THE Choice and Flower OF THE OLD PSALMS: Collected by Iohn Hopkins and others, and now revised and amended, By WILLIAM BARTON M r. of Arts, and Minister of Iohn Zecharies, London.

JAMES 5. 13. Is any merry? Let him sing Psalms.

LONDON, Printed by G. Miller; and are to be sold (alone, or together with the new) by S. Gillibrand, at the B [...]asen Serp [...]nt in Pauls Church-yard, I. Kirton, next Gold­smiths Hall in Foster-lane, Tho Vnder­hill, at the Bible in Wood street, and Stephen Bowtell, at the signe of the Bible in Popes head Alley, 1645.

These Psalms are put in whole and amended. 1. 3. 4. 5. 8. 10. 11. 12. 15. 25. 26. 28. 30. 32. 36. 39. 43. 45. 46. 51. 52. 63. 64. 67. 79. 93. 94. 100. 113. 122. 128. 130. 131. 146. 149.

Choice parts of these are put in and amended. 7. 9. 17. 18. 19. 22. 27. 31. 33. 34. 35. 37. 40. 41. 42. 49. 50. 55. 56, 57. 60. 61 62. 65. 66. 68. 69. 71. 73 74. 80. 81. 84. 85. 86. 88. 90. 95. 96. 103. 108. 116. 118. 119. 132. 135. 139. 143.

All the rest are wholly made new, taking in al­most every scrap of the old that is truely good; To which above thirty new ones are now added, viz. 5. 6. 14. 17. 23. 53, 58. 70. 82. 87. 88. 89. 92. 95. 97. 98. 110. 111. 112. 113. 117. 119. 121. 124. 131. 133. 134. 136. 147. 145. 146. 147. 148.

Of which many go in the famous tunes of the 51. 113. and 148. Psalms, and Our Father.

And there is not one bald phrase or ill-favoured hysteron proteron in all the book but either sense in each line, or the grammaticall [...] order of words, the most acceptable and [...] structure of English poesie.

TO THE RIGHT WORSHIPFVLL Sr. JOHN WOLLASTON, Knight and Alderman of the Honourable City of London.

Right worshipfull,

SVch are my known ingagements to your self, and your worthy and vertuous Lady, that all men may justly expect (if God put any thing into my hands) I should not defraud you of the honour and acknowledge­ments which I owe to you both, but rejoyce to expresse my gratitude to God almighty, in raising up to me such speciall and precious friends, to so great advantage and increase of my long-de­spaired health, as hath made me of late to omit complaints, and many to wonder at the change.

Besides, Sir, your own cost and kindnesse hath been, by Gods blessing, the onely Sun-shine to ripen these my labours, & produce them to the publike, and that (breaking thorow so may dif­ficulties) I should be able to bring them to this perfection, that at least they are usefull while the [Page] old ones are in use, for 35. whole ones of these and many parts and pieces of the rest (which call Collects) are (verse for verse) of the sam [...] quantity with the old, and may be sung in pub­like, while some (wedded to custom) sing the old without any incongruity at all: so that n [...]ne can possibly point out any considerable psalm, or par [...] of a psalm, that is well done of the old, but her [...] it is to be found, and the absurdities removed neither is any thing left out, which is not so poor and imperfect, or far off the words and sense, a [...] that it is requisite to be made wholly new, or i [...] not already taken into the new.

Wherefore I humbly present it as a token of my thankfulnesse, praising the Lord for you, and praying the Lord to enrich you, and my much Honoured Lady with abundance of heavenly forwardnesse, faithfulnesse, and fruitfulnesse, which may be summed up to the glory of God, and furtherance of our account in the day of Iesus Christ our Lord,

Your worships fer­vent and faithfull Minister, to his utmost, WILLIAM BARTON.

Vpon M r. WILLIAM BARTONS elaborate Translation of the sacred Book of PSALMS.

GO book, and servethy Master, none so great,
His gift alone did make thee so compleat:
Polish the fabrick of reformed times,
Fresh, fair and fine, to flourish as thy rimes.
Lo, thou hast art, the Learned to content;
To please the curious thou art eloquent:
Quicknes thou giv'st to them that quicknes want,
And dost interpret to the ignorant.
The scrupulous thy skill doth satisfie,
And captious carpers are convinc'd thereby.
Thy price is little, but thy worth is such,
That every leaf deserveth twice as much.
So approved by
  • Ra. Robinson,
  • Imm. Bourne,
  • Fulk. Bellers,
  • Cor. Burges,
  • Tim. Dod,
  • Simeon Ash,
  • Tho. Clandon,
  • Ant [...]ony Burges,
  • Sam. Fawcett,
  • Christo. Love,
  • Iohn Foxcrofte,
  • Matt. Newcomen
  • Ed. Corbet [...],
  • Hum. Hardwick,
  • Iohn Tombes,
  • Franck Roberts,
  • William lenkin,
  • Walter Taylor,
  • Sa. Bolton,
  • Th. Porter,
  • Sa. Fisher,
  • Will. Tutty,
  • Cum multis alijs.

Upon the Translation and Approbation.

FOedavêere sacros malè tersa vosabula Psalmos,
Illustrata metro quae meliore nitent.
Sublimis doceat Majestas additaerebus
Mente intellectis conc [...]nuisse sonis.
Debita sundentes vigili praeconia curae,
Ornant conspicuâ Te [...]istate Pii.
Io [...] LANGLEY.

The beginnings of G. and P. Tunes now used in London

1. Davids, or Welch tune. *** [...]

2. York tune, or the Still. *** [...]

3. London long tune. *** [...]

4. Suffolk tune. *** [...]

5. Dutch, or English tune. *** [...]

6. [...]bridge new tune. * [...]

7. [...] bridge old tune. * [...]

8. Oxford tune. * [...]

9. Martyrs tune.* [...]

3. Cheshire tune. *** [...]

9. Coventry tune. * [...]

Psal. St. [...] light [...] &c *** [...]

Psail [...]. Blessed are.** [...]

Suit of a sinners, [...] [...]

Particular tunes. Psal. 50. & Lord consider. [...] [...]

Psal. [...] All people that. [...]

Ten Command. All people hearben [...]

Tune of Psal. 67. Have mercie. [...]

Tune of Psal. [...]13. Ye children. [...]

Tune of Psal. 148. Give [...] [...]

Tune of our Father. [...]

PSAL. 1. The first Metre.
To any generall tune.**

THat man is blest and blest again,
that doth not walk astray,
By counsels of ungodly men,
nor stands in sinners way:
Much lesse sits down in scorners seat,
but here is his delight,
Upon the Law of God the Lord
to studie day and night.
He shall be like a tree that grows
fast by the rivers side:
That brings forth ripe and timely fruit,
which still is fresh suppli'd.
Whose leaf doth never fade nor fall,
but flourish still and stand:
Even so shall all things prosper well,
that this man takes in hand.
So shall not the ungodly men,
they shall be nothing so:
But as the dust, which, from the earth,
the winde drives to and fro.
Therefore shall not the wicked men
in judgement stand upright:
Nor in th' assembly of the just
shall sinners come in sight.
For why, the way of godly men,
unto the Lord is known:
Whereas the way of wicked men
shall quite be overthrown.

PSAL. 3. The first Metre.

O Lord how are my foes encreast
that vex me more and more?
They kill my heart, when as they say,
God can him not restore.
But thou, O Lord, art my defence
when I am hard bestead;
My worship and my honour both,
and thou holdst up my head.
Then with my voice unto the Lord,
I did both call and crie:
And he out of his holy hill,
did hear me by and by.
¶I laid me down most quietly,
I slept and rose again;
For why, I knew assuredly
the Lord did me sustain.
Although ten thousand hem'd me in,
I would not be afraid:
For thou art still my Lord and God,
my Saviour and mine aid.
Rise up therefore, save me, O Lord,
for now to thee I call:
For thou hast broke the cheeks and teeth
of these transgressors all.
Salvation only doth belong
to thee O Lord above:
Thou dost bestow upon thy folk
thy blessing and thy love.

PSAL. 4. The first Metre, *

O God that art my righteousnesse,
Lord hear me when I call:
Thou hast set me at libertie,
when I was bound in thrall.
Have mercy Lord therefore on me,
and grant me my request:
For unto thee uncessantly,
to cry I will not rest.
O mortall men how long will ye
my glory thus despise?
Why wander ye in vanitie,
and follow after lies?
Know ye that good and godly men,
the Lord doth take and chuse:
And when to him I make my plaint,
he doth me not refuse.
Sin not, but stand in aw therefore,
examine well your heart:
And in your chamber quietly,
see ye your selves convert.
Offer to God the sacrifice
of righteousnesse, I say:
And see that in the living Lord
you put your trust alway.
¶The greater sort crave worldly goods,
and riches do embrace:
But, Lord, grant us thy countenance,
thy favour and thy grace.
For thou, O Lord, hast made my heart
more joyfull and more glad,
Then when they brought in corn and wine,
and great increase was had.
In peace therefore lie down will I,
taking my rest and sleep:
For only thou alone, O Lord,
Wilt me in safety keep.

PSAL. 5. The second Metre.

O Lord consider my complaint,
incline thine ear to me;
And hear my voice, my King, my God,
I make my prayer to thee.
Hear me betimes, Lord tarry not,
for I will have respect,
My prayer, early in the morn,
to thee for to direct.
And I will wait with patience,
on thee my [...]od alone:
Thou art not pleas'd with wickednesse,
and ill with thee dwels none.
And in thy sight shall never stand,
these wicked fools, O Lord:
Vain workers of iniquity,
thou alwayes hast abhorr'd.
Thou shalt destroy the flatterers,
and them that utter lies:
Bloud-thirsty and deceitfull men,
will God abhor likewise;
Therefore will I come to thy house,
trusting upon thy grace:
And reverently will worship thee,
toward thy holy place.
¶Lord, lead me in thy righteousnesse,
for to confound my foes;
And in what way I ought to walk,
[Page 6] before my face disclose.
For in their mouth there is no truth,
their hearts are foul and vain;
Their throat's an open sepulchre,
their tongues do fawn and feign.
Destroy their false conspiracies,
that they may come to nought:
Subvert them in their heaps of sin,
which have rebellion wrought.
But they that put their trust in thee,
let them be glad alwayes:
And render thanks for thy defence,
and give thy Name the praise.
For thou wilt blesse and magnifie
the righteous man no doubt,
And with thy grace as with a shield,
wilt compasse him about.

PSAL. 7. The Collect.*

O Lord my God I put my trust
and confidence in thee,
Save me from them that seek my soul,
and fully set me free.
Lest like a lion fierce and fell,
he tear and rend my soul,
While there is no deliverer,
his fury to controul.
¶O Lord my God, if I have done
the thing that is not right;
Or else if I be found in fault,
or guilty in thy sight:
And to my friend rewarded ill,
or left him in distresse,
Which hath pursued me wrongfully,
and did my soul oppresse:
Then let my so pursue my soul,
and let him take, and tread
My life even down unto the ground,
and lay mine honour dead.
O thou that art of all men judge,
now judge my righteous cause;
According to my righteousnesse,
and thy most righteous laws.
¶I take my help to come of God,
in all my pain and grief:
He doth preserve the pure in heart,
and sends them sweet relief.
Behold, the wicked travelleth,
with mischief in his minde;
Conceiving sin and wickednesse,
and bringeth forth the winde.
He digs a ditch and del [...]es it deep,
in hope to catch his brother;
[Page 8] But he shall fall into the pit,
that he dig'd up for other.
Thus wrong returneth to the hurt,
of him in whom it bred;
And all the mischief that he wrought,
shall fall upon his head.
I will give thanks to God therefore,
that judgeth righteously:
And with a song will praise the Name
of him that is most high.

PSAL. 8. The first Metre.**

O Lord our Lord, how wonderfull
is thy Name every where?
Whose fame surmounts in dignity
above the starrie sphere.
Even by the mouths of sucking babes,
thou wilt confound thy foes;
For in these babes thy might is seen,
thy graces they disclose.
And when I see the heavens high,
the works of thine own hand:
The Sun, and Moon, and all the stars,
in order as they stand.
What thing is man, Lord, think I then,
that he should be in minde?
[Page 9] Or what is mans posterity,
to whom thou art so kinde?
For thou hast made him little lesse,
then Angels in degree;
And thou hast also crowned him,
with highest dignitie.
Thou hast prefer [...]'d him to be Lord,
of all thy works of wonder:
And hast set all things at his feet,
that he should keep them under,
As oxen, sheep, and all beasts else,
that in the fields do feed,
Fowls of the air, fish of the sea,
and all that therein breed.
Therefore, O Lord, that art out Lord,
must I repeat the same:
How excellent in all the earth,
is thy most glorious Name!

PSAL. 9. The Collect. ***

VVIth heart and mouth unto the Lord
will I sing laud and praise:
And speak of all his wondrous works,
and them declare alwaies.
I will be glad and much rejoyce,
in thee O Lord most high:
And with my songs extoll thy Name
above the starrie skie.
Because my foes are driven back,
and put to shamefull flight:
They fall down flat, and are destroyed
by thy great power and might.
¶Know then that he which is above
for evermore shall reign,
And in the seat of equity
true judgement will maintain,
He is protector of the poor,
what time they be opprest:
He is their succour in distresse,
their refuge and their rest.
¶Sing Psalms therefore unto the Lord,
that dwels in Sion hill.
Publish among the nations all,
his noble acts and will.
For he is mindfull of the bloud
of poor oppressed [...]:
Forgetting not the afflicted heart,
but hea [...]s their sighs and groans.
He lets the heathen fall into
the pit that they prepar'd:
And in the net that they did set,
are they themselves insnar'd.
But sure the Lord will not forget
the poor mans grief and pain:
[Page 11] The patient people never look
for help of God in vain.
O Lord arise, lest men prevail,
that be of worldly might:
And let the heathen folk receive
their judgement in thy sight.
Lord strike such terrour, fear and dread
into the hearts of them:
That they may know assuredly,
they be but mortall men.

PSAL. 10. The first Metre. *

VVHat is the cause that thou, O Lord,
art now so far from thine?
And keepest close thy countenance
from us this troublous time?
The poor do perish by the proud
and wicked mens desire:
Let them be taken in the craft
that they themselves conspire.
For in the lust of his own heart
the ungodly doth delight:
And he doth bl [...]se the covetous
abhorred in thy sight:
He is so proud, that right and Wrong
he setteth all apart:
[Page 12] There is not any God, saith he,
for thus he thinks in heart.
Because his waies do prosper still,
he doth thy laws contem':
He puffs at all his enemies,
sets light by thee and them.
Tush, tush, saith he, I have no dread
that mine estate should change:
Because that all adversity
to him is very strange.
¶His mouth is full of cursednesse,
of fraud, deceit and guile:
Under his tongue doth mischief fit,
and worketh all the while.
He lieth hid in waies and holes,
the innocent to slay:
Against the poor his eyes are ben [...],
that passe along the way.
And, like a Lion, privily
lies lurking in his den,
If he may snare them in his net,
to spoil poor simple men.
And for the nonce full craftily
he croucheth down, I say:
So are great heaps of poor men made,
by his strong power, his prey.

The second part.*

TUsh, God forgetteth this, saith he,
therefore I may be bold:
His countenance is cast aside,
he doth it not behold.
¶Arise, O Lord, O God, in whom
the poor mans hope doth rest:
Lift up thy hand, forget not, Lord,
the poor that be opprest.
What blasphemie is this to thee?
Lord, dost thou not abhor it?
To hear the wicked in their hearts
say, tush, thou car'st not for it?
But thou seest all their wickednesse,
and well dost understand,
That friendlesse and poor fatherlesse
are l [...]ft unto thy hand.
Of wicked and malicious men
then break the power fo [...] ever:
That they with their iniquity
may perish altogether.
¶The Lord shall reign for evermore,
as King and God alone:
And he will chase the heathen folk
out of his land, each one.
Unto the poors complaint and cry,
thou giv'st a gracious ear:
Thou wilt prepare their patient heart,
and cause thine ears to hear.
To judge the poor and fatherlesse,
and help them to their right:
That they may be no more opprest
by men of worldly might.

PSAL. 11. The first Metre.
Sing this to any generall tune. *

I Put my confidence in God,
why therefore do you say,
That as a bird unto her hill,
my [...]ul should flee away?
For lo, the wicked bend their bowes,
their arrows they prepare,
To shoot in secret, and to hurt
the souls that upright are.
Of worldly help all stayes were shrunk,
and clearly brought to nought:
As for the good and righteous man,
what hath the righteous wrought?
¶But he that in his Temple is,
most holy and most high,
[Page 15] And in the heavens hath his seat
of royall Majesty:
The poor and simple mans estate
considereth in his minde:
And searcheth out full narrowly
the manners of mankinde:
And with a chearfull countenance
the righteous man will use:
But in his heart he doth abhor
all such as mischief muse:
And on the sinners casteth snares,
as thick as any rain:
Brimstone and fire, and whirl-windes thick,
appointed for their pain.
Ye see then how a righteous God
doth righteousnesse embrace:
And to the just and upright men
shews forth his pleasant face.

PSAL. 12. The first Metre.*

HElp Lord, for good and godly men
do perish and decay:
And faith and truth from worldly men
is parted clean away.
Who so doth with his neighbour talk,
his talk is all but vain:
[Page 16] For every man bethinketh how
to flatter, lie, and fain.
But flattering and deceitfull lips,
and tongues that be so stout,
To speak proud words, and make great brags,
the Lord soon cuts them out.
For they say still, we will prevail,
our tongues shall us extoll:
Our tongues are ours, we ought to speak,
what Lord shall us controll?
But for the great complaint and cry
of poor, and men opprest:
I will arise now, saith the Lord,
and them restore to rest.
¶Gods Word is like to silver pure,
that from the earth is tried:
And hath no lesse then seven times
in fire been purified.
Now sith thy promise is to help,
Lord, keep thy promise then:
And save us now and evermore,
from this ill kinde of men.
For now the wicked world is full
of mischiefs manifold:
When wicked men do bear the sway,
and vice goes uncontrol'd.
WIthin thy Tabernacle, Lord,
who shall continue still?
And whom wilt thou receive to dwell
in thy most holy hill?
The man whose life is uncorrupt,
whose works are just and straight:
Whose heart doth think the very truth,
whose tongue speaks no deceit.
That to his neighbour doth none ill,
in body, goods, or name:
Nor willingly doth move false tales,
which might empair the same.
The man in whose impartiall eyes,
vile persons are abhor'd;
But he doth greatly honour those
that truly fear the Lord.
His oath and all his promises
that keepeth faithfully:
Although he make his conenant so,
that he doth lose thereby:
That putteth not to usury
the money that he lent;
Nor will he take reward at all
against the innocent.
Who so doth all things as you see,
that here is to be done:
Shall never perish in this world,
nor in the world to come.

PSAL. 17. The first Collect. *

O Lord give ear to my just cause,
attend when I complain:
And hear the prayer that I put forth,
with lips that do not fain.
Thou hast well tried me in the night,
and yet couldst nothing finde:
[Page 18] For, that my mouth should not transgresse
I purpos'd in my minde.
As for the works of wicked men,
and paths perverse and ill,
For love of thy most holy Name,
I have refrained still.
Then in thy paths that be most pure,
do thou my soul preserve,
That from the way wherein I walk,
my st [...]ps may never swerve.
For I do call to thee O Lord,
surely thou wilt me aid:
Then hear my prayer, and weigh right well
the words that I have said.
¶Lord save me by thy mighty power,
out of these tyrants hands:
Which now so long a time have raign'd,
and kept us in their bands.
I mean, from worldlings, unto whom
all worldly goods are rife:
That have no hope nor part of joy,
but in this present life.
Thou giv'st them store of thy hid treasure
and children to their minde;
They spend thereof, and leave the rest
unto their babes behinde.
But I shall see thy blessed face
with purest conscience view'd:
And waking shall be satisfied
with thy similitude.

PSAL. 18. The Collect. *

O God my strength and fortitude,
I love thee vehemently:
Thou art my castle and defence
in my necessity.
My God my rock, in whom I trust,
the worker of my wealth:
My refuge, buckler, and my shield,
and horn of saving health.
¶The pangs of death did compasse me,
and held me every where:
The flowing waves of wickednesse,
did put me in great fear.
The slie and subtill snares of hell
were round about me set:
And for my feet there was prepared
a deadly trapping net.
I thus beset with pain and grief,
did pray to God for grace:
And he forthwith did hear my plaint
out of his holy place.
And from above the Lord sent down
to fetch me from below:
And pluck'd me from the waters deep,
about to overflow.
Because I walked in his waies,
and in his paths have trod:
And have not wandred wickedly,
departing from my God.
But evermore I had respect
to his entire decree:
His statutes and commandements
I cast not out from me.
But pure, and clean, and uncorrupt,
appear'd before his face:
And did abstain from wickednesse,
and sin in any case.
The Lord therefore will me reward,
as I have done aright:
As is the cleannesse of my hands.
appearing in his sight.

PSAL. 19. The Collect.*

HOw perfect is the Law of God,
how is his covenant sure?
Converting souls, and making wise
the simple and obscure.
Just are the Lords commandements,
and glad both heart and minde:
His precepts pure, and do give light
to eyes that be full blinde.
¶The fear of God is excellent,
and doth endure for ever:
The judgements of the Lord are true,
and righteous altogether:
And more to be embraced alway,
then fined gold, I say:
The honey and the honey-comb
are not so sweet as they.
By them thy servant is fore-warn'd
to have God in regard:
And in performance of the same,
there shall be great reward.
¶But, Lord, what earthly man doth know
the errours of his life:
Then cleanse my soul from secret sins
which are in me most rife:
And keep me that presumptuous sins
prevail not over me:
And so shall I be innocent,
and great offences flee.
Accept my mouth, accept my heart,
[Page 22] my words and thoughts each one:
For my redeemer and my strength,
O Lord thou art alone.


O God my God, wherefore dost thou
forsake me utterly?
And dost not hear when I complain,
nor hearken to my cry?
To thee, my God, even all day long,
I do both cry and call,
And all the night I do not cease,
yet hear'st thou not at all.
Behold, I am become a worm
more liker then a man,
An out-cast, whom the people spurn
with all the spite they can.
O Lord depart not now from me,
in all my pain and grief;
Since I have none my help to be,
none else to send relief.
¶Lord, save me from the cruell sword,
by thy almighty power;
And keep my dear and darling soul,
from dogs that would devour.
Among the folk that fear the Lord
[Page 23] will I thy praise proclame;
And keep my vow and promise made
for setting forth thy Name.
The poor shall eat and be suffic'd,
and you that seek the Lord,
Your heart shall live for evermore,
his praises to record.
The kingdoms of the heathen folk
shall worship and adore,
For God shall be their governour,
and King for evermore.

PSAL. XXV. 1. M. 1. part.
Have mercy, &c.

I Lift my heart to thee,
My God and guide most just:
Now suffer me to take no shame,
for in thee do I trust.
Let not my foes rejoyce,
nor make a scorn of me:
And let them not be overthrown,
that put their trust in thee.
But shame shall them befall,
which harm them wrongfully:
Therefore thy paths and thy right waies
[Page 24] unto me, Lord, descry:
Direct me in thy truth,
and teach me in thy way:
Thou art my God and Saviour,
on thee I wait all day.
¶I pray thee, Lord, remember,
thy mercies manifold,
And thy compassions plentifull,
for they have been of old.
Remember not the faults,
and frailty of my youth:
Remember not how I have sinn'd
against thy blessed truth.
Nor after my deserts
let me thy mercy finde:
But of thine own benignity
Lord, have me in thy minde.
¶His mercy is full sweet
his truth a perfect guide:
Therefore the Lord will sinners teach,
and such as go aside.
The humble he will teach
his precepts for to keep;
He will direct in all his wayes,
the lowly and the meek.
For all the waies of God
are mercy, truth and grace:
[Page 25] To them that keep his Covenant,
and do his laws embrace.

PSAL. XXV. 2. P. I. M.

NOw for thy holy Name
O Lord I thee intreat,
To grant me pardon for my sin,
for it is wondrous great.
Who so doth fear the Lord,
the Lord will him direct,
To lead his life in such a way
as he doth best accept.
His soul shall evermore
in goodnesse dwell and stand:
His seed and his posterity
inheriting the land.
¶All those that fear the Lord,
his secret will shall know:
And unto them the Lord is pleas'd
his testaments to shew.
Mine eyes continually
upon the Lord are set:
For he hath pluckt my fettred feet
out of the snare and net.
With mercy me behold,
to thee I make my mone:
[Page 26] For I am poor and desolate,
and comfortlesse alone.
The troubles of my heart,
are multiplied indeed:
Bring me out of this misery,
necessity and need.
¶Behold my anguish, Lord,
my poverty, my pain:
Remit my sin and mine offence,
and make me clean again.
¶O Lord, behold my foes,
how they do still increase:
Pursuing me with deadly hate,
that fain would live in peace.
Preserve and keep my soul,
and still deliver me:
And let me not be overthrown,
because I trust in thee.
Let my simplicity,
defend me from my foes,
Because I trust in thy defence,
from enemies that oppose.
Deliver, Lord, thy folk,
and send them sweet relief:
And ease thy chosen Israel,
of all his pain and grief.

To any generall tune. **

LOrd be my judge, and thou shalt see,
my paths be pure and plain:
I trust in God to strengthen me,
that so I may remain.
Prove me, my God, by any means,
search out my secret heart;
Examine me and try my reins,
and every inward part.
Thy goodnesse laid before my face,
I do behold alwayes:
For of thy truth I tread the trace,
and will do all my daies.
¶I do not hold societie,
with men whose deeds are vile;
I will not come in companie,
with them that practise guile.
I much abhor the wicked sort,
their doing I despise:
I do not once to them resort,
that hurtfull things devise.
¶My hands I wash, and do proceed,
in works to walk upright,
Then to thine altar I make speed,
to offer in thy sight.
That I may speak and preach the praise
that doth belong to thee:
And so declare how wondrous wayes
thou hast been good to me.
¶O God, thy house I love most dear,
to me it doth excell:
I have delight, and would be near
where, Lord, thy grace doth dwell.
¶O shut not up my soul with them
in sin that take their fill:
Nor yet my life among those men
that seek much bloud to spill,
Whose hands are heapt with craft and guile
wherewith their lives abound;
And their right hand do bribes defile,
and basenesse there I found.
But I in righteousnesse intend
my time and daies to serve:
Have mercy Lord, and me defend,
so that I do not swerve:
My foot is staid for all assaies,
it standeth well and right:
Wherefore to God will I give praise
in all the peoples sight.


THe Lord is both my life and light,
shall man make me dismaid?
Sith God doth give me strength and mig [...]
why should I be afraid?
¶One thing of God I do desire,
that he would not denie:
For which I ask and do inquire,
and that continually:
That I within his holy place
my life throughout may dwell:
To see the beauty of his face,
and view his Temple well.
¶Lord, hear the voice of my request,
for which to thee I call;
Have mercy, Lord, on me opprest,
and send me aid withall.
My heart doth eccho unto thee,
I sue to have thy grace;
Then seek my face, saidst thou to me,
Lord, I will seek thy face.
In wrath turn not away thy face,
nor suffer me to slide:
Thou art my God unto this day,
be still my God and guide.
My parents both forsook their son,
and cast me off together;
But God took care when they had done,
a better friend then either.
Wait on the Lord couragiously,
he is thy strength and stay,
Thy heart with faith to fortifie,
wait on the Lord, I say.


THou art O, Lord, my strength and stay,
the succour which I crave:
Neglect me not, lest I be like
to them that go to grave.
The supplications of my heart,
O Lord attend and mark;
When I lift up my humble hands,
unto thy holy Ark.
With wicked doers of wickednesse
O give me not my part:
That speak right fair unto their friends,
while mischief fills their heart,
According to their handy work,
as they deserve indeed;
And after their inventions vile,
so let these sinners speed.
For nothing they regard Gods works,
nor what his hands have wrought;
Therefore will he destroy them quite,
and bring them all to nought.
¶To render thanks un to the Lord,
how great a cause have I:
My voice, my prayer and my complaint
that heard so lovingly?
He is my shield and fortitude,
my buckler in distresse:
My hope, my help, my hearts desire,
my song shall so confesse.
He is our strength and our defence,
our enemies to repell:
The saving health of his elect,
the anointed Israel.
Thy people and thine heritage,
Lord, blesse, guide and preserve:
Increase them, Lord, and rule their hearts,
that they may never swerve.

PSAL. XXX. 1. M. ***

ALl laud and praise with heart and voice,
O Lord, I give to thee:
Thou hast not made my foes rejoyce,
but hast exalted me.
O Lord my God to thee I cride,
in all my pain and grief:
Thou gav'st an ear, and didst provide,
to ease me with relief.
Of thy good will thou hast cal'd back
my soul from hell to save:
Thou didst revive when strength did lack,
and keptst me from the grave.
Sing praise, ye Saints, that prove and see
the goodnesse of the Lord:
In mem'ry of his Majestie
rejoyce with one accord.
His anger lasteth but a space,
and quickly slakes again:
But in his favour and his grace
doth constant life remain.
Though gripes of grief and pangs of pain
shall lodge with us all night;
The Lord shall bring us joy again,
before the morning light.
¶When I enjoy'd the world at will,
thus would I boast and say,
Tush, I am sure to feel no ill,
this wealth shall not decay:
For thou, O Lord, of thy good grace
hadst sent me strength and aid:
[Page 33] But when thou turn'dst away thy face,
my minde was sore dismaid.
Wherefore again yet did I cry
to thee, O Lord, of might:
My God with plaints I did apply,
and pray'd both day and night.
What gain is in my bloud (said I)
if death destroy my daies?
Doth dust declare thy Majestie?
doth dust thy justice praise?
Wherefore, my God, some pitie take,
O Lord, I pray to thee:
Do not this simple soul forsake,
but help and succour me.
Then didst thou turn my misery
into a chearfull voice:
The mourning weed thou took'st from me,
and mad'st me to rejoyce.
Wherefore my soul uncessantly
shall sing unto thy praise:
My Lord my God, to thee will I
give laud and thanks alwaies.

PSAL. XXXI. 1. [...] *

O Lord, I put my trust in thee,
let nothing work me shame;
[Page 34] As thou art just deliver me,
and quit me, Lord, from blame.
Hear me, O Lord, and that anon,
to help me make good speed:
Be thou my rock and house of stone,
my fence in time of need.
For lo, O Lord, thy strength is tri'd,
thou art my fort and tower:
For thy Names sake be thou my guide,
and lead me in thy power.
Pluck thou my feet out of the snare,
which they for me have laid:
Thou art my strength, and all my care
is for thy only aid.
Into thy hands, Lord, I commit
my spirit, which is thy due:
Thou only hast redeemed it,
O Lord my God most true.
¶I hate such folk as will not part
from things to be abhorr'd:
When they on trifles set their heart,
my trust is in the Lord.
And in th [...] mercy I will joy,
I see it doth excell:
Thou seest when ought would me anoy,
and knowest my foul full well.
The length of all my life and age
O Lord, is in thy hand:
Defend me from the wrathfull rage
of them that me withstand.
To me thy servant (Lord) expresse,
and shew thy joyfull face:
And save me for thy righteousnesse:
thy mercy and thy grace.

PSAL. XXXI. 2. Coll. ***

O Lord, how great felicity
hast thou laid up for them,
That fear thy Name, and trust in thee
before the sons of men?
Thy presence shall them fence and guide,
from all proud brags and wrongs:
Within thy house thou shalt them hide,
from all the strife of tongues.
Thanks to the Lord that hath declar'd
on me his grace so far,
Me to defend with watch and ward,
as in a town of war.
¶Thus did I say both day and night,
when I was sore opprest:
Lo, I am clean cast out of sight,
yet heardst thou my request.
Ye saints, love ye the Lord, I say,
the faithfull he doth guide:
And to the proud he doth repay
according to their pride.
Be strong, and God shall stay your heart,
be confident, ye just:
For sure the Lord will take your part,
sith ye on him do trust.

PSAL. XXXII. 2. M. *

THe man is blest whose wickednesse
is covered and hid.
The man is blest whom God forgives
what ever sins he did.
And blest is he to whom the Lord
imputeth not offence;
Which in his heart hath hid no guile,
nor hardned impudence.
For whilst that I kept silence still,
and sought to hide my sinne,
My bones did wear and waste away
with pain that I was in.
For night and day thy hand on me,
did so oppresse my heart,
That all my bloud and humours moist
to drinesse did convert.
I did therefore confesse my faults,
and all my sins discover:
Then thou, O Lord, didst me forgive,
and all my sins passe over.
The humble man shall pray therefore,
to thee in happiest hour;
So that the flouds of waters great,
on him shall have no pow'r.
When trouble and adversity,
do compasse me about;
Thou art my refuge and my joy,
and thou dost help me out.
¶Come hither, I will teach to thee
the paths of pietie;
And I will guide thee carefully,
with mine observant eye.
Be not so rude and ignorant
as is the horse and mule,
Whose mouth without a rain or bit
from harm thou canst not rule.
The wicked man shall wail in wo,
and greatest griefs sustain;
But unto him that trusts in God,
much mercy shall remain.
Be joyfull therefore in the Lord,
[Page 38]ye just lift up your voice;
And ye of pure and perfect heart,
be glad and much rejoyce.

PSAL. XXXIII. 1. Col. *

YE righteous in the Lord rejoyce,
it is a seemly sight;
That upright men with thankfull voice,
should praise the Lord of might.
Sing to the Lord, and give him praise
with joyfull songs and new,
For lo, his word, his works and ways
are perfect, just and true.
To judgement, equity and right
he hath a great good will;
And with his gifts he doth delight,
the spacious earth to fill.
The waters of the seas he keeps,
confin'd within the shore;
He layeth up the liquid deeps
as in an house of store.
¶The counsels of the nations rude,
the Lord doth bring to nought:
He doth defeat the multitude
of their device and thought.
But his decrees continue still,
[Page 39]they never slack nor swage;
The motions of his minde and will,
take place from age to age.

The second Collect. **

BLessed are they to whom the Lord,
as God and guide is known;
Whom he doth chuse of meer accord,
to take them as his own.
The Lord from heaven cast his eye,
on men of mortall birth;
Considering from his seat on high,
all dwellers on the earth.
¶A King that trusteth in his host,
thereby shall not prevail;
The mighty man, whose strength is most,
for all his strength shall fail.
An horse for safety of a man,
is to be reckon'd vain;
By strength of horse none ever can
deliverance obtain.
But lo, the eyes of God attend,
to shield and save the just,
And all that fear for to offend,
and in his mercy trust.
Wherefore our souls have confidence
[Page 40]in God our strength and stay:
He is our shield and our defence,
to drive all darts away.
Now therefore let thy goodnesse, Lord,
still present with us be,
As we do still with one accord
repose our trust in thee.

PSAL. XXXIIII. 1. C. ***

I Will give laud and honour both
unto the Lord alwayes:
My moving tongue for evermore,
shall speak unto his praise.
I do delight to laud the Lord
in heart, in soul, and voice:
That mortifi'd and humble men
may hear, and so rejoyce.
Therefore see that ye magnifie,
with me, the living Lord:
And let us now exalt his Name,
and all with one accord.
For I my self besought the Lord,
he answered me again:
And graciously deliver'd me
from all my fear and pain.
Who so they be that him behold,
[Page 41]shall see his light most clear,
Their countenance shall not be dasht,
they never need to fear.
¶Poor David cri'd unto the Lord,
the Lord did hear his call;
The Lord did hear and help him too
out of his troubles all.
The Angel of the Lord doth pitch
his tents about them round:
To save all such as fear the Lord,
and keep them safe and sound.
Taste and consider well therefore,
that God's a gracious one:
O happy man that trusts in him,
and ev'n in him alone.


TUrn back thy face from doing ill,
and do the godly deed:
Inquire for peace and quietnesse,
and follow it with speed.
For lo, the eyes of God above
upon the just are bent:
His ears likewise do hear the plaint
of all the innocent.
But he doth frown and bend his brows
[Page 42]upon the wicked train:
And cuts from earth their memory,
that none of them remain.
But when the just do call and cry,
the Lord doth hear them so,
That out of pain and misery
he lets them timely go.
¶The Lord is kinde and straight at hand
to such as are contrite:
He also saves the sorrowfull,
and humbled in his sight.
¶Full many be the miseries
of just and righteous men:
But out of all adversities
the Lord delivereth them.
But sin shall slay the wicked man,
which he himself hath wrought;
And such as hate the righteous man,
shall soon be brought to nought.
But them that fear the living Lord,
he keepeth safe and sound:
And such as put their trust in him,
no malice shall confound.

PSAL. XXXV. the C. **

LOrd plead my cause against my foes,
confound their force and might:
[Page 43]Fight on my part against all those,
that seek with me to fight.
Lay hold upon the spear and shield,
thy self in armour dresse:
Stand up for me, and fight the field,
to help me from distresse.
Gird on thy sword, and stop the way,
mine enemies to withstand:
Unto my soul be pleas'd to say,
I am thy help at hand.
¶Confound them with rebuke and blame,
that seek my soul to kill:
Let them turn back and flee with shame,
that seek to work me ill.
Let all their waies be void of light,
and slippery like to fall,
And send thine Angel with thy might,
to persecute them all.
And then my bones shall speak and say,
my parts shall all agree:
O Lord, what pow'r dost thou display,
what man is like to thee?

PSAL. XXXVI. 1. M. ***

THe wicked with his works unjust,
doth thus perswade my heart.
[Page 44] He serves not God, he serves his lust,
and sets Gods fear apart.
Yet doth he joy in his estate,
to walk as he began:
So long till he deserves the hate,
the hate of God and man.
His words are wicked, vile, and naught,
his tongue no truth doth tell:
Yet at no hand will he be taught
which way he may do well.
When he should sleep, then doth he muse
his mischiefs to fulfill:
No wicked waies doth he refuse,
nor nothing that is ill,
¶But Lord thy goodnesse doth ascend
above the heavens hie,
So doth thy truth it self extend
unto the starry skie.
Much more then hils so high and steep,
thy justice is exprest:
Thy judgements like to seas most deep,
thou sav'st both man and beast.
¶Thy mercy is above all things,
O God, it doth excell:
In trust whereof, as in thy wings,
[Page 45] the sons of men shall dwell.
Within thy house they shall be fed
with plenty at their will:
Of all delights they shall be sped,
and take thereof their fill.
For lo, the well of life so pure
doth ever flow from thee:
And in thy light we shall be sure
the lasting light to see.
¶From such as thee desire to know,
let not thy grace depart:
Thy righteousnesse declare and shew
to men of upright heart.
Let not the proud on me prevail,
O Lord, of thy good grace:
Nor let the wicked me assail,
to throw me out of place.
But they in their device shall fall,
that wicked works maintain:
They shall be overthrown withall,
and never rise again.

PSAL. XXXVII. the Coll. **

VVAit thou on God and keep his way,
he shall preserve thee then
The earth to rule, and thou shalt see
[Page 46] destroy'd these wicked men.
The wicked have I seen most strong,
and plac'd in high degree:
Flourishing in all wealth and store,
as doth the Lawrell-tree.
But suddenly he past away,
and lo, he was quite gone:
I sought him then, but could not finde
the place where dwelt such one.
¶Mark and behold the perfect man,
how God doth him increase:
For righteous men shall have at length
great joy, with rest and peace.
As for transgressors, wo to them,
together they shall fall;
God will cut off ungodly men,
and judge them once for all.
But the salvation of the just
doth come from God above:
Who in their trouble sends them aid,
of his meer grace and love.
But sure the Lord will blesse and keep,
the righteous and the just,
From hands of lewd and wicked men,
because in him they trust.

PSAL. XXXIX. 1. M. 1. part. *

I Said I will look to my waies,
for fear I should go wrong:
I will take thee, lest I offend
with rashnesse of my tongue.
As with a bridle I will keep
my mouth with all my might:
Not once to whisper all the while,
the wicked are in sight.
I held my tongue, and spake no word,
but kept me close and still:
Yea, from good talk I did refrain,
but sore against my will.
My heart waxt hot within my brest,
with musing, thought, and doubt:
Which did increase and stir the fire,
at last these words burst out,
¶Lord, number out my life and daies
which yet I have not past:
So that I may be certifi'd
how long my life shall last.
Lord, thou hast pointed out my life,
in length much like a span:
Mine age is nothing unto thee,
so vain is every man.
Man, surely, walks in vainest shew,
and doth himself anoy
In getting goods, and cannot tell
who shall the same enjoy.
Now, Lord, sith things this wise do frame,
what help do I desire?
In truth my help doth hang on thee,
I nothing else require.

M. 1. The second part. *

FRom all the sinnes that I have done,
Lord, quit me out of hand:
And make me not a scorn to fools
that nothing understand.
I was as dumb, and to complain
no trouble might me move:
Because I knew it was thy work,
my patience for to prove.
¶Lord, take from me thy scourge & plague,
I can them not withstand:
I faint and pine away for fear
of thy most heavy hand.
When thou for sin dost man rebuke,
he waxeth pale and wan?
And like a cloth that moths have fret:
so vain a thing is man.
Lord, hear my suit, and give good heed,
regard my tears that fall:
I sojourn like a stranger here,
as did my fathers all.
O spare a little, give me space
my strength for to restore:
Before I go away from hence,
and shall be seen no more.

PSAL. XL. 1. Col. ***

I Waited long and sought the Lord,
and patiently did bear:
At length to me he did accord,
my voice and cry to hear.
He pluck'd me from the lake so deep,
out of the mire and clay:
And on a rock he set my feet,
and he did guide my way.
To me he taught a Psalm of praise,
which I must shew abroad:
And sing new songs of thanks alwaies
unto the Lord our God.
When all the folk these things shall see,
they shall be much afraid:
And fearing, to the Lord will flee,
and trust upon his aid.
O blest is he, whose hope and heart
doth in the Lord remain:
That with the proud doth take no part,
nor such as lie and fain.
¶For Lord my God, thy wondrous deeds
in greatnesse far surmount:
Thy favour towards us exceeds
all things that we can count.
¶When I intend and do devise
thy works abroad to show:
To such a reckning they do rise,
thereof no end I know.
Burnt-offrings thou delightest not in,
it is not thy desire:
With sacrifice to purge his sin,
thou dost of none require.
Offerings likewise and sacrifice
thou wouldst not have at all:
But thou hast boar'd mine ears (O Lord)
to hearken to thy call.

The second Collect. *

THy justice and thy righteousnesse
in great resorts I tell:
Behold, my tongue no time doth cease,
O Lord, thou know'st full well.
I kept not close thy loving minde,
that no man should it know:
The trust that in thy truth I finde,
to all the Church I show.
¶Thy tender mercie (Lord) from me
withdraw thou not away,
But let thy love and veritie
preserve me day by day.
For O, with mischiefs many a one
full sore beset am I:
My sinnes increase, and so come on,
I even droop and die.
With speed send help and set me free,
O Lord, to thee I pray:
Make haste to aid and succour me,
and do not say me nay.
Let them sustain rebuke and shame,
that seek my soul to kill:
Drive back my foes, and blast their fame,
whoever wish me ill.
For, Lord, thou art my hope and trust,
my refuge, help and stay:
Wherefore, my God, as thou art just,
with me no time delay.

PSAL. XLI. the Col. *

THe man is blest that mindes the poor
and is a cheerfull giver:
For in the season perillous
the Lord will him deliver.
The Lord will make him safe and sound,
and happy in the land:
And he will not deliver him
into his enemies hand.
And, in his bed when he lies sick,
the Lord will him restore:
And thou, O Lord, wilt turn to health
his sicknesse and his sore.
Then in my sicknesse thus say I,
have mercy, Lord, on me:
And heal my sick and sinfull soul,
that hath offended thee.

PSAL. XLII. the Col. *

LIke as the Hart doth breathe and bray,
the well-springs to obtain:
So doth my soul desire, and pray
to see Gods house again.
My soul doth thirst, and would draw neer
the living God to see:
O when, my God, shall I appear,
and in thy presence be?
The tears all times are my repast,
which from mine eyes to slide,
While wicked men cry out so fast,
where now is God thy guide?
Alas [...] what grief is it to think
what freedom once I had?
Therefore my soul begins to sink,
and is exceeding sad.
When I did march in good aray,
and furnisht with my train:
Unto the Temple was our way,
With many a pleasant strain.
Now then my soul; why art thou sad,
and fre [...]st so in my brest?
Hope still for help that may be had,
and grace from God exprest.
And trust thou in the Lord alwaies,
and thou the time shalt [...] see
To give him honour, thanks and praise,
for health restor'd to thee.

PSAL. XLIII. 2. M. *

IUdge and revenge my cause, O Lord,
from them that evil be:
From wicked and deceitfull men,
O Lord, deliver me.
For of my strength thou art the God,
why dost thou leave me so?
And why walk I so heavily
oppressed with my so?
¶Send out thy light and blessed truth,
and lead me with thy grace:
And so conduct me to thy hill,
and to thy dwelling place.
Then shall I to the Altar go,
of God my joy of heart:
And on my harp give thanks to thee,
O God, my God that art.
Why art thou then so sad my soul,
and fretst thus in my brest?
Still trust in God, for him to praise,
I hold it alwaies best.
By him I have deliverance,
against all pain and grief:
He is my God, which doth alwaies
at need send me relief.

PSAL. XLV. 1. M. 1. p. Have mercy,

MY heart doth take in hand,
a godly song to sing,
The praise that I shall shew therein,
pertaineth to the King [...]
My tongue shall be as quick,
his honour to indite,
As is the pen of any scribe,
that useth fast to write.
O fairest of all men,
thy speech is pleasant pure:
For God hath blessed thee with gifts,
for ever to endure.
About thee gird thy sword,
O prince of might elect:
With glory, honour, and renown
thy person pure is deckt.
Go forth with prospr'ous speed,
with meeknesse, truth and right:
And thy right hand shall teach thee things,
that are of dreadfull might.
T [...]ine arrows sharp, and keen
their hearts so sore shall sting:
That folk shall come and kneel to thee,
yea, all thy foes, O King.
¶Thy royall seat, O Lord,
for ever shall remain:
Because the Scepter of thy might
doth righteousnesse maintain,
Because thou lov'st the right,
[Page 56] and dost the ill detest,
Hath God thy God anointed thee
with joy, above the rest.
With myrrh and savours sweet
thou art perfum'd and clad,
When thou dost from thy palace passe,
thereby to make thee glad.
Kings Daughters are among,
thy noble concubines:
At thy right hand the Queen her self,
in gold of Ophir shines.

The second part. ***

O Daughter take good heed,
incline and give good ear:
Thou must forsake thy kinred all,
and fathers house most dear.
Then shall the King desire
thy beauty fair and trim:
For lo, he is the Lord thy God,
and thou must worship him.
The daughters then of Tyre,
with gifts full rich to see,
And all the wealthy of the land [...]
shall make their suit to thee.
The daughter of the King [...]
[Page 57]is glorious to behold:
With inward glory glittering,
and deckt in beaten gold.
In robes of needle-work,
and many a pleasant thing:
With virgins fair on her to wait,
she commeth to the King.
Thus are they brought with joy,
and mirth on every side:
Into the palace of King,
and there they do abide.
In stead of parents left,
(O Queen, the case so stands)
Thou shalt have sons, whom thou maist set
as Princes in the lands.
Wherefore thy holy Name,
all ages shall record:
The people shall give thanks to thee,
for evermore, O Lord.

PSAL. XLVI. 1. M. *

THe Lord is our defence and aid,
the strength whereby we stand:
When we with wo are much dismaid
he is our help at hand.
Though th' earth remove we will not fear,
[Page 58]though hils so high and steep
Be tumbled headlong here and there,
within the sea so deep.
No, though the waves do rage so sore,
that all the banks it drown:
And though it overflow the shore,
and beat the mountains down:
For Shilohs river sends abroad
his pleasant streams apace:
To glad the City of our God,
and wash his holy place.
In midst of her the Lord doth dwell,
she can no whit decay:
All things against her that rebell,
the Lord will take away.
The heathen folk the kingdoms fear,
the people make a noise;
The earth doth melt, and not appear,
when God puts forth his voice.
The Lord of hosts doth take our part,
to us he hath an eye:
Our hope of health with all our heart
on Jacobs God doth lie.
[...]ome see, and let your eyes be taught
the working of our God:
[Page 59]What wonders he himself hath wrought
in all the world abroad.
By him all wars are hus [...]t and gone,
which countries did conspire:
Their bowes he brake, and spears each one,
their chariots burnt with fire.
Leave off therefore (saith he) and know
that I am God and guide:
Among the heathen high and low
will I be magnifi'd.
The Lord of hosts doth us defend,
he is our strength and tow'r:
On Jacobs God we do depend,
and on his mighty pow'r.

PSAL. XLIX. the Coll. **

ALl people hearken and give ear,
to that, that I shall tell:
Both high and low, both rich and poor,
that in the world do dwell.
Why should I fear affliction,
or any carefull toil:
Or else my foes that follow me,
and seek my soul to spoil?
For as for such as riches have,
wherein their trust is most;
[Page 60]And they which of their treasures great,
themselves do brag and boast:
There is not one of them that can,
his brothers soul redeem:
Or that can give a price to God,
sufficient in esteem.
It is too great a price to pay,
none can thereto attain:
Or that he might his life prolong,
or not in grave remain.
¶Their care is to build houses fair,
and so determine sure,
To make their name right great on earth,
for ever to endure.
But tho they speak their foolish thoughts,
which are most lewd and vain;
Their children yet approve their talk,
and in like sin remain.
As sheep are brought into the fold,
so shall they go to grave:
Devour'd by death, till day shall dawn,
and just men lordship have.
Their image and their royall port
shall fade and soon decay:
When as from house to grave they go [...]
[Page 61]with mourning all the way.
But surely God will me preserve
from death and endlesse pain;
Because he will receive my soul,
and I shall live again.
¶If any man wax wondrous rich,
fear not, I say, therefore;
Although the glory of his house,
increaseth more and more.
For when he dies and sleeps in dust,
no good shall he receive;
His glory will not follow him,
his pomp will take her leave.
Yet in this life he takes himself
the happiest under Sun:
And others flatter him, and say,
that all was bravely done.
And presuppose he live as long,
as did his fathers old,
Yet must he needs at length be brought
to deaths devouring fold.
Thus man to honour God hath cal'd,
yet he considers not;
But is compared to the beasts,
which quickly die and rot.

PSAL. L. the Col. Have mercie. **

GIve to the Lord his praise,
with thanks to him apply:
And see thou pay thy vowes alwaies
to God that is most hie,
Then seek and sue to me,
in any dang'rous daies,
And I will sure deliver thee,
and thou shalt give me praise.
But to the wicked train,
which talk of God each day:
And yet their works are foul and vain,
to them the Lord will say,
With what face darest thou
my word once speak or name?
Why doth thy talk my law allow?
thy deeds deny the same.
Whereas thy life to mend
thou art so slow and slack:
My word, the which thou dost pretend,
is cast behinde thy back:
¶When thou a thief dost see,
by theft to live in wealth:
With him thou runn'st, and dost agree
likewise to thrive by stealth.
When thou dost them behold,
that wives and maids defile:
Thou lik'st it well, and waxest bold,
to use that life most vile.
Thy lips thou dost apply
to stander and defame:
Thy tongue is taught, and learns to lie,
and still doth use the same.
Thou studiest to revile
thy friends to thee so near:
Thy tongue with slander doth defile
thy mothers son most dear.
Hereat while I do wink,
as though I did not see:
Thou goest on still, and so dost think
that I am like to thee.
But sure I will not let
to strike when I begin:
Thy faults in order I will set,
and open all thy sin.
Mark this I you require,
that have not God in minde:
Left when I plague you in mine ire,
your help be far to finde.
But he that gives me praise,
[Page 64]he glorifieth me:
And he that walks in godly waies,
shall Gods salvation see.

PSAL. LI. 1. M. 1. part.

O Lord consider my distresse,
And now with speed some pity take,
My sins remit, my woes redresse,
Good Lord, for thy great mercies sake.
Wash me, O Lord, and make me clean
From this unjust and sinfull act:
And purifie yet once again
My hainous crime and bloody fact.
Remorse and sorrow do constrain,
And force me to confesse my sin:
Before my face they still remain
As fresh as first they did begin.
For thee alone I have contem'd,
Committing evil in thy sight:
And if I were therefore condem'd,
Yet were thy judgements just and right.
¶Behold, O Lord, for thou dost know,
That I was bred and born in sin:
My mother hath conceiv'd me so,
Yet I vile wretch remain therein,
Also behold, Lord, thou dost love
The inward truth of hearts sincere:
And grace and wisdom from above,
Thou hast reveal'd within me there.
If thou with hysop purge this blot,
I shall be clearer then the glasse:
And if thou wash away my spot,
The snow in whitenesse shall I passe.
Therefore, O Lord, such succour send,
That I may feel some joy within:
And that my strength may now amend,
Which thou hast weakned for my sin.
Turn back thy face and frowning ire,
For I have felt enough thy hand:
And purge my sins, I thee desire,
Which do in number passe the sand.
Make new my heart within my brest,
And frame it to thy holy will:
And let me have a constant guest,
Of thy sweet Spirit in me still.

1. M. The second part.

CAst me not, Lord, out from thy face,
But speedily my torments end:
Take not from me thy Spirit of grace,
Which may from dangers me defend.
Restore me to those joyes again,
Which I was wont in thee to finde:
And thy free Spirit let me retain,
To stablish much my heart and minde.
Thus when I shall thy mercies know,
I shall admonish those that sin:
And men that are likewise brought low,
By mine example shall come in.
O God, that of my health art Lord,
Forgive me this my bloudy crime:
My heart and tongue shall then accord
To sing thy righteousnes divine.
¶Touch thou my lips, my tongue untie,
O Lord, that hast the only key:
And then my mouth shall testifie
Thy wondrous works and praise alway.
And as for outward sacrifice,
I would have offered many a one:
Had they been valu'd in thine eyes,
But therein pleasure tak'st thou none.
The heavy heart, the minde opprest,
O Lord, thou never dost despise:
And verily it is the best,
The best of all the sacrifice.
Lord, unto Sion turn thy face,
[Page 67]Pour down thy mercies on thy hill:
And on Jerusalem thy grace,
Build up the wals, and love it still.
Our offrings then thou shalt accept,
And whole burnt [...] offrings shall be pai'd;
In righteousnesse observ'd and kept,
And on thy holy altars lai'd.

PSAL. LII. 1. M. *

VVHy dost thou, tyrant, boast abroad,
thy wicked works to praise?
Dost thou not know there is a God,
whose mercies last alwaies?
Why doth thy minde yet still devise,
such wicked wiles to warp?
Thy tongue untrue in forging lies,
is like a razour sharp.
On mischief why setst thou thy minde,
and wilt not walk upright?
Thou hast more minde false tales to finde,
then bring the truth to light.
Thou dost delight in fraud and guile,
in mischief, bloud and wrong:
Thy lips have learn'd the flattering stile,
O false deceitfull tongue.
Therefore shall God for aye confound,
and pluck thee from thy place:
Root out thy seed ev'n from the ground,
and ruine all thy race.
The just, when they behold thy fall,
with fear will praise the Lord,
And in reproach of thee withall,
cry out with one accord,
Behold the man that would not take
the Lord for his defence:
But of his goods his god did make,
and sin his confidence.
But I an Olive fresh and green,
shall spring and spread abroad:
Because my trust all times hath been
upon the living God.
For this therefore will I give praise
to thee with heart and voice:
I will set forth thy Name alwaies,
wherein thy Saints rejoyce.

PSAL. LV. the Col. *

O Lord my God, give ear to mee,
and hear when I do pray:
And when to thee I call and cry,
[Page 69]hide not thy self away.
Take heed to me, grant my request,
and answer me again:
With plaints I pray full sore opprest,
great grief doth me constrain.
Because my foes with threats and cries,
oppresse me through despight:
The workers of iniquities,
to vex me have delight.
My heart doth faint for want of breath,
it panteth in my brest:
The terrours and the dread of death,
do take away my rest.
Divide them, Lord, and from them pull
their devillish double tongue;
For I have spide their city full
of rapine, strife and wrong.
¶If that my foes did seek my shame,
I might it well abide:
From open enemies check and blame,
some where I could me hide.
But thou it wast, my fellow dear,
which friendship didst pretend,
And didst my secret counsell hear,
as my familiar friend.
But I unto my God will cry,
to him for help I flee:
The Lord will help me by and by,
and he will succour me.
At morning, noon, and evening tide,
unto the Lord I pray:
When I so instantly have cride,
he doth not say me nay.

PSAL. LVI. the Col. *

HAve mercy, Lord, on me I pray,
for man would me devour:
He fighteth with me day by day,
and troubleth me each hour.
When they would make me most afraid
with boasts and brags of pride,
I trust in thee alone for aid,
therefore I shall not slide.
Gods promise I do minde, and praise,
O Lord I stick to thee:
I care not what proud flesh assaies,
what man can do to me.
What things I either did or spake,
they wrested at their will;
And all the counsell that they take,
is how to work me ill.
¶Shall they escape by mischief still:
thou, God, upon them frown;
And, in thine anger terrible,
Lord, cast their Kingdom down.
Thou seest how oft they made me flee,
and on my tears dost look;
Reserve them in a glasse by thee,
and write them in thy book.
¶When I do call upon thy Name
my foes do faint and flie:
God takes my part, I know the same,
I know it, Lord, thereby.
I trust in God, and therefore say,
as I before began,
The Lord is my defence and stay,
I do not care for man.
I will perform, with heart so free,
to God, my vows alwaies:
And I, O Lord, will offer thee,
perpetuall thanks and praise.

PSAL. LVII. the Col. **

TAke pitie for thy promise sake,
have mercy, Lord, on me:
Now doth my soul it self betake
[Page 72]to seek for help from thee.
I call upon the Lord most hie,
to whom I stick and stand:
I mean the God that will stand by
the cause I have in hand.
¶I lead my life with lions fell,
enrag'd with rash desire:
And with such wicked men I dwell,
that fret like flames of fire.
They lay their net, and do prepare
a privie cave and pit,
Wherein they think my soul to snare,
but they are faln in it.
¶Awake my joy, awake, I say,
my harp and every string,
For I will rise before the day
Gods praises for to sing [...]
His mercy [...]doth extend as far
as heaven it self is hie:
His truth as high as any Star,
that standeth in the skie.
Set forth and shew thy self, O God,
above the heavens bright:
Extoll thy praise on earth abroad,
thy Majestie and might,

The Collect. *

O Lord thou didst us clean forsake,
and scatteredst us abroad:
Such great displeasure thou didst take,
return to us, O God.
Thy might did move the earth so sore,
that it in sunder brake:
The hurt thereof, O Lord, restore,
for it doth bow and quake.
With heavy wrath thou plaguest thus
the people that are thine:
And thou hast given unto us [...]
a drink of giddy wine.
But yet to such as fear thy Name,
a banner thou didst show,
That truth may triumph in the same,
because thy word is so.
Give aid, O Lord, and help us then
from wrongs that we sustain;
For sure the help of mortall men
is altogether vain.
But through our God wee shall have might
to take great things in hand:
He will tread down and put to flight
our enemies that withstand.

The Collect.

REgard O Lord, when I complain,
and make my moan to thee,
Let not my pray'r ascend in vain:
but give good ear to me.
From earths unknown and utmost part,
ev'n where no paths are trod,
In grief and anguish of my heart,
I cry to thee, O God.
Upon the rock of thy great power,
my wofull minde repose:
Thou art my hope, my fort and tower,
my fence against my foes.
¶Within thy tents I chuse to dwell,
and (dwelling) to endure,
Beneath thy wings I know right well,
I shall be sa [...]e and sure.
The vows that do my soul engage
the Lord was pleased to hear,
Thou gav'st to me the heritage
of them that do thee fear.
So I shall sing for ever still,
the praises of thy Name,
That all my vows I may fulfill,
and daily pay the same.

The Collect.

MY soul to God shall give good heed [...]
and him [...]lone attend:
For why, my health and hope to speed
doth whole on him depend.
He is my rock, my fort and tower,
my health is of his grace:
He doth support me, that no power
can move me out of place.
O have your hope in him alway,
ye folk with one accord:
Pour out your hearts to him, and say,
our trust is in the Lord.
¶The sons of men are vanity,
so found, if they be waigh'd,
Mean men a toy, great men a lie,
if in the balance lay'd.
Trust not in robberie, wrong, and steal
let vain desires be gone:
Though goods well got flow in with weal
set not your hearts thereon.
The Lord long since one thing did tell
which here to minde I call:
He spake it oft, I heard it well,
that God alone doth all.
And that thou, Lord, art good and kinde,
thy mercy doth exceed.
So that all sorts with thee shall finde,
according to their deed.


O God my God, I wake betime,
to come to thee in haste:
For sure, my soul and body both
do thirst of thee to taste.
And in this barren wildernesse,
where waters there are none:
My flesh is parch'd for want of thee,
for thee I wish alone.
That I might see yet once again,
thy glory, strength and might,
As I was wont to see the same
within thy Temple bright.
For sure, thy mercies far surmount
this life and wretched daies:
My lips therefore shall give to thee
due honour, laud and praise.
I will not fail to worship thee,
while I may live a day,
And in thy Name lift up my hands
devoutly when I pray.
¶My soul is fil'd and satisfi'd,
with marrow fat and sweet,
My mouth shall joyn with joyfull lip,
in both thy praise shall meet,
When as in bed I think on thee,
and meditate all night:
For under covert of thy wings
I hide me with delight.
My soul doth presse hard after thee,
thy right hand is my pow'r.
And them that seek my soul to slay,
shall death and hell devour.
The sword shall slay them every one,
their carcases shall feed
The hungry fox [...]s, which do run
their prey to seek at need.
The king and all men shall rejoyce,
that do Gods word professe:
And liars mouthes shall then be stop [...],
for their unrighteousnesse.


O Lord unto my voice give ear,
with plaints when I do pray:
And rid my life and soul from fear
of foes that threat to slay.
Defend me from that sort of men,
which in deceit do lurk;
And from the frowning face of them
that all ill things do work.
Who whet their tongues, as we have seen
men whet and sharp their swords:
They shoot abroad their arrows keen,
I mean most bitter words.
With secret fleight they shoot their shaft,
the upright man to hit:
The just unwares they strike by craft,
and do not fear a whit.
By wickednesse encouraged,
in counsell thus they cry,
To use deceit let us not dread,
for who can it espie?
What way to hurt they talk and muse,
all times within their heart:
They all consult what wiles to use,
each doth invent his part.
But yet all this shall not avail,
when they think least upon,
God with his dart shall sure assail,
and wound them every one.
Their crafts, and evil tongues and all,
shall work themselves such shame,
[Page 79]That they which then behold their fall,
shall tremble at the same.
Then all that see, shall weigh right well
what works the Lord hath wrought,
And joyfully declare and tell
what he to passe hath brought.
Yet shall the just in God rejoyce,
still trusting in his might:
So shall they joy with minde and voice,
whose heart is pure and right.

PSAL. LXV. 1. Col. ***

THy praise alone, O Lord, doth reign,
in Sion thine own hill:
Their vows to thee they do maintain,
and readily fulfill.
Thou art the God that hearest pray'rs,
And there is none but thou:
Therefore all flesh to thee repairs,
and every knee doth bow.
Our wicked life so far exceeds,
that we should fall therein:
But, Lord, forgive our great misdeeds,
and purge us from our sin.
The man is blest, whom thou dost chuse
within thy courts to dwell;
[Page 80]Thy house and temple he shall use,
with pleasures that excell.
¶The swelling seas thou doest asswage,
and make their streams full still;
Thou dost restrain the peoples rage,
and rule them at thy will.
The folk that dwell full far on earth,
shall dread thy signs to see;
The day begins and ends with mirth,
and both with praise to thee.

The second Collect. ***

WHen that the earth is chapt and dry,
and thirsteth more and more:
Then store of rain thou dost apply,
and much increase her store.
The floud of God doth overflow,
and causeth corn to spring,
The seed, I say, which men do sowe,
for he doth guide the thing.
With wet thou dost her furrows fill,
whereby her clod [...] do fall:
Thy drops on her thou dost distill,
and blesse her fruit withall.
¶Thou deckst the earth, of thy good grace,
with fair and pleasant crop:
[Page 81]The clouds distill their dews apace,
great plenty they do drop:
Whereby the desert shall begin,
full great increase to bring:
The little hils shall joy therein,
much fruit in them shall spring.
In places plain the flocks do feed,
and cover all the earth:
The vales with corn do so exceed,
they sing and shout for mirth.

PSAL. LXVI. 1. Col. ***

YE men on earth in God rejoyce,
set forth his pow'r and same;
Extoll his might with heart and voyce,
and glorifie his Name.
How wonderfull, O Lord, say ye,
in all thy works thou art?
Thy foes for fear shall seek to thee,
tho with a feigning heart.
All folk come forth, behold and see
what things the Lord hath wrought &
Mark well the wondrous works that he
for man to passe hath brought.
He laid the Seas as heaps on high,
[Page 82]therein a way they had,
To passe on foot both fair and dry,
whereof our hearts were glad.
His might doth rule the world alway,
his eyes doe all behold:
And all that dare to disobey,
by him shall be controll'd.
Ye people give unto our God
due laud and thanks alwaies:
With joyfull voyce declare abroad,
and sing unto his praise.

PSAL. LXVI. Col. 2.*

THe Lord doth prove our deeds with fire,
if that they will abide,
As workmen doe, when they desire
to have their silver tri'd.
Thou broughtst us, Lord, into the snare,
and in the snare we stick:
Our loyns did great afflictions bear,
thou lay'st them on so thick.
And thou didst also suffer men.
on us to ride and reign:
We went through fire and water then
with danger, dread and pain.
Yet sure thou dost of thy good grace
dispose it to the best:
To bring us out into a place
to live in wealth and rest.

PSAL. LXVI. Col. 3.***

VNto thine house resort will I,
to offer and to pray:
And there I will my self apply
my solemn vows to pay.
The vows that with my mouth I spake,
in all my grief and smart:
The vows (I say) that I did make
in dolour of mine heart.
Burnt-offerings I will give to thee,
of incense and fat rams:
Yea, this my sacrifice shall be
of bullocks, goats and lambs.
Come forth and hearken every one,
that fears the living Lord:
What he for my poor soul hath-done,
to you I will record.
Full oft I call'd upon his grace,
this mouth to him did cry,
My tongue likewise made speed apace,
his Name to magnifie.
¶But if I feel mine heart within,
in wicked works rejoyce;
Or if I have delight to sin,
God will not hear my voyce.
But surely God my voyce hath heard,
and what I did require:
My prayer he did well regard,
and granted my desire.
All praise to him, to him, I say,
that alwaies had regard,
And never put my prayer away,
nor sent mee home unheard.

PSAL. LXVII. 2. Metre. ***

HAve mercy on us, Lord,
and grant to us thy grace:
And shew us of thine own accord,
the brightnesse of thy face:
That all the earth may know
the way to godly wealth:
And all that live on earth below,
may see thy saving health.
Let all the world, O God,
give praise unto thy Name:
O let the people all abroad
[Page 85]extoll and laud the same.
Throughout the world so wide,
let all rejoyce with mirth:
For thou dost justly judge and guide,
the nations of the earth.
¶Let all the world, O God,
give praise unto thy Name:
O let the people all abroad,
extoll and laud the same.
Then shall the earth increase,
great store of fruit shall fall,
And then our God, the God of peace,
shall greatly blesse us all.
Yea God shall blesse us all,
and earth both far and near,
And people all in generall,
of him shall stand in fear.

PSAL. LXVIII. the Col. ***

LEt God arise, and let his foes
betake themselves to flight,
And let his hatefull enemies
be scattered in his sight.
And as the fire doth melt the wax,
and winde blows smoke away: [Page 84] [...] [Page 85] [...]
[Page 86]So in the presence of the Lord,
the wicked shall decay.
But righteous men, before the Lord,
shall heartily rejoyce:
They shall be most exceeding glad,
and chearfull in their voice.
¶Sing praise, sing praise unto the Lord,
who rideth on the skie:
Extoll the Name of Jah our God,
his greatenesse magnifie,
The same is he that is above,
within his holy place:
The father of the fatherlesse,
and judge of widows case.
He gives both house and family,
unto the comfortlesse:
He bringeth bondmen out of thrall,
and rebels to distresse.

PSAL. LXIX. the Collect. **

THey tear me with their sland'rous tongues,
who in the gate did sit:
On me the drunkards made their songs,
with wicked scoffing wit.
Thou know'st all my reproach & shame [...]
[Page 87]thou seest my great disgrace:
Mine enemies, which procure the same,
are all before thy face.
Adde sin to sin, in all they doe,
heapt up in great excesse:
And let them never come into
thy kingdoms righteousnesse.
¶But I am poor, and full of grief,
Lord, to my soul draw nigh:
Let thy salvation give relief,
and set me up on high.
Then will I sing, and praise, and blesse,
and magnifie his Name:
And with exceeding thankfulnesse,
will I extoll his fame.
Which is more pleasing unto thee,
(such grace thy minde hath born)
Then either Ox or Bull can be,
that hath both hoof and horn.
Therefore let heav'n his praises sing,
let heav'n and earth begin:
Praise him, ye Seas, and every thing,
that lives and moves therein.
For God will Sion mountain save,
[Page 88]and Judahs Cities build,
Thus men may here possession have,
and all the streets be fill'd.

PSAL. LXXI. the Collect.***

MY Lord my God, in all distresse
my hope is whole in thee:
Then let no shame my soul oppresse,
nor once take hold of me.
Be thou my rock, to whom I may
for aid all times resort,
Thy promise is to help alway,
thou art my fence and sort.
Save me, my God, from wicked men,
and from their strength and pow'r:
From folk unrighteous, and from them
that cruelly devour.
¶O Lord, thy justice doth exceed,
as by thy works we see:
Thy works are wonderfull indeed,
Lord, who is like to thee?
Thou mad'st me feel affliction sore,
and yet thou didst me save:
Yea, thou didst succour and restore,
and took'st me from the grave.
And thou mine honour dost increase,
my dignity maintain:
Yea, thou dost make all grief to cease,
and comfort'st me again.
Therefore thy faithfulnesse to praise,
I will with violl sing,
My harp shall sound thy fame alwaies,
O Israels holy King.
My mouth will joy with pleasant voice,
when I shall sing to thee:
My soul shall in thy Name rejoyce,
for thou hast made me free.
My tongue thy uprightnesse shall found,
and speak it daily still:
For grief and shame doe them confound,
that seek to work me ill.

PSAL. LXXIII. the Col.*

HOwever it be yet God is good,
and kinde to Israel:
To every one that's clean of heart,
and keeps his conscience well.
But as for me, I almost slipt,
my feet began to slide:
And, through temptation unawares,
my steps were turn'd aside.
For we may see how wicked men,
in riches still increase,
Provided well of worldly goods,
and live in rest and peace.
Then why doe I from wickednesse,
my fantasie refrain:
And wash my hands in innocence,
and cleanse my heart in vain?
Then I bethought me how I might
this matter understand:
But lo, the labour was too great,
for me to take in hand:
Untill I went into thy house,
and there, O Lord, and then
I understood the wretched end,
of these ungodly men:
And namely how thou settest them,
upon a slippery seat:
And at thy pleasure casts them down,
and mak'st their ruine great.
Then all men wonder at the sight,
to see how soon they change:
They are destroy'd and quite consum'd,
with terrours great and strange.
¶For lo, all such as thee forsake,
[Page 91]shall perish every one;
And all desiring any thing,
except in thee alone.
Therefore will I draw nigh to God,
and in the Lord I trust:
That I may set forth all his works
to be both good and just.


WHy art thou, Lord, so far from us,
in all this danger deep:
Why doth thine anger kindle thus,
against thy pasture sheep?
Lord, call thy people to thy thought,
which have been thine so long:
And which thou hast redeem'd and bought,
and brought from bondage strong.
Remember, Lord, remember still,
where thy possessions fell:
Thy purchas'd place of Sions hill,
where thou wast wont to dwell,
Lift up thy feet and come in haste,
and help our helplesse case:
Confound thy foes, that rob and waste,
within thy holy place.
The curious carving of the boards,
[Page 92]and goodly graven stones:
With axes, hammers, bils and swords,
they now break down at once.
Regard thy Covenant, rid and cleanse
dark corners of our land,
So full of cruell robbers dens,
as now our realm doth stand.
¶Arise, O Lord, and still maintain,
thy cause that is thine own:
Remember well how fools disdain,
and daily scorns are thrown.
Forget not, Lord, how great it grows,
how insolent, how high:
The tumults of thy rebel-foes,
increase continually.

PSAL. LXXIX. 1. Met. 1. p.*

O Lord, our God, thine heritage,
the Heathen now invade:
Jerus'lem, through their barb'rous rage,
a ruinous heap is made.
Thy holy Temple they defil'd,
and thy Saints bodies given:
Some to the beasts, some to the wilde
and rav'nous fowls of Heaven.
Their bloud throughout Jerusalem,
[Page 93]as water spilt they have:
So that there is not one of them
to lay their dead in grave.
Thus are we made a laughing stock,
almost the world throughout:
The enemies at us jest and mock,
which dwell our coasts about.
¶Wilt thou (O Lord) thus in thine ire,
against us ever fume,
And keep thy wrath as hot as fire,
thy people to consume?
Upon those Heathen pour the same,
which did thee never know:
All Realms which call not on thy Name,
consume and overthrow.
For they have got the upper hand,
and Jacobs seed destroy'd:
His habitation and his land,
they have laid waste and void.
Bear not in minde our former faults,
with speed some pity show:
And aid us, Lord, in all assaults,
for we are weak and low.

The second part.

O God that giv'st all health and grace,
on us declare the same:
Weigh not our works, our sins deface,
for honour of thy Name.
Why shall the Heathen folk alway,
to us, as people dumb,
In thy reproach insult, and say,
where is their God become?
¶Require (O Lord) as thou seest good,
before our eyes and sight,
Of all these folk, thy servants blood,
which they have spilt in spite.
And let thy Name be known thereby,
and now receive and take
The heavie sighs, complaint and cry,
which mournfull pris'ners make.
As is the greatnesse of thy pow'r,
doe thou accordingly,
Preserve, and be their Saviour,
whom they condemn'd to die.
Into their bosoms sevenfold,
O recompense the shame;
Wherewith our neighbours have been bold,
to vilifie thy Name.
So we thy flock and pasture sheep
will praise thee evermore:
And teach all ages for to keep
for thee like praise in store.

PSAL. LXXX. the Col. *

LOrd God of hosts of Israel,
how long wilt thou, I say,
Against thy folk in anger swell,
ev'n all the while they pray?
Thou feedest them with sorrows deep,
their bread with tears they eat:
And drink the tears that they do weep,
in measure full and great.
Thou hast us made a very strife,
to those that dwell about:
And that our foes doe love alife,
they laugh and jest it out.
O take us, Lord, unto thy grace,
convert our mindes to thee:
Shew forth to us thy joyfull face,
and we full safe shall be.
And so when thou hast set us free,
and saved us from shame:
Then will we never fall from thee,
but call upon thy Name.
O Lord of hosts of thy good grace,
convert us unto thee:
Behold us with a pleasant face,
and then full safe are we.

PSAL. LXXXI. the Col. *

HEar, O my people Israel,
and I assure it thee:
Regard and mark my words full well,
if thou wilt cleave to me;
Thou shalt no God in thee reserve,
of any land abroad,
Nor in no wise bow to, or serve
a strange or forreign god.
I am the Lord thy God, and I
from Egypt set thee free:
Then ask of me abundantly,
and I will give it thee.
¶And yet my people would not hear
my voyce, when that I spake:
And Israel would not obey,
but did me quite forsake.
Then did I leave them to their will,
in hardnesse of their heart:
To walk in their own counsels still,
themselves for to pervert.
¶O that my people would have heard
the words that I did say:
And oh that Israel would regard
to walk within my way.
How soon would I confound their foes,
and bring them down full low:
And turn my hand upon all those
that seek their overthrow!
But Israel should have had the crop,
and finest of the wheat:
And honey dropping from the rock,
that they their fill might eat.

PSAL. LXXXIIII. the Col. **

HOw pleasant is thy dwelling place,
O Lord of hosts to me!
The Tabernacles of thy grace,
how lovely, Lord, they be?
Oh happy, happy sure are they,
whose stay and strength thou art,
Which to thy house doe minde the way,
and seek it in their heart.
From strength to strength they walk full fast,
no faintnes there shall be:
Untill the God of gods, at last,
in Sion they doe see.
O Lord of hosts to me give heed,
and hear when doe pray:
And let it through thine ears proceed,
O Jacobs God, I say.
For in thy Courts, thy Name to praise,
Lord, one daies being there,
Is better then a thousand daies,
a thousand daies elsewhere.
For God the Lord is Sun and shield,
and grace and glory gives:
And no good thing shall be withheld
from him that purely lives.
O Lord of hosts, that man is blest,
and happy sure is he,
That is perswaded in his brest,
all times to trust in thee.

PSAL. LXXXV. the Col. **

THou hast been mercifull indeed,
O Lord, unto thy land:
Thou has redeemed Jacobs feed,
out of their enemies hand.
The wicked waies that they were in,
thou didst them clean remit,
And thou didst hide thy peoples sin,
full close thou coveredst it.
Thine anger, Lord, thou didst asswage,
that all thy wrath was gone:
And so didst turn thee from thy rage,
with them to be at one.
¶O God our Saviour now convert
thy people unto thee:
Put all thy wrath from us apart,
and angry cease to be.
Why, shall thine anger never end,
but still proceed on us?
And shall thy wrath it self extend,
upon all ages thus?
Wilt thou not rather turn therefore,
and quicken us, that we,
And all thy people evermore,
may much rejoyce in thee?
O Lord, on us doe thou declare
thy goodnesse to our wealth:
Shew forth to us, and doe not spare,
but shew thy saving health.

PSAL. LXXXVI. the Col.

LOrd how thine ear to my request,
and hear me by and by:
With grievous pain and grief opprest,
full poor and weak am I.
[...] [...]
Preserve my soul, because my waies
and doings holy be:
And save thy servant, O my Lord,
that puts his trust in thee.
Thy mercy (Lord) to me expresse,
defend me therewithall,
For through the day I doe not cease
on thee to cry and call.
¶Comfort (O Lord) thy servants soul,
that now with pain is pin'd:
For unto thee (Lord) I extoll,
and lift my soul and minde.
For thou art good and bountifull,
thy gifts of grace are free:
And thy compassions plentifull,
to all that call to thee.
O Lord, likewise when I do pray,
regard and give good ear:
Mark well the words that I doe say,
and all my prayers hear.
In time when trouble doth me move,
to thee I doe complain:
Because I know and well doe prove,
thou answerest me again.
For, Lord, thy mercy shew'd to me,
[Page 101]is great, and doth excell:
Thou setst my soul at liberty,
out from the lowest hell.

PSAL. LXXXVIII. the Coll. *

LOrd God of health, my hope and stay,
and all in one to me,
I call and cry throughout the day,
and all the night to thee.
O let my prayer soon ascend,
unto thy sight on hie:
Incline thine ear, O Lord attend,
and hearken to my cry.
For why, with woe my heart is fill'd,
and doth in trouble dwel:
My life and breath almost doe yeeld,
and sink as low as hell.
I am esteem'd as one of them,
that in the pit doe fall:
And made as one amongst those men
that have no strength at all.
Yea, like to one shut up full sure,
within the lower pit,
In places dark and all obscure,
and in the depth of it.
¶Dost thou unto the dead declare,
[Page 102]those wondrous works of thine?
Shall they again to life repair,
to preach thy pow'r divine?
I cry to thee, Lord, I condole
my miserable case:
Why dost thou then abhor my soul,
and hide away thy face?
I am afflicted like to die,
from youth still suffring so,
I am distracted, whilst that I
thy terrours undergo.

PSAL. XC. the Collect.

INstruct us, Lord, to know and try,
how long our daies remain:
That then we may our hearts apply,
true wisdom to attain.
¶Return, O Lord, how long wilt thou
forth on in wrath proceed?
Shew favour to thy servants now,
and help them at their need.
As thou hast plagued us before,
now also make us glad:
And for the years, wherein full sore
affliction we have had,
O let thy works and power appear,
and on thy servants light:
And shew unto thy children dear,
thy glory and thy might.
Lord, let thy grace and glory stand,
on us thy servants thus:
Confirm the works we take in hand,
and prosper them to us.

PSAL. XCIII. 1. Met. ***

THe Lord as King aloft doth reign,
with glory shining bright:
His strength and pow'r appeareth plain,
for he is girt with might.
The Lord likewise the earth hath made,
and setled it so sure:
No might can make it move or fade,
it ever doth endure.
Ere that the world was made or wrought
thy seat was set on hie:
Beyond all times that can be thought,
thou art eternally.
¶The flouds, O Lord, the flouds doe rise,
they swell against the shore:
And raise the waves in such a wise,
they make the waters rore.
Yet though the storms appear in sight,
though seas doe rage and swell:
The Lord is strong and more of might,
for he on high doth dwell.
And look what promise he doth make,
his houshold to defend,
For just and true they shall it take,
all times without an end.


THy testimonies precious,
are kept on sure record:
And holinesse becomes thy house,
for evermore, O Lord.

PSAL. XCIIII. 1. M. 1 p. *

O Lord, thou dost revenge all wrongs,
that pow'r belongs to thee:
Since vengeance then to thee belongs,
declare that all may see.
Set up thy self, for thou of right
the earth dost judge and guide:
Reward the proud and men of might,
according to their pride.
How long shall wicked men bear sway,
by lifting up their voice?
How long shall wicked men, I say,
[Page 105]thus triumph and rejoyce?
How long shall they with brags burst out,
and proudly prate their fill?
Shall they rejoyce and be so stout,
whose works are ever ill?
Thy flock, O Lord, thine heritage
they spoil, and vex full sore:
Against thy people they do rage,
still daily more and more.
The widows which are comfortlesse,
and strangers they destroy:
They slay the children fatherlesse,
and none doth put them by.
And when they take these things in hand
this talk they have of thee,
Can Jacobs God this understand?
tush no, he cannot see.
¶O folk unwise, and people rude,
some knowledge now discern:
Ye fools among the multitude,
at length begin to learn.
Shall not the Lord that made the ear,
the Lord that made the eye,
What, shall not he both see and hear
ev'n all things perfectly?
The Lord doth all the world correct,
and makes them understand:
Shall he not then your deeds detect?
how can ye scape his hand?

The second part. I. M.**

THe Lord doth know the thoughts of man,
his heart he seeth plain:
The Lord (I say) mens thoughts doth scan,
and findeth them but vain.
¶But, Lord, that man is happy sure,
whom thou doest keep in aw,
And through correction doest procure,
to teach him in thy Law.
Whereby he shall in quiet rest,
when times of trouble are:
When wicked men shall be supprest,
and fall into the snare.
¶For sure the Lord will not refuse,
his people for to take:
His heritage, whom he did chuse,
he will no time forsake:
Untill that judgement be decreed,
and justice play her part:
That all may follow her with speed,
that are of upright heart.
But now on my side who shall stand,
against the cursed train?
Or who shall rid me from their hand,
that wicked works maintain?
¶Except the Lord had been mine aid,
mine enemies to repell:
My soul and life had now been laid,
almost as low as hell.
When I did say, my foot doth slide,
I now am like to fall:
Thy goodnesse, Lord, thou didst provide,
to stay me up withall.
When with my self I mused much,
and could no comfort finde:
Then, Lord, thy goodnesse did me touch,
and that did ease my minde:
¶Lord, shall the thrones of wickednesse
have fellowship with thee:
Which make a Law for to oppresse,
and plead, its thy decree?
Lo, they consult against the life
of righteous men and good:
And in their counsels they are rife,
to shed the guiltlesse blood.
But yet the Lord he is to me
[Page 108]a place of sure defence:
He is my God, to him I flee,
my strength and confidence.
Their mischiefs on themselves shall fall,
and (taken in their crimes)
The Lord our God shall slay them all,
and cut them off betimes.

PSAL. XCV. the Col.*

COme let us bow and praise the Lord,
before him let us fall,
And kneel to him with one accord,
the which hath made us all.
For why, he is the Lord our God,
for us he doth provide:
We are his flock, he doth us feed,
his sheep, and he our guide.
To day if ye his voice will hear,
then harden not your heart:
As ye provok't him many a yeer,
within the desert part.
Whereas your fathers tempted me,
my power for to prove:
My wondrous works when they did see,
yet still they would me move.
Twice twenty yeers they did me grieve,
and I to them did say:
They erre in heart and not beleeve,
they have not known my way.
Wherefore I sware, when that my wrath
was kindled in my brest:
That they should never tread the path,
to enter in my rest.

PSAL. XCVI. the Col. ***

SIng ye with praise unto the Lord,
new songs of joy and mirth:
Sing unto him with one accord,
all people on the earth.
Among the heathen folk declare
his honour round about:
To shew his wonders do not spare,
ev'n all the world throughout.
Tell all the world, from first to last,
the Lord doth reign above:
Yea, he hath set the earth to fast,
that it can never move:
And that it is the Lord alone,
that rules with princely might,
To judge the nations every one,
with equity and right.

PSAL. C. 1. M.

ALl people that on earth do dwell,
Sing to the Lord with cheerfull voice:
Him serve with fear, his praise forth-tell,
Come ye before him and rejoyce.
The Lord ye know is God indeed,
Without our aid he did us make:
We are his flock, he doth us feed.
And for his sheep he doth us take.
O enter then his gates with praise,
Approach with joy his courts unto:
Praise, laud, and blesse his Name alwaies,
For it is seemly so to do.
For why, the Lord our God is good,
His mercy is for ever sure:
His truth at all times firmly stood,
And shall from age to age endure.

PSAL. CIII. 1. Coll. ***

MY soul doth magnifie the Lord,
my spirit do the same:
And all the secrets of my heart,
praise ye his holy Name.
Give thanks to God for all his gifts,
shew not thy self unkinde,
[Page 111]And suffer not his benefits,
to slip out of thy minde.
Who gave thee pardon for thy fault,
and thee restor'd again:
And healed thy infirmitie,
and eas'd thee of thy pain.
That did redeem thy life from death
from which thou could not flee:
His mercy and compassion both
he did extend to thee.
That fill'd with goodnesse thy desire,
and did prolong thy youth:
Like as the eagle casts her bill,
whereby her age renu'th.
¶The Lord with justice dothrepay,
all such as be opprest:
So that their sufferings and their wrongs
are turned to the best.
His waies and his commandements
to Moses he did show:
His counsels and his valiant acts
the Israelites did know.
The Lord is kinde and mercifull,
when sinners do him grieve:
The slowest to conceive a wrath,
and readiest to relieve.

PSAL. CIII. 2. Coll. ***

THe Lord our God deals not by us
according to our sin,
Nor after the iniquities
that we have lived in.
But as the space is wondrous great
twixt earth and heaven above:
So is his goodnesse much more large
to them that do him love.
God doth remove our sins from us,
and our offences all:
As far as is the Sun-rising
full distant from his fall.
And look what pitie parents dear,
unto their children bear:
Like pitie bears the Lord to such
as worship him fear.
¶The Lord that made us knows our shape
our mould and fashion just,
How weak and frail our nature is,
and how we are but dust.
And how the time of mortall men,
is like the withering hay:
Or like the flow'r right fair in field,
that fades full soon away.
But yet the goodnesse of the Lord
with his shall ever stand:
Their childrens children do receive
much goodnesse at his hand.
I mean, which keep his covenant,
with all their whole desire:
And not forget to do the thing,
that he doth them require.

PSAL. CVIII. the Col. **

O God my heart is now prepar'd,
so also is my tongue:
I will advance my voice, O Lord,
and praise thee with my song.
A wake my viol and my harp,
sweet melodie to make:
And in the morning I my self
right early will awake.
Among the people gen'rally,
thou shalt be prais'd by me:
Among the heathen folk, O Lord,
will I sing praise to thee.
Because thy mercy, Lord, is great,
above the heavens hie:
Also thy truth doth pierce the clouds,
and reacheth to the skie.
[...]Above the starrie firmament
extoll thy self, O God:
And, Lord, display upon the earth
thy glory all abroad.
And that thy dear beloved one
delivered may be,
Help, O my God, with thy right hand,
and hearken unto me.
And grant us, Lord, thy saving health,
when troubles do assail:
For all the help of man is vain,
and nothing can avail.
Through God we shall do valiant acts,
and worthy of renown;
He shall subdue our enemies,
yea, he shall tread them down.


YE children which do serve the Lord,
Praise ye his Name with one accord:
2 And ever blessed be his Name.
Who from the rising of the Sun,
Till it return where it begun,
is to to be praised with great same.
The Lord all people doth surmount,
As for his glory we may count,
[Page 115]above the heavens high to be.
With God the Lord who may compare
Whose dwellings in the heavens are?
of such great power and force is he.
He doth abase himself (we know)
Things to behold both here below,
and also in the heavens high.
The poor and needy sort he brings
Even from the dust to sit with Kings,
in thrones of princely Majesty.
Among his people thus doth he,
As Princes, place in high degree
even those that from the dung-hill came.
The barren he doth make to bear,
And with great joy her fruit to rear,
therefore praise ye his holy Name.

PSAL. CXVI. the Col. ***

I Love the Lord, because he heard
my earnest suit and cry:
And call upon him while I live,
that heard me formerly.
Ev'n when the snares of cruell death,
on every side I found:
When pains of hell laid hold on me,
and sorrow did surround:
Upon the Name of God my Lord
then did I call, and say,
Deliver thou my soul, O Lord,
I do most humbly pray.
¶The Lord is very mercifull,
and just he is also:
And in our God compassion
doth plentifully flow.
¶The Lord in safety doth preserve
all those that simple be:
I was in wofull misery,
and he deliver'd me.
And now, my soul, sith thou art safe,
return unto thy rest:
For largely, lo, the Lord to thee,
his bounty hath exprest.
Because thou hast delivered
my soul from deadly thrall,
My moistned eies from mournfull tears,
my sliding feet from fall.
Before the Lord in land of life,
now will I walk therefore:
I did beleeve, therefore I spake,
for I was troubled sore.

PSAL. CXVIII. the Coll. ***

THe Lord himself is on my side,
I will not stand in doubt:
Nor fear what flesh can do to me,
for God will help me out.
The Lord doth take my part with them
to help me that arise,
Therefore I shall see my desire
upon mine enemies.
¶Better it is to trust in God,
then in mans mortall seed,
Or to put confidence in Kings,
or Princes in our need.
All nations have inclosed me,
and compassed me round:
But in the Name of God shall I
mine enemies confound.
¶My fo, thou hast thrust sore at me,
that I indeed might fall:
But through the Lord I found such help,
that they were vanquish'd all.
Now help us, Lord, and prosper us,
we humbly crave the same:
Blessed is he that comes to us
in Gods most holy Name.
O give ye thanks unto the Lord,
for very good is he,
Because his mercies do endure:
to all eternitie.

PSAL. CXIX. 1. Col. **

BLessed are they that perfect are,
and pure in minde and heart:
That from the Law of God the Lord,
do not at all depart.
Blessed are they that give themselves,
his Statutes to observe:
Seeking the Lord with all their hearts,
and never from him swerve.
It is thy just and strict command,
that with attentive heed,
Thy noble and divine precepts,
we learn and keep indeed.
O thou that giv'st us this command,
give grace to do the same:
Then shall I keep thy statutes all,
and never shrink for shame.
And wholly will I give my self,
to keep thy laws most right:
Forsake me not for ever, Lord,
but shew thy grace and might.

The second Collect. **

VNfainedly I have thee sought,
and seeking so abide:
Let me not wander from thy ways,
nor ever turn aside.
Within my heart and secret thoughts
thy words have I hid still,
That I might not at any time
offend thy holy will.
¶My lips have never ceas'd to preach,
and publish day and night
The judgements all, which did proceed
from thy mouth full of might,
Of thy precepts I will still muse,
and thereto frame my talk:
As at a mark so will I aim,
thy waies how I may walk.
My only joy shall be so fix'd,
and on thy laws so set:
That nothing can me so far blinde,
that I thy words forget.

The third Collect. **

MY soul is ravish'd with desire,
and never is at rest:
[Page 120] But seeks to know thy judgements, Lord,
and what may please thee best.
¶Lord, turn from me rebuke and shame
which wicked men conspire:
For I have kept thy covenants,
with zeal as hot as fire.
My soul I feel so sore opprest,
that it doth melt for grief:
According to thy word therefore,
Lord, haste to send relief.
¶In righteous paths of thy precepts,
Lord, guide me, I require:
None other pleasure do I wish,
nor greater thing desire.
¶Incline my heart thy laws to keep,
and covenants to embrace:
And from all filthy avarice,
Lord, shield me with thy grace.
¶From vain desires and worldly lusts,
turn back mine eyes and sight:
Give me the spirit of life and power,
to walk thy wayes aright.
Reproach and shame which I so fear,
from me, O Lord, expell:
For thou dost judge with equity,
and therein doth excell.
Behold! my hearts desire is bent,
thy laws to keep for aye:
Lord strengthen me so with thy grace,
that it perform I may.

The fourth Collect.**

THy mercies that are manifold,
let me obtain, O Lord:
Thy saving health let me enjoy,
according to thy Word.
So shall I stop the standrous mouths
of lewd men and unjust,
That have so much reproached me:
for in thy word I trust.
I did not stay, nor linger long,
as those that slothfull are;
But hastily thy laws to keep
I did my self prepare.
The cruell bands of wicked men,
have made of me their prey:
Yet did not I thy laws forget,
nor from thee go astray.
Thy righteous judgements are so great,
so holy, and so high,
That even at midnight I will rise,
thy Name to magnifie.

The fifth Collect. **

ERe thou didst touch me with thy rod,
I err'd and went astray:
But now I keep thy word, O God,
and by it guide, my way.
O happy time, well may I say,
that thou didst me correct:
For, like a guide, thy Law to learn,
thy rod did me direct.
Thy judgements very righteous are,
O Lord I do confesse:
I know thou hast afflicted me,
of very faithfulnesse.
¶I am afflicted very much,
but quicken me, O Lord:
And raise me to an holy life,
according to thy word.
Thou art my hid and secret place,
my shield and strong defence:
And on thy Word I fix my faith,
my hope and confidence.

PSAL. CXXII. 1. M. Ye children, &c.

I Did exceedingly rejoyce,
To hear the loving peoples voice,
[Page 123]in offering of their own accord:
For in this manner did they say,
Come, let us up, and take our way,
unto the temple of the Lord.
Within thy gates, Jerusalem,
Our feet shall come, and stand in them,
to worship, and to offer there.
Jerusalem is built so neat,
Compact together and compleat,
the like there is not any where.
The holy tribes, with one accord,
The tribes, I say, of God the Lord,
to Israels testimonie came.
Thither they went, on solemn dayes,
To worship and to offer praise,
unto the Lords most holy Name.
For there are stately thrones erect,
Erected there, for this respect,
for justice and for equity:
Which thrones of right do appertain
To Davids house, which there must reign,
to judge his folk accordingly.
O pray therefore, and do not cease,
But pray for our Jerus'lems peace.
lo, they shall prosper that love thee:
[Page 124] Peace be within thy walls, say I,
I wish as much prosperity
within thy palaces to be.
My brethren and companions dear,
Make me now say, let peace be here,
I wish it heartily to thee.
The temple of our God no lesse,
Makes me to seek thy happinesse,
as much as ever lies in me.

PSAL. CXXVIII. 1. M. ***

BLessed art thou that fearest God,
and walkest in his way:
For of thy labour thou shalt eat,
happy art thou, I say.
Like fruitfull vines on thy house side,
so doth thy wife spring out.
Thy children stand like olive plants,
thy table round about.
Thus art thou blest that fearest God,
and he shall let thee see
The promised Jerusalem,
and her felicity.
Thou shalt thy childrens children see,
to thy great joyes increase:
And likewise grace on Israel,
prosperity and peace.

PSAL. CXXX. 1. M. **

TO thee, O Lord, I make my moan,
in these my depths of grief:
I call, I cry, I sigh, I grone,
trusting to finde relief.
Hear then, O Lord, my just request,
for it is full due time:
And let thy ears be now possest,
with these desires of mine.
¶O Lord our God, if thou should weigh [...]
the sins that we have done:
Who can escape, or who can say,
I can excuse for one?
But thou, O Lord, art rather bent
to tendernesse and grace:
That we, with hearts most penitent,
should fear before thy face.
¶In God I put my confidence,
my soul waits on his will:
His promise is a sure defence,
and I hope therein still.
My soul to God hath due regard,
wishing for him alway:
Yea, more then they that watch and ward
desire the dawning day.
¶Let Israel boldly trust upon
the Lords free grace and love,
And plentifull redemption
that comes from God above.
And he shall now and evermore
redeem us on this wise,
Quite blotting out the heavy score
of our iniquities.

PSAL. CXXXI. 1. Col. *

O Lord, I am not puft in minde,
I have no scornfull eye:
I do not exercise my self
in things that be too high.
But as the childe that weaned is,
even from his mothers brest:
So have I, Lord, behav'd my self
in silence and in rest.
O Israel trust in the Lord,
let him be all thy stay:
From this time forth for evermore,
from age to age, for ay.

PSAL. CXXXII. 1. Col. ***

RRemember Davids troubles, Lord,
how to the Lord he sware,
[Page 127] And vowed a vow to Jacobs God,
the greatest of his care.
I will not come within my house.
nor climb up to my bed:
Nor let my temples take their rest,
nor th' eyes within thy head:
Till I have found out for the Lord
a Temple for his grace:
An house for Jacobs mighty God
to be a dwelling place.
We will assay, and go into
his Tabernacle there:
Before his foot-stool falling down,
to worship him in fear.
O Lord, let all thy Priests be cloath'd
with truth and righteousnesse;
Let all thy Saints and holy men,
sing out with joyfulnesse.

The second Collect. ***

THe Lord hath chosen Sion hill,
and loves therein to dwell:
Saying, this is my resting place,
I love and like it well.
And I will blesse with great increase
her victuals every where:
[Page 128] And I will satisfie with bread,
the needy that be there.
Yea, I will deck and clothe her Priests,
with saving health throughout,
And all the Saints of Sion hill,
for joy shall sing and shout.
There will I surely make the horn
of David for to bud:
For there I have ordain'd for mine
a lantern bright and good.
As for his enemies, I will clothe
with shame for evermore:
But I will cause his crown to shine
more fresh then heretofore.

PSAL. CXXXV. the Col. ***

O Praise the Lord, praise him, praise him,
praise him with one accord:
O praise him still, all ye that be
the servants of the Lord.
O praise him ye that stand within
the Temple of the Lord:
Ye of his Court, and of his house,
praise him with one accord.
Praise ye the Lord, for he is good,
[Page 129] sing praises to his Name:
It is a good and comely thing,
alwaies to doe the same.
For God hath chosen Jacobs seed,
ev'n of his own good pleasure:
And he hath chosen Israel,
for his peculiar treasure.
For this I know undoubtedly,
the Lord is very great:
He is indeed above all gods,
and hath the highest seat.
¶The Idols which the Heathen have
in all their coasts and lands,
Of silver and of gold they be,
the work of workmens hands.
They have a mouth, and cannot speak,
and eyes that have no sight:
They have an ear, and doe not hear,
their mouths are breathlesse quite.
O all ye house of Israel,
see that ye praise the Lord:
And ye that be of Aarons house,
praise him with one accord.
And ye that be of Levies house,
praise ye, likewise, the Lord:
[Page 130] And ye that stand in aw of him,
praise him with one accord.

PSAL. CXXXIX. the Collect. **

HAte I not them that hate thee, Lord?
and that in earnest wise,
Contend I not against them all,
against thee that arise?
I hate them with unfeigned hate,
even as my utter foes:
Trie me (O God) and know my heart,
my inward thoughts disclose.
See, Lord, if any secret sin,
doe in my soul abide:
And in the everlasting way,
be thou my God and guide.

PSAL. CXLIII. the Col. ***

LOrd hear my prayer and complaint,
which I put forth to thee,
And in thy truth and righteousnesse,
Lord, hear and answer me.
Against thy servant let not, Lord,
thy judgement to be tri'd,
[Page 131] For in thy sight can none alive
be ever justifi'd.
Thy loving kindenes in the morn,
let me both hear and see:
Teach me the way that I should goe,
for, Lord, I trust in thee.
And of thy mercy slay my foes,
that vex my soul so sore:
For loe, I am thy servant, Lord,
destroy them all therefore.

PSAL. CXLVI. 2. Met. ***

MY soul praise thou the Lord alwaies,
his praise will I declare:
While breath and life prolong my daies,
my tongue shall never spare.
Trust not in worldly Princes then,
though they abound in wealth:
Nor in the sons of mortall men,
in whom there is no health.
For why? their breath doth soon depart,
they fall to earth anon;
And then the counsels of their heart,
doe perish, every one.
O happy is that man, I say,
[Page 132] whom Jacobs God doth aid;
And he, whose hope doth not decay,
but on the Lord is staid.
Which made the earth and waters deep,
the heavens high withall:
Which doth his word and promise keep,
and so for ever shall.
With right alwayes doth he proceed,
for such as suffer wrong:
The poor and hungry he doth feed,
and loose the fetters strong.
¶The Lord doth send the blinde their sight,
the lame to limbs restore:
The Lord doth in his Saints delight,
and loves them evermore.
He helps the widow in distresse,
and stranger sad in heart:
He doth defend the fatherlesse,
and ill mens waies subvert.
The Lord thy God, O Sion hill,
shall reign eternally,
From age to age, for ever still,
O praise the Lord most high.

PSAL. CXLIX. 1. M. ***

SIng ye a new song to the Lord,
his praises to declare:
And let his Name be magnifi'd,
where Saints assembled are.
Let Israel rejoyce in God,
their maker and their King:
And let the sons of Sion hill
for joy triumph and sing.
Let them sound praise with voice of flute
unto his holy Name:
And with the timbrell and the harp,
sing forth his praise and fame.
For, lo, the Lord, his dear delight
doth in his people place:
And he will beautifie the meek
with saving health and grace.
¶With glory and with honour now
let all the Saints rejoyce,
And sing aloud upon their beds,
with glad and pleasant voice.
And in their mouths let be the acts
of God the mighty Lord:
And let them take into their hands
a double edged sword.
To plague the Heathen, and correct
the people with their hands:
To binde their stately Kings in chains,
their Lords in iron bands.
To execute on them the doom,
recorded long before:
This honour all his Saints shall have,
praise God for evermore.

NOte that all the Psalms that are put in whole, m [...] readily be sung in Churches, while others sing the old, for the verses are neither more nor fewer, then the [...] were before.

So also may the Collects, if the Clark read them, or d [...] point out and declare the verses before-hand.

Note also that one single star points a dolefull tune two stars a solemn, or middle tune, three stars a joyfu [...] tune; and they are set onely (or for the most part) to Psalms that go in a generall tune ( i.e.) such as serve for all eights and sixes generally.

Lastly, note that every new beginning of fresh matter is marked with a Paragraph thus ¶which is placed be­tween the verse and the line, which is devised to make short parts, and to discern suddenly where to begin.

Note this amendment of Psal. 146. v. 3. 2. Met. if thou thinkest it needs,

TRust not in worldly Princes then,
put not your trust in Kings,
Nor any of the sons of men,
for they are helplesse things.
Here follow the rest of the new-made Psalms, that are not extant in the first Impression.

Psalm V. 1. Met. Our Father which, &c.

LOrd, weigh my thoughts, my voice attend,
My King, my God, to me give ear:
To thee my pray'rs and cries I send,
My voice i'th morning thou shalt hear:
I'th morning, Lord, will I direct,
My prayer to thee, and will expect.
For thou in sinne hast no delight,
No ill shall dwell with thee, O Lord:
The fool abides not in thy sight;
All wicked works thou hast abhorr'd,
Falshood, deceit and cruelty,
Thou dost detest, and wilt destroy.
But I in thy abounding grace,
Thy house will visit in thy fear;
And worship in thy holy place,
O teach me, Lord, thy justice there:
Make straight thy paths before mine eyes,
Because of all mine enemies.
A wicked heart within they have,
A faithlesse mouth, a flattering tongue:
Their throat is like a gaping grave,
Let their own counsels lead them vvrong:
Destroy them, cast them out therein,
And in their multitudes of sinne:
For thee they have rebell'd against:
But let believers joy in thee,
And shout for joy in thy defence,
And all thy lovers joyfull be:
[Page 136] For thou wilt blesse the just, O Lord,
And make thy grace his shield and guard.

Psal. VI. 1. Met. O Lord consider, &c.

IN anger, Lord, rebuke me not,
For I am very weak and low,
Chastise not when thy wrath is hot,
But, Lord, to me thy mercy show:
Lord heal me, for my bones are vext,
But thou, O Lord, how long a space?
My soul is also sore perplext,
Return and save me of thy grace.
My soul, O Lord, preserve and save,
For none in death remembers thee,
Nor any thanks thee in the grave;
Thou seest my groaning wearieth me:
All night I make my bed to swim,
Watering my couch with weeping eyes,
Mine eye with grief grows old and dim,
Because of all mine enemies.
Ye workers of iniquity,
Depart from me, depart ye all;
For loe the Lord hath heard my cry,
My weeping voice and tears that fall.
The Lord will hear the prayer I frame,
The Lord hath heard, and hath reliev'd;
Let all my foes return with shame,
With sudden shame sore vext and griev'd.

Psal. XIIII. 1. Met. Give laud unto, &c.

THe fool hath said in heart
There is no God at all;
They are in every part
Corrupted by the fall:
[Page 137] There's none doth good,
But they have wrought things vile & nought, even all the brood.
The Lord did cast his eye,
From heaven his holy throne,
On mans posterity;
To see if any one
He might discern,
That understood the things of God, or sought to learn.
They all are gone aside,
They doe themselves defile,
They all are wandred wide,
Become exceeding vile:
And there is none
Of all mankinde to good inclin'd, no sure not one.
Have wicked workers all,
No knowledge generally?
Who have not grace to call,
Upon the Lord most hie:
Loe they are fed,
[...]vouring here my people dear, even like to bread.
But yet they were in fear,
And great the fear must be,
For God doth still appear
In good mens company;
And keepeth them,
[...] every place, I mean the race of righteous men.
But ye have put to shame,
The counsell of the poor,
Because the Lord became
His refuge to secure.
O that there were
[...] Israel some salvation come from Sion there.
When as the Lord brings back
Our hard captivity,
And lets not Israel lack
So great a cause of joy:
Then surely shall
Jacob rejoyce with heart and voice, and Israel all.

Psal. XVII. 2. Col. O praise the Lord, &c.

KEep me as th' apple of thine eye,
And make thy wings my Canopy,
From wickednes,
And deadly foes that me inclose, and much oppresse.
They are inclos'd in their own fat,
And proudly prate they care not what,
They hemme us round
In our steps now; Their eys they bow down to the ground.
Like greedy Lions seeking prey,
Or Lions whelp in secret way;
O Lord arise,
Defeat my foe, and overthrow his enterprize.
From wicked men that are thy sword,
From men that are thy hand, O Lord,
My soul ô save,
From worldlings meer, that only here their portion have.
Whose bellies fill'd with thy hid treasure,
They spend their substance at their pleasure;
And leave unto
Their babes the rest, for they are blest with babes enough.
But as for me, I have accesse
To see thy face in righteousnes.
And waking, shall
Thy vision see, and I shall be fill'd therewithall.

Psal. XXIII. 1. Met. ***

THe living Lord my shepherd is,
and he that doth me feed;
Since he is mine, and I am his,
what comfort can I need?
[...] He leads me to the tender grasse,
where I both feed and rest;
Then to the streams that gently passe,
in both I have the best.
Or if I stray, thou dost convert
and bring my minde in frame;
And all this not for my desert;
but for thy holy Name.
[...] Yea, tho I walk in shade of death,
yet I will fear no ill,
Thy rod, thy staff so comforteth,
and thou art with me still.
Yea, thou dost make me sit and dine,
ev'n in mine enemies sight;
[...]y head with oyl, my cup with wine,
runs over day and night.
Thy grace and mercy certainly,
shall measure out my daies,
And in the house of God will I
for ever give thee praise.

Psal. LIII. 1. Met. Give laud unto, &c.

THe fool hath said in heart,
There is not any God:
Corrupt in every part,
And none of them doth good,
Such Atheisme lurks
[...]n every one, that they have done most odious works.
The Lord from Heaven hie,
Lookt down on earth below,
On mans posterity:
That he might see and know,
What paths men trod,
If any man did understand, and seek for God.
But all are gon astray,
Become most base and vilde,
And wandred from the way,
And filthily defil'd:
So that they can,
No good thing do, nor move thereto, no, not a man.
What have they knowledge none,
That work iniquity?
They have not call'd upon:
The Lord that is most hie,
But they devour
My folk like bread, & on them fed, with tyrant-power.
They were in fear and dread,
Where was no cause of fear,
For God hath scattered,
Their quarters here and there,
That have encampt,
Against our cause. And hence it was they were so dampt.
Lo, thou hast put to shame,
Thy hatefull enemies,
In God's Almighty Name,
That did thy foes despise.
O that there might,
Salvation still, from Sion hill, on Israel light.
When as the Lord shall please,
To bring our bondage back,
And gives his folk the eate [...]
[Page 141] And gives his folk the ease,
And liberty they lack:
Glad news shall we
In Jacob tell, and Israel full glad shall be.

Psal. LVIII. 1. Met. Ye children which, &c.

DO ye speak righteousnesse indeed,
O ye that are of mortall seed?
O Congregation judge ye right?
Yea, ye in heart work wickednesse,
Your hands with violence oppresse,
the earth can scarcely bear your weight.
They are estranged from the way,
And from the womb they go astray;
no sooner born then speaking lies,
As serpents poison, such is theirs;
Deaf adder-like they stop their ears,
and will not hear in any wise.
She will not hear the charmers voice,
Although his charms be wise and choice,
she will not hearken to a word.
Lord, break their keen and cruell fangs,
The eager tooth and tusk that hangs
in these young lions mouths, O Lord.
As waters let them melt away,
Which constant run, and have no stay;
and let his aimed arrows fail:
And when he bends his bowe to shoot,
Let them drop broken at his foot,
and let them melt as doth a snail.
So let them passe away on earth,
As woman-kindes untimely birth,
that they may never see the Sun,
Before your pots can feel the thorns,
He'l blast them as with whirlwinde storms:
Alive, in living wrath begun.
The righteous shall rejoyce to see
Vengeance on them that wicked be,
and he shall wash his feet in blood:
So that a man shall sure confesse,
Sure there's reward for righteousnesse,
sure there's a just earth-judging God.

Psal. LXVII, 1. Met. Give laud, &c.

LOrd blesse us of thy grace,
Be mercifull to thine:
And let thy pleased face
Upon thy servants shine.
That all may see,
The heav'nly wealth, and saving health that comes from thee.
Let all thy praise rehearse
With one united voice:
Sing in melodious verse,
Eternally rejoyce;
Thy power obey:
Whose justice shall dispose of all, and bear the sway.
Let all extoll thy worth,
Then store of fruit shall fall:
The earth shall bring it forth,
And God shall blesse us all:
God shall us blesse,
Earth far & near his Name shall fear with awfulnes.

Psal. LXX. 1. M. All people.

MAke haste, O Lord, and set me free,
Make haste, O God, and succour me:
[Page 143]Confound them with confounding shame,
That seek my soul to hurt the same.
Let them be turned backward still,
Turn'd back with shame, that wish me ill:
Reward their shame, that say, Aha,
And let confusion be their pay.
All that seek thee, and all that love
Salvation coming from above,
Let them in thee be glad and joy'd,
Still saying, God be magnifi'd.
But I am needy, weak and poor,
Make haste, to help me, Lord, therefore:
My help and my deliverer,
Thou art, O Lord, do not defer.


THou art my hope, my help and stay,
Come, Lord, and make no more delay.

Psal LXX. 2. Metre. *

DEfer not, Lord, defer not long,
but bring my foes to shame;
And them that seek my soul to wrong,
let them bear all the blame.
On them that sc [...]ff and slout at me
bestow the scorners hire:
But make them glad, full glad in thee,
that after thee inquire.
Still, God be prais'd, let all men say,
that on his aid relie:
And make, O Lord, no more delay,
for in great want am I.
O Lord, I am exceeding poor,
mine only and art thou:
[Page 144] Make haste to help me, Lord, therefore,
and make no tarrying now.

Psal LXXXII. [...]. M. O praise the Lord, &c.

GOD sits upon the throne of Kings,
And Judges unto judgement brings,
Why warp you then,
And, so long space, accept the face of wicked men?
Defend the poor and fatherlesse,
The needies injuries redresse,
As God commands:
And vindicate the desolate, from winked hands.
But neither do, nor will they know,
In wilfull blindenesse on they goe:
Earths pillars fail,
All out of course, and worse & worse, no laws prevail.
I call'd you gods, all you, said I,
Are sons of him that is most hi [...],
But ye shall die,
As vulgar things, or tyrant Kings did formerly.
A [...]ise, O God, thy pow'r set forth,
Judge all the Nations of the earth:
They are thine own;
Thine heritage from age to age, and thine alone.

Psal. LXXXVII. 1. M. Our Father, &c.

IN holy hils is Sions floor,
Which God with grace and glory crowns:
God loves the gates of Sion more,
Then all the rest of Jacobs town [...],
Most glorious things are fim'd abroad,
Of thee, O city lov'd of God.
For I will mention born in thee,
Egyptians, Babylonians, Moors:
[Page 145] Philistians, Tyrians there shall be,
Told to my friends among my stores:
For God hath said, that all on earth,
In Sion may renue their birth.
For God most high will st [...]blish her,
And shall record each faithfull soul:
When he is pleas'd to register,
And Sions converts to inroll,
There's he that plaies, there's that sings,
And there are all spirituall springs.

Psal. LXXXVIII. 1. M. O Lord consider, &c.

LOrd God of my salvation dear,
I cry'd before thee day and night:
Unto my cry [...]line thine ear,
And let my pray'r come in thy sight.
For, Lord, my soul is fill'd with wo,
My life draws [...]igh unto the grave.
Reckned with them that sink so low,
And very little strength I have.
A freeman in this dead estate,
As slain, and buried and forgot:
As whom thy hand hath separate,
And such as thou regardest not.
Thou lay'st me in the lowest ward,
Where darkest, deepest dungeons are:
Thy wrath upon me lieth hard,
And all thy bitter storms I bear.
My friends from me thou hast restrain' [...],
And made me loath'd in lovers eyes:
In prison I am fast detain'd,
Mine eye laments my miseries.
O Lord, I daily call'd on thee,
[Page 146] My humble hands I meekly raise:
Shall dead men, Lord, thy wonders see?
Shall dead men rise to give thee praise?
¶Lord, can the grave thy grace expresse,
Thy faithfull truth destruction teach?
Thy wonders and thy righteousnesse,
Can dark and dumb oblivion preach?
Betimes, O Lord, will I direct,
My humble suits and cries to thee:
Why dost thou, Lord, my soul reject,
Why dost thou hide thy face from me?
My tortur'd soul is pain'd to death,
While from my youth I alwaies bear
The heavie burdens of thy wrath,
Thy terrours and distracting fear:
They clos'd me round as waters deep,
They compasse me at once, I say:
From me my lovers thou dost keep,
And mine acquaintance hid'st away.

Psal. LXXXIX. The Col. All people.

NOw in a song of endlesse praise,
Thy mercies I will sing, O Lord:
And unto all succeeding daies,
Thy faithfulnesse will I record.
For I have said that thy great love,
And mercie shall be raised hie:
And that thou shalt in Heav'n above,
Confirm thy truth eternally.
Thou hast both vowed and decreed,
To David thine elected one,
To multiply his faithfull seed,
And build him up an endlesse throne.
Which Heav'n shall to thy praise declare
[Page 147] In works to be admired at:
And where thy Saints assembled are,
Shall tell thy truth, and treat of that.
For whom, like thee doth Heav'n afford,
What earthly Kings thy equals be?
Who art among the Saints ador'd,
And fear'd of all that wait on thee:
¶O Lord of hosts, what Lord is found,
So faithfull or so strong as thou?
Who sets the seas their certain bound,
And tam'st their rage, for thou knowst how.
Thou didst afflict all Egypt land,
As one made weak by wounds and woes:
And, by the pow [...]r of thy strong hand,
Thou hast dispersed all thy foes.
Thine, Heav'n and earth, and all things be,
For thou alone didst all things frame:
The North and South were made by thee,
And East and West extoll thy Name.

Psal. XCII. The Collect. ***

RIght good it is, O Lord, most high,
thy praises to recite:
Thy truth and love to magnifie,
at morning and at night.
With ten-st [...]ing'd instruments to sing
the praises of thy Name:
And that we harps and psalt'ries bring
to solemnize the same.
For, Lord, thy works rejoyce my heart,
thy doings chear my minde:
How wonderfull in them thou art,
thy thoughts how deep we finde!
The fool and worldling neither know,
nor heed such things at all:
For, when like flow'rs the wicked show,
their prospering proves their fall.

Psal. XCVII. 1. Met. Give laud unto, &c.

GOd reigns and rules on high,
With clouds and darknesse clad,
Let earth be fill'd with joy,
And all the Iles be glad,
His truth is known,
And judgment pure the station sure of his high throne,
Fire goes before his face,
And flaming round about
Burns up his foes apace,
His lightning glanceth out:
And these do make
The world shine bright, and at the sight the earth did quake.
At presence of the Lord,
Like wax the mountains thawd:
At presence of the Lord,
By whom the earth is awd:
The Heavens expresse
How just is he; and all men see his gloriousnes [...]
¶Confusion on them all,
Who serve an image carv'd:
That to dumb idols fall,
And boast what gods they serv'd:
O all ye gods
See that ye do how down unto the God of gods.
O Lord, thy judgements voice,
Made Sion hear and joy,
And Judahs towns rejoyce:
For, Lord, thou art most high,
[Page 149] Thou hast the ods
Of all the earth, and art set forth above all gods.
Ye lovers of the Lord,
Hate all that evil is:
For he the souls doth guard,
Of all dear Saints of his,
And saveth them
From cruell spite and crushing might of wicked men.
For just men light is sown,
And gladnesse is upstor'd:
For each true-hearted one;
Ye just joy in the Lord,
Him praise and blesse,
At memory of his so high pure holinesse.

Psal. CX. 1. Met. All people, &c.

THe Lord unto my Lord thus said,
Sit thou at my right hand, on hie:
Untill thine enemies be made,
A foo [...]-stool for thy Majestie.
The Lord shall send from Sion hill,
The scepter of thy sov'raign might:
Rule thou amidst thine enemies still,
Thy people yeelding to thy right,
In sacred beauties yeelding thee,
(When first thy powr'full Gospel cals)
As fruitfull births, as dews can be,
That from the womb of morning fals.
The Lord hath sworn and wist not break,
Ne [...] change the word the which he swore,
By th' order of Melchized [...]k,
Thou art a Priest for evermore.
The Lord that stands at thy right hand,
In day of wrath shall Kings confound:
Judging in many a Heathen land,
And heads of many countries wound,
And he shall fill in that same day,
Each place with bodies of the s [...]ain,
And drink the torrent in the way,
And then lift up the head again.

Psal. CXI. 1. Met. ***

PRaise ye the Lord, whom I will praise,
with all my heart and might:
In congregation of the just,
and in the Churches sight.
Great are the works of our great God,
and they are sought into,
Of all that take content therein,
delighting [...]o to do.
Most honourable is h [...]s work,
and shineth gloriously:
His righteousnes doth still endure
to all eternitie.
And he hath made his wondrous works
to be retain'd in minde:
Full of compassion is the Lord,
and graciously enclin'd.
¶The Lord hath given meat to them
that fear before his face:
He will be ever mindfull of
his covenant of grace.
The power of his works hath he,
in Israels sight ex rest:
To give to them the heritage.
which Heathen men possest.
¶Lo, righteousn [...]s [...] and judgement are,
[Page 151] the works of Gods own hands:
And sure are his cemmandements,
what ever he commands.
Yea, they stand fast for evermore,
and everlastingly:
And they are done in righteousnesse,
in truth and equity.
He sent redemption to his own,
to make his people free:
And did command his covenant,
for evermore to be.
Holy and reverend is the Name
of our almighty king:
And onely from the fear of God,
doth all true wisdom spring.
Good understanding have they all,
that carefully endeavour
To practise his commandements,
his praise endure for ever.

Psal. CXII. 1. M. Our Father, &c. OR, O all ye, &c.

THe man is blest that fears the Lord,
Delighting greatly in his word:
Mighty on earth his seed shall be,
And blessed his posteritie:
Riches and wealth his house shall fill,
His righteousnesse continuing still.
Unto the man that is upright,
In darknesse there ariseth light:
He is a gracious righteous one,
And full of kinde compassion,
A good man's kinde, he [...]ends and sparc [...]
Discretion guiding his aff [...]rs.
He shall not sure be mov'd for ever,
Nor his name perish now, nor never,
His stablisht heart on God is staid,
Of evil tidings not affraid.
His faith is fixt, his pain is past,
Untill he see his enemies cast.
He hath dispersed of his store,
And given plenty to the poor:
His righteousnesse remaineth sure,
And shall for evermore endure:
His horn shall be exalted high,
With honour and with dignity.
The wicked man this thing shall see,
And very greatly griev'd shall be:
Yea, he shall g [...]ash his teeth for spite,
And pine away, and perish quite.
Thus wicked mens desires shall die:
The Lord then praise and magni [...]ie.

Psal. CXIII. 2. M. Give laud unto the Lord,

YE servants of the Lord,
With praise Gods name adore,
The name of God the Lord
Blesse now and evermore:
From Sun to Sun,
Even from the East unto the West let this be done.
All nations fear his pow'rs,
His glory mounts the skie:
There is no God like ours,
No other Lord so high:
Yet stoops, we know,
All things to see, in heaven that be, or earth below.
The n [...]edy poor and bass,
[Page 153] From dust and dung he brings,
To sit in Princes place,
Even with his peoples Kings:
And her, that had
A barren womb, he made become a mother glad. Hallelujah

Psal. CXVII. 1. Metre.

O Praise the Lord all men, all lands,
Great kindnes have we at his hands,
His praise record,
His truth is sure still to endure. Praise ye the Lord.

Psal. CXIX. 4. p. 2. M. Have mercy.

MY soul cleaves to the dust,
now quicken me, O Lord:
According to the promises
of thy most faithfull word.
I have declar'd my wayes,
and thou hast heard me too:
O teach me thy commandements,
and them to know and do.
Make me to understand,
thy precepts perfect way:
So shall I have thy wondrous works
to talk of every day.
¶My soul doth even melt,
for heavinesse, O Lord,
Vouchsafe O Lord; to strengthen me,
according to thy word.
Remove the way of lies,
and gra [...]t me graciously,
Thy holy law: for I have chose
the way of verity.
[...] before me still,
[Page 154] thy judgements for my aim,
I stuck nnto thy testaments,
Lord, put me not to shame.
And I will run the way
of thy commandement,
When as thou shalt enlarge my heart,
to yeeld a full consent.

The ninth part. 2. Metre,

VVEll with thy servant didst thou deal,
thy promise to fulfill:
Good judgement, Lord, to me reveal,
and knowledge of thy will.
For I beleev'd thy word, O God,
although I went astray:
While unchastised with thy rod:
but since have kept thy way.
Thy works and nature both are good,
teach me thy laws thereby:
The proud, (to hurt me what they could)
against me forg'd a lye.
My whole heart notwithstanding that,
shall keep thy precepts right.
Their heart like grease is waxen fat,
thy law is my delight.
'Twas good for me to be chastiz'd,
that I might learn thy pleasure:
Whose law reveal'd I more have priz'd
then store of earthly treasure.

Psa [...] CXIX. 18. p. a, M. Have mercy

RIghteous art thou, O Lord,
thy judgements righteous too,
The testimonies thou hast set,
[Page 155] are very just and true.
My zeal hath me consum'd,
because my wicked foes,
Forgot thy words, which are so pure,
so very pure are those.
But therefore on that word,
thy servants love is set;
Small, and despis'd, yet do not I
thy testaments forget.
¶Thy righteousnesse remains,
and so it ever doth,
An everlasting righteousnesse,
thy law is very truth.
Trouble and anguish great,
have taken hold on me:
But yet, Lord, thy commandements,
my joy and comfort be.
Thy testimonies truth
stands to eternity,
O Give me understanding, Lord,
and I shall live thereby.

The 19. part 2. M. All people, &c,

I Cry'd with hearts unfain'd desire,
Do thou, O Lord, my prayers attend:
Thy Statutes I will keep intire,
I cry to thee, do thou defend:
And I shall keep thy testament,
For I have made thy word my stay:
With earnest cries did I prevent
The early dawning of the day.
The watches of the night so late.
W [...]th wakefull eyes do I prevent:
That I might duly meditate
[Page 156] Upon thy sweet commandement,
¶Thy loving kindnesse now record,
And hear my voice that calls on thee,
According to thy judgements Lord,
Vouchsafe to come, and quicken me.
Lo, they that follow wickednesse
Draw nigh, but far from thy command:
All thy commands are righteousnesse,
But thou, O Lord, art neer at hand.
Concerning thy approv'd decrees,
Lo, I have known the same of old,
That thou, O Lord, hast founded these,
Eternally to keep and hold.

Psal. CXXI, 1. M. Ye children which, &c.

I Lift mine eyes to Sion hill,
From whence my help proceedeth still,
and where I alway do attend,
My help doth come from God most high,
The Lord that made both earth and skie,
and he to me shall succour send.
He will not suffer thee to swerve,
For God thy keeper will preserve
and stay thy feet: He slumbers not,
Behold! the Lord that keeps thee well,
He never sleeps, O Israel,
he never slumbers any jot.
Behold! the Lord thy keeper is,
And shades thee with that shade of his:
At thy right hand he's thy defence;
So that the Sun that burns so bright,
Nor yet the Moon in sharpest night,
shall hurt thee with their influence,
[Page 157] The Lord will save thee sound and whole [...]
He shall preserve, and keep thy soul,
from every hurt and every sore,
Both going out and comming in,
The Lord shall keep thee safe herein,
from this time forth for evermore.

Psal. CXXI. 2. M. O praise the Lord, &c.

VP to the hills I lift mine eies,
From whence my hope and help doth rise,
My help comes forth
[...]ven from the Lord, whose powerfull word
made heav'n and earth.
Lo, he that keeps thee slumbers not,
Nor lets thy foot be mov'd a jot:
He that doth keep
His Israel all, he neither shall
slumber nor sleep.
The Lord's thy shade on thy right hand,
The Lord thy keeper there doth stand.
That neither may
The moon, by night, his Israel smite,
nor Sun by day.
The Lord shall keep thee from all ill,
And save thy soul, and keep thee stil:
He shall, no doubt,
Each time and tide, thy goings guide,
both in and out.

Psal. CXXIIII. 1. M. Ye children, &c.

VNlesse the Lord had been our stay,
And took our part, this present day,
now Israel may truly say.
But that the Lord did thus dispose,
[Page 158] And took our part against our foes,
when cruell men against us rose:
Then had they swallowed us alive,
When they in bitter wrath let drive,
and did for our destruction strive.
The waters then that did abound,
With swelling streams and deeps profound,
our souls had overwhelm'd and drown'd.
The floods did rise, the waves did roll,
The swelling streams, without controll,
had overtopt and drown'd our soul.
O Blessed be the Lord alway,
That hath not giv'n us, as a prey
into their teeth this very day.
Our souls escaped, very fair,
As bird from fowlers broken snare,
'tis broke, and we delivered are.
Our help is in that blessed name,
The Lord our God, the very same,
that did both earth and heaven frame,

PSAL. CXXXI. The second Metre.

O Lord, I have no scornfull eye,
nor proud, nor haughty minde:
I seek not things that are too high,
but humbly am inclinde.
My soul is like an infant wean'd,
even from his mothers brest:
And Israel so (to be sustain'd)
on God should alwaies rest.

Psal. CXXXIIII. 1. Metre.

BEhold ye servants of the Lord,
Which in his house by night do stand:
Blesse ye his Name with one accord,
Devoutly listing up your hand.
[Page 159] Within the Sancturary there,
Blesse ye the Lord with heart sincere:
The Lord that made both earth and skie,
From Sion blesse thee plenteously,

Psal. CXXXVI. 1. M. I. p.

GIve laud unto the Lord,
For every good he is:
The God of gods record,
And praise that name of his.
For certainly, His mercies do indure unto Eternity.
Give thanks, O every one,
Unto the King of Kings,
For he, and he alone,
Hath wrought such wondrous things,
For certainly, &c.
To him whose skill profound.
Did make the heavens clear:
And set the Seas their bound,
And made dry land appear.
For certainly, &c.
To him that made great lights,
The Sun to rule by day:
The Moon and Starres by nights,
Whose mercy last for ay.
For certainly, &c.
To him whose arm hath smote,
First-born of Egypt land;
And thence his Israel brought,
With strong out-stretched hand.
For certainly, &c.
To him that did divide,
The red-sea into parts, [Page 158] [...] [Page 159] [...] [Page 154] [...] [Page 155] [...] [Page 156] [...] [Page 157] [...] [Page 158] [...] [Page 159] [...]
[Page 160] And there did Israel guide,
To passe with joyfull hearts.
For certainly, &c.
Amidst it did they go:
But Phar [...]oh and his host,
The Lord did overthrow,
Upon the red sea-coast.
For certainly, &c.

The 2. part. Give la [...]d.

GIve God his praises due,
And thankfull thoughts expresse,
Who led his people through
The desert wildernesse.
For certainly,
His mercy shall endure to all eternitie.
Great Kings the Lord did smite,
And famous Kings he slew,
King Sihon th' Amorite,
King Og of Bashan too.
For certainly, &c.
And then he gave to you,
The land where they did dwell,
An heritage unto
His servant [...]srael,
For certainly, &c.
Who did remember us,
When our estate was low,
And hath redeem'd us thus,
From our oppressing so.
For certainly, &c.
To him give praises due,
Who gives all flesh their food,
[Page 161] O give ye thanks unto,
The God of heaven so good.
For certainly, &c.

Psal. CXLV. 1. M. I. p. All people &c.

THee will I ble [...]se, O God my King,
And honour to thy Name will give:
To thee continuall praises sing,
Even while I have a day to live.
For thou art great beyond all bounds,
And great thy purchas'd praises are:
Through ages all thy glory sounds,
Thy wonders they do all declare.
An [...] [...] will shew thy royall state,
An [...] [...]me rd [...]ired works un [...]old,
That men thy wonders may relate,
When I thy mighty pow'r have told:
That they thy righteousnesse may show,
And have thy glory much in minde.
For, Lord, thou art to [...]nger sl [...]w,
Excceding mercifull and kinde.
Thy goodnesse and thy mercies be
On all thy works at large expr [...]st:
Even all thy works do honour thee,
And thee alone thy Saints have blest.
Thy kingdoms glory they shall show,
Their songs shall s [...]tth, praises forth;
That all man-kinde thy power may know,
And see thy kingdoms glorious worth.

The second part. All people, &c.

THou, Lord, for evermore shall reign,
And ever rule through ages all.
The bowed down thou wilt sustain,
And wilt [...] up all those that faid.
On thee all creatures fix their eyes,
In season to be duely fed:
All living things thou dost suffice,
Thine open hand is therefore spread.
¶The Lord is just in all his wayes,
And holy all the works he doth.
The Lord is nigh to him that prayes,
I say to all that pray in truth.
Their hopes who fear him God effects,
He hears their cry and saves all those:
All those that love him God protects:
But all the wicked overthrows.
O let my mouth give praise therefore,
And blesse the Name of this great Lord:
And let all flesh for evermore,
His memorable praise record.

Psal. CXLVI. 2. M. Give laud unto, &c.

MY soul praise thou the Lord,
As long as thou hast breath:
In [...] his praise record,
And honour him till death:
No credir place
In earthly Kings, or such vain things as humane race.
Breath fails, and dust they be,
One day their pomp des [...]cys:
Right bles [...] therefore is he
That Iacobs God injoys,
And hopes in him
Who made all these, heav'n, earth, and seas and all therein.
For God is faithfull still,
Men wrong'd he helps to right.
The hungry he doth fill,
And gives the blinde their sight,
Sets prisoners free,
Loves upright men, and raiseth them bowed down that be.
The Lords almighty hand
[Page 163] Preserveth evermore,
The strangers in the land,
The widows and the poor.
And doth relieve
The fatherlesse, in their distresse that mourn and grieve.
As for the sinners way,
He turns it upside down:
But he shall reign for aye,
And wear th' eternall crown.
Thy God thy Lord
O Sion shall, to ages all, his praise record.

Psa. CXLVII. 1. Metre.

GIve laud unto the Lord,
It is a pleasant thing
His praises to record,
And songs thereof to sing,
He will erect, and reco'lect his flock to them.
The conttire heart he heals,
He cures their bruises all:
The starrs he also tels,
And them by name can call.
This Lord of ours
Is infinite, in wisdom, might, and sov'raign pow'rs.
The Lord the meek doth raise,
The proud he brings to ground:
O therefore sing his praise
Let harps his praise re [...]ound:
He clouds doth bring,
And showrs distils, which on the hils make grasse to spring.
Even beasts and [...]avens young,
He feedeth when they call:
In horse or footman strong,
He [...]oyeth not at all.
God loves all them,
Who in his grace, their hopes do place, and honour him.
Sion and Salem blesse,
The Lord your God in song,
Who doth your seed increase,
And makes your gates so strong,
While peace so great
Your bounds upheld, and you he fild with sowre of wheat.
Through earth his mandates go.
[Page 164] His word with swiftnes flies,
Like wool he giveth snow,
His frost like ashes lies.
And then, beside,
He forth doth slice cold flakes of ice, which who can bide!
He speaks and straight it thaws,
He breathes and water flows:
To Israel his Laws,
And to none else he shows.
As for his word
No Heathen land doth understand. Praise ye the Lord.

Psal. CXLVIII. 1. Metre. Give laud unt [...].

THe Lord of heaven confesse,
On high [...]is glory raise,
Him let all Angels blesse,
And all his Armies praise.
Him glorifie
Sun, moon and stars, ye higher sphears, and cloudy skie.
From God your beings are,
Therefore praise ye the Lord,
You all created were
When he but spake the word.
And from that place
Where sixt you be by his decree, you cannot passe.
Praise God from earth below
Ye dragons and ye deeps,
Fire, hail, clouds, winde and snow,
Whom in command he keeps,
Praise ye his Name,
Hils great and small, trees low and tall, beasts wilde and tame.
All fowl and creeping things,
All people great and small
All Iudges, Princes, Kings,
Young men and maidens all,
Both young and old,
Exalt his Name, whose only fame should be extold.
Oh let Gods Name be prai [...]d
Above the earth and skie,
For he his Saints hath rais'd,
And set their horn on high [...]
Yea, they that spring
Of Israels race, much in his grace, [...] praises sing:

Here follow certain Hymns, composed out of Scripture, to celebrate some more speciall and publike occasions.

I. Hymn, Celebrates the spirituall glory of the Church in dayes of Reformation.
Tune of, Give laud unto the Lord.

Hag. 2. 6.
THus saith the Lord of Hosts,
But yet a little while,
And I will shake all coasts,
Yea, every land and ile;
Yet once again.
I'le shake these, Heav'n, Earth, and Seas,
And all the main.
All Nations I will shake,
The long desired day,
Which doth all Nations take,
Even that shall come I say,
And (for all coasts)
This house I will with glory fill,
Saith GOD of Hosts
The glory of this last
Farre greater shall it grow,
Then of the Temple past,
The Lord of Hosts saith so:
And in this place,
[Page](It is the Lord of Hosts his word)
I will give peace.
Zech 4. 6, 7. & Hagg. 1. 22.
Yet not by might, nor power,
But by my Spirit alone,
Saith God of Hosts, our tower,
The strength of all in one;
For who a [...]t thou
O mountain great, the Empires seat,
To hinder now?
Zech. 4. 7.
Before Zerubbabel,
Thou shalt become a plaine;
The stone that doth excell,
The head-stone of the same
His hand shall fit,
And bring it out, with generall shout,
Grace, grace to it.
v. 9. & Hag. 1. 22.
The hand that first began,
To lay the ground-worke low,
The hand of that same man
Shall finish it also,
In spight of Kings,
For who I say, despis'd the day
Of these small things.

II. Hymn, Celebrates the same. To any Generall tune.

Psalm. 81. 1. & 85. 10, &c.
BE cheerfull and in God rejoyce,
in God our strength and stay;
Be joyfull, and lift up your voice
[Page]to Jacobs God, I say.
Prepare your instruments most meet,
some joyfull Psalm to sing:
Strike up with harpe and lute so sweet,
on every pleasant string.
Psalm. 85. 10 ad finem.
MErcy and truth now meet in one,
and hands together strike:
Justice salutes not peace alone,
but peace performs the like.
Eternall truth and veritie,
out of the earth shall spring:
Justice looks down from heav'n on high,
an heav'n on earth to bring.
[...]ea, and the Lord shall here bestow
abundant grace and peace,
And make our land to overflow,
with plentifull increase.
Before his face shall justice go,
and (where the way was dim)
Shall now direct our footsteps so,
that we may follow him.

III. Hymn. Celebrates Nazeby, and other great Victories of the Church.

Iudges 5. v. 2, 3.
Sing prayses
  • Israel
  • England
to the Lord,
that hath avenged thee:
When as the people went to fight,
offring themselves so free.
[...] Kings give ear, ye Princes hear,
I, even I will sing:
And sweetly raise my voice in praise,
[Page] to
  • Israels God and King.
  • Englands
ver. 9. 10.
My heart is tow'rd the governours,
that did their help afford,
Offering themselves so willingly,
wherefore blesse ye the Lord.
[...] travellers and passengers,
and ye that ride in state,
And ye that yet in judgement sit,
now speake it in the gate.
ver. 11. 7.
All they that are delivered,
  • archers
  • gunners
  • cannons
frightfull noise,
The righteous acts of God the Lord,
they shall rehearse with joyes.
The passengers were wanderers,
in by paths up and down,
And none
  • durst dwell in Israel
  • could dwell in England well,
but in a walled town.
ver. 12, 31.
Awake awake O
  • Parliament,
  • Deborah,
  • Barak
  • Conqu'rors
  • Fairfax
sing a song:
Lead captive
  • thy captivity,
  • your
come lead them all along.
So perish those that are thy foes,
[Page]but Lord let all thy lovers,
Be like the Sun when day's begun,
and brightest beams discovers.

IV. Hymn. Celebrates our Sea-sight Victories, and such like.

Exo [...]. 15. 1. to the 12.
O [...]raise the Lord.
NOw sing unto the Lord will I,
For he hath triumph'd gloriously,
By power supream,
The horse and his proud rider is
Cast down the stream.
Jehovah is my strength and song,
And is become my Saviour strong,
My God is he:
I will prepare a place, with care,
His house to be.
My fathers God likewise he is,
I will exalt this name of his:
A man of war,
The Lord the Lord (as I record)
His titles are.
Proud Pharaohs charets, lo, he downd,
And all his host in seas profound
His captains fam'd,
Behold ev'n they were drownd ith sea,
The red sea nam'd.
The depths devour'd them every one,
They sank toth'bottome as a stone,
[Page] Lord thy right hand.
Hathgaind the tower and utmost power
Of high command.
Lord thy right hand exalted so,
Hath dasht in pieces our proud so,
In greatnesse great,
Thy hand o'rthrows thy rebel-foes,
O rare defeat!
Thou sentest forth thy servent fume,
Which them, as stubble, did con [...]ume:
And all together,
Thy nostrils blast did gather fast
The waters thither.
The floods on heaps stood bolt upright,
The depths together did unite;
And all of these,
Together were congealed there.
Amid the seas.
I will pursue them said the foe,
I'le over-take, Ile overthrow,
I will divide
The spoil, said he, my lust shall be
so satisfi'd.
It shall be satisfi'd on them,
My sword shall eat the flesh of men,
Ile draw it out,
My hand, then, shall destroy them all,
I make no doubt.
Then did thy wind with blustring force
Return the sea unto its course,
And m [...]de their g [...]ves,
(Whereto [...], they sank, [...] lead,)
In mighty waves.
Among the Gods who's like to thee,
Who, like thee, shines in sanctitie?
Fearfull in praise;
Most wondrous rare thy workings are
In all thy waies.

V. Hymn. Celebrates Nationall Mercies.

Psalm. 49. 1, 2.
ALl people hearken, and give ear,
All ye that in the world do dwell:
Both high and low, both rich and poor,
My mouth shall speak a parable.
Deut. 4. 34.
A people [...]a [...]ne out of a nation,
By signes, by wonders, and by war;
By terrors great, and mu [...]h temptation,
And Gods high hand extended far.
Dent 33. 29.
O happy
  • Israel
  • England
we record,
Whom like to thee doth God advance?
O people saved by the Lord,
The shield of thy deliverance!
He is thy sword so much renown'd,
[...]nd all these enemies of ours
[Page] To thee as lyars shall be found,
And thou shalt tread on their high tow'rs.

VI. Hymn. Celebrates the same. Ye children which.

Isa 26. 1, 2, 4, 5.
WE have a City very strong,
God sets salvation all along,
For wals and bulwarks every where;
Now open ye the gates for them
Of righteous Jerusalem,
Which keep the truth, to enter there.
And since the Lord Jehovah is
The eternall rock of strength to his,
In his great Name for ever trust:
He gives the proud the overthrow,
He layes the lofty City low,
Even to the ground, even to the dust
8, 10, 11.
Yea Lord, in thine own judgments way,
We waited for thee every day;
Our souls desire is to thy Name:
But let thy favour be declar'd
To wicked men they'l not regard,
Nor learn religion by the same.
But most unjustly will transgresse,
Ev'n in the land of uprightnesse.
And will not see Gods Majesty,
But they shall see, and see with shame,
And feel, as foes, thy fiery flame,
For envying our felicity.
ver. 18. & 12.
Lord we have been with child in vain,
And we have been in grievous pain,
[Page] And (as it were) brought forth the winde.
For, by our power we have not wrought
The least deliverance can be thought,
In all the earth, in any kinde;
Nor have the inhabitants of the earth,
Fall'n by the power that we put forth;
But by thy strength are undertrod;
For Lord thou wilt ordain (at last)
True peace for us, because thou hast
Wrought all our works in us, O God.
ver. 20. & 21.
O come my people, enter thou
Into thy secret chambers now,
And shut the doors about thee fast:
And hide thy selfe now, as it were,
But for a little moment there,
Untill the wrath be over past:
For lo the Lord comes from his place,
To punish this malignant race,
For wickednesse that they maintain;
The earth shall also now disclose,
The bloudshed of our barb'rous foes,
And shall no more conceal her slain:

VII. Hymn, Celebrates the same.
Psal. 105. Coll. from ver. I. to the II. and Iam. 2. 23. To any Gen. T.

GIve praises unto God the Lord,
and call upon his Name:
Declare his works to all the world.
and spread his praise and fame.
Sing ye unto the Lord, I say,
[Page] and sing unto his praise [...]
And talk of all his wondrous works,
That he hath wrought alwayes.
In honour of his holy Name,
rejoyce with one accord:
And let the very heart rejoyce
of them that seek the Lord.
Seek ye the Lord, and seek his strength,
and his eternall might:
Oh seek his face continually,
  • presence of his sight.
  • countenances light.
The wondrous works that he hath done,
keep still in thankfull heart:
Let not the judgements of his mouth,
out of your mindes depart.
Ye seed of faithfull Abraham,
his servant, and his friend,
Ye children that do lineally
from Jacobs loins descend.
For lo he is the Lord our God,
even he, and he alone.
And every where throughout the earth
his judgements are made known.
His promise and his Covenant,
which he hath made to his,
Hath been remembred evermore,
and still remembred is.

VIII. Hymn, Celebrates our Redemption by Iesus Christ, (which, if you leave out the parenthesis, will be sung in any Gen. Tune, if you put them in, then, to All people.)

Luk. 1. from ver. 68 to the 76.
THe Lord the God of Israel,
(Now doe) we prayse, with one accord:
For visiting and redeeming us,
The (chosen) people of the Lord,
For he hath raysed up for us
Salvations (strong and) surest horn,
Which in his servants Davids house,
Is for his people (Israel) born,
As by his holy Prophets all,
(Speaking) since first the world began,
And, by their mouth he hath foretold,
(That it) should come to passe for man.
That from our foes we should be free'd,
And (sav'd from) all our haters hands:
To snew that he remembreth how,
(how) his (most) holy Covenant stands.
To pay the gracious promises,
Which to our (ancient) fathers came:
The oath which he had sworn unto,
Our father Abraham (by Name)
That he would give and grant to us
That we (his folk) whom he hath chose,
Now being thus delivered,
From (cruel) hand of all our foes,
Might serve him, free from slavish fear,
[Page] Walking in (all the) perfect wayes,
Of holines and Righteousnesse,
Before him (even) all our dayes.

IX. Hymn, Celebrates the Sacrament of the Lords Supper. Ante, ***

i Cor. 5. 7. 8. & 11. 29.
LO Christ is sacrific'd for us,
our Passeover (from heaven)
Now therefore let us keep the feast,
not with old lumps of leaven.
Who eat and drinke unworthily,
their own damnation earn:
Because they want a spirituall eye
his body to discern.
28. 26.
Our hearts with care examined,
let us be stirred up,
To eat of this celestiall bread
and drink this sacred cup:
As often as we eat this bread.
and also drink this wine,
We shew our Saviours death untill,
his second comming shine.
he come the second time.


We shew our blessed Saviours death
untill he come again.

X. Hymn, Celebrates the fame, Post. ***

mat. 21. 9. & Rev. 5. 9.
HOsanna to King [...] Davids sonne,
hosanna to the Christ:
That in the Fathers Name doth come,
hosanna in the high'st
For thou wast slain and art alive,
redeeming us to God,
From every Nation kindred tongue,
by thy most precious blood,
1 Pet. 1 18 Rev. 5. 19.
Corruptive things, as silver is,
and gold redeem'd us not:
But Christ our Saviors precious blood,
a lamb without a spot.
To him that sits upon the throne,
and Christ the lamb therefore,
Be glory, blessing, strength renown,
and honour evermore.

XI. Hymn, Celebrates the Lords Sup­per: To the tune of Ye children which, &c.

Ioh. 6, 32, 33, 34, 35. & 7. 38.
THe bread of God (so truly call'd)
That giveth life unto the World,
Is he that down from heaven came:
And with this sweet celestiall bread,
Lord let us be replenished,
And give us ever of the same.
[Page] For he that (as the scripture saith)
Layes hold on Christ by lively faith.
Shall never thirst nor hunger more
For by that faith, and feeding so,
Out of his belly there shal flow,
Of living waters plenteous store.
Rev. 22, 17, 20. Iam. 5. 9,
The spirit and the bride do say,
Come come away without delay:
And since that they have said it first,
Let all that hear it, as we do,
Reply the same and say so too,
Come every one that is athirst.
The water of eternall life,
Take without price, take without strife,
Take freely, whosoever pleases:
Behold the Judge at dore doth stand,
His comming is so near at hand,
Amen, Amen, so come Lord Jesus.
Courteous Reader.

BE pleased to take notice that this book, in bigger Print, differs not greatly from my smaller printed Psalm-book, but onely in or­der, which thou may'st reconcile by observing these rules.

1. In the first place are bound up my own [Page] composed Psalms, and in the little print, they are commonly the second metres.

2. In the second place are bound up all the old Psalms, by me amended, and in the little print they are commonly the first meter, but whither so or no, they are referred unto, and the title tels what metre they are.

3. In the last place follow the Psalms com­posed by my self and others, and they are com­monly of choicer tunes, viz. Ye children, &c. O Lord consider, &c. and in the little print are alwaies the first metre, as the title doth also refer.

4. The Collects must be alwaies looked for after the meters.

Note also that all the Psalms may be sung in one of these 5 well known tunes. viz. the 119 the 67 the 100 the 113 the 148 but on­ly such as the fift ps. I. m. and the 17. 2 Coll. which go sweetly in a part of the 113. & 148 as the first & second metres of the 117 Ps. in the smaller print do shew by musick notes, Only remember, in those of my first impres­sion in this book, to read two lines into one. wherever you meet with but 4 syllables in a line, as in the eight Psalm.

Note also that the old Psalms done by me, are [Page] printed in greater letter then the rest, & those for the present I specially commend for the publick use, of which, those that are entire Psalms, or entire parts, may be sung without offence, while others keep to their old Mump­simus; Do you not know, that somewhere, the Dutch, French, and English sing one and the same Psalm in their severall languages, be­cause the measures and tunes differ not?

Lastly, know that there are ready to be added to these impressions, at least 40 more of the old Psalms, (whereof the 119 is one) and in the old tunes, and divers hymns are al­so ready to be added, when it shall please God to give the Authour incouragement by the Houses allowance of them in publique.

And here follows a taste of each, to incite thee to desire them. Accept this staffe to make up the 10 part of the 119 Psal. & doubt not but all the rest shall be done as well.

Psal. 119. ver. 79. 80.

Let all that fear thee turne to mee
And all that understand
How just and good the precepts bee,
the which thou doest command.
My heart unto thy Statutes frame,
ev'n so sincere and sound,
That Sin may never bring me shame,
Nor shame my soul confound,

Psal. LXXII. 2. Metre. ***

Lord give thy judgments to the King,
That justice may be done:
And give the rule of governing
Unto his princely Sonne.
Then shall he govern uprightly,
And do thy people right:
Then shall he judge, with equitie,
The poor that have no might.
And then, by means of righteousnes,
There shall be great increase:
In every corner fruitfullnesse,
Prosperity, and peace.
Then shall he help the poor, & weak,
And them that suffer wrong;
And, by his pow'r, in peeces break
Oppressors great, and strong.
And then, from age to age, shall they,
Regard and fear his might,
So long as Sun doth shine by day,
Or else the moon by night.
He shall descend as showrs of rain,
On mowen grasse do drop,
Which make the ground to spring again,
And bear a second crop.
The just shall flourish in his dayes,
And all shall be at peace,
Untill the very Moon decaies,
And all its motions cease.
He shall be Lord of Sea and Land,
From shore to shore, throughout:
From Sea to Sea, on either hand,
And all the Earth about.
[Page] To
  • answer
  • suffer for us all.
A man of sorrows, sure he was,
And he hath born our grief:
Mean while, we hid our face from him,
And gave him no releif.

Jh. 10. 11, & 15. 13.

Lo, this is that good shepherd then,
That Good shepherd indeed,
That lost his life to save his sheep,
That they might never bleed.


That layd his life down for the sheep,
which he do [...]h watch and feed.
Agreater love then this hath none,
Nor none can comprehend,
Then that a man should stake his life,
And loose it for his friend.

Rom. 5. 7. 8.

For scarce will any die for him,
That lives most righteously.
Yet happ'ly, for a speciall friend
Some one might dare to die.
But God commends his love to us,
And he commends it thus,
In that, when wee were enemies,
Christ freely di'd for us.

Heb. 13. 15.

By him therefore let's give to God
The sacrifice of prayse.
Fruit of our li [...]s in giving thanks,
Unto his Name alwayes.

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