THe Commonwealth of England having used all means of tendernesse and affection towards the People of this Nation, by receiving them (after a chargeable and bloody War) into Union with England, and investing them with all the Liberties and Priviledges thereof (purchased at the Expence of so much Blood and Treasure) and by daily protecting them with their Army and Navy, at a great charge (of which this Nation under-goeth no more than their equall proportion with England) against their Enemies both abroad and at home, whereby all of them might enjoy the fruits and benefits of Peace; Yet diverse lewd persons, broken in their fortunes, and dissolute in their Lives, are run into Re­bellion, who being assisted and connived at by their Parents, Brethren, Tuitors, Masters, and People among whom they live, who secretly con­ceal them in their houses in the day time, and in the night suffer them to rob and plunder the Countrey, whereby the Peaceable People of this Nation are many of them ruined, and the rest disturbed, so that they cannot live in Peace. And to the end that no Peaceable means might be left unattempted, for the prevention thereof, I, by vertue of the Authority to me given by His Highnesse and His Council, do Declare, That all such Persons that are now in Rebellion, (except such as are excepted in the Acts of Grace) who shall within twenty dayes after the Publication hereof, come in, and submit him or themselves, to the Governor of the next English Garrison, and give good security for his or their future Peaceable living, shall be, and is hereby in his and their persons, freely par­doned, for any Offence, Spoil or Plunders committed by him or them in this present Rebell on, (the killing of any person in cold blood onely excepted.) And I do Declare, That if any Parents, Brethren, or Tuitors, who have assisted or connived at any their sons, Brothers, or Pupils, now in Rebellion, as aforesaid, shall within twenty dayes after Publication hereof, cause their said Sons, Brothers, or Pupils, to render themselves, and give security, as aforesaid, That then the said Parents, Brethren and Tuitors, who have so offended, are hereby freely pardoned; But if otherwise, then the said Parents, Brethren, and Tuitors, who have so offended, shall be imprisoned during the time the said Persons do remain in Rebellion. And in regard diverse Persons who are now in [...]ebellion, and who have li­ved remote from their friends, but could not probably break out into Rebellion, without the knowledge or consent of some of the Inhabitants of that Parish or Pres­bytery where he or they last lived, before their breaking forth; I do therefore hereby Declare; That if the said Parish or Presbytery where he or they last lived, pro­cure the said person or persons so broken forth, to render him or themselves, within twenty dayes after Publication hereof, and give security, as aforesaid, That then the said Parish or Presbytery so offending, is hereby pardoned; But if otherwise, I do hereby impose upon the said Parish and Presbytery, Two shillings six pence a-day for each Horse-man, and Ten pence a-day for each Foot-man, so broken into Rebellion, over and above their Ordinary Sess, out of the said Parish or Presby­tery, which the Governor of the next English Garrison is hereby authorized to levie and receive monthly, during the time the said persons shall so continue in Rebel­lion. And I do likewise hereby impower all the good People of this Nation, to apprehend all such person and persons as are, or hereafter shall break out into Rebelli­on, or attempt so to do, and safely to deliver him or them to the Governor of the next English Garrison; and in case of resistance, to take such Weapons as they can get, and to fight the said person or persons; and if they shall kill any of the said persons so resisting, they shall not be questioned for the same, but (on the contrary) shall receive as a reward of their good service, all such Moneys, Goods, Horses, and Cloaths, as the said Rebellious Persons are then possessed of, besides full satis­faction for their pains and travell therein. And in regard this present Rebellion hath been principally contrived, fomented, and is now obstinatly maintained by Major Generall Middleton, the Earl of Athol, the Earl of Seaforth, Viscount Kenmure, and Major Generall Dayell; I do hereby therefore Declare, That what person or persons soever of this Nation, (except such as are before excepted) shall kill any of the said principall Contrivers, or shall deliver any of them prisoner, to any Governor of any English Garrison, the said person or persons so killing, or bringing prisoner, as aforesaid, shall not only be pardoned for any thing he or they have acted in this late Rebellion, but also shall receive as a Reward of his good service, the sum of Two hundred pounds sterling for every person so kill'd or brought pri­soner, as aforesaid. And lastly, for the encouragement of all Peaceable and well-affected People, both English and Scots, I do also hereby Declare, That what da­mage shall be done to their Persons, Goods or Geer, for their good affection to the Publick, the same shall be again repaired out of the Estates of such as have done the damage, or out of the Estates of the Friends and harbourers of such wrong-doers, or out of the Parish, Presbytery, or Shire where the wrong is done, in case they do not apprehend the said Offendors, or give the English Forces such timely notice thereof, that the said Offendors may be apprehended by them. And I do hereby re­quire all Provosts, Bailiffs, and Chief Officers of Head-Burghs, in their severall Burghs, to cause these presents to be duly Published and Posted up, according to the usuall form, and to certifie their doings therein to me, in writing, under his or their hands.


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