Printed by His MAJESTIES Command At OXFORD Ianuary 18. By Leonard Lichfield Printer to the Vniversity. 1643.

THE Articles of the Associations, &c.

1. THat a Protestation be taken by all men within the two Counties, above the age of Sixteene yeares, and Subscription thereunto, ac­cording to the form agreed on, be­fore the Minister of the Parish, or some other Person as shall be ap­pointed in each Parish by the Iu­stices of Peace of each County, or two of them. The same being first taken by all the Commissioners at this mee­ting; and all Persons refusing be forthwith certified to the Iustices of the Peace; and be secured as Enemies to the Peace of the Kingdom. And this to be done with all speed, and account given before the twentieth of Fe­bruary.

2. That his Highnesse be moved, That there be two Commissioners of each County to take the Musters of the Army, and that the Treasurer give an account month­ly to the Committees of each County, of his disburs­ments.

3. That there be strict continuall search for all Soul­diers, that have at any time been in Pay since these [Page 2] Warres, in every Parish; and that they be forthwith sent to recruit the Army: and such as shall refuse, that they be sent to the Provost-Marshall-Generall. And that no Soul­dier depart from his Colours without licence, according to His Majesties Proclamation and Articles; and Offen­ders to be proceeded with according to their merits; and that as many more be raised in each County, as may re­cruite the Companies; and that every Foot Company consist of one Hundred; and every Troop of Horse and Dragooners, of threescore. And if any Foot Company have lesse then fifty, and of Horse and Dragooners, lesse then thirty; then if such Company be not recruited to these last numbers, or more, within a month after the Mu­ster, the Officers pay to be detained: and after that, the Company paid and reduced; and the same rule to be held for Pioners, as for Foot Companies. And herein his Highnesse directions are to be desired, and that the Committees may be informed of the present number of the Army; and what the present weekly Charge of it commeth to.

4. That there be account taken of the Captaines and other Officers, that have had any charge of Armes, how the same have been disposed; and that by warrant from the Commissioners, there be a generall search for Armes through both Counties. And that the Constables of each Parish repaire to every house within the same, and take view of them; and give in their account to the high Constables: who are to bring it to the Commissioners.

That the weekly payments in both Counties, be raised with all diligence, and Arrears collected and accounted for, untill Plymouth be reduced. And that Committees be appointed in each County respectively, to take the [Page 3] accounts of all Receivers of the weekly payments: which are to be the same that take the Treasurers accounts.

5. That the Commissioners of Devon, as hath been done in Cornewall, proceed against such as have failed to attend the Sheriffe upon warrant for the Posse Comitatûs: and that the Fines may be imployed for the present sup­ply of His Majesties Army, with Armes, and Ammuni­tion for a present Magazine of Armes, Ammunition, and Tooles, in each County: wherein His Majesties Plea­sure is to be desired.

6. That there be an humble Remonstrance of the estate of both Counties to His Majesty: and of the neces­sity, that all Monyes comming of Delinquents Estates, Fines, and Compositions, may be imployed to the use of the Army and Garrisons, and payment of the Debts con­tracted for His Majesties Service, and by His former Pro­clamations to be secured: and that His Majesties Com­missions may authorize that disposition, and that the De­linquents Estates in both Counties, be seized and dispo­sed of, by the Commissioners of each County, to the same purpose respectively; and no Commanders of the Army intermeddle with it, without their Authority.

7. That no Sequestration be made after Compositi­on made and paid, but by Order at the Generall Sessions of the Peace, or other generall meeting of the Commissi­oners by common Consent there: unlesse for new of­fences.

8. That the Army be governed according to His Majesties Articles, and that all Persons of what condi­tion soever, be held infamous and Enemies to the pub­lique Peace, that shall raise, or cause any Mutinies, or dis­obedience thereunto: and suffer all severity, according to His Majesties Articles.

[Page 4]9. That all such Persons as have been or shall be slayne in the present Warre, or dye in the service, by whose life any other Person held any Lands or Rents; the Party to whom the Right to grant such Land or Rent belongeth unto, shall be bound to grant an Estate for a life, instead of the Person so killed or dying, under the Rents and Covenants as was formerly held; unto such Person and Persons, as was intitled to hold the same, and at his nomination. And the refusers to loose the double value of the Estate; one halfe to His Majesty, the other to the Party: and to be imprisoned till payment.

10. That if either or both Counties of Somerset and Dorset, will enter into this Union and Association; they shall be received with all chearfulnesse.

11. That if any Minister shall refuse, or wilfully neg­lect the solemne Celebration of the Fast appointed by His Majesty on the second Friday of the Moneth; or shall not read the Service and Prayers appointed for that Fast; and being called before a Iustice of Peace, shall not promise and protest his future conformity; he be forth­with secured, and his Estate sequestred. And the like course to be taken with such Ministers, as absent them­selves that day: unlesse upon sicknesse or other cause, allowed by two Commissioners or Iustices of Peace. And the like order to be taken with such as shall not read such Bookes as shall be appointed to be read by His Ma­jesty. And the Constables and Church-wardens, are to certifie their defaults, to the next Iustices.

12. That His Majesty be moved for a Confirmation of the present Vnion and Articles.

13. That there be provided a Thousand Barrells of Powder, and ten Thousand Fire-Armes at the charge of [Page 5] both Counties, whereof Cornewall to be a Fourth, and Devon three parts, according to the proportion of the grand Subsidie.

14. That the Army shall be recruited, and encreased to the number of Eighteen Thousand Horse and Foot: to be raised proportionably in both Counties.

15. That His Highnesse be entreated that a Commis­sion be granted to authorize an impresse of Souldiers, for the present service.

16. That on the first Wednesday of the next Month, and every Month following, the Committee now ap­poynted for Cornwall, which are Sir Samuell Cosewarth, Richard Prideaux, Walter Langdon, Nevill Bligh, and Renatus Bellat, Esquires; and of Devon, Arthur Basset Esquire, William Tothill, Iohn Mere, Gilbert Pard, and Thomas Mediford, Esquires, doe meet first at Exeter, and continually afterwards where the Cornish Committee appoynt to take the monthly Accompts of the Recei­vers of the Weekly Rates, and Treasurer of the Army, and what else concernes these Articles. And in case of impediment, the Commissioners of Oier and Terminer in each County respectively, name other Committees, or supply the place of any one himselfe.

17. That there be Copies of this Protestation deli­vered out by the Sheriffe, at the Sessions of each County, to the Constables of each Hundred respectively, and that the said Hundred Constables, do immediatly deliver out severall Copies to all the Petty Constables, which are by the Minister of every Parish Church and Chappell, to be published the next Sunday following after the re­ceipt: and then every man present to take the same, and subscribe his name thereunto, before the said Minister, [Page 6] Constable, or Church-wardens, or two of them: and such of his Parish as shall not be present at the time, doe take the same within tenne daies following. And the Ministers and Constables are to give in the List or Certi­ficate of their names that take it, and of them that are ab­sent or refuse, to the Constables of the Hundred: who are to deliver the same to the Commissioners, at their next generall meeting, after the Twentieth of February next.

Whereas a few Malevolent and Ambitious persons, in the name of two Houses of Parliament, have by Treasonable practices imbroyled this Kingdom in a Ci­vill-Warre, pursued His Majesties Person, murthered His good Subjects; some, barbarously by the common Hangman, against Law and Iustice: others, by Hostile assaults: brought a generall devastation upon the whole Kingdome; taking away all liberty from the Members of both Houses; by awing, terrifying, and assaulting them with Tumults and Armies; usurping the Royall power, Counterfeiting a Great Seale: and to shew their horrid intentions against the King, Kingdome, and Govern­ment, finding their Acts not likely to protect them from the punishment due to their merits, have unnaturally in­vited and brought in the Scots to invade this Kingdome: and in these distractions, to make a totall conquest of this Nation. For resistance whereof, and preserving the Common-Peace, the inhabitants of Cornewall and De­von have united themselves; and for continuance of which union, this ensuing Protestation is to be taken.

The Protestation.

I A. B. doe in the presence of Almighty God, promise, vow, and protest, with my utmost power, to maintain and defend the true Reformed Protestant Religion, established by Law in this Kingdome, against all Popery, Popish, and other innovations of Sectaries and Schis­maticks; as also His Majesties Person & Rights, against all forces whatsoever; and in like man­ner, the Lawes, Liberties, and Priviledges of Parliament, and of this Kingdom. And I shall, to the utmost of my power, preserve and defend the Peace of the two Counties of Cornwall and Devon; and all Persons that shall unite them­selves by this our Protestation, in the due per­formance thereof. And to my power assist His Majesties Armies, for reducing the Towne of Plymouth; and resistance of all Forces of Scots, in­vaders, and others, levyed under pretence of any authority of two Houses of Parliament, or o­therwise, without His MAJESTIES personall consent.

[Page 8]In regard of the restlesse endeavours of the Contri­vers of the present distractions, who after the unnaturall divisions they have wrought, and move misery by calling in the Scots, to make the desolation of this Nation irre­coverable: and it being the duty of all good Subjects and lovers of their Country, in such times to unite them­selves, that they may the better resist the disturbers of the publique Peace.

We of the Counties of Cornewall and Devon, (by reason of scituation and allyance of families, neerely concerned, in each others condition) for the preservati­on of the Peace already obtained among us, and for a far­ther increase and security of it; doe associate and unite our selves (according to our duty to God, His Maje­sty, and our Country) for the common defence of these Counties, against all forces that oppose His Majesties Army, or Commissioners, authorized under His Great Seale of England: and against all Townes, Castles, and Forts, that shall resist His Majesties said Army or Com­missioners.

And we doe promise in the presence of Almighty God, that we will not break this union, nor desist from following all just, necessary, and Honourable wayes, to the utmost of our power, for perfecting and securing the said Peace, and the reducing all Places, Persons, Townes, Castles, and Forts, within the said Counties, to His Majesties obedience, and particularly the Town of Ply­mouth.

And in case either of the said Counties be invaded by [Page 9] Sea or Land, we doe bind our selves to mutuall defence of each other, against all persons raised without His Ma­jesties personall consent: and to resist all such power, with all the strength each County can raise for the others defence.


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