The Admonisher Admonished: IN, A MODEST and IMPARTIAL NARRATIVE Of the Proceedings of the Ecclesiastical Court, AGAINST JAMES JONES Citizen of LONDON, Of the Parish of St. Bartholomew Exchange. Being a True Account of matter of Fact, from his Citation to Doctors Commons, to their taking out the Writ of Excommunicato Capiendo against him. AND ALSO An Account of the several Ways made use of for the taking off the said Writ. WITH Useful Observations Upon several Particular Passages and Statutes. Dedicated to the Worshipful Doctor Pinfold.

Isa. 59. 15.

[...]ea, Truth faileth, and he that departeth from Evil maketh himself a Prey; and the Lord saw it, and it displeased him that there was no Judgment.

LONDON: Printed for Thomas Malthus at the Sun in the Poultrey. 1683.

To the Right Worshipful THOMAS PINFOLD, Doctor of Laws, and Official to the Arch-Deacon of London.

Worshipful Doctor,

AFter those Respects due to you, this is humbly to entreat you with patience to read and consider this following Narrative of matters between you and my self, in which I have been careful to give a true Account, without any bad Language, or any bitter Reflections, which are too common in matters of this kind: My only design in this is to discover past Proceedings, as well on my own part as on yours; that so such as may hereafter be concerned with Ecclesiastical Courts, as I have been with yours, may by these Proceedings learn either to forbear to do as I have done, or else improve the same to do better, or find out some other way more for their own Advantage.

And for as much as your Worship hath loaded a Multitude of his Majesties Protestant Subjects with Admonitions and Excommunications (and with the Writ de Excom­municato Capiendo) to force them into a Jail, if they do not pay you great Sums of money for not obeying your Admonitions:

I beseech you to receive a few Protestant Admonitions agreeable to the Holy Scripture.

I. That you being a Doctor and Judge of a Court called Spiritual, it highly concern­eth you to see that you are a true Spiritual man, not walking according to the Lusts of the Flesh: Spiritual persons ought to maintain Spiritual practices, Rom. 8. 1.

II. Take heed that you do not force any Persons by your Admonition to come unto the holy Communion, who are unholy in their Conversation; and that they may escape your Excommunication, Venture to Eat and Drink their own Damnation. 1 Cor. 11. 20.

III. Take heed you do not force the Godly to partake with the Vngodly, least you make them Partakers of other mens Sins; but purge out the Old Leaven that you may be a new Lump; for a little Leaven leaveneth the whole Lump, 1 Cor. 5. 6, 7, 8, 9.

IV. Take heed you do not that to others, which you would not have them do to you, viz. You would not be willing the Protestant Dissenters (considered as Independents, Presbyterians, or those falsly called Anabaptists) should compel you to take the Holy Sacrament amongst any of them, Mat. 5. 12. Therefore why should you do the like?

V. Take heed that you do not force Persons to the holy Sacrament against their Wills, seeing God must be served with a perfect heart, and with a willing mind, 1 Chron. 28. 9.

VI. Take heed you 'do not force Persons to the Holy Sacrament, who have not a right unto it; or such as for fear of your further Proceedings may come unto it con­trary to their own Consciences, of whom it may be said as Paul said to the Corinthian Professors, 1 Cor. 11. 20. This is not to eat the Lords Supper; for the abusing of Gods Ordinance is a losing Gods Ordinance, to the Abusers of it, and it may be said, Such eat mans Dinner, rather then the Lords Supper.

VII. Take heed that whilst you proceed in handling Persons about Spiritual things, that you let your Proceedings be according to Spiritual Rules contained in the Holy Scriptures, in which there is no Directions to inflict outward Penalties upon Persons for not performing of Spiritual Duties.

VIII. Take heed that you do not debase Religion in making Spiritual matters bow and Truckle unto Temporal matters, for base ends; and let not the Holy Sacrament be made a Qualification for keeping an Alehouse, or for being Electors of Magistrates; it is enough that men be Free-holders in the Country, or free-men and of the Livery in the City for such things.

[Page] IX. Take into your Consideration the many miseries that now attend a great num­ber of his Majesties good Subjects, some constrained to be as Prisoners, in their own Houses, others fled into the Countrey, others let their Houses, and put off their Trades, and others remove from those Parishes where they were prosecuted, in hopes to be more quiet elsewhere, and some are carried to Prison; and all by reason of your Proceedings.

X. Take heed that the Sighs and Cries of poor Women and Children, (who groan un­der this Distress) do not go up to the God of Compassion, and be returned against you as the Cause of them.

XI. Do not think it will be enough for you to say you have proceeded according to Law, (if you could prove that) but consider that the Ecclesiastical Doctors, and such as were called Spiritual Judges in Queen Maries days, had the same Plea for their Perse­cuting the poor Protestants.

XII. I Beseech you consider that the Non-Compliance of Protestant-Dissenters, in matters of Religion, as imposed by you, is not for want of Loyalty to his Majesty, but for fear they should corrupt Christianity.

And now worthy Sir, be not afraid to put your self upon a Tryal by this Christian Jury of Sober Admonitions, which are humbly and honestly Impannelled by

His Majesties Loyal Subject, and your VVorships Humble Servant, James Jones.

A Famous Example for Ecclesiastical Doctors.

ANd now Doctor, because worthy Examples and good Patterns are sometimes more Prevalent then Admonitions and Precepts, I will humbly set before you the good Example of a Famous Doctor of Law, belonging to the Ecclesiastical Court in the famous City of Jerusalem:

Who when the Dissenters and Non-Conformists of that day, were cited and brought before the said Ecclesiastical Court, and by the Authority thereof were decreed to be Excommunicated out of the Church, and out of the World also;

The aforesaid Doctor of Law favoured and defended the Cause of those poor Dissenters, by ma­king an excellent speech against the violent Proceedings of that Court; which take as followeth, as it is Recorded, not in Acts of Parliament, but in the Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 5.

Vers. 34. Then there stood up one in the Counsel, a Pharisee, named Gamaliel, a Doctor of Law had in Reputation of all the People, and commanded to put the Apostles forth a little space.

Vers. 35. And said unto them, Ye men of Israel, take heed to your selves, what ye intend to do as touching these men.

Vers. 38. And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone, for if this Coun­sel or work be of men, it will come to nought.

Vers. 39. But if it be of God ye cannot overthrow it, lest happily ye be found even to fight a­gainst God;

A Sober Question Proposed.

Whether the aforesaid Doctor of Law belonging to that Ecclesiastical Court, who was a Pharisce and did thus favour those poor Dissenters; Or Saul, who also was a Pharisee, and did violently Prosecute those Non-Conformists, even to Imprisonment and Death, and caused some faint-hearted Professors to Blaspheme, that so they might escape those punishments that he inflicted upon many by that Authority which he received from the high Priest, who was Judge of the aforesaid Ecclesi­astical Court: Be the best Pattern and Example for a Spiritual Judge?

The Resolution shall be left for Doctor Pinfold, and all other violent Prosecutors of them that fear God, to be considered and Resolved, as they will answer it before the Lord Chief Justice of the whole World, viz. The Lord Jesus Christ, Acts. 17. 31. Rom 2. 16.

ERRATA. Page. 2. Line. 45. for Sir Thomas's, Read St. Thomas's.

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