Acts 4. 27.
mined afore to be done,
Should be by his owne Apostle Iudas betrayed,
Ps. [...]1. 9. Jo. 13. 11. Dan. 9. 24. [...]. 8. 25 Ier. 1. 5.
Should be made desolate, and againe blessed,
Should be a Prophet, and that before he was formed,
Should be separated from his mothers wombe, that is, elected and cal­led
Gal. 1. 15.
to preach Christ, as also should suffer many afflictions for him,
1 Thos. 3 3.
The Philistims & Moabites,
Should be as Chaffe that passeth in a day, and that by Gods wrath
Zeph. 2. 2.
comming suddenly on them,
The Thessalo:
Should be elected and chosen unto salvation,
1 Thes. 1. 4. 2 Thes. 2. 13. Pr. 16. 4. Hab. 1. 12. Rom. 9. 12. I [...]d 1. 4. He, [...] 11. Ex. 32. 32. Re [...]. 78. & 20. 15.
The Wicked & Reprobate,
Should be made for the day of evill, prepared to destruction, and ordeyned to condemnation: As also that all they that have not their names written in the booke of Life, from the foundation of the world should be cast into Hell.
The Godly & Elect,
Should be chosen in Christ according to the fore-knowledge of God
1 Pet. 1. 2. Eph. 1. 4, 11. Tit. 1. 1. 2.
the Father, and that before the foundation of the world; and should be called not according to their workes, but according to God [...] pur­pose, having their names written in the booke of Li [...]e, which booke
2 Tim. 1. 9. Phil. 4. 3. Rev. 20. 15.
of Life is the eternall Decree of God, in which he hath elected in Christ, according to the good pleasure of his Will, those that shall be Heires of life.
Mans calling & Salvation,
Should be not according to our works, but according to Gods owne
2 Tim. 1. 9.
purpose and Grace which was given us in Christ before all time,
The time of Man,
Should be appointed: his Months determined, dayes numbred, and his
Heb. 9 27.
very last houre limited, as our Saviour Christ himselfe confessed.
Iob 14. 5.
The Moone,
Should be for certaine Seasons: and Sunnes going downe,
Ioh. 13 1.
The Lightning,
Raine and Thunder before the world beganne,
Psal. 104. 14.
The Seas,
Should not passe beyond their bounds lymited,
Iob 28. 26.
The Revelation,
Of the Misterie of the calling of the Gentiles should be kept close from
I [...]. 5. 22. Iob 26. 10. Ma [...] 13. 33. Rom. 16. 25. Collos 1 26
the beginning of the World till the time the Gospell was preached,
His Counsell,
Should stand declaring the last things from the beginning and from of old, the things that were not done, saying, My counsell shall stand,
Isa. 46. 10, 11.
I will do whatsoever I will; as I have spoken so will I bring to passe,
Isa. 14. 27.
I have purposed I will doe it, who is able to disanull it?
G [...]d
  • Foundation, Counsells, Purpose, Remayneth sure and hath this seale, He knoweth his are of old and
    2 Tim. 2. 19. Isa. [...]6. 10. [...]eb. 6. 17. Psal. 33. 11.
    shall stand for ever, being Faithfulnesse, is eternall, wrought in Christ before all things.
    Eph 3. 11.
  • [Page 20]God Predestinated Those which he knew before to be made like to the Image
    Rom. 8. 29.
    of his Sonne Christ, and hath appointed a day in the
    Acts 17. 31.
    which he will judge the World by Christ.
  • God Knoweth all his Workes And that from the beginning: He appointeth the state
    Acts 15▪ [...]8.
    and condition of man before his Creation; He can doe
    Acts 17 26.
    with man as the Potter with the Clay, make one to ho­nour
    Ier. 18. 6.
    and another to dishonour: He will shew mercy
    Rom. 9. 15.
    to whom he will shew mercy, and compassion to whom
    [...]xod. 33. 19.
    he will have compassion, and whom he will he hard­neth,
    Rom. 9. 15, 18.
    so that it is not in him that willeth, nor in him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.
  • God Promised Hope of Eternall life for the godly from the beginning,
    Tit. 1. 2.
  • God Prepared The Kingdome of Heaven for the godly from the beginning,
    Math. 25. 31. 34.
  • God Prepared Everlasting fire, for the Divell and his from the beginning,
  • Christ Was Decreed To be the Sonne of God before all Worlds, ordayned of
    Ps. 2. 7. Act. [...]3. 23
    God to be a Judge both of quick and dead, before the
    He. 1. 5. Act▪ 10. 4 [...]
    foundation of the world, but was in the last dayes de­clared:
    1 Pet. 1. 20.
    He was appointed for the fall, and rising againe
    1 Pet. 2▪ 8.
    of many in Israel, and delivered by the determinate coun­sell
    Luk. 2. 34.
    of God to be crucified.
    Acts. 2. 2 [...].
  • Christ Knew From the beginning, whom he had chosen, who they were
    Iohn 13. 8.
    that beleeved not, who should b [...]tray him: and there­fore
    Iohn 6. 64.
    saith, without me ye can do nothing, ye have not
    Iohn 15. [...], 16.
    chosen me, but I have chosen and ordeyned you.

There is no variablenesse, nor shadow by changing in God, saith SaintJam 1. 17. E [...]. 3. 14 Iames I change not, saith the Lord. Isra [...]l hath not obteyned that heMal. 3. 6. Isa. 14. 24 sought, but the Election hath obteyned it, and the rest have bin hardned:Rom. 11. 5, 7. So that there is a Remnant at this day through the Election of Grace, not of works saith S. Paul: whatsoever God doth it continueth for ever, nothing can be put unto it, nor taken from it, saith the Preacher: The Lord God [...]ccles. 3. 14. knew all things or ever they were made, and after they be brought to passeEcclesia. 23. 20. he looketh on them.

Use. The Doctrine of Predestination is especially two fold.

  • 1. It teacheth us that there is a certaine and firme perswasion of our Ele­ction to eternall salvation in Christ.
  • 2. Seeing our salvation is wholly in Christ, that should teach us to put off all confidence of our own worths and merits, so as that we should ascribe our whole salvation to the only grace of God in Christ, and so he that glo­rieth should glory in the Lord, to whom be all blessednesse ascribed, in that he hath blessed us with all spirituall blessings in heavenly things in Christ, having chosen us in himselfe before the foundations of the world were laid: Reade: Isa. 10. 23. Chap. 14. 27. Chap. 23. 8, 9. Chap 41. 9 Dan. 9. Chap. 10. Iob. 23. 14. Zech. 1. 6. Prov. 19. 21. 1 Cor. 1. 26. 2 Tim. 1. 9. Ioh. 17. 10. Give diligence to make your election sure, 2 Pet 1. 10.
  • Adam Had Kain, Eldest
    Gen. 4.
  • Adam Had Abel, Eldest
  • Adam Had Seth, Eldest
  • Noab Had Iapheth, The Youngest Wicked.
  • Noab Had Shem, The Youngest Wicked.
    Gen. 9.
  • Noab Had Cham, The Youngest Wicked.
  • Tera [...] Had Haran, Midlest Wicked.
  • Tera [...] Had Nahor, Midlest Wicked.
    Gen. 11.
  • Tera [...] Had Abram, Midlest Wicked.

To shew that neither in Eldest, Youngest or Middlemost, but in Gods free Election standeth eternall happinesse.

Election of Younger before the Elder.
  • [Page 21]Abel The Younger chos [...]. Kain The Elder refused. Gen. 4. Judah The Younger chos [...]. R [...]ub [...] The Elder refused.
    Gen. 49. 8.
  • Abraham The Younger chos [...]. Nach [...]r The Elder refused. Gen. 12. Joseph The Younger chos [...]. The Patriarchs The Elder refused.
    Gen. 4 [...].
  • Boaz The Younger chos [...]. His Kinsman The Elder refused. Ruth 4. Ithamar The Younger chos [...]. Abih [...] The Elder refused.
    Numb. 3. 4.
  • David The Younger chos [...]. Eliab The Elder refused. 1 Sam. 16. Jeh [...]az The Younger chos [...]. J [...]h [...]iakim The Elder refused.
    2 King 23.
  • Ep [...]raim The Younger chos [...]. M [...]nasses The Elder refused. Gen: 48. Moses The Younger chos [...]. A [...]r [...] The Elder refused.
    Exod. 7. 7.
  • El [...]z [...]r The Younger chos [...]. Nadab The Elder refused. Numb. 3. Ruth The Younger chos [...]. O [...]p [...]h The Elder refused.
    Ruth. 1. 14.
  • Isaa [...] The Younger chos [...]. Ismael The Elder refused. Gen. 21. Shem The Younger chos [...]. Cham The Elder refused.
    Gen. 9. [...]7.
  • Jaacob The Younger chos [...]. Esau The Elder refused. Gen. 25. S [...]lomon The Younger chos [...]. Ad [...]niah The Elder refused.
    1 King. 1.

Notwithstanding that for outward blessings the Lord commandedReade 1 Sam 9. 21. 1 King. 20. 14. Deut. 21. 15, 17. that the Eldest should have a double portion of all that the Father had before the younger: but Christs saying is here verified: TheMat. 19. 30. Saul Young. first shall bee last and the last first. For that the Lord seeth not1 Sam. 16. 7. as man seeth, for man looketh on the outward appearance, God on2 Cor. 10. 7. the heart.

Election free in God.
  • David Was chosen to be King of Israel: King Saul rejected,
    1 Sam. 15. C. 16. 12.
  • [...]lias Was saved: Balaam damned, both prophecyed,
    2 King. [...]. 2 P [...]t. 2.
  • The Gentiles Called: The Jewes rejected: for both Christ dyed,
    Rom. 9.
  • G [...]dcon The meanest of his Fathers house was advanced,
    Iu [...]g. 6. 15.
  • The Israelites First borne w [...]re preserved: the Aegyptians destroyed,
    Exod 12.
  • In thered Sea were d [...]livered: Pharoah drowned,
  • I [...]hoshaphat Was s [...]ved: Ahab slaine, both fighting at [...]amoth Gilead,
    1 King [...]2.
  • Ioseph Of Arimathea a rich man saved: Dives rich damned,
    Luk. 1 [...].
  • Matthias Before Ios [...]ph called Iustus was elected,
    Act. 1. 2 The Trib [...] [...] [...] Psal. 78. 67.
  • Mord [...]cai Was advanced: Hamon by Ahashuerash hanged,
    Es [...]h. 7. Ho [...]. 1. 7.
  • The Men Of Iudah: not of Israel, in captivity were delivered,
    Ez. 1. 7. 1 King 7.
  • Noah With his were preserved in the Arke: all else per [...]shed,
    Gen. 7.
  • Pharoa [...]s Butler in prison was restored: his Bak [...] hanged,
    Gen: 40.
  • Peter An Apostle saved: Iudas an Apostle damned,
    Acts 1. 19.
  • One T [...]iese Was by Christ at last [...]aved, the other damned,
    Mat. 27.
  • One Man In the field and bed shall be received, another refused,
    Luk. 17.
  • One Woman Grinding shall be accepted, another rejected,
  • Judge not why God draweth this man and not that man if
    Psal. 33. 12.
    thou wilt not e [...]re (saith S. Augustine)
  • Abel & Seth Were counted blessed of all Adams sonnes,
    Gen 5. 3.
  • Abraham Was chosen to be the Father of all faithfulnesse,
    Gen. 12. 2. Isa 51▪ 2
  • Aarons Rodde budded, of all the twelve put into the Tabernacle,
    Ro. 4 [...]. Num 17. 8
  • The Apostles Were chosen at the first to est [...]blish the Gospe [...]l,
    Mat. 10. 5. Mar. 1 [...].
  • Abijah Of all Ieroboams posterity came to be buried,
    1 King, 14. 13. (15.
  • Abiathar Was saved alive of eighty sive persons that wore the Lynen Ephod
    1 Sam 22. 20.
  • Abikam With certaine Elders spake that Ieremiah might be delivered,
    Ier. [...]6. 16▪ 24.
  • Da [...]iel Is mentioned to be delivered out of the Lyons Den,
    Dan: 6. 23 & 2. 19.
  • David Was chosen to sight with Goliah the Philistine,
    [...] Sa [...]. 17. 37. Isa 63. 3.
  • Elias Was for the Lord against foure hundred and fifty false Prophets,
    1 King. 18. 22.
  • Elisha Of a Plough man was made one of the Lords Prophets,
    1 Ki [...]g. 10. 1 [...].
  • Ebedmelech Spake to have Ieremiah brought out of the Dungeon,
    Jer. [...]8 7 & 33. 1 [...]
  • Elihu Of Iobs comforters spake that was right unto him,
    [...]b 42 7.
  • Five Virgins Of Ten entred before the Doores were shut with the Bridegroom
    Mat. [...]5 10.
  • F [...]w Men Followed King Saul whose heart God had touched,
    1 Sam. 10 46.
  • F [...]w Men Remained in Sardis which had not their ga [...]ments defiled,
    Rev. 3. 4.
  • F [...]w Men Beleeved in Christ, Pharisees and Rulers not mentioned,
    Io. [...] 48. & 3. 32. Isa. 10.
  • F [...]w Men W [...]re present [...]t Christs Ascention, when many dyed,
    Acts 1. 11. (19.
  • F [...]w Men Wise and Noble after the flesh are called,
    1 Cor. 1. [...]6.
  • F [...]w Men Accompanied S. Paul, or his Doctrine beleeved,
    Act. 17. 4.
  • Gamaliel G [...]ve couns [...]ll to set at liberty the Apostles,
    Act. 5 34.
  • The Gib [...]o [...]it [...]s Being a remnant of the Amorites had peace with the Israelites,
    2 Sam. 21. 2. I [...]sh. 9 3.
  • The Israelites W [...]e chosen to be to God a holy people and Nation,
    Exod. 10. 6.
  • Isaac I [...] m [...]ntioned to be godly of all Abrahams children,
    Gen. 25. 5.
  • Iotham Was preserved: Seventy being slaine of his bretheren,
    Iudg. 9. 5.
  • S. Iohn Of all the Apostles had the savour to leane on Christs bosome,
    Iohn 13. 23.
  • Ioshuab And Caleb of six hundred thousand entred Canaan,
    Numb. 14. 24.
  • [Page 22]Ioash Escaped Death, all the seede royall being slaine,
    2 King. 11. 2.
  • Ionah Was saved by a Fish in the Sea receiving him,
    Ionah 2. 2.
  • Ioseph Of all the Counsellors consented not to the death of Christ,
    Luk 23. 51
  • Ioseph And Nicod [...]mus begged and buried the body of Christ,
    Ioh. 19. 38, 39.
  • Lot His Wife and Daughters were delivered in Sodom,
    Gen. 19. 16
  • Luke The Physition remained with Paul, Dema [...] forsooke him,
    2 Tim. 4. 10, 11
  • A Little Flocke is the Flocke of Christ, as Christ consessed,
    Luk. 12 32.
  • * Magdalen Was of all them at the Table by Christ commended,
    Mark. 14 9.
  • Moses And Aaron were sent to Pharoah, the Israelites delivered,
    Exod 4. 14.
  • Mephthosheth Of all King Sauls posterity was by David preserved,
    2 Sam. 9. 5.
  • Michaiah Of foure hundred Prophtes, truely prophecyed,
    1 King. 22. 6.
  • Magdalen Was the first to whom Christ rising from death appeared,
    Mar 1 [...] 9.
  • Iob In the Land of Huz to be a just man is mentioned,
    Iob 1 1. [...] Sam. 18. 1.
  • Ionathan Of all Sauls Courtiers shewed kindnesse to David,
    1 Sam. 18. 1. Gen. 7. 22. & [...]. 8.
  • Noah And his were saved in the Arke all else perished,
    1 P [...]t 3 [...].
  • Naa [...]an Of all the Leapers in Israel he was clensed,
    Luk. 4 27.
  • N [...]cod [...]m [...]s Of all the Rulers spake for Christ, all else maligned him,
    Ioh. 7. 50.
  • * Ones [...]horu [...] Refreshed Paul: all they in Asia turned from him,
    2 Tim 1. 15, 16
  • One Dis [...]p [...]e W [...]s [...] to follow Christ at his apprehension,
    Mat 26, 56.
  • One City Had rayne, yea, one piece was [...]ayned upon,
    Amos. 4 7.
  • One Captaine Of Three sent to take Elias was preserved,
    2 King 1. 13.
  • One Hearer Of foure received the word and pro [...]ited.
    Mat. 13. 8.
  • One Leaper Of Te [...]eturned to give thankes being cl [...]nsed.
    Luk. 17. 12.
  • One Man Of a City and two of a Tribe were brought out of Captivity,
    I [...]r., 14.
  • One Man Was healed a [...]ter the Angell stirted the [...]oole Bethesda,
    Ioh. 5. 4.
  • One Man Was not found to follow God:
    Zech. 1. 11.
    All were at rest,
  • One Man Of a thousand found wisdome and righteousnesse
    P [...]a. 14. 2. [...] 33. [...]3. [...] 26.
  • One Man Was not to be found that executed judgement [...] Ierusalem,
    [...] 5. 1. [...] 5. [...]. 21. 27. [...] 4.
  • One Man Was saved of Bethel and of all the Amalekites, the rest slayne,
    1 Sam. 30. 11. [...] 1. 25.
  • One Man Godly, was not left amo [...] the children of Men,
    Psa [...] 2. 1.
  • One Man Wise, among the Corinthians was not among them,
    1 Cor. 6. 5.
  • One Prodigall Is mentioned to have returned to his Father,
    Luk. 15. 18.
  • One Runaway Is mentioned to have returned to his Master,
    Phile. 1.
  • One Th [...]efe Of Two crucified with Christ was saved,
    Luk 2. 3. 43.
  • One of Two At Christs comming to Judgement shall be received,
    Luk. 17. 34.
  • Obadiah H [...]d the Prophets of the Lord: Iezabell destroyed them,
    1 King. 18. 4.
  • Peter Iames and Iohn saw Christs transfiguration,
    Mat. 17. 2.
  • The Poore Were left in [...]srael by the King of Babylon,
    Ier 39 10.
  • Rahab Was saved with her Housh [...]ld in Ierechoes destruction,
    Iosh [...]. 22.
  • Ruth Accompanied Naomi, Orpah returned to her place,
    R [...]th. 1. 1.
  • A Remnant of Israel Is reserved according to the Election of Grace,
    Rom. 1 [...] 5. [...] 44. [...].
  • A Remnant of Israel [...]hat went into Egypt to dwell returned,
    Ez [...]. 12. 16. & 6. 8.
  • A Remnant of Israel Was left: and of Moah a third part, all else destroyed,
    2 Sam. 8.
  • The S [...]mari [...]a [...] Shewed mercy to the Man in the Gospell wounded,
    Luk. [...]0. 33.
  • The Sh [...]pheards Were first told of Christs Birth at Bethlchem,
    Luk. [...]. 8.
  • The Sheepe Shall stand at Christs right hand in the day of Doome,
    Mat. [...]5. 33.
  • Seventy Elders of Israel had the spirit of Prophecie given them,
    Numb 11. 16.
  • The Town Clark Spake in the behalfe of S Paul to free him,
    Acts 19. 35.
  • 300. Men Of all Israel, were chosen to fight the Lords battell,
    Iudg. 7. 7.
  • 10. Men Of Fourescore escaped from the hands of Ishmaell,
    Ier. 41. 8.
  • The Widdowes Oyle and Meale was by the Lord increast,
    1 King 17. 14. Mat. [...]. [...]
  • The wise Men Had [...] Starre to conduct them to Christ: Zoar spared at Lots request,
    Mica 7. 2. Psal. 33. 12
    Gen. 19. 21.
  • Ʋse. Let us strive to enter in at the straight gate, for the way is narrow and few there be that finde it.
    Numb. 31. 18.
    Mat. 7 13.
  • Reade: Rom 9. 28. Isa 17. 6. Psal 12. 2. Psal. 14. 3 1 Cor. 1. 27 Ioh. 12. 38. And to doe evill see that thou follow not the multitude.
    Exod. 23. 2.

Election of Gods mercy not mans merit.

MErit is a good work, binding him that doth receive it to repay the like: This no man is able to doe towards God, therefore there is no Merit in man, for whosoever will merit, must fulfill the whole Law, but none can keepe the whole Law: For if we say we have no sinne we deceive our selves, and he1 Ioh. 1. 4. that sinnes against one Commandement is guilty of the whole Law; Then what [Page 23] can he merit that is guilty of the breach of the whole Law? The sufferings of this life, saith S. Paul, are not worthy of the glory to come, if not afflictions,Rom. 8. 18. nothing else that can be done of Man. Eternall life is the gift of God: if then the greater benefit come of grace, the inferiour must proceed from the same foun­taine,Rom. 6. 28. I meane such as belong to this life, all which are common, to all that live in the world. The Law was given by Moses, but grace and truth is by Jesus Christ, then no merit in our▪selves.

Object. The Lord promiseth Rewards to those that obey him?Iam. 2. 5.

Answ. The Lord rewards his owne worke begunne in us, out of his mercy not of our merit: He promiseth rewards to move us to serve him, as he threatneth judgements to those that disobey him.Deut. 28.

  • Abraham Being by Faith only: not by Workes justified,
    Rom. 4. 2.
  • The Apostles Who before they gave to any: had freely received,
    Mat. 10. 8.
  • David Confessing That he had but of Gods owne given him and that his well doing extended not to him.
    1 Chro. 29. Psal. 16. [...]. Dan 9. 18.
  • The Israelits Merited not Who Were of Gods love, not for their number chosen
    Deut 7 7.
    Had their Enemies slayne for sinne not for their
    Deut. 9. 4.
    Well-doing: [...] were pittyed of God not for their
    Ezech. 36. 22.
    sake but for his owne.
  • Iob: Merited not Saying If I justifie my selfe, my owne Mouth shall co [...] ­demne
    Iob 9. 20. 30. 31.
    me: If I make my selfe perfect, a wic­ked one will God judge me to be
    Chap. 15 15.
  • Iaacob Affirming himselfe not worthy of the least of Gods mercies
    Gen 32. 10.
  • Mary That was Gods favour towards her, seeing her lowlinesse,
    Luk. 1. 30.
  • Paul Being carnall sold under sin, and called by Grace.
    Rom. 7. 14, 19. Gal. 1. 15.
  • Man Cannot Merit He is By Grace: not by the Law justified,
    Rom. 11. 6. Gal. 5. 4.
  • Man Cannot Merit He is By Gods Mercy: not by Workes saved,
    2 T [...]m. 1. 9. Rom. 3. 9.
  • Man Cannot Merit He is By Nature borne the Child of Wrath,
    Tit. 3. 5. Eth. 2. 3.
  • Man Cannot Merit He is Sinnefull: and the wages of sinne is death,
    2 Ioh. 1. 10. R [...]m. 5. 2 [...].
  • Man Cannot Merit He is An unprofitable servant in all his life.
    Luk. 17, 10.
  • He cannot Receive any thing except it be from God.
    Ioh. 3. 27.
  • He cannot Answer one of a Thousand before God.
    Iob [...] [...].
  • He cannot Bring forth any fruit acceptable to God.
    Mat. 7. 16.
  • He cannot Justifie himselfe in the sight of God.
    Psal. 143. 2.
  • He cannot Do any thing without Christ to please
    Ioh. 15. 5.
  • Man Cannot Merit His Bodily exercise profiteth little towards God.
    1 Tim. 4 8.
  • Man Cannot Merit His Righteousnes Is as a filthy clout before God.
    Isa. 44. 6.
  • Man Cannot Merit His Righteousnes Is not pleasing with God.
    Iob 22. 3.
  • Man Cannot Merit His Righteousnes Doth not extend it selfe to God.
    Psal 16. 2.
  • Man Cannot Merit His Wickednesse hurteth himselfe not God.
    Job 35 7. Jer. 79.
  • Man Cannot Merit His Sinne destroyes himselfe, his helpe is of God.
    Hos. 13 9.
  • God Puts away for his owne sake mans iniquity,
    Isa. 43. 25.
  • God Giveth Eternall life through Christ with victory,
    2 Pet. 1 3.
    Iob. 6 40. Rom. 6. 23. 1 Cor 15. 5. 7.
  • God Prepared Heaven before the worlds Creation,
    Ioh. 10. 28.
    Mat. 25 34.
  • God Gives Heaven at his pleasure by his ordination,
    Acts 17. 25.
    Luk. 12. 32.
  • God Gives every good and perfect gift without limitation
    Gal. 5. 4.
    Iam. 1. 17. Rom. 9. 16.
  • Who Hath first given to God, and it shall be recompensed againe?
    Rom. 11. 35.
  • Who In him, and through him, and to him are all things.
  • Behold God found no stedfastnesse in his Saints, the Heavens are not
    Iob 15. 14.
    cleane in his sight: How much more is man more abhomi­nable,
    Rom. 7. 8.
    that drinketh iniquity like water, having as Paul con­fessed
    Iob 25 4.
    of himselfe, no good thing dwelling in him.
  • Christs Blood cleanseth us from sin, he gave himselfe for our sin, then for­givenesse
    1 Ioh. 1. 7.
    of sin is obtayned not by doing, but by receiving, not
    Gal. 1. 4.
    as Agents but as Patients: for that no man commeth unto the
    Ioh. 14. 6.
    Father but by him, who is the way, the truth and the life.
  • The Man That reckons to God his merits doth reckon but Gods mercies▪
  • The Man Quae bona mea sunt dona tua: My goods are only Gods gifts.
    Aug. Conf. l. 6.
  • [Page 24]Ʋse. Workes * Iam. 2. 10. Then cannot keepe us but grace,
    Merit expells Mer [...]y, M [...]r [...]y ex­pells Me­rit.
    Nothing can be ascribed to humane strength or merit: No man can say his heart is cleane,
    Prov. 20. 9.
    he is pure from sinne (saith Solomon.)

Let Papists then boast of perfection, we cry for pardon, they for Merits, we for Mercies, they for justifying workes of their owne, we for our Saviour Christs alone.

Luk. 17. 5. 9. & 18. 4. Ioh. 1. 6, 29, &c. Chap. 3. 3. Chap. 5. 39.Reade: Chap. 6. 40 Chap. 14. 6. Acts 13. 48. Chap 15. 16. Rom. 3. 19, 24. Chap. 9. 32. Chap. 11. 23. 1 Cor. 1 27. Chap. 3. 5. Chap. 4. 4. Phil. 1. 29. Col. 1. 12, &c. Gal. 3. 4. Chap. 2. 1 [...]. Chap. 3. 11. 2 Thes. 3. 11. Chap. 2. 16 Heb. 2. 10. 1 Pet. 1. 10. 2 Pet. 1. 2. 1 Ioh. 2. 12. Chap. 3. 1. Chap 4. 10, 19. Rev. 3. 18. Chap. 21. 6. Wisd 8. 21.

Object. If there be no freewill in man to doe good, why doth GodEzech. 18. 31. exhort men by his Prophets to returne unto him?Isa. 1. 16.

Answ. God exhorts men by his Prophets to returne unto him, com­mandingIam. 4. 8, 9. the things (as Saint Augustine saith) that we cannot doe, that we might know, what we ought to aske of him, which indeed may appeare even by this, that the Lord doth every where by his Prophets will us to turne unto him, to repent of our sinnes, &c. But Iere [...]iah answereth, Convert me O Lord, Ier. 31. 18. and I shall be converted: When thou didst correct me I did re­pent,Ioel. 2. &c. Whereupon S. Augustine handling in another place this Doctrine of Freewill (saith) O Lord give me that whichAug. Confess. thou commandest, and then command what thou wilt,l. 10. c. 31.

Worke with me what thou of me dost request,
Then will I dare the most, and vow the best.
  • Adam Had no Free-Will or Power To turne to God, slying from him, till God called him,
    Gen. 3.
  • Abraham Had no Free-Will or Power To depart from among the Idolaters till God willed him,
    Gen 12.
  • Abimelech Had no Free-Will or Power To keepe himselfe from Sarah: but the Lord kept him,
    Gen. 20. 6.
  • The Apostles Had no Free-Will or Power To answer for themselves: till the Answer was given,
    Mat. 10. 19.
  • Balaam Had no Free-Will or Power To fore-tell what should come untill his eyes were opened.
    [...]. 24. 16. [...] [...], [...]
  • The [...]mavits Had no Free-Will or Power To know Christ talking wth them untill their Eyes were opened.
    Luk. 24. 16, 3 [...]. [...]
  • Elishas Man Had no Free-Will or Power To see the Chariots of fire untill his Eyes were opened.
    King [...]. 18.
  • Hagar Had no Free-Will or Power To espy the well of water untill her Eyes were opened.
    Gen. 21. 19.
  • Lidia Had no Free-Will or Power To heare Paul preaching untill her Eyes were opened.
    Act. 16 4.
  • The Blinde Had no Free-Will or Power To see the Sunne shining untill their Eyes were opened.
    Ioh. 9. 7.
  • The Cripple Had no Free-Will or Power To walke and leape till he was by the Name of Christ
    Act. 9. 18.
    Acts 3.
  • Daniell Had no Free-Will or Power To speake to the Lord untill he was with a hand tou­ched
    Dan. 10. 10.
  • [...]saiah Had no Free-Will or Power To do Gods command untill he was with a coal [...] tou­ched
    Isa. 6. 6.
  • Sauls Subjects Had no Free-Will or Power To follow Saul till their hearts were by God tou­ched
    1 Sam. 10 26,
  • Elijas Had no Free-Will or Power To see the Cake on the Coales till he was by an Angell
    1 King. 19.
  • Elisha Had no Free-Will or Power To follow Elias: till he had cast his mantle on
    1 King. 19.
  • Ezechiell Had no Free-Will or Power To heare What was spoken till the spirit entred in him.
    Eze. 2. 1.
  • Ezechiell Had no Free-Will or Power To heare Or to speak till God opened the mouth of him.
    Eze. 33. 22.
  • Ieremiah Had no Free-Will or Power To speake Till God put his word into the mouth of him.
    Io. 1. 9. & [...]0. 23. & 3. [...]
  • Ieremiah Had no Free-Will or Power To speake Or to convert till God converted him.
    Lam. 5. 21.
  • Ionah Had no Free-Will or Power To come out of the Fishes belly till God spake to him.
    Iona 2. 10.
  • Ioseph Had no Free-Will or Power To deny his Mistresse, but that Gods feare preserved him.
    Gen. 39. 9.
  • Moses Had no Free-Will or Power To goe to Pharaoh till God said he would be with him.
    Exod. 4. 11.
  • The Men Had no Free-Will or Power To come to the wedding, till the King sent for them,
    Mat. 22. 3.
  • Pilate Had no Free-Will or Power To doe to Christ: other then that was given him,
    Ioh. 19. 11.
  • Peter Had no Free-Will or Power To be constant in beleeving till Christ prayed for him,
    Luk. 22. 32.
  • Peter Had no Free-Will or Power To repent his denying Christ till Christ looked on him,
    Mat. 28.
  • Peter Had no Free-Will or Power To understand the things of God but of Men,
    Mat. 16. 23.
  • Paul Had no Free-Will or Power To become a Christian, till a voice called from Heaven,
    Acts 9.
  • Paul Had no Free-Will or Power To be an Apostle but by Gods grace bestowed on him,
    1 Cor. 15. 1 [...]. [...]al. 1 15.
  • Paul Had no Free-Will or Power To doe any thing of himselfe, but by Christ strengthening him,
    Phil. 4. 13.
  • The Spouse Had no Free-Will or Power To follow the Bridegroome untill he was drawne,
    Cant. 1. 3.
  • Zerubbabel Had no Free-Will or Power To reedifie the Temple, till God stirred up the spirit of him,
    Hag. 1. 14.
  • Zache [...] Had no Free-Will or Power To follow Christ, till Christ willed him to come downe,
    Luk 19. 5.
  • [Page 25]He is Like the Beasts that perish, seeking his owne not
    Psalm. 49. 20.
    Phil. 2 21.
  • Man Hath no Freewill He is Sanctified by faith only (not by works) in Christ,
    Acts 26. 18.
  • Man Hath no Freewill He is Not sufficient of himselfe to thinke any good,
    2 Cor 3. 5.
  • Man Hath no Freewill He is Dead in sinnes and trespasses till he be quickned,
    Eph 2. 1.
  • Man Hath no Freewill He cannot Beare fruites except he be in Christ as the Branch in the
    Ioh. 15. 4.
  • Man Hath no Freewill He cannot Vine: Come to Christ except the Father draw him:
    Ioh 6. 44.
  • Man Hath no Freewill He cannot Get substance till God give power unto him; Or walke.
    Deut. 8. 18.
  • Man Hath no Freewill He cannot in Gods waies, till he bow his heart unto him: Know
    1 King. 8 58.
    Gal, 2. 20. Phil 4. 15.
  • Man Hath no Freewill He cannot either love or hatred of all that is before him.
    Eccles. 9. 1.
  • Man Hath no Freewill The imagination of his heart are evill defiling him,
    Gen. 6. 5.
  • Man Hath no Freewill His flesh lusteth against the Spirit, being e [...]mity to God,
    Mat. 15. 18.
  • Man Hath no Freewill There is not one just man to be sound that s [...]eth God.
    Gal. 5. 17. Ro. 8
  • Man Hath no Freewill All Jewes and Gentiles are entangled in the body of sinne,
    Rom 3. [...]0 [...]6.
  • Man Hath no Freewill All are gone astray, and are to iniquity given: Their
    Eccles. 7. 20.
  • Man Hath no Freewill Throat is like an open Sepul [...]her devou [...]ing: Their
    Psal 14. 1.
  • Man Hath no Freewill Mouthes speake leasing: Their Tongues slattering.
    Psal. 5 [...]. 2.
  • Man Hath no Freewill Their Lippes are annoynted with Adders poyson: Their
    Psal. 5. 6.
  • Man Hath no Freewill Talking is in bitternesse and cursing: Their feete swift
    Rom. 3.
  • Man Hath no Freewill to murthering: No good thing is in the flesh of them:
    Rom. 7. 18.
  • Man Hath no Freewill Their body is a body of sin.
    Rom. 7. 24.
  • Man Hath no Freewill His Helpe and strength are in God, his heart fashioned
    Heb. 1 [...] 9
    by him,
    Psa. 87. 7 & 33 14.
  • Man Hath no Freewill His Heart deviseth: but the counsell of God doth stand,
    Prov. 19. [...]1
  • Man Hath no Freewill His Steps, pathes and waies, are ruled by God alone.
    Ier. 10. 2 [...].
  • Man Hath no Freewill It is God that turneth the Kings heart as pleaseth him,
    Pro. 21. 1. 2 T [...]. 2. 25. D [...]t. 29. 4. [...] 31. 33. Phil. 2. 13 Iob 32. 8.
    giving eyes to see, heart to p [...]ceive, and repentance to man that worketh both the will and the deed in him.
    Ez [...]. 11. 19.
    Psal. 75 7.

So that it is not,

  • In him that Willeth but of God to shew mercy,
    Rom. 9. 16.
    Isa. [...]2. 22.
  • In him that Plantet [...]. but of God to give increase,
    1 Cor. 3. 7.
    I zech 11. 13.
  • In him that Speaketh but of God that speaketh in us.
    Mat. 10. 20.
    1 Cor. 12. 6.
  • In By whom We live move and have our being,
    Act. 17. 28.
  • In By whom Every good worke hath his beginning and ending.
    Phil. 1. 2.

Isa 63. 17. Ier. 2 [...]. 7. Chap. 31. 14, 33. Chap. 32. 40. Ezek 11.Reade:19. Chap. 36, 26. Mat. 7. 17. Chap. 16. 17. Iob. [...] 1 [...]. Rom. 5. 6. 1 Cor 12. 3. Eph. [...]. 5. 2 Tim 2. 25. Tit. 3. 3. Iam. 1. 14 Chap. 4 8. Psalm. 127. Isa. 63. 17. Mat. 13. 19. Ioh. 1. 12. Rom. 8. 6 Chap▪ 5 12▪

Of Gods Power and Divine Miracles

THere is a two fold Power in God, one Actuall and the other Absolute,

  • Actuall Is that by which he not only can, but hath done what
    Wisd. 13▪ 3.
    he will, and by this he created all things, so now he ruleth and doth all things.
  • Absolute Because God absolutely and simply doth all things, which absolutely and simply are p [...]ssible to be done of him. Such is that which implyeth not a contradiction, and may have the nature of a thing being: So God could, and can yet make many worlds, as well as he did one: He could save all as well as some, the which though they be possible in the pow [...]r of God, yet are they impossible in regard of the immutable purpose of God.

Of Miracles.

M [...]racles are workes above the strength of Nature, and can be eff [...]ct [...]d of none, but by the Authour of Nature, who only doth them either above or against the power of Nature, and such was the dividing of the Red Sea. And though it may be objected, that the Apostles, Prophets and others had a guift toExod. 14. [Page 26] worke Miracles, and that Ioshuah commanded the Sunne to stand still, and Elias Ioh 10. fire from Heaven, God yet never gave to any man power to worke and effect2 King. 1. 10. a Miracle, either mediately or immediately: the guift was the Faith of Miracles, the Faith was grounded upon Revelation, and the Revelation was that God himselfe would worke such or such a Miracle, when they prayed or comman­ded, &c.

Men therefore are properly but the mouth of God, and Messengers to signifie what he will doe.

Object. The Divell can doe Miracles?

Answ. He can worke a Wonder or thing extraordinary, in respect of ordinary cau­sesIob 1. [...]6. of Nature: So he caused fire to come downe from Heaven on Iobs Cattell, but for M [...]racles he cannot doe any in that it exceedeth the strength of Nature:2 Sam. 28. His are but illusions and reall actions done by himselfe or his Instruments.

Miracles are wrought in the Church, partly in Mercy and partly in Judgement:Note. In Mercy on Ieroboam, whose hand being withered was restored againe▪ In Judge­ment1 King. 13. on the Egiptians. Exod. 14.

By the Power of God
  • The Heavens The earth and all the host of them were framed,
    Gen. 1.
  • Man Was created and Woman, Adam named,
    Chap. 2.
  • The Apostles Did many wonders and signes which were admired,
    Act. 2. 43.
  • The Bush Burned that God spake out of to Moses yet not consumed,
    Exo. 3. 2.
  • Di [...] Bones Were gathered together and they lived,
    Ezek. 37.
  • Dead Men Were to life by Christ and others raised,
    Ioh. 6. 2 K. 13.
  • The Bow And the mighty men are broken, the weake girded,
    1 Sam. 2. 4.
  • Dagon Fell downe at Gods Arke being by him seated,
    1 Sam 5. 3.
  • David Did breake through an Host and triumphed,
    Psal 18. 29.
  • Dreames Were by Daniell and Ioseph interpreted,
    Dan. 6. Gen. 40 12.
  • Disciples Healed the sicke, cast out Divells, Leape [...]s clensed,
    Mat. 10.
  • Eliah The waters of Iorden with his Cloake divided,
    2 King. 28.
  • Elisha Healed venemous water, made Iron swimme in water,
    2 King. 4 C. 6.
  • Elisha Procured for the King of Israel without rayne water,
    2 King. 6.
  • Elisha Made sweete the Pottage death being therein,
    2 King. 4.
  • Elisha Fed with twenty loaves of Barley a hundred men,
    I [...]em.
  • Elisha Prophecied at the playing of a Minstrell before him,
    2 King. 3.
  • Elisha Cleansed the Leprosie of Naaman by washing,
    2 King. 5.
  • Ezekiell Was carried by the spirit to Ierusalem,
    Ezek 8 3.
  • Fire From the Lord consumed the Sacrifices and burnt-offerings of
    Gen. 15. L [...]. 9. [...] 6. 11.
    Abraham: of the Isralites, of Gideon, of Manoah, of Elias and
    1 King. 18. 12.
    Chro 7.
  • A Goard Shadowed Ionahs head and suddenly withered,
    Iona 4.
  • Henoch And Eliah were without tasting death translated,
    Gen 5. 2 K. 2. 11
  • The Hand Of Moses by putting of it into his bosome became leprous
    Exod 4. 1 King 13.
    and cleane againe: the hand of Ieroboam was withered up and restored againe.
  • The Isralites Of Seventy persons going into Egypt, in Foure hundred yeares,
    Gen. 15.
    became Six hundred thousand men, were not touched with the Plagues brought on the Egiptians, were delivered from the Egip­tians
    Deut. 8. 7.
    oppressing them: In the Wildernesle were fed with Man­na from Heaven: gathering Manna more or lesse, had all one
    Deut. 10.
    in measuring: Their apparrell and shooes in forty yeares were
    Deut. 29. 5.
    not old with wearing: They passed on dry ground through the
    Exod. 14.
    Red Sea and Iordan, having the presence of the Lord in a Cloud
    Iosh. 3.
    going before them.
    Gen. 1.
  • Light Was brought out of darkenesse, life out of death,
    2 Cor. 9. 6.
  • Miriam Was strucken with Leprosie, and againe cleansed,
    Num. 12.
  • Mountaines Trembled and burned, yet were not consumed,
    Ex. 19. Deu 4.
  • The Man Diseased That stepped first into the Poole Bethesda, after the Angell of
    Ioh. 5.
    the Lord had stirred it, was healed,
  • S. Paul Healed diverse by sending Handkercheifes unto them,
    Act 19. 12.
  • S Peter Walked on the Sea and healed by shadowing,
    Mat. 14. Act 5. 15.
  • The Rod Of Moses became a Serpent, and a Rod againe,
    Exo. 4.
  • Of Ioshuah brought forth buddes and blossomes,
    Numb. 17.
  • The Seas Are ruled, dryed, and Floudes made desart places,
    Isa 56. 6. Ps [...] 9. 6.
  • The Sunne Stood still, and went backe ten degrees,
    Iosh 10 2 Kin. 20.
  • Stephen Saw the Sonne of Man standing in the heavens,
    Acts 7.
  • Sampson Slew with the jaw bone of an Asse a thousand Philistines,
    Iudg▪ 15.
  • [Page 27]The Tongues Of Nimrod and his company were confounded,
    Gen. 11.
  • Of The Apostles by the Holy Ghost were sanctified,
    Acts 2.
  • Two Natures Were united into one, being Christ, God and Man,
    Heb. 2. 14.
  • A Virgin Brought forth a Sonne, being the Seede of Man,
    Isa. 7. 14.
  • Christ Healed all kinde of diseases, cast out Divells,
    Mat. [...].
  • Christ Stilled the raging of the Wind and Seas,
    Mar. 4.
  • Christ Turned water into wine at the Marriage in Cana,
    Ioh. 11.
  • Christ Raised Lazarus and others from death to life,
    Ioh. 11.
  • Christ Cursed the Figge-tree and it withered, Fed five thousand men
    Mat. 9.
    with five Loaves: and foure thousand men with seven Loaves
    Mar. 8.
    and a few Fishes: Speaking to Iudas band of men that came to
    Mat. 14.
    take him, they fell backward: At his death the Graves opened,
    Mat. 27.
    and divers that slept appeared: And being buried in a Tombe with souldiers watching the same, he raised himselfe againe the
    Mat. 28.
    third day after they had buried him.
  • Cedars Of Lebanon are broken: Cloudes are ballanced,
    Jerem 10, 12.
  • Colde Commeth out of the North, Deserts are watered,
    Job 36. 17.
  • The Dust Of the Earth is in a measure comprehended,
    Psal. 29. 5.
  • Deepes Are laid up in Storehouses, by God provided,
    Nah. 1. 1. Isa. 40. 12. Ps. 33. 7.
  • The Earth Is hanged on nothing, shaken and melted,
    Ioh 26. 7.
  • Frost Is given by his breath, and like ashes scattered,
    Iob 9. 7.
  • Flames Of Fire are divided, and Flints into Fountaines turned,
    Psa. 147. 10.
  • Foundations Of the Earth were laid: and of the Heavens moved,
    Iob 38. 4.
  • Hills Are weighed, and Heaven with a span counted,
    2 Sam. 22. 8.
  • Heavens Are cloathed, and with darknesse garnished,
    Psal. 114 8.
  • Lightnings Are turned to rayne: Mountaines weighed and moved,
    Iob 28. 25.
  • The Noyse Of the Seas are st [...]lled, dr [...]ed up, and divided,
    Isa. 50 2. Ps. 65 6, 7
  • Snow Is given like Wooll: Rayne falls on the Land,
    Psal. 147. 16.
  • Waters Are gathered together, and measured in his hand,
    Prov. 30. 4.
  • Windes Come out of his Treasures, and Ice like Morsells,
    Psal. 147. 17.
  • Windes Many O Lord are thy wonderfull workes which thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are to us wards, they cannot
    Psal. 40. 5.
    be reckoned up in order unto thee: If I would declare then▪ they are more then can be numbred.
  • The Lord Doth great things past finding out, yea and wonders without num­ber:
    Eccles. 11. 5.
    Iob. 9. 10.
    It is the Lords doing, and it is marvelous in our Eyes: un­searcheable
    Psa 118. 23.
    are his wayes.
    Rom. 11. 33.

Great are his signes, mighty are his wonders, his Kingdome is everlasting,Dan 3. 33. and his Dominion is from generation to generation.

Reade: Iob 11. Chap. 37. Chap. 38. Chap. 39. Chap. 40. Hos. 13. 14 Psal. 78. 12. Ecclus. 43. Psal. 135. Psal. 140.


1. Is God so powerfull? Let us then learne to know him, whom to know isIoh 17. 3. Eternall life. If the Lyon know his strength he is proud of it: If the Pea­cockeGen. 18 27. her beauty shee is proud of it; but if wee once come to know Ieho­vah, Deut. 6. 4. we will say with Abraham, we are but dust and ashes, and with the Prophet he is God alone.

  • I may know with The Gramarian to Speake purely,
  • I may know with The Rhetorician to Pleade eloquently,
  • I may know with The Arithmatician to Number perfectly.
  • I may know with The Geomitrician to Measure exactly,
  • I may know with The Astronimer to Foretell probably,

But all this knowledge will not bring me to Heaven.

  • I may thus Speake well and Live ill.
  • I may thus Dispute subtilly and Not see Sathans Sophistry.
  • I may thus Number up accounts and Not number my dayes.
  • I may thus Measure the Earth and Not measure my selfe.
  • I may thus Have an eye upon Heaven and An heart upon earth.

These things may make me learned, not good, great not godly: but goodnesse and greatnesse goe with the knowledge of God, and therefore it is wisedome to labour for it.

2. Doe we know God to be omnipotent? Let us not despaire in any danger imminent: Doe we know him to be Simple? let us shunne Hypocrisie: To [Page 28] be Infinite? let him alone satisfie us. To be Al [...]-sufficient? let him alone sufficeIsa 59. 1. us. His hand [...]s not sh [...]rtned that it cannot save.

Gods Providence and Mans Troubles.

GOds Providence is a most sure and powerfull action of God by which he hath [...]rom all Eternity fore-seene and fore-ordeyned unto every thing both the end whereunto, and the meanes whereby they shall be brought to their ends: As also moderat [...]th and governeth the whol [...] World, and every thing both great and littl [...] therein contayned. And although God take care for all things without any meanes, yet that all things are ordin [...]rily governed indeed not by1 King. 19. 5. Dan. 3. God only, but by meanes thereunto ordayned by God himselfe, notwithstan­ding that often times also Gen. 1. without, yea, and against meanes he effecteth the same. And alth [...]ugh G [...]ds Providence be immu [...]able, yet that imposeth not simply a necessity unto things, but that every Secundary cause worketh accor­ding to its owne Nature some necessarily, other some accidentally, and yet that this also dependeth on the Divine Providence, in respect whereof all things necessarily come to passe.

Gods Providence hath two parts

  • Knowledge, and
  • Government.
  • Knowledge Is that whereby all things from the greatest to the least are
    Psal. 11 4.
    manifest before him at all times (so saith David.) Gods eyes
    Psal. 113 6.
    will consider, his eye-lidds will try the children of men: (And againe he saith) God [...]b [...]seth himselfe to behold the things that
    Acts. 15. 16.
    are in Heaven and Earth: From the beginning of the World he know [...]th all his work [...]s.
  • Government Is that whereby he ordereth all things and directeth them to
    Mat. 6. 26.
    good ends, and it must be extended to the very least things that
    Deut. 15 4.
    are in He [...]ven and earth, [...]s to Sparrowes, Oxen, to the haires of
    Mat. 10.
    our head, L [...]llies of the field.
  • Note There are three things included in the name of Providence, 1. A fore-knowl [...]dge of all things. 2. A will to bring [...]very thing to his end. 3. The very actuall government of things
    Gen 1. 12.
By the Providence of God
  • [...]dam and Heva Before they wer [...] created had all things provided for Being naked in B [...]y [...]a [...] Skinnes of beasts to cloath t [...]ē
    Gen 3. 21.
  • [...]dam and Heva Being naked in [...]ul [...]a [...] Christs righteousnes to [...]
  • Abraham Being about to sacrifice his only Sonne Isaac, had a R [...]mme
    Gen. 22.
    in steed of him to be [...]fired
  • David Being compass [...]d with Souls Army ready to take him, Tid [...]ng [...] of an Invasion made by the Philistines [...]n his Land being
    [...] Sam. 23.
    brought him, removed his Army ag [...]ine, so as David then, and many other times escaped from him.
  • David I retending evil [...] to Nahal, was prevented by Abigcil,
    2 Sam. 25.
  • David By the counsell of Huyhai, brought to nought the counsell of
    2 Sam 17.
  • David [...] chitophell given against him, So as that Absa [...]on his sonn [...] con­spiring
    2 Sam 18.
    was with Achitop [...]e [...] brought to utt [...]r ruine
  • Daniell [...]n the Lyons den was preserved, his Accus [...]rs perished,
    Dan 6.
  • Daniell [...]y expounding of the Kings dreame escaped, many wise men de­stroyed.
    Dan. 2.
  • Elias In the time of Famine was by Ravens fed, by a Widdow relee­ved,
    1 King 17.
    and by an Angell nourished.
    1 K [...]g 19.
  • Elisha Being compassed with an Army of Syrians to take him, they
    2 King. 6.
    were s [...]ucken blinde, so he escaped them.
  • Ester And Mordecai with the Jewes were delivered from King
    Hest. 6.
    Ahashuerosh Decree, and Haman that procured the same, w [...] hanged on his owne Tree.
  • Hagar Wandring in the Wildernesse espied a Well with which shee
    Gen. 21.
    releeved her sonne Ismaell.
  • Ioseph Being sold unto the Midianites by his Bretheren, thereby pre­served
    Gen. 45. 5.
    his Father in time of Famine.
  • Ioseph He was delivered when his appointed time came, and the coun­sell
    Psal. 105. 19.
    of the Lord had tryed him.
  • Ioshuahs Spyes sent to Iericho were hid by Rahab, she was thereby with
    Iosh. 2.
    all hers saved.
    Cha. 6.
  • [Page 29]The Israelites The more they were by the Egyptians oppressed the more
    Exod. 1. 12.
    they encreased, being at last from Pharaohs bondage deli­vered.
    Chap. 14.
  • And being made the offscouring and refuse in the midst of the
    Lam. 3. 45.
    people, their enemies opened their mouthes against them, and feare and a snare with destruction being come upon them, were made by the Lord to be pittyed of all them that carried them away captives and delivered from their enemies.
    Psal. 106. 46.
  • Ionathan and Ahimaz Being sent by Hushai to David and pursued by Absolom, were
    2 Sam. 17.
    hid in a Well and so delivered by one of Bahurim.
  • Ionab Had a Fish in the Sea provided to save him, and a Guord on the
    Ion. 1.
    Land, in heate to shadow him.
    Ion. 4.
  • Iobs Steps were numbred, and his latter dayes blessed,
    Iob 14▪ 16. C. 32. 13
  • Iehoshaphat Was delivered from the Ammonites and other: the Lord set­ting
    2 Cron. 20.
    their own swords to slay each other.
  • Iephta Being expelled by his Bretheren at the first became to be a Cap­taine
    Iudg. 11.
    over them at the last.
  • Ieremiah In his captivity was provided for by the Enemy,
    Ier. 39. 11.
  • The King of Israel Was often times told by the Prophet Elisha what was intended
    2 King. 6. 8.
    against him by the King of Siria.
  • Moses Being by his Parents to be hid no longer, was taken up and put
    Exod. 1.
    to nurse by Pharaohs Daughter.
    Cha. 2.
  • The Oyle Of the Widdow was so increased, as she became able to pay that
    2 King. 4.
    which she was indebted.
  • Paul Was by the Captaines command so guarded, as that he was from
    Acts 23.
    the J [...]wes vowing his death delivered.
    2 Cor. 11. 23.
  • Samaria Being by the Sirians besieged and almost famished: were by their Enemies owne provision at last unthought of by them
    2 King. 7.
  • Shadrach Meshech Abednego Being cast into the fiery Furnace were delivered, and they that
    Dan. 3.
    bound them were in the flame of the same fire burned.
  • Creatures of all kinde Before they were created and made, had for each kinde severall
    Gen. 2. 30.
    things provided. And
  • Creatures of all kinde Being in the Floud destroyed part of each kinde were in Noahs
    Gen. 7.
    Arke preserved.
  • Fowles Sowe not nor reape, and yet they are sed,
    Luk. 12. 24, 27.
  • Lillies Of the Field spinne not, and yet they are cloathed,
  • Lyons Roare after their prey: and have their meate,
    Psal. 104. 21.
  • Ravens Cry being young, and they have foode to e [...]te,
    Psal. 147. 9.
  • Sparrowes Without licence fall not, though of price little valued,
    Mat. 10 29.
  • All Beasts Provided are for what they stand in neede,
    Psal. 147 9.
  • Mens Haires are numbred: what shall befall it's decreed,
    Luk. 12. 7.
Sith then the Lord he all things needfull doth bestow
Reade: Psal. 107. 15. Mat. 6. 25, 34.
Doe thou for what thou hast not, over-carefull grow.
Care thou not for that baser wealth, and pelfe in which
Vice may become therein, as well as vertue rich.
The Lord
  • Care not then for the morrow, for the morrow shall care for it
    Mat. 6. 34.
    selfe, sufficient to the day is the evill thereof.
  • Covereth the Heavens with cloudes, prepareth raine for the
    Psal. 147. 8.
    Iob 33. 6.
  • Createth the Smyth, &c. and the destroyer to destroy,
    Isa. 54 16.
  • Changeth times and seasons, taketh away and setteth up Kings,
    Dan. 2. 21.
  • Bringeth downe the high Trees, and exalteth the low Trees,
    Ezek. 17. 24.
  • Formeth the light, and createth darkenesse, maketh Peace, &c.
    Isa 45. 7.
  • Killeth and maketh alive, bringeth downe and raiseth up,
    1 Sam. 6. 2.
  • Maketh the Wound and bindeth it up, smiteth and maketh
    Psal. 75. 7.
    Iob 5. 18.
  • Seeth all the wayes of man, and counteth all his steps,
    Iob 31. 1.
  • Moveth the heart of man at his pleasure, setteth the wayes
    Prov. 21. 1.
    of man before his eyes, pondereth all his doings: and puts his
    Pro 5 21.
    teares into his bottell.
    Psal. 56. 8.
  • What is he then that saith there should some thing be done
    Lam. 3. 37.
    [Page 30] without the Lords Commandement▪


1. The Eccles▪ 9. 11▪ 12. Providence of God leaveth no place for fortune, for Salomon affirmeth, that even the Prov. 16. 33. whole disposition of the Lot is of the Lord: It is therefore plaine, that the Lord ordereth all things by his providence, and yet is not busied or turmoyled with any thing.

2. The poynt of Gods Providence is a great comfort to Gods Church, for that God moderateth the Divell and wicked men that they shall not hurt the people of God, according to Da­vids Psal. 16▪ 8. saying, The Lord is at my right hand, therefore I shall not slide: Iosephs bretheren being affraid because they had sold him into Egipt, Ioseph confesseth that it was God that sentGen. 45▪ 7. him before them and that for their preservation. David also being like to be stoned by his owne Souldiers, knowing they1 Sam. 30. 16. could doe no more against him then the Lord would have done,2 Sam. 16. 10. comforted himselfe in the Lord: and being cursed by Shimei, said, that he cursed because God bid him curse.

3. There is no punishment so grievous▪ corporall or Spirituall▪ against which Gods Providence is not marvelous availeable, so that by beleeving therein he shall have peace and consolation.

Reade▪ Gen. 12. 10, 20. Chap. 20. 8. Chap. 24 15 Chap. 26. Lev. 14. 34. Iudg. 1. 24. Chap. 15. 19. 2 Sam. 17. Chap▪ 27. 27. 1 Sam. 19. Chap. 20. Chap. 29. Chap. 30. 1 Ki [...]g. 18. 2 King 6 17 Chap. 11. Chap. 5. Chap. 8. 2 Chron. 10. 15. Chap 22 7. Ruth. 1. Chap. 2. Io [...] 39. Chap 37. 5. Prov. 16. Chap. 21. [...]0. Psal. 33. 15. Psal. 147 Psal. 139. Psal. 29. 3. Ezra 1. Amos 3 4. Mat. 2. 13. Chap. 10. 9. Luk. 22. 35. Acts 5. 17. Chap. 12. 6. Act. 9 24. Chap. 16 24. 2 Tim 4. 17. 2 Sam. 14. 2, &c.

Read of Means 1 King. 22. 25. Psal. 139. 1. Ezek. 34. 11, &c. Isa 54 16.

Gods Providence Davids Troubles.

  • Adversaries DAily encreased: His Enemies were exalted,
    Psal. [...]. 1. & 13. [...]2. Psal. 22. 14.
  • Body Was weake, and powred out like Water,
  • Bones Were out of joynt, consumed and cut asunder,
    Psal 6. 2. & [...]2, 14 Psal 6▪ 6. & 31. 9.
  • Belly Was wasted with griefe: his eyes dimme of sight,
  • Flesh Lost his fatnesse, his knees were weake with fasting,
    Psa. 69. 1 [...]. & 11 [...]. 1 [...]7. & 73▪ 14. & 1 [...]6. 3. Ps [...]9. [...]0. & 3 [...]. 10. Psal. 69. [...]1. Ps. 31. 10. & 38. 10
  • Friends Forsooke him: his familiars lifted their heeles against him,
  • Garments Were Sackcloth about his loynes to cover him,
  • Heart Panted, his life wasted, and soule was troubled,
  • Spirit Was full of anguish, his throate dryed with crying,
    Ps 42 5. & 56 5. Ps. [...]1. 1 [...] & [...]65. Psal. 32 4. Ps. 69. 11. & 717.
  • Yeares Consumed in mourning, his words were grievous to him,
  • Moisture Was like the drought in the heate of Summer,
  • Name Became a Proverb, and his Person a wonder.

So that

  • Abjects Scoffers and Drunkards derided him,
    Psal 69 12. Psal. 18. 5. Idem. 4. Psal. 55. 50. Psal. 32. 4.
  • Sorrowes Of Death and H [...]ll with Enemies compassed him,
  • Floudes Of ungodly men feared him: Confusion was before him,
  • Trembling Came upon him, Horrour and Dread overwhelmed him,
  • Gods Hand Was heavy upon him: Continuall plagues followed him.
  • Such yet was Gods Providence over him, as that he overcame
    Psal. 25. 17.
    all his adversaries and was setled in his Kingdome.

Gods Providence Hezekiahs Troubles.

Hezekiah was
By the Assirians, and like with sicknesse to dye,
Isa. 36. 2.
And sorrow possest him, insteed of Felicity,
His Bones
Were broken, as by a Lyon, (so he complained)
His Age
As a Shepheards tent was remov [...]d.
His Life
Was by his sinnes cut off like a Weavers webbe,
Isa 38. 11▪
[Page 31] In his Speech
Like a Swallow and a Crane he chattered,
In his Heart
Like a Dove with daily griefe he mourned,

Such yet was Gods Providence that he delivered him fromIsa. 37. 36. the Assirians, restored him to his health, and added fifteeneIsa. 38. 5. yeares moe unto his life.

The Apostles troubles.

The Apostles
  • SOme of them were In stormes on the Sea, in danger of
    Mar. 4. 38.
  • SOme of them were Accused to be full of new wine, drun­ken,
    Acts 2.
  • SOme of them were Brought before the counsell, imprisoned
    Chap 3.
    and beaten,
  • SOme of them were Reproached and most of them were
    Chap 5.
  • All by Gods Providence, are now soules in Heaven.
    Chap. 12.

Job's troubles.

Was the Divell whom God permitted to tempt him,
Iob 1. Chap 2, 7, 8, 13. Iob 19. 17. Chap. 3. 10. Iob 2. 8. & 9. 12. Chap. 19. 13. Chap. 19. 14. Ch. 19▪ 2. & 16. Cha. 19. 16. (2. Ch. 19, 19, 22.
Were taken by the Sabeans, and servants slaine,
Were burnt, a House fell on his Children,
Tempted him: his breath was to her stincking,
Was full of soares, and boyles in all throughout,
For Soares was a pot▪ sheard, and Ashes his seate,
Were strangers unto him, removed farre from him,
Forgot him, his neighbours mocked and forsooke him,
Tormented him, miserable comforters were they to him,
Tooke him for a Stranger and would not come nigh him,
Turned against him, and as God persecuted him,
Sharpened their eyes, opened their mouthes upon him, smote him with reproch, gathering themselves against him,
Ch. 16. 9, 10, &c.
Clave to his skinne, and sinewes tooke no rest in him,
Ch. 1 [...]. 14 & 19. 20.
Did boyle without rest: and breath corrupt within him,
Ch. 30. 27. & 17. 1. Chap. 7. 5. Chap. 26. 16. Ch. 6. 13. & 30. 30. Chap. 17. 12. Chap. 30. 15. Chap. 7. 4. Chap. 19. 9. Chap [...]0. 31. Chap. 17. 14. Chap. 7. 11. Ch. 6. 7. & [...]0. 18. Ch. 19. 18. & 5. 25. Chap. 17. 7. Chap. 21. 6. Chap. 30. 15. Chap. 23. [...]. Chap. 17. 1. Chap. 30. 10. Chap. 17. 6.
Was cloathed with Wormes, being full of wrinckles,
Was [...]ithered with his teares and weeping,
Was powred out, and his skinne was blacke upon him,
Was turned into night, and light was dimme,
Passed away, as the Cloud that hath no Rayne,
Were painefull with his continuall tossing,
Was taken from him, Honor was not given him,
Was turned into mourning, his Organs to weeping,
Were fearefullnesse▪ and visions astonished him,
Was full of bitternesse, his spirit full of griefes,
Was daily Sorrowes: and Garments diseases,
Were beset with darkenesse, his peace was disquietnesse,
Was like a Shaddow: his cry was out of violence,
Came before he did eate: then roarings followed,
As the winde by the wicked was pursued,
Was in bitternesse: and his words were swallowed,
Was taken from him, the grave and death were neare him,
Young men
Mocked him, the wicked make Songs of him; All abhorred him,
Iob 7. 20.
making him as a Tabret and as a By-word among them:

Such yet was Gods Providence over him, as that he was deli­vered out of all his misery, and had a double blessing in all those things, that he had lost in the beginning.

Gods Providence Paul's Troubles.

Paul was
  • RAiled on, called a Pestilent fellow, a Babler, a setter forth of strange gods,
    Acts 24.
    and a mover of Sedition.
    Chap. 13.
  • He was expelled out of the coastes of the Iewes, cast out of the City, cast into
    Chap. 14.
    [Page 32] Prison, cast out of the Temple and stoned, supposing to have beene dead: He
    Ch. 15. Ch. 16. Ch. 17 Ch. 24. Ch. [...]0. 23.
    was soare bea [...], bound with chaines, imprisoned, scourged and brought to Judge­ment.

As also he was

[...]n danger at Sea, made a gazing stocke unto the World, to Angells and to1 Cor. 4. Men. He was often in death, he received five times forty stripes save one of the Iewes: He was thrice beaten with roddes: He was in perill of Robbers,2 Cor. 11. 2 Cor. 4. 8. 2 Cor 1. 8. Chap. 7. 5. 2 Tim. 4 8. Acts [...]0. 24. of his own [...] Nation, and of the Gentil [...]s: He was in wearinesse, painefullnesse, hunger, th [...], f [...]st [...]ng, cold and naknesse often, being cumbred daily, having no certaine pl [...]ce to dw [...]ll in, labouring with his hands to relieve himselfe, being made as the fi [...]th of the World and the offscouring of all things: Who by Gods Provi [...]ence hath now obteyned a crowne of glory in the Heavens.

  • Abel was slaine by Caine Gen. 4. Iosiah by an Aegyptian.
    2 King. 23. 2 King [...]1. Mat. 22. 2 Cor. 8. 2.
  • Abner was slaine by Ioab [...] Sam. 3. Isaiah by Manasses.
  • Ʋriah was slaine by [...]ehojakim Ier. 26 Iames and Iohn by Herod.
  • Zacharie the Priest was stoned by Iehoash
    2 Chro. 24 Mat. 25. Act 7. Rev. 2. Rev. 1.
  • Stephen the M [...]rty [...] was stoned by the Iewes.
  • Antipas The M [...]rtyr was put to death by the men of Pergamus,
  • St Ioh [...] Was banished for the Truth into the Isle Pathmos,
  • Divers godly persons saith Paul Had try [...]lls in cruell mockings and scou [...]gin [...], others were tor­tu [...]ed, not accepting deliverance, others had triall of bonds and imprisonmnent; They were stoned, [...]awne asunder, temp­ted and slaine with the sword: others wandred abroad in
    Heb. 11. 35.
    Sheepe-skinnes and Goate-skinnes, being destitute, [...]ffli­cted and tormented: wand [...]ng in D [...]s [...]r [...]s, in Denn [...]s, in Caves and in Mountaines, making them their habitations.
  • Man is borne to troubles, as the spa [...]ckles fly upwards.
    Ioh 9. 2.

Thus as the purest Corne is cleanest fanned, the finest GoldNah. 1. 7. [...] T [...]m. 3. 17. 2 Tim. 3. 12. Rev. 3. 19. oftnest tried: the sweetest Grape hardest pressed: So is the godliest person heaviest crossed Every one that will live godly in Christ shall suffer persecution: As many as I love I rebuke and chasten, saith the Lord.


It should teach us all to take up our crosse and to follow Christ.

  • Now the crosse of the humble man the poor [...] man is In­jury, Scar­city, of the Religious Fasting.
  • Now the crosse of the humble man the poor [...] man is In­jury, Scar­city, of the Godly Contempt.

Say then with Ieremy this is my crosse, and I will beare it.Ier. 10. 19.

Gods Providence godly mens Adversaries.

Had to Adversary
  • Adam A Serpent In the beginning to tempt
    Gen. 3. Gen. 4. Gen. 1 [...]. 1 Sam. 22. 2 Sam. 3. Am. 7. 10. 1 Sam. 17 33. 2 Sam. 16. 1 Sā. 18. 2 Sam 15. 2 Kin. 2 Sam. 3 15. 2 Sam. 17. Dan. 6. 1 Sam. 2. 2 Kin. 6. 1 Sam. 2. 6. Gē. 16. 4. 2 Kin. 18. Gen. 21. Gen. 27. Chap. 29. Gen. 30.
  • Abel A Brother In the beginning to murther him.
  • Abraham Two Kings To take away Sarah his wife from him,
  • Abiathar Doeg To enforme King Saul against him,
  • Abner Ioab To stab him: Amos, Amaziah to accuse him,
  • David A Philistine A Beare, and a Lyon to try him,
  • David Saul To persecute him: Shemei to curse him,
  • David His Sonnes To rebell against him, his Wife to mocke him,
  • David Phaltiel To wed his Wife, making her his Concubine,
  • David Achitophel To give Counsell to Absolom his sonne against him,
  • Daniell Princes That envied him: Eli: sonnes that grieved him,
  • Elias Iesabell To pursue him: Elisha: Iehoram and the Sirian,
  • Hanna Peninnah To provoke her: Sarah: Hagar to despise her,
  • Hezechiah Rabshakah To menace him: Isaac: Ishmaell to floute him,
  • Iacob Esau To hate him: Laban to pursue him,
  • Iacob Rachell His Wife for want of Children to vex him,

Had to Adversary

  • Ioseph The Patriarks To sell him: His Mistris to slander him,
    Gen. 37. Gen. 39. 2 King. 25. Dan. 5. 8. [...]ob 1. Chap. 2. Jer. 32. Chap. 36. 3 Ioh 9. Act. 12. Gen. [...]9 Iude 5. Est. 2. 2 Sam [...]6. Gen [...] [...] King. 21. Act. 13. Chap 19 Mat. 26 [...] King. 11. 1 Thes. 2. 18
  • The Iewes Babilonians Medes, Persians, Siracusans to accuse them,
  • The Iewes Romans To subdue them and Chaldeans to accuse them,
  • Iob The Divell To torment him: Sabeans to rob him,
  • Iob His Wise To vexe him: His friends to discomfort him,
  • Ieremiah Pashur To imprison him, Iehojakim to seeke the life of him,
  • Iohn Diotrephes To pra [...]tle against him: Iames: Herod to slay him,
  • Lot His Daughter To beguile him: Michael; the Divell to dispute with him,
  • Mord [...]cay Haman To plot against him: Mephibosheth; his servant,
  • Noah His Sonne To discover him. Naboth, Akah to dispossesse him,
  • Paul Elimas Demetrius and Alexander to withstand him,
  • Peter A Damsell To accuse him. Solomon, Hadab to rise against him,
  • Silvanus Sathan So had Paul and Timotheus to hinder them,
  • Stephen The People And Zechariah the Priest, to stone them,
    Act. 7. 52. 2 Ch [...]. 24. Mat 26. Mat. 27. Exo. 7. 2 Tim. 3. 8.
  • Christ The Iewes And Romans to crucifie him: Iudas to betray him,
  • Christ One Thiefe To revile him: All the people to deride him,
  • Moses Iannes And Iambres Sorce [...]rs to withstand him,

So that it is impossi [...]le to escape Esaus sword, or Ishmaels tongue, Shemeis stones, Doegs slander, or Ioabs treachery: Heaven had their wicked Ange [...]s, The L [...]l [...]y his Thornes: The Temple Hill-Altars: The Coagregation a Diotrephes: Thiatira, Iezabel a false Prophetesse: Demas will be among2 Ioh 9. Rev 2. 22. Iob 1. 0. Mat. 13. 25. Prof [...]ss [...]s: Sathan among Gods Children in the Assemblies: When the [...] were but foure there was a Cain, when but eight a Cham, when but twelve a Iudas: Not seven without a Nicolas, Philistines shall be left in the Land to exercise the Israelites, and good seede his tares.

GODS Providence, delivering afflicted Men Calling on him in their Tribulation.

In Tribulation
  • David
    2 Sam 22▪ 7. Gen 16. Gen. 35 3. Job 42. Exod. 14. Exod. Ch. [...]. Jonah 3.
  • Hagar
  • Jacob
  • Job
  • Israelites
  • Moses
  • The Ninivites
  • Daniel
    Dan. 6. 1 Sam. 1. 2 King. 13. 2 King. 25. Gen. 9. 22. 2 Chro. 33. Judg. 16.
  • Hanna
  • Jehoaz
  • Jehoiakim
  • Leah
  • Manasses
  • Sampson
  • Esther
    Esth. 7. Gen. 21. 17. Joh 2. L [...]m. 3. 55. Gen. Dan. 4 31. Dan. 3.
  • Ismael
  • Jonah
  • Jeremiah
  • Lot
  • Nebuch [...]dnez:
  • The 3. Children
  • Called on the name of the Lord and he delivered them,
  • Christ Had an Angell from Heaven comforting him,
    Luk. 22 43. I [...]b 14 16. 2 Cor. 12. 9. & 7 9.
  • The Apostles Were promised the Holy Ghost to comfort them,
  • Paul Heard God saying, his Grace was sufficient for him,
  • The Man That returneth unto the Lord and seeketh him shall finde him,
  • For the rod of the wicked shall not rest on the Lot of the ri [...]h­teous,
    2 Chro. 15. 4. Psal. 125. 5. 2 Pet. 2. 9. Psal 30 5. Psal. [...]2. 24. Psal. 106. 47. Iob 2 [...] 28. Psal. 145. 19. Iob. [...]6. 1 [...]. Psal 8 [...] 7.
    least the righteous put forth his hand unto wickednesse,
  • The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of tent [...]tio [...]:
  • The Lords anger indureth but a while, Weeping may abide at evening, but joy commeth in the morning.
  • Comforteth Those that are afflicted, calling upon him,
  • Heareth The cry of the afflicted, and delivereth them,
  • Heard The poore mans cry in trouble and saved him,
  • Seeth The affl [...]ction of them that feare him and saveth them,
  • Saw The oppression of the Israelites and their cry came to him,
  • Will Answer or ever they call on him, and while they are but thin­king
    Isa 6 [...]. 24.
    how to speake, he will heare them
  • And will not suff [...]r any to be tempted above measure, but with
    2 Cor. [...]. 4. 1 Cor. [...]. 13. Psal. 9. 15. Psal. 46. [...]7. Psal. 120. 2 Sam. 7. 14. Hos 5 1 [...].
    the temptation will g [...]ve deliverance: for if we sinne he will chasten us with the rod of man, but his mercy shall not be taken away from them.
  • I will goe to my place saith the Lord, till they acknowledge that they have sinned and secke me, for in adversity they will seeke me early.
  • Many are the troubles of the righteous, but God delivers
    Psal. 34. 18.
    them out of all.
  • Cast then thy burden on the Lord, and hee shall nourish
    Psal 55 23.
  • [Page 34]Reade: Deut 4. 29. Chap 8. 5. Isa 43. 2. 2 King. 6. 16. Psal. 18. 6. Psal. 22. 24. Psal. 34 6, 7. Psal. 72. 12. Psal. 58 15. Psal. 107. 43. Psal. 121. 4. Psal. 103. 8. Prov. 11. 12. Rom. 5. 3. Iames 1. 2. Ps. 18. 16.

Gods Providence making Afflictions profitable to all godly persons.

AFflictions of the wicked are Curses or Legall punishments and signes of Re­probation,Wisd. 11. 9, 11. 1 Cor 11. 32. Psal 78 34. Prov. 3 12. Psal 94. 12. Heb. 12. 6. proceeding from God as a Judge, but unto the Godly they are trialls and corrections, and Seales of Adoption, proceeding from God as a Father, being the path-way to Humiliation, an Argument of Gods Love, and the only means to bring us unto a godly sorrow for sinne: Which sorrow is the burd [...]n of every Christian, Confidence being the shoulder to hold up this burden, and Com­fort the hand to help this shoulder, with which whosoever are acquainted, know the Mistery of godly holy Comfort, which is the Christians Heaven upon Earth, joy in Life, hope in Death, prosperity in adversity, staffe in affliction, Anchor in Desperation, and breast plate of preservation, being the golden Chaine to bring us unto Heaven and Glorification.

2. From Affliction a [...]seth Humility, pittying of others, prayer, tryall of our Faith, renouncing of the world, and a hearty desire of the World to come.

Davids sweetest Songs in affliction were lachrimae, he spared Soul his enemy inRom 5 3. Is [...]. 20. 16. prosperity slew Ʋriah his friend. Hezekiah in his b [...]d of sicknesse, hum­bled himselfe praying, being recovered to his health boast [...]th of his Treasures.

  • Abel Abrahams Being slaine, became the first Martyr in Heaven,
    Gen. 4. Gen. 22. 2 Tim 4 [...]. Ps. 40. 1. Psal. 40 2. [...] Sam. 16. 2 Sam. 24. 17. &c. Ps. 119. 67, 7 [...].
  • Abel Abrahams Faith was tryed: The Apostles in Heaven are crowned,
  • David From a Sheepe-keeper, was made a chiefe Commander,
  • David His feete being in the Mire were set on a Ro [...]k,
  • David Being Cursed of Shemel; learned to beare it patiently,
  • David Confessed, that in numbring the people he had sinned,
  • David Being proud in Numbring was humbled by repenting,
  • David Kept the Word of the Lord, learned the Lords Statutes,
  • David And was bettered, whereas before he went astray untill he was Corrected.
Affliction sends us to Christ as Leprosie did those ten: Pro­sperity makes us leave Christ as it did those nine.
Through Affliction
  • Daniel From the Lions Den was more honoured by the King,
    Dan. 6. 1 King 19. Isa. 38. Gen. 16. Iudg. 11. Ier. 31 18. Lam. 3. 27. Ion 1. Ch. 3. Gen. 32. Iob 42.
  • Elijas Hearing first a great voice, heard next a still one,
  • Hezekiah Being sick unto the Death, had fifteen yeares added to his life,
  • Hagar In her distresse learned humility to her Mistris,
  • Iephtah Became Captaine over all his elder Bretheren,
  • Ephraim Was converted being like an untamed Calfe, and Ieremy confessed it was good to beare the Yoake in youth.
  • Ionah Flying from God, learned after to obey the Lord,
  • Iaacob Being lame by wrestling, obteyned of God a blessing,
  • Iob Loosing first all that he had, received at last a double reward,
  • Ioseph Being exiled, was by King Pharoah exalted,
  • S. Iohn Being hanished, was with heavenly melody ravished,
    Act. 7. 10. Psal. Rev. 1. (105. 21 Iosh. 2. Exod. 1. Numb. 21. 2 Chron. 12. Deut. 5. 26. Hos. 2. 6, 7. Neh 9. 28. Exod. 2.
  • The Isralites After Egypts cruelty, enjoyed canaans Mill [...] and Honey,
  • The Isralites The more they were oppres [...]ed, the more they increased,
  • The Isralites Being stung with Serpents, confessed their sinnes,
  • The Isralites Seeing the Philistines gathered against them, They prayed Samuel to pray for them, Hearing the Law they humbled: and having Warres with others, wee reade not that they [...]ell away from God: but being in peace and prosperity, they [...]ell often into Idolatry.
  • Moses From a Servant in Midian, became a States-man.
  • Mordecay Was advanced: Noah in the Arke with beasts saved,
    Est. 3, Gen. 7. Dan. 4. 2 Ki. 5. Ioh 9. 45. Gen. 42 Lu. 15. Acts 9. Ruth 1.
  • Nebuchadnez: Knew the Lord: And Naaman to worship God,
  • The Man Borne blinde, his eyes being opened he beleeved,
  • The Patriarks Conscience accused them: The Prodigall returned againe,
  • Paul Of a Persecutor, became an Apostle and a Prea [...]er,
  • Ruth Of a Moabite by Marriage became an Israelite:
  • [Page 35]Zacheus Being dumb, spake after the Mistery of Salvation,
    Luke 1. Phil. 2. 8, 9. Eph. 1 [...]0. Hose 5. 15. Isa 16 6. Psal 78. 32. Rom. [...] 1. 2 Cor. 11. 32.
  • Christ Became obedient to the death of the Crosse for Man, God there­fore exalted him, giving him a Name above all Names, &c.
  • All Men Are made to seeke the Lord most diligently, their eares are ope­ned, as gold they are tried, who are by him chastened, that they may not be with the world condemned, Iob 33. 16. Chap 36▪ 8 [...]b 23. 10.
  • Blessed is the Man whom the Lord correcteth and chasteneth,
    Iob 5. 17. Iames 1 12. H [...]b. 12 8. Heb. 12▪ 6. Pr [...]. 11, 2 Tim. 3. 12. (12. Rom. 8. 28.
  • He is a Bastard no Sonne, that is without Correction,
  • The Lord rebuketh and chasteneth so many as he lov [...]th,
  • Every person th [...]t will live godly in Christ, shall suffer persecution,
  • All which shall turne to the best to those that love God.


Seeing Afflictions are so profitable, let us runne with patience the way that is set before u [...], looking unto Christ the Author and finisher of our Faith, who forHeb. 12. 2, 3. the joy that was set before him, endured the Crosse, and desp [...]sed the shame: For through many Tribulations must we enter into the Kingdome of Heaven.Acts 14. 22.

  • D [...]l [...]ia now meruit qui non gustavit amara. 1 Pet. 4. 1 [...].
  • Who so hath not [...]asted the things that are bitter 1 Pet 1. 6.
  • Is not worthy to taste the things that are sweeter. Iames 5. 10.
  • Reader: Isa 61. 3 Cha [...]. 20. 16. Ierem. 2. 3. Psal. 66. 12. Prov. 24. 10. Ioh. 15. 2. 2 Cor. 1. 4. Heb. 2. 10. Wisd. 12. 2.

Gods Providence, Mans Purpose, Gods Disposing.

  • Adam and purpose [...] To be as God by eating to know good and evill, God so disposed it as that
    Gen. 3.
  • Heva purpose [...] They knew experimentally evill not good,
    Gen. 3.
  • Abraham purpose [...] To sacrifice his Sonne, God provided him a Ramme,
    Gen 22. Iosh. 7. 2 Sam. 18. 2 Sam. 17.
  • A [...]han purpose [...] To conceale the execrable thing that was found on him,
  • Absolom purpose [...] To be King: He was shine for his Treason,
  • Achitphel purpose [...] To prevaile in counselling: Hushai [...]onfounded him,
  • Ahaziah purpose [...] To take Elias by sending two Captaines after him,
    2 King. 1.
  • Ahaziah purpose [...] They were both burnt with fire from Heaven,
    2 King. 1.
  • Aohish purpose [...] To have David to battell against the Israelites,
    1 Sam. 29.
  • Aohish purpose [...] To have His mind was changed by his Princes,
    1 Sam. 29.
  • Amal [...]kit purpose [...] To get Davids favour for untruly reporting that King Saul was staine by him,
    2 Sam. 1.
  • Amal [...]kit purpose [...] To get He was therefore put to death for slaying him,
  • Ana [...]ias and Zaphira purpose [...] To keep backe Part of the Money made by them, but the Lord discovered it,
    Acts 5.
  • Ana [...]ias and Zaphira purpose [...] To keep backe To the Apostles to both their destruction,
    Acts 5.
  • Balaack purpose [...] To have Israell by Balaam cursed, he blessed them,
    Namh [...]4. 2 Sam. 11.
  • David purpose [...] To conceale his Adultery, Nathan discovered it,
  • David purpose [...] To build a House to God, the Lord forbad it,
  • David purpose [...] To build a Temple for the Lord to dwell therein,
    1 King. 8. 18.
  • David purpose [...] He was commanded to leave it to his sonne Solomon,
    1 King. 8. 18.
  • The Divell purpose [...] To prevaile Against man-kind by Christs passion,
    Co [...]. 13. Heb. 2 15. 1 Tim. 2 24. Gen 27. Gen. 33. Fs [...]h 2. Iudg. 11. 2 King 5.
  • The Divell purpose [...] To prevaile Christ thereby over [...]ame him, and
  • The Divell purpose [...] To prevaile To all men beleeving in him, give salvation,
  • Esau purpose [...] To have Slaine Iaacob for stealing his blessing, he not­withstanding afterwards kindly received him,
    Job 17. 11
  • Eunu [...]es purpose [...] To have slaine Ahashuerosh Mordecai discovered them,
  • Gileadites purpose [...] To disinherit Iephtah, he became their Captaine,
  • G [...]bazi purpose [...] To have concealed Naamans gifts, Elisha knew them,
  • Hamor purpose [...] To have Gotten by circumcising the Shechemites Dinah Iacohs Daughter for his Son Shechem, he wasl [...]in with all the Shechemites by Le [...]i & Sim [...]n.
    Gen. 34.
  • Haman purpose [...] To have hanged Mordecai he was hanged to his Tree [...]
    Esth. 2.
  • Haman and His Men purpose [...] To Murder The Iewes according to the King▪ Dec [...]ee, God so disposed it that
    Esth 9.
  • Haman and His Men purpose [...] To Murder They were all slaine by the Iewes that day,
    Esth 9.
  • [Page 36]Herod purposed To Destroy Christ, sending wise-men to seeke him,
    Mat. 2.
  • Herod purposed To Destroy They returned not, he was mocked by them,
    Acts 12. 6.
  • Isaack purposed To blesse Esau before Iacob his younger Son: He blessed Iacob before Esan the elder one,
    Jer. 20. 9. Mat. 1. 19.
    Gen. 27.
  • Ioseph purposed To have Manasses blessed before Ephraim by his Fa­ther,
    Gen 48.
    Iacob blessed Ephraim before Manas­ses the elder,
  • Ionah purposed To flye From Gods presence to Tharshish: hee was
    Ion. 1.
    brought back by a storme and Sea-fish,
  • Iewes purposed To slay Paul conspiringly, he escapeth safely,
    Act. 23. 15.
  • Iehoram purposed To slay Elisha, but he escaped the Murtherer,
    2 King. 0.
  • Ioseph purposed To put away Mary an Angell willed him to take her,
    Mat. 1.
  • Laban purposed To speake ill to Icob, yet spake good to him,
    Gen. 31.
  • Nebuchadnez: purposed To burne the Three Children, but God delivered them,
    Dan. 3.
  • Nimrod purposed To Build Babel to get himselfe and his a Name: All Languages were confounded at the same,
    Gen. 11.
  • Pharoah purposed To have slaine M [...]ses but he fled to M [...]dian,
    Exod 3. Gen. 39. Ch. [...]0 20.
  • Patriarks purposed To doe evill to Ioseph, but it was honour to him,
    Gen 41.
  • Potiphars Wise purposed to lye with Ioseph, but Gods feare preserved him,
    Iudg 16.
  • Philislines purposed To make sport with Sampson: Justice plagu d [...] them,
    Rom 1. 13.
  • Priests and Scribes purposed To have Entangled Christ in his words, but he preven­ted
    Luk. 20. [...]0. Mat. 27. Mat. 27.
    them, and to have held him in the grave, but he rose againe,
    Act. 16. 7. Luk. 12. 17.
  • Peter purposed To confesse Christs his M [...]ster, but denyed him,
    Acts 9.
  • Paul purposed To persecute Christs Members, yet preached him,
    Luk 12.
  • R [...]ch Man purposed To take his ease, his soule was taken from him,
    1 Sam. 19. 21.
  • Saul purposed To have slaine David, but God defended him,
    N [...]h. [...], (23. Act 27. [...]3.
  • Sanba [...]at purposed To hinder the Iewes building; his counsell was discovered
  • Souldiers purposed To have slaine Paul, but Paul was preserved,
  • The Wicked Intend evill against the Lord, and imagine mischiefe, but they shall not prevaile,
    Psal. 21. 11.
  • The Lord Scattereth the devices of the crasty, so that their hands cannot accomplish that which they enterprize,
    Iob 5 12. E [...]cles 8. 8. Pro.16. 9. I [...]. 10. [...]. Pro. 15. 22. Ioh. 1 [...]. [...]1, Prov 16. 3. Prov 21. 31.
  • The Heart Of Man, purposeth his way, but the Lord directeth is steps,
  • The Lot Is cast, but the ordering thereof standeth in the Lord,
  • The Horse Is prepared for the Battell, but safety is from the Lord,
  • There is no wisdome, there is no understanding, thee is no counsell against the Lord,
    Prov. 21. 30.
  • The Lord of Hostes Hath purposed, who sh [...]ll disanull it? Hee hath stretched forth his hand, who shall turne it againe? It shall come [...]. p [...]sse as he hath determined and devised,
    Isa 14. 24. 27. Act. 17. 28.
  • For in him we live and move and have out being, So that neither life, nor death, are in our hands, but in the Lords: and all the motions of our mind and body depend on God.

Comforts for godly afflicted persons, drawn from Gods Word.

Art thou
  • Blinde So war Isaac Whose eyes with age were dimme,
    Gen. [...]7. 1. Gen. 48. 10. 1 Sam 4. 15. 1 K [...] 44 4. Isa. 35. 5.
  • Blinde So war Iacob Whose eyes with age were dimme,
  • Blinde So war Eli the Priest Whose eyes with age were dimme,
  • Blinde So war Ahijah the Prophet Whose eyes with age were dimme,
  • Blinde So war Sampson Whose eyes were put out by the Philistins,
    Iudg. 16.
  • Blinde So war The Man So borne estored to sight by Jesus,
    Ioh. 9. Acts 9. Mat. 6. Psa. 1 [...]6. 8.
  • Blinde So war Paul Thee daye [...] estored to sight by Ananias,
  • Blinde So war Bartimeus And other estored to sight by the Messiah,
  • Blinde So war The Man Whose Bares were by Christ opened,
    Mar. 7. Mat. 9. Luk. 2. Isa. 35. 6. Iudg. 3. 15. Gen. 32. 2 Sam. 9. Act 14. 8. Acts 3.
  • Deafe So war The Man Whose Tongue wa [...] by Christ loosed,
  • Dumbe So war Zacharias For a time, till his Son Iohn was Named,
  • Lame Ehud Captaine of the Israelites in his right hand,
  • Lame Iacob halting by restling, yet got a bl [...]ssing,
  • Lame Mevhihosheth By a fall, the only Sonne of Ionathan,
  • Lame The Man Of Listra from his Mothers Wombe,
  • Lame The Cripple So borne, healed by Peter and Iohn,
  • [Page 37]S [...]k or d [...]cas [...] So war Moses Exod. 4. 28. Hezekiah, 2 King. 21. Daniel,
    Dan. 8. Ioh. 4. Mat [...] Psa 41. Mat. 9. (3. Ioh 5. Act. 28. Phil 2. Act 8.
  • S [...]k or d [...]cas [...] So war The Centurions Servant, Luk. 7. The Rulers Sonn [...],
  • S [...]k or d [...]cas [...] So war Peters Wives Mother, Mat 8. and the Palsey Man,
  • S [...]k or d [...]cas [...] So war The Woman Twelve yeares, and her issue stayed,
  • S [...]k or d [...]cas [...] So war The Man Thirty eight yeares, yet at last healed,
  • S [...]k or d [...]cas [...] So war Publius His Father, and Epaphroditus both cured,
  • S [...]k or d [...]cas [...] So war [...]neas With many other, who were to health restored,
  • Full of [...]orres So war Iob Sitting in the Ashes, yet made cleane,
    Io [...] 2. Luk. 16.
  • Full of [...]orres So war Lazarus Lying at Dives dore, now in Heaven.
  • V [...]x [...]d with an Evill [...]pu [...] So w [...] The Sonne Of the Father in the Gospell being lunaticke,
    Mat. 17. 5. Act. 16. 16.
  • V [...]x [...]d with an Evill [...]pu [...] So w [...] T [...]e Maide Of the Master in the Acts with a divining spi­rit,
  • V [...]x [...]d with an Evill [...]pu [...] So w [...] The Daughter Of the Caananitish woman with one Divell,
    Mat 15. Luk. 8. 2. Mar. 5. 9.
  • V [...]x [...]d with an Evill [...]pu [...] So w [...] [...]gdalen That sinfull Woman with seven,
  • V [...]x [...]d with an Evill [...]pu [...] So w [...] The Man Lying among the graves with a Legion, And they were all cast out of them.
  • [...]istracted [...]os [...]ded Mutthe­ted So w [...] [...]chuchadnez: For seven yeares time, and restored againe,
    Dan 4. Luk 10. Gen. 4.
  • [...]istracted [...]os [...]ded Mutthe­ted So w [...] The Man Going from Ierusalem, releeved by a Samaritare,
  • [...]istracted [...]os [...]ded Mutthe­ted So w [...] Abel By Cain, who is now a Saint in Heaven,
  • Dead So w [...]4 Eli [...]s Hostises, 1 King. 17. and the Shunamites son,
    2 King. 4. Luk. 7. 14. Mat. 9. Acts 20. Pa [...]. 68. 20. Psal. 56. 13.
  • Dead So w [...] T [...]e Souldier Slaine, 2 King. 3. and the Widdowes only one,
  • Dead So w [...] Lazarus In the Grave, Ioh. 11. Iairus daughter sl [...]eping,
  • Dead So w [...]4 Doreas Streched forth. Act 9. Eu [...]icus b [...]l [...]ing,
  • Dead So w [...] All these bad life restored on Earth to them againe,
  • Dead So w [...] All shall have life restored that die in Christ in Heaven.
  • Hungry So w [...] Sampson Who Had Honey out of a Lyons body,
    Iudg. 14. 1 Sam. 14. 1 Sam. [...]1. 1 King. 19. Luk 15. Luk 16. Mat. 4.
  • Hungry So w [...] Ioka [...]han Who Found Honey in a Wood,
  • Hungry So w [...] David Who Was forced to take Shew bread,
  • Hungry So w [...] Elias Who Was by an Angell nourished,
  • Hungry So w [...] The Prodigal Who Who would have eaten Swines huskes,
  • Hungry So w [...] Iazarus Who Who would have eat [...]n D [...]ves crummes,
    Mat. 21. 18.
  • Hungry So w [...]4 Christ After his long Prayers and Fastings.

And so were

  • Hungry So w [...] The Israelits Had Manna given from Heaven,
    Ps 107 5, 9. Ex. 16. Mat. 12 Mat. 14. Ps 78. 24.
  • Hungry So w [...] T [...]. [...]ples Plucked the ear [...]s of Corne,
  • Hungry So w [...] The Multitude Had Loaves increased [...]ong them,
  • Thirsty So w [...] Hazar Who had water out of a Well,
    Gen. 21. 19. Iob 47. Ioh 15 [...] [...]0. Ps [...] 8. [...]5
  • Thirsty So w [...] Christ Who had water out of a Touth,
    Isa 41. 27
  • Thirsty So was Israel Who had water out of a Rock.
  • Naked So was Adam Eve And God cloathed both of them,
    Gen. 3. Luk [...]6. 2 C [...]r. 11.
  • Naked So was Lazarus On Earth, now [...]ichly cloathed in Heaven,
  • Naked So was Paul Who preached, yet wanted to cloath him, Put on the Lord Iesus Christ, and make no provisions for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof.
    Rom. 13. 14.
  • Poore So was David Who Sent to Nabal to relieve him,
    1 Sam. 25.
  • Poore So was Elias Who Was sent to a Widdow to su [...]eyne him,
    1 King 17.
  • Poore So was Ieremiah Who Was by Godaliah and others relieved,
    Ier 30 11.
  • Poore So was The Prophe [...]s wise Who Had her Oyle by Elisha increased.
    2 King. 4.
  • Poore So was Ioh Who Had all taken from him by the Chaldeans,
    Iob 1.
  • Poore So was Iaacob Who Had but a itaffe going over Iordan,
    Gen 32. 10.
  • Poore So was Moses Who Kept sheepe with the Priest of Midian,
    Exod [...].
  • Poore So was Ruth Who Lived by gleaning eares of Corne,
    Ruth 2.
  • Poore So was Lazarus Who Desired to have but Dives crummes,
    Luk 16. 11.
  • Poore So was Prodigal Who Would have had the huske from Swine,
    Luk. 15. 10.
  • Poore So was The Man Who Wonted one at the poole to help him,
    Iob 29. 25. & 31. Psa. 22. 15. Ruth 1. 22.
    Iob. 5.
  • Poore So was The Woman Who Who had spent all she had on the Phy­sitian.
    Mat. 9.
  • Poore So was Paul Who Wrought with his hands to relieve him,
    Acts 20.
  • Poore So was Peter Who Had no silver to give being ask't him,
    Acts 3.
  • Poore So was Christ Who Was ministred unto by Women.
    Luk 8.

And so were

  • Iob. 8. 7. & 22. [...]9 The Israelites Who were by The Midianites impoverished,
    Iudg. 6. 6. 1 King. 18.
  • Iob 8. 7. & 22. [...]9 The Prophets Who were by Obadiah nourished,

Psal. 31. 24. Ps. 48. 16. Ps. 36. 16. Ps. 9. 9.

  • Com­passed with ene­ [...]e [...]? So was King Asa By Zerah, 2 Chron. 14. David by Saul,
    1 Sam. 23.
  • Com­passed with ene­ [...]e [...]? So was Elisha By the Amorites, 2 Kin. 6. Elias by Captains,
    Psal. 18. 17. & 22. 16 & 57 3, 4. Iob 5. 20.
    2 King. 1.
  • Com­passed with ene­ [...]e [...]? So was Hezekiah By Assyrians, 2 Kin. 18. Ichoshaphat by Ammonits,
    2 Chron. 20.
  • Com­passed with ene­ [...]e [...]? So was Lot By Sodomites, Gen. 19. Sampson by Philistines,
    Iudg. 16.
  • Com­passed with ene­ [...]e [...]? So was Daniel By the Lions, Dan. 6. Shadrach by the furnace,
    Dan. 3.
  • Com­passed with ene­ [...]e [...]? So was Paul By Sadduces, Act. 23 Christ by Jewes,
    Iohn 8. 59.
  • Com­passed with ene­ [...]e [...]? So was Israel By Egyptians, Exod. 14. Samaria by Syrians,
    2 King. 7.
And every of them were freed again.
Psal. [...]8 [...], 11. Ps [...]l. 18. 17. & 11. 8. 9.
Art thou
  • Impriso­ned, So were The Apost Act. 5. Ioseph, Gen. 39. and Iehoahaz,
    2 King. 13.
  • Impriso­ned, So were Ieremiah Ier. 38. Ichoiakim, 2 Kin. 24. Manasseh.
    2 Chron. 33.
  • Impriso­ned, So were Peter Act. 12. Paul, Act. 16. and Silas
    Act. 16. 23.

Psal. 102. 20. Psal. 69. 33. Psal. 68. 6.

  • Banished, So were S. Iohn Into the Isle called Patmos,
    Act. 18. 2 [...].
    Rev. 1.
  • B [...]trayed, So were Christ By his own Apostle Iudas,
    Matth. 27.
  • A Prince conspired against, So were Abasuerus By two E [...]nuches that followed him,
    Act. 5. 23. Gen. 37 18. Iudg. 9. 1. Act. 9. 23. Psa. 31. 13.
    Esth. 6.
  • A Prince conspired against, So were Ieh [...]ash By Athaliab when he was young,
    2 King. 11.
  • A Prince conspired against, So were David By Abner, Sheba, and his sonne,
    2 Sam. 2 [...]
The Lord delivered all of them.
  • Accused and slandered, So was Abimelech By Do [...]g, 1 Sam. 22 Amos by Amaziah,
    Amos 7. 10. Dan. 6. 2 King. 3. Gen. 31. 30. 1 Sam. 20. Ier. 37. 1 King. 21. Act. 6. 11. 2 King. 33. Matth. 28. 12. Act. 2.
  • Accused and slandered, So was David By adversaries, Psal. 27. 12. Daniel by Princes,
  • Accused and slandered, So was Elias By Ahab, 1 Kin. 18. Elisha by Iehoram,
  • Accused and slandered, So was Hanna By Eli, 1 Sam. 1. 1 [...]. Iacob by Laban,
  • Accused and slandered, So was Ioseph By his Mistresse Gen. 39. Ionathan by his father,
  • Accused and slandered, So was Ioh By the devill, Ioh 1. Ieremiah by Irijah,
    Ps. 27. 12.& 35. 11. Iob 11. 18, 19. & 21. 27.
  • Accused and slandered, So was Mephihos. By Ziha, 2 Sam. 16 Naboth by wicked men,
  • Accused and slandered, So was Paul By Tertullus, Act. 24. Ro. 3. 8. Steven by suborned men
  • Accused and slandered, So was God Himself by that wicked king Iehoram,
  • Accused and slandered, So was Christ By the multitude, Luk. 23. 2. Apostles by souldiers,
  • Accused and slandered, So was The [...]ewes By Haman. Es [...]h. 3. The Disciples by divers,
    Luk. 23 10. Iohn 7. 49. Act. 18. 13. & 21. 28. & 25. 7.
  • Forsaken of any one, So was Hagar and Ishmael By Abraham and Sarah, and the Lord comforted them,
    Gen. 21.
  • Forsaken of any one, So was Moses and David By their Father, and mother, and God was with them,
    Exod. 2. [...] Ps. [...]. 18. & [...]. [...]. [...]. [...] & 98. 8. & I [...] 19. 1 [...] 14. 2 T [...]. 4. 16. Ps. 27. 10 Ps. [...]. 18. & [...]. [...]. [...]. [...] & 98. 8. & I [...] 19. 1 [...] 14. 2 T [...]. 4. 16. Iob 19. Ps. [...]. 18. & [...]. [...]. [...]. [...] & 98. 8. & I [...] 19. 1 [...] 14. 2 T [...]. 4. 16. Matt. 26. Ps. [...]. 18. & [...]. [...]. [...]. [...] & 98. 8. & I [...] 19. 1 [...] 14. 2 T [...]. 4. 16.
  • Forsaken of any one, So was Iob By his wife, neighbours, and friends,
  • Forsaken of any one, So was Christ By his Disciples and countrey-men,
And an Angel from Heaven comforted him,
Luk. 22.
  • Evil spo­ken of So was David 2 Sam. 16. Michaiah, 2 Kin. 22. Elias,
    1 King. 18. Act. 2. Lam. 3. 2 Kin. 6. Matth. 13.
  • Evil spo­ken of So was Iob Iob 17. Prophets and Apostles,
  • Evil spo­ken of So was God Himself by that wicked king Iehoram
  • Evil spo­ken of So was Christ By Jewes, for whom he died, to save them,
  • Derided and mocked, So was David By his wife, 2 Sam. 6. Isaac by Ishmael,
    Psal. 35. 1 [...]. [...]. 11. [...]. [...]7. I [...] [...]. [...]. 12. 4. Gen. 19. Matth. 28. Psal. 123. 4.
  • Derided and mocked, So was Ioseph By his brothers. Iob by his friends,
  • Derided and mocked, So was Noah By his son, Gen. 9. Lot by his sons,
    Iob 16. 20.
  • Derided and mocked, So was Prophets, Apostles, and Christ by the Jewes,
  • Derided and mocked, So was The Iewes In Captivitie by the Babylonians,
  • Derided and mocked, So was God Himself by many wicked ones,
The proud have had me greatly in derision: (saith
Psal. 119. 51. Syr. 7. 11.
David) yet have I not declined from thy Law.
  • The song and by­word of the wic­ked, So was David Who Became as a Proverbe among wicked men,
    Ps. 69. 11. Ps. [...]9. [...]. & [...]1. [...]. [...]. 79. 4. & [...]1. 11. & 44. 14. & 55. 13. Heb. 10. 1 [...]
  • The song and by­word of the wic­ked, So was Ieremiah Who was made As the song of wicked
    Lam. 5 6 [...]. Ps. [...]9. [...]. & [...]1. [...]. [...]. 79. 4. & [...]1. 11. & 44. 14. & 55. 13. Heb. 10. 1 [...]
  • The song and by­word of the wic­ked, So was Iob Who was made As a tabret by wicked men,
    Iob 17. 6. Ps. [...]9. [...]. & [...]1. [...]. [...]. 79. 4. & [...]. 11. & 44. 14. & 55. 13. [...]. 10. 13
  • The song and by­word of the wic­ked, So was Paul Who was made As a gazing stocke to wicked men,
    1 Co [...]. 4. 9, 13. Ps. [...]9. [...]. & [...]1. [...]. [...]. 79. 4. & [...]. 11. & 44. 14. & 55. 13. [...]. 10. 13
  • The song and by­word of the wic­ked, So was Christ By the Jewes at his death and passion,
    Matth. 28.
Regard not then the Taunts of wicked men.
  • [Page 39]Rewar­ded evil for good, So was The King By those that were bidden to the wedding,
    Mat. 23. 2.
  • Rewar­ded evil for good, So was Caleb and Ioshua By the Israelites, who would have stoned them,
    Nū. 4. 10.
  • Rewar­ded evil for good, So was David By his Adversari [...]s, because goodnesse was in him,
    Ps. 38 20.
    P [...] 9. 4, 5. 1 [...]. 23. 12. & 25 21. T [...]. 17. 12.
  • Rewar­ded evil for good, So was David By Saul, who sought to Ilay him,
    1 Sam. 24.
  • Rewar­ded evil for good, So was Ioh Who looking for good, evill came to him,
    Ioh 30. 26.
  • Rewar­ded evil for good, So was Christ Who For his good workes was often like to be
    Ioh. 10. 3 [...]. Matth. 28.
    stoned, and at the last was by the Jewes crucified,
  • Rewar­ded evil for good, So was Ieremiah By the Jewes, who digged a pit for him,
    Ier. 18. 20
  • D [...]s [...]med, So was David By his Companion and friend,
    Psa. 55. 12
    Matth. 12. 14. [...]. 27. 1. Mi [...] 4. 11. Act. 27 42 [...]. 5 [...]. [...]0. [...]. 5. Psal. 31. [...]3. & 5 [...]. 3. [...] 71. 10. I [...]r. 11. 19. P [...]al 35. 4. [...]. 6 4. Acts 5. [...]3. M [...]h 6. 5. K [...]. 12. 10. [...]al. 2. 2. & [...]3. 3.
  • Counsel­led against for evil, So was David By Ahithophels counsell to Absalom,
    2 Sam. 16.
  • Counsel­led against for evil, So was Christ By The Jewes counsell to take him,
    Mat. 26. 4.
  • Counsel­led against for evil, So was Paul By Vagabonds counsell to kill him,
    Act. 23.
  • Counsel­led against for evil, So was So were Gods people and hidden Ones,
    Psa. 83. 3.
  • Counsel­led against for evil, So was The Proph. And Apostl [...]s often no intrap them,
  • Counsel­led against for evil, So was The Isr [...]e­lites By the Egyptains, that they might not multiply among them,
    Exo. 1. 10. Psa. 33. 10.
  • Intreated evil for doing Gods message, So was Moses and Aaron Who were Threatned by Pharaoh,
    Ps. 21. 13. Exo. 10. 28
    Act. 23. 12. Gal 2. 4. Psal. 2. 2. J [...]h. 12. 10. 1 P [...]t. 3. 12. Jer. 15. 15.
  • Intreated evil for doing Gods message, So was Ieremiah & Micha [...]ah Who were Imprisoned by Pashur and Ahab,
    Ier. 20. 1 Kin. 22.
  • Intreated evil for doing Gods message, So was Elias & Elisha Who were S [...]ught after to be slain by Iezebel, Iehora [...],
    1 Kin. 19. 2 King. 6.
  • Intreated evil for doing Gods message, So was Amos Who was silented for Prophesying,
    Amos 7. 13
  • Intreated evil for doing Gods message, So was Christ and the Apostles Whose lives were taken from them,
  • Afraid of any, So was The Godliest Person he, and Christ himselfe he was not free, yet from their fears they were by God delivered: who then feares him, in feare shall be preserved▪
    Isa. 57.11
    Psal. 119. 10. 2 King. 6. 16. Isa [...]. 35. [...] Psal 34. 4.
  • Hated & envited, So was The Godliest Person, and Christ himselfe of many,
  • Hated & envited, So was The Godliest Yea, Godly men of this sin were not free,
  • Hated & envited, So was The Godliest As by example you may plainly see.
  • Tryed and pro­ved of God, So was Abraham By Offering up Isaac his sonne,
    Gen. [...]2.
    Psal. 81. 7. Judg. 2. 22. & 1. 4. Act. 20. 19. 2 Chro. 32. 31.
  • Tryed and pro­ved of God, So was Iob By Troubles and afflictions,
    Iob 23. 10.
  • Tryed and pro­ved of God, So was Israel By Thunder and lightning,
    Exo. 20. 10
  • Tryed and pro­ved of God, So was David By His Up u [...]rising and down lying,
    Psa. 139. 1.
  • Tryed and pro­ved of God, So was Peter By Christ on the water walking,
    Ma [...]. 14. 29
  • Tryed and pro­ved of God, So was Philip By Christ By questioning, how the mul­titude should have feed­ing
    Ioh. 6. 5.
  • Tryed and pro­ved of God, So was Christ By Satans tempting, God permitting,
    Matth. 4.
    Matt. 22. 35.
  • As Gold God trieth all godly men,
    Psa. 66. 10.
  • But in the end delivers them,
    2 Pet. [...]. 9. Ps. 55. 22.
    1 Pet. 16. I [...]eb. 4. 15.
  • Without a setled place to live in, So was Abraham Who li­ved Continually in Tents,
    Gen. 12.
  • Without a setled place to live in, So was Isaac Who li­ved Continually in Tents,
    Gen. 14 67.
  • Without a setled place to live in, So was Ia [...]b Who li­ved Continually in Tents,
    Gen. 35. 21.
  • Without a setled place to live in, So was Israel Who li­ved In Boothes and Tents,
    Lev. 23. 42.
    Psal. 107. 4. Jewes.
  • Without a setled place to live in, So was David Who li­ved A long time in Caves and Dens,
    1 Sam. 24.
  • Without a setled place to live in, So was Elias Who li­ved In the wildernesse,
    1 Kin. 1 [...]. 1 Cor. 4. 11
  • Without a setled place to live in, So was Paul and others Who li­ved Having no certain places,
    Heb. 11. 38
  • Without a setled place to live in, So was Christ Who li­ved Not having to rest his head,
    Mat. 8. 20.
    Jam. 1. 1. Jewes.
  • Without a setled place to live in, So was S. Iohn Who li­ved In the Isle of Patmos banished,
    Revel. 1.
  • Regard not then the house that's made with hands,
    2 Cor. 5. 1.
    Joh. 14. 2. Use.
  • But seek the eternall buildings in the Heaven.
    Psa. 107. 4.

Art thou

So was
  • Without a bed to lye upon?
  • Iacob Who lay on the ground going to Laban, Gen. 28. 11.
  • Ieremiah Who lay In mire in the dungeon,
    Ier. 38. 6.
  • Paul Who lay In chains in the prison,
    Acts 16.
  • Iob Who lay In Ashes being his sheet,
    Iob 2.
  • Ioseph Who lay In the Stocks hurting his feet,
    Psal. 105. 18.
  • Lazarus Who lay At Dives door in the street,
    Luk. 16.
  • Christ Who lay A ship-board in the ships sterne, and often­times
    Luk. 8. 22.
    in the cold mountain,
So was
  • Vexed by thy wife?
  • Iacob Whose wi [...]e said, Give me children, or else I die,
    Gen. 30. 1.
  • Iob Whose wi [...]e bid him, Curse God, and die,
    Iob 2. 9.
  • Moses Whose wi [...]e t [...]rmed him to be a bloudy man,
    Exod 4. 25.
  • David Whose wi [...]e despised, and derided him,
    2 Sam. 6.
  • Without Silver and Gold?
  • Christ Who was beholden to a fish for money,
    Matth. 17.
  • The Apo. And yet they wanted not in their Journey,
  • Peter And Iohn, when they healed the Creeple man,
    Acts 3.
  • Reade Phil. 4. 19.
So was
  • Weary of thy life?
  • Iob Who wished himselfe strangled,
    Iob 7. 15.
  • Ieremiah Who wished himselfe unconceived,
    Ier. [...]8. [...]4.
  • Moses Who wished himselfe unburdened,
    Numb. 11. 11.
  • Elias Who prayed God to take away his life,
    1 King. 19.
    Ionah 2. 4.
  • The Gaoler Who would have murthered himselfe,
    Acts 16.
    2 Cor. 1. 8.
  • The Lords good grace them all yet so directed,
  • Their sorrows overpast, their daies in peace were end [...]d.
  • in famine?
  • Abraham Gen. 12. Isaac, Gen. 26. Iacob▪ Gen. 46.
    Luk. 4. 25.
  • Abimelech Ruth 1. Elias, 1 Kin. 17. David, 2 Sam. 21.
    Act. 7. 11 Gen. 45. 7.
    Job 5. 20. Pr. [...]0 3.
  • The [...] 2 Kin. 8. Samaria, 2 Kin. 17▪ And others, Psal. 33. 19.
    Psal. 34. 10▪ Psa. 37.
  • And the Lord relieved them in their wants, Psal. 37. 19, 25.

Art thou

So was
  • In ser­vitude?
  • Abrahams Posteritie foure hundred yeares,
    Gen. 15. 13.
  • Iacob With Laban twenty yeares,
    Gen. 31. 38.
  • Ioseph Many yeares with Potiphar serving,
    Gen. 39.
  • Moses Fortie yeares with the Priest of Midian,
    Act. 7. 30.
  • Yet freedome at last was given them.
  • In danger of waters?
  • Noah Gen. 7. Ionah, Chap. 1. The Israelites▪
    Exod. 14.
  • Peter Matth. 14. Paul, Acts 27▪ and Disciples,
    Matth. 8.
  • And not any perished, but were all preserved,
    Psal. 107. 29.
  • The Lord can fave from all danger, yea though a man went to sea without Art
    Psal. 18. 16.
    Wisd. 14. 4.

Are thy

So were
  • Goods taken, and lands frō thee?
  • Lots And all restored to them again,
    Gen. 14.
  • Iobs And all restored to them again,
    Iob 42.
  • Naboths By Ahab and with-held by them,
    1 King. 21. 2 Ki. 8. 3. 2 Sam. 16. Iob 1. 21.
  • Mephibosh By Ziba and with-held by them,
  • Friends thine enemies?
  • Iob's Who spake eloquently, tormenting him,
    Job 19. 1.
  • David's Who forsooke, and reprehended him,
    Psal. 31. 11. Lam. 1. 2.
  • Christ's Who lifted up his heele against him,
    Psal. 41. 9. Ioh. 1 [...]. 14.

Is thy

So was
  • life sought after?
  • Elias By Iezebel, 1 Kin. 19. Elishas by Iehoram, 2 King. 6.
    Exod. 2. 15.
  • Daniel's By Princes, Dan. 6▪ Davids by Saul, 1 Sam. 23.
    [...] Sam. 25. 29.
  • The Apostles And others by their Adversaries,
    Jer. 18. 23.
    Psal. 32. 33.
  • Wife barren?
  • Abimelech's Gen. 20. 8. and Elizabeth,
    Luk. 1. 7.
  • Sarah G [...]n. 11. 30. and Hannah,
    1 Sam. 1.
  • Rachel Gen. 29. 31. and Rebekah,
    Gen. 25. 21.
  • Manoah's Iudg. 13. 2. and The Shunamites,
    1 King. 4.
So was
  • Or,
  • These all by Praying obtained Children
    Psal. 68. 6.
    from God,
  • married to another?
  • David's Who was given to Phaltiel the son of Laish,
    2 Sam. 3. 15.
  • Samson's Who was given to his own Companion,
    Iudg. 14. 20.

Art thou

  • In a dungeon? The light of Mercy cannot be kept from thee.
    Iam. 1. 17.
  • In Exile? Thou art not out of Gods Presence, he seeth thee.
    Psal. 139. 7.
  • Despised of the world? God himselfe maketh account of thee.
  • In povertie? God hath eternall riches for thee.
  • Hated of the world? The Lord hateth it more by not giving Grace.
  • Stricken with death? Thou hast promise with Simeon to depart in peace.
    Luke 2. 29.
  • Stricken with death suddenly? It is to free thee from Mis [...]rie.
  • Fatherlesse? The Lord is thy helper.
    Psal. 10. 14.
  • Spoken against by the mightie Ones? So was David by Princes.
    Psal. 119. 23.

Meanes and Second Causes used.

ORdinary Meanes are to be used of every man in his Calling carefully, and when they beat hand we must not look for any help without them: though the Lord be able to doe what he will without Meanes. Ioab when the Ara­mites2 Sam. 10. 12. came against him, heartened his Souldiers, though they were but few, bid­ding them to be strong and valiant for their people, and for the Cities of their God, and then let the Lord doe (saith he) what is good in his eyes.

And our Saviour Christ avoucheth that to be flat tempting of God, for him to leape downe from the Pinacle of the Temple to the ground, when as there was an ordinary way at hand to descend by Staires. L [...]st therefore we to our de­struction contemne the use of Second Causes which are ordained for our good, God hath himselfe first used them in the worlds government, when as hee might as easily doe it by himselfe alone, as with Second Causes: I will, saith the Lord, heare the Heavens, and they shall heare the Earth, and the Earth shall heare the Corne, the Wine, and the Oyle, and they shall heare Iezreel: So for the converting of David, the Lord used the Prophet Nathan: And to deliver Peter out of Prison he sent an Angel: and to convert the Eunuch he sent Philip unto him: And thus the Lord doth, that he may honour his Creatures as Fellow-workers with him: And to that purpose he hath ordained meat and ap­parell, to cover the body and to maintaine life: Phisitians and Physicke to re­cover health: honest exercises and sleep to conserve health: Princes and Magi­strates to conserve publike Peace: M [...]sters of Families for domesticall governe­ment. Preaching and reading the Word, receiving the Sacraments, workes of Charitie, Prayers, Discipline, &c. for exercising of Faith. These and such like Meanes and Second Causes then are not to be contemned, or neglected, as though God would governe the world, or save us by himselfe without them: for so to doe, were nothing else but to tempt God, and to hinder, as much as in us lieth, the execution of his Providence, which is forbidden by the Lord, saying, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God, which they doe, who neglecting the Meanes or­dained by God, expect Miracles from Heaven.

Object. If Gods Providence be immutable, what need Second Causes, &c? He that shall be amended, shall so be without correction or admonition.

Answ. The Answer is, that those things are separated which are to be joyned toge­ther. God in his eternall Counsell had ordained to make Davids will good of evill: and to incline the same from sinne to repentance; had ordained also Meanes, by which his will should be changed, namely Nathan.

Used Meanes to
Adam and Eve
Cover their nakednesse by sewing together of fig-leaves, and the
Gen. 3.
Lord by making them coverings of beasts skins.
Preserve himselfe in time of famine, by going into Egypt, and in
Gen. 10.
time of Feare, by saying Sarah was his Sister: and to pre­serve
Chap. 20.
peace, betwixt himself and Lot, their Herdsmen falling
Chap. 13.
at contention, gave Lot the choice of the Land.
Pacifie the wrath of David, being kindled against Nabal her husband, by carrying a Present unto him.
1 Sam. 25.
Get the Kingdome to Solomon, as she was willed by Nathan.
1 King. 1.
Procure peace with the King of Israel by sending his servants
1 King. 20.
unto him, with Sackcloth about their loynes, and ropes about their necks, in signe of Humiliation.
Used Meanes to
Come into Saul's presence (to encounter with Goliah) and that by saying unto the people, What shall be done to the man
1 Sam. 17.
that killeth this Philistine? and to escape Saul, casting his
Chap. 18.
Javeling at him, he avoided him, and sending to take him, was let downe at a window, and so escaped him. And to
Chap. 19.
know what he intended against him, absented himselfe from his Table, to heare by Ionathan what he would say of him: And from time to time, being pursued by him, fled from one
Chap. 20.
place to another to hide himself fro [...] him. And to preserve his Father and Mother from Saul's wrath, being against
Chap. 22.
them kindled, he placed them with the King of Moab, and
Chap. 23.
to deliver himselfe from evill that might befall him by King Achish, knowing who he was, he feigned himselfe to be mad
Chap. 21.
before him: and going against the Philistines slew all of them, that not any of them might carry tydings thereof to the King, being supposed to have gone out against the Israe­lites by him: And to overcome the Philistines he turned behinde them over against the Mulberry-trees, as the Lord
2 Sam. 5.
had commanded him: And to confound Abithophel he used Hushai's counsell.
Chap. 17.
Used Meanes to
Understand Nebuchadnezzar's dreame, and that by praying, and
Dan. 2.
to finde out the Truth of Susanna's false accusation, he put
Chap. 13.
her accusers asunder, examining them.
The Disciples
Preserve their brethren in time of Famine, and that by sending unto them according to their abilitie, wherewith the Lord
Acts 11.
had weekly blessed them.
Cut of the Prophets of Baal, by assembling them together un­der pretence of an Offering to be made to their gods, &c.
1 King. 18.
And so to escape from Iezebol fled to Beersheba: and to free
Chap. 19.
himselfe from the hands of two of the Captaines sent to take him, he prayed for fire from Heaven to consume them: and
2 Kin. 1.
to relieve himselfe in the time of famine, he lived with a widow a long time.
1 King. 17.
Used Meanes to
Withstand the Kings Messenger sent to murther him, and that by willing his owne Servant to take heed to shut the doore against him. And to preserve himselfe from the Aramites sent to Dothan to take him, he prayed, and the Lord struck them with blindnesse, that they could not see him. And to defend the King of Israel from the King of Syria, he sent
2 King. 6.
word unto him, that he should forbeare to goe to such and such like places, where the King of Syria lay in wait for him.
Q Esther
Preserve the Jewes from Hamans plot intended against them,
Esther 1.
and that by inviting the King to a banquet, and by praying.
Chap. 5. Chap. 6.
The Eunuch
Understand the Word of God as well by reading, as also by
Acts 8.
taking of Philip into the Coach to interpret to him.
Used Meanes to
The Gibeonites
Procure their peace with Ioshua, by pretending to come from a farre Countrey unto him, having on old shooes, bread that
Iosh. 9.
was mouldie, and garments worn.
Pacifie the Ephraimites murmuring by milde answering.
Iudg. 8. 1.
Heale his boile, by laying a bunch of dry figs thereon, and to
Isai. 38.
move King Ashur to remove his Army brought against him,
2 King. 20.
he caused all the waters and fountaines in the Countrey to be
2 Chron. 32.
stopped, so that he had not to drinke for them.
Espie out of what strength the Citie Iericho was, by sending
Iosh. 2.
spies to learne the same: and to conquer A [...] he sent men by
Chap. 8.
night, willing them to lye in wait against them.
Used Meanes to
Defend himselfe from the rage of Esau his brother, by departing
Gen. 27.
for a time from his father, and being in service with Laban, to get to himselfe the party-coloured sheep, he set pilled rods before them: and returning from Laban, to pacifie the wrath
Cha. 30. 30, 41
of his brother meeting him, sent a present to him: And to preserve his goods, if Esau had intended evill against him, he divided that he had into severall companies, whereby
Chap. 32.
some might escape of them: And then meeting his brother
Chap. 33.
humbled himselfe unto him, and above all by prayer escaped him.
Bring his brethren to remembrance that they had done him wrong, and that by reprehending and imprisoning them,
Gen. 44.
their Conscience thereby accusing them: And to be freed
Chap. 45.
out of prison intreated Pharaoh's Butler to remember him:
Chap. 40.
And to preserve the Egyptians in time of famine, in the
Chap. 41. 18.
plentifull yeares he provided for them.
Preserve himselfe from Abimelech, and that by flying.
Iudg. 9.
Used Meanes to
Reconcile Absalom unto David by a cunning woman, and that
2 Sam. 14.
the Israelites might be valiant in battell against the Assyri
Chap. 10. 11.
Assyrians▪ he incouraged them.
Ionah and Paul's Marriners
Save themselves in the storme on the waters, and that by
Ionah 1.
casting out their wares, lightning their ships, still endevoring,
Act. 27.
calling on the Lords Name by praying.
Preserve Christ by flying, as the Angel willed him.
Matth. 2. 14.
Escape from Solomon, by absenting himselfe from him.
1 King 11.
Used Meanes to
Preserve Ioash from Athaliah going about to kill him, and that by keeping him and his Nurse in her Bed-chamber, as also
2 King. 11.
hiding him in Gods house the space of six yeares.
Destroy Baals prophets under pretence of a Sacrifice that he
2 King. 11.
had to do for them, to their God Baal, who being assembled, slew both young and old, great and small.
Ease Moses of the burden upon him, in judging of the people, and hearing of Causes between them, and that by giving him
Exod. 18.
counsell to provide men of courage to rule over them.
Used Meanes to
Espie out the Ephraimites from the Gileadites, and that by ma­king
Iudg. 12.
them to pronounce the word Shibboleth.
The Israelites
Preserve their first-born from the Angel slaying the Egyptians,
Exod. 12. 22.
and that by striking the Lintels of their doores with bloud, as God had commanded; and being at the first overcome of the Benjamites, they afterwards lay in Ambushment, &c. and
Iudg. 20.
so prevailed against them: And being stung with fiery Ser­pents, looking on the Brazen Serpent, a representation of
Numb. 21.
Christ, they were healed.
Used Meanes to
Cover the Egyptian slain by him, by hiding him in the sand, and to escape from Pharaoh, fled into the Land of Midian: and
Exod. 12.
to have his hands stayed up, called Aaron and Hur to stay them, during which time the Israelites prevailed against the
Chap. 17.
Amalekites: And to keep the Israelites from the Mount, he set marks: And to search the land of Canaan, he sent spies:
Chap. 19.
And to preserve the Israelites from Korahs destruction, he
Numb. 13.
willed them to depart from among them: And to stay Gods
Numb. 16.
wrath, he often prayed to God for them.
Moses his mother
Preserve him for a time by hiding him, and after by putting
Exod. 1.
him into an Arke, &c. to see what would become of him.
Preserve David from Saul's Messengers, saying that David was sick, and laying an image in his bed, while the Messengers
1 Sam. 18.
returned to Saul, he escaped.
Used Meanes to
Make the Arke, as God commanded, and therein received all kinde of Creatures to increase the world again.
Gen. 6.
Move David to confesse his sins, by a Parable told him.
2 Sam. 12.
B [...]ild the house of God, by Letters from Artaxerxes gotten.
Nehem. 2.
Preserve the Lords Prophets, and that by hiding them.
1 King. 18.
The Proph.
Make Ahab judge himselfe, by a Parable told him.
1 King. 20.
Provide for the deare yeares, as Ioseph willed him.
Gen. 41.
Pharaoh's servants
Preserve themselves and their cattell, as many as feared God, by
Exod. 9.
departing out of the fields from the Haile that destroyed all that there remained.
Used Meanes to
Preserve himselfe from the Jewes, and that by being let downe
Act. 9.
at a window: and being at Cesarea was sent by his brethren
Chap. 14.
to Tarsus: fled from Lystra to Derbe, Cities of Lycaonia: said that he was a Romane, and thereby escaped whipping:
Chap. 22. 25.
cryed out that he was a Pharisee, and so w [...]s delivered, being accused falsly: Sent his s [...]sters son to the Centuriō to acquaint
Chap. 23. 17.
him with the Conspiracie of certain wicked men, and there­by
Chap. 27. 17. 31. 38.
escaped them, the captaine causing two Centurions with two hundred souldiers to convey him: And being in danger
2 Cor. 11. 32.
at Sea, followed the counsell before told him by an Angel.
Used Meanes to
Get the blessing unto Iacob, by making him savoury meat to
Gen. 27.
carry to his Father, to change his garments; and to preserve him from Esau, sent him to Padan Aram.
  • Obtaine Children Naturall meanes by Marriage,
    Gen. 29.
  • Obtaine Children Artificiall meanes by Mandrakes,
    Chap. 30.
  • Obtaine Children Godly meanes by Prayers.
    14, 15.
preserve her selfe and hers, and that by entertaining Ioshua's
Iosh. 2.
spies, as also by tying a cord at her window, as she was willed
Chap. 6
by the spies which she harboured.
Used Meanes to
Relieve her selfe and Naomi her mother in law, and that by
Ruth 2.
gleaning eares of Corne; as also followed the Counsell of Naomi, to get Boaz to her husband.
Chap. 4.
Procure the love of certaine wicked men speaking against him,
1 Sam. 10,
and that by not replying unto them, making as though he heard not the words spoken by them.
Defend himself from Saul, fearing him, being sent to annoint
1 Sam. 16.
David to be King, and that by taking an Heifer with him to sacrifice, as God commanded him.
Preserve themselves from Ishmael, going about most treache­rously to slay them, and that by telling him that they had
Ier. 41. 7.
treasures in the fields hidden, &c. and so escaped him.
Used Meanes to
The Steward
Maintaine himselfe after his dismission, his Stewardship being
Luke 16.
t [...]ken from him, and that by causing those that were indebted to his Master to set down lesser summes then they owed him.
Preserve himself from King Iehoiakim, and that by flying into Egypt from him, from whence the wicked king notwith­standing
Ier. 26.
sent for him, and slew him.
Preserve Ahimaaz and Ionathan
by putting them into a well, spreading ground corne over the covering, and so they escaped
2 Sam. 17.
the Messengers of Absalom sent to take them.
The Woman
  • Deliver her citie and the people from Ioab pursuing Sheba: and
    2 Sam. 20.
    that by causing Sheba's head to be cut off, and given to Ioab, as he commanded.
  • Be cured of her bloudie issue: and she of Canaan to have her
    Mark 5.
    daughter cured by coming to Christ, together with many
    Matth. 15.
    other diseased persons.
Used Meanes to
Pres [...]rve himselfe from the Pharisees, consulting to destroy him,
Matth. 12.
and that by departing from them; and from the Jewes seeking
Chap. 14. 13.
to kill him, by walking in Galile not in Jury, as also by go­ing
Ioh. 7. 1.
to the Feast of Tabernacles, not openly but privily, wal­king
Chap. 11. 54.
secretly: As likewise by going from them into the
Chap. 8 59.
wildernesse, and sometimes by a ship waiting on him, and
Chap. 11. 54.
willed his Disciples to beware of men, and that, if they were
Mark 3. 9, 7.
persecuted in one Citie, they should fly into another to save
Chap. 10. 39.
themselves, and counselled them to be wise as Serpents, but
Matth. 10.
withall to be innocent as Doves.
Spiritual Means
St Paul saith that
Are to be used to obtaine Salvation, and they are Faith, which
Rom. 10. 17.
cometh by Hearing, Hearing by Preaching, after which fol­loweth
Chap. 8.
Obedience, Sanctification and Justification by Christ.
Titus 1.
To this is to be added to make Election sure, Veritie with
Act. 13. 48.
Faith, Vertue with Knowledge, with Knowledge Tempe­rance,
Eph. 2. 10.
with Temperance Patience, &c.
2 Pet. 1. 5.

The Lord appointed Meanes, that his banished are not utterly expelled.2 Sam. 14. 24.

Secret things belong unto the Lord: to man revealed. Deut. 29. 29.

Victorie is of God: yet the horse for battell is prepared. Prov. 21. 31.

That provideth not for his owne, and especially for them of his houshold, he hath 2 Cor. 8. 21. denyed the Faith, and is worse then an infidell, saith the Apostle S. Paul. 1 Tim. 5. 8. Gen. 30 30.


We may learne hereby not to contemne Second Causes, abusing thereby Gods Providence: His revealed will is, that we use ordinarie remedies, leaving the issue to him, who will dispose thereof to his good will and pleasure. Amen.

Of Lots: A Meanes used for divers ends.

LOts are a part of Gods Worship, which are to be used in matters of weight, to the deciding of doubts, and ending of strifes and contentions: and so speaketh Solomon, saying, The lot causeth contentions to cease, and parteth between Prov. 18 18. the mighty.

There are three sorts of Lots, of which there is but one Good. There is a Ci­vill Lot: a Sporting Lot: and a Divining Lot.

The Civill
is only Good, which is for ending of Controversies, dividing of
1 Sam. 20.
Lands, discovery of Malefactours.
Iosh. 18. 6.
The Sporting
is used for some unnecessary ends, as to helpe a man decayed, by making gaine by gaming, &c.
The Divining
is by opening a Booke, o [...] casting a Dye, to declare good or bad successe, &c. and such like.
By lot
Achan was sound out by Ioshua to have the execrable things.
Iosh. 7.
Ioshua divided the Land to the Is [...]aelites: The souldiers Christs gar­ments.
Chap. 18.
Matth. 17.
By lot
Ionathan was found to have tasted hony: and Ionah of sin to be guilty.
1 Sam. 14 Ion 1.
Saul was chosen to be King of Israel: and Matthias to be an Apostle.
1 Sam. 10. All. 1.
The Goat was chosen for a sin▪ offering: and the Levites brought the
Levit. 16. 10.
Nehem. 10. 34.
Zacharias burnt incense: and one of ten were from captivitie taken.
Luk. 1. 9, Neh. 11. 1.

The lot is cast into the lap: but the whole disposing thereof Prov. 16. 33. is of the Lord.

Reade Iudg. 20. 9. Esth. 3. 7. Chap. 9. 24. Numb. 26. Chap. 33. 54.

Of Prayer.

PRayer is the Messenger of the faithfull Soul, being the Request of an hum­ble and sanctified heart, together with thanksgiving offered up by the spirit of Prayer, as a speciall service unto God, in the Name of Jesus Christ, in the behalfe of our selves and others, with assurance to be heard, in what we pray for according to the will of God revealed in his Word, the Spirit making request for1 Tim. 4. 8. us with groanes in the heart unspeakeable, the Lord accepting the inward mour­ning and desire of the heart for a Cry, as we see in Moses, who prayed to God inExod. 14. 15. Psal. 119 1 [...]5. Lam. 2. [...] Syr. 21. [...]. & 35. 16. Ecclu [...]. [...]. [...]7. Exod. 32. 10. I [...]r. 7. 16. Chap. 1 [...]. 14. the behalfe of the Israelites, the Lord answering him, saying, Why cryest thou unto me? when [...]s Moses indeed cryed not in voyce, but in the earnest affection of his heart: And is of such force, as that it goeth through the clouds, and cea­seth not untill it come unto the Lord, and will not depart, untill the most High have respect thereunto; yea, it doth as it were binde the Lord, and hinder him from executing judgements, overcomming him that overcommeth all things: as we see by the Lo [...]ds owne words unto Moses▪ saying, Suffer me▪ that my wrath may waxe hot against them: (to wit) the Israelit [...]s, and to consume them, and I will [...]ake of thee a mightie people. And again, by the Angels words unto Lot, saying, Haste thee, get thee hence: for we can do nothing till thou be gone, the Lord beingGen. 19. [...]5. then about to destroy Sodome. And is truly, Consolatio fl [...]ntium, Cura dolentium, & Sanitas aegro [...]orum: A Comfort for them that mourne: the Joy of the sor­rowfull: and Health for those that are sick; being the chiefest remedie for every kinde of M [...], and the only Odours that were offered upon the golden Altar before the Throne spoken of in the Revelation. Revel. 3. 8.

  • Prayers are of two sorts: Mentall:
  • Prayers are of two sorts: and
  • Prayers are of two sorts: Vocall.

Mentall, consisting in the Heart without voyce, such was Moses. Exod. 14. 15.

Vocall, conceived in the Heart, & pronounced with the tongue, such was Christs.Heb. 5. 7.

In Prayer these three things are to be seriously meditated upon:Eccles. 5. 1.

  • Gods Majestie, from whence ariseth Humilitie in spirit,
  • Gods Promises, from whence ariseth Confidence to be heard,
  • Our own vilenesse, from whence ariseth Fervencie of Affection.

In Prayer also these Properties are to be observed:

  • Thy Prayer must be secret without ostentation, and zealous without doubting.
  • Thy Prayer must be briefe without much babling, and constant without intermission.
By Prayer
  • Obtained favour in the sight of God for Ishmael his sonne▪
    Gen. 17. Chap. 18. Chap. 20. Chap. 14.
    Had saved Sodome, had there been found therein ten just men: Was heard for Abimele [...]hs wife, and others being barren, so that they bare again; and had a childe by Sarah, when she was past childe-bearing.
  • Abrahams Servant did meet with Rebekah according to his Petition.
    Gen. [...]4. 2 Chron. 13. 2 Chron. 14. Act. 10. 5, 3 [...].
  • Abijah overcame Ieroboams Army, the Lord sighting for him.
  • King Asa subdued Zerah, having ten hundred thousand men.
  • Cornelius was willed to send for Peter to preach the Gospel to him.
The Apostles and Disciples
  • Had the Holy Ghost given, cast out devils, raised the dead;
    Act. 4. Cha. 16.
  • Healed all kind of diseases, and the Lepers cleansed.
    Matth. 10. [...].
Obtained wisedome to interpret Nebuchadnezzars dreame:
Dan. 2.
An Angel expounded to him the seventie weekes vision: Shewed him the building again of Jerusalem, with the an­nointing
Chap. 9. 2 [...].
and death of Christ Jesus then to come.
  • Understood of Sauls coming to Keilah to take him.
    1 Sam. 23. 2 Sam. 24. Ch. 17. 23 Ch. 15. 31. Psal. 56. 9.
  • Turned away the wrath of God kindled against him.
  • Brought to nought Ahithophels counsell given to Absalom.
  • Often-times put his enemies to flight, fighting with them.
By Prayer
  • Stayed the Raine three yeares and sixe moneths, and againe obtai­ned Raine, so as the earth yeelded her fruits.
    Iam. 5. 17. 1 Kin. 7. 21. Chap. 17. 12. 2 Kin. 1.
  • Raised from death to life the widow of Zarephaths son.
  • Commanded fire from Heaven to consume his burnt offering with the two captaines and their fifties sent to take him.
Had the Spirit of Elias doubled upon him: Procured Beares to de­stroy the mocking Children: Raised from death to life the Shu­namites
2 King. 2. Chap. 4. Chap. 6.
son: Had the eyes of his Servant opened, so that he saw Mountaines full of Horses, and Chariots of fire round about him, and smote the Aramites with blindnesse coming to take him

Hagars Eyes were opened to espie a Well, her son only crying.Gen. 21.

Hezekiah was delivered from Ashur, and his health restored to him.Isai. 37. 2 King. 18. Gen. 3 [...]. 11. J [...]n. 2▪ 10 Dan. 3. Cha. 6. Act. 2. Man. 8. 24. 2 Ki. 13. 2 Chr. 33. Act. 5. Cha. 16.

Was delivered from the wrath of Esau: Ionah out of the fishes bel­ly: The three Children from the fiery furnace: Daniel from the Lions den: Ionah's and Paul's marriners from the danger of the seas: Ioseph and Iehoahaz, Manasseh, and Silas, with Paul, Peter, and others, out of Prisons.

Isaac obtained a son (to wit) Iacob: Rachel had Ioseph: Leah Issachar: Za­charias Iohn: Manoah Samson: Anna Samuel: and Elisha one for the Shuna­mite woman.

Ioshua commanded the Sun, and it abode in the midst of heaven.J [...]sh. 10.

Isaiah brought back the Sun ten degrees in Ahaz diall again.2 King. 20.

Iosiah was delivered from the plagues threatned to be brought on him.2 Kin. 22. Ch. 13. 12.

Iehoahaz was delivered from the Syrian: Iehoshaphat from the men of Aram.2 Chro. 18. Ch. 20. 22

was told what the people should doe being in Captivitie in Babylon,
Ier. 4 [...]. 4. Chap. 7. 16. Chap. 11. 14. Chap 14. 11.
as also stayed the wrath of the Lord severall times, being kindled against them; yea, so as the Lord willed him at times not to pray for them.

Iacob and Iabez got to each of them a severall blessing.G [...]. 32. 26. 1 Ch. 4 10

Io [...]
Pacified the wrath of the Lord being kindled against his friends, for not
Iob 42. 8.
speaking that which was right unto him. As also had his captivitie under Satan taken from him, and a double portion of what he lost given him.
The Israelites
Being in bondage to the Egyptians were delivered; being in
Exod 3 7. Iudg. 3. Ch. 4. Chap. 6. Nū. [...]1. 1 Sa. 8.
servitude to Aram, Moab and Canaan were redeemed: and in battell against the Canaanites and others prevailed: As also obtained Saul to be king over them, albeit the Lord was angry for the request made to him.

Just Lot saved Zoar: the cities of Sodome burnt with fire from Heaven.Gen. 19.

Moved the Lord to take away certaine plagues brought on the Egyp­tians:
Exod 8. 4. Ch. 9. 29. Chap. 1 [...]. 16. Deut. 9. [...]0.
Stayed the wrath of the Lord kindled against Aaron: de­livered the Israelites through the red Sea, from drowning, obtai­ned the presence of the Lord to goe before them, and saw part of
Exod. 14. Chap. 15. Chap. 17. Numb. 14. 20. Chap. 16. 45. Ch. 32. Num. 12. 13. & 11. 2 Exod. 15. 15. Cha. [...]1. 6. Numb. 21. 8.
Gods presence going before him: Stayed many evils often threat­ned to be brought on the Israelites, prevailed against the Amale­kites, by holding up his hands, during the time that Israel fought against them: Healed Miriam of the leprosie wherewith she was stricken: had a Tree shewed him whereby bitter waters were sweetned, and was willed to erect a brazen serpent, whereby those that were stung with fiery serpents were healed.

The Ninevites were delivered from the plagues threatned against them.Ionah 2.

Nehemiah obtained Letters from the King Artaxerxes to passe to Jerusalem.Nehem. 1.

The Prophet
Caused the Lord to take away the Grashoppers, and other such like
Amos 7. 1 Kin. 13.
plagues brought on the Israelites: and restored Iero [...]oams hand, being dried up, by stretching it out to lay hold on him.
By Prayer
  • [Page 48]Peter raised Tabitha: Paul Eutychus, falling downe by sleeping.
    Act. 4. Ch. [...]0.
  • Samson had water out of a Tooth, and strength renewed him.
    Judg. 15 Ch 16 28
  • Samuel procured thunder, to punish Israel, and the Philistines.
    1 Sam. 12. Ch. 7. 9.
  • Solomon obt [...]ined wisdome, as also had granted his Petition.
    1 Kin. 3. Ch. 8. Ch. 9.
  • Sick Persons
  • The Centurions servant, The Canaanites daughter, and Luna­ticke
    Matth. 10. Chap. 9. Chap. 8. Chap. 15. Ch. 7. Luk. 17. Ch. 7. Chap. 2 [...]. Mark 5.
    persons were healed, men blinde received sight, a man stammering and deafe, was made to heare and speake, Lepers were clensed, certaine persons being dead were to life resto­red, one thiefe of the two crucified was saved. The devils had leave of Christ to enter into the Swine, being cast out of the possessed, and not any that came to Christ were denyed.
  • Sinnes are forgiven: the faithfull shall save the sick.
    1 Joh. 5. 16.
  • Wisedome is obtained; and all things are sanctified
    Mat. 11. 13
    Ja. 1. 5. 1 Tim. 4. 5.
  • So much Prayer availeth with the Lord, if it be servent.
    Iob 35. 13
    Ja. 5. 16. Luk. 11. 13
  • The Lord heard Davids Petition and Prayer when he cryed.
    Psal. 32. 6 Mat. 21. 22
    Psa 6. 9. Ps. 102. 17
  • Christ saith
  • Aske, and it shall be given you: seek, and you shall find: knock,
    Matth. 7. Chap. 6. 23. Iob 6. 23.
    and it shall be opene [...] unto you. For whosoever seeketh, findeth: asketh, receiveth: and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened.

And again he saith:

If two shall agree on earth upon any thing whatsoever ye shall desire, it shall Matth. 18. 19. Cha. 21. 22. Mark 11. 24. Ja. 1. 6. Chap. 5. 15. Rom. 12. 12. be [...]iven, &c. And where two or three be gathered together in my Name, I will be in the mids [...] of them. And whatsoever ye shall aske in Prayer, i [...] you beleeve, you shall receive the same.

Use.Eph. 6. 18. Luk. 18. 1.

Seeing Prayer is so availeable with God, let us follow the Apostles Rule, Pray 1 Th [...]s 5. 17, 18. continually, and in all things give thankes; remembring the wise mans Exhortati­on, Before thou prayest, prepare thy soule, and be not as one that tempteth God. Ecclus. 18. 22.

The Apostles
Continually in the Temple all together with one accord,
Luk. 24. 53.
with women, and with Mary the Mother of Jesus; as also
Act. 1. 14.
at the continuall election of their Deacons.
Chap. 6. 5, 6.
In the Temple night and day, being a widow aged.
Luk. 2. 37.
The Church
Fo [...] Poter, Paul and Silas when they were imprisoned.
Act. 13. Ch. 16.
Three times a day: and King David seven.
Dan. 6. 13. Ps. 55. 18
In the fields walking: Ioshua untill the evening.
Gen. 24. Josh 7. 6.
Moses in the Field
  • Untill the going downe of the Sunne from her rising:
    Exod. 17. 12.
  • And at the going forth of the Arke, and at her resting.
    Numb. 10. 35.
Upon the House: The Philippians by the Rivers.
Act. 10. 16. Ch. 16▪ 1 [...]
Three times that he might not be exalted through his Re­velations:
Act. 16. 16
2 Cor. 12. 7. Act. 14. 23. Chap. 16. [...]3. Chap. 21. 5. Rom. 1. 9. Phil. 1. 1 Thes. 1. Ch. 3. 1 [...]. Col. 1. Chap. 4. 2. 1 Tim. 2. 8 Rom. 15. 30. Ephes. 6. 16. 2 Thes. 3. Phil. 1. 19. 2 Cor. [...]. 11. Heb. 13. 18.
and with Barnabas for the Elders with wo­men and children on the shore kneeling; and alwayes for the Romans, Philippians, Thessalonians, Colossians, and Philemon: For Timothy night and day: and for those that forsooke him earnestly: As also intreated the Ro­mans to pray for him, that hee might be delivered [...]n Iude [...] from the disobedient men; and the Colossians and the Ephesians that God might open to him the door of utterance: and the Thessalonians that the word might have fr [...]e passage: and the Philippians, that Christ might be preached all manner of wayes: and the He­brews, that in all things he might have a good Consci­ence: and Timothy for all men in Authoritie, and all
1 Tim. 2. 1 Thes. 5. 17.
persons else to pray continually.
All the night long for Israel without ceasing.
1 Sam. 15. Ch. 12. 23
For his persecuters, even when they stoned him.
Act. 7. 60.
In the wildernesse: at his baptizing: all night in the moun­taine:
Matth 4. 1. & 14. 23. L [...] [...]. 21. Chap. 6. 12. Chap. 9 18. Chap. 11. [...]. Chap. 22. Mark 1. 35. Matth. 26. 19. Ioh. 17. 1 Chap. 11. 41. Luk. 22. 32 Ioh. 17. 20. Chap. 16. 26. Luk 2 [...]. [...]4. Hel. 7. 25. Ch. 5. 7. Ch. 9. 24 Matth. 6. 7. Ch. 9. 38. Luk. 1 [...]. 1. Ch. [...]1. [...]6. Joh. 7. 9.
alone by himselfe kneeling: with sweat like drops of bloud from his face trickling. At his raising of Lazarus from death, and for all them that should live in him by faith: for Peter that his faith might not faile him: and that his Fa­ther would glorifie him with all that beleeved in him. for his enemies that crucified him: and now in Heaven for those that belong to him: willing his Apostles to pray for them that hurt them: And all in secret shutting their doores to pray unto him, as he taught them.

In the Lords Prayer, whether we regard the Brevitie, Perfection, Autho­ritie, Method, Efficacie, or Nec [...]ssitie of it; it is to be beleeved that no SaintMatth. 6. 8. or Angel is able to match the Flat-forme thereof, being large for Matt [...]r, sh [...]rt for Phrase, and sweet for Order.

OUr Father,
  • By right of Creation,
  • Merit of Mercie,
  • Gratious Provisour.
Which art in Heaven:
  • The seat of thy Majestie,
  • The inheritance of thy children,
  • The Kingdome of Blisse.
Hallowed be thy Name:
  • By the thoughts of our hearts,
  • By the words of our mouthes,
  • By the works of our hands.
Thy Kingdome come:
  • Of Grace to inspire us,
  • Of Power to defend us,
  • Of Glorie to crowne us.
Thy will be done,
  • In weale and woe,
  • In fulnesse and want,
  • In life and death.
In earth as it is in heaven:
  • In us as it is in thine Angels,
  • Willingly, readily, faithfully,
  • Without murmure, let, deceit.
Give us this day our dai­ly bread:
  • For the nourishing of our bodies
  • For the feeding of our Soules,
  • For the relief of our necessities.
And forgive us our debts,
  • Wherby thou art dishonoured,
  • Our neighbours wronged,
  • Our selves endangered.
As we forgive our debters:
  • That have hurt us in our bodies,
  • Hindred us in our goods,
  • Wronged us in our good name.
And lead us not into tem­ptation:
  • Of the wicked world,
  • The enticing flesh, or
  • The envious devill.
But deliver us from evil:
  • Forgive that is past,
  • Remove that is present,
  • Prevent what is to come.
For thine is the Kingdom:
  • To rule and governe all,
  • To command and doe all,
  • In all, by all, All in all.
Now and for ever.
  • At this present,
  • In this world,
  • In the world to come.
  • As thou sayest, so is it;
  • As thou promisest, so it shall be:
  • As we pray, So be it Lord.

Sinne what it is.

SInne it is the Corruption or rather the deprivation of the first integritie of Man, as also a falling or turning from God, binding the offender by the curse of Gods Justice to undergoe the punishment. And properly of it self it is not any thing, but rather the absence of that good, which ought to be in the Creature, being a [Page 50] fleering enemy before the action, a sweet porson in the action, and a stinging ser­pent after the action; and may well be termed a poison, in that it poisoneth all parts of a Man: to wit,

  • The Head with lightnesse,
  • The He [...]rt with falshood,
  • The Eyes with adultery,
  • The Tongue with blasphemie,
  • The Hands with oppression,
  • The Body with intemperance,
  • Beautie with wantonnesse:
  • Strength with violence:
  • Will with wilfulnesse:
  • Learning with dissention:
  • Devotion with superstition:
  • Religion with treason.

And if there be greater gifts in men it poysoneth them with pride, putting Cantharides into the Oyle pot: If meaner, it poysons them with hypocrisie, put­ting Colocinthis into the porridge pot: So that there is venenum & exitium; poi­son and death.

Sinne is before God execrable, detestable, and intollerable:

  • Execrable, because it repented the Lord that he had made Man.
  • Detestable, because God destroyed dumb Creatures for the sin of Man.
  • Intollerable, because God spared not his own Son for the offence of Man.

All sorts of sinne are comprehended

  • In the word Iniquitie in which is includ [...] naturall corruption.
  • In the word Transgression in which is includ [...] every actuall sinne.
  • In the word Sinne in which is includ [...] presumptuous sinne.

Sinnes are of three sorts:

  • Imputative from Adam, by whose sin we are all guiltie of death.
    Rom. 5 17. Rom. 7. 18. Iob 14 4. Rom. 7. 11. 14. Rom. 5. 14. 1 Ioh. 3. 4. Gen. 6. 5.
  • Originall from our corruption, consisting in Enmitie to Good, and Pronenesse to evil.
  • Actuall from our life, either by omitting or committing of Good, Evil.
  • By Omission of dutie required inwardly in the understanding, will.
    Matth. 15. 19.
  • By Commission of evil forbidden outwardly in word, or deed.
    Isai. 3. 8.

Which to do is a particular breach of Gods law, leaving a staine in the Soul, which polluteth the sinner, and disposeth him to further evil, in that it hardeneth the heart, gnaweth the Conscience, fighteth against the Soul, maketh ashamed, procureth plagues on Body and Soul with death eternall: Stipendium peccatimors Rom. 6. 23. est: The Reward of sin is death.

Sinne against the Holy Ghost.

SInne against the Holy Ghost, is the resisting of the knowne Truth, not of infir­mitie for teare or favour, but of meet malice and hatred. Such are they that the Apostle speaketh of: The steps unto which Sinne are these: 1. PresumptionHeb. 6. 4. Chap. 10. 26. of Gods mercy: 2. Despaire of forgivenesse: 3. An impugning of the Truth, more freely to sinne, envying others spirituall good: 4. Obstinacie in sinne: And lastly, to dye without repentance for sinne.

Mans sinne compared with the Devils sinne.

THe Devil sinned once and no more; Man sinnes daily more and more. The Devil sinned before the Stipend of sinne; Man after notice and experience of sinne. The Devill persisted in malice being of God rej [...]cted; Man continues in hatred against God being by him recalled. The Devils heart was heardened against God that punished him; Man is obdurate against God that assumeth him.

A Catalogue of severall sinnes committed, as well by the godly, as by the wicked.

  • AN [...]els ambitiously, Iude 6.
  • Adam distrustfully, Gen. 3.
  • Abraham suspitiously, Gen 20 11
  • Abimelech desperately, Iu [...]g. 7. 54
  • Abner persidiously, 2 Sam 2. 8.
  • Absa [...]om aspiringly, 2 Sam 18.
  • Achan execrably, Iosh. 7. 24.
  • Adoni-bezek tyrannically, Iudg. 1. 7.
  • Abah greedily, 1 King. 21.
  • Ahabs pro­phets seducingly, 1 Kin. 22.
  • Ahaz sac [...]legiously, 2 Kin. 16
  • Ahithophels inveighingly, [...] Sam. 17.
  • Amnon libidinously, 2 Sam 13.
  • Amaziah inconsidently, Amos [...]. [...]0
  • Ananias l [...]asingly, Act. 5. 5.
  • Apostles disdainfully, Matth. 20.
  • Athenians superstitiously, Act. 17. 21.
  • Balaam [...]v [...]ritiously, Num. 22.
  • Balak malevolently, Num. 23.
  • Baasha conspiringly, 1 Kin. 15.
  • Belshazzar ca [...]owsingly, Dan. 5.
  • Bar [...]abas dissemblingly, Gal 2. 13.
  • Bethshemites presumpt [...]ously, 1 Sam. 16.
  • Barbatrans rash [...]y, Act 28 4.
  • Benhadad boastingly, 1 Kin 20.
  • Cain murtherously, Gen. 4.
  • Cesar, and Cyrenius Luke 2. 1.
  • Corinthians contentiously, Cor. 1.
  • Cham defamatively, Gen. 9.
  • Christs coun­trey-men malignantly, Mat. 13. 57
  • His kinsmen contumelicusly, Mar. 3. 21.
  • Darius injustly, Dan. 6. 9.
  • David secretly, 2 Sam. 12.
  • His sonne openly, 2 Sam. 16.
  • Demas regressively, [...]. Tim. 4.
  • Disciples murmuringly, Ioh. 6. 61.
  • Dives unmercifully, Luk. 16.
  • Doog Cinically, 1 Sam. 22
  • Eli connivently, 1 Sam. 2.
  • Er: Onan wickedly, Gen. 38. 7.
  • Egyptians oppressingly, Exod. 1.
  • Esau pertinatrously, Gen. 28. 8.
  • Ephraimites scandalizingly, Iudg. 12. 4.
  • Elias passionately▪
  • Elymas [...]epugnantly, Act 13. 8.
  • Euticus sluggishly, Act 20.
  • Elder brother intractably, Luk. 15. 28
  • Felix [...]varitiously, Act. 24. 26
  • Festus scurrilously, Act. 26. 24
  • Gileadites expulsively, Iudg. 11. 2
  • Gideon opprobriously, Iudg. 8. 18
  • Goliah [...]lasphemously, 1 Sam. 17.
  • Gehezi covetously, 2 King 5.
  • Gada [...]ens contemptuously, Mar. 5. 17.
  • Galathians defectively, Gal. 1 6.
  • Hebr. Servant letigiously, Exod 2. 13
  • Hazael suffocately, 2 Kin. 8.
  • Hananiah rebelliously, Ier. 28. 10.
  • Hezekiah unthankfully, 2 Chro. 32.
  • Hoshea treacherously, 2 King. 17.
  • Haman malitiously, Esth.
  • H [...]rod vaingloriously, 3. Act. 12. 23.
  • Hymeneus and A [...]exander Revoltingly, and Heretically, 1 Tim. 1. 20. 2 Tim. 2. 18
  • Iacob Deceitfully, Gen. 7.
  • Ionadab Abettorily, [...] Sam. 13. 5.
  • Iosiah unadvisedly, 2 Chron. 35.
  • Iohoash ungratefully, 2 Chron. 24.
  • Iephthah votarily, Iudg. 11. 39.
  • His brethren expulsively, Iudg. 11 7.
  • Iehoshaphat confederately, 2 Chron. 20.
  • Ishmael floutingly, Gen. 21. 10.
  • Israelites [...]bominably, Ezek. 8. 6.
  • Ieroboam crastily, 1 King. 12.
  • Iehoram idolatrously, 2 Chron. 21.
  • Ioab treacherously, 2 Sam. 3.
  • Ionah disobediently, Ionab 1. 1.
  • I [...]b's friends reproachingly, Iob 19. 3.
  • Iob: Ieremiah queremoniously Iob 5. Ier. 5.
  • Iudah fainedly, Ier. 3. 10.
  • Ishmael assassinately, Ier. 41. 1, 6.
  • Iewes resistantly, Act. 18. 6.
  • Iupiters priest superstitiously, Act. 14. 13.
  • Iannes and Iambres repugnantly, Exod. 7. 11. 2 Tim. 3. 8.
  • Iames: Iohn aspiringly, Mar. 10. 35.
  • Kings of Nat. obdurantly, Iosh. 9. Ch. 11.
  • King Asa imprudently, 2 Chron. 16.
  • King Ammon villainously, 2 Sam. 10.
  • King Ahaz truculently, 2 King. 16.
  • Korah reb [...]lliously, Numb. 16.
  • Lot [...] Iudah incestuously, Gen. 19.
  • Lamech [...]trotiously, Gen. 4. 23.
  • The Leper Mar. 1. 44.
  • The Lawyer captiously, Luk. 10. 25.
  • Moses: Aaron incredulously, Numb. 20. 12.
  • Menahem [...]rutishly, 2 King. 15.
  • Manass [...]h [...]anguinolently, 2 King. 21.
  • Noab eoriously, Gen 9. 20
  • Nabal chu [...]lishly,. 1 Sam. 25.
  • Nimrod insolently, Gen. 11.
  • Nahesh reproachfully, 1 Sam. 11.
  • Naaman discontentedly, Gen. 11.
  • Nebuchadacz. [...]stently, Dan. [...].
  • Old world dissolutely, Gen. 6. 2.
  • Old prophet seducingly, 1 King. 1 [...].
  • Patriarches enviously, Gen. 37. 4.
  • Pharach obstinately, Exod. 7. Ch. 8.
  • Proph. seduced negligently, 1 King. 13.
  • Pha [...]. sorcerers prestigiously, Exod. 3.
  • Philistines pernitiously, Iudg. 16. 24.
  • Pashur rigorously, Ier. 20 2.
  • Philosophers caluminately, Act. 17. 18.
  • Prodigall riotously, Luk. 15.
  • Phygellus and relapsively, 2 Tim. 1. 15.
  • Hermogenes
  • Pharisees wilfully, Matth. 12. 24.
  • Priests and consultingly, and Matth 26. 5.
  • Scribes abettorily, Chap. 28. 13.
  • Peter wittingly, Matth 26. 57.
  • People clamourously, Mar. 15 8.
  • [Page 52]Pilate
  • Paul
  • Philemons serv
  • Reuben
  • His young men
  • Rich man
  • Samson
  • Sptes of Moses
  • Solomon
  • Simeon and Levi
  • Samuels sons
  • Saul
  • Sheba
  • Shemaiah
  • Shech [...]m
  • Shechemites
  • Shimei
  • Simon Lepet
  • Simon Magus
  • Simon Peter
  • Samaritanes
  • Scribes
  • Sadduces and Captains
  • Sodomites
  • Sceva
  • The evill servant
  • Sanballat and Tobiah
  • Theudas
  • wrongfully,
    Matth. 17. 1 Tim. 1. 13 Philem. 9. Gen. [...]9.
  • ignorantly,
  • [...]ugitively,
  • lightly,
  • inconsiderately,
  • adulator [...]ly,
    1 Kin. 12.
  • secur [...]ly,
    Luk. 12 17 Iudg. 16. Deu 2. 28 1 Kin. 11.
  • lasciviously,
  • slanderously,
  • wantonly,
  • cruelly, and furiou [...]ly,
    Gen. 4 [...]. 7
  • extortingly,
    1 Sam 8. 1 Sam. 30. 2 Sam. 20 Ier. 29. 32 Gen. 35. Iudg. 9 27 2 Sam. 16. Luk 7. 40. Act. 8. 18. Luk. 22. Luk. 9. 52. Luk. 11. 53
  • foolishly,
  • insurrectively,
  • rebelliously,
  • contamina [...]ely,
  • imprecatorily,
  • maledictor [...]ly,
  • disdainfully,
  • hypocri [...]c [...]lly,
  • negatively,
  • contemptuously,
  • contradictorily,
  • prohibitorily,
    Act. 4. 18.
  • bestially,
    Gen. 19. Act. 19. 14
  • unadvisedly,
  • inexurably,
    Matth. 18.
  • equivocately, and distractingly,
    Nehem. 6▪
  • boastingly,
    Act. 5. 36.
  • Thomas
  • One thiefe
  • Ʋzzah
  • Ʋzziah
  • Zedekiah
  • Z [...]ha
  • Zebah and Zalmunna
  • Zacharias
  • Hevah
  • Athaliah
  • Adulteresse
  • Delilah
  • Hagar
  • Hamans wife
  • Herodias
  • Ieroboams wife
  • Iorams wife
  • Iobs wife
  • Levites wife
  • Moses wife
  • M [...]riam
  • Mi [...]hal
  • Magdalene
  • Potiphars wife
  • P [...]ninnah
  • Rachel
  • Sarah
  • Sa [...]sons wife
  • Solomons wi [...]es
  • Tamar
  • The witch
  • Saphira
  • Iezebel
  • Lets wife
  • incredulously,
    Ioh. 20. 24. Luk 23. 2 Sam 6. 2 Chron. 26. Ier. 32. 2 Sam. 16.
  • revilingly,
  • preposterously,
  • unlawfully,
  • vitiously,
  • deceitfully,
  • carpingly,
    Iudg. 8. 10.
  • inconfidently,
    Luk. 1. 20. Gen. 3. 2 Kin. 11.
  • primarily,
  • massacringly,
  • adultero [...]sly,
  • [...]lluringly,
    Iudg 16. Gen. 16. [...]sth. 5. 14. Matth 14. 1 King. 14. 2 Chron. 22. Iob 2. 9. Iudg. 19.
  • contemptuously,
  • abettorily,
  • maliciously,
  • disquisedly,
  • instigatingly,
  • fool [...]shly,
  • fugitively,
  • grudgingly,
    Numb. 12. 2 Sam. 6. Luk. 7. Gen. 39. 1 Sam. 1. Gen. 30. 1. Gen. 18. 12. Iudg. 14. 1 King. 11. Gen. 38. 1 Sam. 18. Act. 5. 9. 2 King. 18. Gen. 19.
  • t [...]untingly,
  • sinfully,
  • temptingly,
  • [...]astidiously,
  • discontentedly,
  • distrustfully,
  • troachero [...]sly,
  • seducingly,
  • subtilly,
  • deludingly,
  • leasingly,
  • vitiously,
  • disobediently,
  • All wicked ones doe sinne both inconsiderately, and delightfully.
    Iob 5. 2. Prov. 10. 9.

Sin increased by Godly and wicked.

  • Adams consenting brought forth Eating, flying, and excusing.
    Gen. 3. Iosh. 7. Exod. 32. 2 King. 22. 2 Sam. 11. Matth. 14. Gen. 27. 19.
  • Achans coveting brought forth Stealing with concealing.
  • Aarons ob [...]ying brought forth The golden calfes making.
  • Ahabs greedinesse brought forth discontent; with Naboths ruine.
  • Davids concupiscence brought forth adulterie, murther, dissembling.
  • Herods banquetting brought forth dancing; with Iohns beheading.
  • Iacobs faining brought forth disguising, fraud, and lying.

Few of the Godly, not any of the wicked that are named in the Book of God, but have added sinne unto sinne: So that by many degrees of iniquitie they have climbed to the height of impietie.

  • Idlenesse Brings forth Adulteri [...].
  • Prodigalitie Brings forth Luxurie.
  • Riches Brings forth Covetousnesse.
  • Covetousnesse Brings forth Usurie, and Unconscionableness.
  • A reprobate sence Brings forth scorning of godliness.
  • Pride Brings forth Insolence.
  • Discontent Brings forth Faction.
  • Hypocrisie Brings forth Dissimulation.
  • A prophane hear [...] Brings forth Jesting.
  • Presumption Brings forth Desperation.
  • Malice Brings forth Murther.
  • Unmanly weakness of minde Flatterie and Envie.
  • Envie Malecontent.
  • Nō-residency of Ministers Killing of Soules
  • Honours Ambition.
  • Ambition Corruption.
  • Pleasures Lust.
  • Lust begets A wanton eye.
  • Lust begets A lascivious ear.
  • Lust begets Filthy Jests.

Thus man proceeds from evill to evill, waxing worse and worse,Ier. 9. 3, 5. 2 Tim. 3. 13. Hos. 4. 2. Deut. 29. 13. Isai. 5. 1 [...]. Rom. 6. 19. Ier. 13. 23. Isai. 30. 1. Ch. 43. 24.

By Swearing, lying, killing, stealing, and whoring men breake out, and bloud toucheth bloud: Drunkennesse is added to thirst: Sinne is drawne on as it were with a cart-rope; So that the Black a more may sooner change his Hue, and the Leopard his spots, then they that are accustomed to sinne can leave the same.

They cover with a covering, not with my Spirit: (saith God) that they may adde sin to sin: They will not take counsell of me, &c.


Seeing one sin begets another, let us take heed how we accustome our selves inEcclus. 7. 8. sinning: for that sin which may be conquered of us when it is young, will easily conquer us when it is old. Serò sapiunt.

Turn back another way with the Wise men.

Get Chastitie which drives away lust. Charitie which drives away avarice.

Get Humilitie which drives away pride. Peace which drives away contention.

Sinne excused by Godly and wicked

TO excuse sinne is to derive and translate a sinne committed by us, to another; thereby to ease ourselves wholly, or at the least, by having a partner, that it may be th [...] more lighter upon our shoulders.

So did

Cast the fault of sinning upon
  • Adam
  • Hevah
  • Aaron
  • Ahab
  • David
  • Iehoram
  • Israel
  • Lots daughter
  • The man
  • Patriarchs
  • Pilate
  • High Priests
  • Saul
  • Simeon
  • The Adulterer
  • The Swearer
  • R [...]otous
  • Usurer
  • Patron
  • Minister
  • The wicked
  • Hevah,
  • the Serpent,
  • the People,
  • Elias,
  • the Sword,
  • God,
  • Moses,
  • Mankinde,
  • his Master,
  • the wild beasts
  • the People,
  • Iudas,
  • Samuel and the people,
  • Shechem,
  • Nature,
  • Buyer,
  • his Consorts,
  • Borrowe [...],
  • the Minister,
  • the Patron,
  • the Lord,


  • The woman gave me, and I did eate.
    Gen. 3.
  • The Serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. the Serpent cast the fault on man­kind: So that we have sin from our father, excuse from our mother, ly­ing from the Devill.
  • Thou knowest the people are set on mis­chiefe.
    Exod. 32. 28.
  • Art thou he that troubleth Israel?
    1 King. 18. 17. 2 Sam. 11. 25.
  • The sword devoureth one as well as another.
  • Behold, this evill is of the Lord, why, &c.
    2 King. 6. 33. Exod. 32. 23. Gen. 19. 31. Matth. 25. 24. Gen. 37.
  • We wot not what is become of this man.
  • There is not a man to come in unto us.
  • I know that thou art a hard man, &c.
  • Some evil beast hath devoured him: (to wit) Ioseph.
  • I am innocent, &c. see ye to it.
    Matth. 27. 24. Matth. 27. 4. 1 Sam. 13. 1 Sam. 15.
  • What is that to us? See thou to that.
  • Because thou camest not within the dayes appointed: they have spared the best of the sheep to sacrifice.
  • Should he deale with our sister, as with
    Gen. 34. 31.
    an harlot?

So doth

  • That she encourageth and directeth him by affection.
  • He cannot else be beleeved, when he speaketh.
  • Company drew him, without which he had not.
  • He was importuned to lend, and therefore took use.
  • It was his continuall suiting made him take money.
  • It was his hardnesse, that would not give freely.
  • Who hath resisted the will of the Lord?
    Rom. 9. 19.

And they will in the day of judgement excuse their sinne, saying, Lord, when Matth. 25. 44. saw we thee an hungry, or thirstie? &c.

The wicked man when he sinneth, he giveth full consent in heart to the sinne that he committeth: The Godly man not; he hath no purpose before he comeRom. 7. 22. to doe the sinne, [...]o doe it: In the act, or doing, his heart riseth against it, yet by force of Temptation he is pulled on: After he hath sinned, he is displeased: andNote. Matth. 26. 27. repenteth.

Sinne extenuated by the wicked.

TO extenuate sinne, is with the Pharisee to say, I thank God, I am not as this Publican, &c. Or else to set a tolerable name upon a grosse sinne: so that either it may not be seen, or being seen, may not appeare in it own likenesse. And in this manner:

Is called
  • Babbling
  • Covetousnesse
  • Children of Belial
  • Cozenage
  • Drunkennesse
  • Drunken Carowses
  • Dissembling
  • Fornication
  • Gaming
  • Gluttonie implacableness
  • Ignorance
  • Oppression
  • Sobrietie
  • Scruple of Conscience
  • Almes-deeds
  • Eloquence.
  • Warinesse.
  • Good-fellows.
  • Living by a mans wits.
  • Good-fel­lowship.
  • Drinking of Healths.
  • Policie.
  • Stepping awry.
  • Passing the time.
  • Hospitality.
  • Stoutnesse.
  • Simplicitie.
  • The making the most of a mans own.
  • Hypocrisie.
  • Precisenesse.
  • Vain-glory.


  • Crouching
  • Pride
  • Qua [...]relling
  • Rashnesse
  • Ribauldry
  • Riotousnesse
  • Swearing
  • Symonie
  • Usurie
  • Whoredome
  • Wantonnesse
  • Wrath
  • So on the Contrary.
  • Devotion
  • The Mystery of Christianity
  • Godlinesse
  • Sanctification
  • Humilitie.
  • Seemlinesse.
  • Manhood.
  • Valiantnsse.
  • Mirth.
  • Merry-meeting
  • a foolish cu­stome.
  • Gratuitie.
  • Interest, or putting out.
  • a trick of youth
  • Youthfulnesse.
  • Hastinesse.
  • Superstition.
  • A stayed Civility.
  • Honest be­haviour▪
  • good educatiō.

Thus they call evil good, and good evil, they put darknesse for light, and light for darknesse, they put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter, for which woe is pronounced against them by the Lord. Isai. 5. 20.Syr. 32. 17.

Man what he is.

Nosce teipsum: Know thy selfe:

IT is no small point of wisdome (saith a learned Father) for a Man to know himself: If he know his Bodie, he will say with the Prophet, I am fearfully Psal. 139. 14. Gen. 2. 7. Psal. 8. 4. made: If he know his Soul, he will say with Moses, It is a breath of Life: If he know his Condition, he will say with David, What is Man? But for a man to know what belongs to a Man, to dwell as they say within himselfe, to descend into his own bosome, and to keep himself within his own Scantling, is the part of a most wise man, and is indeed Nosce teipsum.

  • He that knoweth not what he should know, is a Beast among Men.
  • He that knoweth no more then must needs, is a Man among Beasts.
  • He that knoweth All that he may know, is a God among Men.

MAn is composed of the foure Elements, of Fire, Water, Earth, and Ayre, and of all their qualities; in that his vitall spirits agreeth with the fire, his hu­mours with the water, his body with the earth, and his hearing with the ayre, be­ing a Creature fearfully, and wonderfully made by God of the clay of the ground, fashioned wholly round about, clothed with skinne and flesh, and joy­ned together with bones and sinewes, having his breath from the Almighty, and his Creation after his own image and likenesse (that is) in righteousnesse and holinesse, as the Apostle witnesseth: Which Image being lost by Adams trans­gression, his Conception is now in sinne, and his birth in Iniquitie, his Father is Corruption, his Mother and Sister Wormes, his habitation is a house of Clay to dwell in, as his foundation is in the Dust, during his time of abiding.

And is but

Man is but
  • An Alient.
    Exo. 18. 3. Ier. 10. 14 Rom. 7. 24. Iob 10. 9. 2 Pet. 1. 14 Iob 4. 19. Ephes. 2. 3. Rom. 1 23. 2 Cor. 4. 7. Gē. 18. 27. Rom. 8. 7. Ier. 22. 29.
  • A beast by his own know­ledge.
  • A bodie of sinne.
  • Clay of the ground.
  • A tabernacle of clay.
  • A House of clay.
  • The child of wrath.
  • Corruptible.
  • A corruptible earthen ves­sell.
  • Dust of the earth, & ashes.
  • Enmitie against God.
  • Earth it selfe.
Man is but
  • Filthinesse.
    Iob 14. 4. Psal. 78. 3 [...]. Gen. 23. 4. Gen. 23. 4. Gen. 23. 4. Iob 4. 17. Iob 40. 4. Iob 11. 11. Ier. 51. 18. Psal. 6 [...]. 9. Psal. 78. 39. Psal. 22. 6.
  • Flesh.
  • A for [...]ein [...].
  • A sojourn [...]r.
  • A stranger.
  • Mortall.
  • Vile.
  • Vaine.
  • Vanitie.
  • More lighter then vanitie.
  • A wind that passeth away.
  • A worm, and no man.
And is like unto
Man is compared to
  • A broken vessell.
    Psal. 31. 12 Iob 13. 25. Iob 14. 2. Isai. 40. 6. 7, 22. Psal. 109. 23. Job 7. 2. Iob 13. 25 Psal. 102. 6 Psal. 102. 6
  • Dry stubble.
  • A Flower.
  • Grasse and Grashopper.
  • A Hireling.
  • A leafe driven to and fro.
  • An Owle in the desert.
  • A Pelican in the wilderness
Man is compared to
  • A sea-fish.
    Ioh 7. 12. Eccles. 11. 3. Ier. 31. 18. Hos. 4. 16. Ier. 9. 2. Iob 17. 14. Iob 24. 5.
  • A tree falling.
  • An untamed calfe.
  • An untamed heifer.
  • A way-faring man.
  • Worms in the earth living.
  • A wild asse in the d [...]sert.

And his life is but

Mans life is but
  • A Bubble.
    Wisd. 5. Prov. 3. 16 Eph. 6. 13 Psal. 39. 5 2 Cor. 4. 17. Wisd. 5. Gen. 47. 9 1 Cor. 9. 24 Ioh 8. 9. Psal. 89. 2 Sā. 14. 7.
  • A day.
  • An evill day.
  • An hand breadth.
  • A moment.
  • A passage.
  • A pilgrimage.
  • A race to runne.
  • A shadow.
  • A span long.
  • A sparkle.
Mans life is but
  • Sorrow.
    Eccles. 2. 26. Psal. 90. 9. Iam. 4. 14. 2 Cor. [...]0. 4. 1 Sam. 20. 3. Psal. 103 4. Wisd. 5. 12.
  • A thought.
  • A vapour.
  • A warfare.
  • A step from death.
  • Death it selfe.
  • An arrow parting the aire.
  • A bird flying through the aire.
    Wisd. 5. 11.
  • A cloud vanishing away.
    Iob 7. 9.
Mans life is like unto
  • Cheese turned to curde.
    Iob 10. 10
  • Drops of a bucket, and the least thing that a ballance weigheth.
    Isa 40. 15
  • An eagle flying to the prey.
    Iob 9. 26.
  • Milk powred out.
    Iob 10. 10 Iob 9. 25. Wis. 5. 10.
  • A post running swiftly.
  • A ship sailing in the sea.
Mans life is like unto
  • A shepherds tent.
    Isai. 38. 12. Psal. 90. 5.
  • A sleep that passeth.
  • A shadow, which is nothing.
    Iob 8. 9.
  • A weavers shuttle.
    Iob 7. 6. Isai. 38. 10.
  • Water spilt on the ground.
    2 Sam. 14. 14.
  • Yesterday, that is gone.
    Iob 8. 9.

So that man may well say (as David said) We are strangers before thee, O1 Chron. 29, 15. Lord, and sojourners, as were all our fathers: Our dayes on the earth are but as a shadow, (which is nothing) and there is none abiding.

And his AgePsal. 39. 5.

Is nothing in respect of God, his yeares are but as a thought, his dayes but for­rowes,Psal. 90. 9. and they are few and evill, his time being but seventie yeares (saith David:)Eccles. 2. 23. and is to be numbred by dayes not by yeares, saying, Few and evill have the dayes Psal. 90. 10. of my life been. And so did David, saying, Teach me, O Lord, to number my dayes, Gen. 47. 9. not yeares.Psal. 90. 12.

And his Birth

Is unto Travell, and his travell unto griefe, in that heIo [...] 5. 7.

  • Man is borne in Corrupti­on and Sinne, weeping and wailing: To shew his Miserie.
  • Man liveth in Miserie and Labour, Laughing and Toiling: To shew his Follie.
    Wisd▪ 7.
  • Man dieth in Griefe and Anguish, Sighing and Sobbing: To shew his Simpliciti [...].

So that his Birth is in tea [...]es, life in sweat, and death in sorrow.

  • Mans Infancie is a Dreame, rashnesse, and foolish simplicitie.
  • Mans Youth is a Frenzie, rage, and vain heat.
  • Mans Manhood is a Combate, covetousnsse and p [...]infull carefulnesse.
  • Mans Old age is a Sicknesse, weaknesse, and noisome languishing.
  • Mans Life is a Miserie, vexation, and full of Troubles.
  • Mans Death is a Horrour, dread, and fearfulnesse.
  • So that Teares and Complaints are his beginnings.
  • Travels and pains-taking are his progresse and proceeding.
  • Dread his death, and corruption in the grave his ending.

Thus, as Iob saith, Man that is borne of a woman is full of trouble, and hath but a short time to live: He commeth up, and is cut downe like a flower, having his be­ginningIob 14. 2. and ending in nakednesse, being condemned as soon as conceived, and before he is borne, to eternall death judged.

  • Mans Breath is in his nostrils. Strength, labour and toiling.
    Isai. 2. 22.
  • Mans Beauty is as a Moath. Abiding, is as the Grashopper.
    Psal. 39. 11.
  • Mans Memory is forgetfulnesse. Glory, as a Flower.
    Psal. 109. 23.
  • Mans Eares are floud-gates to let in sin. Eyes windows to behold vani­ties.
    1 Pet. 1. 24.
  • Mans Heart an Anvill for Satan to work on Sences, matches to kindle lust.
    2 Sam. 11.


Hath within him, sinne rebelling against him: without, the world to allure him: on the right▪ hand, Prosperitie to inveigle him: on the left hand, adversitie to vex him: Before him, Satans snares to entangle him: behind, Conscience to dog him: under his feet, the grave to swallow him: over his head, Gods judge­ments to fall on him.

Thus the Orient and Occident, Prologue, and Epilogue of Mans life is no­thing but Misery and Vanitie, having nothing assured him, but the assured Cer­taintie and Uncertaintie of Death. Certain, because no man can stop it. Un­certain three manner of wayes:

  • 1. In regard of Time: No man knowes When he shall dye.
  • 2. In regard of Place: No man knowes Where he shall dye.
  • 3. In regard of the End: No man knowes How he shall dye.

As by these Examples following appeareth most evidently:

Through the Certainty & Uncertainty of Death
  • King Ahab died suddenly With an Arrow shot at him.
    1 King. 22. 34.
  • Belshazzar died suddenly At the sight of an hand-writing.
    Dan. 5.
  • Eli the Priest died suddenly Breaking his neck by falling.
    1 Sam. 4. 18.
  • [...]choash died suddenly His s [...]rvants conspiringly slew him.
    2 King. 12▪ 20.
  • Iob's Children died suddenly B [...]nquetting a house fell on them.
    Iob 1.
  • K [...]ra [...] died suddenly The earth opening swallowed him.
    Numb. 16.
  • Nabal died suddenly His heart at Davids words died within him.
    1 Sam. 25.
  • [...]achel died suddenly In the high-way with child travelling.
    Gen. 36.
  • Chrisipius died suddenly with Laughing, being Merry.
  • Anastasius Emp. died suddenly with Lightning: Fearfully.
  • Diagoras died suddenly with Joy: in his joyllitie.
  • N [...]rva Emp. died suddenly with Choller: being Angrie.
  • Divinian Emp. died suddenly with a vapour of Smoake.
  • Valentini [...]n Emp. died suddenly with crying aloud.
  • Anachrean died suddenly Being choaked with The seed of a Grape.
  • Pope Adrian died suddenly Being choaked with A Gnat.
  • Pope Alexand. 4. died suddenly Being choaked with A Flye.
  • Pope Leo died suddenly Being choaked with A bone.
  • Torquinius Priscu [...] died suddenly Being choaked with
  • Fabius the Consull died suddenly Being choaked with A haire in Milke.
  • Drusius Pompey died suddenly Being choaked with A Payre.
  • William Ru [...]us died suddenly Was killed with an arrow shot to a Hart.
  • Basil. Ma [...]ed. Emp Was killed with the stroke of an Hart.


1. Seeing then mans life is so uncert [...]ine; follow the Counsell of our Saviour Christ, Watch, for if the good man of the house had knowen what houre the thiese Luke 12. 39. would come, he would have watched.

2. Seeing that all must return to dust, let it abate pride in us, lest, if we kicke against God (being but clay) we doe hear at last that dolefull sentence pronoun­ced by Christ: Depart from me. Matth. 25. 41.

Reade Eccles. 6. 4. Wisd. 7. Isai. 38. 12.

Godly Persons are called

Names and Titles given unto Godly Persons.
  • A Miable Men.
    Col. 3 15.
  • Blamelesse Men.
    Phil. [...]. 15.
  • Blessed Men.
    Gen. 26. 29.
  • Clean Men.
    Ioh. 15. 3.
  • Courteous Men.
    Ep [...]es. 4. 32.
  • Devout Men.
    Act. 2. 5.
  • Discreet Men.
    Gen. 41. 39.
  • Elected Men.
    Col. 3. 12.
  • Faithfull Men.
    Prov. 20. 6.
  • Free Men.
    Matth. 24. 25.
  • Good Men.
    Matth. 12. 35.
  • Godly Men.
    Psal. 12. 1.
  • Guiltles [...]e Men.
    Matth. 12. 7.
  • Happie Men.
    Psal. 127. 6.
  • Holy Men.
    Heb. 3. 1.
  • Humble Men.
    Psal. 34. 2.
  • Just Men.
    Matth. 13. 43.
  • Learned Men.
    Isai. 50 4.
  • Liberall Men.
    Isai. 32. 8.
  • Lowly Men.
    Prov. 16. 19.
  • Meek Men.
    Numb. 12. 3.
  • Mercifull Men.
    Matth. 5. 7.
  • Peaceable Men.
    Gen. 34. 21.
  • Perfect Men.
    Heb. 12. 23.
  • Plain Men.
    Gen. 25. 27.
  • Prosperous Men.
    Gen. 39. 2.
Godly Persons are called
  • Prudent Men.
    Prov. 14. 8.
  • Pure Men.
    Prov. 15. 26.
  • Quickned Men.
    Ephes. 2 1.
  • Righteous Men.
    Deut. 33. 5.
  • Sanctified Men.
    2 Tim. 2. 21.
  • Simple Men.
    Psal. 116. 6.
  • Spirituall Men.
    1 Cor. 2. 15▪
  • Stedfast Men.
    1 Cor. 15. 58.
  • Tender-hearted Men.
    Ephes. 4. 32.
  • True Men.
    Gen. 42. 31.
  • Valiant Men.
    Iosh. 1. 14.
  • Unblameable Men.
    Col. 1. 22.
  • Unleavened Men.
    1 Cor. 5. 7.
  • Unmoveable Men.
    1 Cor. 15. 58.
  • Unreproveable Men.
    Col. 1. 22.
  • Upright Men.
    Iob 1. 1.
  • Wise Men.
    Iob 34. 2.
  • Worthy Men.
    Matth. 10. 11.
  • Men of Knowle [...]ge.
    Ioh 34. 2.
  • Men fearing God.
    Act. 2. 5.
  • Men of understanding
    Prov. 1▪ 5.
  • Men of Rest.
    1 Chron. 22. [...].
  • Abrahams seed.
    Gal. 3. 22.
  • Adopted sonnes.
    Gal. 4. 5.
  • Angels.
    Revel. 14. 15.
  • Beleevers.
    Act. 14. 1.
Godly Persons are called
  • [Page 58]Beloved of God.
    Rom. 1. 7. Gen. 24. 31. Ioh. 15. 5. 1 Cor 2 15. Mat. 25. 4. [...]ph. 4. 12. Ioh. 15. 2. Rom. 1. 6. Act. 2. 16.
  • Bl [...]ssed of the Lord.
  • Branches of righteousness.
  • Branches of Christ.
  • B [...]thren of Christ.
  • The Body of Christ.
  • The Called of Christ.
  • Christs Hand-maids▪
  • Christs Brother.
  • Christs Sister.
    Matt. 1 [...]. 50.
  • Christs Mother.
  • Christs House.
    Heb. 3. 6. Ioh. 15. 14. 1 Cor. 7. [...]. Cant. 5. 1. Act. 11. 26. Rom. 9. 8. Gal. 3. 7. Prov. 7. [...]8. Gal. 4. 31. Rom. 9. 8. Ioh. 12. 36. 1 Thes 5 4. Luk. [...]0. 36. Matth. 13. 38.
  • Christs Friends.
  • Christs Servants.
  • Christs Beloved.
  • Christians.
  • Chil­dren of Abraham.
  • Chil­dren of God.
  • Chil­dren of Understanding.
  • Chil­dren of the f [...]ee woman.
  • Chil­dren of the [...]romise.
  • Chil­dren of the Light.
  • Chil­dren of the day.
  • Chil­dren of the Resurrection.
  • Chil­dren of the Kingdome.
  • Chil­dren of the marriage-chamber.
    Matth. 9. 15. Luk. 6. 35. 2 Cor. 9. 7. 1 Cor. 7. 2 [...]. Ephes. 2. 19. 2 Cor. 5 6. Rom. 8. 37. Prov. 12. 20. Prov. 4. 6. Matth. 24 45. Gen. 49. 22. Isai. 49. 13. Psal 105. 15. Rom. 9. 25. 1 Cor 3. 9. Rom. 8. 33. Prov. 11. 26. Isai 4. 1. Isai. 40. 11. Act. 2. 18. 1 Cor. 3. 9. Psal. 83. 3. 1 Pet. 5. 3. 1 Cor. 3. 9. Psal 69. 33. Psal. 25. 14. Ioh. 10. 27. Psal. 83. 3. Isai. 4. 8. Psal. 80. 14. Ephes. 2. 10. 2 Cor. 6. 18. Col. 3. 12. Ioh. 21. 16. Isai 4. 5. Act. 17. 29. Ephes. 2. 22. Ephes. 2. 19. Act. 17. 29. Tit. 2. 14.
  • Chil­dren of the most High.
  • Chearefull givers.
  • Circumcised Ones.
  • Citizens with Saints.
  • Confident Ones.
  • Conquerours▪
  • Counsellours of Peace.
  • Faithfull Witnesses.
  • Faithfull Servants.
  • Fruitfull Bongus.
  • Gods Assl [...]cted.
  • Gods Anointed.
  • Gods Beloved.
  • Gods Building.
  • Gods Chosen.
  • Gods Delight.
  • Gods Friends.
  • Gods Flocke,
  • Gods H [...]nd-maids.
  • Gods H [...]sbandrie.
  • Gods Hidden Ones.
  • Gods Heritage.
  • Gods Labourers.
  • Gods Prisoners.
  • Gods Pri [...]y counsellors.
  • Gods Sheep
  • Gods Secret Ones.
  • Gods Servants.
  • Gods Vine.
  • Gods Workmanship.
  • The daughters of God.
  • The Elect of God.
  • The Flock of God.
  • The Glorie of God.
  • The Generation of God.
  • The Habitation of God.
  • The Houshold of God.
  • The off-spring of God.
  • Peculiar People of God.
Godly Persons are called
  • Princes of God.
    Gen. 23. 6. 1 Pet. 1. 2 Cor. 5. 21. Isai. 35. 10. 1 Cor. 3. 17. Heb. 1 [...]. 7. Gal. 3. 29. Rom. 8. 17. Rom. 8. 17. Heb. 1. 14. 1 Pet. 3. 9. 1 Pet. 2. 5. Rom. 8. [...]7. Matth. 5. 6.
  • Professours of God.
  • The righteousnesse of God.
  • The redeemed of God.
  • The Temple of God.
  • Heires of Righteousnesse.
  • Heires of the Promise.
  • Heires with Christ.
  • Heires of God.
  • Heires of Salvation.
  • Heires of Blessing.
  • A holy Priesthood.
  • The Houshold of Christ.
  • Hungerers after righ­teousnesse.
  • Innocents.
    Iob 4. 7. Heb. 10 32. Isai. 11. 6. Revel. 5. 10. Ioh. 21. 15. Matth. 18 3. Ioh 13. 33. Luk 12. 33. Luk. 15. 14. 1 Pet. [...]. 5. Gen. 27. 3 [...]. 1 Cor. 7. 22. Ioh. 3. 19.
  • Illuminate Ones.
  • Kids.
  • Kings.
  • Lambs.
  • Little Ones,
  • Little Children.
  • Little Flock.
  • Living Sonnes.
  • Lively Stones.
  • Lords of others.
  • The Lords Free-men▪
  • Lovers of the light.
  • Lovers of the day.
  • Lovers of God.
    2 Tim. 3. 4. 1 Ioh 2. 10. 1 Cor. 6.
  • Lovers of the Godly.
  • Members of Christ.
  • Members of the Tem­ple of the Holy
    16, 19.
  • Mourners▪
    Matth. 5. 4. 1 Cor. 5. 7. 2 Cor. 5. 17. 1 Pet. 2. 2. Matth. 5. 9. Psal. 95 7. Isai. 61 3. Matth. 5. 3. Rev. 5 10. 1 Pet. 2. 9. 1 Cor. 1. 2. Psal. 83. 3. Isai 41. 8. Iob 11. 21. Isai 65 23▪ Matth. 13. 38. Psal. 95. 7. Psal 23. Matth. 26. 31. Act. 17. 11. Rom. 6. 18. Deut 34. 5. 1 Cor. 7. 22.
  • New Lamps.
  • New Creatures.
  • New corn Babes.
  • Peace-makers
  • People of Gods pasture.
  • Plants of the Lord.
  • Poore in Spirit.
  • Priests.
  • A royall Priest-hood.
  • Saints.
  • Secret Ones.
  • Seed of Abraham.
  • Seed of the Righteous.
  • Seed of Blessed.
  • Good Seed.
  • Sheep of Gods hands.
  • Sheep of Gods pasture.
  • Sheep of Gods flock.
  • Searchers of Scripture.
  • Servants of righteousnes
  • Servants of the Lord.
  • Servants of Christ.
  • Sons of the free-woman.
    Gal. 4. 31. Luk 20. 36. Prov. 10. 5. 1 Pet. 2. 5. 1 Cor. 11. 58. Psal. 8. 2. Isai. [...]1. 3.
  • Sons of God.
  • Sons of wisdome.
  • A spirituall House.
  • Stedfast ones.
  • Sucklings.
  • Trees of Righteousnesse.
Godly Persons are called
  • [Page 59]Thirsters after Righte­ousnesse.
    Matth. 5. 6.
  • Triumphers in Christ.
    2 Cor. 2. 14. Rom 9. 23. 2 Tim. 2. 21. Act. 9. 15. Eph. 6. 12. Gen. 32.
  • Vessels of Mercie.
  • Vessels of Honour.
  • Chosen vessels.
  • Wrestlers.
  • The workmanship of
    Eph. 2. 10. 1 Cor. 3. 17.
    the Lord.
  • The Temple of God.
Godly Persons are compared unto
  • Angels for qualitie.
    Luk 20. 36. Deut. [...]2. 10. Zech. 2. 8.
  • The Apple of Gods eye.
  • A Crown of Glory
    Isai. 62. 3.
  • A Royall D [...]ademe
  • An everlasting foundatiō
    Prov. 10. 25. Matth. 24. 28. Iob 23. 10. Isai. 13. 12. Matth. Matth. Matth. 13. 23. Mal. 3. 17. Phil. 2. 15. Ioh 28. 1. Psal. 125. 1.
  • Eagles.
  • Fine gold.
  • Gold of Ophyr.
  • Good Fish.
  • Good Figs.
  • Good Ground.
  • Jewels.
  • Lights of the world.
  • Lions for Boldnesse.
  • Mount Sion.
  • New vessels.
  • New Garments
    Matth. 9. 16.
  • Olive-plants.
    Psal. 128. 3. 2 Cor. 11. 2. 1 Cor. 9. 24. Dan. 12. 3. Psal. 1. [...] Gen. 49. 22. Isai. 44. 4. Psal. [...]0. 10. Iudg▪ 9. 11. Psal. 52. 8. Psal. 92. 12. Psal 52 8. Ier. 22. 24. Matth 3. 12.
  • [...]ure virgins,
  • R [...]ce Runners.
  • S [...]rres.
  • Trees by the water.
  • Cedar Trees.
  • Figge Trees.
  • Olive Trees.
  • Palme Trees.
  • Vine Trees.
  • The Signet of Gods hand
  • Wheat
  • A watered garden.
    Isai. 58. 11.
  • Waters that faile not.
  • Vessels of Gold
    2 Tim. 2. 20.
  • Vessels of silver
  • The wings of a Dove covered with silver,
    Psal 68 13 [...]
    and her feathers with yellow gold.
  • Partridges.
    1 Sam. 26. 20. Gen. 8. 8.
  • Doves.
Wicked persons are called
  • ABominable Men▪
    Prov. 11 20. Prov. 22. 24. Iob 40 7. Ezek. 21. 31. Rev. 3. 17. Psal. 5. 6. Prov. 12. 1. 1 Cor. 3. 3. 1 Cor. 5. 11. Deut. 32. 5. Ier. 6. 28. Deut. 32. 5.
  • Angrie Men▪
  • Arrogant Men▪
  • Beastly Men▪
  • Blinde Men▪
  • Bloud-thirsti [...] Men▪
  • Brutish Men▪
  • Carnall Men▪
  • Covetous Men▪
  • Corrupt Men▪
  • Craftie Men▪
  • Crooked Men▪
Wicked persons are called
  • Cruell Men.
    Psal. 18. 48. 1 Cor. 5. 11. Luke 15. 32. Psal 5. 6. Tit. 1 15. 2 Tim. 3. 2. 2 Thes 3 11. Iam. 1. 8. Psal. 10. 18. Prov. 4. 14. Revel. 21. 8. Prov. 22. 24. Rev. 22. 11. Psal. 49. 10. [...] Tim. 3. 3. Prov. 1. 19. Prov. 22. 24.
  • Cunning Men.
  • Dead Men.
  • Deceitfull Men.
  • Defiled Men.
  • Disobedient Men.
  • Disordered Men.
  • D [...]uble-minded Men.
  • Earthly Men.
  • Evill Men.
  • Fearefull. Men.
  • Fierce Men.
  • Filthy Men.
  • Foolish Men.
  • Furious Men.
  • Greedie Men.
  • Haughtie Men.
  • Headie Men.
  • High-minded Men.
    2 Tim. 3. 4.
  • Horrible Men.
    Wisd. 4. 18, 19. Psal. 49. 10. 2 Tim. 3 3. 2 Thes. 3. 11. 1 Tim. 1. 9. Prov. 13. 5. 2 Cor. 4. 3. Rev. 3. 16. Prov. 26. 18. 1 Pet. 2. 1. Rom. 1. 30. Rev. 3. 16. Prov. 24 8. Rev. 3. 17. 1 Cor. 2. 14. Prov. 6. 12. Isai. 48. 4. Iam. 2. 4. 2 Pet. 2. 10. Isai. 35. 8. 1 Tim. [...]. 9. Psal. 86. 14. Prov. 14. 16. Nahum 2. 12. Prov. 24. 2 [...]. Isai 1. 4. Act. 7. 51. Mal. [...]. 13. Isai. 46. 12▪ Act. 23. 10. Ier. 2. 5. Deut. 11. 21. Psal. 86. 14. Rev. 21. 8. Act 7. 51. 2 Thes. 3. 11. 2 Thes. 3. Rev. 22. 11. 2 Thes. 3. 2. 1 Cor. 6. 9. Iam 1. 8. [...] Tim. [...]. 2. Prov. 6. 12. Iam. 1. 8. Prov. 6. 12.
  • Hopelesse Men.
  • Ignorant Men.
  • Inordinate Men.
  • Intemperate Men.
  • Lawlesse Men.
  • Loathsome Men.
  • Lost Men.
  • Lukewarme Men.
  • Mad Men.
  • Malitious Men.
  • Mercilesse Men.
  • Miserable Men.
  • Mischievous Men.
  • Naked Men.
  • Naturall Men.
  • Naughtie Men.
  • Obstinate Men.
  • Partiall Men.
  • Presumptuous Men.
  • Pollut [...]d Men.
  • Prophane Men.
  • Proud Men.
  • Raging Men.
  • Ravenous Men.
  • Seditious Men.
  • Sinfull Men.
  • Stiffe-necked Men.
  • Stout Men.
  • Stout-hearted Men.
  • Subtill Men.
  • Vain Men.
  • Vile Men.
  • Violent Men.
  • Unbeleeving Men.
  • Uncircumcised Men.
  • Ungodly Men.
  • Unholy Men.
  • Unjust Men.
  • Unreasonable Men.
  • Unrighteous Men.
  • Unstable Men.
  • Unthankfull Men.
  • Unth [...]iftie Men.
  • Wavering-min­ded Men.
  • Wicked Men.
Wicked persons are called
  • [Page 60]Scornfull Men.
    Prov. 29. 8. Prov. 15 18. Rev. 3. 17. Psal. 17. 14. 2 Tim. 3. 8.
  • Wrathfull Men.
  • Wretched Men.
  • Worldly Men.
  • Men of corrupt minds, [...]oide of counsell
    Deut. [...]2. 28.
    and un­derstanding,
  • Men Sl [...]y [...]rs.
    1 Tim. 1. 9. [...]sai. 45. 20. Isai. 14. 19. Psal 3 1. 1 Sam. 2. 10. Matth. 12. 39. Eph. 2. 12. Iudg. 18. [...]5. Psal. 44. 16. Iob 24 8. Psal. 119. 42. Prov. 14. 14. Psal 114 1. Heb. 12. 8. Rom 1. 29. Isai. 42. 18. Gen. 49. 5. 2 Thes 3. 11. Iudg. 18. 10. [...] Cor. [...]. 27. Numb. 13. 13.
  • Abjects,
  • Abominable branches,
  • Adversari [...]s,
  • Adversaries of the Lord,
  • Adulterous people,
  • Aliens,
  • Angrie fellowes,
  • Avengers,
  • Authour [...] of wickedness,
  • Backb [...]te [...]s,
  • Backsl [...]ders,
  • B [...]rbarous people,
  • Bastards,
  • Blasphemers,
  • Blinde persons▪
  • Brethr [...]n in [...]vill,
  • Busi [...]-bodies,
  • Carelesse people,
  • Castawayes.
  • Children of Belial,
  • Children of D [...]rkness [...], the night,
    1 Thes. 5. 5.
  • Children of the bond-woman,
    Gal. 4. 3. Eph. 2. 2. Io [...]. 8. 44. Act. 12. [...]0.
  • Children of disobedience,
  • Children of the devill,
    Iob 30. 8. Rom. 9 8. Iob 41. 34. Iob 17. 12. Isai. 57. 4. Iob 30. 8. 2 Sam. 7. 10. Ephes. 2. 3. Exod 7. 11. Iude 16. Rom. 14. 4. Prov. 6. 19. Isai. 1. 4. Phil. 3. [...]. Ier. 6. 28. Phil. 2. 15. 2 Tim. 3. 2. Rom. 1. [...]9. Ier. 2. 21. Luk. 19. 46. 2 Tim 3. 4. Ier. 6. 28. Hab. 1. 13. Ioh. 6. 70. Isai. 10. 6. Rom. 1. 30. 1 Cor. 5. 11. Psal. 37. 1. Matth. 18. 32. Ier. 12. 14. Psal. 140. 11. Prov. 4. 14.
  • Children of Fools,
  • Children of the flesh,
  • Children of pride,
  • Children of perdition,
  • Children of transgression,
  • Children of villains,
  • Children of wickednesse,
  • Children of wrath,
  • Charmers,
  • Complainers,
  • Condemners of others,
  • Contentious persons,
  • Corrupt children,
  • Concisions,
  • Corrupters,
  • Crooked people,
  • Cursed speakers,
  • Deceivers,
  • Degenerate plants.
  • Dens of theeves,
  • Despicers of good men,
  • Destroyers,
  • Devourers,
  • Devils,
  • Dis [...]embling people,
  • Doers of wrong,
  • Drunkerds,
  • Evill Do [...]rs,
  • Evill Men,
  • Evill Ne [...]ghbours,
  • Evill Speakers,
  • Evill Servants,
Wicked persons are called
  • Enemies of Righteous­nesse,
    Act. 13. 10. Psal. 120. 5.
  • Enemies of Peace,
  • Enemies of he crosse of Christ,
    Phil. 3. 18. Rom. 1. 29▪ Revel. 12 15. 2 Tim. [...]. 3. Prov. 4. 5. Ier. 1 [...]. 16. [...]sai. 7. 4. Prov. 18 8. Prov. 11. 11. Iob 8 13. Iob 13. 4. Prov 3. 32. Isai. 43. 14. Rom 10. 21. Matth 23. 33. Matth. 17 17. Deut. 3 [...]. 5. Matth. 25. 33. Iudg. 5. 31. Isai. 11. 24. Psal. 110. 1. 2 Cor. 9. 7. Prov. 1. 22. Psal 81. 15. Ier. 16. 16. Ezek. 34. 28. Tit. [...] 10. Matth. 7. 5. 1 Sam. 24. 12. 1 Cor. 5. 11. Deut. 28. 11. 2 Tim. 3 4. Rom. 1. 30. Ezek 2. 4. Isai. 30. 9. Psal. 62. 9. 1 Tim. 1. 9. Iudg. [...]. 4. 2 Tim. 3. 4. Ioh. [...]1. 19. Rev. 3. 16. 2 Pet. 3. 3. Isai. 3 [...]. 6. Isai. 50. 6. Deut. 18. 10. Isai. 16. 4. Lam 1. 3. Act. 13. 10. Phil. 2. 15. Iob 27. 13.
  • Envious persons,
  • Enchanters,
  • False Accusers,
  • F [...]lse witnesses,
  • Fishers,
  • Fire brands,
  • Flatterers,
  • Fooles,
  • Forg [...]tters of God,
  • Forgers of Ly [...]s,
  • Froward persons,
  • Fugitives,
  • G [...]n-saying p [...]ople,
  • Generation o [...] Vipers,
  • Generation faithlesse,
  • A crooked generation,
  • Goats,
  • Gods adversaries,
  • Gods enemies,
  • Gods foo [...]stoole,
  • Grudgers,
  • H [...]ters of knowledge,
  • Haters of the Lord,
  • Harlo [...]s,
  • He [...]theas,
  • Hereticks,
  • Hypocrites,
  • Hunters,
  • Idolaters,
  • Inchanters,
  • Incon [...]nent persons,
  • Inventers of evill,
  • Impudent children,
  • Lying children,
  • Lyes,
  • Lawl [...]sse persons,
  • Light fellowes,
  • Lovers of pleasures, their own,
  • Lovers of darknesse,
  • Lukewarme persons,
  • Mockers,
  • N [...]ggards,
  • Nippers,
  • Observers of times,
  • Outcasts,
  • Pe [...]secuters,
  • Perverters of Gods waies,
  • Perverse people,
  • Oppressours,
  • People laden with ini­quitie,
    Isai. 1. 4. Ier. 2. 21. Prov. 10. 8. Deut. 9. 7. Lam. 1. 6. 1 Cor. 5▪ 11. Isai. 1. 2. Psal. 44. 16. Ier. 6. 30. 2 Cor. 13. 5.
  • Plants of a strange vine,
  • Pratling Fooles,
  • Provokers of God,
  • Pursuers of the Godly,
  • Raylers,
  • Rebels,
  • Rebukers,
  • Reprobate silver,
  • Reprobates,
Wicked persons are called
  • [Page 61]Resisters of truth,
    2 Tim. 3. 8. Prov. 23. 21. Iob 1 [...]. 6. Gen. 4. 12.
  • Riotous eaters,
  • Robbers,
  • Runnagates,
  • Rods of Gods anger,
  • Staves of Gods indi­gnation.
    Isai. 10. 5.
  • Reapers of vanitie,
    Prov. 22. 8. Prov. 22. 8. Prov. 16. 28. Psal. 1. 1. 2 Tim. 3. 13. Isai. 1. 4. Matth. 3. 28.
  • Sowers of iniquitie,
  • Sowers of strife,
  • Scorners,
  • Seducers,
  • The seed of the wicked, devil,
  • The seed of the adulterer and whore,
    Isai. 57. 3.
  • Servants of corruption,
    2 Pet. 2. 19. Ioh. 8. 34. Isai. 14. 29. 1 Tim. 1. 9. Rom. 2. 9. Matt. 25. 3 [...]. Isai. 50. 6. Psal. 44. 16. Gal. 4. [...]0. Isai. 2. 6. Psal. 10. 9. Ier. 2. 21. 1 Tim. 1. 6. Ier. 9. 4. Hos. 4. 2. Matth. 13. 21. Mal. 3. 15. Prov. 18 8. Matth. 21. 13. Isai. 1. 28. Ier. 6. 26. Isai▪ 21. 2. 2 Tim. 3 3. Io [...] 26. 6. Psal. 94. 4. Ier. 10. 15. Gen. 4. 1 [...]. Rom. 9. 22. 2 Tim. 2. 20. Isai. 32. 5. Luk. 16. 8. Rev. 21. 8. Matth. 25. 30. Psal 15. 5. 1 Cor. 6. 11. Prov. 18. 9. Rom. 1. 29. Matth. 25. 26. Nabum 1. 11. Prov. [...]1. 16. Matth. 11. 25. Psal. 5. 5. Prov. 23. 20.
  • Servants of sinne,
  • Serpents root,
  • Sinners,
  • Synagogue of Sathan,
  • Slothfull servants,
  • S [...]iters,
  • Slanderers,
  • Sons of the servant,
  • Sorcerers,
  • Spoilers of the Poore,
  • Strangers,
  • Swarvers,
  • Supplanters,
  • Swearers,
  • Temporizers,
  • Tempters of God,
  • Tale-bearers,
  • Theeves,
  • Transgressou [...]s,
  • Traitou [...]s,
  • Treacherous dealers,
  • Truce-breakers,
  • Tyrants,
  • V [...]unters,
  • Vanitie,
  • Vagabonds,
  • Vessels of wrath,
  • V [...]ssels of dishonour,
  • Vile persons,
  • Unjust stewards,
  • Unbeleeving persons,
  • Unprofitable servants,
  • Usu [...]ers,
  • Wantons,
  • Wasters,
  • Whisperers,
  • Wicked servants,
  • Wicked counsellours,
  • Wanderers,
  • Worldly wise,
  • Workers of iniquitie,
  • Wine bibbers,
  • Additions:
  • Venemous.
Wicked persons are compared unto
  • Wicked men to what compared.
  • Axes that are cutting,
    Isai. 10. 15. Psal. 118. 12. [...] Pet. 2. 13. Isai. 10. 17. Iudg. 9 18. Psal 1. 4. Psal. 37. [...]0.
  • Bees stinging,
  • Blots being defiled,
  • Bryars and good but for the fire,
  • Brambles, good but for the fire,
  • Chaffe before the winde,
  • Clouds carried with tem­pest,
    Mal. 4▪ 3. Isai. 57. 20.
  • Dust and Dirt underfoot,
  • Dece [...]full bow,
    Psal 78. 57. Psal. 73. 20. Isai. 29. 1. Isai. 1. 25. Ier. [...]4. 8. Matth. 13. 48. Isai. [...]. 19. Zech. 3. 2. Psal. 21. 9. Isai. 1. 30. I [...]r. 13. 7. Psal. 37. 2. Psal. 62. 3. Ier. 51. [...]0. Isai. [...]9. 8. Isai. 16. 16. Iob 20. 7. Matth 7. 6. Isai. 10. 6. Isai. [...]. 30. Matth. 9. 16, 17. 1 Cor. 5, 7. Matth. 23. 27. Psal. 58. 9.
  • Dreames being nothing,
  • Dreams of a night vision,
  • Drosse of mettals,
  • Figs being nought,
  • Fishes of no account,
  • Fewell for the fire,
  • Fire-brands,
  • Fiery Ovens,
  • Gardens without water,
  • Girdles corrupted,
  • Grasse on house tops,
  • Hedges broken down,
  • Hammers,
  • Hungry men dreaming,
  • Hunters,
  • Mans dung,
  • Men building on sands,
  • Myre in the streets,
  • Oakes whose leafe fade,
  • Old Bottles, Garment,
  • Old Cloth, Garment,
  • Old Leaven, Garment,
  • Painted sepulchres,
  • Raw flesh,
  • Raging seas casting up Durt and Mire,
    Isai. 57. 20.
  • Ravens feeding on Carriō
    Gen. 8. 7. 1 Kings 14. 15. Isai 10. 15. Eccles. [...]. 13. Ier. 15. 1. Hos. 13. 3. Psal▪ 58 8. Isai. 1. 31. Matth. 13 5. Iob 21. 18. Amos 8. [...]. Matth. 13. 38 Isai. 1. 13. Iude 12. Luk. [...]3. 31: 2 Tim. [...]. [...]0. Isai. 29. 7. Hos. 10. 1. Iude 12. Psal. 62. 31. Psal. 6 [...]. 2. Matth. 13. 4. Psal. 83. 13. 2 Pet 2. 17. Matth. 23. 27.
  • Reeds in the water,
  • Sawes,
  • A shadow,
  • Pitchers of earth,
  • Smoke that vanisheth,
  • Snailes which melt,
  • Sparkes of fire,
  • Stony ground,
  • Stubble before the wind,
  • Summer fruits,
  • Tares cho [...]king corne,
  • Tow that is soon fired,
  • Trees corrupted,
  • Trees dried up,
  • Vessels of wood,
  • Visions in the night,
  • Vines being emptie,
  • Waves of the sea,
  • Wals ready to fall,
  • Waxe soon melted,
  • The way side,
  • A Wheel turning,
  • Wels without water,
  • Whited tombes,
Wicked persons are compared unto
  • [Page 62]Whited wa [...]s,
    Act. 23. 3. Pro. 10. 25
  • Whirlwinds,
  • Bruit Beasts,
    1 Car 15 32 Psal. 58. 4 Psal 91. 13. Psal. 22. 12
  • Adders,
  • Asp [...]s,
  • Buls of Bashan,
  • A c [...]ge of un­clean fowls,
    Rev. 18. 2.
  • Cockatr [...]es,
    Isa 14. 29 2 Pet. 2. 22. Isai. 51. 9. Ier. 2. 23. Iam 4. 19 Cant. 2. 15 Psa. 22. 12. Psal. 32. 9. Ps. 17. 12. Isai. 11. 6. Psal. 32. 9. Psa. 33. 9. Isai. 45 [...]1. Ezek. 1. 6. Psa 58. 4. 2 Pet. 2. 22 Matt. 3. 7. Ps. 80. 13. Isai. 11. 6.
  • D [...]gs,
  • Dragons,
  • Dromedaries,
  • Eagles,
  • Foxes,
  • Fatted oxen,
  • Horses,
  • Leop [...]rds,
  • Lions,
  • Mules,
  • Ravenous beasts,
  • Ravenous birds,
  • Scorpions,
  • Serpents,
  • Sowes,
  • Vipers,
  • Wilde bo [...]res,
  • Wolves,
The Nature of the wicked agreeing with the nature of beasts.
  • The ambitious Is likened and compared unto An Eagle.
    Ier. 49. 16.
  • The angrie man Is likened and compared unto A Dart.
  • The backhiter Is likened and compared unto A Dog.
    2 Sam. 16. 9.
  • The cruell man Is likened and compared unto An Ostrich.
  • The craftie man Is likened and compared unto A Beare.
    Prov. 28. 15.
  • The covetous Is likened and compared unto A Caterpiller.
  • The drunkard Is likened and compared unto A Dipsas.
  • The extortioner Is likened and compared unto A Stellion.
  • The filthy man Is likened and compared unto A Sow.
    2 Pet. 2. 22. Luk. 13. 32.
  • The fraudulent Is likened and compared unto A Fox.
  • The hypocrite Is likened and compared unto A Crocadile.
  • The lascivious Is likened and compared unto A Horse.
    Ier. 5. 8. Gen. 49. Gen. 49. Psal. 58. 4.
  • The lustfull Is likened and compared unto A Goat.
  • The murtherer Is likened and compared unto A Serpent.
  • The obstinate Is likened and compared unto An Adder.
  • The oppressour Is likened and compared unto A Wolfe.
  • The proud man Is likened and compared unto A Lion.
    Psal. 57. 4.
  • The Pyrate Is likened and compared unto A Sea-s [...]rpent.
  • The slothfull Is likened and compared unto A Lizard.
    Levit. 11. 30.
  • The wrathfull Is likened and compared unto A Dragon.
  • The tyrannicall Is likened and compared unto A Leopard.
    Ecc'us. 28. 23.
  • The whore Is likened and compared unto A Cocatrix.
  • A mocking friend Is likened and compared unto A stall [...]on horse.
    Ecclus. 33. 6.
  • An Engrosser Is likened and compared unto A Caterpiller.
  • Temporizer Is likened and compared unto A Camelion.
    Levit. 11. 30.
  • The foole in his folly, Is likened and compared unto A Beare.
    Prov. 17. 12.
  • The Babler Is likened and compared unto A Serpent:
    Eccles. 10. 11.
  • The Contentious man feedes on Fire, with the Salamander,
  • The Covetous man feedes on Earth, with the Moules,
  • The Vain-glorious man feedes on Ayre, with the Camelion.
    Levit. 11. 30.
  • The Epicurious man feedes on Myre, with the Swine.
  • The Gluttonous man feedes on Carrions, withe the Crowes.

Repentance in man what.

REpentance is the hatred of sinne, and an earnest desire of Righteousnesse, by which we are continually stirred up to abhorre our vices, and are moved to do good works, not for feare of punishment, or hope of reward, but for that love we beare unto God, which worketh in us that with a joyfull heart we are moved to his obedience, and with grie [...]e goe astray from his Commandements. And therein is the Promise fulfilled made unto us of God by the Prophets, namely that he willIer. 31. 33. Ezek 36. 26. Psal. 119. 17, 47. take from us the [...]ony heart, in stead whereof he will give us a heart of flesh, wherein he will ingrave his Law, that we may walke in his Commandements. Hence it commeth that the Law of God which in former time was grievous, and hated of us, is not only not grievous, but most acceptable and delightfull.

Repentance is a Work of Grace arising of a Godly Sor­row. Godly sorrow, whereby a man turnes from all his sinnes unto God, bringing forth fruits worthy amendment of life: Of which sorrow for sinnes there are two [...]inds,* Godly and Worldly.2 Cor. 7. 11.

  • Godly For sinne, because it is sinne, a breach of Gods will, and an offence to his Majestie: Which sorrow was
  • In David, Fainting, Psal. 6. 6.
  • In Hezekiah, Chattering, Isai. 38. 14
  • In Ioh, abhorring himself, Ioh 42. 6.
  • In Manasseh. humbling himself, 2 Chron. 33.
  • In Ezra, in his heavinesse, Ezra 9.
  • In Daniel, in his Sorrowfulnesse, Dan. 9.
  • In Ephraim, smiting the thigh, Ier. 31. 19.
  • [Page 63]In Peter, weeping bitterly, Matth. 27. Numb. 12. 11.
  • In The Father, bewailing his unbeliefe, Mark 9. 24.
  • In Magdalene, washing of Christs feet, Luke 7. 38.

As also in Paul crying out, Oh miserable man that I am, who shall deliver me Rom. 7. 24. from this body of sinne? So that the Spirit of heavinesse goeth before the Garment of gladnesse, for that there is no reaping in joy without sowing in teares.Psal. 126. 5.

Worldly Worldly sorrow. Gen. 4. 13. Sorrow is a griefe and passion of the heart for worldly things, or spi­rituall things in worldly respects, and often a feare of punishing for committed sinne.

Such was
  • King Ahab's, for his oppression And Felix, at Paul's preaching.
    1 King. 21. Gen. 7. Natth. 27. Act. [...]4. Natth. 14. Ex [...]d. 4.
  • Esau's, for his blessing. And Herod's, at Iohn Baptists.
  • Iudas, for his betraying. And Pharaoh's, at the Almightie.

Yea, such is every wicked man, when they see or feel the fearfull Judgements of God to overtake them, and fall upon them:

  • Then every Sorrow is not repentance for sinne, for so should worldlings Repent.
  • Then every Pant for sin is not repentance for sinne, for so should Pharaoh Repent.
  • Then every Confession is not repentance for sinne, for so should Iudas Repent.
  • Then every Little humbling is not repentance for sinne, for so should Ahah Repent.
    Heb. 12. 17.
  • Then every Weeping is not repentance for sinne, for so should Esau Repent.
  • Then every Good word is not repentance for sinne, for so should Sick men Repent.
  • Then every Cry to God is not repentance for sinne, for so should Every foole Repent.

True Sorrow then is the Godly Sorrow, spoken of by St Paul, that causeth2 Cor. 7. 10, &c. Rep [...]ntance unto Salvation not to be reprented of.

Whereas worldly sorrow causeth death, after which repentance, in the nextHeb. 5. 7. place will follow Fasting, teares, and crying.

Of Fasting.

FAstings are of divers kindes: and diversly used.

  • There is a Constrained Fast, For want of food.
    2 King 6. Act. 27. 33.
  • There is a Sickly Fast, Having food, and cannot eat.
  • There is a phisicall Fast, For recovering of Health.
  • There is a Civill Fast, Commanded by Magistrates.
    Ionab 2.
  • There is a Miraculous Fast, Such was Moses, Elias, and Christs.
  • There is a Daily Fast, By abstinence.
  • There is a Religious Fast, Used by the Godly.
    2 Car. 6.6.

The Benefits that Fasting brings to man are very great:

  • Fasting Strengtheneth the Memorie. Preserveth Chasticie.
  • Fasting Cleareth the Minde. Preventeth sicknesses.
  • Fasting Illuminateth the Understanding. Continueth Health.
  • Fasting B [...]idleth the Affections. Delivereth from evils.
  • Fasting Mortifieth the flesh. Procureth all blessings.
And they shew
  • Our sorrowes for sinne past: So did the Israelites fast.
    Iudg. 20. 26. Ionah 3. 1 Cor. 9. Psal. 35. 14.
  • Our fear of punishment to come: So did the Ninevites fast.
  • The castigation of the bodie: So did the Apostles fast.
  • The humiliation of the Soul: So did the Prophets fast.
  • True Fasting
    Matth. 9. 15. 1 Cor. 7. 5. Ioel 2. 12. Dan. 9. 3. Isai. 1. 16. Chap. 58. 6.
    Is when a man perceiving the want of some blessing, or suspecting and seeing some emment calamitie upon himselfe or other, abst [...]ineth not only from flesh for a season, but also from all delights and su­stenances, that he may thereby make a more diligent search into his sins, and thereby make his prayers more humbly unto God, to with­hold his plagues threatned, to take them away being fallen on him, and to bestow such things as are wanting to him. So did the Nine­vites: Queen Estker for the Jewes, and Israelites for themselves.

Of Teares.

TEares are noted to proceed of an ardent Affection, as in Ieremiah: The voiceIer. 31. 15. of heavinesse, weeping and Lamentation was heard, Rachel mourning for her Children.

Wept and mourned
making his Teares his meat night and day▪
P [...]al. 42. [...]. [...] 2 Ki [...]. 20 3. 1 Sam. 7. 6. E [...]r 4. 3. Hos [...] [...]. 4. Iob 16. [...]. Matt. [...]6. [...]5. Act. 20. 19. Es [...]b. 4. 3. Luke 19. 41. Ioh. 11. 35, 43. Heb. 5. 7.
Chattering like a Crane, praying earnestly.
Powring out before the Lord their manifold teares.
Fasting, girded with sackcloth, and lying in Ashes.
Prevailing with the Angel, praying to the Lord.
His eyes gushing out with teares before God.
Bitterly after his deniall of Christ to the Maiden.
Serving the Lord with many Teares and Temptation.
Crying with a great Cry, and bitter Lamentation.
  • Shedding Teares of Pitie over Jerusalem.
  • Shedding Teares of Love at Lazarus raising.
  • Shedding Teares of Anguish at his Passion.

The man that soweth in teares, shall reape in joy. Psal. 126. 5. Exod. 14. 15. Psal. 119. 1 [...]5.

Crying may be both in Spirit and Voyce, as appeareth by Moses, who is said toNota. cry unto the Lord, when as he prayed in Spirit. So David.

Repentance of Godly Persons

Aaron and Miriam
of their murmuring against Moses, saying Alas, my lord: I beseech
Numb. 1 [...]. 11.
thee, lay not this sin upon us, wherein we have done foolishly, and wherein we have sinned.
Being reproved by Nathan, saying, I have sinned exceedingly in
2 Sam. 12. Psal. 51.
that I have done: Wash me, O Lord, and make me clean.
Confessing his sins, and the sins of the people, weeping and fal­ling
Ezra 10. 1.
down before the Lord, together with a great Congrega­tion of men, women, and children.
Confessing his own sinne, the sin of the people, and of their Fa­thers,
Dan. 9.
for all which he craved pardon.
The Israelites
Weeping before the Lord, and fasting, saying, We have sinned,
Judg. 20. 1 Sam. 7. Judg. 10. Num. 21.
and sorrowing for murmuring against Moses and Aaron.
So as his heart melted at the words of the Law of God: Renting
2 King. 22. 19.
his clothes, and weeping before the Lord.
In dust and ashes, saying, I have sinned, what shall I do unto thee,
Iob 7. 20.
O thou preserver of men? I am a burden unto my selfe.
Renting his Clothes, and putting on Sack-cloth.
Isai. 38. Pray. of Manas. Act. 19.
Ma [...]asseh
Saying, I have sinned above the number of the sands of the sea.
Many men
Seeing Pauls works, shewed works of repentance.
Proclaiming a fast, putting on Sackcloth from the greatest to
Ionah 3.
the least, sitting in Ashes, crying mightily unto God, not suffe­ring any beast to tast any thing.
The Patriarchs
Saying, We are guilty concerning our brother, in that we saw the
Gen. 42. 21.
anguish of his soul, when he [...]e sought us.
The Prodigal
Confessing that he was no more worthy to be called a son.
Luk. 15. Luk. 22. 62. Matth. 3. Act. 2.
Weeping bitterly after that Christ was denyed by him.
The People
Hearing Iohn, confessing their sins; and hearing Peter preaching, cryed out, being pricked in heart, saying, What shall we do to be saved?
One thief
Saying, We receive the due reward of our deeds.
By hanging up of Sackclothes on a rock from harvest-beginning
2 Sam. 21. 10.
till water dropped on them from heaven, not suffering any beast by night, or bird by day to come nigh them.
Saying, Behold, I give to the poore, &c. I make restitution.
Luk. 19.

Repentance of wicked persons.

Saying, I have sinned against the Lord God Almightie.
Iosh. 7. 20.
Renting his clothes, putting on sackcloth, going softly.
2 Chron. 22.
Saying I have sinned, I will return back again.
Numb. 22. 34.
Lifting up his voice weeping, having lost the blessing.
Gen. 27.
Saying, I have sinned in betraying the innocent bloud.
Matth. 27.
Phara [...]h
Saying, I have sinned, when he was by God plagued.
Exod. 9.
Humbling himselfe at Shemaiahs admonishing of him.
2 Chron. 12.
Saying, I have sinned, when he spared Agag, being forbidden.
1 Sam. 15.
Simō Magu [...]
Saying, Pray ye the Lord that it come not, as ye have spoken.
Act. 8. 24.
Iob 11. 14
  • If We confesse our sins, and forsake them, we shall finde mercy;
    1 Ioh. 1. 9.
  • If We acknowledge our sins, we shall finde God faithfull and just in forgiving them, and clensing us of every of them.


Let us confesse our sins with the Godly, praying for pardon, and with Moses, Isaiah, Ieremiah, and Daniel, pray for the pardon of the sins committed by other men, Exod. [...]. Isai. 64. Ier. 3. Dan. 9. Psal. 106.

Reade 2 Chron. 7. 13. Isai. 58. 6. Psal. 35. 13. 2 Cor. 7. 10.

Repentance how said to be in God.

WHen the Scriptures attribute Repentance unto God, it is not that he doth contrarie to that he hath ordained in his secret Counsell: But when he threatneth, it is a calling to Repentance, and when he giveth man Grace to repent, the Threatning (which ever containeth a Condition in it) taketh no place. And this the Scripture calleth Repentance in God, because it so appeareth to the judge­ment of man.

The Lord repented
That he had made man: and that he had made Saul King.
Gen 3. 1 Sam. 15. Exod. 18. 8. Ier. 26. 19. 2 Sam. 24. 16. Ier. 42. 10. Exod. 32. 14. Iudg. 10. 16. Amos 7. 3. Ioel 2. [...]3. Ionah 3. 10.
2. Of
The plagues that he thought to bring upon the people, because they turned from their iniquities: as also of the plagues pronounced a­gainst Jerusalem, and of the evils that he had done to his people upon their return unto him.
3. Of
The evil that he purposed to do unto his people Israel, and his Soul was grieved for the miseries of them.
4. That
He had sent the Grashoppers into the land of Israel, as also of the evil threatned to them that turned to him.
5. Of
The evil that he said he would bring upon the Ninevites, as also for his servants, when he saw their power was gone, so that there was none shut up, or left among them.
Deut. 32. 3 [...]. Ps [...]5. 45. Ps. 135. 14. Ps. 135. 24. Ier. 26. 3. [...] 18. 8.
6. Saith
David, in remembring his Covenant made to the Israelites, and that according to the multitude of his mercies.

The Lord is said not to repent:

1. [...]ecause they have forsaken him, and gone backward, because they haveIer 15 6. Chap. 18. 10. Ezek. 24. 14. Hos. 13. 14. done evil, and would not hear his voice, therefore according to their own works he rewarded them.

2. But saith, That repentance is hid from his eyes, and that because of the wic­kednesse they had committed against him.

3. The earth shall mourn, and the heavens shall be darkened, and that becauseIer. 4. 28. Chap. 15. 6. the people have forsaken him.

The Lord cannot repent.1 Sam. 15. 29. Mal. 3. 6. Rom. 11. [...]9. Iam. 1. 17. Ps. 1 [...] 27 Num. 23. 19 P [...]a [...] [...]4 Is [...]i 4 [...]. 1 [...]. [...]. 11. [...]8. Heb. 1. 12. Io [...], 13. 1. Jer. 18. 8.

The strength of Israel will not lye: He is not a man that he should repent. I am the Lord, (saith God) I change not. All the gifts and Callings of God are without repentance. With him there is no variablenesse, nor shadow of turning. He hath said, and it shall be done, he hath spoken it, and shall accomplish it. His coun­sell shall stand.

Gods mercies Mans iniquities.

GOds mercie i [...] Gods meere good will, and readie affection to forgive a peni­tentPsal. 103. 8. sinner, notwithstanding all his sins and ill deserts, and is nothing else but his Essence, which is One, and by which he is Wise, Just, and Mercifull alto­gether:Tit. 3. 4, 5. He then that will be a searcher of his Mercie shall be overwhelmed with his Glorie: Now his Mercy proceedeth from his free Love towards us, whichProv. 25. 27. although it be extended towards all men in Misery, yet it is otherwise extended towards the Elect, then towards others; but yet it is so great to all, that it can neither be expressed, nor comprehended by us.

Salvation and all the parts thereof are from the Mercy of God, his Mercy from his free Love, and his Love from his Goodnesse. So that there is nothing in us to move God to Mercy, but that it proceedeth wholly from his meere Love and Goodnesse, which is unspeakeable in that he forgetteth not his Mercie, neither will continue his Mercie in wrath, and yet he forgetteth our iniquities.Psal. 77. 9.

By his Mercie he ministreth food to the hungry out of the earth: Beasts skins to the cold and naked to clothe them: Herbes and fruits out of the earth for me­dicinePsal. 104. for the sick: Thaweth things frozen in winter by the Suns heat: Modera­teth things too hot in the day, by the coldnesse of the night; so that whatsoeverPsal. 147. good thing is in the world, the same dependeth wholly on the Mercie and Good­nesseMatth. 5. 45. of the Lord; by which then it is plain and manifest, that all our merits and worthinesse are excluded, so as that no other thing can be in us, but things mise­rable and sinfull.

There is a seven- [...]old Mercie in God:

  • A Preventing Mercie: By which the Lord preserves the Elect from grosse sin.
  • A Forbearing Mercie: Whereby the Lord waiteth for the sinners Conversion.
  • An Altering Mercie: Which makes a man setled in resolution of Holinesse.
  • An Imbracing Mercie: Whereby God assureth the Convert of his Mercies.
  • A confirming Mercie: Which strengtheneth the Righteous in his Goodnesse.
  • A Hopefull Mercie: Which sets man in Glories Expectation.
  • A Crowning Mercie: Wherein is Livery of the Kingdome, and Possession.


After this life, notwithstanding the great Mercie of God, there is no place for Mercie in God left by which sinnes are remitted: For that Justice, whereby eve­ry one receiveth according to his deserts, doth possesse all things there at the end of the world, both in them that are saved and destroyed.

Adam and Eve

disobeyed Gods Commandement, being but one only, in eating; and having eaten fled from God calling them, and in stead of confes­sing their sin, the one laid it upon the Serpent, the other as it were on God himselfe, saying, The woman thou gavest me, gave me, &c. The serpent gave me, &c. and I did eat.

Such yet was Gods Mercie towards them, that he clothed them, being naked in body; and promised them the Righteousnesse of Christ Jesus to clothe their naked soules.


By the perswasion of Sarah his wife lay with Hagar her hand-maid,Gen. 16. Chap. 25. Chap. 12, Chap 20. 9. Chap. 11. kept divers Concubines, denyed his wife two severall times: was the son of an Idolater among the Caldeans, proceeding from the Hittites and Amorites.

Such yet was Gods Mercie towards him, as that he was the Father of the Faithfull called, and the man in whose seed all Nations of the earth should be blessed.

[Page 67] Aaron

committed Idolatrie by making the molten Calfe, spake against Mo­ses, Exod. 32. Numb. 12. Ch. 10. 10. &c. and beleeved not the Lord at the waters of Meribah.

Such yet was Gods mercy towards him, that he was made the High Priest unto the Lord, and so his posteritie succeeded.


That wicked King consented to the death of Naboth, took his Vine­yard from his posteritie, said the prophets prophesied not good un­to him, called them his enemies, reared up an Altar for Baal, fol­lowed1 Kin. 21. idolatrie as the Amorites and Heathens: sold himselfe to doe wickednesse in the sight of the Lord, angring the Lord more1 King. 22. 1 King. 16. then all the kings of Israel did before him.

Such yet was Gods mercie towards him, that humbling of himselfe, the Lord with-held his plagues threatned.

The Apostles

Forbad those that brought children to Christ, were hardened inMatth. 19. 13. Luk. 18. 15. Matth. 16. 5. Ioh. 6. Matt. 26. 40. Mark 9. 38. Matth. 28. 17. Act. 1. 6. their hearts, not considering Christs miracles: were of little saith: some disdayned the sons of Zebedem, others reasoned who should he greatest, some demanded what they should have for fol­lowing Christ, shewing their covetousnesse; others forbade them that in Christs Name cast out devils, shewing their envie; some could not watch when he was betrayed, all forsooke him, when he was apprehended, all made question for preferment, most of his resurrection doubted.

Such yet was Gods mercie that they were all again received by Christ.

The Co­rinthians

Some of them were fornicatours, others Idolaters, some Adulterers, others wantons, some buggerers, others theeves, some drunkards,1 Cor. 6. 10, 11, &c. 1 Cor. 6. 5. others covetous persons, some railers, others extortioners, and such like; not a wise man to be found almost among them, saith Saint Paul.

Such yet was Gods mercie towards them, as that they were in Christ sanctified, and justified by the Spirit of the Lord.

  • 1. Made a Lye to Ahimelech the Priest, took Shew-bread, and Goliah's
    1 Sam. 21.
    sword, by meanes whereof Ahimelech with fourescore and five others that wore the [...] Ephod were put to death by Saul. He
    Chap. 22. 14.
    companied with men of all sorts, being captain over them in his trouble. He feigned himself to be mad unto king Achish, lying un­to
    1 Sam. 27.
    him, and living with him being an Idolater, dissembled with him in his pretence to goe to battle against the Israelites: He di­strusted God, saying, he should dye by the sword of Saul: He swore
    1 Sam. 29. Chap. 27. 1.
    he would not leave one of Nabals house to pisse against the wall.
  • Such yet was Gods mercy that he delivered him out of the hand of Saul, and made him King over all Israel.
  • 2. He committed Adulterie w [...]th Ʋriahs wife, caused Ʋriah to be made drunk, thinking thereby that he would have layen with his wife, and so his shame should have been covered: He caused Ʋriah to be slain, by commanding him to be placed in the forefront of the bat­tell,
    &c. Being slain, he dissembled the same to the Messenger that brought him tidings thereof, saying, The sword devoureth one as well
    2 Sam. 11. 25.
    as another.
  • Such yet was Gods mercie towards him, that he no sooner said to
    2 Sam. 12 13.
    Nathan, I have sinned: but Nathan said, The Lord hath put away thy sinne, thou shalt not dye.
  • 3. He was angry with the Lord for slaying Ʋzzah: He gave the land of
    2 Sam. 6 8. 2 Sam. 19. 30. 2 Sam. 24. 2 Sam. 15. 16. Psal. 30. 6. Psal. 116. 11. Psal. 31. 22. Psal. 77. 10.
    Mephibosheth unto Z [...]ba Mephihosheths servant without just cause: He numbred his people in his pride, and said he should never be moved: He had ten Concubines besides severall wives: He said in his affliction that all men were lyars, and that he had cleansed his heart in vain: and in his haste that he was cast out of Gods sight, and that God had forgotten to be mercifull, &c. yea so, as he said in despaire, This is my death, &c.
  • Such yet was Gods mercy towards him, as that he never took his lo­ving kindnesse from him.
Being sought after by Iezebel, impatiently said that It is now enough: Oh Lord, take my Soul, I am no better then my fathers; as also wrong­fully condemned many of Gods children, saying, I only am lest and
1 King. 19. 4. 10.
they seek my life to take it away; whereas God himselfe confessed to have many thousands, &c. and so desiring to dye. The Lord in mercie sent his Angell to relieve him, and by his owne voice and presence, shewing himself, comforted him.

Gave all the silver that was in the Lords house unto king Ashur, with the gold that the doors and pillars were overlaid withall;2 Kin. 18. 15. shewed in his pride all his treasures to the king of Babels Messen­gers:Chap. 20. 13. was restored to his health, and was not thankfull having fifteen yeares added to his dayes.2 Chron. 31.

Such yet was Gods mercie towards him, that God threatning his Treasures and posteritie should be carried into Babel, promisedIsai. 39. that there should be peace in his dayes.


Lyed three times to his Father, saying, he was Esau, changed hisGen. 27. garments, dissembled with his Father, and by deceit got the bles­singChap. 31. from his brother, stayed twentie yeares from his Father un­dutifullyChap. 29. without visiting him: had two wives, besides his wivesChap. 30. handmaids.

Such yet was Gods mercie towards him, that he made choice of himRom. 9. before Esau his elder brother before he was born,Mal. 1.


Undutifully stayed from Iacob his Father twentie yeares, forgetting his fathers houshold, he dissembled with his brethren, making asGen. 31. 38. though he knew them not, he termed them Spies: he imprisonedChap. 41. 51. them three dayes: he swore again and again by the life of Pharaoh (forgetting God) he dealt deceitfully with his brethren, by causingChap. 4 [...]. his silver cup to be put into Benjamins sack: He accused them of Theft: he said he could divine by his Cup: he was angry withChap. 44. his father for blessing his younger son before the elder.Chap. 48. 17.

Such yet was Gods mercie towards him, as that he lived and dyed in [...]gypt land, a man in great favour and reputation.

Lay with Tamar his daughter in law, judging her to be a whore, by whom he had Pharez: from whose descent Christ by the great
Gen. 38.
mercie of God unto mankinde descended.
Matth. 1.

Envied Eldad and Medad, because they prophesied: he rent hisNumb. 11. 27. clothes, impatiently demanding of the Lord, why he had brought the Israelites over Jordan to deliver them into the hands of the Amorites: and wished that he had been content to have dwelt on the other side of Jordan; such was his infideline, that he questioned if the Lord would give the Israelites, as he had promised, the land of Canaan.Iosh. 7.

Such yet was Gods mercy that he encouraged him to go over Jordan, and gave him courage to prove a valiant captain.

Ionah, and Ionahs Marriners

Fled from Gods presence to Tarshish, for which being cast into the sea; the Lord in his mercie provided a Fish to save him, and inIonah 1. Chap. 2. time of heat, a Gourd to shadow him.

Being heathens, calling on their idoll god in the storme to help them;Chap. 4. 2. 11. Ionah 1. The Lord yet in his mercie saved them.


Cursed the day of his birth, desired God to destroy him, and to cutIob 6. 9. him off, wished that he had perished, so that no eye had seen him,Chap. 7. 15. complained against God, as having too much laid on him, yea, asChap. 3. though he would have sued him upon an action of Battery, in thatChap. 10. 3. he said, Oh that one might plead with God, as a man pleadeth for his Chap. 13. 23. neighbour. He said that God was his enemie, charging him injustly.Chap. 16. 21.

Such yet was Gods mercie towards him, as that he blessed his latterChap. 3 [...]. 21. Chap. 32. 2. Chap [...]4 5. Chap. 4 [...]. dayes, more then the first.

[Page 69] Ieremiah

Complained that the Lord had filled him with indignation, and that he was unto him as a lyar, and as waters that faile, said that God had deceived him, and that he was deceived, and that he wouldIer. 15. make no more mention of the Name of the Lord: He cursed the day wherein he was borne, and the man that told his father thatChap. 20. 7. a man-child was borne unto him: He wished that his motherChap. 38. might have been his grave, and her wombe a perpetuall conception. And lyed unto Zedekiahs princes as Zedekiah willed him.Ch 39. 11. &c.

Such yet was Gods mercie towards him, as being in Captivitie he continued a Prophet, and was well intreated by the enemie.


The son of Iehu wrought evil in the sight of the Lord, and followed 2 King. 13. the si [...]s of Ieroboam.

Yet such was Gods mercie unto him, as being in Captivitie, he no sooner called on him, but he delivered him.

The Israelites

Were continually murmuring against God: They caused Aaron toIer. 3. 1, 13, &c Ezek. 16. 8 make them a golden Calfe to worship, which they worshipped:Exod. 23. Isai. 4 [...]. 3. Se [...]ved the gods of the Heathens and Zidonians, daily provokingIudg. 2. Isa. 10. 25. & 43. 24. the Lord by their abominations.Chap. 3. 10.

Such yet was Gods mercie towards them, that whensoever they wereIer. 31. 3, 4. Ier. 3. 1. 5. 7. in Tribulation, calling upon him, he delivered them, yea, and saidIudg. 10. 16. that his soul was grieved for them.Psal. 78. [...]0.

The Jews

Persecuting Christ, mocking, reviling, and crucifying him.

Such yet was his Love and Mercie towards them, that he prayed hisLuk. 23. Father in his passion to forgive them.


Stoned the Prophets, and slew them that were sent unto her, was full of iniquitie and sin: Such yet was Gods mercie towards her, that if one man had been found therein that did execute Judgement,Ier. 5. 1. and seek after the Truth, he would have spared it.Ezek. 22. 30.

And Being foreseen by Christ that it should be destroyed, yea so, as that the enemie should not leave a stone upon a stone: Such was his mercyLuk. 19. 41. towards it, that he wept for it, and gave them forty yeares, to see if they would repent, before it was destroyed by Titus and Vespasian.


Being wroth with his brother, because his deeds were good: being admonishedGen. 3. from heaven to take heed of sinning, regarded not the word of the Lord, but slew his brother, denying, being demanded1 Ioh. 3. [...]2. of the Lord, that he knew what was become of him.

Such yet was Gods mercie towards him, as that he spared his life, ha­ving for his [...]act deserved present death, accusing God to have [...]aidChap. 4. 24. more on him then he could beare, his punishment was but such as that wicked Lamech boasted of Gods sufferance towards him.


Speaking against Moses, became leprous.

Such yet was Gods mercie that Moses no sooner intreated God, but sheNumb. 12. was cleansed.


Was a sinfull woman possessed with seven devils.

Such yet was Christs compassion, that he cast them all out, and madeLuk. 8. 2. her the first witnesse of his Resurrection.Ioh. [...]0. 14.


Excused himself three times to the Lord, as one unwilling to go toExod. 3. 11. Pharaoh, as the Lord commanded him: neglected to circumciseChap. 4. 10. his son: impatiently demanded of the Lord, why he had so sentChap. 6. 30. him to Pharaoh &c. complained that the Lord vexed him, and thatChap. 4. 24. he found no favour in his sight. Believed not that God shouldChap. 5. 22. feed the people with flesh, as he had promised, or that he couldNumb. 1 [...]. 11. bring waters out of the rocks, as he had said.Chap. 20. 10.

Such yet was Gods mercie towards him, as that he had eye-sight cleare to behold all the land of Canaan from the top of NeboDeut. 34. mountain: with naturall strength at his end not abated: and so dyed, and was by an Angell buried.


Did evil after the abomination of the Heathen, who worshipped the hoste of Heaven: Caused his sonnes to passe through the fire: gave himself to witchcraft and to Sorcerie, caused the people to do2 King. 21. 2 Chron. 35. more wickedly then the Heathens: Shed much innocent bloud, replenished Jerusalem from corner to corner, making Judah to sin besides his own sinne.

Such yet was Gods mercie towards him being in Captivitie, that he2 Chron. 33. no sooner humbled himselfe for his sinne, but the Lord heard him, and restored him to his KIngdome againe.

A publicane at the receipt of Custome, was by Gods mercie called by
Matth. 9. Luk. 5. Luk. 19.
Christ to be an Apostle, and Zacheus another PUblicane had by Christ Salvation brought unto him.

Did set up a golden image to be worshipped: caused the three chil­dren to be cast into a fiery fornace for not worshipping his image: In his pride boasted of great Babel that the had built: & proudly de­mande,Dan. 3. Chap. 9. 9. Chap. 4. 24. who was that God that could deliver out of his hands, &c.

Such yet was Gods Mercie towards him, that being cast out of his Kingdome to live with the beasts for a time, the Lord at seven yeares end restored him to his kingdome again.Dan. 4.

By the mercie of God was of all the Lepers in Israel cleansed.
2 King. 5.
By the mercie of God had fortie dayes given, and they repentd.
Ionah 2.
The Old World
By the mercie of God had 120. yeares to repent, ere he brought the floud.
Gen. 7.
The Prodigall
Consumed his goods ritously on harlots; yet no sooner returned,
Luke 15.
but that he was by his Father met, embraced, received and enterteyned.
The Patriarchs

Hated Ioseph casting him into a pit; sold him to the Midianites;Gen. 38. Chap. 37. Chap. 34. Chap. 39. perswaded their Father that he was slaine by some wilde beast: Reuben the eldest lay with his fathers Concubine: Iudah with his daughter in law: Simeon and Levi slew the Shechemites, and the rest of their Brethren consented thereunto carrying away their goods.

Such yet was the mercie of God towards them, that hee chose them to be the heads of all the Tribes of Israel.


Heart being hardened, so as he would not let the Israelites depart, ha­vingExod. 8. severall plagues brought on him: Questioning to Moses, Who was the Lord?

Such yet was the mercie of God towards him, as he no sooner said, heChap. 9. Chap. 10. 19. had sinned, requesting Moses to pray for him, but the Lord took away the plagues brought upon him.


Rebuked Christ, foretelsing of his death: denyed him, swore thatMatth. 14. 28. Chap. 26. 56. he knew him not againe and againe.

Such yet was Gods mercie towards him, as that Christ prayed that his faith might not faile him.Luk. 22.


Persecuted the Christians, shutting them up in prison, punished them throughout the Synagogues, compelled them to blaspheme Christ, was a blasphemer, a persecuter, an oppressour; breathed out threat­ningsAct. 22. 4, 19. & 26. 11. Act. 26. 101 1 Tim. 1. 13. Tit. 3. 3. Act. 9. Chap. 8. 3. Chap. 9. 1, 2. Gal. 1. 23. 1 Tim. 1. 16. and slaughters against the Disciples of the Lord; made havock of the Church that followed God; Gave sentence against many that were put to death for the Gospels sake, as also consented to the death of the Martyr Saint Steven.

Such yet was the Mercie of God towards him as that Christ from Heaven called him, converted him, and of a bloudy persecutour, made him a faithfull Preachet.1 Tim. 1. 13, 16.

Publicans and Sinners
By the Mercie of God were permitted to sit and eat with Christ,
Luk. 9. 11. Luk. 15. 2.
though the Pharisees were offended thereat with him: Christ coming to call them.
A common harlot was of all Jericho with hers preserved.
Iosh. 6.
Stole her fathers idols, hid them, made a lie in concealing them: gave
Gen. 30. Chap. 31. Chap. 35.
her handmaid unto her husband: to whom she said, Give me chil­dren, or else I dye: boasted of her evil in giving her handmaid unto her husband, &c. The Lord in mercy yet gave her children, after that she had been a long time barren.
Sodome and Gomorrah

Abounded in fulnesse and idlenesse, burning in lust one with theEzek. 16. other, of which Saint Paul saith, that the men left the naturall use of the women, and man with man wrought filthinesse, so thatRom. 1. 27. their cry went up to Heaven.

Such yet was the mercy of God, that he would goe down and set, if they had done according to the cry that came up unto him, before he would destroy them: As also heard Abrahams request seven times for them, so that if ten righteous persons had been foundGen. 19. therein, the Citie had been spared, and not destroyed.


Had many outlandish women to his wives of nations that God had forbidden the Israelites to take in marriage, to the number of se­ven hundred, with three thousand concubines: his heart was not perfect with God as was David his fathers: He followed Ashte­roih the god of the Zidonians, and Milcom the god of the Amo­rites:1 King. 11. Chap. 12. He wrought wickednesse in the sight of the Lord in building high places for the god of the Zidonians and Ammonites.

Such yet was Gods mercie towards him, that he promised that he would not rent his kingdome from him in his dayes; neither2 Sam. 7. 14. would rent all the kingdome from his son that succeeded him.


Kept company with a whore called Delilab: to whom he revealed where his strength lay, whereby the vow of a Nazarite made by him was broken.

Such yet was Gods mercie towards him, being fallen into the hands of the Philistines, as that he heard his prayer, and increased hisIudg. 16. strength, so as he pulled downe the house on the Philistitues his enemies.


Forsook Christ when he was betrayed: beleeved not that he was risen from death, unlesse it might be on condition, that he mightMatth. 26. 69. put his finger into the prints of his nailes.

Such yet was Gods mercie towards him, that Christ granted the Con­ditionsIoh. 20. 24. made by him, to save him.

The Thiefe
On the Crosse no sooner said, Lord, remember we when thou commest into thy Knogdome: but Christ in mercy answered, This dayshalt
Luk. 23.
thou be with me in Paradise.
The Vineyard
That yeelded not fruit, albeit all was done to it, that could be done, yet the Lord in Mercy would forebeare yet three yeares more, to
Luk. 13.
see if it would bring forth, [...]re he would pluck it up, and destroy it.
The Woman

Taken in adulterie, and brought before Christ by many, who accused her, thereby to have moved Christ to have condemned her.Iohn 8. 3.

In mercy Christ put all her accusers to silence, and sent her away without condemning her.

Beleeved not that his wife should beare a son, as he was told by the Angel of the Lord. And yet God in mercy according to the time appointed, gave him a son called Iohn.
Luke 1.
All Mankinde

Having deserved death and damnation by the fall of Adam. Rom. 8. 32. Ioh. 3. 16. Gal. 3. 13.& 4. 4 1 Tim. 1. 13.1 Iohn 3. 1 Ioh. 4. 9.

Such yet was the unspeakable mercie of God and love towards man, that when nothing could make satisfaction for the sin of Man, he sent his own only Son to dye to tendeem mankind, who also mostTit. 3. 3. willingly in compassion of man took death upon him to save all those that would beleeve in him.Lam. 3. 22.

  • 1. The mercie of God is from his free love towards us; then by no merit.
  • 2. We should not grieve at any calamitie, seeing God hath a care of our miserie.
  • 3. Seeing the name Mercy is given to God, none can be more mercifull then God.
  • [Page 72]4. It should teach us in our calamitie, to flie to no other but to God.
    Iob 33. 27.
  • 5. Our Salvation is to be ascribed to Gods love as the Fountaine of Mercie.
  • 6. Seeing his Mercie is from his Love, we should never despaire in our sinnes; which men would not, if they did but perceive his goodnesse unto them.
  • 1. By his hearing of them before they cry: I will answer, saith the Lord.
    Isai. 65. 24. Ezek. 18. 31, 32.
  • 2. By making [...]s though he saw not the sins of men, that they might amend.
  • 3. By his unwillingnesse in striking: He taketh no pleasure in the death of a sinner.
  • 4. Lastly, seeing his Mercie is but for this life to the pardoning of si [...]s, we ought not to abuse the same by deferring our Repentance: The spring of Repen­tance may be dryed up, the hand of Faith may be withered, the [...]ye of hope blind,
    Isa. 55. 6 [...] H [...]b. 3. 15.
    the foot of Charitie lame: To day hear his voice, and make him thine: Y [...]ster­day is lost, to day may be gotten, but that once gone, and thou with it, when thou art dead and judged, it will be too late.
Ioel 2. 14.
  • God Is a mercifull God, slow to anger, and of great kindenesse, abundant in
    Joel 2. [...]. Exod. 34. 7. Deut. 4. 31. Psal. 86. 14.
    goodnesse, repenting for the evil that he threatneth to bring upon sin­ners that turn unto him.
  • Reade of Gods Love.
  • Reade of Gods Patience.
  • Be ye then mercifull as your Father is mercifull: for he will have Mercie and not
    Rom. 2. 4.
    [...] [...]. [...]. H [...] Matth 9. 13.
Gods mercies
  • Are over all his works shewed to thousands to them that love him.
  • Are reserved for thousands: forgiving transgressions and sins.
  • Are his paths to such as keep his Testimonies, induring for ever.
  • Are everlasting, and reacheth unto the very heavens.
  • Are so great to them that fear him, as the heavens are high above the earth.
  • Are such as he would have no man to perish, but all to repent.
  • Are unspeakable in quickning those that are dead in sins.
  • His wrath indureth but the twinckling of an eye, &c.
Gods mercie appeareth, saying,
  • As far as the East is from the West, so far have I removed thy sins.
  • As a Father hath compassion on his children, so have I on them that fear me.
    Psal 103. 1 [...]. Ezek. 18. 3 [...]. [...] Matth. 12. [...]. Isai▪ [...]. 24. Isai. 49. 15. Ezek. 33. 11.
  • As I live, I desire not the death of the wicked.
  • A bruised Reed will I not break, nor quench the smoaking flax.
  • B [...]fore they call, I will answer; and whilst they speak, I will hear.
  • [...]an a wo [...] forget her child? yet will I not forget thee.
  • Cast away your transgressions, &c. For why will you dye?
  • a little while I have forsaken thee, but with great compassion will I gather thee; for a moment in mine anger I hid my face from thee,
    Isai. 54. 7.
    but with everlasting mercy will I have compassion on thee.
  • I have put away thy transgressions like a cloud, and sins as a mist.
    Isai 44. 2 [...]. Ezek. 18. [...]1.
  • I have no desire that the wicked should die: he shall live, if he return.
  • One say, I have sinned and perverted righteousnesse: God will deliver his s [...]ul from going into the pit, and his life shall see the light. Lo▪ all
    Iob 33. 27, 28, 29.
    these things will God work once or twice with a man (that is, as of­ten as a sinner doth repent) for that the Lord maketh as though he
    Wi [...]d. 11. [...]. [...] 3 [...]. [...].
    saw not the sins of men▪ because they should amend.
  • Oh that there were in you a heart to feare me, and to keep my Comman­dements,
    Deut. 5. 29. Isai. 48. 18. Isai. 1. 16.
    that it might go well with you, and yours.
  • Wash you, make you clean, take away the evil from your works, cease to do evill, &c. though your sins were as crimson, they shall be made white as snow.
  • The mountaines shall remove, and the hils shall fall down, but my mercy
    Isai. 54. 10.
    shall not depart from thee.
  • If plagues come upon thee: if thou return, I will have mercie.
    Deut. 4. Ezek. 18. [...]1. Isai. [...]. 18. A [...] 2▪ [...].
  • If the wicked turn from his sinnes, &c. he shall live.
  • Yet therefore will I wait, that I may have compassion on thee.

It is the Lords mercie that we are not consumed, because his compassionsLam. 3. 2 [...]. 31, 32. Isa. 26. [...]0. Jo [...]l 2. 13 Micah 7. 18, 19▪ 10. faile not: yet let mercies be shewed to the wicked he will not learne Righteous­nesse.

  • [Page 73]Healed corporally, Lame, blinde, lunatique, leprous, &c.
    Matth. 14. 14.
  • He cleanseth leprous men by contagion of sin, by the merits of his death.
  • He clotheth poore needy and men want of help with his grace.
  • He enableth lame men by imperfection: by the strength of Hope.
  • He illuminateth blinde men by ignorance: by the light of Faith.
  • Hee corporally fed the multitude with bread and fishes.
    Matth. 15. 32.
  • He spiritually feedeth Hungerers after Righteousnesse with his Body.
  • He willeth all that are thirstie, to take of him the water of life freely.
  • He stands and knocks, if any will open, he will sup with him.

He knockes

Christ is in
By his
  • Mercies, but they are abused.
  • Words, but they are contemned.
By his
  • Judgements, but they are misconstrued.
  • Motions, but they are choaked.

Who to the unspeakeable Comfort of sinners is found in his

  • Person most excellent,
  • [...]tience most neerlesse,
  • Impo [...]tunity most affectionate,
  • Demand most [...]quall,
  • Promise most liberall,
  • being the Lord of life, then feare not.
  • expecting our amendmēt, then deferre not.
  • waking us out of our sins, then sleepe not.
  • that we should open unto him, then exclude it not.
  • assuring us his favour, then despise it not.

He hath born our infirmities, and carried our sorrowes: He was wounded for our transgressions, and broken for our infirmities; the chastisement of Peace was upon him, with his stripes we are healed.

His Love and Mercie, in a word, was such towards man, as that his pitie was ever pardoning, his wisdome ever teaching: His Liberality ever giving: and his Compassion ever helping. And therefore saith,

Come unto me all ye that are laden, &c. and I will ease you. Matth. 11. 28. Chap. 29. 10. Luk. 19. 10.

I will have mercie not sacrifice: I came to call sinners, &c.

I came to seek and to save that which was lost.

  • Man altered was by sinne from Man to beast:
    Eph. 5. 2.
  • Beasts food is hay: Hay is all mortall flesh:
  • God was made flesh, who lay in manger prest,
  • As hay the bruitish sinner to refresh.
  • Oh happie field, wherein this fodder grew,
  • Whose taste doth us from beasts to men renew.

Isai. 48. 9. Chap. 5 1. 6. Chap. 55. 7. Chap. 57. 16. Chap. 61. 1. Chap. 63. 9 Ier. [...]. 1. Chap. 15. 19. Ch. 24. 7. Lam. 3 31. Ier. 31. 20. Iob 33. 27. 2 Sam. 7. 13 Cha. 9. 1. Exod. 33. 19. Psal. 30. 5. Psal. 94. 18. Psal. 103. 8, 9. Psal. 136. Ioel 2. 12. Luk. 1. 50. Rom. 11. 30. Heb. 13. 5. Ecclus. 35. 19. Deut. 30. 1.

Reade of Gods Patience. Wisdom. 11. 23, [...]4.

A Catalogue of Gods blessings bestowed on divers Godly Persons.

Through the Love of God

Had given

The Righteousnesse of Christ promised unto him.Gen. 3. Chap. 4. Gen. 12. 1. Gen. 13. 1 [...]. Chap. 14. 4. Gen. 17. 6. Chap. [...]4. 1▪ 35. 1 Sam 1. Act 2. Mo [...]ths, Matth. Luk. 21. 15. Act. Act. 18. 24.

And a godly Seth in stead of Abel given

Riches, cattell, silver and gold, as also was promised that Kings should come of him: and that he should be blessed in all that was taken in hand by him.
Samuel: a son according as she prayed him
The Apostles
The Holy Ghost, sent down upon them, accordingly as Christ before his Ascension promised them: as also the gift of healing, and doing of Miracles among men.
Eloquence and mightinesse in the Scriptures, so that he spake servently in the spirit in all good things.
King David
In stead of a sheep-fold a Kingdome, and favour with king
1 Sam. 16. Psal 78. 70. 2 Sam. 22. 29, 35, 40. [...] Chron. 17. 8. Psal. 16. 4. Psal. [...]8. 32. [...] Chron. 17. 8. Dan. 2. Cha 4. Chap. 8. Chap. 5. 12, 29.
A [...]hish: Light for his darknesse: gladnesse for his heart: rejoycing for his tongue: Rest in hope for his flesh, feet like Hindes feet, with valiantnesse in warre: prudencie in matters: strength to gird him, comelinesse of person, and a name like great men.
The understanding of dreames: and by an Angel the re­velation of many hidden things, together with great ho­nour by severall kings.
Had given
Good report of all men: and above all the knowledge of
3 Iohn 12.
the truth of Gods word revealed unto him.
Ravens, an Angel, and a widow in time of famine to re­lieve
1 Kin. 17. 7. Chap. 19. 2 Kings 2. 1 King. 19. 19.
him, in part a sight of God in a vision, and Chariots to carry him from earth to heaven.
The spirit of Elias doubled upon him, so that he became the Lords Prophet of a plough-man.
A son, and that in her old age, called Iohn.
Lak. 1. 1 [...].
The sight of glorious visions upon the chariots of Che­rubims.
Ecclus. 49.
Health, with fifteen years moe unto his daies.
2 Ki. 20. Act. [...]. 18 Ecclus. 44. Gen. 30. 42. Chap. 15. 11. Chap. 26. 12. Gen. 30. 4. Chap. 35. 11. Chap. 32. 24. Gen. 40. Chap 41. Psal. 105. 21. Gen▪ 48. 22. Deut. 34. 9. Iosh. 4. 14. Chap. 6. 27. Chap. 14. 11. Job 11. 10. Ch. [...]4. 32 Chap. 42. 2 Chron 17. Isai. 50. 4. Ier. 39. 8. Psal. 84. 7. Psal. 147. 19. Exod. 15. Chap 16. Luk 2. 26. Revel. 1.
Translation: So that the Lord took him up into heaven.
Possessions of flocks, of Herds, and great store of servants, with a blessing in his seed after him for all Nations, Christ being to come from him.
Increase of much cattell, men-servants, maid-servants, Ca­mels and Asses, with strength in wrestling with an An­gel, so that he got a blessing by prevailing.
Wisdome to expound Pharaohs dreames: Lordship over Pharaobs house and all his substance: obedience from his Princes, and wisdome to teach his Antients, with a portion above his brethren by Iacob given.
The spirit of wisdome, magnificence in the sight of all the people: a fame throughout all the countrey with vali­antnesse in warre to fight the Lords battell from time to time, so as no man could withstand him.
Patience to beare all his afflictions, hope in death, and all his riches at the first lost, doubled at the last.
Riches, honours, and a Kingdome stablished.
The tongue of the Learned, to comfort the wearied.
Favour with Nebuchadnozzar, by whom he was relieved.
The Is­raelites
Strength upon strength to grow in Gods Word, Statutes and Judgements shewed them before all other Nations among them, as also his Presence to go before them, with Manna from heaven.
John Baptist
The Holy Ghost from his mothers womb to fill him.
John Divine
In the Isle Patmos by an Angel the Revelation.
Flocks, herds of cattell, and Tents in abundance: So that the land could not beare him and Abraham togeth [...]r in­habiting
Gen. 13.
without their Herdsmens contention.
An Angel to carry him into Abrahams bosome.
Luk. 16. Exod. 2. Act. 7. 22. Deut. 34. 7. &c. Esth. 10. Luk. 1. 30. Gen 6.
Miraculous preservance at his birth, favour with Pharaohs daughter to preserve his life: with such strength at his death, as that his naturall force was not abated, or eye­sight diminished.
Exaltation: so as he became the second to the King.
Favour with God and man, being blessed above women.
An Ark, when all else perished, to preserve him.
The spirit of prophesie, to foretell things to come.
Ezek. 37. Joel 2. 18. Act. 9. 20. & 13. 9. 2 Cor. 12. 2 Tim. 4. 8. Luk. 22. 32. Ruth 4. 10. Gen. 17. 6. 1 Kin. 4 30. 1 Kin. 3. 12. Chap. 4. 2 Chron. 9. 27. Iudg. 16. Chap. 16. Iudg. 3. Luk. 2. 26. 1 Sam. 2. Ch. 12.
Zeale to execute his Apostleship; Grace to withstand his temptations; The sight of an unspeakeable vision, with a Crown of glorie in Heaven.
The prayer of Christ, that his faith might not fail him.
Favour in the eyes of Boaz, being married to him.
In her old age a son: from whose seed Christ came.
Wisdome, excelling all others: A heart even as the sea­shore, rest on every side, with riches in such abundance, as he gave silver as stones, and Cedars as wilde fig-trees that grow in the vallies.
Strength, so as he slew a thousand Philistines with an Asses Jaw-bone, as also pulled the house on the Philistines.
Courage, so that he slew with a Goad six hundred men.
A Revelation: and the embracing of Christs Person.
Favour with God and man: with freedome of extortion.
[Page 75] Steven
Fulnesse of Faith and power, by which he did great mira­cles
Act. 6. 8.
among men: and at his death saw Christ sit at the right hand of God in Heaven.
Chap 7. Luk 22. Luk. 19. 9. Luk 2. 40, 52. 2 Pet. 1 Cor. 1. 17. 1. 30.
One thief
Faith at the last, by which he attained Salvation.
Salvation by Christ, who brought it unto him.
As he was a man, increase of Wisdome and Stature. Ful­nesse of wisdome, strength in Spirit, the Grace of God, and favour with God and man, who of God is made un­to us Righteousnesse, Wisdome, Sanctification and Re­demption.
The Lord
A Crown for the King: Honor for the great man: strength for the mightie man: wealth for the rich man: know­ledge for the learned man: and peace for the mean man. upholdings for them that fall, and liftings up for them that are down.
‘He openeth his hands, and fils all things living with plenteousnesse.’Psal. 145. 14, 15
‘The Lord will blesse the righteous: with favour will he compasse him as with a shield.’Psal. 5. 12.

Signes of Confirmation given by God to Godly men.

SIgnes have been given by God unto many to confirme them in the Word, how­beitPsal. 86. 17. they were not more ex [...]ellent then the Word.

For a Signe

Had given from God
The tree of Life: Abraham fire from God.
Gen. 3. Cha. 15. Ch. 24. Num 17. Isai. 7. 11. Act. 2. Deut. 28 1 Sam. 17. Iudg. 6. Chap. 7. 2 Ki 20. Iosh. 10 1 Sam. 14. Exo. 13. Nū, 21 Ioh. 1. 33. Ezek. 9. 4. Iohn 5. Exod. 4. Gen. 9. Ioh. 2 [...]. Iosh. 2. Luk. 2. 16. Luk. 2. 26. Matth. 2 2, 9. Luke 1. 10. Psal. 86. 17. Mark 16. 17. Matth. 12. 40.
Abra. Serv.
His Petition granted: Aarons rod budded.
T [...]dings of a virgin that should bear a son.
The Apostles
Fiery Tongues: blessings follow godly men.
The victory over a Beare and a Lion.
A fleece wet, a dream told, and fire out of a stone.
The Sun to go back: Ioshua to stand still.
What he propounded to himself against the Philistines.
The Israelites
Unleavened bread, with a brazen serpent erected.
Iohn Baptist
Notice how to know Christ by the Spirit descended.
Godly men
Marks set on them, thereby to know them.
Diseased men
An Angel to trouble the water at a certain season.
A rod to do Miracles: Noah the Rain-bow.
A draught of Fishes: Rabab a Coard at her window.
The Shepherds
Christ laid in a Cratch, as the Angels told them.
By the Holy Ghost a Revelation given him.
The wise men
A Starre to conduct them to Christ at Bethlehem.
  • Dumbnesse for a time, to help his unbeleeving.
  • Christ Said, That he that beleeved in him should cast out devils in his Name: That as Ionah was in the belly of the Fish three dayes, so should he be in the earths bowels: That many should come in his name, saying, I am Christ, &c. That before his second
    Matth. 14. Luke 2. 34. Ioh. 13. 19. Luke 2. 34. Rom. 4. 11.
    Ioh. 20. 27.
    coming they should hear of wars: That he would destroy the Temple and raise it again: That he was for the rising and fal­ling of many: And received the Signe of Circumcision himself as the seal of the Righteousnesse of Faith which was in him.
  • The Apostles confirmed their works with signes and wonders.
    Mark 16. 20. 2 Cor. 12. 12. Dan. 4. 3.
  • Great are the Signes of the Lord, and mightie are his wonders.

Reade Gen. 21. 27. Chap. 31. 51. Chap. 17. 12. Exod. 3. 2. Numb. 16. 38. Deut. 6. 8. Chap. 18. 22. Iosh. 3. 10. 1 Sam. 2. 34. Chap. 10. 2. Chap 17. 12. 2 Sam. 5. 24. Isai. 20. 3. Chap. 66. 19. Ier. 19. 1, 10. Chap. 24. 1. Chap. 43 10. Chap 44. 22. Chap. 51. 63. Ezek. 4. 12. Chap. 1 [...]. 4. Chap. 20. 12. Chap 24 16. 1 King. 13. 3. 2 King. 13. 18 Chap. 19. [...]9. Amos 8. 2. Matth 26. 48. Numb. 15. 39. Chap. 16. 38. Chap. 17. 10. 2 King. 1 [...]. 18. 1 Cor 14. 22. Psal. 104. 19. Iohn 1. 50 Chap 4. 7. Chap. 24. 27. Iob. 13. 19. Chap. 14. 29. Chap. 16. 4. Iosh. 3. 10. Matth. 14. 28 Chap. [...]6. 4. Ier. 32. 14, 20, 21. Cha 51. 63. Ezek. 12. 18, 19. Chap. 24. 17. Ezek. 7. 23. Psal. 109. 16.Ioh. 2. 19. & 13. 19. Luk. 2. 34.

Titles of Honour given unto the Israelites.

The Israelites were called
  • Children of Abraham,
    2 Chro. 11.
  • Child [...]en of Israel,
    1 Chro. 16.
  • Childrē of the Prophets,
    Act. 3. 25.
  • Children of Zion.
    Ioel 2. 23.
  • A chosen Generation,
    1 Pet. 2. 9.
  • The Congregation of Iacob,
    Deut. 33. 4
  • Anointed,
    Ps. 105. 15
  • B [...]loved,
    Ier. 11. 5.
  • Chiefe treasure,
    Ps. 135. 4.
  • Chosen,
    Isai. 45. 4.
  • Elect,
  • Deare Sonnes,
    Exo. 4. 22.
  • First-borne,
    Id [...]m.
  • First-fruits,
    Ier. 2. 3.
  • Friends,
    Isai. 41. 8.
  • House,
    Num. 12. 7.
  • Inheritance,
    Isa 19. 25
  • Pleasant Childe,
    Ier. 31. 20
  • Servants,
    Isai 41. 8.
  • Vineyard,
    Isai. 5. 7.
  • Witnesses,
    Isai. 43. 10
  • People,
    Exod. 6. 7.
  • An [...]ient People,
    Deut. 7. 6.
  • Holy People,
  • Pr [...]tious People,
    Deut 14. 2.
  • Honourable People,
    Isai. 43. 4.
The Israelites were called
  • A people set at libertie,
    1 Pet. 2. 9.
  • Hebrews of Eber,
    Gen. 10. 21.
  • Israelites of Iacob,
    Gen. 32. 28.
  • Jewes of Iudah,
    2 Cor. 11. 24.
  • A holy Flock,
    Ezek. 36. [...]8.
  • A holy Nation,
    Exod. 19. 6.
  • The house of Israel,
    Ier. 31. 33.
  • A Kingdome of Priests,
    Exod. 19. 6.
  • The lot of Gods Inheritance,
    Deut. 32. 4.
  • The Lords Portion,
  • Naturall branches,
    Rom. 11. 21.
  • Noble Vine,
    Ier. 2. [...]1.
  • The rod of Gods Inheritance,
    Ier. 10. 16.
  • The seed of The Lord,
    Ier. [...]. 9.
  • The seed of Abraham,
    2 Cor. 11. 22.
  • The seed of Israel,
    1 Chron. 16.
  • Sonnes of the living God,
    Hos. 1. 10.
  • The Virgin of Israel,
    Ier. 18. 13.
  • The work of Gods hand,
    Isai. 10. 25.
And they are com­pared unto
  • An Olive tree,
    Rom. 11. 17.
  • A green Olive-tree,
    Ier. 11. 16.
  • A green Fig-tree,
    Hos. 14 9.
  • Trees of Lebanon,
    Hos. 14. 6.
  • Lillies,

These are they whom the Lord chose to be a pretious people unto himselfeDeut. [...]. 6▪ 7. &c. Ez [...]k. 1 [...]. 6▪ &c. above all the people that were on the face of the earth, and that because he loved them, as also for the oath made to Abraham, and the Forefathers of them.

To these people appertained the Adoption, and the Glorie, and the Covenants,Rom. 9. 5. and the giving of the Law, and the Service of God, and the Promises.

From these people are the Fathers: and from them as concerning the flesh, Chap. 9. 6. Ier. 12. 7. Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever, Amen.

Comforts for Repentant sinners: Drawne from Gods mercie to sinners.

Art thou guiltie of

So were
An accusing Conscience for sinne:
Adam and Eve, Gen. 3. [...]. David, 2 Sam. 12. 13. Cha. 24 Iudah, Gen. 38. 23. Iob, Chap. 13. 26. Ionah, Ch. 1. 12. The Patriarchs, Gen. 42. 21. and the Jewes, Act. 2. 37.
Blasphemie, 1 Tim. 1. 1 [...]. 2 Sam. 11. Numb. 20. [...]4. 1 Kin. 13. 1 King. [...]1. Exod. 16▪ 20. 2 Sā. 15. Gal. 2. 13. Gen. 34. Chap. 39. Gen. 12. 31. 1 Sam. 23. Gen. 45. 26. Luk. 11. 18. Gen. 45. 5. Exo. [...]. 9. 1 Cor. 6. 9. N [...]h. 5. Mark 6. 52.
Some of the Corinthians: and were cleansed, 1 Cor. 6. 6.
Lot, Gen. 1 [...]. Noah, Gen. 9. Ʋriah and David,
Disobed [...]ence:
Adam and Eve, Gen. 3. 17. Moses and Aaron, Ionah, Chap. 1. and the Prophet seduced, Paul, Tit. 3. 3. Samson, Judg. 16. 18. Salomon, The children of Israel very often,
David, 2 Sam. 11. 25. Hushai, P [...]ter and Barnaba [...],
The Apostles, Matth. 20. Rachel, and the Patriarchs,
Distrust and Infidelitie:
Adam and Eve, Gen. 3. Abraham and Sarah, Aaron and Moses, Numb. [...]0. with king David, Isaac, Gen. 26. Ioshua, Chap. 7. 7. Iacob, Thomas, Joh. 20. and Zacharias the Priest, Together with the Patriarchs and Israelites.
Some of the Corinthians and Israelites,
Hardnesse of Heart:
Some of the Apostles concerning Christs miracles.
  • Abraham, Josh 24. 2. Aaron, and the Israelites,
    Exod. [...]2. Gen. 31. 1 Cor. 12. 2. 2 Ch. 33. Ge. 40. Exod. 1 [...] Gen. 38. 1 Cor. 5.
  • Salomon, 1 King. 11. Rachel and Manass [...]h,
  • Iacobs houshold, Ioseph and Moses who lived in Egypt with Pharaoh and idolaters,
Lot, Gen. 19. Iudah, and the incestuous man,
[Page 77]Anger and Impatiencie:
Barnabas and Paul, Act. 15. [...]. David. 1 Sam. 25.
Justifying [...]hy self: so was Iob, Chap 33 9. 1 Sam. 17. Gen. 4 [...]. 9. Gen. 27.
Elias, 1 King. 19. Ioseph, Gen. 48. Ionah, Chap. 4. Ieremiah, Chap. 20. 17. Ioshua, Chap. 7. Iob, Ch. [...]. 9. Iames and Iohn▪ Luk. 9. 54. Moses and Patriarchs.
Abraham and Sarah, Gen. 12. David, Ieremiah, Chap. 38. 24. Ioseph and Iac [...]b,
David, Manasseh, Paul, Levi and Simeon,
The Israelites, Exod. 16. Aaron and Miriam,
Numb. 12. Numb. 12. Dan. 4. Matth. 20. Luk. 15. Gen. [...]4. Gen. 44. 2. Gen. 38 Gen. 37. 18. Gen. 34. Matth. [...]7. Col. 3▪ 5. Gen 19. Gen. 9. 21.
Ad [...]m and Eve, Gen. 3. Aaron and Miriam, David, 2 Sam. 24. Hezekiah, 2 Kin. 20. Nebuchadnez. The Apostles, and Zebedeus sonnes, Luk. 9. 46.
The Corinthians, 1 Cor. of riotousnesse the [...]rodigall,
Sland [...]ring:
Adam of God, Gen. 3. 12. Ioseph of his brethren,
David, 2 Sam. 11. 25. Iacob, Gen. [...]7. 15. Ioseph, Iael, Judg 4. 17. Rachel, Gen. 31. 34. Thamar, Levi, Simeon, Gen. 34. and their br [...]thren,
Iacob and Rachel, Gen. 27. Levi and Simeon, The thiefe crucified, and Levi's b [...]eth [...]en,
The Romanes, Rom. 6. 1 [...]. The Col [...]ssians,
Adam and Eve, Gen. 3. 7. David, 2 Sam. 11. Lot, The Israelites, Exod. 32 Salomon, 1 Kin. 11. Noah, Iacob, Ioseph and Hezekiah.
Abraham, Gen. 22. 24. and the adulterous woman,
Iob. 8. Luk. 7. 1 K [...]ng. 11.
David, 2 Sam. 11. Iacob, Gen. 30 Magdalene, Samson, Judg. 16. and king Salomon,
One sin often:
Abraham, David, Iacob, Ioseph, Israelites, Manasseh▪ Peter, Rahab, Lot, Magdalene, Salomon, Samson, and other godly men.
Job 35. [...]9. Ps 78 40▪ Hos 13. [...]. [...] 34▪ 3 [...]. Prov. 24. 16. Matth. [...]2. 31.
Many sinnes:
  • All the Godly mentioned in the book of God.
  • Covered thy sinnes: So did David, till Nathan Proved him.
  • Covered thy sinnes: So did Iob, till God spake to him.
    2 Sam. 12. Iob 33. 9.
Hast thou
  • Complained against God, afflicting thee? so did Moses, Iob, Ieremie,
  • Fled from God calling thee? so did Ionab, Adam and Eve,
    Hos. [...]. 13. P [...]il [...]. 12 2 Sam. 16. 1 Tim. 1. 13.
  • Dealt unjustly? so did David in giving Mephib [...]sheths land to Ziba,
  • Persecuted the members of Christ ignorantly? so did Paul,
  • Denyed Christ through frailtie? So did Peter.
  • Been, and art thou in being full of iniquitie? So was Mary Magd [...]lene, and
    Ioh. 20. Ps [...]l. 13 [...]. 4. [...]. [...]. 17. & 43. 14. & 55. 7. Matth. 9. 1 [...].
    yet she was chosen to be the first witnesse of Christs R [...]surr [...]ction.
  • Christ came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
  • Reade Psal. 130. 3, 4. & 145. 8, 9.

Gods Mercie and Justice met together.

Mercie spared
Promising Christ.
Amo [...]i [...]es
Till their fulnesse of sin.
Baals proph.
In their idol [...]try.
Caleb and Ioshua
So that they entred into the land of Canaan.
1 Captain
Sent to take Elias.
Sha [...]rac [...]
From the si [...]e and flame.
In his adulterie.
In the Lions De [...].
D [...]ves
Here on earth living.
Four hundred yeares oppres­sing the Israelites
The first.
born of all Israel.
The godly
By Iebu's counsell.
The Is [...]a [...]lits
About the tents of Abiram.
Io [...]ah
In flying to Tarshish.
By admonishing him.
The Kenites
For their love to Israel.
Lots wi [...]e
From Sodomes destruction.
Justice punished
By turning him out of Para­dise,
Gen. 3 [...] Iosh. 12. 1 Kin. 18.
With small destruction,
Baals proph.
By Elias and Iehu,
All the Israelites
In the wilderness that came out from the Egyptians.
Numb. 14. [...] King. 1. Dan. [...]. 2 Sam. 11. Dan 6. Luk. 16. Gen. 15 13. Exo 4. & 5. &c. Exod. 1 [...]. 2 King. 10. Numb. 16. Ionah 1. Gen. 4. 1 Sā. 15. Jer. 29. [...]0. Gen. 19.
2 captains
With their fifties.
The men
With fire that bound them,
The child
Born illegitimately.
The men
That plotted against him.
In hell fire dying.
With severall plagues for their cruelties.
The first-
born of Egypt by an Angel.
The wicked
By Iebu's directions.
By th'earth swallowing him
In the belly of a Sea-fish.
with a curse for murthering.
That lived among them.
Lots wife
for looking back to Sodom [...].
Mercie spared
  • [Page 78]Mordecai From Hamans decree. Haman By his own tree.
    Esth. 7.
  • M [...]phib [...]sh [...]th By Davids favour. His brethren For the sins of their father.
    2 Sam. 21.
  • Nebuchadnezz. One yeare to repent. Nebuchadn. Waxing more insolent.
    Dan. 4.
  • th'old world 120. years space. th'old world By a floud at the last.
    Gen. 7.
  • the Prodigal In his prodigality. the Prodigal With great penurie.
    Luke 15.
  • the Patriarks Sinning against their brother. the Patriarks With conscienc [...] accusing.
    Gen. 42.
  • Pharaohs Butler deluding him. Pharaohs Baker by hanging him.
    Gen. 40.
  • Rahab With her Houshold. Jericho Both young and old.
    Iosh. 6.
  • S [...]dome A long time sinning. Sodome With fire from Heaven.
    Gen. 19.
  • Salomon In his idolatrie. Salomon By raising an adversarie.
    1 Ki. 1 [...]. 1 Sā. [...].
  • Saul Having slain the Gibeonits Saul And his by the Philistines.
    Chap. 31.
  • Shimei A time after his cursing. Shimei With death by Salomon.
    1 King. 11.
  • Absalom and In their rebellion against Absalom and With death; the one by
    2 Sam. 15.
  • Adonijah their Father David. Ad [...]nijah Salomon, th'other by Ioab.
    1 Kin. 2.
  • His vineyard 3. yeares being barren. The owners For not fruits yeelding.
    Luk. 13. 7.

The Lord is he that doth Mercie, Equitie, and Righteousnesse upon the earth, and taketh pleasure Ier. 9. 42. Rom. 11. 11. in such things.

  • Mercie Gave Abraham A son in his old age called Isaac.
    Gen. 21.
  • Justice Commanded Abraham That his said son should be sacrificed.
    Chap. 22.
  • Mercie Willed Lots sonnes in law To depart out of the Citie Sodome.
    Gen. 19.
  • Justice Punished Lots sonnes in law For not departing out of the Citie Sodome.
  • Mercie Gave Moses The sight of all the land of Canaan.
    Deut. 34.
  • Justice Permitted not Moses For his unbeliefe to enter into Canaan.
    Numb. 20.
  • Mercie Willed the Egyptians To returne with their beasts from the fields.
    Exod. 9.
  • Justice Punished the Egyptians That remained with their beasts in the fields.
  • Mercie Gave the Ninevites Fortie dayes to repent of their sinnes.
    Ionah 2 [...]
  • Justice Threatned the Ninevites With destruction not repenting of their sinnes.
  • Mercie Promised Zacharias That his wife should beare him a Sonne.
    Luke 1.
  • Justice Punished Zacharias For not beleeving, so that he was dumb.
  • Mercie Willed the Israelites To offer peace to every Citie at the first.
    Deut. 20. 10.
  • Justice Commanded the Israelites To destroy those Cities refusing it at the last.
  • Mercie Willed A Mark To be set on those that mourned for their sinne.
    Ezek. 9. 4.
  • Justice Caused All such As had not the Mark to be slain.
    Revel. 7. 3.
  • Mercie preacheth The yeare Acceptable of God to mourners comfort.
    Isai. 61. 2.
  • Justice preacheth The day Of Gods vengeance that mourneth not.
  • Mercie sent forth his servants, To call them that were bidden to the wedding.
    Matth. 22.
  • Justice sent forth his souldiers, To destroy them that came not to the wedding.
  • Mercie Saved One thief Of the two crucified with Christ.
    Luke 23.
  • Justice Condemned One thief Of the two crucified with Christ.
  • Mercie will Take One in the Bed: Field and Mill at the latter day.
    Luke 17.
  • Justice will Leave One in the Bed: Field and Mill at the latter day.
  • Mercie will say, Come ye Blessed, At the last in the Judgement day.
    Matth. 25.
  • Justice will say, Depart ye cursed. At the last in the Judgement day.
    Prov. 2 16. 6. Exod. [...]4. Deut. [...]. 9. Psal. 19. 9. 2 P [...]t. 2. [...]. Nahum [...]. 3. Hab. 3. 2. Prov. 11. 21. Matth. 12. Psal. 118. 18. Ier. [...]. 11.
  • The Lord By Mercie and Truth purgeth iniquitie.
  • The Lord Sheweth Mercie to thousand, not making the wicked innocent.
  • The Lord His judgements are true and righteous altogether.
  • Loveth Righteousnesse and Judgement: He is mercifull and just.
  • Mercie and Truth have met together, Righteousnesse and Peace have kissed each other.
    Psal. 33. 5. Psal. 116. 5. Psal. 85. 10. Rom. 11. 33.
  • Unsearchable are the judgements of God, his wayes past finding out.
  • Note. Wheresoever the Justice of God appeareth, there also he sheweth his Mercie; in that while he punish [...]th the Disobedience of one, he sheweth Mercie alwayes to the other. Reade Ecclus. 5. 6. Chap. 16. 11. Prov. 3. 3. Chap. 16. 6. Chap. 21. 21.

A Catalogue of Gods blessings prepared for all Godly Persons.

The Lord hath prepared for the Godly
Of all things, and of Grace by Christ, with all things that
Deut. [...]8. Rom. 5. 7. Cha. 8. 28. Psal 91. 11. Ps. 34. 7. Isai. 40▪ 10. Mal. 3. 16. Gen. 12. 3.
shall befall them, in the end to turn to the best.
To keep them, and to camp round about them.
An Arme
To rule for them: A book of remembrance to write them in.
  • For them that blesse them, curses for them that curse them;
  • Blessings in the citie, in the field, in the fruit of their bo­die and cattell; for their kine, flocks of sheep, basket and
    Deut. 7. 13. Deut. 28. 3.
    store, as well from the Heavens above as from the depths beneath, both in their going out and coming in, and for all that shall be taken in hand by them.
    Gen. 49. 25. Prov. 10. 6. Chap. 3. 33. Psal. 112. 2. Psal. 109. 18. I [...] 36. 11. Isai. 61. 3. Dan. 12. 1. P [...]l. 4. 3. [...]ev. 26. Job 29. 6. P [...]l. 27. [...]. Psal. 56. 8.
For their Head and Habitation, and for their generations, as also to poure on them, when the wicked and ungodly curse and speake evill of them, with blessed ends for all the posteritie of them.
For Ashes: and oile of joy for Mourning.
Of life to register, and write their names in.
In plentifulnesse, and Butter of kine to give them.
And Considence: so that nothing shall feare them.
To put their teares in, and a register to write them.
Made of pretious stones (to wit) Carbuncles and Saphites, for the foundation: Emeraulds, Jasper, and Berill for the windowes, with shining pleasant stones for the gates
Isai 54. 11.
and borders; (that is to say) God will turn their deeps of Sorrows into Seas of Comfort, their bitter teares into spirituall triumphs, their former horrours into heavenly joyes.
To set round about their tables, with childrens children.
Psal. 128. 1 Cor. 1. 30. Rom. 8. 32. D [...]ut. 30. 6. Zeph. 9. 17. 2 Cor. [...] 4. Pr. 28. 1. P [...]al. 140. 7. Pr [...]. 2 10. Jer. 17. 6▪ 2 [...]im. 4. 8. Gē. 27. 28 Luk. 2. 26.
Who was made unto them Righteousnesse, Wisdome, San­ctification and Redemption, with Life everlasting.
For their hearts: and corn and wine to cheare them.
In tribulation, and Conscience bold as a Lion.
In battell: and heat for their heads and in storms.
To guide them: Cups of Consolation to drink for them.
Of Right [...]ousnesse in Heaven: with the dew of H [...]aven.
In peace for their Soules with blessed Simeon.
To free them from men speaking proud words, from wicked men, from strange women, from the snare of the hunter,
Psal. 91. 3.
and noisome pestilence, from waters, flouds, flames, and from all troubles: so that nothing shall be able to harme
Isai. 43. 2.
Of pleasure: dwellings in safetie, and eatings in plentie.
P [...]al. 3 [...]. 8. I [...]. [...]3. 16. [...]. 2. 26. [...]xod. 19. 4. P [...]al. 25. 13. Psa. 18. 6. & 112. 8. Numb. 6. 25. Exo [...]. 2 [...] 27. Act. [...] 9. 1 P [...]t. 1. 9. Exo. 11. 3. Psa. 5. 11. Psal 36. 8. & 115. 14. [...]ai. 25. 6. 1 Ioh. 3. 3.
Wings to carrie them: The earth to possesse for them.
For their steps: and establishments for their hearts.
His Face
To shine upon them: his feare to goe before them.
To purifie their hearts: and in Christ to save them.
In the eyes of all men: and favour to compasse them.
Of his House: and his grace to satisfie them.
And fellowship with himselfe, and Christ his Son.
To cast on their enemies, so that one of them shall chase
I [...]sh. 23. 1 [...]. [...]. 2 [...]. 8. D [...]l 11. 25.
a thousand, and an hundred ten thousand, so that none shall stand before them.
Of Gladnesse, fruitfull seasons, with other fruitfulnesse.
Act. 14. 17. Psal. 12▪ [...] Ex [...]. 2 [...]. 2 [...]. [...]. 58. 11.
Of dayes of joy, and for the drought of their souls: with hearts desire, and of all other good things.
Of white raiments to clothe them: Badgers-skins to shooe them, girdles of fine linnen, and silk to cover them, orna­ments
Ezek. 16. 10, 11.
to deck them, bracelets for their hands, chaines for their necks, eare-rings for their eares, and a most beautifull Crown for their heads.
G [...]rments
Of Salvation and of Gladnesse to cover them.
[...]. 61. 1 [...]. [...]. 30. 29. R [...]v. 3. 18. Is [...]i. 60. 17. Is [...]l. 58. 19. Psal. 23. 5.
In stead of dust and brasse, silver for iron.
Good report
In Name and Goodnesse in their life to follow them.
The Gospel
Of peace to preach to them, & good tidings to satisfie them.
Matth. 11. 5. Psal. 1 [...] 5. Psal. 2 [...]. 9.
In executing of Justice, to direct them.
The Lord hath prepared for the Godly
  • [Page 80]Himselfe To be enemie to their enemies, to conduct them through
    Exod. 23. 22. Isai. 43. 2. & 46. 4. Lev. 26. 18. Eph. 4 [...].
    the waters, to be with them till old age and gray haires, to walk amongst them, with his holy Spirit to comfort them.
  • Health Growing speedily: Healings for their hearts broken.
    Deut. [...]. 6. P [...]al. 43. 7.
  • Hearts Of flesh for stony hearts, cleane hearts, sound hearts, with
    Jer. 24. 7. Psal. 51. 10. Ezek. 36. 16.
    hearts desire to give them: and new spirits to renue in them.
  • Hearing For the deafe: fight for the blinde, leapings for the lame,
    Isai 42. 16. Chap. 33 5, 6.
    and tongue for such as be dumb among them.
  • Hidings Under his hand, in his Quiver, in his Pavision, in his Ta­bernacle,
    Isai. 49. [...]. Psal. 27. 5.
    in trouble and tribulation.
  • Honey Out of the Rock to eat, and hope to rest in.
    P [...]al. 81. 1 [...]. P [...] [...] 19. Psal, [...] [...]. [...] [...].
  • Honour And Inheritances that never shall have ending.
  • Joy To fill their lips and heart: joy in stead of mourning, and
    Joh 8. 21. Psal 4. 7.
    joy in Christ without ending.
    Psal. [...]. 11. Ioh. 1 [...]. 11. Ch [...]. 6. 22.
  • The Issu Of every temptation that shall be fall them.
    P [...]al. [...]. 11. I [...]h. 15. 11. Ch [...] 6. [...].
  • Kindnesse And mercie to compasle, and to follow them.
    1 Co [...]. 10. 13. Psal. [...] 10. Psal. 2 [...]. 6.
  • Lands And Inheritances of safetie to dwell in.
    Levil. 2 [...]. 18. Psal. [...]5. [...]. Psal. [...].
  • The labour Of their own hands to give food unto them.
  • Lawes Of his to write in their hearts, and inward parts.
  • Knowledge Out of his own secrets, and of the secrets of his kingdome
    Jer. 3 [...]. [...]. Psal. 25 14.
    to reveale unto them.
  • The Lambs Supper: and Love, with loving kindnesse to crown them.
    Luk. 8. 10. R [...]v. 19 9. Psal. [...]. 4 [...]. 5. 9
  • Light Out of darknesse, and obscure places to give them.
    Psal. 12. 4. I [...]. 58 8. Psal. [...]. 11.
  • Light Of his Countenance to lift up upon them.
  • Laughter For their mouth, and joy for their tongue.
    Psal. 126. 21. P [...]al. 91. 16 Ez [...]k. [...]. 4.
  • Long life Therewith to satisfie them: and marks to know them.
  • Mercie To follow them, with compassion to crown them, to com­passe
    Psal. 102. 4. P [...]al. 2 [...]. 4. P [...]al. 32. 1 [...]. Psal. [...]. 2. [...]. [...]8. 19.
    them, and for everlasting.
  • Mightinesse On earth for their seed, memoriall for their names.
  • Mirth For their hearts: and mountains to bring peace.
  • Mouthes Yea, such as none shall be able to gain-say them.
    Act. 14. 17. Psal. 62. 5. Luk. 22. 1 [...]. 1 C [...]. 17 [...]. [...] [...] Is [...] 4 [...]. 16. [...] Rev. [...] [...].
  • Names Of Greatnesse to give them: as also hath their names gra­ven on his hands, written in Heaven, and in the book of life remaining.
  • One Heart To give them: and old store in plentie for them.
    Jer. 32. 3 [...]. L [...]v. 2 [...]. [...]. Psal. 37. 2. [...] [...].
  • Order [...]ngs For their steps: with paths of Righteousnesse to walk in.
  • Oile Out of the Rock, oile to make them a joyfull countenance,
    Deut. 32 13. Psal. 104 15. Psal. 61. [...]. [...] [...]. [...].
    oile of joy for mourning, and oil to anoint them.
  • Peace In their land: peace passing understanding: peace with
    Lev. 26. 6. Joh 5. 2 [...]. Joh. 14. 27. Psal. [...]2. 7. Psal. 14 [...]. 14. Psal. [...]. [...]7. R [...]m. 14. 7.
    the beasts of the field, and in their Taberna [...]les, peace from Christ externall and internall, so long as the Sun and Moon endureth: peace for their bodies, and ends with peace in the Holy Ghost.
  • People That shall serve them, and bow to them.
    Gen. [...]8. 15. Jer. 3. 15. 2 Pet. [...]. 4. Joh 14. 26. Psal. [...]6. 12.
  • Pastours To feed them with Knowledge and Understanding.
  • Partaker-ship Of the Divine Nature, that is, Salvation.
  • Places Of wealth to dwell in: and places above other men.
  • Plentie To lend, so that they shall not borrow of any.
    Joh 22 25. Psal. [...]. 19. D [...]. [...]. 9.
  • Plentifulnesse For the labour of their hands: and fruit of body.
  • Perfection For their wayes, and pleasures continually.
    Psal. 18. 32. Psal. [...]6. 11. Is [...]i 4 [...]29.
  • Power For such as faint, and strength for the weake.
  • Preservation In all danges, times, and seasons, to protect them.
  • Praching Of his word, as the only ordinary meanes of save them.
    Psal. 121. 8. 1 Cor. 1. 21. Mal. 2. 7. Jam. 5. 15. Prov. 15 8. H [...]. 7. 2 [...].
  • The Priests Lips, as a meanes to preserve knowledge among them.
  • The Prayers Each of other to help them: and Christ himselfe now in heaven to make Intercession for them.
  • Prosperous Successe for all that shall be taken in hand by them.
  • Prosperitie For all their affaires, and Protection in all seasons.
    Psat. [...]. 3. Josh. 1. 7. Psal. 121. 8. I [...]. [...]6. 4. [...] 2 2 [...]. Iosh. 2 [...] 44. [...]. 6. 16. Psal. 132. 9. Isai 41. 18. A [...]. 11. 18. Eph [...]. [...]. [...]. Joh 8. 21. Psal. 18. 20.
  • Rain In due season, and raine of Righteousnesse to give them.
  • Rest For the land about them, and rest in heaven for them.
  • Righteousness And Salvation to clothe the Priests among them.
  • Rivers In tops of Hils, and Fountains in vallies.
  • Repentance Unto life, and Redemption through Christ Jesus.
  • Rejoycing For their lips: rewards according to their Righteousnesse.
  • [Page 81]Riches To garnish them: Rods and Staves to comfort them.
    Psal. 112. 3. Psal. 23. 4. Psal. 149 4.
  • Salvation To beautifie them: Sanctification for the bodies of them.
  • Safetie To dwell in: and Securitie at all times for them.
    Lev. 20. 8. L [...]vit. 26. 6. Ioh 5. [...]1.
  • Seed As the Sands in number for their generation
  • Shadow Of his own hand: and sleep without feare to keep them.
    Joh 5. 25. Isa [...]. [...]1. 16. L [...]v. 16. 6. Psal. 40. 3. Psal. 32. 7.
  • Songs Of praise, and of deliverance to compasse them.
    Ezek. 36. 26. Psal. 51. 10.
  • His Spirit To dwell in them, to powre on them, and in prayer to help
    Rom. 8. 9. Isai. 44. 3. Z [...]h. 1 [...]. 10.
    them with the Spirit of Grace and Supplication.
  • The Spirit Of truth to lead them, of Adoption, of Power, of Love, of a
    Rom. 8. 15. 2 Tim. 1. 7. 1 Th [...]. 5. 9.
    sound minde, and of Salvation.
  • Stabilitie For their times: and stablenesse for their hearts.
    Psal. 33. 6. Psal. 132. 9. Psal. 23. 4. Isai 45. 31. Psal. 91. 4.
  • Tables In the midst of their enemies, treasures in darknesse.
  • Truth To be a shield and buckler to defend them.
  • The Voice Of the Bridegroome, and Bride, joy and gladnesse.
    Jer. 33. 11. [...]ica [...] 4. 4. Psal. 104. 15.
  • The Vine To sit under; and Wine to comfort them.
  • Wings Of his own at all times to shadow them.
    Psal. 91. 4. Isai. 40. 31. Isai. 25. 8.
  • Walking Without wearinesse; and wipings for their teares.
  • Women That are godly for wives to give unto them.
    Ecclus 26. Psal. 37. 3 [...]. 1 Ki. 3. 12. Isai. [...]. 6.
  • Wisdome For their mouth, for their hearts, for the stablishment of their times; yea, such as that none shall be able to resist
    Luk. 21. 15.
  • Words Of his to put into their mouthes: and his word to be a
    Isai. 51. 16.
    Lanthorne unto their feet, and a light to their pathes, to walk in, as also to lead them, when they walke, watch for
    Psal. 119. 105.
    them when they sleep, and talke with them when they wake.
    Prov. 6. 22.
  • Spirituall Ar­mour To withstand all temptation; (to wit) the girdle of Veri­tio for their loynes, the brest-plate of righteousnesse, the
    Ephes. 6. 15.
    preparation of the Gospel of peace, the Helmet of Sal­vation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.
  • The fruits of the Spirit Faith, Gentlenesse, Goodnesse, Love unfained, Meeknesse,
    Gal. 5. 22. [...] Ephes. 5. 9. 1 Tim. 6. 11.
    Temperance, Patience, Long-suffering, Righteousnesse, Godlinesse, and such, &c.
And in the world to come Heaven.
  • Heaven Where there shall be such joy as the eye hath not seen, the
    1 Pet. 1. 4.
    [...]are hath not heard, neither can, enter into mans heart: Which the Lord grant us.
Thus shall the man be blessed that search the Lord.
Psal. 138. 4. Psal. 31. 19. Ier. 3 [...]. 41. Psa. 84. 1 [...]. & 37. 22 Luk. 10. 22.

The Lord hath laid up great goodnesse for them that feare him, and delighteth to doe them good: He will give Grace and Glorie, and no good thing will he with-hold from them that walk uprightly.

Let them then rejoyce whose Names are written in Heaven.

Reade Ier. 32. 41. Psal. 68. 19. Psal. 71. 15.

Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the GodPsal. 68. 19. Ephes. 1. 3. of our Salvation.

  • Multiplying and Increase for their Cattell,
    Deut. 28.
  • Multiplying and Increase for their Land,
    Lev. 25 19
  • Multiplying and Increase for their Trees,
    Ch [...]. 16. 4.
  • Multiplying and Increase for their Seeds,
    Gen. 26. 12.
  • Multiplying and Increase for their Vines,
    Ioel 2. 22.
  • Multiplying and Increase for their Fig-trees,
    Zech 8. 12
  • Multiplying and Increase for their Ground,
    2 Cor. 9. 10
  • Strength for their Oxen,
    Ps. 144. 14
  • Waters for their Grounds,
    Isai 43. 3.
  • Prosperitie for their Habitatiōs,
    Ioh 8. 6. Isai. [...]. 8. [...] Isai. 32. 18.
  • Peace for their Borders,
  • Mirtle-trees, and Firre-trees
    Isai. 55. 13.
    in stead of Briers and Thornes.
    Micah 4.
  • Graines of Wheat.
    Deut. 32. 14. Psal. 147. 14.
  • Floure of Wheat.
  • Floore-fuls of Wheat.
  • Fat-fuls of Wine.
    Ioel 2. 24.
  • Theresh­ing and Vintage, untill Vintage and sowing time
    Lev. 26. 5.
    Amos 9. 13.

The Lord visiteth the earth, and watereth it, he greatly inricheth it with the riverPsal. 65. 9. of God, which is full of water.

He prepareth corn, when he hath so proyided for it.Prov. [...]0. 22. 1 Ch [...]n. 17. 27.

The Blessing of the Lord it maketh rich, and he adde [...]h no sorrow with it. Ezek. 36. 30.

He blesseth, and it shall be blessed for ever.

Psal. 144. 12. Psal. 68. 1 [...]. Psal. 85. 12.

A Description of a Blessed Man.

BLessednesse consiseth not in man himselfe, nor in any other created thing, but only in God the Creatour, who alone being infinite, is only turly blessed, being not only the cause of blessed felicitie, but also Blessednesse it selfe. Again, Blessednesse is to be free from all evil, and to abound with all good things. And is the Alpha and Omega of man, the beginning of Nature, and the end of Grace.

There is a Blessing of

There are five kindes of Blessings:
  • 1. Procreation: Such was The gift of Children spoken of by David: Thou shalt see thy childrens children.
    Psal. 128. 3.
  • 2. Protection: Such was That was likewise spoken of by David, say­ing, Thou wilt compasse him as with a shield.
    Psal. 5. 12.
  • 3. Prosperitie: Such was Obed-Edmos so long as the Arke of the Lord remained with him.
    1 Chron. 13. 14.
  • 4. Plentie: Such was That which David spake of, saying, Thou crow­nedst the yeare with thy goodnesse.
    Psal. 65. 11.
  • 5. Blessings: Such was Spoken of by Christ, and shall be spoken again, saying, Come ye blessed my Father.
    Matth. 25. 34.
Blessed is the man that
  • Blesseth those that are the Children of Light.
    Gen. 12. 3. Nū. 24. 9.
  • Condemneth not himselfe in the things that he alloweth.
    Rom. 14. 22.
  • Calleth and inviteth the poore and maimed to his feasts.
    Luke 4. 13.
  • Dwelleth in the Tabernacles of God, praising him in his House.
    Psal. 84. 4. R [...]vil. 14. 12. Luke 14. 15.
  • Dyeth in the Lord: and that eateth in the Kingdome of Heaven.
  • Doth Gods Commands: delighting in them to fulfill them.
    Rev. 2 [...]. 14. Ps. 112. 1.
  • Feareth alwayes, induring temptation, and finding wisdome.
    Jā. 1. 12. Pro. 28. 14.
  • Hath Mercie on the Members of Christ, the God of Iacob for his help, his
    Matth. 5. 7. Psal. 32. 1. & 146. 5. Rom. 4. 7. R [...]vil. 20 6. Luke 11. 28. P [...]v. 8. 33.
    sins forgiven, and that hath no guile, and hath his part in the first Resurrection in the day of Judgement.
  • Heareth the Word of God, and that keepeth the same.
  • Hath not seen Christ bodily, and yet beleeves in him.
    Joh. 20. 29.
  • Hungreth and thirfteth after Righteousnesse to be given.
    Matth. 3. 6. Psal. 41. 1. Psal. 56. 1.
  • Judgeth wisely of the poor: and that keepeth Judgement.
  • Keepeth, and that readeth the Mysterie of the Revelation.
    Rev. 1. Chap. 22.
  • Lendeth his money freely, and that without usuire and gain.
    Deut. 23. 10. Psal. 40. 4. Psal. 65. 4.
  • Maketh the Lord his trust: not regarding the proud man.
  • The Lord chuseth, and that he shall find watching.
    Luk 12. 43.
  • Obeyeth the voice of the Lord, and that in every thing.
    Deut. 28. 1.
  • Polluteth not the Sabbath of the Lord, but sanctifieth the same.
    Isai. 56. 2. Matth. 5. 10. Psal. 119. 2.
  • Suffereth porsecution for Righteousnesse sake: and that seeketh God.
  • Selleth his corn: and that putteth his trust in the Lord.
    Prov. 11. 26. Chap. 16. 20.
  • Stayeth on the Lord, and that by patiently abiding.
    Isai. 20. 18. Psal. 1. R [...]vil. 16. 15. Ri [...]. [...]. [...]. [...] 19. 9. [...] 2 [...] 6. [...] 22. 4.
  • Walketh not in the counsell of the wicked men.
  • Watcheth and keepeth his Garments, not being naked.
  • Is Called to the Marriage of the Lamb, and to his Supper.
    Revel. 19. 9.
  • Is Evill spoken of for the Name of Christ Jesus.
    1 Pet. 4. 14.
  • Is Poore in Spirit, that mourneth and is meeke.
    Matth. 5.
  • Is Pure in Heart: and that is a Peace-maker.
    Matth. 5.
  • Is Not offended in Christ: that is a doeros well as an hearer.
    Matth. 11. 6.
  • Walketh in the Law of the Lord his God.
    Psal. 119. 1.
  • Rejoyceth in adversitie, Following the Example of Paul.
    2 Cor. 11. 30.
  • Beareth crosses patiently, Following the Example of Iob.
    Iob 1.
  • Laments his sinnes sorrowfully, Following the Example of Pet [...]r.
    Luk. 22. 62.
  • In Minde Thinketh Nothing contrarie to Gods Will.
  • In Will Coveteth Nothing contrarie to Gods Will.
    1 Thes. 5. 3.
  • In Bodie Executeth Nothing contrarie to Gods Will.
    Psal. 32. 1, 2.
  • Blessed is the man that is not condemned in his Conscience, and that is not fallen from his hope in the Lord.
    Ecclus. 14. 2.
  • God blessed All Creatures, Gen. 1. Adam, Ch. 2. Abraham, Ch. 12. Ishmael, Ch. 26.
  • God blessed Isaac, Cha. 26. Iacob, Cha. 32. Ioseph, Chap. 40. The Israelites.
    Deut. 27.
  • God blessed Noah, Gen. 9. Laban, Chap. 30. Obed-Edom. 2 Sam. 6. Egypt.
    Gen. 39.
  • God blessed Ioh's last dayes, Ioh 42. The seventh day, Exod. 20. Free-lenders:
    Deut. 23. 10.
    and man and wife.
    Gen. 1. 28.
  • [Page 83]Christ Blessed The Apostles, luk. 24. 50. and little Children,
    Psal. 33. 12. & 34. 8.
    Mark 10. 16. Luke 1. 18. Gen. 9. Exo. 39 Lev. [...]. Gen. 47 & 49. Iosh. 22. 1 Sa. 2. 1 Ki. 8. 2 Sa. 6. 1 Chr. 10. Luk. 2. & 1.
  • An Angel Blessed Iacob, Gen. [...]2. Iael, Judg. 5. 24. and Mary,
  • Melchizedck Blessed Abraham, Gen. 14. Noah. Shem and Iopheth,
  • Isaac Blessed Iacoh and Esan, Gen. 27. Moses and Aaron, the people,
  • Iacoh Blessed Phar [...]oh, Gen. Ioseph and his Children,
  • Ioshus Blessed Caleh, Josh. 14. The Reubenites and Gadites.
  • Boaz & Elders Blessed Ruth, Chap. 3. Eli Elkanah: Salomon the Congregation.
  • King David Blessed Abigail, 1 Sam. 25. the people and his Houshold,
  • Simeon Blessed Ioseph and Mary: and Elizabeth Mary,
  • All they which are of faith are blessed with faithfull Abraham.
    Gal. 3. 9. Prov. 10. 22. Rom. 12. 14. Numb. 24. 9.
  • The blessing of the Lord maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow to it.
  • Blesse them that persecute you, blesse and curse not, (saith Christ,)
  • Blessed is he that blesseth the Godly, Reade Deut. 24 Tob. 7. Iudeth 13.

Gods Justice Mans sinne punished: As well of the Godly as of the wicked.

IUstice in God is Gods constant will, whereby he recompenseth Men and An­gelsEphes. 1. 11. Rom. 2. 5. 2 Tim. 4. 8. Deut. 7. 10. Rom. 9. 15. Ezck. 16. 16. according to their works; punishing the impenitent according to their de­setts, called the Justice of his wrath; and rewarding the Faithfull according to his Promises, called the Justice of his Grace, being truly and most perfectly Just; in that he is an upright Judge, whose will is the rule of all Justice.

Now the fearfull Examples of the Justice of God against sinne, do shew how grievous and fearfull it is to sinne against him: but especially his justice against Adam, how great was it? that for one disobedience of his, all mankinde should be cast into so great miseries both of soul and bodie, that all men should be borne the children of wrath, and judged to eternall punishment (except they were deliveredEph. 2. 3. by Christ;) yea, every Creature is made subject to vanite, not of it owne accord, but by reason of the sinne of Adam.

Also how great was that justice of God, when he destroyed all the world with2 Pet. 2. [...]. a floud, winding all in the same destruction, both small and great; yea, the very Sucklings (excepting those few of the Familie of Noah) whom he in his Mercie preserved alive in the Arke.

But of all other justice of God, the fearfull Example of his justice against sin was that, whean as God to punish our sinnes delivered up to death his own only Son, and dearely beloved Son begotten of his owne substance very God: and in regard of his flesh, conceived by the Holy Ghost, that he should be afflicted, tor­mented and slain, to omit his infinite perplexities, and most bitter torment, so un­measurably, that being brought, as it were, to Hell gates, cryed out, My God, my Matth. 17. 46. God, why hast thou for saken me? For what was this else, but as if God being an­gry with himselfe for our sinnes, should turne the edge of his anger upon himselfe, and to have taken punishment on himselfe, to have left no one kinde of torment wherewith he had not a afflicted himselfe: in one word, to have cast out the whole viall of his wrath and fury, which he had conceived by the sinners of all men, which have been, are, or shall be, upon his own selfe? for the Apostle saith plain­ly, God suffered, and that he dyed, and that he redeemed the Church with his owne bloud.Act. 20. 28.

Object. Seeing Christ suffered the eternall punishment for sin, why doth God punish the Godly that sin against him?

Answ. Christ suffered indeed the eternall punishment satisfactorie to Gods justice for sin, man only suffereth the temporall chastisement for sin.

For sinne
  • The Angel [...] which kept not their first place are reserved in everlasting
    Iude 6. 2 Pet. 2.
    chaines under darknesse unto judgement.
  • Adam and Eve Eating the forbidden fruit, became naked in hodie, were thrust out of Paradise, the one to [...]ll the ground, the
    Gen. 3.
    other to bring forth in sorrow.
  • Achan taking execrable things forbidden by the Lord, was with all his sto­ned
    Iosh. 7.
    to death, and all that he had burned.
  • Aaron not beleeving ent [...]ed not into the land of Can [...]an.
    Num. 20.
  • Ahab the son of Kolaiah, and Zedekiah the son of Ma [...]seiah prophesying lies in Gods Name were destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon.
    Ier. 29. 21.
  • Abraham taking Hagar had a mocking Ishmael by her.
    Gen. 16.
For sinne
King Abimelech
taking Abrahams wife unto him, his wife with all other the
Gen. 20.
women were made ba [...]ren.
Absalom and Adonijah
Aspiring to take their Father Davids KIngdome:
2 Sam. 18.
Absalom and Adonijah
The one, to wit Absalom, was hanged; the other by King Salo­mon was unto death adjudged.
1 King. 1.
Ahab and Iezebel
Causing Naboth to be slain, and his vineyard to be taken from
1 King. 21. Chap. 22. 37. 2 King. 9. 2 King 1. Amos 7.
him: the one was slain at Ramoth-Gilead: the other was by Iehu with horses to death trampled.
seeking to strange gods to be healed in his sicknesse, dyed.
Accusing Amos safely, his wife became a hariot; his sonnes and daughters were slain, and he himselfe dyed, according to Gods word, in a land polluted.

Ahithophel himself hanged, seeing his Counsell not regarded.2 Sam. 17.

The Aramites
Saying that God was the God of the mountaines only, were slain by the Israelites to the number of one hundred thou.
1 King. 19. 35.
sand footmen, the rest flying a wall fell on them.

The Assycians, with other dwelling in Samaria, not fearing God, were by Lions slain, as a judgement sent upon them.2 King. 17.

The amalekites fighting against Israel in the wildernesse, the Lord fromExod. 17. 14. under Heaven did put out their remembrance.

Ananias and Saphira
  • Making a Lye to the Holy Ghost in keeping back part of the mo­ney made of their possession, they were both by the Apostles
    Act. 5.
    with death suddenly strucken.
  • Balaam giving wicked counsell to Israel to sin was slain.
    Revel. 2. 24. 2 P [...]t. 2. 15. 1 King. 18.
  • Baals prophets prophesying lyes were by Elias and lebu slain.
    2 King. 10.
  • Benjamites abusing a Levites wife, twentie five thousand were slain.
    Judg. 20.
  • Bethshemites looking into the Ark of God, fiftie thousand were slain.
    1 Sam. 6.
  • Abusing the vessels of the Temple of the Lord by drinking in them, saw a hand-writing on the wall, at which his coun­tenance
    Dan. 5.
    changed, and all his members trembled.
  • Cham discovering his Fathers nakednesse was by him cursed.
    Gen. 9. 25.
  • Two Captains of three sent to take Elias were with fire consumed.
    1 King. 1.
  • Corah and his Companie rebelling were in the earth swallowed.
    Numb. 16.
King Da­vid
  • Taking Ʋriahs wife: Absalom his son lay with his Concubines:
    2 Sam. 11. Cha. 12. & 13. Chap. 18. 9. 1 King. 2. 4. 2 Sam. 24.
    for causing Ʋriah to be made drunken, and to be slaine, his son born in adulterie, and three other of his sons were slain, ac­cording to his owne word unto Nathan: and for numbring his people, seventie thousand of them were slaine by an Angel.
  • Daniels accusers intending evil to him, were cast into the den.
    Dan. 6.
  • Dives being unmercifull to Lazarus: is now in hell torments.
    Luk. 16.
  • Er and Onan were both suddenly slain, after their wickednesse.
    Gen. 38.
Eli the Priest and Hophni and Phinehas
  • His sons doing wickedly: The priesthood was taken from
    1 Sam. 2. Chap. 4. 1 King. 11. 1 King. 16. Esh. 2. Act. 13. 11. Act. 20. Iudg. 12. 4.
    Eli's posteritie, and both his sons were at one time by the Philistines slain suddenly.
  • Elah being drunken, was by Zimri his servant murthered.
  • Eunuches intending treason against the king were hanged.
  • Elymas with standing Paul, was stricken blinde suddenly.
  • Eutichus falling asleep at Pauls preaching, fell down suddenly.
  • Ephraimites, saying the Gileadites were but Vagabonds of Ephraim, among the Ephraimites and Manassites, fortie thousand were of them by Ieph­thah slain.
  • Gideon making an Ephod, brought all his posteritie to ruine.
    Iudg. 8.
  • Goliah blaspheming, was by David with a stone slain.
    1 Sam. 17.
  • Gehezi taking Naamans gifts, had Naamans leprosie.
    2 King. 5.
  • Hagar disobeying Sarah: Sarah dealt with her troughly.
    Gen. 16.
  • Hananiah dyed the same yeare that he prophesyed falsely.
    Ier. 28.
Hymeneus and Alexander
  • Making shipwracke of their faith and good Conscience, they were by Paul delivered over unto Satan, that they might learne not to blaspheme.
    1 Tim. 1. 19. 20.
  • Herod not giving God the glorie, was eaten with wormes.
    Act. 12.
Justice punished
  • Haman was hanged on his own tree, seeking to destroy the Jewes.
    Esth. 3.
  • Heathen Kings, Canaanites, Peresites, and Jebusites, were slain by Israel.
    Lev. 20. Due 9.
  • [Page 85]King Abaz was Delivered into the hands of the Assyrians.
    2 Chron. 28.
  • King Amaziah was Slain at Lachish where he sled.
    Chap. 25.
  • King Amon was Slain by his own servants.
    2 King. 21.
  • King [...]oshta was Kept in prison by the Assyrians.
    Chap. 17.
  • King Iehoiakim was Carried prisoner into Babel.
    Chap. 24.
  • King Manasseh was Bound with fetters by the King of Babel.
    2 Chron. 33.
  • Cain murthering Abel, the Lord rejected him, the earth repined at him,
    Gen. 4.
    and men abhorred him.
  • Ishmael slouting, was cast out from the house of Abraham.
    Gen. 21.
  • Iehoram murthering, by a disease his guts fell out within him.
    2 Chron. 21.
  • Ieroboam setting up idol [...]trie: ruinated his whole posteritie.
    1 Ki. 12. Co. 13. 2. L [...]. 1. 8. 2 Chro. 20. 35. Jehos [...]a­phat.
  • Jerusalem was derided, being in Babylon in captivitie.
  • The Jewes wishing Christs bloud on them, crucisying Christ the Lord of
    Matth. 27. Deut. 4. 26.
    life: They are now become a dispersed Nation over the face of the whole earth.
  • The Israelites worshipping a golden calse, three thousand were slain of
    Exod. 32. Numb. 14. Num. 11. & 21. Iudg. 3. Isai. 42. Numb. 14. Numb. 16. Chap. 25. 9. 2 King. 17.
    them going to war without the Ark of God, they were overcome: Mur­muting against God, the utmost part of the Host was consumed: Lusting after flesh they were plagu [...]d: Murmuing against God and Moses, they w [...] [...]ung to death: Disobeying the Lord, they were delivered into the hands of spoilers, and of sixe hundred thousand men that came out of Egypt, but only Caleb and I [...]shua entred into Canaan, the rest perished in the Wildernesse: making also their sonnes to passe through the fire, and for idolattie they were all carried into captivine.
  • Iob's friends speaking that which was not right, displeased God.
    Iob 42. 7.
  • Ion [...]h disobeying God, was by a fish imprisoned.
    Ionab 1.
  • Iosiah was slain, for not asking counsell of the Lord.
    2 Chron. 35.
  • Iudas betraying Christ his Master, hanged himselfe after.
    Mat. 29. Act. 1. 18.
  • Lots wife was turned into a pillar of salt, looking back to Sodome.
  • Lot himself was no more mentioned by the Holy Ghost after his incest.
    Gen. 19.
  • Lots daughters conceived two wicked Nations by their wickednesse.
  • Little children mocking [...]lisha, they were devoured with Lionesses.
    2 King. 2.
  • Moses Was almost slain, neglecting to circumcise his son.
    Exod. 4.
  • Moses For not beleeving the Lord, entred not into Canaan.
    Num 20.
  • Miriam against Moses murmuring, was with Leprosie strucken.
    Numb. 12.
  • Michal Davids wife mocking, was to her death barren.
    2 Sam. 6.
  • The man That blasphemed Gods Name, was stoned.
    Levit. 24.
  • The man That prophaned Gods Sabbath, was stoned.
    Numb. 15.
  • The man Not imploying his Talent, was imprisoned.
    Matth. 13.
  • The man Coming to the wedding without a garment, was imprisoned.
    Matth. 22.
  • The man That Christ healed at Bethesda, was 38. yeares diseased.
    Ioh 5. 14.
  • The man That disobeyed the Prophet, was by a Lion slain.
    1 King. 20.
  • The men Forbidding the Prophet to prophecie, a plague sell on them.
    Ier. 11. 21.
  • The men That set Gods Ark with Dagon, were with Emerods strucken.
    1 Sam 5.
  • The men Were consumed with fire that bound the three children.
    Dan. 3.
  • The men Dyed, that brought up the slander on Canaan.
    Nu. 14. 1 Cor. 10.
  • Nadab Walking in the wayes of Ieroboam, was by Iehu slain.
    1 King. 15.
  • Nahal dealing churlishly with David, his heart died within him.
    2 King. 17. 24.
    1 Sam. 25.
  • Nebuchadnez zar beasting, had the minde of a beast given him.
    Dan. 4.
  • Nimrod building. All languages were confounded.
    Gen. 11.
  • Old world taking wives of all that they liked, was drowned.
    Gen. 38. 8.
    Gen. 7.
  • Pharaob taking Abarahams wife, his houshold was plagued.
    Gen. 11.
  • Pharaob of Egypt oppresing the Israelites, had Frogs, swarmes of Flyes, and other plagues brought on his people, beasts and land: and following them at the red sea, was with all his therein drowned.
    Exod. 3. Chap. 4. Cha. 6. Chap. 14.
  • The Patriarchs selling Ieseph were plagued with a samine.
    Gen. 42.
  • Philistines mocking Samson, a house fell upon them.
    Iudg. 16. 24.
  • The prophet seduced disobeying, was by a Lion slain.
    1 King. 13.
  • The Prince not b [...]leeving the prophet was to death troden.
    2 King. 7.
  • The Prodigall consuming his estate, was pined with penu [...]ie.
    Luk. 15.
  • Paul persecuting the Christians, was stricken blinde suddenly.
    Act. 0.
  • Peter rebuking Christ; Christ rebuked him eagerly.
    Mark 8. 32.
  • Reuben lying with his Fathers Concubine, lost his dignitie.
    Gen. 49.
  • Rehob [...]am oppr [...]ssing his subjects, Ten tribes fell from him.
    1 King. 12.
For sinne
Sodomites and Gomorrth
  • Were with fire and brimstone consumed.
    Gen. 19.
  • For their abounding in idlenesse, pride, and fulnesse of bread, from whence their filthinesse proceeded.
    Ezek. 16. 49. Gen. 16. 3. Chap. 18. 12. Ch. 12. 14. & 20. 16. Iudg. 16. 1 Sam. 13. 1 King. 11. 2 King. 19. Gen. 34. Gen. 49. [...] 2 Sam. 20. 1 King. 2. Ier. 29. 24. Act. 8.
  • Laughing, and denying it, was by God reproved.
  • Giving to Abraham Hagar, she was despised of her.
  • Fearing to acknowledge he [...] husband, was rebuked.
  • Samson discovering his strength, lost his haire, eyes, and life.
  • Saul disobeying by sparing Agag, his kingdome was given to David.
  • Salomon following idolatrie: Adversaries were against him raised.
  • Sennacherib, blaspheming: An Angel slew of his army 485000.
  • Shechem ravishing Dinah was slain by Simeon and Levi.
  • Simeon and Levi slaying the Shechemites: Iacob cursed their crueltie.
  • Sheba committing treason against David, was beheaded.
  • Shimei cursing David, reviling him, was put to death by Salomon.
  • Shemaiah prophecying falsely, brought himselfe, and his to destruction.
  • Simon Magus going about to buy the Holy Ghost, a curse fell on him.
  • Sihon King of the Amorites refusing to let the Israelites to passe thorow his land, he was with all his people destroyed from the wildernesse unto
    Iudg. 11.
  • Sceva's sons abusing Gods Name, evill spirits overcame them.
    Act. 19. Act. 5. 36. Ioh. 20. Matth 2 [...]. 2 Chron. 18. Luke 1.
  • Theudas boasting of his greatnesse, was with his followers slain.
  • Thomas was reproved by Christ, for not beleeving.
  • The Virgins not watching, the doors were shut against them.
  • Zedekiah smiting Michaiah, was after by others smitten.
  • Zacharias not beleeving, was stricken dumb for a time.
  • Murtherers murthering others▪ have been murthered again.
  • Mankinde sinning, nothing could satisfie Gods wrath, but the death of
    1 Tim. 3. 6.
    Christ his deare and only Son, which he did willingly undergoe for man:
  • Generally, for all world.
    Heb. 9. 12. Matth▪ 28.
  • Specially, for those that beleeve in him.
  • Valiantly, In that death was overcome by him.
  • The Lord will straitly took to the man that sinneth: and will not hold him guiltlesse
    Iob 10. 14▪
    of iniquitie.
  • If one man sin against another, the Iudge shall judge it; but if a man sin against
    Isai. 59. 2.
    Ezek. 14. 14.
    the Lord, who shall plead for him?
  • Man suffereth for sin: Lam. 3. 39. Reade Ezek. 14. 14.

Gods Justice Dumb Creatures punished for sinne by man committed.

For the sinne of
The earth was cursed, so that it brought forth Bryars, Thornes,
Gen. 3. Judg. 19. Gen. 4.
and Thistles in stead of fruits.
The ground was cursed, not yeelding her increase.
The land at this day stinketh, and beareth fruit fruitlesse.
The waters of Egypt were turned into bloud: Their trees,
Exod. 12. 29. Exo. 3. & 4. &c. Numb. 16. Iosh. 7. Ionah 1. Isai. 24. 6. Chap. 28. 17. Ier. 12. 4. & [...]6. 29. Hos. 4. 3. Am [...] [...]4. 9 & 88. I [...]l 1. 4. Io. 7. 1 [...]. [...]
cattell, and herbs were destroyed.
All the goods they had were swallowed up with him.
His oxen, sheep, and all else, were consumed with him.
The ship was ready to sinke, and the wares were cast forth.
The Is­raelites,
The curse devoured the Earth: the wine failed, the vine had no might, the wrath of the Lord was upon the beasts, and the trees of the field, and upon the fruit of the ground; upon their greene Gardens and Vineyards, that they were smitten with blastings and mill-dewes, and their fig-trees, and olive­trees were devoured with the Palmer, and Canker-wormes.
  • The earth is waste, and turned upside down: The land shall b [...]rn with brimstone and salt, and shall not be sowen, neither
    Isai. Jer. 4. 27. 24. 1. Zeph. 1. 2. Ier. 4. 24.
    shall it bring forth grasse. The land shall mourne, and the heavens shall be darkened, the water shall be taken away: The fig-tree shall not flourish: The vines shall bring forth
    Isai. 3. 1.
    no fruits: The labour of the Olive shall faile: The sheep
    Hab. 3. 17. Psal. 107. 14.
    shall be cut off from the field, there shall be no bullocks in the stalls, and a fruitfull land shall become barren.
  • The heavens shall be as Iron, the earth as brasse: Destru­ction
    Deut. 28. 23.
    [Page 87] shall be on beasts, fowls, and fishes, and all other
    Zeph. 1. 2. Isa. 13. 10. Ezek. 14. 13 & 5 [...]. 2. Chap. 32. 13. I [...]r. 5. 25. D [...]t 27. & 7. 20. Ier. 16. 8. & 12. 4. 2 King. 21. 17. Isai. 55. 1 Pet. 3. 17. Ch. 59. [...]. Rom. 8. [...] Jer. 5. 25. & 6. 12. Chap. 7. 10. 1 [...]. 10. 11 Ezek. 24.
    Creatures: The voice of mirth and gladnesse, the bride­groome and the bride shall cease: and curses shall be on man, and in all parts and places, coming in, and going out, Rom. 2. 8.
  • God will take his Mercie from him: and every good thing, and will separate him: and his wrath and jealousie shall smoake against him: yea, and he will put out his name from under heaven: and will cut off man and beast with finall destru­ction.
    Ier. 7. [...]0.
  • Thus as all Cre [...]tures were made for man, so were they punished for him.
  • These things came unto them for Examples, and are written to admonish us on whom the ends of the world are come.

A Catalogue of Gods instruments of wrath, wherewith he hath punished both Godly and wicked that have sinned.

For sinne
An Angel
  • destroyed seventie thousand Israelites, fourescore and five thou­sand
    2 Sam. 24. 2 Kin. 19. Exod 13. 1 King. 11. M [...]th 28. 4. Exod. 15. [...]5. I [...]r. 15. 11. N [...]b. 22. G [...]n. 21. Gen. 2 [...]. 2 Sam. 6. 2 King. 2. Ier. 12. 19. 2 King. 6. Gen. 19. Act. 9. & 13.
    Assyrians, with all the first-born in the land of the Egyptians.
  • Adversaries vexed Salomon: Astonishment the keepers of Christs tombe.
  • Amazednesse fell on the Dukes of Edom: Archers shot at Babylon.
  • An Asse reproved Balaam: Banishment ex [...]led Ish [...]ael from Abraham.
  • Barrennesse was laid on king Ahimelechs wife, with other women in his house, and on Michal Davids Spouse.
  • Beares destroyed fortie two little mocking children.
  • The Buriall of an Asse, was the buriall of King Iehoiakim.
  • Blindnesse fell on Syrians, Sodomites, Paul, and Elymas, for a time.
  • Conscience accused King David, and the sonnes of Iacob.
  • Confusion of tongues fell on the builders of Babel with Nimrod.
    Gen. 11. Dan. 5. Gen. 9. & 3. Chap 4 [...]. Act. 2 Chro. 21. Exo. 13. 2 Sā. 6. Act. 5 Gen. [...]8. 2 King. 9. 1 King. 14. Luke 1. 20. 1 Ki. 14. & 2 [...]. Iudg. 9. 1 Sam. 16. 1 King. 22. Numb. 16. 1 Sam. 14. 1 Sam. 5. 2 King, 6. Lam. 2. 20. Lam. 4. 10. Exod. 15. [...]. Ier. 51. 2. Ionob 4. Judg. Mat. 28. 4. 9. 18. Exo. 15. 15. Jer. Num. 22. 3. 4. 29. Gen. 20. 10. 2 King. 2. Numb 16. Dan. 3. Levit. 1. Gen. 19. Numb. 11. Ier. 49. Amos 1. & 7. 1 King. 14. Esth. 7. 2 Sā. 18. Mat. 27 2 Sam. 17.
  • Changing of countenance, with trembling in all parts of the body, fell on Belshazzar, carousing.
Curses were
  • laid on Cham, the Serpent, Reuben, Levi, and Simeon, Simon Magus, and swearers.
  • A Disease incureable fell on Iehoram, his guts fell out within him.
Death strucke
  • suddenly the first-born of the Egyptians,
  • Ʋzzah, Ananias, Sapphira, Er and Onan.
  • Dogs did eat Iezebel, so that she was not buried; together with Iehoram, and Iehorams seed.
  • Dumbnesse w [...]s for a time on Zacharias the priest laid.
  • Evil was brought upon Ierohoam, and king Ahab.
An evil spirit
  • was sent betweene Abimelech and the men of Shechem. another on Saul: and a lying spirit was put into the mouth of Ahabs prophets, to delude him withall.
  • The earth opened, and swallowed up Corah with his companie.
  • [...]arthquake astonished the whole Army of the Philistines.
  • Emerods did grievously plague them in their inward parts.
  • punished the Samaritanes, Egyptians, and Israelites,
  • So that their skinne became black on them, and their women did eat their own children.
  • Faintnesse fell on the inhabitants of the land of Canaan.
  • Fanners from the Lord fanned the land of Babylon.
  • A fervent sunne did beat on Ionah's head languishing.
did strike Gaal after his boasting, so as the shadowes of mountaines seemed men unto him, and the Assyrians, that they fled at the noise of horse men.
  • consumed two captains with their fifties, with Corahs consederates; the men that bound the three children; Nadah, Abihu, and the Sodomites with the utmost part of the Israelites: And fire was kindled in the wals of Damascus, in the house of Hazael, and in the p [...]lace of Kiriah which consumed them.
  • Fowles of the aire did eat the stock of Ieroboam.
The Gallowes
  • made by Haman served to hang himself thereon.
  • A tree for Ahithophel, another for Iudas and Absalom was provided to hang themselves upon.
For sinne
  • [Page 88]Haile-stones discomsited five kings against Israel fighting.
    Iosh. 10.
  • Hardnesse of heart obdured Pharaoh, and many other men.
  • A House fell upon the Philistines, mocking at Samson.
    Iu [...]g. 16.
  • Hunger pined the Prodigall: The prison held Manasseh in Babylon.
  • A [...] Is [...]ue of bloud twelve yeares followed the woman, and for ever was on
    Matth. 19. 1 King. 2. Exod. 8. 16. Numb. 12. 2 C [...]h 26. 2 [...]. 5. Da [...] 1 King. 13 [...] 20. 2 Ki 17 Exo. 15. 15. Gen. 4. Dan. 4. Gen. 3. Matth. 8. Lam. 5. 5 Gen. 19. Exod. 15. 14 Nam. 16. 49 Exod. 9. [...] [...] [...]. Lam. 58. 2 Kin. [...]9. 1 Sa. 31. Judg. 7. 12. 1 Sam. 14. 2 [...]. 20. [...]. 19. 2. Gen. 3.
    Ioahs posteritie wished by Salomon.
  • Lice was brought by Gods finger on the Egyptians.
  • Leprosie clave to Miriam for a time, to king Ʋzzah to his dying day, and to Gehazi and his continually.
  • Lions destroyed Daniels accusers, the prophet seduced, and the Samaritanes: and one Lion the disobeying man.
  • A Mark was set on Cain to brand him for murthering.
  • The Minde of a beast was given Nebuchadnezzar for boasting.
  • Nakednesse was laid on Adam and Eve for disobeying.
  • Palsies, and other diseases, vexed divers spoken of [...]n the Gospel.
  • Pers [...]cution brought under the necks of the people of Israel.
  • A Pill [...] of S [...]lt was the change of Lots wife looking to Sodome.
  • Scabs w [...] brought upon the bodies of the Egyptians.
  • Servants d [...]d [...]eare rule over the Israelites that served them.
  • Sennacher [...] [...]wn [...]o [...]s Adramelech and Sharezer slew him.
  • The sword of Saul sl [...]w himselfe; and of the Midianites, Egyptians, Ammo­nites, [...], Moabites, and Mount S [...]ir, were set one against the other.
  • Sweatings were cast on Adam, with labour to eat in,
  • Sorro [...]es were cast on Eve in her conception,
    Judg. 5 Jo [...]ah 1. Rom. 11. 8. R [...]m. 0. 32. Gen. 21. E [...]d. 15. 15. L [...] 4. Judg 8. 16. 1 Sam. 7. Ionah 1. Ionah 4. Act. 12
  • S [...] di [...]hght against S [...]sera: stormes [...]ossed Ionah.
  • The spirit of slumber was cast upon the Jewes.
  • A stumbling stone was cast before the Jewes.
  • Thirst punished Ishmael, Israel, and sucking children.
  • Th [...]rnes by Gideon did teare the flesh of Succoth men.
  • Thu [...]d [...]r did scatter all the Armie of the Philistines.
  • A Whale w [...]s provided for Ionah, to imprison him.
  • Wormes smote Ionahs Gourd: and wormes that proud Herod.
  • Waters did drowne the people of the old world: Pharaoh and his host
    Gen. 7. Exod. 14. Iudg. 5. 1 King. 20. Jer [...]9 [...]6 & 51. [...]. Ezek. 7. Psal 42. 7.
    pursuing the Israelites to overtake them; and swept away Sisera fighting against them.
  • A Wall did fall on thousands of Aramites that slew them.
  • Windes scattered Elam, destroyed Babel, and the East wind did breake in preces the ships of [...]arslush in the sea sayling.

A Catalogue of Gods instruments of wrath: Drawne from Deut. 32. 34. Gods Justice out of his Armourie: being prepared for the wicked and ungodly. Ier. 50. 25.

The Lord hath prepared for the wicked
  • Armies of sorrowes to ca [...]pabout, and to bring against them.
    Job 10. 17. Isai. [...]. 11. Nahum 3. 6. Is [...]. 13. 8. Psal. 35. 6. Iob 15. 24. P [...]al. 64. 7. Deut. [...]. Ioh [...] 4. 2 Sam. 22. Ez [...]k. 5. 16. Isai. 12. Chap. 6. Hos. 9. 14. Psal. [...] Iob 3. 20. Chap. [...]. 2 [...]. Iob 4. 9. Isai. 11. 4. Deut. 28. 27 Iob 20. 24. Iob 13. 13. Nahum 3. 6. Isai. 21. 13. Levit. 26. Psal 50. 20. Psal. 80. 5. 1 King, 2 [...]. Ezek. 7. 26. Amos 4. 6. Jer. 3. 25. Page 90. Isai. 51. 17. Psal. 75. 8 Psal. 7. 13.
  • Adversaries of theirs to beare rule, and to governe over them.
  • Abominable filth, amazednesse, and anguish to cast upon them.
  • Angels to persecute them, and afflictions to grieve them.
  • Anger to consume them, and astonishment of heart to feare them.
  • Arrowes of venome, of famine, and arrowes to scatter them.
  • Baldnesse for the head, and blindnesse for the eyes and heart of them.
  • Barrennesse for the wombe, and drinesse for the breasts of their women.
  • Beds of sorrow, and of sicknesse to cast them in.
  • Bitternesse for their souls: and bitter things to write against them.
  • Blasts with the breath of his nostrils, and lips to slay them.
  • Botches of Egypt: and bowes of steel in store for them.
  • Breakings upon breakings, and bruises innumerable to crush them.
  • Burdens to lay upon them; brimstone and burning Agues.
  • Bread of teares, of adversitie, and of affliction to give them, and by weight to seed them.
  • Calamitie upon calamitie, and rumour on rumour to vex them.
  • Cleannesse of teeth, want of bread, and confusion to cover them.
  • Consumption to consume them, and curses innumerable.
  • Cups of wrath to drink, and red wine to poure on them.
  • Deadly weapons prepared: and destroyers to send against them.
The Lord hath prepared for the wicked
  • [Page 89]Darknesse in the day time, and groping at noon: darknesse for their wayes,
    Iob 5. 14. Jeph. 4. 18. Chap. 1. [...]7. Psal. 35. 6. 2 Thes 2. 11. Jer. 13. 14. Psal. 91. 6. I [...]r. 14. 16. [...]r. 13 3. [...] 4. 2 [...] Ez [...]. 3. 2 [...]. Chap. [...]. 26. [...] 5. [...].
    and understanding, and for the divination of their teachers among them.
  • D [...]lusions, destructions, distresses, and diseases of all sorts.
  • Death without lamentations, and burials without mourning.
  • Drink by measure with astonishment, and spirituall drunkennesse.
  • Du [...]n [...]nesse for their Preachers: and Dungeons for themselves.
  • Dulnesse of hearing, and dreadfull sounds for their eares.
  • Dimnesse for their eyes: eyes that they shall not see: eyes for evill to set upon them, and eares without hearing.
  • Eatings by weight, with hunger without satisfying of them.
  • The Earth to be as iron under them, heaven as brasse over them.
  • Evil Angels to send among them, and evil things for them.
  • [...]aintnesse and Feeblenesse of hands and heart, and for their young.
  • Famine not only of Bread, but also of the Word.
    Amos 8. 1. [...].
  • Feare where no feare is, on every side to affright them, to cause the heart and bones to tremble of them; yea, such as that one Godly man shall chase a thousand of them, and the shaking of a lease shall feare them.
  • Fitnesse for their hearts, bravinesse for their eares, and shutting for their eyes, so that the meanes of their Conversion shall be thereby taken
    Isai. 6. 10.
    from them.
  • Foolishnesse to turn their counsell into, and for their Counsellours.
    Iob 5. 13. [...] [...]4 [...]. [...] 2. Jer. 6. [...]9.
  • Friends of their own to deal treacherously with them.
  • Fruits of their own evil thoughts to bring upon them.
  • His Face to set against them, as burning, his lips full of indignation, and hi [...] tongue as fire devouring.
  • Garments of vengeance, and girdles of sack-cloth.
  • Gnashing of teeth, gravell for their mouth, and groping at noone.
  • Gods made by mens hands, and griefes to adde to their sorrowes.
  • H [...]mmers to break them, Hardnesse and Heavinesse of heart for them.
  • Hearts with sorrow and feare, as a woman travelling, to give them.
  • The Heavens to reveale their iniquities, and dust to witnesse against them.
  • Howlings for their songs in the Temple with Lamentations: As also for the rich men that dwell among them.
  • Hunger to pine them within: and itches for their bodies without.
  • Jealousie to burn: and inquisition for the thoughts of them.
  • Indignation, i [...]on weapons, and instruments of death for them.
  • Lam [...]nesse for their members, and labour without profit for them.
  • Lamentations in stead of Songs; with mournings and woes.
  • Languishing for their hautines [...]e, and leannes [...]e for their souls.
  • [...]othings ev [...]n of themselves, with lothsome diseases.
  • [...]unatiquenesse to vex them, madnesse, and evil spirits to possesse them.
  • M [...]tings for their hearts, with miseries to heap upon them.
    [...]. M [...]ah 3. 6. Job 19 [...]. & 18. 8. Jer. 12. 13. &. 30. [...] Isai. 21. 4.
  • Mournings and Lamentation in stead of Banqu [...]tting and Feasts.
  • Moaths as a [...]g [...]ment and wormes as wooll to eat them.
  • Nakednesse in stead of clothing, and Ne [...] to spread over them.
  • Palenesse for their face, [...], for their hearts, and povertie
  • Pa [...]es-taking without profit, and perishing for their wisdome.
  • P [...]s of Iron to write and grave their sins.
  • [...]oints of Diamonds in the Table of their hearts.
    Jer. [...]. [...]. Isai. [...]2. 23. Isai [...] Deut. 28 Psal. 82. 16. Job 8. 22. & 9. 23. 2 Cor [...]. 10. Zeph. 11. 16. Job 3. 24. [...] Thes. 2. 11. Micah 7. 6.
  • Prison-Houses, and imprisonment for the bodies of them.
  • Rebuke, with [...]ames of fire to rendes upon them.
  • Reprobate mi [...]les, reproach, and r [...]les of Lamentations.
  • Ro [...]ennesse for their bones: and robbers to spoile them of their goods.
  • [...] their wives, and wives betrothed without marriage.
  • Rods of his mouth, and [...]ods of iron to break them.
  • Sadnesse for the countenance: and s [...]abs in abundance for their bodies.
  • Shame to fill their faces: with confusion and dishonour to clothe them.
  • Scourges to [...] them: Shakings for their loynes, and sicknesse to death.
  • Shepherds that shall not regard them, yet shall eat the fat of them.
  • Sighings before they eat: and in cating with roarings following.
  • Slaughters for the iniquities of their fathers, and remembrance of their sins.
  • Snares of the devill to trap them, in the workes of their owne hands to take them, and snares of fire and brimstore to raine upon them, to compasse them, and in their Tables and in death to take them.
  • The sonne to rise against the father, and the mother against, &c.
The Lord hath prepared for the wicked
  • [Page 90]The spirit of slumber to cover them, their Prophets and Seers; the spi­rit
    2 Tim. 1. 7. Rom. 11 [...] [...]. 29. 10. Ch [...]p. 19. 24. I [...]h 6 7. [...] 8. 15. [...] 61. 3. Ier. 9. 6. Ezek. 27. 7. Jer. 6. 21. Rom. 11.
    of errour, to mingle among them; of bondage, to feare them▪ of heavinesse, to afflict them; and of his mouth, to consume them.
  • Strangers to bring on them to possesse their goods, wife, and children.
  • Stumbling blocks to lay before them, for they and theirs to fall upon.
  • Straitnesse in the fulnesse of sufficiencie, and staining for Glory.
    Job 20. 22. Isa. 28. 9 Ezek. 20. 25.
  • Statutes and Judgements that are not good to give them.
  • Sowings without reaping, oile without annointing, wine without drin­king.
    Micab 6. 15. Rev. 2. 16. Psal. 37. 5. Levit. 5. 25. Deut. 32. Psal. 80. 5. Io [...] [...]. 4. Job 3. 25. Dan. 4. 2. Psal. [...]4. 8. Iob 38. 2. Lam. [...]. Io. 14. 19. Iob 18. 10. Hos. 3. 16. Rom. 3. [...]. I [...]b 15. 24. Psal. 146. 9. Ier. 20. 4. Psal. 78. 33. [...]sai. 47. 3. Rom. 15. 7. Ch. 1. 26. Rom. 1. 24. Ie [...]. 32. [...]. Luk. 20. Psal 42 7. Ier. 23 15. Isai. 22. 12. Job 4. 14. Psa. 60. 3. Ier. [...]0. 14. Psal. 68 21. Iob 7. 5. Ie. 9. 15 Ier. 33. 36. Psal. 147. 18.
  • The sword of his mouth, sharpe and fourbished, to fight against them: Swords of their owne to enter into the bowels of them, and to execute vengeance on them.
  • Teares to drink: and Terrours to set in aray against them.
  • Things, such as they are afraid of, to bring upon them.
  • Thoughts and visions on their beds, and in sleep to trouble them.
  • Tongues of their owne, in their owne words to trap them.
  • Treasures of Haile, Snow, and Frost to punish them.
  • Tributes by oppression of others to lay upon them.
  • Troubles in stead of peace, and traps in wayes to take them.
  • Tremblings for their belly and bones; and tribulation for their souls.
  • Troubles, anguish, affliction, and turnings upside down.
  • Terrours arising from within themselves to terrifie them.
  • Vanities to consume their dayes and yeares in.
  • Vengeance to take of them, as also to poure out on them.
  • Vials full of wrath, and vile affections to give them.
  • Uncleannesse to leave them in, and voices of trembling.
  • Warriours to slay them, and continuall warres for them.
  • Waves to goe over them: Waters with gall to drink for them.
  • Weepings, Mournings, Baldnesse, and Girdings of sackcloth.
  • Wine of astonishment, and Winds to make the haire stand.
  • Wounds for their heads; and of an enemie to wound them.
  • Wormes to clothe them with; and Wormwood to feed them.
  • Words of their own to be a burthen unto them.
  • His Words to melt and consume both body and soul.
  • Wrath To wax hot against them; to speak in unto them.
  • Wrath To drink for them, and to burn and consume them.
    Iud [...]. 2. 14. Psal. 89. 46. Job 21. 20. G [...]. 6. 7.
  • Yee like morsels, snow like wooll, frost like ashes.
    Psal. 147. 16. 17. Luke 21. 22. Hos. 9. 7. Isai. 14. 24. & 22. 5. Isai. 62 4. Io. 12. 13. Ezek. 27. 27. Job 21. 30. & 30. 27
  • Dayes o [...] Trouble, of Visitation, of Recompence, of Treading downe of Perplexitie, of Vengeance, of Slaughter, of Calamitie, of Destru­ction,
    Isai. 13. 9. & 37. 3. Amos 8. 10.
    of Affliction, of Ruine, of Distresse, of Darknesse and Gloominesse, of Desolation, and of Wasting.
  • In the world to come Judgement and Damnation.
  • This is the portion of wicked men, and the heritage of Tyrants, which they
    Nahum 3. 6.
    shall receive of the Almightie.
    Iob 27. 13.
  • There shall be no end of Pl [...]gues to the wicked man.
  • The light of the wicked shall be put out.


Seeing God hath so many plagues in store for the sinfull man; Let him followLuke 21. 36. the Counsell given by Daniel: Break of his sinnes by Righteousnesse, and his iniquities by mercies: which that we may all doe the Lord grant.Dan. 4. 24.

Reade Levit. 26. 14. Deut. 28. Chap. 32. Isai. 9. 20. Chap. 30. 28. Chap. 31. 2. Chap. 34. 6. Chap. 59. 17. Chap. 62. 6. Chap 66. 25. Ier. 5. 3. Chap. 30. 14. Chap. 31. 5. Chap. [...]6. 6. Ezek. 5. 12. Nahum. 3. 2. Iob 20. 29. Psal. 32. 6. Psal. 81. 12. Psal. 147. 17. [...] Tim. 1. 20. Revel. 2. 6. Chap. 8. 7. Chap. 9. 5, 18. Chap 14. 10. Chap. 16. 1. Chap. 1 [...]. Chap. 20. Wisd. 5. 17. Syr. 39. 28. Chap. 40. 9. Iob 18. 5. Chap. 20. 22. Isai. 5. 24. Chap. 19. 2.

The Lord hath prepared for the sinne of the wicked
  • [Page 91]Brambles in steed of corne
    Isai. 14. 4. Cha. 32. 13 Isa. 34. 13. Mat. 13. Iob 31. 4. Gen. 3. Ier. 12. 13.
  • Cockell in steed of corne To grow in their land.
  • Nettles in steed of corne To grow in their land.
  • Tares in steed of corne To grow in their land.
  • Thistles in steed of corne To grow in their land.
  • Thornes in steed of corne To grow in their land.
  • Darknesse To pos­sesse their Lands.
    Ier. 25. 11. Exod. 10. 22. Isa. 13. 9. Exod. 8. 3. Isai. 24 12. Isai 18. 6. Isai. 14. 23. Ezek. 14. 16. Isai. 31 14. Isai. 34. 11. Chap 34. 11. Lam. 5. 2.
  • Desolation To pos­sesse their Lands.
  • [...]lyes To pos­sesse their Lands.
  • Froggs To pos­sesse their Lands.
  • Wild-beasts To pos­sesse their Lands.
  • Bitternesse To pos­sesse their Lands.
  • Cormorants To pos­sesse their Lands.
  • Dragons To pos­sesse their Lands.
  • Hedge-hogs To pos­sesse their Lands.
  • Owles To pos­sesse their Lands.
  • P [...]llicans To pos­sesse their Lands.
  • Satyres To pos­sesse their Lands.
  • Vultures To pos­sesse their Lands.
  • Strangers To pos­sesse their Lands.
    Deut. 28. 38.
  • Barrennesse to destroy their Land.
    Psal. 107. 34. Jer. 9. Hos [...]. 4. [...]. Isa. 28. 2.
  • Haile and Thunder to destroy their Land.
  • A Besome of Destruction to sweepe their Land.
    Isai. 14 23.
  • Haile and Thunder To slay their beasts & cattell.
    Psal 78. 48.
The Lord hath prepared for the sinne of the wicked
  • Blastings To consume the fruit of their fields and trees.
    Deut. 28 38. Amos 4.9. Ioel 11 4. Ier 7. 20. Ioel 2 9. Exod 10. 15. Hag. 2. 7. Jer. 12. 4. Mat 6. 19. Iam. 5. 2.
  • Canker worms To consume the fruit of their fields and trees.
  • Fier-flames To consume the fruit of their fields and trees.
  • Fury-locusts To consume the fruit of their fields and trees.
  • Mildewes To consume the fruit of their fields and trees.
  • Palmer worms To consume the fruit of their fields and trees.
  • Wastings To consume the fruit of their fields and trees.
  • Moathes To consume their garmēts and treasures.
  • Rust and Canker To consume their garmēts and treasures.
  • Brimstone to turne Dust into.
    Ier. 50. 30. Exod. 7. 26. Isai. 34. 9.
  • Bloud to turne Rivers into.
  • Drought to turne Waters into.
  • Pitch to turne Streams into.
  • Consumptions for their Beasts
    Ier. 12. 4 Ha. 3. 17 Hos. 4. 3. Hos. 4. 3. Exo 9. 3. Zep. 1. 3. Eze 30. 12
  • Destructions for their Sheepe
  • Languishings for their Fowles
  • Murrens for their Cattell
  • Death for their Fish
  • Curses for their Habitations.
    2 King. 22. 19. Hos. 13. 15. Jam. 5. 2. Ier. 12 13 Mich. 6. 15. Lev. 26. 11. Lev. 28. 38. Deut. 28. 28. Ioel 1. 17. Mal 3. 11.
  • Drinesse for their Springs.
  • Wastings for their Cities.
  • Desolations for their Sanctuary.
  • Locusts for their Seed.
  • Rottennesse for their Graine.
  • Witherings for their Corne.
  • Breakings for their Barrennesse.
  • Emptinesse for their Garners.
  • Devourers for their Sackes.

So that the saying of the Prophet Haggai is verified saying, They have sowen much and Hab. 3. 17. Iob 24. 18. bring in little, they eate but they have not enough, they drinke but they are not filled, they cloath themselves, but they are not warmed, they earne wages and put it into a bagge with holes: They Hag. 1. 6, 9. looked for much, but loe it cane to little, for when they brought it home the Lord did blow upon it.

Woes pronounced by God against Sinners.

Woe be to those that are
  • Blind-guides not able to direct the people for their good.
    Ier. 23. 1. Mat. 23. 13. Ier. 22. 13. Hab. 2. 12. Mat. 18. Isai. 10. 1. Is. 5. 18. Is 5. 12 Ch. 28. 1. Mat. 23. Is. 31. 1 Ho. 7. 13. c. 9. 12 Ezek. 13. 3. Luk. 6. 24. Isai. 5 8. Mic 2. 1. Isa. 5. 23 Lu. 6. 24. Hos. 7. [...]3. & 9. 12. Io. 23. [...]. Luk. 11. 46. Hab. 2. 15. Isai. 5. 20. 1 Cor. 9. 16. Isai. 30. 1. Isai. 5. 11. Luk. 6. 24. Ier. 29. 15. Isai. 5. 20.
  • Builders of houses by unrighteousnesse and cities with bloud.
  • Cause [...]s of offence unto others by their meanes.
  • Decreers of wicked decrees and grievous things.
    Hab. 2. 9.
  • Drawers of iniquity with coardes of vanity.
  • Drunkards to poure in strong drinke being mighty.
  • Devourers of poore distresse widdowes habitation.
  • Doers of wickednesse to those that doe not hurt them.
    Isa. 33. 1. Hab. 2. 15. Mich. 3. 2. Hab. 2. 6.
  • Flyers from God: and to those that God departeth from.
  • Foolish Prophets not following Gods Spirit, but their owne.
  • Full ones, for they shall become hungry againe.
  • Joyners of house to house and field to field by deceitfulnesse.
  • Imaginers of iniquity and workers of wickednesse.
  • Justifiers of the wicked and ungodly men for a reward.
  • Laughe [...]s, for they shall at lengsh mourne (saith the Lord.)
  • Loaders with grievous burthens of other men.
  • Makers of their neighbours by their meanes drunken.
  • Placers of bitter for sweet, and draknesse for light.
  • Preachers and yet preach not the word of God aright.
  • Rebellious, not taking counsell from the Lord of might.
  • Risers early that they may follow drunkennesse.
  • Rich-men, for they have in this world their happinesse.
  • Seekers and that to hide their counsell from God.
  • Speaking good of that which is evill, and evill of good.
Woe be to those that are
  • [Page 92]Speakers of evill, of that which is not knowne of them, and that say to their
    Isai 45. [...].
    father, what hast thou begotten.
  • St [...]ivers with the Lord God their maker.
    Isai: 45. 9.
  • Sowers of pillowes under the arme-holes of other.
    Ezek: 13. 18.
  • Shutters up of the Kingdome of Heaven before men.
    Mat. 2 [...]. 13.
  • Takers away of the righ [...]eousnesse of the righteous man.
    Isa. 5. 23.
  • Trusters not in the Lord, but in the strength of horses.
    Isa. 31. 1.
    Isa. 30 1. Zach 11. 17.
  • Users of their neighbours without giving them wage [...].
    Ier. 22. 13.
  • Wanton [...] by ease: and wise in their own opinion.
    Am. 6. [...]. Isa. 5. 21.
  • Worshippers of false gods, and Idols invented by man.
    H [...]b. 2. 19.
  • Wi [...]ked-men, for that their increase shall come to nothing: and the reward
    Ecclus 4 [...]▪ Isa. [...]. 11.
    of their owne hands shall be given.

Woe be to the fearefull hearts, and faint hands, and to sinners that goe twoEcclus. 2. 1 [...]. &c. wayes, and to him that hath lost patience, for what will he doe when the Lord shall visit him.

Curses pronounced by God against Sinners.

Cursed is the man that
  • Addeth [...]o, or taketh away from the word of the Lord.
    Revel. 22. 18. P [...]l 119. 21. [...] 2 [...]. [...]. I [...]. 11. [...]. Prov. 2 [...]. [...]. I [...]. [...]
  • Continueth not in all things written in the Law of God.
  • Curseth his father, mother or any of the godly.
  • Doth the worke of the Lord his God negligently.
    Gen. 12. 3.
    Pro [...]0. [...]0 & 8 27▪ Ier. 11. 3▪
  • Hangeth on a tree, so was Christ for us to set us at liberty.
    De [...]. 2 [...]. 2▪ Ga. 3. 13
  • Hind [...]reth the right of a stranger, widdow and fatherlesse, &c.
    Deut 27. 19.
  • Keepeth backe his [...]thes, offerings that belong to the Minister.
    Mal 3. 9.
  • Li [...]th with his Fathers wife, his sister or neare affinity.
    Deut. 27. 2 [...], [...]3
  • Maketh by any meanes the blind to goe ou [...] of his way.
    Deut. 27. 18.
  • Maketh any carved or molten image for worshipping.
    Deut. 27. 15.
  • Removeth [...]is neighbours bounds and markes to defraud him.
    Deut. 27. 17.
  • Sacrificeth [...] corrupt thing unto the Lord his God.
    Ma [...]. 1. 14.
  • Saith un [...]o the ungodly man, thou art righteous and good.
    Prov. 24. 24.
  • Putteth his trust in man, and that taketh flesh for his arme.
    Ier. 17. 5.
  • Smiteth his neighbour privily, and not seene by any one.
    Deut. 27. 24.
  • With-draweth his heart from God, and from the people his corne.
    Prov. [...]. 26.
  • Sinneth be he young or old: together with the house w [...]rein he dwelleth:
    Prov. 3. 33.
    and▪ the goods that he enjoyeth.
  • Christ shall say unto in the day of judgement, [...]ep. [...] [...]rom me.
    Ioh 24 18. Ma [...]. 2 [...]. 41. Pro. 11 [...]
  • The Lord The Serpent above all other beasts and c [...]ttell.
    Gen 3. 14. [...]
  • The Lord Kaine and the earth for k [...]lling A [...]el.
  • The Lord The earth for Adam and Eves transgr [...]ssi [...]n.
  • The Lord Iudah with the people for disobeying [...].
  • Christ The fig-tree for finding on it nought but leaves.
    Mark. 11.
  • Noah Cham for discovering his nakednesse.
    Gen. 9.
  • Iacob Simeon and Levies wrath for slaying the Shechemites.
    Gen 49 Iosh. 9. Iud. 5. 2 Kin. 2 1 [...]. [...]6. [...]9. Neh. 13. 2 [...]. [...]
  • Ioshuah The Gibeonites f [...]r that they had beguiled him.
  • An Angell Meroz with the inhabitants dwelling therein.
  • Elisha The children that c [...]l'd him bald-pate, deriding him.
  • David The men that [...]ad driven him from the house of God.
  • N [...]hemiah Those men that had taken wives of the daughters of Ashdod.
  • Peter Simon Magus with his money, profe [...]ing to buy the gift of
    Act. 8. 20.
  • The Shechemi [...]es cursed Ahimelech, breaking their promise with him.
    Iud. 9. 27.
  • Shimei and Goliah cursed David: An Israelite the name of God.
    2 Sa. 16. 1 Sa. [...]7. Lev. 24. 1 [...] [...]
  • The ends of them all were miserable, as it is recorded.
  • The men that cloath themselves with cursing as with garments, it shall come into his bowels like water, and as oyle into his bones▪
    Psal. [...]0 [...]. [...]8.
  • As the Bird by wandring, and as the Swallow by flying: so the curse causelesse
    Prov. 26. [...]. Prov. 30. 11 Nu 23. 23 & 23 [...]. [...] Syr. 28 13.
    shall not come.
  • There i [...] a generation that curseth their Father, and that doth not blesse their Mother.

Gods Justice mans Heart how hardened by God.

THe heart hath three Cells or little R [...]ceptacles, that the three Persons of the blessed Trinity, Father, Sonne and Holy Ghost may dwell therein, and that by three Theologicall vertues, to wit, by Faith, Hope and Charity.

The word Heart in Latine is COR, written with these three letters:

  • Signifying Camera, a Chamber.
  • The first letter of Omnipotent.
  • The first letter of Rex, a King.

So that the An [...]gram, as some would have it, importeth that the Heart is the Chamber of the omnipotent King of Heaven and Earth; and so the heart is the Seat of Sanctity, or else it must needs be a Cage of uncleannesse, a Chappell for the Trinity, or a Den of Theeves.

Hardnesse of heart is the fountaine of ignorance, and is when a man is setled in a resolution never to yeeld from the state of sinne, wherein he liveth, whatso­ever shall or may be said against the same: which sinne is a most wilfull and mali­ciousEph 4. 8. resolution of sinning, yea such as that the heart cannot be brought by Gods justice or mercy to reformation or consolation.

1. There are some albeit they well know, that they are amisse, yet for some worldly respect or other, they will not yeeld nor change their course doe, say, or prove what you will or can: Such was Pilates, who albeit he knew that he con­demnedMat 27. our Saviour Christ wrongfully, yet not to loose the favour of the Iewes, or incurre displeasure with the Prince, he proceeded and gave that most wicked sentence against him. Such also was Pharaoh's; the like was in King Agrippa and Felix, governours of Iury, who thought in their owne consciences, that Saint Paul spake truth unto them; yet not to hazard their credit in the world, they continued still in their owne wayes: And so likewise doe all persecu­tours.

2. The second degree of obduration is in them, who have not this obduration in so high a degree, as to persist in wickednesse, directly against their owne know­ledge, but yet they have it in another sort, so that they are setled in firme pur­pose to follow the trad [...], which already they have begun, and vvill not under­stand the danger thereof, but doe seeke other meanes▪ to perswade themselves, quieting their consciences therein, and nothing is so offensive unto them, as to heare any thing against the same: Of these men Iob speaketh (saying) Depart Ioh 21. 14. from us, wee desire not the knowledge of thy wayes (to wit) the wayes of God.

3. A heart that is hardened, is ingratefull for Gods benefits, disobedient to his counsels, feares not it selfe, because it feeles not it selfe Bernard. l. de Consed. ad Eug. cap. 2.: is not rent with compunction, nor softened with pi [...]ty, is not moved vvith prayers, nor yeeldeth to threats, growes tough with scourges, and unthankefull for benefits, is un­faithfull in counsels and cruell in judgements, is impudent in vilenesse, and un­fearefull in dangers, is uncourteous to the gentle, and unreverent in Gods wor­ship, is unmindfull of things past, and negligent of things present, is improvi­dent of things to come: and in a word, is like the unrighteous Judge, that [...]earedLuk. 18. 22. neither God or man. The hardest creatures are flectable to some agents: Flints to the r [...]ine: Iron to the fire, stones to the Hammer, but the heart to nothing:Rom. 9. 18. Isa. 19. 14. 1 Kin. 22. 23. Isai. 63. 17. Rom 1. 28. 2 Sam. 12. 11. Psal. 105. 25. Phil. 2. 13. 1 Cor. 11. 12. Hos. 8. 10. Ezek. 16. 26. Ephes. [...]. 10. Act. 14. 6. 1 Sam. 16. 14. 2 Thes. 2. 10. Rom. 1. 24. Psal. 81. 12. 1 King. 22. 23. the stones of mercy, Hammer of reproofe, or fire of judgements cannot soften the same.

1. Now the action whereby God is said to obdure, to blind, to deceive, to deli­ver into a reprobate minde, [...]o worke by wicked persons, as his instruments to impell, to excite to evill, &c. is not an action, or infusion, or positive produ­ction, such as he useth in the just, when he causeth vertue and grace, and doth illuminate and sanctifie them: but a worke of desertion, permission and order, whereby first God leaveth man to himselfe, and forsaketh him, (that is) affor­deth not actions apt and congruous to reforme him, and suspendeth or denyeth the concourse of his speciall helpe and grace.

2. God suffereth man to be tempted above his strength, or to be ruled by his errors and transported by his own concupiscence, permitting Satan to exercise his subtil­ty and malice towards him.

3. God ordereth objects and meanes in such sort, as that they may be incentives by way of occasion to provoke the wicked to exercise that wickednesse, which is in and of themselves, where and how God will have it breake out for punishment, correction, example or tryall.

These two namely Entity or Substance, and the pravity of the actions, going [Page 94] inseparably together, and the latter cannot be without the tormer.

Say not thou then, It is through the Lord that I sell away, for thou oughtest Syr. 15. 11, 12. not to doe the things that be hateth. Say not thou, He hath caused me to erre, for he hath no need of the sinfull man.

Through hardnesse of heart
  • Agrippa beleeved not altogether that which Paul concerning Christ had
    Act. 26.
    delivered unto him.
  • The Disciples considered not the matter of the Loaves with which Christ
    Mark 6. 52.
    had fed the multitude following him.
    Act. Idolaters, 24. 26. Isa. 44. 20.
  • Felix beleeved not Pauls doctrine, trembling at the same.
  • Gentiles walked in the vanities of their own liking.
    Eph. [...]r. 5. 3. 4. 17. Zech. 7. 11, 12. I [...]a. 2. Act. 13. 41. Isai. 6. & 19. 9. 10. Isai. 63. 17. Psal. 81. 12. Deut. 29. 4. Gen. [...]. 5. Ezek. 24. 4. Eph. 4. 17. Mark [...]. [...]2. Deut. 2. 30. Iosh. 11. 20.
  • Hophni and Phineas sinned, that God might slay them.
  • The Israelites feared not God, understood not the counsels of the Lord, nor his wayes, but walked in their owne counsels, grieving him, for which he plagued them.
  • Kings of divers Nations came to battell against the Israelites, that the Lord might by their hands destroy them.
  • Cain, Iudas, and Abithophel despaired of Gods mercy to them.
  • Pharaoh would not let the Israelites depart, untill the Lord had brought
    Exod. 4. Chap. 6. &c. Mark 3. 5. Matth. 27. Jude 7. Sodomites 1 Kings 12. 15. a Chron. 10. 15.
    many plagues upon his, and him.
  • The Pharises envied Christ; for which he mourned for them.
  • Pilate would not set Christ at libertie, albeit he found no cause of death at all in him.
  • Rehoboam hearkned not unto the counsell of the old men, because it was the Ordinance of the Lord to performe what he had spoken by the Prophet unto Ierohoam.
  • The Lord hath Mercie on whom be will, and whom he will be hardeneth.
    Rom. 9. 18. Isa. 63 17. Io [...] [...]. 4. Zech. 7. 12. 1 King. 8. 39. Prev. 17. 3. Psal. 105. 25.
  • The wicked make their hearts as an Adamant, lest they should heare.
  • The Lord knoweth the hearts of men, and trieth them, as the fining-pot doth the silver, and turneth them to hate his people, and to deale craftily with them.
  • Exhort one another daily, while it is called to day, l [...]st any of you be hardened through
    Heb. 1. 13. Prev. 28. 14. Ioh 17. 4. & 19. 3. Act. 3. 41. Deut. 2 [...]. 4.
    the deceitfulnesse of sinne.
  • Isai. 6. 9. Chap. 44. 18. Chap. 63. 17. 2 Chron. 36. Psal. 81. 12. Matth. 13. 13. Mar. 4. 12. Ioh. 12. 40. Act. 13. 41. Rom. 1. 24. Chap. 2. 5. Chap 11. 7. 2 Cor. 3. 14. Ecclus. 23. Heb. 6. 2 Cor. 3. 14, 15. Ephes. 4. 8, 1 Thes. 5. 1 Tim 4. 2. Syr. 6. 16. Act. 19. 9.

Mans Heart is deceitfull.

THe imaginations of the thought of mans heart are evill continually. Gen. 6. 5. Iob 9. 4. Cha. 8. 21 Prov. 28. 14. Eccl. 9. 3. Act. 26. 27. Jer. 17. 9. Matth. 17. 19. Mar. 7. 21. Syr. 13. 25.

The heart of man is full of evill and madnesse, is deceitfull, and wicked above all things, who can know it? from thence come evill thoughts, murthers, adul­teries, fornications, thefts, false testimonies, slanders.

Use.Prov. 4. 23. Ʋse. Jer. 4. 4. Ʋse.

Let us pray the Lord to give us a new Spirit, to take away our stony hearts, andEzek. 11. 19. Chap. 16. 26. to give us hearts of flesh, that we may walke in his statutes, and keepe his Judge­ments.

Gods Justice Evill how permitted by God.

GOd permitteth evill by a certain voluntary permission, in that he forsaketh theRom. 1. 26. 2 Tim. 2. 23. second cause in working evill, and his Creature, either by detracting the grace it had, or not best owing that it wants. Now that which is evill hath some re­spect of goodnesse with God for three causes:

1. First, in that it is the punishment of sinne.

2. Secondly, As it is a new Action or Act.

3. Thirdly, As it is a Chastisement, a triall of ones faith, a Martyrdome, and pro­pitiation for sinne, as the death and passion of Christ (as the Apostle saith;) Him, I say, being delivered by the determinate counsell and foreknowledge of God, ye have Act. 2. 23. taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain.

1. If we observe these Caveats, God is not only a bare permissive Agent in an evill work, but a powerfull effectour of the same, yet so as he neither instilleth anNote. aberration into the action, nor yet supporteth or intendeth the same; but that he most freely suffereth evill, and best disposeth of it to his owne glory. As for Ex­ample let a man spurre forward a lame horse; in that he moveth forward, the Rider is the cause, but that he halteth, the horse himself is the cause. The like may be said of Gods action in an evill subject.

2. Observe that there is Malum poenae, & malum culpae: The evill of punishment,Ier. 39. 16. and the evill of sinne: Now the Lord is the Authour of the evill of punishment for sinne, but not of the evill of sinne, &c.Chap. 49. 37.

The Lord is said
  • To bring evill upon Jerusalem, upon Iob, and upon the wicked; and to de­termine
    Jer. 44. 2. Job 42. 21. Ier. 6. 3. Micah 1. 12. I [...]r. 39. 16. 2 Sant. 12. 1 Ap [...]. 14. Ch. 21. 22. Deut. 29. 28. Iosh. 23. 25. Amo [...] 3. 6. Isai. 31. 1. Chap. 45. 7. Chap. 4 [...]. Ier. 4. 10. Ezek. 14. 9. 2 Sant. 17. Ier. 6. 21. Izek. 3. 26. Is [...]t. 19. 14. 1 Chron. 21. Iudg. 9. 23. 2 Sam. 16. & 18. Psal. 78. 49. 2 [...]las. 2. 11. 2 Sam. 24. Chap. 16. 10. Rom. 9. 17. Psal. 90. 3.
    evill against the house of Judah, to set his face for evill, not for good against Jerusalem. To raise evill against David, to bring evill upon Icroboam, Ahab, and their posteritie, on the house of the wicked, and on those that served other gods: so that there should not be evill in a citie, but it should come from him.
  • To create light and darknesse, the destroyer to destroy, &c.
  • To deceive the people and prophet, and to destroy Abithophels counsell, that he might bring evill on Absalom.
  • To lay a stumbling block before the people that commit iniquitie.
  • To mingle the spirit of errour among the heathen, to send a lying spirit in­to the mouth of Ahabs prophets, with an evill spirit on the men of She­chem, and king Saul, and evill Angels on wicked men with strong de­lusions.
  • To move David to number the people, to will Shimei to curse, to stirre up Pharaoh to shew his power in him, and to turne man to destruction.
Amos 3. 6. Isai. 45. 7.
  • Pray with David that thy heart be not inclined to evil, to commit wicked actions.
    Psal. 14. 4.
Gods Tempting and How God is said to tempt.
  • TEmptation is nothing else but the inticement of the soule or heart, either by the corruption of Mans Nature, the allurements of the world, or the devill, to any sinne. In this manner God tempteth not, for he cannot be tempted to evill, neither tempteth he any man to evill: for out of the mouth of the most High
    Iames 1. 13.
    proceedeth not good and evill, but we are drawne on to the same divers wayes, but especially three wayes:
  • 1. By the devill who waiteth to work out overthrow and damnation.
  • 2. By our concupiscence in consenting to Satans suggestion, and
  • 3. By vitious companie, being seduced by ill persuasion.
  • Now God may be said to leade into Temptation of Probation.
  • 1. By universall probatory precepts; such was Abrahams to kill his sonne.
    Gen. 22. 2 Cor. 12. 7, 8, &c. 1 Kin. 22.
  • 2. By sending extraordinary measure of prosperitie, or adversitie.
  • 3. By letting Io [...]se of Satan (his B [...]n-dogge) to buffet and molest the Godly, as Paul was; or to seduce the wicked, as Ahabs prophets were.
  • 4. By offering occasions and objects, to trie whether a man will sinne or not; like a master suspecting his servant, which in word professeth sidelitie, layes a purse of money in his wayes, to try if he will steale it, now the trying of him is no sinne, though his servant sinne in stealing. In the same manner God tempteth his owne
    Deut. 13. 3.
    servants, to prove and trie them, to know whether they love him or not.
  • 5. By withdrawing his grace: yet this can be no sinne in God, because he is bound to no man to give him grace, and here is a difference between the tempting
    Hos. 5. 15. Rom. 1. 26. Act. 5. 3.
    of God and Satan: God holds back Grace when he tempts: the devill suggests evill motions in his tempting.
  • 6. In every action, so farre forth as it is an action, the same is good, and of God, for in him we live, move, and have our being: As for Example, one man kils an­other,
    Act. 17. 28.
    the very moving of the body in doing of the villanie is of God, but the wic­kednesse of the action is from man, and the devill who thrust him forward to doe the same.
  • 7. By correcting and humbling his servants for their sinnes, to try how they will abide the crosse: so he afflicted the Israelites and king Hezekiah, to see what was
    Deut. 8 2. 2 Chron. 31.
    in his heart: whereas the devils end in tempting is only to bring the partie unto destruction.
  • [Page 96]The Lord trieth Abraham, by commanding him to offer up Isaac his sonne.
    Gen. 22. Exo [...]. 16. 4 2 [...]. 32. 31. Exod. 20. 2 [...]. Iudg. 2. 22. Chap. 2. 1. Psal. 81. 7.
  • The Lord trieth The Israelites By causing bread to rain from Heaven. By thunder and lightning at the giving of the law unto them.
  • The Lord trieth The Israelites By suffering idolaters among them.
  • The Lord trieth David, by his knowing of him in his down-sitting, and up▪ rising.
    Psal. 130. 1.
  • The Lord trieth Iob, by affl [...]cting him, even as gold is tried by men.
    Job 23. 10. Gē. 39. 7.
  • The Lord trieth Christ, as he was man, by suffering Satan to tempt him.
    Matth. 4.
  • Ʋse. Christ trieth Peter, by willing him to come on the waters unto him.
    [...] 33. 1. Psal. 3 2.
  • Christ trieth Philip, by asking him where he should have bread enough to feed all the
    Matth. 4. Ioh. 6. 5.
    mu [...]ti [...]ude that followed him.
  • Christ trieth Saint Paul, and other Godly persons, by mockings and scourgings, and
    2 Cor. 11. Heb. 1. 36, 37.
    by bonds and imprisonment, that they might obtain by him the first Resurrection.
  • God Trieth the Godly as silver is tried, but delivereth them again.
    Psal. 66. 10.
  • God He prov [...]th men to see if they love him entirely.
    Deut. 1 [...]. 3.
  • Thinke it not strange (saith Saint Peter) concerning the fierie trials that are among
    1 Pet. 4. 12.
    you, as though s [...]me strange thing were come unto you.
  • There is no temptation hath taken you, (saith Saint Paul) but such as is common
    1 Cor. 10. 13.
    to men: But God is faithfull, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able: but w [...]ll with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to beare it.
  • God will trie the righteous, (saith David:) and knoweth how to deliver
    Psal. 1 [...]. 5. 2 Pet. 2. 9.
    them out of temptation, (saith Saint Peter.)

Gods Justice One sinne punished.

For one sinne
  • The Angels were cast downe from Heaven into darknesse,
    Iudg. 6.
  • Adam and Eve were both turned out of Paradise.
    Gen. 3.
  • Cain was cast out from Gods presence.
    Gen. 4.
  • Ishmael was cast out from Abrahams house.
    Gen. [...]1.
  • Cham was cast out of his fathers favour.
    Gen. 2.
  • Ionah was cast out of the ship into the water.
    Ionah 1.
  • Saul was cast out from being King any longer.
    1 Sam. 15.
  • Abimelech [...] wife and other his women were made barren.
    Gen. 20.
  • Achan w [...]s stoned to death, his cattell, wife, and children.
    Iosh. 7.
  • Ananias and Saphira were strucken dead one after the other.
    Act. 5. Dan. 5. 6.
  • Bethshemites were slain fiftie thousand in number.
    1 Sam. 6. 19.
  • Two captains with their fi [...]ties with fire were consumed.
    1 King. 1.
  • David had seventie thousand subjects destroyed.
    2 Sam. [...] & 12. 10.
  • Daniel's accusers, with their wives, by Lions perished.
    Dan. 6.
  • Dives not releeving Lazarus is in h [...]ll damned.
    Luk 16. [...] [...]2. 1 [...]. G [...]n. 11.
  • Esau selling his birth-right, lost his fathers blessing.
    Gen. 25.
  • Er and Onan doing wickedly, were both of them slain.
    Gen. 38.
  • Hezekiah's posteritie and treasures were into Babel carried.
    2 Kin. 20.
  • Herod was strucken, and eaten with wormes, and so dyed.
    Act. 12.
  • Gideon brought the Lords wrath on all his posteritie.
    Iudg. 5.
  • Gehazi with all his seed were plagued with leprosie.
    2 King. 5.
  • I [...]roboam's hand was withered, so that he could not move it.
    1 King. 1 [...].
  • Iehoshaphat's ships were broken, so they could not traffique.
    2 Chron. 20.
  • Israelites were to the number of three thousand slain.
    Exod. 32.
  • Iosiah that godly King dyed by the hand of an Egyptian.
    2 Chron. 32.
  • Korah with his companie were into the earth swallowed.
    Numb. 16.
  • Korah's Confederates were with fire from God destroyed.
  • Lots wife looking back into a Pillar of Salt was turned.
    Gen. 19.
  • Levites wife playing the whore, was to death abused.
    Iudg. [...]0.
  • Miriam speaking against Moses was leprous for a time.
    Numb. 10. 12.
  • Michal to her dying day, for deriding David, was barren.
    2 Sam. 6. 23.
  • Moses and Aaron entred not into the Land of Canaan.
    Deut. 32. 51.
  • The man Disobeying the [...]rophet was by a Lion slain.
    1 King. [...]0.
  • The man Gathering sticks on the Sabbath was stoned.
    Numb. 15.
  • The man Blasphemed the Name of God was stoned.
    Levit. 14.
  • The men Of Ashdod were with Emerods plagued.
    1 Sam. 5.
  • The men Sent to spie out Canaan in the plague died.
    Heb. 3. 10.
For one sinne
  • [Page 97]Many little children were with beares destroyed.
    2 Kin. 2.
  • Nimrod was the cause that all languages were confounded.
    Gen. 11.
  • Nadab and Abihu were both with fire consumed.
    Lev. 10. 1.
  • Pharaoh and Abimelech taking Abrahams wife, were plagued,
    Gen: 12. Ch: 20
  • Prophet seduced was in the vvay slaine by a Lyon.
    1 Kin: 13.
  • Prince of Samariah was in the gate to death trodden.
    2 Kin: 7.
  • Peter vvas called Satan by Christ rebuking him.
    Mar 18.
  • Reuben lost his dignity for lying vvith his fathers concubine.
    Gen 49.
  • Shechem and Hamor, and all the Shechemites vvere slaine.
    Gen. 34.
  • Shemaiah and all his seed vvere brought to destruction.
    Ier. 29.
  • Simon Magus had a curse by the Apostle pronounced against him.
    Act. 8.
  • Euticus fell downe dead: Elimas vvas blind suddenly.
    Act. 20. Ch. 13.
  • Ʋzzah vvas strucken dead: Ʋzziah vvith leprosie.
    2 Sam. 6. 2 Chr. 26.
  • Zacharias vvas strucken dumbe, and that for his incredulitie.
    Lu. 1. 20.
  • All mankinde by Adams transgression are damned vvithout Gods great love
    1 Cor. 15. 21.
    towards them in Christ extended: who for the sinne of man most willing­ly suffere [...].
  • 1 If God (as you have heard) spared not his owne Sonne, because he tooke our sinnes upon him, but punished him so sharpely, what shall we looke for, unlesse we repent? And if the justice of God be so great against sinne, that he spared not the Elect, though they be justified by Christ, but chastened them; what then shall the wicked and impenitent sinner looke for?
  • 2 If God have punished one sinne so severely in the Angels, in Adam, and in o­ther godly men, what shall we looke for that have committed so many sinnes a­gainst
    2 Peter 22. Iudg. 6.
    him? If God have damned so many for lesser [...]s then ours are, what will he doe to us for greater?
  • If God have borne longer with us, then he hath done with many other, whom he hath cut off without giving them time of Repentance. What reason is there that he should beare longer with us?
  • If God have not spared the naturall branches, let us then dread for whom these
    1 Cor. 10. 11.
    ensamples are written to admonish us.
To avoid sinne
  • Thinke of The worlds vanitie, to contemne it: of death, to expect it: of judgement, to avoid it: of hell, to escape it: and of Heaven to attaine it.
Gods Justice evill with evill punished.
  • SUch is the Justice of God, as that he hath ordained, that men shall be rewar­ded
    Mat. 15. 11.
    in their kind, like for like, according to Christs saying, With what mea­sure yee meet, it shall be measured to you againe. Wherein wee may observe the rule of Gods Justice in the punishment of sinne, in the same kind that men offend, And herein God deales with man according unto Davids prayer (saying) Re­ward
    Psal. 111. 28. 4.
    them O Lord according to their deeds, and according to the wickednesse of their inventions: Recompence them a [...]ter the workes of their owne hands, and render them their rewards.
  • Adam and Eve Eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evill, of which they should not have eaten, were both barred of the tree of life, whereof they
    Gen. 3.
    might have eaten.
  • Adonizebech cut off the thombes of others, his thombes were cut off by a­nother.
    Iudg. 1. 7.
  • Ahab spared Benadah: his life was for him required of the Lord.
    1 Kin 20. 42.
  • Amnon hated Thamar his sister: he was hated of Absolom his brother.
    2 Sam. 13.
  • Absolom was of his haire proud this haire his death caused.
    2 Sam. 18.
  • Agag made childlesse women this mother was made childlesse of him.
    1 Sam. 15.
  • Achitophel gave evill counsell to Absolom his counsell was his destruction.
    2 Sam. 17.
  • Ammonites kept in bondage derided the Israelites they were after in bondage to derided by them
    Ier. 49. 2. Ezek. 25. 2:
[Page 98] Ammonites and M [...]ahites
  • denied to entertaine the Israelites vvith bread and vvater, being tem­porall things: they vvere denied by the Israelites (is God comman­ded)
    Deut 23. 3. Neh 13. 11.
    to be partaker vvith them of spirituall things.
  • Balaack seeking to curse Israel by Balaam, was cursed vvith his by Balaam.
    Num [...] &c Hos. 2 8. 1 Sam. 27. 2 Sam 13. Chap 14. Chap. 11 Ch. 16 1 Sam 2 [...]. Luk 16. Esth 3. Chap. 7.
  • Caldeans spoyled many Nations: they vvere spoyled againe by Nations.
Subtiley deceived A [...]hish the King, he was deceived by a vvoman.
Caused Ʋrijah to be made drunke, his son Amnon was drunke.
Caused Ʋrijah to be slain: three of his sons were slaine.
Deceived Abimelech by a lie: was deceived by Ziba by a lie.
  • Lay with Bathsheba secretly: Absolom with his Concubines openly.
  • Dives denied crumbes on earth: he is denied drops in hell.
  • Hamon got a Commission to put the Iewes to death: Esther got a Commission to put his son, to death: He likewise made a gallowes to hang Mordecat on, vvas himselfe hanged upon.
  • Herod purposed not to doe as he said he would to the Wise-men: The Wise-men
    Mat. 2. 3, 4, &c. Gen. 25. Gen. 27. Gen 35. Ch. 27. Ch. 29. Ch. 28. Ch. 35 Ch. 41. Deut. 4. 2. Amos 5. 2 [...] [...]r. 30. 10. &c.
    returned not, as they said they would unto him.
  • Isaac made a lye to Abimelech, saying, Rebecca was his sister, Iacob made a lye to Isaa [...], saying, he was Esau his brother.
Lay vvith Rahels maid unlawfully, his son Reuben opprobriously.
Deceived Esau his eldest brother, vvas deceived with L [...]ah the elder sister: abode [...]0 years from Isaac: Ioseph so long from Iacob
Israelites and Jewes
  • In Israel following Idolatry; were constrained to it in captivity.
  • Keeping in bondage their servants; vvere in bondage to other.
  • Would not heare the Law of God; vvere not heard by God.
  • Regarded not to know God; vvere not regarded to be knowne of God.
  • Re [...]u [...]ed knowledge; they vvere destroyed for lacke of knowledge.
    Zach. 7. 12. Hos. 4. 6.
  • Spilt o [...]h [...]rs bloud vvithout hiding; theirs vvere spilt vvithout cove­ring.
  • Cast away the Statutes that vvere good; had Statutes that vvere not
    Rom. 1. 28. Ez. [...]
  • Stung Moses vvith their tongue; vvere themselves vvith Serpents
    Nii. 21. Is. 24. 5
  • Going after other gods a vvhoring; their vvives, &c. became whores.
    Hos. 4. 13, 14, &c.
  • Deceived the Lord of his praises; were deceived of the earthly increase.
  • Moved the Lord to jealousie vvith that vvhich vvas not good, and pro­voking him to anger vvith their vanities: The Lord moved them
    Deut. 32. 21. Rom. 10. 19.
    to j [...]alousie vvith those vvhich vvere no people, and provoked them to anger vvith a foolish Nation.
  • Dishonoured God in their prosperity, not regarding him, they were
    Lam. 1. 8.
    dishonoured by men in their captivity and affliction, despising them.
  • [...]shmaels ha [...] vvas against every man; every mans hand vvas against him.
    Gen. 16. 12. Act. 2. 13. Ch. [...]6 21 Deut. 21 23. Gal. 3. 13. let. 33. 1. Ioel 3. 0. Mat. 27. Isai 10. 1 [...].
The Jewes
  • Mocking at Christ and the Apostles, are now derided by other.
  • Going about to make Christ accursed, by hanging him on the tree, are now themselves accursed with their [...]eed by incredulity.
  • The Jewes Enemies tooke the children of Iudan and Ierusalem, and sold them to
    Isa. 30, 1 [...]
    the Grecians; Their children vvere sold againe to the Israelites.
  • Iudas sought Chr [...]sts death: he dyed on a tree hanging himself.
  • Babell King deal [...] vvith the Iewes cruelly: the like vvas shewed to his poste­ritie.
The men
  • Casting Shadrach into the fornace: vvere burnt vvith the flame.
    Dan. 3.
  • That marthered any vvere for the most part murthered againe.
  • Nalah and Abih [...] offered strange fire, they were consumed vvith fire.
    Lev. 10, 2. Exod [...]. Chap. 12. Chap. 14. Mat. 26. Ioh. 28 17. Mar. 8. 32, 33. 1 Ki. 13. [...]z 3
  • Pharaoh slew the children of the Israelites: an Angell slew the Egyptians: cau­sed the children of the Israelites to be drowned: hee and his vvere drow­ned
  • Peter denied Christ three time [...] before he vvas constant in beleeving: Christ de­manded Peter three times, Lovest thou me? before he gave credit to his saying: He rebuked Christ, and Christ rebuked him.
  • The Priests that burnt intense on strange Altars, their bones vvere burnt on altars.
  • The People that devided Israels desolation: others derided their destruction.
    Ier 48. Luk. 15. 1 [...]n. 12.
  • The Prod [...]gall consuming his estate prodigally; was punished with penury
  • Rehohoam refusing the counsell of old-men; was prejudiced by counsell of young-men.
  • [Page 99]R [...]ho [...]oam and his princes forsaking God; they were forsaken by the Lord.
    2 Chron. 12. 5. Gen. 11. Exod. 1. Gen. 19. Iudg 15. 11, &c. 1 Sam. 15.
  • Shews sons became brick-burners to build Babel to get a name; their posteritie were b [...]ick-burners to Pharaoh to their shame.
  • The Sodomites burned in lust one with the other; they were burnt in fire together Samson burnt the corn of the Philistines; his wife was burnt by the Philistines.
  • Samson did to the Philistines at other times, as they formerly had done to him.
  • Cast away the Word of the Lord; he was cast off from the Lord.
  • Deceived the Witch by changing his apparell, he was deceived by the de­vil, changing himself into the shape of Samuel.
    Chap. 28, &c. Ezek. 16. 36, &c. Iosh. 3. 9. 1 Sam. 31. 2 King 19. Matth. 18.
  • The Sodomites discovered their shame to th [...]se that they beastly loved: The Lord discovered their shame to those that they hated.
  • Saul and [...]onathan slew the Gibeonites with whom Ioshua had made a league be­fore time; they were both of them slain by the Philistines.
  • Sennacherib trusting in his god Nisroch: was slaine by his son before him.
  • The servant that shewed no mercie to his fellow, his master shewed none to him.
  • The women of Israel abusing their sweet odours, girdle [...], stomachers, haire, and beautie; the Lord in stead thereof gave them stinks and rents, baldnesse, girdles
    Isai. 3.
    of sackcloth, and burnings.
  • The wicked in this world say to God, Go [...] from us, we desire not the knowledge of
    Iob 21. 14. Matth. 7. 23.
    thy wayes: The Lord will say to them in the day of Judgement, Depart from me, I will none of ye.
  • Satan tempted Christ fortie dayes in his unglorisied bodie: Christ triumphed over
    Matth. 4. 1. Act 1. 3. Ephes. 4 8. Hos. 13. 1 [...]. Wisd. 11. 13. Ier. 15. 29. Lev. 24. Iob 34. 11.
    Satan fortie dayes in his glorified bodie.
  • Death and the Devill rejoyced over Christ being in his grave after his Passion:
  • Christ overcame them, and rejoyced over them by his Resurrection.
  • Wherewith a man sinneth, by the same shall he be punished.
  • As every person hath done, so shall it be done to him.
  • Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, &c. shall be given.
  • God will render to every man according to his works.

Reade Deut. 46. Chap. 7. 12. Chap. 11. 13. Iosh. 1. 8. 1 King. 14. 13. Eccl. 7. 27. Iob 3. 13. Chap. 16. 18. Chap. 20. 8. Chap. 31. 9. Prov. 1. 24. Chap. 5. 22. Chap. 8. 38. Chap. [...]. 5, 27. Chap. 13. 13, 22. Chap. 14. 14. Chap. 22. 16. Chap. 24. 12. Chap. 28 10. Isai. 3. 11. Chap. 8. 6. Chap. 22. 13. Chap. 30. 2. Chap. 49. 25. Chap. 50. 11. Chap. 52. 3 Chap. 59. 8. Chap. 66. 3. Ier. 6. 19. Chap. 25. 6, 14. Chap. 30. 16. Chap. 50. 29. Chap 51. [...]4. Ezek. 1 [...]. 12. Chap. 18. 30. Chap. 25. 14. Chap. 35. 11. Chap. 30. 2. Chap. 39. 24. Hos. 4. 11. Oba [...]. 1. 15. Psal 9 5. & 37. 15. & 52. 4. & 62. 12. Matth. 10. 14. Chap 12. 35. Chap. 24. 48. Iohn 15. 2 2 Cor. 11. 13. Chap. 1 [...]. 6. Col. 3. 15. 2 Thes. 1. 6. Chap. 2. 9. Luke 12. 48. Gal. 5. 5. Rev. 2. 23. Chap. 18. 6. Chap. 20. 13. Rom. 2. 9. 2 Cor. 5. 10. Micah 1. 7. Wisd 11. 5.

The Person that
  • Addeth to the word of God; plagues shall be added unto him.
    Rev. 22. 18. Luke 9. 26. Gen. 23. 22. 2 Thes. 2. 11. Psal. 109. 7. Iob 15. 31. Psal. 69. 27. Isa [...]. 49. 25. Rom. 2. 1. 1 Sa [...] 2. 30. 2 T [...]. 3. 13. Isai. 33. 1. Iob 5. 13. Matth. 20. 4. 1 Cor. 3. 7. I [...]. 30. 16. 1 Ch [...]on. 28. Mark 11. 26. Psal. 18. 26. Deut. 19. 16. Ez [...]l. 33. 6. Matth 7. 2. [...], Psal. 105. 17. Io [...] 31. 9. Prov. 19. 28. Prov. 22. 16. Prov. 26. 27. Ier. 30. 16. Prov. 21. 13. Iam. 2. 13. Deut. 28. Prov. 22. [...]3. H [...]b. 2. 8.
  • Ashamed is of Christ on earth; Christ will be so of him in Heaven.
  • Afflicted the children of God, the Lord will afflict him.
  • Beleeveth not the truth of God to be saved; shall beleeve lies, and be damned.
  • Clotheth himself with cursing, cursing shall enter into him.
  • Committeth iniquitie, and [...]reth in vanitie, it shall be added unto him.
  • Contendeth with those that be godly, the Lord will contend with him.
  • Condemneth another doing the same, shall be condemned in the same.
  • Despiseth God, God will despise him: that deceiveth, shall be deceived.
  • Dealeth treacherously with others, shall be so dealt withall.
  • Denyeth mercie to the poor on earth, shall be denyed mercie in Heaven.
  • Destroyeth the Temple of God, him shall God destroy again.
  • Devoureth the godly, and forsake God; God will devoure and forsake.
  • Forgiveth not injurie; done unto him, shall not be forgiven.
  • Frowardly carrieth himself towards God, God will do so to him.
  • Falsely accuseth any; he shall be falsely accused by other.
  • Hateth, shall be hated: that judgeth, shall be so judged.
  • Killeth and murthereth others, shall be murthered by other.
  • Lyeth waite for another mans wife; his wife shall grinde to another.
  • Mocketh at judgements, judgements are prepared for him.
  • Oppresseth any making him poore: shall be brought to povertie.
  • Roleth a stone, the stone shall returne upon himselfe.
  • Robbeth the godly: God will stirie up some to robbe him.
  • Stoppeth his eare at the poore, shall cry and not be heard.
  • Sheweth no mercie: to him shall be condemnation mercilesse.
  • Serveth not God with a good heart; shall serve his enemies.
  • Spoiles the souls of others: God will spoile the soul of him.
The Person that
  • [Page 100]Sinneth without the Law; shall perish without the Law.
    Rom. 2. 12.
  • Seeketh evill and vengeance, evill and vengeance sh [...]ll com [...] to him.
    Prov. 11. 27.
  • Soweth sparing, to the flesh and wind; shall reap the same.
    2 Cor. 9. 6. Gal. 6. 8.
  • Scorneth others; shall be scorned by the Lord again.
    Prov. 3. 34.
  • Shooteth his arrowes to the godly; God shall shoot at him.
    Psal. 64. 4, 7.
  • Troubleth a widow, &c. his wife shall be made a widow.
    Exod. T [...]st [...]f [...]th▪ 22. 22 Deut. 15. 16, 19.
  • Turneth his eare from hearing the Law, his prayers shall be abominable.
    Prov. [...]9. 8.
  • Worketh evill, shall be wrapped in evill not knowing whence it is.
    Ecclus. 27.
  • Walketh stubbornly against God: God will walk so against him.
    Levit. 26. 23.
  • Is unfaithfull unto others: others shall be so unto him.
    Luke 16. 12.

Thus every man is recompenced according to the work of his hands.Psal. 28. 4. Prov. 24. 12.


Whatsoever therefore ye would that men should doe unto you, even so doe yee unto Matth. 7. 12. them, saith Christ.

Gods Mercie Good with good rewarded.
  • Shewed his love to God in offering up Isaac his sonne.
    Gen. 22.
  • The Lord manifested his love to Abraham by sparing him.
  • Ahimelech relieved David: His sonne A [...]iathar was relieved by David.
    1 Sam. [...]1.
  • Abiathar suffered in affliction with David: His life was by Solomon saved.
    1 King. 2.
  • The Apostles
  • Used their tongues to l [...]ud God: they were sanctified by God.
    Act. 2. [...].
  • Loved Christ, they were beloved of God himselfe and Christ.
    Ioh. 16. 27.
  • Suffered with Christ: they are now in blessednesse with Christ.
    Matt. 19.
  • A [...]igail relieved Davids povertie: she was advanced by him to Regency.
    1 Sam. 30.
  • Barzillai shewed to David his Amitie. Salomon shewed kindnesse to Barzillai.
    1 King. 2.
  • The Centurion loved the Jewes, and built a Synagogue for them: The Jewes in love prayed Christ to heale the servant of the Centurion.
    Luk. 7. 4.
  • Daniel expounds the dreame of Nebuchadnezzar: he promoted him to honour.
    Dan. 4.
  • Shewed mercie to an Egyptian: He discovered his enemies to him.
  • Being relieved by many in his necessitie, sent to them of his plentie.
    1 Sam. 30.
  • Ebedmelech shewed mercie to Ieremie: The Lord shewed Ebedmelech mercie.
    Ier. 38. & 39.
  • Henoch walked on earth with God: He was taken up into Heaven by God.
    Gen. 5.
  • Iob comforted many in their affliction: Th [...] Lord comforted him.
    Job 4. & 33.
  • Shewed mercie to David: his son Mephibosheth had mercie from David.
    1 Sam. [...]0.
  • Delivered the Israelites from the Philistines; was delivered by the Is­raelites.
    2 Sam. 9.
  • Saint Iohn commended of Christ behinde him: Christ did the like of S Iohn.
    Ioh. 1. 27. I [...]. 29. [...]. Mat. 11. 11.
  • The Kenites shewed mercie to Israel: They found mercie at the hands of Saul.
    1 Sam. 15.
  • King Hiram and Queen of Sheba gave gifts to Salomon: they had the like of him.
    1 Kin. 5. & 10.
  • Just Lot enter [...]ained two Angels: He was delivered from Sodome by them.
    Gen. 19.
  • Moses shewed love to Iethro's daughter: he found love from her father.
    Exod. 1.
  • Magda [...]ene gave Christ oyle to annoint him: Christ gave her pardon of sinne.
    Luke 7.
  • The men imploying the Talents delivered them: had more given them.
    Matth. [...]5.
  • Nahash comforted David in affliction: David sent to comfort his sonne.
    1 Sam. 10. 1 Ch [...]on. 19.
  • Obed-Edom entertained Gods Ark into his house: he was blessed with his house.
    2 Sam. 6.
  • Onesiphorus shewed mercie to Paul: Paul prayed God to shew mercie to him.
    2 Tim. 1.
  • Publius entertained Paul: Publius his father was healed by him.
    Act. 27.
  • The Philippians r [...]leeved Pauls necessitie: The Lord gave them riches in glorie.
    Phil. 4. 18.
  • Paul shewed mercie in healing many: he had from them things necessary.
    Act. [...]8. 9.
  • Rahab preserved the spies of Ioshua: she was preserved by Ioshua.
    Iosh. 2. & 6.
  • Ruth accompanied Naomi: Boaz married her, a man of authoritie.
    Ruth. 1. & 4▪
King Saul and Ionathan
  • Shewed the men of Jabesh-Gilead kindnesse in delivering them
    1 Sam. 11 Tongues, Act. 2.
    from Ammon.
  • They shewed them kindnesse at their death by burying them.
    & 31. 11.
  • And David promised to shew mercie to the Gileadites again.
    2 Sam. 2. [...] Mat [...]. 25.
  • The Shunamit [...] entertained Elisha▪ she obtained a childe by his prayer being barren.
    2 King. 4.
  • The widow releeved Elijah: she had her meale and oyle increased by him.
    1 King. 17.
  • The wise men gave Christ gold, frankincense, and myrrhe; they had Wisedome,
    Matth. 2.
    Devotion, and Charitie given.
  • Zacheu [...] gave Christ temporall food: he had spirituall food given him.
    Luke 19.
The person that
  • [Page 101]Aboundeth in Christs sufferings: his consolation shall abound in Christ.
    2 Cor. 1. 5.
  • Abideth in Christ, keeping his words: let him aske it shall be given.
    Iob. 15. 7.
  • Blesseth those that are Gods children: God will blesse him.
    N [...]. 24. 9. Ex. 23. 22
  • Casteth his bread on the waters, shall find the same againe.
    Eccles. [...]1. 1.
  • Casteth his care on the Lord: The Lord will care for him.
    1 Pet. 5. 7.
  • Confesseth Christ before men: Christ will confesse him in Heaven.
    Luk. 12. 8.
  • Doth righteously: God will render his righteousnesse to him.
    Iob 33. 26.
  • Doth not evill: no evill shall at any time come neare him.
    Ecclu [...]. 7 1.
  • Draweth neare unto God: God will draw neare unto him.
    Iam. 4. 8.
  • Exalteth wisdome: Wisdome shall and will exalt him.
    Pro. [...]. 8.
  • Followeth righteousnesse and mercie: shall fine life and righteousnesse a­gaine.
    Pro. 21. 21.
  • Forgiveth another: shall be himselfe by the Lord forgiven.
    Mat. 6. 14.
  • Godly is and upright: the Lord will so shew himselfe to him.
    Psa 18. 2 [...]
  • Gives to others: shall from the Lord have given again.
    Mat. 10. 42.
  • Heareth.
  • Honours God before man: the Lord will honour him againe.
    1 Sam. 2. 30.
  • Honoureth his Father: shall receive honour from his children.
    Ec 3. 6.
  • Keepeth company with Wise-men: shall obtaine wisdome.
    Prov. 13. 20.
  • Liberall is, shall have plentie: and that watereth shall have rain.
    Prov. 11. 5.
Rev. 3. 20. Openeth.
Loveth wi [...]dome, and Christ loosing his life for him, shall find wisdome and
Prov. 8. 17.
Christ, with eternall life againe.
Io [...]. 14 21. Mat. 10 [...].
Rev 2. 26.
Overcommeth in keeping Gods Word: hee shall have power to over­come.
Rev. 3. 21.
Planted is to the similitude of Christs death: shall so be to his resu [...]re­ction.
Rom 6. 5.
Saith Iob. 33. 27.
  • Pittieth the poore: the Lord will restore what is laid out by him.
    Pro. 19. 17.
  • Returneth unto the Lord: the Lord will returne unto him.
    Ze [...]. 1. [...]. Mal. 3. 7.
  • Receiveth a prophet; shall receive the reward of a prophet.
    Mat. 10 41.
Seeketh after wisdome: the Lord and good things shall find.
2 Chro 15. 2.
Pro. 13. 20 Yeeldeth.
Soweth righteousnesse, and to to the spirit, sh [...]ll reape the same:
Pro. 11. 17. Cap. 8. 17. [...] C [...]r. 9. 6. Gal. [...]. 8.
Rom. 6. 16
  • The Lord vvill shew himselfe mercifull with the mercifull; and with the upright
    Ps. 18. 25.
    man vvill shew himselfe upright.
    Pro. 12. 14
  • The recompence of every mans hand shall be rendered unto him: for the Lord
    2 Sam. 22. 21.
    vvill reward every one according to his righteousnesse, and according to the
    Ps. 18. 20, &c.
    cleannes of their hands doth he recompence them.
  • Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he reape.
    Gal. 6. 7.

Gen. [...] 23, 24. Chap. 24. 18. Exod 1. 10. Chap 23. 22. Iosh. 1. 8. [...]ev. 26. 4 D [...]ut. 7. 12. Iosh. 14. 14. 2 Sam. 22. 2 Kin. 10. 30. 1 Chro. [...]8. 9. Iob 8. 5. Chap 22. 23 &c▪ Chap 21. 20 Chap. 33 25. Chap. 36. [...]1. Prov. 2. [...]. Chap. 3. 3, 8 Chap. 11 27. Chap. 13. 13, 22. Chap. 14. 22. Chap. 24. 12. Chap. 8 27 Isa. 1. 19 Chap 33. 15. Chap 57. 13 Chap. 58. 9, 10. Ier. 7. 5. Chap 17. 10. Ioel 2. 12. Mal 3. 10. Psal 18. 20. Psal. [...]2. 12. Psal. 90. 15. Wisd 6. 10 Mat. 5. 1. Chap. 6. 4 Chap. 10. 32. Chap. 3. 12. Chap 19. 28. Chap. 25. 34 Chap. 26▪ 13. Ioh. 1. 12. Rom. 27. 1 Cor. 1. 5. Chap. 5. 10▪ [...] Cor 2. 10 2 Tim. 2. 11. Rev 2. 11, 17▪ Ioel 3. 4. Pro. 13. 21.

Gods Justice Sinne punished in the place committed.

In the same place where
  • Angels, Iud. 6. Adam, Gen. 3. King Abimelech, Gen. 20. Aramites.
    1 Ki. [...]0.
  • Ananias, Act. 5. Baals Prophets, [...] Kin. 10. Bethshemites, Balaam.
    Numb. [...]
  • Baalshazzar, Dan. 5 Cham, Gen 9. Two Captains with their fifti [...]s.
    2 Ki [...]. 1.
  • Children mocking, 2 Kin. 2. Elymas, Act 13. 11. Eu [...]icus sleeping.
    [...]ts [...]0.
  • Hamon, Esth. 7. Herod, Act. 12. Is [...]aelites, Num. 11. Iezabel Queen.
    2 King 9.
  • Ieroboam, 1 King 13. Iehoiakim Ezek. 17. 6. Kain, Gen 4. Kora [...].
    Num 16.
  • Lots wi [...]e, Gen 19. Miriam, Numb. 12. Nebuchadnezzar, Dan 4. Ni [...]od.
    Gen 1 [...].
  • Onan and Er, Gen. [...]8. Pharaoh, Exo 4. Philistines, Iudg. 16. Prod [...]all.
    Luk 15.
  • Peter, Mar. 8. 32. Paul, Act. 9. Nadab, Lev. 10. Samaria Princ [...]
    2 King. 7.
  • Senecherib, 2 Kirg. 18. Solomon, 1 Kin. 11. Sodomites, Gen 19. Sam [...]son.
    Iudg. 16.
  • Simon Magus, Act 8. The two hundred and fifty men, N [...]b 16. Ʋzzab.
    2 Sam. 6.
  • Ʋzziah, 2 Chro 26. Scaevaes sons and Zachariah sin [...]ed; They were every
    Act. 19. [...]. 1. 20. [...]. 25. [...]. Ez [...]. 21. 32.
    one of them punished.

Gods Mercie Man comforted in the place he sorrowed.

In the same place where
  • Adam heard sentence of punishment: he heard a sentence of comfort, saying;
    Gen. 3.
    The seed of the woman shall breke the head of the Serpent.
  • Abraham was willed to sacrifice his son▪ he heard a voyce from Heaven, say­ing;
    Gen. 22.
    I will blesse thy seed as the starres of Heaven.
  • The Apostles were imprisoned; they were by an angell, and God com­forted.
    Act. 5. 17. Ch. 16. 26. Ch [...]p. 23. 11.
  • David suffered under Saul: he was crowned King over all.
    2 Sam. 1. Psal. 30. 12.
  • Daniel and Ioseph was for a time afflicted; they were honoured.
    Dan. 4. Gē. 41. Gen 21. 2 Chr. 18. Ch. 19. Ch. 20. Isa [...]8. Gē. 32. 10. Iud 11. Gen. 41. 52. Re. 1. Ier 49. 2. Iob 42. Ex 1. Ex. 12 [...] 9. 15. [...]b. 8. 13. Esth. 3. Ch. 6. 2 Chr. 20 Paul Ruth 4. Act 7. Mat. 28. 16. Luk. 24. 15 Ioh. 16. 21. Psal. 30. 5. Psal. 126. Ier. 31. 13. Isa. 61. 3.
  • Hagar was in the Wildernesse with her son; the Lord comforted them.
  • Hezekiah was by Senacherib threatned; Senacheribs host was destroyed, and being sicke unto death, had fifteen years added to his life.
  • Isaac confessed himselfe to be in povertie; he was made wealthy.
  • Iephtah was banished; he was made captain by th Elders o Gilead.
  • Iohn was exiled; He had heavenly mysteries, being ravished.
  • Iob was by Satan tormented; he was at the last double blessed.
  • The Israeli [...]es were most by Pharaoh vexed; the more they increased, and being sorrowfull by bondage, were with joyfulnes delivered
  • Mordecai was by Haman with the Jewes disgraced, they were advanced.
  • Iehoshapha [...] feared most the enemy; the Lord gave him the victory.
  • Ruth in her poverty gleaned corne; she was made rich by her kinsman.
  • Steven was stoned; he was comforted; seeing the Heavens opened.
  • Christ was tempted, the Angels came to him and ministred, and from the Moun [...] Olivet going to his passion, he ascended to glory in Heaven.
  • Heavinesse may endure for a night: but joy commeth in the morning.
  • They that s [...]w in teares shall reape in joyfulnesse.
  • The Lord will turne sorrow into gladnesse, and will give beauty in stead of ashes: Ioyfullnesse for sighing; and pleasantnesse for heavinesse.

Gods Justice Sinne of one punished in another.
Children punished for the Sin of their Father.

HOw can God in Justice punish the children for the Fathers fault? Seeing theOb. Ezech. 18. 20. Ier. 31. 29. Gal. 6. 3. Lord himselfe saith, The Sonne shall not heare the iniquity of the Fa­ther.

Ans. 1 Man consisteth of a bodie, which we have from our Parents, and a souleDeut 4. 16. 2 King. 14. 6. Gal. 6. 5. which is given us immediately from God, both subject to corporall and tempo­rall, spirituall and eternall punishments: Of vvhich spirituall and eternall pu­nishment, thou a [...]t to understand that of the Prophet (saying) The soule that sin­neth shall die: The Sonne shall not heare the iniquity of the Father: But for corpo­rall and temporall punishments, God visiteth the iniquity of the father upon the children: And so God judged the house of Eli for ever, because his sonnes ran in­to a slander. And so the whole body of the people is punished for the sinne of one1 Kin. 2. 27. Iosh. 22. 20. Deut. 21. or many, unlesse the sinne be satisfied. So God plagued the Israelites for the sin of Achan: and so threatned to doe if any murtherer escaped.

2. To this we may answer, as the Lord doth in Hosea, speaking to the Jewes, he bids them plead with their mother, comparing himselfe to a husband, shewingHos. 2. 21. that there is no fault in him, but that all the blamelies on the adulterous mother. For as an husband may without any fault put away the wife that hath dealt trea­cherously, and her adulterous brood also, because they be none of his children▪ So may God justly plague and forsake both the Parents and the wicked children of w [...]ked Parents.

3. T [...] punishment is fullfilled on the wicked children, when the Lord with­holdeth [...] meanes of grace and the spirit of grace from them; as also in letting the children [...] their fathers evill vvaies to imitate the same, as also in giving them up to blindnesse [...]f mind, and hardnesse of heart, and such like, whereupon no­thing else can be looked for, but that the children being forsaken of God should live most wickedly, and so move God to take vengeance upon them So the poste­rity of wicked Ahab, and also of Cham, heare the curse upon them, for the iniqui­ty of their wicked fathers.

4. God dealeth herein, as man dealeth with the Serpent, who destroyeth both young and old, because they are enemies unto him, as also because he seeth they can doe nothing else but evill. So the Lord cutteth off the children of the wic­ked, [Page 103] for that he seeth if he should suffer them to remaine, they would be as bad as their fathers before him.

5. The will of God is just of it selfe, and that because it is his will which is mostRom. 9. 14. Chap. 11. 33. just, and the Authour and Rule of all Justice: who then art thou, O man, which pladest with God, whose wayes are unsearchable?

  • Adam In eating the forbidden fruit: All mankinde suffered.
    Gen. 3. Gen 20. 1 King. 2 [...]. 2 Ki [...]g. 12. 2 King. 16. 2 Chron. 28. 1 Sam. 21. Amos 7. 10. Josh. 7. [...] King. 15. Chap. 12. 12. Gen. 9.
  • Abimelech Taking Abrahams wife: All his kingdome was punished.
  • Ahab, and Iezebel Concerning Naboth: and all his posteritie were cut off, with fortie & two other, brethren unto Ahaziah the king.
  • Ahaz And many of his subjects were slain by the Assyrian.
  • Ahimelech In hearkning to David: and fourscore and five were slain.
  • Amaziah Accusing Amos: and his wives, sons, and daughters suffered.
  • Achan Taking the execrable things: and all his were stoned.
  • Baasha And all his posteritie, like Ieroboams, were destroyed.
  • Cham Discovering his fahters nakednesse: and his posteritie was cursed.
  • Certain Benjamites Abusing the Levits wife: & twenty five thousands were slain.
    Iudg. 19. 1 Sam. 6. Numb. 14. Matth. 27. 1 Sam. 5. Gen. 6. 2 Sam. 24. 2 Sam. 12. Dan. 6. Hos. 4. 6. Exod. 20. 5. Chap. 34 4. Numb. 14. 18. Deut. 5. 9. 2 Chron. 34. [...]1. Numb. 14. 33. Is [...] 1. 14. 21. Ier. 32. 18. L [...]m. 5. 7. Iob 17. 5. Ezek. 18. 2.
  • Certain Bethshemits Looking into the Ark of God: & fiftie thousand died of thē.
  • Certain Israelites Murmuring against God: and six hundred thousand perished.
  • Certain Jewes Wishing Christs bloud on them: and all became accursed.
  • Certain Men Setting Gods Ark by Dagon▪ & many of them were plagued.
  • Certain People Of the old world: yet all save Noah dyed in the floud.
  • David Numbring the people; and seventie thousand were slaine: and caused Ʋriahs death & the sword followed after him.
  • Daniels Accus. And their wives and children were cast into the Lions den.
  • The fathers And their iniquities were visited on their children.
  • And the Lords wrath fell on their children.
  • And a slaughter was prepared for their children.
  • And their iniquities were rendered into the bosome of their children.
  • And the eyes failed of their children.
  • And the teeth were set on edge of their children.
  • And Israel and Jerusalem was a reproch among men.
    Isai 43. Dan 9. Judg. [...]. 2 King. 5. 1 King. 2. 27.
  • Gideon Making the Ephod; and his posteritie was destroyed.
  • Gebazi Taking Naamans gifts, and his posteritie were leprous.
  • [...]li the Priest And his sons▪ & God tooke the priesthood from his posterity.
  • Haman Seeking to cut off the Jews: and many suffred for his villany.
    Esth. 7. 2 King. 10. 1 King 1 [...]. 1 Ki. 2. 2 Sam. 3. 1 Sam. 14. Ionah 1. Gen 21. Numb. 16. 22.
  • Hezekiah Shewing his treasures: and his children went into captivitie.
    2 King. 9. 26. 2 Chro. 32. 25.
  • Ieroboam Setting up the golden calves▪ & his posterity were destroyed.
  • Ioab Killing Abner: and his bloud was of his seed required.
  • Ionathan Tasting hony: and the Lord was with all Israel displeased.
  • Ionah Flying to Ta [...]shish: and all the Marriners were tosted.
  • Ishmael Deriding Isaac: and his mother was with him banished.
  • Korah With his Confederates; and their wives & children perished.
  • Kain Murthering Abel; and all his posterity with the [...]arth was cursed.
    Gen. 4. Deut. 4. 21. Psal. 106. 32. 2 Ki. 18. Gen. 19. Ier. 14. 4. Isai. 43. 17. Micah 3. 11. Amos 6. 12. Jer. 6. 13. Ier. 9. 10.
  • Israelites And the Lord was with his faithful servant Moses displeased.
    Hos. 4. 6. 2 Chr. 34. 21. Num. 14. 13 Lam. 5. 7. Ezek. 18. 2.
  • King Ashur And fourescore and five thousand of his were destroyed.
  • Lots daughters Lying with their father: and their issue was accursed.
  • Manasseb Filling Jerusalem with bloud: and all his posteritie suffered.
  • The And Iacob and Israel was reproached, and accursed.
  • Magistrates They turned Judgement into gall, and the fruits of righ­teousnesse
    1 Sam. 5. 6.
    into Hemlock: and the Lord threatned to bring a nation against the people, by whom they should be afflicted.
  • Nimrod With his companies, and all languages were confounded.
    Gen. 11. Exo. 11. Hos. 4. 6 Gen. 12. Gen 49. Gen. 3. Gen. 34. Iudg. 15.
  • Pharaoh In detaining the Israelites; and all his people were plagued.
  • Pharaoh In taking Abrahams wife; & all his houshold was plagued.
  • Reuben Lying with Iacobs Concubine; his posteritie lost the dignity.
  • Satan Using the Serpent: and all the serpents brood was cursed.
  • Shechem Ravishing Dinah: and all the Shechemites were murthered.
  • Samson Burning the Philistine [...] corne: his wife and father were burned.
  • Saul Slaying the Gibeonites; and divers of his sons were hanged:
    1 Sā. 13. 13. & 31
    as also the whole land was with three yeares famine punished.
    2 Sam. 21.
  • [Page 104]Salomon Taking outlandish women, &c. And yet ten tribes were
    1 King. 11. Chap. 12. Ier. [...]9. 32. Numb. 11. & 14. 28. & 32. 9. Ier. 43. 27. 1 King. 24.
    rent from his posteritie, and given to his adversarie.
  • Shemaiah Prophesying falsly▪ and the Lord visited all his posteritie.
  • Ten Spies Bringing up an evil report on the land of Canaan; and the Lord was wroth with all Israels children.
  • Teachers Transgressingly; & the Princes of the Sanctuary were slain.
  • Zedekiah And the wrath of the Lord was against all Jerusalem.
  • Mankinde And yet all creatures were thereby punished: yea, and Christ himself, to make satisfaction for the same, suffered the shamefull death of the crosse; the just for the unjust, do­ing
    1 Pet. 2. 22, 23.
    no sinne, neither was there guile found in his mouth; who in his own body bare our sinnes, that we being dead to sin, should live unto righteousnesse, and being freed from death, should at the last be raised by him to eternall life.
  • Oppressours And the whole land was punished.
    Ez [...]k. 12. 19. Ier. 14. 16.
  • Prophets Prophesying falsly▪ and men, women, and children perished.
  • The Lord saith If ye doe wickedly, ye shall perish, both ye and the king.
    1 S [...]. 1 [...]. 25. Levit. 20. 5. & 26 [...]9 [...]. 2 [...] 3. I [...]r. 13. 14. & 32. [...]. I [...] [...]. 5. & 2 [...] [...]. Exod. 3 [...]. Luk. 11. 51.
  • He will set his face against that man, and against his familie that go­eth a whoring after other gods: He will visit the iniquities of the father upon the children to the third & fourth generation of them that hat [...] him: He will lay up the sorrows of their fathers for them,
    Isai. [...]5▪ 7. Iob 17. 5.
    and will measure their old work into their bosome.


1 Seeing God punisheth the child en the father sinning: This serves to rebuke those paren [...]s that by oppression, &c. goe about to better the estate of their chil­dren,Dan. 9. 16. Read Psal. 109. 14. thereby bringing Gods curse upon them.

2 This should teach us to pray God not to impute the sinnes of our fathers untoProv. 28. 2. Syr. 10. [...]. Dan. 9. 16. Syr. 10. 8. us: So did Daniel, who confessed his own sinnes, the sinnes of the people, and the sinnes of their Ancestou [...]s.

Gods Justice Feare in Man a punishment for sinne.

FEare is a time [...]ous apprehension of an evill to come, being nothing else but the betraying of the succours which reason offereth, and is two-fold: Godly and wicked: Godly, fearing to displease God. Wicked, fearing the punishment of God more then God in sinning. Feare ag [...]in in the Godly is before AfflictionsWisd. 17. 11. come, and when they are come then their fear is p [...]st. Feare in the wicked is not before afflictions come, but when they are come, then they feare too much: For impietie triumphe [...]h in prosp [...]ritie, and trembleth in adversitie, but Pietie trem­bleth in prosperitie, and triumpheth in adversitie.

There are five kinds of Feare:

  • 1. Naturall: Which is one of the affections of the Soul created by God, with which Adam was endowed in the state of Innocencie.
  • 2. Carnall: The object whereof is flesh, or at the least, that which flesh may
    Matth. 14. 26. Isai. 24. 13. 2 King. 17. 32. Ier. 3 [...]. 16. 1 Ioh. 4. 18. R [...]v. [...]1. 18.
    do: as, Feare not them that are able to kill, &c.
  • 3. Ser [...]ile: The object whereof is the Judgement of God onely, and this is proper to the wicked, who feare Gods plagues only.
  • 4. Filliall: That is proper to the Sons of God; they doe not only feare his
    Jer. [...]6. 18. Mar [...] 5. [...]. Act. 9. 31.
    Judgements, but love and feare him for his mercie.
  • 5. Diabolicall: The devils know there is a God, therefore they feare and trem­ble, having received the sentence of condemnation.
    Iude 6.

1 True feare breeds in us a marvellous humilitie, as we saw in Iacob, who was much afraid of his brother Esau, and therefore coming towards him, bowedGen. 33. 3. himselfe seven times unto him.

2 It is very credulous: This again we see in Iacob, for when one told him that his brother came against him so well furnished, he feared greatly, yet disputed not long in the matter.Gen. 32.

3 True feare causeth diligence, this also we see in Iacobs Example, who was marvellous studious to salute his brother: disposing wisely of that he had, to pre­vent his brothers fury.

Feare hath painfulnesse: (saith St John) There is no feare in love: for perfect love casteth out feare: He then that feareth is not perfect in love. 1 Iohn 4. 18.

Feare in the Godly.

was afraid of
  • Adam The voice of God: Abraham of Abimelech the king.
    Isai. 7. 1. A. Gen. 20. 11. D. 1. Sam. 21. [...]2. D. 2 Sam. 3. 39. J Gē. 34. 30. Sam [...]el Saul 1 Sam. 16. 2. Job 3. [...]5.
    Gen. 3. Chap. 1 [...]. Exod. 34. [...]. [...]th [...]8. 1 Sam. 18. Dan. 7. 15. 1. Sam. 4. 1 Ki. 17. 2 King. 1. 2 K [...]g. 16. & 19. Judg 6 & 13. M [...] 16. Job 3. 25. Gen. 31. 2 Kin. 9. Matt. 2. Io [...]. [...]9. Hab. [...] 16. Exod. 2. Gen. 18. Act. [...]7. Matth. 14. 13.
  • Aaron Moses, seeing his face to shine: Boaz of Ruth uncovering him.
  • David Saul pursuing him: Daniel of visions shewed him.
  • Eli The Philistine: Elijah of Iezebel and Ahaziah the King.
  • Elisha Iehorams Messenger: Hezekiah of king Ashur.
  • Gideon An Angel; so was Manoah, Magdalene, and other.
  • Iob Things that befell him: Iacob of Esau his brother.
  • Jeh [...]shapha [...] The Ammonites: Ioseph of king Herod and Archelau [...].
  • Ioseph The Jewes: therefore came by night to beg Christs bodie.
  • Habakkuk The voice of God: Moses of Pharaoh, therefore fled.
  • Sarah The Lord, having laughed: therefore she denyed.
  • Paul Shipwrack: Peter of the circumcised. Herod, hearing Iohn was beheaded. The Apostles of other often-times feared.
  • Ʋse. Reade Luk. 24. 37. Mat. 17. 6. Mar. 10. [...]4 Luk. 9. 45. Ioh. 6. 19. Act.
    Psal. [...]1. 14. Psal. 34. 4.
    [...]26. Esth 3. 15. Exod. 14. 10. & 20. 18. Deut. 5. 5. Numb 14. 1. Iosh. 7. 5. Ier. 42. 11. Act. 12. 10. Gen. 42. 28. & 43. 18. Iudg 7. 3. &c. Psa. 119. 19. Heb. 5. [...]. Syr. 2 [...] 18. Exo. 34▪ 30. Syr. [...]. 12. Mat. 14. 26, 30. Act. 9. 6. Iob 22. 10. Isai. 13. 8.
Feare in the wicked.
  • Abimelech was [...]raid of Abraham, Gen. 21. Ieroboam was afraid of The people.
    1 King▪ 1 [...]. 2 Sam. 3. Ier. 50. Gen. 4. Dan. 4. Dan. 4. 1 Sam. 25. 1 King. 1. 1 Sam. 18. 1 Sa. 28. Ch. [...]7. 11.
  • Adonijah was [...]raid of Salomon, 1 Ki. 1. Ishbosheth was afraid of Abner.
  • Ahaz was [...]raid of King Aram, [...] Kin. 16. [...]. of Babel was afraid of Gods Word.
  • Belshazz. was [...]raid of A hand-writing, Dan. 5. [...]ain was afraid ofAl that fear'd him.
  • Felix was [...]raid of Pauls preaching, Act [...]4. Nebuchad. was afraid of His dreame.
  • the Gaoler was [...]raid of the earth quaking, Act 16 Nabal was afraid of Davids words.
  • Gaal was [...]raid of The shadow of a mountaine, 1 Captain was afraid of Elijah.
  • Haman was [...]raid of Mordecai, Esth. 4. (Judg. 6. S [...]ul was afraid of David.
  • Herod was [...]raid of Christs Nativitie, Mat. 2. the witch was afraid of Saul.
  • Reade Iosh. 5. 1. Chap. 10. 2. 1 Sam. 4. Nehem. 6. 16. 2 King. 10. Ier. 9. [...]. Ionah
    Prov. 29. 25.
    1. 5. Matth. 14 5. Mark 6. 20. Matth. 27. 54. Matth. 28. 4. Luke 4. 36. Chap. 7 16. Act. 16. 36. Chap. 5. 5. ler. 10. 2. Ioh. 9. 2.
  • There is no peace to the ungodly, saith the Lord.
    Isai. 48. 22. Prov. 10. 24. Iob 15. 21, [...]4. Prov. 28. 1. Ec [...]l [...]s 22. 18. Psal. 53. 5.
  • That which the wicked feareth shall come upon him, saith Salomon▪
  • A sound of feare is in the wickeds eares (saith Iob;) and they fly, when no man purseth them (s [...]ith the wise men▪) and they are as reeds set on high, that cannot abide the winde (saith the sonne of Syrach,) their hearts being fearefull with foo­lish imaginations, so that they cannot endure any feare, being afraid (as David
    Pr [...]. 1 [...]. 11. Ʋse. Psal 112. 7. Ʋse. Prov. 1. 3 [...]. Matt. 10. 28.
    saith) where no feare is.


Sanctifie the Lord, and let him be your feare, and he shall be your Sanctuary: Con­sider [...]i. 8. 1 [...]. [...]sh. 2. 9. D [...]. 2. 25. 1 Io [...]. 4. 18. Psal. [...]. 6. Psal. 27. 3. it is the Lord that smiteth his enemies, giving courage to his: Be then re­solved of his presence and providence; and be sure to keep a good Conscience

Gods Justice Conscience accusing for sin.

COnscience is a part of the underst [...]nding in all reasonable Creatures, d [...]t [...]r. mining of their particul [...]r actions either with them, or against them, excusing or accusing: excusing, in assuring man that his person stands righteous before God,Rom. 2. 15. making him to say with Hezekiah: Lord remember me, how I have walked before thee in Truth. Accusing for mans particular slips, as also for the wants that be inIsai. 38. 3. his good actions.

Conscience is like the poyse of a Clock, which being downe, all motions cease, the wheeles stirre not, &c. but being wound up, all is set on going. So Conscience being down there is no noise, but being wound up by Gods Justice, all wheel [...]s work: The tongue confesseth: The eyes weepe: The hands wring: The heart akes: and the voice cryes: no part can be at [...]ase, according to Iuvenal:

[Page 106]Cur tamen hos evasisse putes, quos diri conscia facti; Mens habet attonitos, & surdo verbere coedit, Occultum quatienti animo terrore flagellum?

How deem'st thou them acquit, whom guilty mind of fact so foule doth fright,

And scourge unseene doth beate with unheard blow their Hang-man restlesse Conscience biting so?

Conscience accused
  • Adam flying from God: and Ahab for Naboths vineyard.
    Gen. 3. 1 Kin. 21. 2 Sam. 1 [...]▪ Chap▪ 24. Chap. 12.
  • Ahithophel of his vvicked counsell; and David of adultery and pride.
  • The Gentiles having no law; doing the things by nature in the Law.
    Rom. 2. 15. Dan. 4. 5 2 King. 2 [...]. Esth. [...].
  • Hezekiah for shewing his treasur [...]s: and Haman of evill to the Jewes.
  • Herod for Iohn beheaded: and Iudas for Christ betrayed.
    Luke 19.
  • Ionah flying from God: and Iudah for incest committed.
    Mat. 27. I [...]. 1. G [...]. 36. Iob 40. 4.
  • Iob hearing God: and Kaine having not rightly offered.
  • Laban pursuing Iacob: and Nabal for churlishnes to David.
    Gen. 4. Gen. [...]1. [...] Sam 29.
  • The Lepers for their long tarrying in the campe of the Assyrians.
    2 Kin. 7. Iohn 8 9. Ez [...]a [...]. M [...]. [...]. [...].
  • The men accusing the adult [...]rous vvomen, and that tooke strange vvo­men.
  • Patriarches selling their brother: and of ingratitude Pharaohs But­ler.
    Gen. 43. Chap. 4 [...].
  • Saul sparing Agag: Shimei cursing David: the Jewes that cryed.
    1 Sam. 1 [...].
  • Simon Magus [...]fter he had desired to buy the Holy Ghost.
    2 Sam. 19.

A wounded spirit no man can beare: A conscience touched doth fore-cast cru­ [...]llAct. 3. [...]7. Ch. 8. 24. things, an [...] is the accuser, witnesse, juror and judge; testifying against man,Prov. 28. 1. Wisd. 17. 11. Isai. 3. 9. Syr. 14. 2. declaring his sins, though they lie hid in him.


Seeke then to get a good conscience, which is a continuall feast: the Title ofProv. 18. 14. S. Bernard. Religion, the Temple of Solomon, the fi [...]ld of blessing, the garden of delight, the joy of Angels, the Arke of the Covenant, the Kings Exchequer, the Court of God and mansion of the Holy Ghost.

Looke then to your selves what Conscience you have,
1 Pet. 3. 21.
For Conscience will damne, and Conscience will save.

Study then with Paul a good Conscience, in all things willing to live honestly.H [...]b. 13. 8. Act. [...]1. 1. Ch [...]p. 24. 16.

Gods Justice Godly men punished with wicked children.

As a Punishment for sinne
  • Adam Had wicked Kaine, Gen. 4. Abraham a mocking Ishmael.
    Gen. 21.
  • Aaron Had wicked Nadab and Abihu, who offered strange fire.
    Levit. 10. 1.
  • Had wicked Ammon, who incestuously ravished his sister.
    2 Sam. 13.
  • David Had wicked Absolom, who stole the hearts of the Israelites from
    2 Sam. 15.
  • Had wicked Adonijah, who exalted himselfe for to be King.
    1 Kin. 1.
  • Eli the Priest Had wicked Hophni and Phineas, who abused Gods ordinances.
    1 Sam. 2.
  • Hezekiah Had wicked Manasseh, vvho filled Jerusalem vvith bloud.
    2 Chro. 32.
  • Iudah Had wicked [...]r and Onan, vvho did wickedly before God.
    Gen. 38.
  • Iacob Had wicked Simeon and Levi, by vvhom the Shechemites vvere
    Gen. 34.
  • Had wicked Reuben, vvho lay vvith Bi [...]ha [...] his Concubine.
    Gen. 35.
  • Isaac Had wicked Esau, who hated Iacob for his blessing.
    Gen. 27.
  • Iosiah Had wicked Iehoash, vvho died evill in the sight of the Lord.
    2 King. 23.
  • Iehoshaphat Had wicked Iehoram, vvho slew his brethren with the sword.
    2 Chro. 21.
  • Just Lot▪ Had wicked Daughters, vvho making him drunke, lay [...]vvith
    Gen. 19.
  • Noah Had wicked Cham, who discovered the nakednesse of him.
    Gen. 9.
  • Samuel Had wicked Ioel and Abiah, who tooke bribe [...] of men.
    1 Sam. 8.
  • Solomon Had wicked Rehoboam, who provoked God vvith Idolatry.
    1 King. 14.
  • Prophets Had wicked Children, vvhich mocked Elisha passing by.
    2 King. 2.
[Page 107]A wise sonne maketh a glad father: but a foolish sonne is a heavinesse to his mo­ther.
Prov. 10. 1.
Better it i [...] to die without children, then to leave behinde him ungodly children.
Eccu [...]. 16. 1.

Gods Justice Sinne punished with Famine.

There was a Famine in the daies of
  • Adam for the sinne of Adam, for that he had transgressed the Commande­ment
    Gen. 3. 17.
    of God: Cursed therefore is the ground (saith the Lord.)
  • Kaine for the sinne of Kaine, for that he murthered Abel: When thou tillest
    Gen. 4. 12.
    the ground, it shall not yeeld her strength.
  • Abraham for the sinne of The people; because they had forgotten the floud.
    Gen. 12. 10.
  • Isaac for the sinne of Ishmael: for his backsliding from the Lord.
    Gen. 26.
  • Iacob for the sinne of The Patriarches partly, who sold their brother Ioseph,
    Gen. 42.
    and partl▪ for P [...]tiphers vvives sinne, who accused Ioseph.
  • Ruth for the sinne of The people: in that they forgot God and served I­dols.
    Ruth 1.
  • David for the sinne of Saul: And that because he had slaine the Gibeonites.
    2 Sam. 21.
  • Elias for the sinne of Ahab and Iezebel: who had slaine Naboth.
    1 Kings 18.
  • Elisha for the sinne of The Jewes: transgressing Gods Laws.
    2 Kings 6.
  • Zedekiah for the sinne of Zedekiah; breaking with Nebuchadnezar his Cove­nants.
    Lam. 4. 4.
  • Glaudius for the sinne of The Jewes; putting to death Christ Jesus.
    Acts 11. 25.

Gods service and worship prescribed.

VVOnderfull was the providence of Almighty God in ordering [...]ll things that did appertaine unto the Tabernacle of old; wherein there was notExod. 39. 43. any particular thing done about it, but an expresse forme was set downe, and af­ter what manner it vvas to be done. Now vve have not a materiall Arke or Ta­bleIohn 4. 24. Rom. 1. 13. 1 Cor. 10. 20. Phil▪ 3. 2. 1 Sam. 15. 22. Ezra 10 19. Mat. 15. 9. Isai. 19. 1 [...]. Mat. 28. 20. 1 Cor. 11. 23. Chap. 14. 4. (for those vvere but shadowes of things to come) vve have a forme of vvor­shipping God, which is more excellent, vvith all things appertaining to his wor­ship, which the Holy Ghost hath set downe to be in spirit and truth. For that he that vvorshippeth God after an overthwart and unlawfull manner, adoreth an I­doll. Therefore in the service of God, and in all things belonging to the wor­ship of God, all things ought to be done according to his vvord, as Christ him­selfe commanded, saying: Teach them to observe all things as I have commanded: speaking to his Apostles. And Saint Paul saith, That which I have received of the Lord, I have delivered. And againe he saith, Let all things be done honest­ly, &c.

Object. Are there then no Ceremonies to bee used? Did they all die with Christ?

No, some were typicall, prefiguring Christ, those are dead: other some are of decency and order, those are not dead. Christ came not to dissolve order: men consist of bodies as well as soules, God must be served with both, now bo­dies cannot s [...]rve God without externall rites. The Spouse of Christ cannot be without her borders and laces, on necessity there must be some outward observan­ces; but thus qualified.

  • They must be for number few and farre from ostentation.
  • They must be for signification plaine and from
  • They must be for observation simple and farther from superstition.
As the Lord commanded
  • Noabs Arke being a figure of the Church was in particular made.
    Gen. 6. Chap 7.
  • The Temple was built according to the patterne given Solomon.
    1 Chron. 28.
  • The booke of the Covenant was written by Moses in the Mount.
    Exodus 24. 7.
  • The Arke of the testimony: a figure of the Church was fashioned.
    Exodus 25.
  • The altars, Aarons garments, and Sacrifices were finished.
    Exodus 28.
  • Moses and Ioshuah put off their shoes in the presence of the Lord.
    Exo. 3. 5. Josh. 5. 1 [...] Exod. 29. 1.
  • The Priests were consecrated before they served before the Lord.
    D [...]t. 1 [...]. 21.
  • All Sacrifices were to be without blemish that were offered to the Lord.
    Lev. 9. 9.
  • No person uncircumcised or of the Priests having blemish were ad­mitted.
    Deut. 23.
  • The people were to be sanctified themselves before they came to the Lord.
    Exod. 19. 10.

Reade Numb. 1. 51. Chap. 3. 38. Chap. 4. 15, 20. Chap. 18. 7.

Now the Service of God is to flie evill, and to doe good; which is done by grace received by Christs death, which was not given by the old law, albeit it com­mandedIsai. 1. 16. it.

In Gods Service these Rules must be observed:

In Gods Service there must be
  • 1. Preparation: The heart must be prepared (saith Iob) and thy hands must
    1 Sam. 12. 20. Ioh 11. 13.
    be lifted up to the Lord.
  • 2. Peniten [...]ies Gods Word must be hid in thy heart; all wickednesse must
    Psal. 119. 11. Iob 11. 14.
    be farre removed from thee, and thy house.
  • 3. Godly Feare: To serve him, and to rejoyce in him with reverence; not
    Psal. 2. 11. Hab. 3. 18.
    only in prosperitie, but also in tribulations.
  • 4. Precedencie [...] Thou must resort to God betimes, not caring for the mor­row,
    Iob 8. 5. Matth. 6. 34.
    as Christ commanded.
  • 5. Detestation Of all things that may draw us from his service, with a de­sire
    Deut. 13. Isai. 5 [...]. 6.
    to fulfill all his Commandements.
Also in Hearing of Gods Word there must be
  • Before Hearing A Resolution To deny our affections, and a Preparation with hum­blenesse
    1 Cor. 3. 18. Deut. 13. 13.
    of heart to heare what is delivered.
  • In Hearing Attention, Speciall to the Word delivered, proving the Doctrine,
    Isai. 55. 3. Psal. 119. 113.
    with keeping that which is good and wholesome.
  • After Hearing Meditation, And Practice, in that we must not onely be hearers,
    Heb. 2. 1. Iam. 1. 21.
    but doers also.

When thou enterest into the house of the Lord, take heed to thy foot, and be more rea­dy Eccles. 5. 1. to heare, then to give the sacrifice of fooles, for they know not that they do evil.

Gods Justice Will-worshippers punished

NAdab and Abihu offered strange fire, they were consumed with fire.Levit. 10. 1.

Gideon made an Ephod intending thereby to shew himselfe thankfull to God for his victory: it turned to the destruction of himselfe, and all his posteritie.Iudg. 8.

King Saul In the absence of Samuel offered a burnt-offering, thinking thereby to have pleased the Lord: his kingdome was taken from all his, and given unto David. 1 Sam. 13. Chap. 15. 2 Sam. 6.

Ʋzzah Seeing the Arke of the Lord shaken, in zeale put his hand to stay the same: he was stricken suddenly dead, in that it was only lawfull for the Levites to come neere the same.Numb. 1. 51. 2 Chron. 26.

King Ʋzziah Burning incense before the Lord was stricken with leprosie, and so continued to the day of his death.

Ieroboam burnt incense, his hand that did it withered.1 K. 12. 33. Ch. 13 1 Chron. 15. 2 King. 21. 1 Sam. 6. Numb. 16. Matth. 21. Deut. 12. 8. Numb. 1. 51. Chap. 3. 38. 1 Sam. 5. 1 Chron. 15. 12, 13. Deut. 12. 8. Iosh. 1. 7.

Israelites for not seeking the Lord aright, were punished.

Manasseh building Altars in Gods house, was carried into Babel.

Bethshemites, for looking into the Arke of God, were many slain.

Corah and his confederates offering strange fire perished.

The Jewes selling and buying in Gods house were driven out by Christ.

The men That came neere the Tabernacle, or to the Priests office, contrarie to that God commanded, were put to death.

The men of Ashdod looking into the Ark of God were plagued.

The Levites That sanctified not themselves to bring up the Ark of the Lord unto the place he had prepared, made a breach upon Israel.

The Lord saith No man shall doe what seemeth good in his owne eyes, but accordingly as I have commanded, without adding or dimini­shing, &c.

Tenths due to God from him to the Levites.

THe Tenth of the seed of ground, of the fruit of the tree, of bullocks, and ofLevit. 27. Deut. 14. 22. Gen. 4. Cha. 14. Chap. [...]8. Numb. 31. 42. 2 King. 4. Nehem. 1 [...]. 12. 2 C [...] [...]. sheep, and of all that did goe under the rod was holy to God.

Abel and Cain offered an oblation: Abraham gave tithe to Melchizedek.

Iacob promised to give God tithe: Moses gave the tribute to the priests.

Elisha had the first-fruits brought him: Iudah gave tithe of corne▪

The Jewes, Scribes and Pharisees paid tithes of all that they possessed.Nehem. 10. 37. Matth. [...]3. Gal. [...]. 6.

Let him that is taught in the word, saith Saint Paul, make him that taught him partaker of all his goods.

Reade Deut. 14. 22. Chap. 12. 19. Exod. 22. 29. Ezek. 44. 1. Prov. 3. 9, 10. Luke 10. 7. Rom. 5. 27. 1 Cor. 9. 7, 13. Ecclus. 7. 3 1. Cha. 35. 8, 9. Numb. 18. 21, 24 Lev. 5. 15.

Gods Justice Sacrilegious Persons punished.

AChan taking of the things that were reserved to the Lord, was stoned toIosh. 6. death with all his Familie, cattell, &c.

King Asa taking out of the house of God, silver and gold, sending it to the Syrian2 Chron. 28. for a present, it was his utter ruine.

Iehoash took of the hallowed things that the kings of Judah had dedicated to the2 King. 12. Lord, and sent them to Hazael, he was in the end by his own servants slain, conspiring against him.

Shishak took away the treasures of the Lord out of the house of God: He was1 Ki. 14 Ier. 25. Hag. 2. 14. afterwards with his posteritie ruinated.

Belshazzar carowsing in the golden vessels of the Lord, saw a hand-writing, atDan. 5. which his countenance was changed, his thoughts troubled, &c. He slain, and his Kingdome taken.

Ananias and Saphira keeping back part of the money made of their own posses­sion,Act. 5. it being then holy to the Lord, they were both of them stricken with sudden death by the Lord.

The Gentiles carried into their Temples, gods, silver and gold, and pleasantIoel 3. 5. things, for which many were the Judgements of God pronounced against them.

The Person that did

With-hold any thing dedicated to the Lord, and that by ignorance, he wasLevit. 5. 15, 18. Levit. 22. 14. therefore to bring a Trespasse-offering.

Eate of any holy thing unwittingly, he was to adde a sift part more there­unto for his simplicitie.

Change, redeeme, or goe about to redeeme any thing dedicated to God, wereLev. [...]7. 10, 33. Ezek. 48. 14. it good or bad, both that he changed, and that was changed withall, were not be redeemed.

Keep back any thing of tithes that were due unto the Lord, and so to the Le­vite, that person was accounted and called by the Lord a thiefe and a rob­ber,Mal. 3. 8. and was cursed with a curse that took hold of him and his.

The Censers Of those Sinners, that sinned against their own souls, albeit theyNumb. 16. 16. were abused to idolatrie, were commanded by the Lord to beReade Ezek. 44. 10. made to plates for the Altars covering.

The Israelites For suffering the Lords house to be waste, sowed much, and had little, dranke but were not filled.Hag. 1. Chap 2.

The Israelites For not paying their tithes, were smitten with blastings, where­asHag. [...]. 1 [...]. 2 Chro. 31. 10. Mal. 3. 10. when they had repaired the Temple, they were blessed; and paying their tithes, the Lord poured out blessings on them without measure, rebuking the devourer for their sakes.

It is a destruction for a man to devoure that which is sanctified.Prov. 20. 25. Prov. 3. 9, 10.

Honour therefore the Lord with thy riches, and with the first-fruits of all things, so shall thy barnes be filled, and thy presses shall burst with wine.

A Catalogue of gifts given by Godly persons to holy Uses.

THe Israelites brought of free gifts for the work of the Tabernacle ear-rings, rings, bracelets, Jewels of gold, blew silk, and purple, &c. And the rulers of­fered Omx stones, and stones for the Ephod, &c. All which they brought wil­lingly,Exod. 35. 12. offering it unto the Lord, and that in such abundance, as that they brought too much, yea, more then enough, so that Moses was forced to pro­claime throughout all the host▪ that neither man or woman should prepare anyExod. 36. 5. more for the oblation of the Sanctuary.

Women did spin with their hands, and brought that which they had spun both of blue and purple▪ &c. willingly offering it.Exod. 38.

The Israelites Offered towards the making of the Tabernacle 29. talents ofExod. 38. gold, and 730▪ shekles in gold, after the shekle of the Sanctua­ry, and 100 talents and 760. shekles of silver.

The Princes offered at the setting up of the Tabernacle many gifts.Numb. 7. Numb. 32.

Captains brought of all their spoiles that they had taken.

David dedicated to the Lord of all that he tooke from his enemies, gave towards2 C [...]ron. 29. the building of the Temple 3000 talents of gold of Ophir, and 7000 talents of refined silver, besides brasse, iron and precious stones.

Princes and Captaines gave towards the building of the Temple 5000 talents and1 Chron. 29. 6. 10000 drams of gold, 10000 talents of silver, 18000 talents of brasse; and an 100000 talents of iron, besides precious stones.

Hiram an Heathen King, gave Salomon towards the building of the Temple,1 King. 5. Cedar-trees and Fir-trees, and that in abundance to the hearts desire of Salomon

Hezekiah commanded all the people that dwelt in Jerusalem to give part to the2 King. 31. 4. Priests and Levites of all that they had, that thereby they might be incouraged in the Law of the Lord, to which they willingly consented.

Cyrus Darius Artaxerxes

Heathen Kings restored to the Jewes the holy vessels that were ta­kenEzra 1. Chap 5. 14. Chap. 6 Chap. 7. Chap. 12. Nehem. &c 2 Ki 12. Ch. 22. Ezr. 1. 6. 8. by Nebuchadnezzar, commanding other people to helpe them to build againe the Temple: As also to set them at li­bertie, and gave them of wheate, oyle and other things in a­bundance.

Iehoaz and godly Iosiah made provision for the Temple.

The Jewes returning from Captivity, gave towards the new erecting of the Tem­ple, threescore and one thousand drams of gold: five thousand peeces of silver, and an hundred Priests garments: their gold and silver in our account was foure thousand foure hundred ninety three pounds six shillings and eight pence.

The Elders of Israel

Gave towards the erecting of the said Temple a thousand drams of gold, 56 basons, 536 Priests garments, 20000 drams of gold, withN [...]h 7. 70. 2200 peeces of silver

Salomon offered a thousand burnt-Offering at Gibeon, and two and twenty thou­sand1 King. 3 4. 2 Chron. 7. 2 Chron. 30. bullocks, and one hundred and twenty thousand bullocks, and one hundred and twenty thousand Sheepe for a Sacrifice to God.

Hezekiah offered an oblation of a thousand bullockes and seven thousand Sheepe.Mal. 1. 14.


1 This should teach us to follow the counsell of the Wise-man, (saying) In all Syr. 34. 8, 9. thy gifts shew a joyfull countenance, and dedicate thy Tithes with gladnesse, accor­ding as the Lord hath enriched thee, and looke what thy hand is able to give, give with a chearefull eye, for the Lord recompenceth, and will give thee seven times as much: Diminish nothing of thy Offering, for if thou doe, he will not receive it: Abstaine from wrongfull sacrifices, for the Lord is the judge and regardeth no mans person.

2 The willingnesse of these people in building and repairing the Lords house, as also in rendering to the Lord his tithes, doe condemne many in these our dayes, that seyle their owne houses, and let the Lords house be waste, yea that doe rui­nate the same, and with the spoyles thereof doe build themselves goodly houses, not at all regarding to pay any tithes due to the Lord: Fight the Lords battell they may that will, that which other left to the Church a number take away: Such Sauls are many, few Pauls, many Hornets, few Bees, much gall and al­loes, few honey Combes, nay scarce a poore Hive left for many to put their heads in.

3 A fearfull example was the judgement of God on those that ruinated the house of God, not rendering their dues to the Lord. How then shall even the proud Pharisees condemne many in these our dayes, vvho paid tithes of all that they had, not a pot-herbe, but they tithed it: Sacrilegious Patrons, the merchants of soules, the pirates of the Church, and enemies of Religion, they tithed all, you nothing; they paid the Levites, the Levites must pay you. Your cures must be purchased, your tithes abated, or compounded for. Your Fathers cloathed the Church, you dispoyle it, their ignorant devotion shall rise in judgement against your ravenous covetousnesse: Yea king Pharaoh, who provided for his Priests shall condemne many of you: The Lord open your eyes to see your miseries.

Gods Justice Idolaters punished.
Idolarry Spirituall
  • Idolatry is both Spirituall and Corporall.
  • 1. Is inwardly to conceive of God in the likenesse of any thing created, directing his worship to the likenesse.
    Act. 17. 29.
  • 2. Is committed of those, who directly or indirectly have socie­ty
    Lev. 19. 31. Deut. 18. 10, 11
    with the devill, trusting in him as Sorcerers.
  • 3. Is committed of those who maintaine any erroneous opinion concerning the worship of God, or against the word of God, that doe cherish and defend any vice, by a displayed banner a­gainst
    1 Sam. 15. 23.
    God, as King Saul did.


Idolatry Corporall
  • 1. Is to make an image to resemble God by it, as also to
    Deut. 4. 12. Isai 40. 18. Hos. 3. 12. Exod. 23. 13. 1 Cor. 10. [...]1. Exod. 34. 15. Ps [...]l. 116. 18. G [...]l. 4. 6. Exod. [...]2. H [...]s. 2. 16.
    use any gesture or reverence to the images, or to menti­on the name of Idols by the vvay of swearing.
  • 2. Is to be present at the feasts, and at the services of the Idols, at Masses, &c. being forbidden.
  • 3. Is to worship the image of God or God in the Image. In a vvord: Idolatry is the worshipping of any false god, as also the worship­ping of the true God falsely.
  • Ahaziah seeking to other gods, being sicke, dyed in his sicknesse.
    Abraham 1 Cor. 12. [...].
    2 King. 1. 2 Chron. 25. Iudg. 18. 1 King. 16. [...] King. 1 [...]. Iudg. 8. 2 Chron 21. 1 King. 12. 33. 1 Kin. 13. Chap. 14.
  • Amaziah setting up the gods of the children of Seir, dyed by enemies.
  • The Danites erecting Michaes image, were after carried in captivity.
  • Baashaes house was made like Ierob [...]ams, with all his posterity.
  • Baals Prophets were slaine, being 450.
  • Gideon making an Ephod, it became his and his housholds ruine.
  • Iehoram dyed with a disease, his guts falling out within him.
  • Ieroboam setting up two Calves, the Lord cut off all his posteritie, not lea­ving one to pisse against the wall: Doggs did eate those that dyed in the Citie: and Foules such as dyed in the fields of all that were of his seed.
Through Idolatry
The Israelites
  • Erecting the golden Calfe, three thousand were slaine, and
    Exod. 32. Iudg. 2. [...] K. 17. 7. 2 Chr. 28. 6 Ro. 1. 2 [...] Numb. 25. 1 Cor. 10 7. Ier. 16. 1. &c. Chap. 15. 1 King. 15. Dan. 4. [...] 1 King. 12.
    worshipping of other gods, they were delivered into the hands of spoylers, given up by God unto vile affections, so that their women did change the naturall use into that which is against nature, and the men the naturall use of women, &c. were slain at one time in one plague 24000. And at last carried away captives by their enemies.
  • Maachab making an Idoll, was put downe from being Queen.
  • Nebuchadnezzar erecting an Image, was turned out from being King.
  • Solomon had ten tribes rent from his son of his kingdome.

Note: The proud The covetous The voluptuous man makes Honour his gold his bellie his god: His idoll is as it were in the Aire. Earth. Water.

The Philistines
  • Attributing Samsons delivery into their hands to their gods, three thousand by the fall of an house were slain
    Iudg 16.
    of them.
  • Senecherib worshipping his god Nishroch, was by his own sons slain.
    2 Ki [...]g. 19.
  • These Kings Ahab, Ahaz, Elah, Hoshea, Nadab, Iehojakim, Zedekiah, and
    1 King. &c.
    Manassth were some made captives, other slaine.
    2 King &c.
The Lord
  • Would not heare the prayer of Moses for the Israelites, and com­manded
    Exod. 32.
    manded Ieremy not to pray or give thanks for them, but said
    Ier. 7. 16.
    that in the day of his visitation he would visit their sinnes on
    Psal. 16. 4.
The person
That enticeth any to serve other gods, shall be slain by the person so
Deut. 13. 6.
enticed: and that offereth unto any strange gods, shall be stoned to
Exod. 22. 20.
death; and that serves graven images, and that glories in images
Psal. 97 7, 12.
shall be confounded, and that worshippeth unknowne gods, shall
Dan. 4. 26.
perish from the land, saith the Lord.
The man
  • That offers to another god, his sorrowes shall bee multiply­ed.
    Psal. 16. 4.
  • That is an Idolater, shall not enter into the Kingdome of God.
    1 Cor. 6. 9.
  • The persons that make Idols are vanity, and their delectable
    Isai. 44. 9.
    things shall nothing profit: They are their owne witnesses
    Ier. 10 15.
    that they see not, nor know, that they are profitable for no­thing, being but vanities, and the worke of errours, therefore
    Ier. 45. 16. Deut. 27.
    they shall be confounded together with all that are of the fol­lowship thereof and cursed.
The Lord saith
  • Before me there was no god formed, neither shall there be after me: I
    Isai. 13. 10.
    even I am the Lord, Thou shalt have no other gods but me.
    Exod 20. 27.
  • My glory will I not give to another, nor my praise to graven Images.
    Isai. 4 [...]. 8.
  • I have sworne by my selfe, the word is gone out of my mouth in righ­teousnesse, and shall not return, that every knee shall bowe to me, and all tounges shall sweare by my name, saying, the Lord is my
    Isai. 45. 23.
Moses said
The Lord spake to you (meaning the Israelites) out of the fire and
Deut 4. 12. 15, 16.
ye heard his voyce, but saw no similitude, graven Images, there­fore shalt thou burne, and not covet the gold and silver that
Deut 7. 24.
is upon them.

Prophets say, Abraham is ignorant of us, and Israel knoweth us not; the Lord isIsai. 63. 16. Ier. 10. 8. only our Father and Redeemer, God is a living God, all other shall perish.

Saint Paul saith For as much as we are the generation of God, we ought not toAct. 17. 29. think that the God-head is like unto gold, or silver, or stone,Isai. 41. 29 graven by Art, and by the invention of man.


1. Learne by the example of Hezekiah, who tooke away the high places, brake2 Ki. 18. 4. &c. the images, and brake in pieces the brazen serpent erected by Moses, abused by the Israelites.

2. Do as Iaco [...] did, commanding all his houshold to put away their strange gods.Gen. 35. 2. Iosh. 24. 15.

3. Doe with Ioshua, who not only commanded the Israelites to put away all the idols that their fathers worshipped, but vowed that he and his would serve the Lord.

Reade Isai. 40 [...]8. Cha. 41. 24 Chap. 46. 6. Chap. 42. 17. Deut. 13. 12. Chap. 27. 15. Wisd. 14. 11. Iosh. 23. 7. 1 Ioh. 5. 21. Deut. 12. 30. Chap. 7. 5. Levit. 20. 30. Psal. 115. 4. Wisd. 13. 11, &c. Chap. 14. 10, &c. Deut. 17. 5. Exod. 23. 32. Cha. 34. 17. Ier. 14. 11. Micah 1. 7. Numb. 33. 52. Deut. 7. 25. Ier. 10. 5, 15. Isai. 40. 25. Wisd. 13. 1, &c.

Gods Justice Sabbath-breakers punished.

Object. GOd commanded the seventh day to be kept holy; we observe not that day,Exod. 20. but keep the first day of the week.

Answ. The Lord commanded a seventh day to be kept holy, not the seventh day next ensuing the sixth day: The Sunne stood still a day in Ioshua's time, and wentIosh. 10. 12. 1 Kin. 20. back ten degrees in Ahaz diall: Then the Jewes themselves could not keep their Sabbath upon that prec [...]ise and just distinction of the time, called at the first the seventh day from the Creation. Old things, saith the Apostle, are passed away, all 2 Cor. 5. 17. Rev. 21. 5. things are become new. He that will be in Christ must be a new Creature.

There is
  • New Knowledge,
    Col. 3. 10. 1 Pet. 2. 10. Iohn 13. 34. Heb. 10. 20.
  • New People,
  • New [...]ommandement,
  • New Way,
  • New Wine,
    Luke 5. 36, 37. &c.
  • New Garment,
  • New Vessell,
  • New Man, All things are become n [...]w.
    Ephes. 4. Matth. 26. 28. Rev. 2. 17. Rev. 4. 9. Rev. 21. 5. & 3. 1 [...]. [...] Pet. 3. 13.
  • New Testament, All things are become n [...]w.
  • New Names, All things are become n [...]w.
  • New Song, All things are become n [...]w.
  • New Jerusalem, All things are become n [...]w.
  • New Heaven, All things are become n [...]w.
  • New Earth. All things are become n [...]w.

And therefore of necessitie there must be in stead of the old a new Sabbath, and day of rest for the people of the Lord, according to Pauls saying, There remaineth a rest to the people of God. Heb. 4. 9.

On this Day

On our Lords Day

The Lord brought forth the light of the world in Creation.Gen. 1. Matth. 28. Gen. 8. Gen. 17. Exod. 12. Exo. 19. & 20. Exod. 30. Exod. 40. Levit. 9. Levit. 9. 24. Numb. 16. Numb. 17. 1. Luk. 24. Ioh. 2. [...]. Iohn 20. 19. Act. 1. 3. Matth. 27. Act. 2. Act. 2. & 20. 7. 1 Cor. 6. 2. Rev. 1. 10.

Christ brought forth the light of the Gospel by his Resurrection.

Noahs Arke rested on the mountaine of Ararat after the floud.

Circumcision was by the Lord unto Abraham first ordained,

The Israelites were from the bondage of the Egyptians delivered.

The Law was first given to the Israelits on the Mount by God.

The Cloud of Gods Majestie on the children of Israel first rested.

The Tabernacle with all his appurtenances was by the Israelites reared.

Aaron, and his children executed first their Priest-hood.

Fire first from heaven consuming the Israelites sacrifices descended.

The Isra [...]lites were first solemnely by the Lord himself blessed.

The Princes of Israel first publikely unto the Lord offered.

Christ Shewed his first miracle in Cana of Galilee: Rose from death: and appeared to his disciples after his Resurrection, shewing them things to come.

Saints that slept arose out of their graves, appearing.

The Holy Ghost came down upon the Apostles, together praying.

The Apostles usually among the people assembled, used Preaching.

The people laid up for the poore, as the Lord had prospered them.

Saint Iohn being in the Isle Pathmos had a Revelation.

All sh [...]dowing that it should be the first and chiefest Holy-day of the new Te­stament that should be kept holy by all Christians to the Lord, and to his Son Christ.

The Jewes kept their Sabbath in remembrance of the worlds Creation.

Christians celebrate the Sabbath in remembrance of the worlds Redemption.

They as a figure of Grace when they should rest frō servitude of sinne.

Wee as a figure of Glory when wee shall rest frō occasions of sinning.

They had bodily sacrifices of beasts: we Spirituall Sacrifices of Prayer. Heb. 7. 12. Heb. 10. 8.

They the Leviticall Priesthood of the law: we Christian ministerie of the Gospel.

They Jewish Temples and Synagogues: we Christian Churches.

They Sacraments of Circumcision, Passeover: we of Baptisme, & the Lords Supper.

They the Jewes Sabbath so called; we the same into the Lords day changed.Rev. 1. 10.

The Heathens called this day Dies Slou, as dedicated tothe Sun: we from the Resurrection call Sunday as dedicated to the Service of God; which said day was constituted by the Apostles (Authour against whom no except on can be taken) and so celebrated by Christians to this day. Concerning the alteration whereof the Prophet Hosea might seeme to speake (when he saith) I will cause Hos. 2. 11. the Sabbath and Feasts to cease.

Now to keep holy a Sabbath to the Lord is to celebrate an holy rest unto God, not only abstaining from all labour of the body, but also practising all godly Exercises, as Prayer, Hearing the Word, receiving the Sacrament, &c. And to prophane the same, is to labour in servile works of our ordinary callings, to tra­vell about ordinary businesse, to keepe Fayres and Markets on that day, to use sports and recreations, or any thing else more then things of necessitie.

By Prophanation

The man that gathered sticks on that day was stoned.Numb. 15. Ezek. 22. Ezek 20. Ezek. 23. Ne [...]. 13. 17, 18.

The Priests neglecting GOds service on that day were plagued.

The Israelites Prophaning the Sabbath were not suffered to enter into the land of promise, but died in the wildernesse: they were de­livered into the hands of their enemies being heathen na­tions, who stoned them, and slew them with their sonnes abd daughters with utter destruction.

The person that defileth and worketh on the Sabbath shall be cut off.Exod. 31. 14. Chap. 35. 2.

Prophaners Cause the Lord to kindle a fi [...]e in the gates of the citie: yea, such as shall devoure the palaces, and shall not be quenched.Ier. 17. 27.

Reade Mark 6. 2. Luke 4. 16. Act. 13. 14. Chap. 16. 13. Chap. 18. 4. Exod. 12. 16. Chap. 23. 12. Chap. [...]1. 13, 14. N [...]em. 10. 31. Exod. 35, 3.

The Lord God

1. Blessed the seventh day, rested on it, and sanctified it, commanding theGē. 2. 3. & 20. 11 Exod. 34. 21. Chap. 12. 16. Chap. 35. 3. Chap. 16. 25. Numb. 28. 9. Israelites to rest on the said day both in earing-time and Harvest, and that they should do no work save only about that which every man must eat.

2. He commanded that they should kindle no fire on that day, forbade them to gather Manna thereon, willed them on the contrarie to offer double unto him on that day what they did on any other in their sacrifices, oblations. &c.

3. He promised that if they would sanctifie the Sabbath, they should haveLevit. 26. 2, 3, &c. Isai. 56 2. Chap 58. 13. Ier. 17. 21. rain in due season, the land should yeeld her increase, and that they should be blessed in all their l [...]bours: And further that if they did beare no burd [...]ns on that day, [...]or bring it in by the gates, &c. but did sanctifie the same, that then their Prince should sit on his throne, and the Citie Jerusa­lem should continue for ever among them.

4. He promised the Eunuch that sanctified his Sabbath a place, and a name,Isai. 56. 5. even an everlasting name that should not be put out.

5. He promised that person that kept his Sabbath, calling it the pleasant, holy, and glorious Sabbath of the Lord, giving him the honour, not do­ing after his own imagination, to bring him to his holy hill to make himIsa. 58. 13. &c. joyfull in the house of Prayer, and to accept his offering.


1. Let all Magistrates take Example by godly Nehemia [...], who protested against those that carried burdens on the Sabbath day: reproving the rulers for suffering wares to be sold on that day, commanding the gates to be shut, and set servants toNehem. 13. see that none should carry burdens on that day; As also protested to lay hands on the Chapmen that stayed all night withiout the wals of the Citie, whereupon they came not again to buy and sell as usually they had done.

2. Seeing God hath promised so many blessing to those that sanctifie the same, let it move us not onely to remember to keep holy the Sabbath day, as God hath commanded, but also to keep it holy, as he hath willed, &c.

Gods Justice Swearers punished.

SWearing is not onely when the Name of God is sworne by, but also when in common and ordinary talke men fill up their sentences with needlesse oathes, as to sweare by the Crosse, Masse, &c.

  • Swearing is both Godly, and Ungodly.
  • Godly When men are called by Magistrates to depose the truth; or in a private
    Exod. 12. 11. H [...]b. 6. 16.
    cause betweene partie and partie, and that for the ending of conten­tions and debates, &c.
  • And Wicked When men sweare upon every light occasion, and in their daily talke,
    Matth. 5. 34. Hos. 4. 2.
    and that without truth, and this sinne is so great that the Prophet ranks it before lying, killing, adultery and stealing, as the capitall sin of all of them.
  • The man that blasphemed the Name of the Lord was stoned to death.
    Lev. 24. 16. & 5. 1. Zech. 5. 3, 4, &c.
  • Shall be cut off (saith the Lord,) the curse is gone forth, and it shall enter into the house of him that falsly sweareth, and shall remaine in his house, and shall consume it with the timber and stones thereof.
  • Swearers And they
  • Cause the land to mourne, and every one that dwelleth therein to be
    Hos. 4. 3. Ie [...]. 23. 10, &c. Chap. 5. 7.
    cut off, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of Heaven: As also they cause the fish to be taken away in the sea, and the pleasant places in the wildernesse to be dryed up.
  • The man That useth much swearing shall be filled with wickednesse, and the
    Israelites, Ier. 5. 2, 7. & 8. 14.
    plague shall never goe from his house, when he shall offend, his fault shall be upon him, and if he sweare in vaine, he shall not be
    Ecclus. 13. 11.
    found righteous: his house shall be full of plagues.
  • God saith, Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord in vain: thou shalt not
    Exod. 20. Lev. 19. 12.
    defile his Name: for he will not hold him guiltlesse that taketh his Name in vain▪
  • Christ saith, Sweare not at all, &c. but let your communication be yea, yea, and
    Matt. 5. 34. Ioh. 5. 34. Matth. 12. 36. Iam. 5. 12.
    nay, n [...]y, for what i [...] else proceedeth of sin.
  • Saint Iames willeth men [...]bove all things not to sweare for feare of condemna­tion.


  • Ʋse. It should teach u [...] (as the wise man saith) not to accustome our selves to swearing,
    Syr. 23. 13.
    for that in it [...]ere are many fals: neither to take for custome the Name of
    Ecclus. 23. 9, 10.
    the holy one, for we shall not be unpunished for such things.
  • Reade Ier. 5. 2, 7. Amos 8. 14.

Gods Justice Covenant-breakers and Vowes broken punished.

VOwes are [...]o be used between God and man on speciall occasions, when ei­ther2 Sam. 3. 35. David. to strengthen our selves against some sinne, or the better to performe some dutie, we binde our Consciences to avoide all occasions that may draw us to the one, and use all good meanes, that may further us to the other.

These things are to be considered before Vowing:

1. To vow that which is lawfull. 2. Not to vow that which is contrary to our Vocation. 3. Vowes must be of that which we can doe. 4. They must be farre from so much as a conceit of merit, or worship of God. 5. It must be to Gods glory: and lastly, the event is to be considered, for the Vow being made, it will be in vain to plead before God it was mistaken of thee.

Having vowed deferre not to pay it, but be sure to performe it, yet so as they incroach not upon the libertie of Conscience which Christ hath given us, and therefore look how the probable causes thereof do remaine, or are taken away, so accordingly stands our libertie in keeping of a vow.

  • King Saul Vowed That no person should taste of any food till he were avenged of his enemies: Ionathan his son not hearing the vow made, finding hony
    1 Sam. 14.
    did [...]aste thereof, for which the Lord was displeased with all Israel.
  • Jewes Vowed That they would set at libertie their servants, they performed not the same, for which the Lord sent among them the Sword, Pestilence,
    Ier. 34. 11.
    and Famine.
  • Samson Vowed To performe the vow of a Nazarite: by shewing Delilah where his strength lay, he brake the same, for which he lost his haire, eyes,
    Numb. 6. 5. Iudg. 16.
    strength and life.
  • [Page 115]Ioshua Made a Covenant with The Gibeonites that they should have peace among the Is­raelites: Saul slew some of them, for which the Phili­stines
    Iosh. 9. 3. 1 Sam. 13. 2 Sam. 21. 2 Sam. 3. 13.
    prevailed against him, slew his sonnes, &c. And se­ven of his sonnes at the Gibeonites request were hanged, and all the land was three years with famine punished.
  • Israel Made a Covenant with The Lord, swearing falsly, they were by him plagued.
    Hos. 10. 4. Ezek. 17. 16. 2 K [...]ng. 14. Judg. 9. [...] [...] 2. [...]. [...]z [...]k. 17. 15. P [...]i [...]sts, Mal 2. 8. 2 Chron. 38.
  • Iehoiakim Made a Covenant with Babel king: he brake the same, and was slain.
  • Shechemites Made a Covenant with Abimelech: they brake the same, and were slain.
  • Shimei Made a Covenant with Salomon: that lost him life for not performing the same.
  • Zed [...]kiah Made a Covenant with Nebuchadnezzar: and brake the same, he lost his eyes, his sonnes slain.
  • Covenant-breakers are ranked by Saint Paul among capitall sinnes.
    Rom. 1. 31. Psal. 55. 20.
Covenants and Vowes made and performed.
  • Iacob Performed the vow made To the Lord that he should be his God, and that he would give him Tithe of all that he had, if God gave him
    Gen. 28.
    bread, &c.
  • Iephthah Performed the vow made To the Lord: in offering up his daughter, as he had said.
    Iudg. 11. Numb. 21. 2.
  • Israel Performed the vow made To the Lord: destroying the Canaanites, as they had vowed.
  • Ionah Performed the vow made To the Lord in sacrificing; with the marriners being de­livered.
    Ionah 1. & 2.
  • Iosiah Performed the vow made To the Lord: that he would walk in the wayes of the Lord.
    2 King. 23. 1 Sam. 1. Psa 32. 2. & 116▪ 14. 1 Sam. 18. 2 Sam. 1 [...].
  • Hannah Performed the vow made To the Lord: by dedicating her sonne Samuel unto him.
  • Performed the vow made To the Lord: by providing a habitation for God to dwel in.
  • David Performed the vow made To Ionathan; by entertaining M [...]phibosheth his son.
  • To Performed the vow made To Shimei [...] that he should not die by his hand for cu [...]sing him.
  • Ioshua spies Performed the vow made To Raha [...]: by saving her when Jericho was destroyed.
    Iosh 6. Psal. 15. Deut. 23. 21.
  • He that sweareth to his neighbour, and disapp [...]inteth him not, though it be to his own hinderance, shall dwell in the heavens.
Gods Covenant made with Man.
  • God Made a Covenant with Noah, that the waters should not destroy all things again.
    Gen. 15. Chap. 17. 11. Deut. 29.
  • God Made a Covenant with Abraham That he would give his posteritie the promised land.
  • God Made a Covenant with Abraham That he would multiply him and be his God: and gave him Circumcision as a Covenant to be kept by him.
  • God Made a Covenant with The Israelite [...] 1. Concerning the lawes they were to keep. 2. That
    Exo. 24. 8. & 34 Heb. 9. 10. 1 Pet. 1. 2. Exo. 31. & 34. Ier. 31. & 32. Numb. 25. 12. 2 Sam. 23. Isai. 59. 21.
    they should sanctifie the Sabbath. 3. That he would cast out the Canaanites. And lastly, that he would
    Hag. 2. 5.
    put his law in their inward parts, so that he would not leave them, unlesse they forsook him.
  • God Made a Covenant with Phinebas of Peace: and with David, that he should rule over men.
    Mal. 2. 5.
  • God Made a Covenant with Isaiah, that the spirit that was on him should not depart from him.
Covenants made between man and man.
  • King Asa Made a Cove­nant with Benhadad, 1 King. 15. Benhadad with Ahab
    1 King. 20. 2 Sam. 5. Iob 31. Ez. 10. 2 C [...]r. 15, 2 King. 11. 1 King. 13.
  • Abraham Made a Cove­nant with Abimelech, Gen. 21. David with Abner, 2 Sa. 3. & with others.
  • Iacob Made a Cove­nant with Laban, Gē. 31. Isaac with Abimelech, Gē. 26. Iob with his eies.
  • Ioshua Made a Cove­nant with Israel, Ios. 24. & with the Gibeonites, Iosh. 9. Israel with God.
  • Iehoiada Made a Cove­nant with God and the King: and between the people and him.
  • Salomon Made a Cove­nant with King Hiram, so as there was continuall peace between them.
Ʋnlawfull Oathes made:
  • Ben [...]adad Swore The dust of Samaria should not be a handful for every of his army.
    1 King. 2 [...]. 1 King. 19. 2 Kin. 6. Ier. 44. 25. Act. 23. Matth. 14▪
  • Iezebel Swore She would make the life of Elijah as those he had slain.
  • Iehoram Swore That the head of Elisha should be taken from him.
  • Certain Jemes Swore They would burn incense to the Queene of heaven, and would not eat or drink till Paul was killed by them.
  • Herod Swore He would give Herodias to the halfe of his kingdome.
  • Reade Nahum 1. 15. Eccles. [...]. 3. Numb. 30. 3. Psal. 19. 21. Isai. 50. 14. Deut. 2 [...]. 18.

Gods Justice Idlenesse punished.

IDlenesse may be called the Lethargie of the Soul, being a lazie dejecture of the whole man, from the laudable exercise of Vertue, for that in a manner he be­comes sencelesse, but in truth altogether unprofitable: From which sinne, there springeth prot [...]action, remission, negligence, improvidence, indevotion, sluggish­nesse, pusillani [...]itie, irresolution, misprision, and desperation with omission, &c. It being the n [...]st and root of many vices, as we may see by the example of David, 2 Sā. 11. & 12. Syr. [...]2. 2. who first by that sin espied Bathsheba, afterwards thereby was moved to make Ʋriah her husband drunke, and so proceeded till he had caused him to be mur­thered.

Through Idlenesse
  • Eutichus, forgetting himself being asleep, fell down dead.
    Act. 20. 9.
  • Hevah, spending time with the serpent, was deceived.
    Gen. 3.
  • Adam, hearkning to Hevahs perswasion, condescended.
  • Dinah, wandring among the Shech [...]mites, was ravished.
    Gen. 34.
  • David beholding Bathsheba, his concupiscence was kindled.
    2 Sam. 11.
  • Iudah wandring in the fields, lay with Thamar unadvisedly.
    Gen. 38.
  • Iobs children banquetting together, were with the fall of a house slain.
    Iob 1.
  • Ishmael deriding Isaac, was cast out from Abraham.
    Gen. 21.
  • Lots daughters made their father drunke, and lay with him.
    Gen. 19.
  • Jerusalem became desolate that said in the pride of her heart, I am.
    Zeph. 2. 15.
  • Michal b [...]holding David dancing before the Ark, mocked him.
    2 Sam. 6.
  • The man receiving one talent of his Master hid the same.
    Matth. 2 [...].
  • The old world seeing mens daughters faire, took of what liked them.
    Gen. 6.
  • The people of Laish being secure, were by the Danites overcome.
    Iudg. 18.
  • Potiphars wife tempted Ioseph again and again to folly.
    Gen. 3 [...].
  • The Prodigall consuming his estate, was punished with penury.
    Luk. 15.
  • The rich man bid his soul take ease, that night it was taken from him.
    Luk. 1 [...].
  • Samson lay with Delilab at his eyes and lifes loosing.
    Iudg. 16.
  • Reuben lay with his fathers Concubine, thereby lost his dignitie.
    Gen. 49.
  • The Sodomites were haughtie, till they were with fire consumed.
    Gen. 19.
  • Tares were sowen by the enemie (saith Christ) in the field.
    Matth. 13.
  • Virgins five of ten had forgotten to take oile with them.
    Matth. 25.
  • Women go about from house to house (saith Paul) pratling.
    1 Tim. 5. 1 [...].
  • The World Was found by the Angel of God to be at rest, for which the
    Judg. [...]8. [...]. Sidonians.
  • The World Lord was angry with thē, who being but a little angry for the
  • The World carelesnesse of them, they helped forward their own affliction▪
    Zech. 1. 1 [...], 15.
  • Salomon took himself wives of many outlandish women.
    1 King. 11.
Slayeth the foolish▪ and maketh poore: for where no oxen are, the crib is
Prov. 1. 32.
emp [...]ie▪ that bringeth under tribute, decayeth buildings, so as the house
Chap. 23. 21.
droppeth thorow: Impoverisheth both soul and body, the soul of spiri­tuall
Chap. [...]0. 4.
Graces, the body of externall goods: captivating and bringing
Chap. 10. 4, 18.
under the tyrannies of worldly and spirituall enemies: Wo [...] then is
Chap. 12. [...]4.
to him that is at ease (saith the Prophet Amos.)
Amos 6. 1.
The idle Person
Is destitute of understanding, being wise in his own conceit, and
Prov. 12.
therefore shall be under tribute: he lusteth, and hath not enough:
Prov. 26. 16.
His desire killeth him: he eateth his own flesh, his soule suffers hun­ger▪
Eccl. 4. 5.
his way is a hedge of thornes, his clothes are rags. A lion, saith
Cha. 19. 15.
[...]e, is in the way, he shall be slain. A little sleepe, and a little slumber
Cha. 23. 21.
(saith he) so his povertie cometh on, that he shall beg in Summer.
Pro. 1 [...]. 19. & 22. 12 & 24. 31. & 20. 4.
He is the brother of a waster: His hands refuse to labour: whereby his fields are growne with thornes and nettles, so that he slayeth
Cha 19. 9.
himselfe (as the wise man saith;) And is the authour of his owne
Chap. 21. 25.
death, being a Felon de se.
Eccl. 4. 5.

To avoide Idlenesse:

1. Goe to the Ant, consider her wayes and be wise, who having no guide, overseer,Prov. 6. 6. or ruler, provideth her meat in the Summer, and gathereth her food in the time of Harvest.Chap. 14. 4.

2. Remember that much encrease is by the strength of an Oxe, and that the kingEccl. 5. 9. himself is served by the field, in that by tilling the land, there is plentie of bread.Prov. [...]8. 19.

3. Forget not Saint Pauls saying, that he that would not work should not eat: and2 Thes. 3. 10. to move thee to work, think on Christs saying, It is more blessed to give, then to Act. 20. 35. receive.

[Page 117]4. Call to minde Adam, who in his innocencie was commanded to dresse theGen. [...]. garden: So likewise Cain the heire of the whole world was commanded to tillChap. 4. the ground: yea, Salomon a rich king, yet commanded by David to be doing:2 Chron. 22. 16. And Christ being both God and man, was brought up with a Carpenter, la­bouring being subject to him.

5. Remember Salomons saying, Wealth gotten by vanitie shall be diminished: but he Prov. 13. 11. that gathereth by labour, shall increase.


Let every man hereby learn to live in some Calling, which all godly ones have done.

Reade Prov. 14. 23 Chap. 18. 9. Ezek. 34. 1. 1 Tim 5. 13 Zech. 1. 11. 2 Pet. 1. 8.

Labour in Callings is an enemie to Idlenesse.

EVery man is bound to live in a lawfull Calling, and that in a two-fold Cal­ling:Prov. 10. 4. The one generall, the other a particular:Chap. 20. 7.

1. The generall is that whereby we are called to be Christians, and in thisChap. 21. 5. 1 Cor. 7. 17. & 10. [...]. Phil. 1. 10. 1 Pet. 1. 5. C [...]lling we are to doe good to all men by teaching, admonishing, exhorting, and by Godly life, walking in Faith, Hope, and Repentance, with newnesse of life, &c.

2. The particular is that whereby men are called to some estate of life in theLev. 10. 35. Familie, Church, or Common-weale, in which according to their severall conditi­ons1 Thes. 4. 16. of Calling, every man must doe the best good he can in his place, avoidingProv. 3. 19. slothfulnesse, unfaithfulnesse, [...]ashnesse, perturbation, temptations of worldli­nesse,Zech. 7. 10. &c. and so live honestly without scandall, justly without deceit, and peace­ablyHeb. 12. 4. without strife.

  • Adam Was A Tiller of the ground
    Gen. 3.
  • Abel Was A Keeper of sheep.
    Gen. 4.
  • Abraham Was A Prophet.
    Gen. [...]0.
  • Aaron Was A High Priest.
    Exod▪ 40.
  • Amos Was A Herdsman.
    Amos 1.
  • Anna Was A Prophetesse.
    Luk. [...].
  • Andrew Was A Fisherman.
    Matth. 9.
  • Aquila Was A Tent-maker.
    Act. 18.
  • Aholiab Was A Workers in
    Exo. 38. 23
  • [...]ezaleel Was A gold & silver.
    Exod. [...]5.
  • Cornelius Was A C [...]ntu [...]ion.
    Act. 10.
  • Daniel Was A Prince of Princes
    Dan. 6.
  • Esau Was A Hunter.
    Gen. 25.
  • The Eunuch Was A Lord Treasurer.
    Act. 8.
  • Elisha Was A Flow-man.
    [...] Kin. 19.
  • Gideon Was A Th [...]esher.
    Iudg. 6.
  • Iacob Was A Servant to Laban
    Gen. 30.
  • Ioseph Was A Ruler in Egypt.
    Gen. 41.
  • Ioshua Was A C [...]ptain.
    Iosh. 1.
  • Iabal Was A Tent-maker.
    Gen. 4.
  • Iu [...]al Was A Player on the Harp.
    Gen. 4. [...]0.
  • Ishmael Was A Archer.
    Gen. 21.
  • Ioseph Was A Carpenter.
    Matth. 13.
  • Iames Was A Fisherman.
    Matth. 9.
  • Iohn Was A Fisherman.
    Luk. 15.
  • Kain Was A Tiller of the ground.
    Gen. 4.
  • Lydia Was A Seller of Purple.
    Act. [...]6.
  • Moses Was A Statesman.
    Exod. 18.
  • Miriam Was A Prophetesse.
    Exod. 15.
  • M [...]tthew Was A Customer.
    Matth. 9.
  • Noab Was A Husbandman.
    Gen. 9.
  • Nehemiah Was A Magistrate.
    Nehem. 1.
  • Nich [...]demus Was A Ruler in Israel.
    Iohn 3.
  • Obad [...]ah Was A Governour.
    1 King. 18.
  • Paul Was A Tent-maker.
    Act. 18.
  • Peter Was A Fisherman.
    Matth. 4.
  • Rachel Was A Keeper of sheep.
    Gen. [...]9.
  • Ruth Was A Gleaner of corn.
    [...]uth [...].
  • Samson Was A Nazarite.
    Iudg▪ 13.
  • Simeon Was A Devout man.
    Luk. [...].
  • T [...]bal-Cain Was A Worker in brasse
    Gen. 4.
  • David & Was A Kings and
    2 Sam. 1.
  • Salomon Was A Prophets.
    1 King▪ 11.
  • Patri [...]rchs Was A Keepers of sheep.
    Gen. [...]7.
  • Heb. women Was A Spinsters.
    Exod. 35.
  • Sarah & Naomi Was A Nurses of their
    Gen. 21.
    own children.
    Ruth 4.

Let every man abide in the same Vocation wherein he is called: Let himEph. 4. 1, 2. that hath an Office wait on his office, that teacheth on teaching: Let him that1 Cor. 7. 17, 20. ruleth doe it with diligence: Let servants obey in all things, not with eye-service,Col. 3. 22. but in singlenesse of heart, &c.

Abhorre that which is evill in all thy actions, doe that which is good.Rom. 12. 9.

Labour in Callings Meanes of Blessings.

AQuila, Lydia, and the Gaoler, living in a Calling were converted.Act. 18. & 16.

Apollo, mightie in the Scriptures, was in the perfect way of God instructed.Act. 18. 26.

Cornelius a Centurion praying, was willed to send for Peter by an Angell.Act. 10.

David following the great ones with yong, was called to be King of Israel.1 Chron. 17.

  • [Page 118]Daniel ruling well, was by King Darius and Cyrus greatly advanced.
    Dan. 6. 28. 1 Kin. 19. Act. 8. Iudg. 6. Gen. 31. Exod. 3. Matth. 9. Ruth 2. Matth. 4. 1 Sam. 10. 1 Sam. 3. Luk. 2. 26. Luke 2. Matth. 2. Luke 1. 5. Mark 13. 35.
  • Elisha plowing, was called by Elijah to be Prophet of the Lord.
  • The Eunuch reading, was by God sending an Angel who sent Philip instructed.
  • Gideon threshing, was made the deliverer of the Israelites from Midian.
  • Iacob, being faithfull in service, was by God willed to depart from Laban.
  • Moses, keeping sheep, was sent by God to deliver Israel from the Egyptians.
  • Matthew, sitting at the receipt of Custome, was called to be an Apostle.
  • Ruth, gleaning of corn, was married to Boaz a man of Israel.
  • Peter, and others fishing, were called to be Fishers of men.
  • Saul, seeking Asses, was chosen to be of all Israel the first king.
  • Samuel, ministring unto God, was called by him three times, Samuel, Samuel.
  • Simeon, looking for the Consolation of Israel, embraced Christ in the Temple.
  • Shepherds, keeping sheep, were made witnesses of Christs birth at Bethlehem.
  • Wise men, enquiring after Christ, were by a Starre directed unto him.
  • Zacharias, executing his office, was told by an Angel that he should have a Son. Watch therefore, for ye know not what houre the master will come.
A Catalogue of men commended in their Calling.
  • Abraham In the Book of God is commended for Faith.
    Heb. 11. 7. 2 Sam. 8. Dan. 6. 10. Gen. 5. 21. 2 Sam. 2. Gē. 24. 63. Gen. 39. Iob 1. 22. Iosh. 1. Luk. 3. 10. Mar. 3. 17. Nū. 12. 3. Nū. [...]5. 6. Mat. 26. 62. Rom. 1. &c. 1 Sam. 25. Iudg. 16. Gen 19. 2. 1 King. 3. Matth. 2.
  • David In the Book of God is commended for Prowesse.
  • Daniel In the Book of God is commended for Devotion.
  • Henoch In the Book of God is commended for Pietre.
  • Hazael In the Book of God is commended for Swiftnesse
  • Isaac In the Book of God is commended for Meditation.
  • Ioseph In the Book of God is commended for Chastitie.
  • Iob In the Book of God is commended for Patience.
  • Ioshua In the Book of God is commended for Courage.
  • Iohn In the Book of God is commended for Vehemencie.
  • Iames In the Book of God is commended for Loftinesse.
  • Moses In the Book of God is commended for Meeknesse.
  • Phinehas In the Book of God is commended for Zeale.
  • Peter In the Book of God is commended for Boldnesse.
  • Paul In the Book of God is commended for Profoundness
  • Samuel In the Book of God is commended for Uprightnesse.
  • Samson In the Book of God is commended for Strength.
  • Lot In the Book of God is commended for Courteousnes
  • Salomon In the Book of God is commended for Wisdome.
  • Wise men In the Book of God is commended for Paint-taking.
Among the Romans Among Ecclesiasticall Writers
  • Tertulian Is commended for Weightinesse of matter.
  • Lactantius Is commended for Well-mattered words.
  • Cyprian Is commended for Flowing Speech.
  • Chrysostome Is commended for Statelinesse of Stile.
  • Bernard Is commended for Conscionable delightfulness.
  • Augustine Is commended for Profunditie of Religion.
  • Luther Is commended for Powerfulnesse.
  • Calvin Is commended for Compendiousnesse.
  • Martyr Is commended for Copious Judicialnesse.
  • Zanchie Is commended for Judiciall Copiousnesse.
  • Achilles Is commended for Couragiousnesse.
  • Aprican Is commended for Gravitie.
  • Corbe Is commended for Copiousnesse.
  • Eschines Is commended for Shrilnesse.
  • Hipeudes Is commended for Sharpnesse.
  • Lisias Is commended for Subtiltie.
  • Laelius Is commended for Smoothnesse.
  • Demosthenes Is commended for Powerfulnesse.
  • Socrates Is commended for Sweetnesse.
  • Tullie Is commended for Eloquence.

Gods Justice Drunkennesse punished.

Ebrietas est blandus Daemon, dulce venenum, & suave peccatum [...].

DRunkennesse is a flattering Devil, a sweet poison, and a delightsome sinne, which who so hath in himselfe, hath not himselfe, and he that useth it is not himselfe in the Concrete, but sinfulnesse it selfe in the abstract, being a voluntarie Devil, the common shame of Nature, and the prodigious disgrace of mankinde, staggering in the robes of good-fellowship, shrouding it selfe under the wings of Merriment, being like the man that sleepeth in the middest of sea, and upon thePro. 23. 24, 29. top of a Mast; as also the foolish Marriners which needlesly let in the water to their ship, whereby they are forced to labour hard to pumpe it out again.

1. Drunkennesse is when men drink either in wine or strong drinke beyond measure, so as there followes an intoxication of the powers of the soule: and is a sinne that procures plagues both to body and soule, in that it inflames the bloud with an unnaturall heat, ingenders unnaturall thirst, which ingenders immode­rate drinking, whence comes Dropsies, Consumptions, and cold diseases with un­timely deaths: so that many by drinking healths to others leave no health to themselves.

2. Drunkennesse confounds the Memory, duls the understanding, distempers the bodie, defaceth beauty, and hurts the minde: for the spirits of the heart and brain, being the mediate instruments of the soule are by drinking distempered and inflamed, and thereupon [...]riseth wicked imaginations, disordered affections, and and such like; whence also cometh stinke of breath, rednesse of eyes, diminishing [Page 119] of strength, woes, sorrowes, contentions, wounds without cause, and such like;Prov. 23. 21, 29. Ecclus. 9. 2. &c. Chap. 31. 27. being the fruits thereof.

3. Drunkennesse corrupteth the bloud, drowneth the spirits, beggers the purse, enricheth the Carcase with surfets, turnes bloud into water, bread to drinke, rea­son to poison, and the very Soule to Froth, by an intollerable iniquitte; Swinish­ly disanimating the understanding power of the same, and in a word corrupteth the whole world, it being the capitall cause of many and unspeakable diseases, be­sides of other sinnes, which as handmaides are attendants on it, ad daily experience sheweth.

4. Drunkennesse causeth vomiting and filthinesse, of which the Lord himselfe complaineth by the Prophet Isaiah against the priests and others, and thereby theyIsai. 28. went astray, so that they failed in prophesying, stumbled in Judgement, and be­came ignorant.

Through Drunkennesse
  • Amalekites lay scattered on the earth, so that David slew all of them.
    1 Sam. 30. 2 Sam. 13. 1 King. 20. Da [...] 5. 2 Sā [...]. 1 Ki. 16. Corin­th [...]ans, 1 Cot 11. 21 Iudg. 9. Matth. 14. Isai. 5. 12. Gen. 1 [...]. Gen. 9. 1 Sam. 25. Iudg. 16. Isai. 28. 7. Isai. 5. 11.
  • Amnons heart was merry, so that Absaloms servants slew him.
  • Benhadad with fiftie two other kings were by Israel overcome.
  • Belshazzars Countenance fell down, and the Medes took his Kingdome.
  • David used meanes to move Ʋriah to cover his sinne committed.
  • Elah was by his servant, conspiring against him, murthered.
  • Gaal with his brethren against Ahimelech conspired.
  • Herod in his drunken banquet caused Iohn to be beheaded.
  • The Israelites dranke till they were thirstie: Hell was prepared for them.
  • Lots daughters lay with their Father: two cursed Nations came of them.
  • Noah was uncovered in his tent, and discovered by his sonne.
  • Nabals heart was merry: and suddenly dyed within him.
  • Philistines sporting with Samson, were by the fall of an house slain.
  • Priests and Prophets stumbled in Judgement, and failed in Vision.
  • Woe Ʋnto them that rise up early in the morning that they may follow strong drink, that continue untill night, that the wine inflame them, they shall be trodden under foot, and their beautie shall fade.
  • Woe Ʋnto them that are mightie to drink wine, and to men of strength, mingling
    Isai. 5. 2 [...]. Chap. 28. 7, 8, &c.
    strong drinke, which causeth men to erre, and to goe out of the way, being swallowed up with wine and strong drink; the Lord will cause them to fall backward, and into their enemies hand.

Awake ye drunkards, weep and howle, because of the new wine, for it is cut off from Ioel 1. 5. &c. your mouth, &c. and for your sinne, The field is wasted, the land mourneth, the corne withered, the new wine dried, the oyle languisheth, and the trees are spoiled.

Howle ye ministers of the Altars, for the meat-offering, and the drink-offering is Prov. 23. 21. Syr.3 [...]. 25. Ʋse. with-holden from the house of God: The beasts groane, the herds of cattell are per­plexed, Ioel 1. 10. because they have no pasture, yea the flocks of the sheep are male desolate:


1. Remember Christs Admonition, Take heed of Drunkennesse: forget not Pauls Luk 21. 34. 1 Cor. 5. 11. Prov. 23. 10. Esther 1. 8. and Salomons, Company not with drunkards, &c.

2. Call to minde Calistines who would not pledge Alexander to have need of Esculapius, or the king to have need of the Phisitian.

3. Learne example of the bruit beasts, who in eating and drinking keep measure, taking no more then will suffice nature, therefore the Horse and Asse may be Schoole-masters to many men given to this sin.

4. Know that no drunkard shall inherite the Kingdome of Heaven: then me­ditate in thy future judgement of God by repentance for the same.1 Cor. 6. 11.

Be not drunken with wine wherein is excesse, but be filled with the Spirit.

Reade Micah 6. 15. Prov. 10. 1. Ecclus. 19. 2. Chap. 31. 29. Chap. 37. 29. & 31. 4, 5. Hos. 4. 11.Ephes. 5. 18.

Gods Justice Murther punished.

ACtuall Murther is either secret, or open.

1. Secret is in poison, or some cunning device: such was Ahabs, who would1 King. 21. not openly murther Naboth, but yet consents thereunto. Such likewise was Da­vids, who would not slay Ʋriah with his owne hands, but caused him to be put2 Sam. 11. into the battell that he could not escape.

2. Open murther is committed when one with his hands openly and willingly taketh away the life of man: this is condemned by the Lord, Thou shalt not shed Gen. 9. 6. [Page 120] mans bloud, &c. the reason is added, for he was made in the image of God: This is therefore to deface Gods image, and as it were to raze the Princes picture, andExod. 22. 18. great Seale, yea this is so hatefull to God, that he commands that if a beast slay a man, he must be slaine and his flesh not eaten.Deut. 21.

3 Open murther is committed when one layes violent hands upon himselfe, and this is noted of most impious persons, as Iudas and Achitophet were, which first were cruell to others, then to themselves.

Object. Samson slew himselfe, was he guilty of his owne death?

Answ. Samson when he saw his misery was dishonourable to God, pulled downe the house on the Ph [...]listines, and dyed himselfe with them, yet can hee not be said properly to kill himselfe, yet it is granted that he dyed, but he purposed not his owne end to himselfe that he might die, but sought to be avenged upon his ene­mies, which by this meanes he knew vvould come to passe▪ So the ApostlesIudg 16. thought among themselves: If vve preach Christ unto the people, vvee shall dye, yet could not they be said that they killed themselves, when they preached the Gospell, which was the cause of their death.

Samson was a figure of Christ, who vanquished more a [...] his death, then in all [...]. Heb. 11. his life: and to cleare him from all suspition, the Authour to the Hebrewes saith, that he did it of faith, numb [...]ing him with the Saints.

Object. Ionah willed the Marriners to cast him into the sea, was he not guilty of his own death, seeing he consented to what they did.

Answ. Ionah was a Prophet, and therefore knew the will of God in this case: more­overIon. 1. over he was a figure of Christ, being three dayes in the belly of the fish, as Christ was in the heart of the earth.

Quest. Is there any place of repentance left for them that kill themselves?

Answ. Saint Augustine thinkes hardly of them (saying) there is no place of Repen­tanceMat. 7. 1. Rom. 14. left for them: Wee must not judge so hardly of them, Iudge not (saith Christ) it is Gods office, who may give them repentance when their soules de­part.

  • The cause of murther. is either profit revenge lust such was Ahabs unto Naboath.
    1 King. 22. 2 Sam. 18. 2 Sam. 12.
  • The cause of murther. is either profit revenge lust such was Absoloms unto Ammon.
  • The cause of murther. is either profit revenge lust such was Davids unto Ʋrijah.
His brethren, he was slaine by a woman with a peece of a
Iudg. 9.
m [...]lstone.
King Ag [...]g
Divers persons, hee was hewed by the Prophet Samuel in
1 Sam. 15. 2 Sā. 3. I [...]r. [...]9. 22 I [...]r. 51. 49 2 Sam. 18. 2 King. 21. 2 Chron. 22. 1 King. 22. 2 King 9. 1 King. [...]. 2 Sam. 4. 2 Sam. 12. Ioel 3. 9. 2 Ch. 24 1 Ki. 2. 2 Ch. 25 Gen. 4. Exod. 2. 11. Ier. 26. 22. Ez [...]k. 3 [...]. 18 I [...]horam. 1 C [...]ron. 21 2 Ki. 15. 2 Ki. 15. Manasseb Eze. 11. 16 Exod. 1. Ch. 14.
A [...]ner
Asahel, he was slaine by Ioab treacherously,
Amnon, he was after hanged by the haire in a tree.
Amons servants
King Amon, they were all of them by the people slaine.
The Kings seed, she was put to death by Iehojada for the same.
Ahab & Iezebel
Naboth, they were both slaine by the enemy.
Nadab his son, Elah was slaine by Zimry.
Ishbosheth with Rechab, they were put to death by David.
Ʋriah, his bloud was of his posterity required.
Divers persons with Egypt [...] their lands were both wa­sted.
Io [...]sh
Zechariah, he was by his owne servants murthered.
Abner, he was slaine at Salomons command by Benaiah.
Ioashs servants
Ioash, they were put to death by King Amaziah.
Abel, he became a runnagate over the earth.
Shallum, his own son was slaine by Pekah.
Pekahiah, he was afterwards slaine by Hoshea.
Little children, hee was drowned with his army in the Sea.
Gibeonites, his sonnes were slaine by the Philistines.
2 Sa. 31 Gen. 49 Paul. Lev [...]. Sim [...]on.
Skochemites with Levi, they were cursed for their cruel­ties.
Gideons brethren with Zalmunna: They were both slaine
Iudg. 8. Chap. 9.
by Gideon.
King Asa, he burnt himselfe in the Kings mansion▪
1 King. 16.
[Page 121]The man
That by violence sheddeth mans bloud shall be a runnagate to his
Deut. 24. 17.
Prov. 28. 17. Exod. 21. 12. Gen. 9 6. Deut. 35. 3 [...]. Mat. 26. 32.
grave: That smiteth one that dyeth shall dye, and that sheddeth mans bloud, by man shall his bloud be shed: All that take the sword shall perish with the sword, and that kill shall be killed.
The Murtherer
Shall not inherit the kingdome of Heaven, neither shall live halfe
Rev. 13. 10. Chap. 21. 8. Gal. 5. 21. Psal. 55. 25. Psal. 5. 6. Hos. 4. 2.
his dayes: The Lord will abhorre him: and for his sinne will cause the land to mourne, and all that dwell therein, with a de­struction of each thing.
Shall be none taken for murther (saith the Lord) but inquisition
Numb. 35. 32. &c. Deut. 21.
shall be made, that the murtherer may be found; for the Land shall not be cleansed of the bloud that is shed therein, but by the bloud of him that shed bloud.
The Remedy of Murther.
The way
To prevent murther is to keepe our selves from envy and hatred, to take heed of revenge, to be courteous, loving and kind, &c. Fol­lowing
2 Cor. 13. 11.
the Apostles counsell, forgiving one another, as God for Christ hath forgiven us: seeking peace and ensuing it. The which that we may all doe, the Lord grant Amen.

Gods Justice Whoredome punished.

VVHoredome is an inordinate desire of filthy and unhonest pleasures, being the leprosie of the soule, and a fire that shall devoure to destruction, andIob 31. 12. root out mans increase.

Is the incontinency of persons that are unmarried, or of person [...] wher­of
Deut. 22. 22. Mat. 5. 28.
one is married: as also is when men by impure thoughts do lust after any, which Christ forbids.

Fornication is the incontinency of persons that are unmarried.

1. The sinne is like a fornace, whose mouth is gluttony, the flame pride, the sparkles filthy words, the smoake an evill name, the ashes poverty, and the end shame and destruction: for that lust conceived bringeth forth sinne, and sin perfe­cted bringeth forth death.

2. This sinne is more violent then all other sinnes, for of all the troubles and battles that Christians are to fight, this combate of chastity is most difficult, for that the wrestling is perpetuall and the victory rare.

3. This sinne doth not only pollute, contaminate and destroy the soule, but alsoProv. 6. 26. 22. getteth a plague, dishonour and reproach, that shall never be put out, defileth the body, which is a member of Christ, and the temple of the Holy Ghost. [...]very sinne (saith S. Paul) that a man doth is without the body, but he that committeth 1 Cor. 6. fornication, sinneth against his owne body, that is by prophaning it with carnall lusts and fleshly sin.

4. This sinne spoyleth the good name, weakneth and enfeebleth the strength,Iob 31. 12. taketh away beauty, hurteth the sound constitution, bringeth infinite diseases, which are both filthy and reproachfull, perisheth and blasteth the flower and blos­some of youth, in not suffering it to bud and encrease, bringeth old-age before theIob 24. 15. Ier. 5. 8. time, breaketh the forme and strength of the will, dulleth the understanding and maketh a man like unto the bruit beast, and like a fed horse, saith the Prophet Ieremy.

5. This sinne withdraweth a man from all honest studies and exercises, and draw­eth him into the sea of carnall pleasures: It maketh young men foolish and re­proachfull, and exposeth old-men to the shame of men, so that their talke is but of carnall delights.

The motives moving a man to this sin, are naturall corruption, gluttony, idle­nesse,Note. Ier. 5. 7. Syr. 9. 2. scurrulous talke, a discovered dugge, a naked breast, frizled haire, artificiall painting, wanton apparrell, costly perfumes, a roling eye, an unchaste foot, hope of impunity, the accompanying with women, and idlenesse the chiefe of all of them.

Lay with
Hagar, by whom he had a mocking Ishmael.
Gen. 16. 2 Sam. 13. 2 Sam. 16. 2 Sam. 3. Iudg. 20. 2 Sam. 11. 1 Sam. 2. Gen. 38. Gen. 35 Nū 25 Nū. 25 Ex. 22. 11. [...] 5 [...].
Tamar, he was therefore slaine by Absolom.
Davids Concubine, his end after was hanging.
Sauls Concubine, he was after by Ioab slain.
A Levites wife, twenty five thousand were slain.
Bathsheba, Absolom his son lay with his Concubines.
Elies [...]onn [...]s
Women forbidden, they were slaine by the Philistines.
Iu [...]ah
Tamar his daughter in law: his conscience accused him.
His wives handmaids: Reuben lay with one of them.
One Israelite
A Midianitish woman: both were by Phineas slaine.
The daughter of Moab: Twenty foure thousand were slaine.
The incestuous
The wife of his father, hee was delivered over to Sa­tan.
1 Cor. 10. 5. 1 Cor. 5. Gen. 19. Gen. 6. Luk. 15. Gen. 49. Iudg 16. Iudg. 14.
Just Lot
His daughters, two cursed Nations came of them.
Old world
Women that they liked, they all perished in the floud.
Whores, he was with famine and hunger pined.
His Fathers Concubine; he lost the dignity of birth-right.
Delilah, he lost his strength, haire, eyes and life.
Samsons wife
His companion, she was with her father burnt by the Phi­listines.
Each other, they were burnt with fire from Heaven.
Gen. 10. Gen. 34.
Dinah, hee was slaine with all the Shechemites by Si­meon.
Gen. 34.
Women fo [...]bidden, the Lord raised adversaries against
1 King. 16.
A [...]imelech and Pharaoh
Were both plagued with their wives, women and families, but
Gen. 12. Chap. 20.
for taking Abrahams wife into their house.

Iohn by reproving Herod, by Herodias meanes lost his head.Mat. 14. Gen. 39.

Ioseph after denying his mistris was a long time imprisoned.

The man
That committeth adultery shall die the death, with the woman
Levit. 20. 10. Deut. 22. 22. Cha. 20. 12 Chap. 19. 20. Chap. 10. 14, 40 Iob 31. 9. Deut. 22. 22.
with whom he lyeth: Hee also that lyeth with his daughter in law shall die the death: Hee that lieth with a woman affian­ced shall be scourged, that taketh a wife and her mother, shall both be burned, that uncovereth his brothers wife shall be cut of, that lyeth with another mans wife, his wife shall grinde to a­nother.

The Priests daughter that playeth the whore shall be burned.Levit. 21. 9. Num. 5 Deu. 23 Iob [...]1. 1.

The wife found to be adultresse, her belly did swell and thigh rot.

Bastards were forbidden to enter into the Congregation to the tenth de­scent.

Bastards plants shall take no deepe root, nor lay a fast foundation.Wisd 4. 3. Ch. 3. 17. Deu. 17. 18.

The hire of a whore brought to be offered to God, was abominable to him.

The man
  • That accompanieth adulterers shall become impudent.
    Ecclus. 19 3.
  • Rottennesse and wormes shall have him to heritage.
The Whoremonger
Use Destroyeth his owne soule, kindleth a fire which shall devoure
Pro. 5. 3. & 6. 25.
Prov. 6. 32. Iob 31. 12. Hos 4. 3. Ecclus. 4. 4. 1 Cor. 6. 9. Gal. 5. 19. Rev. 8. 32. Heb. 13. 4.
to destruction, rooteth out his increase, all bread is sweet to him, he will not leave off till he perish: Hee shall not en­ter into the kingdome of God, he shall be judged by the Lord, and shal have his portion in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone.

The Remedie against Whoredome.

1. Use labour, abstinence, temperance, prayer, stay the beginning while it is young, looke not unadvisedly on a woman, gaze not on a maid, but with Iob Ecclus. 9. Io [...] 31. 1. make a covenant with thine eyes, heare no unhonest speeches, speake no unclean words, thinke on holy thoughts, in every temptation set before thee the presence of God, who beholdeth thee, the devill that will accuse thee, and thinke on the judgement that at last shall be pronounced against thee.

2. Remember that example of a modest Matron, who being tempted by a lascivi­ous one, professing to doe any thing for her love, so as she would grant him his desire; after a long time, she called for a panne of coales, requesting him for her [Page 123] sake to hold his finger in them but one houre: to which he answered, that it wasPerkins. an unreasonable request: to whom she replyed, that seeing he would not hold so much as one of his fingers in a few Coales for one houre, she would not yeeld to doe that thing, for which she should be tormented body and soule in Hell for ever.2 Sam. 20. 3.

3. Thinke on Demosthenes, who being demanded of Lais a famous Curtizan of Corinth a great summe of money to lye with her one night; he answered, he would not buy repentance at so deare a rate.

4. Set before thy eyes Ioseph, who being tempted by his wanton Mistresse, to lyeRom. 13. 13. Gen. 39. 9. Mal. 2. 14. Rom. 6. 21. with her, answered, How can I doe this great wickednesse, and sinne against God? and forget not Pauls saying, What fruits have ye had in these things whereof ye are now ashamed? the end of them being death.


It should teach us as the Apostle counselleth, to Flie fornication, to possesse1 Cor. 6. 18. 1 Thes. 4. 5. Rom. 13. 13. Exod. 20. our vessels in holinesse and honour, and to walk honestly as in the day, not in rio­ting and drunkennesse, neither in chambering and wantonnesse, alwayes having in minde the law of God, Thou shalt not commit adulterie.

Reade Deut. 22. 20. Chap. 23. 18. Iob 24. 15. Prov 2. 16. Chap. 5. 3, 8. Cha. 6. 26, 12. Chap. 7. 7. Ezek. 23. 17. Prov. 9. 13. Chap. 23. 27. Ier. 5. 7. Levit. 18. 20. Wisd. 3. 16. Ecclus. 9. 1 Chap. 19. [...]. Chap. 23. 21. &c. Ephes. 5. 3. Gen. 20. 11. Exod. 22. 16. Le­vit. 19. 20. Deut. 23. 18. Syr. 19. 3.

Gods Justice Covetousnesse punished.

COvetousnesse is an inordinate desire of any thing, unto which evill the man that is subject unto, is the servant and slave of all other sinnes: For that the covetous person can never be satisfied, but is provoked and enflamed more andProv. 15. 27. more by how much the more he hath, like the man that hath the Dropsie, the more he drinketh, the more he thirsteth: So that although he have, yet he al­wayes coveteth that which he wanteth, so that the miserable and wretched heart of the covetous man wandereth throughout all the things of this world, and is wearied, but never satisfied; drinketh, but his thirst is not quenched; he esteemeth not those things which he hath, unlesse he possesse in like manner those things which he hath not, and he hath no lesse trouble for things which he compasseth not, then he hath pleasure in the things which he possesseth; neither is his heart more satisfied with gold then the bodie with winde and ayre; This Viper hath divers heads with which it snatcheth at the trash of the world (to wit) fraud, un­quietnesse, perju [...]ie, bribes, sacriledge, theft, usurie, rapine, and Symonie. This horse-leach hath two daughters that cry, Bring, Bring, H [...]ll and destruction are ne­verProv. 30. 15. Prov. 27. 20. Ecclus. 10. 9. &c. full, so the covetous person can never be satisfied. In a word, there is nothing worse then a covetous man, nor a more wicked thing then to love money, for such an one would even sell his soul to get wealth unto him:

The Covetous person is
An infidell
For he loveth not his brother, and he that loveth not his bro­ther walketh in darknesse, and knoweth not God.
1 Ioh. 1.
A D [...]ceiver
For he makes the Epha small, and the shekle great, he falsifies
Amos 8. 5. Prov. 21. 6. Matt. 24.
the weights by deceit, and sels the refuse of Corn.
A Thiefe
For the goods that he possesseth are none of his, he is but a ste­ward of them, and shall yeeld account.
A murtherer
For such are his wayes being greedie of gain, that he taketh
Prov. 1. 19. Amos 8.
away the life of the owner, and swalloweth the poore.
As a Camell
That all the day carries treasure for other, and at night is tur­ned into the stable with a gald back.
As a slave,
For that he attendeth day and night upon his wealth, being al­wayes in great suspition of his Treasure.
A disconten­ted one,
In that he is vexed and grieved in minde, when he is to de­part from any of his coin by payment.
  • Idolater, offending idolatrously
  • Against the second Commandement, for that he wor­shippeth
    Ephes. 5. 5. Exod. 20. Psal.
    idols, in reposing so much confidence in his money, making it his god.
Through Covetousnesse
  • [Page 124]The Angels which kept not their first place were cast into hell▪
    Iude 6. Gen. 3. Iosh. 7.
  • Adam, desiring to know good and evil, became miserable.
  • Achan took things excommunicated, he was with all his stoned.
  • An Amalekite said he had slain Saul in hope to be rewarded: David cau­sed
    2 Sam. 1.
    him to be put to death for slaying Gods Anointed.
  • Ahab took Naboths vineyard: his posteritie were all destroyed.
    2 King. 9. Act. 5. Iud. v. 11. 2 Sam. 4, &c. Judg. 16. Col. 3. 5. 2 Tim. 4. Act. 19. Act. [...]4. 2 King. 5. Gen. [...]. Gen. 34. 1 Kin. 13. 33. 1 Sam. 8. Micah 3. Iohn 1 [...]. Gen. 31. Gen. 13. & 14. Act. 16. 1 Sam. 25. Exod. 4. Ier. 6. 13. Matth. 21. Mat. 19. 1 Sam. 15. 1 K [...]. 12. Samuels sons took bribes. Act. 8. Mat. 1 [...]. Soul­diers. Ecc. 4. 8. & 6. 2. Ecclus. 6. 2. Pro. 27. 20. & 1. 19. Ier. 57. 17. Ecclus. 5. 12. Ephes. 5. 5. Luke 1 [...]. 15.
  • Ananias kept back part of the money, &c. he was strucken suddenly dead.
  • Balaam went to Balak, by the deceit of his own wages he perished.
  • Baanah and Rechab
  • Slew Ishbosheth in hope to have been rewarded by David, he caused them both for their fact to be executed.
  • Delilah betrayed Samson into the hands of the Philistines.
  • Demas forsook Paul, and imbraced the worldly vanities.
  • Demetrius accused Paul for speaking against images his gain▪
  • Felix called Paul before him, in hope of money to have loosed him.
  • Gehazi took Naamans gifts; he had thereby his leprosie.
  • Herdmen of Abraham and Lot fell at great controversie.
  • Hamor and Sh [...]chem perswaded the Shechemites to be circumcised.
  • Ioel and Abiah Samuel's sons for gain judged.
  • Judges in Israel for rewards gave their judgement.
  • Iudas spake against Magdalens box bestowed of ointment.
  • Laban dealt ill with Iacob; and his sonnes spake against him.
  • Lot made choice of the land of Sodome, which proved hurtfull to him.
  • The master of the maide accused Paul casting out the spirit of South-saying.
  • Nabal denyed victuals to David, his heart dyed within him.
  • Pharaoh would not let the Israelites depart, as God commanded.
  • The Priests
  • Taught for hire, and for gaine they prophesied.
  • Suffered the people to buy and sell in the Temple of God.
  • Peter asked Christ what the Apostles should have for following him.
  • King Saul spared Agag, his sheep and oxen: for which God rejected him.
  • Shimei seeking his Runaway, was put to death by Salomon.
  • Sim▪ Magus would have bought the holy Ghost, a curse was pronounc'd on him
  • The young man departed sorrowing, being willed to sell his possession.
  • The Cove­tous person
  • Hath no end of his travell, neither can his eye be satisfied with ri­ches, not thinking for whom he travelleth: He hath riches, and treasures, and honours, and yet no power to use them. His riches shall perish by evill travell, evill is reserved for him: the Lord is wroth with him, and will smite him, is angry, and turneth him­self from him: He shall beget a son, and in his hand shall be no­thing▪ And as the Apostle saith plainly, He shall not enter into the Kingdome of Heaven.


1. This should teach us to take heed of Covetousnesse: for that though a manLuke 12. 15. have abundance, yet his life standeth not in riches. Love not the Moon-shine, thatEccl. 6. 7, 8. thou contemne the Noon-shine, do not so live that the solace of this life, minister matter of eternall death.

2. Be content with the condition and estate that is happened unto thee: beingGen. 23. 13. & 14. [...]. 1 Tim. 6. 8. Gen. 33. 9. Matth. 6. 33. Gen. 28. 20. mindfull of that of the Apostle, Having food and raiment be therewith content: Seek the Kingdome of God and his righteousnesse, and all things else shall be ministred unto you▪ saith Christ.

3. Remember that Godlinesse is great gain, if a man be content with that he hath: if therefore it please God to give thee povertie, take it patiently, for theHeb. 5. 5. 1 Tim. 6. 7. &c. Psal. [...]7. 16. poore are like unto Christ, who when he was rich became poore for our sakes: Learn then in all estates to be content; we brought nothing into the world, nei­ther shall we carry any thing here-hence.2 Cor. 6. 10. Psal. 119. 36. Heb. 13. 5.

4. Let your conversation [...]e without covetousnesse, be content with those things that you have: for God hath said, I will not faile thee, nor forsake thee.

Chrysostome saith Homil. 51.

He is not poore that hath nothing, but he that desireth much:

He is not rich that hath much, but he that wanteth nothing.

For Contentation never wanteth, Phil. 4. 12.

There is no griefe in lacking, but where there is an immoderate desire in having.

If we will live after nature, we shall never be poore;

If we will live after our owne appetite, we shall never be rich.

  • Remember thou shalt meet with the Grave and Hell:
  • There is mould enough in the Grave: Fire enough in Hell.

Drinke of the waters of thine own well, and of the river that runnes out of thineProv. 5. 15. own Spring▪

Set not thine eye upon the thing which suddenly vanisheth away.Prov. 23. 5.

For riches make themselves wings, and fly away like an Eagle.

Pray with Salomon,
  • Give me, O Lord, neither povertie nor riches, only give me things ne­cessary,
    Prov. 30. 8.
    lest being full, I should denie thee▪ and being fallen into povertie, should steale, and forsweare thee.
  • If thou with what God wils shalt pleased bee:
  • Be sure all things shall then be well with thee.

Reade Prov. 30. 15. Prov. 1. 11. Dan. 11. 39. Syr▪ 14. 9. Prov. 15. 16. Eccl. 5. 18, 19.

Gods Justice Usurie punished.

VSurie is the Devils Alchimistrie, which turnes silver into gold, and Chymically projects money out of the poores bowels: it is lucre by lending: It is a sin that hath many advocates and patrons: it is (as Aristotle saith) a monstrous thing by the very light of Nature, for money to beget money: and thereupon the hea­then by the light of reason stiled Usurers, ravenous usurious Vultures, being infa­mously guiltie of that sinne of which a converted Jew, an honest heathen, or tol­lerable Turke would be ashamed and remorsefull: being stigmatized by joynt consent of charitable hearts, and strongest current of best Divinitie with a brand of extraordinary bruitfulnesse, hard-heartednesse, and crueltie: in that he is like a fretting Canker with a plausible invisible consumption, wasting day▪ staies, sucksProv. 22. 7. the bloud, eates the lives of many, fils townes and cities with improfitable persons, and the countrey with miseries and inhumanities.

Now Usurie is a gain exacted by Covenant above the principall, only in liewEzek. 18. 8. and recompence of the lending, which is quite contrary to Gods Word, and therefore may sitly be called biting Usurie.

Object. The Law of England doth permit Usurie to raise two shillings in the pound, therefore Usurie is not unlawfull?

Answ. It is one thing to permit Usurie, and another to allow thereof, by our positive Lawes is meant, that those men, who cared not how much they exacted out of poore mens hands for the loane of their money, should be limited within certain bounds, lest they should overflow reason. So that the Lawes doe but mitigate the penaltie, which if it were possible would restraine men from it.

The Person that
  • Hath given forth upon usurie, and hath taken increase, he shall not live, he
    Ezek. 18. 13.
    hath done abominably, he shall surely dye.
  • Hath taken usury and increase, and hath greedily gained of his neigh­bour by extortion, the Lord will smite his hands at his dishonest gaine,
    Ezek. 22. 12, 13.
    which he hath made, and will scatter him among the heathen: and he that putteth his money to usury, and taketh reward shall not rest on [...]he
    Psal. 15. 5. Prov. [...]8. 8. Chap. 20. 21.
    holy hill of the Lord. And that increaseth his substance by usurie and unjust gain, he shall gather it for him that shall pittie the poore, and the inheritance that he hath gotten hastily, the end therof shall not be blessed.
By evill gotten goods purchased shame, and a field with the reward of ini­quitie,
Act. 1. 18, &c.
who falling headlong burst asunder in the midst, so that all his bowels gushed out.
The Lord thy God saith,
  • Thou shalt open thy hand wide to the poore, and shalt lend him suf­ficient
    Prov. 28. 8. Hab. 1. 6. Deut. 15. 8. &c.
    for his need in that which he wanteth.
  • If thou lend to any that is poore, thou shalt not be to him an usurer, neither shalt thou lay upon him usurie.
  • Thou shalt not lend upon usurie to thy brother, usurie of money, usu­rie of victuals, or usurie of any thing whatsoever, unto a stranger
    Deut. 23. 20, &c.
    thou maist lend on usurie (meaning that the Israelites might lend to the Canaanites, &c.) whom they might lawfully murther, to
    Exod. 22. 25.
    those they might lend upon usurie, to murther them therewith by little and little.
Christ thy Saviour
Commanded to lend freely, looking for nothing againe (that is, for
Matth. 5. 42.
the use or gaine thereof) to every man that asketh of thee: and of him that taketh away thy goods, aske them not againe, and in so
Luk. 6. 84.
doing thy reward shall be great.

The Remedie of Usurie.

To abstaine from Usurie remember the Lords Promise, saying, The man that Ezek. 18. 8. [Page 126] hath not given upon usury, neither hath taken any increase shall surely live and shall not die.

The man that putteth not out his money to Ʋsury, nor taketh rewards against the Psal. 15. 5. innocent, shall rest on the holy hill of God.


1. Seeing thou seest the way to Heaven, learne to follow it.

2. Let godly Magistrates learne to tread the steps of good Nehemiah, who remedi­edNeh. 5. 1. &c. 10. the oppression of many by usury, and that by causing them to leave off that burden, and by making them to restore the land, vineyards, houses, &c. as also to remit the hundred part of the silver, corne and wine that was exacted by any of the Jewes.

3. For admonition: Let racking, extorting usurers, whose inclosures hath woun­ded whole villages and friended only two or three with the plaister of their boun­ties by an Almeshouse, not thinke that a sufficient satisfaction for their wrong.

4. Let all covetous hunger starved Usurers, who sell wheate and eate beanes, who have many in their debt, and yet are most in their owne debt, for not paying their belly and backe a quarter of their dues, learne to make better use of Gods Creatures.

Reade Ecclu [...]. 25. 29. Pro. 22. 7. Pro. 13. 11. Syr. 5 8. Ezek. 22. 12.

Gods Justice Oppression punished.


Ahab Naboth taking his vineyard from him, it was his ruine.2 Chro 16. 10. 2 Ki. 1 [...]. 4. 22 2 King. 10. [...]sai. 47. [...].

Babylonians The Israelites with heavy yoakes: Gods judgements fell on them.

Edomites The Jewes, for which shame covered them, and evill tookMat. 23. 4. Ezek. 7. 23. & 22. 26. Isai. 3. 15. Amo [...] 8. 5, 8. Mich. 2. 2. Job 2 [...]. 6. Ps. 140. 1 [...]. Isa. 52. 4. Ioel 1. 9. Ohad. 1 10. Exod 7. Ch. 14. Chap 3. 9. Ier. 22. them.

Egyptians The Israelites, they were often plagued, at last drow­ned.

Iehoiakim His subjects, he had the buriall of an Asse, and was not lamented.

Rehoboam His subjects by laying burdens on them: ten Tribes fell1 King. 12. from him.

The Israelites Divers, for which adversaries were brought against them,Amos 3. Cha 4. Mich 2. Ier. 21. Ezek. 12. 12. Gen. 6. 11. who laid their lands waste, spoyled their pallaces, so that they decayed.

The old world The poore with cruelty, they perished in the floud.

The Person that oppresseth

The Widdow and Fatherlesse God will slay him, and will make his wife a widdow, &c. Exod. 22. Psal. 7. 16. Mal. 3. 5. Mal. 3. 5. Ier. 22. 13. Prov. 22. 16. Ezek. 18. 12. Pr. 5. 1 [...] C. 20. 19 [...] Th. 4. 6 Ze. 7. 10 Pro. 20. 22 [...]. & 27. 14. & 14. 31. Iob 20. 19. & 24. 2 & 27. 25. Psal. 140. 11. Mich. 2. [...]. &c. Chap. 6. 12. Ier 17. 11. Isai. 5. 7. Iam 5. 4. Hab. 2. 9. Iob 20. 8. 19, 20. Prov. 22. 23. Iob 35. 9. Isai. 10. 1. and his children fatherlesse, so that his oppression shall fall on himselfe.

The Hireling [...]y keeping backe of his wages, the Lord will punish him.

The Poore To increase himselfe, shall himselfe come to poverty, and that hath not restored the pledge, hee shall die, his bloud shall be upon him.

The afflicted In judgement, the Lord will spoyle the soule of that man, or by fraud doth injury any, the Lord will avenge himselfe on him.

Any By refusing to heare his cry, the Lord will not heare him, and that doth evill to any one, it shall be his destruction, and that taketh the fields of others, the Lord will devise an evill against that family, so that they shall eat and not be satisfied, &c. And as the Partridge gathereth her young, which she hath not brought forth; so he that gathereth riches and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his dayes: and that joyneth house to house, and field to field, woe shall be unto him, for such houses shall be desolate, and that by building by bloud, and stablishing it by iniquity, the stones thereof shall cry out of the wals, and the beame out of the timber shall answer it: he shall feele no quietnesse in his body, hee shall be in paine, the hand of the wicked shall assaile him, the Lord will do vio­lence unto him, who hath prepared judgements for him.

Because of unrighteous dealings and wrongs, and riches gotten by deceit andEzek. 12. 9. Ecclus. 10. 8. oppression, the land shall be desolated, and the kingdome from one people to a­nother translated.

The LORD Will set at liberty those who are snared by oppression, when they thatMal. 3. 5. Psal. 12. 5. Psal. 72. 4. Deut. 2. 23. Levit. 17. 10. Deut. 14. 21. Deu 22. 6. &c. Gen 9. 4. Psal. 12. 5. Psal. 62. 10. have oppressed them shall cry and not be heard.

The Lord Did so abhorre oppression and crueltie, as that hee required theMal. 3. 5. Psal. 11. [...]. & 12. 3. & 140. 11. & 35. 1 [...]. Vse. bloud of that man, that did eate the flesh of beasts with the bloud thereof: as also commanded the Israelites, that if they found any birds nests in their way travelling, that they should not seeth a kid in his mothers milke, nor destroy the dam of the young one, nor eate flesh with the life thereof, that is the bloud.

Reade of Tyrants and tyrannie.


1. Doth the Lord so abhorre oppression and cruelty, as that he would have mercyProv. 12. 10. Prov. 3. 14. Mich. 3. 3. Iob 27. 13. Psal. 62. 10. Prov. 16. 8. Prov. 22. 20 Ezek. 7. 11. Dan. 4. 27. shewed even to the beasts and foules. What then shall those oppressours expect, whose hearts are cruell, whose teeth are as swords, and their jawes as knives to devoure the poore from the earth, and the needy from among men: who eate the flesh of the people, and slay off the skinne from them, who breake their bones and chop them in peeces as for the pot, and as flesh within the Cauldron (saith the Prophet Michah.) Surely they shall cry unto the Lord, but he will not heare them, he will hide his face from them: trust not then in robbery and wrong.

2. Doth the Lord so abhorre oppression? Follow then the counsell of Daniel: Breake off that sinne by repentance unto God, by mercy to the poore: and with Zacheus by restitution to wronged, oppressed and injured men.Luk. 19.

The Lord saith Thou shalt not oppresse the stranger that dwelleth with thee, if thou sell ought unto thy neighbour, or buy ought of him, yee shall not Levit. 19. Chap. 25. 14. oppresse one another therein.

Iob 35 9. Chap. 5. 7. Prov. 13 11. Chap 14. 31. Chap. 28. 20. Chap. 29. 13. Chap. 30 15. Isai 3 14. Eccles 4. 1. Prov. 21. 6. Amos 1. Chap. 2. Chap. 3. Iob 20. 19. Psa. 72. 4. Psal. 62. 10. Psal. 140. 7. Iam. 5. 3. Syr. 5. 8. Levit. 25. 14, 17. Syr 34. 18. Am. 5. 11. Obad. 14. Hab. 1. 17. Mich. 3. 3. Zeph. 1. 9. Isai. 47. 6. Ezek. 22. 7 Syra 40. 13. Chap. 10. 8.

Prov. 20. 21. Iob 24. 2. &c Psal. 12 5. Prov. 16. 8 Chap. 14 31. Zech. 7. 11. Mic. 6. 12. Iob 20 8. Prov. 22. 23. Iob 35. 9. Prov. 14. 31. Isai. 58. Isai. 10 1. Iob 22. 6. Ier. 17. 11. Zeph. 1. 9 Reade of Tyranny.

Of Restitution.

REstitution is to be made by all such as have taken any thing wrongfully by Usu­ry, oppression, deceit or such like: Without which mans repentance for sinneNumb. 5 6, 7. is not acceptable before God: And therefore we are to follow Christs command herein, (saying) If thou bringest thy gift to the Altar, &c. go [...] first and be recon­ciled Mat. 3. 25. to thy brother, then come and offer thy gift, &c.

Object. What if I be not able to make restitution, will not God then be mercifull and heare the prayer made to him?

Answ. Debt is not deadly sinne, when a man hath no meanes, there must be votall re­stitution, if there cannot be actuall, quoad affectum, though thou cannot quoad ef­fectum: 2 Cor. 8. 12 Deut. 10. 17. Bern. 2 Cor. 8. 11. If there [...]e a willing mind it is sufficient, not according to that a man hath, but according to that which he hath not. God reckons that as done, which a man, Vere voluit, tametsi adimplere non valuit: faithfully would, though not fully could accomplish.

David said, O Lord, thou knowest mine innocencie. Psal. 7 8. 1 Sam. 12. 3.

Samuel Whose oxe or asse have I taken, whom have I defrauded, whom have I hurt? Or of whose hand have I received any bribe to blind mine eyes there­with? And I will restore it.

Michah give to his mother, the silver that he had taken from herIudg. 17. Iob 31. 38.

Iob Said, If my land cry against me, or the surrowes thereof complaine together, let 2 King. 8. 6. this [...]les grow instead of wheate, and cockell instead of barly: And againe saith, The wicked shall restore that he tooke violently. Iob 20. 18. Luk. 19. Mat. 27. Nehem. 5. 8.

Zacheus, If I have taken by false accusation: I will restore four fold.

Iudas will condemne many, who brought againe the peeces of silver.

Nehemiah caused the Jewes to restore what was exacted by them.

  • [Page 128]Salomon willed not to with-hold the goods from the owner of them▪
    Prov. 3. 2. Numb. 5 [...] Exod. 22. Ezek 33. [...]5.
    Phil [...]m 9.
  • The Lord commanded restitution to be made of things taken to keepe, taken by robbery, by violence, oppression and such like.
  • If the wicked restore the pledge, and give againe that he had robbed, &c. He shall
    Prov. 6. 3 [...]. Job 20. [...]8.
    live and not die, saith the Lord.
  • Owe nothing to any man, but love one another (saith the Apostle.)
    Rom. 13 8. Psal 37. [...]1.
  • The ungodly borroweth and payeth not againe, but the righteous is mercifull and
    Eye for eye, Levit. 24▪
    liberall (saith the Psalmist.)
  • Reade Ier. 20. 18. [...] Cor. 7. 2. Exod. 22. 3. &c Numb. 5. 8. &c.

Gods Justice False Witnesse bearing and Slander punished.

FAlse Witnes bearing is unjust judging and condemning of our neighbours, con­trary to the Commandement of Christ, who bids us not to judge: And it is1 Kin. 21. also an unjust accusing and false testimony in judgement: Such as was that where­with Naboth was accused. And it is also called a cavill or crafty accusation, which is when something is either taken from the truth or put to it, or changed, as they did, that testified against Christ, affirming that he had said, I can destroy the Temple of God, &c. And lastly, it is a slandering or back-biting of one, inIohn 16. Mat. 26. 6. speaking ill of his neighbour, that is free from evill, being absent, and so impai­reth his name and credit, which is a most grievous offence, for that the slanderer hurteth three at once, himselfe, the hearer, and him that is slandered, howbeit he hurteth him least of all being absent, for his name onely is hurt, but the consci­ence of both the other is hurted by a sinne against God and their neighbour com­mitted.Pro. 20. 3, 19. Ch. 13. 5. & 16 27. & 18. 8. & 26. 22.

The Slanderer is ever medling till he shameth himselfe: His lips are as hot as burning fire, and his words are wounds and like Hammers, saith Salomon, where­with men breake stones, &c. and his daily exercise is in mis-reports.

Object. What if he that reporteth of his neighbour speake the truth, speaking of his faults, may that be called slandering?

Answ. 1 It ought: for he sinneth in a double respect. First his mind is estranged from the affection of Christian charity, yea he is rather mooved to that wickednesse by a desire of speaking ill, or else that he may get himselfe praise by the dispraise of a­nother, which appeareth by that he passeth over all the vertues of his neighbour, reckoning up all his faults, and often times enlarging them.

2 He objecteth those things against his neighbour, not with a mind to amend him, but rather out of an [...]l opinion that he hath of him.

  • King Ahab Slandered Elias Saying That he was the cause of the plague sent by
    1 Ki. 18 1 C [...]. 6. [...].
  • Azariah Slandered Ieremiah Saying That the word hee had spoken was from
    Ier 43.
    Baru [...]k.
  • Amaziah Slandered Amos Saying That he had conspired against the King by
    Am. 7. 10. Nū. 24. 1 [...]
    his word.
  • Doeg Slandered Abimelech Saying That he had asked counsell for David of
    1 Sam 22.
    the Lord.
  • The devill Slandered Iob Saying That hee would curse God, if God did af­flict
    Iob 1.
  • Ephramites Slandered G [...]leadites Saying That they were runnagates among the E­phramites
    Iudg. 12.
    of Ephraim.
  • Hamon Slandered The Iews Saying That thy did not observe the Kings laws.
    Est. 3. Gen. 44. Ier. 37. Act. 2. Act. 24.
  • Ioseph Slandered His brethren Saying That they were theeves and came as spies.
    J [...]r. 18. 18.
  • Irrijah Slandered Ieremiah Saying That he was about to fly to the Caldeans.
  • The Jewes Slandered Apostles Saying That they were full of new wine.
  • The Jewes Slandered Paul Saying That too much learning had made him madd.
  • The Jewes Slandered Christ Saying That hee had said hee would destroy the
    Ioh. 8. 40. Iohn 20. Mat. 9. 2 King. 6. Gen. 4.
    Jer. 5 12. Jud. 12. 4. Ephramites.
    Temple of God, and that he cast out de­vils by Belzebub.
  • Iehoram Slandered Jesus God Saying This evill cometh from the Lord.
  • Kain Slandered The Lord Saying My punishment is more then can be for­given.
  • King Amon Slandered Davids messenger Saying That they came but to spie out the
    2 Sam. 10.
  • Laban Slandered Iacob Saying That his gods were by him stolen.
    Gen. 31. 30.
  • [Page 129]Certaine men Slandered David▪ Saying, Things of him that were not knowne by
    Psal. 27. 12. & 35. 11.
  • Suborned men Slandered Steven, Saying, That they heard him speak blasphemously.
    Act. 6.
  • Potiphars wife Slandered Ioseph, Saying, That he went about with her to commit folly.
    Gen. 39.
  • Souldiers Slandered Christs disciples, Saying, That they came by night when they were
    Rom. 3. 8. Matt. 28. 12.
    asleep, and stole Christ out of the grave from them.
  • King Saul Slandered Ionathan, Saying, That he had stirred up David against him.
    1 Sam. 2 [...]. 1 King. [...]1. Susan. Hist.
  • Two witnesses Slandered Naboth, Saying, That he had blasphemed God & the king.
  • Two Rulers Slandered Susanna, Saying, That she had with a young man layen.
  • Ziba Slandered Mephibo­sheth Saying, That Mephibosheth had said that the king­dom
    2 Sam. 10.
    of Israel should be restored to him.

Exod. 23. 1. Levit. 19. 16. Iames 1. 26. Gen. 18. 18.

The person that accuseth falsly, it shall be done to him as he thought to have doneDeut. 19. 16. Prov. 19. 5. Pro. 20. 19 to him whom he accused, he shall be punished, saith God.

The backbiter shall not be established in the earth, evill shall hunt him.Prov. 19. 9. Chap. 21. 8. Ps [...]l. [...]. 4. 11. & 101. 5. Syr. 28. 13.

The Lord hateth a false witnesse, and the man that speaketh lies.

To avoide this sinne.

1. Have a charitable opinion of thy neighbour, which must be shewed by taking doubtfull things in the best part, by defending his Name, if he be slandered; as also by being grieved, if thou heare true reports of his evill deeds.

2. Let every one speake the truth from his heart, and that with a good affection,Prov. 24. 28. in love when we speake of the faults of any.

3. Remember that the Lord commands that thou shalt not have to doe with anyExod. 2 [...]. 1. Exod. 20. Wisd. 1. 11. false report, neither shalt thou put thy hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witnesse.

4. Take no heed to every word that is spoken, l [...]st thou heare thy servant curse thee: for thine owne heart knoweth that thou thy self also hast often-times spo­kenEccl. 7. 21. evill by other men.

As the winde drives away raine, so doth an angry countenance a backbiters Prov. 25. 22. tongue.

Where no wood is fire goeth out, where a Tale-bearer is taken away, strife Chap. 22. 20. ceaseth.

Reade Levit. 10. 16. Gen. 31. 7. Prov. 12. 17, 19. Chap. 26. 20. Chap. 19. 5. Ch. 21. 28. Chap. 24. 28. Matth. 18. 16. 2 Cor. 13. 1. 1 Tim. 5. 19. Heb. 10. 28. Iames 4. 11. Ecclus. 5. 25. Chap. 28. 11. 13. Iames 1. 26. Prov. 4. 15. Psal. 35. 21. Levit. 1 [...]. 16. Exod. 23. 1. Psal. 1 [...]. 3. Rom. 1. [...]9. Luke 6. 37. Prov. 14. 28. Prov. 11. 13. Prov. 16. 28. Chap. 25. 23. Prov. 6. 19. Prov. 13. 5. Chap. 26. 20.

Gods Justice Lying punished.

A Lye is made when we speake the contrary to that we thinke, with an inten­tion to deceive, wherein there be foure things that confirme it to be a Lye:

1. To avouch and affirme that which is false and untrue.

2. To speake with a double heart, that which is against knowledge.

3. To have a minde to deceive, being forbidden in the ninth Commandement.

4. To speake that which is a false testimonie upon a vanitie of minde without reasonable cause: such is boasting and [...]lattering.

There are three kindes of Lyes, which proceed from Covetousnesse, from In­firmitie, and from Lightnesse for pleasure sake.

  • From Covetousnesse: And they are hainous, because they most hurt our neigh­bour: and such was Ziba's to David.
    1 Sam. 16.
  • From Infirmitie: Such was Abrahams in saying to king Pharaoh that Sarah his wife was his sister.
    Gen. 12.
  • From Lightnesse: Which Christ condemnes, saying, that for every idle word we shall give account at the last.
    Matth. 13.
Made a Lye in saying
Eve was the cause, and Eve▪ the serpent that they did ea [...].
Gen. 3. 1 King. 22. Gen. 12. 2 Sam. 1. 1 King. 20.
Ahabs proph.
Ahab should have good successe in going against the Aramite.
Sarah was not his wife to Abimelech asking him.
He had slain Saul, for which David caused him to be slain.
The Aramites
  • God was the God of the mountains only, not of the vallies;
  • There were slain of them one hundred thousand in one day.
Ananias and Saphira
They had not kept back any part of the money made by
Act. 5. Hos. 7. 13. Jer. 5. 12. Iewes. 1 Sam. [...] [...]
them: they were both by sudden death by God strucken.
King Saul had commanded him a certain thing unto Abi­melech the priest, who relieving him, fourescore and five that wore the l [...]nnen Ephod were therefore by king Saul slain: as also in saying to king A [...]hish that he had beene
1 Sam. [...]7. Hos. 12. 1. Ep [...]raim.
against the Jerahmelites and Ken [...]tes, when he had been against the Amalekites.
The Gibeo­nites
They came from a far country unto Ioshua, wherby they got
Iosh. 9.
peace by their subtiltie: they were condemned to slavery.
He went no where, when he went after Naamans money:
2 King. 5.
he got thereby to himself and his Naamans leprosie.
That he would be with Absalom, when as he was ag [...]inst him.
[...] Sam. 16. Esth. 3. Hos 7. 13 Ier. 5 12 Numb. 11.
The Jewes did not obey the Lawes of Ahasuerus the king.
The Israelites
Their souls were dryed away, and that they could see no­thing but Man: for which many perished among them.
Rebekah was not his wife, being by Abimelech asked.
Gen. 26. Gen. 27. Ier. 38. 16. Gen. 4. Exod 1. 2 Sam. 13. 1 Sam. 19. Ier. 23. 14.
He was Esau his elder brother, to get the blessing.
The king commanded him to say to the princes asking him
He knew not where Abel was, whom he had slain.
The midwives
The Heb▪ women were delivered before they came to them.
The men
That Absalom had destroyed all king Davids children.
That David was sick in his bed, Saul sending to take him.
The Prophes
The people should prosper right well when they feared not God: The Lord therefore fed them with wormwood.
He would let Israel depart, so Moses would pray for him.
Exod. 8. & 9. Gen. 37. 1 King. 13. 18. Matth. 27. Gen. 31. Iosh. 2. 2 Kin. 18. 25. Isai. 36. 10. Gen. 3.
To Iacob that Ioseph▪ was by some wilde beast slain.
Old Prophet
An angel willed him to cause the Proph▪ to return with him.
He knew not Christ, being by a damosell asked of him.
The custome of womē was on her, Labā going to search her.
She knew not whence Ioshuas spies were entertained by her.
That he was sent against Jerusalem by the Lord: fourscore and five thousand of his were slain by God.
The serpent
Adam and Eve should be as Gods to know evil and good.
He would give Christ all, &c. when he had nothing to give him.
Matth. 4. Gen. 18. 1 Sam. 28. 1 Sam. 17. Pro. 12. 19▪ 22▪ & 26. 28 Syr. 20. 25. Psal. 31. 18.
She laughed not, being reproved by the Lord for the same.
The witch
Satan was Samuel, who appeared to Saul seeking him.
The woman
The priests sonnes were gone, being by hor hidden.

A lying tongue varieth incontinently, and is abhorred by God greatly.Psal. 31. 18. Prov. 17. 4.

The Remedie of Lying.

To avoide Lying consider that the devil is the father of lyes, follow thereforeJohn 8. 44. Col. 3. 9. Iam. 3. 14. Saint Pauls counsell, make Conscience of thy words: speake the truth from thy heart: be not a lyar from the truth.

Truth what it is.1 King. 2. 4. Psal. 32. 2. Psal. 15. 2. [...] Es [...]. 4. 34.

TRuth is a fruit of Gods Spirit, a marke of Gods Childe, the Center where­in all things repose themselves, the Map whereby we saile, and the Balme whereby we are healed: The power whereof is so great, that no engine will, or Art can subdue the same: who albeit shee hath no Attourney to defend her cause, yet is she defended notwithstanding by her selfe. Whereas on the contrary,Psal. 5. 6. Lying is conformitie to the devill, and the reward thereof destruction, in that they that are Lyars shall have their portion in the lake of fire and brimstone.Rev. 22. 15.

Put away Lying, speake every man truth to his neighbour, forasmuch as we are members one of another. Ephes. 4. 25.

Reade Ecclus. 20. 24. Ier. 50. 36. Prov. 21. 6.

Gods Justice Deceit and Guile punished.

SUch is the corruption of the Nature of man in this age, that they convert that into Deceit which God gave them for good reason, whereby it falleth out that one deceit bringeth another, and so consequently cousenages are heaped upon cou­senages.

There are two kinds of Deceit or Guile:
  • The one Carnall▪
  • The other Spirituall:

Carnal Is that wherein men defraud one the other by bargaining, selling, changing, and such like; in things promised to be good that are bad,Hos. 12. 7. &c. to be of better value, then found: as also by false weights and mea­sures forbidden by God; together with all kinde of cunning used con­traryDeut. 25. 11. Levit. 19. 35. to Gods Word.


1. Spiri­tuall Is a double kinde of dealing betweene God and mans owne selfe in the things which concerne the soule, springing from Godly duties, and good actions, which sinne hath many branches, and was found in Paul, saying, Once was I alive without the Law, &c. and in the proud Pha­riseeRom. 7. 9▪ Gal. 1. 14. Luk. 1 [...]. 11. Matth. 9. 1 [...]. praying, I thanke God, &c. and in the man whom Christ called righteous in the Gospel.

2. It is to extenuate and lessen sinne: So did King Saul. 1 Sam. 13. 11.

3. To place Religion only in outward observances: So doe Papists.

4. Is a wrong reasoning from the Example of Gods Children falling into sinnes: Many will say, Was not David▪ an Adulterer, &c? Why should not I satisfie my lust? It may be as well with me as with them: whereas the Holy Ghost hath set them down, that men repenting might not despaire by their Example, not that men should thereby presume to sinne more freely.

5. It is a misle-interpreting of certain gracious places of Scripture, to wit, that God will spare the Elect: That he will accept the will for the deed; which in­deed God doth in their beginnings, but hereupon the wicked run on in their grosse [...] Cor. 8. 12. sins and wicked courses, abusing Gods mercies.

6. Is drawn of a false conclusion out of Gods long-suffering, saying, that sen­tencesPsal. 50. 21. Eccl. 8. 11. against evil works are not executed speedily, therefore Preachers (say they) perswade that God is more severe, then he [...]s indeed.

7▪ Is a hope to satisfie and make amends for many evill courses by a little devo­tion, or by some shew of Charitie, and this is the conceit of Papistrie.

8. Is to look no further then to the shew of Godlinesse, thinking to be religious enough if they have learned the art of seeming, and can make an outward sem­blance,2 Tim. 3. 5. of which Saint Paul speaketh.

Through Guile and Deceit
  • Absalom practising with the people to aspire to his fathers Kingdome, in­viting
    2 Sam. 15. 2 Sam. 13. 2 Sam. 13. Act. 5. 2 Sam. 11. Iudg. 16.
    Ammon to his house, caused him to be slain.
  • Ammon faining himselfe sick lay with Tamar, sending for her to attend him.
  • Ananias kept back part of the money made of his possession.
  • David made Ʋriah drunken, and after caused him to be slain.
  • Delilah did undergoe Samson, till his strength was taken from him▪
  • Gibeonites pretending to come from far [...]e, moved Ioshua to make peace
    Iosh▪ 9. 2 King. [...]1. Esth. 3.
    with them.
  • Gehazi got change of garments and silver from Naaman.
  • Haman got a Commission from the King to hang all the Jewes.
  • The high Priests made the people beleeve that Christ was stollen by his
    Matth. 28. 2 Sam. 3. [...] Sam. 20. Gen. 27. 1 Ki. 12. 2 Ki. 10. 18. 1 Ki. 14. Jer. 41. Mal. 1. 8. Jewes.
  • Ioab spake pe [...]ceably unto Abner when he slew him.
  • Ioab pretending to kisse Amaziah calling him brother, smote him.
  • Iacob putting on his brother Esaus garments got the blessing.
  • Ieroboam Erected two calves that the people might follow him. Sent his wife disguised to the Prophet to enquire of him.
  • Iezebel pretending friendship to Gedaliah and others, slew them.
  • Certain Jews Perswaded the people that Paul did preach unlawfull ordi­nances,
    Act. 16. Chap. 19. Chap. 23. Gen 29. Chap. 31. 7.
    &c. as also did lie in wait to have slain him, under pretence of great matters they had to object against him.
  • Laban gave Leah the elder sister for Rachel the younge [...], as also changed his wages for his service often.
  • The Patriarchs took Iesephs coat, and dipping it in bloud, sent it to their father, affirming that some beast had slain him.
    Gen. 37.
  • [Page 132]Certain Princes To take away the life of Daniel made a law that none
    Dan. 6.
    should make a petition for certain dayes, but to the king [...] They were by their own law devoured in the lions den.
  • Pharaoh promised to let the Israelites depart, so that Moses would pray for
    Exod. 7. Chap. 8. Exod. 8.
    him, whereas no such matter was meant by him.
  • Pharaohs for ceters wrought strange things before him, which deluded him.
  • Old Prophet telling a lie to the seduced prophet made him to go with him.
  • The Pharisees asked Christ, if it were lawfull to give tribute to Cesar or not,
    Matt. 22. 15.
    thinking thereby to have entangled him.
  • Rachel covered her fathers idols by excuse, when he sought them.
    Gen. 3 [...].
  • Rechab and Boanah Slew Ishbosheth, pretending to buy corn of him, they were both of them by King Davids command slain again.
    2 Sam. 14. Gen. 5.
  • The serpent moved Eve to eat, perswading her thereby to know each thing.
  • King Saul sent David for an hundred Philistines fore-skinnes for match with his daughter, thereby to have him slain: and then in stead of Me­rab,
    1 Sam. 18.
    Adriel was given by him.
  • Simeon and Levi Caused the Shechemites to be circumcised, pretending thereby to
    Gen. 34.
    marry their sister to Shechem, whereas indeed their purpose was to slay them.
  • Simon Magus used witchcraft to be accounted a great man.
    Act. 8.
  • Tamar attired her selfe in the habite of a whore to deceive Iudah her father in law, who lay with her unknowne.
    Gen. 38.
  • Ziba reporting an untruth of Mephibosheth unto David, moved David to give Mephibasheths land unto him.
    2 Sam▪ 16.
  • The false Prophet Zedekiah made hornes of iron, and brought them before Ahab, saying, With these shalt thou push the Aramites till thou have con­sumed
    2 King 22.
    them; whereas in the battell as Ramoth-Gilead he was overcome by them.
  • Theudas drew many after him, reporting himself to be a great man.
    Act 5. 26.
  • Wicked men by false weights and measures get riches unto them.
    Amos 8. 8. M

False ballances, divers weights and measures are an abomination to the Lord. Prov. 11. 1. & 20▪ 10.

The deceitfull man rosteth not that he took in hunting: The bread of deceit is sweet to Prov. 12. 27. & 20. 17. him, but his mouth shall be filled with Gravell.

As a cage full of birds, so is his habitation full of deceit; of the treasures of wicked­nesse, Ier. 5. 27. Micah 6. 10. scant measures, and deceitfull weights.

Reade Prov. 20. 17. 1 Th [...]s. 4. 6. Ier. 9. 4. Chap. 7. Prov. 26. 18, 19.

The Remedie of Deceit.

To prevent deceiving, beware of smoothing dissemblers, for that none ever have been deceived, but in that whereof they are ignorant, or else in that whichSyr. 10. 8. is obscure and darkned. They that perceive not deceit shall be oftentimes by themselves deceived: it is prodigious by a good man to be deceived.

Of Subtiltie.

Through Subtiltie
  • Ehud presenting a gift unto Eglon, pretending a secret errand unto him, with his dagger stabbed him.
    Iudg. 3. 16.
  • Iael pretending friendship unto Sisera, inviting him to turne in to her, was by her with a nayle slain.
    Iudg. 4.
  • Ioab, sending a woman, disguised unto David, of Tekoah, reconciled Ab­salom (having slain Amnon) unto him.
    2 Sam. 14.
  • Iehu called all the prophets of Baal together, pretending to have a great sa­crifice to doe unto Baal, who being assembled were all of them slain.
    2 King. 10. 19.
  • Ioseph caused his silver Cup to be put into the sacke of Benjamine, that thereby he might accuse his brethren, as by a just cause to imprison
    Gen. 44.
  • The Philistines suffered no smith to dwell in the land of Israel, that there­by
    1 Sam. 13. 19.
    they might not make themselves any swords, &c. onely they allowed them a file to sharpe their mattockes and their goads.

Reade more of Meanes, page 42.

Gods Justice Theft punished.

THere is comprehended under the name theft, all evill trades and deceits, by which we get to our selves other mens goods, which is usually done five man­nerDeut. 25. 13. Pro. 11. 1. of wayes.

1. By sacriledge, when a man taketh things dedicated to God.

2. By robbery, when a man taketh that which is another mans.

3. By fraud, selling counterfeit wares for good wares.Pro. 21 6. Psal 15.

4. By usury, when gaine is taken contrary to Gods word.

5. When men under the colour of the law steale mens goods, which they doe that pervert the law.

Now under these kinds be comprehended the favourers of theft, and all they which by pr [...]tling exact a greater prize, or else that deceiveth by false weights and measures, as also that receive from theeves, having stolen from o­thers.


From God the forbidden fruit, he paid deare for it.
Gen. 3 Iosh. 7. Gē. 27 Gē. 31 Gē. 34. Dani [...]es Iud. 18. 18 & 9. 25. Sheche­mites.
A [...]han
Things appertaining to God, he was with his stoned.
The blessing from his brother: he was forced to slie.
Labans gods, she was barren a long time thereby.
The Shechemites goods with his brethren: Iacob blamed them.
From others, they were by Abimelech in the end slain.
Iudg. 9. Mal. 3. Mat. 27. Prov. 21. 7.
Their tithes from God, they were cursed and their land barren.
The theeves
That were with Christ crucified: and Barrabas b [...]ing im­prisoned.
The Person
That stealeth a man, and selleth him shall die, and that stealeth
Prov. 9. 17.
Exod. 21. 16. Chap. 22. 1. Zech. 5. 3. 7
an oxe, sheepe, &c. shall make restitution, and that stealeth shall be cut off, and the curse shall consume that he hath.

Cursed is he that hangeth on a tree: Cursed is the land where theeves be. Deut. 21. Hos. 4. 2 Sam. 12. Iob. 12. 6. Prov. 21. 7. Prov. 4. 24. 1 Cor. 6. 10. Prov. 5. 15.

David judged him to die, that had taken away his neighbours sheepe.

Iudas was counted a theefe, a fearfull example for theeves.

The man that is partner with a theefe, slayeth his own soul by his deed: And the theefe shall not enter into the kingdome of God.

The Remedy of Theft.

B [...]ware of covetousnes, that is the desire of riches.

Avoyd prodigality, spend not thy goods wastefully.

Fly idlenes, follow Pauls counsell, worke with thy hands. Ephes. 4. 28. Ex. 20. Lev. 19. 13.

Thou shalt not steale, wrong thy neighbour or rob him.

Let him that stole steale no more, but rather l [...]t him labour, working with his hands the thing which it good, that hee may have to give to him that Ephes. 4. 28. needeth.

Of Fidelity and Faithfulnesse.

FIdelity is the closet of the secret of another, which stands in two duties: The one to make conscience of a lye, and to speake the truth, yea such as we thinke it is, and not to speake one thing and thinke another: The other when a man hath made a promise that is lawfull and good, to keepe and performe the same.


Abrahams servant did the message committed to him concerning Isaac hisGen. 24. sonne.

David Performed his promise made to Ionathan in shewing mercie to Me­phibosheth 1 Sam. 20. Chap. 22. Chap. 24. his son, as also behaved himselfe towards Saul and to­wards Abiathar in relieving of him.

The Gibeonites did sight for the Israelites, after their peace made withIosh 10. them.

Hushai dealt with David in discovering Abithophels counsell.2 Sam. 15. Gen. 29. 1 Sam. 20. 1 Sam. 14.

Iacob served Laban seven yeares for his daughter Rachel.

Ionathan carried himselfe alwaies towards King David.

Ionathan did in all things as his heart desired.

  • [Page 134]Ioseph proved to his master in denying what his mistresse requested.
    Gen. 39. 2 Sam. 12. 2 King. 11.
  • Ioab did in giving the praise to David of the victory got by him.
  • Ieh [...]iada dealt with Ioash in procuring his kingdome to him.
  • The men
  • Of Jabesh Gilead shewed themselves in burying Saul and his sons: and the men of Judah in taking part with David against
    1 Sam. 31. 2 Sam. 20. Matth. 25.
    his enemies: and two of the three men by imployment made of their T [...]lents.
  • Mordecai discovered the treason intended against Ahasuerus the king.
  • The people dealt with David by willing him to continue in the citie the
    Esth. 2. 2 Sam. 18.
    time that they fought against Absalom.
  • Paul dealt for the poores necessitie in the Collection.
    2 Cor. 9. 2 Sam. 17. Iosh. 2. 2 King. 12. Chap. 22. 7.
  • The woman of Bahurim preserved Abimaaz and Ionathan.
  • Rahab hid the spies sent by Ioshua; the king sending for them.
  • The workmen
  • Bestowed the mony gathered to repaire the Temple delive­red them, yea so as that the people required no account to be given thereof by them.

Blessed is the man that shall be found at the Lords comming to be faithfull and wise: He shall be made ruler over his goods.Matth. 24. 45.

A faithfull servant is as cold snow in the time of harvest, refreshing his mastersProv. 25. 13. soul (saith Salomon.)

The man that is faithfull in that which is least, is faithfull also in much; andLuk. 15. 10, 11, 12. Syr. 29. 3. he that is unjust in the least, is unjust also in much, &c.

Gods Justice

Of Pride and Ambition punished.

PRide is the beginning and end of all sinnes, because it is not onely a sinne, butEcclus. 10. 7, 12, 13. Pro. 13. 10. & 30. 10. Chap. 11. 2. Psal. 10. 3. Luke 18. that no sinne is, or hath been, or shall be without it: This sinne causeth a man to think he hath a thing, when he hath it not, which cometh of selfe-love: As also it causeth us not to acknowledge from whence we have that we have, making us to glory in the Gift not in the Giver, with the Pharisee.

There are two sorts of Pride:
The one of Opinion,
There are two sorts of Pride:
  • The other of Action.
  • Of the first sort are they, who say not with Moses, Lord, who am I?
    Exod. 3. 11.
  • But they say in their own Pride, Lord, what am not I?

The other sort are they who once being conceited, lash out their riches in excesse of diet, in vanitie of apparell, and such like, and then they will be proud as an Italian, new-fangled with the Spaniard, drunke with the Grecian, gluttonous with the Muscovites, and cruell with the Tartarians. So that often-times in one and the same Creature, we have the English speech, the Spanish fashion, the Italian behaviour, a manly shape, and a beastly life.

From these two former kindes of pride there springethIsai. 10. 12. Chap. 16. 6. 1 Ioh. 2. 17. 2 Ki. 20. Prov. 28. 11. Rom. 12. 16. Prov. 10. 7. Psal. 52. 7. Prov. 16. 18.

Arrogancie, Pride of life, Pride of gifts, Pride of sinning, which is in high lookes, and indignation of spirit. in glorying in friends, money, &c. to thinke himselfe wise in conceit. in committing of great evils, and that against knowledge, conscience notwithstanding accusing; together with presumption, obstinacie, hypocrisie, boasting, ingratitude, contempt, disobedience and curiositie, which brings a man to finall destruction.

The Description of a Proud Man.

The ambitious man is bred out of the dust, yet he catcheth at Lordships and Honours, ransacks the citie, forredges the countrey, scoures it through the Church,Adams Serm. but his errand is at Court: He is the Maggot of pride, begot out of corruption, and lookes into an office, as the Ape did when he had got on the robes of a Senatour. Now for his pride that pleaseth no body, because he himselfe is acceptable to no1 Pet. 5. body: He doth not please God, for that he is contrarie to him, for he resisteth the proud: He doth not please the humble, for that they altogether abhorre pride: He pleaseth not proud men, because they cannot abide any greater then them­selves: His pride onely pleaseth the devill, who is delighted with those that are like himselfe.

Through Pride

The Angels were cast out of Heaven: Adam or Paradise Eden.Iude 6. Gen. 3.

Ahimelech, Absalom, Adoniah, and Athaliah aspiring were slain.

Ashur said,
  • Are not my Princes altogether Kings? Is not Calno as Char­chemish?
    Ezek. 31. 3. Jer. 50. 29. Isai. 10. 2 King. 19. [...] Mach. 9. Mark 9. Dan. 5. 1 Cor. 4. 18. Isa. 47. Isa. 47. 7. Numb. 22. 37. 2 Ki. 1. Psal. 30. 6. Obad. 3. Ier. 49. Iudg. 12. Iudg. 9. Gen. 16. 2 Chr. 32. 35. 2 Ki. 20. Esth. 7. & 5 11. Act. 12. Isai. 9. 9. Hos. 6. 3.
    shall not I as I have done to Samaria doe to Ieru­salem? God plagued him.
  • Antiochus advanced himselfe, till by a fall God wounded him.
  • The Apostles reasoned who should be the greatest among them.
  • Be [...]shazzar was lifted up till a hand-writing struck him.
  • Babylon said she was a Lady: God brought her to destruction.
  • Two Captains of three sent to take Elijah commanded him to come down.
  • David said he should not be moved: Absalom rose against him.
  • Edomites made their nests on high, the Lord brought them down.
  • Ephraimites set themselves against Iephthah, thousands were slain.
  • Gaal said, Who is Abimelech? He was forced to fly from him.
  • Hagar bearing Ishmael, despised Sarah, being barren.
  • Hezekiah shewed all his treasures to the men of Babylon.
  • Haman was hanged on the gallowes provided for Mordecal.
  • Herod was stricken with wormes, so that he died suddenly.
  • The Israelites said the brickes were fallen, but they would build them of hewen stones: God moved adversaries against them.
  • The women of Israel had their heads made bald, their secret parts discove­red, their ornaments taken away, in stead of sweet savour they had stinke,
    Isai. 3.
    for a girdle a rent.
  • The Jewes would not have Christ being poore to reigne over them.
    Matth. 27. Eze. 16. 1 Ki. 12.
  • Jerusalem was destroyed, and Ieroboam for calves erecting.
  • The king of Aram said that the dust of Samaria should not be a handfull apiece for those that followed him. He was by the Lord overcome at the
    1 King. 20.
    last with a small number of men.
  • The King of Tire said he was a god: He was destroyed by God.
    Ezek. 28. Isai. 14. 12. N [...]b. N [...]b. 16. 10. 16. Zeph. 8, 15. 2. Isai. 16. 8. Gen. 11. 1 Sam. 25. Dan. [...] & 4. Psal. 83. 11. Ex [...]d. 5. Exo. 15. 9. [...]. [...]. Joh. 19. Mat. 23. 5. Luk. 1 [...]. Isai. 36. Iudg. 4. Act. 8. Ezek. [...]7 3.
  • Korah and his companie set themselves against Moses.
  • Moab did howle unto Moab through desolations.
  • Nimrod building Babel, all languages were confounded.
  • Nabal in his drinke and chu [...]lishnesse said, Who is David?
  • Nebu [...]hadnezzar said, Who can deliver? is not this Babel that I have builded?
  • Orch and Zeeb said, Let us take for our possessions the habitations of God.
  • Pharaoh said, Who is the Lord? The Princes of Succoth boasted.
  • Pilate said to Christ, Have not I power to deliver thee?
  • The Pha [...]see exalted himselfe praying: The Publican in humilitie.
  • Rabshakeh blasphemed: His army was slain by an Angel.
  • Sisera came to battell against Israel: he was slain by Iael.
  • Simon Magus mounted to be like God, bewitching the people.
  • Sheba Shallum, and Zimri conspired, they were executed.
  • Theudas boasted, he, and many of his company perished.
    Act. 5.
  • Zedekiah smote Micatab, asking, when Gods spirit departed, &c.
    2 Chron. 26. 16. [...] 2 Chron. 18. Matth. 20. Psal. 73. 11. Job 21. 14. [...]p. 22. 17. Prov. 27. 1. Pro 30 32. Matt. 23. 12. Pro. 29. 23. Chap. 16. 7. 2 S [...]. 22. [...] 26. 5. Pro. 15. 25 Ps. 119. 21. Chap. 16. 5. Is [...]. 13. 11. Chap. 26. 5. Jam. 5. Zeph. 1. 8. Ezek. 17. 24. Mal. 4. Pro 16. 5. Rom. 12. 3, 16. Gal. 5. 2 [...].
  • Zebedeus sons Iames and Iohn desired of Christ to be promoted.
The wicked say,
How doth he know it? Who is the Lord?
The wicked say,
Depart from us, what can the Almightie doe for us?
Shall be humbled and brought to shame, they shall be visited, and their houses made desolate: Their riches shall be corrupted, their garments shall be moath-eaten, their silver and gold shall cancker: They shall be abominable to the Lord, and shall be left without root or branch, their end shall be destruction, and without repentance damnation.


1. Let not the wise man glorie in his wisdome, the strong man in his strength,Jer. 19. 23. Isai. 2. 11. Luk. 1. 51. Luk. 4. 11. or the rich man in his wealth, for that the high lookes of men shall be abased, in that the Lord putteth down the mightie, and shall be himselfe exalted onely, to­gether with them of low degree, whom he will exalt highly.

2. Remember that thou art but dust, thy breath is sinfull, thy life miserable, thy body wormes meat; Then take heed of pride that cast Lucifer out of Heaven, it will not then place a proud man again in Heaven:

Then to avoide it,

3. Consider from whence thy Pride commeth: for,

If Pride pro­ceed from
  • Riches, They may be lost in a moment.
  • Nobilitie, It may be stained.
  • Knowledge, It is full of errour.
  • Wit, It's guiltie of follie.
  • Strength, It may soon decay.
  • Honour, It is but a Ceremonie.
  • Good Successe, Time may alter it.
  • Beautie, Age may wrinkle it.
  • Health, Sicknesse may destroy it.
  • Clothing, Moaths may consume it.
  • Daintie food, It may breed surfetting to thee.
  • Friends, They may as Davids and Iobs did prove mi­serable comforters unto thee.

4. Know that pride is the most pestilent and compatible opposite that GraceSyr. 23. 4. hath; The Remedie whereof is Humilitie: for as pride doth ba [...]sh us from God,Gal. 5. 26. so Humilitie doth call us again unto God.

Reade Lam. 4. 5. Dan. 4. 34. Hab. 2. 5. Prov. 16. 18. Chap. 21. 4. Psal. 101. 5. Psal. 73. 6. Psal. 138. 6. Zech. 9. 6. 2 King. 14. 9. Ecclus. 29. [...]8▪ 2 Chron. 26. 16. Prov. 27. 1. Chap. 30. 32. Psal. 17. 10. Rom. 11. 18. Eccl. 7. 8. Syr. 10. 14. Syr. 2. 30. Luke 16. 15. Ezek. 28. 1, &c. Chap. 31. 10. 1 Cor. 4. 19. Syr. 10. 12. Matth. [...]8. 14. Isai. 26. 5. Ezek. 17. 24. Psal. 119. 11. Prov. 6. 17. Iob 38. 15. Luke 14. 7, 8. Luke 1. 52. Chap. 14. 11.

Of Humilitie and Meeknesse.

HUmilitie is an Appeaser of wrath, a Quencher of envie, and a Mother to Peace and sacred Union: And an acknowledging of our selves to be utterly voide of all Goodnesse, like the Publican. Also it is the setling and quieting of the minde, freeing it from perturbations, especially in repressing revengefull affecti­ons1 Pet. 3. 4. (so as the Apostle saith) a meeke and quiet spirit are joyned together, of which we have a notable Example in Moses, who being provoked, in stead ofNumb. 12. anger shewed Meeknesse.

The signe of Meeknesse and Humilitie is willingly to suffer our selves to be taught of our inferiours, and to suffer admonitions, &c.

Humilitie is seen three wayes:

1. By lowlinesse of minde, which is when a man is not conceited of himselfe,Iob 37. 24. but retaines a sense of his own unfitnesse and unworthin [...]sse, so did Ioh.

2. By silence from our own praises, whereof Salomon speaketh.Prov. 27. 2.

3. By avoiding jangling, which ariseth out of envie, and contempt of others.

The ground or cause of Humilitie is affliction and povertie of spirit, for hardly1 Cor. 4. 21. can he be meeke and patient in spirit that hath not beene acquainted with theIsai. 53. 7. Crosse.Luk. 23. 9.

The Benefit of Meeknesse is such, as it maketh a man to yeeld of his own rightProv. 15. 1. to others, as also bridleth the tongue, pacifieth anger, and stilleth wrath, going be­foreProv. 15. 33. honour, in that He that humbleth himselfe (as saith Christ) shall be exalted. Matth. 23. 12 [...]

In Humilitie
  • Said to the Lord, I have begun to speake, let not my Lord be
    Gen. 18. 27.
    angry, I am but dust and ashes▪ and coming to the Hittites
    Chap. 23. 7.
    bowed himselfe unto them.
    Chap. 33. 6.
  • Ahab repented when he heard the plagues threatned.
    1 Kin. 21. 27.
  • Agur said he was more brutish then any man.
    Prov. 30. 2.
  • One Captain of the three sent to Elijah, prayed him to spare him.
    2 King. 1. 13.
  • The Centurion came to Christ, confessing that he was not worthy that Christ should come under the roofe of his house unto him.
    2 Sam. 9. 8. & 16. 21. & 24. 17. Psal. 25. 11. & 35. 13. & 51. 5. & 119. 176. & 69. 11.
    Matth. 8. 8.
  • David
  • Said, Who am I? and what is my life? or my fathers familie, that I
    Psal. 131. 1.
    should be sonne in law unto the king? and being derided by his
    1 Sam. 18. 18, 23
    wife Michal for dancing before the Arke of God (said) that he
    2 Sam. 15. 26.
    would be more vile, and low in his own sight: And being told
    2 Sam. 6. 22.
    a Message by Nathan from the Lord, said, Who am I, O Lord, and
    2 Sam. 7. 18.
    what is my house, that thou hast brought me hitherto?
    1 Chron. 17. 16. Psal. 22. 6.
  • Daniel was sound three times a day praying unto God.
    Dan. 2. 30. & 6.
  • Eli said, Let the Lord do what seemeth him good.
    Chap. 9. 3. 1 Sam. 3.
  • Elihu confessed that he was out of the clay formed.
    Job 33. 6.
  • [Page 137]The Eunuch confessed that he understood not what he read.
    Act. 8. 31.
  • The Elders fell down before him on the throne, and worshipped.
    Rev. 4. 10.
  • Gideon said to the Angel he was the least of his fathers house, and that his
    Iudg. 6.
    father was poore in Man [...]sseh, &c.
  • Hagar returned to her Dame, as the Angel willed.
    Gen. 16. Isal 32. 1. 2 Kin. 20. Chap. 38. 2. Isai. 39. 8. Gen. 47. [...]
  • Hezekiah answered, being by the Prophet reproved.
  • Iacob meeting his brother bowed himselfe unto him, and confessed he was
    Gen. 33. 5.
    not worthy the least of Gods blessings.
    Chap. 32. 4. 2 Ch [...]on 2 [...]. 12. Iob 40. 4. & 1. 21. & 2. 10. & 4 [...]. 6. & 1 [...] 15. & 9. 21. & 17. 14. 2 C [...]ron. 34.
  • Iob said, I am vile, I have spoken that I understood not, I abhorre my selfe in dust and ashes.
  • Iosiah behaved himselfe, so that God stayed the plague threatned.
  • Ieremiah said, Behold, Lord, I cannot speake, I am a child.
    Jer. [...]. 6. Ier. 10. 19. Iudg. 1 [...] Gen 38 26.
  • Iephthah answered the Eph [...]aimites being wrongfully accused.
  • Iohn confessed that he had need of Christ to be baptized: As also that he
    Joh. 3. 30 Joh. 1. 15
    was not that Christ that should come, whose shooe latchet he was not
    Matth. 3.
    worthy to unloose from him.
In Humilitie
  • The Keeper of the prison and people asked, how they might be saved.
    Act. 16 & 2. 27. Matth. 8. Exod. 4. 10. & 6. 30 Numb. 12. 2 Sam. 19. 2 Chron. [...]3. Luk. 1. 38. 2 Sam. 9. Luk. 7. 38. Ionah 3. 5. Dan. 4. G [...]n. 43. & 50. 18. & 41. 9. Luk. 5. 8. Act. 3. 11. Act. 10. 25.
  • The Leper worshipped, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, I may be cleansed.
  • Moses behaved himselfe, so that he was called a meek man.
  • Mephibosheth answered David, Ziba having falsly accused him.
  • Manasseh was humbled, by being in Babylon fettered.
  • Mary said, According to thy word so be it to thine handmaid.
  • Mephibosheth said to David, Why shouldest thou look on a dead dog as I am?
  • Magdalene kneeled behinde Christ, washing his feet with her teares.
  • N [...]evites fasted repenting of their sinnes and iniquities.
  • Nebuchadnezzar confessed God, being restored to his Kingdome.
  • The Patriarchs bowed themselves to Ioseph coming to buy of him.
  • Peter said, Lord, go from me, for I am a sinsull man: and seeing the people give glorie to him, confessed that what he had done was by the power of Christ alone: and seeing Cornelius fall down before him, said, Stand up, for even I my selfe am as thy selfe a man.
  • Paul confessed to be the least of the Apostles, and the most chiefe of all sin­ners,
    2 Cor. 15. 9. 1 Tim. 1. 11. 15. Eph. 3. 8. Publican, Luk. 18. 13. Pharach, Exo. 9. 27.
    not worthy of Heavens joyes.
  • Paul and Barnabas seeing men going about to sacrifice unto them, they cryed
    A [...]t.14. 15. Luk. 15 2 Chro. 12. Iosh. 21. 22. Rom. 7. 14. 1 Cor. 4. 4. & 9. 19. 2 Cor. 11. 7. A [...]t. 20. 19. & 14. 15. 1 Sam. 9. 21. 1 Sam. 1 Sam. 2. 21. 15. 24. Chap. 25. 21. Luk. 15.
    out confessing that they were but men.
  • The Prodigall confessed that he had against his father sinned.
  • Rehoboam and his Princes were before the Lord humbled.
  • Reuben's children answered the Israelites, being by them reproved.
  • Saul
  • Before he was king confess [...]d he was of the smallest tribe;
  • Saul
  • And pursuing David, that he had exceedingly erred.
  • The woman of Canaan continued her suit to Christ for her daughter.
  • The wise men fell downe before Christ, offering gold, frankincense, and
    Matth. 2. 11.
  • Christ
  • Who was equall with God, became man, being borne of a woman,
    Phil. 2. 7, 8. Iohn 1 & 5. Chap. 13. Luk. 23. 41. 5. 14. Iob. 7. 16. Iob. 18 23 Matth. 2 [...]. 5. Isai 5 [...]. 4. Joh. 13. 4. Luk. 22. Psal. 11 [...]. 5.
    living in Galilee, not in a famous Citie, being subject to Ioseph and Mary: Rode to Jerusalem on an Asse, washed the feet of his disciples, passed his life in the company of poore and sinners: And in his passion was as a sheep before the shearer, praying, lastly, for them that persecuted him, and now humbleth himselfe to behold the things on earth from heaven.
  • Abraham, Aaron, Moses, The people, Iohn,
  • Fell downe on their faces before God.
    G [...]. 17. [...] Gē 2 [...]. 12 Romb. 14. Ezek. 1. 28. 1 King. 18. Rev. 1. 7.
  • Ioshua fell downe to the earth upon his face before the Arke of the Lord, he and the Elders of Israel, and put dust upon their heads.
    Iosh. 7. 6.
  • Iob Fell down On the ground, and worshipped.
    Iob 1. 20. Mark 5. 22. Ioh. 11. 32. 2 Chro. 20. 13. 2 Chro 6. Isai. 38. 2. Mat. 17. Mar. 10 Act. 9. Luk. 22.
  • Iairus Fell down At the feet of Christ praying him.
  • Magdalene Fell down Behinde Christs feet washing them.
  • All Iudah stood before the Lord with their young, wives, and children.
  • Salomon kneeled down on his knees before the Congregation.
  • Hezekiah turned his face to the wall being sick, and prayed.
  • The father of the Lunatique, and many other, before Christ kneeled.
  • Peter, Paul, and Christ himselfe often kneeled, and prayed.

Serve the Lord in feare, and rejoyce before him▪ trembling. Zeph. 2. 3. Rom. 12. 16. Psa. 113. 6. & 138. 6. & 144. 4. Z [...]ph. 2. 3 Psal. 2. 11. Col. 3. 12. Psal. 25. 9. Iam. 4. 10. 1 Pet. 3. 5.

God will guide the meeke with judgement, and the humble in his way.

To move to Humilitie consider

Christ was an Example thereof: many excellent Promises are made to themMat. 11. 29. Z [...]ph. 2 3. Psal. 25. 9. Prov. 22 4. Prov. 15. [...]3. 1 Pet. 3 4. Ma [...]. 5. [...]. by God, it is a vertue that God maketh a great account of, without which we cannot savingly heare Gods Word. The Lord will releeve the meek, honour shall follow them: And blessed shall they be, for they shall inherite the Land, and the Lord himselfe shall dwell with them, that he may heale their brokenIsai. 57. 1 [...]. Psal. 14 [...]. 6. Psal. 25. 9. & 5 [...]. [...]5. minde.

Walke therefore in humblenesse of minde, and meeknesse, with long-suffering,Phil. 2. 3. Ephes. 4. 2. P [...]l. 2. [...]▪ 8. Pro. [...]. 33. Gal. 6. 1. Prov. 16. 19. supporting one another, and it shall bring you honour.

Reade Prov. 15. 1. Iames 1. 21. Isai. 66. 5. Ecclus. 3. 19. Matth. 18. 4. Phil. [...]. 3. Gal. 6. 1. Zeph. 2. 3. Psal. 37. 9. Psal. 25. 9. Syr. 3. 19. Chap. 10. 28. Wisd. 9. 5. Psal. 113. 6. 2 Chron. 2. 6. Prov. 16. 13. Luk. 14. 7.

Gods Justice Ungodly Derision punished.

There are three kindes of Derision: by gesture, by words, by works:

  • By Gesture, By Making mowes, nodding the head, sharpening the eyes, casting
    Job 16. 4. 9. Psal. [...]5. [...]9. Psal. 12. 5. Psal. 35. 16. Tit. 3. 2. Rom. 14. 10. Iam. 4. 11. Gal. 5. [...]5. Prov. [...]2. 8. Psal. 4. 1 [...]. Psal. 5. 6. Psal. 96. [...]6. Psal. 41. 9. Psal. 38. 20.
    the countenance, putting out the finger, and gnashing of the teeth.
  • By Words, By Speaking evill of any man, by censuring, by reviling, and re­proching, by whispering evill of others, and by wresting thier words.
  • By Works, By Practising the hurt of others, by adding afflictions to the af­flicted, by betraying of our friends unfaithfully, and by wronging those persons from whom we have received any good at all.
The Prophet saying, Have they made thee of the kings coun­sell.
2 Chro. 25. 16.
Paul preaching unto them the Resurrection.
Act. 17. Ezek. 25. Psal. 137. Lam. 1. 9. Chap. 3. 6 [...].
Gods Sanctuarie, saying, Ha, ha, being polluted.
Israelites and I [...]remiah Making them their [...]ong and by-word, for which David called him blessed that their children dashed against stones.
Psal. 123▪ [...].
Elisha, calling him bald-head, they were by Bears destroyed.
2 King. 2. 1 Sam. 17.
David, disdaining him, notwithstanding he overcame him.
Abimelech, saying, What is Abimelech that we should serve him?
Judg. 9. 28. Gen. 6. 2 Ki. 10. [...]. & 9. 11.
Noah discovering his nakednesse, he was cursed of him.
The wise men, not purposing what he said, they did the like by him.
Matth. 2.
Derided and mocked
The Israelites
  • The prophets prophesying, they were by the Caldeans slain.
    2 Chron. 36. 16. Ezek. 11. & 1 [...]. & 22. Chap. [...]9. 49. & [...]. Jer. 23. 33. Is. 8. 18. Jer. 20. Psal. 106. 24. Gen. 21. 1 Ki. 21. I [...]. 17. 15. Eze [...]. [...]. 9. Ezek. 11. 15. & 1 [...]. [...]2. & 1 [...]. 3. Mat. 27. Act. 2. Gen. 4. 24. Gen. 19. 2 Sam. 6. Ier. 48. 26, 27. Iudg. 8. 1 Sā. 25. Act. [...]. 1 [...]. Matth. 19. 23. Gen. 6. 1 Sam. 14. Iudg. 16. Gen. 37. Act. 26. Act. 17. 18. [...]9. 32. Ioh. 18. 38. Matth. 27. Luk. 16.
  • Gods Word, calling it Gods burthen, it fell heavie on thē.
  • Isaiah & his children, making thē wonders among them.
  • Ieremiah, everlasting shame fell on them.
  • The l [...]nd of Canaan, God permitted thē not to enter in.
Isaac; And Iezebel Ahab, saying, Dost thou govern? &c.
The Jewes
Christ, the Apostles and Disciples sent among them.
Gods long-sufferance of Cain murthering.
Lots sons
Lot, admonishing them to depart out of Sodome.
David dancing before the Ark, she was made barren.
Israel, for which they were brought in derision.
Succoth men
Gideon asking reliefe of them, they were slain by him.
David, saying, Who is David? that I should give him.
Old world
Noah building the Ark, till the floud took them.
Ionathan and Samson, many were by them slain.
Ioseph, calling him the dreamer: famine punished them.
Paul▪ saying, much learning had made him mad.
Philosophe [...]s
Paul, calling him a babler in disputing with them.
Christ Asking of him what truth was tauntingly.
Christ Scourging and crucifying him unjustly.
Christ For speaking against their covetousnes used by thē.
Derided and mocked
Gods Promise, hearing that she should beare a son.
Gen. 18. Nehem. 4. Gen. 19.
The Jewes, going about to reedifie Jerusalem.
Gods long patience in suffering, till he had destroyed them.
Jerusalem, and the holy One of Israel, for which foure hundred fourescore and five thousand of his company
2 Kin. 19.
were slain.
God, calling him the God of the mountaines, not of the
1 King. 20.
vallies, many were slain by the Israelites.
Jerusalem, the Lord brought many nations on them.
Ezek. 26.
The wicked
God, Saying, The Lord hideth his face, he will not see us,
Prov. 1. [...]5. Psal. 10. 11. Prov. [...]4. 9. Isai. 22. 13. Ps. 73. 11. Psal. [...]9. 7. & 94. 7. [...]sa [...]. [...]6. 12. 2 Pet. 3. 4. Prov. 14. 9. Chap. 10. 28. Psal. 10▪ 1 [...].
making a mock of sinne, and of Gods threatnings▪ saying, Let us eat and drinke, for to morrow we shall dye: as also, How doth God know it? Is there know­ledge in the most High? and again, Come we will bring wine, and we will fill our selves, &c. Not knowing the judgements that God hath prepared for them.

Reade Prov. 17. 5. Chap. 30. 17. Psal. 37. 13. Psal. 59. 8. Prov. [...]9. 8. Syr. 27. 28.

The Person
  • That mocketh the poore, reprocheth him that made him,
    Pro▪ 17. 5 Prov. 1. 22. Chap. 3. 34. Isai. [...]9. 20. Prov. [...]4. 17, 18. Prov. 1. 16. Isai. [...]8. 22. 2 Pet. 3. 4. Iude 18. Psal. 1. 1. Isai. [...]9. [...]. Syr. [...]. 11. Ephes. 5. 4.
  • And he that rejoyceth at destruction shall not be unpunished.
  • And he that scorneth another, shall [...]e scorned himselfe.
  • And he that rejoyceth at the fall of his enemie, and is glad in heart when he slumbleth, the Lord when he seeth it will be angry, and [...]urne his wrath upon him.

There shall come in the last dayes mockers, which will walk after their lusts in Isai. 28. 22. u [...]god [...]y wayes: Blessed then is he that sitteth not in the seat of the scornfull: for sc [...]rners (saith the prophet by the mouth of the Lord) shall be rooted out, and con­sumed.

Let not filthinesse, neither foolish talking, neither jesting, which are not comely, be once named among you.

Reade Psal. 80 6. Psal. 89. 50, 51. Lam. 1. 8▪ Ier. 30. 17. Prov. 1. 22. Chap. 9. 12 Chap. 13. 1. Chap. 14. 6. Isai. 8. 18. Ier. 18. 18. Chap. 21. 13. Isai. 28. 14, &c. Ezek▪ 11. 3, 15. Ier. 20. 10.

Derision and mocking used by God, and Godly men.

Derided and mocked

  • Adam Behold▪ the man is become as one of us.
    Isai. 23. 16. Tyre.
    Gen. 3. 22.
  • Babel­builders Behold, the people is one, they cannot be stop­ped from doing what they have imagined.
    Gen. 11. 6.
  • The Edo­mites Is wisdome no more in Teman? is counsell pe­rished?
    Ezek. 38. 7. Gog.
    Ier. 49. 7.
  • Egyptians Take balme▪ O virgin, go up into Gilead.
    Ier. 46. 11.
  • The Is­raelites Come to Bethel and transgresse, Where are thy gods, which did eat the fat of thy sacrifices?
    Amos 4. 4. Nah. 3. 4 Deut. 32. [...]8. Psal. 59. 8.
    Amos 4. 4.
    where are those gods that thou hast made thee? let them arise if they can helpe thee.
    Deut. 32. 38.
    Cry to the gods which thou hast chosen to save
    Iudg. 10. 14.
    thee in thy [...]lation; when thou cryest, let them that th [...] hast gathered together deliver thee, &c. And again▪ Is there no balme in Gilead? Is there no Physitian there? Why then is not the health of my daughter, and of my
    Ier. 8. 22. Ezek. 20. 39.
    people recovered?
  • Idolater [...] Stand to your cause, bring forth the strong rea­sons,
    Isai. 41. 21. & 45. 20, 21. &c. Ch. 47. 1 [...]. Isai. 57. 13. Ier. 51. 8.
    b [...]ing forth your gods, and let them tell you what shall come hereafter, &c.
  • The wicked Whē thou criest, let thy chosen heap deliver thee.
  • Babylon Take balme for her pain, if so be she may be healed
Baals prophets Cry aloud; for he is a God, either he talketh, or pursueth his enemies, or is in his journey, or it
1 Ki. 18. 23.
may be he sleepeth, and must be awaked.
The Sy­rians This is not the way, neither is this the towne,
2 Kin. 3. 13.
follow me, I will bring you to the man whom you seek. He being the man, they stricken blind.
2 King. 6.

Derided and mocked

The King of Tyre. Behold thou art wiser then Daniel, there is no
Ezek. 28. 3, 12.
secret that they can hide from thee: thy wis­dome and understanding hath gotten the ri­ches: Thou sealest up the Sunne and art full of wisdome
The Isra­elites. If it seeme evill to you to serve the Lord,
Iosh. 24. 15▪
then choose you this day whom you will serve.
The Midianits Will ye pleade Baals cause? will you save him?
Iudg. 6. 31.
If he be a god, let him pleade for himselfe a­gainst him that cast downe his Altar.
  • The Am­monites Would not ye possesse that which Chemosh your
    Iudg. 11. 24.
    God giveth you to possesse.
  • The E­gyptians Where are the wise▪ men that may tell thee what
    Isai. 19. 12.
    the Lord hath determined upon thee.
  • The B [...]b­lonians Goe to thy Inchanters and witches, and see if they
    Isai. 47. 12.
    can helpe and strengthen thee.
  • The Is­raelites
  • B [...]hold all you kindle fire and are compassed a­bout
    Isai. 50. 11.
    with sparkles, walke in the light of your fire, and in the sparks that you have kindled.
  • Syrians Thy cords are loosed, therfore it cannot make
    Isai. 33. 23.
    fast the mast nor spread the saile.
  • The men of Judah Let your Prophets in [...]reate the Lord of Hostes,
    Ier. 27. 18.
    that the vessels which are left in the house of the Lord may not be carried [...]o Babel.
  • Idolaters Where are now the gods that thou hast made
    Ier. 2. 28.
    thee, bid them stand up and helpe thee in the time of this thy need.
    Ier. 51. 8.
  • The Edomites Oh daughter Edom be glad and rejoyce, for the cup shall come unto thee also, thou shalt be
    Lam. 4. 21.
    drunken and discover thy nakednesse.
his friends Indeed wisdome must needs die with you.
Iob 12. 2. 1 King. 22.
King Ahab Goe up and prosper at Ramoth Gilead.
The Preacher
The young man Let thy heart [...]heare thee in the dayes of thy
Ecc. 11. 9.
youth, follow the lusts of thine eyes, &c. But remember thou shalt come to judgement.
the Scribes Fulfill ye the measure of your Father.
I [...]h. 10. [...]2. M [...]t. [...]. [...]2
St Paul
The Co­rinthians Y [...]e are full, ye are made rich, ye raigne: And
1 Co 4. 8 C. 14 38 Gal 1. 6. Re. 22. [...]. 2 [...] 12 13. 2 [...]. 1 [...]. 7. & 11. 7▪ 1 [...]. C 4 1 [...].
againe, If any [...]e ignorant, let him be ig­norant.
S. Iohn
Wicked men He that is unjust, let him be unjust still, and bee that is filthy, let him be filthy still.
Nah. 3. 14. Eccl. 11. 9.
The Lord
  • Will laugh at the destruction of the wicked: He that dwelleth in Heaven
    Prov. 1. 26. Psal. 2. 4. Psal. 37. 12. Psal. 59. 7. Iob 2 [...]. 1 [...]. Psal. 52. 6, 7.
    shall laugh them to scorne, the Lord shall have them in derision: Hee hath seene that his day is come.
  • The right [...]ous saw it and was glad, the innocent laughed them to scorne, saying: Loe, this is the man that tooke not God for his strength.


To make the tree good, and h [...]s fruit good, or else make the tree evill, and hisMat. 12. 23. fruit evill: for the tree is knowne by his [...]ruit:

Reade Obad [...]. 8. [...] Sam. 19. 17▪ Isai. 16. 1. Iudg. 16. 15. Isai. 48. 26 Psal. 55. 8. Luk. 16▪ 14. Psal 115. 4, 5. Isai 28. 9. Chap 46. 6. Chap. 40. 18. & 44. 12. 2 Cor. 4 12 Mat. 26 45. Iudg 5. 28, 29. Ezek. 38. 7. 2 Cor. 12. 13. Chap. 13. 7.

Of Contention Discord and Emulation.

DIscord is a Contention in words, whereby men strive, who shall shew most courage, who shall get the victory, and who shall carry away the last word, noProv. 13. 10. respect being had of [...]quitie or truth: In this respect, crying and lifting up the voice in reasoning is condemned.Ephes. 4. 31.

  • There are two kinds of Emulation The one Spirituall.
  • There are two kinds of Emulation The other carnall.
  • [Page 141]Spiri­tuall When men strive to be like to them that excell in vertue, or to go beyond
    1 Cor. 4. 12.
    them; and this God commands.
  • Carnall When men that excell in any thing grieve and repine that any should be equall unto them.
  • Contentions are both Lawfull and Sinfull
  • Lawfull 1. With the enemy forreigne or domesticall in just causes, as also at the barre with an adversarie pleading.
  • Lawfull 2. Also in disputation with an Hereticks opposing the truth, and in Schollers disputing for exercises in schooles.
  • Sinfull In respect of Matter 1. When men contend for things for which they
    Luk. 22.
    should not contend, as the Disciples of Christ did for primacie.
  • Sinfull In respect of 2. When Contention is without forgiving,
    1 Cor. 6. 7.
  • Sinfull In respect of and Forbearing or suffering, and that in small and tri­fling things.
  • Sinfull In respect of Manner 3. When men wilfully defend their owne private cau­ses, no regard being had whither they be right or wrong, true or false, and by this meanes they of­ten oppugne truth, or justice, or both.
Through Discord and Emulation
  • Abraham and Lots Herdsmen debating together, caused Abraham and Lot to de­part
    Gen. 13.
    one from the other.
  • Apostles strove, who should be the greatest among them.
    Luk. 22. Iudg. 9. Act. 19. Gen. 31. Iudg. 12. Act. 6.
  • Abimelech murthered his brethren to aspire to the Kingdome.
  • Demetrius complained against St Paul for his teaching.
  • Esau hated Iac [...]b, for stealing from him the blessing.
  • Ephramites termed the Gileadites to be runnagates in Ephraim.
  • The Grecians grudged against the Hebrewes, their widdowes being neg­lected.
  • Iacob hearing the sons of Laban complaine, departed, whereupon he was by
    Gen. 31.
    Laban pursued.
  • The Israelittes Made battell against the Benjamites, and slew many of them.
    Iudg. 20. 2 Sam. 19.
  • The Israelittes Joyned against David with one Sheba, who therefore lost his head.
  • The Israelittes Contended against Moses and Aaron, for which the Lord plagued
    Chap 20. Exodus 16. Numbers 21. Ioh. [...]. 42.
    many of them.
  • The Jewes strove among themselves how Christ should come from Heaven, and how he could give his flesh to be eaten.
  • Kain was very wrath, and his countenance fell downe.
    Gen. 4. Num. 12. & 16 Exo. 17. Iosh. 9. Exod. 2. 11.
  • Korah, Aaron and Miriam spoke against Moses.
  • Kings of the Heathens came to warre against the Israelites.
  • Moses seeing a man of Israel sl [...]ine by an Egyptian, slew the said Egyptian and hid him in the sand.
  • Men circumcised, contended with the Apostle Peter for eating with the Gen­tiles
    Act. 11. Isa. 9. 21
    being uncircumcised.
  • Philistines stopped up the wels that were digged by Isaac.
    Gē. 26. Act. 14. Act. 15. Act. 23. 9 [...] King 3 2 Sa. 20. 1. 2 Sam. 3. Cha. 4.
  • The people of Iconia were by Pauls preaching divided.
  • Paul and Barnab [...] were one from the other sundred.
  • Pharisees and Sadduces at Pauls crying out varied.
  • One whore accused the other for the child murthered.
  • Long warre was betwixt the house of Saul and David.
  • Warres were made by many, where many perished.
  • Murther have been by divers, divers times committed.
    Prov. 19. 13.
  • It is a mans honour to rest from strife, which foolish questions engender: therfore
    Pro. 17. 14. & 27. 15.
    Prov. 13 3. 2 Tim. 2. 23. Prov▪ 26. 21. [...] Tim. 14▪ T [...] [...]. 9. R [...]man [...] [...]. [...]5, 1 Cor. 1. 10▪
    Gods servants must not strive.
  • As coales are to burning c [...]ales; so is a co [...]tentio [...] man to kindle strife.
  • Give not heed to fables and Genealogies, which breed questions.
  • The night is past, the day is come, walke not in strife and envying.
  • Let there be no dissentions among you, speake ye all one thing.


We ought to doe nothing that evill is by striving and contention, but leave the [Page 142] wrong done to us to the Lord, who will revenge the same; and if we will needs strive, let us follow our Saviours counsell: Strive to enter in at the strait Luk. 13. 24. Matth. 14. gate, for many will seek to enter in, and shall not be able to obtain the same.

Of Peace and Concord.

PEace is the Tranquilitie of the minde, being the Gift of God.Rom. 5. 1.

There is a three-fold wicked, and a three-fold Godly Peace:

  • 1. A defiled Peace, Which was and is among the devils, who agree together to persecute Christ, and his
    Matth. 12. [...]4. Chap. 26. 31. Luk. 23. 12.
    members: such also was that among the Scribes and Pharisees, and between Pilate and Herod, to put Christ to death, and this is called a diabolicall peace.
  • 2. Wicked▪ A feigned Peace, Which was Absaloms to Amnon: Ioabs to
    2 Sam. 13.
    Abner: Iudas to Christ: and Spaniards to us in the yeere of our Lord God, 1588.
  • 3. A disordered Peace, Which is when the greater obey the lesse, as
    Heb. 9. 27.
    when death swayeth life: when the wo­man ruleth over the man: and Nature over Grace, &c.
  • Godly:
  • Internall Peace, which is of Conscience between man and himself.
  • Externall Peace, which is with the Creatures of the earth▪
  • Eternall Peace, which is between God and man.
  • Internall
  • Is a quietnesse and tranquilitie of minde, arising of a sense and ap­prehension
    Rom. 5. 1.
    of Reconciliation with God.
  • 1. With the Creatures is five-fold: that is to say, Peace with Angels, for
    Col. 1. 2.
    man is redeemed by Christ, and by meanes of this Redemption, sin­full man is reconciled to God and Angels.
  • 2. With the Godly, who are made of one heart and one minde.
    Isai. 11. 9.
  • 3. Externall With ourselves, and that is a conformitie of the will and affections of
    Rom. 8.
    mans nature to the renewed mind.
  • 4. In respect of our enemies: for the decree of God is, Touch not mine
    Prov. 16. 7. Rom. 8. 32.
    anoin [...]ed, and doe my Prophets no harme. And again, All things turne to the good of them that love God.
  • 5. With the beasts of the field: God makes a Covenant with them for
    Hos. 2. 18. Psal. 91.
    his people: The Creatures desire and wait▪ Thou shalt walk upon the Lion and Aspe, the young Lions and Dragons.
  • Eternall
  • Between God and man in Heaven, is that, which eye hath not seen, nei­ther
    2 Cor. 12. 4▪
    can enter into mans heart to understand.
Peace was the
  • Admonition given by Eliphaz to Iob to be at with the Lord,
    I [...]b 22. 21. Num. 6. 26. Gen. 4 [...]. 24. Micah 4. 3. Gal. 6. 16. Mal. 2. 5. Zech. 6. 13. Rom. 12. 18. Isai. 66. 12. Isai. 26. 12. Isai. 57. 1 [...]. Exod. 4. 18▪ Rom. 15. 13. Nab. 1. 15. Rom. 10. 15. 1 Sam. 1. 17. Hag. 2. 10. Isai. 60. 17.
  • Blessing that the Priest used to blesse with the people of God, and the issue to those that followed the Apostles rule, promised.
  • Covenant everlasting made by God with Israels children:
  • Counsell fore-told to be between the offices of Christs Priest-hood, and Kingdome, and of Paul to be followed by the Romans.
  • Extent that God made towards the Gentiles calling them.
  • Favour of God, ordained to be given to all faithfull men.
  • Fruit of the lips, created by God for all godly men.
  • Farewell of Iethro given at the departing of him from Moses.
  • Fulnesse wished by Saint Paul in his Epistle to the Romans▪
  • Good Tidings That the Prophet foretold should come.
  • Glad Tidings Brought by Christ Jesus unto man.
  • Good Successe that Eli wished unto Hannah being troubled.
  • Gift that the Lord to his last House to give promised.
  • Government that the Lord for his Church had appointed.
Peace was the
  • [Page 143]Guide that Saint Paul willed the Colossians therewith to be ruled.
    Col. 3. 15. Ioh 5. 23. Iohn 14. 27. 2 Cor. 13. 11. Ier. 16. 5. Prov. 16. 17. Dan. 6 25. Job 5. 24. Act. 10. 36. Ephes. 2. 17. Prov. 3. 17. Matth. 10. 13. Rom. 2 10. Psal. [...]2 [...]. 7. The Return. 2 Sam. 19. 24. Col. 1. [...]. Isai. 39. 8. Iam. 3. 18. Gen. 4. Luk. 24. 36. Rev. 1. 4. 1 Sam. 10. 42. Psal. 4. 8. Luke 2. 29. L [...]k. [...]9. 28. Luk. 214. Song of the Angels. Luke 19. 43. Psal. 120. 7. 2 Pet. 3. [...]4. Isai. 32. 18. 1 Sam. 25. Jer. 29. 11. & 33. 6. 2 Thes. 3. 1 [...]. Ephes. 2. 14. Luk. 1. 79. Heb. 12. 14. Isai. 32. 17. Rom. 8. 6.
  • League ordained by God to be betwixt all Creatures and man.
  • Legacie given by Christ to his Apostles, when he left them.
  • Life that Saint Paul wished the Corinthians to live in.
  • Mercie of God shewed to the Israelites when they served him.
  • Marke to know when God was pleased with the way of man.
  • Multiplication that was wished to all Nations by Darius the king.
  • Ornament given by God to the Tabernacle of the godly.
  • Preaching of Christ and Apostles to men farre off and nigh.
  • Path of wisdome that Salomon wished men to walk in.
  • Pay that the Apostles gave those that worthily received them.
  • Promise made to Jewes and Gentiles that were godly of them.
  • Prayer that David made for the holy Citie Jerusalem.
  • Reconciliation wrought by Christ of things in Earth and Heaven▪
  • Request that Hezekiah made might be in his dayes.
  • Root wherein is sown the fruit of Righteousnesse.
  • Sermon preached first by God to Cain from Heaven.
  • Salutation of Christ used to his Disciples after his Resurrection.
  • Salutation of Saint Iohn to the seven Churches in the Revelation.
  • Safetie that Ionathan unto David in his troubles wished.
  • Sleepe that the Lord gave to rest in unto king David.
  • Song of Simeon unto Christ, embracing him in his armes.
  • Song of The people unto Christ, riding to Jerusalem.
  • Salvation that Christ wished Jerusalem had known.
  • Thing
  • That David sought for, when his enemies sought for warre.
  • And that which the Elect should be found in (saith Peter.)
  • Thankes that David gave to Abigail for her kindnesse shewed him.
  • Thought and Treasure that the Lord had for Israel in Captivitie.
  • Tranquilitie that Saint Paul wished to the Corinthians continually.
  • Union wrought by Christ the Mediatour betwixt God and man.
  • Way, spoken of by Zacharias the Priest, and Paul, for men to walke in▪
  • Work of Justice, Quietnesse, and assurance for to come.
  • Wisdome of the Spirit (saith Paul) by which life is gotten.
  • Word of Comfort spoken by
  • Mordecai to the Jewes.
    Esth. 9. 3. Gen. 43. 33. Iudg. 6. 23. Psal. 85. 8. Dan. 10. 19. Mark 5. 34. Ioh. 16. 33.
  • Ioseph to the Patriarchs.
  • The Lord unto Gideon.
  • God unto his Saints and People.
  • The Angel unto Daniel.
  • Christ to many in the Gospel.
  • Word of Paul
  • As Prologue and Epilogue, Orient and Occident of all the Epistles written by him; and the So be it, or Amen of Elisha to the Prayer of Naaman.
    2 King. 5. 19.
  • Title given to God, Being called The God of Peace.
    Heb. 13. 20. Matth. 5. 9. Isai. 9. 6. Luke 2. 13. Rom. 10. 15. Gen. 34. 21. Prov. 12. 20. Ephes. 6. 15. Rom. 10. 15. Isai. 52. 7. Ioh. 1. 15. Luk. 10. 16. Heb. 7. 2. 1 Ki. 4. 20. Psal. 12 [...]. 3, 7. Rom. 14. 7. Isai. 60. 17.
  • Title given to Gods Children, Being called Children of Peace.
  • Title given to Christ, Being called The Prince of Peace.
  • Title given to Angels, Being called Singers of Peace.
  • Title given to Apostles, Being called M [...]ssengers of Peace.
  • Title given to Iacobs Sonnes, Being called Men of Peace.
  • Title given to The Just, Being called Counsellours of Peace.
  • Title given to The Elect, Being called Sonnes of Peace.
  • Title given to Gods Word, Being called Glad Tidings of Peace.
  • Title given to Preachers, Embassadours of Peace.
  • Title given to The new Testamēt, Being called The Gospel of Peace.
  • Title given to Melchisedech & Salomon, Being called Kings of Peace.
  • Title given to Jerusalem, Being called The Citie of Peace
  • Title given to Gods Kingdome, Being called The Kingdome of Peace.
  • Title given to [...]urches Officers, Being called Officers of Peace.
  • Peace
  • Is to be sought after, with the things that concerne the same; because it
    Heb. 12. 14. Rom. 14. 19. 1 Cor. 7. 15. Ephes. 6. 16. Phil. 4. 7.
    is that whereunto God hath called those that are his.
  • Which shall be to those that walke in Christ, the benefits whereof are very great▪ for that preserves our hearts and mindes in Christ, &c. and therefore above all things it is to be desited, &c.
To get, preserve, and keepe Peace
  • Desired Lot that there might be no strife betwixt them, or be­twixt their Herdsmen, because they were brethren.
  • As also being the elder gave leave to him being the younger to
    Gen. 13.
    make choice of all the land before them.
  • An Angel finding Hagar in the wildernesse willed her to returne, and to humble her selfe to Sarah her mistresse.
    Gen. 16. Gen. 26. 1 Sam. 25.
  • Abimelech desired there might be a Covenant betwixt him and Isaac.
  • Abigail to pacifie David against Nabal carried him a P [...]esent.
  • Sent his servants with sackcloth about their [...]oynes, and ropes about their necks to the King of Israel, thereby to make a
    1 Kin. [...]0.
    league with him, being before [...]n battell with him.
  • David having opportunitie to sl [...]y Saul, being perswaded thereunto, spared
    1 Sam. [...]4. Chap. 26.
    him, alwayes seeking to be at peace with him.
  • Gibeonites pretended to come from a farre countrey with old bottles, mu­stie bread, &c. to make a league with Israel.
    Iosh. 9.
  • Departed from his fathers house seeing Esau displeased, and after sent him a Present, and meeting with him, bowed himselfe seven
    Gen. 33.
    times to the ground, and so was reconciled.
  • Ioseph forgave his brethren, gave them corne, and willed them not to fall
    Gen. 45.
    out by the way in travelling.
  • Ioab used a cunning woman to reconcile David and Absalom.
    2 Sam. 14. Gen 31.
  • Laba [...] desired Iacob to make a Covenant of peace with him.
  • The Patriarches sent to Ioseph, saying, their father commanded before his death, that they should say unto him, that he did pray him to forgive them,
    Gen. 50. 17.
    called themselves his servants, and falling down before him, he became in league with them.
  • King Saul hearing wicked men speake ill of him, replyed not to them.
    1 Sam. 10.
  • Shimei returned to David the first of that house to meet him, and falling down before him, was reconciled unto him.
    2 Sam. 19.
Tyre and Sidon
  • Inhabitants came with one accord unto Herod, and perswaded Blastus his chamberlaine to speake for them, and that because
    Act. 12. 20.
    their countrey was nourished by his land.
  • Divers Kings gave to their enemies the treasures of the Lords house.
    2 King. 16. 1 King. [...]5. 2▪ King. 12. Gen. 4.
The Lord
From Heaven called to Cain being wroth with Abel, admoni­shing him: denyed David to build the Temple, because of
1 Chron. 28.
his bloud-shedding, commanded it to be done in the time of
Deut. 20. 10.
peace, in the dayes of Salomon; and willed the Israelites to
J [...]r. 29. 7.
offer peace to all cities before they did smite them: And
Ephes. 2▪ 14.
above all sent his one only Son to dye for man, to make peace between himselfe and man.


1. Seeing Peace is so great a Jewell, yea such as David accounted beyond allPsal. 4. 7. Psal. 73. 24. Phil. 4. 7. Isai. 48. 22. other gifts: And se [...]ing that the peace of a good Conscience is a guard to keepe our hearts and mindes in Christ, our dutie should be above all things to seek for it, and that because true happinesse, which all men desire after, consisteth in Peace, being founded in Grace.

2. Seeing there is no peace to the wicked, but when they say peace, then comesIsai. 58. 21. 1 Thes. 5 23. Psal. 7 [...]. Psal▪ [...]4 [...]4. Jer. 29. 7. 2 Cor. 13. 1 [...]. destruction, so tha [...] their prosperitie ends but in perdition, we should strive the more to get that peace that passeth all understanding, that are elected to Salvation.

  • Eschew evill, and do good, seek peace, and ensue it.
  • Live in peace, and the God of peace shall be with you.

Envie and Hatred.

ENvie is the rotting of the bones, and shortning of the life of a man, being aProv. 14. 30. Job 5. 2. 1 Tim. 6. 4. Ecclus. 30. 24. griefe taken at the good of another man, and an irksomnesse conceived at an­other mans felicitie, I meane, at one greater then himselfe, because he cannot be equall unto him; and at his inferiour, because he thinkes he would be equall un­to him; and at all his equals, because their degree and state doe jump with his. So King Saul envied David, and the Pharisees Christ, who laid wait for their1 Sam. 18. Joh. 11. 53. Prov. 21. 10. Chap. 2 [...]. 2. Chap. 24. 17. lives: for so cruell a beast is this Envie that it cannot abide, nor any way brooke those men whom he envieth. His soule is alwayes wishing evil, his heart imagi­neth nothing but hurt, his lips talke mischiefe, and his joy is at the fall of his enemie: His path is malice, his eye is vexed at Gods goodnesse, his hands of de­solation [Page 145] would undoe Gods mercies, other mens health [...] his sicknesse, others wealth his woe and heavinesse. This was the devils sinne; and therefore of allSyr. 30. 14. Mark 11. [...]5. 1 Cor. 11. 27. [...] Ioh. 3. 13, 15. Prov. 27. 4. it should be avoided, and that also for other reasons, in that his prayers are abo­minable that is possessed with Envie, because he asketh mercie, and forgiveth not. Againe he prophaneth the Lords Supper, because he receiveth it unworthily; and lastly, he is but a man-slayer, if he live in Envie, not in Charitie.

Amnon for his incest committed with Thamar.
2 Sam. 14. 2 Sam. 17. 1 Ki. 22. 1 Ki. 21. Gen. 49. 23. Gen. 27. 1 Sā. 17. Exod. 1. Psal. 109. 3. Luke 15. Iudg. 11. Gen. 46. Lu [...]. 23. 12. Matt. 21. Joh. 11. Act. 13. 45. Ch. 17. Gen. 4. Gen. 31. Act. 6. 9. Ch. 7. Dan. 6. Gen. [...]6. Act. [...]. 17. 1 Sam. 18. Psal. 73. 3. Ezek. 35. 5. Gen. 3.
Hushai, because his counsell was esteemed for better.
  • Michaiah Because he prophesied not good unto him.
  • Elijah And that because he reproved him.
Iacob, because he had gotten the blessing from him.
David his brother, because of his words against the Phili­stine.
Israelites, because they did so increase among them.
The Elder
The Prodigall, because his father had entertained him.
The Elders
Iephthab, forcing him to fly his countrey from them.
Sarah her mistresse, because that she was barren.
Pilate, but to crucifie Christ became friends with him.
High Priests
Christ for the peoples Hosanna sung, and miracles done.
Paul and Iason; the one for preaching, the other for entertai­ning.
Psal. 106. 41. Matt. [...]7. 18. Joh. 3. 12.
Abel, which moved him for to murther him.
Labans sonnes
Iacob, and that moved him to depart from them.
Steven, because they could not resist his wisdome.
Daniel, till they had him in the Lions den.
Isaac, because of the wealth that he had gotten.
The Apostles, because of the gifts that God had given them.
David, because of the praise the women gave him.
Mount Seir
The Israelites, for which the Lord brought plagues upō thē▪
  • Adam and Eve, for the happinesse he saw them in▪
  • The Apostles disdained at the request made by Iames and Iohn.
    Matt. 20. Luk. 9. 49. Gen. 29. Numb. 11. Gen. 37.
  • The Apostles envied at the men that cast out devils in Christs Name.
  • Iacob despised Leah the elder: Rachel being of him more loved.
  • Ioshua envied El [...]ad and Medad, because they prophesied.
    Joh. 7. 7. & 15. 18. 24. 25. & 17. 14. Act. 7. 9.
  • The Patriarches envied Ioseph for his dreame, because he was by Iacob loved.
The Person
That hateth will counterfeit with his lips, but in his heart he layeth up
Ia [...]. 3. 14. 1 I [...]h. 2. 9, 11. Chap. [...]. 13, 1 [...]. Prov. 10. 12. & 16. [...]4.
deceit, his hatred is covered by the deceit of him, but the malice there­of is discovered in the Congregation: He is in darknesse, and walketh
1 Joh. 2. [...]1. Psal. [...]4. [...]2. Prov. 24. [...]0. 1 Joh. 3. 15.
in darknesse, not knowing where he goeth, his Candle shall be put out, and posteritie cut off: He is a Manslayer, and no such shall have eter­nall life.

Ʋse. Hatred stirreth up contention: Anger is cruell, wrath is raging, but who can Prov. 10. 12. Chap. 27. 4. Chap. 1 [...]. 30. Iam. 3. 16. G [...]. 5. 21. Rom. 1. 29. Syr. 27. 3 [...]. Prov. 2 [...]. 1, 2. stand before envie? who, where she is with strife, there is sedition, and all manner of evil works, the end whereof is eternall death, for that no envious person shall inherite (saith the Apostle) Gods Kingdome in Heaven.

The Remedie of Envie.

1. Consider that all envious persons are like unto the devill, whom our good works doe exceedingly afflict.

2. Thinke how Envie burneth the heart, drieth the flesh, tortureth the under­standing, disturbeth the peace of Conscience, maketh all the dayes of life sor­rowfull and heavie, and banisheth all tranquilitie and joy from the heart of man; whereas on the contrary, spirituall things, if thou get them, are not dimini­shed though many possesse them.

3. Remember the saying of Salomon, Doe not thou through envie rejoyce at the Prov. 24. 17. Chap. 26. 27. fall of thine enemie: Let not thy heart be glad when he stumbleth, lest the Lord when he seeth it be angry, and turne his wrath from him unto thee.

Follow the Apostles counsell, Lay aside all malice, guile, hypocrisie, envie, and 1 Pet. 2. 1. 1 Pet. 4. 8. Rom. 9. 21. Chap. 1. 24. Isai. 53. Rom. 8. Ecclus. 25. 12. Rom. 9. 13. Psal. 5. 6. evill speaking: and let love possesse you without dissimulation. 1 Joh. 2. 11.

The Lord hateth iniquitie: He hated the reprobate before he was created, after his creation sinning, and sinne it selfe committed by him, or any elected one. He hateth a poore man proud, a rich man a liar, and an old man adulterous; which hatred in him is

Gods Hatred
  • 1. The deniall of his Love. All which are excellent vertues in him.
  • 2. The decree of punishment. All which are excellent vertues in him.
  • 3. His displeasure and detestation. All which are excellent vertues in him.

Love Mercie and Charitie.

LOve is a passion of the minde, whereby we are so affected towards any man, as that forgetting our selves we are wholly carried towards him, for that it transformeth the lover into the thing loved, and so joyneth them together, as that the lovers minde may be truly said to be there where his love is. And hence ari­seth a sympathie and feeling, by which they are mutually affectionated one with an others good or evill. Love seeketh, not her own. 1 Cor. 13. 5.

Mercie in man is a certaine compassion of anothers miserie in our heart, by which we are compelled to helpe if we can. And it is called Mercie, for that it makes the heart miserable, grieving for anothers evil, according to the Poets saying, Ha [...] ignara mali miseris succurrere disco: Virgil.

  • The troubles of mine own have learned mee,
  • To pitie others that in trouble bee.
Through Love, Mercie, and Charitie
  • Abraham entertained three Angels in stead of men, inviting them.
    Gen. 18. Act. 2. 44. 1 Sā. 25. & 4. 36. 2 Sā. 3. & 11. 29. Ruth 2. 2 Sam. 17. & 19 Act. 28. Matth. 14. Act. 10. 31. 2 Sam. 9. 1 Sam. 22. 1 Sam. 30. & 26. 2 Sam. 19. Act. 11. Act. 9. 2 King. 6. Gen. 29. Iob 31. & 30. 15. Act. 17. 1 Sam. 18. Act. 4. 1 Sam. 14. Matth. 27. 1 Sam. 22. Gen. 19.
  • Abigail relieved David, Nabal her churlish husband refusing.
  • Abner sent to David to make a Covenant of Peace with him.
  • Boaz suffered Ruth to gleane in his field eares of corne.
  • Barzillai relieved David with others flying from Absalom.
  • Barbarians entertained Paul with others coming from the Seas.
  • Christ fed the multitude, and healed all kinde of diseases.
  • Cornelius gave Almes abundantly, praising God alwayes.
  • David
  • Entertained Mephibosheth Ionathans sonne, Abiathar Abimelech the Priests son: Sent a blessing to his friends of the spoiles taken from his enemies: spared Sauls life, having opportunitie to slay him, and forgave Shimei cursing him.
  • The Disciples according to their abilitie sent reliefe to their brethren,
  • Dorcas gave almes to many, being dead was raised again.
  • Elisha entertained the Syrians, being sent to take him.
  • Iacob served Laban seven yeers for his daughter.
  • Iob entertained into his house many a stranger.
  • Iason entertained Paul and Silas, and other of the brethren.
  • Ionathan was knit to David in Love, passing the love of women.
  • Ioses sold his possessions, and gave it the Apostles to help them.
  • Ionathans Armour-bearers heart was with Ionathan.
  • Ioseph begged the body of Christ to bury him.
  • The King of Moab entertained Davids parents in house with him.
  • Just Lot entertained Angels in stead of men, and profered his daughters to the wicked Sodomites to free them.
  • Lydia entertained Paul and Silas, constraining them, &c.
    Act. 16. 1 Sam. 18. 4. Exod. 32. Chap. 2. Heb. 11. 25. Judg. 19. Rom. 15. [...]. 2 Cor. 8. 10. Mark 2. Mark 14. Nehem. 2. 1 King. 18. 1 Tim. 1. Gen. 45. Exod. 2. 6. Rom. 9. Philem. 1. Phil. 4. Rom. 16. Iosh. 2. Ruth 1. 2 King. 4. Luk. 10. 33. Act. 10. Act. 7. 1 King. 17. Luk. 21. 3. Luk. 8. 1 Joh. 3. [...]2. Psa. 112. 4. 5. [...] 2 [...]. [...]
  • Ionathan gave David the Robe and Garment that covered him.
  • Moses prayed to God to blot him out of the book of life, rather then to destroy the people of Israel together: As also made choice to suffer affliction with his brethren, rather then to be called the son of Pharaohs daughter.
  • A man of Gibeah entertained a Levite and his wife to lodge with him.
  • The men of Macedonia made a Collection for the poore at Jerusalem.
  • Foure men carried the palsi [...]-man to Christ, who healed him.
  • Magdalene gave Christ a box of ointment, prised at a great summe.
  • Nehemiah used meanes to divers for building the wals of Jerusalem.
  • Obadiah relieved one hundred Prophets of God, being fed by him.
  • Onesiphorus refreshed Paul often, for which he commended him.
  • Pharaoh commanded Ioseph to give corne to his brethren.
  • Pharaohs daughter took up Moses out of the water, and nursed him.
  • Paul
  • Wished himselfe separated from Christ for his brethren.
  • As also wrote to Philemon to receive his servant again.
  • The Philippians communicated unto Paul, sending to him often.
  • Phebe gave hospitalitie to Paul and other brethren.
  • Rahab [...]id Ioshua's spies, the king of Jericho sending for them.
  • Ruth forsooke her own countrey, to live with Israels children.
  • The Shunami [...]e built a Chamber for Elisha, to entertain him.
  • The Samaritane had compassion on the wounded man.
  • Simon entertained Peter in his house to lodge with him.
  • Steven prayed for the men that stoned him kneeling.
  • One widow
  • Relieved Elijah in the famine, being in penurie.
  • The other cast all that she had into the Treasurie.
  • The women healed by Christ of their infirmities, ministred unto him again
    Luk. 19. 8.
    o [...]t of their substances.
  • [Page 147]Love
  • Is the fruit of the Spirit, the bond of perfection, the fulfilling of the
    Gal. 5. 22. Chap. 3. 14. Rom. 13. 10. 1 Cor. 6. 14. 1 Tim. 1. 5. 1 Joh. 4. 7. 1 Co [...]. 8. 1. 1 Pet. 4. 8. Ephes. 3. 17. Prov. 10. 12. 1 Cor. 8. 1. 1 Cor. 13. 4. 1 Cor. 1. 8. 1 Ioh. 4. 8. 18. Rom. 13. 10. Psal. 16. 3. Prov. 10. 12.
    Law, the way to doe all things in, and the end of the Comman­dement,
    Prov. 10. 12.
    being out of a pure heart, a good Conscience, and faith unfained: it commeth of God, so that he that loveth is born of God; it edifieth, covereth the multitude of sinnes, excelleth faith and hope, doth not evil to his neighbour, boaiteth not it self, nei­ther is puffed up, doth no uncomely thing, neither seeketh her own things, edifieth, and is not provoked to anger, neither thinketh any evill, suffereth all things, and endureth all things, is without feare, and never falleth away, though prophesying be abolished, or tongues cease, or knowledge vanish away: and is a cleare, neare, and sociable way.

Ʋse. 1 Cor. 13. 5.Heb. 10. 24. 1 Pet. 4. 8. 1 Joh. 4. 20.

All things work to the best to them that love God: and all things done with­outRom. 8. 18. 1 Cor. 1. 13. Matth. 22. 37. Num. 13. 9. & 13. 8. Gal. [...]. 14. 1 Pet. 4. 5. 1 Cor. 14. 1. Love are nothing, because they are not done acceptable to God: All the Law and the Prophets are fulfilled in this word, namely, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy soule, heart, and minde, and thy neighbour as thy selfe. It is a good thing, saith the Apostle, to love earnestly alwayes in a good thing.


1. This should teach us to love one another with a pure heart, fervently, in1 Pet. 1. 22. Chap. 4. 8. 1 Ioh. 2. 10. Col. 3. 14. deed, not only in word and tongue, but with love without dissimulation: for heRom. 13. 8. 1 Cor. 16. 14. 1 Joh. 3. 17. that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is no occasion of evill in him: Above all things then put on Love which is the bond of perfection.

2. For Mercie, know that the man that hath Mercie on the poore lendeth toPro. 19. 17. Levit. Matt. 5. 7. 25. 35. Pro. 11. 25. 2 Cor. 9. 6 Rom. 12. 8. Matth. 5. 1 Cor. 16. 14. the Lord, who will recompence him that which he hath given: For the liberall person shall have plentie, and he that watereth shall have rain: Blessed is the mer­cifull, for he shall (saith Christ) obtain mercie. Let all your things, saith St Paul, be done in Charitie.


1. If none shall obtaine Mercie, but such as shew mercie; how shall those beRom. 12. 8. Prov. 19. 17. Chap. 28. 27. condemned who at their gates have Divinitie, no humanitie; wholsome counsell, no wholsome food; exhortation, but no compassion; Scripture against begging, but no bread against famishing: The bread of the Sanctuarie is common withIam. 2. 16. them, not the bread of the Butterie: They wish something, but they do nothing: They have open mouths, but shut hearts; soft words, but hard bowels; Ex­hortation,Col. [...]. 12. Eccl. 11. 1. 1 Pet. 4. 9, 10. but no compassion; opposing works to words, veritie to vanitie, and verball complements to reall implements.

2. Learne to be mercifull as your heavenly Father is mercifull.Luk. 6. 36. Heb. 6. 10. Isai. 58. 10.

Reade Rom. 13. 8. Chap. 12. 8, 10, Heb. 13. 1. Ioh. 3. 18. Ephes. 4. 2. Chap. 5. 2. 1 Cor. 16. 14. Psal. [...]2. 4. Levit. 19. [...], 10. Chap. 23. 22. Deut. 15. 7, 8. Ch. 24. 19, 20. Syr. 4. 31. Prov. 15. 17. Cant. 8. 6, 7. Syr. 17. 22. Cant. 3. 10. Prov. 11. 17. Iames 1. 19. Prov. 14. 21. 1 Pet. 4. 9. Deut. 24. 19. Luk. 11. 41. Chap. 16. 9. Prov. 3. 28. Ch. 11. 17. Levit. 25. 35. Tit. 3. 8. Isai. 58. 6, &c. Eccl. 11. 3. 1 Pet. 4. 10.

Of Patience.

PAtience is a passive Obedience, or the Obedience of the Crosse, which is a fruit and Grace of Gods holy Spirit, arising from the true knowledge of God and of our selves, as also from a lively faith, affiance, hope, and unfeigned love of God, whereby we beare our crosse imposed upon us by God quietly, constant­ly, and willingly, bringing forth experience, which preserveth us by Gods pro­vidence, tempe [...]ateth anger, bridleth the tongue, governeth the minde, keepethGal. 5. 12. Peace, breaketh the violence of lust, asswageth the swelling of pride, and cheri­sheth the penurie of the poore; And is engraven in us by the finger of Gods holy Spirit, being an Image of that infinite Patience which is in his own most perfect nature, who suffered all wrongs and injuries, which we offer against him and against his Prophets.

  • [Page 148]The Apostles being imprisoned and beaten by the Jewes tooke the same, rejoycing that they were counted worthy to suffer for Christ his Name.
    Act. 5. 41.
  • David being persecuted by Saul endured the same, who having opportunitie to slay him, (seeking to take his life away) would not lay his hands upon
    1 Sam. 24. Chap. 26. 9.
    him, and being driven out of his kingdome by his sonne Absalom, willed Zadok the Priest to enquire of the Lord for him, saying, If the Lord say he hath no delight in me, Behold, here I am, let him do to me, as seemeth good unto him. And being cursed of Shimei, and perswaded by Abishai
    2 Sam. 15.
    to slay him, said, It may be the Lord hath bid him curse, and it may be the Lord will do me good for his cur [...]ing: My son seeketh to take my
    2 Sam. 16.
    life from me, how much more then may this sonne of Iemini?
  • Eli Being told by Samuel what plagues the Lord would bring upon his sonnes and his posteritie, answered, It is the Lord, let him doe what
    1 Sam. 3.
    seemeth him good.
  • Elisha suffered the men of Syria sent to take him, without revenging him­self on them, yea so as he entertained them.
    2 King. 6.
  • Gideon Answered the men of Ephrai [...] speaking roughly unto him, saying, Why hast thou served us thus, that thou calledst us not, &c? What
    Iudg. 8. 3.
    have I now done in comparison of you? What was I able to doe in comparison of you? and having thus spoken unto them, their hearts abated towards him.
  • Hezekiah Being told by the Prophet that all the Treasures that were in his house, together with the sonnes and daughters that should
    2 King. 20.
    proceed of him, should be carried into Babel, said, The word of the Lord which thou hast spoken is good: Shall it not be good?
  • Isaac Suffered his Father going about to sacrifice him, and great was A­brahams
    Gen. 22.
    patience in travelling three dayes journey for to sacrifice him.
  • Ioseph behaved himselfe towards his b [...]ethren selling him, &c. in that he re­lieved them, confessing that nothing was done to him, but what God
    Gen. 37.
    had appointed to be done: and being wrongfully imprisoned, never murmured.
    Chap. 45.
  • Iehoshaphar Being compassed with his enemies called on God, saying, O our God, wilt thou not judge them, & c? we wot not what to doe,
    2 Chron. 20.
    but our eyes be towards thee.
  • Iob Having all that he had taken from him, said, The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh, blessed be the Name of the Lord, &c. and being willed
    Iob 1. & 2.
    by his wife to curse God and die,said, Shall we receive good, and not evill of God?
  • The Israe­lites Being oppressed by the Ammonites, said, Lord, we have sinned, doe thou unto us whatsoever seemeth good unto thee, deliver us
    Iudg. 10.
    onely we pray thee this day. And being by Rabshakeh sent a­gainst Jerns [...]lem threatned, they were silent.
    2 King. 18. Ier. 10. 19. Ier. 26. 11. Iam. 3 24. Exod. 5. 10. Num. 1 [...]. & 16.
  • Ieremiah Being judged worthy to die for prophesying against the Citie, said, As for me, I am in your hands, doe with me as you thinke right among your selves.
  • Moses endured the murmuring of the Israelites and Miriam, praying for
    Heb. 11. 25.
    them: and Korah by mildly answering them.
  • Mephiboshet [...] Hearing David to give his land to his servant Ziba to be di­ [...]ded between them, and that without just cause, said, Let
    2 Sam. 19. 30.
    him take all, forasmuch as my lord the King is come in peace.
  • Paul and Barnabas Being imprisoned took the same, singing P [...]almes, and great was
    Act. 16. 5.
    Pauls patience in all his sufferings, confessing that his afflicti­on was not worthy of the least of the joyes of Heaven.
    2 Cor. 11.
  • King Saul Hearing wicked men to say, after he was anointed King, How shall he save us? despising him, bringing no presents to him
    1 Sam. 10. 27.
    as others did that came to him, held his tongue without replying to them.
  • Shadrach With his fellowes being threatned to be cast into the fierie fur­nace, answered, God whom we serve is able to deliver us, &c.
    Dan. 3.
    but if he will not, we will not serve thy gods, O Nebuchadnezzar.
  • Steven being stoned, kneeled down, praying for them that stoned him, saying, Lord, lay not this sinne to their charge.
    Act. 7.
  • Eleazarus in his torment, said, I am scourged, and suffer these sore paines of my bodie: but in my minde, I suffer them for my Religion gladly.
    2 Mach. 6. 28.
  • [Page 149]The seven Brethren with their Mother suffered all their torments with
    2 Ma [...]. 7. 7. Heb. 11. 35. 36.
    chearfulnesse, one after the other.
  • Mauritius the Emperour Seeing his children and wife cruelly slaine one after another
    Functiu [...]. Caron. Osiander. Melanct. Loc. Com.
    before his eyes by the Tyrant Phocas, himselfe being to act his part in the same Tragedie, me [...]kly uttered these words, Iustus es Domine, & justum judicium tuum: Righteous art thou, O Lord, and just is thy judgement.
    1 Pet. 2. 19.
  • Adde to it 1 Pet. [...]. 19. 20, 21. Eccl. 7. 8. Luk. 21. 19. Rom. 8. 28. Syr. 1. 23. Chap. 2. 4, 5, 14. Prov. 14. 29. Heb. 10. 35. Iames 7. 5. Heb. 12. 1. 1 Pet. 2. 21. Rom. 2. 7.
The Lord waited for
  • The Ninevites fortie dayes, by Ionahs preaching to them.
    Jonah 2 Dan. 4. 28. Luk. 13. 7. Psal. [...]. 10. Josephus Gen 6. G [...]. 15. 13. J [...]sh. 12. G [...]n. 15. Exod. 4. Gen. 4. Revel. 2. 21. Rō. 9. 22. Syr. 18. 1 [...] 1 P [...]. 2. 3. 1 P [...]t. 3. 20. Luk. 8. 7. Act. 14. 16 & 17. [...]0. 2 P [...]t. 3. 9, 15. 2 C [...]ron. 30. 16. Dan. 11. [...]6 R [...]. 10. 21 A [...] 2. 1 [...] Psa. 50. 16. Is [...]i. 42. 14. & 43 24. I [...] 5. 7. I [...]i. 4 [...]. 24.
  • Nebucha [...]nezzar one yeere, To see if he would return.
  • His V [...]eyard three yeeres, To see if it would increase.
  • The Israelites fortie yeeres, In the wildernesse proving them.
  • The Jewes fortie yeeres, Ere he destroyed Jerusalem.
  • The old world 120. yeeres, Before hee brought the floud on them.
  • The Egyptians 400. yeeres, Oppressing the Israelites
  • The Amo [...]ites till their sinnes were at full.
  • Pharaoh a long time, proving him by plagues often.
  • Cain's amendment, by preaching from heaven to him.
    1 Pet 3. 20.
  • Iezebels conversion, by giving her a space to turne to him.
  • And suffereth the vessels of wrath ordained to destruction.
  • And standeth now knocking, if any will open unto him.
    Revel. 3. 20. Amos 2. 13.
  • And is as a Cart pressed with mans iniquitie and sinne.
  • God is called the God of Patience: possesse then your soules in Patience: be pa­tient towards all men, bearing with weake men.
    Luk. 21. 19. Rom. 15. [...]. Chap. 2. 4. 1 Thes. 5. 14.
  • Reade Prov. 16. 32. Luk. 21. 19. Isai. 48. 9. Ier. 51. 6. Mal. 7. 18, 19. 1 Ioh. 1. 9. Rom. 2. 4, 5. Syr. 2. 12. Eccl. 7. 8. Prov. 23. 17, 18. Iam. 5. 11. Isai. 26. 20. Gal. 6. 2.
    1 Pet. 2. 19.


IS the contemning and neglect of doing of just and lawfull Commandements gi­ven by God and man: and is called by Samuel the sinne of witchcraft, &c.1 Sam. 15. 23.

  • Adam took the forbidden fruit: Achan the thing accursed.
    Gen. [...]. Iosh. 7. 1 Ki. 22. 2 Sa. 16. Iudg. 20.
  • Abah made warres: Adonijah and Absalom aspired.
  • Balaam went to Balak: The Benjamites the malefactours detained.
  • Esau took the daughters of Canaan: Eli's sons the flesh offered.
    Gen. 16. 1 Sa. 2. Exod. 22. Jon. 1. 11. 1 King. 13. Gen. 4.
  • Israelites idols worshipped: Ionah towards Tarshish fled.
  • I [...]rohoam sacrificed: Cain slew Abel being forewarned.
  • Lepers published Christ being cleansed, contrary to his direction.
    Mark 1. Gen. 19. 1 Ki. 20. Exo. 4. Numb. 20.
  • Lots wi [...]e looked back: Lots sons in law refused his admonition.
  • The man refused to strike the Prophet: Moses omitted circumcision.
  • Moses and Aaron sanctified not the Lord by their unbeleeving.
  • Nadah, Ab [...]hu, Saul, Ʋzziah, and many others sinned.
  • Nebuchad [...]ezzar continued in his sinne, contrary to that he was willed.
    Dan. 4. Exod. 4. & 5. 1 King. 13. Esth. 1.
  • Pharaoh detained the Israelites: the prophet seduced returned.
  • Queen Vas [...]hi refused to come to the king: she was therefore divorced.
  • Reh [...]boam hearkned not to the counsell of old men: Samson heard a woman.
    1 Kin. 12. Judg. 16. 1 S [...]m [...]. 15. 1 King. 11. Jer. 38.
  • Saul spared Agag: Solomon took outlandish women.
  • Zedekiah rebelled contrary to the Covenant made by him.
  • The wrath of the Lord shall fall upon the children of disobedience
    Col. 3. 6. Ier. 1 [...]. 3.
  • Cursed is he that is not obedient to Gods Covenant: and many are the curses pronounced by God against disobedient persons.
    Deut. [...]8. Deut. 17. 1 [...]. Deut. 21. 18.
  • The man that obeyeth not the Priest and the Judge shall dye.
  • The son that disobeyeth his father shall be stoned to death.


To obey is better then sacrifice: and to hearken, then the fat of rammes. 1 Sam. 15. 22. 1 Pet. 4. 17.


OBedience is two-fold: the one Voluntarie, the other Constrained.

Voluntarie: When the Creature doth Gods Command without compul­sion. This Adam did before his fall, and all holy Ones doe that are justified and sanctified (in part in this life) by the Grace of God assisting them.

Constrained: When the Creature is made to obey, will he, nill he, like to Sa­tans obedience after that Christ had rebuked him: as also rebels obedience, whoMatth. 4. being attached, and arraigned for their treasons, are made to obey in their suffe­rings.

Obedience to man is the keeping of the lawfull Commands of our Superi­oursCol. 3. 23. 1 Pet. 2. [...]3. and Rulers, and this is to be done in the Lord.

Obediently, as God commanded,
  • Abraham offered his sonne: Aaron did the things belonging to him.
    Gen. 2 [...]. L [...]vit. 8. 3 [...]. Exod. 37. 1. G [...]n. 6. Num. 14. 1 Ki. 2. Ez [...]k. 3. [...]. 1 King. [...]5. Exo. 39 2. 2 Ki. 10. Jon. 3. Judg. 7. Gen. 28. & 31. Iosh. 7. & 8. Exod. 40. 16. A [...]. 9. [...]ha. 10. Ch. 9. 1 Ki. 5. 1 Sam. 10. M [...]tth. 2. A [...]. 9. 29.
  • Bezal [...]el made the Arke of God: Noah his Arke with all things therein▪
  • Caleb behaved himselfe among the people: Elijah and Elisha.
  • Ezekiel: And David in every thing (save only in the matter of Ʋriah.)
  • Israelites did in many things: Iehu did in destroying Ah [...]bs posteritie.
  • Ionah went to Nineveh: Gideon sent away the most part of his army.
  • Isaac went to Bethel: [...] Iacob returned from Laban.
  • Ioshua circumcised the people, and found out Achan.
  • Moses did in all things among the people: Paul as Christ will [...]d.
  • Peter went unto Cornelius: Ananias unto St Paul blinded.
  • Salomo [...] builded the Temple: Samuel anointed king Saul.
  • The wise men returned another way: not to King Herod at all.


  • Abrahams Abraham.
    Gen. 24.
  • Servant
  • Ahab Elijah.
    1 Kin. 18.
  • Barak Deborah.
    Iudg. 4.
  • Bathsheba Nathan.
    1 King. 1.
  • Cushai Ioab
    2 Sam. 18.
  • Captains Iehoiada.
    1 King. 11.
  • David his father
    1 Sam. 17.
  • Disciples Christ.
    Matth. 4.
  • Hushdi David.
    2 Sam. 15.
  • Hezekiah Isaiah.
    2 Ki. 20.
  • Isaac Abraham.
    Gen. 22.
  • Iacob Isaac.
    Gen. [...]8.
  • Ioseph Iacob.
    Gen. 37.
  • Ioseph Augustus.
    Luk. 2. 5.
  • Israelits Moses.
    Exod. 13.
  • Judges Moses.
    Num. 25.
  • Ioshua Moses.
    Iosh. 8.
  • Iesse Saul.
    1 Sam. 16.
  • Ioash Elisha.
    2 King. 13.
  • Ioseph th' Angel
    Matth. 1.
  • Iohn Christ.
    Matth. 3.
  • Jewes Ezra.
    Ezra 10.
  • Kenites Saul.
    1 Sam. 15.
And Obeyed
  • Levites Moses.
    Exod. 32.
  • Moses Iethr [...].
    Exod. 18.
  • Sicke men Christ.
    Matth. 9.
  • Blind men Christ.
    Iob. 9.
  • Naaman Elisha.
    2 King. 5.
  • Obadiah Elijah.
    1 King. [...]8.
  • Patriarchs Iacob.
    Gen. 42.
  • People Elijah.
    1 King. 18.
  • Philippian [...] The Lord.
    Phil. 2. 12.
  • Rebekah Isaac.
    Gen. 26. 9.
  • Ruth Naomi.
    Ruth 2.
  • Rechabits Their Father.
    Ier. 35.
  • The Spies Moses.
    Numb. 13.
  • Sarah Abraham.
    Gen. 20.
  • Samaria Iehu.
    2 Kin. 10.
  • Shepherds Angels.
    Luk. 2.
  • Souldiers The Centu­rion and
    Matth. 8.
  • Souldiers Captain.
    Act. 23.
  • Tamar Her Father.
    2 Sam. 13.
  • Tatnai The Captain.
    Ezra 6.
  • One widow Elijah.
    1 King. 5.
  • Another Elisha.
    2 King. 4.
  • Christ His Father.
    Phil. 2.
  • Rom. 5. 19.
  • Who albeit he were the Son of God, obeyed God in all his suffe­rings,
    Heb. 5. 8. Phil. 2. 8. 1 Pet. 2. 13.
    humbling himselfe so as he became obedient unto the death of the Crosse.
  • Obedient Persons
  • Shall eat the good things of the land, they shall end their dayes in
    Isai. 1. 19. Deut. 11. 27. Iob 36. 11, 12.
    prosperitie, and yeeres in pleasure: but they that obey not, shall passe by the sword, and perish without knowledge. The mouth of God hath spoken it.
  • Reade Rom. 5. 19. Exod. 20. 12. Deut. [...]. 16. Heb. 5. 8. Act. 4▪ 19. Chap. 5. 29▪ 32. Luk. 2. 5. Ephes. 5. 22. Col. 3. 18, 20. Chap. 4. 1. Prov. 4. 1. Rom. 13. 1.

Ingratitude and Unthankfulnesse.

INgratitude is a forgetfulnesse of good received, either from God, or Man; which towards God was first found in Adam and Eve, who being created after Gods own likenesse, shewed themselves ingratefull for the same by eating the forbidden fruit: and so the Example of▪ Adam and Eve are imitated of us, who forget Gods exceeding Love, who spared not his only begotten Son, but gave him even to the shamefull death for our Salvation.

Ingratitude of man to man is forgetfulnesse of good turnes received: Such is Childrens towards Parents, Scholars towards their Teachers, &c. This sinne was counted so horrible a thing among the Persians for benefits received, as that such persons as were found to be ingratefull, were not counted worthy to live.

Ingratefully Rewarded
Adam and Eve
God, Who for all the benefits bestowed upon them, not­withstanding
Gen. 3.
kept not one Commandement given.
God, Who having of his enemies victory, fell to idolatry.
2 King. 25. 1 King. 16. 2 Chron: 32. 1 King. 14. 2 Chron. 35. Nū. 11. Ps. 78. Ezek. 16. 8. Isai. 1. 3. Gen. 4. Gen. 19. Gen. 9. 2 Sā. 15 Citizens. Ecc. 9. [...]. 2 Sam. 14. 1 King. 22. 1 King. 1. 2 Cor. 12. 15. 2 Sam. 11. 2 Sam. 16. Gen. 31. 38. & 46. 2 King. 6. 2 Chron. 24. Exod. 5. 21. Chap. 6. 1. Chap. 7. Ch. 16.
God, Who being exalted, followed the wayes of Ieroboam.
God, Who rendred not according to that bestowed on him.
God, Who being made Prince, did evil above all before him.
God, Who freed of plagues, made warre without him.
The Israelites
God, Who for all the favours shewed them daily sinned against him, so that he complained, that the Oxe and Asse knew their owners, they not him.
God, Who being heire of the whole world was not pleased.
God, Who committed incest, being from Sodome delivered.
God, Who was drunken, being in the Ark preserved.
  • David, who being pardoned of murther rebelled against him.
  • Ioab▪ who reconciling him to his father, burnt his corne.
Michaiah, who doing Gods message to him, imprisoned him.
David, who protecting him, committed treason against him.
Paul, who the more he loved, the lesse was he loved again.
  • Ʋriah, who being faithfull to him, caused him to be slain.
  • Ionathan, by giving Mephibosheths land to Ziba from him.
Isaac: And Ioseph Iacob, staying twentie yeeres from him.
Elisha, who being friendly to him; yet he sought to slay him.
Iehoiada, who setling him in his kingdome, slew his son.
The Israelits
Moses and Aaron who Conducting them, and often by their prayers turning Gods wrath from them, yet they continually murmured at them.
The Jewes
  • Christ, who coming to redeeme them, crucified him.
    Act. 7. [...]2.
  • Prophets and Apostles, by persecuting and murthering them.
    2 Sam. [...]0. Gen 30. Gen. [...]9.
King Hanan
David, who sending some to comfort him, abused them.
Iacob, who truly serving, had his wages changed often.
Lots sonnes
Lot, who admonished them, laughed him to scorne▪
The Lords of Keilah
David, Who having delivered them out of the hands of the Philistine, would have delivered him into the
1 Sam. 23. 5, 11.
hands of Saul, pursuing him.
Nine lepers
Christ, who being cleansed, returned not to him.
Luke 17. Luke 14. Acts Psal. 38. 20. Iob 19. 19. 1 Sam. 25. Gen. 41. 9. Exod. 1. 8. Act. 7. 18. Matth 18. Gal. 6. 6. 1 Sam. 17. Syr. 29. 17.
Those men
  • The King, who having invited them, refused to come.
  • Paul, who preaching to them, sought to slay him.
    2 King. 6.
  • David, who doing good to them, returned evil to him.
  • Iob, who loving them, turned themselves against him.
David, who having defended his, would not relieve him.
Phara. Butler
Ioseph, who interpreting his dreame, forgot him.
Pharaoh and Egyptians
Ioseph And his posteritie, by oppressing them, who were by him in his life blessed, by his being.
That Per­son
  • His Master who forgiving a great summe: forgave not a little one.
  • His Teacher who teaching him in the word, would not give him.
David, going about to slay him; being faithfull unto him.

The Person that rewardeth evill for good, evill shall not depart from his house.Prov. 17. 13.

The hope of the unthankfull shall melt as the winter ice, and shall slow away asWisd. 16. 29. unprofitable waters (saith the wise man.)


Recompence no man evill for evill, or rebuke for rebuke, but blesse: Despise notRom. 12. 17. 1 P [...]. [...]. 9. Rom. 2. 5. 2 Tim. 3. 2. the riches of Gods Goodnesse and Patience, and take heed of Unthankfulnesse, which is one of St. Pauls mentioned capitall sinnes.

Gratitude and Thankfulnesse.


Is a gratefull acknowledgement of a kindnesse recieved by remembring of it, by publishing it, and by recompencing it; Now a kindnesse done is the object of Thanks-giving, yet unlesse the kindnsse done be accepted, and withall acknowledged to be a kindnesse, the heart of him to whom kind­nesse is done will not be affected to give him that did it thanks for it. So2 Sam. 25. David did kindnesse to Nabal. yet he acknowledged it to be no kind­nesse.

Thankfulnesse is to be given to God, and that for that (as St Iames saith) Every good gift is from him: Good things are from God, therefore he is toIam. 1. 17. be praised: Every good thing cometh from him, therefore all praise is due to him.

  • There are 3. sorts of Thanks, Verball, When we thank God with our lips.
  • There are 3. sorts of Thanks, Mentall, When we thank him with our hearts.
  • There are 3. sorts of Thanks, Reall, When our lights shine with good works.
    Matth. 5. 16.
  • Abel Rendred Thanks to God, In offering his first-lings: Abraham his sonne.
    Anna. Luk. 2. 38. Elders, Act. 11. 18., 20 David, Psal. 116. 13. Deborah, Judg. 5. [...]. Noah, Gen: 8. 20. Faithfull, Isai. 12. 1. Israelites, Exod. 4. 31. Mariners, Jonah 1. 16. Moses. Exod. 15. L [...]ah, Gen. 29. 35. Possessed, Mark 5. 20. Shepherds Luk. 2. 20, [...]8
    Gen. 4. Ch. 12. Gen. 17. 2. Chro. 15. Num. 31. Act. 3. 1 Chron. 1 [...]. Dan. 2. Chap. 6. [...]6. Iudg. 5.
  • Abrah▪ servant Rendred Thanks to God, By blessing his Name: King Asa by serving him.
  • Captains Rendred Thanks to God, By their offerings: The Creeple by his leaping.
  • David Rendred Thanks to God, By preparing things for his house: Daniel by praying.
  • Dariu [...] Rendred Thanks to God, By his Proclamation: Deborah by singing.
  • Ezra Rendred Thanks to God, By thanksgiving: The Eunuch by rejoycing.
    Ezr. 7. 27. Act. 8. Judg. 7. Act. 13.
  • Gideon Rendred Thanks to God, By worshipping: The Gentiles by glorifying.
  • Hannah Rendred Thanks to God, By dedicating her sonne: Isaac by an Altars building.
    1 Sam. 1 Gē. 26. Gen. 32. 10. Jon. 2. Exod. 15. 2 Chron. 20.
  • Iacob Rendred Thanks to God, By confessing his unworthinesse: Ionah by vowing.
  • Iehoshaphat Rendred Thanks to God, By Shouting: The Israelites by singing.
  • King Hiram Rendred Thanks to God, By rejoycing: The multitude by glorifying.
    1 Ki. 5. Mat. 9. Luk. 1. Gen. 8. Dan. 4. Act. 9. 1 Ki. 1. Luk. 2. Dan. 3. Luk. 13. Matth. 11. 25. Matth. 19. Iob. 9. Mat. 20. Luk. 8. 39. Matth. 14. Luk. 8. Luk. 17. Matth. 18. Esth. 6. 3. Gen. 23. 1 Sam. 25. Gen. 14. 2 Ki. 5. 2 Tim. 1. Sh [...]. Sh [...], 2 Ki. 4. Gen. 41.
  • Mary Rendred Thanks to God, By magnifying: Noah by his offering.
  • Nebuchadnez. Rendred Thanks to God, By praising him: Paul by Christ preaching.
  • Salomon Rendred Thanks to God, By blessing him: The Shepherds by lauding.
  • Shadrach Rendred Thanks to God, By a song singing: The woman by Thanksgiving.
  • Christ Rendred Thanks to God, By Thanksgiving for revealing things hidden.
  • Apostles Rendred Thanks to Christ, By forsaking all that they had to follow him.
  • Blinde men Rendred Thanks to Christ, By praising: others by following of him.
  • Possessed men Rendred Thanks to Christ, By publishing what he had done for them.
  • Ship-men Rendred Thanks to Christ, By worshipping: seeing Peter saved from drowning.
  • Magdalene Rendred Thanks to Christ, By ministring of her substance unto him.
  • One leper Rendred Thanks to Christ, By returning to him, and by praising him.
  • Zacheus Rendred Thanks to Christ, By entertaining him: Ioseph by burying him.
  • Ahasuerus Rendred Thanks to Mordecai, by advancing him, discovering of treason.
  • Abraham Rendred Thanks to The Hittites, by giving his mony for the field had of them.
  • David Rendred Thanks to Abigail, by making her his wife, for her kindnesse to him.
  • Sodome king Rendred Thanks to Abraham, by offering all their goods to him that were taken.
  • Naaman Rendred Thanks to Elisha, by profering rewards refused by him.
  • Onesiphorus Rendred Thanks to Paul, by ministring unto him; and Paul by praying for him.
  • Pharaoh Rendred Thanks to Ioseph, by advancing him as the next unto him.
  • Gaoler Rendred Thanks to Paul and Barnabas, by washing their stripes, as also by his most courteous entertaining of them.
    Act. 19. Act. 16.
  • Lydia Rendred Thanks to Paul, by her courtesie shewed to him.
  • Above all things give thankes to him that made thee, and replenished thee:
    Phil. 4. 6. 1 Tim. 4. 4. Col. 3. 17. Col. 2. 7.
    He that is thankfull tothem that have well deserved, offereth fine floure.
  • Whatsoever ye do in word or deed, doe all in the Name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks, abounding in him with thanksgiving.
  • Reade Good with good rewarded, page 100. and 101. and Phil. 4. 6. 1 Thes. 5. 18. 2 Thes. 1. 3. 1 Tim. 4. 4. 1 Pet. 1. 3. Psal. 103. 2. Deut. 8. 10. Gen. 8. 20. 1 Sam. 14. 45. 1 Chron. 29. 2. 2 Chron. 20. 18. Gen. 14. 21. Chap. 16. 13. Act. 10. 46. 2 Cor. 9. 15. Matth. 8. 15.

Of sinfull Anger and Godly.

ANger is both sinfull and Godly:

Sinfull anger is an inordinate desire to be revenged of him whom we sup­pose to have wronged us for any cause whatsoever: And is a secret pride concei­ved in the minde, which hindereth one from doing good to the person with whom he is offended: And is also when it is conceived without sufficient cause, or ex­ceedethMatth. 2. 21. Ephes. 4. 26. Prov. 10. 11. 1 Sam. 18. 7. 2 Sam. 16. 5. Luke 9. 49. either in the time, or in the measure, whereupon the Holy Ghost admo­nisheth that the Sunne should not goe down upon our wrath. And lastly, it is when it makes us to forget our dutie towards God and man, and so to fall to brawling. Of this sin there are many branches, to wit, malice, fury, impatiencie, malediction, blasphemie, reproch, revenge, contention, threatnings, cruelties, and often-times mu [...]thers.

Godly anger i [...] that when a man is angry not upon his own private cause andExod. 16. 20. Chap. 32. 19. Num. 16. 15. 1 Ki. 19. 14. Nehem. 5. 6. Ier. 6. 11. quarrell, but upon his own sinnes, and upon whatsoever hindereth the glory of God: And this anger hath three markes whereby it is known. 1. A right begin­ning, or motiv [...]. 2. A right Object. 3. A right manner of being angrie, &c.

1. It must be [...] just and weightie cause that must move us, namely upon an of­fence to God: Such was the Anger of Elijah, and others.

2. It must become a man, and that upon counsell and deliberation.1 Sam. 20. 32. Prov. 20. 18. Iam. 1. 19.

3. It must be kindled by God, and holy affections, as namely to desire to main­taine the honour and praise of God by love of vertue, and hatred of vice.

A Description of a sinfull angry man.

An Angry Person
  • Stitreth up strife, and dealeth foolishly; His wrath resteth in his bosome,
    S [...]r. 28. 10. Pro. 14. 17. 29. Ch. 29. 22 Eccl. 7. 9. Pro. [...]7. 4. Ch. 14. 29. Prov. 21. 5. Prov. 22. 22. C [...]ap. 15. 18.
    he aboundeth in iniquitie.
  • He is outragious, and exalteth follie.
  • His motions are alwayes to sti [...]re up contentions.
  • His face is inflamed, and his hands are fighting.
  • His teeth are as speares and arrowes piercing.
  • His words are like unto Hammers striking.
  • His bodie, when he is moved, trembleth.
  • His heart within him as fire burneth, and
  • His throat as a Sepulchre gapeth.

And thus the image of God being a Microcosmus for beautie, a little world for excellencie, is made a confused image, and ugly: So that there is not found among all creatures living such a monster so deformed as an angrie person.Prov. 17. 12.

  • Ahaziah was angry with Elijah: Ahab with Micaiah for speaking truth to him.
    2 Ki. 1. 1 Ki. 20. 2 Chron. 16. 2 Sam. 14. Num [...]. 21. Num [...]. 24. 1 Sam. 17. Luke 15. Esth. 3. 2 King. 6. Gen. 4. 2 King. 5. Dan. 2. 12. & 3. 1 [...], 19. Exod. 10. Gen. 30. 1 Sam. 18. 2 Chron. 26. 1 King. 22.
  • Asa was angry with Hanani, and that because he reproved him.
  • Absalom was angry with Ioab, because he came not, when he sent for him.
  • Balaam was angry with His Asse, because he lay downe in travelling under him.
  • Balak was angry with Balaam, because he had not cursed the Israelites for him.
  • Eliah was angry with David, because he came to fight against the Philistine.
  • Elder brother was angry with His Father, because the Prodigall was entertained by him.
  • Haman was angry with Mordecai, because he would not, [...]s others did, honour him.
  • Iehoram was angry with The Lord, because he had sent a famine on the land.
  • Cain was angry with Abel, because the Lord respected his offering.
  • Naaman was angry with Elisha, because he had not come down to him.
  • Nebuchadnez. was angry with Shadrach, because he would not worship the golden image.
  • Pharaoh was angry with Moses, because he told him the Lords Message.
  • Potiphar was angry with Ioseph, for the false report of his wife against him.
  • Saul was angry with David, for the praise that the women gave him.
  • Ʋzziah was angry with The Priests, for that they did withstand him sacrificing.
  • Zedekiah was angry with Micaiah, for doing the Lords Message unto the king.
Godly men subject to Anger.
Jewes. Act. 7. 54.
  • David was angry with Nabal The Lord For not sending some reliefe unto him.
    1 Sam. 25. 2 Sam. 6. 1 King. 19. Gen. 31. Gen. 48.
  • David was angry with Nabal The Lord Because that Ʋzzah was suddenly smitten by him.
    Psal. 31. 22.
  • Elijah was angry with God, because Iezebel sought to take his life from him.
  • Iacob was angry with Laban, Insomuch as that he chode with him.
  • Ioseph was angry with Iacob, For putting his right hand on Ephraim.
  • [Page 154]Ieremiah was angry with The Lord, Because of the manifold afflictions laid on him.
    Ier. 20. Iob 16. 21. Ionah 4. Iosh. 7. Numb. 11. Gen. 30. Gen. 16.
  • Iob was angry with The Lord, Insomuch as he desired to plead with him.
    Job 6. 26. & 10. 1. & 34. 37.
  • Ionah was angry with The Lord, Because the Ninevites were spared by him.
  • Ioshua was angry with The Lord, So as that he rent his clothes before him.
  • Moses was angry with The Lord, Insomuch as that he desired God to kill him.
    Psal. 88. 15. Gen. 27. 46.
  • Rachel was angry with Iacob, because that she had not children by him.
  • Sarah was angry with Hagar, so as she cast her out from the house of Abraham.
  • The Patriarks were angry with Ioseph for his dreame, so that they hated him.
    Gen. 37.
    1 Sam. 29. 4.
  • Iames and Iohn were angry with The Sama­ritans, So as they would have had fire to con­sume them.
    Luk. 9. 55.
  • Ʋse. Barnabas and Paul were angry with One the other, so as they departed one from the other.
    Act. 15.
    Ps [...]. 8. Prov. 22. 24.
  • Reade Prov. 29. 20. Prov. 25. 8. Prov. 15. 1. Psal. 37. 8. Iam. 1. 19, 20. Prov. 17. 14.


Make no friendship with an angry man: goe not with the furious, lest thou getProv. 22. 24. Chap. 22. 25. Rom. 12. 19. Lev. 19. 17. Eccl. 2. 15. & 10. 6. Iam. 1. 26. his wayes.

Avenge not your selves, saith the Apostle, but rather give place unto wrath: for vengeance is the Lords, and he will repay it.

Woe be to that man that hath lost Patience, being furious.

The man that refraineth not his tongue, his devotion is vain, saith the Apostle.

Reade Prov. 12. 16. Prov. [...]9. 19. Chap. 14. 17, [...]9. Iob 5. 2. Prov. 15. 18. Ephes. 4. 31. Prov. 30. [...]5. Syr. 20. 18. Chap. 28. 10, 11.

Of Godly Anger.

The Remedie against Anger.

1. Consider that injuries happen unto us by Gods appointment for our good.

2. That God forgiveth us more sinnes, then we can possibly forgive men, and if we forgive not, we shall not be forgiven.

3. Consider that bruit beasts do live peaceably with those that are of the same kinde: Elephants company with Elephants: Kine and Sheep feed together, and Birds of a Feather fly together, Cranes on the day fly together, and at night one playeth the Centinell, watching over the other.

4. Nature hath given weapons to all living Creatures to fight, hoofes to Horses, hornes to Buls, tuskes to Boares, stings to Bees, clawes and beakes to Birds, but man is created to peace, being created unarmed and naked, that he might not have to hurt withall, therefore it is unnaturall by seeking weapons to revenge which are without thee, being by nature denyed unto thee.

5. Remember that a soft answere putteth away wrath.Prov. 15. 1.

Reade Prov. 19. 19. Chap. 22. 24. Chap. 12. 13. Iob 5. 2. Prov. 14. 17. Chap. 15. 18. Chap. 15. 8. Chap. 27. 4. Chap. 2 [...]. 20. Iob 3. 1. Matth. 5. 22. Prov. 16. 3. Ephes. 4. 31. 1 Thes. 5. 18. Ecclus. 4. 5. Chap. 1. 27. Chap. 20. 18. Chap. 28. 10. Psal. 37. 8.

was angry (and sinned not) with
  • Ahasuerus Haman for procuting the decree against the Jewes.
    Esth. 3. & 7.
  • Christ The Pharisees for watching him, if he healed on the Sab­bath dayes.
    Mark 3. 4. 2 Sam. 12. Dan. 6. Job [...]2. 2 1 Ki. 19. Elihu. 2 King. 13. Gen. 30. Gen. 34. Gen. Iob 2. 31. 36 Jer. 6. 10 Phara­oh. Exod. 11. 8. Lev. 1 [...]. Numb▪ 16. Nū. 31. Luk. 14. 21. Exod. 16. 20. The Master. Exod. 32. 19. Neh. 5. 1. Numb. 25. 2 Chron. 26.
  • David The man for taking the poore mans sheep from him.
  • Darius Himself, for sealing the decree against Daniel.
  • Elijah Israel, for that they had broken down Gods Altars.
  • Elisha Iehoahaz, for not striking the ground five or six times.
  • Iacob Rachel, For asking of children of him so unadvisedly.
  • Iacob Simeon, For slaying the men of Shechem so cruelly.
  • I [...]b His wife, for willing him to curse God and dye.
  • Ieremiah The people, for tha [...] Gods word was as a reproch unto them.
  • Moses Aaron, for that the people had not eaten the sin-offering.
  • Moses Corah, for his and his companies rebellion.
  • Moses The Captains, for sparing of the Midianitish women.
  • Moses The people of Israel For reserving of Manna untill the morning▪
  • Moses The people of Israel For making the molten calf, & worshipping.
  • Nehemiah The Jewes, for the cry of the poore made against them.
  • Ph [...]nehas The man for committing with the Midianitish woman, &c.
  • The Priests Ʋzziah, for going about to burn incense before him.

Be angry then, and sinne not, Ephes. 4. 2 [...].Prov. 14. 2 [...]. Prov. 27. 6. Prov. 18. 14. Prov. 19. 11.

Faithfull are the wounds of a lover: but an enemies kisses are cruell.

The spirit of a man will sustaine his infirmitie, but a wounded spirit who can beare?

The discretion of a man deferreth his anger, and it is his glory to passe over a transgression.


MUrmuring is between secret backbiting, and open railing, a smothered ma­lice, which can neither be utterly concealed, nor dare be openly vented, and is a repining, whereby we doe complaine of the providence of God, either that he doth too much oppresse, or else that he dealeth more mildly with others then with us, and this proceedeth from infidelitie, and is perceived to be in man, when he is more grieved for the want of such and such like things, then thankfull for that the Lord hath given him; and freed him from such and such like troubles that others are fallen into: or else when God hath given him sufficient to live upon, wherewith he is not content, though others want the same.

  • Elder brother murmured against His Father, because the Prodigall was entertained.
    Luk. 15. Act. 6. Matth. 2. 3. Fs [...]h. 5. Mark 14. Num. 11. Ch. 6. 4▪ 9. Matt. 20. Luk. 5. Wisd. 1. 11. Phil. 2. 14.
    Aaron Mitiam. Joh. 6 41, 61. Disciples.
  • Gretians murmured against The Jewes, because their widowes were neglected.
  • Herod murmured against Christ being borne, with all Jerusalem with him.
  • Haman murmured against Mordecai, seeing him advanced by Ahasuerus the king.
  • Iudas murmured against At the Oyle bes [...]owed on Christ by Mary Magdalene.
  • Israelites murmured against The Lord often-times, for which they were plagued by him.
  • Hi [...]elings murmured against The master of the vineyard, for giving alike to all of them.
    Elias Jonah Ier. Iob.
  • Pharisees murmured against Christ, for eating with sinners, & doing miracles among thē.

The Remedie of Murmuring.

1. Consider the generall providence of God in creating all things, and in pre­serving all things: for if we beleeve the Lord made all things of nothing, shall we not beleeve he will preserve them? Doe we beleeve that God made all men, and shall we stand in feare of men?

2. To beleeve that God preserveth all as well as he created them, yea the small Sparrow doth not fall upon the earth without his providence, yea, and his care is greater over the beasts of the field, much more will he provide for man, for whom all things are made.

3. Consider the Lord hath made nothing in vaine, he hath made all things for his glory, he hath made our bodies, he will then provide for them, seeing the Creation of them is more wonderfull then the preservation. The Lord hath care of the wicked, more of the Godly.Psal. 29.

4. Adde unto the former a patient minde, by which we must be content with whatsoever God sendeth, acknowledging Godlinesse to be great riches, and so to commit every thing to Gods protection, waiting on him; The which that we may doe the Lord grant. Amen.

Doe all things without murmuring, (saith the Apostle.)Phil. [...]. 14. Wisd. 1. 11.

For murmuring is unprofitable, (saith the Wise man.)

Infidelitie and Incredulitie.

INfidelitie is the sinne wherein every man is conceived, and the seed thereof remaineth still in the children of God, whereby men do not beleeve often-times that which the Lord promiseth to bring to passe; as also causeth men to feare authoritie of the Creature, more then the glorious Majestie of the eternall God: which proceedeth from this, that men consider not of God as he extendeth his providence over all things, and as he is a mightie Judge, taking revenge upon all sinne and wickednesse. This sinne taketh hold of a man chiefly in time of some danger, afflictions, temptations, sicknesses, and often at the time of death. In a word, this sinne is the cause of all sinne, in that it maketh the wicked not to beleeve, but in part; and see but in a glasse, in that although they consent gene­rally to the truth, yet when they come to particulars, they reason thus with them­selves: How can that [...]e? By what meanes possible should this be? by reason whereof the Lord suffereth them to miscarry, and punisheth them in their own affections.

The fruits of Infidelitie are impatiencie, such was in Ieremiah; tempting ofIer. 20. 4. Matth 4. 7. 1 Cor. 10. 9. Gen. [...]. Psal. 116. 11. 1 Thes. 4. 13. &c. God, whereof Christ speaketh: Desperation, such was in Cain, and doubtfulnesse of the Truth, such was in David, saying, I was sore troubled: I said in my haste all men are [...]yars: Such also was in the Thessalonians, who dou [...]ted of the Resur­rection.

Through Infidelitie

Adam and Eve distrusted Gods Word spoken unto them.Gen. 3. Gen. 12. Ch. 26. Ch. 15. 2. 1 Kin. 22. Mark 8. 16. Act. 27. Joh. 7. 4. Lu. 24. 38.

Abraham and Isaac doubted to make their wives knowne.

Ahab presumed to goe to battell against Ramoth Gilead.

The Apostles reasoned among themselves what to doe for want of bread.Luk. 24. 19.

The Centurion woudl hardly give credit unto St Pauls word.

Christs brethren were not perswaded that Christ came from God.

David Said that he should die by the hand of Saul, asked the second time, if he should save Ke [...]lah, and smite the Philistine, doubted of Gods1 Sam. 27. 2 Sam. 23. Psal. 31. 22. Psal. 77. 8, 10. Luk. 24. 38. Matth. 17. 20. Iudg. 6. 2 King 22. Jer. 40. 14. Gen. 45. Exod. 6. 3. Psal. 78. 19. Numb. 13. 32. Exod. 17. 7. [...]zt. 17. 11. Ro. 11. 20. Joh. 12. 37. & 9. 1 [...]. Isai. 53. 1. Rom. 11. 20. Psal. 78. 19. Gen. 48. 17. mercie towards him, and therefore demanded of the Lord, if he had shut up his loving kindnesse in displeasure against him, saying, with the same breath▪ This is my death, as despairing.

The Disciples made question, if that Christ were from death risen: as alsoLuk. 24. 39. whether he could heale the Lunatique one?

Gideon and Hezekiah desired signes to confirme them.

Gedaliah hearkened not to the good counsell of Iohanan.

Iacobs heart failed him, hearing that Ioseph was living.

The Israelites Hearkned not to Moses, being sent to deliver them.

The Israelites In the wildernesse doubted God could not preserve them.

The Israelites Also some of them brought a slander on the land of Canaan.

Jewes regarded not the words of the man born blinde restored to sight again, or of other miracles by Christ done: For which they are broken off for a time.

Ioseph was displeased with Iacob his Father for blessing his younger sonne,Job 9. 16. Ephraim, before Manasseh the elder.

Ioshua doubted whether God would bring Israel over Jorden.Iosh. 7. 7. 2 King. 5. Chap. 7. 12. Jer. 20. Job 30. Gen. 4. Gen. 19. Chap. 19. 19. Numb. 20. Chap. 11. 13.

Iehoram made question that Elisha could not cleanse the leprosie of Naaman: as also doubted that the Syrians were not fled, as it was reported unto him.

Ieremiah and Iob complained against God afflicting them.

Kain thought not that sin lay at the doore, as God told him.

Lots daughters said, there was no man to come in to them.

Lots sons derided Lots admonition to depart out of Sodome▪

Moses and Aaron Sanctified not the Lord at the waters of Meribah, as the Lord com­manded; As also Moses doubted that God could not feed the Is­raelites with flesh, as he had said.

Martha said to Christ, Lord, he stinketh, he hath been foure dayes dead (mea­ningIoh. 11. 39. Lazarus) whom Christ raised.

Mary questioned how it could be with her as the Angel said.Luk. 1. 34. Act. 12. Dan. 4. Matth. 13. 58.

The men that heard Petor knock, said it was the Angel of him.

Nebuchadnezzar hearkned not to the counsell by Daniel given.

The Nazarites held not Christ to be the M [...]ssias that was to come, and therefore Christ did not many miracles among them.

Nicodemu [...] reasoned with Christ, how a man could be born again.Iohn 3. 2 King. 5. Gen. 6. Gen. 37. Exod. 5. 2 King. 7. Mat. 27. Cha. 14. Gen. 18. Matth. 19 24. 2 King. 4. 16. 1 Sam. 15. 1 Sam. 16. Chap. 17. 33. 1 Sam. 16. 1 Thes. 4. 13. Joh. 20. Luke 1.

Naaman made question, how he could be cleansed by washing.

Old words repented not by Noahs preaching so long unto them.

Patriarchs hearkned not to Ioseph telling them his dreame.

Pharaoh kept the Israelites in bondage, not thinking to deliver them.

The Prince of samaria said, Corn could not be plenty, as the Prophet said.

Peter three times denyed Christ: and of sinking doubted.

Sarah hearing she should have a childe laughed.

Saul Hearkened not to God in destroying Agag, and doubted that David could not encounter with Goliah the Philistine, till he told him that he had slain a Beare, and a Lion.

Samuel feared to anoint David, as the Lord commanded him.

Thessalonians doubted of the Resurrection: Thomas that Christ was risen.

Zacharias that Elizabeth his wife should beare him a sonne.


1. Against Infidelitie thou must have Faith and Fortitude the gift of God.Rev. 2. 10. Mark 9. 24.

2. With the man in the Gospel, pray thy unbeliefe may be holpen by God. Reade Act. 8. 13. Syr. 2. 13.

Faith and Hope.

FAith is the ground of things hoped for, and the evidence of things which areHeb. 11. 1. Ioh. 1. 12. Rom. 3. 2 [...]. 1 Cor. 3. 14. Ioh. 14. 17. Matth. 10. 20. Eph. 2. 8. Gal. 2. 3. Rom. 3. 24. Rom. 5. 1, 18, 19 Eph. 2. 8, 9. Gal. 2. 16, 21. Ga [...]. 5. 4. Chap. 3. 11. Tit. 3. 5. Jam. 2 [...]7, 22, 26. not seen, being an assured affiance in Christ, and in the Father through him, certifying the Conscience that our sinnes are forgiven, and the damnation of the Law taken away: As also that whatsoever God hath spoken in his word shall come to passe. It is the only instrument, and excellent gift of God to man, where­with he doth receive all the Divine Graces, the gifts of the Spirit, all whatsoever good, Christ, or whatsoever blessednesse he hath wrought for us, for our Salva­tion.

Object. Doth Faith only justifie?

Answ. Faith only justifieth before God: we are saved by Grace through Faith, not through works, saith the Apostle, lest any man should boast himselfe: Workes justifie before man (so saith Saint Iames) shew me thy faith by thy works, &c. for Faith without works is dead.

Faith is like a Rock, the gates of Hell shall not prevaile against it: the mysterie whereof is strange to carnall reason, dark to the work, Learning cannot reach it; Wisdome is offended at it, Nature is astonished at it, the devils do not know it, men do persecute it, few only attain it. As there is no way for life so easie, so is there none so hard: easie to whom it is given from above, hard to carnall sense not yet inspired.

Hope is a patient expectation of Gods presence, and an affiance in all thingsPsal. 37. 5, 7. Prov. 16. 3. whatsoever art for to come.

Faith and Hope how differing.

1. Faith is a spirituall Prudence: Hope is a spirituall Fortitude: Faith resteth in the Understanding: Hope resteth in the will: Yet cannot they be separated,Exod. 37. 9. the one having respect to the other, as the two Cherubims of the Mercie seat which could not be covered.

2. They differ in respect of their office, that is, of their working: Faith tels what is to be done, it teacheth, prescribeth, and directeth, and is a Knowledge.

Hope stirr [...]th up the minde, that it may be strong, bold, and couragious, and is an Expectation.

They differ as touching the Object, that is the Matter whereon they look.

Faith Hath for her Object the Truth, teaching us to cleave thereunto surely, looking upon the Word and Promise of things promised.

Hope Hath for her object, the Goodness of God, looking upon the things promi­sed in the word, that is upō such matters as Faith teacheth to be hoped for.

4. They differ in Order.

Faith is the beginning of life before all Tribulation.Heb. 11. 17. Rom. 5. 5.

Hope cometh afterwards proceeding from Tribulation.

They differ in diversitie of working.

Faith Is a Teacher and a Judge, sightinig against [...]rours and heresies, JudgingMartin Luther on Galat. spirits and doctrines.

Hope Is as it were the Generall and Captain of the field against tribulation, the Crosse, impatiencie, heavinesse of spirit, weaknesse, desperation, &c. waiting for good things in the midst of evill.

Through Faith

Abel offered unto God a better sacrifice then Cain did.Heb. 11. 4.

Abraham Obeyed God when he called him, abode as stranger in the land promised him: as also offered up his sonne Isaac, as the LordJoh. 8. 56. Heb. 11. 8. commanded him, trying him.Rom. 4. 20.

King Asa Overcame the Ethiopians, being an hoste of many thousands, saying, Lord, it is nothing with thee to help, whether with ma­ny, 2 Chron. 14. or with them that have no power.

Barak, Iephthah, and Samson, overcame many an one.Heb. 11. 32. Mat. [...]. Ioh [...] 9. Matth. 8. Act. 14.

Blinde men received sight, being by Christ restored to them.

The Centurions servant was healed, and the Centurion commended.

The Creeple was healed: his Faith being by Paul perceived.Ps. [...]6. 1, &c.

Caleb said, Let us go up at once, to wit, against the Amalekites, Hittites, &c. for undoubtedly we shall overcome them.Numb. 13. 31. Dan. 6. 16. Heb. 11. 35.

Darius beleeved that Daniel should be delivered from the Lion.

Daniel stopped the mouth of the Lion that he could not hurt him.

David overcame Goliah the Philistine in the Name of the Lord.1 Sā. 17. Act. 13. Act. 8. Rom. 11. Act. 16. 2 Sa. 23. 5. Psal. 3. 6. & 6. 8. & 7. 10. & 11. [...]. & 23. 4. & 49. 5. 15. Gen. 5. 22. Heb. 11. 21▪ Heb. 11. 22. Heb. 11. 22. Heb. 11. 29. Job 13. & 19. 26. 1 Sam. 14. 2 Chron. 20. Matth. 8. 2. Iohn 11. 22. Luk. 7. Matth. 9. 2.

The Deputie seeing Gods judgement on Elimas, beleeved Gods word.

The Eunuch became a Christian, being by Philip converted.

The Gentiles were called: The Jewes being for a time rejected.

The Gaoler was converted by Saint Paul, with all his houshold.

Henoch walking with the Lord was translated.

Isaac blessed Iacob and Esau concerning things to come.

Iacob when he was dying blessed Manasseh and Ephraim.

Ioseph made mention of Israels departing from the Egyptian.

Israelites passed thorow the red sea as on dry land.

Iob said his Redeemer lived; and though he sl [...]w him, he would trust in him.

Ionathan said, it was not hard with God to save with few, or many.

Iehoshaphat overcame the Moabites and people of Mount Seirs army.

The Leper was cleansed by Christ, as Christ himselfe confessed.

Martha beleeved that the Lord would give Christ what he asked.

Magda [...]ene was saved, having many sinnes by Christ pardoned.Luk. 1. 45.

The man sick of the palsie, and the sonne of the Father were cured.

Through Faith

Godly men were racked, and would not be delivered, were tryed by moc­kings, by imprisonment and scourgings, were stoned, hewen asunder, and tempted, wandring up and down in beasts skinsHeb. 11. 35. in the wildernesse, as also lived in caues, dens & mountains.

Men Walk, and not by sight: saying, though the earth be moved, and the2 Cor. 5. 7. Psal. 46. 2. John 1. 12. Epl [...]s. 3 12. Ioh. 5 24. Rom. 3. 28. Heb. 11 3. Ma [...]k 16. 17. Joh. 25. 3. Act. 15. 9. 1 Pet. 4. 9. Mark 11. 23. mountains fall, yet they will not feare.

Men Are made the Children of God, receive the Promises, escape condem­nation, are justified without works, have boldnesse and entrance unto Christ: Understand that the world was made by the Word of God: They overcome the world, and the devill: their hearts are purified▪ being by the Word made cleane, and all things desired of God in the Name of Christ are given.

Mountaines are removed (saith Christ) that is sin the burden of man.

Moses was three moneths after his birth hid by his parents, and made choice to suffer adversitie with the Israelites, rather then to beHeb. 11. 23. Act. 7. 22. Heb. 11. 7. Joh. 1. 49. & 6. 69. Neh. 4. 20. called the sonne of Pharaohs daughter.

Noah prepared the Ark to save himselfe therein, and other.

Nathaneel and Peter confessed Christ to be the Son of God.

Nehemiah seeing many dangers imminent, put his trust in the Lord.

The Prophets Obtained the promises, stopped the mouthes of Lions, quen­ched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, of weak were made strong, waxed valiant in the battell, andHeb. 11. 33. Ps. 116. 10 & 118. 7. Act. 27. 25. turned to flight the army of the Aliants.

Rahab was saved, when all they in Jericho else perished.1 Pet. [...]. 15. Heb. 11. [...]1. Joh. 4. 50. Heb. 11. 11. 1 King. 17. Ioh. 4. 42.

The Ruler concerning his sonnes health, beleeved the Word of God.

Sarah being a long time barren, in her old age conceived.

The son of the woman of Zarephath was from death to life raised.

Samaritanes said that Christ was the Saviour of the world in deed.

Shadrach Said, Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us out of thy hand: Dan. 3. 17. but if he will not, yet will not we fall down, and worship the image erected by thee.

Sergius beleeved, being astonied at the word by Paul preached.Act. 13. Gal. 3. 2. Ro. 10. 17. Act 2. Matth. 15. Luk. 8. 43. Heb. 11. 35. 1 King. 17. 24.

The Spirit is received not by works of the Law, but by faith preached.

Three thousand souls were at one Sermon of Peters converted.

The womans daughter of Canaan, and the woman of the bloudy issue were healed.

Women had (saith Paul) their dead to life again raised.

Faith Is that whereby the just man liveth (saith the Prophet.)Gal. 3. 14, 26. & 5. 6. Sphes. 3. 17. Hab. 2. 4.

Faith Is that whereby we please God: nothing can without it.

Faith Is the victory by which the world is overcome.1 Iob. 5. 4. Gal. 5. 6. Idem. Iames. 1 Pet. 1. 9. Rom. 14. 2 [...].

Faith Working by love availeth in Jesus Christ alone.

Is the Christian mans life towards God inwardly.

And Charitie towards his neighbour (saith the Apostle) outwardly.

The end of Faith is the Salvation of man, what is done without faith is sinne.


1. Doth Faith only justifie before God? Then this condemnes

  • The Jewes, who think to be saved by their Moses Law without Christ
  • The Philosophets, who think to be saved by their morall vertues without Christ
  • The Turkes, who think to be saved by their Alcaron without Christ
  • The Papists, who think to be saved by their merits and Christ
  • The Heathens, who think to be saved by their idols not knowing Christ
  • The Atheists, who thinke there is no Salvation or Resurrection by Christ

Is Faith so pretious? strive then to obtain, which albeit it be implicite, yet re­member what Saint Augustine saith,

Ʋse. Si credis, caves; si caves, conaris; & conatum novit Deus, & volun­tatem inspicit, & luctum cum carne considerat, & hortatur ut pugnes, & adjuvat ut vincas, & certantem spectat, & deficientem Judg. l. 20. Psal. 27. 14. & 20. [...]. Ephes. 6. 16. sublevat, & vincentem coronat.

If thou have Faith, thou wilt attend to thy Faith, and God knoweth thy endevour,August. in Psal. 32. Isai. 42. 3. and considereth thy strivings with thy flesh, and looketh into thy will, and ex­horteth thee to the sight, and helps thee that thou maist overcome, and beholds thy striving, and proppeth thee when thou art falling, and crowneth thee over­comming.


Abraham and Isaac expected long till they had children.Act. 2. 26. & 24. 15. Psal. 16. 9. & 20. 7. 2 Cor. 1. 20. Gen. 21. Act. 1. Gal. 4. 4. Gen. 15. Iob 19. 25. Act. 7. 1 [...]. Luke 2. 25: Luk. 18.

Apostles expected the accomplishment of Christs Promise at Jerusalem.

The Elect looked a long time, till Christ came in fulnesse of time.

Israelites waited foure hundred yeeres in Egypt to be delivered.

Iob still remained, and Moses fortie yeeres with Iethro lived.

Simeon waited long till Christ was by him embraced.

Ʋse. The woman continued suing to the Judge that God nor man feared.1 Cor. 15. 19. 1 Joh. 3. 2, 3. Heb 6 18▪ 19. H [...]sd. 5. 14. & 1 [...]. 29. Psal. 3 [...]. 24. 2 Cor. 4. 18.

Experience bringeth forth Hope, Hope maketh not ashamed.Rom. 5. 5. Chap. 8. 24. Isai. 3. 23. Lam. 3. 24.

By Hope we are saved, but hope that is seen is not hope.

The hope of the hils is but vain, but in the Lord is health.

The Lord is my Portion, therefore will I hope in him.


Hope then in the Lord, be strong, and he shall comfort thy heart.Psal. 27. 14. 1 Pet. 1. 3.

Blessed be God, who hath through Christ begotten us to a lively Hope.Rom. 15. 3. Psal. 27. 14.

Reade Rom. 10. 17. Phil. 1. 29. Iam. 1. & 2. 1 Ioh. 5. Mar. 9. 23. Ps. 57. 1. Ps. 77. 1. &c.

Of Divine Dreames.
  • There are three kindes of dreames, Naturall,
  • There are three kindes of dreames, Spirituall,
  • There are three kindes of dreames, Diabolicall.
  • 1 Naturall Flow from over-ruling humours in a mans body, and by multitude of businesse, whereby it commeth to passe that men dreame according to their Constitutions.
  • Men of Sanguine Constitutions, of Love, lightnesse, pleasant things.
  • Men of Cholericke Constitutions, of Warres, strifes, brawls.
  • Men of [...]egmaticke Constitutions, of Waters, windes, stormes, &c.
  • Men of Melancholie Constitutions, of Sad matters, of death, &c.

From whence likewise it commeth to passe,

Dreames of

  • The Ambitious
  • The Angry
  • The Citizen
  • The Drunkard
  • The Epicure
  • The Hypocrite
  • The Hunter
  • The Jesuite
  • The proud man
  • The proud woman
  • Honours.
  • Spoyles.
  • Tricks and Frauds
  • Ouaffings.
  • Daintydishes and Fat Morsels.
  • Distimulation.
  • Venison.
  • Treason.
  • Fashions.
  • Paintings.
  • The jealous man
  • The Lawyer
  • The lustfull
  • The Musitian
  • The Souldier
  • The Seminary the secure man
  • The Timerous
  • The Thiefe
  • The Usurer

Dreames of

  • His wives errours.
  • Quirkes and De­murres.
  • Embracings.
  • Crochets.
  • Encounters.
  • Equivocations.
  • Delghtfulnesse.
  • Dangers.
  • Robberies.
  • His Bonds and Trunkes.

Secundum Dictum, Nascitur ex studiis praetoritis Somnium.

What man desires in the day, he dreames in the night.

2. Spirituall Have been such as have been knowne, either of the party, or of some other, who have had the true interpretation thereof, such was Iacobs, Pharaohs, &c.

3. Diabolicall Are illusions wherewith Satan vexeth those that are his, to wit, Witches, Sorcerers, &c.

Where much carefulnesse is, there are many dreames, but who so regardeth dreamsEccl. 5. 2. is like him that will take hold of a shadow, and follow after the winde.

Southsayi [...]g, witchcraft, [...]orcerie, and dreaming is but vain; whereas visions comeEcclus. 34. 2. not of God, set not thy heart upon them; for dreames deceive many a man that pu [...] thei [...] trust therein.

In a Dreame

Abimelech was told by the Lord that he was but a dead man, for taking Abrahams wi [...]e in house to him.Gen. 20. Dan. 7. Gen. 28. Iob 7. 14. Gen. 37. Gen. 31. 11.

Daniel had divers visions upon his bed shewed him.

Iacob saw a ladder on the earth whose top reached to Heaven.

Iob saw visions, yea, such as terrified him.

Ioseph Saw his Sheafe arise and stand upright, and his brothers Sheaves to do reverence unto his, as likewise the Sunne, the Moon, and the eleven starres to reverence him.

Ioseph The supposed Father of Christ, was willed by an Angell not toMatt. 1. & 2. feare to take Mary his wife unto him, as also to fly into Egyp [...] with Christ to preserve him.Iudg. 7. Gen. 31. Gen. 41. Chap. 40. Matth. 27.

An Israelite saw a barly Loafe tumbling into the Hoste of Midian.

Laban was commanded to speake good unto Iacob meeting him.

Pharaoh saw seven leane kine, and seven fat fed: And his butler saw vines, his baker a basket over his head.

Pilates wife suffered many things, because of Christ, as she confessed.

Nebuchad­nezzar Saw a great image, whose had was gold, brests and armesDan. 2. Chap. 4. silver, belly and thigh brasse, legges iron, and feet part i [...]on part clay. As also a great Tree that foreshewed unto him his ensuing miserie.

Salomon was willed by God to aske what he should give him.

The wise men were warned by God to return another way home again.

In a Dreame

And Visions of the night when sleep falleth upon men, and they sleep uponJob 7. 14. Wisd. 18. 19. their beds, the Lord then openeth even the eares of men, even by their Corrections which he had sealed, that he might cause men to turneIob 33. 15. &c. away from his enterprize: and that he might hide the pride of man, and keep back his soul from the pit, and that his life should not passe by the sword.

Of Angels and their Apparitions.

ANgels are called Spirits, and Angels: By the word Spirit their Essence andHeb. 1. 7. Nature is signified, to shew that they are incorporeall substances. By their name Angel, their office is noted out, which is as much to say a Messenger, or an Ambassadour in English.

For their Essence, they are true both subsistances and substances, yet such kind of substances as are not corporeall, but incorporeall.

For their Creation it was in time, they were not from Eternitie.

For their Apparitions it is so that they doe truly come unto us, when they are sent of God to that end, which thing we may plainly see by divers examples in the Word of God: as that they appeared unto Abraham in true bodies, but fromGen. 18. whence they doe take those bodies, and what becommeth of them, when they do lay them aside, seeing that the Scriptures do deliver no certaintie of it, we are not to enquire.

Now the Lord useth both good and evill Angels to doe his will.Heb. 11. 14. Psal. 34. 7. Psal. 11. 21. 2 King. 1 [...]. Matth. 18. 10. 2 Sam. 24. 1 Chron. [...] [...]. 6. 12. 1 King. 22. 1 Cor. 4. 4. Luke 12. 2. I [...]de 6.

Good Angels Are imployed to be as a Guard and Garrison to the Elect of Man­kinde, and that for their Comfort, Defence, and Protection at all times: And are such as behold the face of God in Heaven.

Evill Angels Are imployed for the triall and exercising of the Godly, and for the seducing and tormenting of the wicked and ungodly: And are such as are reserved in everlasting Chaines.


1. Hence we may learne to acknowledge how great the favour of God is towards us, who hath created so divine Servants for our sakes, placing them in office to rule, govern, and keep us.

2. We may learn to love God, because he is so gracious unto us that he will have the Angels to serve for our good and welfare.

3. We may learn to feare God, because he hath Angels to punish.

4. To blush to commit wickednesse, because that the Angels do behold and ob­serve our actions done here on earth by us.

To fortifie our selves in Faith in all adversitie, because the Angels are alwayes present to help us, remembring the comfortable words of Elisha to his servant,2 King. 6. 16. saying, They that are with us, are more then they that are against us.

An Angel appeared unto

Abraham willing him not to lay his hand on Isaac his sonne.Gē. 22. & 24. 7. Act. 5. Num. 22. Luk. 22. Act. 10. 2 Sam. 24. Dan. 6. 2 Ki. 1. 1 Ki. 19. Ezek. 40. Iudg. 6. Isa [...]. 31. Gen. [...]6. Act 12. Gen. 31. Exod. 40. Rev. 1. Exod. 3. Iudg. 13. Luke 1. Matth. 28. Iohn 5. Act. 12. Act. 27. Act. 8. Dan. 3. Luk 2. Zech. 1. 9. Luk. 1.

The Apostles delivering them out of prison by the doores opening.

Balaam in his journey going to Balak, reproving him.

Christ a little before his Passion, comforting him.

Cornelius in a Vision willing him to send for Simon to instruct him.

David smiting many of his people for his numbring of them.

Daniel shutting the Lions mouth at his being in the Lions den.

Elijah willing him to reprove Ahaziah: as also feeding him.

Ezekiel shewing him the full and whole measure of the Temple.

Gidcon shewing him that he should be Captain over Israel.

Hezekiahs Comfort, by slaying thousands of the Assyrians.

Hagar in the wildernesse, willing her to returne to her Dame.

Herods confusion, by smiting him with wormes that eat him.

Iacob in time of Ramming, shewing him the he-goats leaping.

The Israelites going before them: and in the wildernesse conducting them.

Saint Iohn in the Isle Patmos, shewing him the Revelation.

Moses, in a bush burning and not consumed, calling to him.

Manoahs wife, shewing her that she should beare a sonne.

Mary shewing her that she was the woman of whom Christ should come.

The Keepers of Christs tombe rolling away the stone that lay on him.

The men at the Poole Bethesda troubling the water at a certain season.

Peter, at what time as he was imprisoned, delivering him.

Paul, being in danger of shipwrack, comforting him.

Philip commanding him to go unto the Eunuch reading.

Shadrach and his fellowes in the fierie furnace walking.Sennache [...]ib

The Shepherds, shewing them that Christ was born at Bethlehem.

Zechariah The Prophet shewing him The restoring of Jerusalem.Women, Matth. 28.

Zacharias The Priest shewing him That his wife should beare a son.

Two Angels appeared unto Lot, whom he entertained at Sodome.Gen. 19. Ioh. 20. 12. Act. 1. 10. Gen 18. Gen. 28. Chap. 32.

Two Angels appeared unto Magdalene, in the midst of Christs tombe.

Two Angels appeared unto The Disciples at Christs Ascension.

Three Angels appeared unto Abraham, all which were entertained by him.Act. 1 10. Matth. 4.

Many Angels appeared unto Iacob On his Ladder walking.

Many Angels appeared unto Iacob And in his way journeying.

And many are they that pitch round about them that feare the Lord, to deliverPsal. 34. Psal. 91. them, and in their wayes to keep them.

Names and Titles given unto wicked Ministers.

Wicked Ministers are called
  • Beg [...]lers of people.
    2 Pet. 2. 18. Mat. 23. 24. Matth. 15. 14. Isai. 56. 10. Ier. 10. 21. Iude 11.
  • Blind guides.
  • Blind leaders of the blind
  • Blind watchmen.
  • Coveters of [...]lthy lucre.
  • Dawbers of untemperec morter.
    Ezek. 22. 18. Isai. 4 [...]. 19. Tit. 1. 10. Rom. 16. 18. Prov. 14. 25.
  • Deafe messengers.
  • Deceivers of mindes.
  • Deceivers of hearts.
  • Deceitfull witnesses.
Wicked Ministers are called
  • Deceitfull workers.
    2 Cor. 11. 13. 2 Pet. [...]. 1. Ier. 23. 1. Ezek. 22. 28. Tit. 1. 10. 2 Cor. 11. 15. Isai. 56. 10. Phil. 3. 2. Isai. 36. 11. Phil. 3. 18. Tit. 1. 12. Phil. 3. 2.
  • Denyers of the Lord.
  • Destroyers of the sheep.
  • Diviners of lies.
  • Disobedient persons.
  • The Devils Ministers.
  • Dogs not able to bark.
  • Dumb dogs.
  • Greedie dogs.
  • Enemies of Christs crosse.
  • Evill beasts.
  • Evill mockers.
Wicked Ministers are called
  • [Page 162]False Brethren.
    Gal. 2. 4.
  • False [...]rophets.
    Deut. 13. 1.
  • False Shepherds.
    Ezek. 34. 2.
  • False [...]eachers.
    2 Pet. 2. 1.
  • False Witnesse-bearers.
    Phil. 3. 18.
  • Feeders of themselves.
    Iude 12.
  • Foolish Prophets.
    Ezek. 13. 3.
  • Foxes of the deserts.
    Ezek. 13. 4.
  • Hirelings forsaking their flocks.
    Iohn 10. 12.
  • Light persons.
    Zeph. 3. 4.
  • Liars speaking untruths.
    Rov. 2. 2.
  • Men without understan­ding.
    Isai. 56. 11.
  • Merchandizer [...] of Gods word.
    2 Cor. [...]. 17.
  • Ministers of the devill.
    2 Cor. 11. 15.
  • Prophane men.
    Ier. 23. 11.
  • Prophesiers of lies.
    Ier. 23. 25.
  • Robbers of the people.
    Ioh. 10. 8.
  • Scatterers of the Sheepe.
    Ier. 23. 1.
  • Seers of vanitie.
    Ezek. 22. 28. 2 P [...]t. 2. 19. Blinde, Deafe, Is. 4 [...]. 18.
  • Servants of corruption.
  • Servers of their bellies.
    Rom. 16. 18.
  • Shepherds without under­standing.
    Matth. 23. 13.
  • Idoll shepherds.
    Zech. 11. 17.
  • Sleepers loving to flumber.
    Isai. 56. 10.
  • Slumberers.
    Na [...]um 3. 18.
  • Snares of Fowlers.
    Hos. 9. 8.
  • Slow bellies.
    Tit. 1. 12.
  • Sorcer [...]rs.
    1 Sam. 28. 3.
  • Southsayer [...].
    Iosh. 13. 22.
  • Speakers of swelling words
    2 Pet. 2. 18.
  • Stealers of the word.
    Ier. 23. 30.
  • Strangers, whose voyces are not knowne.
    Ioh. 10. 5.
  • Subverters of Housholds.
    Tit. 1. 11.
  • Tailes.
    Isai. 9. 15.
  • Teachers of things that they ought not.
    Tit. 1. 11.
  • Theeves.
    Ioh. 10. 1.
  • Theeves of lives.
    Isai. 9. 5.
  • Treacherous men.
    Zeph. 3. 4.
  • Ungodly men.
    Iude 4.
  • Vain Talker [...].
  • Unruly persons.
    Tit. 1. 10.
  • Wicked Angels.
  • Wicked Messengers.
    Prov. 13. 17.
  • Wresters of the Law.
    Zeph. 3. 4.
  • Greedie wolves.
    Act. 20. 10.
  • Ravening wolves.
    Matth. [...]. 1 [...]
And they are com­pared unto
  • Clouds and Water.
    Tit. 1. 12. Jude 12.
  • Wels without Water.
    2 Pet. 2. 17 Jude 12.
  • Clouds carried about with a tempest.
  • Corrupt trees.
    Matth. 7. 17.
  • Blinde guides.
    Matth. 23. 24.
  • Thornes▪
    Matth. 7. 16.
  • Thistles.
    Matth. 7. 16.
  • Wandring st [...]rtes.
    Iude 13.
  • Painted Sepulchers.
    Matth. 23. 27.
  • The sea foming with ra­ging waters.
    Iude 13.

These are they that the Lord speaketh of by Ieremiah, saying,

I have not sent these prophets, and yet they runne: I have not spoken to them, and yet they preached, Am I then a God that seeth but the thing that is nigh? and Jer. 23. 21, 23, 26, 32. not that is afarre off? How long will these preach the crastie subtiltie of their own hearts? I never sent nor commanded them, therefore they shall doe the peo­ple no good at all.

And again by Isaiah, saying,

These watchmen are all blinde, they have altogether no understanding, they are all dumb dogs, not being able to bark. They are sleepy, sluggish are they, andIsai. 56. 10.delight in sleeping.

They are shamelesse dogs that be never satisfied, they can never have enough, such is their covetousnesse, they look to their owne wayes for advantage, and forIsai. 56. 11. their own purpose.

And again by Ezekiel, saying,

These shepherds feed themselves, should not they have fed the flock? they eat the fat, they clothe themselves with the wooll, they kill them that are best fed, butEzek. 34. 2. the flock they doe not feed.

The weake they have not strengthened, the sicke they have not healed, neither have they bound up the broken, nor brought again that which was driven away,Chap. 34. 3. neither did they seek that which was lost, but with crueltie and rigour ruled them.

Heare therefore what the Lord saith by Ezekiel.

If thou give not warning nor admonish the wicked of his evil way, he shall dyeEzek. 3. 18. Chap. 33. 6. 1 Cor. 6. 19. in his own wickednesse, but his bloud will I require at thy hands; woe then toHos. 4. 8. those that preach no [...] the Gospel.

The midst of darknesse is reserved for them, and their damnation sleepeth not,2 Pet. 2. 4. saith the Apostle Peter.

It had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousnesse, then2 Pet. 2. 21. having known it to turn from the holy Cōmandement that was given unto them.

By their fruits they are knowne.

Reade Ier. 48. 10. Isai. 8. 20. Ezek. 34. 10. Isa. 56. 11. Psal. 50. 16. Ioh. 17. 18. Ier. 23. 14. Rom. 16. 18. 2 Pet. 2. 18. Tit. 1. 11. Hos. 6. 9. Ezek. 22. 25. Is. 28. 7. Zech. 11. 17. Mal. 2. 8. Eze. 13. 7, 8, 22, 23. Ier. 2. 8, & 12. 10. Eze. 13. 10, 11. Ier. 23. 14. & 11. 10. Ioh 10. 12.

Names and Titles given unto Godly Ministers.
  • [Page 163]Able Ministers.
    2 Cor. 3. 9. Ohs. 1. 1.
  • Ambassidours of Christ.
    2 Cor. 5. 20.
  • Angels.
    Rev. 1. 20.
  • Apostles.
    Matth. 10. 1.
  • Barkers.
    Isa [...]. 56. 10.
  • Bishops.
    1 Tim. 3. 1.
  • Brethren.
    Mat. 23. 8.
  • Bringers of glad tidings.
    Rom. 10. 15.
  • Builders.
    Jer. 1▪ 10. 1 Cor. 3. 10
  • Chariots and Horsinen of Israel.
    2 Kin. 2. 12.
  • Chosen Vessels.
    Act. 9. 15.
  • Chosen Shasts.
    Isai. 52. 2.
  • Counsellours.
    Prov. 11. 14.
  • Cryers.
    Isai. 58. 1.
  • Deacons.
    1 Tim 3. 13.
  • Disciples.
    Mat. 9. 37.
  • Disposers of Gods secrets.
    1 Cor. 4. 1.
  • Di [...]ines.
    Ezek. 13. 2 [...].
  • Elders.
    Act. 11. 30.
  • Evangelists.
    Ephes. 4. 11.
  • Evangelizers.
    2 Tim. 4. 5.
  • Fathers.
    2 Kin. 6. 21.
  • Fellow-workers.
    Rom. 16. 21.
  • Friends of Christ.
    Ioh. 15. 15.
  • Gods Servants.
    Amos 3. 7.
  • Gods Labourers.
    1 Cor. 3. 9.
  • Gods Stewards.
    Tit. 1. 7.
  • Guides of the blinde.
    Rom. [...]. 19.
  • Interpreters.
    Ioh 33. 23.
  • Instructers of the foolish.
    Rom. 2. 19.
  • Instructers in Christ.
    1 Cor. 14. 17.
  • Labourers.
    1 Thes. 5. 14.
  • Lambes.
    Luk 10. 3.
  • Lawyers.
    Luk. 11. 52.
  • Lights of the world.
    Mat. 5. 14.
  • Burning Lights.
    Ioh. 5. 35.
  • Shining Lights.
  • Lords.
    1 King. 18. 7.
  • M [...]rders.
    Prov. 9. 3.
  • Messengers.
    Ioh 33. 33.
  • Messengers of the Lord.
    Hag. 1. 13.
  • M [...]ssen­gers of the Ministers. Church and glory of Christ
    2 Cor. 8. 23. 1 Sam. 2. 11.
  • Ministers of Christ,
    1 Cor. 11. 23.
  • Ministers of The Gospel.
    Gol. 1. 25.
  • Ministers of The New Testament.
    [...] Cor. 11. 15.
  • Ministers of The Spirit.
    2 Cor. 3. 6.
  • Men of God.
    1 Ki. 12. 22.
  • Holy men of God.
    2 Pet. 1. 11.
  • Honourable Men.
    1 Sam. 9. 6.
  • Fishers of Men.
    Matth. 4. 19.
  • Seeds. Men.
    Luk. 8. 5.
  • Sonnes of Men.
    Ezek. 8. 15.
  • Spokes Men.
    Exod. 4. 16.
  • Spirituall Men.
    Hos. 9. 7.
  • Watch. Men.
    Isai. 21. 6.
  • Wise Men.
    Prov. 11. 30.
  • Work Men.
    Matth. 10. 10.
  • Nurces. Men.
    1 Thes. 2. 7.
  • Overseers. Men.
    Act. 20. 28.
  • Phisitians.
    Ier. 8. 22.
  • Pillars.
    Gal. 2. 9.
  • Planters.
    1 Cor. 3. 8.
  • Preachers.
    Rom. 10. 14.
  • Pastours.
    Ier. 2. 8.
  • Principals of the flock.
    Ier. 25. 34.
  • Priests.
    Ier. 2. 8.
  • Faithfull Priests.
    1 Sam. 2. 35.
  • Prophesiers.
    Ezek. 29. 2.
  • Prophets.
    Gen. 20. 7.
  • Publishers of Peace and Salvation.
    Isai. 52. 7.
  • Recorders.
    Rev. 1. 2.
  • Reapers.
    Ioh. 4. 36.
  • Reprovers.
    Ezek. 3. 26.
  • Rooters.
    Ier. 1. 10.
  • Rulers of Gods houshold.
    Luk. 12. 42.
  • The savour of Life.
    2 Cor. 2. 16.
  • The savour of Death.
  • Salt of the Earth.
    Matth. 5. 13.
  • Scribes.
    Mat. 13. 52.
  • Servants of the Lord.
    Iosh. 1. 1.
  • Servants of Christ.
    Rom. 1. 1.
  • Secretaries of the Holy Ghost.
    2 Pet. 2. 21.
  • Seers.
    1 Sam. 9. 9.
  • Shepherds.
    Ier. 23. 4.
  • Singers.
    Isai. 5. 1.
  • Souldiers.
    Phil. 2. [...]5.
  • Sons of Thunder.
    Mark 3. 17.
  • Sons of Consolation
    Mark 3. 17.
  • Starres.
    Rev. 1. 20.
  • Stewards of God.
    Tit. 1. 7.
  • Stewards of Gods Myste­ries.
    1 Cor. 4. 1.
  • Faithfull Stewards.
    Luk. 12. 42.
  • Wise Stewards.
  • Teachers of Babes.
    Rom. 2. 20.
  • Trees bearing fruit.
    Ier. 11. 19.
  • Good Trees.
    Matth 7. 17.
  • Trumpetters.
    Ier. 6. 17.
  • Waterers.
    1 Cor. 3. 6.
  • Warriours.
    1 Tim. 1. 18.
  • Winners of Soules.
    Prov. 11. 30.
  • Witnesses of Christs suffe­rings.
    2 Pet. 5. 1.
  • True witnesses.
    Prov. 14. 25.
And they are com­pared unto
  • Bels of Gold.
    Exod. 28▪ 34.
  • A Citie set on a hill.
    Matth. 5. 14.
  • A defenced Citie.
    Ier. 1. 18.
  • Fig-trees.
    Matth. 7. 16.
  • Grapes.
  • A Housholder.
    Matth. 13. 52.
  • Iron Pillars.
    Ier. 1. 18.
  • Pipers.
    Matt. 11. 17.
  • [...]lowers.
    Luk. 9. 6 [...].
  • Sheep among wolves.
    Matth. 10. 16.
  • Waters.
    1 Tim. 1. 18.
  • Wals of brasse.
    Ier. 1. 18.
  • Wrestlers. Warriours.
    2 Tim. 2. 4.

And they are said to be unto God:

To sweet savour of Christ in them that are saved, and in them that perish:2 Cor. 2. 15, 16. To the one the savour of death unto death, and to the other the savour of life unto life: Who then is sufficient for these things?

For we are not (saith Saint Paul) as many are, which chop and change withChap. 2. 17. the word of God, but as of purenesse, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ.

The spirits of the prophets being subject to the prophets.1 Cor. 14. 32.

So that according to the saying of Malachi, the Priests lips shall preserve know­ledge, and the Law shall be sought at his mouth, because he is the Messenger of theMal. 2. 7. Lord of Hosts.

How beautifull then are the feet, upon the Mountains, of him that bringethIsai. 52. 7. good tidings of Good, that publisheth Salvation, and saith unto S [...]on thy God reighneth.

Reade Numb. 22. 38. Deut. 12. 32. Isai. 61. 1, 2. Ezek. 3. 9, 10. Prov. 27. 23. & 29. 18. Amos 3. 7. Isa [...]. 62. 6. Ier. 15. 15. Act. 20. 20, &c. 2 Cor. 12. 14. Chap. 6. 3, 4. Ephes. 4. 12. Phil. 3. 17. 1 Tim. 3. 6. Tit. 1. 8. Chap. [...]. 7. Iames 3. 7, 11. Hos. 4. 8. Micah 3. 5, 6.

The Dutie of Ministers.

The Dutie of a Godly Minister is to

Heare the Word of the Lord from the mouth of the Lord: To admonishEzek. 33. 7. Exod. 18. 20. Ezek. 3. 18. Deut. 4. 2. 1 Thes. 3. 22. 2 Cor. 6. 3. Act. 4. 36. Mark 3. 17. Isa [...]. 61. [...]. 1 [...]hes. 2. 10. Deut. 21. 5. Isai. 58. 1. Matth. 13. 52. 1 Pet. 5. 2. 1 Thes. 2. 7. Isai. 61. 3. Act. 20. 33. Rom. 9. 3. Exod. 32. 3 [...]. 2 Tim. 2. 15. Ch. 4. Psal. 2. 4. Col. 4. 17. Ezek. 20. 46. Deut. 32. 2. the people of the Ordinances of God: The Godly that he doth not [...]in, and the wicked of his sinne.

Adde nothing to the word of God, nor to take any thing therefrom.

Abound in love towards his people, and towards his brethren.

Approve himselfe the Minister of God by Patience and affliction.

Be a Barnabas the son of Consolation, to divulge Gods mercies to the broken hearted.

Be a Boanerges, the son of thunder to denounce Gods judgements to the ob­stinate.

Behave himself holily, justly, &c. binding up the broken-hearted.

Blesse the people in the Name of the Lord, being assembled.

Blow the Trumpet, to lift up his voice like a Trumpet aloud.

Bring forth out of his Treasurie things both new and old.

Care for the flock not by constraint, but of a readie minde willingly.

Cherish the people as a Nurce doth her children continually.

Comfort all that mourn, to give them beautie for ashes, oile of joy for mourning, and garments of gladnesse for heavinesse.

Deale not only the Gospel, but his soule for the people.

Divide the word aright; and to doe the work of an Apostle.

Declare the decrees of the Lord, fulfilling the ministrie taken on him.

Drop the word of the Lord, and his Doctrine as the rain.

Exhort an Elder as a Father, the younger as brethren; the Elder women as mothers, and the younger as sisters.1 Tim. 5. 1.

Feed the people, and to give no occasion of offence unto any.2 Cor. 6. 3. Ier. 2 [...]. 4.

Flee from the lusts of youth, and to follow after Faith, Charitie, &c.2 Tim. 2. 22.

Give Attendance unto reading, unto exhortation and doctrine, and to1 Tim. 4. 13. Neh. 8. 8. 1 Cor. 14. [...]8. 2 [...]im. 2. 24. 1 [...]. 2. 25. 2 Tim. 4. 2. Isai. 50. 4. Eph. 1. 9. Jer. 1. 10. 2 Tim. 1. 2. Ezek. 29. 2. Matth. 10. 7. Isai. 61. 1. Jer. 9. 2. Act. 10. 36. Isai. 61. 2. Hag. 1. 13. Act. 5. 20. Numb. 22. [...]8. give the sense having read the word distinctly.

Interpret Scriptures, and to instruct with meeknesse contrary minded.

Improve, rebuke, and exhort with long sufferings, preaching the Word.

Minister a word in time to the person that is wearied.

Open the mysteries that are hid of the will of God.

Pluck up, and to root out, and to throw down, and to plant daily.

Pray for Kings and men in authoritie, and for the people continually.

Preach The preaching that God commandeth: The Gospel of Jesus Christ, Good tidings to the poore, Libertie to the Captives, the opening of the prison to them that are bound, the acceptable yeere of the Lord, the kingdome of God, the word of the Lord; Peace by Jesus Christ, the day of vengeance, the Lords message, the words of this life, the words that God puts into his mouth, not his own words.

Preach the words of Exhortation, to edifying, repentance towards God, and Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, testifying unto the people that Christ is Judge of quick and dead, together with all that God hath commanded; teaching precept upon precept, line unto line, here a little and there a little, and that not with inticing speech of mans wisdome, but in plain evi­dence of the Spirit of the Lord, without giving Titles to any, that is, flat­tering [Page 165] any, or fearing of any, but with boldnesse, rising early in seasonJo [...] 32. 31. Act. 4. 31. Chap. 28. 31. 1 Thes. 2. 4. [...] Tim. 2. 4. 2 Tim. 5. 20. 1 Sam. [...]2. 23. Ezek. [...]9. 2. Deut. 5. 5. [...] Tim. 1. 4. 1 Tim. 2. 2 [...]. and out of season, not as pleasers of men, but of God.2 Cor. 2. 17.

The Dutie of a Godly Minister is to

Respect no worldly affaires, therewithall to be entangled.Jer. 1. 10. Ezek. 22. 30. Psal. 106. 23. Exod. 32. 30. Isai. 50. 4.

Rebuke them that sin openly, shewing them the good and right way.

Set his face against the wicked, and against them to prophecie.

Stand between the Lord and the people, declaring Gods Word.

Studie to be approved before God: and not to strive abou [...] words.

Strengthen the weak, to heal the sick, to binde up the broken, to seek those that are lost and that are away driven.Ezek. 34. 4.

Shew himself an Example of good, suffering crosses patiently.2 Tim. 4. 5. 1 Thes. 2. 5, 6, &c. 1 Cor. 7. 2.

Use no flattering words: but to be in gravitie and in integritie.Ezek. 18. 20. & [...]. 18. 1 Pet. 5. 2. Rom. 9. 3.

Voyde all coloured covetousnesse, without seeking praise of men.

Wrong no man, to defraud no man, nor to corrupt any man.

Weare on Aarons garment with his brestplate, Ʋri [...] and Thummim, that is, soundnesse of Doctrine and Integritie of life▪ to be an Exam­pleExod. 28. 30. 1 Tim. 4. 1 [...]. Matth. 5. 16. to others in word, conversation, faith, and purenesse, to have their lights slaine before men, &c. As also to have a Bell and a Pomegranate on their robe like Aaron, that is, a word and a work, faith and fruits, Profession and practise, say wellExod. 28. 34. and do well, what thy words sound let thy works expound, for that a noise in words without deedes acted is to weare a Bell without a Pomegranate.

Ʋse. Beate Down his own bodie, and to bring it in subjection, lest by any means1 Cor. 9. 10, 27. 2 Tim. 4. 7. Dan. 12. 3. Nehem. 8. 6. 1 Chron 30. 27. 1 Cor. 14. 16. after he hath preached unto others, he himselfe should be reproved. And having thus performed his dutie, having fought a good fight, and so finished his couse, there is laid up for him a Crown of glo­rieMatt. 24. 45. & 18. [...]. in Heaven.

Reade 1 Tim. 1. 2. Chap. 5. 22. Tit. 1. 17. Isai. 28. 9. 1 Tim. 3. 1. Tit. 2. 7. Act. 20. 28. 1 Thes. 4. 10. Rom. 12. 8. Ephes. 6. 6. Eccles. 9. 10. Amos 3. 7. Iames 5. 20. Micah 3. 8, 9. Act. 20. 35. 2 Cor. 12. 15. Prov. 27. 23. Isai. 62. 6. 1 Cor. 14. 6. Tit. 1. 8.

Uses drawn from the Dutie of Ministers.

Are then the Dutie of Ministers such as they are thus described, surely then many are in these dayes to be reprehended:

This serves to reprehend

1. Dumb Ministers who cannot preach the Word of God, let them heare the Apostle: Darknesse and Damnation is for them prepared.2 Pet. 2. 3, [...]1.

2. Able Ministers who make themselves dumb, being able to preach, yet doe not preach: such the Scribes and Pharisees shall at the last condemne, who taught diligently, and kept Moses his chaire warme, compassing sea and land (Satans walk) to make a Proselyte: these sit still and frieze in zeale, and by their dull and wilfull neglect lose Proselytes. The Master of the vineyard also when he comes shall find thē loytering in the publikeMatth. 23. 15. Chap. 20. 6. market place, & shall shake them by the shoulder with a Quid statis otiosi?

3. The Temporizer who measures his Sermons by his Lords humour and his Ladies, and therefore dares not speake

Against Oppression, Because it is the fault of his Lord.

Against Pride, Because it is the fault of his Ladie.

Against Riot, Becaust it is the fault of his Young Master.

Against Drunkennesse and Swearing, Because it is the fault of his Lords Followers.

Against Drunkennesse and Swearing, Because it is the fault of his And young masters Companions.

So that whiles he is their servile Chaplain he must learn Turkey-work to make thrumbe Cushions of flattery for their elbowes: Thus he serves three masters, his Lord, himselfe, and the devil.

He preacheth Peace where there is none: woe is pronounced against him.Ier. 6. 14. Ioh. 7. 18.

4. The vain-glorious minister, who to get glory to himself useth gallantnesse of action, pompe of words, exquisitness of Phrase, elaboratenesse of stile, am­bition of quotation, witfull luxuriances of popish Postillers, affected osten­tations of pregnancie of wit, varietie of reading, skill in tongues, profound­nesse of conceit, ripenesse and happinesse of memorie, rareness of invention, and such other humane artificiall accessions, whereas they should seek the glorie of God alone that sent them, by dividing the word of truth aright,Iohn 7. 8. Act. 12. 23. to those that heare them. Herods Example is a Caveat for them.

5. Papists, who, in stead of Sermons, use Latine services forbidden by the A­postle,1 Cor. 14. Gal. 6. 6. with Masses and such like, by themselves invented, but let them be warned▪ The Lord God will not be mocked.

The Titles and Dutie of Magistrates.

MAgistrates are the eye of the Common-weale, and therefore there ought to be in them both Learning and Vertue for executing of the Law, to take ven­geance of the wicked, and to defend the upright: in that their office is not only holy and lawfull before God, but also the most holy, and honourable degree in all the life of man: most holy, in that God hath made them an Image of himselfe, set his stampe upon them, and given them his own Name, to speak for him, to rule for him, to defend for him, and to punish for him, And that they are most honou­rable, is also proved by divers other Titles, wherewith the Scriptures do set them forth, as also by the Example of holy men, who have born civill power among the Israelites, and that in good Or [...]er, which is the mother and preserver of things.

Magistrates are called
  • Ancients of the people.
    Isai. 3. 14.
  • Chiefe of the people.
    Iudg. 20. 6.
  • Elders of the people.
    Numb. 22. 4.
  • Heads of the people.
    Deut. 29. 10.
  • Captains.
    1 Chron. 27.
  • Champions.
    1 Sam. 17. 51.
  • Chiefe of the Fathers.
    1 King. 8. [...].
  • Children of the most High.
    Psal. 82. 6.
  • Fathers.
    Iob 29. 16.
  • Gods.
    Psal. 82. 6.
  • Governou [...]s.
    Gen. 45. 16.
  • Gu [...]des.
    Prov. 6. 7.
  • Iudg [...]s.
    Exod. 18. 13.
  • Kings.
    1 Sam. 8. 9.
  • Lords.
    Gen. 3 [...]. 4.
  • Magistrates.
    Rom. 13. 4.
  • Ministers of God.
  • Men fearing God.
    Exod. 18. 21.
  • Men of Strength.
    Deut. 31. 7.
  • Men of Valour.
    1 Chron. 6. 3 [...].
  • Men of Courage.
    Iudg. 6. 12.
  • Men of Knowledge.
    Prov. 28. 2.
  • Men of Wisdome.
    Deut. 1. 13.
  • Men of True Dealings.
  • Men of Uprightnesse.
    2 Sam. 23. 3.
  • Men hating Cov [...]tousnesse.
    Exod. 18. 21.
  • Discreet Men.
  • Just Men.
    2 Sam. 23. 3.
  • Learned Men.
    Gen. 41▪ 39.
  • Wise Men.
  • Officers.
    Gen. 41. 34.
  • Overseers.
    1 Chron. 2. 52.
  • Princes.
    Iosh. 8. 33.
  • Rulers.
    Nū. 1. 16. Rō. 13. 3, 4. Powers. Revengers.

Who according to their Titles should have the better to execute their offices, a Lions heart, that they shrinke not in just causes: and Constancie, lest by their friends they wax partiall: together with Gravitie in commanding, and Civilitie in Conversation.

Their Dutie being to

The Dutie of Magistrates is to
  • Aske with Salomon an understanding heart to judge bad and good.
    1 King. 3. 9. 2 S [...]. 2 [...]. 3. L [...] 7. 27.
  • Beare rule over the people in the feare of God, to beautifie the House of God.
  • Carry themselves for the good of the people as the Ministers of God.
    Rom. 13. 14.
  • Defend the godly, and to bridle and punish the wicked.
    1 Pet. 2. 14. L [...]o [...]. 23 3. L [...]v [...]t. 19. 15.
  • Easteeme neither poore or mightie in their cause before them handled.
  • Execute Justice and Judgement in line, weight and measure, to hurt no man,
    2 Sam. 8. 15. L [...]it. 19. [...]. I [...] 29. 14. 1 Sam. 12. 3. E [...]. 2; 8.
    nor to take bribes of any man, by Samuels Example, because they blinde the wise, and pervert the just.
  • Go in and out before the people, as did Ioshua and Moses.
    D [...]ut. 31. Prov. 24. 3. 2 Chr [...]. 19. 7. D [...]u [...]. 16. 18.
  • Have the feare of God before them, not respecting persons.
  • Heare the controversies of the people, the small as well as the great, judging
    Deut. [...]. 16.
    righteously, not fearing the face of man, because that the judgement is the
    Chap. 16. 19.
    Lords alone.
  • Judge faithfully, uprightly, and with a perfect heart in everie cause between
    Psal. 58. 1. 2 Chro. 19. 10. Prov. 31. 9. Deut. 2 [...]. 1. Ezek. 45. 9. 1 T [...]. 2. 2. Deut. 19. 18.
    bloud and bloud, law and precept, statutes and judgements that shall come before them.
  • Justifie the righteous, and in all things the wicked to condemne.
  • Leave of crueltie and oppression, executing justice to every one.
  • Look unto Godlinesse, that Religion may be more and more maintained.
  • Make diligent inquisition. that each cause may be rightly discerned.
    1 Kin. 3. 9. Io [...] 29. 16. E [...]o [...]. 2 [...]. 6, 7. Prov. 31. 9.
  • Overthrow no poore mans cause being right, nor to slay the innocent.
  • Provide for the Peace, Unitie, and peoples Concord, to get their favour by be­ing
    Esth. [...]0. 3. Jo [...] 29. 16. & 16. 19. Neh. 9. & 13.
    gentle and loving towards them, by the example of Mordecai, Ioh, and Nehemiah, following them in all things that concern God and men.
  • Walk in Juctice, to speak righteous things, to refuse gain of oppression, to keep
    2 Sam. 23. 3. Lev. 19. 15. Jo [...] 29. 16.
    their hands from taking of gifts, to stop their eares from hearing of bloud, to shut their eyes from seeing of evil, and to be free
    Isai. 33. 15. Lev. 19. 15. Matth. 4. 24. Io [...] 15. 34. Amo [...] [...]. 12.
  • Of Partialitie. in respecting persons, That is abominable in Gods sight.
  • Of Crueltie, in ministring Justice, Such measure shall be measured.
  • Of Briberie, in detaining right, Fire shall consume the houshold of bribes.

And having thus ruled well, all things shall goe well with them, and the Realme shall endure long, and the people shall rejoyce under him, they shall be blessed of God, they shall have the Name of God, the Protection of God, the fa­vour of I [...]seph with Pharaoh in this life, the Comfort of Moses and Samuel at their death, and at the day of judgement shall appeare with joy before the Judge of quic [...] and dead: whereas on the contrarie wicked Judges, causing the people to sigh, and the Common-weale to be changed, (for that they are like roaring Lions,Rom. 13. 2, 4. and hungry Be [...]res) the wrath of God shall be on them powred: Woes are against them pronounced.

Ʋse. Speake not to be made a Judge: Christ refused to be a Judge.Heb. 13. 17.

Thou shalt not taile upon the Judge: Every Soul shall be subject▪

Nuper eram Judex, jam Judicis ante Tribunal Subsistens P [...]veo, judicor ipse modò.

Reade 1 Pet. 2. 13. Prov. 29. 2. Chap. 18. 16. Prov. 15. 22. Chap. 17. 15. Chap. 18. 5. Chap. 21. 7. Chap. 24. 5, 7. Chap. 20. 5. Chap. 28. 21. 1 Kin. 2. 3. 2 Chron. 19. 6. &c. Eccl. 31. 8. Isa [...]. 10. 1, [...]. Ier. 22. 15. Isai. [...]9. 14. Chap. [...]. 7. Lev. 19. 15. Deut. 17. 11.—6. 1, 2, 3. Act. 15. 25, 26. Ezek. 34. 4. 2Chron. 19. 20. Ezek. 45. 9. Prov. 24. 23. Deut. 1. 16. & 16. 19.

The Devils Titles and Temptings.

THe Devill is great in Knowledge and Experience, being false in accusing, and alwayes in evil-doing from the beginning, whence he hath divers Appella­tions and sundry Names given unto him, who is invisible, and can change himself2 Cor. 11. 14. into an Angel of light, much more into any other shape, that he cannot be discerned by the eye, nor yet sometimes seen by reason. Mark 8. 32. As by Peters Example we see, that in reason he thought not that the Son of man should die, as Christ told him, his eyes being by Satan blinded. He is the prince of the world, seeking continually whom the may devoure.

And therefore is called

The Devill is called
  • Abaddon in Hebrew.
    Revel. 9. 11.
  • Appollyon in Greek.
    Revel. 9. 11.
  • Destroye [...] in English.
    Revel. 9. 11.
  • An Angel of the bottome­lesse pit.
  • A wicked Angel.
    Iudg. 6.
  • An Adversarie.
    1 Pet. 5. 8.
  • An Accuser of men.
    Rev. 12. 10.
  • A beast of seven heads.
    Apoc. 11. [...]. & 13. 1.
  • Beelzebub.
    Matt. 12. 24.
  • Belial.
    2 Cor. 6. 15.
  • A Comp [...]sser.
    Iob 1. 7.
  • A Devil.
    Luk. 4. 3.
  • A Devourer.
    1 Pet. 5. 8.
  • A Deceiver.
    Rev. 10. 10.
  • A Dragon.
    Apoc. 12. 7.
  • An Enemie.
    Matth. 13. 39.
  • An envious One.
    Matth. 13. [...]8.
  • A father.
    Iohn 8. 38.
  • The god of this world.
    2 Cor. 4. 4.
  • The king of this world.
    Rev. 9. 11.
  • A king.
    Apoc. 9. 11.
  • A Leopard.
    Ioh. 10. 12.
  • A Lyar.
    Ioh. 8. 44.
  • Legion.
    Mark 5. 9.
  • Leviathan.
    Isai. 27. 1.
  • Lucifer.
    Isai. 14. 12.
  • A malitious One.
    Matth. 13. 9.
  • A subtile One.
  • A strong One.
  • A wicked
    1 Ioh. 2. 13.
  • A murtherer.
    Iohn 8. 44.
  • An oppressour.
    Act. 10. 38.
  • The prince of this world.
    Ioh. 12. 31.
  • The prince of darknesse.
    Ephes. 6. 12.
  • The power of darknesse.
    Col. 1. 13.
  • A roaring Lion.
    1 Pet. 3 8.
  • A sinner for the beginning.
    [...] Ioh. 3. 8.
  • A Serpent.
  • An old Serpent.
    Gen. 3. 1.
  • A crooked Serpent.
    Isai. 27. 1.
  • A Snarer.
    1 Tim. 3. 7.
  • Satan.
    Ioh 2. 6.
  • The spirit of errour.
    1 Ioh. 4. 6.
  • A seducing spirit.
    1 Tim. 4. 1.
  • The spirit of darknesse.
    Ephes. 6. 2.
  • An evill spirit.
    1 Sam. 16. 14.
  • An unclean spirit.
    Matth. 12. 43.
  • A Transformer.
    2 Cor. 11. 15.
  • A Tempter.
    Matth. 4. 3.
  • A Tormentor.
    Matth. 18. 34.
And is compared unto
  • A Dog.
  • Fowles of the Aire.
    Matth. 13. 4.
  • A Hunter.
    Psal. 91. 3.
  • Lightning.
    Luk [...] 10. 18.
  • Locusts.
    Rev. 5. 3. 1 Thes. 5. 6.
  • A Wolfe.
    Joh. 10. 10. 1 Thes. 5. 6.
  • An Adder.
    Psal. 91. 13.
  • A Dragon.
    Ps. [...]. 1 [...]. Is. 14. [...].
  • A Fowler.
    Psal. 91. 3.
The Devill is in
  • [Page 168]The Serpent tempting Adam and Eve, promised them to be as God, by ea­ting
    Gen. 3.
    to know good and evil.
  • The Mantle of Samuel, a religious habite to deceive King Saul, seeking to
    1 Sam. 28.
    speak with Samuel.
  • The world, by having his nets in riches, preserments, and vain-glory.
  • The Creature, by abusing, and by causing them to be used unthankfully.
  • Melancholy Humours, perswading Despaire to be sorrow for sin.
  • Cholerick Bodies, perswading Wrath to be good zeale with them.
  • Civill Wisdome, by mingling of Policie together with Christianitie.
  • The wicked, by fearfull shapes at their dying day most ugly.
  • Our souls, by evil suggestions and motions inticingly.
  • Our affections, by binding and perswading to doe unlawfully.
  • Our Reason, by casting doubts, planting in us infidelitie.
  • Our members, by mi [...]gling with R [...]pentance distrust of Gods Mercie.
  • The Time of mans Prosperitie, perswading him to Presumption.
  • The Time of mans Adversitie, perswading him to Desperation.
  • Abuse of Scripture: Tempting Christ every word is Scriptum est.
    Matth. 4.

Thus he is every way tempting, and often prevailing.

As he did with
  • Adam, who lost The state of Immortalitie for an Apple.
    Gen. 3. Heb. 12. 16. 1 Sam. 15. 9. Matth. 8. Luke 14.
  • Esau, who lost A Birth-right for a messe of pottage.
    Luk. 13. 16.
  • Saul, who lost A Kingdome in Earth and Heaven for Mutton.
  • Girgasites, who lost All their portion in Christ for Bacon.
  • Bidden Guests, who lost A Royaltie in Heaven for a Farme and Oxen.
  • So that his labour is continually to do evil: He
The Devill
  • Provoketh the Magistrate to Tyranny, the people to treacherie; The Lear­ned
    2 Cor. 11. 14.
    to here [...]ic, the simple to securitie: All kinde of people whatsoever to sin and imp [...]etie.
  • Puts slander in tongues, malice in hearts, mischiefe in hands.
  • Infuseth schismes in Doctrine: and in Conversation [...]arre [...].
  • Oppugneth Truth with Heresie: Simplicitie with Popularitie.
  • Casteth in time of preaching ungodly meditations to distract mens mindes hearing attentively: and in the time of praying fils the head with ho­ly Instructions to coole therewith the servencie.
  • Fits The Usurers Humour, by seating him in his Furres.
  • Fits Ambitious Humour, by looking from his lofty Turrets.
  • Fits Epicures Humour, by studying of daintie dishes.
    2 Tim. 2.
  • Fits Proud mans Humour, by inventing of new fashions.
  • Makes some Blinde, So that they cannot See The houre of Grace.
  • Makes some Dumbe, So that they cannot Praise God for his Goodnesse.
  • Makes some Dease, So that they cannot Heare The Words of Salvation.
  • Makes some Impotent, So that they cannot Doe A Deed of Consolation.
  • Makes some Lame, So that they cannot Walke In the wayes of the Living.
  • Makes some Shrunke, So that they cannot Advance one devout thought to heaven.
  • Makes some Snared, So that they cannot Come To amendment by leaving sin.

So that he fitteth his temptations to every ones inclination: If he see one in­clined unto Covetousnesse, he will offer him Naboths vineyard: If unto vain­glorie, he will make him to thirst after the life of Mordecai: and if to ambition, he will stirre up meanes for him to drive out David of his Kingdome.

Note. The power that the Devill hath whereby he thus prevailes against man is from God, therefore of it selfe good: but the tempting and Gods power abused is from the Devill, who converteth that which was good from God into evil.

And thus the Lord permitted him
  • The L. permitted Satan To tempt Eve in Paradise: and Christ in the wildernesse.
    Gen. 3. Matt. 4. 1 Chron. 21. 2 King. 22. 1 Sam. 16. Iob 1. Matt. 16. Zech. 3. 1. Matth. 8. Revel. 2. 13.
  • The L. permitted Satan To provoke David to number the people.
  • The L. permitted Satan To entice King Ahab to goe to fall at Ramoth Gilead.
  • The L. permitted Satan To enter into Saul, Gods Spirit being departed from him.
  • The L. permitted Satan To afflict Iob in body, and to slay all his children.
  • The L. permitted Satan To perswade Peter to rebuke Christ, speaking of his Passion.
  • The L. permitted Satan To stand before the Angel of God at his right hand.
  • The L. permitted Satan To goe into the swine, by reason whereof they ran headlong, &c.
  • The L. permitted Satan To have a seat in Pergamus, and to prevaile often with the just.
  • [Page 169]The Devill Goeth about like a roaring Lion seeking whom he may devoure of
    1 Pet. 5. 8.
    Gods children, who sought to winnow the Apostles, as it were wheat, till Christ prayed for them.
    Luk. 22. [...]2.

Use.2 Cor. 2. 11.

Seeing he seeketh to devour [...] us, let us, as the Apostles counsell is, watch to pre­vent2 Cor. 2. 11. 2 Tim. 6. 26. Ephes. 4. 27. & 6. 11. 1 Tim. 4. 1. 2 Cor. 2. 11. 1 Pet. 5. 9. Iames 4. 7. him, resisting him in the Faith, and in so doing he will fly from us, and we shall conquer him.

Of Warres wherein few have overcome many
The Lord fighting for them.

VVArres are lawfull only when Magistrates are driven to take weapons in hand to execute publike revenge upon those that trouble the peace of their Dominion, whether they be Civill or Forreigne enemies, wherein is also required that it be denounced and undertaken by the Prince, and that for a just cause, wh [...] ­ther it▪ be Defensive or Offensive; Peace being first refused.

  • Abraham Overcame Five Kings with their Armie, having but three hundred and eighteen persons of his own Familie.
    Gen. 14.
  • Ki. Ahab Overcame King Aram with two and thirtie other kins joyned with him, having but a little hoste, like a little flock of Kids, and slew
    1 King. 10. 11.
    one hundred thousand of them.
  • Amaziah Overcame King of Edom: And slew ten thousand of his fighting men.
    2 King. 14.
  • Abijah Overcame Ieroboam, and slew five hundred thousand chosen men of his Company, the Priests only blowing with trumpets, and his men shouting they fled suddenly.
    2 Chron. 13.
  • King Asa Overcame Zerah, having ten hundred thousand m [...]n, with five hundred and fourscore thousand, and that onely by prayer, calling on
    2 Chron. 14.
    the Lord earnestly.
  • Adino Overcame Eight hundred men: Abishat three hundred at one time.
    2 Sam. 23. 8, 18, &c.
  • Benaiah Overcame An Egyptian with a staffe, he having a speare in his hand.
  • Barak Overcame Sisera having nine hundred Chariots of Iron, and slew all his hoste, so that a man was not left of them, and he himself was
    Iudg. 4.
    by Iacl slain.
  • David Overcame Hadadezer And took a thousand and seven hundred horsmen,
    2 Sam. 8. 4. 2 Sam. 5. & 8. Chap. 10. 1 Chron. 18. 1 Sam 30. 1 Sam. 23. 1 Sam. 17. Iudg. 3. 2 Sam. 22.
    and twentie thousand [...]ootmen, he slew twentie two thousand Aramites with a small companie and with foure hundred men overcame the Ama­lekites being a great companie: He slew the Philistines whole Hoste with a few men: and Goliah with a staffe and a sling.
  • [...]hud Overcame King Eglon by policie: and slew ten thousand of his men.
  • Eleazar Overcame The Philistines, who till his hand was weary slew them.
  • G [...]deon Overcame The Midianites and Amal [...]kites, and they of the East, being in multitude like Grashoppers, with three hundred men by
    Iudg. 7.
    blowing of Trumpets and breaking of Pitchers, the Lord set­ting each mans sword on other.
  • Hezekiah Overcame King Ashur: An Angel slaying of them 85000. in number.
    2 King. 19. Exod. 14. Chap. 17. Numb. 21. [...]osh. 12. Numb. [...]1. 49. 1 San. 7. Iu [...]g. 19. Iosh. 6. Chap. 11. Chap. 10. Iudg. 12. 1 Sam. 14.
  • The Israelites Overcame Pharaoh, being drowned in the red sea by the Lord.
  • The Israelites Overcame Amalek, more by Prayer then by Ioshuabs sword.
  • The Israelites Overcame K. Arad the Canaanite, and overthrew his Citie.
  • The Israelites Overcame The Kings in the land of Promise, being in number many.
  • The Israelites Overcame Five Kings: And slew thirtie thousand with 12000 men.
  • The Israelites Overcame Philistines: The Lord thundring from Heaven upon them.
  • The Israelites Overcame Benjamites: And slew in one day twentie fi [...]e thousand men.
  • Ioshua Overcame Jericho Only with blowing of trumpets and shouting.
  • Ioshua Overcame Ammonites And smote twentie cities among them.
  • Ioshua Overcame Five Kings The Lord casting stones from Heaven on them.
  • Iephthah Overcame Ephraimites; And slew two and fortie thousand of them.
  • Ionathan Overcame Philistines: The Lord causing the earth to tremble under them.
  • Jeh [...]shaphat Overcame The Ammonites and Moabites with the men of Mou [...]t Seir, by calling on the Lord and shouting, the Lord causing the men
    2 Chron. 20.
    of Ammon and Moab to slay the people of Mount Seir, and after themselves with their own swords to slay each other.
  • [Page 170]Pekah Overcame Judah men: And slew of them one hundred & twentie thousand.
    2 Chron. 28. Iudg. 3. Chap. 15. 1 Sam. 11.
  • Sham [...]ar Overcame The Philistins: And slew of thē Six hundred with a Goade.
  • Samson Overcame The Philistins: And slew of thē A thousand with a Jaw-bone.
  • Saul Overcame Nahash the Ammonite; and slew all of them.
  • Samaria Overcame The Syrians: The Lord causing them to heare a noise of Cha­riots and horsmen, whereupon they fled.
    2 King. 7. 2 Chron. 24. [...] Sam. 4. Numb. 14.
  • Syrlans Overcame Ioash, haing a great hoste, but forsaken by God.
  • Philistines & Amalekites Overcame The Israelites: and slew of them thirtie thousand, so that they were as Bees chased, God being with them displeased.
  • The Lord Saveth not with sword or speare: it is nothing with him to save
    1 Sam. 17. [...]7. Chap. 14. 6. 2 Chro [...].14. 11. 2 Cor. 12. 9. 1 Sam. 2. 4. Psal. 44. 3. 5. Psal. 76. 3. Psal. 144. 1.
    with many or with few: His power is made perfect through
    Psal. 27. 3. Psal. [...]8. 39. & 60 1 [...]. & 68. 30. & 76. 3.
    weaknesse: through him the bow and the mightie are broken, and the weak are girded with strength: we thrust back our adversaries, and tread down those that rise up against us, through him we shall doe valiantly; for it is he that teacheth our hands to fight, and our fingers to battell.
  • The King Is not saved by the multitude of an Hoste, neither is the mightie
    Psal. 33. 16, 17. Psal. 44. 7. 1 Sam. 17. 47. Psal. 46. 9.
    m [...]n delivered by much strength: The horse is a vaine helpe: The helpe of man is vain: The bow and the sword cannot save,
    Psal 98 1.
    they are broken by the Lord, the speare is cut, and the Chariots are burned.
    Eccl. 9. 18. Prov. 20. 18.

Better is wisdome then weapons of warre: By Counsell make warre.

Reade Isai. 31. 1. Iosh. 10. 25. Ier. 21. 4. Psal. 76. 6. Psal. 10. 8, 12, 13. Psal. 46. 0. Psal. 76. 1. Psal. 18. 24. Exod. 14. 14, 25. 1 Sam. 17. 47. 1. Sam. 2. 9. 2 Chro. 24. 24. Psal. 44. 3, 6. 2 Ki. 6. 16. 1 Chron. 19. 13. Prov. 21. 31. Hos. 1. 7. Psal. 108. [...]3. Psal. 44. 3. Psal. 68. 30. Psal. 76. 3.

Of Tyrants and their Tyrannie.

  • TYrannie is a thing base and inhumane, and therefore by the Latines called feritas, because it maketh us to forget all humane Mercie and Compassion, and causeth us to delight in bloud and murther, not respecting the weaknesse or un­worthinesse of the enemie, nor yet the equitie of the cause.
  • Tyrants are of two sorts: The one in Title.
  • Tyrants are of two sorts: The other in Action.
  • In Title, that without lawfull Title usurpeth the government of any place.
  • In Action, that having lawfull principalitie behaveth himselfe cruelly.

Crueltie of Tyrants are likewise of two sorts:

  • The one fiercenesse in afflicting of punishment upon cause.
  • The other a certain madnesse with delight in crueltie without cause.
  • Causes of crueltie are three: Covetousnesse, Violence, Ambition, naturally ingraf­ted in the will of Tyrants wanting reason, in that they often against reason, as also common equitie and honestie, execute their Tyrannie (their will being only a law) according to the old common proverbe: Stat proratione votuntas.
Tyrannically and cruelly
  • Adoni-bez [...]k cut off seventy kings thumbs & great toes of their feet & hands.
    Iudg. 1. Iudg. 9. 2 King. 11. Mat. 2. Exod. 1. 1 King. 21. Ier. 41. Gē. 4. 2 Sā. 3. 20 2 Mac. 2. 2 King. 15. 2 King. 3. Luke 13. 1. Ier. 3 [...]. 1 Sam. 22. 2 King. 17. 31.
  • Abimelech murthered seventie of his brethren to be king.
  • Athaliah massacred all the seed Royall (save Ioash) to be Queen.
  • Herod murthered all the little children: Pharaoh drowned them.
  • Iezebel caused Noboth to he stoned, and his vineyard to be taken.
  • Ishmael slew Gedaliah, and seventie other men.
  • Cain slew Abel his brother: And Ioab, Amasa and Abner.
  • The King put to death the seven children with the mother.
  • Menahem ript up the women of Tiphsah that were with childe.
  • King Moah offered up for a burnt offering his owne childe.
  • Pilate mingled the bloud of tho Galileans with their sacrifices.
  • Nehuchdnez zar slew Zedekiahs sons before him, and then put out his eyes.
  • Saul slew fourescore and five belonging to the Levites.
  • King Ahaz, 2 King. 16. 3. King Manasseh, 2 Chron. 22. Israelites.
  • Judah men, Ezek. 16. 20. The Sepharvims, 2 King. 17. 31.
  • Heathens made their sonnes and daughters to passe thorow the fire.
  • Simeon and Levi slew the Shechemites for ravishing their sister.
    Gen 34. Melanct. loc. com. Psal. 55. 25.
  • Phocas slew the wife and children of Mauritius the Emperour before his face, and after put him to death.

The bloud-thirstie and deceitfull man shall not live out halfe his dayes: The Lord abhorreth both of them.

Of Feasts and Feastings.

THe name of a Feast importeth the living, conversing, and familiaritie of one man with another, for that men are not made like wilde Savages to eate their morsels apart, but in civill manner to repast with others: for that Feasting is the Mother and Nurce of Amitle, the Salve and Repairer of continued Love, and theExod. 5. 1. Chap. 10. 9. Rev. 3. Luke 14. 8. Ioh. 2. Isai. 25. 6. signe of never intermitted friendship: To which purpose our Saviour speaketh, promising to come in and sup with us, assuring us that all displeasures are forgot­ten, and all offences forgiven. And to shew the honour of Feastings, Christ shew­eth it by a Parable: as also at a Feast did his first miracle in Canaan, turning wa­ter into wine: and the Lord himselfe is said to make a Feast unto all people of dain [...]i [...]s and pleasant things.

Again, Feastings are not amisse, so that they be used in remembrance of Gods benefits, for maintainance of mutuall friendships, and for reliefe of poore diseased persons; only we ought to take heed that we use not cu [...]ious diet, but mirth at meales in stead of delicates, because Sine arte mensa & plus salis quàm sumptus: Great Feasts are not without dangers, they serve not to suffice nature, but to nou­rish corruption. Observable it is, that Ioseph kept Christ twelve yeeres, but at a Feast lost him, but found him again in the Temple. Iobs sonnes were banquet­tingLuke 2. 44. when the house fell on them, Io [...] said they had sinned.

Let us therefore take heed especially of these three feastings:

  • To feast in Rioting and drunkennesse, that is to feast with the World.
  • To feast in Chambering & wantonnesse, that is to feast with the Flesh.
    Rom. 13. 13.
  • To feast in Strife and envyings, that is to feast with the Devill.
A feast was held by
  • Abraham at Isaacs weaning.
    Gen. [...]8. 7. Chap. 19. 5. Chap. 6. 50. Chap. 29. 22.
    Gen. 21.
  • Ahasuerus unto his Frinces.
    Esth. 1.
  • Queen Esther unto Ahasuerus
    Chap. 5.
  • Isaac unto King Ablmelcoh
    Jewes. Nehem. 8. 12. Davi [...]. 2 Sam 3. 20. E [...]sha. 2 King. 9. 21. Cap [...]ins, 1 C [...]. 12. 39.
    Gen. 26. 30.
  • Iacob unto Labar.
    Gen. 31.
  • Ioseph unto his brethren.
    Chap. 43. 34.
  • Herod at his birth-day.
    Mark 6.
  • Iohs children each his day.
    Ioh 1. 4.
  • Labanat Iacobs marriage day.
    Gen. [...]9. 22.
  • Matthew at his new born day
    Matth. 9.
  • Samson at his day of marriage
    Judg. 14. 1 King. 3. 15. Chap. 8. 65.
  • Salomon unto all his Princes.
And the Israelites held the Feast of
  • The Sabbath: of the Passe-over:
    Levit. 23.
    of the first fruits: of trumpets: of unleavened
    Deut. 26. 11, &c.
    bread: and of Whitsuntide.
  • W [...]ē thou holdest a feast (saith Christ) call not thy friends, nor
    Luke 14. 1 [...].
    thy brethren, nor thy kinsmen, nor thy rich neighbours, left they also hid thee again: but call the poor, the maimed, &c.

Read Ecclus. 32. 5. Neh. 8. 1 [...]. Exod. 5. 1. 2 Sam. 3. 20. Esth. [...]. 20. Pro 21. 17. 1 Ki. 3. 15.Gen. 40. 2 [...]. 1 Sam. 25. 36. & 8. 65. & 19. 21. 1 Chr. 12. 39. Esth. 2. 18. & 9. 18. Eccl. 10. 19. 1 Cor. 10. [...]7.

Of Mournings and Weepings.
  • David Mourned and wept Being pursued by Saul; departing from Ionathan.
    1 Sam. 20. Chap. 30. 2 Sam. 12. C [...]ap. 15. Psal. 6. 6.
  • David Mourned and wept For the Citie Ziklag being burnt; for the child born in adulterie; for Absalom his sonne, conspiring against him; and for the sins committed by him, so as he made his bed and couch with teares to swim, and for Abner being by Ioah slain.
    2 Sam. 3. 51. Dan. 10. 3. Gen. 27. & 33. 2 King. 8. Mar. 9. 2 Ki. 20. 1 Sā. 1. Esth. 6. Gen 21. & 29. Gen. 45.
  • Daniel Mourned and wept Three dayes of weekes together eating no pleasant thing.
  • Esau Mourned and wept For losse of his blessing: and for joy of Iacob [...] meeting.
  • Elisha Mourned and wept Seeing the evill Hazael should do to the Israelites children.
  • The Father Mourned and wept For his childe possessed: and Hezektah being by God visited.
  • Hannah Mourned and wept Being by Peninnah vexed: & Ham [...] seeing Mordecai advanc'd.
  • Hagar Mourned and wept In the wildernesse wandring: Iacob at Rachcls coming.
  • Ioseph Mourned and wept For joy seeing his Father Iacob and his brethren.
  • Iosiah Mourned and wept Hearing the Word of the Lord by the Prophet spoken.
    2 King. [...]2. 2 Ki. 13. Ioh 2. 12. Ch. [...]0. 25. & 16. 20. 1 Sam. 20. Isai. 22.
  • Ioash Mourned and wept For Elisha being ready to dye: Iohs friends for his miserie.
  • Ioh Mourned and wept For such as were in trouble, and for his own afflictions.
  • Ionathan Mourned and wept For David, seeing Saul his Father to hate him.
  • Isaiah Mourned and wept With Ieremiah for the miserie of the Israelites to come.
    Ier. 13. Lam. 1. Rev. 5. 4.
  • Iohn Mourned and wept Because no mā was foūd worthy to opē the book shew'd him.
  • The Israelites Mourned and wept For flesh in the wildernesle: at the Angels rebuking of
    Numb. 14. 4. Judg. 2. & 20. Chap. 11. 1 Sam. 11. P [...]l. 1, 7. 1. E [...]r [...] [...].1 [...].
    them: seeing the Benjamites to overcome them: for the Benjamites being destroyed by them: At Nahash speech unto them: and for their captivitie in Babylon.
  • [Page 172]Mordecai Mourned and wept Hearing of Hamans decree against the Jewes and him.
    Esth. 4. Luk. 7. Ioh. 20. Ruth 1. Neh. 1. Luk. 22. Act. 21. 13. Gen. 37. 1 Sam. [...]4. Iudg. 14. Mat. [...]. Luk. 23. 28.
  • Magdalene Mourned and wept At her coming to Christ, & at his s [...]pulchre not finding him.
  • Naomi Mourned and wept Departing frō her country: Nehemiah for Jerusalems misery.
  • Peter Mourned and wept Bitterly, having denied Christ at the voice of a maiden.
  • The people Mourned and wept Aboundantly hearing Paul should be bound at Jerusalem.
  • Reuben Mourned and wept Affectionately for Ioseph being cast into a pit by his brethrē.
  • Saul Mourned and wept Hypocritically, hearing the voice of David his sonne.
  • Samsons wife Mourned and wept Fallaciously, to know the riddle propounded by Samson.
  • Women Mourned and wept For their children slain by Herod [...] other for Christ crucified.
  • Christ Mourned and wept For Lazaru [...], raising him; over Jerusalem, pittying them, in
    Iohn 11. 13. Luk. 19. Heb. 5. 7. Isai. 53. Rom. 12. 15. Matth. 5. 4. Eccl. 7. 2.
    the garden before his passion with drops of bloud trick­ling from him, and that by reason of Gods wrath being heavie upon him for the sin only of man.
Weep with them that weep: Blessed are they that mourn. Better to be in the house of mourning then in the house of feasting.
Christ commanded weeping, Luk. 2 [...]. 28.
Mourning for deceased persons.
  • Abraham Mourned & wept for Sarah his wife.
    Gen. 23. 2 Sam. 11. 2 Sam. 1. Gen. 50. Chap. 37. Gen. 50. Chap. 38. Iob 1. 20.
  • Abigai [...] Mourned & wept for Ʋriah her husband.
  • David Mourned & wept for Saul, Abner, Ionathan.
  • Egyptians Mourned & wept for Ia [...]ob dayes seven.
  • Iacob Mourned & wept for Ioseph supposing him dead
  • Ioseph Mourned & wept for Iacob being dead.
  • Iudah Mourned & wept for His wife Shuahs daughter.
  • Iob Mourned & wept for His sonnes and daughters.
  • Ieremiah Mourned & wept for Iosiah with lamētatiō
    2 Chro. 35. 25. Numb. 20. 29. Deut. 34. 8.
  • The Israe­lites Mourned & wept for Thirtie daies for Mo­ses and Aaron.
  • Israelites Mourned & wept for Four dayes yearly for
  • daughters Mourned & wept for Iephthahs daughter.
    Iudg. 11. Act. 8. Chap. 9. 1 King. 13. 30. Eccl. 7. 2.
  • Certain mō Mourned & wept for Steven stoned.
  • Ce [...]t-women Mourned & wept for Dorcas forth stretch'd
  • The Proph▪ Mourned & wept for The prophet seduced.
  • Saint Paul Willeth men not to sorrow for them that are asleep as other that
    1 Thes. 4. 13. Rom. 8. 11.
    have no hope: for if we beleeve that Jesus is dead and risen again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
  • The wise man Willeth men to poure forth teares over the dead, and to mourn as if thou hadst sustered great harme thy self: yea to make a grievous lamentation, and to be earnest in mourning, and to
    Ecclus. 38. 16. Chap. 22. 11.
    use lamentations as he is worthy, and that a day or two, lest thou be evill spoken of, and then to comfort thy self again.
A Description of Death.
  • There are two sorts of death: The one Corporall.
  • There are two sorts of death: The other Eternall.
  • Corporall death Is the separation of the soul from the bodie, with all the evils
    Gen. 9. 13. Eccl. 12. 7. Deut. 28. 15.
    that attend thereon, to wit, sorrowes, griefes, sicknesses, diseases, and such like.
  • Spirituall death Is the finall separation of the whole man in Hell for ever, from
    2 Thes. 1. 19. 2 Tim. 2. 26. Ephes. 2. 2. Heb. 10. 27. Isai. 33. 14.
    Gods favourable presence and fellowship, together with present bondage under Satans hellish horrours, and such like fore-runners of damnation.
  • There are three other kinds of death defined, to wit,
  • Death In Sinne: Such are they that are Reprobates.
    Rom. 8. 6. Exod. 22. 12. Rom. 8. 13.
  • Death For Sinne: Such are they that are Malefactours.
  • Death To Sinne: Such are they that are Gods elected Ones.
  • There are three Heraulds or Messengers going before Death:
  • 1. Casualtie, which tels every one of a Doubtfull End.
  • 2. Sicknesses, which tels every one of a Painfull End.
  • 3. Old age, which tels every one of a Certain End.
  • Constitutum est omnibus semel mori. Heb. 9. 27.
  • It is appointed unto all men once to die. Heb. 9. 27.
  • What man is he that liveth, and shall not see death? shall he deliver his soul from
    Psal. 89. 48.
    the hand of the grave? Selah.

Names and Titles given unto Death.

Death is called
  • A bed to rest in.
    Isai. 57. 2. Phil. 1. 23. Iob 3. 17. 1 C [...]r. 15. 51. Iob 14. 2. Iob 6. [...]. Gen. 5. 5. Isa. 38. 10. Phil. 1. 23. 2 Cor. 5. 1.
  • A being with Christ.
  • A ceasing from troubling.
  • A changing.
  • A cutting down.
  • A cutting off of dayes.
  • Death it selfe.
  • A depriving of yeares.
  • A dissolution of the bodie.
  • A destruction of the Earth, Bodie▪
  • A day of darknesse.
    Ecc. 12. 7. Luk. 2▪ 29. Psa. 146. 4
  • A departing in peace.
  • A departing of breath.
  • An Entrance into the way of all the world.
    Iosh. 23. 9. Psa. 49. 19.
  • An Entrance into the gene­ration of the Fathers.
  • The end of all flesh.
    Gen. 6. 13. 1 Sā. 26. 10 2 Sā. 3. 18. Act. 7. 60. 2 Tim. 4. 7. Iob 20. 8. Gen. 25. 8. Iob 5. 26. 1 Ki. 2. 10. Gen. 15. 15 2 Sā. 12. 23 Ps. 115. 17. Iob 33. 24. Ps. 39. 13▪ Eccl. 12. 5. Iob 17. 16
  • The end of mans dayes.
  • A falling.
  • A falling asleep.
  • A finishing of our course.
  • A fleeting away.
  • A gathering to the people.
  • A going To the grave.
  • A going The way of al the earth.
  • A going To our fathers.
  • A going To the dead.
  • A going To the place of silence.
  • A going Into the pit.
  • A going Home.
  • A going To mans long home.
  • A going Down to the barres of the pit.
  • A going Into the land of dark­nesse.
    Iob 10. 21
  • A hiding in the Grave.
    Iob 14. 13 Iob 30. 23 Iob 3. 13.
  • A house for the living.
  • A lying still.
Death is called
  • A laying With our Fathers.
    Dan. 13. 65. Iob 14. 1 [...]. Iob 21. 26. 2 Pet. 1. 14.
  • A laying Down.
  • A laying In the Dust.
  • A laying Down of our Ta­bernacle.
  • The land of Darknesse.
    Iob 10. 21▪ Psal. 88. 12. Phil. 1. 23. 2 Tim. 4. 6. Iob 20. 8. Iob 34. 20: Gen. 7. 22. Iob 34. 15. Psal. 115. 17. Io [...]. 9. 4. Iob 3. 13. R [...]. 14. 13. Iob 3. 17. Iob 21. 32. 2 Cor. 5. 8. Gen. 3. 9. Psal. 146. 4. Iob 14. 20. Iob 11. 10. Iob 3. 13. 1 Thes. 4. 14. 1 King. 1. 21. Io [...] 7. [...]1. Iob 34. 15. Gen. 5. 24. Psal. 104. 29. 1 King. 19. 4. Heb. 11. 15. Wis. 4. 10 Iob 14. 2. 1 Ki. 17. 17. Iosh. 23. 14. Iob 16. 22.
  • The land of Oblivion.
  • A loosing from the bodie.
  • An offering up.
  • A passage.
  • A passing away.
  • A perishing.
  • A perishing of the flesh.
  • A place of silence.
  • Night.
  • A quiet resting.
  • A rest from labour.
  • A rest for the wearied.
  • A remaining in the Tombe.
  • A removing out of the body.
  • Returning to the Dust.
  • Returning to the Earth▪
  • A sending away.
  • A shutting up.
  • A sleep.
  • A sleep in Jesus.
  • A sleeping with the fathers.
  • A sleeping in the dust.
  • A turning unto the dust.
  • A taking away by God.
  • A taking away of mans breath, and Soule.
  • A Translation.
  • A vanishing.
  • A want of breath.
  • The way of all flesh.
  • The way to goe in without returning.
  • An yeel­ding up of the Ghost, and
    Gen. 35. Chap. 25. 8.
    of the spirit.

Death is common to all.

A Terrour to the Rich: a desire of the poore: a separation of all: a thing in­heritable: a rest from travell: a depth eternall: a shadow of life: of many a thiefe: the end of all strife: a voyage uncertain: a Gen. 27. 2. Pilgrimage not knowne: the dissolution of every one: of the dead a companion: the beginning of Eter­nitie, and the end of those that die.

And is compared unto an Archer making Man his But, or M [...]rk, who when he shooteth, striketh in this manner following:

  • In shooting over us, he strikes our Ancestours.
  • In shooting behinde us, he strikes our Servants.
  • In shooting on our right hand, he strikes our Wives and Children.
  • In shooting on our left hand, he strikes our Friends.
  • In shooting in the middest, he strikes our Our selves.

So that no one can escape him, for as St Paul saith, Constitutum est omnibus semel mori: It is appointed unto all men that they shall once die: Omnibus semel, pleris{que} [...]is: toHeb. 9. [...]7. Hos. 13. 14. [...] Cor. 15. R [...]vel. 21. 4. Job 14. 5, 14▪ Joh. 13. 1. Job 10. 9. Wisd. 7 6. 1 Tim. 6. 7. all once, to many twice: for there is a second death, and that is truly a death, be­cause it is Mo [...]s vitae, the death of life: The other rather a life, because it is Mors mortis, the death of death, after which mors nō erit ultra, there shalbe no more death.

Now as Iob saith, Mans time is appointed, his months determined, and his dayes numbred, yea, and (as Christ saith) his very last hour is limited: He was made of the mould of the earth, he shall return again to the earth; And as all have one entrance▪ into life, the like going out shall they have to death: Nothing we brought in, no­thing shall we carry out.

[Page 174]A Change then shall come, which of
  • the wicked is to be feared.
    Eccl. 7. 2.
  • the Godly is to be desired.
  • all people is to be expected.
  • Vita citò avolat, nec potest retineri.
  • Mors quotidiè ingruit, nec potest resisti.
  • Life fleeth away speedily, and cannot be retained.
    Psal. 89. 48.
  • Death cometh on hastily, and cannot be resisted.

Better (saith Salomon) is the day of Death, then of Birth: and yet

  • Athe [...]st dares not die for fear nō esse, to be no more remembred.
  • Usurer dares not die for fear malè esse, that he shall be damned.
  • and dares not die for fear An sit, an non sit, an damnatu [...] sit.
  • Doubtfull dares not die for fear Whether he shall be, or not be, or be condemned, or saved.
  • conscience dares not die for fear

The Faithfull only dares die, because of his Election he is assured.

Comforts against Death.

THe Remembrance of Death (saith the Wise man) is bitter to a man that see­kethEcclus. 41. rest and comfort in his substance, unto the man that hath nothing to vex him, and that hath prosperitie in every thing. It is bitter to the Infidell, that looks for no life after this, and to them that never tasted of the Crosse, as also to them that are strong and lustie in bodie, but sweet unto the contrary, acceptable and good unto the needie, to them whose strength faileth, that is in his last age, that is full of cares, and without Hope and Patience.

The parting with the world, the pang [...] of death, the horrour of the grave, and consideration of Judgement maketh death to seeme formidable to many an one.

Against all these arme thy selfe with this:

1. That death freeth the Godly from the tyranme of Satan, from sin, the world, the flesh, and [...]ternall damnation, placing them with Christ in Heaven.Phil. 1. 2.

2. Christ by his death sanctified unto us both Death and the Grave.

3. The Consolations of Gods Spirit to the Soul, surmount the dolours of death.

4. The d [...]sire of the beholding of God should make us willing to lay down our lives, and with Paul to de [...]re to be dissolved.Phil. 1. 1 Corinth. 2 Cor. 5.

5. In stead of earthly bodies we shall be clothed with unspeakable glorie, and have an habitation not made with hands, but eternall in the Heavens.

6. The sting of death, namel, sinne is then fully taken away so that it can no more hurt us.

7. That neither death, or any thing else, is able to separate the Godly from Christ in whom they are elected.Rom. 8.

8. We should not so much think of the feare of death, as to take an exact account of our life, for that that man ca [...]not die ill, who hath lived well; but seldome dieth well, that li [...]eth evill.

Then live well, and dye never: Dye well, and live ever.

9. Remember them that have been before thee, and that shall come after thee, that this is the judgement of the Lord over all flesh to taste of death.Ecclus. 41. 3.

After which
  • Bona opera sequuntur bonos to crowne them.
  • Mala opera persequuntur malos to torment them.

The dreadfull death of the wicked.

Fearful was the end of
  • Abimelech, who was sl [...]in by a woman with a piece of a milstone.
    Iudg. 9. 54. 2 Sam. 13. 2 Sam. 18. 2 Sā. 17. Mat. 27 1 King. 22. 2 King. 19. 2 Chron. 20. 1 King. 20. 2 King. 19. Iosh. 7. 2 Ki. 8.
  • Ammon, whose heart being merry with wine was suddenly slain.
  • Absalom, who was hanged by the haire in the boughes of a tree.
  • Ahithophel and Iudas, who hanged themselves despairingly.
  • Ahab, who was slain by an Arrow shot at him.
  • Ashur, who was slain in his idoll-temple by his own children.
  • The Ammonites, Moabites, and Mount Seir: who slew one the other.
  • The Aramites, on whom a wall falling twenty seven thousand died together.
  • The Assyrians, of whom an Angel slew one hundred fourscore thousa [...].
  • Achan stoned, and of Benhadad, who was by Hazael choaked.
Fearfull was the end of
  • [Page 175]Ananias and Saphira, who were stricken by God suddenly dead.
    Act. 5. Dan. 5. 2 Ki. 1. Gen. 19. Dan. 6. 1 Sam. 2 [...]. Luk. 16. 1 Sam. 17. Esth. 7. Act. 12. 2 King. 9. Gen. 4. Numb. 16. Numb. 14. 2 King. 2. Dan. 3. Lev. 10. Nū. 16. Gen. 7. 1 Sam. 5. Exod. 14. 2 King. 7. Luk. 1 [...] 1 Sā 31. Iudg. 4. Mat [...]. 27. 1 King. 16.
  • Belshazzar, who saw a hand-writing, and was slain by the Caldean.
  • Two Captains, and of Sodome, who were burnt with fire from Heaven.
  • Daniels Accusers, who were cast into the Lions den with wife and children.
  • Doeg, who s [...]w eightie five persons that wore the linnen Ephod.
  • Dives, who was no sooner dead, but was in hell tormented.
  • Goliah, who in his blasphemie was slain by David suddenly.
  • Haman, who was hanged on the Gallowes made for Mordeca [...].
  • Herod, who was by an Angel smitten, and by wormes eaten.
  • Iezebel, who was trampled to death with horses, and with dogs eaten.
  • Kain, who died despairing of the Lords mercie.
  • Korah, who was swallowed up into the earth with all his comp [...]nie.
  • The murmurers amongst the Israelites that died in their murmuring,
  • The mocking children, who were by the two she Beares slain.
  • The men burnt in the flame that bound the three Children.
  • Nadab, Abihu, and many other, who were with fire consumed.
  • The old world, especially of such as of their sinnes had not repented.
  • The Philistines, whom the Lord before the Israelites slew, and scattered.
  • Pharaoh, and all his armie that in the red sea perished.
  • The Prince of Samaria, being trod to death for his unbeleeving.
  • The Rich man, who in the midst of his [...]ase had his soul taken from him.
  • Saul, who slew himself, and Sisera, who was by Iael slain.
  • One Thiefe of the two crucified, that died of Christ reviling.
  • Zimri, who burnt himselfe voluntarily, after his conspiring.
  • Murthercis, Idolaters, and other sinners, that died not repenting.

Transgressours shall be destroyed together, and the end of the wicked is such asPsal. 37. 18. Iob 18. 17. Prov. 11. 22. Phil. 3. 19. & 3. 13. that they shall be rooted out at the last, and the remembrance of them shall perish from the earth, and they that come after them shall be astonied at their day: to whom it shall come as they have done, their end being damnation.

The pretious death of the Godly.

Pretious was the End of
  • Abel, who being slain, was the first Martyr in Heav [...].
    Gē. 4. & 25. 8. Num. 20. Iob. 14. 2. 2 Sam. 12. Exod. 1. 16. Mat. 2. 2 King. 2. 2 Ki. 2. Gen. 5. 2 King. 13. Gen. 25. 5. Chap. 27. Gen. 50. Iob 42. Mark 6. Luke 16. Deut. 34. Gen 9. [...] King. [...]1. 2 Tim. 4. 2 Sam. 7. 14. Act. 7. Luk. 23. I [...]. 25. [...]. 2 Sam. 11. 2 Chron. [...]4. Rom. 4. 25. Heb. [...]. 15. Col. 1. 20. Ps [...]l. 116. 15. Psal. 7 [...]. 14. Eccl. 7. 1. Rev. 14. 13.
  • Abraham and Aaron, who lived a godly life, and died ol [...] men.
  • The Apostles, for whom Mansion-places were prepared in Heaven.
  • The childe begotten in adulterie, as it appeares by Davids saying.
  • The Children that were by King Pharaoh and Herod slain.
  • David, who having reigned fortie yeares, died in the Lord.
  • Elijah and Henoch, who were taken up into Heaven by God.
  • Elisha, Ieremiah, and other Prophets, that now reigne with God.
  • Isaac, who was counted only blessed of all Abrahams childr [...]n.
  • Iacob, who had from Esau his elder brother his fathers blessing.
  • Ioseph, who saw his childrens children to the fourth generation.
  • Iob, whose latter dayes were double blessed by the Lord.
  • Iohn Baptist, who was for reproving King Herod beheaded.
  • Lazar [...], who is now in Father Abrahams bosome seated.
  • Moses, who dying in the land of Moab, was by God buried.
  • Noab, who lived nine hundred and fiftie yeares ere he died.
  • Naboth, who was unjustly stoned to death for his vineyard.
  • Paul, who had a Crown of glorie laid up for him.
  • Salomon, in that God promised never to take his mercie from him.
  • Steven, who being stoned, saw Christ his Saviour in Heaven.
  • One Thiefe, whom Christ promised should be with him in Heaven.
  • Ʋriah the Prophet, and the Hittite, who without cause suffered.
  • Zecha [...]iah, who for doing that which God commanded was stoned.
  • Christ,
  • For all those that by a lively Faith lay hold on him.
  • Who died for our sinnes, and rose for our justification.
  • Pretious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints.
  • Bet [...]er to the Godly is the day of death, then the day of birth:
  • Blessed are they that die in the Lord, for they rest from their labour.
  • We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinckling of an eye, for the trump shall blow, and the dead shall be raised, and shall beare the voice of the Son of God, and they shall live, and be saved▪ But as there is great difference
    1 Cor. 15. 5. 52. Iob. 5. [...]5.
    betwixt the death of the godly and of the wicked, so shall there be in their Re­surrection in three respects, to wit, in their Cause, Manner, and End of rising.
  • [Page 176]In their Causes, the wicked riseth by Gods citation, the Godly by Christs union.
    Dan. 12. 2, 3. 2 Cor. 5. 10.
  • In their Manner, the wicked riseth with sorrow, the Godly with joy.
  • In their End, the wicked riseth unto shame, the Godly unto glorie.

Reade 1 Thes. 4. 16, 17. Revel. 20. 6. Isai. 57. 1, [...].

The Resurrection of the Godly and ungodly.

ANd as the difference is great between their Resurrection, so shall it be in the places appointed for their habitation: for that the wicked sh [...]ll then heare that dolefull sentence pronounced by Christ, saying, Ite maledicti, Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devill and his angels, there shall be for ever their abiding: Whereas the Godly shall heare that comfortable sen­tence of Christ pronounced, saying, Venite Benedicti, Come ye blessed of my Father receive the Kingdome prepared for you from the beginning: there shall be their abode world without ending: Which sentence of joy that we may all heare, and place of Blisse enjoy, the Lord for his mercie grant, and that for his Sonne Christ Jesus h [...]s sake, to both whom with the holy Ghost our Comforter three persons and one God be ascribed and given all [...]aud, praise, honour, glorie and dominion from this time forth and for evermore, Amen.


A Table of the principall Matters contained in this Book.

  • ADams fall. page. 18
  • Adversaries of the Godly. 32
  • Adulterie. 121
  • Afflictions profitable 34
  • Afflicted persons God heareth. 33
  • Ambition. 134
  • Angels Apparitions. 160
  • Anger sinfull. 153
  • Anger Godly. 154
  • Attributes of God explained. 3
  • Attributes of God the
  • Father. 4
  • Son. 6
  • holy▪ Ghost. 8
  • Blessed man who he is. [...]2
  • Blessings of God for the Godly. 73. 79
  • Blessings pronounced by the Godly. 83
  • Callings of men two-sold. 117
  • Comforts
  • for afflicted persons. 38
  • for repentant sinners. 76
  • in place of sorrow. 102
  • Conscience what it is. 105
  • Conscience accusing. 106
  • Contention. 140
  • Covenant-breakers, 114
  • Covetousnesse. 123
  • Curses pronounced. 92
  • Deathes Titles. 173
  • Death of the Godly. 175
  • Death of the wicked. 174
  • Deceit. 131
  • Decree of God. 17
  • Derision wicked. 138
  • Derision Godly. 139
  • Devils Titles. 167
  • Devils Temptings. 95
  • Discords. 140
  • Disobedience. 149
  • Dreames. 159
  • Drunkennesse. page. 118
  • Election what it is. 17
  • Election is of Gods mercie. 22, 23
  • Election of few: many called. 21
  • Electiō of yonger before the elder. 21
  • Emulation. 140
  • Envie. 144
  • Evill how permitted of God. 94
  • Evill with evill punished. 97
  • Faith what it is. 157
  • Faithfulnesse. 133
  • False witnesse bearing punished. 128
  • Feasts. 171
  • Feare: 104
  • Few elected: many called. 22
  • Fidelitie. 133
  • Fornication. 121
  • Free-will. 24
  • God is Jehovah. 1
  • Gods presence. 11
  • Good with good rewarded. 100
  • Godly parents; wicked children. 106
  • Gifts given to holy uses. 109
  • Guile. 131
  • Heart how heardened, 93
  • Hope what it is. 157
  • Humilitie. 136
  • Idlenesse. 116
  • Idolatrie. 111
  • Infidelitie. 155
  • Ingratitude. 151
  • Instruments of Gods wrath. 87, 89
  • Israelites Titles. 76
  • Judging one of another. 19
  • Justice of God. 83
  • Lots used. 45
  • Love of man to man. 146
  • Lying punished. 129
  • [Page]Mans troubles. 28
  • Mans purpose Gods disposing. 35
  • Men Godly how called. 57
  • Men wicked how called. 59
  • Merit. 23
  • Man what he is. 54
  • Meanes are to be used. 41
  • Mercie of God what it is. 65
  • M [...]rcie of God to sinners. 66
  • Mercie of Christ to all forts. 127
  • Mercie of man to man. 146
  • Mercie and Justice of God. 77, 78
  • Meeknesse. 136
  • Magistrates Titles. 166
  • Magistra [...]es Du [...]ie. 166
  • Ministers Titles. 162
  • Minister Dutie 164, 165
  • Mocking wicked. 138
  • Mocking [...] Godly. 139
  • Mournings for the dead. 172
  • Murmurings. 155
  • Murther punished. 119
  • Miracles of God. 26
  • Obedience. 159
  • Oppression. 12 [...]
  • Parēts [...]ing, childrē punished. 102
  • Patie [...]s. 148
  • Peace [...] 142
  • Place of sorrow: place of joy. 102
  • Prayer. 46
  • Predesti [...]ation. 17
  • Presence of God. 11
  • Presence of Christ. 12, 13
  • Power of God. 26
  • Pride. 134
  • Providence of God. 28
  • P [...]rpos [...] of man, Gods disposing. 35
  • Rep [...]ntance what it is. 62
  • Repentance [...]vers sorts. 63
  • Repentance how s [...]id to be in God. 65
  • Reprobation. 17
  • Restitution. 127
  • Resurrection. 176
  • Sabbath-brea [...]rs punished. 112
  • Sacrilegious p [...]rsons punished. 109
  • Satans Appellations. 167
  • Satans Temptings. 168
  • Signes of Confirmation. 75
  • Sinne what it is. 50
  • Sinne of particular persons. 51
  • Sinne increased. 52
  • Sinne extenuated. 44
  • Sin punished where it was commit­ted. 101
  • Sin of one punished in another. 102
  • One sin severely punished. 96
  • Sinners punished. 83
  • All Creatures for mās sin punisht. 86
  • Sorrow Godly and wicked. 62
  • Slandering. 128
  • Subtiltie. 132
  • Swearing. 114
  • Tempting how said to be in God and The Devil. 94
  • Tenths due to the Levites. 108
  • The Trinitie described. 9
  • Thankfulnesse. 152
  • Theft. 133
  • Titles of God the Father. 4, 5
  • Titles of God the Son. 6, 7
  • Titles of God the holy Ghost. 8, 9
  • Titles of Gods Word. 14
  • Titles of Godly men. 57
  • Titles of Wicked men. 59
  • Titles of The Israelites. 76
  • Titles of Wicked Ministers. 162
  • Titles of Godly Ministers. 163
  • Titles of Magistrates. 166
  • Titles of The Devill. 167
  • Titles of Death. 173
  • Tyranny of Tyrants. 170
  • Vowes made and performed. 115
  • Vowes made and broken. 114
  • Ʋsurie unlawfull. 125
  • Warres. 169
  • Will-worshippers punished. 108
  • Woes pronounced. 92
  • Word of God how powerfull. 17
  • Worship of God how it ought to be. 107

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