SEVEN THUNDERS Vttering their Voices, and the Seven LAST TRVMPETS Preparing to sound in the Spirit of Jea­lousies, (which is jealous for Sion,) Proclaim­ing the great, and notable, and terrible day, of Iehovah the Mighty God of trembling Israels Camp, in which no Flesh shall be saved but for the Elects Sake.
Being an Alarm to all the Inhabitants of the Earth especially to the dwellers in Sodom and Egipt, and all Inhabiters of Babilon, whose perpetual down-fall is nigh at hand.

THe great and Mighty day of God is appeared, wherein every mans works and ways, Worships and Religion, Professions and practices, words and actions shall be declared and made mani­fest, and tryed of what sort soever they be, and none shall be able to hide himself from the bright Splender of its Glory for God who is a Consum­ing fire, is arisen and coming to pass through all, and to try all with his grounded Staffe, and with Battles of Shakings, and woe be to him that is covered with a Covering, and not of my Spirit saith the Lord, For I the [Page]Mighty God am come to judge the World with Equity, and the people with Truth, and no Weapon formed against my work shall prosper, for I have looked down from heaven over all the ways, worships, and great professions of Religions amongst the children of men, & have found the greatest part in falsehood, Hipocrisy, and Idolatry, and the abomination stands where it ought not in the inward parts, where I have required Truth and uprightness, and they are bending their tongues like their bow for lyes, and are not valiant for the truth upon Earth, for which cause my out-streached Arme is Reveal­ed, which shall break in peices Nations, even for my seeds sake, and that man or people that will not serve me, shall utterly perish, I the Lord have spoken it, for I am arisen in my dreadful power and great Glory, to lay wast all high Mountaines, and strong Towers, and to bring down every fenced Wall and the tall Ceaders, strong Oakes, and pleasant pictures shall fall down at the shaking of my hand, and I will s [...]in the pride of the Glory of all Flesh, and bring the Honourable into contempt, and spoile the beauty of the great Whore, which hath sat upon Nations, and the Beast and false Prophet, with all her Marchants, I will plague and torment her; and they shall know that I am the Lord that searcheth the heart and tryeth the Reines, who will re­ward every man according to his works.

Therefore all Peoples Kindreds and Nations throughout the whole world (that lyes in wickedness) Awake awake to Righteousnes, and stand up in fear and dread, and tremble yea before the Almighty God, and come out of Babylon, come out of Babylon, flee, hast, and run, for the day of Venge­ance is come upon the Inhabitants of Babylon, it is come as a Snare, as a snare is the day of the Lord come, and you will not beleive it; Arise, arise, stand up yea Armies of the Alians Gog and Magog, Gomer and his bands, and all the Hosts of the Philistines, and all you Sodomites, and Is­maelites, that belong to the Coasts of Egypt and Babylon; The Trumpet of the Almighty God is sounded out of Sion his holy Mountaine; Alarm, alarm, prepare, prepare to the Battle of the great God, all ye hosts of the Heathen, the standard of his zeal and fury and Indignation is lift­ed up against you, and you shall be beaten, and broken, and scattered and trampled down to dust saith the Lord God Almighty: And all you Bulls of Bashan, you are for the Slaughter, and all you tall Ceaders and strong Oakes, you are fuel for the fire, and all you senced Walls, you shall be broaken down, and all you pleasant Pictures you shall be defaced; for a spoiler is come into all your dwellings and you perceive it not, a fire is [Page 2]kindled, and you know it not, an Ax is hewing and you hear it not, a sword is drawn and a bow is bent by the Armes of the Almighty and you see it not, Awake awake you heathen out of your sleep, and come up to the Vally of Jehosaphat, for the Almighty God will plead with you there, for he is coming from Bozrah with dyed garments, and he will trample you in his fury as one that treadeth upon morter, & you shall be as chaffe before the whirle­wind, all ye Inhabitants of Babylon Egypt, and Ethiopia, and all you Sodo­mites, and Edomites; Cry and howle ye Mountaines, tremble ye Oakes and Ceaders, fall down ye fenced Walls, Roar ye Bulls of Bashan, for the great and dreadful day of the Eternal mighty God is at hand, which shall be upon every one that is proud and upon every one that is high and lifted up, and they shall be abased; Therefore hear, hear ye that lye upon your beds of Ivory, and streach your selves upon your Couches, that chant at the sound of the Vi­ol, and drink wine in bowles, and are not greived for the afflictions of Ioseph: Even all you that are at ease in unrighteousness, if you have an eare hear, and if you have an eye, see what you are doing.

For thus saith the Lord God, you who are at ease in the ways of ungodli­ness, and wickedness, are the afflictors of Ioseph, and the opressors of Israel (for it is written I will lead Ioseph like a flock, and I will s [...] the Solitary in families) looke ye to it, for I have determined to break in [...]ices the oppressor, and to bring my Son out of Egypt, what will ye now do ye potsheards? will ye venture in battle against your maker? shall ye not then be broken to peices? am not I a consuming fire and you as brambles, and thornes, and stuble, before me? [...] what you do, ye ungodly men if you fight against Israel you shall surely fall▪ I the Lord have spoken it, for I am arisen as an Eagle that flut­tereth over her young, to defend my people, and my seed shall grow and pro­sper and replenish the Earth, and all that strive against them shall be con­founded, would you make void my decree and determinations, and the words that I have spoken by my prophets since the world began that the seed of the Woman should bruise the Serpents head (the Dragons power which makes war with the Lamb, the harmless suffering seed) and did I not say, that the seed of Abraham, should be as the stars of Heaven, and as the sand of the sea shore for multitude, and that the Earth should be filled with my knowledge as the waters cover the Sea; And would you strive to hinder this my unalterable decree? is it not written, why do the Heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing, the Kings of the Earth set themselves, and the Rulers take Counsel together against the Lord, and against his anonited (make that) [Page 3]saying, let us break their bands assunder, and cast away their Cords from us: Hear ye deaf, and see ye blind, who are mine anointed, but them who have received the unction from me the Holy One, which teacheth them all things, even my spirit which leadeth them into all truth, in which I am coming in ten thousands of my Saints, to reprove and convince all that are ungodly, of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed and of their hard speeches which thy have spoken against me: And I will break in peices Nations, and give people for their life, therefore touch not my Anointed, and do my Prophets no harme, but be still ye heathen and know that I am God, I will be exalted in the earth and my name shall be great in all Nations, and fears and terrours, misery, and destruction, shall come as a floud upon all the work­ers of Iniquity, and my fury as a whirlewinde shall sweep them away; and Josephs bough shall spread over the wall, like a fruitful vine; for I will cast out the Heathen, and plant him for ever, for I am unchangeable, he that hath an ear to hear, let him hear; As I live saith the Lord God, I have sworn by myself, and I will performe it, Jacob shall grow, and Israel shall increase, and Joseph shall flourish, and they shall fill the face of the whole Earth, but I will destroy the workers of Iniquity out of it, & root out the memorial of the ungodly, the seed of the evil doers shall never be renowned; for I am risen, I am risen as a consuming fire, to make a full end, and my flame burneth even to the top of the Mountains, and my coales in the foundations of the Hills, and the unfruitful earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousie; I am arisen in the greatness of my strength, to lay wast to consume and to destroy, the sinners out of it; yea, I am arisen, I am a­risen as a Gyant to run his race, refresht with new Wine, and as a mighty man of War, that shouteth to the Battle, yea I am arisen as the noyse of many Thunders, and as the fierceness of Lightning, and I am crying like a woman in travel, to be eased of mine Adversaries; yea and my voice shall be ter­rible to the Nations; I am arisen, I am arisen, like a Lyon out of his thicket, and like an old Lyon that is greedy for the prey.

And like a Lyoness that is bereaved of her whelps, and I will utter my voice, I will roar, and the earth shall be shaken at the sound thereof: and the pillars of heaven shall tremble, and the sea shall roar, and be troubled at the noise of my dreadful thunders, with which I will thunder upon the wicked, yea, I am arisen to take vengeance, to avenge, to give a recompence, to ren­der judgements and indignation, plague upon plague, torment upon torment, thunders upon thunders, vialls upon vials, wrath upon wrath, earthquake, up­on [Page 4]earthquake, trumpet after trumpet, war upon war, bloud upon blood, slain upon slain, heap upon heapes. Therefore, hear, fear, quake and tremble, all ye workers of iniquity, houl, lament, and roar, and be ye horribly astoni­shed, ye heathen that are at ease for behold I am risen to plead with all flesh, yea I will plead with you all from the highest to the lowest for I have re­membred my seed which you have long oppressed, yea their cry is come into mine ears and hath moved my bowels towards them, which burns against you ye hard-hearted and rebellious for my determination is to make a full end of iniquity, transgression and sin, and no flesh shall stand in opposition a­gainst me, who am a consuming fire.

For behold I am coming in ten thousands of my saints, yea in thousands of thousands, of those poor people which have been long as trodden down, pee­led, robbed and spoyled, even of those (whom the scorners of this world, have termed Quakers) that trembles at my word, they are them with whom I will fill the world with Cities, when the transgressors are destroyed out of it; therefore hear O my peole that tremble at my word, thus saith your eternal mighty God, JEHOVAH is my name, fear ye not the fury of the Adversary and the Oppressor, though death and hell, the sea and the grave persue you; they must arise and will arise against you, (O my people (that are poor and contrite in spirit) but fear them not, for the day hastens (as the woman that is near the time of her delivery) in which death, hell, the sea and the grave, must give up all that in them is, and death and hell shall be cast into the lake that burnes for ever and ever, and all this ungodliness, Idolatry, and darkness that is now arisen, or can yet arise, I will trample in mine anger, yea I will tread it down down, down, into the pit, into the bottomless pit, whence it shall no more rise up for ever, yea I will set them down with the great Dragon, I will set them all down that rise up against you (O my poor and despi­sed people) therefore fear them not neither be afraid of their snares, gins, or traps, which they have, or shall set, or make to catch the sheep of my pasture (which are men) for I have determined to break them and their snares with them, and they shall know that ye are my people, and that I the mighty Jehovah of Israel am your God, that is my name amongst you this day, for I will plead with all flesh, and it shall fall before me: Therefore fear not their Kings nor their Princes, their Parliaments nor their Rulers, for I will trample upon Kings and Prin­ces as upon Morter in this the day of my fury. But trust in my name [Page 6]and in it dwell for ever, for in my name is everlasting strength, and take you no thought how all this dark power of superstition, Idolatry, and madness shall be subdued, for I the mighty Jehovah, the God of trem­bling Israels Camp, will break their Idolatrous worship and dash their Idols, (on which they are made▪) to peices, and none of their Kings, nor their Princes, their Bishops, nor their Rulers, shall deliver them, nor themselves from the stroak of my hand.

Therefore be still O my people, in the clift of the Rock of my power and dwell quietly in my everlasting strength (O my despised) for the Harvest of the glory of my Seed is very neer, for I am now di­viding of Wheat from the Tares and the Chaffe, the Sheep from the Goats, the clean from the unclean, throughout all the Nations o [...] the Earth, And my mighty Angels stands ready with their Golden Trum­pets to give the last sound through the whole Creation for the Resur­rection of the dead; And I have prepared another Angel which stands ready after them to cry with a loud voice, he that is Holy let him be holy still, and he that is Filthy let him be filthy still, for time shall be no longer, but all that live and abide shall dwell in Eternity, Amen Halelujah, even so come, O Lord Jesus saith the bride, and him that is a thirst saith come quickly Amen Halelujah, Glory in the highest Amen.

Because thy time is short O Satan dost thou rage
As if the Ocean deep, thy malice could not swage,
But be it known to thee Leviathan,
My hook shall bring thee down, within a span,
For with my hand, i'th Pit I will the seal,
Thy rage on Earth no more shalt thou reveale;
This is my purpose, and my just decree,
To raise my Holy seed, and make an end of thee.
Which from the Serpent came, the Dragon and the Beast,
That all my whole Creation, for ever be at rest.

ALL people who have any honest desires towards the living God, his Truth and Righteousness, make hast and flee out of Babylon, and come into the Light of the Lord, that you may see his Controversie with her, and be Redeemed from all Iniquity, and declare in Sion the [Page]vengeance of the Lord against her, for his plagues and vials of wrath, are coming on Babylon like haile, and the swift Arrowes of the Al­mighty are entred into her bowels, Therefore, woe, woe to the Inha­bitants of the Earth (that will not come unto the name of the Lord) be­cause of the Plagues and judgments which are yet to come, some woes are past, but there are many other to come suddenly, Blessings, and Honour, and Glory, unto him who lives and Raignes for ever and for ever more Amen.

The stout hearted are spoyled, they slept their Sleep,

Psal. 76.
But for the Elects sake, those days shall be shortned.
Through an Earthen Vessel called William Bayly. W.

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