PSALMS and HYMNS Composed and fitted For the present Occasion Of Publick THANKS-GIVING, October 24. 1651.

By W. Barton Preacher of God's Word.


LONDON, Printed by William Du-Gard, October 21. M. DC. LI.

Psal. 47. 6. ‘Sing praises to God, sing praises, sing praises to our King, sing praises.’
Psal. 66. 2. ‘Make a joiful nois unto God all yee lands, sing forth the honor of his Name, make his prais glorious.’


Most Renowned, Prospered, and most Can­did Christian SENATORS!

THe LORD of Life and Glo­rie, who asscended up on high, and led our Captivitie captive, hath in these later daies ap­peared on Earth (as hee ever doth in Hea­ven) in behalf of his Spous, and hath dis­pensed unto you (the friends of the Bride­groom) most incomparable Signal Victo­ries and Conquests in her behalf; for which you have worthily enacted manie Sweet and Solemn Daies of Triumphant Thanks­givings; [Page] which Thanksgivings beeing indeed much advanced by singing of Psalms, it is a thousand pities that the Psalms in use are not by this daie cured of so manie grievous defects and gross absurdi­ties, as have been of long time discovered in them: For although those gross faults were generally corrected by a worthie Mem­ber of your Honorable Hous, in an Edition by him put forth manie years ago; yet was that endeavour wholly dashed by a reference to the Assemblie, who, under an opinion of bringing them most strictly to the Origi­nal, made them in manie places more dark and disorder lie then could bee well amended for the present: upon which consideration I was emboldened, with the assent of M r Rous (the first Autor) and with the assi­stance of som Godlie Learned men, to endea­vour a new Translation, both cleer and smooth, and accurately compared with the Original; which having effected & present­ed, it pleased your Honors to refer it to M r N. M r B. and Others to review, & report to [Page] the Hous; but they, accounting the said Translation too Poëtical, do intend to compile a new one out of it, more strictly to the words, which doubtless will produce that obscuritie of Phrase, and deformitie of Style, which marr'd the other, and made it less accepta­ble and profitable to the People: and for which verie reason this new Composure of mine was more accurately framed, having formerly put forth a Translation of mine own, which was not wholly innocent of that Original error, which indeed the Transla­tors do not alwaies so easily apprehend.

Now, becaus this Review of the Com­mittee may bee very tedious to wait for, (it beeing a year and more since the Order past the Hous, and I cannot perceiv they are half waie in the work) and when it is don, it must needs varie from the express Text by Paraphrase or Metaphrase, for a great part; and becaus the Opportunities are becom in­deed Importunities, and very urgent, I pre­sume to dedicate to your Honors this short Assaie of Psalms and Hymns, beeing [Page] readie to print and publish the whole Book, if it pleas your Honors to allow mee the se­curitie of my Copie, that no man print it from mee, and those that are interessed therein; without which favor, the present printing of the whole would endanger my utter undoing, having already endebted my self so deeply upon the said account: But if after publication of all, your Honors shall receiv better satisfaction by anie other en­deavours, I shall fully rest satisfied in this, that it shall bee determined by the Supreme Autoritie of England, which, from the first, I have publickly owned, obeied, honored, praied for, pleaded for, and praised God for, as a singular Blessing to this Na­tion, under which wee may lead peaceable and quiet lives in all Godli­ness and Honestie; and if anie fearing God bee otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto them. In consci­ence and confidence whereof, I rest

Your Honors most dutiful and de­voted Servant, for Jesus sake, W. Barton.


Right Honorable!

YOu do very well know, that no Opinion is more unscri­ptural or irrational, then to denie the Dutie it self of Singing Psalms, and Spiritual Songs of Prais to the glorie of God; [Page] sor even Nature dictateth no less to the verie Heathens; and the Scri­pture is so express and urgent for it, that as well wee may denie prai­er, as this kinde of Prais: Neither can the mistake of manie disswade the pious practiser of this Dutie to desist, but rather provoke his zeal, like David dancing before the Ark; blinde Bartimeus, crying after Christ; or the Children, crying Hosanna; and Verily, if such should altogether hold their peace, the Stones would sing.

I acknowledg that most of the Psalms exstant do want a more ex­quisite Composure; and I denie not but Christians, gifted that waie, may compose and sing new Songs to the glorie of God, in the Con­gregations; but if those Songs bee not composed out of Scripture, I believ they will want that gravitie and weight, that Majestie and Au­toritie, which these have to excite [Page] affection, and edifie the understand­ing. Wherefore, having Compo­sed a few of this kinde, very proper for the Seasons and Solemnities GOD's gracious Providence be­stow's upon us, I humbly crave leav (▪most Noble LORD!) to present these, and especially the Souldiers Hymn, to Your Lordship's pious and prudent Animadversion, hoping to obtein Your Honor's Ap­probation of this Scriptural Colle­ction, as a livelie Description of the Condition You have so much expe­rienced; And that You will saie, and manie after You, That this Scripture is (at this Daie) fulfilled in our ears, and in Your persons.

GOD Almightie preserv Your EXCELLENCIE to bee an Happie Instrument of Our full Deliverance, and the strong Esta­blishment [Page] of Englands Common­wealth, together with the Flourish­ing Estate of the whole Church of Christ, as praieth▪

Your EXCELLENCIE'S most humble Servant, W. Barton.

To the Courteous Reader.

THE poor and imperfect Translation of the present Psalm-Book (not yet throughly a­mended by anie hand) gave occasion to som to saie more wittily then wisely, That Hopkins and Sternhold had persecuted David more then Saul did, and hath made som men to abhor the offering of the Lord: Yet those Autors did rarely (doubt­less) for those Times, and are registred in Chroni­cles among men of Note, and their labors have cer­tainly edified Godlie men, and glorified God, al­though in these Times of glittering Knowledg, and the perfection of Language and other Gifts, the great defects and faults of these Psalms crie aloud for amendment; and certainly when once vvee have in our flock a male, I mean, a compleat Book, Mal. 1. 14. then to offer these lame and blinde Psalms, and so to sacrifice a corrupt thing, will bee cursedly evil: but to desert the Dutie wholly (since som Psalms are to­lerably translated) is certainly a sin. I conjecture with my self what hath more prejudiced this Dutie, then the weakness of the Translation; namely, the wicked application of Psalms by malevolent Spirits, as I heard somtime a Hedg-priest give forth the 21 Psalm, at such time as the Book of Sports was commanded to bee read, to the grieving of the Spi­rits of the godlie: Nevertheless this wicked purpose did not corrupt God's Ordinance, though (to their sin onely) it did abuse it, lest by that argument wee should forfeit all praier and preaching.

[Page]These I saie are the true causses of the decaie of the most heavenlie Dutie and Exercise of that Ordi­nance of Psalm-singing; yet lest the amendment of the Psalm Book, and of the Times themselvs by uni­versal and powerful reformation, should reduce Christians to that Primitive Dutie of singing Psalms, Satan hath suggested som wittie scruples amongst godlie spirits, which for present satisfaction and fu­ture preparation of good Christians, I shall hope, though briefly, yet clearly and fully to answer.

I. It is objected that they cannot Psal. 131. 44. 119. saie they are not puft in minde; Wee have not gon back from thee. I have kept thy Testi­monies with my whole heart, &c.

Answ. 1. Every true Christian can saie so in som measure, or in som sens, 1 Joh. 2. 27. You have an an­nointing that teacheth you all things—and even as it hath taught you, yee shall abide in him. Gal. 5. 24. Those that are Christ s have crucified the flesh, with the affections and Iusts thereof.

2. Thou oughtest yet to learn to bee able to saie so; Col. 3. 16. Teaching and admonishing one another in Psalms and Hymns, &c. Hee that take's special notice of his lesson begin's to learn it.

II. They object, that is not proper for them to saie, Whenas wee sale in Babylon: I will divide Se­chem, &c.

Answ. Are they not yet in Babylon think you? Sure if God have called his people out of Babylon, Rev. 18. 4. they (at least) were in it. As for Sechem, and such like, David glorie's in his Conquests, where­in [Page] hee is both a Type of Christ, (in whose Conquests wee are made partakers) and of the Church; and his Temptations and Deliverances do in a Figure represent ours. As Paul saith, Heb. 11. 19. That Abraham received his son from death in a Figure, and that Mount Sion and Mount Sinai, Sarah and Hagar, were an Allegorie, Galat. 4. ver. 24.

III. Som object, that more pertinent expres­sions may bee used by Psalms composed on purpose, and of our own invention, as they did in the Primi­tive times. 1 Cor. 14. 26.

Answ. 1. You cannot shew so much Scripture, that they used unscriptural Psalms, as wee can, that they did use Scriptural; For Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs which Paul commands to bee used, Col. 3. 10. are proper terms of the O. Test. Psalms, as M r Cotton fully proveth in his defence of this Ordi­nance. And if our Saviour did allude to the Jewish Custom of Thanksgiving at the Sacrament, as Weems saith, wee think no less at his singing of an Hymn, Mat. 26. 30. whereas they have not a word to inti­mate the custom of unscriptural Psalms.

2. When the Psalms were first penned by Da­vid, som were Histories of Ancient matters, 77, 78, 114, 135. and manie more: Som were Prophecies of things to com, as Psal. 79, 85, 126. and others; yet the Spirit of God thought fit to edifie the present generation with the Records and Meditation of past and future things, yea, Were not these best of all for such uses? Was it not most sweet to them in times of Invasion and Hostilitie, to call to minde God's protecting, prospering, and avenging of Israël coming out of Egypt, Psal. 114. and 136? And are not [Page] these things written for our learning as well as theirs? Rom. 15. 4. yea consider if our Invention can equal the pat and pertinent expressions taken out of Scripture upon all occasion: for then certainly wee should bee to seek for Texts, as much as for Psalms.

IV. Som object, that none can render the Scri­pture into Vers, but must needs varie from the Ori­ginal, in the signification of manie words.

Answ. So they must do also in the prose Transla­tion: For that which is elegant in the Hebrew, would bee Barbarism, at least Soloecism in our Lan­guages, as abundantly appear's by Ainsworth's Trans­lation.

2. Somtimes by means of the latitude of Poësie, more full and proper significations may bee expres­sed, then in the prose Translation, as Psal. 1. 6. [...] To know with favor; Psal. 118. 22. [...] To refuse with disgrace; Psal. 106. 38. [...] To shed abundantly, and hundreds such, which the Prose doth more sparingly.

3. Consider the propertie and nature of Vers, that if David had Translated his own Psalms, the ex­pression must have been different in another Lan­guage, though to the same effect, and the Spirit of God (using the Translation of the LXX) much va­rie's the Words of the Old Testament. And if I had as much to spare as I have spent about the work, I could easily demonstrate, out of uncontrouled au­thorities, how closely I have followed the Original, though now I must content my self with on Apolo­gie, and putting forth som special Hebraïsms in a Capital letter.

Lastly, som object that they dare not sing, becaus [Page] of a mixed multitude, that, they saie, curs them­selvs.

Answ. And therefore vvee shall not bless God and his Church; Surely their faults cannot bee charged upon us, if they should sing damnation to themselvs.

2. The same objection would denie us all Praier, and spiritual Communion, which is not so far ad­mitted unto them now adaies, but should they com in as strangers, they could not pollute the Ordi­nance nor the Church, and the majestie of it might bee blessed to their good. 1 Cor. 14. 14, 25.

To them that imagine one should sing the Psalm and the rest hear, it is but an imagination, and that groundless; Where's your Scripture for it? Wee learn thence to join Voices as well as Votes, Psalm 34. 3. Com and let us exalt his Name together. Psal. 66. 4. All the earth shall worship Thee, and shall sing unto Thee, they shall sing unto Thy Name. Yet it might suffice to answer such fond surmises vvith 1 Cor. 11. 16. Wee have no such custom, nor yet the Churches of God.



GReat is the LORD; his prais no less;
for so must wee record,
In this his hill of holiness,
and Citie of our Lord.
2 Mount Sion is a beauteous thing,
and on her Northern side
The Citie of the mightie King,
the whole earth's joy and pride.
3 The Lord, within her palace there,
is known a refuge nigh:
For lo the kings assembled were,
together they past by.
5 They saw it, and they marvelled,
but there they durst not stay,
But, troubled and astonished,
they made great haste away.
6 Great terror there fell on our foes,
and grievous pangs of pain:
As sharp as women in their throws,
at any time, sustain.
7 And like as when, at thy Command,
the furious East-winde roar's,
[Page 2]And spread's his wracks in sight of land,
upon the Tarsian shores.
And as a furious Eastern winde
put's Tharsian ships to wrack,
Such furious force our foes did finde,
when thy hand drove them back.
8 Ith' Citie of this King of powers
wee saw, as wee were told:
This Citie of this God of ours
God ever will uphold.
9 And these thy sure Compassions, Lord,
thy kindeness and thy grace
Most quietly did wee record
within thy holy place.
10 For like thy Name, so is thy prais,
as far as Land extend's:
And store of righteousness alwaies
thy right hand comprehend's.
11 Therefore, let Sion plenteously
of heavenlie joies partake:
And Judah's Daughters leap for joie,
for thy just judgments sake.
12 Walk round about, and Sion view,
her statelie turrets tell:
13 Her palaces consider you,
and mark her bulwarks well;
[Page 3]Tell it to all posteritie,
14 For this God doth abide
Our God and Guid perpetually,
till death hee'l bee our guide.
Tell it to all POSTERITIE,
for even to our last breath
This God 's our God perpetually,
And our safe Guid till death.

PSAL. Lxxvi.

THe Lord is known in Judah well,
and his most glorious Name
Is very great in Israël,
which doth extol his fame.
2 The tabernacles of his grace
at Salem you may see:
And Sion is the dwelling place
where Hee desire's to bee.
3 The burning arrows brake hee there,
the arrows of the bow,
The battel-sword, and shield that were
the weapons of the foe.
4 Much brighter is thy glorious Crown,
more excellent each way,
And worthy of much more renown
then all the mounts of prey.
[Page 4]5 Lo, thou hast spoil'd the stout of minde,
and they have slept their sleep:
Their hands the mightie could not finde,
their lives they could not keep.
6 O God of Jacob thy reproof
sent many a daring head,
Charet and hors, with thundring hoof,
to sleep among the dead.
7 Thou, Lord, alone deservest fear
due to thy dreadful Name:
For who may in thy sight appear
when once thy wrath doth flame.
8 When thou didst make thy judgment com
from heaven shining clear,
The earth that heard it was struck dumb,
and all sat still for fear.
9 Ev'n when the LORD to judgment rose,
and sent those judgments forth,
To save, from their incensed foes,
all meek ones of the earth.
10 The furie that in man doth reign
unto thy prais redound's:
Remaining wrath thou shalt restrein,
and set men's passions bounds.
11 Vow to the LORD your God, and pay,
let all about his throne
[Page 5]Bring gifts to him, to him, I say,
that is a dreadful one.
12 The Spirit of Princes (his proud foes)
hee cut's it clean away:
And terrible hee is to those
that earthlie Scepters sway.

See a second Metre of this already printed, and som other Psalms, fit for the present occasions, as the 126, the 149, also the third Hymn, in any Common tune.

To the tune of the old 148 follow these▪

Give laud unto, &c.

GOd is our strength and stay,
when dangers do abound:
A present help alway,
and ready to bee found:
And wee therefore
Fear not at all, though th'earth should fall,
or bee no more.
And though the mountains high,
were carried from the shore:
In the deep seas to lie,
and troubled waters roar,
And though it make
The billows rise, and with great nois
the mountains shake.
For there's a river here,
whose streams do flow abroad,
And shall most sweetly cheer,
and glad the Citie of God:
Those tents of grace
Where God most high doth sanctifie
his dwelling place.
Within the midst of her
doth God himself abide
Her sure Deliverer,
therefore shee shall not slide;
For God, I say,
Shall send her aid, ere bee displaid
the break of day.
The heathen rag'd with nois,
the Kingdoms moved were,
Then God put forth his voice,
and earth did melt for fear:
This God of power
Hath here abode, and Jacob's God
is our high tower.
O, com behold and see
what works the Lord bring's forth!
What Desolations hee
hath wrought in all the earth!
[Page 7]Whose mightie hand
Make's war to ceas, and settle's peace
in all the land.
Hee break's the spear and bow,
and quite cut's off the same,
The Chariot hee doth throw
into the burning flame.
Bee still, saith hee,
And know that I am God most high,
and known will bee.
I will bee magnified,
of all the heathen Coasts,
And all the earth so wide
of mee shall make their boasts;
This God of power
Hath here abode, and Jacob's God
is our high tower.

PSAL. 135. I. Part.

GIve laud unto the Lord,
and prais his holie Name;
Do yee his prais record,
and spread abroad his fame.
Yee that resort
To our great God, and have abode
in Sion's Court.
His honor O proclaim,
for good and kinde hee is:
Sing praises to his Name,
a pleasant work it is:
Jacob hath hee,
Chose to Himself, and all his wealth,
must Israël bee.
And this I clearly know,
the Lord's a mightie one,
And that all gods do ow
subjection to his throne,
for Hee bring's forth
What-ever he pleas, in deeps, in seas,
in heav'n, and earth.
Hee make's the vapors rise
from earth's remotest ends:
And lightnings (from the skies)
With showrs of rain hee send's.
The winde likewise
Whatever it is, Hee bring's from his
large treasuries.
First-born of man and beast,
in Egypt hee smote dead:
And tokens, not the least,
in midst thereof hee spread,
[Page 9]And there let fall
His dreadful hand on Pharaoh, and
his servants all.
Who did great Nations smite,
and mightie Kings did kill:
The Giant Amorite,
and him of Bashan hill:
Sihon hee slew
Of famous note, and Og hee smote,
and overthrew.
And Canaan's Kingdoms all
by him were overthrown,
And so their land did fall
an heritage to his own:
An heritage
For Israël therein to dwell,
from age to age.
O Lord thy glorie shall
eternally endure:
And thy memoriall
for ever shall stand sure:
And Lord thy Name
From ages past shall alwaies last,
and bee the same.

A new Hymn of Reformation out of Isai. 66. 8, 9, 7.

Yee Children which &c.
OH who hath heard of such a thing,
as now God's power to pass doth bring!
or who hath seen such things as these?
For shall the earth (can any say)
bee made to bring forth in one day?
are Nations born at once, with eas?
As soon as Sion travelled,
shee presently was brought to bed,
and brought forth children without aid.
Before shee travell'd shee brought forth,
before her pain came, came the birth,
and of a brave Man-childe was laid.
Ver. 9, 10.
For shall I bring unto the birth,
and shall I not caus to bring forth,
saith the Almightie Sovereign Lord?
Or shall I caus to bring forth som,
and then untimely shut the womb,
thy God, O Sion, spake this Word:
Rejoice yee with Jerusalem,
and let her lovers, all of them,
of her spiritual joies partake:
Rejoice, I say, lift up your voice,
bee glad with her and much rejoice,
all yee that mourned for her sake.
12. 11. 12. again with Chap. 60. 4.
For lo, saith God! I will extend
the peace of Israël far an end,
that like a river it shall seem:
Then shall the glorious dignitie
of the Converted Gentiles bee
like to an over-flowing stream.
That yee may suck and bee at rest
with Consolations from her brest
milk forth, and much delighted bee
With her bright glorie overjoi'd,
suck and bee nursed at her side,
and dandled on your Mother's knee.
Vers. 14. Psal. 24. With Psal. 149. 5. & Isa.
Which when yee see your hearts shall joie,
your bones shall flourish wondrously,
like a sweet herb that freshly grow's:
Then shall the hand of God bee known,
towards his servants everie one,
and his displeasure tow'rds his foes.
For lo! their worm shall never die,
their fire shall burn perpetually,
and not bee quenched night nor daie:
But Saints shall shout upon their beds,
eternal joie shall Crown their heads,
sorrow and sighs shall flee away.
The downfall of Anti-Christ to the same tune. Revel. 12. 10, 11.
Now is salvation com abroad,
the strength and kingdom of our God,
now hath his Christ displayd his might,
For the accuser's made to fall.
hee that accus'd our Brethren all
before our God, both daie and night.
And him they quel'd, and over-came,
by the pure blood of Christ the Lamb,
and by their testimonie true,
For by that double-edged sword,
the witness of his faithfull word,
this enemie they overthrew.
11, 12.
Nor did they spare their utmost breath,
nor love their lives unto the death,
but boldly laid down all at stake.
Therefore, yee Heavens! lift up your voice,
and yee that dwel in them rejoice,
in this salvation to partake.
But wo to you, to you, O SIRS!
the Earth and Sea's Inhabiters,
guiltie of this Accuser's Crime.
For Satan is com down to you,
having great wrath, becaus hee knew
hee now must have but little time.
Chap. 11. 17. Chap. 7. 10, 12.
Wee give thee thanks with one consent,
O Lord our God OMNIPOTENT.
which art and wast and art to com.
For thou hast taken unto Thee
thy great pow'r and autoritie,
and reigned in despite of ROME.
Salvation to OUR GOD therefore,
Wisdom and blessing evermore,
to him that on the throne doth sit.
And to the Lamb bee glorie bright,
thanksgiving, honor, pow'r and might,
Amen faie Wee, and SO BEE IT.

A Song of Thanksgiving out of Isa. XII Chapt. All people, &c.

LORD! I will prais thee now this daie,
though thou wast angrie with me sore,
Thine anger now is turn'd away,
and thou my Comforts dost restore.
Behold! God is my Saviour strong,
I will confide, as not afraid,
For great Jehovah is my song,
also my strength and saving aid.
Therefore, by means of this supplie,
possest with joie and great delight,
Shall yee draw water plenteously,
out of the wells of saving might.
Then shall yee saie, O prais the LORD,
call on his NAME, declare his DEEDS
Among the PEOPLE, and RECORD
how far his NOBLE fame exceed's.
Sing to the Lord the sweetest hymns
of solemn prais, with joie and mirth,
For hee hath don transscendent things,
and this is known in all the Earth.
O thou that dost in Sion DWEL
crie out, and shout for thou dost see,
is mightie in the mid'st of thee.

The Souldier's Hymn, Out of Psal. 144. 1. & 2. and Psal. 18. To anie general or common tune.

BLessed for ever bee the LORD,
who is my strength and might,
Who taught my hands to use the sword
my fingers for to fight.
My goodness and my fort likewise,
my shield of saving power,
My Saviour from mine enemies,
and my exalted tower.
Psal. 18. 32, 33.
'Tis God that by his power and might
strongly gird's up my loins;
And make's mee take my waie aright
to perfect my designs.
[Page 15]Hee make's my feet to bee as swift
as are the Hindes in pace,
And I must count it as his gift
that gain's mee each high place.
35, 36.
Thou gav'st mee my Salvation's shield
to arm mee most complete:
And thy right hand hath mee upheld,
thy favor made mee great.
Thou gav'st mee scope and libertie,
inlarging it so wide.
That still my feet stood stedfastly,
and did not slip aside.
40, 48. The necks thou gav'st mee of my foes,
that I (impowr'd by thee)
Might utterly destroie all those
that greatly hated mee.
38 Thou lift's my head above them all
that did my hurt conspire,
And sav'dst mee from that tyrant Saul
whom furie set on fire.
29 I ran through armed troops, by thee,
and safely 'scap'd them all,
And by my God assisting mee
have I lept o're a wall.
37 I overtook my foes that fled,
for I pursu'd apace:
Nor till they were extinguished
did I forsake the chase.
Mine enemies I did so greet
with blows not dealt in vain,
That down they fell under my feet,
and could not rise again.
They cri'd and call'd on everie side,
but there was not to save:
Yea even to the Lord they cri'd,
but hee no answer gave.
49, 46.
Therefore will I give thanks to thee
among the Gentiles, LORD
In songs of prais with melodie,
will I thy Name record.
46 O blessed bee my rock of power,
that ever doth abide,
And let the Lord my Saviour
bee highly magnifi'd.
60 Deliverance great hee give's indeed,
and mercie keep's in store
For David and his sacred seed,
and that FOR EVERMORE.

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