THE Asses Complaint against Balaam; Or the Cry of the COUNTRY AGAINST Ignorant and Scandalous Ministers.

To the Reverend Bishops.
YEE mitred Members of the House of Peers,
The Kings Churchwardens, and Gods Overseers,
Fathers in Christ, we your poor Children cry
Oh give us Bread of Life, or else we die.
For we are burd'ned with our old Sir Johns,
Who when we ask for Bread do give us stones;
And only cant a Homily or two,
Which Daws and Parrots may be taught to doe;
Drunkards Cannonicall, Ʋnhallowed Bears,
That name God oftner in their oaths then Prayers.
Into what darknesse will our Church be hurld
If such as these be call'd The light oth' World?
These that have nought to prove themselves devout
Save only this, That Cromwell turnd them out.
Mistake us not, we do not mean those loyall
And learned soules, who in the fiery tryall
Sufferd for King and conscience sake, let such
Have double honour, we shall nere think much;
But this our tender conscience disapproves,
That Ravens should return as well as Doves;
And croak in Pulpits once again to bring
A second Judgment on our Church and King.
Though England doth not fear another losse,
'Cause God hath burnd his Rods at Charing crosse;
Yet Clergy sins may call him to the Doore
Ev'n him who whip'd and scourg'd them out before.
Oh therefore ye that read the sacred Laws
Eject their Persons, and disown their cause:
God, and the King have both condemud this crew,
Then let them not be patroniz'd by you.
'Tis not their Cassocks, not their Surplices
We quarrell at, there is no hurt in these;
We owh their Decency, yet every Foole
Cannot be call'd a Monk that weares a Cowle;
Were grace, and learning wanting (by your leaves)
We would not pin our faith on your Lawn sleeves;
'Tis Aarons breastplate, and those sacred words
Become a Churchman best, THAT THAT my Lords
Which pious Baxter makes his livery,
VVould all our Curates were but such as he!
Pardon my Lords, we do not make this stir
To vindicate the factious Presbyter;
We hate his ways, and equally disown
The zealous Rebell, as the Idle Droan;
And beg as oft to be deliver'd from
The Kirk of Scotland, as the Sea of Rome;
We pray for Bishops too, Oh may ye stand
To heale the sad distractions of the Land;
Then give us Priests loyall and painfull too,
To give to Caefar, and to us our due.
God save King Charles our Christian faiths Defender,
And bring Religion to its wonted Splendour.


LOyall and Orthodox Reader, Judg charitably, I am ne'ther Presbyterian, nor Phanatick, but as true a Son of the Church of England as thy self; for thy further satisfaction, I shall (God willing) present thee with an other paper, to clear my honesrin­tention in this.

Lewis Griffin.

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