THE BEHAVIOURS, CONFESSIONS, Last Speeches, AND EXECUTION OF SEVEN NOTORIOƲS MALEFACTORS, WHO WERE On the 24th. of this instant October, Executed at TYBURN, FOR Felonies, Murder, Robberies, and HIGH TREASON. But more Especially of CHARLES BUTLER THE Notorious Clipper, &c.

Examples of Justice, we see, can no ways deter some Persons from rushing headlong up­on their own Destruction, as by the untimely Ends of these to be deplored Miscreants will plainly appear; Some of which neither the late Inflictions of Punishment, nor the Persuasions of their Friends were capable to reclaim, till they too late found their forfeited Lives must inevitably appease offended Justice, by an untimely Expiration: But to the purpose.

Entred according to Order.

Printed for Langley Curtis, mar Fleet-bridge. 1683.

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