THE Behaviour, last Speeches, Confessions, AND EXECUTION Of the Prisoners that Suffered at TYBURN On Fryday the 7th of March, 1678/9.


  • Thomas Coxe, and Charles Smith, Who were drawn thither on a Hurdle, for TREASON.
  • Mary Augur, For Murther.
  • AND Anne Atkins, For a Burglary, her Husband be­ing hang'd for the like Offence but the very last Sessions before.

With a true Account of their Carriage, and Discourses to Mr. Ordinary and others, both in Prison and at the place of Execution.

At the Request of the Publisher, I have perused this Sheet, and do Attest the Truth of the Contents therein.

Samuel Smith, Ordinary.

LICENSED, 1678/9.

LONDON: Printed for L. C. 1678/9.

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