THE ARTICLES Of The SVRRENDER Of The City of YORKE To the Earle of LEVEN, Lord Fairefax, and Earle of Manchester, on Tuesday Iuly 16. 1644.

Together with an explanation of some part of the ARTICLES.

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LONDON, Printed for MATHEW WALBANCKE, July 23. 1644.

Articles agreed upon betweene Alexander Earle of Le­ven, Generall of the Scottish Forces, Ferdinando Lord Fairfax, and the Earle of Manchester, Gene­ralls of the English Forces about Yorke on the one part, and Sir Thomas Glenham Knight, Governour of the City of Yorke, and Colonell Generall of the Nor­therne Army, of the other part Anent the surrender, and delivery of the said City, with the Fort [...], Townes, Cannon, Ammunition, and furniture of warke be­longing thereto, in manner after specified to the said Generalls, for the use of King and Parliament, the 15 day of July, 1644.

1. THe said Sir Thomas, as Governour of the said Citie, shall surrender and deliver up the same, with the Forts, Tower, Cannon, Ammuni­tion, and furniture of Warre, be­longing thereunto, betweene this and the sixteenth of Iuly instant, at or about the 11 houre thereof in the forenoone, to the said Generals or any in their names for the use aforesaid, in manner, and upon the condition after written.

2. That the Governour, and all Officers and Souldiers, both Horse and Foot, the Governours, Officers, and Souldiers of Cliffords-Tower, the Offi­cers and Souldiers of the Sconce, the Officers and Souldiers belonging to the traine and outworkes, shall march out of the City on Horse-back & with their Armes, flying Colours, Drums, beating Mat­ches lighted on both ends, Bullets in their mouths, [Page] and withall their bag and baggage, that every soul­dier shall have 12 charges of Powder.

3. That the Officers and souldiers shall not march above ten miles a day, that they have accom­modation of Quarter and convenience of carriages, that a Troope of Horse out of every of the three Armies, shall attend upon them for their convoy in their march, that no injurie or affront be offered them to Skipton, or the next Garrison Towne with­in sixteene miles of the Princes Army.

4. That such Officers and souldiers as are sicke and hurt, and cannot march out of the Towne, shall have liberty to stay within untill they be recovered, and then shall have passage given them to goe into the Princes Army, where ever it shall be, or to their owne houses and estates, where they may rest quiet, or whither else they shall please, That it may be recommended to my Lord Fairfax for their subsistence during their cure or being ill.

5. All Officers and souldiers wives, children and servants, now in Towne, may have libertie to goe along with their husbands, or to them, or if they please to returne to their owne houses and e­states, to enjoy them under such contributions as the rest of the Country payes, that they may have liberty to carrie with them their goods, and have a convenient time and carriages allowed to carrie them away.

6. That no Officer or souldier shall be stopt or plundered upon his march▪

7. That no man shall intice any Officer or sol­dier as he marches out of the Towne with any [Page] promises of preferment or reward, or any other grounds whatsoever.

8. That the Citizens and Inhabitants may enioy all their priviledges which formerly they did at the beginning of these troubles, and may have free­dome of trade both by Land and Sea, paying such duties and customes as all other Cities and Towns under the obedience of King and Parliament.

9. That the Garrison that shall be placed here, shall be two parts of three at the least of Yorkshire men, and no free quarter shall be put upon any without his owne consent, and that the Armies shall not enter the City.

10. That in all charges, the Citizens resident and inhabitants shall bear such part with the Coun­ty at large as was formerly used in all other As­sessements.

11. That all Citizens, Gentlemen, and Resi­dents, Sojourners, and every other person within the City, shall at any time when they please have free liberty to move themselves, their families▪ and goods, and to dispose thereof and of their Estate at their pleasure, according to the Law of the Land, either to live at their owne houses or elsewhere, and to enjoy their Goods and Estates without molestation, and to have protection and safeguard for that purpose, so that they may rest quietly at their aboad, and to travell freely and safely about their occasions, and for their better removall they shall be furnished with carriages, paying for their carriages reasonable rates,

12. That all those Gentlemen and others whatso­ever [Page] that have Goods within the Citie, and are ab­sent themselves▪ may have free liberty to take, car­ry away, and dispose of those Goods, as in the last Article.

13. That no building be defaced, nor any plun­dering, nor taking of any mans person, or of any part of his Estate, and that Iustice, according to Law, within the Citie shall be administred in all cases by the Magistrates, and be assisted there if need be by the Garrison.

14. That all persons whose dwellings are in the City, though now absent, may have the benefit of these Articles, as if they were present in the City.

By the Articles of Agreement touching the Rendition of the City of YORKE.

THe Generals of the Armies have treated as Generals in reference onely to themselves and their Souldiers, and it was not intended to in­trench upon any Ordinances of Parliament, but all such persons and estates as were subject to Se­questrations, might still be liable and subject there­to, notwithstanding any generall words in the Articles.

[Page] And thus these Generals doe declare under their hands, and the Commissioners of the Treaty doe declare, That they did severall times during the Treaty expresse to the other Commissioners, that they had no order to meddle with any Ordinance of Parliament, or to goe further then the bounds of the Army. Subscribed by

  • The Lord Fairfax.
  • The Earle of Man­chester.
  • Sir Adam Hepborne.
  • Lord Humby.
  • Sir William Constable.

Printed according to Order.

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