THE CHARTER OF Romney-Marsh: OR THE LAWS and CUSTOMS OF Romney-Marsh: Framed and Contrived by the Venerable Justice, HENRY de BATHE.

Very useful for all Professors of the Law, and also for all Lords of Towns, and other Land-holders within Romney-Marsh, Bedford-Level, and all other Marshes, Fenns, and Sea-Borders.

Rerum Ordo confunditur, si unicuique Ju­risdictio non servetur.

LONDON, Printed by S. R. for Samuel Keble at the Turks Head in Fleetstreet. 1686.



THis small Treatise now put into thy Hand, has no less of Authority and Ʋse, than it has of Antiquity. It con­tains the Ancient Charter of King Henry the Third, concerning the Or­dinance of Romney-Marsh, and the Laws and Customs made by the Learned Justice Henry de Bathe, in the Two and fortieth year of the Raign of the said Henry the Third, for the Reparation of the Sea-Banks, and for the preservation of the said Marsh [Page] from Inundations; and is since become the Pattern or Law for all other Sea-Borders, and great Marshes and Fenns. I need not use much Art to recommend to the Ingenu­ous Reader, the Authority and Ʋsefulness of this Book; It being the Grant of a Wise Prince, and the Law and Ordinance Fra­med and Contrived by a Learned Sage in the Laws of this Realm, and continues to this day the Standard from whence all Eng­land receives Light and Direction, as will appear by those following Exam­ples.

The Act of 6 H. 6. cap. 5. in the 6 H. 6. cap. 5. very Form of the Commission of Sewers, it is there said, That the Commissioners shall make and ordain necessary and conveni­ent Statutes and Ordinances for the De­fence and Safety of the Sea-Banks and Marshes, and the parts adjoyning accor­ding to the Laws and Customs of ROM­NEY-MARSH, and to hear and determine according to the Law and Cu­stom of our Realm of England, and the Custom of ROMNEY-MARSH, all and singular the Premisses, &c. The Famous English Lawyer Sir Edward Cook, 4 Inst. cap. 62. fo. 276. in the Fourth Part of his Institutes of the Laws of England, hath these words, ‘ROMNEY-MARSH in the [Page] County of Kent containing 24000 Acres, is at this day, and long time hath been, Governed by certain Aun­cient and Equal Laws of Sewers, made by the Venerable Justice Henry de Bathe, in the Raign of King HEN­RY the Third, from which Laws, not only other Parts in Kent, but all ENG­LAND receive LIGHT AND DIRECTION. For Example, in the General Act of 23 H. 8. cap. 23 H. 8. cap. 5. 5. concerning Sewers in Section 3. there is a Clause which giveth pow­er to the Commissioners to make Sta­tutes, Ordinances and Provisions, &c. necessary and behoofeful after the Laws and Customs of ROMNEY-MARSH in the County of Kent, or otherwise by any ways and means, &c. The Learned Serjeant Callis in his Read­ing Callis his Read­ings. upon the Statute of 23 H. 8. cap. 5. of Sewers, makes very great use of, and frequently quotes the Charter of Romney-Marsh, as the Basis on which that Statute was founded, as you find by perusing that Reading. By all which it will evidently appear, of what Ʋse and Esteem the Law and Customs of Romney-Marsh have been held in, in [Page] time past, by the most Eminent Pro­sessors of the Law. Nor is it of any less Ʋse and Esteem at this day, as may be seen by the Statute of 15 Car. 15 Car. 2. cap. 2. Sect. 5. 2. cap. 2. made for the draining the great Level of the Fenns, called Bedford-Le­vel, in Section the fifth, where there is a Clause, That the Governors, Bai­liffs, and Conservators of Bedford-Level, shall have further power (as well for the Maintenance of the said GREAT LEVEL, as for laying and levying of Taxes) to use and exercise within the said Great Le­vel, such and the like Laws and Customs; and constitute and appoint such and the like Officers, from time to time, as are or lawfully may be used in ROMNEY-MARSH in the County of Kent. Now Read­er, having given thee the Opinion of the Learned upon this Treatise it self: I shall let the Reader know the Rea­sons that induced the Publisher to re­print it: (1.) The General Benefit and Advantage that all may Reap thereby. Secondly, The particular Sollicitation of some Friends, who are Interested in this, or some other Marshes subject to [Page] these Laws and Customs, and having long Endeavoured to purchase this small Tract, could not obtain it under 6 s price, its scarceness and usefulness ha­ving enhanced its price so far beyond its bulk; for which Reasons the Re­printing it was deemed of General Ac­ceptation and Advantage; which that it may so prove, is the Publishers great De­sign and Aim.

A TABLE OF THE Principal Matter Contained in this BOOK.

  • ACtion of Trespass against the Bailiff for taking a Distress, with proceed­ings thereon 10, 20
  • Accounts by the Officers how to be made 66
  • [Page]Amerciaments set, with the time to be pro­claimed and how 74
  • BAiliff to give notice to repair 14
  • Bailiff to Repair if the owner neglect and to recover double Costs 14, 15
  • Bailiff how and when to be chosen 45, 63
  • The Bailiffs Office and Duty 51
  • Bailiff of Romney-Marsh to oversee the Bai­liff and Jurors beyond the Creeke towards Suffex 51
  • Bailiff of Romney-Marsh to oversee the Bai­liff and Jurors of Oxney and Lyde 54
  • Bailiff Refusing to serve to be Amerced 40 s. 63.
  • Bailiffs Fee 63
  • Bailiff absent when chosen how to be pro­ceeded against 66
  • How the Bailiff is to Account 66
  • Bailiffs Oath 70, 71
  • Bailiff and Jurors to be allowed their Costs on making their Ordinance in any Fo­reign Marshes or places 75
  • CHarter of King Henry the third 1, 2
  • Charter of H. 3. pleaded 41
  • Collectors Oath 70
  • Collectors how to be Chosen. 67.
  • [Page]Collectors refusing to be Sworn to be Amer­ced 67
  • Collectors of Assessments how to Account 66
  • Commission of Oyer and Terminer to Henry de Bathonia 7, 8
  • Lands held in Common how to be taxed 14
  • Commission of King E. 1. unto Justice Lo­vetot and others 37
  • Commission of King E. 2. to William de Walleyns 54
  • Commission of E. 3. to Thomas Lord Lud­low and others 56
  • Conduits how to be kept 74
  • Confirmation of the Ordinance of Henry de Bathonia, by Justice Lovetot and others 45.
  • DAmms not to be made 71
  • Those that make Damms to be Amer­ced at the discretion of the Bailiff and Ju­rors 71
  • Damages by making Damms to be recom­penced to the party prejudiced thereby 71
  • Defaulters in not repairing how punished 14, 15
  • Distresses to be made by the 24 Jurates 1, 2
  • Who shall be Distrained to Repair 47
  • Double Costs to be recovered for not repair­ring after notice 14
  • [Page]Double Costs how to be levyed and apply­ed 46, 47
  • JUrors to assign every man his proportion of Perches by certain Bounds to repair 11, 12
  • Jurors to determine Differences 51
  • Jurors by whom to be chosen 11, 12
  • Jurors making Default to be Amerced 67
  • Jurors displaced, others to be chosen and how 67
  • Jurors refusing to be Sworn, to be Amerced 67
  • Jurors not appearing on Summons to be A­merced 67
  • Jurors Oath 70
  • Jurors and Bailiff to be allowed their Costs upon making any Ordinance in any Fo­reign Marshes or places 75
  • Lyde Marsh to have the same Officers and Laws with Romney Marsh 54
  • Labourers repairing the Walls, not to be ta­ken off under a pain 74
  • Law of Romney Marsh how far it shall extend. 75
  • [Page]HOw the Walls are to be measured 11, 12
  • Who shall measure the Walls and Lands sub­ject to danger ib.
  • The Marshes beyond the Creek towards Sus­sex to be under the same Jurors and Bai­liff. 50, 51
  • OAth of the Jurors 70
  • Oath of the Collectors 70
  • Oath of the Bailiff 70, 71
  • Ordinance of Henry de Bathonia 5, 9
  • Ordinance of Henry de Bathonia confirmed 45
  • Ordinance of William de Walleyns and others 2 E. 2. fo. 63
  • Ordinance of Henry de Bathonia pleaded 28, 44
  • Oxney-Marsh to have the same Officers and Laws as Romney-Marsh 38, 53
  • Commission of Oyer and Terminer to Henry de Bathonia 7, 8
  • CUstom and Charter of Romney-Marsh pleaded in Justification by the Bailiff in taking a Distress 22
  • Prescription in non Reparando 26
  • [Page]Precept to the Sheriff to Retorn a Pannel 41, 42
  • Proclamation to be made of all Amercia­ments, and of the time of their payment 74
  • REscous on the Bailiff in making his Distresses how to be punished 75
  • Reparations how Assigned and by whom to be done 14, 47
  • SHeriff or his Officers not to intermeddle with Distresses 3, 4, 18
  • Sheriff to Return a Pannel to enquire 41, 42
  • Sussex part thereof Governed by the Laws and Customs of Romney-Marsh 50, 51, 75
  • TRespass brought against the Bailiff for taking a Distress 19
  • Tenants in Common how to be Taxed 14
  • Walls how to be Measured and by whom 11, 12

THE CHARTER OF Romney-Marsh.


HENRICUS Dei gratia, Rex An­gliae, Charta Henrici tertii Regis. Dominus Hiberniae, Dux Nor­mandiae, & Comes Andeg. Omnibus Ballivis suis & fidelibus suis, ad quos praesen­tes literae pervenerint, Salutem. Quia per viginti quatuor legales homines de Marisco de Romeney, à tempore quo non extat memo­ria, ad hoc electos & Juratos, debent distri­ctiones fieri, super omnes illos qui terras & tenementa habent in dicto Marisco, ad repa­randum Wallias & Watergagia ejusdem Ma­risci contra Maris periculum. Et etiam super omnes, qui ad reparationem praedictarum Wal­liarum & Watergagiorum obligati sunt & te­nentur, Nos concessimus eisdem viginti Concessio 24. [...]' quod instrictiones [...]ri faciant quatuor, quod pro securitate dicti Marisci, districtiones illas fieri faciant, ita quod aeque siant, secundum portiones majores & mino­res, [Page 3] quas homines habent in eodem Marisco, & secundum quod quidam ad hoc obligan­tur & tenentur. Et ideo volumus & conce­dimus, quod nullus Vicecomes noster Kan­ciae, Nullus Viceco­mes vel aliquis Balliorum suo­rum cum di­strictionibus il­lis se intromit­tant. vel aliquis Ballivorum suorum, de distri­ctionibus illis per considerationem praedicto­rum viginti quatuor Juratorum factis propter praedictum periculum evitandum, in aliquo se intromittant. Quicunque enim de consi­deratione ipsarum districtionum, ad nos querelam detulerit, nos ei in Curia nostra justitiam fieri faciemus, & illam justitiam nobis vel Mandato nostro speciali, specialiter reservamus. In cujus rei Testimonium, has Literas nostras fieri fecimus Patentes. Teste meipso apud Sanctum Edmundum, Secundo die Septembris, Anno Regni nostri tricesimo sexto.

[Page 5] ¶ Ordinatio Henrici de Bathonia, Justici­arij Domini Regis Henrici, filij Regis Johannis, facta per praeceptum ejusdem Domini Regis, super contentione orta inter viginti quatuor Juratores & homi­nes de Marisco de Romenal, de repara­tione Walliarum & Watergagiorum, i­bidem existentium apud Romenal, die Sabbati proximè post Nativitatem beatae Mariae Virginis, Anno regni Regis Hen­rici praedicti quadragesimo secundo, as­sociatis sibi Nicholao de Handlo, & Aul­redo de Dene, &c.

DOminus Rex Mandavit praedicto Ordinatio Hen­rici de Batho­nia. Henric [...] de Bathonia, quod cum ju­dicia fieri debeant per viginti quatu­or legales homines de Marisco de Romenal, ad districtiones faciendas super omnes illos, qui terras, & tenementa habent in praedicto Ma­risco, ad reparandum Wallias & Watergagia ejusdem Marisci, contra Maris impetum & inundationem aliarum aquarum. Et etiam super omnes illos qui ad reparationem prae­dictarum Walliarum & Watergagiorum a­lias obligati sunt vol tenentur. Et eisdem viginti quatuor Juratis, Dominus Rex, per Ch [...]rta H. 3. [...]. Literas suas Patentes, nuper concessisset quod pro securitate praedicti Marisci, di­strictiones praedictas fieri facerent, ita quod debitè fierent, secundum portiones [Page 7] majores & minores, quas homines habent in eodem Marisco, & secundum quod quidam ad hoc obligantur vel tenentur. Ita quod nullus Vicecomes Domini Regis Kanciae, vel aliquis Ballivorum suorum, de districtionibus illis per considerationem prae­dictorum viginti quatuor Juratorum factis propter periculum praedictum evitandum, in aliquo se intromittant. Sed si quis de consideratione praedictarum districtionum Callis Lect. fol. 155. se injuste gravatum sentiret, & inde con­queri vellet, ad ipsum Dominum Regem, querelem suam deferret, & ipse ei in Cu­ria sua Justitiam fieri faceret, & illam Justitiam, ipsi Domino Regi vel Mandato suo speciali specialiter reservasset, iidem Juratores prop­ter resistentiam hominum Ma­risci dictas di­strictiones fa­cere nequeant. viginti quatuor Juratores, propter consi­derationem & resistentiam quorundam ho­minum de praedicto Marisco, qui ad re­parationem dictarum Walliarum & Water­gagiorum, secundum quantitatem terra­rum & tenementorum quae habent in eodem Marisco tenentur, dictas districtiones fa­cere nequeant, unde Walliae illae & Water­gagiae irreparatae existunt per quod inunda­tiones Maris & aliarum aquarum de dicto Rex constituit Henricum de Bathonio ad audiend' & [...]' contentiones in­ter praedict [...]s [...]. Jurat' & [...]. Marisco magnum occupant spatium, ad ipsius Domini Regis & hominum dicti Marisci inestimabile dispendium. Ipse Do­minus Rex, dictum Henricum constituit, Justiciarium suum, ad audiendum & ter­minandum contentiones ortas de repara­tione praedicta, inter praedictos viginti qua­tuor [Page 9] Juratos, & homines praedicti Marisci. Et providendum securitati & defensioni praedicti Marisci, contra Maris & aliarum aquarum inundationem & periculum, per reparationem praedictarum Walliarum & Watergagiorum faciendam, per eos qui ad reparationem illam, secundum quantita­tem Terrarum & Tenementorum quae ha­bent in eodem Marisco tenentur, & se­cundum quod quidam ad hoc, alias obgli­gantur & tenentur. Mandans eidem Henrico, dictus Dominus Rex, quod ad di­em & locum quos ad hoc duxerit provi­dendum esset in partibus illis, ad praedi­cta faciendum sicut praedictum est: Et quod ipse quid inde fecerit, ipsi Domino Regi in scriptis, distinctè & apertè scire fa­ceret, ut idem Dominus Rex ea irrotulari fa­cere posset, &c.

Per quod Mandatum, idem Henricus die supradicto, existens apud Romenal as­sociatis sibi praedicto Nicholao de Handlo, & Aulredo de Dene, & assistente eidem Vicecomite Kanciae, qui per praeceptum Domini Regis ad diem illum, coram illo Ordinatio Hen­rici de Batho­nia Justiciarij Domini Regis H. 3. venire fecit, tot & tales probos & lega­les homines de Balliva sua, per quod di­ctae contentiones terminari, & dicta pro­visio melior fieri possunt, nullo homine de praedicto Marisco tunc contradicente; dictus HENRICUS communitatis praedicti Marisci similiter ibidem tunc ex­istentis, interveniente Consilio ordinavit in [Page 11] forma subscripta: videlicet, quod per to­tam Quod 12. ho­mines Eligantur per totam Com­munitatem, viz. 6. de Food' Ar­chiepiscopi, et 6. de Baronia qui mensurabunt Wallias et Ter­ras quae infradictum Maris­cum periculo subjacent. Callis Lect. fol. 158. communitatem dicti Marisci eligantur duodecim legales homines, videlicet, sex de feodo Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis, & sex de Baronia qui jurati mensurabunt Wallias novas & antiquas, & illas qui de novo construi oporteat. Et debet fieri ea­dem mensuratio per unam & eandem per­ticam, scilicet, viginti pedum. Et postea praedicti Jurati per eorum Sacramentum similiter per eandem perticam mensura­bunt, per Acras omnes Terras & Tene­menta quae infra dictum Mariscum peri­culo subjacent. Quibus mensurationibus factis, viginti quatuor per communicatem prius electi & jurati, habito respectu ad quantitatem Walliarum, Terrarum & Te­nementorum, quae periculo subjacent, per eorum Sacramentum ordinabunt, quan­tum ad praedictarum Walliarum sustenta­tionem & reparationem faciendam & su­stinendam, ad quemlibet pertineat: Ita quod pro portione Acrarum Terrarum Jarat' proporti­one Acrarum Terrarum peri­culo singulis as­signetur sua portio pertica­rum per loca certa. periculo subjacentium singulis assignetur sua portio perticarum, & praedicta assignatio fiat per loca certa. Ita ut sci­atur ubi & per quae loca, ad quantum singuli defendere teneantur. Et cum ne­cessitas evenerit cujus occasione opor­teat periculo & impetu Maris obviare vel resistere per reparationem Wallia­rum praedictarum, convenire debent vi­ginti quatuor Jurati, ad videndum per quae loca praedicta emineat necessitas, & [Page 13] cui & quibus praedicta loca assignata fue­rint defendenda, & ipsum terminum prae­dicta loca oporteat reparare. Qui quidem communis Ballivus illis quibus praedicta lo­ca Ballivus illis quibus loca as­signata fuerint defendenda, scire faciet quod reparare faciant infra terminum as­signat' per Ju­rat'. assignata fuerint defendenda, scire fa­ciet, quod loca illa defendent, & repara­re faciant, infra terminum à praedictis vi­ginti quatuor Juratoribus, assignatum, infra quem terminum, si ipsi ad hoc facere neg­lexerint: dictus Ballivus communis de suo proprio, tales reparationes fieri faciet, per visum viginti quatuor Juratorum. Et i­dem negligens eidem Ballivo duplum red­dere Si ipsi ad hoc facere neglexe­rint Ballivum tales reparati­ones facere. Et idem negligens Ballivo duplum reddere et di­stringi possit per Terras suas. teneatur pro custa apposito circa hujusmodi reparationes, quod duplum reservetur ad utilitatem dictarum repara­tionum. Et super hoc hujus negligens distringi possit per Terras suas, infra di­ctum Mariscum. Et si aliquae perticulae Terrarum teneantur in communi, à par­ticipibus, ita quod ad quemlibet parti­cipem, pro portione partis suae assignari non possit, locus certus, scilicet, inte­gra vel medica pertica, pro parvitate di­ctae perticulae, tunc per Sacramentum vi­ginti quatuor Juratorum ordinabitur & vi­debitur De Terris ten­tis in Commu­ni. ad quantum praedicta Terra quae sic tenetur in communi sufficiat defen­dere, & assignabitur certa portio defen­sionis, Jurat' ordina­bit quantum quilibet eo­rum defendere debet. praedictis participibus in com­muni pro portione Terrae suae communis. Et si quis participum, partem suam neg­lexerit defendere cum per praedictum Bal­livum dicti participes fuerint admoniti, [Page 15] pars participis negligentis aliis participibus Si aliquis par­ticipum neglexit pars sua aliis participibus as­signetur, qui de­fensionem faci­ent. Et illi tenent donec ips [...] duplum sol­verint, Et si omnes participes neglexerint, Bal­livum defensio­nem facere, et distringere du­plum super par­ticipes. assignetur, qui defensionem facient. Et qui partem participis sui negligentis in manu sua tenent, illam tenebunt, do­nec ipse negligens appositi custos circa praedictam defensionem, partem suam contingentem, per visum viginti quatu­or Juratorum, duplum solverit, ad uti­litatem praedictarum reparationum, sicut dictum est. Et si omnes hujus partici­pes circa praedicta negligentes extite­rint, tunc praedictus communis Ballivus totam defensionem praedictam faciet de suo proprio, & praedictos participes po­stea ad duplum custi circa hujusmodi defensionem, per visum viginti quatuor Juratorum appositi distringat, sicut prae­dictum, salvo capitalibus Dominis feodi in praedicto Marisco jure suo quod ha­beant Salvo Capital' Dominis feodi suo jure. versus tenentes suos de hujus defensione, secundum Feoffamenta sua; Et quod omnes Terrae in Marisco custo­diantur contra Maris impetum & aqua­rum dulcium inundationes per Wallias & Watergagia per Sacramentum & con­siderationem viginti quatuor Juratorum, ad minus perdendum & ad plus salvan­dum sicut antiquitas utebatur. Salvo e­tiam tenore Chartae Domini Regis Com­munitati dicti Marisci concessae, ne aliquis Vicecomes Kanciae nec Ballivus suus aut Salvo Communi­tati dicti Ma­risci tenore Chartae Domini Regis eisdem concessae. minister aliquis infra dictum Mariscum aliquam faciat districtionem, occasione aliquorum dictorum Articulorum, sicut in [Page 17] praedicta Carta continetur; Quae quidem Carta ista non obstante Ordinatione in suo perpetuo robore perseveret, &c.

Rex Vicecomiti Kanciae Salutem. Cum nuper assignaverimus dilectum & fide­lem [...] Domini Regis vicecomi­te Kanciae quod de distructioni­bus praedictis in nullo se intro­ [...]tat. nostrum Henricum de Bathonia ad au­diendum & terminandum contentiones habitas inter 24. legales homines de Ma­risco de Romenal, per quorum conside­rationem reparationes Walliarum & Wa­tergagiorum ejusdem Marisci contra Ma­ris impetum, & periculum aliarum a­quarum ibidem inundantium fieri de­bent, & alias Terras & Tenementa in eodem Marisco habentes, qui Wallias & Watergagias illas reparare debent & solebant. Et idem Henricus ad partes illas personaliter decedens, ordinaverit quod secundum considerationem praedi­ctorum viginti quatuor Juratorum distri­ctiones fierent pro reparatione Walliarum & Watergagiorum praedictarum. Ita quod nullus Vicecomes aut alius Ballivus noster se intromittent de districtionibus prae­dictis, sicut in Rotulis Cancellariae no­strae, ordinationem illam exprimentibus continetur. Tu nichilominus districtio­nes illas propter hoc factum, per vi­ginti quatuor Juratores in praejudicium considerationis eorundem relaxasti. Et quia si quis se gravatum sentiat, ex consideratione praedicta pro qua conqueri voluerit, ad nos venire debet remedium peti­turus. Tibi praecipimus, quod de districtio­nibus [Page 19] praedictis in nullo te intromittas, sed eas viginti quatuor Juratoribus & eorum Ballivo ad hoc deputato, distri­ctiones illas returnari facias. Ne itera­tus clamor ad nos inde perveniat, pro quo ad te graviter capere debeamus. Teste meipso apud Westmonasterium vice­simo die Aprilis, Anno Regni nostri quadragesimo tertio, per Henricum de Batho­nia, &c.

Tunc sequitur numerus omnium Acra­rum infra dictum Mariscum sicut reperitur per mensuram factam, Anno Regni Regis Henrici quadragesimo secundo, & etiam agistatio tam in Magna Wallia de Apuldre, quam in parva Wallia, ad quantitatem Ter­rarum Tenementum infra, &c.

Hamo Pitte, Johannes Cobbe, Henricus Hamo Pitte & al' attach' fuer' ad respond' Godfr' Fauco­ner in placito transgr' quare venerunt ad Manerium su­um de Hurst & Bona & Catal­la sua ibidem ceperunt & as­pertaverunt, &c Callis Lect. fo. [...]. le Long, & Johannes Ermynard attachi­ati fuerunt, ad respondendum Godefri­do le Fauconer, quare ipsi simul cum a­liis, nuper venerunt ad Manerium ipsi­us Godefridi in Hurst, & Bona & Ca­talla sua ibidem inventa ad valenciam viginti librarum ceperunt & asporta­verunt, & alia Damna & Enormia ei ibidem intulerunt, ad ipsius grave damnum, & con­tra Pacem, &c. Et unde praedictus Godefri­dus conqueritur, quod die Jovis in septima­na Pasche, Anno, &c. Ipse Hamo simul cum aliis ceperunt decem vaccas in Villa de Hurst, &c. Unde dicit quod deterioratus est, & damnum habet ad valenciam, &c. Et [Page 21] inde producit sectam, &c. Et praedictus Placitum de­feadentis. Hamo & alii venerunt & defenderunt, &c. & quicquid quod est contra Pacem, &c. quando, &c. & bene cognoscunt quod ipsi caeperunt decem vaccas prae­dictas, &c. ipsius Godefridae juste & in Pace Domini Regis, quia dicit quod praedictus Godefridus habet Terras, &c. in Marisco de Romeney ubi omnes tenentes Terras & Tenementa in eodem Maris­co secundum quantitatem Terrae suae debent facere Wallias & Waterga­gias contra Mare, propter inundationes Aquarum, ac viginti quatuor homines le­gales de dicto Marisco electi per commu­nitatem dicti Marisci, & Juratores super Tenentes in eodem Marisco facere debent districtiones, secundum quantitatem tene­mentorum suorum cum necesse fuerit, ad praedictas Wallias & Watergagias facien­dum & reparandum. Qui quidem Jurati in eodem Marisco, prout moris est, eo quod omnes ad hoc vacare non potuere, elege­runt praedictum Hamonem, ad faciendum praedictas districtiones, & ipsum fecerunt Ballivum suum ad hoc faciendum, & istam libertatem habent per antiquam consuetudinem ejusdem Marisci, & per cartam Domini Regis quam nunc pro­ferunt in hec verba. Henricus Dei gra­tia, &c. Unde dicit, quod ratione de­fectus ipsius Godefridi, juste fecit super ipsum praedictam districtionem ad praedi­ctas Wallias & Watergagias reparandas, [Page 23] de quibus in Wallia de Apuldre ei assig­natae sunt ad portionem suam, per prae­dictos Juratos, tres perticatae & dimidium ad minus ad Custum suum reparan­dum, & secundum inundationem. Aqua­rum plus, si necesse fuerit per loca di­versa, & quod super [...]ipsum majorem districtionem nisi fecerint ponunt se super Patriam, &c. Dicunt tamen, quod ceperunt super quendam A. B. sex Boviculos, qui fuit firmatius ipsi­us Godefridi, & decem Agnos super I. N. Tenentes ipsius Godefridi, ratione de­fectuum praedictarum Walliarum & Wa­tergagiarum, propter quod post modum ipsi satisfecerunt & rehabuerunt averia sua. Quaesitis pro quanto fecit primam districtionem & pro quanto secundam di­cunt quod primus defectus ipsius Godefri­di estimabatur ad quatuor Marcas, & se­cundus defectus ad quadraginta octo Soli­dos. Et praedictus Godefridus dicit, quod Replicatio [...]. ipse Tenet Tenementa sua in Marisco praedicto, ex dono & concessione Do­mini Henrici quondam Regis Angliae, avi Domini Regis Henrici nunc, quae idem Dominus Henricus ded't cuidam Willielmo filio Balderi Antecessori ipsius Godefridi, cujus haeres, &c. per quam con­cessionem antecessores sui, & ipse postea sempertenuit Tenementa sua in praedicto ma­risco, adeo liberè & quietè sicut praedictus Balderus ea prius tenuit. Et bene dicunt quod nec ab Antecessoribus suis, nec ab ipso [Page 25] nunquam fuit quaesita hujusmodi consu­etudo, ad dictas Wallias & Watergagi­as reparandas, nisi jam quintis Annis elapsis, postquam praedictus Hamo factus fuit Ballivus, ad praedictas Wallias & Watergagias custodiendas, nec unquam aliquo tempore ea fecerunt. Et profert cartam ipsius Henrici Regis in hec ver­ba. Henricus Dei Gratia Rex Angliae, &c. Archiepiscopo Cantuariensis, &c. Et dicit quod praedictum Feoffamentum te­nuere Antecessores sui, praedicta Te­nementa adeo libere, quod nunquam fece­runt nec reparaverunt Wallias nec Water­gagias nec ipse, postquam Terras illas tenuit, nec antecessores sui districti fu­erunt, quousque jam quinque Annis elap­sis vel sex, quod praedictus Hamo & alii ceperunt averia sua. Et desicut ipsi cognoscunt quod fecerunt super ipsum, praedictam districtionem pro defectu repara­tionis praedictarum Walliarum & Waterga­giarum, quas nec ipse nec Antecessores sui, fecerunt nec unquam facere consueve­runt, petit judicium de eorum recogniti­one. Et praedictus Hamo & alii dicunt, Rejungen' Defendentum. quod aliquo tempore fuit contentio in­ter Tenentes in praedicto marisco su­per reparatione praedictarum Walliarum & Watergagiarum, ita quod placitum motum fuit inde in Comitatu coram Vicecomite, propter quod viginti qua­tuor Jurati sentientes se gravatos vene­runt ad Curiam Domini Regis & conquesti [Page 27] fuerunt de Vicecomite asserentes, quod hujusmodi placitùm non pertinuit ad Vicecomitem tenendum, ita quod per Consilium Domini Regis provisum fuit, quod ibidem mitterentur Justiciarii Do­mini Regis, ad ordinandum & dispo­nendum quod justum esset de hujus con­tentionibus. Ordinatio Hen­rici de Bathonia placitata. Ita quod Henricus de Batho­nia ibidem missus fuit, & omnes Te­nentes dicti Marisci habuerunt Summo­nitionem quadraginta dierum sicut fuis­set in itinere Justiciarioriis. Et ipse Prae­dictus Henricus, visis praedictis Walliis & Watergagiis, per assensum & volun­tatem totius communitatis praedicti Ma­risci ordinant, quod Archiepiscopi, Epis­copi, Abbates, Priores, Comites, Baro­nes, & omnes Tenentes in eodem Ma­risco contribuerunt, secundum quantita­tem Tenementi sui, ad praedictas Wal­lias & Watergagias reficiendas, unde sicut praedictus Godfridus vult defendi per praedictas Wallias & Watergagias, petit quod contribuat ad easdem repa­randas sicut coram praedicto Justiciario fuit ordinatum. Et quod talis sit or­dinatio, sicut praedictum, ponit se su­per Recordum Rorulorum praedicti Hen­rici de Bathonia. Dicit etiam quod ne­cesse est quod ipse contribuat ad praedictas Wallias, &c. quia dicit quod nisi Terra sua per praedictas Wallias esset defensa, tota Terra sua esset superundata & falsata. Et prae­dictus Godfridus dicit quod licet praedicta [Page 29] Ordinatio facta fuisset per praedictum Surrejungen' quer'. Quod ille nun­quam eidem Ordinationi Consentit nec Summonitus fu­it. Def' respond' quod ipse quer habuit Commu­nem Summoni­tionem sicut re­liqui Marisci habuerunt. Henricum ipse Godefridus nunquam eidem Ordinationi consensit, nec summonitus fuit, nec vocatus venire coram ipso ad ipsam Ordinationem faciendam; dicit e­tiam quod nec ante ipsam Ordinatio­nem nec post, ipse nec Antecessores e­jus, nuper fecerunt hujusmodi contribu­tionem, sed semper tenuerunt Terram suam quietam ab omnimoda exactione, se­cundum Tenorem praedictae Cartae Henrici Regis avi Regis nunc, quousque jam duo­bus Annis elapsis, praedicti Hamo & alii ceperunt averia sua, unde petit judici­um si praedictus debeat ei nocere in hac parte. Et praedicti Hamo & alii dicunt quod ipse habuit Communem Summonitio­nem quadraginta dierum, sicut tota Com­munitas praedicti Marisci, quam ipse ig­norare non debuit, unde dicit quod li­cet ibidem nollet venire, sicut debet cum vicinis suis, non debet esse quietus prop­ter hoc à praedicta Contributione, ad praedictas Wallias reparandas, desicut communis utilitas est omnium Tenenti­um in dicto Marisco, quod tam Terra ip­sius quam Terra aliorum Tenentium de­fendatur per praedictas Wallas & Wa­tergagias, unde petit Judicium, dicit e­tiam quod post praedictam Ordinationem dederunt praedictus Godfridus & homi­nes sui unam Marcam ad Wallias & Wa­tergagias praedictas reparandas, antequam idem Hamo esset Ballivus, & quod ita sit [Page 31] paratus est verificare, &c. Et Godefri­dus dicit quod tenet se ad praedictam Cartam Domini Regis & ad libertatem suam quam ipse & antecessores sui usi sunt, contra quas nulla ordinatio per praedictum Henricum facta, potest nec debet ei nocere, & bene defendit, quod nec ipse nec aliquis per ipsum, aliquid unquam ante praedictam Ordi­nationem, nec post ad dictam repara­tionem Exit. dedit. Et hoc paratus est verifi­care, &c. Postea in crastino sancti Mar­tini, anno quadragesimo secundo, venerunt praedicti G. H. & alii, &c. Et praeceptum Ven. fac. agard'. est Vicecomiti quod venire faciat, a die Pasche in Tres Septimanas ubicunque, duodecim tam milites quam, &c. per quos, &c. Et qui nec, &c. nec habent terras in praedicto Marisco ad receptum, &c. si praedictus Godefridus & antecessores sui, post­quam habuerunt terram suam de Hurst, de dono & concessione Domini Henrici Regis Angliae, simul cum aliis homini­bus habentibus Terram in dicto Maris­co consueverunt reparare Wallias & Water­gagias & contribuere cum praedictis homi­nibus ad eas reparandum, cum necesse fuerit, unde ipse Godefridus per quan­dam ordinationem, in quam ipse con­cessit coram Henrico de Bathonia, quem dominus Rex ad hoc misit faciendum, dedit unam marcam ad dictas Wallias & Watergagias reparandas, antequam prae­dictus Hamo fuisset Ballivus praedicti [Page 33] Marisci, sicut praedictus H. & I. dicunt, vel si praedictus Godefridus vel antecesso­res sui quieti fuerunt, de hujusmodi reparationibus, Williarum & Waterga­giarum, & praestationibus ad eandem per Cartam praedicti Henrici Regis avi, &c. ita quod praedictus Godefridus non consensit praedictae ordinationi, nec ali­quid unquam dedit ad praedictas Wal­lias & Watergagias reparandas sicut prae­dictus Godefridus dicit. Quia tam, &c. postea a die Paschae in tres septimanas Anno quadragesimo secundo, Viceco­mes non misit breve suum, Ideo ipse in misericordia, &c. scilicet Fulco Peyforer, Ideo sicut prius, praeceptum est Vicecomiti quod venire faciat, hic a die sanctae Tri­nitatis, in quindecim dies ubicunque, &c. duodecim, &c. per quos, &c. Et qui nec, &c. Postea ad diem illum venerunt prae­dictus Godfridus H. & alii & petierunt sibi judicium fieri secundum recordum & processum loquelae praedictae, & re­citata fuit loquela coram Domino Rege & consilio suo. Et quia compertum est secundum recordum illud, quod Domi­nus Rex alias misit Henricum de Bathonia Justiciarium suum ad hoc assignatum, ad praedictum Mariscum de Romenal qui disposuit quod omnes illi qui Terras & tenementa in praedicto Marisco habe­rent contributionem facerent, secundum quantitatem tenementorum, ad Wallias & Watergagias praedicti Marisci reparandum [Page 35] sicut praedicti Hamo & alii dicunt, ad quam contributionem praedictus Godefridus non obligatur, sicut praedictus Godefridus di­cit, nec adhuc constat Curiae Regis hic de praedictis ordinatione & dispositi­one, sine quibus rite ad Judicium proce­di non potest. Data est eis dies a die Sancti Michaelis in quindecim dies, ubi­cunque, &c. Et interim scrutantur ro­tuli de tempore praedicti Henrici de Ba­thonia. Et sciendum est quod inhibi­tum est dicto Hamoni ne pendente eodem placito distringat praedictum Godefridum. Postea a die Sancti Michaelis in quindecim dies, anno, &c. Quadragesimo tertio, venit praedictus Godefridus & subtraxit se Quer' subtraxit se de Brevi suo, Et ideo ipse in Misericordia. de Brevi suo versus praefatos Hamonem & alios, &c. & ideo ipse in misericordia, &c. Et insuper concessit pro se & hae­redibus suis, quod de caetero reparari fa­cient vel faciet Wallias & Watergagias pro portione quantitatis Terrae suae, una cum vicinis suis, prout consuetudo pa­triae est, sine contradictione seu cavilla­tione imperpetuum. Et praedictus Hamo Calli. Lect 150. concessit & obligavit pro se & aliis, quod computabit coram viginti quatu­or Juratoribus electis de patria super di­strictionibus & averiis captis, praedicti Godefridi, pro praedictis Walliis & Wa­tergagiis reparandis, ab initio istius pla­citi, usque nunc, &c. Et districtiones illae, secundum quantitatem portionis sibi con­tingentis, interim pro praedictis Walliis [Page 37] & Watergagiis reparandis sicut praedictum est, per praedictas districtiones quod idem Hamo & alii satisfacient in omnibus quod conjunctum fuerit per praedictum computum inter eos de superplusagio recepto de averiis venditis praedicti Godefridi occasione prae­dicta. Et idem Godefridus concessit, quod si praedictus Hamo non computando possit ve­rificare, quod averia nomine districtionis per ipsum capta occasione praemissa, valorem eorundem non suffcere pro portione quan­titatis Terrae suae, ad praedictas Willias & Wa­tergagias reparandas, quod idem Godefri­dus fatisfaciet el in omnibus arreragiis, ab initio ejusdem placiti, usque nunc per visum & estimationem praedictorum viginti quatu­or Juratorum de patria, &c.

Ordinatio Dominorum Johannis de Love­tot, Ordinatio Jo­hannis de Lo­vetot & Hen. Apulderfield Justic. de omni­bus Mariscis in Rornney & Oxney 16 E. 1. Commissio Re­gis E. 1. Jo. Lo­vetot & Hen. Apuldrefeild ad super vi­dendum Walli­as per Costeram Maris. & Henrici de Apulderfeld Justiciarium Domini Regis de omnibus Mariscis de Rom­ney & Oxney usque ad Com. Sussex.

Coram I. de Lovetot, & H. de Apuldrefeild apud Romene quinto die Decembris. Anno regni Regis Edwardi filii Regis H. 16.

Dominus Rex mandavit dilectis & fideli­bus suis, Johannis de Lovetot, & Henrico de Apuldrefeld, breve suum, in haec verba, Edwardus Dei gratia Rex Angliae, Dominus Hiberniae, & Dux Aquitaniae, dilectis & fide­libus suis, Johanni de Lovetot, & Henrico de Apuldrefeld salutem. Sciatis quod cum nos [Page 39] ratione dignitatis regiae, & per Juramen­tum abstricti sumus, ad providendum sal­vationi regni nostri, circumquaque assigna­vimus, vos ad supervidendum Wallias & fossata per costeram maris & partium adja­centium in comitatu Kanciae, per maris intemperiem diversimode diruta, ad in­quirendum per quorum defecta hujus damnum contigit ibidem, & de omni­bus illis qui Terras & Tenementa te­nent in partibus illis, & defensionem & salvationem habent qualitercunque, vel habere possunt per hujus Wallias & fossatas, & ad eos pro quantitate terrae & tenementorum suorum, sive per nu­merum Acrarum terrae, sive per caru­catas pro rata portione tenurae suae di­stringendi una cum Ballivis libertatum & aliorum de partibus illis ad ea in lo­cis necessariis reparandum, quotiens & ubi necesse fuerit, ita quod aliqui tenen­tes Terras seu Tenementa hujus vel alteri­us fuerit conditionis, status seu dignitatis, qui qualitercunque defensionem habeant per hujus Wallias & fossatas, sive fu­erit infra libertatem, sive extra nulla­tenus parcatur in hac parte. Et ideo vobis Mandamus quod in executionem istius negotii, ita fideliter & discrete vos habeatis, quod tam homines ma­nentes in locis praedictis, quam Terrae eorun­dem salventur contra similia pericula, & ca­sualiter pejora nulla consimiliter favorabili­ter introducte resistente. Et vos super hiis [Page 41] quae in hac parte feceritis & ordinave­ritis, sub vestris sigillis & sigillis Jura­torum tam militum, quam aliorum pro­borum & legalium hominum, distincte & aperte reddetis certiores. Mandavi­mus enim Vicecomiti nostro comitatus praedicti, quod ad certos dies & loca quos eis scire faceret, coram vobis venire faceret tot & tales probos & legales ho­mines de Balliva sua, per quos rei veritas melius sciri poterit & inquiri in praemis­sis, &c. In cujus rei testimonium, &c. Teste Edmundo Comite Cornubiae Constabula­rio nostro, apud Westmonasterium quinto decimo die Novembris, anno regni nostro sextodecimo.

Per quod quidem mandatum, praeceptum fuit Vicecomiti quod venire faceret co­ram praefatis Justiciariis hic ad hunc di­em, Mandatum vicecomiti. viginti quatuor Juratores de Marisco de Romenal, & omnes Dominos Wallia­rum ejusdem Marisci, & tot & tales pro­bos & legales homines de singulis terris Maritimis in Balliva sua, per quos rei ve­ritas in praemissis, melius sciri poterit & inquiri, ad faciendum ulterius id quod in praemissis fuerit ordinandum, qui modo venerunt. Et praedicti viginti quatuor Juratores de Marisco praedicto una cum com­munitate ejusdem Marisci dixerunt, quod Juratores placi­tant Cartam H. 8. eisdem con­cess [...]m. Dominus Henricus Rex pater Regis nunc per Cartam suam concessit eis quasdam liberta­tes in terris suis de Marisco praedicto & pe­tierunt [Page 43] quod libertates suae praedictae sibi salventur, & quod nihil attemptetur vel ordinetur in praejudicium libertatum sua­rum praedictarum. Et profert Cartam Do­mini Henrici praedicti in haec verba. Hen­ricus Dei Gratia, &c. Dixerunt etiam quod Dominus Rex pater Domini Regis nunc Anno regni sui quinquagesimo se­cundo ratione cujusdam dissentionis sub­ortae inter diversos homines Marisci su­pradicti occasione Williarum & Water­gagiorum Placitant eti­am Ordinatio­nem Henrici de Bathonia praed. ibidem reparandorum misit Hen­ricum de Bathonia Justiciarium suum ad partes illas, ad audiendum & terminan­dum contentiones ortas de reparatione praedicta inter viginti quatuor Juratores & homines praedicti Marisci & ad pro­videndum securitati & defensioni ejus­dem Marisci, contra Maris & aliarum aquarum inundationem & periculum per reparationem praedictarum Walliarum & Watergagiarum faciendam per eos qui per reparationem illam secundum quanitatem Terrarum & Tenemento­rum suorum quae habent in eodem Marisco tenentur. Unde dicunt quod praefatus Henricus de Bathonia Aucto­ritate mandati Domini HENRI­CI Regis praedicti ordinavit & statuit eis ibidem certam Legem & Ordinati­onem per quas Mariscus ille hucusque cu­stoditur & salvatur, unde petierunt quod per ordinationem & Legem illam possint im­posterum deduci & defendi sicut hactenus [Page 45] consueverunt. Et super hoc protulerunt prae­dictam ordinationem ipsius Henrici de Ba­thonia sub Sigillo Domini Regis in haec ver­ba Coram Henrico de Bathonia, &c. ut su­pra, &c.

Et quia ordinatio praedicti Henrici sta­tim Confirmatio Ordinationis Henrici de Ba­thonia. videtur concordans equitati & hucus (que) fuit approbata, praeceptum est & statu­tum quod ordinatio illa in omnibus ob­servetur absque diminutione: additio ta­men quod quia in ordinatione praedicta nihil fuit expressum de electione commu­nis Ballivi Domini Regis in Marisco prae­dicto, Ad quam mo­dus Eligendi Communis Bal­livi additur. quomodo est per quos electio illa fieri debeat, concordatum est, quod de caetero cedente vel decedente communi Ballivo praedicti Marisci locus ipsius alius eligatur, qui resideat et terras habeat in praedicto Marisco. Et fiat electio illa de caetero per communem assensum duarum villarum ejusdem Marisci, vel per Attorna­tos suos, & ubi major pars numero con­censerit, stabitur eorum electioni, quia sic hactenus ibi fieri consuevit. De duplo est sumptuum appositorum de reparati­one defectuum praedicti Marisci le­vand. in poenam negligentium defectus ipsos contingentes reparare concorda­tum est, quod duplum illud levetur sicut Quomodo du­plum levetur & approprietur. priori ordinatione fuerat statutum, & quod duplum illud in communem utilitatem reparationis dicti Marisci revertatur & ad usus Ballivi ejusdem Marisci de cae­tero [Page 47] non observetur. Et quia in prae­dicto Marisco diversae Walliae & Water­giae quarum reparationem & sustenta­tionem communitas ejusdem Marisci non contribuit, nisi tantum illi qui di­ctis Walliis & Watergagiis Terras habent continguas & proximas, & quidam per op­pressiones Dominorum dicti Marisci quan­doque tantum solverint, ad reparatio­nem & sustentationem earundem pro quadraginta Acris quantum, alii pro quin­quaginta Acris quod magis fuerat, contra Legem Marisci & Ordinationem prae­dicti Henrici de Bathonia; concorda­tum est, & ordinatum, quod nulla consuetudine a quocunque prius introducta resistente omnes & singuli Terrae & Te­nementa Quod singuli terras & tene­menta haben­res quae pericu­lo maris subja­cent aut salva­tionem habent pro eadem de caetero Distrin­gantur. ibidem habentes quae periculo Maris subjacent ibidem & salvationem habent pro eadem de caetero distringantur ad Wallias & Watergagias illas reparandas & sustinendas. Ita quod singuli contribuanr equaliter juxta numerum Acrarum quas ha­bent ibidem, ita quod nulli parcatur, cujus­cunque fuerit status & conditionis, qui per easdem salvationem habent & defensio­nem. Et quia in eodem Marisco de Romenal ultra cursum aquae portus il­lius tendentem de Suergate versus Ro­menhale ex Occidentali parte illius por­tus usque comitatum Sussex, nulla fu­it prius certa Lex Marisci statuta nec usitata, nisi ad voluntatem Terras habentium in eodem, per quod diversa pericula & [Page 49] damna intolerabilia per Maris inunda­tionem contingerant ut de caetero talibus periculis obvietur, & communi utilitate prospiciatur concordatum est & con­junctim ordinatum, quod in Marisco Ordinatum est quod in Marisco ultra portum usque Sussex Juratores statu­antur Electi pro securitate partium illarum pro ut contine­tur in Ordina­tione praedicti Henrici de Ba­thonia. Calli. Lect. 39. ultra portum praedictum versus Sussex statuantur Juratores per communitatem electi qui pro securitate partium illa­rum ad hoc jurati, habito respectu ad numerum acrarum quae dicto periculo subjacent, & ad quantitatem Wallia­rum & Watergagiorum ibidem repa­randorum & sustinendorum per eorum Sacramentum considerabunt & ordina­bunt quantum necesse sit ad reparatio­nem & sustentationem illarum, Ita quod unusquisque pro portione acrarum dicto periculo subjacentium eque contribuat, ad sustentationem earundem. Ita quod juxta portionem acrarum suarum & valorem ea­rundem singulis assignetur in Walliis & Watergagiis praedictis portio sua perti­carum sustinenda prout continetur pleni­us in ordinatione praedicti Henrici de Bathonia. Et insuper quia hactenus in partibus illis ultra portum praedictum versus Sussex nullus fuerat communis Ballivus constitutus, qui de periculis i­bidem contingentibus provideret & ca­veret pro communi utilitate partium il­larum, & ne de caetero consimilia pericula ibidem inveniantur, Ordinatum est, quod de Quod de caetero eligatur Balli­vus in Mariscis ultra cursum [...] quae versus Suffex. caetero eligatur unus Ballivus in Mariscis prae­dictis ultra praedictum cursum aquae versus [Page 51] Sussex, ad supervidendum & custodien­dum, Officium Ballivi. ac reparatum faciendum Wallias & Watergagias per loca & terminos toti­us Marisci praedicti, ubi plus viderit toti communitati expedire. Et Juratores Marisci praedicti cum necesse fuerit ad loca necessaria convenire faciat, ad ordi­nationes & considerationes suas pro salva­tione terrarum partium illarum faciendas, & districtiones ob hoc faciendas fieri & duplum a negligentibus, cum necesse fu­erit, levare faciat secundum formam in praedicta ordinatione Henrici de Bathonia contenta ad electionem vero praedicti Bal­livi cum contigerit facienda semper prae­muniantur & vocentur Domini villarum ejusdem Marisci ultra praedictum cursum aquae versus Sussex si interesse voluerint, & Juratores & tota communitas praedicti Ballivus Regis in Marisco de de Romane sit supervisor Bal­livorum & Ju­rat in Marisco ultra cursum aquae versus Sussex. Marisci. Ordinatum est etiam quod de caetero praedictus communis Ballivus Regis in Marisco de Romane sit supervisor praedictorum Bal­livi & Juratorum in Marisco ultra cursum aquae versus Sussex, & omnes Juratores ex utraque parte praedicti cursus aquae electos, cum necesse fuerit, ad loca necessaria con­venire faciat ad ordinationes & considerati­ones suas faciendas pro salvatione terrarum praedictorum Mariscorum. Ita quod semper Omnes ad ordi­nationem & considerationem Jurat' stare. ex utraque parte praedicti cursus aquae stetur ordinationi & considerationi praedictorum Juratorum, ad minus terram perdendum & plus salvandum nulla consuetudine resisten­te, salvo semper tenore cartae Domini Regis [Page 53] communitati dicti Marisci concesse & ordi­natione predicti Henrici de Bathonia i [...] suo robore perpetuo duratura

Coram Willhelmo de Walleyns & Sociis fu­is ad supervidendum Wallias & Waterga­gias [...] ap­punct [...] super­visor [...] Wallia­rum, &c. in Com. [...]. An. 2 E. 2. in Comitatu Kanciae assignatis die Lunae proxime post festum sanctae Mildredae Virginis apud Newcherch, Anno Regni Regis Edwardi filii Regis Edwardi secundo.

Ordinatum est, de communi assensu Domi­norum Mariscorum de Lyde & Oxeney, & ex parte Domini Regis praeceptum, quod de caetero communis Balliv [...]s Domini Regis in Marisco de Romane supervideat praedictos Ordinatum est quod Communis Ballivus Domini Regis in Marisco de Romane super­videa [...] & sum­m [...]ne [...] Balli­vos & Jurat. Marisci de Lyde & Oxeney. Ballivos & Juratores in praedictis Mariscis de Lyde & Oxene, & eos ac etiam viginti quatu­or Juratores in Marisco de Romane, cum necesse fuerit ad loca necessaria convenire faciat, ad ordinationes consulendum & a­wardas suas faciendum pro salvatione ter­rarum praedictorum Mariscorum. Ita quod semper stent ordinationi & consuetudini di­ctorum Juratorum ad minus terrae perden­dum, & ad plus salvandum, nulla consuetu­dine resistente. Salvo semper tenore cartae Domini Regis communitati dicti Marisci con­cesse, ac etiam ordinationibus Dominorum Henrici de Bathonia & praedicti Johannis de Lovetet, & Sociorum suorum in suo robore duratura.

Ordinatio Domini Thomae de Lodelowe, [Page 55] Justiciarii Domini Regis & Sociorum suorum apud Crowthorne die lunae proxime post festam [...] anno Regni Regis Edwardi tertii post conquestum tricesimo tertio virtute Commissionis Domini Regis e [...]s directi cujus tenor sequitur in haec ver­ba.

Rex dilectis & fidelibus suis Thomae Lo­delowe, Commissio Regis Edw. 3. Tho. Domino [...]w & aliis Anno 33. Regni [...]. Roberto Belknap, & Thomae Cul­peper, salutem. Ex gravi querela vene­rabilis patris Simonis Archiepiscopi Cantu­ariensis & aliorum Terras infra praecin­ctum Marisci de Romane tenentium acce­pimus quod cum omnes Terrae illae juxta costeram maritimam jaceant, & absque continua custodia Walliarum Gutterarum & Fossatorum & aliarum defensionum tam pro exclusione aquae maritimae quam pro evacuatione aquarum dulcium, ibi­dem factarum nequeant ullo modo de­fendi & salvari, per quod tempore Domini Henrici quondam Regis Angliae proavi nostri per Henricum de Bathonia & socios suos Justiciarios ejusdem proavi nostri ad dictas Wallias Fossata & Gutteras, ac defensionem inde supervidendas, & fieri & reparari faci­endas inter alia ordinatum fuisset, quod quicunque tenentium & residentium infra praecinctum praedictum, quem major pars Dominorum dominium infra eandem prae­cinctam habentium eligerunt foret Ballivus ad scotta pro reparatione & sustantatione Williarum Gutterarum Fossatorum & defen­sionum [Page 57] praedictorum assessa levandum prout in ordinationibus praedictis plenius poterit apparere: & licet juxta ordinati­ones illas Joannes at Lese tenens & re­sidens infra praecinctum praedictum ad dictum officium dicti Ballivi ad dicta scotta levandum per Dominos Marisci praedicti, in forma praedicta infra prae­cinctum illum electus fuerit & deputatus Matheus tamen at More, & alii com­plices sui per falsas covinas adinvicem confederati & alligati, ad unum alium Ballivum ibidem assensu suo qui Amicis suis parceret, & alios indebite contra ordinationes praedictas oneraret faciendum, praedictum Johannem, adeo terruerunt & horribiliter comminabantur ac alias impe­diverunt, quod secundum praedictam or­dinationem officium assumere noluit nec audebat: & sic in defectu dicti Ballivi totus Mariscus praedictus per superinundationem aquarum indies imminentium in periculo perditionis existit nisi super hoc celerius remedium apponatur. Nos advertentes damna & pericula, quae tam nobis quam toto regno nostro & praecipue in partibus illis ex superinundatione hujus nisi congrua defensio ad excludendas & evacuandas aquas praedictas fiat, po­terint evenire; ac volentes damnis & periculis hujus praecavere: assignavimus Commissioner. [...]ssignat ad su­per vidend' & reparand' Wal­llis. vos tres vel duos vestrum ad superviden­dum & reparari faciendum Wallias, Gutte­ras, Fossata & caeteras defensiones in Marisco [Page 59] praedicto factas, quam ad supervidendum Commissionar' super-videre & corrigere Ordi­nationes & ubi necesse est novas ordinationes fa­cere. ordinationes praedictas, & in casu quo ordinationes illae pro salvatione & de­fensione Marisci praedicti, contra super­inundationem praedictam minus suffici­entes inveniantur, ad easdem ordinati­ones corrigendas & emendandas: & si necesse fuerit ordinandas de novo qualiter Mariscus praedictus, contra aquas prae­dictas, quibuscunque casibus de caetero imminentibus melius salvari & defendi po­terit, & ad punitiones rigidas contra eos, qui contra formam ordinationum per vos tres vel duos vestrum sic facien­dum in aliquo non venerint vel delinque­rint statuenda, & ad easdem ordinati­ones ut perpetuo observentur circumqua­que in partibus illis proclamari, & ad omnia alia quae pro salvatione & de­fensione Marisci praedicti, ac exclusi­one & evacuatione aquarum praedictarum necessaria & opportuna fuerint fieri fa­ciendum. Et etiam ad inquirendum per Sa­cramentum Et etiam ad inquirendum per Jurat. de transgr. & contempt. factis & easdem ad audiend' & terminand. proborum & legalium homi­num de Comitatu Kanciae de confederati­onibus covinis & allegationibus praedictis, necnon de transgressionibus & contemp­tibus nobis per praefatum Matheum & com­plices suos nobis in hac parte factis, & de nominibus eorundem complicum, & ad easdem confederationes covinas allegationes transgres­siones & contemptus praedictos audiatis & ter­minetis audiendas & terminendas secun­dum [Page 61] legem & consuetudinem Regni nostri. Et ideo vobis mandamus quod ad cer­tos dies & loca quos vos tres vel duo vestrum ad hoc provideritis omnia & singula praedicta ac inquisitiones super his factas, & confederationes, covinas, allegationes, transgressiones & contemp­tus praedictos, audiatis & terminetis in forma praedicta, facturi inde quod ad justi­ciam pertinet secundum Legem & con­suetudinem Regni nostri. Salvis nobis a­mericamentis aliis inde spectantibus. Man­davimus enim Vicecomiti nostro Comi­tatus praedicti, quod ad certos dies & loca, quos vos tres vel duo vestrum ei scire faciatis venire faciat coram vobis tribus vel duobus vestrum tot & tales pro­bos & legales homines de Balliva sua per quos rei veritas in praemissis melius sciri poterit & inquiri. In cujus rei Testimonium, &c. Teste, &c. apud Westmonaster. decimo septimo die Fe­bruarii Anno supradicto. Per quod man­datum iidem Thomas, Robertus & Tho­mas, Anno die & loco supradictis per con­sensum Dominorum, Ballivi, viginti quatuor Juratorum & communitatis ejusdem Marisci, videlicet per Johannem Frances Attornatum Domini Simonis Cantuariensis Archiepiscopi, Abbatem Sancti Augustini Cantuariensis, Priorem Ecclesiae Christi Cantuariensis, Simo­nem Magistrum domus Dei donorum, Ed­mundum Staplegate, Dominum de Bilsing­ton inferiori, & caeteros Dominos ad hoc spe­cialiter [Page 63] electos, cum quibusdam etiam communitatis scilicet per Wilhelmum de Ecchingham, & Stephin de Valcyns Christus, Willihelmum de Horne, & Jacobum de Ca­pele ad hoc pro praedicta Communitate electos, ordinaverunt & statuerunt quod communis Ballivus Marisci de Romene, qui Ordinatum est qued Communis Ballivus eli­garur per com­munem assen­sum Dominorum villarum infra quindenam St. Michaelis annu­atim. terras habet simul & risideat eligatur per communem assensum Dominorum villarum ejusdem Marisci vel per Attornatos suos speciales & ubi major pars eorum nume­ro consenserit stabitur electioni in lastis tenendis apud Demecherche vel Newcherch, aut aliis locis congruis, infra praecinctum dicti Marisci infra quindenam sancti Mi­chaelis annuatim per summonitionem Bal­livi praedicti nisi infra annum illum ex necessitate & causa rationabili oporteret Ballivum illum amoveri, & alium loco suo poni. Et si electus ille praesens fuerit & officium illud admittere noluerit amer­cietur statim in quadraginta solidis quos sub­sequens Ballivus de bonis & catallis suis levari faciat ad communem utilitatem Marisci praedicti. Et sic fiat nova ele­ctio Si electus ille presens & offici­um illud ad­mittere noluit amercietur ad 40 s. levari per Ballivum subse­quena'. [...]od' Ballivi. incontinenti alterius Ballivi qui Ju­ramentum & officium illud admittat, & habeat pro labore suo dupla levanda quae tempore suo de Scottis assessis & levatis contingant ac etiam dupla omnium denari­orum suorum in negligentia aliorum, quo­rumcun (que) appositorum. Et si electus ille im­posterum per quoscunque impediatur, quo [Page 65] minus electus ille officium illud admittere non audeat, statim hujus impedientes per electores praedictos puniantur singula­tim Impedientes pu­niantur. prout dictus Ballivus puniretur, si ju­ramentum facere & officium illud admit­tere noluerit. Et si contingat, quod il­le tempore electionis absens fuerit statim Si Ball▪ vus elect' sit absens tem­pore Electionis, ille distringetur per Bona & Catalla quae im­parriantur quousque sa­cramentum prastaverit. per Ballivum Marisci tunc praedecessorem existentem distringetur per omnia bona & Catalla sua & impertiantur locis congru­is & consuetis, & ibidem detineantur quousque Archiepiscopo Cantuariensis, Ab­bati sancti Augustini Priori Ecclesiae Chri­sti Cantuariensis qui pro tempore fuerint, vel uni eorum accesserit & officium illud admiserit, & Sacramentum suum prae­staverit, & super hoc literas suas sigil­lis signatas detulerit Ballivo praedecessori suo, & hoc faciet infra sex dies proxime post dictam electionem factam, alioquin puniatur, ut praedictum est, & statim fiat nova electio, ad quod lastum principale praedicti communes Collectores omnium praecedentium generalium scottorum & etiam expenditores coram Dominis prae­dictis, vel eorum attornatis si interesse Communes Col­lectores omnium Scottorum Bal­livo Jurat' & Communitati Computabunt. Computum in­scriptum per [...]. velint Ballivo viginti quatuor Juratori­bus & communitate Marisci praedicti computabunt & fiat computum inscrip­tum per Indenturas factas inter ipsos & Ballivum ac viginti quatuor Jurato­res & Communitatem praedicti Marisci eodem modo fiat computum Ballivi de his, quae sibi contingat computare. Et si a­liquis [Page 67] praedictorum viginti quatuor Jura­torum faciat defaltam in praedicto lasto [...] jura [...]' [...]' faciens [...] principali [...]. 12 d. principali, nisi rationabilem habeat excu­sationem, amercietur in duodecim dena­riis ad opus communitatis per Ballivum levandis Et si contingat quod aliquis viginti quatuor Juratorum discedat infra annum, vel amoveri oporteat loco suo alius eligatur & ponatur in lasto princi­pali Si aliquis ju­rat' amovetur alius eligetur. praedicto per Dominos feodorum Bal­livum viginti quatuor Juratores & com­munitatem de fidelioribus sapientia & diti­oribus ejusdem Marisci usque ad nume­rum praedictorum viginti quatuor comple­torum. Eodem modo fiat de Collecto­ribus Eodem modo fiat de Collecto­ribus. Jurat' Collecto­res &c. recu­san es prest are Sacramentum amercietur 20 [...]. & expenditoribus, ita quod non eligantur de praedictis viginti quatuor Jurato­ribus si Domini praedicti interesse velint. Et si quis praedictorum viginti quatuor Juratorum Collectorum vel expenditorum electus fuerit, & sacramentum praestare noluerit, amercietur in viginti solidis levandis, ut praedictum est, & statim alius loco suo eligatur & oneretur. Et si praedicti viginti quatuor Juratores sum­moniti fuerint, ubicunque infra praecinctum dicti Marisci ad communem vel seperale la­stum, [...] sum­ [...] & n [...]n Comparentes [...]. ubi ad minus praeter octo vel decem eo­rum non venerunt, ita quod judicium & a­ward pro salvatione Marisci praedicti non fi­ant pro defectu majoris numeri absentium a­mercietur unusquis (que) absens in sex denariis per Ballivum, ut praedictum est levandis, de quibus & aliis similibus dictus Ballivus in principali lasto supradicto computabit. Idem quilibet [Page 69] praedictorum viginti quatuor Juratorum, jurabit quod cum sociis suis juratis were [...]mentum 4. juratorum. judicia & awarda faciat non parcendo alicui diviti aut pauperi tam districtioni­bus faciendis quam de Walliis Landiis Watergagiis Seweris Foveis & Gutteris Pontibus & aliis impedimentis quibuscun­que infra praecinctum Marisci praedicti contingendis amovendis & transgressiones puniendis, & quod sint intendentes Bal­livo Marisci praedicti ad districtiones cap­tas & impercatas per tres dies & plus appreciandum & vendendum locis con­suetis, & quod ipse omnia judicia & awarda per ipsos facta irrotulare & inden­turam inde faciat inter ipsos & Ballivum praedicti Marisci qui pro tempore fuerit. Item Collectores & expenditores electi ut supra­dictum Sacramentum Collectorum & expenatiorum. est, jurabunt quod fideliter levabunt colligent & expendent, & computabunt de omnibus scottis, assessis per Dominos Ballivum & viginti quatuor Juratorum vel majorem partem eorundem. Et eodem modo fiat & ob­servetur in omnibus Aquagagiisi infra prae­cinctum dicti Marisci, & coram Dominis villa­rum cujuscun (que) si interesse velint. Item Balli­vus Sacramentum Ballivorum. jurabit quod ipse fideles executiones faciet de judiciis & considerationibus praedictorum viginti quatuor Juratorum & de his quae ad ipsos pertinent judicare & awardare. Et quod ipse in propria persona sua omnes Collectores & expenditores tam generales scottas quam separales Aquagagias assessas ut praedictum est onerabit per Sacramentum fideliter levare [Page 71] colligere expendere & computare. Et quod in propria persona sua supervideat omnes Wallias, Landeas, Watergagias, Sew­eres, Gutteras & Pontes, quando necesse fuerit, ad minus bis in anno semel in mense Januarii, & secundo mense Junii. Et quod liberabit successori suo omnes e­videntias quas penes se habet, tam Car­tas regum Angliae libertates & consuetudi­nes ejusdem Marisci continentes, quam Rotulos judiciorum considerationum & a­wardarum per praedictos viginti quatuor Juratores cum omni processu computorum collectorum & expenditorum quorumcun­que tempore suo habito. Et habeat Cle­ricus [...] 6 s. 8 d pro labore [...]. Non li [...]t alicui [...] Dammas. hujus Ballivi pro labore suo de com­munitate Marisci praedicti sex solidos octo denarios. Non liceat alicui de caetero fa­cere dammas vel fordas aut alia impedi­menta in aliquibus Landeis, Watergageis Fossatis, sive Aquagiis communibus in Ma­risco praedicto, per quod rectus cursus a­quarum in aliqua impediatur: Et si fece­rit Et [...] [...]cerit Amercietur per Ballivum & Jur. & hoc testificatum fuerit per Ballivum & sex de juratis vel communitate aquagii ubi damnum factum fuerit statim amercie­tur secundum quantitatem delicti per prae­dictos Ballivum & viginti quatuor Jura­tores, & statim levetur ad communem utilitatem ut praedictum est. Et nihilo­minus siquis alius quam communitas lae­sus fuerit ca de causa, & hoc per testi­monium Baliivi & sex Juratorum proba­tum [...]. foret sit satisfactum laeso. Item ordina­verunt [Page 73] & statuerunt quod quilibet scottas Scottas assessus & dies solutio­nis inde procla­metur. assessus in dicto Marisco proclametur cer­tis locis publicis & dies solutionis inde as­signetur & proclametur ut ignoratia ulla se excusare non possit quando & quo loco solvi debeat. Item ordinaverunt & statuerunt quod quaelibet acra pro Wal­liis Insetenis & Watergageis ematur pro Quod un acra pro Wallijs ematur pro 40 s. Non liceat alicui opera­rios in Com­muni opere ex­istentes abduce­re sub poena 10 s. quadraginta solidis. Et quod non liceat alicui aliquos operarios in communi o­pere existentes, ad opus suum singulare, nec aliquo alio loco abducere antequam dictum opus perficiatur, & si aliquis su­per hoc convincatur per testimonium Ballivi & Juratorum in communi lasto amercietur in decem solidis qui per Bal­livum praedictum incontinenti levari debent ad communem utilitatem, ut supra. Item ordinaverunt & statuerunt quod omnes aquagii infra dictum Mariscum per quas­cunque terras & tenementa in quolibet a­quagio sic custodiantur, videlicet quod aqua non discurrat extra rectum cursum suum, Ordinatio quom­modo Aquagii custodiantur. ad damnum alicujus sub poena quantitatis de­licti per Ballivum praedictum ad opus commu­nitatis levandi cùm quis super hoc in communi lasto per testamentum Ballivi & sex Juratorum convincatur. Et quia ab antiquo conceditur per Dominum Regem quod omnes terrae ma­ritimae custodiantur per leges ordinationes statuta & consuetudines praedicti Marisci de Romene ab Insula Theneti usque Penense, tam in comitatu Kanciae quam in comitatu Sussex licitum sit praedictis Ballivo & viginti [Page 75] quatuor juratoribus sumptos suos rationabi­les Ballivus & Ju­rat' sumptos su­os habere de his qui eos ad loca ducere velint ordinationes su­os facere. petere est habere de his qui eos ad loca du­cere velint, sive sint Domini sive de Commu­nitate ubi ordinationem suam secundum le­gem maritimam tam in Walliis quam in Wa­tergagiis Gutteris Seweris Piscariis, & aliis quibuscunque dictam legem tangentibus fa­cere debeant. Item ordinaverunt & statue­runt quod si quis rescussum Ballivo Marisci vel Ministris suis fecerit de districtionibus Si quis rescus­sum Ballivo se­cerint de di­strictionibus Amercietur 20 s. quibuscunque captis super quoscunque occa­one Articulorum praemissorum aut alicujus ordinationis pro utilitate dicti Marisci factae seu faciendae & super hoc per Testimonium Ballivi praedicti & sex vel octo Juratorum de praedictis viginti quatuor vel aquagii ubi di­strictio capi contigerit convincatur per amer­ciamentum viginti solidorum, ad opus Com­munitatis levandorum per Ballivum, ut supra. Eodem modo [...]at in locis ubi Lex maritima Quibus locis lex maritima currt. currit inter Insulam Theneti & Penensi sive in Comitatu Kanciae, sive in Comitatu Sussex.


THE CHARTER OF HENRY KING of ENGLAND, Concerning the Ordinance of Romney-Marsh.

HENRY by the Grace of God, The Charter of King Henry the Third. King of England, Lord of Ireland, Duke of Normandy, and Earl of Andeg. To all his Bailiffs and faithful Subjects, to whom these present Letters shall come, Greeting. Because by four and twenty lawful men of Romney-Marsh (time out of mind) hereunto chosen and sworn, Distresses ought to be made upon all those which have Lands and Tenements in the said Marsh, To repair the Walls and Watergages of the same Marsh, against the dangers of the Sea. And also upon all those which are bound and charged for the reparation of the said Walls and A power grant­ed to the 24 Iurates to make Distres­ses. Watergages: We have granted to the same four and twenty, that for the safety of the said Marsh, they cause those distresses to be done, so that they be made equal, ac­cording to the portions greater and les­ser, [Page 4] which men have in the same Marsh, and according to that which some are bound and charged. And therefore we will and grant, that none of our Sheriffs of The Sheriff or his Officers not to intermeddle with those Di­stresses. Kent, or any his Bailiffs, do in any wise intermeddle touching those Distresses made by consideration of the same four and twenty Iurors to avoid the same danger. For whosoever shall bring Complaint unto us, of the consideration of those Distresses, we will cause Iustice to be done unto him in our Court, and that Iustice we reserve specially to our self, or our special Com­mandment. In witness whereof, these Letters we have caused to be made Pa­tents. Witness my self at S. Edmonds, the second day of September, in the six and thirtieth year of our Reign.

[Page 6] ¶ The Ordinance of Henry of Batho­nia, Iustice of our Lord King Henry, Son of King John, made by Precept of the same Lord the King, upon con­tention arisen between the four and twenty Iurors, and the men of Romney Marsh, touching reparation of the Walls and Watergages there being, at Romney, on Saturday next after the Nativity of the blessed Virgin Mary, in the two and fortieth year of the said King Henry, adjoyning to him Nicho­las of Handlo, and Aulred of Dene, &c.

OVr Lord the King hath given in The Ordinance of Henry de Bathonia. charge to Henry of Bathonia, that whereas Iudgment ought to be done by four and twenty lawful men of Romney-Marsh, to distrain upon all those which have Lands and Tenements in the said Marsh, to repair the Walls and Wa­tergages of the same Marsh, against the force of the Sea, and inundation of other Waters, and also upon all those which are bound and charged with the reparation of the same Walls and Watergages. And to the same four and twenty Iuror [...] our Lord the King by his Letters Pa­tents Recital of the Charter of H. 3. hath lately granted, That for safety of the said Marsh, they should cause Distresses to be made, so that they may be duly done, according to the portions, [Page 8] greater or less, which men have in the same Marsh, and according as some are bound and holden hereunto. So that no Sheriff of Kent of our Lord the King, or any his Bailiffs, do in any wise inter­meddle with those Distresses made by con­sideration of the foresaid four and twenty Iurors for avoiding the danger afore­said. But if any should think himself grieved unjustly touching the considerati­on of those Distresses, and would com­plain thereof, he should bring his Com­plaint unto him our Lord the King, and he would cause Iustice to be done to him in his Court, and that Iustice had speci­ally reserved to him our Lord the King, or to his special Mandate. The said four and twenty Iurors (for the considerati­on and resistance of certain men of the same Marsh, which are bound to re­pair The Jurors be­ing resisted by the Men of the Parish, cannot make their Di­stresses. the same Walls and Watergages, ac­cording to the Quantity of the Lands and Tenements which they have in the same Marsh) cannot make the same Distresses, whereby the Walls and Watergages lye ruinated, By reason whereof the Inundations of the Sea and other Waters do overflow a great part thereof, to the great de­triment The King ap­points Henry de Bathe his Justi­cer to hear and determine the Controversie between the Ju­rors and Men of the Marsh. of our said Lord the King, and men of the same Marsh. He our Lord the King, hath appointed the said Henry, his Iusticer, to hear and determine the con­tentions arisen touching the same repara­tion, between the same four and twen­ty [Page 10] Iurors, and men of the said Marsh. And to provide for security and defence of the said Marsh against inundation and peril of the Sea and other Waters, by reparation of the said Walls and Water­gages to be made by them which are bound to repair it, according to the quan­tity of the Lands and Tenements which they have in the same Marsh, and accord­ing to that which some are otherwise bound and holden hereunto. Our said Lord the King commanding the said Hen­ry, that at the day and place which he should limit, he should provide to dis­patch the same, as is aforesaid: And what he shall do therein, that to him the said Lord the King he make known distinct­ly and plainly in writing, that the same Lord the King might cause it to be inrolled, &c.

By which Mandate, the said Henry, in the day aforesaid being at Romney, joyning to him the same Nicholas de Hand­lo, and Aulred of Dene, and the Sheriff of Kent assisting him, which by Precept The Ordinance of Henry de Bathonia. of our Lord the King at the same day, cau­sed to come before him so many and such honest and lawful men of his Bailiwick, by which the same Strifes may be end­ed, and the same provision may the bet­ter be effected, none of the same Marsh then withstanding it: The said HENRY in the presence of the Commonalty of the said Marsh then being there with their Counsel pleading, Ordained as [Page 12] followeth: That is to say, that by the That twelve men shall be chosen, viz. six of the Fee of the Archbishop, and six of the Barony, to mea­sure the Walls and the Lands subject to dan­ger. whole Commonalty of the same Marsh, twelve lawful men may be chosen, to wit, six of the Fee of the Archbishop of Can­terbury, and six of the Barony, which being sworn, shall measure the Walls new and old, and those which ought to be new erected. And the same measu­ring should be done by one and the same Perch, to wit, of twenty foots. And afterwards the same Iurors upon their Oaths also by the same Perch shall measure by all the Acres Lands and Te­nements which are subject to danger within the same Marsh: Which measu­rings being done, the twenty four by the Commonalty first elected and sworn, ha­ving respect to the quantity of the Walls, Lands and Tenements which are subject to peril, by their Oath, shall ordain how much appertaineth to every one to up­hold and repair the same Walls. So that for the portion of Acres of Lands lying subject to danger, there be assign­ed to every one his portion of Perches by certain Bounds: so as it may be known where and by what places every The Jurors to assign to every man his porti­on of Perches by certain Bounds, accord­ing to the por­tion of Acres subject to dan­ger. one ought to make defencible, and when need shall be, by whose occasion the peril and force of Sea ought to be withstood by repairing the same Walls, And there ought to come the four and twenty Iurors to see through which of the same places such need chanceth, and [Page 14] to whom the same places were assigned be defended, and ought the same time to be repaired. Which common Bailiff shall give notice to them, to whom the same Common Bai­liff to give no­tice to repair within the time the Jurors ap­point. If the Parties neglect, the Bailiff to repair and recover double Costs by distress on the Defaulters Lands. places were appointed to be kept, that they repair and amend the same places within the time by the same four and twenty Iurors appointed. Within which time if they neglect to do it, the said com­mon Bailiff of his own charge shall re­pair such defaults by the view of the four and twenty Iurors, and the same party neg­lecting, shall be compelled to pay double Costs to the same Bailiff for his Charges laid out upon the same reparations, which double must be reserved for the benefit of the same Reparations. And moreover, the negligent herein may be distrained by his Lands within the same Marsh. And if any Perches of Lands be holden in com­mon ot Partners, so that to every Partner, a certain place for the portion of his part cannot be appointed, to wit, all or half a Perch by reason of the smalness of the same Perch, Then by the Oath of the four and Of Lands held in Common. twenty Iurors it shall be ordained and seen, how much the same Land which is so holden in common ought to defend, and The Jurors to ordain how much every one is to defend. there shall be a certain portion of defence assigned to the same Partners in com­mon for the portion of their common Land. And if any of the Partners shall If one Partner neglects his part to be as­signed to the o­ther who makes his defence. be remiss in defending his part when the same Partners shall be warned by the said Bailiff, the part of the Partner so remiss, [Page 16] may be assigned to the other Partners which shall make Defence. And they which hold in their own hand the part of the Partner neglecting, shall keep And he to hold the others Lands till he be paid double Costs. it until he neglecting shall pay double the Costs bestowed about the same Defence containing his part by the view of the four and twenty Iurors for the benefit of the same Reparations as is aforesaid. And if all the same Partners shall be negligent about the If all the Part­ners shall be negligent, then the Bailiff to repair and di­strain the Part­ners for double Costs. same, then the said Common Bailiff shall make the same Defence of his own Costs, and may distrein the same Part­ners afterwards for double the Costs about the same Defence by View of four and twenty Iurors as is aforesaid, The right of the chief Lords of the Fee in the foresaid Marsh which they have to­wards the Tenants of this Defence, accor­ding to their Feoffments reserved. And that all the Lands in the Marsh may be kept against force of y e Sea, and in­undations A saving to the Lords of the Fee their right of fresh Waters by the Walls and Watergages by the Oath and consideration of twenty four Iu­rors for the least hurt and best safety, as of old time was used. Saving A saving to the Commonalty their right. also the Tenor of the Charter of our Lord the King to the communalty of the said Marsh granted, that no She­riff, nor any his Bailiff or Minister make any Distress within the same Marsh, by occasion of any the said Articles, as in [Page 18] the said Charter is contained; which Charter, this Ordinance notwithstand­ing shall continue in his perpetual force, &c.

The King to the Sheriff of Kent The Kings Writ to the Sheriff of Kent, commanding him not to meddle with the distresses made by the Jurates. greeting. Whereas we lately appoint­ed our beloved and faithful Henry de Bathonia to hear and determine vari­ances depending between four and twenty lawful men of Romney-Marsh, by whose consideration the Walls and Watergages of the same Marsh a­gainst the force of the Sea and peril of other Waters there overflowing, Callis Lect. 155. ought to be repaired, and such as have other Lands and Tenements in the same Marsh, which ought and were wont to repair those Walls and Wa­tergages. And the said Henry going in person to those parts, ordained, that according to the consideration of the said four and twenty Iurors Distres­ses should be made for reparation of the said Walls and Watergages. So that no Sheriff or other our Bailiff do intermeddle with the same Distresses, as in the Rolls of our Chancery ex­pressing that Ordinance is contained. Nevertheless, you have released those Di­stresses for this Deed by four and twenty Iurors, to the prejudice of their considerati­on. And because, if any think himself griev­ed of the same consideration, for which he will complain, he ought to come to us to seek remedy. We command you, that in [Page 20] no wise you meddle with the same Di­stresses, but cause them to be return­ed by the four and twenty Iurors and their Bailiff appointed hereunto, that no further complaint thereof come to us for which we may be displeas­ed with you. Witness my self at West­minster the twentieth day of April, in the three and fortieth year of our Reign, by Henry de Bathonia, &c.

Then followeth the number of all the Acres within the same Marsh, as is found by measure taken in the two and fortieth year of King Henry, and also the agistation as well in the great Wall of Apuldre, as in the little Wall, to the quantity of the Lands holden within, &c.

Hamo Pitte, John Cobbe, Henry An Action of Trespass brought by Godfrey Fau­coner against Hamo Pitte, & alios for en­tring into his Mannor of Hurst and ta­king away his Goods and Chattels. le Long, and John Ermynard, were attached to answer unto Godfrey le Fauconer, for that they with others, lately came to the Mannor of the said Godfrey in Hurst, and his Goods and Chattels there found to the value of twenty pounds, took and carried away, and oher Damages and Brievances to him there did, to his great loss, and against the Peace, &c. And whereof the said Godfrey complaineth, that on Thursday in Easter­week in the year, &c. the same Hamo with others, took ten [...]ine in the Town of Hurst, &c. whereby he saith, he is dam­nified, and hath lost to the value, &c. and [Page 22] thereupon bringeth sute, &c. And the said Hamo and others came and defen­ded, The Defen­dants Plea. &c. and so far forth as is against the Peace, &c. when, &c. and they well acknowledge that they took ten Kine aforesaid, &c. of the said Godfrey justly, Pleads by the Custom and Charter, and Justifies as Bai­liff for a Di­stress taken for Repairing the Walls, &c. and in the Peace of our Lord the King, because, he saith that the said Godfrey hath Lands, [...] &c. in Romney Marsh, where all the Tenents having Lands and Tenements in the same Marsh, ought according to the quantity of their Land, to make Walls and Waterga­ges against the Sea for the inundati­ons of the Waters, and four and twen­ty lawful men of the same Marsh be­ing chosen by the Communalty of the same Marsh, and the Iurates ought to make Distresses upon the Tenants in the same Marsh, according to the quantity of their Tenements, when it shall be need­ful, to repair the same Walls and Water­gages. Which Iurats in the same Marsh, as the manner is, for that they all could not be at leisure, have chosen the said Hamo to distrain, and have made him their Bailiff to do it, and this liberty they have by Ancient Custom of the same Marsh, and by Charter of our Lord the King, which they produce, in these words, Henry by the Grace of God, &c. Whereby he saith, that by means of the default of the said Godfrey, he lawfully took the same Distress for repair­ing the same Walls and Watergages, [Page 24] of which in the Wall of Apuldre there were assigned to him for his part, by the same Iurates, three Perches and half at the least at his Charges to be repaired, And more, according to the Inundations of Wa­ters, if it shall be needful through divers places, and that they take a greater Di­stress, unless they will do it, they put them­selves upon their Country, &c. Notwith­standing, they say they took of one A. B. six Bullocks, who was the Farmer of the said Godfrey, and ten Lambs of I. N. Te­nants of the same Godfrey, by reason of the defects of the same Walls and Waterga­ges, for which they afterwards paid, and had their Beasts again. Being required for what they made the first Distress, and for how much the second, they say, that the first Default of the said Godfrey was esteemed at four Marks, and the second Default at The Plaintiffs Replication that he claims his Land by Charter from the King and therefore ought to be discharged from Repairs. 48 shillings. And the same Godfrey saith, that he holdeth his Tenements in the same Marsh of the Gift and Grant of the Lord Henry, late King of England, Grandfather to our now Lord King Hen­ry, the which the same Lord Henry hath given to one William the Son of Balder, the Predecessor of the said Godfrey, whose Heir, &c. By which Grant, his Pre­decessors and he afterwards held his Tenements in the same Marsh, al­ways as freely and quietly as the said Balder held them before. And they say, that neither of his Predecessors nor of him any [Page 26] such Custom was ever sought to repair the same Walls and Watergages, unless five years past, after that the said Hamo was made Bailiff, to keep Prescribes gene­generally in non reparando. Vid. Callis Lect. fol. 177. the same Walls and Watergages, nei­ther did they ever at any time do it. And he bringeth the Charter of the said King Henry, in these words: Henry by the Grace of God, King of Eng­land, &c. To the Archbishop of Canter­bury, &c. And saith, that by the same Feoffment, his Auncestors have held the same Tenements so freely, that they never made nor repaired the Walls nor Watergages, neither was he, after that he held those Lands nor his Predecessors Distreined, until now five or six years past, that the said Hamo and others have took the Beasts and as they know which made upon him the same Distress for Default of Reparation of the same Walls and Watergages, which neither he nor his Predecessors have done, nor e­ver used to do, desireth Iudgment of The Defen­dants Rejoinder. their Acknowledgment. And the said Hamo and others say, that sometimes there was Contravers betwixt the Tenants in the said Marsh upon the Reparation of the same Walls and Watergages, so that Plea was moved thereby in the County before the Sheriff, for which the four and twenty Iurats finding themselves grieved, came to the Court of our Lord the King, and complained [Page 28] of the said Sheriff, alledging that the same Plea appertained not not to the Sheriff to be holden, so that by Coun­sel of our Lord the King it was pro­vided that there might be sent the Iu­stices of our Lord the King, to ordain and dispose that which should be meet to appease those Strifes. So that Hen­ry Henry de Ba­thonia, his Or­dinance plead­ed. de Bathonia was sent thether, and all the Tenants of the said Marsh had Summons of forty days, as he was in the Iourney with the Iustices. And the said Henry, having seen the Walls and Waterbanks aforesaid vp assent and will of the whole communalty of the said Marsh, hath ordained that the Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots, Pri­ors, Earls, Barons, and all Te­nents in the same Marsh, shall con­tribute, according to the quantity of their Tenure, to make again the same Walls and Watergages, whereby as the said God­frey will be defended by the Walls and Watergages, he requireth that he con­tribute to repair them, as before the said Iustice it was ordained. And that the ordinance is such as aforesaid, he referreth himself to the Record of the Rolls of the said Henry de Bathonia. Also he saith, that it is needful that he Contribute to repair the same Walls, &c. for that he saith, that except his Land should be defended by the said Walls, all his Land would be overflown and washed. And the said Godfrey saith, that although the same [Page 30] Ordinance had been made by the said The Plaintiffs Surrejoynder. Henry, the said Godfrey never consen­ted thereto, neither was Summoned nor called to come before him to make the same Ordinance: He also saith, that That he never consented to the Ordinance of Hen. de Batho­nia, and that neither before nor since the said Ordinance he nor his An­cestors never made such Contribution. neither before the Ordinance nor after, he nor his Predecessors did lately make such Contribution, but always held their Land quietly from all manner of exacti­on according to the Tenor of the said Charter of King Henry, Grandfather to the now King, until two years past, the said Hamo and others took his Beasts, whereof he prayeth Iudgment whether the same do hurt him in this behalf. And the said Hamo and others say that he had a Common Summons of forty days, Defendant re­plies that he had a Common Summons as the other had. as all the Communalty of the same Marsh had, which he ought not to be ignorant of; whereby he saith, That although he would not come thither as he ought with his Neighbours, he ought not to be therefore freed from the same Contribution to repair the Walls, insomuch that it is the com­mon benefit of all the Tenants in the said Marsh; that as well his Land as the Land of the other Tenants may be defended by the same Walls and Water­gages, whereof he desireth Iudgment. He also saith, That, after the same Or­dinance, the said Godfrey and those men have given a Mark to repair the Walls and Watergages aforesaid before the said Hamo was Bailiff, and that [Page 32] he is ready to verifie the same, &c. And Godfrey saith that he holdeth himself to the same Charter of our Lord the King, and to his Liberty which he and his Predecessors used, against which none Ordinance being made by the said Henry, can nor ought to hurt him, and he well defendeth, that neither he nor any by him, hath given any thing at any time, before the said Ordinance nor af­ter to the same Reparation. And this he is Issue joyned. ready to verifie, &c. Afterwards in the mor­row after Saint Martin in the two and fortieth year, there came the said G. H. and others, &c. And it was commanded to the Sherist, that he cause to come, in three Ven. fac. award­ed. weeks after Easter wheresoever, twelve aswel Knights, as, &c. by which, &c. And which nether, &c. nor have Lands in the said Marsh, &c. if the said Godfrey and his Prede­cessors after that they had his Land of Hurst, of the Gift and Graunt of our Lord Henry, King of England, &c. together with other men, having Land in the said Marsh, were wont to repair the Walls and Water­gages, and to contribute with the same men to repair them when it hath been needful, whereof the said God­frey by a certain Ordinance in which he granted before Henry de Bathonia, whom the Lord the King had sent in that behalf, gave a Mark to repair the said Walls and Watergages before the said Hamo was Bailiff of the said [Page 34] Marsh, as the said H. and I. do af­firm, or if the said Godfrey or his Pre­decessors were freed from those Repa­rations of the Walls and Watergages and things incident thereto, by Char­ter of the said King Henry, Grand­father, &c. So that the said Godfrey hath not agreed to the same Ordinance, nor ever gave any thing to repair the same Walls and Watergages, as the said God­frey alledgeth, because aswell, &c. Af­terwards from three weeks after Easter, in the two and fortieth year the Sheriff hath not sent his Writ, therefore he in pity, &c. that is to to say, Fulk Payforor, therefore as before it is given in charge to the Sheriff, that he cause to come here fifteen days after the day of S. Trinity wheresoever, &c. twelve, &c. by which &c. and which neither, &c. After­wards at that day there came the said God­frey, H. and others, and desired Iudgment to be done according to the Record and Pro­cess of the same Plea, and the Plea was re­cited before the Lord the King and his Coun­sel, and because it is found according to that Record, that the Lord the King had other­wise sent Henry de Bathonia his Iustice thereunto assigned to the same Romney-Marsh, who disposed that all those which had Lands and Tenements in the same Marsh▪ should according to the quantity of their Tenements, Contribute to repair the Walls and Watergages of the said Marsh, [Page 36] as the said Hamo and others alledge, to which Contribution the said Godfrey is not bound, as the said Godfrey saith, neither as yet is it manifest in the Court of the King here, of the same Ordinance and Disposition, without the which they cannot rightly pro­ceed unto Iudgment. Day is given them in 15. days after the day of S. Michael where­soever, &c. And in the mean space the Rolls of the time of the said Henry de Bathonia are sought, and it must be known that it is forbidden that the said Hamo distrain the said Godfrey whilst the Plea dependeth. Af­terwards in 15. days, after the day of S. Mi­chael in the 43 year, &c. the said Godfrey came, The Plaintiff withdrew his Writ. and is in Misericordia. and withdrew himself of his Writ against the said Hamo and others, &c. And there­fore he in pity, &c. And further he granted for himself and his Heirs, that from hence­forth they should cause to be repaired the Walls and Watergages for his part of the quantity of his Lands together with his Neighbors, as the custom of his Country is without contradiction or cavillation for e­ver. And the said Hamo hath granted and bound for himself and others, that he will accompt before the 24. Iurats of the Coun­try, chosen upon the Distresses, and Beasts taken of the said Godfrey for repairing the said Walls and Watergages from the be­ginning of this Plea till now, &c. And those Distresses according to the quantity of the part hapning to him, shall in the mean space satisfie, for reparation of the Walls [Page 38] and Watergages aforesaid as is afore declared by the Distresses that the said Hamo and others shall pay in all things which shall be injoyned by the said ac­compt between them of the Surplusage received of the Beasts sold by the said Godfrey by the same occasion. And the said Godfrey hath granted, that if the said Hamo verify by accompt that the Beasts taken by him in the name of Distress by occasion aforesaid, in value cannot satisfie for the part of the quan­tity of his Land for the repairing of the said Walls and Watergages, that he the said Godfrey will satisfie him in all Arrerages from the beginning of the same Plea till now by the View and Estimation of the same four and twenty Iurors of the Country, &c.

The Ordinance of the Lord John de Lo­vetot, 16 E. 1. The Ordinance concerning the Marshes of Romney and Oxney. and Henry de Appledorefeild, Iusti­ces of the Lord the King of all the Mar­shes of Romney and Oxney to the County of Sussex.

Before J. de Lovetot, and H. of Appledore­feild at Romney the fifth day of December in the sixteenth year of King Edward, Son of King Henry.

Our Lord the King hath sent to his wel­beloved The Commissi­on of E. 1. to Jo. Lovetot and Hen. Appledore­feild to view the Walls of the Sea Coast. and faithful John de Lovetot, and Henry de Appledorefeild his Writ in these words, Edward by the Grace of God, King of England, Lord of Ireland, and Duke of Aquitane, to our welbeloved John de Lovetot, and Henry de Appledorefeild greeting. Know ye that whereas wee [Page 40] are bound by reason of our Princely Dignity, and by Oath to provide for the safety of our Kingdom. We have assigned on every side you to oversee the Walls and Ditches by the Sea Coast, aud the parts thereto adjoyning in the County of Kent, diversly ruy­nated by the stage of the [...]ea to enquire by whose default such hurt hath hapned there, and of all those which hold Lands and Tenements in those parts, and by any means have Defence and Safety, or may have Defence or Safety by those Walls and Ditches, and them for the quantity of their Lands and Tenements, or by the number of Acres of Land, or by Carucates for the rated portion of their tenure to distrain together with the Bailiff of the Liberties and others of these parts to repair them in necessary places as often and where as need shall be, so that none having Lands or Tene­ments of this or other, of what Condition, state, or dignity that they be, which have any Defence by these Walls and Ditches, whether it be within the liberty or with­out, shall be spared in this behalf. And therefore we command you, that for the execution of this business, ye behave your selves so faithfully and discreetly, that as well men resident in the same places as their Lands, may be saved against like Perils, and casually no worse in like manner happen, and you upon that which [Page 42] you shall do and ordain in this behalf un­der your Seals, and the Seals of the Iu­rors, as well Knights, as other honest and lawful men, you distinctly and publickly certifie us. For we have commanded our Sheriff of the same County, that at cer­tain days and places which he shall limit them, he shall cause to come so many and such honest and lawful men of his Bayli­wick, by whom the truth of the mat­ter may be known and enquired in the premisses, in witness whereof, &c. Wit­dess Edmund Earl of Cornewall our Constable at Westminster the fifteenth day of November, in the sixteenth year of our Raign

By which Mandate it was commanded A Mandate to the Sheriff to return a Pan­nel. to the Sheriff, that he should come be­fore the said Iustices here at this day, four and twenty Iurors of Romney-Marsh, and all the Lords of the Towns of the same Marsh, and such and so many honest and lawful men of the seve­ral Lands near to the Sea Coast in his Bay­liwick, by which the truth of the matter in the premisses may the better be known and inquired of, and further to do that which in the premisses shall be ordained, who now came. And the said four and twenty Iurors of the same Marsh, toge­ther The Jurors and Commu­nalty plead the Charter of H. 8. and the privi­ledges thereby to them grant­ed. with the communalty of the said Marsh alledged, that the Lord, King Hen­ry, Father of the now King, by his Char­ter hath granted unto them certain liber­ties in his Lands of the same Marsh, and [Page 44] required that their liberties aforesaid may be reserved unto them, and that nothing be attempted or ordained to the prejudice of the same liberties, and produce a Charter of the Lord Henry our King aforesaid in these words, Henry by the Grace of God, &c. They also alledged, that the Lord the King, The Ordinance of Henry de Bathonia pleaded. Father of our now Lord the King, in the two and fiftieth year of his Raign, by rea­son of certain discord arisen amongst divers men of the same Marsh, by means of re­pairing the same Walls and Watergages, did send Henry de Bathonia his Iusticer to those parts, to hear and determine the strifes grown of the same Reparation, be­tween four and twenty Iurors, and the men of the said Marsh, and to provide for the safety and defence of the said Marsh, against the overflowing and danger of the Sea and other Waters, by Repairing the said Walls and Watergages by them, which for Reparation thereof, are bound according to the quantity of their Lands and Tenements which they have in the same Marsh. Whereby they affirm that the said Henry de Bathonia, by Au­thority of the same Mandate of our Lord King Henry aforesaid, hath Ordained and Established for them there a certain Law and Ordinance, by which that Marsh is hitherto kept and conserved, and therefore require that by that Ordinance and Law that may hereafter be tried and defended, as heretofore they have been [Page 46] accustomed. And to that end they brought the same Ordinance of the said Henry de Bathonia, under the Seal of our Lord the King, in these words: Before Henry de Bathonia, &c. as afore, &c.

And because the Ordinance of the said Henry plainly seemeth agreeable to equity, and hitherto hath been allowed. It is com­manded and appointed that the same Ordi­nance be in all points observed without A Confirmati­on of the Or­dinance of Henry de Ba­thonia. impeachment, adding nevertheless, that be­cause in the same Ordinance nothing was expressed of the choice of a common Bai­liff of our Lord the King in the same Marsh, by what means and by whom that choise ought to be made, It is agreed, that from henceforth the said common Bai­liff To which is ad­ded the man­ner of Electing a Common Bai­liff. of the said Marsh departing or decea­sing, another which is resident, and hath Lands in the same Marsh, may have his place. And that the same choise from hence­forth be made, by common assent of two Towns of the same Marsh, or by their Attorneys, and where the greater num­ber agree, it shall stand at their choice, because it hath been so accustomed to be done. And for levying of the dou­ble, and of the Costs bestowed for Re­paration of the Defaults of the same Marsh, for the punishment of such as How the dou­ble shall be le­vyed on the Defaulters. neglect to repair those Defaults, it is a­greed, that the same double be levyed, as in the former Ordinance was appointed, and that the double be reverted, for the common [Page 48] benefit of repairing the said Marsh, and not The double Costs to be for the benefit of repairing the Marsh. be observed for the use of the same Bailiff hereafter. And because in the same Marsh divers Walls and Watergages, to whose re­pairing and maintaining, the communalty of the same Marsh doth not contribute, but only they which have Lands adjacent and nearest to the said Walls and Watergages, and some by oppression of the Lords of the said Marsh, do pay but sometimes [...] the repairing and upholding of the same for 40. Acres, how much others for 50. Acres, that which shall be more against the Law of the Marsh, and Ordinance of the said Henry de Bathonia, it is agreed and ordain­ed that notwithstanding any custom used All that have Lands or Te­nements sub­ject to the Danger of the Sea, and have thereby safety, shall be di­strained to re­pair. before of any, all and singular having Lands and Tenements, which are subject to the danger of the Sea, and have there also safe­ty for the same, may henceforth be distrained to repair and support the Walls and Wa­tergages. So that all do contribute e­qually according to the number of Acres which they have there, so as none be spared, of what state and condition so­ever they be, which thereby have safety and defence. And because in that Marsh of Ro­meney beyond the Waterstream of that Dock, stretching from Suergate towards Romenhall on the west part of that Creek unto the County of Sussex, there was no certain Law of the Marsh appoint­ed nor used, but of such as have Lands at will therein, whereby divers perils and [Page 50] intolerable losses had happened by inunda­tion of the Sea, that from henceforth such dangers may be prevented, and for common benefit seen into, It is agreed and joyntly It is ordained that in the Marshes beyond the Creek to­ward Sussex, there be ap­pointed to be chosen by the Commonalty, Jurors, for the security of those parts, as it is in the Or­dinance of Hen­ry de Bathonia. ordained, that in the Marsh beyond the same Creek towards Sussex, there be appoin­ted to be chosen by the communalty, Iurors, which for security of those parts in this be­half shall be sworn, and having respect to the number of acres, which are subject to the same peril, and to the quantity of Walls and Watergages there to be repaired and main­tained, by their Oath shall consider and or­dain as much as shall be needful to repair and uphold them. So that every one for the portion of Acres subject to the same danger, do equally contribute to sustain them. So that according to the por­tion of their Acres and their value; there be assigned to every one in the same Walls and Watergages, his Por­tion of Perches to be upholden, as is conteined more plainly in the ordinance of the said Henry de Bathonia. And moreover, for that hitherto in those parts beyond the same Dock towards Sussex, there was no common Bayliff appoint­ed, which should provide and take had of the dangers there hapning, for the common good of those parts, and that A Bayliff to be also chosen for the Marshes beyond the Wa­tercourse to­wards Sussex. hereafter no like perils there happen, It is ordained, that henceforth there be chosen a Bayliff in the same Mar­shes, beyond the said Watercourse [Page 52] towards Sussex, to oversee and keep and to repair the Walls and Watergages by the places and terms of all the said Marsh where The Office and duty of the Bailiff. he shall see it most convenient for the whole communalty. And cause the Iurors of the said Marsh to meet together at places requi­site, when it shall be needful to make ordi­nances and considerations for safety of the Lands of those parts, and to distrain there­fore, and double to be taken of the negligent, when need shall be, and to levy according to the form in the same ordinance of Henry de Bathonia contained, at the choice of the said Bailiff, when it shall happen to be done, and that the Lords of the Towns of the same Marsh be always aiding and called beyond the same Watercourse towards Sussex, if they will be there, and the Iurors and the whole communalty of the said Marsh. It is also ordained, that from henceforth the said common Bailiff of the King in Romney-Marsh be overseer of the same Bailiff and The Kings Bailiff of Romney-Marsh to be overseer of the Bailiff and Iurors be­beyond the Watercourse towards Sussex. Iurors in the Marsh, beyond the Waterourse, towards Sussex, and all the Iurors on either side of the said Water­course, chosen, when it shall be needful, do cause to assemble to execute their ordinan­ces and considerations for safety of the Lands of the same Marshes, so that al­ways on either side of the same Water­course they stand to the ordinance and con­sideration of the said Iurors, for the The Jurors to determine all Controversies less damage and better safety of the Land, any custom notwithstanding, saving always the Tenor of the Charter of our [Page 54] Lord the King granted to the communalty of the said Marsh, and the Ordinance of the said Henry de Bathonia, to indure for ever in his own force.

Before William de Walleyns and his fel­lows William de Walleyns and his fellows as­signed to oversee the Walls, &c. in Kent. An. se­cundo Edwardi 3. assigned to oversee the Walls and Watergages in the County of Kent, on Munday next ensuing the Feast of S. Mil­dred the Virgin, at Newchurch, in the se­cond year of the Reign of King Edward, son of King Edward.

It was ordained, of common assent of Ordained that henceforth the Kings Com­mon Bailiffs of Romney-Marsh do oversee the Bailiffs and Ju­rors of the same Marshes of Lyde and Oxe­ney, and to Summon them as occasion. the Lords of the Marsh of Lyde and Oxe­ney, and on the part of our Lord the King commanded, that henceforth the common Bayliff of our Lord the King in Romney Marsh, do oversee the same Bayliffs and Iurors in the same Marshes of Lyde and Oxeney, and them and also 24. Iurors in Romney Marsh, when need shall be, he cause to meet at fit places, to consult of Ordinan­ces and make their awards, for safety of the Lands of the same Marshes. So that they always stand to the Ordinance and Custom of the said Iurors, for the least hurt and best safety of the Land, any Custom notwithstanding. Saving always the Tenor of the Charter of our Lord the King, granted to the Communalty of the said Marsh, and also the Ordinances of the Lords Henry de Bathonia, and the said John de Lovetot and his fellows, which shall continue in their strength.

The Ordinance of the Lord Thomas de [Page 56] Lodelowe, Iustice of our Lord the King and his fellows at Crowthorne, on munday next after the Feast [...] in the 3 [...], year of the Raign of King Edward the third after the Conquest, by vertue of a Com­mission of the Lord the King to them dire­cted, whose Tenor followeth in these words. The Commissi­on of King Edw. 3. unto the Lord Lodelowe, in the 38 year of his Raign.

The King to his welbeloved and faithful Thomas Lodelow, Robert Belknap, and Thomas Culpeper, greeting. By the grie­vous complaint of the reverent Father Sy­mon Archbishop of Canterbury and others, having Lands within the precinct of Romney Marsh, we are advertised, That whereas all their Lands lye nigh to the Sea Coast, and without continual keeping the walls, gut­ters and ditches and other defences, as well for avoiding the sea-water, as excluding the fresh Waters there made, by no means can be defended and saved, For which in the time of the Lord Henry late King of England our Great Grandfather, by Henry de Ba­thonia and his fellows, Iustices of the same our Grandfather, to oversee the Walls, Ditches and Sluces. and the defence thereof, and to cause to be made and repaired, among others it was Ordained, that whosoever of the Tenants, and men resident within the said Precinct, whom the greater part of the Lords having Rule within the said Precinct would chose, should be Bailiff to levy the Assessments for repa­rations and upholding the Walls, Sluces, [Page 58] Ditches and Defences aforesaid: as in the same Ordinances is more appa­rent, and albeit, according to the same Ordinances, John at Lese Tenant and resident within the same Precinct, to the said Office of Bailiff to levy the Assessments aforesaid, by the Lords of the same Marsh in form aforesaid within that precinct was chosen and deputed: notwithstanding Mathew at More and other his confederates by their false Deceits being confederate and knit together, to make another Bailiff there by their own assent, which might be partial to his Friends, and un­duly burthen others against the said Ordi­nances, did so terrify the said John, and cruelly threaten him, and otherwise hinder him, that he cannot nor dare take upon him the Office accordingly, and so in default of the same Bailiff, all the said Marsh by overflowing of Waters daily coming, remaineth in peril to be spoiled, unless speedy redress in this behalf be had. We respecting the hurt and peril, which as well to us, as to all our Kingdom, and specially in those parts, by overflowing hereof, unless meet defence to Commissioners to oversee the Walls and the Ordinances made touching the same. exclude and avoid the same Waters, be done, may happen, and willing to pre­vent these hurts and dangers, have assign­ed you, three or two of you, to oversee and repair the Walls, Sluces, Ditches, and their Defences made in the same Marsh, [Page 60] and to oversee the same Ordinances, and in case that the Ordinances for the safe­ty and defence of the said Marsh be found insufficient for the same overflow­ing, The Commissi­oners impowered to correct the Ordinances where defective, and to make new if occasion require. to correct and amend those Or­dinances, and if need shall be, to ordain a new, such as the said Marsh may be defended against the same Wa­ters from henceforth what chances so­ever should happen, and for grievous punishments against those which against the form of the Ordinances by you, three or two of you to be done, in any wise will not come, or will forsake your Decrees: And that you cause the same Ordinances to be proclaimed, that they may be for ever Circum­spectly observed in those parts, and that ye cause all things else to be per­formed, which for the safety and de­fence of the said Marsh, and excluding and avoiding the same Waters, shall be needful and fit. And also to enquire by the Oath of honest and lawful men of the County of Kent of the To summona Jury to enquire of Contempts and to punish Offenders. Confederacies, Covens, and Allega­tions aforesaid, and also of the tres­passes and contempts to us by the said Mathew and his Complices in that be­half made, and of the names of those ad­herents, and that ye hear and determine the same Confederacies, Covins, Allegati­ons, Trespasses, and Contempts aforesaid to be heard and determined according to [Page 62] the Law and Custom of our Realm. And therefore we command you, that at cer­tain days and places which you, three or two of you shall limit in that behalf, ye hear and determine all and singular the same business, and the confederacies, co­vins, allegations, trespasses and contempts aforesaid in form aforesaid, and that ye do further that which to Iustice shall ap­pertain, according to the Law and Cu­stom of our Realm. Reserving to us the other Amerceaments thereby accrewing. For we have commanded our Sheriff of the same County, that at certain days and pla­ces which you three or two of you shall ap­point him, he cause to come before you, three or two of you, so many and such ho­nest and lawful men of his Bailywick, by whom the truth of the matter in the premis­ses may be known and inquired. In witness whereof, &c. witness, &c. at Westminster, the seventh day of February, in the year above­said. By which mandate, the said Thomas, Robert and Thomas, in the year day and place aforesaid, by consent of the Lords, Bailiffs, 24. Iurors and Communalty of the same Marsh, that is to say, by John Francis the Attorny of Lord Simon of Canterbury, Archbishop of Canterbury, the Abbot of S. Augustine of Cant. the Prior of Christs Church of Cant. Si­mon, Master of the House of Gods Gifts, Edmond Staplegate, Lord of Bilsington the less, and other Lords hereunto [Page 64] specially chosen, with certain also of the Communalty, to wit, by William of Ec­chingham and Stephen de Valcyns Chri­stus, William de Horn, and James de Capele, hereunto for the said Communalty elected, have ordained and established that the com­mon Bailiff of Romney-Marsh which hath Ordained that the Common Bailiff of Rom­ney-Marsh be chosen by the Common assent of the Lords of the Towns of the same Marsh in quindena of St. Michael yearly. Lands and is also resident there, be chosen by the common assent of the Lords of the Towns of the same Marsh, or by their spe­cial Attornies, and where the greater part of them in number shall agree, their choise shall stand in keeping Assemblies at Demecherch or Newcherch, or other meet places within the precinct of the said Marsh, in quindena of S. Michael yearly by the Summons of the said Bailiff, except within that year for some necessary and reasonable cause, that Bailiff ought to be put out, and another set in his place. And if he which is chosen being present, will not take up­on him that Office, he shall be forthwith If the Bailiff chosen refuse, shall be amerced 40 s. and a new one elected. amerced in forty shillings, which the suc­seeding Bailiff may cause to be levied of his Goods and Chattels for the com­mon benefit of the said Marsh. And so set there be a new choise made forth­with of another Bailiff, which will allow of the Oath and Office, and let him have for his labour the Fines to be levyed which Bailiffs Fees. happen of the Assessments, and also the double of all his Tenths laid out for the negligence of others whatsoever. And if he which is chosen be after­wards [Page 66] hindred by any, whereby after he is chosen, he dare the less take upon him that office, lorthwith those hinderers shallbe se­verally Hinderers to be punished. punished by the same choosers, as the same Bailist should be punished, if he would refuse the same oath and office: And if it happen that he in the time of his Election shall be absent, he shall be forthwith di­strained by the preceding Bailiff of the said Marsh, by all his Goods and Chartels, and they shall be bestowed in places meet and If the Bailiff Elected be ab­sent, he shall be distrained by his Goods to be kept till he Perform his Oath. accustomed, and there detained, until he shall come to the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Abbot of S. Augustine, the Prior of Christ-Church in Canterbury, which for the time shall be, or to one of them, which for the time shall be, and will perform the Oath, and thereupon shall bring their Letters marked with their Seals to the preceeding Bailiff, and shall do the same within six days next after the same choise made, otherwise let him be payned as is aforesaid, and straight­way let a new choise be made. At which Common Col­lectors of As­sessment to ac­count unto the Bailiff, Jurors, and Commu­nalty. principal Assembly, the said common Col­lectors of all the preceeding General Assess­ments, and also the defrayers thereof, shall accompt before the said Lords or their At­tornies, if they will be present, unto the Bailiff, four and twenty Iurors, and com­munalty of the same Marsh, and let the ac­compt be done by Indentures made be­tween them, and the Bailiff and 24. Iurors The Accompt to be by Inden­tures. Bailiff to do the like. and communalty of the same Marsh, let the accompt of the Bailiff for those things which happen to him he done in the same manner. [Page 68] And if any of the same 24. Iurors do make default in the said principal If any of the Jurors mak [...] default in the Assembly they to be [...]. assembly, unless he hath a reasonable excuse, shall be amerced in xii pence, to the use of the Communalty to be levied by the Bailiff. And if it happen that any of the 24 Iurors depart within the year, or ought to be put out of his place, others must be chosen, and set in the principal assembly, by If any be put out of their place others to be ch [...]en the Lords of the Fees, the Bailiff, the 24. Iurats, and Communalty of best discretion and ability of the same Marsh, to make up the same number of four and twenty. In like manner also let be done touching the Collectors and Defrayers, so that they may not be chosen of the said Iurors, if the same The like for the Collectors. Lords will be present. And if any of the said 24. Iurors, Collectors, or Dishursers shall Jurors, Col­lectors, &c. re­susing to be Sworn, to be Amerced 20 s. be chosen, and will not be sworn, let him be Amerced in twenty shillings, to be levyed as is aforesaid, and forthwith others chosen and charged in their stead. And if the said four and twenty Iurats shall be summo­ned wheresoever within the precinct of the said Marsh, at a common or special meeting, where all but eight or ten of them at the least were absent, so as judgment and a­ward The Jurors n [...] appearing on Summons, to be Amerced 6 d. for safety of the said Marsh may not be made, for safety of the same Marsh in de­fault of the greater number, being away, e­very of them being absent shall be amerced by the Bailiff in six pence, as is aforesaid, to be levyed. Of which and other like things the said Bailiff shall accompt in the prin­cipal Assembly abovesaid. Also every of [Page 70] the said 24. Iurors shall swear, That he will The Oath of the 24. Jurors. make true Iudgments and awards with his fellow Iurats, without sparing any, Rich or Poor, as well touching taking Distresses, as of the Walls, Lands, Watergages, Sewers, Ditches and Gutters, Bridges, and other im­pediments whatsoever, happening within the Precinct of the same Marsh, to be removed, and to punish offences: And that they be atten­dant on the Bailiff of the said Marsh, the dis­tresses taken and detained by the space of three days and more to praise and sell in pla­ces accustomed, and that he cause all the Iudg­ments and awards by them made, to be inrolled and Indentures thereof to be made between them and the Bailiff of the same Marsh, which Collectors and Defrayers their Oath. for the time shall be. And the Collectors and Defrayers chosen as is abovesaid, shall Swear, That they shall truly Levy, Collect and dispose, and also accompt of all Assessments imposed by the Lords, Bailff, and 24 Iurors, or the greater part of them. And in like manner let it be made and observed in all Waterga­ges, within the Precinct of the said Marsh, and before the Lords of the Towns, if they will be present. Also the Bailiff shall Bailiffs Oath. Swear that he shall make true Execution of the Iudgments and Arbitraments of the same four and twenty Iurors, and of those things which appertain to them to judge and award, And that he in proper person all the Colle­ctors and Defrayers, as well the gene­ral, as several Assessments as is aforesaid, shall charge by Oath faithfully to Levy, Col­lect, [Page 72] bestow and accompt. And that in proper person he oversee all the Walls, Lands, Water­gages, Sewers, Gutters and Bridges, when it shall be needful, at least twice in the year, once in the Month of January, and the second time in the Month of June. And that he shall deli­ver to his Successor all the Evidences which be in his Custody, as well Charters of the Kings of England containing Liberties and Customs of the same Marsh, as Rouls of Iudgments, con­siderations and Awards, by the aforesaid 24 Iurors, with all the proceedings of the Ac­compts Collections and Expences whatsoever in his time had. And that the Clerk of this Bai­liff Bailiffs Clerk his Fee. may have for his labor of the communal­ty of the same Marsh, six shillings eight pence. And that it be not lawful henceforth to make dams or fourds or other Impedi­ments in any Lands, Watergages Ditches, None to make Dams. or common Conduits in the aforesaid Marsh whereby the right course of Waters may in any wise be hindered. And if any do it and it be testified by the Bailiff and six of the Iurors, or by the Com­minalty of the Conduit where Dam­mage Offenders in that kind to be Amerced by the Bailiff and 24 Jurors. shall be done, let him be present­ly amerced according to the quantity of the Offence, by the said Bailiff, and 24. Iu­rats, and forthwith levyed for common be­nefit as is aforesaid. And nevertheless, if any other then the Communalty shall be Damages to be recompenced to the party hurt. hurt thereby, and the same be proved by Testimony of the Bailiff, and six of the Iu­ry, let him recompence the damnified. Also [Page 74] they ordained and established, that every as­sessment Amerciaments with the days set for payment to be proclaim­ed. in the same Marsh should be pro­claimed in certain publick places, and that day of payment thereof be assigned and proclaimed, that none ignorance may excuse when and in what place it ought to be paid. Also they have ordained and established, that every Acre for the Walls and Watergages, Every Acre for the Walls to be bouhht for 40 s. None to take Labourers from the Common Work under pain of 10 s. be bought for forty shillings. And that it be not lawful for any one, to take away laborers being in common work, for his own private business, nor to keep them in any other place, until the same work be finished. And if any one be convinced thereof, by testimony of the Bailiff and Iurors in common assembly, he shall be amerced of ten shillings, which must be levyed forthwith by the said Bai­liff, to the common profit as above, &c. Also they ordained and established, that all the Conduits within the said Marsh, through all the Lands and Tenements in every Water­gage How the Con­duits ought to be kept. be so kept, that is to say, that the Wa­ter run not down out of the right course, to the damage of any body, under pain of the quantity of the offence to be levyed by the Bailiff to the use of the communalty, when any one is thereupon convicted by testimony of the Bailiff and vi. of the Iurors in a com­mon assembly. And because of old it is gran­ted by our Lord the King, that all the Lands near to the Sea Coasts be kept by Laws, Ordinances, Statutes and Customs of the said marsh of Romney, from the Isle of Thanet unto Penensis, as well in the County of Kent, as in the County of Sus. it may be lawful for [Page 76] the said Bailiff and four and twenty Iu­rors, to ask and have their reasonable Costs The Bailiff and Jurors to have their Costs where ever they shall make their Ordinance according to the Law of the Sea Coast. of those which will bring them to places, whether they be Lords or of the Commu­nalty, where they ought to make their Or­dinance according to the Law of the Sea Coast, as well in Walls as in Watergages, Gutters, Sewers, Fishings, and other things whatsoever touching the same Law. Also they have Ordained and Established, that if any make rescues upon the Bailiff of the Marsh, or his Ministers for any Distresses whatsoever taken upon whom­soever, by occasion of the same Articles, or of any Ordinance made or to be made for Such as make rescues upon the Bailiff to be Amerced 20 s. the benefit of the said Marsh, and thereup­on by Testimony of the said Bailiff, and six or eight of the Iurors of the said four and twenty, or of the Conduit where the Distress shall happen to be taken, he be con­victed, let him be payned by Amerciament of twenty shillings, to be levyed to the use of the Communalty by the Bailiff as a­foresaid. In like manner let be done in places where the Law of the Sea Bor­ders How far this Law of the Sea Coast shall extend. runneth 'twixt the Isle of Thanet and Penensis, or in the County of Kent, or in the County of Sussex.


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