THE ADDRESS Of divers Trades-men, Apprentices, and others, To the RIGHT HONOURABLE Sir John Chapman, Kt. Lord Mayor of the City of London.


WE your Citizens, together with the Apprentices of the City of London, having true and undoubted Information of the horrid Contrivances of divers Papists, for the destruction of this Famous City and the Inhabitants thereof, together with all the good Protestants, and the ut­ter subversion of our Religion and Liberties, and to intro­duce Tyranny, Slavery and Popery; do in the behalf of our selves, and divers other Citizens and Inhabitants of this Ci­ty, address our selves unto you (whom we take to be our Patron) desiring your Aid and Assistance, as you are bound by the Laws of God and this Nation, to defend and protect us in this our good Design, to defend this Renowned City and the Inhabitants thereof, together with the Liberties of England and the Protestant Religion, from the vile At­tempts of wicked Men: And we do here declare, That we will venture our Lives and Fortunes to defend the King and the Protestant Religion, as by Law established; which through the assistance of God we will never dissert, though we are exercised with the most exquisite Tortures imagi­nable; desiring your Lordships leave to search all Papists Houses within this City, for Arms, Ammunition, &c. ac­cording to Act of Parliament; and we desire the Aid and Assistance of your Self, together with the Trained-Bands of this City, to keep Garrison within this said City, and not in the least doubting of your Lordships Concurrence, for the Defence of whose Person we will not flinch, though we all immediately lose our Lives. This being our re­solute Purpose, we leave it to your serious Consideration, and remain

Your Lordships most humble Servants and Citizens.

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