SOME REMARKS UPON THE LIFE Of that Painful Servant of God Mr. Nathanael Heywood, Minister of the Gospel of Christ at Ormeskirk in Lancashire. Who Died in the 44th Year of his Age. Dedicated to the Right Honourable HUGH Lord Willoughby, by Sir H. Ashhurst, Bar t.

LONDON: Printed for Tho. Cockerill at the Three Legs in the Poultry, over-against Stocks-Market. MDCXCV.

TO The Right Honourable HUGH Lord Willoughby, Baron of PARHAM.


I Take the boldness to Dedicate to Your Lordship some Me­moirs of the Life of an Excellent Person, who was Your Country-man, and [Page] one for whom Your Lord­ship had a just esteem. It is not to recommend to Your Lordship any Party of men among us, but plain Christi­anity in Legible and Lively Characters; and to remove a Common Objection against the most Excellent Precepts of our Blessed Saviour, that they are hard Sayings, and impracticable things. Here, in a very plain manner, is pre­sented to Your view a Mi­nister of Jesus Christ, who had no other Design in the World, but that of doing good to Mankind, and is now partaking of the Eternal Joy of his Lord and Master, to [Page] whom he was so entirely de­voted.

It is Your Lordship's Qua­lity, and Ancient and Noble Extraction that sets You a­bove the common Level of Mankind, and draws the Eyes of the World upon You; but there is somewhat greater, Your Exemplary Piety and Zeal for our Holy Religion (in such a dege­nerate and licentious Age) and the Countenance you give to Serious Piety, where­ever you find it among all the different Parties that we are so unhappily broken into, that makes you the Orna­ment [Page] of Your Country, and highly esteemed by Wise and Good Men, and obliges me to be with all imagina­ble respect,

Your Lordship's most Humble and Faithful Servant, H. ASHHURST.


THE great God is greatly seen in the smallest things; a poor Sparrow lighting on the earth, and a minute Hair of mens Heads, are concerned by the Omnipotent Providence: How much more doth the Glo­rious Jehovah order the Affairs of the Chil­dren of Men, and most of all the Concerns of his Church, which is the Sanctum Sanctorum, the inmost Circle of Divine Providence: It is congruous to the Church's state in this world to be Militant; a Lilly among Thorns: Her Husband was a Man of Sorrows, and it becomes not his Bride to be a Wife of Pleasures: If the Head was Non opor­tet membra deliciari sub capite spinis coro­nato. crown'd with Thorns, the Members must not think much to be conformable: If they do these things to the green tree, what will they do to the dry? Nay, 'tis ne­cessary [Page ii] and salutiferous for this Body to be purged: This Herb grows best when most trodden down: These Vessels are brightest, when most scoured: There is great need God's Children should be in Heaviness, to poise their spirits, and prevent Wantonness. The Vine must be lopt, or it will grow wild: Corn-bearing Fields must be broken up: Afflictions never do the Church hurt; but Prosperity often rots it, and rocks it asleep, to its great Prejudice, if not its ut­ter Subversion: Ministers usually stand in the Front, and are put upon the hottest Service; the Fire is continually burning on the Brazen Altar: The Priests of old must first enter Jordan, and be the last standing Josh. 3. 8,—17. in the midst thereof: Satan's Malice is most at them, and God usually furnisheth them with more Magnanimity than others. He that still governs the World with Infinite Wisdom, hath appointed to the sons of men their peculiar Office, Station, and Employ­ment in the world, and qualifies them with Gifts proportionably; manageth their Work for them, prospereth their Undertakings, accepteth their faithful Service, and will give them abundant Recompence: Yea, their Work is their Wages; it comes with Meat in its Mouth. A Gracious Heaven [Page iii] is the Preludium of a Glorious Heaven; yea, there's much of Glory upon a suffering Minister or Christian: When they are load­ed with Dirt and Obloquy, even then the Spirit of Glory and of God resteth on them. 1 Pet. 4. 16. It's no diminution, but a manifestation of God's Glory, when it shines through the Glass of Creatures; yea, the less of the Creatures Worth is discovered, the more of God is illustrated. We have this Treasure in Earthen Vessels, that the Excellency of 2 Cor. 4. 7. the Power may be of God, and not of us. King Solomon must have a Thousand, if Vine-dressers and Fruit-keepers have their Song 8. 12. Two hundred. Let Ministers be invisible, so Christ be Illustrious: As Precious Mr. Wadsworth said, So God's Work be done, I am content to be withdrawn out of sight. So some interpret that Text, John 3. 29. as though the Friend of the Bridegrrom will not be seen in the Treaty, but he stands behind the Curtain, and hears the Bridegroom's Voice, and the Bride's Consent, and greatly rejoiceth, because the Match is likely to go on: But the more Nothing a Minister is in his own eyes, the more doth God magnify him: As the Wife shines in the Beams of her Husband's Ho­nour or Riches, so also doth God in some [Page iv] sense shine in his Servants Gifts and Graces. Our Thoughts must go beyond the Gift, to the Giver. A clear transparent Glass set in the Sun, renders the Sun most illustrious, the Chrystal is scarce visible, the Sun is all; yet to our eyes the radiant Sun-beams are more beautiful by the Reflection through the Glass, than shining directly upon us; but the Glass gives not splendor to the Sun, but receives all from it; thus is Christ all in all: And as these Glasses are quickly broken, and rendred useless, so are Ministers, but the Sun remains in its motion, and shines still; for the Sun depends not on the Glass, but the Glass on the Sun; yea, God some­times thinks fit to break the Glass we are admiring, that our eyes may be intent upon the Sun of Righteousness, and behold all Beauties in him, who is the Lord our Righ­teousness. God in Wisdom hath thought fit to cause an Eclypse in the Firmament of his Church in these Nations, by hiding ma­ny Lights under a Bushel, about Thirty Years; and also translated most of them into an Upper Region, where they shine brightest in their proper Orb, tho to us they disappear: The breaking of the Shell is the brightning of the Pearl; they were never so bright below as they are now above; once [Page v] they saw through a glass darkly, now 1 Cor. 13. 12. 2 Cor. 3. 18. face to face; and laying aside this Glass, with open face immediately they be­hold the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same Image, from glory to glory.

These Blessed Souls, now with God, are subject neither to the black Mists of Hu­man Ignorance, nor to foggy Vapours of Sinful Defects, nor do they feel or fear the bespattering Dirt of Opprobrious Scorns, of black-mouth'd Slanderers, but are receiv'd up into Heaven by this Cloud of Death, that hath hid them out of our sight, and hindred our Converse with them; yet they have dropt the Mantle of good Examples, which still we have; and observant Eyes, and diligent Pens have drawn some Re­nowned Patriots in lively Colours, in which we may behold much of God's Image in the face of their conversings amongst men, and Conversations both in their Personal and Publick Capacities: This is a petty Resur­rection; and much good service is done to succeeding Ages hereby; by which they being dead, yet speak; yea, spiritual life is transfused to Readers, through the Lines and Leaves transmitted to them: Blessed be God for these famous Heroes: If the Jews mentioned such Brave Men dead, with [Page vi] Notes of Remark, [as Rabbi Hillel of Blessed Memory], Why should not the memory of the just be blessed? Cer­tainly Prov. 10. 7. there's a vast difference in the ears of Protestants, betwixt Blessed Bradford and Bloody Bonner.

Men usually say, when they have inter­red the Corps of their dead Relations, and left them in the Dust, that they have done their last Office to them, or for them: But I judge that to be a gross mistake, for there are several Offices to which we are bound on their behalf. 1. We ought to lament their Death as a sad loss for the Church of God, (I speak of pious and useful Persons) Gen. 50. 10. decent Funeral Solemnities were kept a con­siderable time in Scripture. 2. Observing and complying with the Commands and the Gen. 50. 16. Deut. 34. 10. Counsels of the Dead, so Joseph's Brethren. 3. Giving the Dead deserved Commenda­tion. 4. Vindication of their Reputation according to truth. 5. Monuments erected for a Memorial, as Jacob over Rachel's Gen. 35. 20. 2 Sam. 1. 17. 1 Kings 3. 6. Acts 9. 34. Grave. 6. Funeral Elegies, as David o­ver Saul and Jonathan. 7. Owning our Father's God and Covenant; so Solomon. 8. Manifesting Demonstrations of dead Per­son's Charity and Piety, as the Widows for Dorcas. 9. An exact imitation of their [Page vii] praise-worthy Acts. 10. Communion with Heb. 6. 12. Heb. 12. 22. dead Saints, believing that there are such rejoycing in their Glory, hoping in a short time to be with them, thinking of them, studying Conformity to them, that we may do God's Will on Earth, as it's done in Heaven. 11. Yea, something is also due from us to the surviving Relations of our pious dead Friends, as David shewed kind­ness 2 Sam. 9. 2. to Jonathan's seed. All this (and pos­sibly more) without the imputation of Saint­worship, may surviving Christians do, when their gracious Friends and Relations disappear in this Lower World; only let us not admire them, but God in them; so saith the Text, 2 Thes. 1. 10. When he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe. Mark it, Gods holiest Saints must not be admired, but God in them: Our Admira­tion must not respect Men simply, but be terminated upon God through them: Crea­ture-worship is very natural to us, especial­ly if we see more than ordinary excellency in the Creature, or receive some singular Be­nefit thereby. The great Apostle John was twice guilty of Angel-adoration, and was twice admonished against it. But doubtless it is a good Work, and no despicable Office of [Page viii] surviving Friends to commemorate the imi­table Acts of dead Ministers or Christians of considerable Magnitude and Figure in the Church.

This is my Apology for writing this Hi­story, knowing how acceptable it will be to Christian Friends, Natural Relations, and to the Church of God; indeed he was ami­able to all, and very imitable in the Passa­ges of his Life, and Circumstances that re­late to his Death; what was praise-worthy in him, let God have the Glory of it; what is defective in the Copy or Tran­scriber, let Charity draw a Curtain over both.

I do find that the Servants of God have been very careful and critical in Writing the Lives of Eminent Men, as Camera­rius wrote the Life of Luther, Junius of Ursin, Beza of Calvin, Antonius Jaius of Beza, Josias Simlerus of Peter Mar­tyr, Dr. Humphry of Bp. Jewell, &c. Melchior Adamus hath summed them up together, and Mr. Samuel Clark hath made many Collections; neither the Person described, nor the Scribe answering these men of God, it doth make me blush to ap­pear in this Undertaking, especially in this so Critical Age; but this I dare say, The Sub­ject [Page ix] or Person treated of, was full of good Works, and he that treats thereon is full of Good-Will.

Nor have I related all that might have been writ, and that he himself writ, judg­ing it not convenient, because it might be of­fensive: Take this in good part, live up to it, pray for the weak Transcriber, and beg hard that God would raise up many Ma­sters in Israel, to make up this and other Vacancies made of late by the Death of E­minent Ministers, which seems to be a sad Omen and dreadful Prognostick of some de­solating Judgment approaching; for our Defence is departing from us; the Chariots and Horsemen of Israel are ascending in a Fiery Chariot; Stakes are taken out of the Hedge, that Wild Beasts may enter; Pil­lars are removed; the House totters; we have lost much good Blood; Jacob's Face looks pale: May our dear Lord once at last restore his Ministers to their Publick Em­ployments, pour out a Spirit of Prayer, cause an universal casting of melted Sinners into the Mould of the Gospel, and revive a Work of Reformation, that the promise may be performed in Isaiah 29. 22, 23. Thus saith the Lord, who redeemed Abraham, concerning the house of Ja­cob: [Page x] Jacob shall not now be ashamed, neither shall his face now wax pale. But when he seeth his children, the work of mine hands in the midst of him they shall sanctify my name, and sanctify the holy one of Jacob, and shall fear the God of Israel. Amen. So be it.

March 29. 1694.

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