[Page]The Age of Riddles: OR A True LIST of certain extraor­dinary Positions, formerly call'd Contradictions, but now distingui­shed by no Names at all.

Faithfully Extracted from several Modern Doctrines and Practises.

Qui Color est Albus nunc est Contrarius albo.

I. ALL Government is overturn'd by Obedience, and Establish'd by being Relisted. Therefore,

II. The most eminent Instance of Loyalty, is to condemn Subjection; and he is the greatest Rebel that preaches against Rebellion.

III. Those are a Prince's best Subjects, and most faithful Ministers, who deny his Title to the Crown before his Face, and argue against their Right which they are bound by their Office and their Oaths to defend.

IV. The worst Cause in the World, ought to have the worst Managers; and those are fittest to censure other Peoples Speeches, that can't read their own.

V. A C—h must necessarly be in a safe and flowrishing Condition, when B—ps explode its Doctrine, and Lawyers are forc'd to Defend 'em.

VI. When they that know nothing of the Laws of the Land, or Act and Plead in di­rect opposition to 'em, either are already At—ys and Sol—rs Gen—l, or ought to be made Lord Ch—f J—ces.

VII. Those are the most proper Persons to accuse others of High Crimes and Misde­meanoers, who for their Speeches in that very Accusation, ought themselves to be hang'd for High Treason.

VIII. Ignorance, Rudeness, Impudence, Dulness and Nonsence, are undoubted proofs of Wit, Learning and good Manners; and the most virulent Slander, Railing, Rage, Malice, Lying, and Injustice, are the truest Signs of Christian Charity, Temper and Moderation.

IX. When a Man is condemn'd and punish'd as a Criminal, his Friends ought to testi­fy their Concerns by Bonfires and Illuminations.

X. Those are the greatest Enemies to Arbitrary Power, who of all Mankind best love to Exercise it; and they are the most zealous Defenders of Liberty and Property of their fellow-Subjects, who are for Destroying both, either without Law, or contrary to Law.

XI. 'Tis the Duty of the Sons of Archbishops, to Impeach the Church; of Bishops to Vote a Clergyman guilty of High Crimes and Misdemeanors, for preaching those Doct­rines which Christ and his Appstles, and even they themselves have preach'd; of Scotch Peers, to save a Church of England Divine from Ruin; of Presbyterians, to pull down Meeting houses; of Governors, to encourage the Principles of Disobedience, and of the Mob, to Rebel in defence of Loyalty.

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